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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1904)
TF1E OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMDEH 10. 1904. A WIRELESS MESSAGE FROM SANTA GLAUS RECEIVED - It Reads Will be there soon with the largest stock of Toys ever seen in Omaha and a. nice present for each little girl and boy. Splendid Holiday Glove Values. Nowhere In the west can you find as magnificent a stock of gloves ai Holiday Handkerchief Sale Saturday. nn We bar purchased the entire clearing tip mock of the largest Hand f here. All tj-Iea and "hades at lowest prices. kerchief manufacturer In the world, including linen. A JXt Indies' kid gloves. Paris point stitching, all shade 100 solendld values at I.UU Swiss, hemstitched, embroidered and initial goods, at 50c on the dol- Sale begins at 8 A. M., Saturday. f jl LbUVJ A NOBBY LADIES' KID GLOVE, with pearl clnsp and fancy color- f Pf JsWls ed Taris Dolnt stitching, special for the holiday trade, at l.JU Bo fancy initial kandkerchlefs. at 2Ho I4VVCn Iflt) nT.fl VCR In all tha now ahmtoa t t iuc uure mien nauuftra'iiiri.i . n, - a 7 None hpttpr at aW.UU 1.. .nMrf.nJ h.nd knrrhlefa nt TXLf T.VIC. a ' BLniiirjTO ....... w v v. .... i - X: V -' 7 ' Or. ii . V.n.llrnr.hlnf 11 1 lrt ? 5J.VV 'J X THE RELIABLE STORE. iv pt pn vt TTvm cx? rnn Tint in a v Tninp. 35c pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs, at 170 i-Mliijv I I '"ldles' and misses' fine sweaters. In all styles A A ouc pure linen emoroiaerea unnaKorcuir is. i ......: $1.00 pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs, (very fine), at Mc . - . . . , i 1. 1 o . . ' 'A. . rai firm and ..1111 i t f'.W( ... .-..... - - - - - ..... .. 4 cCi-A rASL '4W WhereWillYouSpend Christmas? Are you going back to the old home or on a visit to some friend? Whatever May Be the Case, Don't You Want a Suit Case? We are showing one of the hand somest lines of suit cases for holiday trade ever shown in the city, and our prices! There's the best of it You only have to pay one prioe, not two, for our cases. We are offering- as a-leader for Satur day a line of suit cases, well madn, nicely trimmed and worth T FA $4.60 and $5, at, choice. .. .J,Df Finer grades up to $25. A lot of men's and boys' caps, f Q worth Doc, at IaC Regular $2 and $2.60 men's hats, a sam ple line, extra special value, J Q Satisfaction giving trunks at ? PA $20 down to JiJU Wonderful Bargains in Ladies' Furnishings Excellent In QualityEnticing in Price. Children a vesta and pants. In all sizes at 25c and Grand Xmas Grocery Opening. For your Xmas Puddings, Pies, Cakes, Fancy lemon, orange or citron, per lb..lBo The best pure ground spices, per id Choice Muecatel raisins, per lb Fancy London layer raisins, per lb Choice cleaned currants, per ID Fancv EimlUh cleaned currants, per 7Hc lb. Site California Crawford peaches, per lb Fancy Mulr peaches, per lb California apricots, per lb Fancy Moor Park apricots; per lb... California Bartlett pears, per lb ...c ...8Vo .iuc 12Hc .120 CANNED GOODS, ETC. fr-lb. can solid packed tomatoes 7Hc t-lb. can Boston baked beans 7Hc l-lb. can hominy or sauer kraut 7Hc Grand Xmas Fruit Opening Omaha's Greatest. Fresh arrival of our famous Highland oranges will go on sale Saturday, tOn Large, sweet and juicy, per dos NUTS! NUTSl NUTS! Fancy Braill nuta, per lb Fancy Spanish filberts, per lb Fancy soft shell walnuts, per lb.... Fancy soft shell almonds; per lb.... 12Ho ...16c .170 SHEET MUSIC SALE i For the next few days we will offer TEASING and four other popular pieces all for 25c. Take advantage of this and get five hits for 25c. Odd Books at 15c per cop? Duet Books and Classic bound books at 48c apiece. Regular $1.00 and (1.50 books-. RINGS OF THE IRON HIGHWAYS Bailroad Management Now Goaiidered a Practical Monarchy. NEW YORK HOLDS THE SEAT OF POWER All Gaeat Systems Subject t One. Blast, Power, Kxereiaed by Bask, era In Their Offices la the Metropolis. Recently Edwin llawley. president of the Minneapolis & St. Louis and Iowa Central railroads, accompanied by his partner, F. H. Davis, treasurer, and vice president and treasurer, respectively, of the two roads Just