Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1904, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska lu 119,855 Mn tf laiubls &g
and Hot Exsapt.
l.ralslatare to Be Asked for mm Ap
propriation to Prorld a Preseat
for h Hrif Battleship
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
1AXCOVN. Dee. . (8peclal. Adjutant
General Culver has received returns from
all but four of the county clerk of the
stats giving the number of men between
the age of 18 and 45 year who are eligible
to membership In the Mate militia, and
the total la 119,756. In these aame countlea
there are between the agea of 18 and 45 a
total of 4.029 men who for various reason.
are not subject to military duty. The ata
tlstics were gathered by. the county ssees
sors and turned over to the county clerks,
and by these officers sent to the adjutant
general to be used In his biennial report to
the governor. This Is the first time ths
military strength of the state has ever
been- figured out and General Culver has
been generously congratulated for inaugu
rating such a move. The following table
hows the net number of men subject to
military duty by counties and' the per oent
of men based on the population aa shown
by the census of 1900.' The counties that
are still out ara Blaine. Boyd, Greeley and
Men Eligible Ter Cent of
to Militia. Population.
Adams 1,590
Antelope 1,4X2
Hanner 14
llimnn 1.1M
Hoi llutte 754
Urcjwn 3M
Buffalo 2.07'l
Hurt 1,137
Butler 2.2:6
Odar 2.213
Chase 3i
Cherry l.Oltf
Cheyenne 642
Clay 2,0,7
Colfax 1.47
Cuming 1.8l
Custer 2,17
Dakota asil
Dawes 5.13
Imwson l.f.'l
Deuel 3OT
Dixon 1.2im
Dodge 2.7K7
Douglas 9,Z
Dundy 3-4
FlUmore 1.938
Franklln 1,341
Frontier 95 ;
Furnas 1,3X9
Oaga 3,076
Garfield 274
Gosper 624
Grant 85
(Ireeley ..
Hall 2.001
Hamilton 1.5X4
Harlan 1.1"
i Mayes 378
Hitchcock 731
llolt 1.67
Honker 71
Howard 1.478
Jefferson 2.122
Johnson 1.837
Kearney 9.9
Keith i - 2T8
Keya Paba 610
Kimball 128
Knox 2.275
I An ouster 4.115
Uncoln 1.0"f
Ixgan 114
l,oup 2'
Ma (II eon 2.547
Merrick 1.038
Nance 954
Nemaha 1.69
Nuckolls 1.411
Otoe 3,2tW
Pawnee 1.5X1
Perkins 2'H
1'helna 1.156
' Pierce l.loo
Piatt 2,470
Polk 1544
Red Willow 1.312
' Klchardson 2.628
Kock 4S
Valine. l
8aunders 2.837
Bcott'a Bluff
Beward 2??
Hheridan 751
Sherman 8'5
Bloux . Jl
Stanton J.J0?
Thayer 1.696
Thomas 59
Vallev 116?
Washington A"-11
Wayne J.J70
Webster 1.131
Wheeler . 3
lork 1.896
11 8
7 9
7 9
2 5
8 0
15 1
. 7.05
9 4
9 2
. 8.9
7 1
9 8
Total 119,755
Steel Vaalt Fixtures Wanted.
