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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1904)
PART 2 Pages 9 to 16 THE OMAHA DAILY Bee. The Best Foreign News Service will be Found In The Sunday Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19. 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1904. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. XA1AS GREETINGS IN ART Good Motto Cards 33c, 23c and 20c Passepartout Mottos, 24 subjects after Brooks, Emerson, Lowell, Whittier, Wilcox, Kteventuni, Including "My Symphony" by Wm. Henry ('ban ning and "Tho Footpath of Peace" by Henry Van Dyke, Bale price Saturday only, email size, at 20c Large mze, at 35c Ten (f 1.00) Green Trading Stamps witb each. For our friends out of town. 200 beautiful mottos. in celluloid, tinted with handsome floral designs, in envelopes ready for mailing, same subjects as above, choice Saturday, .each 25c Above prices are the cheapest ever made in this lino of goods in Omaha an absolute fact also sold exclusively by The Bennett Company. ryrography nov'KI' still arriving for those doing the t burning. Rpmp"i' "r we're headquarters. Outfit... 1.17 riCTTRE FRAMING -We're brenking all records In thla line of work. Can li.umle more, as our facilities are greater than eTer thin year. AIITIST MATERIALS Jet your painting supplies at Ben nett's Art Department. EnraLved CaLrds Xmas Presents 100 Engraved cards and copper plate, any style script type, best wedding bristol stock, C special U Jl 100 engraved cards, old Z C English type, special. .. J 100 cards engraved from L C your plate w Note These prices are good Saturday and Monday only. Our styles of engraved cards and stationery are strictly up to date and from the artistic viewpoint they are samples of highest engrav ing art. Our prices are lower than any en graving house in Omaha; a little comparison will prove this. MAIN FLOOR. OMAHA WEATHER REPORT-Saturday Fair and Colder. Copyright Books Xmas Presents "ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES," written by Mau rice Thompson, beautifully illustrated and in colored cloth binding, would make a handsome Xmas present, so would any of the 243 other titles that we have in this edition. Here are a few "Graustark," "The Fil igree Ball," "The Cavalier," "David Harum," "Red Rock," "The Right of Way," "Dorothy Vernon," "(Juin- cy Adams Sawyer," "The Crisis," etc. Price, Saturday and Monday only Send for a list of the 245 titles. MAIN FLOOR. 45c The Tabard Ian Library A life membership to this World's Greatest Library if you buy one of our $1.50 copyright books, I f Q Saturday THE TABARD INN LIBRARY con tains all the latest litorature in fiction, romance, art, history, religion, adven ture and travel. You can exchange your book any time on payment of ex change fee of fc. Retain it if you wish, the book Is your own property, or get another one for It. TABAR.D INN memberships good Xmavs Presents. Book Stalls, Main Floor. An Attractive Sale of AUSTRIAN COURT CASES Ir the Jewelry Section. We secured a large lot of beautiful Aus trian Court Cases dark Flemish oak, solid brass bound and silk lined they make up a most beautiful display aud no other store in Omaha has gut as much as a siugle sample of the line. We bought the lot and they go on sale Saturday. These articles comprise - Toilet Boxes, Jewelry Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Sets, Cigar Boxes, Poker Sets, etc. Could you suggest a more handsome thing for a Christmas present? The prices are $1.50 to JEWELRY SECTION. ifh- iin uunuiiirj 4.50 ROUSING SALES IN HARDWARE, SA1 13 DAY A v i Your Last Opportunity for Raging Graniteware Bargains for This Year Remember that a nice granite kettle makes a useful Xmas present. 9Sc Granite Tea Kettle 80c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. . No. 300 Lip Preserving Kettle, ten quart 52c Thirty Green Trading Stamps. No. 260 Lip Preserving Kettle, six q"rt3Qg Twenty' ($2 no')' Green ' Trading Stamps. No. 240 Lip Preervlng Kettle, V ur iuart33C Twirt'v (K fttV Oreen Tradlnir 8 Irnna. No. 220 Lip Preserving Keltle. three Mutirt30C Twenty' '(12.00)' Ore in" Trading Stamps. ILk. ; .'iiiisa 551.08 SAVOKY ROASTER. . . 98c More Xmas Presents from Hardware Section The most complete and finest line of CHAFING AND RAKING DISHES ever shown in Omaha at this or any other time! CIIAFINO DISHES, up from 2.50 RAKING DISHES, from $4.25 to 2. 