r TOE OMATTA DAILY ' REE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1904. : ! : .00 tolling or Business u Cards it 39 Cuts I- BP ISO Cards at 39c Printed while you watt HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS Brandeis is the Christinas chopping center, and evertthing for Christmas is here from u6 ful presents for grown folks to toys for the tots. Ladies' Christmas Neckwear at 25c Ladies' lace collars, fancy silk ptocks, jabeaux fancy beaded U aVv stocks, the prettiest holiday - D C effects, all colors, worth 50c, at Sale of Holiday Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's silk handkerchiefs, on bar- TC. j? in tables, worth 50c. at Men's fl.60 and 12.00 silk mufflers at Men's larjre size embroidered initial silk handkerchiefs, at Men's Sun initial handkerchief, six in a fancy box, at Ladles' SwUs embroidered and revered hand kerchiefs, with scalloped edge, at 19c 15c Silk mufflers and wool mufflers, worth II at Children's fancy box handkerchiefs very pretty gifts, at, box.. 98c 49c 49c 6!c 49c &c-15c-25c .fife; h JAPANESE LEATHER NOVELTIES They are very fashionable and thtre is no vrettier Christmas gift, llkhly embossed with dragon, demons, etc. Card Cane, worth JQr I ClgnrCase, worthl iQ Purse and Coin Booksl 1! 11.00, at I U.00, at I worth $2.50, at I-3 MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS AND BATHROBES srersx SI Are the finest bouse jackets in silk, velvet, coverts eta, plaid back cloths jmt what a man wants, prices up to 115 T AO t m Two Specials Tomorrow, at O" 0b3 J 0MAHA WEDNESDAY WEATHER-FAIR. I f r my iO uy liil Christinas. S A Great Chance to Secure a Handsome I B Men's Bath and Lounging Rubes The most comfortable house garment in the world, handsome new effects . l f A i0 at all prices. M lfS ZL ft Two Exira Specials z..AJK3m'JK Men's Fancy Vests for the Holidayj In white and fancy figured effects Just the thine to please a man for g O flr no Xmas. D0Ct0JJ CIA for Men's 118.00 I for Boys' 85.00 tD 11 OVKKCOAIS As $6 for Men's 118.00 OVERCOATS for Men's 110.00 S U ITS OVERCOATS All Men's Fur Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices $10 and 7.50 Youn Men's and Boys Ulsters Here's a big snap in zero weather long: ulsters with storm collars for young men and boys also plenty of sizes for small men up to 36 ch-st measure, a bin chance, at J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE 3.98 Nothing Better T t 9 01 1 C O &S& IiiKn s Glycerole ot Koses FOR SALE AT KUHN'B DRUG STORES. 15TH AND DOUGLAS.. BETTER THAN A BARBER SHOP tniroTmifid Added to Overland Limited from Which TonsorlaJ Artists Are Dropped. Beginning- the first of the year the barber shop will be taken off the "Overland Lim ited" train running: between Chicago and Ogden. While this convenience will be eliminated from the trains, additions are to be made which promise to exceed In splendor and convenience anything- which the traveling publc haa yet enjoyed on these rolling palaces. The reason for the discontinuance of the barber shop is not clear except that It never was liberally patronised. The male proportion of passengers traveling on the Overland Is large enough to support two barber shops,, but there seems to be a horror tn the minds of the average man against being shaved on the cars. While the movement of the coach in which the tonsorlar parlor la located Is smooth enough to do the finest penmanship, yet there Is occasionally lurch, enough to throw a ner vous man into spasms when he is under going a. operation on the cars for the removal ef his capillary' adornment. The conveniences to be added to the Overland; it Is asserted at the Union Pa rlflo headquarters, are destined to make a man forget such a trivial thing as the elimination , of the traveling tonsorlal ar tist. A. new competition observation car Is to be added