In his biennial report Land Commissioner
Follmer will make a strong recommenda
tion for the Installation of steel fixtures
The Worlds Greatest
Skin Humour,
Affects, Every Age and
The Only Sure Cure is
If there were sot another external
kin disease known, ectema would be a
sufficient Infliction on mankind. It per
vades all classes, and descends Impar
tially through generations. While gome
are constantly enveloped In It, others
have It confined to small patches In the
ears, on the scalp, on the breast, on ths
palms of the bands, on the limbs, etc.,
bnt everywhere Its distinctive feature Is
a small watery blister, which discbarges
an acrid fluid, causing heat, luflamraa
tlpu, and Intense Itching, scaling and
The Cuticura treatment Is at once
agreeable, speedy, economical and com
prehensive. Bathe the affected parts
freely with hot water and Cuticura
Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts
and scales, and soften the thickened
cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing,
and apply Cuticura Ointment to allay
Itching, Irritation and inflammation,
and soothe and heal, and, Isstly, take
Cuticura Kesolrent, or Pills, to cool and
cleanse the blood. ' This treatment af
fords Instant relief, permits rest and
sleep In the severest forms of ecxema
and other Itching, burning and scaly
humours, and points to a speedy, per
manent aud economical cure of tor
turlng, dlsflgnrlng- humours, ecxemas,
rashes and Inflammations, f rom infancy
to age. when all other remedies and the
best physicians fall.
14 Ihrmiftoa lha rM. CuhM RMotml, Ska.
tm I nl I " FUt. IM mm Vtftl tUh.
(inliMiliSl.. kM.Mc. Dtluttl lda If Cki
k. . P.rit. i it. Paiai BoU. in Col
In the vaults of Ms office and In the office
of the secretary of state. Mr. Follmer will
say that In his vault there are securities,
notes, etc., representing $5,0"0,oro or fS.OVt,
000. and should these be destroyed by Are
It would result In endless trouble and
probably litigation. In the vault of the
secretary's office there are records that
could not be replaced. The vaults In both
offices have wooden fixtures that would
burn readily were a fire to start. The
cost would probably be between fl.' and
$3,000 for each vault, but It Is the Impres
sion of the state officers that the money
would be well spent.
Present for Bltleshla.
The next legislature will have an oppor
tunity to say whether the state should
purchase a suitable present to be pre
sented to ' the battleship Nebraska. It
has been suggested that a popular sub
scription be taken up and a library or ll- j
ver set purchased and presented to the j
ship, but this plan has not yet been '
set In motion. It Is understood now that
Governor Mickey will In his forthcoming
message call the attention of the legis
lature to the matter and give that body
a chance to act, before any popular sub
scription Is started.
lavltea All County Attorneys.
Attorney General Prout desires to make
It known to fell the county sttorneys-elct
that they are Invited to participate In
the conference to be held here next
Wednesday, to which all the present county
attorneys, whose counties are affected by
the refusal of the railroads to pay their
taxes, have been Invited. Personal Invita
tions were not sent to the county attorneys-elect
for the reason that he had
no means of knowing them or of having
their addresses. Inasmuch as the suits will
be Just starting when the new attorneys
take charge of their offices It Is the earnest
desire of the attorney general that all of
them attend the .conference and give their
Ideas of a plan to oppose the railroads.
Former Senator W. V. Allen, who re
cently had a slight passage of arms with
the supreme court, did not get to argue
his motion to reinstate his motion for a
rehearing In a damage suit which - was
stricken from the records of the court
because the senator got gay with the
court. Instead, Senator Allen was Informed
that such motions were not argued unless
the court expressly requested argument.
The senator had already Informed the op
posing counsel that he would make an
argument and they were on hand with
nothing to do.
Searle Barnes Office Help.
State Auditor elect Searle today an
nounced a portion of his office force as
follows: Deputy auditor, George Anthes;
treasury examiner, E. J. Robinson; bond
clerk, Mr. Lawrence; record clerk, Miss
Anderson. The remaining appointments
Mr. Searle stated would be -made shortly.
Defense Introduces Jio Testimony
Before the Court.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Dec. . (Special
Telegram.) The preliminary examination
of Charles W. Derby, charged with perjury j
In the Llllle case, was continued this morn
ing. May Llllle, sister of Harvey Llllle;
Edna Llllle, Ills daughter; James S. Hill,
father of Mrs. Lena Llllle, and Sheriff
West were examined. The testimony ot
these witnesses was largely corroborative
of that Introduced yesterday, but the
sheriff swore that, ' to his knowledge, no
examination was made of the lock on
the door on the day of Harvey Llllie a
Mr. Hill swore that since the funeral
the door has been locked with a bolt. At
11:30 the prosecution asked for a recec-a
until 1:30, when it promised to have all
of Its testimony Introduced, and It Is be
lieved that the case will soon be ended.
