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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY I?EE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER lfi. 1904. 10 Friday A Toy Balloon FREE Santa Claus at J. L Brandais & Sons Toyland wilk giva each child accompanied b oarents or guardian a toy balloon tree. B ifWEEN 8 AIND IO A. M. ALL REMNANTS MUST GO! LAST B EuufltJ! SALE BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS- We must clear away more lots ot remnants before the coming great week we need every bit of space and we will price remnants at figurts that will make them go at once. Some of our very finest dress goods at unheard of prices ALL THE REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS CCp that have been selling1 up to $2, SO a yard, at Here are heavy and medium weight tailor cloth, Scotch euitingB for skirts and coats, silk and wool sheer P goods, skirtings, etc., in 3, 5 and 8 yard lengths g worth up to $2.50 yard, at l,1'v $1.50 Dress Goods at 39c a yard All this season's style of mohairs, etamines, panamas, cheviots, etc., in 3, Q 5 and 8 yards lengths all colors and black, at vft 50c and 75c French Flannels at 19c Yard For waistingsQp and children's dresses, kimonas, sacques, etc., yard lol 50c All Wool Dress Ooods for I Traveler's Sample Pieces -ninny each lUli light, and dark colors, yd. EXTRA SPECIAL SILK REMNANTS In the main aisle of silk department we will sell all the short ends of plain and fnncv Bilks nnd vol- 4 ft 1 f ench "T...,?.'?:..?!'.'? .i', IOc, Ivc and 25c 12;000yards of plain China silk 11 pretty colors for fancy work, waists and wrappers, worth 40c yard, at C yard ZJC ' Handkerchief Sale in the Arcade Hundreds of kinds of men's, ladies' and children's handker chiefs, plain white, colored border and il- ff . ff initial styles, in arcade, at OiC, DC and IUC Men's Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes The Best Present of All for a Man Special Prices Friday. A sample line of men's fine (ft I Mens Bath Robes and Lounging Robes I a score of Styles nothing could plea.e a man better the moat com Tiiet.uhlA hiuiaA iV tQ Friday I tn m J.,,. Al.JO (On sale In Overcoat sectlon-TMrd K-hiou A1"v"". ..... "r all wool double cloth smoking jacket, readily worm tt.m) ana ks.uu $5 Floor.) at. BoysVCIothing ii Basement The clothing department in the basement is in its new quarters, on south side, next to cloak department. Boys' $2.50 and $3.00 Reefers at $1 Nearly 10.0 small Qfl sizes left from this season's selling, they are Irish friezes, P meltons, etc no size larger than, 6 in basement, at.... Boys' S3 and $3.50 Knee Pants Boys' 50c Knee Pants Strictly cheviot, in all sizes, Suits Norfolk and ' double breasted style, 11 ges 3 to 15 f Frt makes a fine Christmas g:ift I, JU note the price for Friday Is.... all wool small sizes in corduroys, reinforced seams, at. 25c IN BOYS' CLOTHING DEP'T 3rd Floor Your unrestricted ckoice of all our Buster Brown Suits that sold at $6, $7, $8 and $9. We are exclusive agents for this only if QQ original aud genuine Buster Brown Suits in Omaha f'0 J L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE Fourteen Years Same Location Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONE 1736 The most aensatlve nerves removed with out pain. Loose teeth made olid. Written Guarantee Teeth Extracted With out Pain. Fillings SOc up Crowns $2.80 tip Bridge Work $2.60 up Platas. $2.00 uo Sterling Silver for the table would bring Christmas gladness to the wite. One of our hand some Brooches would do the same for the daughter or some other man's- daughter. The boy would have a "good time" with one or our. watches. Parhaps one of your friends would be made glad with one of our Umbrellas. We hive hundreds of beautiful things to show you If you will spare a few moments in, our store. Look, for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. 