which, for Interior mag nificence Is several points ahead of any ' thing yet attempted. ' Theno cars will be supplied with a smok- ' Ing room, absolutely shut off from the rest of the coach, and II will be supplied ' with writing desks and a men's cafe. The lighting arrangement will be such that each man will have his own lamp at an elevation so that he can read by it with out the danger of straining his eyesight. The greatest feature of the new train, however, will be the Pullman palace Sleeper, which will have double drawing Noma furnished In the most princely fash Ion. ' They will be lighted with electricity throughout, and beside being furnished . with , the telegraphic news service twice , dally, there will be telephonic communica tion between the coaches and the terminal cities where the train happens to be wait , Ing. This will enable a paseenger to tran sact business from the coach. While the changes are adopted by the 'Union Paelfla and the Northwestern In , their combination train. It Is a change . which the Mllwairttee was a atrong factor In bringing about In order to give the passengers ot the MIlwaNjee coaches the .'same advantages that were enjoyed In the ; other cars of the Overland Limited. YARNS WE SELL THEM But do not tell them 0 The most complete stock In all the west In all shades and kinds, such as Angora the wool Zephyr Saxony, Zephyr Qermantown, Spanish -German Knitting. Pompadour Wool, Eiderdown Wool, In fact all kinds of wool for knitting and fancy crochet work, and In the best quality which ia no higher at our place than inferior grades at other places. Soles for slippers in all sizes. Knitting and Crochet Needles for all kinds of work. We make Sweatera and Stockings as usual. IJOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. ft I For the latd-np or lald-ofT day. A dollar laid aside each week will soon mount up and place 70a on the road to success, when fortune knocks at your door. W pay 0 per cent oa sav. lngs account. Omaha Loan & Building Association 1704 Farmi m. Bee Building. Q. W. Loomls. Pres. G. M. Nattinger, 8ec A Great Chance to Secure a Handsome Christmas Present Without Cost A full book of our dreen Trading 5tamps will get you very floe Christmas present. We will give a full book of Qreen Trading Stamps with every Lady's Fur Coat sold beiore Christmas. Our stock of Ladies' Fur Coats is too large We must cut it down. ALASKA SEAL, PEIiSlAN LAMB, MON TANA nud ALASKA IIEAVE1C, CANADIAN OTTER, and BLENDED SIBERIAN SQUIRREL ARE AMONG OUR FINEST QUALITIES. WE WILL SELL YOU NEAR SEAL COATS at ftS.50, $42.50, $40.00 and 25.00 NEAR SEAL AND OPOSSUM at 27.50 NEAR SEAL AND BEAVER at $35.00 and 32.50 NEAR SEAL AND MINK at 47.50 NEAR SEAL AND MARTEN at 50.00 NEAR SEAL AND PERSIAN LAMB at 65.00 MONKEY WITH ASTRAKHAN at 45.00 ASTRAKHAN COATS at 947.no, $43.00, 37.50,. . 30.00 All of these coots have Skinner's guaranteed satin lining and with each sale will go a full book of Green Trading Stamps. A 51 ITEM OR TWO FROM Ol It MAMMOTH HANDKERCHIEF DEPART. MET FOR CIIRISTM AS. 300 dozen fine quality purp linen and French cambric nnd Swiss handker chiefs for ladies and. children, plain hemstitched, embroidered and luce edges, corners and centers the real value of this lot is 2.V, fj 3.V nnd 50c we sell them as lenders Wednesdny on our Six- I Sft teenth Street Entrance Bargain Center at, each, 2oc and MJ Wc are the recognized lenders of fashionable neckwenr for Christmas collnr tops, tab collars, wtock collars, scarfs, four-in-hands, collar nnd cuff sets nnd the stylish chiffon and lace Jabots, also a full f line of Friticess stock collars prices range from $3.00 each to. .. . Oy BARGAIN KQIARK. Extra Special Sale of Linens for Wednesday. FIXE IRISH LINEN TABLE SETS FKOM 10.00 TOP t J.Vd 3 and 34-yard cloths, 24-lnch napkins to match. These are Importer's samples