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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
V TFTK OMATIA DAILY I.EE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1001. i i ' : i SPEClAt jlOTlCES milk k Uk aatil IX - for the rala eaHloa mm ttl S s. as. Ha 1 1-ite wr4 Bret lnavrlmi 1e wers IktrMfttr. Notbleg takes for lees ihmn 'Mtr for tkc Aral laaer ilea. Tseae aarltaeaaats asaet a raa nimmI Ively, Advertisers, kr resjeeellaa; tiered itHk, raa ki?t aaewers ed .Irrssea a aaaaaereal letter ear of The Bee. Aaawere ad dressed will ke Here4 areaealetlea ef Heek. MISCELLANEOUS Boyles College JinMnees, Shorthand and Typewriting: Normal. English. Civil bervlo and Te raphy Courses; Mall, Day and Night, Cuuraea; Catalogue Free. Slate when writing whether Interested In residence work or correspoadence courses. Andre-s: II. B.i Hoy lea, I'res. B lit VKY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. PRESSOR1UM Clothe Pressed. 1324 Parnain. R Mill C1TT SAVINGS BANK pay per cent. R 178 IF TOU want to bur, cell or rent property borrow money, nail note or account, cull at R. I. N. T. Life. Tel. U3. Glover & "on. R a " ADV. CUTS-WHEATO!f. In Bldg. li-ttl CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH 11TH- PHONE 264. We trust everybody, llnvt our wtjoni call. Express work solicited. . R M90J D17 Pianos for Rent, i l 00 14 AO. New Pianos. grade. Rent Allotted If you purchase, Perfleld Pinm Comjany, mil Farnam. Telephone TA. Open evenings. R 313 tAOLK Losn Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all bualfie confidential 1301 Douglas. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. fin N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R J WANTED, horsea to winter. $2 60 per month: good feed, plenty of water. A. H. iieaa. aiu ware diock, R M347 SIGN PAINTING-! IL Cole. 102 Douglas. R-386 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. too. 1207 Lou. Omaha Btove Hep. W a a. R-387 P. MELCHOIR, machine works, 13th and Howard. R ls Electro plating, om, Plat'g Co., IMS Harney. K-456 D27 EL8AR8ER PRICE, machine and cen tral repair works, U7 8, LI Lb at. Tel. 1477. R Mo66 J D. W. DUDOEON, the expert; two 'rhone. R M93 M7 t! FECIAL attention given architects' plans end specification: contractors should In vestigate. Law Wentworth, 611 Pnxtnn blk. R-M996 J7 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, adulter, doors and sufea. a. Andreen, prop., 103 8. 10th nt. R-M158 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' FOR ALE. pew and aecond-hand billiard i.nd pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; eaay payments. Bend for catalogue. Hrunswlck-BsJke-Collend, 407 B. 10th at., Omaha. Q-M429 COMPLETE Una new and 24-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge, Tel. 2020. Q 391 TNP-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119. Far. . nam. Q i3 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain "VVe have about Ml feet 00 stranded ei.rtrto light cable and one W0 ampere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co.. or ane W. H. Bridges, eiig-lneer. Bee building, Omaha. Q-633 I'I'RIOHT piano, used I months, original prlne fc!7ft; will sell for 1126 on eaay pay ments. Omaha Furniture Carpet Co., between 12th and. 13th on Farnam. .0446 15 HECOND-H AND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in aieatn fittings ceil and look over the following supplies: 2 4-Inch Jenkin s Olobe valves. 1 d-lnvn Oete valve. l.H-!n h Auatin horlsonal separator. 1.4-Inch Auatin vertical separator. l.e li. P. horlaontal engine. These have been taken out on account of changea In our steam plant and are In good condition. Addreaa Bee Building Co., ur see vv. n. oriogae, engineer, net uuna- Ing. Omaha, 6S3 TWC HEAVY BTKEt, JfORIZONTAlj ' TUBULAR BOlLUita FOR BALK Two bpllere, 100 horae power, which have been used out six years, mads of firebox steel, triple riveted but and strap joints, liikuranco company permits of pressure of 12& pounds. They are now in use and tsn be seen st bollar house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or addreaa W. II. Bridges, engl uper. Bee, building. Omaha. W MUuJ 100 KINDS of Mineral tVater. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. - Q 394 H. P. ENGINE. ,Ve bave one alx-horaa power ' horlsontal engine. The engine has never been uaed. Will sell It for about one-half pries. W. H. Bridges, Engineer. Bee building. Q 113 1TOR BALE, several scholarahlDS In a flrst class atandard school In Omaha, compris ing complete courae In business, short bend and typewriting. Inquire at Bee offlue. . Q-M (M0 PIECES of furniture a ul table for Xniae Klfts, tba largest stock In Omas Terms: $J6 orth, II per week. Omaha Furniture . Carpet Co., between 13 th and 13th on r mj net in vt,wv t ju CORN cribbing tel. polea, long lir timbers, cypress fence lath, l-ply whltebasawood. ' 6l Douglas. J 'l Farnam street. 