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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
THK OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. DKCEMHK15 lfi. 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Grains Art Higher, December Wheat Gaieinj 1 3-8, Shorta 0reriB(. RECEIPTS OF THE CEREAL SHOW DECREASE Ufrrnktr Cora Irrr Erratic Data f.ala J -8 Palaf aratfe ('( a Prenslea !, I s f tar nil aa Street. OMAHA, Dec. 15 1 here wtt n much teadler tone In the wheat trade, ftecember corn fluctuated like weather vne In a frm and the ot market displayed strength end He ad vance, where the usual record has been In the line of decline of c. ljiweon pounded away at Indi strls! proposition end drew from a Chicago house thla ssr cnstlo oemment: "If the whole New York stock market and the finance of thla country are based on thla man from Boa ton, we had hotter cloee up the atock ex change, i think It la about lime to atop thinking- and talking about Tom Lawon. He la naturally a disgruntled man hie rnngasine artlrlea partially remunerating Mm for the Ins of the market played pen, for hie yachting- venturea and hlH latest lettera being but one more scheme In hla efforts to milk the market for profits. Wheat Armour waa aald to be dlstrlhut Ixar a few million bushel of May wheat around the apeculatlve market, Valentine bMng reported aa selling openly, but there waa a better demand and the rally of Wednesday waa auatalned with additional garne The Ruaalan wheat crop la attract ing considerable attention, and In a meas ure explains why there la not a mora ertlv exporting demand from thla aide. Russia raised C63.ia,ono buahela thla year, aa compared with S2O,142.00O buahela last year. All Kusslan crops except corn and barley at very heavy and place the empire on a strong exporting position. The Mlnneapolla flour output laat week increaaea $.4115 Imr rela. but ettlll 100.000 harrela les than that of the corerspondlng week of laat year. It la quite brohahle that the apeculatlve market are nearer even than they have been for Borne time pant and with any im poitant new there will be an active move, meut one way or the other. Lighter re ceipt w the excuse for blgher prlcei thla morning. December advanced to $107, aa compared with a eloee. at $1 08 yesterday nnd an opening this morning at $1.07. There were a few ahorta in Dc cember a little nervous over the altuation, alao aome taking In of profile on atop order. May opened at about Wedncs dav'a clo" and advanced to $1.10. going bark to $1.10. and rallying- again to $1. 10. Jlv advanced o. Corn December bobbed around with reek leaa disregard of fraction, advancing after opening c off a full point, and that In short order and going back the distance In no time. Then It steadied down a little and advanced to 45e. May gained o and waa steady In la gain from 44c to 45e. July, o better. Oat December oats In good demand, ad vancing to ao from ?3c, yesterday's final figure. May, He higher. Omaha Caen Price. WHEAT-Nn. h hard. $l.e24J1.05: No. 3 liard. 6cif1.01; No. 4 hard. f5f5c; No. 3 spring, $1.0. . rOR;-Ni. 2. 3r.: No. 8. 3Sc; No. 4, 37fr37c: no rrnde. .VtiiHiic; No. 2 yellow, 38c: Nv 3 yellow. 38e; No. 2 white, 3o; No. 3 white, 8K-. OATS No. 2 mixed. 2Sc; No. 3 mixed. 27c; No. 4 mixed, 2e; No. 2 white, 29c; No. 3 white. 2tSbc; No. 4 white, 27c; standard, 284c. Omaha Cash "ale. TORN-1 car No. 3, 3Sc. WHEAT I CHr No. 4 hard, 62 Iba. 91c. OAT8-1 car No. $ white. lc Carlot Receipts. W it. Corn. Oats. rhlcago S7 Minneapolis !W Duluth ... .' 1 St. Louis 31 Kanena City & Omaha 3 $!0 n 79 is Grata Market Elsewhere. Cloalng prices at the following tr-arkets today and Wednesday were; t-llil-AUU :ioae- Wheat December May July Corn i December May - July Oata December May July Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat ' December May ...... Wheat December May Wheat May TodAy. Wedn'y. 1.07 .... .... w 4r,H 46 , 45 .... 31 . ... 31 l.Uti'lk 1.0 454 . 44H 30. 8T. lou:s. 1.12 4-.' 1.11'i 41 42S KANSAS eiTT. .. 102 .. l.OL'H V02 1.U1S 40, 41H 4ft 41 NEW TCRK. 1.17 1 . 1 "i 1.11 1.12H MINNEAIOLIS. l.n 1.12'4 DUUL'UI. . J.... 1.12VC i.u Commercial Gossip. Primary receipt: wheat. fc.Ii!n against $1)5.000; com, "81,000 agtlnat 291.000; ahlp menta: wheat, 245.000 aralnat 201,000; corn, 62t.000 against 16.000. i Minneapolis flour ouUut laat week waa Increased $.125 bills. Tie quantity turned out waa 279,370 agalnnt 388,015 in 1903 and r.C.Rhi In 1902. Mill soil considerably leaa flour last week titan In tie preceding week. However, trade was not bad, Of late.qulte a quantity of patent o be made from Canadian wheat has ben sold In United Kingdom market. SEW . YORK HEMHtl, MARKET ttaatatloaa at the Mr Tarloaa - Comanadllea. NEW YORK, Dec." lS.-FI-OrR-Recelpt. 13 311$ bbla.i export, ltf bhl ; the mar ket waa dull but ieady; Mlniieaota patents, $ft.8&(8).10: Mnncsota bakers, 4 liH ?5: wint.T patentl, $5.1oi).b5; winter Straights, $6.26436.40; witter extras, $J.6. 430; winter low gradei $3.4tKfi4.10. hye flour, steady; fair to'goia. $4.4un4.7o; choice to fancy, $4 7W05.0O. Buckwheat flour quiet : per 100 lbs.. $J.Otsft:,B0. . CORSMEAL-Klrinj IHo white d yel low. Il.ijl.; course, u'4fil.a; kiln dr.ed, U ioni.. , ,!'.'. . H i-Nomlnal. ; , , HARLJuY-Wulot; redhg, 4lc. e. ! t. New VorKi niatiliig. ; k , c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHPJAT Recelpta, Sl.tW bu. Spot. Arm; No. 2 red nominal. $118, I o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 1.33V f. o. U afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, homlnal. f. o. b. afloat. Option sueculatta demand more urgent today, acted stronger, advancing nearly a cent per bus It 1 un lighter re ceipts, a bullish Price. Ctrrent report, bet ter southwest cash demaid and good bull uppoi-t. Final price Mowed HJV5 net advance; May. 11.11 $. 12,. closed at $1.12 7-1; July. ll.ftfMrl.ttiV cloaed at $1.03V: December. $1.17H. closed A sl.lTS- CORN Receipt. aS,O0 bu. Spot, firm: No, $, jo,' nominal elevatlr, and 64c, t. a. to. sfloatj No. $ yellow. 64c; Ko. 2 white, 644c. Option market firmer wl wheat, but very dull, closing So net Hgher; December closed at 5fo: May close) at 61o. OATS Receipts. 13.uutibu. Sunt, dull; mixed, 38 to XI lb.. SHtf35Stc; natural white. 30 to S3 lba., 858c; clipped white, 3 to 40 lba.. atttr39-. HAY Oulet; shipping 604 65c; good to choli-e, 704i82 HOPS Quiet; state,- emmon to choice, 11(04 crop, S30r; 19u cro . ii;o; olda, 74c; Paclflo coast. 1904 crop, 2!K3tc; 1903 crop, Mrtc: olds. i4ai7o. HIDKH Hteadv; GiUvton. 20 to X lbs., lie; California 20 to 35 lis., lc; Texaa dry, U to 30 lh . HUc I I.KATHKR Mrm; ack 244J36e. PHOVISIONS-Ileef, im. family, $110 SU U0; mess, $: t.-f hams. $:.' 2r$ W. packet. $10.Krll.0ii city, extra In-lia me. $14 VinrltiMi. Cut mat. quiet; pickled belllea. I7.2Uj7.76. plrkl). shouldeia. $4.75; pickled ham, $t). IjirJ aleady; western steamed. $7.2o: reflned qlet; continent 17 '-'e; Sou tit American, IO.UU; compound. -, to Jbt ei. tora sieauy: short clear. $1$ 7fi Hi.: TAL.lX)W-titeady; tit 04T.C. mllv. 14 SOfi lft.uu: hies. $l0W13.7i. 4Sc: country, 4 RICK Steady; domeslo, fair to extra. rr4e- japan, nomitint POl'LTRY Alive: Sttldy; western chick ens, 11c; fowls, 11V turkeys. l?fi13c. Dreaaed: Dull; weetrrt chickens, ItUo; fowls, Ho; turkeys. 