nnd are actually worth from $20.00 to $0.5O special for Wednes day at manufacturer's cost. A complete line of useful linens In lunch cloths, napkins, center pieces, sideboard and dresser scarfs, embroidered pieces nt unusually low prices. IMPORTED RATH RORE BLANKET SALE. We have about !jp new styles In Imported blankets for ladies' and f f f gentlemen's lounging robes worth up to $6.50 Wednesday aalei I 'll each, $3.50 to DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH BACH ROBE. Bennett's Great Toy Bazaar Santa Claus Headquarters A rousing Toy Furniture sale Wednesday. Every idea in Doll Furniture: ChaJrs, Rockers, Tables Couches, Side Boards, Dressers, Complete Suites. The finest selection to b found anywhere. A BIG OLL FURNITURE SALE TWENTY ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with every purchase 50C FIFTY ($6.00) Green Trading Stamps with every' purchase qq DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS TWENTY ($2.00) Extra Green Trading Stamps with every 50c 4 nn doll and up to I.VJVF FIFTY ($S.0U) Extra Green Trading Stamps with every doll 1 f up from I.VftJ .- - ' ... JLiiUJ For boys and "j;, .r'Se girls You might as well buy your sled now, we're touching zero weather and it's going to snow, get ready and be the first boy d iwn'the hill. FIFTY (te.OO) Extra Green Trading Stampa with every aled Ofl up from s.VIV Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday on all Pur chases in Toy Department Great Oriental Rug Sale We Lave purchased ten bales of fine Persian and Turk ish rugs direct from importer at Constantinople, Turkey. Being purchased direct it cuts out all middle men's margins and enables us to offer antique specimens as well as modern pieces at prices unheard of for this class of Ori ental Rugs. Choice pieces in Anatolian and Labriz mats, Ganja, Kazacks and Mosuls and Iran hall Rugs. Sbirazs Belouchistan and Hamadams, Bokharas, Shiravans and Senna, Cabistan, Khiva and Soumack and Kilims for couch covers and portieres. An Oriental rug would make one of the most lasting and best appreciated Xmas gifts you could possibly buy, and you can buy them at special sale prices beginning Wednes day. Come and look them over they are an interesting study. CROCKERY! CROCKERY!! LEAD BLOWN BELL SHAPE TUMBLERS, nice thin ones, Q set of alx IkC Limit of six. Sale subject to stock on hand. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF HAVILAND & CO.'S LIMOGES CTIINA DINNEKWARE, sold either in seta or Open stock. WATCH FOR OUR DECEMBER SALE OF FINE CHINA PLATES. THE CHINA EVENT OF THE YEAR. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL LOUWELSA AND ROZAINE ART WARE, VASES OR JARDINIERES. INDIVIDUAL CUT GLASS SALTS- ?ach IMPORTED CUT GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLES each '. NICE CUT GLASS TUMBLERS, BROAD FLUTE CUTTING CO- M sC ...5c 39c set of six. 98c 98c ; WEDNESDAY ONLY ONE-fOURTII Off ALL OUR ELEGANT NEW SILK WAISTS 0 - . There are Paau de Soia, Peau de . Cygne In black and colors. Plaid Sllltn and Cheo SllUa, and aoft or chiffon flaUhacl r Tafrnaa in blu browri, whlta and black, with or wi-hi it potK dou. ("has wa au are all this onson'mnwajtcrsjtions, Ra ju ar prlcaa, $3.70 to $10. Wjdneudsy on fourth off .he price what more appropria a for Chria ms giving? MRS. J. BENSON, HQ Big Sale of German China Salads. FINE RICH GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN CHINA SALAD AND KERRY DISHES, elegant decorations. $2.08, $i.HJi, fl.48 and... One Hundred ($10.00) Green Trading Stampa with every German or Austriun China Salad Dish, up from ROYAL AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SETS, nice pink decoration of silver, gray background, with gold handles and knobs, a very f Cf striking effect, 100 pieces l.D3 Nothing pleases the tasty bome-lovlng housewife more than fine China or Cut Glass. "You'll Flud IT at Bennett's." GROCERY. Place your Christmas orders for gro ceries early. It is so much easier and pleasanter. 