mentioned, went from New York to inspect these and other railroad properties In which they are either the controlling factors or are heavily Interested. Messrs. llawley and Davis have con trolled the Minneapolis & St. Louis and the Iowa Central for about five years, yet neither' of these officials had Inspected either ' property for at least two years. They have their offices In New Tork, the meetings of the directors are. held there, the dividends are declared In those offices in short, the properties art practically managed from New York. Naturally, it will be asked how this can be done successfully. For many years both Mr. Hawley and Mr. Davis were associated closely with the great railroad builder and magnute, the late Collls P. Huntington. One of the striking gifts of Mr. Hunting ton was his ability to select oompetent as sociates and subordinates and his willing ness to trust them with important duties. He selected Mr. Hawley for Head of the traffic department of the Southern Pacific company. As long as Mr. Hawley bald that position he was credited with being the greatest traffic solicitor In the country. When Mr. Hawley prospered, as he was bound to do, and eaiue to own and direct railroads for himself, he adopted the tac tics of his great chief. He had worked hard and did not propose to have his time and Strength taken with details and routine, or sita wllu frequent trips to the terri THRONGS mm T, 11 II.' taffeta, o OA fo.ou auu piu iinu 'VoStJ nd wel1 Ladies' rests and pants, extra heavy ribbed and fleece lined, extra special ' C value at 39c and 75c combination suits for ladies and misses In fine ribbed cotton, either Qp white or silver gray, at 49c and. . JJ Ladies' combination suits, SO per cent wool, very fine and soft, excep tional value at fl.50 and OC Ladies' vests and pants in extra heavy natural wool, all sizes, cannot be dupli cated elsewhere for the V'to price, 98c 'and i 0 Go' gUves and mittens in all sizes from In- in fants to ladies, worth 25c to Bite, at 25c and IDC Fancy White Aprons, very latest styles, Just the thlnfr for Xnias presents, cheaper than you can make them, worth 50c to $1.00, TP on sale at 39c and JC and fleece lined. 15c Desserts, Etc., we are Headquarters. $-lb. can green gage or egg plums 10c ...ouu'i-iD. con sweet sugar corn iy,c ....6oI2-lb. can fancy wax, string or lima ..THci beans 7He ' 2-lb. can Early June peas 7V i 10 bars best laundry soap 26 Quart cans fancy table ayruD i-lb. package Gold Dust 16c i Hapollo, per bar 6c , Pearllne, per package .2c 3-lb. cans Michigan apples l-lb. jars pure fruit preserves Good Japan rice, per lb Hand picked navy beans, per lb... Ttreakrast rolled oats, per lb Fresh, crisp ginger snaps, per lb. 5c ...7Hc ...2c ...SHc 2c 4c Fancy large, polished pecans, per lb.,..12Ho ALL OF THE ABOVE KINDS MIXED, PER LB 12V4C tory covered by theroads of which he was the head. Accordingly he selected for vice president and general manager the best man he could And for the place, a man eagerly sought for by not a few much larger systems. Mr. Hawley knew that he had a good man and he made a long-time contract with him at a price that was pro hibitive for even his stronger rivals. Mr. Hawley and Mr. Davis, with the assistance of the directors, have managed the finances of the properties very successfully and havs supervised the operation of the road In a general way, passing on all matters of Importance. The vice president and general manager has been the chief oper ating official the man "on the ground." Changes la a Few . Years. These few facts suggest In a general way the radical difference In the management of railroads, particularly those in the west, that has taken place within the last few years. They pave the way also for show ing how large a number of railroads whose lines do not come near New York are prac tically directed from that center, ' How different this from the not distant past) Not so many years ago the presidents of western railroads were men who had come up from the humblest positions in the service. They had their headquarters at a central, point in the territory covered by their roads, and they spent most of their time