17tic. BUTTBR Steady; areet price, extra ereatnery. tUVnO- Orflcitl ptioea: Crm er, gommoa to estta. 17-7c: creamery, held, eommoaj t eit. l-frS4We; atate aslry, oommon to extra.jlii reneratad, remmoa to extra. 134 weatera factory nrainwn to cuoica, niir; weatern imita tloll freajiierv tvmmon t choice. 15'l)c. KOata dt.t. vuiaii nnest aet-ted ; western, averag bait , nij-aat t itin; atala ull creaia. small. September, ro.'ored snd white, fance. 12.-; state. It made, poor to choice. si44lle state, large. Srteni her. colored and white. fancy, uv: state, late made, colored, good to cholc. lo Uc; state, late made. wTilta, fancy, !'; state, poor to prime, Swl'-c- CHICAKO ;RMi PROVIM4HS ; .f the Tr.-la, ... 1 l..l. CHICAOO. Dec. 15. Increased movement or wheat, hoth northwest and southwest, caused a strong market here todnv. At the close Miy dellverr was tip fic. Corn and oata both ahow gain ot Sc. Provision are up a shade to IV. Irresponsive caMea and reports of ex cellent harvest weather In Argentine caused considerable selling of wheat at the open ing. Aa a reeult sentiment In the pit wa rather weak. Initial Quotations on Mar were a shade to H?c lower at ll.npHto i.'4i. a a an orfset to the tearlti influ ence, however, receipt In the northwest were again extremely light and prospects of an Increased movement a-ere said to be very meager. Later In the day the strength was accentuated bv reporta from the south west asserting an impending acarcltv of wheat for milling purpose. At $1.11 Mav reached the high point of the day. The maraet closed strong, alth May at l.VM. Clearance of wheat and floor were eoual to M,.mo bushels. Primary receipt were 5!,900 bushels, compared with WC.soii bush els a year ago. Mlntieanolia, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 4'7 cara, against 738 cars last week and 4N1 cars a year ago. Persistent buying of the May delivery by a prominent elevator concern waa the' fea ture of tradina in corn. The volume of business waa larger than witnessed for errne time. Keports from the country In dicated an active demand for corn for feed ing purpose. With the exception of a alight depretslon at the start, the market waa firm throughout the entire dav. May opened unchanged to a hail lower at 444r44Sc. sold up to 4iMic and dosed at Co. Local receipts were S90 cars, with one Of contract grade. Strength of wheat and corn was one factor responsible for a firm tone in the oats market. Another Influence waa a de cided decrease In local receipts, arrivals today being onlv W cars. Mav opened un changed to tc lower at 30o30Tc, sold tip to SIlHc and cred at the top. Notwithstanding liberal receipts of hoga St the yards, the provisions market was firm the greater part of the day. Strength of grains nfTse the Increased arrivals of hogs. Shorts were the best buvers. At the close Mav pork waa up 12HtilRo at $12 r7Wfil2 !0. I.nrd waa a shade higher at J' 124&r.15. Ribs showed a gain of 5c at $ 80. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 25 car: corn. 414 cars; oats, 19 cars; hogs, 30.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articlea.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Dec. May . July Corn Dec. M.iv Julv Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Ls rd Jan. May Rlhs Jan. May I I I I I 1 07(5! 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 04 l ow7i :i rov-l 1 09 1 11 1 feV' 1 1 mix 9SI 99MS98j 98 4ofil V, 45 I 45! 4S 44l 4.-.44il 45 I 44 45 (45H4jVij 45 I46 44 2R8il 29'' 2S-ii! 29ftl4;2SUfiii 304W 31' 30 ni "30. ,s4 31(.T0ffrt, Sib'.1 30 I I 12 40 1 2 55 I 12 40 12 55 12 75 12 90 12 72 12 90 I 12 40 I 12 7S il 85 I 7 1214 K 7 10 $ 87l 7 16 J 60 I 6 80 8R I 87 ? ft"! I " 1E v 71; I iv 6 45 76 42l 72 50 I 47 80 I 75 No. 2. Cnh ouotatlona were as folloie: . FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $T,.Kva IS 30; straights. $4 0j On; spring patent-. MNjaSM; atralghta, $4.8O4.90; bakera. $350 ti$90. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.0iWl.l4; No. 3. 98ci$l.ia: No. 2 red, $1.11sn.l4. CORN-No. 45?46c; No. 2 yellow. 45-fi) 45c. OATS-No. 2. 29c; No. 2 white. 3131c; No. 3 white, 2f31e. RYK-No. 2. 73c. BARLEY Oood feeding, S7638o; fair to choice malting, 4if!48c. SEED-No. l flax, $1.1: No. 1 northwest ern. $1.24: clover, contract grade $12.50. PROVISIONS-Maa pork, per bbl.. $U.28ffl 11.35. Ird. per 100 Ins., M 82. Short ribs aides (loose). 8H.2F'8)6.50. Short clear aldea IDoxeoi, e.irB.7o, Receipts. Shlpm"it .... 32.700 K.I00 .... 84 900 41.000 ,...470.100 ro5.W ,...121.800 127.7HI .... aniio Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bo. Rye. bu .' Barley, bu 88, tOO ' 20.500 On the Produce exchange toHav ter market whs steady; creameries, liiiaaic: dairies. lK22c. Eggs, easier; at mark case Included, 20i26c: flrsta, 25c; prime flrats, 2ic; extras, 29c. Cheese, steady, Ufl t. Loals Grata and Provisions. u.ST- LOF18-. Dec. 15.-WHEAT-Market higher; No. t red cash. . elevator $1 no track. $1.14161.14; May. $1.12; Juiv jfe' No. 2 hard. $1.1001.11. 1 CORN Market higher; No. 2 cash, rtc track, 43c; December, 43c; May, 424i43c ' OATS Market firmer; No. 2 caah, 30-: track, 30n; December, 29c; May, 31c: No. 1 white, 32c. FLOCR Dull; red winter patents, $5 23 6.85: special brands, $5.45(fr6.60; extra fancv $4.90410: clear, $4 15'a4.40 CORNMEAL Steadv. $2.40. RR AN Firm ; sacked, enst tnu k, S0ij90c. HAY Steady; timothy, $S.0O(S 13.00; prnlrle $.O03'9.5O. IRON COTTT1N TIE8-93e. BAOOINO 7Wc. HEMP TWINE 4iC. PROVISIONS Pork higher; jobbing-. $11 45; Ijard firmer; prime steam, $8 55. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.2; clear ribs. $7.87: short clenr. $8.12. POl'LTRY Market firm; chickens, 7c spring. 9c; turkeys, 14c; duoks, 9c; geese. 8o. BUTTER Market steady; creamery. 20 2Sc: dairy. 16Q23c. EGOS Market Arm st 24o. case count. , . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 8.0(10 4 im) Wheut. bu 32,00"! 27(Hi0 Corn, bu 32.00O 45.0H0 OaU, bu 27.000 31,000 Kansas City Grain a. el Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 15-WHEAT-Mar-ket firm: December, $1.U: May, $1.02 $!: July. 90We. Cnah: No 2 hard. $1.03iS1.06; No. 3. $1.00l.ort; No. 4. jcw $1.00; No. 1 red, $1.08; No. 3, $1.04ig1.06; No. 4. 80ci$1.00. CORN Market firm: December, 40 40c; May, 41$42c; July. 42c. Cash; No. 3 mixed. 41o; No. 3, 41c; No. 2 white. 41H41c: No. 3, 41c. OATS Market steady; No. 2 white, Stt 81c: No. 2 mlxert. iMt30e. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.00i9.50; choice pi a I lie. $7.7Mi.00. . , RYE Steady at 71c EGtJS Steady; Missouri and Kunaaa, new No. 2 whltewood cases included. 2oc; case count. 23c; caaea returned. c leas. RCTTEK Creamery, SlfeSUc: dairy, 17e. KGG8 Market steady at 35c. Receipts of wheat, 64 cars. Receipt Shipments. Wheat, bu 23,3X 63. tint) Corn, bu 7t).oo ia,6')0 Oata, bu 7,000 is.000 . Philadelphia Market. I PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 15 BUTTER Firm: good demand; extra weatern cream ery. 28c; extra nearby print. Sic. EG4.H4 Dull and weak; nearby fresh. 