15 NICKEL PLATED RATH ROOM FIXTURES, all kinds, all made right, and prices way down. Ice will soon be here and we've got skates thousands of 'em. Barney KQp & Berry's, the best skate made, price trora $6.(0 to tt " "T" s0 THE RIGHT TIME FOR. TOY BUYING IS RIGHT NOW! SECOND FLOOR. Santa Claus buys all his toys at Bennett's the dear, good, sensible old fellow that he is! iTbi ww&ffiWSfa tt hs own domain (second floor) and see the cargos MUrMmltJi of beautiful things that delight the little children. I heir delight will give deugut to you, you will enter into their enjoyment, for, as Henry Wnrd Beecher once tritely remarked, "No man is really a man who has lost out of him all the boy.' SATURDAY WILL BE A HUMMER. TWENTY ($2.00) EXTRA IN LITTLE GREEN STICKERS WITH EVERY dollar PURCHASE OR OVER. THIS INCLUDES EVERYTHING IN IN TOY DEPARTMENT. MECHANICAL TRAINS The kind that "don't get off the track" Fifty ($5.00) Extra Green Trading Stamps with each train, Saturday only. STEAM ENGINES Fifty ($5.00) Extra Green Trading Stamps with every engine above $1.00. A Raging Crockery Cataract IOC WHITE CHINA SALE Wp will plnoe on Sale Snturtlny morning a special pur chase of white chinn for (ltM-urntlng, consisting of bread, butter and dessert plates, twisted salt and pepper shaker, cups and saucers, p.ckles, vpooii trays, etc. Wo do not hesitate to say that these are the greatest val ues in white chiua you ever purchased. Sold only on paid orders, no C. O. D.. mall or 'phono orders taken. No reservation or exchanges made. COME EARLY. LIMOGES FRENCH CHINA, nicely decorated (TIC 100 piece dinner sets vbl J See our special barKaln tables of Haviland & Co.' Li- moes chlua funcy iheoes more (julck prices and extra stamps. Special Sale of Japanese China Bon lion Boxes and Hair Receivers. Rich French China decorations at less than half regular prices. On sale Saturday for f 1.48, USc, KSc o and OOC One hundred ($10.00) (Jreen Trading Stamps. Welsbach uns burner, complete with mantle and Imported M Q air hole globes, each T"OC Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. COL TON Double Green Truding Stamps will be given on purchases In China Department on condition that this coupon is presented to clerk at time of purchase. No. 1 or 2 heavy brass lamp burners, each 5c 'I Photo Supplies Photo Supplies Bargains for the Christmas Snapshotter Folding Pocket Poca-A, size of camara plate 3x4J 3.50 Brownie No. 2 Film Camera, size of plate 2x3. 2.00 Bull'a-Eye Film Camera, size of picture 3Jx3J .5.00 Cyclone Camera, size of plate 3Jx4J 8.00 Cyclone Camera, size of plate 4x5 1000 Eastman's Film Camera No. 3 A. size of picture 3Jx5J. .20.00 Trinting frames, drying racks, trimming boards, card mats, albums, solutions and all photo accessories, qualities absolutely guaranteed and every price right. Developing and finishing is a photo specialty; don't risk spoiling the pictures you've taken, but bring your plates to our camera man, southeast corner main floor. Be the Early Bird Saturday and Attend Our Startling Sale of Shirt and Dress Waists. W will put on sale Saturday morning- every walnt In plain and fancy mohnlrs, Imported Salisbury flannels, (Inetit French flannels, metallic velvets, nuns' veilings and serges, albatross and melrose cloth. Silk taffeta and peau de sole in black, white and colors. This sale includes our stock from $4.50 to $7.5U, all will go Saturday at Bargains in Rubber Goods for Saturday GEM FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, 2 qt..60c Gem Fountain Syringe, 3 quart 70 c Gem Hot Water Bottle, 2 quart 55c Tyrian Success Syringe, 2 quart 1.08 Tyrian Success Syringe, 3 quart 1.18 Premium Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle, 2 quart 1.50 Same in' 3 quart. . . r." 175 Tyrian Pure Gem F't'n Syringe, 2 qt. 1.98 Same in 3 quart 2.25 Tyrian Hot Water Bottle Sl0q,th.!?.s.!"!?.n....98c Same in 3 quart 1.08 Near Velvet Rubber Glove, pair. . . . 1.00 Red Rubber Glove, pair. 1.00 Grease Proof Rubber Glove, pair... 1.25 GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL FOREGOING ARTICLES. 3.75 Imported German Blanket Robes on Sale Saturday A GreaJ SaLturdy Shoe SaJe Meu's Patent Colt Goodyear Welt Wall Street Cap Toe, fo6;.00.6.11"6."" ...4.00 Men" Velour Calf, Goodyear Welt, Duke Cap Toe, jr.r. :.. 