on the scene of action. They were the operating and financing men combined.' Now we have bankers or men of some general railroad experience as presidents of tfle western roads. Mr. Hawley is a banker and a member of the New York Stock exchange, although, as already shown, he bad .valuable railroad experience before he began buying them for himself. As In the case of Mr. Hawley, these men have their offices In New York and direct their properties by means of the tele graph, long-distance telephone, and the malls. To the vice president and general manager is entrusted the direct operation of the property. The banker presidents in the east sell the stocks and bonds with which to buy pew rails, equipment, etc., and the vice president-general manager gets the traffic to fill the cars and the money with which to pay Interest on the bonds and dividends on the stock. It Is safe to assert that, few people among the general publle have even an approxi ATTEND The quality of our offerings insures eervica $75,000 worth of Women's Garments must and will be moved between now and Christmas. The excellence in quality and extreme lowness of price will do the work. STYLISH SUITS Worth up to $15 your choice of the stock, at ; . . , BEAUTIFUL SUITS Worth up to f20- your choice of the stock, at.. A Exceptionally handsome and exclusive Woman's Suits tlinr tsnlrl frrnn 9f in $30 your choice of the stock, at.. jUANDSOME SHORT COATS 30 and 36 riv3 1 season a siyies ana maae or tne Dest wasn ington Mills kersey, lined with guaranteed C . " . A. 1 1 M . worth ui to $12.00. vonr choirs. ,3 tf i n r . ii. n . . iv v--ravtuiiie xxais, ai $lo uravenene uoats, at iui, vi tiumcu vmiB. tuis season s sftics mad worth up to $9.00, the Snap of the Great Sale of the If our friends knew the extraor dinary bargains to be had from this wonderful purchaa we would lo ALL THE SILK BUSINESS Jim v&&xzr?iz j .SATURDAY just Christmas the finest silks at about half price. Kindly trade as early Saturday as may be convenient. Holiday Leather Goods On sale Saturday, Including Bags, Purses, Pocket Books, MubIc Rolls, letc, at, each, from $15.00 C Mown to 3C THE LARGEST STOCK IN OMAHA Engraving Special 100 handsomely Engraved Visiting Cards with plate Or 100 Engraved Cards from PQ your own plate, at DJC Fine work guaranteed. Order now. Grand Book Sale All the latest Copyright Books in three great lots: First Lot-each $1.08 Second Lot each 45c Third IiOt each 22c llenty Books each 13Vic Saving Meat Prices. Price and quality guaranteed. Leaf Lard. 15 lbs. for Pork Loins ..$1.00 7c Pork Roast Spare Klbs Rib Roast, prime steer .fty4c .54c ,. .0c Shoulder Roast, prime steer 7c Round Steak, prime steer 8M1C Morrell's Iowa Pride Breakfast Bacon 12c Morrell's Iowa Pride Calif. Hams. .9c Morrell's Daisy Bacon 12c All makes of sausage, home-made, our own make. Young Roosters , ?c Lamb Legs 7c H AY DEN BROTHERS mate Idea of the large number of roads that are managed In the way already roughly outlined. In Borne cases a single New York banker la president of several important western properties whose lines may not ex tend farther east than Chicago. . Take, for Instance, that little wizard Ed ward H. Harriman, who is contesting with that giant in the railroad world, James J. Hill, for his right to the control of the Northern. Pacific Railroad company. Soon after Mr. Harriman secured control of the Southern Pacific company for the Union Pacific railroad he was elected president of the former company. Control of the South ern Pacific carried with it control of the Pacific Mall Steamship company. Charles H. Tweed, long one of the late Collls P. Huntington's most valuable associates and counselors, was then president of the Pa cific Mall Steamship company. A little later he resigned, and was succeeded by Mr. Harriman, Within the last twelve months Horace G. Burt has resigned as president of the Union Pacific railroad, and he, alio, was succeeded by Mr. Harriman, previously chairman of the board of directors of that company. Here Is one man, essentially a banker not primarily a railroad man di recting from his office In New York the af fairs, not only of finance, but largely