3Jc at mark: western freeh, 31c at mark. CHIfESB Firm; New York full creams, fancy, 13c; New York ull creams, choice, llibl3c: New York full creams, fair to good, 11?Uc. Mla.eaa.lls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 16. WH EAT De cember, $1.07: May. II 12'4: July. $1.1 1.11; No. 1 hard. $111: No. 1 northern, $1 10: No. I northern. I1.U5. FIX.UR First patents, $5.8ii6.90: second patents, t&.QV): rt clear. $4.Ui'4-2.'; second cleara. $2.802.75. BRAN In bulk. $14.76. Mllwaakee Gral. Market. MILWAUKEE, Wla., Dec. 15. WHKAT- Market le higher; No. 1 northern. $1.11; No. a northern, $1.04 u; May, $1.10. RYE No. 1, 788'7c. BARtaSY-Dull; No. 3. $2u; aample. 3047 0c CORl-nrmer; No. $. 4Jd43c; May, iVU-ic. Llyera..l Ural. Market. IIVERPtOL. Dec. 16. WHEAT Spot, nominal; future, steady; December, nom inal: March. 73d; May. 73d. . CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4a 10J. Futures, quirt; January, 4s4U: March, 4 $d. U.l.lh Gral. Market. DULUTH, Dec. 16 WHEAT To an h e, No. norUiern. $1 .; No. 3, $1.03; on track, No. I northern. $l.t; No. 3, $1.08; Dec, $1.; May. 11.13. OATH To arrive and on tra k, 2irc. Teleda Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 16 41EED8 tMovee. rath and December. $7$7: rhrua,ry. 7-a5; Mrcti, $8 0". Prime . alsike. Prim timothy, $1.30. Birksagf t NEW YORK. Dec. 15 The Produce Ex-cli-nae wtll be Uvl UeeeniU- ti. M and Jauory 4 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ia Dall and Sluggitb, with Sale Ligbteit for EcTeral Weeks. ATTEMPTS TO ADVANCE PRICES FAIL Ranters of ( haaae I. I. eh la h aad t ., H. It. lease a. Advance I. Maay Hallraad Issaes aether Rise la Amalgamated Copper. NEW YORK, le-. 15. The subsidence of speculative activity In stock was very marked today, the total sales for the day making u smaller total than for several montne. A dull and sluggish market Is the normal consequence of such a shaking up as prlcea have recently sustained ano the postponement of this sulisidetice has been the cause of some surprise. It was evi dent that the urgency of liquidation whs greatly moderated and practically com pleted, but attempts to force price upwanl met with continual checks. The absence of any selling pressure left the price level constantly atove lat night and afforded encouragement to persistent renewals of the advance. A the opening the rise was most pro nounced and the market most animated, largely on account of a reversal of views which caused the sharp relapse In yester day's late market. But the sensitiveness then demonstrated that the light current of rumor waa a strong factor In the spirit of caution that ruled throughout. The course of Amalgamated Copper was still of dominant Influence, and Its advaui-e brought quick response at other points in the list. Coalers were conspicuous fea tures In the opening advance, particularly Reading, the favor shown that group being due to flattering reports of conditions In the coal Industry. The belief that the new control of the Cincinnati, Hamilton Day ton avstem waa destined for the benefit or Erie helped that stock, as well a the coaler generally. Revised mtnef" of the disposal of Iehlgh Navigation also played a part In that particular movement. The Metropolitan Traction group was affected hy the announced Intention to enter on subway projects In New York City and the simultaneous depression ot tnternorougn Rapid Transit on the curb was attributed to the name cause. The UniteM States Steel stock". especially the preferred, were steadily accumulated. Trade reports were of very large orders for various lines of finished prodncta, Including steel rails. The successful conclulnn of the lndon stock market settlement, about which ome anxiety had beenfclt. was helpful to this market. Negotiations were In progress looking to gold shipment to Berlin ana there was a small engagement for South America. Money was both easy for call loans and on time, and confidence waa felt that with the lightened demand for specu lation In the stock market there waa no danger of any stringency In the future so far a descried. The midden online gave rise to some rumor that some Important development was hanging over the market, such as a decision In the Northern Securi ties case or a more definite formulation of the administration plan of dealing with the regulation of railroad freight rate. In the same vague category waa the supposition that assistance had been extended to a financial Institution, which rumors yester day weakened the late stock msrket. The tone of the market continued up to the last, but the closing was steady and consider able advances for the day resulted. Honda were dull and Irregular Total sales, par value. $3,235,000. United State bonds were unchanged on call. The Quotation on the New York stock exchange ranged a follows: Sale. High. Low.Clo". Atchison 3.500 83 82 83 do nrefen-ert'W 1W4 loi-n mm Baltimore Ohio ....22,300 100 99 99 do preferrel 97 Canadian Pacific . Centra! of N. J.... Ches. Ohio- Chicago A Alton... 800 129 128 128 1?' IKS 1!J 3.200 000 47 46 4 40 38 38 do preferred su Chicago G. W Chicago & N. W... C. M. ft St. P 4.910 1.100 22 J04 22 202 2:t 11,500 187 106 17 do preferred Chicago T ft T .. 400 12 40 21 .. 1 89 .. l.ono 21 . . 4"0 57 . . 400 24 .. 1.500 185 11 20 89 11 21 87 21 do preferred C, C C. ft St. L. Colorado Southern 50 do 1st preferred., do 2d preferred... 5fi 58 33 33 84 1K4 Del. ft Hudson .. . 184 Del.. Iick. ft W... 32 Denver ft R. O 'ioo "so" 30 86 35 73 54 89 92 152 29 87 85 73 64 88 92 152 27 64 do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.. do 2d preferred... Hocking Valley ... do preferred Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern .... do preferred Louisville ft Nash. Manhattan L Met. Securities .... Met. Street Ry Minn, ft St. L 1.300 87 ...15.800 38 ... 3.7m . . . 200 ... l'0 ... 1 ... 6.4 74 54 89 92 153 1.400 2V 19 U0 62 62 28 51 23.700 138 138 138H t 1K1 j W lie .... 4,300 7:1 7 77 ....10,700 121 118 11! 80 M.. 2i0 87 87 87 144 M , St. PASS do preferred Missouri Pacific ... Mo.. Kan. ft Tex.. ...10.100 100 105 100 ... 1.4I0 30 29 29 It ... 3o0 62 61 61 do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. pfd tx4 N. Y. Centrnl 2.2)0 136 135 134 Norfolk ft Western.. 7.9"0 78 77 7K do preferred Ontario ft Western... I.OoO Pennsylvania 24.9HO P., C. C. ft St. L Reading 110,300 do 1st preferred do 2d preferred 2U0 Rock Island Co 18 800 do preferred 50 St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. 