1 BEAUTY and QUALITY Are very Important point to consider In buying your holiday presents. We can show you many beautiful things that uro tsuperior in every way, up-to date denies: Calendars, Portfolios, Card Cases. The Moyer Stationery Co., 220-222 South 16th Street w Gold Will b givftri for any adulteration luunu in 1 lies ca.naies or cnocoiates. Gunf tier's Famous Chicago Candies Sold ut Chicago prices by MYERS-DILLON DRU3 C2 !31h and Farnam Stt. What Shall I Give for Christmas? A glance at our windows a visit to our store j will help you 6ettle this perplexing question. Here you'll find a fine array of merchandise both beautiful and useful and most economic ally priced, quality, workmanship and perfection , of finish considered. Moreover, our constant endeavor U to make you feel at ' home. when you visit this store. The. promptest kind of atten tion here. Keedu't necessarily buy anything. Come 111 and ". luok around. We're always pleased to eoe you. MRS. J. BENSON, A.. UUUBWEBBMMl&JBBtl 212 South 16th Street . Only 8 Shopping Days Till Xmas. II OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Friday Snow. TV TT TV IT T7 M l U 7 B : i Jewelry Charms A wonderful array of solid gold jewelry of highest quality at enticingly little prices. Huge selection of plain and diamond mounted Signet Rings, from$25 to 2.25 Complete showing of beautiful Austrian Court Toilet Collar and Cuff, Jewelry, Glove and Handkerchief Cases, dark oak boxes bound in solid brass. Handsome carved Cuckoo Clocks, full size, best black forest movement, Friday .4.98 Main Floor. lltvvl VI-iiX. I guaranteed to save you money on every purchase but offers the largest assortments. Ten (Jit Green Trading BiamrMJc with pkg. Ir. Price's Focxl . . ' a 8c 5Sc Twenty (I2.D0) Oreen Trading Stampi with two-pound can Hen- 1H"" tiH.ol.fa.t I VifTou VJW Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea Aluminum Coffee Maker Twenty (JJ.iHi) Green Trading 8 lamps rlRr with each one -- Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps rQ with can Omar Peaches VIO Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps Qr with lb. can Omar Salmon ,u Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps Oflc with two cans Pumpkin w w New Raisins, per pound New Currants, per IOc pound ,v,w Catidy Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound box Bennett's 2."C Special Chocolate Creams Five (6c) Green Trading Stamps go with package Lemon Drops Special Christmas Attractions in Our Ladies Ready-to-Wear Department Ladies' Quilted Kimonas, Long and SKori. Direct from Japan LADIES' SILK AND SILK CREPE KIMONAS Short and long, direct from J;iian. LADIES' KIMONAS 8hort and long. In Syrian Crepe, French German and domestic fianm Is and fleece cloth, all at very close prices. LADIES WAISTS An Immense lot in wool and silk worth from iVQ5 5.00 to $7.60-all at LADIES' FETTI COATS In silk from :25.0O 3.95 to ' LADIES' PETTICOAT8-In fine sateen and mercerised cloths RQr from 5.00 to LADIES' FUR SCARFS AND QDn i LADIES' FUR COATS 2S 00 UOAS-From Hffi.dO to VOC From $08.00 to WW FULL BOOK OF TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH COAT SOLD. LADIES' DRESS WAISTS An elegant stock of silk, silk crepe, lace and all over net at popular prices. Purses, Shopping Bags, Card Cases and Hand Bags We wish to invite your inspection of our' elegant stock of these goods we have them from 10c to the most expensive qualities Russian leather, hand painted Japanese velour, alligator and seal, hand-painted silk nnd velours. Corsets j Muslin Underwear Make acceptable Christmas presents. In single pieces or sets. We have a very Our stock Is very complete A fin I handsome display, embroidery and lace from $5.00 to 4 I trimmed. Monster Sale Black and Col-) $1, $1.50 and $2 Dress Goods ored Dress Goods Remnants j at 50c a Yard. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY FRI . AY At 8 o'clock Friday morning we will place on sate 10.000 yards manufac turers' short lengths of black and colored dress goods 1-yard, 2, , 4, 6, 6 and 7-yard pieces. These dress goods are worth $l.d0, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard All One Price CA CENTS. A Friday-Only YARD; Special Sale of Bath Robe Blankets 50 PRETTY BLANKET ROBES In light and dark colors, pretty borders, enough goods in each' blanket to make a robe worth $2.60 QS each, Friday iJ Special Outing Flannel Sale 00 manufacturers' ends fine outing flannel, worth 15c and 18c yard Oc Frlduy, yard ,vv Special Sale Fine Bed Spreads 300 fine Imported white and colored bed spreads. In fringed ' Marseilles and satins price $1.00 to $6.00 eacfi-SPECIAL VALUES. Handkerchiefs for women, handkerchiefs for misses, handkerchiefs for child ren ooo dozen linen, Swiss and embroidered silk handkerchiefs Cp worth up to 50c, go on sale Friday morning at each. ,15c,. 