44tt 15 17UT, RATE railway tickets everywhere, P. 11 Pbllbtn, 1U Farnatn, 'phone 7X4. Q-M963 fellOWCA.SU, new design. CIS Paxton blk. QMVjS J7 BU? Ijandeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. VV ' RENT sewing machlnet TBe week, we repair all makes of machines. Boo find hand maclitnes It to 110. Neb. cycle Co.. Tel. It. Corner i&th and Harney. Q Wo PULLETS AND COUNTERS HA FTfl - AT A BARGAIN. 0 Piillevs, from In. to 41 to. In diameter, I Countershafts complete. -i k) Feet 1 7-lsln. shafting, with coupling and hangers. H Feet 1 li-ls-in. shafting, wtth couplings and hangers, together with about 3u0 feet of belting from I to 4 In VheSo are all In first-class condition. W. II., Bridges, Engineer. Be building. - Q-111 I STOVES for sale. 'Phone 411 or A-I1K7; ui3 roppieion ave. tj stua is J'lANOS at coat; we quit the piano bualneaa January I; all our stock mutt be dlapoaed of rrgardlras of price. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co between 12th and 13th on Karnam. 0-448 U OI-l'S gasoline engines are reliable and durable. Heveral slightly used bargains. 1111 Farnam an. Q JT)R SALE-Olnlng room suite. Including table, bunei and rnairs; also dook ae bed room set and s-ea atove: all trae tlcavlly new and In ttret-claaa condition; must be soul at otue account leaving city, MM lleward St. Q 449 16 X 4JNK carhied of line Xmas treea. C. Han. sen. 7U1 N. lath. (J M174 1 ONK Troy No. I eomblnatlon Ironer. 1470 BHQWCABBa Kdholra, tha Jeweler. Q-M4S PIANOS FOR SALE J'l AMteWWe retire frum the piano business January 1; s.11 our instruments at rust tm very eaay parrnenta. Omaha Kurnlture cat pet Co., between K'tn and l "h on Farnam. im li WANTED MALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Modem, simple, legible and rapid. Best system now in use. Bend for particulars. Address: Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Dougiss Bts. TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boyles College. B MSlil WANTED FOR V. B. ARMI-Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 snd , cltlxens of I'rilted Btst-e. of good ctisr tr snd tempeiate habits, who speek. read and write Ktisllsh. For Inf'irmatlon apply to Recruiting Offlecr, Wth snd Ixiuslas ats., Omuha; Lincoln, Neb., or Kloux City, ia. B MJJ7 WE AKE open until 11 o clock Tuilay snd Thursday evening. We have a number of vsnnclis that can be tilled only by people of ability. Office, manager. , Hklit salesmen. Hardware salesman. Man who can run and repair traction or gas engines. Two good cigar clerks. WKHTKKN REFERENCE AND BOND AHBOC1ATION, fc40 N. Y. Bldg., B 4JJ la MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BKMT and only re liable, mst practical barber college In the United Rttes. Write fur catalogue tiday. Western Barber' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., Kit Howard St. B tt IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HA-RT, THE EXPERT, ta N. Y. Life. B 906 Jt WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; can nearly earn ex pennes before finishing; graduates earn ll.W weekly. Call or write, Moler Bar-, btr College, 1303 Douglas 8(. B M233 lx EXPER1ENCEIY men wanted to set posta and put up bnrbwlre. Apply Champion Iron and Wire Works, 611 8. 16th St. B MSS4 IS SEVERAL young men for furnishing foods (department Apply main ofTlce, lennett's. B M409 ltix CHRISTIAN man of ability as salesman In Nebraska and Texas; references re quired. Address L It, Bee. B-M4.1l 16 1 WANTED, a story writer: bright writer who can take subject and work up good reading; partly statistical; steady work and good pay for right person. Address K 9, Bee. B M439 18x BIO SALE of holiday statuary until Jan. 1 at uonneiia Bros., vr.i f arnam. R-M438 20 PORTRAIT MEN Why work for someone else at 60 to 76 cents an order wnnn you can buy guaranteed work of us t whole sale? investigate mir credit plan. Rip ley Art Co.. Lock Box 679, Omaha, Neb. B 151 31 DETECTIVE Private aecret service pays good money; good men wanted every where; experleiu e unnecessary ; references required. Address American Detective As sociation, Indianapolis, Indiana. B-M472 16x I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug mores and doctors. Knlest, 7ul N. i. L. B 417 MEN WANTED to sell full line of hardy fruit and ornamental trees. Work full or part time as you prefer. Pay weekly ; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Compsny, Fort Madison, Is. B WANTED FEMALE HELP 10 GIRLS, Canadian office. 15th And Dodge. tj 401 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; few weeks complete! by our method; graduates earn 110 to 115 weekly; little expenses. Call or write, Moler College, 1302 Douglns St. C-M234 lx USE Landreen'a Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. C 45S J -14 WANTED, a cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker. I5(3 8. Sth St. C-M406 18x WANTED, good girl for general house work; no wasning, no cooking, aim Har ney. C 421 lx WANTED, girl for general housework; small family. Z4ii Capitol ave. C 420 16x PERMANENT Position for thoroughly competent gin ror general nounnwura ana cooking; family of two; references re quired. 