212 South 16th Street Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with Urea pounds flm-si f ( Java and Mocha colTee iJJ Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Btamps 7ollTi)7. 6Hc Ten ($100) Green Trading Stamps with Lounil tan H.finrll's C'apllul 1 4 lulling r-owd.r T. Mve (Wr) Green Treding Bumps wl h 1 lb. pttckuge seedad .ni raltdns ' ItiiC T n m 00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Wm. Bakers 'ir. chocolate. iUb Ten ($1.00) Oren Trading Stamps with half-pound can Wm. . . Oil -Bakers cocoa , Sw Ten ($1.00) Green Trading fA- Stamps with Jar tahle syrup iW Ten ($1.0u) Green Trading Stampa with package Nublaco 11 l(lcuit ' CANDT. Filled up and running over with the mil Ueliijluful axsorlment of hullituy goods. Chooolats creams f 2 bound . Ulsters for this kiud of weather and Overcoats in every weight and style. Very moderate in price. Our winter suits, too, will interest you. Suit" and Overcoats $20 np. Have you seen our Christ mas boxes? 117 lRNM STRttT POCKETBOOKS AND PERFUMES snen n 1 1 lis ... ujs ssnnsnsn We are showing the largest line of Fockcbooks and Perfumes ever brought to Omaha 1. OcX) styles Pocketbooks over 1.000 kinds of Perfumes. DABROOK'S PERFUMES 1 li-4 i i Among the many lines of Perfumes are those of DABROOK of Detroit, including DABROOK'S Persian Rose, DABROOK'S Persian Violet In both extract and toilet water; also In fancy cut glass bottles. Sherman &, McConnell Drug Co. CORNER 16TH AND DODGE. Dealers In Pocketbooks and Perfumes. Also Drugs. BACK AND SIDE COMB SETS Real Tortoise Shell, trimmed with 14K solid gold $20 to $60 per set. Finest Imitation, shell trimmed, with gold tilled mounts. $6 to $S per set. Back and side sets sold separately. We would like to show them to you., Brown & Borsheim Expert Watchmakers and Jewelers. 222 S. Uh St. Boys' Reefers Ages 4 tn 1 years In Cheviot, irixh Frtese and Chin chilla, high storm collar - $1.95 & $2.50 HAYDBls THE REUtRLE STORE. Boys' Rzelers tea 4 to is )wui, in .-nevioia. iriKii rlee ana ciuu cuiiitt, . hi a siurui collar 51.95 6 52.50 WE'RE READY FOR THE CHILDREN Our preat west room lins been transformed into n veritable Toy Fairyland. The great counters are piled high with Christmas Happiness for the Little Folks. Toys, Polls. Engines, Wiigons, Sleds, Hooks, Games, etc. Tin re's not n wish of the little hearts but can be gratified from our immense stork. COME SOW I Bring the ehildren and let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content in SANTA CLAUS' GREATEST OMAHA STOREHOUSE. Great Holiday Book Sale We have deenlv cut the price on everv standard hook In the house. If ou want to buy that old "Sweetheart of Mine," or any of Riley's books, come in nd get our rrlres. Mrs. WIkrs. LMdv Marv. etc. In sets or single volumes, on sale. l.ooo voIuiups of ronvriuht fiction from the surplus of the hook lovtrs library. orm now on sale at 45c '1- . , .' V. 1 . , I 1 . . I . JU-flll,. uiiiihb, .w llllt,. uill'l,. ...... .im 1 2.V? 12-mo. books 3W bet titles, rholre. ,12'ta ! 6"c 12-mo., gilt top bookii, choice VM 35c 12-mo, gilt top hook, choice JTSo I'NDKR UTHKR FLAGS the new book by the Hon. Wllllsm Jennings Hryan. A strongly written. Intensly Interesting work, descriptive of the people and countries lately vltilted by, Mr. ItZ Bryan price r . '"- Special Hand Bag Sale Inn y' to ,: 110 hand and carriage ... bags choice $1.2 $3.00 to $5.00 hand and carriage O Eft w Japanew nags. h .d. titi bags choice sS.Ovr Opera Bags, 25c, 60c, 75c. Manufacturer's Sale of Waists. $2.00, $2.50 and $2.76 hand and carriage bags choice $.150 silk Wednesday 8 A. M. sharp none sold be fore that hour. The greatest value in women s waists ever offet-ed tn Omaha. 