3.50 Men's Box Calf, Double Sole, Goodyear Welt, Bluch-T AA I'M- $4.00 shoes for - "ti ; Men'R Box Calf and Viol Kid Goodyear welt shoes, $3.50 shoes for THE BEST BOYS' and GIRLS' SHOES IN THE CITY, ROCK OAK SOLES, GUARANTEED for 2.50 G CITY, 1.50 SIXTEENTH STREET ENTRANCE We place on sale 600 very pretty Blanket Robes, Just Imported from Germa-ny. Good fast colors, styles suitable for ladies and gentlemen's bath and lounging robes pretty borders, light, dark and med'um shadings are extra IOC large one blanket makes a full robe worth up to $6.50 special sale I "1 8aturday-$:.S6, $2.60. $2.26 and ' On Sale Bargain Table, 16th Street Entrance. Double Stamps All Day Saturday Blanket and Comfort Sale Ten dosen fine sllkollne covered Comforts filled with fine whit cot- f ( ton worth 1.25 Saturday each v,v' Fifteen dozen extra large and very fine sllkollne covered Comforts f CZ( worth t'i- Saturday ,,uw Twenty-five doxen extra, fine quality very fluffy and light weight Com- O forts very handsome patterns very cheap at 13.26, Saturday each Cotton Blankets One thousand pairs of fine Cotton Blankets, In grays, tans and whites fCr Saturday pair 12.26, $1.26. 96o, 85c and UVW Wool Blankets Two hundred and fifty pairs of fine Wool Blankets, In grays, tans, whites O and plaids we are muklng very special prices pair, $12.60 to mtA Cf Handkerchief Sale Two thousand dozen ladles, and children's Handkerchiefs fancy borders, plain nemmucnea, preuy emoruiuereu una lacs euges in linen ana BWIsn Saturday eacn loo, 5o and Christmas Belts Saturday we place on sale about 26 dozen Indies' and mioses' Belts newest shades and styles of black satin, black silk, black velvet and other novelties quality worth up to two dollars each at each 3c 48c Sale of Ladies' Neckwear for Saturday One thousand sample pieces of fine Neckwear worth up to $1.00 a at 25c and 1UC Great Sale of Ladies9 Under wear for Saturday Fifty dozen silk fleeced extra fine ribbed, silk taped. Vests and set snug Drawers splendid cut and finish some of these are slightly dam aged and sell when perfect as high as $1.00 gurment Saturday we sell them at gurment , 39c GROCERY DEIT. Headquarters lor all the guoii things of Hie season tor the table. Two hundred l$2v.uuj Uteen Trading Stamps with twenty cans tiructcpori und pam tomatoes ti.uO One uuuured (10.wj Cirecn Trading blaiupd wnn ten uiDa rocnpuri Build p.- tomatoes Fllty iu.uu) Urevn Truding blamps witu with nve cans urocaiioii auuu puck to matoes hie. Forty t4.uu Uretu 'i radlng Utauips wan three iiounds nnebt Java ana Mooiia coffee Thirty (.t.uu Ureen Truding Ijtaiiips witu one pound leu. tuny kinuj boo Ten ti.ut Ureeu x' blamps Willi puuiia can licnuell's tii.ol Ouaing puw uer 24a Ten itLW) Ureun iTadlng b lamps witn gallon medium sour picaiea io Ten Ui-w Ureun iiuaiag Stamps witn three packages liennett's Capitol mince meat ioo Five (50c; Ureen Trading Stamps wuii pint bottle catsup luo Honey bpecial t lve tooc) Green Trading Stumps with frame Colorado honey luo Branuiud Cherries Five (Mc) Ureen Trad ing titamps with Jar of this delicious fruit iuc Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with quart can Franco-American oxtail or mock turtle soup 35c Ten l.i) Green Trading Stamps witn fiound New York full cream cheese. ...20c ve (50c) Green Trading Stamps with can Asparagus 2uc Five (ttK- Ureen Trading Stamps with puckage Dr. Price's food 1-Hc Ten Ui.uO) Green Trading Stamps witu three Neufchatel cheese 16c Ten (Jl.oo) Ureen 'trading Stamps with pound William Baker's premium choco late U;c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Jar syrup lOo Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stumps with gallon Jug catsup 5oc Ten ($1.W1 Green Trndlng Stamps with half pound William Baker's cocoa 24o Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can grated pineapple ....luo Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with quart medium sour pickles loo THERE YOl' A RE AGAIN! FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE LITTI-.E GREEN STICKERS $.9.50 worth almost twenty pages of your book with the fore going modest grocery order that amounts to $9.6 New California raisins, per pound Sc New cleaned currants, per pound 10c New season corn, 2-lb. can 9c Extra clerks, extra clerks. To avoid waiting In Grocery, Tea and Coffee and Butter Departments. CANDY DEPT. Now Is the time to make your selec tions of the attractive novelties at low prices. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound box Bennett's special chocolate creams : 25o Five (60c) Green Trading Stamps with glass Jar filled with candles, each 10c Butter Scotch, package 5c Lemon drops, package 6c Toasted marshmallows, package 5c Chocolate chips, package 10c Glass bank, filled 1'lc Candy beads, per yard 2c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with one pound honey comb taffy 25c CIGARS Gen'l Thomas, a 6c club house shape elgar, twenty-tlve In box $1.10 Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. Helen Gould, two for 26c, twenty-tlve for $2.75 Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps. A fairly good cigar, twelve for I 25c Parked In a box. French briar pipes. In cases, up from..7So Cigar cases, up from 25o Two Big Clothing Bargains 100 suits, no more, value to $16.50, QQ 200 men's and young men's overcoats, OCA value to $18.00, at You can find just the style and pattern you like by at tending this sale. Double Green Trading Stamps up to 11 o'clock a. m. Furnishing Goods Special for Saturday 100 dozen silk four-in-hand ties, 50c value, at .siC Double Green Trading Stamps up to 11 o'clock a. m. Fancy Cotton and Black Wool Half Hose 35c value. f f at VJC Double Grsen Trading Stamps up to 11 o'clock a. m. Smoking jackets and house coats, worth double, $12.50 to Saturday only. Double Green Trading Stamps up to 11 o'clock a. m. Iioys' nil-wool sweaters, worth $1.50, 100 Double Green Trading Stamps up to 11 o'clock a. m. 3.00 Our furnishing goods department contains double "the stock formerly carried; easy to find just what he wants for Xmas. With every purchase in clothing and furnishing depart ment up to 11 o'clock in the forenoon you get double stamps. Meats! Meats! Omaha's leading meat market. Everything guar anteed. A few of our specials for Saturday. All fresh dressed young Hens pound Roost Pork pound Spare Ribs 44 pounds for Rib Hulling Beef 10 pounds for Chickens. Roasts. Etc. 10ic .61c 25c 25c Fresh Dressed Roosters pound Lamb Stew H pounds for I.anib Koast pound Home-made Corned Beef sugar cured pound ..71c 25c ..41c 31c Green Trading Stamp Specials BENNETT S SPECIAL PURE KETTLE RENDERED LARD another fresh lot 5-pound 1 lilrty ($a.(K() Grii'n Trading Sliiiupa with each pall. MORRELL'S IOWA RKG1I.AR IIAMS-every one guar.Ol aiiteed migRi' cured average 8 to 10 poundf euch at. . . 3 Thirty (XO0) Green Trading Stumps with each ham. 55c FISH! FISH! Five hundred kegs new Holland Herring every one S- guaranteed, at per keg iuv Thirty itlOdj Ouen Trading Stamps with each keg. Ninety (J9.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with tho above three Items. KAUFMAN'S ORCHESTRA 6 TO 10 SATURDAY EVENING. CORNET SOLOS BY DR. LAIRD. PROBLEM OF ENGLISH POVERTY i " rlesitists Seekt Remedy for pallia PamperUsa la ICngland. ..i the October number of the West minster Review Mr. W. V. Roberta write f Bc(eno and I'ovtrty." His teat of I u arty Is that formulated by Mr. Rown u. who has. studied thoroughly the eon- UIU m or ma pvw That family is In poverty wnot total earnings are insufficient to obtain the min imum iieei-esarlea f' r the nvilu enance of nirrely phyeical efficiency, or ho total earnings wouiu -....,v n i wr i the maintenance of merely phyi-leal BrH cleiicy wuru 11 not that Kiaa purUou oX It was absorbed by other expenditure, either useful or otherwise. But London and many other British cities know a poverty far below this standard, absolute hopeless poverty. One night last winter the public health committee of the London County Council made a census of the homeiees poor of London. The officers of the council Waited certain districts of the metropolis and com. ted In that night, walking about the street, 1.463 men, lid women ai d forty-six toys and !"ir girls apparently th age of 16. They ulsj found 10 male and sixty-eight females asleep in doorways, un der srenways and on vialicaea. n.aking 1.797 uersona who it must be cresumed were I so plteoiialy poor they hud n it trie wherewithal to irovlde themselves with I the i heaiK'Si hospitality ol a c mnun lo ig : ing houiM To put It another way, one person In iinjo of the population was lortej 10 upcna tne areury niuis or a winters night in the eold stre.