'Phone 17H9. 124 North 3XLh ave. C 450 21 EXPERIENCED Glove Saleslady to take charge of department. Blate experience In 11 rat letter. Address: U 64. Bee. C 464 15 YOUNG lady to work In office, must be good penman. Box 2u3. C M481 18 WANTED, girl for housework; call fore i noun. Mrs. H. Rohlff, 2569 Iavenworth St., second floor. C M4S7 17x 8UVERAL young ladles wanted for fur- ninniug koouh ut'pariineiii. Apply main office, Bennett's. C M410 lx WANTED SITUATION WANTED A ponttldSi by a young lady, already employed; capable lenogranher or saleslady. L. 27, care Bee. A 3U4 15x POSITION doing general housework by young colored girl. L. 25, car Bee. A- 16x WOULD' like position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor by colored lady with mall child; experienced, L. 14, Bee oftice. . A-4M 16x POSITION out of city as housekeeper. L 20, Bee. A-3S7 17x YOUNG lady with some experience wants position -as stenographer. I 12. Bee. r X-m ltx EXPERIENCED colored man wanta pos. tlon In ofllc. L. 6, care Be. A 39V lttx MAN with some experience with electricity wants permanent position. L. It, Bee. A 3M Ibx YOUNG man, 17. wants position In office; can use typewriter. Address Harry O'Connor, general delivery, Council HlulTs. A lex EXPERIENCED collector wants position. L. t, care Be. A 330 lx FIRBT CLASS newspaper solicitor wants position In fire Insurance business as aollcitor or In office, with ahaiice fur promotion. L. 11, Omaha Bee. A-JM Ut GOOD salesman and solicitor d-jlrvs change In ixjslUon. L. 11, Bee. A-395 16X.. FIRST CL-SS laundry man wants man agement of laundry. L. 23. A 303 15x PHARMACEUTICAL graduate of 8 years' experience wants to chsnge positions. Best of references. L 17, Be. A 461 18x - WANTED, a position by a young lady al ready employed; expert stenugrspher or saleslady. L 37. Bf. A 3s4 lx POSITION out of city as housekeeper. L 20, Bee. A 3K7 18x MAN with some experience with electric ity wants poalllont L 34, Bee. A-388 18x EXPERIENCED collector wants pisltlon. L 6. Bee. . A HD0 Ux GXK)D aaleaman and solicitor wants change 1 1 tlon. L 13, Bee. A a2 Ux FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE 1375 pneunvatlo Btanhope, nearly new, 1125; otwn pneumatic runabout, too. Drum nioiwl 13th and Harney. P U FOR 8AI.K Fine horse, cheap; also pony, good driver or saddle. Perfleld piano Co., Ml Farnaui St.. Omaha. P-426 20 GOOD carriage, runabout, wagon and har ness cheap. Johnson A Daiiforth. S. W. cor. 10th and Jones at. P M306 D24 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, at N.Y.Ltf bldg. Tel. 1M4 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Oeteopathy Pkv iclan; office, Doucla blue ick. 1 ei. 221, 7 DR FARWELL, specialty nervou dlsees. ul I'axtou. -401 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16tb Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 410 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladies' cafe, private dining r-i open nights. E 411 HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de slrsble, partly furnished rooms; bath snd gas; references required. 242 St. Mary ave. E U2 MIDLAND hotel, lth and Chicago; steam bested; medium price; cafe In connection. FURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room 2. N. Y. Life. ' E 414 TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot snd cold water, electric light, gas, telephone; good board In vlnclnlty; convenient for gentlemen. 217 fl. 26th St. E M77I NICELY furnished front room, outet. good !2 tlon: gentleman preferred. 1921 Dodge. 'Phonell6. E M5 LET 18 furnish your rooms; we do It bet ter and cheaper than all others: our .3, uia, o wortn, si per weea; wwim, 11.60 per week. Omaha Furniture & Car pet Co., between 12tli and Villi on Farnam street.. E 443 15 THREE plessa :t partly furnished rooms, modern; can be arranged for houaekeerv Ing. Reference required. 2701 Woolworth V. E-701 LARGE, plesssnt front room; modern; 'phone. 1SZ1 Douglas. E M&24 LARGE, well furnished room, morlsrn. 70 8. 18th it. E Mia NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. L3218. E M530 MODERN furnished rooms; best location. 113 8. 20th. E M2 DESIRABLE roc, first-class location, walking distance. 2224 Farnam. E M9M ALL MODERN fnrnlshdd room for rent; 310. 2418 Dodge st. E-M364 17x FTTRNISHED rooms, hot water heat. 315 No. 17th. E-M165 IS NICELY furnished room; modern; quiet. 6J6 S. 26th ave. - E M480 18x NICE, warm room; modern; "phone. 2015 Webster. E MtKt 18x NICELY furnished front room; modern: quint place; gentlemen preferred. TCI Dodge. Tel. 31W. E M4K5 18x TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnlnhed; modem; 115. 2678 Harney. E M4S4 18 DINING ROOM and kitchen In hoarding houne, furniahed complete. 1811 Chicago. E M482 18X FOR RENT, liirve nicely furnished room; private fumlly; furnace, telephone: gentle men. 2123 California nt. E M4C 18 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENOERS AND BAGGAGE. F 415 609 B. 25th Ave., pleasant room; good board; private family. F 417 METROPOLITAN restaurant. regular meals 15c; meals to order. 