Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1904)
1 11X TIIE OMAHA DAILY . DEE: SATURDAY. DECEMPETt 10. ' Men's Fine Dress Cloves at $1.00. They will make a very suitable Christmas Present. We charge a little less and give i little better article than the exclusive men's furnishers. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR FOR MEN IS NOW ON DIS PLA Y. at 45c. We offer a gorgeous assortment. Same qualify of silk as the exclusive Haberdashery charges 75c for. i r "-v r' iii ; Don't make 8l mistake! This is iot aiv r li r' : " ordinary clothing announcement. On the contrary, it tells of clothing oppor tunities tha.t have no precedent in the annals of our businessit won't take you five minutes to read all about the bargain news that tells you of $23 tud $25 overcoats a.t $15 now isn't such news worth five minutes of your time? That's not all, though. There are suit buying values of equal merit 515 for Custom Made Overcoats and Suits They're garments the ioro most tailors in the city would be proud of, too the very finest example of the most skilled tailors-300 of them bought from an exclusive maker, who desired to turn a cancelled order into immediate currency. They come to u? at a price concession that makes it possible for us to offer them to you at $15. The lot includes all styles, thoroughly hand tailored, and we say they are all worth at least $23, but the fact of the ft 1 matter is some ars worth more SATURDAY Y H .... 44 AT 1000 Suits and Overcoats at $10 Our unprecedented selling of men's suits and overcoats has very naturally left U9 with sev eral odd lots, and it's only observing prudent business methods to right our stock as we go along giving you remarkable values in season instead of out of season. So Saturdaj we will offer an assortment of suits and overcoats at ?10 that will set men a thinkiug. Suits are made of cheviots, casimeres and worsteds, lined with an extra fine serge will fit all builds of men. Overcoats come in all desirable lengths cut and fit perfectly. Bring the boys here Saturday let us fit them out with the purchased for the price. Boys' Overcoats Worth $5 Saturday for $3.50 Made of high handsomest suit or overcoat you ever Boys' Suits Worth up to $5 Saturday for $3 Made of finest Scotch silk mixed cheviots, big variety of patterns to choose from will fit boys from 4 to 15 years. best grade ehpviots nnrt frlr-zes in plain pray or fancy coloring; with or without belt cut long and loose will nt boys from 7 to 15 years. See Our Line of Holiday Slippers Shoes that satisfy at prices that please the purse Men's floodyear welt box calf lace and blueher shoes, good heavy solos and extension edges, also velour calf andt vici kid lace, all made on the new up-to-date lasts worth $3.00 and $3.50, at 2.50 SPECIAL Ladies' kid skin Goodyear welt lace shoes patent tip, extension soles and Cuban heel worth $3.50. Sizes 3 to 8, widths) A to E, at 2.50 Boys' and youth's storm calf lace shoes, good heavy soles, every pair guaranteed to give good wear, sizes 2J to 5J, at 1.90 Sizes 13i to 2, at 1.75 Misses' Uoyal Kid Lace and Button Shoes, good heavy soles, Avith dull and bright tops, new stylish shoes, sizes Hi to 2, at 150 Sizes Si to 11, at 1.25 Sizes 2i to 5i, at 1.90 We Kocve cut the price on eJl women's coats every reduction mentioned here is strictly bonaiide from the highest price garment to the cheapest coat in the de partment. No garment has escaped the price cutter. $7.50 and $3.50 Women's Coats Saturday at $5275 Women'B 27-inch Coats Made of fine zibelines. cheviots and kerseys, tight and half fitted backs, lined with a good quality of satin lining; coats in this lot sold at $7.r0 and 5?8.."0 reduced Saturday to $10 and $12.50 Women's Coats, Saturday at $7.50 450 Women's Box Coats Made of the very best quality of all wool kerseys in all shade. 