300 8t. Louts 8. W 1.900 43 135 43 134 do preferred Southern Pacific .. do preferred Southern Railway . do preferred Texas ft Pacific .. Toledo, St. 1 ft do preferred .. Union Pacific ... do preferred 1,100 WaDHRti do preferred Wheeling ft I E... Wisconsin Central do preferred Mex. Central Adams ' Exnresa ... American Exprets. U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Exp.. 2 5 113 237 64 30 9i 84 91 7 !Mi 15 37 31 11 Amal. Copner Am. Car Foun. ., .81.91 ) 66 SO", 91 ,85 63 :j 90 $5 "7 38 do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Smelt. R'f'g.. do preferred Am. Sugar R'f Anaconda, Mill. Co.... ProokMn Rapid T Colo. Fuel ft Iron Consolidated Gaa Corn Products do nreferred Distillers" Securities.. General Electr'e International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American Pacific Mali People'a Gas Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Pal. Car Renubllc Steel do preferred Robber Good di preferred Tnn. Coal Iron V. 8. leather do preferred U. S Pealfv. Imp.... U. 8. Rubber 611O 3i0 400 38 1.700 21 81 2h 101 im 3,600 78 78 in 2.70 139 18K 1t8 t.f) iir lno i' 8 wiO 58 68 a 7ml 4'ti 4'i 58 43 2"1 2o 7 6 14 21 7 40 8t 22 M 2 8"0 20 1.400 20 $oo 20 3' O RnO S.1'0 100 37 184 24 78 36 14 76 1 "0 .QUO 100 ioo 4li 41 SOO 105 10 lo-n 37U rru, 37 ioo no 25 24 14U, ; Fo cu fin; 18 in 7 '' ST, STli 17 284 11 "V, "5 01 7U 'IP4 im mlV, 8, 7 t 178 t.joo 11 1.m l.wio 100 3 trn si ton 5 A4 8 17 5 Olio l'v; 1.300 80 do preferred U 8 St-el do nreferred TVoatlnrpe.ise Elec. .. 1 sin . sno "0 et 4 88 17U, "74 W-tern Union 1.10D ' 2 Tntsl sales for the day. 734. " ahares, tw York Mlalna Sleeks. NEW YORK. D-e. 15 -The following ar the rinsing auotntlce- mnr.g slocks Adorns Cos r fUlttls rwf 1 Alio 40 flree) II tmmawlrk Con w I'oraotwli Tunntl . ... I Cun. I'ol A V. 1W Hots Kllfor tU Iron SIKor 10 Lsodrlll t oo 1 ontorts St( Onhlr , lim Pnoenti Putool 11 ' It Slerr Noradl ....... 41 Small Ho)Ol H SUndsl-a .., ...10 tatemeat af Baak ef PARIS. Dec. 15-,Th weeklv statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes la circulation, decrease. 1.160 1 franca; treasury accounts current Increase, 14.964.nno franca; g,ld In hand, decrease. 8 975 bo francs: btlui ILmcourXnd, decreaee 275 o franc,; .),.r (n bands, la cisase, 11, 5. (tie francs. Trrnsrr atateaseat. WAHHINQTON. Ic l,Today a state nient cf the treasury balani e In the gen ertl fund, exi lusiv of u 1130 fm,ei4) gold reserve lu : tlis division of redemption. 134 75 78 77 77 89 82 . 83 81 32 30 31 33 83 81 $ 6 65 24 24 . 24 800 65 55 64 15,400 61 60 81 1.000 118 117 117 6.600 34 33 33 80 96 : 9.-1 1.000 . 34 33 83 W.. 100 83 35 34 100 61 61 50 41.900 1 08 107 108 95 94 W .'IV Zl 1 5i , 42 42 42 100 18' 18 11 1.8i0 21 21 21 ? 44 44 44 1,400 , 21 , 2o . 0 100 20$ . 303 shows avsllshlo cwsh balance. $14.1 k!:V.6; Hold. r.01!.r7. "eve Yrk :e.ey Market. NE WYORK. Dec. IS M"NKY On cell: Market steadv at 24i3 per cent: closing hid 2 per cent: orird at per cent. Time joans: Mitrket easy nnd dill: slxtv and ninety days and six months. 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4tt4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Market strorg. closing firm, with actual business In bank ers' bills at $4 874.Vn-4.87Sn for demand nnd at $4.944." 4 .V for slxty-diiy bills; posted rates, $4 8Mi4.8. and $!: commcrdil bills. 4 M. SILVER Bar. "Sc: 48c. BONDS Government Mxcan dollars, s'eady and rail- mads Irregular. The following are the quotations on stocks and bonds: f. 8. ret. . reg ...KMsVMlnhltun r. g 4 . .114 do coupon no is, reg do ronpon So now 4. So coupon as old 4t. So eouson Atchison res .. t4 fie lv Im-' ...104 Vlnn f. L In... ...W4,M.. K A T 4 ..lit So ...1VN. K R. or M. r ...1MVN. Y r. . S ...ftai'N. J ' g. 5s. . . .!( . . 4. II. ...l'siS no 1) 4t Atlantic C. 1j. 4.. Hi I. a okln 4.... SO lit! Contra) of Re. im. . so lt Inr Ch. Ohio hlMfn A. JH C , B Q n. im. V. M. A 8 P. 4 C N. W. r. 7 C. R I. r. 4a. ... ns 7o. rrmc im.. ... w do " .. iia N. W. r. 41 :.t 0 8 I.. 4a pr... to:i Penn on. W Readins gen. 4 Iut'4 St. L. a I V. r J.O..P4S st. 1,. a r ft 4. ..lit .. t ..107 .. . .ton St 1.. 8 W t. . . ltlH Srahoord A I.. 4l So. Ps.lllc 4s.... So HhiIwit t.. . Tetn P. It T.. St. I,. W. I'nlon Parlflr 4. do cofiv. 4m f S sroel ;d Im Wohoh 1 do deb. B e.'. L K 4 .. .. M'o ..til . MS . VS . .pus .. .H .117 .. r.t4 .. M .. :'W .. 4 dO COl fv. at. u a. 4..ii hh-aoo Tor. en Tohoero 4 t'olo it So. 4s n a r. a. Krlr prior Pen 4o. do sen. 4o r. w. a d. v. u. Hmklnx Vol. 4f. L. N. unl. 4... Bid. .lelS . IIS ISTsjiWIi. Cuntrot 4.. 11 1 tt Colo. Kuol e. r.. IdS'tl Boston stock Market. ROSTON. Dec. 15 Call loans, :ifj4 per rent; time loans, 4&6 per cent. Official rinsing or stocks and Bonus: Atchlnon ad. 4i. .. . do 4k Moi. Central 4a Atrhlson do pfd Poton ft Alltonr... Boston a Maine Roston Klorated .. Kltchhtir pfd Mei. Ontral N. T.. N H. H Pore Marquott . t'nlnn Pnrlltr Arnrr. Arro. Pheta. . ssHIWeatlnt-. common .101:Adnturf , 71 lAllouoa . Wt1 Amalfamated .Ml V American Zlnr .9sl;Atlnt.- .14 Bingham .I.-.J Cal. Hecla .l:iVOnt-nnil . s4)i copper Hance .IM ilalv Went . 71 lDomlnlon Coal ... . lirfVr-ranalln . II JOraner . 84 ifnlo Rovnlo . IS Moi Mining . r,', . 17H . 84 . 1!H . 14 . .Vt'i .C4f, . !l . M . It . (4 . 10', . 4' . S3 . . . ' . 4'i . Il4 . SIH . s 10 J . 'i .US . to 4, . n, . 4J'i 4 . 11 .10i lo pfd Pnou. Tut. Sugar Amor. Amor. ...m Mlrhlxan 'Mohawk ...1411 Mont. ' . . . 1 Old Dominion ... M Onreola ... 1H Parrot ...t iQnlsey ...lKt iHhannon ... 14 Tamarark ... t iTrlnltv ... U S. Mining ...lor. iV. 8. oil ... R ftah ... 31S Vlitnrla . . . V Winona do pfd Amor. T. a- T. . . . Amor, wooion do pfd Dominion I. 8. Krtl.on Elrr. Illu. Oenertl Klertrtc . Maa. Kleelrle ... ' do pfd Mass. Ga t'nltd Fruit I'nlted Shoe Mai-h do pfd I. 8. Steel.. do pfd Wolvsrlne Asked. "Ex-divldend. 'Hid. London atock ttnotatlon. TXNDON, Dec. 15. Closing on stocks and bonds: Conaola, money .. do arcount Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore Ohio 87 15-16IN. V. Central l!:S 88 1-IC Norfolk W S0 5 do pfd 4 ...IS Ontario ft W 44 ...1044r-ennavivanla lOiaiKand Mlnea .. US .. MS .. 4f. .. 41'., .. 4',, .. 88 .. 82S ..110 .. 7V .. S .. 0 .. 21', Canadian Pari 0c lit Reading 1 noa. a onto 41 Chicago at. W 23 C. M. ft St. P .171 do I at pfd do d pfd Southern Ratlway do pfd 1 , Southern Pacific .. , I'nlon Pacific do pfd l S. Steel do pfd Wahmh do pfd DBrr 11 jirnver a a. u hi do pfd Mt4 Erie t an in pro lf, do td pfd t Illinois central ir4 Loula. ft Kaah 141 4S 9 M., K ft T S0' Spanlah 4a SILVER Rar. steady, 28 lo-16r per ounce. 1 tr vein. The rat of discount In the onen market for short bills Is 2'u2T Pr cent; for llii-ee months' bills, 2 13-lti2 per cent. Foreign Flna.clal. IX)NDOX, Dec. 15,-Money was In letter demand In the market today for Stock ex change requirement.,'! Dkecntint were af fected by the price of bar gold snd con tinental exchange. .Omtlie Stock exchange there waa a lietter .tendency. There was some anxiety regardlneithe outcome of tho account, with the completion of which op erators were largely occupied ConsoM were firm. Americans opened weak, recove ed. becamo moderately aotlve, fluctuated, were very sensitive and closed unsettled. Kaffir were Arm. Gold Fields a-ere the feature. Imperial Japanese government 6 of 1904 were quoted at 95. PARIS, Dec. 15.