13'J Douglas. Tel. A 426. F-M5G0 J3 THE 8H ELTON, 25th and Dodge, Ideal home for the winter, pleasant rooms, strictly modern, home cooking; reason able. F-378 STEAM HEATED rooms, close In; board If desired, llfll Davenport. F M483 18 NICELY furnished rooms with board; walking distance. The Rose, 2020 Harney. F-M477 lhx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR room, closet, bath, telephone, heat; 117. 'Fhouo 1026. O M9G3 THREE wnrm rooms; gas and water; 17.00. XDH 8. 2)th! Q 4-4 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms ' and house. Room 8, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover Bon. K 418 ROOM and board In private family, not more than 2 blocks from .list and Leaven wort 11; state terms and conveniences. L. 10, Bee. , K 115 16x WANTED Piano for use on sccount of storage. I 24, Bee. K 410 16x WANTED To . rent. 5 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. L 23, care Beu. VC 111 IKv WANTED Unfurnished houaekeeplrg rooms In private family; state terms and reference. L. 33. Bee. K 412 16x I OR 9 ROOM modern house, near So Omana ana on cur line. ou, mm ornca. K 413 l&x 3-ROOM cottage; reasonable; close In. L. i. Bee. K 414 lux WANTED, plane, for use on account of storage. L 24, Bee. , K 410 l&x I OR 9-ROOM modern house, near South Omaha and on car line. L 3o, Bee. K 413 18x t-ROOM cottage, reasonable; walking dis tance. L 29. Bee. K 414 18x WOULD like to have une of roll-top desk for storage. L 21, Bee. K 383 18x WANTED S or 4 furnlHhed rooms for light housekeeping, or furnished, cottage, by re sponsible party. Address L 40, Bee. K-M475 COUNTERS for store and windows snd sash; almost any aixe. Add res I, 41. Bee. N-M49 1H FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A 110 OFFICE In The Bee building carries with It all the convenience and advan tages In th way of heat, light, Jan'.'or service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A tio office is now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peter Co., ground floor. Bee building. ' 1823 1-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, 22xluO. hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 814 First Nat l Bank building 1-437 IF A GOOD light Is needed we can show you a north front o.'i's on the flit it lli.ur. a splendid room, at th moderate price of 120. R. C. Peters & Co , ground floor. Be building. 1-822 For rent, store room No. 1K22 8. 10th at., also barn 10 Store room. No. 70S S. 27th st t N. P, DODGE A CO.. 1614 Farnam St. I-M4 1 FARMS FOR RENT TO LET-LOTUS LANE DAIRY FARM. 70 acres In alfalfa, 30 acres farm land snd 20 acres In pasture; modern stable, holds t4 rows; contract can be made for milk produced; 4-room cottage; six block from R. R. station: 16 miles from Omaha. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam at. M-lu9 FARM FOR RENT. For rent. 4ou acres of bottom farm, near Blair. 2 acres In fruit, fair Improvements; low cash rent, no danger of overflow. N. P. DO DUE 4k CO., 1614 Farnam at. 1 M407 14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E- F. MOREARTY, Attorney. 437 Paxton. Tel. A2os. -460 JOHN M M AC FA ULAN D, New York Lit uiug., rooms anil Jiy. jri. l ui Huntington A Stratton. SJ2 N. Y. Life "-Mil A Sunday Comparison. Laht Sunday The printed 1,SS2 linen of mi CKtate advertisinp:, an against 831 lines publisbfd by its neant cumix'titor. Dee Uad 481 Lines. Tlie public plaf-en its atlrertising wbere they will jrt retunis the above poes to prove that to be The lice. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BIG BARGAIN BUY THIS TODAY WE can offer for Immediate sale a good seven-room house, faring east, on N. 24th, lot 44x132. permanent walks, large shade trees, first-class residence location 11,) will buy It, and It should bring I2.. A SNAP FOR A HOME OR INVESTMENT. SWEET & BEST, 111 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. RE M 466 16 $2,000 Good 1-room house In Orchard Hill, fine lo cation, nice grounds, shade tree. $1,500 Cottage 5 roonu, large lot, 9th near France. Easy terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO,. 1320 Farnam Street. RE M9 THOSBI325 LOTS ON 32ND AND VINTON Srs.. ARE BtING SOLD RAPIDLY: 15 SOLD LAST WEEK. SOME NICE ONES LEFT. A GOOD MANY SOUTH OMAHA PEOPLE ARE BUYING THEM. WILL MEET YOU SATURDAY AFTERNOON IF YOU TELEPHONE US. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. RE M403 II , ' 800 Acres For Omaha Property This land Is on the Platte boitoin and half or more Is under cultivation, it Is a great bargain at 120,000. Will accept good Omaha vacant or improved property. David C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam bL. RE 301- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Titles Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAMES F. KERR, lusi N. Y. L. RE M6tf D31 IF YOU want to buy. sell, rent, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R. 1 N. Y. Life. I'bon 133. Ulover A Bon. RE M42J GEO. W. EFFORT, M. M. SHARPLESS. President. Secretary. Western Home Association, REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS. 310 M'CAQUG BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. We have nice home of 80 acres we can trade you for your residence or other urooertv. Also loo-acre Iowa farm, very nice, for luck of goods. Also 820-acre Iowa farm, near town, for residence or any paying business. The owner says to exchange his home farm of 100 acres for residence property. Call or write us and let us tell you about these places. RE MH61 FOR BALE Two? modern, brick houses, 7 rooms each; will cent for 140. Price, 12,500, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Llf bldg. RE 424 CUBAN INVESTMENTS Excursion rates Dec. li) 11.60; good to return Jute 1, 19ui. C. R. GLOVER & SON, 'Phone 133. Main floor N. Y. Life. RE 840 FOR SALE One note of 11,5011. due in on year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also ohe note for 81,600, -due on or before three year, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. KE-M4GS 3,500 WILL BUY a beautiful home In Kountie Piaca, full lot. south frout, good barn, street paved, house newly pa In tad and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Lit Bldg. RE-M425 CHA Williamson Co.. ui, RE 42 BUILDING FOR SALE. 9-room house, so. corner 20th and Farnam at., must be removed at once. Submit bid. George & Co., 1601 Farnam st. RE M337 18 TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. RE 159 J-14 ALL modem seven-room new house, south front on Farnam; only 137.60. SKINNER & CHASE CO., lflM Farnsm St. RE 430 17 -f- IN BEMIS PARK I rm., combination fixtures, gas and elec- trlo light, furnace, strictly modern plumbing, hardwood finish, nicely ar ranged, new, never been occupied, on the Boulevard, largo lot, nice shade trees, south front, fine neighborhood, owner anxious to sell snd will make easy i terms at a low price, good deal cheaper than you can buy ' as good a lot and build. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 'Phone 1781. First floor N. Y. L. Bldg. RE M436 lu THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tills agricultural weekly goes' to 60.000 homes of farmer and stock raisers, go If you have good piece, of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advert Laemuat Is small 1 cent per word In small type mr 12.52 per Inch If set In Urp tvpe. CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER. aclentlflc palmist, 716 N. 23d. S 421 A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance medium In the world; his startling revelation are the wonder of all; past, present and future events told correctly; semi. 10 cents, 2c stamp, date of birth, own writing) to DR. JOSEPH LEFTER. Box 52. Merchants Station. St. Louis, Mo. Mtnlluu this paper. , 8-M985 17x FLORISTS HESS & BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 463 CHAS. EDERER. Reasonable, loth and Bristol. Tel. 1736. -M928 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Bend for price list Ui cut Duwcil siiu yieuis. AI.FRED DONAGHUE.i JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy. 'Phone A-Srlti. MluO JH MRS. M E. GARCEAU, now at 32 Sher. man ave. M371 J12 Mr. A. W. Smith, reasonable, 2olo Cali fornia. -M37t J12 FANCY embroidering. Mis N. Anderson, 220 N. I7tu. -M3I1 J 13 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSE8, Insurance, Rtngwalt, Barker EMOCS. 1-I I1UUOCJ j, r- Lavl Co., 6u B bldg D 42 FOR RENT, (-room bouse. In first -cli condltlou, with larg lot; convenient to car una. fit. so JS. Aim su u exsee MoCaulev ExDress Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery, ili S. ltLh. Tel. 1464. A HOME on Blnney at. 10-room house, tc desirable parly; Is) per muntb. Telephone U THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H goods Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. Ull Farnam. lei. x u WE MOVE nlanoa. Marsard Van Stor age Co. TeL 146. Olnce 1713 Webster St. U IM HDI IQPQ " Part of the city. R. C I1UUOCO Peters & Co., Be Bulldlrg D 431 PATNE-B08TWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1011 i w are. 153 Powell, 1511 Capitol ave. 'Phone 121. D-M4M FROM W up. Beyer. 22d and Cuming Hts HOUSES FOR RENT. 120 2011 Elm t.. 7-room cottage, rooderf but furnace, good repair. 117 2S16 Shirley, 8 rooms, modem bul lurnace. 820 44 Park are., e-room cottag. 116-837 Bo. 22d. 7 rooms, barn. 115 New, 7 rooms, near Krug park, 113-2004 N. 22d, 6 room. 112.502321 So. 14th. 6-rootn fat. til 3421 Mason, 5-room collage. 182616 N 31st. 4 rooms. GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. D 532 FOR RENT S-room house; all modern ex cept furnace; 706 N. 30th St.; 111. C. M Bach man. 436 Paxton Moclc D 651 FOR RENT House 4 rooms, 1124 Mason t. 17 per month. C. M. Bachman, 436-37 Pax. ton block. D 002 WE furnish the house complete; largest stock In Omaha; at least 25 per cent cheaper than Installment store. Terms: 12a worth. 