10c and w TO S A V I N (i S. M A N U P A C T U R E R N E E D E D I H I U n o N E I : Y Clothing!. nil -in 0 ' Uotnii y DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS OPEN EVENIN03 Regular price for Suits and Overcoats 1 $30.00, our price $20.00 DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. III I IS I I l I 15 -& DODGE. Regular price for Suits and Overcoats $2.00, our price $18.00 DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS, Regular price for Suits and. Overcoats $20.00, our price $15.00 . DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. BEFORE YOU SELECT your Christ C4t Ulntrs. NovuKI iireteiits take a look ot what we have to offer you. fel sure that mus present ""''"B,V besides. Our line of Diamonds Watches, Be;.UChal'n." Charm;. Wets. l"' Jt.JKfr Jt" s tua well selected. Come eany " - P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON SECOND FLOOR. THE moSt beautiful and inter esting of all the ChriAmas periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find stirring sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Galliennc, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 1 5 0 illustrations, in two, three and four colors, are by Guerin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Conde; Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 15 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves : Cot oof this Coupon, CHRISTMAS PRESENT COVPON TO any one sending lis imraedi ately $ 1 .80 (and this coupon) we will send tree of cost GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. Stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies of beautiful wo men, models, and players. OIC I Z A lac-simile water- color, readyfor framing, how .i i mg tne sky-scrapers ot rNew York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art use J Mn an booklet, in brown covert, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page portraits of w-ll-lnown society beauties printed on plate paper. GIFT 4Copie of the Novem ber and December (Christmas) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il lustrations. Q These four gifts can ba seat to ths rs milter of the $1.80. (J The two gifit below eaa ba seat to the remitter s friend. Q If you prefer, we will scad ALL SIX direct lo you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, j 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. A LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.80. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau'y," the book of American So ciety Type, the fac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is onlv good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. The Metropolitan Magazine, West 20tb St.. New York. For Menstrual Supprejslon ZZrZZ FEIN -TAN-GOT ,.! la oaufc. hr luiaa MC odo.II Dnis d tttU in 14. Tnit m slM4. si I sou S WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS All Next Week m mm THE RKI.IABI.R STORE. WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS AH Next Week Omaha's Greatest Toy Store OUR GREAT WEST ROOM A VERITABLE TOY FAIRY LAND. The groat counters are heaped high with piles of Christmas Happiness for the children. There's not a childish desire but can be readily supplied in our great slock. Come early Triday. Christmas Leather Goods A X5'" The largest, best and lowest priced stock in Omaha, Fee these goods before buying it will mean a great saving to you, Splendid hand-bag values at 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2 00, 2.50, 0.00, 3 50, 3.75 up to 15.00 Our line from 50c to $2.00 nre regular ?l to $3.75 quality. Extra Special Women's Silk Underskirts made from Glvernaud's t a fret, wide and full, with deep O yU flounce, worth $t.50, at ' Friday Only Women's Fine Waists In albatross or nun's vHllns', your rhnlrp of nny thHt sold up OA to $7.60, Friday, only Jct "MSERJ". All Wool Skirt and Dress Patterns In from 3J to 7 yard lengths 54 and 56 inch gods worth from fl.50 to $3.50 yard your choice Friday QlRin per yard V O V 10,000 Yds of Fine Silks To be clo'ed 0ut at 0nce All our silks on b;irf?nln counters must be cloned out In one week to make room for Holiday goods. Hundreds of pieces of beautiful fancy sllka appropriate for Christ mas presents will be sold at about one OSr ifl- ,itlr BHf1 fSQj half their real worth, prices SOC, 0fC,: 4vC atltt OVC Groceries for Xmas-mEV rush. 18 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated 8upar for.