--The tone 011 the Hnurso today was heavy, subsequently becoming stronger and at the close was firm. Fear In regard to the passage of tho proposed Income tax law depreened rentes. Rio Tln tos were very firm. Russian Imperlsl 4 a-ere quoted at 92.20, snd Ruaalan bonds of 1904 at 501. BERLIN, Dec. 15. The tone of tho Rourse today was adversely sfTected by a report circulated here thut the United States con gress Intends to Investigate the Steel trust. , . Statement Baak of England. I XI N DON Dec. 15. The weekly statement of the Bank of England chows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 4:l, 000; circulation, decreased flM.tlOO; bullion, decreased 667,661; other securities. In crense.l 61,0)1); other- depoeltH decreased 692.000; public, deposits. Increased 294.000; note reserve, decreiiacd 276.0un; govern ment recurltle. unchanged. Proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week, 45.87 per cent, aa compared with 45.93 per cent Inst week. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 15. M ETAI8 The London tin market continued firm, but was much leaa excited and the net gains were small. Spot closed at 136 2s 6d and future at 131. locally the market was quiet; de mand ls not materializing at the advance as a result of the Ixmdon strength and noma holders showed an Inclination to grant concessions. Spot Is quoted at $29.00 Si 29.60. Copper was a little lower In Iajii ion. closing at 86 15s for spot and 66 fs 6d for futures. Locally the market Is more or less nominal. Broadly speaking quota' tlons range from $14.7515.00 for the out side would seem to better represent the market. Electrolytic $M.25&14 60; canting, $14.6itg14.76.' Iead cloned at $480(4.70 lo cally, while It was a little lower at 12 16s In the Ixindon market. Ppelter was unchanged at $5,754(5.87 In New York and at 25 In I-ondon. The Iron market was unchanged at 62a 6d In Qlu'-gow and alight 1 y lower at 47 9d In Mlddleshoro. Locally demand Is less active ant) the tone of the market no better than steady No. 1 foundry, northern. No. 1 southern and No. 1 soft are quoted at $17.0i8 17.50; No. 2 northern at $l.5)i17.0a 8T. LOUIS. Deo. ll METALS--Lead: Market steady; $4.664.62. - Spelter: Market firm at $5.75. Wool Market. ' BOSTON, Dec. 15.-WOOI-BtlsineHA Is light In the wool market, with about stendy prices. The depletion lit the various stocks has left the selection for traders poor aa a rule and prices paid make the grades cost relatively high. Traders expert continued Arm nrleea. especially In view of the strength In the English and Australian markets Territory wooia are quiet, pulled grades have advanced. Foreign markets s re reported firm. Territory and Idaho Fine. 184fl9cl heavy fine. IWIo: fine me dium,$c; medium, 22rr23c; low me dium, 23ft24o. Wyoming Fine, 17ft1Ro; neavy nne. latrine; nne manium. I718ct medium. 23tT24c: low medium. 23tff24c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 17j18c; heavy fine. 1 Vff lite; fine medium. 17M3e; medium. 22-ffJSc; low medium, M4P. Dakota Fine, 18fl9c; fln medlurn. 18'qlHc: medium, 23fi24c. Mon tana Fine choice, V ft Tic; fin average, 19li $0c: fine medium choice 21fi22c: average 18 t!0c: atate staple fi23c; medium choice. 23',5c; sversee, 21W22c. ST. IUI8. Dc. 15-WOOL-8teadv medium grd-s combing and clothln t light fln i8f2Sc; heavy fine, 14018c tnb mashed, 2741 o. t ' car aadl Molaaaea. NEW YORK. Dec 16. SUQAR-Raw firm; fair refining. 4c; centrifugal 96 test' 93o: molasses sugar. 4e; refined, firm' No. $. $6.U6; No. 7, $5 00: No. $. $4 90- No $4 86; No. 10. $4 80; No 11. $4 70; No. h $4 Si No. 13, $466; No. 14. $4 50. Confectioner' at $6 60; mould. $6.00; cut loaf, $4:45; crushed $36; powdered, $6 75; granulated, $6. $5; MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans oncn kettle, good to chide. 304537c. opcn NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 15 SUGAR Mar It t strong; open kettle, 9ti4V4c; oien ket l1"nJ1,u,,S.r4:iTn'r'fualwhiteS, 4 lS-M,6c; yellows. 44 13-16c; seconda, tsyt i-ic. MOLASSES Steady: open kettle lMIOc centrifugal, 7jfJ0c; syrup steady ' at 22' 26e. Cea? Market. NEW YORK. Dec. U.-COFFEB-Market for future opened ateadv at an advance of 10 pointa 011 July and 6 points higher on other positions. The market waa Anally steady with ail month' t pointa blgher, except November, which was unchanged. Seles were reported of 121. 760 begs. Includ ing December at 7.20c; January. 7 26c- Sep tember. 0lu"i.lic: October, $.:-,; Novem ber, latv. aVA Ru BUtady; Nw. J ,a OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET aaMss-. , Tao Many Cattle ot Sale and Market Baled Very Slow and Lower. HOGS SOLD GENERALLY STEADY More Moderate Rerrlpta f sheep and Trsdlaa Was Arlhr, Tilth Price 8trons a. Roth Fat tan and Feeders. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 15, 184. Official Mondav 6.19s 3.5M 4.4.33 ORIcliil Tucsdy $.227 9W Offlcmi Wednesday d.HBi 1".2-H ..Sil Oftlclal Thursday 4.') l.o"0 4w Four davs this ci k ..!'.' 5l :i"..n'-8 U.:' Rime das last week ...1.4;1 tl.'J It.Kii Same days week hernr.-..18.r.'it oit.SH 2".:W fume three weeks ngo. .2".9U !t.Zf '.".'.Ijt Same four weeks ago 2i,:H'i JfH.i't 31.8-') Seme rtnys hist vein- 1H.52H 41.328 24.72.1 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The tollowli.g table ihuws tlm leceipla at csttle. hogs and shet p st Sou'.li I'ltiilu 10' the year to uate, with comparl-Oua Willi last ai : . 1304. 1903. Ins. Da Cattle !i.Mtl l,04.i,iD0 UJ.fJ HoS-s 2.JH..lo i.UH.iy-i 79.74J Shtep l.718,Hi7 l.MH.oM 97.7.6 The 'lollowuig taoie t-lioa-s Vlie uverjK price or hogs at Cxuui tuuahu tur thu lust several daya. with Ctunpsrl.sons: Data. 1 l$u. I9UJ. ij3 ltvl. 1$00. (If. 1$M. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. N o v. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nov, Dec. Dc. Dec. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 14.. 15.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20 . il.. 22.. m.. i4.. &. il . Ul.. 29.. $.. 1.. .. 3.. ... 6... ... 8... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. ! ay'i .1 3 I 4 ta 1 I 4 .1 , I 8l i Wl I Mi . 4 t 1 .. 4 47', ! 62:, :i 4 ;! I 4 1l I 4 42; I 42, I 6 I J' al I I 1,4 41, I 4 S9 I 4 3o 1 1 4 2i: I 4 Sl I 4 ; 4 67 I ! 4 ,0 4 4 4 4 4 44. A,! 4 V0 4 ltt I 4 20 v4', 4 341 4 ;, I .', 4 11' 4 43 irn 4 37! 4 S2 4 Kit 4 4ri 4 471 4 49! 445r 4 40, e 28i 41 1 111 rv 6 L.i, SzSI I5l' 6 )4 6 99 " I 6 0-' Vj C 09; 6 UB 14; 6 22 21' S07! 0 6 1-1 6 ( 5 9)il 6 9 I 6 09; 5 at; 6 o, Ml 631 t 4W v 1 6 M 75 a tMi, I $ 7i 6 79 6 73 5 85 00 I 6 $61 41 ff 6 $2 6 )'., $ 09, "0 I C Hi 6 13 Hi 6 16, 6 21! 21 I 4 4J7I 4 Mi 4 4-, 4 7$f 4 7o, 4 i 4 7 4 6 86 ,1 4 87 4 7 4 71 4 741 $ 2 I 41 I SOI 8 J Ml 3 3i li,l 3 tail 3 J 1 8 ; 3 $i 3 ! 3 8 Ml 8 37 3 (.0 3 44 S $2 $ U 1 hi 3 - $ 23 I76 . '.3 $ 3 s 3 19 3 711 3 21 3 74) 3 26 $ til 3 2J 1 a .-. 3 61 3 Wl 3 ?i 3 Ml S 35 U M 8 -' 8 3 $ 30 3 901 3 1-8 I 3 31 3 92 3 95 3 37 3 9f 3 3$ 3 96 3 33 3 95. 3 - 4tl 41 4 64! 4 68 4 77, 4 84 4 ol 4 7S 485! 4 S2 4 77 4 81 1 4 86 4 841 I 4 4t. 4 41 I 4 .! Indicates Sundsy. indicate!! holiday. The official niuiioer of cars of stock V4111I' C, M. & St. P. Ry..., 6 Wahash Missouri Pacific Ry.. 24 logs. Bh'p 41 4 3 .. 1 3 17 1 8 1 IIS 4 J 2 18 4 ! 5 . . 1 4 1 155 19 I'nlfin Tm Ui'ilnm C. & N. W. Ry 4 F E. & M. V. R. R.. 21 C St. P.. M. & O.... 11 li. ei M. Ry 39 C B. & Q. Ry 17 K. C. Ht. J 3 C, R. I. & P., enst.. C, K. I. oi P.. weft.. 1 Illinois Central 2 Chicago O. W 3 Total receipt .i: The dlsporltmn of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 3)i7 1.330 300 owllt and Company M2 l.HW ,49 Cuduhy Packing Co Wis 2.301 tin Armour Co i!3 i'.sjs mi Cudahy P. Co., K. C 6:;l Cudahy P. Co., H. City'4 .... Armour & Co., 8. City 1,94 vunsant Co 67 Carey & Bentoiv Lobman & Co 10 .... .... McCreary & Cnry 49 AV. I. Stephen 51 HIM & Huntslnger 98 Huston & Co 9 11 ami I ton Rothschild.. 