11 per week. Omaha Furniture carpet .;o., between lzth, and 13th on r amam street. D 447 15 120 N. 25TH, 8 rooms, modern, 133.00. D-M116 HOUSES TO LET No. 847-49-51 South 21st st.. 3 cottar mod. ern except furnace; will be ready for occupancy soon. C . v mi., m ivuiiio. eiiidj.v inonem. No. 2906 Lake, t-room cottage; city water; 18.00. No. 2908 Lake, t-room cottage; city water; No. 1102 8. 32d St., 9 rooms, modern; barn: 140.00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam at D M160 GOOD 6-room cottase. water. samer first-class condition, near 24tS car, 2111 ziin. oniy SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. D 428 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT we nave an eiKm-room modern house lor rent, furnished and In good neighborhood In north part of town. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Board of Trade Bldg. D 422 1 GET Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. D-457 J-14 FOR tyENT. We have the choicest list of houses for rent we have ever offered. 18.00 No. 1711 8. 7th st., good five-room cot tage. tio.oo No: 709 8. 27th St., 2 rooms, street floor, store front, city water, paid by owner. 116. 0o Ml N. 30th st., 5-room cottage, corner lot, modern except furnace, large attio and cellar under whole house. $11. 00 No. 934 N. 27th ave., 7 rooms, mod- , .rn except furnace, new plumbing, every room newly papered and painted, barn and chicken house. 118. (W No. 1032 S. 2 2d st, 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, large yard, east front, walking dloUnce. 118.00 Ui22 8. 27th st.. 6 rooms on one floor, modern except furnace, largo basement, cellar, new plumbing, clean and neat. $20.003320 Hamilton st., brand new 6-room hou&e, south front; this is a snap; mod ern except furnace and most convenient. 126.00 No. -2615 Hamilton St., 10-room mod ern house, except furnace, central loca tion, next to Baptist church. $36.00940 N. 27th avo., 10-room all mod ern house, new plumbing; every room newly papered and painted; good place for rooms or private hospital; large barn, handdome shade tree and sightly loca tion. $9.&o-No. 1920 S. 10th St., six-room flat on ground floor; new paper and paint, city water, barn, $9.00 No. 1923 8. 10th t.. six-room flat on ground floor, new paper and paint, city water In kitchen, barn. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. ' D-418 15 SIX-ROOM cottage, all modern. 1431 N. 20th; $20.oo; electric light. D M433 21x 2726 8. 19TH ST 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. E. J. Sullivan, 823 & 13th St. D 453 FOR RENT Oood 6-r. cottage, nice lawn, shade, one block from cor and from Hans com park. $25. FOR REN f Good 10-r. house, suitable to take roomers; best location In cltv. 301U PhcIUc. CHEAP for WINTER MONTHS. KENNY REAL ESTATE & INV.. CO., 300 Bee Bids. D-M468 22 -R. COTTAGE; city water. 1416 Leaven worth. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D M4S0 28 40TH and California sts., 1 rooms, all moaern $40.00 40th and California sts., I room, all modern 8R.00 4U Farnam t., 7 rooms .'. 30.00 2224 Popnleton ave., 8 rooms, all mod ern, new so. on 2505 Pierce at.,-8 rooms 18.00 2618' South 13th at., 6 rooms, modern.... 18.00 2224 Clark St.. 7 rooms 16.00 1642 North 21st St., 6 rooms.. JO.OO 1619 North 23d St., 6 room 13.00 129 North 87th t., 6 rooms JO.OO 131 North 87th at., 6 rooms 10.00 1430 North 26th St., 6 rooms, modern.... 20.00 547 South 25th ave.: 7 rooms, modern... 2907 Dupont st.. 4 room 7.00 1 It t, BlKUill KtKU ci., 212 So. 14th St. D M467 1 PRINTING LYNGSTAD aV RUFFNER. PRINTERS Orounsa Block, Corner of rtlN I EIw wtij St. and Capitol Ave, 457 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-08 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised. I our hobby. J. M. BIRPLESS, reliable printer; estab lished 13 year.. 2u3 B. 13th St., Omaha. 4i FOR EXCHANGE WILL trod sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Cy, kLh and Harney. i t. is IF YOU do not find what you want in this column put an ad In- and you will soon get It f vo. DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, ocitly gad (tag. Tel. F187L . Mil , PERSONAL . Omaha PlaUng Co, jjog Harney. Tel. MAGNFTir ,r'ment baths. Mme HlWJi C I IV-Bnaib. 11 N. IS. I fljjj BFLP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Masvacon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids th hearing s glaesea 5? I.n.v'- Hutchison AconsUc Co.. N. T. Life Bldg. I'hone 1 U-M34 TRY KELLET'SLu7rDRT7TrHoT;E T.10. U 441 TRUSSES made snd fitted to men. women mr,A r. V. . I . T- . Vir;iTT-. ITT1 r UlTlHin IM. THE IL J. PEN FOLD CO, U 441 ACCORDION and SUNBURST" PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for price llt end Samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douzlas Block. 1eL 196 U-444 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. DON'T fool with your eye; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for . THE II. J. PEN FOLD CO. Leading OpUclan, 1408 Farnam DRAWING and painting from life. Case's Art r 1 - , r . . . V. " , --- - vww, auv r itaiu, i win 117 PRESSORIUM m.prw,'d- 13 4 t Mlia Larson a johnson cut mtes to ail Points. 