27 inches long, lined with the very best quality of guaranteed satiu; coats that sold at 10 and $12.50 reduced Saturday to $15.50 and $15 Women's Coats, Saturday at $10375 Women's Stylish Coats 27 and 42 inches long, in the finest kerseys, zibelincs and montagnacs, also new swell mix tures, tourist styles; coats that were leaders at $13.50 and $15 all reduced Saturday to , 5.00 450 Women's 1 wool kerseys 7.50 st kersevs, .$10 Women's High Grade Coats Reduced Saturday We have taken all our novelties in women's coats import ed models and stunning opera wraps and reduced prices from 5.00 to $20.00 on every garment. It will pay you to visit this department Saturday. 4 Women's Gloves a.nd Men's Underwear 41" Ladies' Cloves Fine quality, fancy and sblid colored cash-. yfl p mere Gloves with fleece or silk lined also beautiful styles LP flf firm Saxonv varn trolf doves, in strinp nnrt onli'H hlnplr whitn XJ? S A to E, at 2.50 mere (i loves with fleece or silk lined also beautiful styles line Saxony yarn golf gloves, in stripes and solid black, white Ladies' Gloves Best quality real kid, mocha and cape gloves, with one or two clasp full p. qua sewn seams the latest mannish styles for dress (gy and street wear tans and browns guaranteed perfect fitting . W also heavy double silk lined, black and white reg. $1.50 quality Men's Underwear Men's medium weight derby ribbed and fleece yfl lined cotton Underwear in ecru, Jaeger and fancy mixed colors LP excellent wcarincr crarments for fall wear worth 75r? nt. ,iAJrj - Men's Underwear Extra heavy i wool natural gray Underwear nicely finished and full size also tan, red, blue and brown all wool flat underwear fl jfd best value ever shown worth in the regular way one dollar and I 101 twenty-five cents and one dollar aud fifty cents, at , W 95c 45c LOO ami 50c Saved is 50c Made You can save EOc every time you brine the boy here and have ua tit him with a pulr of our boye ehoea at 11.50. The quality Is there for the differ ence. Parent who have bought these shoes know their value and come auraln and again for the same kind of $1.60 ahoes nothing we could say would recommend them as much a this fact. Saturday Is boys' day. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Data Shos Home ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. GLIMPSE OF CITY'S FINANCES Investigation Promises to Show Details is Whioh Fablio is Interested. FUNDS SWELLED BY SCAVENGER SALES HOME-MADE STOCKINGS.. Just like mother umhI to make are still made by ua ia the same old way aud are todny tlie In-st Stockings made for Hoys' or Girls' $ school wear. Size 0 coxt 40c a pair; each size 6c more. This Is les ? than you can afford to make thorn yourself. We have other good Woolen Hose at 25c and 35c whlol are good bargains. Our yarn de partment is the very best In tht west. Beads as usual. I JOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. BOLE AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL. REVIEW PATTERNS PARKER'S Hair Balsam iTuiuuie the growth of the hair and gives It the lustre and sUklnras of youth. When tha hair la fray or feded It BRINGS BACK THB YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevent Dandruff and ban- talllnx City Hall Officials Say Footing Ip Will Reveal Heavier Expendl tarcs Than Have Been Made In Slnarle Year. An Investigation of money received and spent by the city during the last year, now being made by a committee of the Omaha Real Estate exchange, Is expected to de velop some interesting facts In municipal finances. It will. It Is said, show among other things that the effect of the scav enger lnw hna been to swell every regular, fund above the maximum amount levied for and In some cases above the charter limit, and that this money has all been paid out for various things. It is expected by city hall officers th it when the total expenditures are footed up they will be greater by fur than ever before made' in the city of Omaha for a single year. Although the levy was high (14 mills) and nearly every fund was levied to almost the maximum, still the incoming cash from current tax collections was Insufficient. Instead of using the vol ume of back taxes forced Into the