of operation, of a system of railroads cover ing, roughly, 16,000 miles, and one of the most Important steamship lines on the Pa cific ocean, having a large fleet of boats. Naturally, the methods employed In this gigantic task will be' of Interest. In the first' place. It may be stated that In the case of Mr. Harriman, as already inti mated, he Is president in fact as well as in name, and he is the actual head of every corporation with which his name is con nected. Of course, be does not do every thing himself, although he does vastly more than any one not intimately acquainted with him Would Imagine he has the phy sical strength to accomplish. Able Corps of Aealstaats. Nevertheless, he has a large and able corps of assistants. For Instance, there Is J. C. Btubbs, who Is styled traffic director of the entire Harriman system. This is an office Jess than two years old, and the Gould lines have the only other man filling a similar position. As his title indicates Mr. Stubbs has general direction of trafflo matters on all the Harrimas? roads Mr. Harriman has introduced another new office, the occupant of which Is known as OUR CLEARING SALE DAILY The styles are the TWO GRE4T SKIRT VALUES STYLISHLY CUT SKIRTS in great variety of fabric, in mix- t vires, blacks, browns, blues and castors, regular $6.00 values, J QQ ELEGANT SKIRTS-in voiles, rtamincs, peau de soie, etc very rich in fabrics and deslg-n, worth up to $12.60, your choice, A no now , Cliildreti's Day in Our Cloak Department CHILDREN'S COATS In red or blue, zibelines or friezes, nicely trimmed and worth up to $4.00 Clearing Sale Q.i rrlce .. , 'zrj CHIIyDRldN'S CLOAKS In blues. STeena, CHILDRFN'S COATS In the neweat stj'lM xels, array b and fanry mixtures ry ()U all colors, ae 4 to 14 yrs A Ofci Vorth up to $6.00, choice aS.VO worth up to $.00. at .JJ ELEGANT SILK WAISTS In taffetas, peau de soie, etc in nil colors and black, worth up to $6.00 Clearing Sale O QS Price rTn $1.50 flannel albatross and visiting waists, clearing sale price. 69c 8.90 OA .tJ3 designs in f n A in. lengths, . ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS WOMEN'S EIDERDOWN SACQUES In pink, blue, red or heliotrope large collars; satin trimmed worth $2.00 Special, 1.00 Finer "era des ' n t7." 1.".' . V ! '.' V V " " V V '.' .1 V V "." "." V V$l .98 and $2.93 lJjJ O.UJ .....$.&U WOMEN'S EIDERDOWN BATIJ ROBES-In reds, blues, rHnka and trrava at From 8 till 9 a. m, Women's A A $1.26 PetticoaU From 9 till Flannelette Goodman-Williamson Co's. New York Silk Stock. 200 pieces Fancy Silks from Goodman-Williamson stock, In new est styles and colors worth up to H on sale lEn at 49o and .OOfc 100 pieces Fancy Silks, never sold for less than $1 00. 11.26 and 11.60-in this sale 69C in time for Grand Holiday Saturday our Special Xmas Ribbon Sale besrins. 86C PILLOW RIBBONS, PER YD., 19C. This la the greatest bargain ever offered in new fnncy pillow ribbons, all the lat est designs and colors, special, 10r Saturday, at, per yard..., .....'"" Ribbons worth to at, per 4 yard v Ribbons worth 10c at, per CZ-, yard Ribbons worth 16c at, per T 1 yard 2 C Ribbons worth 26c at, per yard , Ribbons worth 35c at, per yard Two yards baby ribbon for lUc lc A Few Holiday Suggestions from Our China Department. The greatest variety and best bargains in Fine China, Glass ware and Bric-a-Brac to be found in the city of Omaha, All our goods are imported direct from Hand painted china, prices from An 130.00 down to IVV Royal Vienna vases, from 98c ;..75c Pauyat, Le fzb.uu down to Royal Hindoo ware, from 116.00 down to French china. Havlland, Bernardo, Vogat, etc. If we should attempt to enumerato the different kinds, shape, eto. , shown It would require several pages of space, but be your tastes moderate or extreme we can satisfy you in both style and price. Flint blown Tumblers, each 3c I Six piece Cream Sets ...21c director of purchases. His title clearly suggests his duties In a broad way. Upon these two men devolve the highly Important duties of getting and apportioning traffic among the different roads in the system and of making the purchases of supplies, an item reaching Into the millions every