2i L. F. Hiiie . 57'. Wolf & MulllHll 8f, .... Mike Haggerty tii; J. U. Root tit Co 24 Cudahy. Denver 151 .... .... Other hueyrs 1,044 .... 3l Totals 4,671) 10.244 3.188 CATTLE There were noc ns many cattle reported this morning as arrived yieterday, but Including what was carried over from yesterday, there was more than enough on sale to mee the Immediate requirement of the trade. Trains were a little more prompt In arriving than they have been for tne last two days, hut still they delayed the market to some extent. The market on cornfed steers could not bo quoted anything but dull and weak to a alme lower. Unfavorable reports were re ceived from other points tint puckers con tinued their bearish tactics Even the bet ter grades did not srll readily at shaded prices. A com pu red with the close of hut week, common to fair cattlo are around 25ii3c lower nnd the choicer grades have been so ex-arcc that It la hard to tell how much lower they un, but probably 10c to 2iju would cover the decline on good to choice cattle such as packer curl use for their Christmas trude. It wus late today before anything like a clearance whs made. The cow market was also slow mid lower. The common and medium grades of cows are fully 2.Vfi35c lower and In some cases sales have been mode as much 11s 4oc luwcr than the same kinds were selling for at the close of last week. Packers do not seem to rare for anything but the cholcist grades and consequently will not take the commoner kinds unices they can get them at a low figure. Salesmen were forced to carry over quite n few from yesterday be cause none would buy them. At n late hour today there were still a good many cow In llrsl hands, with trading very slow. Feeding built have held nearly stendy all the week, but fat bulls are slow and lower. Rest venl en Ives are about steady, but oth ers slow and lower. The demand for stockers and feeders was again limited this morning and with the exception of a few of the choicest grades the market showed a decline from yester day of 6!il0c. Repreaentatlve sale: KEEF STEERS. AT. ... 44 ... 1X4 ...ll'll ... 77 ... ....l"S ... 731 . . . 1W.0 ... 910 ... M ... 770 ...100S Pr. 1 :s 1 1 10 4 00 4 00 4 16 1 7S 1 76 1 75 1 80 1 XI t 0 t 00 No. 17.... m.... SI.... !.... ite.... 11 ... COWS. 6 ... 10.... .... I.... 11.... 4.... It.... ' It.... Av. ..lost ..I17S . .is:j ..1J4T . .1464 .1074 ..1014 . .1030 .. 181 .. 71 Pr. 4 4 40 4 40 4 (0 4 .'.5 I 0 t u I 3.1 I 40 I 40 I 40 I M ..1203 .11X8 1 (0 874 1 Otl J7 1 M .1011) t 10 , M0 2 20 . t-'O S SO .ITT t :o . 144 I !ll .10K4 I ti 14 1.... J ... -4.... II.... 11.... 11... 3.... M II.... 4... t ... ...1073 I ta -I to I to ...K'JO ...100 ...1071 ...1064 ...HOD ... 7113 k..113 ...U?l ... . ...11U0 I 70 I 70 I 15 10 I K) i M 3 00 I Ml 3 10 t M I t m ...1011 ... 7 ...1000 t Si ...l')70 S IS K0 S6 .1220 COWS AND HEIFERS. .1113 tin .1184 I 10 . ia in . 711 t i;, . .' 4M I 76 . 610 I 71 . (7 .1 1 SO .70 8 io HEIFERS. i.. t.. I.. I.. t.. 14.. It.. I.. 1.. J i 00 II. t 10 14.... 620 I 10 470 J 33 740 484 IM t 31 I 66 I 40 BULLS. ..1? ..1110 t 76 I I 16 1 CALVES. .1270 t 36 14V40 I lu 144 I 00 3. 333 I IS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 10 3 76 1 73! I It 10 744 I 16 14 121 I 16 10 IM IK 7 tli t 16 1 160 I 00 11 810 I 36 HOOS The bos; market was in good Shape at thla point today, although Chit ago was reported 6c lower. Parkers started in to buy their supplies for a little leas money and In a few cases succeeded In grtlng some hoga a shade lower than the same kinds brought yesterday. It soon became evident, however, that the demand was brisk and fully equal to the supply, which waa not large, snd the market strengthened and liecame very active. The hulk of the hogs sold at just about steady prices as compared with yesterday snd for a time the msrket waa a little stronger. Every thing wast sold at an early hour with the eicrptlon of a few late anlvula. The bulk of the hoga went at $4$7ti44o, with the choicer loads at $4.4:''a4.4o. Sums of the heavy packing grades and also a few early sales went around $4.36. Representative suit: . Av. Bk. Pr. No. Av. 8k. Fr. .MI a 4 6 U 141 IM, 4 40 IM ... IK I'i .. 120 4 16 64 320 !M 300 4 86 81 241 .no lo 4 ll 1: 312 4 4 4 4 4 4i 4 4 4 40 4 u 4 to 4 4 4 40 4 4 I U . IM . 4 36 U t:t 11 K O 4 36 60 4 S 4 4 36 ... 11, . . 4 M. ia lu 76 2-4 ' 41 ) .36 ..Ut .216 . tJ4 .l 1.. 2. .M lit 17. av M ' 6. i: 61. V.. It t 7 84 T.8 41., 41 II 4C4 44 TJ. .174 44 J.72 ?4 4 4t 4 4e I l 4 e 4 4" 4 e 4 4.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 8 4 4S 4 4s 4 40 4 4 4 4" 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 In 4 4" 4 40 4 4i 4 4" 4 4fl 4 4" 4 4n 4 4tl 4 42V, 4 4J', 4 42 V, 4 4.", 4 42', 4 4, 4 4 4 4 7, 4 47, 4 47. 4 4i 4 46 4 45 :.. . 4, . 56 . 47 . 47.. fl 71 . U . .. 14.. 2.. 4S . 47.. 41.. 4.. ,6. . 4 . 64 . . . 63. . 49.. 74.. 44 . . . 4 .. -.'.. II. . .. 64 . 41.. 44 . 33. . SI.. 8. . 10. 1.. 43.. ,.. S3 . . in ..::l . 1.1 ..41 '."ii . .:n . 21 . 3I . 2' . i-3 ..26 ..JM ..T ..m . t't ..2i . ..IM ..271 .. .347 . !73 ..J .114 ..;T ..; . .w ..JM . ..:7i . .3M ..14.1 . tns . .JOS . -lrvl . .327 .. . . .' - .;UJ 4 H7'! 4 4 4 27-, 4 J7, 4 r.'m 4 37 4 , 4 4 S7, 4 IT, 4 ni 4 I7 4 4 8.4 4 37 4 37v 4 87 4 17', I 37', 4 I7. 1?!' J..1 .I'l,- :4.i 17 t-. If Hi' 0 n IS is rs .2-: . '6 . .?! . .1M .232 . 212 . 24 ..Ml . f. ..3" .33 . . 2:2 ..rt" . 284 . K4 .27'. . ,24-J 40 S4, . 41. . .. 61 . 61.. i: . - 74.! Ht.. f. . I.. If . 80 . . 61. I'M 74 . . 74 W . St.. 7. . :o m :io ii 14" ii 1l I?" 441 4' io 140 40 : 4 7 4 J74, 4 17", 4 37', 4 37', 4 371, 4 37', 4 ST', 4 37', 4 27', 4 S7W 4 7't 120 . .-, 4 ' . .2' ..2: ..! ..:- ..113 . . y.:t . 247 . .266 I.''" !n 40 . .234 .11 . .: ..181 . . .214 . 2"4 4 37L, 4 37', 4 J7', 4 37', 4 371, 4 37), 64. UMKEP-There wss Iglit fun of sheep and lambs reDortrd this moi-iuig and scl eral trains were late In arriving, riuyers. though, were anxious for supplies and os a result everything that would do to kill sold freely at steady to strong pi lees. The quality of the early arrival was not particularly good, with the exception of some wethers that sold for $6.1.. 'o tint the sales on paper do not .how the strength of the market. Aa cmpard wlih the cost of last week the general matket on fat sheep and lambs can safelv he quoted laf 25c higher, with trading active at the ad va nee. The few feeder that are coming for ward are also selling to good advantage, price being stronger than at the close of Inst week. The sale of feeder htmhs yes terday at $.V40 wns the, top price of the season to date. Toward noon several cars of fa' sheep find lambs arrived and ns jmrker bad their more orders filled and advices from other points were less favorable the market closed slow anil weak with some sales quite a little lower than the high time. (Quotations: Oood to choice yenrllngs. $5.00115.25; fair to good yearlings. $ good wethers, $4.35'&4.4i; good to "huh-c cw. $4.1514.40; fair to good ewee $3.8t-fi 4.16; good to choice lambs. $5.75i.); mlr to eood lamb 13SMY6.76- feeder vearllrgs. $4.00 1.50; feeder wcthets. $4.flfi4 25: fecdVi Representatlve sales: No 21 If 4 35 2l n mi r e 4 : 114 n 4 .l . . 