treasury by the Impending scavenger law to pny off old scores and thus reduce the city's running expenses by paying off debts bear ing 7 per cent interest, all the money in sight has been seized upon by the council Just as soon aj available. Repairs to Vnpaved Streets. It Is said the amount of repairs to un paved streets and alleys and graulng has been far more than ever djno by tne city In a previous year. The street clean ng has cost $38,000, whereas during the exposition year It was handled for (28,000. charges are made that Job after job of g.auli g was done at the city's expense whereas halt of the cost should have been charged up to abutting property owners. The statement has been made that out of every dollar collected for taxes in the city 30 cents from it goes to pay interest charges on debts. The following table fhows the legal limit to each fund, the amount levied for the year 1904 by the council and the amount of money that has actually bien aval. able trom each fund: Amount Charter Anuual Avail- umlt. Ivy. nble. 2i5.000 1262.978 $306,127 2u0,u6u IW.Ul 4Uo,4tl 2o,tu0 l!),2-'tS la,tiS 22.000 21.250 22,2r 1&0.000 118,751 15o,2o8 116.UOU 113, 334 116,316 25.0UO 13.164 12.879 4n,(RiO 30,367 4.94 70,000 86.774 6i.M8 lO.Oui) IU07 11,028 tei'g, Water inent W'uter laving umana Ro:id .. Market iHttc ... Funding bond. Fire engine house paving. Judn- bourd. . bnml... sewer.. place.. 29,:66.ii 29.lf8.34 178.(3 91.2I3.SO 90.412.2? Ml. 02 19.1H1.09 fi.5R8.70 12.ti'.39 Krl.olH 4 J 2S.aVl.l-i 8i.K3.i2 l,ll,,6-..K 4S.i!'8.5l 30.961. 6 0,838.36 40.fi78.12 10,16).2I 1 9,1.00 1.96J.41 162 3.224.46 1,992.90 1,231.6-i 192,9li3.!iS 61,394. i6 l2.(Ut 21.3 9.03 21,879.05 9.9J General fund.. Sinking fund.. Judgment Library Fire Police Hewer Mtg Park Ughting Health Cleaning and sweep ing 40.000 J7.440 87,509 Curbing, guttering and paving 80,000 29.345 29,306 Table leaned by Comptroller. ' As against this statement the following table, Issued by the comptroller, showing the condition of funds December 4, may be taken into consideration. Funds that were not amenable to swelling from delinquent revenues are not used in the above table, but are mentioned below. It will be noted that the fire and cleaning and sweeping funds are exhausted and the general fund nearly ao: An'l Levy Warrants Avail- and Misc. Drawn able Rec'pts. Urd. i.-397. Hal te. .S3iiti.127.49 $i'2,7i4 90 .4l-t0 394.116.29 12.3 16. 70 12.975 91 Il.l2vtt 5 667.07 17.6(689 4.643 0 lf3.2iw.Ol liU.9ri9 39 12 )47.34 1!..6.13 1S3.58 M 520 8.1 I.4li3 79 67.530.61 J, 01810 1,016.47 3.VU53 Tolnl M,833.2!i3.:9 81.491,617.39 3143,269 Mrmorandu: Uim rai Fund Set nslrto for asphalt pav ing plant, Slo.ouO; set aside for Ak-8ur-Uen Hunting, 12.500. , , t Fumllnn Unncl Fund Invested In Judg ments. $111,326.68. Announcement of the. theaters. There is no actor in Ame;lca that knows better how, when or where to extract a wholctome laugh than Kira Kendall, who ' comes to the Boyd Sunday night for three nights In his' new play, "Weather B.a en Hanson." But Mr. Kendall knows as well hw to draw a tear, and It is- this absolute mastery of the emotions of an audi nee ! that has made him the uniquely prominent : stage figure that he is. The play draws 1 its lesson between laughs; its picture is human nature at Its best; It is bright to the brim, healthy and Interesting. Its ! locale is Indian Territory, which affords opportunity both for pre entatlon of new types of character, as well as exceptional sccnlo attractiveness. Mr. Kendall Is sup ported by a strong cast, In fact the best that Liebler & Co. have yet surrounded him with. Dorothy Rufsell, thei charming daughter of Lillian Ruseell, who has been the center of attraction at the Orpheum the past week, will be seen for th) last two times, matinee and night, today In conjunction with the seven other features that have served to draw big crowds. Next we-.k, commencing matinee Sunday, the famous Nelson family, constituting the biggest and foremost acrobatic feature In vaudevil e, will be one of the notable headline cards. Another prominent feature will be Al Ftlson and Miss Lee Enol In a comedy cketch entitled "A Tip on the D'rby." 