1408 Farnam. Tel. B21il. Mem- tier American Ticket Broker' ass n. U-44J 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; it perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 r amam. u iou THEATRICAL masa. costumes. Lleben, ili 0-12 Howard. U M461 "VIA VI," way to health. 100 Bee Bldg U 63 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in raci a.tythlng you oo noi neeu. we collect, renair anil aell for coot of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phono -it iiu wagon lll call. - " OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ram as Blk. C 453 CALENDARS and calendar pads. Burkltty Printing Co., Omaha. U M370 D2S WANTED, farmer -who want to make more money to send for our rampniei. "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. Correspondence Agricultural College, 443 ieurasks St., Bloux City, la. JU-64J D2 XMAS presents, sterling silver and gold headed umbrellas. Boston Umbrella Co., 66 S. 16th. U M99J WANTED Permanent home for a colored boy. 9 years of age; also a temporary homo In Omaha for a hoy 12 years of ag, where he may attend school and do chorea to assist In paying his board Other children, of nearly all sges. for adoption, at th Child Saving institute; 1S08 Ohio. Tel. 1331. U 143 15X PIANO TUNING, $2. W. R. Daibey, 1207 Mason. u msjs in WANTED, the name of every person suf fering from Indigestion or any etoma'h trouble (chronic dyspepsia prererrea). We have the agency for a new remedy, a hew method of curing dyspepsia, and the manufacturers want to give you a full aixe 25c package free of charge. Bring or send your name and address to our drug store. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. . U M400 20 Masq., theatrical costumes. Sack. 3318 S 20th U 4J9 J1JX STATUARY Remember that the only place In Omaha to get It Is Gonnella Bros , 2o25 Farnam st. U M437 20 WILL the person who nlaced "Found Ad" In Bee about ten days ago statins; that he found gen's pocketbonk on Farnam street kindly address L 86. Bee? There was an important letter with it that has not been answered yet. u 4ho wx TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. ' .u 4tie j-i GENTLEMAN Middle-aged and very wealhy, desires immediately deserving, in dustrious wife. Address Mr. Curtis. 67 Clark st. Chicago. U M 404 16x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to nunareus oi anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Mall orders promptly filled. Price, $2. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO, R. 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 454 DR. FRIES treats successfuly all disease and irregularities oi women, irom any (iiuse; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511 Dodge ft, Omaha. 455 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies aaoptea. ine uooa earn an tan tsani tarlum, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, Ia. Tel. 774. I - PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies noaraea ana aaoptea. tarn, uaraeii, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2G18. 456 PRIVATE home for ladies during confine ment Ail communication cnniiaentlal. Address: K 45. Bee. M180 17x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture, Pianos, Live stock, Kalarlea. WE GIVE Beat Rates, Easy Payments, - Quiet Service, Any time. ' WE WANT rour Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 119 Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 2295. (EatablUhed 1892.) 106 8. 16th St JS. 406 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel e- .... U. almn ah DAT ATIC-1 bWiun. niw. tin s 1 1 . 1 . .1. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confldentlai Service. Call on us if In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-461 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to got on furniture, pianos, horses. cows, jcweiry, or on your plain note, if st tadlly employed. 703 N. Y, Life bldg. X 461 The) J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. tut-oia raxion Clock. X-M563 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana otnera wimoui security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, norsea, etc.; nan usual rates, ur. t'reb benow, room 214 at o9 U. 15th tit. Tel. B-2K4. X-471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANd. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 107-t PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411. X-472 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses ittin Ureen i-oan Co.. Barker block. X 471 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- eiry, norses, cow, etc. w. p. neea. an a. 11th. X 474 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR. X-4 SEE FULLER, 425 Psxton block, for loan Oil WtlCOH, UWIIIMIIU. UU J.