year. Of course, Mr. Harriman has the usual list of associate officers, several secre taries and assistants of various kinds. He is the man at the helm, however, und noth ing large or small escapes his watchful eye. Mr. Harriman haa a strong desire to have the reins In his hands and to do the driv ing all the time. There he sits day In and day out In that large front office In the southwest comer on the fourth floor of the Equitable Life building, 120 Broadway, with a map of his entire railroad system before him, subordinate officers, secretaries and clerks at a moment's call; telegraphic In struments clicking In an adjoining room. If the board of directors of any one of the numerous roads in the Harriman group adopts a measure the purport of which must be known at once by the operating officials In the west, a secretary or at tendant Is called and a message Is flashed over the wires Instantly to Chicago. Omaha, Salt Lake City. Han Francisco or whatever point is desired. If this message, for Instance, means that construction work on a certain line Is to be stopped. It can be done Inside of an hour. Gould Also In New VrU, A man who occupies a position in the railroad world very similar to that of Mr. Harriman Is that of George J. Gould, who Is, In fact, closely associated with Mr. Harriman In many of the tatter's railroad enterprises. A substantial part of the legacy which the late Jay Gould left his children was in the form of a long list of railroad properties with which his name was prom inently Identified, and which constituted the Gould system of railroads of th-it day. Mr. Gould's property comprised uHo a lurge Interest In several New York banks. Georse Gould haa tuutnftl direction of the railroads and his brother Edwin of the banks. George Gould's name appears In the of ficial roaters as president of more than half the roads In the present Gould ) s tetn. He Is the virtual pie.-dlent of them all, for nothing of Importance is d mo by the other officials without cot.sullag very latest and our prices spell 2.98 - nP From 8.30 till :S0 s, m. Women's HRc Flannelette 10 a. m.- Women's flOr and Eiderdown Sacquea. MORE CREPE DE CHINE In all the beautiful evening shades sold In Omaha at not lees than 69c and up to S1.00 AQc our price BLACK TAFFETAS that are black taffeta (not cheese cloth, lou pieces. 27 In. and 86 In. wide, worth from 81 to $1 26, on rile Saturday fiQr at, 76o and Vw Interesting Saturday Special lit will inter "at you to just w a to h the crowd figur atively speaking, eat them up. SILK TIES 600 dosen of them for men, ladles and boys ooda you will readily recognize as 26c values: your choloe Saturday at ei each COLLARS both men" s and LINEN ladles In all the shapes and all Izph each A HANDSOME LINE OF MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR NOW ON DISPLAY FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. the manufacturers. A loo-piece decorated French Gil A OQ china diner set qJI.VCJ Decorated English porcelain China dinner set ....$5.98 Jopnneiee ware, a handsome line at from 130.00 down to ...6c Mr. Gould. His word Is absolute 'law in every one of .he GoUld roads. Like Mr. Harriman, Mr. Gould has his office In New York and directs all his properties from that point. This base of operation Is l-i the southwest corner on the fifth floor of the Western Union bu Id lng, 195 Broadway. Mr. Gould Is not only surrounded by secretaries, associate offi cers, clerks and messengers, but every offi cial and employe of the Gould compar.l.'S in the building (and there are no other com panies In the building) are subject to his call at a moment's notice to share In the work which he outlines. As a matter of fact, much that might be termed hU per sonal work is parceled out among the men already referred to. By this system It cm be readily seen how he can accomplish a vast amount of work. Growth of Gould System. The preHent Gould system of railroads is considerably longer than th it left by Jay Gould, George having aided to It materially. It now comprises approxi mately 15,000 miles of lines. Among the most important roads are the MW.