'ihs other varied features are: Chasslno, a re markable European Juggler; Pete Baker, the popular star of ''Chris and Lena" fame; Bert von Klein and Grace Qlbson, accomplished singers and danceis, who were with "The Burgomaster" company; A. K. Caldera, Juggler; "Mike." Fo-ter'a performing dog, and the klnodrome, show ing the "Life of Napoleon." Hew Time Card on the Wabash. Effective December 4, Wabash trains will arrive and depart as follows) From Omaha Union station: St. Louis Express Leaves 8:8 p. tn. ar rives 8:20 a. m. From Council Bluffs. Union Pacific Transfer depot: St. .Louis Local Leaves 9:15 a. m.; ar rives 10:30 p. m. Shenandoah Local Leaves 5:45 p. m.; ar rives 2:30 p. m. Wabauh City Office, 1601 Fur nam, Omaha, Neb. HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D. sustained Injuries which nn iiitmcd hs a conciiMHlon of tin- spine and Urain. lie asks damages of Jlo.OoO. ON TRIAL FOREFATHER'S LIFE Henry Gnltar, Omulm Indlnn, Fnres Jury on Chnrae of oiiimittlns Mnrder 'While Drnnlc. Owing to the nonarrlval of important wit nesses, the trial of Henry Guitar, an Omaha Indian, for the murder of his father, Stephen Guitar, while in n drunken frenzy, was not begun until yestcrduy after noon. The prosecution of the ens-e Is In charge of District Attorney Baxter and the Interests of the defense will bo looked after by Thomas J. Sloan, of lVnder and V. S. Summers. Hot Snrlnas, Arkansas. Radlo-Active waters, owned und endorsed by the United States government for rheumatism, gout, stomach, liver, skin, kidney troubles and effects of arlp nnd overwork. Oolf, horseback riding and driving. Hotels for all classes. Write Bureau of Information, Hot Springs, Ark., for Illustrate! book of Information. Fund. General . Sinking . water rent.... i-' s,o si Judgment 19.6 6.76 Ubiary 22,279 9 Hre 153.3us.01 Police 116,316.73 Sewer Mtg 12,879.66 Park 84 984.63 lighting 69.648.71 lleulth 11.024.99 Cleaning and sweeping .... 37,509.98 Curbing, gut- 37. 609. 98 The season tickets for the series of or chestral concerts to be given by the Phil harmonic club, under the direction of Robert Cuscaden, have been entirely sold out. A limited number of seats for the first concert on Tuesday evening are on sale at Hospe's music department. All goods at A. B. Hubermann's Jewelry store are marked In plain figures at prices much lower than elsewhere. This is guar anteed, as well as the quality. Jewelry made on the premraes; diamonds of own importation. Since thl:'ty-c Ight yean at corner of Thirteenth and Douglas. who has seen them say ours Is the biggest and best line of toys and toy novelties. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. alt for Uasuastea. The suit of Moses Kuntselman against the Omaha A Council HlufTii Street Railway company is being beard before Judge Ken nedy. The accident occurred at Twelfth and Dodge streets July 5, lft. The old man and his granddaiiKhter were descend ing from the car and he claims It was started forward before ha had reached the pavement, lie was thrown oa hla back and If Ton Hnve toys to buy you'll bo disappointed if you make your purchase before seeing our large, new line, including tho lutes domes tic and Imported toy novelties. The book counter contains books that are better and different we want you to neo them the game counter has all the newest games. The llttlo ones are more than delighted with the new toy furniture, mission style. