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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1904)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1904. IT IS BEST TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW Make' up jour mind to l".v your gifts rarlv nnl you will save yonrsdf (rouble iinrt inconvenience. You have the greatest variety to choose from right now, bemuse tlif Mocks are new and the lines are unbroken. Shop at your leisure through broad aisles and well lighted salesrooms. Make your holiday shopping a pleasure instead of an annoyance. We are ready to give e?trv attention to the wise shoppers who buy early. ONLY 13 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS The great holiday rush will soon be on. Come Saturday while the stocks are fresh and new, Bee the store in its holiday attire and Belert your gifts from the greatest and most com plete Christmas stock ever seen west of Chicago. Both in the display of pretty toys for the little folks and in useful accept able gifts for the older ones, Brandeis has established a leader ship as the great Christmas center of Omaha. A visit will make decision easier on the best things to buy. lo) tnii ii i i i i f f i B lui w;u 1 $9Ml ALUS m MOM OJ Oll M U Sale of Ladies' Waists Excess Stock of Silk and Wool Winter Waists from Eureka Waist Co., N. Y. Ladies9 $3 Waists at 89c Now li waist at a stock from In this lot lantic flannel, mohairs, voiles, etc. In all the newest fall style features and the most popular . colors worth as high 1mm as $3 each each $8 All the finest Co. mads of the new Chiffon taf fetas, penu de soles, heavy taffe tas, besutlful silk lined all over lace waists, etc. in the nreritest novelty stvles shirred, tucked, plentod, etc. actually worth as high as 8 each-- at, each , w ' 1 Ladies' Winter Coats Suits Costumes Ladles' Long Tourist Coats-Very stylish-worth tl5- g Cg Ladles' Stunning; Long; Tourist Coats Handsomely trimmed worth 122 at Ladles' $6 Quality Short sod Long Costs Winter weight at. Ladles' $7.50 Winter Coata Newest at ladles SIS Tailored Suits-latent styles, at Ludirfi' hnndsomely made Tailored Suits worth $20, at Ladles' 5 nobby Oolf Skirts, at,, each toadies' S10 Swell Golf and Walking Skirts at, each , Fur Department Specials Ladles' $20 Double Fox Scarf with long full II CA brush tails, at , IW.JU Fadles' $13 Double Fox Scarf Sable or Ia- Q QO bell a, cord and tail trimmed, at 0.0 fhnlr nf an nM Int nf fur amrfa. wnrt.h Sill M Mm O each, at $2.0U Fur Cluster Scarfs, at, each -. Ladles' $50 Near Seal Jackets ai... Ladles' $63 Near Seal Jackets Beaver trimmed, at Specials in Muslin Underwear Ladles' Corset Covers beaut i- 4 fully made, worth 35o each, Ladles' Drawers Laos, em broidery and tucking trim med, worth 60o each, at.. 29c FRANCHISE FROM DOUGLAS Eight-of-Way Through This Osauty Next Step of Iaternrban Line. SaRPY GIVES ITS CONSENT TO ROAD Contracts (or Gradluc Entire Roato Probably Will Be Let la Omaha Xrt Week Whea Eastern Promoters Arrive. ' Application for a franchise from Douglas county will be made In a few d;j by the Omaha,' Lincoln A Btatrlcs Intermban Railroad company. P. E. Her says tha papers n connection with this transaction en the part of ths company a;e now being prepared by Judge Lake, .who Is looking after th legal Interests of the company. The new road will pass through South Omaha to Sarpy. The franchise for Sarpy county has been granted by the tounty commissioners. ' According to the terms of the franchise the company Is given the right to cross streets and follow along the mads wher ever It Is found necessary to do so. The commissioners, recognizing the alue of the new enterprise in promoting the bus lness Interests cf tha community, granted the franchise unanimously, the only condi tion required being the company would sea that the streets were properly filled and put on grade with tha tracks wherever they were disturbed. Mr. Her expresses himself GROWING UP There's something the mat ter with the child that fails to grow up. A child that grows up too much, however, without proper filling out of flesh, is almost as badly off. Nothing will help these pale, thin "weedy" children like Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the rounding out of flesh and the rich inward nourishment of blood and vital organs which insures rapid growth a Wealthy and uniform develop-neat the time to buy a pretty new win very moderate price the entire surplus Eureka Waist Co., Wooster St, N. Y. are waists of fine wool, albatross, At at, Silk Waists at $2.98 silk waists from the XH tailored effects 7 Cf ov' Q QQ O OR 4.98 Q O rOC Gft aa.Lf w - 7" AA 6ZWA JJUU V" Ladles' fine black sateen Petticoats tl value, at Ladles' wool and fleecs lined Dressing Sacques worth 11.50 each, at ,. 