-ouil Pacific, the Wnbasti, the St. Louis, lion Mountain & Southern, the Texas & Pa cific, the St. LouIm Southwestern, and the Denvor & Rio Grande. Mr. Goili hai private tehgraph wires between IiIj New I York office and the ie.-.t r. touched by the Gould roads, und In thus ' In direct communication with all his prop- I ertles. He not only directs the finance ' of these properties In a imislcrly fashion, but ha has much to say and to do in the actual operation of Ihem. A. C. Bird, to whose office reference has been made already, does the same for the Gould roads in the getting und distribu tion of traffic that J. C. Stubbs does fjr the Harriman lines. In Russell Hardin, vice president and ceneral m inager of the Missouri Pacific, Mr. Gould had a valuable executive In the operating de partment. (Mr. Harding recently relgn1 to accept a similar position with thu ne v 1( imlltfin je. r,.. ...... LIUUiliwiii ........ ...... m. n; tiiii B VlCm.) j Joseph tlamsey, jr., president or the Wa bash and several other rouds In the GoalJ group, Is a man In whose .ability Mr. Gould has the greatest confidence, nnl wh.j Is making an enviable record lor i,lnnelf. Both Mr. Rums.y and Mr. H .r llnjt l av-b their headquarters In Et Loulx, b it they are In New York often In conference wl h Mr. Gould. After oil la suld and tl.u 1 16c Economy with a large E.' fvfeW 3.98 - 4.98 Men's Warm Winter Underwear at Hotly Reduced Prices. MEN'S SniRTS AND DRAWERS, extra heavy fleece lined, In plain and fancy colors worth from 50c to 75c Special Saturday, at 45c and 39c HEAVY WOOLEN UNDERWEAR in camel's hair or natural wool worth f 1.00 to $1.25 per garment the snap of the season, at - 75c MEN'S SniRTS AND DRAWERS in natural wool, in camel's hair, xery heavy quality, good value at $2.00 extra special, at fl.50 and 98o A job lot of woolen mittens and heavy leather gloves, worth from 25c to 75c per pair to close quickly, 25c, 15c and ......... .5c MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY SWEATERS in plain and fancy coli rs extra special value at 49c and 25c HOLIDAY SALE LADIES' 3 Just the thing for gifts, and, here you embracing nearly every Known pen. une considered, cannot be duplicated In the cl Women's Pretty Cony Scarfs 69C Women's River Mink Scarfs 1.48 Women's Opossum Scarf at Women's Fox Scarfs at .. 2.98 4.98 4.90 Genuine Marten Scarfs with six tails at.. 72-Inch Sable Fox Scarf s-with 7 QQ large bushy tails at mjj Other finer grades at 19.90, ff (f 112.60, I1S.00 up to $86.00 Beaver Coats 57.50 160.00 Near Seal Coats 35.00 CORRECT CALL AND SEE If you have trouble with your eyes. All latter Is the real head of all the roads bearing the Gould name. Mr. Gould Is a tremendous worker. His fondness for polo and other active out door sports, however, keeps his physique In prime condition. The coldest days In winter bis business suit is made of me dium weight serge, and when he arrive! at his office about 1ft a. m., lie almost in variably Is In a lively perspiration, and is carrying a light weight top coat on his arm. Once Inside his office he strips off undercoat and waistcoat and tellies down to business Immediately. During th coldest days in midwinter Mr. Gould may often be seen going to various offices in the (Western Union building In the same neglige style. He even presided at a meeting of tne directors on one of the companies not long ago without coat or vest. Gould's Frriient Trips, Mr. Gould does not depend altogether on his repiesentatives in the west to carry out his orders. He goes over the lines often to sea with his own eyes what Is being done. On these trips he talks con siderably to the newspaper men. He hnj little to say to the representatives of the press in New York. Still another man In the same category with Mr. Harriman and Mr. Gould is Stuy vesant Fish, president of the Illinois Cen tral railroad. Mr. Fish belongs to a family of bankers and financiers, und wan oriul nnlly a bunker himself. Still. jom b!s office on the thirteenth floor of ibe Noiili American Trust building, 135 Droadway, In direct, In gre;.t detail, the affair ' our of the be-t railroad c impan e In the c west. While Air. Flbh does rot iniiiiiui.i a private telegraph wire service with Chi cago, the main office of the company In the west, still he has a surpristiii;Iy Inti mate knowledge of the exac t c 'mlhli.n of affairs nil over the Illinois Central system at a given moment. Mr. Fish Is spoken of In railroad circles as one of thf hardiM working rallro..d prc.