At the beginning of the afternoon session
of the preliminary hearing of Charles W.
Derby, charged with perjury in his testi
mony in the Llllle murder trial, the prose
cutlon Introduced no further evidence and
the defense filed a motion that the com
plaint does not charge any crime under the
laws of the state of Nebraska and that the
evidence is not sufficient to sustain the
charge. The afternoon was spent In argu
ing the motion and at 4:60 o'clock, after
summing up the evidence introduced, Jus
tice McCoy sustained the motion.
Maccabee Committees Meet.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 9. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of Maccabees or varl
ous cities In the stale, held In October In
this city, steps were taken toward an In
dependent Jurisdiction, owing to proposed
rates ordered by the supreme tent which
were regarded unjustlfledly high and par
ticularly objectionable to the older mem
bers of the order. Mr. R. O.- Adams of this
city was at that meeting elected president
and authorised to appoint committees con
sisting of five each for . legislation, or
ganisation and constitution and by-laws.
These committees, majority of each being
present, have met in this city. Very satis
factory progress was reported and the gen
tlemen concerned are confident of the se
curing of an Independent organization, thus
realising lower rstes and a responsibility
only as to the losses occurring in this
Find Burglars' Tools.
ALMA, Neb., Dec. . (Special.) On last
Friday Mr. Jones, living a mile north of
Huntley, in this county, found In his corn
field, near the public highway, a valise,
which contained a complete set of burglar
tools, consisting of false face, drills, bits,
brace, dynamite, fuse, skeleton keys, a
complete set of tools to treak off the locks
on safes, and a number of other tools and
Instruments used by burglars to enter
houses, open safes and explode chests.
From the appearance of the ground, the va
lise had been there only a short time, snd
no doubt was left there by some one who
intended to subsequently pass that way,
obtain the same and make a raid on some
bank In the county or near by. The valise,
with contents, have been turned over to
ths sheriff of the county.
Wagon Smashed by Trala.
LEIGH. Neb., Dec. 9.-(Bpeclal.)-The
west-bound Northwestern passenger train
struck a farmer's wagon at the depot last
evening. The team was owned and driven
by Puley Helts. The wagon was demolished
and plied up against a sign post, with Mr.
Helts underneath. When he was fished out
by the by-standers they were surprised to
find that he was In good shape, with the
exception of a few bruises snd scratches.
Pieces of ths wagon were scattered about
ths platform and one of the tires was
picked off the engine. Mr. Helts was com
ing into town and from the side ot the
track that he was on a large elevator ob
structed ths view so the incoming train
could not be seen.
Lucas Case Postpoaed.
HOLDRKQE, Neb., Dec. . (Special
Telegram.) The preliminary examination
of John Lucas, who la charged with tho
murder of Clyde Lester, was set for today
before County Judge Ulghtol. On motion of
the stats the case was continued upntll next
FTIdsy. Judge Blghtol appointed w. P.
Hall and W. A. Oarrett to assist the county
attorney. A half sister of Lester arrived
here from Council Bluffs last evening and
has tsken charge of the body of deceased.
Ths funeral has been set for tomorrow
Bank Secures Jaaaat.
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. Dec. .-(Special.)
In ths case of the Bank of Murdoch
sgalnst ths American Casualty company of
Boston, ths Jury found for ths plaintiff
13 More
Buying Days
Until Christmas
Men's House
The bank was robbed January 25
Poor Health and Financial Difficulties
the oe.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Dec, . (Special Tele
gramsGeorge T. Harr, local manager for
the Beatrice Creamery company, shot and
instantly killed himself a few moments
after noon today. The tragedy was en
acted in a water closet at the rear of the
old laundry building which stands Just
north of the creamery company's office on
First avenue, between Second and Third
streets. Harr tired three bullets from u
large caliber revolver Into his left breast.
