10 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMREU 0. 1004. i Sheet Music in Arcade tBmm JS at GRAND SALE ' REMNANTS We Must Clear Away All the Remnants Before the Holiday Rush Tomorrow We Offer Greatest Bargains in Remnants Ever Known Imported Sample Remnants for Doll Dresses Thousands of new cample remnants, bought from tlie custom house, col or and black for ladies' waists, child ren's dresses atod especially adapted for doll dresses go at, for entire piece. 10c 12ic a Yard for 50c All Wool Goods For waists, little dresses and skirts black and all colors at 12 4c yard. Q a Yd. for French Flan nels and Waistings Every remnant from 3 to 12 yards of our60u and 75c Imported flannels on bargain square at 19o a yard. $1 Winter Dress Goods at 39c Yd. Everything of the latest fashion, 3 to 8-yard pieces, black, navy and cream, brown, tan and every col- pjjf or and otyle imaginable at . . . . K All Dres Goods Sold up to $2 Yd. at 59c-Scotch cloths for tailoring, goods for shirt waists f"T suits, silk and wool dainty stuff, black and pjrO every color at, yard r W 3hort r.smpl Pieces Dress Goods In the base- C vv meu each . Big Sale of Silk Remnants All the odds and ends of silks and velvets will be closed out very cheap. Last chance to buy remnants this year. Fancy sllka. lntn silks, ss 4t g fl g M 8lxe lono yards of hinrk silk tnnvta, v- I roi) fnl patterns fftrirv' 111ft. Inch. 22-lnrh, SS-lnrh-ln lei. nth from , UV;" iU" FttllrIU! inllLy IllO- 2V4 to 12 viirdn the lilKKeet bnrarnln evor nirTHl In Dlat'K turret s Ions as they hint 19c-39c tallie velvetsdots and stripes, etc. Friday, pattern 1.98 All Silk Medallions Prettiest all silk medallions in white, black and all colors many new designs tor trimmings, eta, worth up to 50c each, at. 5c Remnants of Fine Laces Remnants and odd lots of the flnewt vals, torchons, clunys, etc., for Christinas p f g needlework, fC'IlfC dress trimmings aaV REMNANT SALE IN BASEMENT LAST 1110 SALE BEFORE CHRISTMAS We must clean out every yard of remnants to make room for the big gest holiday stock ever shown in the west. ftlnrnnf All thn 7rt Shatrjki Ran- 31c We will sell all the lfo. 36-lnoh percales, C at, per yard JC All the mercerised sa tin, worth up to 4 Go per js-rr.....iOc All the plain colored nutlnff flannel, worth 18o per yard at, f? per yard JC All the best calico rem nants for per TlJ yard All the 7o Shaker flan nel for per yard All the plain colored drapery denim, worth 18o per yara.'for . per yard JC Mill Ends of ToweUna In ti ( i yard lengths, worth up to a yard, t 7 toe a remnant. Clottiino Sale in Basement Our men's and boys' Clothing Department in the basement has been moved to South Side Basement (next to Cloak Department) To introduce our basement clothing dept. in its new location we offer tomorrow special. $2 50 and $3 Boya Reefers at $ I These are broken lots and small sizes, 3 to 7 only elegant all wool Irish frieze, kersey, melton and cheviot reef ers with small or large storm collars worth up to $3 on salo in basement at Boys' Overco its at $1.98-In sizes 6 to 15 years extra long boys' overooats, made of good meikuua, it iczas, chj vu aiau laey pay J ft-l for tomorrow In hiupmsnt VI Boys' 50c Corduroy Knee PanU at 25c TZk lunta mad for rnnah m.nA r.ud . 11 reinforced seams, strong oorduroy ' material, at, pair 3 Men's WeaLr Specials IN NEW BASEMENT DEPT. Men's $3 All Wool Pants About Zi'U pair of them, strongly made, dressy in ap pearancesuitable for all wear, at. ... 80c Overalls and Jackets at 29c Blue ' and white striped overalls or jackets all sizes up to 42 we'.st oOo valae basement, at Man's $7.50 Overcoats anJ Suits at $5-A big ' for men who like to dress neatly without spending a large amount go d d arable and stylish overcoat and suit 17.50 values basement, at an lOQ lots . $1 11 25c JL 152 MM 29c 'mm chance . J F $5 WJ Plenty of time to finish your work for is. COMB NOW. Either a fine en- cment-or water color FREP with dozen Photos. Same location for tile past eighteen years. The original The Photographer. ' 313-15-17 S. 15th St. uiv: i I in t mm OMAHA WEATHERJRIDAY-FA1R. Remnants of fine and medium qual ity table riamafk In Vie to SVo. yard lengths at about one-half real value. tTli'i'iy mmmm& m Shopping Bags We are showing an elegant line the most comp ete we've ever had in all styles, shapes and kinJs. There are all the latent ni-velUo la carriage, ui mo bile, envelope, etc. bag in real eal. walrus, sea 11-'it, h