50c 89c RAM DEIS, much pleased with the sttltude of (he Sarpy county officials. "We have now," he said, "about a mile quare of land there. This, of course, has been secured by the Omaha Land and Im provement company. In point of territory Sarpy county Is one of the smallest In the state, but tn point of pro lucth enesi and In the enterprise of Its people Its splehd'd farms will show It Is not behind the fore most of our counties. The new line will pats diagonally through the county, and the people there are ceoply Interested in the project and are giving every encourage ment to the promoters of the enterpi Ise. Contract for C.rniltna;. Mr. Her expects the contracts for the en tire grading of the new road will be let the coming week. The men who are look ing after this part of the work will be In the city by Tuesday and they will lemiln here until after all the details have been cleared up. All the material has been or dered and the grading will be vigorously pushed from several points. It is expected to have tho road completed and cars run ning between Omaha and Lincoln by the end of another year. This is the present plan of the promoters. The new road will go north on Eight eenth street from Leavenworth to St. Mary's avenue and then to Sixteenth and Howard. It will go east on Howard to Twelfth, where Mr. Her has bought a building which is to be Converted Into a freight and passenger station. Ore por tion of the building has been lea-el for business purposes, but the other part will be remodeled. From this station ths cars will run to tha Eleventh street viaduct and then turn to Tenth street, where they will pass tha Union station and the Bur lington depot. A loop will be formed to permit the cars to get back to the interur ban station from the d.pota. W1THNELL CONDEMNS HUTS Bnlldlnsr Inspector lay Colony of Shacks In Third Ward Mast Be Demolished. Building Inspector Withnell has set his official eye on a tract containing 2uo aged and decrepit dwellings, more or tees, bounded by Thirteenth and Davenport streets and the Union Pacific shop prop erty. He declare they must come down, as they are no longer pleasing to the ee nor safe for occupants and neighbors. Within a few days he expects to take his camera and begin a crusade of inspec tion sod exposure that will cause the Ad visory board to agree with him in his de cision that the "shacks" must go. Most of the property has been bought up during the last several years by John R. Webster, presumably for terminal property for the Illinois Central or the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company, which amounts to the same thing. Now It is said the property is on sale again, as tha railroad haa decided It does not want It. The tract contains a Colony composed principally of MfTOea, Vy Ii B9 B SCHOENHUT Kuroka Waist s r 79&1 'ft. 12.50 2.98 3.98 ill .... JJ r- - Little Chairs and Rockers at 10c to $2.50 Swinging Horses at 93 c to $12.50 Hard Wood Tables at 10c to $1.25. Toy Wash Sets at 25c to 9,8c Go-Carts & Doll Cabs 25c to 8. 50 Ma;ic Lanterns with Movinr Pic rmt, t Christmas Books Every book for Christmas nToe ?Sr tn tr tfl Women Serlen, by Ixiila M. Alcott, lUieS ids. IU O.JW pilbilBhP(i by uttle. Brown & Co. W Little Women, Little Men. Under the I.Hhck. Jo's Boyn, An Old Fanhloned tilrl, Eight Bloom. Jack 10,000 Medallion best fiction, poems, etc. sale, each Bloom. Jack and choice at, each. Boys' and Girls' Books Elnle Dins more, Five Little Peppers. Child's HiHtory, Old and New Testament, Alger books, etc. fine bind ing, different color backs, at, each. Picture Books Little Folks CHILDREN'S COATS Special Dept 2nd Floor Child's Reefer Jackets Winter weight, for school wear, at Children's Long Tourist Coats Very pretty juvenile styiei en worth 13, atl.JU Children's Prettily Trimmed long tourist coats, worth T Qtt C7.50 each, alJtJO Children's Dressy Lonz Winter Coats New styles, worth A QQ 10 each, at..F.0 Children's Pretty School Dresses worth up to J5 each, each ., 2.50 JUST ONE OF DENVER FARES Story of Deisl's Transfer Pronouncsd Positively Falsa by Himself. WILL STAY WITH NEBRASKA DIVISION Declares Report Emanating; from Denver Pnpcr that He Will Re. turn There la Without Any Elemtaol Fact. "Thero Is positively nothing in that story," emphatically asserted Superinten dent Deuel of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific when asked about the report published in Denver papers to the effect- that he was to return to Denver and resume hla old position as superinten dent of the Colorado division and be suc ceeded here by Assistant Superintendent Whitney of Denver. "I have been hearing from this story," added Mr. Deuel, "but there isn't a particle of truth in it. My plans are to remain just where I am." Golden Gnte Limited. Preparations are being r.'