-iilcn:s In the coun try. o LelNUir '1111 T p. It la h:rdly necessary to s.y Hint Mr. Fish Is an extremely busy man. A news paper nun who w-nt to his office reee.itly lo see him was te!d by a friend there that a good time to sec him would be about 7 o'clock In the evening- T'U i.ny seem a gross cxuMferatloii. I ut it la aetu illy true that Mr. KkIi may often be found hard at SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE Hosiery and Corsets Ladies' heavy wool hose in black and gray, worth up to 39c pair, at 150 Ladies' fancy hose in colors and embroidered, worth 60c and 75c, at, pair 35o 19c boys' heavy bicycle hose, all sizes, at 1 2i0 Warner's, R, & G., Thompson's and II. & II. corsets, regular fl values, special at 75fl W. C. a, Warner's and W. B. corsets, drab and white, with two sets of hose supporters, at $1.00 Special corset values, broken lines in drab or whit, wltn hose supporters, at 49flt Agents for the celebrated IL & H. Bust Forms. OF FURS AND - 4 COATS can select them from an immense Mr), best part of it Is our prices, which, quality ty. Handsome Astrakhan Capes fy f( at 119.90 and laS.liU Stylish 8kinner Coats 37.50 WOMEN'S COAT8-In length, plain col ors and fancy mixtures, extremely hand some well made garments 7.50 WOMEN'S COATS-In length. In great range of style, fabric and color, regular 116.00 values clearing sale Q price V.VU WOMEN'S COATS In Lady Curson, Peg. gy from Paris and other nobby styles $18.60 values clearing sale , 0 Qfi price Jy GLASSES. OUR OPTICIAN the newest styles at th LOWEST PRICE work at his office at that hour, even la summer. No man, busy or otherwise, la more accessible than he when he can find a moment to see his callers. Once In hla presence, it is even more difficult to get away than It was to get In. This great railroad chief will, of his own volition, chat most Interestingly, not only of Illinois Cen tral and railroad mutters In general, but of his farm at Garrisons und numerous other topics as well. He la extremely plain In his tastes, par ticularly In the matter of dress. The same Is true of Mr. Harriman and George Gould. Mr. Fish's business dress Is Invariably a plain sack suit, coat, vest and trousers, all of the same material. His neckwear and linen, while always neat In the extreme, are perfectly plain. Mr. Harriman also wears a plain sack cult, a low turnover collar and a small rlaln black bow. George Gould never ap pears during business hours In anything but n plain sack suit, his favorite ma terial being blue or black serge. All threo pieces of the suit are always of the snmo matei lal-no figured wnlsleonls or striped trousers. His neckwear Is correspondingly simple. Mr. Fish enreu little fr the gayety and convirtlotinll'les of Newport, where Mr. Fish Is so proml'i. nt but lakes far more delight In hlf farm nt iTirrisons-nn-the- I liaison, ef which he Is wont to sp- nk oftea to lib' rnile'-s at Hi" Illinois Central office. Other I!hiIh I in 1 1 rlv Flol-d. The great ffr.eli Island system, since It passed to t'.e present maniRenn nt. his be, n dlrectd chiefly from New Vo. k. L. F. l.orec, when pn slili tit oft the Rock Island company, had his r.oHleiuirters in New York, and n"iv Tbilort Mathwr, his h-iccci-fcor, has come here from Chicago to direct the pn.pfrtlep. II. P. Yonl-im, rntli re cvi t!v p-e-i : ni. now .iiI-i vir of the hoiril of directors of ' e 'Frl P'. yNterr Is r.-ipposed lo have h'j main of!lce pi ,'t. loop- I ni he Hp n s mrie time In V York than there. I In p-a -1 1 .-1 1 1 y fio li it the lto-k lsla'i'1 "ystem, the 1. in thi wir'd. i. In the bands of h-n,; r :: ! Is (Ilnct' d by hem from New V" k. ;-. the 1U, -limiti. Gould and Illinois Central ryefmr Willi the exception :' V ib ah none of the Jin' s of th' ce e: rn neije- ;,'i' York than Hi:f ; I" or IMts butf while most of them t' cot exl:vi east of chlnipo.'l.ViO miles f. :n Nil York. Washington Port.