One penetrated the heart and the other two
went very close to that organ. Either of
the wounds was sufficient to have caused
death. Harr has been the local manager
for the Beatrice Creamery company for the
puHt four or five years and resided with
nls wife and live small children at 1T02
Third avenue In Kenwood.
The cause for the taking ofj his life is
bad health and a shortage in his ac
counts. He was a member of the Loyal
Mystic Legion, In which he was insured.
but forfeits his policy by the reason of hav
ing taken his own life.
Girl Files Complaint.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special )
William Prlbnow, the young man who
came dashing in from the country yester
day and rushed into police court for pro
tection from the Winter brothers, who
were not half a mile behind him, chasing
Prlbnow hotly, and who was charged by
the Winters brothers with a very serious
crime against Mies Mary Mohr, is still In
the city Jail, but is not under arrest. When
the Messrs. Winter refused to swear to a
complaint, but were emphatic in their
charges, stating that Miss Mohr had re
lated the matter to Mrs. Winters and that
Prlbnow had threatened to kill her and
shoot himself If she disclosed the matter,
County Attorney Horth sent them out to
bring In the girl and her father, a well-to-do,
staunch and reliable German farmer.
Shortly before noon Mr. Mohr and daugh
ter arrived in the city. Prlbnow, who
had been released and had been about
town for an hour, voluntarily returned to
the police headquarters to see if he was
wanted. Soon thereafter Miss Mohr signed
a complaint charging criminal assault and
Prlbnow was rearrested. No date for the
preliminary hearing has yet been set.
It Is alleged that the crime was com
mitted on December 2, the young woman
asserting that her fear of Prlbnow had
caused ber to be silent hitherto.
Alfalfa. Meal for Feed.
ALMA. Neb., Dec. 9.-(8peclal.)-The new
alfalfa mill at this place has been in ope
ration here now for about two weeks and
has turned out several carloads of meal
snd shipped to the markets of the east,
and has also baled a large number of the
alfalfa and shipped the same to Omaha and
Kansas City. The price of alfalfa hay has
gone up over fl per ton since the mill
started and It now looks like it will still
Jump higher, for the hay will all be ground
or baled in this vicinity and the feeders
will be without tho lay unless they con
tract soon.
Burlington Officials on Tour.
BEATRICE, Neb. Dec. . (Special Tele
gram.) A party of prominent officials of
the Burllngtbn visited Beatrice this after
noon and called on a number of business
men. The party. Is on a tour of inspec
tion of the lines in Nebraska and Is com
prised of D. O. Ives, general freight agent;
L. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent;
H. G. Byram, general superintendent; C. B.
Rodgers, division superintendent. The party
returned to Lincoln this evening.
Rear In Newspaper Office.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec .-(Speclal
Telegram.) Some commotion was caused
at the office of the Beatrice Dally Express
this morning when It was discovered that
V. H. Burnett, an employe, had developed
a ease of varioloid. Work was Immediately
closed down temporarily while the office
and clothing of the employes were fumi
gated. The paper issued a limited edition
this evening.
Preacher Called to Porto Rico.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Dec. (.-(Special Tele
gram. -Elder D. Crane presiding elder of
this district of the Methodist Episcopal
church, has accepted a call to the pastorate
of the English Protestaut church at Ban
Gifts of "Known" Values for Men and Young Men
Value means dependable quality, or it isn't value. When you buy here, you buy KNOWN
values. Articles that have made the men who made them famous throughout the craft.
Mens Hand Fashioned Suits, 7 50.10-$I2-$15-$20-$22 50-$25 to $35
Men's Overcc-als-i many styies- 5Q.Jowa 1o $10
The Lesser Articles
The scarf, the gloves, the hat, the house
maintain in our Haberdashery department the
designa and 6tyles, with unimpeachable values.