4 37 S m ' 4 sm m 1 :, av. Pr 80 2 6 H 4 to 121 4 4)) I 5 ) 8 4 W :m 4 5 ion 4 50 1 16 5 00 117 5 15 49 5 25 60 5 25 92 5 30 C3 6 50 42 5 5 123 6 tO P5 4 tl 94 4 15 91 4 25 58 6 60 62 C 50 70 6 (81 7 4 50 60 4 50 168 4 0)". 17)1 4 6 126 5 60 87 6 25 105 t. 25 92 6 25 14" 1 121 1 120 14 western western cull ewes, ewe western ewes wi-stern ewe western ewes western ewes 6 3 213 69 179 western ewes a t stern ewes western wethers western lambs western lambs 245 western yearlings.. . bi western iambs 10 western Inmhs 6 western Inmhs 121 western ewes 4X1 western ewes 400 western ewes 53 western lambs Ill western lambs 302 western lambs 2 native cull lamb 2 native cull lambs I nntlve ewe 1 cull ewe 2 native aethers 35 native lntnhs 6 native '.am lis 39 native lambs CHICAGO L1VK 8TOIK MARKET tattle Steady, Hon Strong. Sheep Lower and Lambs Weak. CHICAOO. Dec. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head. Market steady, good to prime steer. K0f7.W; poor to medium. $3.75f 5.75; titookor and feeders, $2.15i4.15; co,s, $1.00fil.2S; heifers. $1.7665.00; canneis, $l.H0fi 2.$0; bulls, $2.0iy.i4.2O; cnlves, $3.30&7.Xl. HOOS Receipt. S8.0W head Market strong; mixed snd butchers'. $4.3fyg4.67',,; good to choice heavy, $4.65ft4.65; rough heavy, $4.SiH4.42; light, $4.3014.45,; bulk of sales, $4,454)4.55. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Receipts. 22,000 head. Market for rheep. 10-ifl5c lower; for lambs, weak; good to choice wel.iiis, $4.60 f(5.60; fair to choice mixed. 3.5J7 4.75; west ern aheep, l4.0O4Jin.75; native lambs, $5.0K 5.20; western lambs, $5.0Ufi6.25. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 15. CATTLE Re ceipt. 6.81M head. Including l,5i) southerns; market slow and steady to a shade lower; choice export nnd dressed beef steers, $5.00&tf.50; fair to good, $3 50. 00; western fed steers. $3.50a6.5o; stocker and feeders, $2.50(fi4.0O: southern steers. $2.51-4.50; south ern cows, $l.75f?3.25; native cows, $1 76f 4.26: native licffers 82.60t)(35; bulls, r.'.0"'O 4.0i': calves, $3.0066.50. HOGS Receipts, 500 head: market steady to 5c higher: top, $4.66; bulk of sales. $4.30 4.56; heavy. $4.55'a4.G5; packers, $4.404.66; piss and lights, $3.8Tn 4.47. SHEEP AND LAMHb Receipts. .0CK head; market steady and active; native lambs, $5.004i6.75: iiHtlve wethois. $l.6oro-3.li0; native ewes, $4.i".'g4.75; western lamhs, $5.00 (716.65; top pi Ice best for heavy; western yearlings, $4.'H'ri5.25, western sheen, $3.75iff 4.75; stoi kers and feeders, $2.60H4.5o. St. I.ool Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 13-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.IK8) head. Including 200 Texan. Market dull but steady: native shipping nnd export steers, $o.0lifi4l.&0; extra fancy steers, $7.00 8.00; dressed beef and butcher steer, $4.00f(j 5.60; steers tinder 1.0)10 lbs., $3.0o6.00; stock era nnd feeders, $2.00US.50; cows and heifers. $2.2644.65: canncrs, $1.50S2.10; bulls, ti.ZVct 8.50; calves. $2. 50ft 1. 76; Texas and Indian steers, 12. .19 4.60; cows and heifers, $2.0o'if 2.75. HOOS Receipts. 8.600 head. Market steady: pig and lights. $3.76tj4.5o; packers. $4 454)4.66; butchers' nnd best heavy, $4.lW 4.60. SHEEP AND IAMRS- Receipts, 1.000 head. Market strong and sctlve: native muttons, $4.13)4.9(1; lambs, $4.606'00; culls and bucks. U-X'qVit; stockers, $2.003.00; Texsns, H.(8K-U4).0O. 3lew York Lire Stock Market, NEW YORK. Dec. 15.-REE VES-Re-cclpts, 171 head; none offered for sale, to day; market feeling steady; dressed beef unlet: native side. 71l9c per pound: ex tra beef. 910c; exports tomorrow, 250 sheep. CALVES Receipts, 254 head: market steadv: veals, $5.00fi9.00: little calves, $3. 618ft 4 00: barnyard calves, $3 00; no westerns; dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals. HtftlOVfre per wiund; dressed burnyurd nnd fed calve. 4'ff4!c. t H009 Receipts. S.690 head; market steady; good to nrlme state hogs, $.UkUf. 15 ; light Hnd pigs. $3.25. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2 988 head: sheep full steudy: lauib 10i2c lower; sheep, $5.30?) 3V choice, $5.56; one deck. $8.12; cull. $5.60476 00. It. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Deo. 15 CATTLE Receipts, $.003 head. Market weak to 10c lower; na tives, $5.75; cows and heifers, $1.75114.26; Blockers and feeders, $2.6063.78. HOOS Receipts. 12 726 head. Market steady; lights. $4.266 4 60; medium and heavy. $4.3564 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.093 head. Market steady to 10c higher; lambs, $6.60; wethers, $6.15: ewea. $4.60. Sloas City Lira Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 16.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; mitr ket steadv: beevs. $'. cows, bulla and mixed, $2.2rilS3.25; sloclters ind feeders. $2.7563 60; calves and yearlings. $2 25ft 3.2V HOOS Receipts. 6.000 head: market about steady, selling at $4,2664.40; bulk, $4.3&6 4.37. Stock lit Sight. Receipta of live block at the six principal western cities yesterday were ss follows: cattle. South Omaha 4,0)4) 10.5(0 4.0o0 Sioux City 8U0 6.0(10 Kansas Clly $.fc .& U.ohi St. Louis 4.0U0 $ 6"0 I.110O Ht. Joseph $.003 1 2.7LC 4.093 Chicago 3.0U0 38. UH) 22.000 Totala 24.00 M.22t! $7,093 Evaporated Applea sad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Deo. 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Market la quiet, but firmly held with the quoted range. Common ure quo ted at 36!o; prime at 464c; choice at 666c, and fancy at t66c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune are In light demand an far as the local market for apot supplies Is concerned, but prices hold steady, ranging from to cents for California fruit. Apricots are unchanged, as to prices am) trade con ditions. Choice ar held at 10c; extra choice at 106llc, and fancy at U6l6c. Peaches are quiet, but well held at 96" 'of choice: 961c for extra choice and 10 011c for choice. 4111a aaa Rosla. NEW YORK. De 1$. -OILS Cottonseed, steady; prim cruda. nominal; yellow, 253 2..i-. Prtrclrurn. aler; refined. New York,; I'uUadeij.l.i and ilUinr, 17 Hi; bulk. $.(. . Turi'rntlne. quiet at 61f 51.-. . "SIN 4j'ilct ; stralird, common to good, $:.8V.i.' 87. SAVANNAH. Dec. IV Ol lr-Tufrentlne. firm. 47 t irm: A. 11, i K.47: E. $.' .V.. K.; 1. K, $, !; M, $4.3 1; o , $4.7f.; w f .-nir. F. $.: H. $: v- t.i e- ;-, . ' .'.1TV t.... I". ill O lrrt.!! t. nnces' $1 so, er1iflcfe. hit bldt shipments. Si'.V bhls.; aversge. 75.9) hhls : run. 84. .VV, hi Is : average. 67 .,16 hb' Piilpmrnt Mm.. 44..-.7S Ul ls.; average. 5oSi bbls. ; run Lima, t.116 bbls.; aveiage, &tj 218.) fMs. Otl (HA WH01.rl.5 MAMKKT. r-onelltlon ot Trade and Qnntatloas ad aiaplr ana Faacy Prolae. EOUP-Csndled etocav. $6C. . . L1VK POULTR Hs'i'S, 8c; riHstei s. ; turkeve, 14c; ducks, 9c! geese. 8i)9c; spring chicken. 3c. ... Hl'TTER-I'acKli'g stock. I.r; rliolce t nncy aeiry. 17i9c; er.amery. ittl$u fsncy ' FRF FROZEN ?I'l-Trnut. 