.uae by the Rock Island to resume the running of tha Golden Gate Limited for the coming season. This train, perhaps, is one of the most beautiful of all the overland trains sent out from Chicago. The trains are made-up of a buffet and library car, a compartment sleeping car, standard sleepers and a sleeping and observation cars. The first train leaves Chicago at S:10 p. m., on December 26, snd arrives in Los Angeles on the third afternoon at 2: to o'clock. The train is run during ths win. ter season only for the accommodation of the tourist travel. II. tL O.'a Press Bnrcan. A press bureau haa been re-eetabllshed by the Baltimore eV Ohio railroad. This fea ture of the road was discontinued for a time, but the company found it one of ths most valuable means of advertising ths road, and it claims to give out everything, good, bad and Indifferent. In this way the press gets the facts first-handed and there la no chance of misrepresenting a situation through faulty information. The reporter is very apt to get the news sooner or later, but where efforts are made to keep it from the public it Is often obtained from In formants who for obvious reasons may 'not be entirely correct. A news bulletin from the Baltimore ec Ohio shows that during the year Just clos ing the road has changed 29.35 miles ol track, built E5.4 miles of new road and so. of second truck. In some case en- tlrely new double tracks have been built n1 changes of alignment and reductions of gradus have been made. All of the work is bow practically completed, although some of it will not be in use before the first of I the eur. Ths road Is now figuring on ths 89c Grand Toy Opening The thousands of shoppers who visit our mammoth Toyland In the Basement will find everything arranged to make shopping con venient. An immense section in the basement filled with the prettiest toys, dolls and Karnes that eve r delighted the Christmas pntrons. No elevntors to wait for, broad nl sles, few stairs to climb. Our stork is larger than evt'r before the la rgest ever seen in Omaha., Every new toy is represented, including ni any novelties never before seen in Omaha. We invite you to vis It this grand opening Saturday. Toyland is in the Basement Christmas Dolls and Doll Heads Most complete stock of Kid Body Dolls ever tteen In Omaha. h.'r..0.0'.'.'' to $4.50 Kestncr Bisque Baby in 4n QSr Dolls at. each Iut lu Patent Indestructible Dolls fancy ?owns, large, fat bodies, pretty Ju.'..T. 25c-45c-75c Beautiful Dressed Dolla Sold by us only at these 25C-49C-98c prices each yoy' Our Doll Head Department is stocked with the finest Bisque and China Heads we can fit any Er frt I 08 size doll body each " lu strictly new and msde trade. The Little CouRlnii. Rose In 89c and JIU- Cloth Bound Books history, ensays, 19c lor opening 25c for the tr Iflr. 15r at, each aw-lUt FINE CANDIES Ii the Arcade We offer specials in' fresh, new candles for Saturday's selling. Fine Marshmallows at pound lf Stick Candy 26 sticks C for Chewing Oum 20 sticks C n for .... OK Fancy Mixed Candy at pound.- Q urn Drops at pound Salted Peanuts at pound 10c 7c H!c Hot and Cold Soda -Served at our soda fountain in the Arcade. plans of the construction work for next year. FOUR MEN G0T0 SIOUX FALLS Victims of Federal Court Trials Are Taken to I'nlted States Prison. . Deputy United States Marshal James Allan, with William Cowger as special deputy and guard, took the following con victed federal prisoners to tho Sioux Falls (S. D.) penitentiary yesterday: John Adams, bootlegging, thirteen months. Preston C. Brooks, Jr., emhezxllng money from letters at Fort Robinson, eighteen months. Howard Parnell, colored, stealing govern ment property at Fort Niobrara, thirteen months. Peter Sharp and Isaac B. Walter, boot legging, one year each. Each of the above named had to pay a fine of $100 in addition to his imprisonment sentence. JUDGMENTS