Tlmt dresnd-up feolltiR twoinos
burdensome after twillpht, nnd
a bonne-coat or smoking juckrt
Is always appreciated and a
most appropriate gift at this
season. We have over i-'iH) dif
ferent styles in exclusively con
fined designs, fashioned from
all the favored cloths, in the
best weaes, both grave and
gay, at
4.50, $5, $6,
7.50 to $15
Juan, P. R. He will Iphvo hrre January 1
for his new field of labors.
County Attorney nt Pender nlsmlaaes
Forgery fuse.
PENDEK, Nl., Doe. 9.-(9peclnl Telr-
v n ' i . . S li., 1'., UnVinll rf
srH.n,.,-,u,- r.i.-H , r...... . "' " ;
Homer wns rulW-d In county court toriay
and dismissed. Father Sehell was arrested
on a warrant sworn out from the office of
the county Judge, the complaint charging
him with forging the mime of nn Indian
weman to a certificate of deooslt to secure
the transfer of the money from ono bank
to another. Father Schcll 'was on hand
and anxious to have the case tried, but
County Attorney Chnse dismissed It because
It was made apparent that the person who
Issued the warrant as county Judge had no
legal standing In the office and the warrant
was void.
Whether a new complaint will bo filed
before the newly elected county Judge lies
with the parties who swore out the one
which was dismissed today, but Father
Schcll says he Is willing to meet the charge
at any time.
Municipal Improvements at Alma.
ALMA, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.! Alma Is
to have an electric light plant and water
works unless all predletious full. The peo
ple are alive to the necessity for such im
provements. Of course, n have some old
croakers who do not believe in building up
a town and having the modern conveni
ences, but the majority of the people here
are heartily In favor of It, and especially
the heavy taxpayers. A number of men
have already been on the ground making
figures on the cost of the plant The con-v
sensus of opinion at the present time is that
tho city ought to own the plant and vote
bonds to construct the same. If this Is
not done, however, shortly, a number of
citizens will organize a stock company and
ask for a franchise for an electric plant
here, Orleans and Republican City, and also
a water plant at Alma. The city Is large
enough to make it a good paying Invest
ment and operated In conjunction with the
water plant, money can be made In the en
terprise. Valuable Team stolen.
SHELTON, Neb., Dec. 9. Special Tele
gram.) Sometime before 4 o'clock this
morning thieves entered the barn of Law
rence Vohland, a prosperous German far
mer living six miles southwest of Shelton,
and stole a valuable team of horses, a new
set of harness nnd hitched them to one of
Mr. Vohland's wagons and left in an east
erly direction, as a trace of the outfit has
been found. The team was a heavy pair of
draft horses and was quite valuable. Mr.
Vohland has been offered 1450 for them and
refused It. The Beatrice bloodhounds have
been telegraphed for and will be here this
Jail Break at Krllgh.
NELIGH. Neb., Dec. 9.-Frank Donnor,
convicted in the district court yesterday
on his third trial of cattle rustling, broke
Jail this afternoon and escaped. A large
posse is searching for him.
Kewa of Nebraska.
BEATRICE. Dec. 9. The Independent
Telephone company Ih making plans to
build another telephone line southwest of
Blue Springs as soon ss possible.
BEATRICE. Dec. 9 The Beatrice Mili
tary band gave a promenade concert in
NichoU' hall last night, the affair being
very largely attended by the young society
people of our city.
SUTHERLAND. Dec, 9 Bernard il
Franzen and Mian Roslna H. Nellson were
united In marriage at the home of Dim
bride's parents, northwest of town, Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock. ,
GENEVA. Dec. 9-Pralse from citizens
i heard on all sides for the iipr.-k.ini
and splendid style of the entertainment
accorded the delegates to the late ennui
suffrage convention by the home club
Hl'MBOLDT, Dec. 9. Rev. John Calvert
the pastor of the local Mothodlst church'
has organized the young people of his con
gregation Into the While Shield leu roe
temperance organization, the membershiu
amounting to seventy at the outset.