175 dozen of them to go at one-half to one-third actual value. Tour choice ot albatross, estlngvs, casat- meres, flannels, linens, silks and many other fabrics. In a great range of up ti date style and color, worth up fCin to $2.98, choice Wednesday J-w Buy Your Groceries Now for Xmas Omaha's Most Reliable Grocery Dept. Fancy lemon, orange and citron peel, pound 19c The best pure ground spices, any kind, per pound 2!c Choice muscatel raisins, lb 7So Fancy layer raisins, lb l"c Choice cleaned currants, lb 74o Fancy English cleaned currants, lb Msc Fancy Vostisza cleaned currants, lb..loc California Bartlett pars, lb 12c Fancy Mulr Park apricots, id i-i'c Fancy Mulr peaches, lb 8'c Choice California peaches, lb He Choice California prunes, lb 5c Large bottles Queen olives 12c Fancy bottles Stripped olives 8o Fancy bottles assorted pickles 7Ho 1-lb. Jars pure fruit Jam "Wo 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Swlffa Pride, etc laundry soap -Zoo H-ouart can table syrup Vo FRUIT FRUIT FRC1T Fancy California ligs, pkg .....5o Fancy large sweet Jersey oranges, lb..)2o Fancy lnre Flolcla bannanas. doa 'JJ New California honey, per rack .12o Fancy new Halloween dates, lb 7Vio Cape Cod Cranberries, quart NUT3 -NUTS NUTS , Fancy new Braills, walnuts, Alberts, al monds and pecan nuts ... mixed, per pound 120 HAVDER! BROS. OPEN EVENINCS ALL NEXT WEEK..... Fourteen Year Same Location How About Christmas? Have you decided what you are going to give? Have you Included shoes or slip pers among your gifts? If not, there Is still time to do so, and some of the shoes and slippers we are showing now would certainly be very appropriate, acceptable and handsome presents. We have a lot of new and handsome slippers for men, with much style as well as comfort.. Some very dainty house and party slippers for women, and some rich and handsome warm slippers, fur. trimmed and plain, for young women or old ladles. Or a pair of patent leather dress shoes would certainly be appre ciated by any man or woman. Our easy prices will help your decision. w i-i-v .rwrit? .rvs I ite-DonsiASEOilf Diamonds! Dr. Bradbury 1506 JrAKNAin DENTIST ' Tnunu izso The most sensatlve nerves removed with out naln. F1,nt .5gftc"S Kw ; - IX Loose teeth made Crowns $2.50 tip 1 1 TYVs. -T. 1 ua n . . ... ,n . u I I - V -w W V WW ov.-w. una go w0rK.s4.0v up Plates $2.00 up Teeth Extracted With out Pain. nil! Written Guarantee Those soft and dreamy eyes will sparkle with the true love-light when occo Ghocola-tes are presented. Dainty boxes, de licate flavors, soft and creamy centers are sure winners. Packed and sealed in our spotless candy, factory. Sold Everywhere In iOc, 50c and 60c Boxes. Omaha Candy Go. i OPEN EVENINGS i . . - i 15-8c DODGE. c ----PHI-H.-l-l-- H. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. C1TV VKTKHIWARIAN. Office and Iufirmary, 28th and Mason Bis. OMAUA, NEB, XsLfLoos 639. To Sunny California for the fewest dollars Take a Tourist, Pullman 31 SJ2 AU the Way. You save on railroad and sleeper tickets. Many features of comfort Personally escorted tri-weekly Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles and 'Frisco E. L. PALMER, Pais. Afrt, 409 Equitable Bid?., Dos Moines, la. v 9 Importers Of Ww-aUrn Dlstclbutors fl1! M OlM Relchenbenr-Sm.th Co. UniHUIlUJ Wholessale Jewelers ..... ' (Largest la the West) m7 ' Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Etc. BEFORE YOU SELECT vour Christmas presents take a look at what we h can pleafce you ami suvo you money beNl.les. KlnKS HrMx'hes. Chains. Charms, lxjckets, liv' Niv"ltis are well selected. Coino early and set t have to offer you. We fel sure that Uur linn of 1I mi iri'lu. Watches. rware. SterlliiK Kilvt-r Joods. and best selection and avoid the russv P. 0. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON SCONO FUJQR. 1? n