AGAINST THE CITY Two Decrees from Judge Troup for Insurance Companies as Directed by the Supreme Court. In accordance with a mandate of ths supreme court handed down in October Judge Troup has given two decrees against the city of Omaha and in favor of various life and fire Insurance companies. The court gives a perpetual injunction against the city levying a tax on the gross pre miums Of the preceding year. One of these suits was brought by the Aetna Life Insurance company and seven other life companies, and the other by the Aetna company for its fire department, with about fifty other plaintiffs. The appraise ment of the gross premiums for the pur pose of taxation has been declared uncon stitutional. NO DINNER F0RTHIS MONTH First Function of New Clab Will Be Given About Fifteenth of January. At the meeting of the executive commit tee of the proposed dining club it was thought best. In view of the approach o( the holidays, not to give a dinner during the current month, but to have the first function January 15, or about that time. The matter of a name for the organise, tlon again was considered and it was finally decided not to make a selection at this time, but to submit a number of names for the selection of the various committees, a t a o-thirds vote being accessary to settle the matter. Bee Want Ads Producs Results. DRUMS at 25c to 1.25 "Friction Toys or Hill Climbers 50c to $1.93 Mechanical Iron Trains with track 98c to $10.00 All the New Card Games 10c to 50c Tool Chests, all sizes. 25c to $7.50 PERFUME SPECIALS In the Arcade Jockey Club, Helitrope. White Rose, Lily of the Valley, Carnation, Lilac and Crab Apple worth 50c all go on sale .Saturday, at, an ounce Fancy Automlzers and perfume vases, specially priced, 12.00 down 1Q( 75c bottle Violet Water at bottle 25c bottle Florida Water at per bottle 39c 13c Regular $1, $1.50 nml 7.rc bottles of por fume in fancy Christmas Z C packages, go at bottle, 75c-49c-J JC Favorite brnnds of perfume, A in packages, at bottle. 25c- 15c 1UC BIC ASSESSMENTS' RAISED Figures on Pe'rssnal Property Advanced by the Bsard of Ketisw. COUNT CREIGHTON'S LEFT AS RETURNED Board Begins Sight Sessions In Order to Complete Work by Fifteenth, Time Speci fied by Law. The Board of Review has begun night sesHiorm behind closed doors In order to pass upon the complaints against Teal es tate assessments by December 15, ' when the board must adjourn, according to law. Several large personal' assessments were Increased by the board this morning after hearings on the citations sent oftt at the demand of the Willis Land company. . The return of $302,000 made by Count John A. Crelghton was allowed to stand. Instead of being advanced to $3,000,000, as demanded. Count Crelghton is not in the city, but his secretary appeared. No information was obtained from him, however. The return is the largest for personal holdings ever made by an individual citizen In Omaha. Hayden Bros.' stock was Increased from a return of $161,270 to $225,000. which is about $7,000 more than last year. Joseph Hayden, who appeared, declined to answer questions put by Attorney E. D. Pratt, but responded to queries from members of the board. He admitted that Dun and Brad street's have the store rated at from $256,. 000 to $300,000. The assessment on the lots occupied by this firm was reduced from $110,000 to $100,000. Among the BIsT Jobbers. After u, hearing Paxton & Gallagher, rep resented by Manager Charles H. Pickens, was assessed at $263,090 on its stock, or ths amount of the voluntary return. Last yeai the figures were $200. &iu, but the complaint asked for $700,000. Tills firm has an assess ment of $107,000 against Its real estate. The McCord-Brady company assessment was fixed at $212,000, or the amount of ths return, as against $550,000 demanded. Mr. Brady, who appeared, said the Insurance carried ran between $200,000 and 240,000. No change was made over lust year. The assessment of M. E. Smith Co., for whom an assessment of over $1,000,00) was demanded, was made $290,000, as against a return of $209,185. Arthur C. Smith, who represented the company, ad mitted the value of the stock at tims was as high as $jo0.0u0. J. L. Brandeis ft Sons' personal assess ment on the Boston etore stock was fixed at $175,000. ailnst a return of $126,000. This is a $15,000 advance over last year. Tax Commissioner Fleming declared tha the assessment should be double this figure, ia tf 3 ' Yvl Jewelry Novelties for Gifts The prettiest holiday gifts