-Bll J . X-476 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo- . - n ItAi . v A-n ley 1A1IJ1 tv.. IW1 m.i nam m A III SALARY and collateral loans. Timleion, US urnm Wiag. a sis SALESMEN WANTED WANTED First-class, experienced sales man to call on eetaousnea ireae mis state: mention exptutuc. references and salary vatd, M-i i 23 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy. se 0 exchana, vour pr j rty or bulness quirk, see J Jl Johnson, ll N. Y. Life. Phone L 22."". Y-4W ATTORNEYS, everywhere. If you hare sr account, note or claim of any kind again person, firm or irMrtlon e cm st I It for you. THE NfcW SNOW-cifURCH CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Ufe. 'Phone 1 . 1-U ABBOTT-COWAN Co. 1st Nat. Bk. bMg , can get you In or out vt business. Y 4"t SHOLK8-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y LI' Tel 49- Y 407 IF YOU wish to buv or sell any Irgttimat busineiai. stocks, bonds, real ianla pr wish to get a partner, city or country,' call or address the Western Home Associa tion, 310 McCagu Bldg. M: NEWSPAPER for sale; good Mis, uri town of I.imO: no oppos'tion; fine opening Ail-dres-i KJO. care B. e. Y-Ml 5 FOR SALE Oood clean stock of rcr)"! merchnndle; Invobe $.5oo; yearly husi ness. $; located In town of a n central lown: light exjense and competi tion; good chance for buwlneiia; trx-le e. tabllshed; cash only. Address K 31. Bee T-Ml.fc FOR BALE, hardware stock of 13.000 stork In live Nebraska town; good reason for telling. Address K 37, care of Bee. Y-M150 16x RARE business chance. I want a gentle man or lady to join n.e In pleasant an! profitable manufacturing business that f. i.t- ii.ruv-T-i nn.i r-,... . , --r liiiru. monthly guaranteed. Call on Mr. Myers, Her Grand hotel. Y M442 lfi USE Landreen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonln. 14 WANTED A man with four hundred dol lars to tnke linlf Intoi-en In the best pay ing business In the. northwest. Call 521 North 16thtreet, basement. Y M476 18 YOUNG MAN wanted to Invest eight hun dred dollars; capable of taking charge of office. Address L 38, Bee. Y M170 17x GOODS sold through mall. Hundreds buv If approached correctly. Address L 35. Bee, T M4T8 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. K3 N. Y. Lite, pays highest price for bocks. Tel. 3036. N 419 GOOD horse for about 118 to $28 for u on coal wagon. L 4, Bee. N 4ol 15x WANTED Oood piano, reasonable, by January 1. L. 32, Bee office. N 402 15x WANTED To buy half interest In well paying down town saloon. L. 8, Bee. N 403 16x PRACTICAL butcher wants half Interest In well paying country meat market; late priae, etc. L. 9, care Bee. - N 404 17x WANTED within ten. days a--small priced lot between Ieaven worth and Farnam and 85th and 37th; deal direct with owner. L 18. Bee. N-406 16x GOOD paying rooming house Immediately. L 17. Bee. .N 406 lux SMALL confectionery store, with no com petition. Ia il, liee. JN 407 lx WILL pay Crish for good paying small restaurant. L 21. Bee. N 408 15x BARGAIN in M or 2-oarat diamond. LIS, Bee. N 409 15 WANTED Team alKiut !.8no pound; call at standard on co.'s plant, 14th and Lo cust. N M463 18x BAROALN In 1 or 2-carat diamond. Ta It. Bee. N 40 18x WILL pay cal for successful small res taurant. Li zi tiee, iv 409 18x GOOD horse foi about $18 or $20 for haul ing coal. jl. , rieo. N 403 18X GOOD paying Doming house wanted Im mediately, u l(, wee. jv 106 18X CONFECTIONERY store In good location. witn. no compeuiion. u Jl, wee-. N 407 Vht MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City ban. R. C. Peter A Co W M746 FARM and city liana; lowest rates. TV. H. Thomas, list rat i uanx viag. Tel. 1648. W 4J PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1620 Douglas w ) WANTED City bans and warants. W. Farnam Smith k Co., 1320 Karnam St W-4M MONEY TO LOAI. Payne investment Co. W 482 t PER CENT ban. Garvin Bros., 1604 tarnaro. w LOWEST rate. Bemls, Paxton block. W 4S For Big Crops BUY PL1TTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS Splendid vater supply. No drouth, -flioda .or h a v y rains. N cron failures. Dark, rich, sandy loam, easy to work, de not bake,- por ous subsoil Raises Alfalfa, Sugar Beeti, Potatoes, Oats, Barley, Con, Fruit, etc. Ex. cellent ralroad facilities. Easy reach of good market for all pnducts at good prices. Quid school and churches. Price, per acre, J20.00 up, averaging $38.00. Terms eoii'. Special excur. slon Tuesday, December 20tli Join It full particular write or cal at once. PifYNE INESTMENT CO. MAIN PUOORN. Y. LIFE BUILDINQ, OMAH1. NEBRASKA YOUR WIFE fVITH A BUGGY SHE askd us about a DEPOT VAGON when here JastJ BBBaBg8flasCBlBaB9i We have me good bar gains whbb will make an everlaiting pleasur able present for Christ, mas, ! Also "FOCT VVIRUERS" or Carriage Heaters, fine Robes, Haukets, line Whips ill eervicable presents, i ORUmOND'S I8TH AID IURHEY FOR SALE A clean up-to-dat arlrultiir. Implement business; Invoice about $4.f'; may tnke land or other Income property In trade. A. Axen. Battle Creek. Neb Y Ml 36 lx i NT I r i