GENEVA, Dec. S Yesterday Judge p-tt-terson
concluded the hearing of Henrv
Boer, who was held on the charge of mur
der In the second degree, and ball Hxe.l i
$1,500. The trial attracted many vUI,o?i
iiuii, in uvvi .no luumy and the
room was full.
TECL'MSEll, Dec. 9. Receiver W A
Campbell of the defunct Chambe'rl iln
banking house of this el.y ann ui.e.y t,,t
he will soon give a 12 per cent dnid nd n.
the depositor of the filled bi k u-e
vlo"f d',lJnd ot 7 percent was ' niaue.
making 19 per cent for ths jis
TABLE ROCK. l-v. 9 v. VHpr.'
who has been In business hvie fur uinv
)is. sold bis stock ot mstcLandiss '
Men's $20-$22.50 Suits and Overcoats
Warm Winter Underwear
Kxtra special offering of men's,
heavy wool ribbed shirts and
drawers, in blue and salmon
colorings, regular $1.00
values, at 0
Men's fine all wool ribbed and
Hat weave, single and double
breasted shirts and re-inforced
drawers, blue, salmon, pink,
brown, camel's hair and ecru,
grand special values, " J 30
sfot and
st ff hats
in black
and light
other shop's
$5 qualities
terday to William Nemechek, a well known
farmer residing n short distance northeast
of town. Mv. Fellers gets In pHrt payment
the tine home farm on which Mr. Nemethek
NKHRABKA CITr. T-ec. r. rile office
employes of the Mortnn-Gregsmi l'ucklng
onmnanv and the Nebraska City stock have organized a golf club and have
made a six-hole course. Tho links rover
fifteen acres of ground near tli stork
, vnrds end are unusually well adspted for
! ih. aHn1P.
TEClMSEH, Dec. 9. Teoumseh I to
have the fifth rural mall route. It will be
ectabllshed on January 2. 19 5. and will
run east from the city. The rmre will be
twrniy-two miles In length. Kcr the ac
commodation ot the new route It will be
necessary to rearrange route No. 4, which
also rims east from the city. The carrier
has not yet been appointed.
FREMONT, Dec. H. W II. lam Brooks was
arrested here yesterday at the request of
Sheriff Young of Bender on the charge of
stealing a loud of corn from bis employer
near that town and also forging .a check.
He was taken back to Bender this morn
ing to answer to the charge. It Is claimed
that he hauled the corn to town, sold It,
got a check cashed and then skipped out.
NEBRASKA CITY, Dec. 9 C. F. Kcovll
of Omaha was In the city today and pur
chased a lot In Wyaka cemetery where
he will have a mausoleum erected in honor
of his dci:eaHCd wile, Minnie llawke Scovll,
who Is Interred In a cemetery near Omaha.
The mausoleum will be constructed of gran
ite snd will cost about fcl.Ona. The contract
has been awarded to a local firm.
ALMA, Dec. 9. Mr. B. Searle was here
this week and rhecked up our county treas
urer and found U accounts lu good shape.
Mr. Searle will soon close his present work
and enter upon his duties as a state of
ficer, and we know he will make an ex
cellent record during his incumbency, as
he has In the past with his work, examin
ing the country treasurers' books of the
TABLE ROCK. Dec. 9 A union meeting
of the missionary societies of this place
wus held at the home of Mrs. F. C. Norris
Wt-dnesday ufternoon, about forty women
being present, five of whom were from
Humhoidt. The program consisted of a
review of the year's work, the papers being
Interspersed with musical selections. After
the program refreshments were served and
a social time had.
TKCL'MSKH, Dec. 9 A district meeting
of the Knights of Pythias was held In th s
city last evening and was well atieadtd.