In the world are in our Jewelry Department Now is the time to make your purchase, while we are quoting very special bargains. New Crystal Beads Just received, the prettiest efTeetsJn amber. rrse, par net, amethyst and rose I 1C 1 At) 1 K liaad, very fashionable, at U Hand Decorated Vases Beautiful Hand Decorated Vasos, make charming orna ment for piano, mantel, etc., finished f XCl in new cupper effects and gold plate, at Sterling Silver Match Safes A fine (rift for a man something he will use scores of times a day at 2.98 75c Sterling Silver Shaving Brushes In different sixes. A fine brush at.. 1.25 25c Sheet Music at 16c New Music Department Arcade. Hundreds of the very latest song and musical hits "She Was from Missouri," "Bit o' Blarney," "CMrcus Tarade" (O. T. Taull's latest), "Satisfied," "Blue Bell," "Alexander," "I Would if I Could, But I Can't," "My Little Lhasa Maid," (the tremendous sonc hit from "Forbidden Land"), "Let Me Go Back," (from "The Koyal Chef), "Come Home Soldier Boy in Blue," (answer to "Blue Bell"), "Let's Go Up to Maud's." "My Ixidia Queen," "Little Boy from Lone some Street," "Oneonta," Northern Lights" "St. Louis Tickle," "Anheuser Busch," etc. ail 25c music, at per copy , 4sJt to have ttut wne sacred snnj, " The Way of Vie Crost," played for you. "Ang-f-rs Serenade," "Over the Waves," "Dnlly Question." "Largo," "Simple Kc Confession," "Under the Double Eagle," etc., all go at copy "w One cent the copy for postage. 100 Printed Calling Cards 39c NEAT AND FASHIONABLE CARDS PRINTED WHILE YOU WAIT. The Ruby Engraved Glaus a handsome novelty your name engraved free-manjr different pieces. See them In the Arcade. many of the assessments against the large buvineea firms he haa dissented from the other members of the board, asserting that greater assessments should be made. In the case of the Boston store ths protestants declared the figures hould be $500,000. PUBLIC SCHOOLS HOLIDAYS Period of Vacation Begins Christmas Eve and Terminates Nlntn of January. The public schools wtll have a holiday vacation of two weeks beginning Saturday, December 24, and lasting until Monday, January I. Christmas observances will not be general In the schools and will be left to the choice of the teachers of the variout rooms. At the high school no programs apart from one or two that may be given by literary societies will be executed. As usual some of the schools will receive con tributions, from the pupils to be given to the .charitable organizations and schools in the poorer districts. This, also, Is left to the wisdom and desire of ths teachers and FREE A Bottle ol CHOICR WINE and other handsome PRESENTS with each purchase. Monogram YhitkeyPergai, $3,00; per qt 80c Saf f ell Club Whlskey-Per gai. , $3,75 . per qt , $,qo C.dar Run an'l all leading brands of bottled in bond gpodB-Perqt, $1,00, $1.25 and SI.50 WE CATER TO THE BEST FAMILY TRADE AND , BELL ONLY PORE AND UNADULTERATED GOODS Give us a call before buying Wines and Liquors. HIUiAY CO, THE RELIABLE FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE . Tolophono 2209 1303 Douglas St. Ladies' Watches $4.98 100 ladies' watches, all hand engraved cases, the well known New York iew i or a 4.98 Standard m 'Veraent, cases have written euar- antee for 10 years' wear, at Babies' Solid Gold RJngs Engraved, In oval and chased. Very special A f Saturday tfyC At s Beautiful Envelope Hand Bags Strap handles, walrus and morocco leathers, a stylish novelty, at 1.25 a Ladiet and Misses' Comb 42 Brush Sets With pretty painted porcelain backs; f f handsome set, comb acd brush, for, f f per set 6c principals. No arrangements for Christmas celebrations have yet been started. The Peruns Almanac In 8,000,000 i- V Homes. The Peruna Lucky Day almanac has be. come a fixture in over eight million homes. It can be obtained from all druggists free. Be sure to Inquire early. The 1906 alma, nao is already published' and the supply will soon be exhausted. Do not put It off; get ono today. Marring Licenses. The following marriage licenses wers Issued ur to noon December t: Name snd Residence. JumoB G. White, Casper, Wyo Grace Horton, Belle s'ourche, S. D John N. Forbes, Springfield, Neb..., Ines M. -White, Springfield, Neb...,. William R. Reeder, Omaha Edith Bpeakman, Sidney, la......... Frank Schrottner, Omaha Maggie Clair, Omaha ... 21 ... II ... 24 ... 18 1S-K. Wedding Rings. Ec holm, Jeweler, If you have anything to trade advertise It In the For Exchange column of The Be want ad page.