10r: Oleic. e:el. 8c; pike, lw eerc-. 1; tutl8n. 12c: whi:enh. iw; saithrr.. :t;i rdnappcr. lie; lohsier itrtwil. it"-: lubater tnoieai. oc; tiullheads. U-:: catflh, 14c: ajeck besa. 20rj halibut. 10c; crappiea. ir?-; tee snaa. buffalo, 7c; whue bare. :K-; ting leg. pr doi . 25c. BRAN Per ton, 815 00. HAY-'-Pilre quo'ed bv Dni.ifii bolsl Dealt rV nsoclatl"D: Cholc' No. I MpHnd. I5ii; No, $, $6.00; medium. $6.o: co,re. $.0 Kye strsw. $560. The e prices are for hey of sood col'ir and quality. - OSSTERS-New York counts. nr ea 41c; extra selects, per ci. 37c; eisndarda, mr can. 32t: hulk tf ts ndard:)), ter gal.. I1.35; buik levfra releitsi, per gal $175; bulk (New York lountsi. per sal,. $2 00 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREK9--3 to 5 fret par dox., $1.:J; 5 to 7 feet, ter doi.. RtV; 7 to teet. per dox..; 9 to 11 feet, rr do., $4. So. Lurgc school and church purp.. each 11 to $; extra large, la to -.t). teat, each $2 to $5. EVERGREEN WlUCATtUNO-In, colls of 2 vaid". per oil, Sm to II. . , WREATHS-Miifc-noflk and galia. area ha. per dox , $1 26'l.i"; evcrgrcn wreaths, per doi.. $1. 25616"; holly arfaths, pef d.ia., $ HOLLY PRANCIIKr-Pcr cast 24x2x4 feel, about Mi . Jl 5.': pcr,1bl., $2 00. LONG NEEDLB PINKS-J-rr e. $2.01 2.l"rl MISTLETOE Mistletoe branches, per " lb. oox, $1.25; per lb., ;;oc. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES- Florida, alkrs 12. lf. 17$ 2'0, 216 and 250, $2 006 2.26; Cnllfornla navels, all sixes, f-j i5v3 LEMONS-Callfornla f"rj I2.t. 500 an4 $t). $4 2o- choice. $3.6V. , DATKS I'er box of S0-lt. Haliowl, in ',0 11). box. per 10., F10!4 t'alirornla per 10-lh ideas.. $200; carton. 769 Sac; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. i2c; o Imported crown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; faney twafhed). In 1-lb. nkg 1661'c; Calltornla. per rase of 36 Dkca.. 82.26 BANANAS IV- medium-Fined bunch. $2.nnr2.Bii: Jumhos. $2.7j3.50. OR APE FRUIT-Pel t box of 14 t $4. (5.065.50. FRU1T3. APPLES Jnnathana. Df bhl.. $3.2".; Ren lavls, $2.25; New Yolk Kings, $.1.25; New York Pippins. $2.76; New York Oreenlngs, $2.00; New York Bald, wins. $2.75: Colorado Jonntliaus, $165; Win Saps, per bu. box, $1.60. PEARS Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per bcx, 11.752.25. CHAN HERRI K3 Wisconsin Bell snd Bugle, per bhl.. $8 50; Wisconsin Bell snd Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl., $7.76; per box, $2.73. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg, tC.0,'ih.l1. TANGERINES Florida or California, per box, $2.50. . - VEGETABLES POTATOES New home gruwn. In aacka, par bu.. -.c; Colorado, per bu., IJOc. 1 ", jtNll'B t-'er pu., uc; t-anada rutv bagaa. per Ib. lc. CARROTS Per bu.. 40c. PAR8NIPS-Per bu., 400. BEETS Per bu.. 40c NAVY BEANS Per Bu.. ll.SBffj.Oo. ONIONS Home grown. In sticks, per bu., 00c6410; Spanlah, per crate. $2.10. CI'CUMBERS-Per dox , $1.7562.00. TOMATOES California, per l-basksl crae. $2.76i3.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas klln-drtcd, per bbl.. $2.25. BQUA8H Horns grown, per dox., 60e. , CELERY Per dox., ISfeCOc; Califorola, 45c. RADISHES Per dox., 90c. LETTUCE Hot house, per doa., 40Q60c; MISCELINEOt:S. SAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, ' per keg, $2.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5.20; per bbl.. $3.25. HIDEB No. 1 green. 7c: No. I green. 6c: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. i veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf, Tc: dry raited, 10615c: sheep pelts, 26c6$1.00; hors hides, $1.6063.00. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, . full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 1661e: 'Wisconsin brick. 14c: Wisconsin llinburger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., l.V: No. 1. soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Decans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted pennuts. per lb.; 8c; Chill walnuts. fier lb., I2613c; almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12"15c; new black walnuts, per 011., 75690c; shellhark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-COTTON-Spot market lower; middling uplands, 8c; mid dling gulf, 8.26c; sales, 1.675 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 15.-COTTON Market quiet; sales, 2,3oO bales; ordinary, 5 1-lttc; good ordinary, Cc; low middling, 7c; middling. 7 9-16?; good middling. 7 13-lfic; middling fair. 8 5-ltic; receipts, 17, 229 bales; stock, 46,6!)0 bales. 8T. LOUIS, Dec. 16-COTTON-Qulet ; middling, 7c; sales, 451 bales; receipts, 800 bales; shipments, 392 bales; stock, 32,. 167 bales. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 15 COTTON Spot In moderato demand; prices 1 point higher; American middling, fair. 4.62d; good mid dling. 4.38d; middling. 4 28d; low middling. 4.16d; good ordinary, 4.02d; ordinary, 3.80d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 2,oi) bales were for speculation and export and included 7,6(8) tin lea American. Receipts, none. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Dec. 15.-CORN Quoted higher; No. 3. 42c; No. 4. 41c; no grade, 4' a. Gillespie Case Starts. RIS1NO SUN, Ind., Dec. 15 The trial of James Gillespie, charged with the murder of his twin sister. Elisabeth, began today, after .208 talesmen had been examined be fore a Jury was secured. The Jury visited the scene of the murder nnd after the In structions of the court Harry McMullen presented the rase for the stale. REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record December 15, a furnished by tho Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1611 Farnam street, for The Bee: II. D Reed ami wife to W. R. Glass. lot 6, block 3, Haxel Terrace $ 450 V. KiiibowHkl nnd husband to ll. Ound, el08 feet s7 feet lot 22, block 4, Haskell s sun $,000 Mary A. Mohott to F. M. Park, lot 9, I'lock 4, Persons ft Berry s add Ellxa J. Park mid husband to .7. Mo hott. lots 6. 7 and 8. block 10. Water 48 loo J. Bejousek to Antonio Yeehout, lot 14, 1,0(8) 1,4 block 9. Rromo Park Autonle Yeehout to J. and Bertha Be jousek, m lot 2, block 7, Potter Cobb's ndd Edward Kelly to John Berg, lot 9, blork 8. Albright's Annex , The Equitable Trust company, us ex eoutor. etc., to Anna Houlxlnger, ti30 feet of the s of the c of lot 6. , block 14, Improvement Association ' ndd Henry C. Flower and wife to Nels 61 lO 830 Christian Petersen, lot 20, block 12, Kouutxe itin 11 s ami 1,113 Mary O. Nichols, by her attorney, to Peter N. Grant, lot 7, block 6, Thorn. Irg Place Bankers' Savings and loan association to Horace A. Cameron, lot 7, block I, Boulevard Terrace sub Stephen D. Bangs tind wife to Xaver Dargacsewskl, lots 13 and 14, block 8. Si 1111 ml I add John H. Ievy and wife to Jacob Net- sel. lot 3. block 6. Summit add $i0 8.V) 600 6(81 Fred Harper and wife to Edward G. Clay, lot 11, Moore sun 18) Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated.) flaln Office: Fifth and Robert Streets ST. PAUL, MINN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Orolti to Us raaefc OBlne. $1(8.111 Bear at Trade $!.. Oasaaa, Bleb. TeleheaLSei, $12-214 Exchange Rids.. South Omaha.' BU til ludspaadaiil '"Ue I. 111