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. The season llcket for the series of or chestral concerts to he given by the Phil harmonic cluli, under the direction of Robert Cuscaden, imvo been entirely Bold out. A limited number of scats for the first concert on Tuesday evening are on sale at Hospe's music department. FOOT HA1.I, AT TIIK . MM TO HUM. Mntnrdny tlio lleitt Will He Turned on mid the Hellevae College aud the llailce l.lwht Cinnriln Will Play n Red Hot Game. The big Auditorium on Howard street will bo thoroughly warmed up on Saturday right by the new healing plant and the opening attraction with steam heat will Uo a red-hot foot ball g.imc between Bcllevue college and the Dodge Light Guard of Council muffs, who have been waking for ten days In order that the building might be warmed, so that they could try conclusions on the arena. The direct radiation Is nil in working order and has been for several days, the bis fans run by motors, are now ready for use, and hot air will be pumped Into the building in currents strong enough to blow the hat off a man's Itend. The Bellevue College team and the Dodge Light Guards are pretty evenly matched and a very Interesting game Is anticipated. Reserve Beats go on sale Saturday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the Auditorium. Kerr Time ;rd on Wabash, Effective Dectmber 4. Wabash tr. lns will arrive and depart as follows: From Omaha Union elation: St. Louis Exprese Leaves 6:30 p. m.; ar rives 8:20 a. m. From Council Bluffs, Union Pacific Transfer depot: St. Louis Local Leaves 9:15 a. in.; ar rives 10:30 p. m. Shenandoah Local Leaves 5:45 p. m ; ar rives 2:30 p. m Wabash City Offioo, 16)1 Farnnm. Omaha, Neb. HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D. Holdnp Suspect Busail Ovn. Anton Urban has teen aria'gned In po lice court on the of roboery and hound over to the di trlct court. Urban was Identified by Frank T' raowln : s o le of the two men who held him up under the Eleventh street viaduct Tu. edty n aht and took S37 from hlH pockets. Toino wi Is a MrangT and Just came to the city on the evening ot the robbe. y. isse.yus.sssi .in n n s; m s "isasis'i iiVait I iiii tei i it TstnsajsMsi fri """ rtini 1 - -rirtsisMsj , I Clothing tor Christmas Free Christmas Gifts to all Customers Select your Stylish Winter Clothing from our large stock now. We sell direct from the factory at cash store prices, and offer you tke most liberal terms of credit in the city. Ladies Department Lsdies' Sails $10 to $30 Ladies' Coats 6 to Millinery 2 to Silk Skirts 6 to Girls' Coats 3 to Ladles' Shoes 2 to Men's Department Men's Soils $7.50 to $20 Boys' Sails 2.50 to 6 Boys' Overcoats .... 4.50 to Men's Shoes 175 to Men's Hats 1.00 to Boys' Shoes 1.25 to 27 10 15 6 4 1608 1508 THE NEW LIGHT We are not a bit stuck up about it, but our friends who have called sav wo have the finest office in Omaha. Have .you seen it? Do you know where Hennett's store is? Do you know where Ilnyd'a theater is? Then fou can find us. The new light locates us. The new light of the new sign: "SU NDCRL A ND" That's it. That's IMS Harney. That's where we are and it's pleasant inside where we quote coal prices and show samples. , IMS lfi08 160S Oot it? Economy Nut (Washed) $5.75 now. "YELL-O" WAQ0N5. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMPANY (608 (608 Plenty of time to finish your work for Xmaa. COME NOW. Either a fine en largement or water, color FREE wltK each dozen Photos. 8ame loration for the past eighteen years. The original The Photographer. 013-15-17 S. 15th St- -ntft 1508 &SE?40s. Dodge St. CENTER i - 3 & Across the Continent In a Tourist Sleeper That is the title of a special folder Issued by the JJock Inland for California travelers. It is brimful of information about the trip, the cars, the rates, tickets, meals, baggage, etc. It is finely illustrated and contains com plete map. Mailed on request. The Hock Island has more tourist car lines to California than any other route. You ' can go from Chicago, tSt. Louis or Kansas City through Colorado, or southern route through New Mexico. The folder will probably tell you all you need to know, but if you desire additional In formation ask the Rock Island agent. F.P, RUTHERFORD, D. P. A,, 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. O O it o o o o o o o o 9 o o Kuhn's Glyccrole of Roses Not hint Better for Chapped Hands and Up FOR BALE AT KUH.Vg DltUO STORE. l&TII AND DOUGLAS. I if n i I I