$1.00 10 bars Swift's 1'rlde, Beat-'Km-All, etc., Soa 25c Rolled Oats, per lb 2c Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb. 8Ho All lll'ic Cooklet tlilf vale 3 His. for.. &C 1-lb. nuckiiKe Salted Wafers 10c The best Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, per lb 6c Large bottles Queen Olives 12ViO DRIED FRUIT SALE. English Cleaned Currants, per lb 7Hc Choice Grecian Currants, per lb 8lys Fancy VoHtizza Currants, per lb 10c Choice California Kaisins, per lb 6c Large Muscatel Raisins, pir lb TH Fanjy Iiyer Raisins, per lb luo The best Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, per lb 19o Choice California Peaches, per lb 7H Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb , SHo Ni;T8. ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. HONEY, LEMONS, GRAPES, ETC. Everything that g-oes to make Xmas happy. Large, Juicy Sweet Oranges, per doi.. 120 Fancy English Walnuts, Filberts, Pecans, Brazils and Almonds, mixed, per lb 1-lb. package California Figs S HAVDER3 BROS. UNION PACIFIC THE OVrRLAND ROUTE Is renowned for its fast trains, per fect roadbed, and the general superi ority of its service and equipment. It is the direct line to ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS WEST Passengers via this line reach their destination many hours quicker than over any other route, hence there are fewer incidental expenses on the trip. i A Saving off Time and Money Always appeals to the American people Be sure your tickets read over this line. Inquire of City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 816. I NEW TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN Kansas City, Ho. Coffeyville, Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark., Via MISSOURI PAICFIC RAILWAY and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE The Thermal, Radio. act Ive waters of Hot Spring?, Arkansas, will bo rendered conveniently accessible by tho new train service over tbo Missouri Paclfle Railway nnd Iron Mountain Hont. Leaving; Knnsas City nt noon and arriving- at the sprlnas nest morning-, no. turning; trnln leavea tho Springs at T p. nt. arriving Kansas t Itjr nest afternoon. For pamphlet, time tables, etc., coll or address H. C. TOWK8ESID, Gen. Pass. Ticket Agent, St. Loo Is, Missouri, or CITY TICKET OFFICE. Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam, OMAHA, NEB. 1 DIAMONDS! ft, m-t uiniiivimvi B03HDM DIAMONDS! Are as good an Investment as you can desire. There I a decided pleanure In owning a K"oll '"'. an'' " uu iver "NEED THE MONEY" you can get it for a GOOD DIAMOND. We sell the good ones. If you are Interexttd In buying a fc m, come in and liuve a little diamond talk with us and look at as handwime a otock of Ioosh stories as there U In Omaha. You can select the stone and have It mourned to suit you. We take a real pleaoiuiu In talking to you about them. Brown & Borsheim Cxpert Wttchmikert end lewelert. 222 S. Uth St. Thoso Tickets Count Our cuatomers are fast learning the full value of tliu tickets from our cash regiH teis; they bring In as high as $50.00 worth at a time and that's worth $2.50 you knowl The telephone rings and a customer 'way out on Hlnney street says "llello thut Bchacfer's send nie a bottle of Lliii'. and IHjN'T FORGET THAT TICK ET"; It rings again and another custo mer 'way down on Vinton street says, "Hello Schaefer, I have a free coupon for a bottle of K RUG'S LIKE MALT send me down a bottle and also two lurxe bot ties EGYPTIAN I.OTI'8 t'RKAM and IHJN'T FORGET TH AT TICKET." It a the same way in CO. HLTFFB "J 8iUTII OMAHA; those boys have to burn tho street getting their orders delivered and tho penile all want the ticket ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE? SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DKUQ 5 I ORE E. T. TATE8. Prop. Mth and Chicago Bis., Omaha, Phones 747 md 'al. S4th and N 81s., Huuth Omaha. rhone No. 1. Sth Ave. and Main ot., Coun cil Bluffs, Phune Sat, All soodg 4eUvra4 la either city absolutely If.