-ts of London. The bguriM.cbuvvy but a Xalul loipiaulun ol the sum total of human misery Jat they rep reHent. We cannot grasp all the hideous signlfleance of such a depth of outcast wretchedness. But It Is a striking picture of concrete poverty and Is worth many ab stract definitions. The principle of the present union system of relief In England Is described by Mr. Roberts as this: "That the tandard of comfort of the pauper ought to be lower than that of the poorest laborer, on the ground that to make pauperism comforta ble Is to encourage Indolence and vice." At present 65 Boards of Guardians are cir. j rying out this principle and system, and I15.5K3 bodies take part In the administration of the pour law. Yet alajlute pauperism U nut decreasing as It should. In 18TS Eng. land had Sn.sSO paupers, 104.S17 of them adults; and the bill was HI, 162.360. In Jan uary, im, relief was being glvta to IT,- m paupers, 112,616 of them able bodied, and the bill for 1902 was 161,306,960. Discourag ing figures, and of course, the poor law relief does nothing whatever for the per manent removal of poverty. Mr. Booth estimated that thirty per cent of the people of London are "below the poverty line." In York. Mr. Rowntree. In vestigating on his own hook and by hut own methods, put the average at twenty eight per cent. The census of lmn showe that the urban population of the Unlud Kingdom was seventy-seven per cent. If London and York are typical -towns, thn, leaving village poverty out of consider tlon. twenty-one or twenty-two per cent of the entire population "is without the means of keeping themselves In merely physical efficiency." What UUa gorl o tjOstabfi. means to the families subjected to It is de scribed vividly by Mr. Rowntree; A family living upon the scale allowed for in tills estimate must never spend a penny on railway fare or omnibus. They must never purchase a halfpenny news paper or spend a penny to buy a ticket for a popular concert. They must write no letters to absent children, for they cannot afford to pay the postage. They must never contribute an thing to their cnurch or chapel, or give any help to a neighbor which costs them money. They cannot save, nor can they Join alrk club or trade union, because they cannot pay the neces sary subscriptions. The children munt have no pocket money fur dolls, marbles or sweets. The father must smoke no tobacco and muKt drink no beer. The mother muht never buy any pretty clothes for herself or for her children. Should a child fall 111 it must be attended by the pariah doctor; should it die. It must be burled by the parish. If sny of these conditions are broken lh satrft axpeudltura Icvulvsd bj met, and can only be met, by limiting the diet; or, In other nurds, by sacrificing physical efficiency. In such a pitiful state nearly one-fourtb of the British population Is existing or try ing to exist. Can conditions so sinister to national progress be permitted to endure? The church, the state, private philanthropy, have done much and failed. Can science provide a remedy? At any rate, It should try. Mr. Roberts offers no detailed program. His suggestions are these: Beginnings might be made In the direr lion of the grouping of the fm ts relating to the feeding of i lilldreu; the pr ad of kii'iwli dg' relating to Jhe wl-e selei'tlnn I and cooking of the cheapen! foodstuffs; the possibility of the forma lion of labor schools such as are being Introduced Into tier many: the qutslioii of the abolition of un skilled lab Ureal ucuuragemeut should also br- given to the study of political ecoun.ny, Hnj .Speclally to that branch of t which seeks to discover the laws relat Ing to the distribution of wealth These are mere Indications of some of the direc tions which scientific Irouliy should take Pcrhips they are not the most urg-nt but of one thing I am sure, and that Is the necrsH ty of concentrating upon ho effort to roll.ct material facts and to dls- rearnorner.relUt"'n l ,h'r d The study of political economy may seem a little less fruitful to many of us than it seems to Mr. Roberts -New York Sun. Building Operations Inri-raae, CUM.' AGO. Dec. ft. In reviewing build Inn operations In the iwen'y five prir-dpal cltleH of the I'nited Stit'-n for the month of November, 1IM as compared with lha same month In 1903. Constructions - News tomorrow will say that there has been a total Increase of about 26 per oeuU , ,