Among the speakers Wrre Grand Chan
c Unr J. N. Klldow of York ai d Past Grand
Chancellor Krunk J. Kel.ey of L.ncoln.
The festivities of the even ng closed wi.h
a banquet and smoker. It wan a very en
joyable occasion for the sir knights, as
many visiting brethren wore on hand.
GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 9.-DI('trl.h Stein
beck, a farmer who had called nt the store
to trude, accidentally fell uown the ele
vator shaft at the Bee Hive grocery. He
was precipitated head first, but fortunately
came In contact, at the other end, with a
large barrel full of chipped cork, and de
clared It like fulling into the net after a
loop-the-loop attempt. Despite his age he
was none the worse for the experience.
GENEVA, Dec. 9. Since the disastrous
fire In Fraternity temple that literally
burned out eight lodges, the Silver Link
Rebekuh lodge meets by Invitation of Dr.
Puckett In his office, which he has kindly
tendered lor this purpose. The following
officers were elected: N. G., Joy Hart;
V. Q.. Margaret Cross: recording secre
tary, Mari-eua Flory; treusiuer. Mary J.
Truvers; financial secretary, Grace A. Flory.
Hl'MBOLDT, Deo. 9. Tne case against
William V. Hicks, charged with handling
liquors without a license, which wan to
com? up for hearing In the court of Justice
Smith today, after several postponements,
fulled to materialize, the accused not nut
ting In an appearance. It Is generally
understood that no effort will be made
to recover on the appearance bond for the
reason that the authorities are satisfied
If hicks will remain away and discontinue
bis past vocation.
BEATRICE, Dec. County Attorney
Sackett is In receipt of several letters from
the authorities ut Stockdale, Kan., the for.
mer home of John Thompson. In Jail here
charged with daylight burglary, which give
hlin a ceitlticate of bud character. He has
made a record there os a petty thief, and
left that section of Kansas not long ago
after stealing a quantity of wheal und
alfalfa. Thompson's cafe will be disposed
of In district court.
BEATRICE, Dec. 9. Germiinla lodge No.
Ifco. Ancient Order of United Workmen,
elected these officers last night: John Ple
Imch, past nianer workman; Fred A.
Schultz. master workman; C. F. A. Bart
ling, recorder; Conrad Stroll, receiver; Au
gust Schaefer. financier; William Jahnsen,
foreman; Cornelius Slaehs. overseer; Fred
Brandt, guide; John Quapp, inner guard;
Harry Swans, outer guard; Ju-ph Samisli,
tr . ee; lr. J. 8 Curry, medical examiner.
NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. !. The county
uouiiuliuioners at liielr meeting today Is
sued an order Instructing the county treas
urer to cancel all taxes on church liar
sonages for the year and :o refund
nil lues paid on parsonages for thai year.
Otoe county Is the only lountv In the state
that lias bee assessing church parsonuges.
The same property has ueen assesseo lor
the years
or jm and
but the order
doe not affect the taxes
for these two
yea rs.
KliEMOST, Dee. y.-(8peclal.)-AI Acker
man, a wittier k for the stale In the case
of ihe state against Urecson. who J imped
Ins bond to appear a a witness at the
last term of the district court, wis ar
retted hrre Issl nlghl and will huve
chance to explain a by be did not iipp.-nr
and testify. A'kenuun wus one of the
principal witnesses against Gieeson and It
a, largely owing to Ills absence that the
litter got off wiih a conviction fur petit
larcenv Instead of burglary.
Bl-ATJtlCt; Dtc. .-Cauip No. 2.0, Mod-
ALT &r V'
of Men's Attire Are Here
coat, the bath robe are here, selected with utmost care, to
principle underlying our whole business; namely, tastajm
Are always so
ceptable g 1 f t s
to spare that
draughty journey
from the bath
luxurious robes,
of downy mater
ials, in laryo flow
e and Persian
Omaha'i Favored Hat
Store 84 dozen men's
designs e x t r a
special display
$3.50, $4.00,
$5.00, $6.00,
$7.50, $10.00
to $45.00
em Woodmen of America, met last night
and elected the following officers for ttju
coming yeur: (1. H. Van Home, venerable
consul; R. A. Phelps, worthy adviser; Will
Arnold, banker; A. P. Sperry, clerk; Nathan
Mudge, escort; D. C. Rumbo watchman,
J. R. Craig, sentry; C. L. Reed, Alex John
ston, board of managers; Drs. G. 11. Brash,
C. V. Fall and C. S. Curry, physicians. A
banquet was held following the business
meeting. f
BEATRICE, Dec. 9. A colored man giv
ing the name of Thomas Adams was
brought here yesterday from Blue Springs
and lodged In Jail without bail on the
charge of burglarizing the house of A. A.
Matthews, who lives east of Blue Springs.
He was arrented In the vicinity of Barnes
ton. His case will be disposed of when
district court convenes In about two weeks.
It Ib alleged that when he was arrested
he was wearing a suit of clothes and an
overcoat stolen from the Matthews home.
GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 9. The city coun
cil and mayor are quite alarmed over a
damage suit that is pending und have se
cured for City Attorney Garlow additional
counsel in C. G. Ryan nnd ". H. Thomp
son. Miss Hansen fell, while walking along
a defective sidewalk some months ngo, and
sustained Internal and other Injuries, from
which she was an Invalid for some months.
Suit has been brought for $,"j.ihiO. Judge
Thompson Is attorney for the plaintiff. It
Is not expected that a trial will be secured
at the present term of court.
Hl'MBOLDT. Die. 9. The better element
at Nlms City announce that a reform has
been Inaugurated at that place, tho uwak
ening having been caused by the recent
affair which very nearly resulted in a mur
der, and the subsequent airing of the con
ditions In the prrss. It bus been notorious
that the handling of liquor and the run
ning of games without proper observance
of the law und the customs has prevailed
and now It isf claimed that all intoxicating
liquors found within thd precincts of the
village have been voluntarily hauled uway
and the games shut up and no complaints
on tills score will be necessary In the fu
ture. Stucke, the victim of the assault
In the billiard hull, Is still reported t re
covering from the effects of the encounter.
BEATRICE, Dec. 9.-The Mary Young
Men's Christian usssocluiion of Beatrice
now owns a three-story brick block In the
business section of the city, clear of ull
debt. As only a small amount was to be
raised by the directors of the association,
and under promise from them that they will
collect the small amount due the associa
tion, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wolfe of
this city, owners of tho block In question,
yesterday gave their consent to place the
deed on record, thus conveying the prop
erty to the association free from all in
cumbrance. It Is understood the necessary
Improements will he made on the block
in me near luiure. anu after this Is donu
the Alary Young Men s Christian ass
tlon or Beatrice will have one of the
homes In the state.
ocla- III El
finest V"
44 to 56 inches long,
Special for Saturday,
sTaHHaMMMMMal Maa.TaTaTa.TaTafasTa
.None SuchMince Meat !
J la 2-Pie 1 Cc Packaeei with List of Valuable Premiums, K!.8a -1
La sas) MS sM Hast Is Ml m Msl M sjbbJ MM MM MSJ Mt aaai M MM aasj tal
BaJh Robes
Made in
A Shoe That
W. S. Stryker Co.
312 S. Sixteenth St.,
Board of Trade Building.
Learn to oprta th niuras. Mini Rasa
ins, Rntllni srsled Memiu, Indepand
ent Blala Writing, Elc. Write today, I'll
Ull you how It'a all don. Brnd atampa.
Ilr. C. ft. DeVolf.
512 Wheeler Street, Fort Worth Taxas.
$ A .98
ii S5.75 ihhp $611
1519 FARNAM ST. PHONE 1307.
' I n