rn alligator, etc.: aila, ciiamots or leather lined; tnalde ftttinir urli aa iiurH. card raae and txuiir; Ions irat r braldrd handles; at H eta. up to tlti. r. -would nulla an alterant Chrlatntaa breai-n' Dressing: Sacqucs Oncf ourth Off Saturday, tan doaen. mada from very aoft. pretty shades of tha Wt nannaletta. eiderdown. Iambi wool, etc. formerly iirtoed at ti ll ut Si urtlay offered you at one-tourth off rare twriuui, lndrrd what more aiv-r.w-late far Ckiiatraas rvl" A GROCERY Ileadquartera fur all the good things to eat lit exiM-nHP-reduulns prices. Twenty til) OreTn Trndins Btamp's with pound pack litre ben- ONn nett'n Opltol Coffee aSOC Twenty itZ) Green Trading with pound Ooldrn Santos Coffee fctanipR 26c Twnty iU) Oreen Trndlng with two-piMind can Hen nctt'a Ilrrakfiit Coffee StRlllpB ,.48c Thirty (Ml tlre-n Trailing Htnmps with three pounds flneiit Oil Jnva and Mocha Coffee IW Twenty ( Green Trndlng . CQr Btaiupw with pound Tea Five (.) Green Trading Btnmpa with pnekflge Kr. Trice's tOlr food, at I8C live l.'w) Gn-en Tracllnn Slampa with two-pound package Bennett e ttr Cu pltul Onte ''' Five (T.OOI Oreen Tracllnrt Ptnmps with two-pound package llinnett It In Cn p''ot V h t . . 1VW Ten $1 Green fradlnir Stamps Iftr1 with pint bottle Catwup SVW Candy Twenty (C) Oreen Trading Stamps with one nound iloney 0r mmrf Comb Tiiffy See the long Hat of novelties up trom, each 5c Another Wiggle of the Snake's Tail Certain of nr jrenereel H tle competitors are araln aaylnsr thelr little aay aboat oor arlvlna ap of Orers Tradlag? Btampa. As aanal they don't say when, but pot it away In the Indefinite sometime. It'a law In water that the snake never dies till the an a-oes down. The snn of Green Trading Stamp popularity Is blah In the hearena rotnlna to Its tnerldan. Green Trndlnsr Stampa are arrow tnar more popnlar than ever and spreadlns; out wider than evert that's the reaaoa the enake wl. les. The Bennett Company are stlv Insr Green Tradlna Stamps and will eontlnne to slve Green Trad ing Stamps long after pertain of oar little jealona-mtnded com petitors nre off the earth. Smashing Prices in Ladies' Shirt s Dress Waists We will put on sole Friday morning every waist in plain and fancy mohairs, imported Salisbury flannels. Finest French flannels, metallic velvets, nun's veilings and serges; al batross and melrose cloth, silk taffeta and peau de soie in black, white and colors. This Sale Includes Our Stock from $4.50 to $7.50 All will go Friday and Saturday at 3.75 A GRAND BARGAIN SALE AT MAIN DRBSS GOODS COUNTERS. FRIDAY DRESS GOODS FRIDAY 25 pieces heavy double width dress goodsworlh OCp 50c a yard all one price, yard. nsj'l 50 pieces fine dress goods, plain and fancy weaves not a piece worth less than 65c yd. all one price. 75 pieces nice all wool dress goods, bdught to sell CA. at 75c and 85c a yard all one price, yard vvw AT THE BIG DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT 10e nice dark percalea 7iC Pretty covered sofa pillows, OCi. each AOW S6-inrh outing flannel, worth 18c, ns yard lie Hnd 26c wolstlnga, only tClr yard ,ut Apron ginghams, yard Toweling, worth 8c, only 5c 29c M-lnch table padding, worth 40c at, yard Blankets for bath robes, fine Imported goods, beautiful patterns at, f QC each, 13,00. 2-W and . tfiD Enough In each for a bath robe. Five cases ladies', misses', children's and boys' hosiery, fine quality silk fleeced, ribbed and plain spliced sole war ranted fast black values in this lot worth up to f C 25c pair : UL 100 dozen ladies' vests and drawers, Jersey ribbed, fleece lined, in gray and ecru, full regular made goods, in sizes 4 to 6, worth 35c special price, garment. Jv Friday Shoe Sale Men's Hex Kid Calf Lined, Welt Sewed Jj f jf Tuxedo Cap Toe, five dollar shoes, ' . sOlst 1101 will go. at ii W Men's Doctor Packard Cushion Sole Hand- JS g g made Shoes with plain or cap toes, H B fl I $5.00 shoes for 4 W Men's Franklin Special Box Calf and Vici g Kid Double Soles, union made, , J? T Q B will go at KJfM Men's Wanker's Box Calf or Vici Kid JT TV Bluchers, double soles, Goodyear jD f 1 0 welt, f4.00 shoes for '. . . V V More Xmas Slippers than any store in Omaha and at the right prices. Crockery Snaps for Friday Plain Glass Mustard Dishes, C each r Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Plain, Straight Tumblers, with rich large cut ICI stars, each Haviland Ss Co.'a White Hanson Dinner Plates, J J each Plain Iron Stonn China Handled Tea Caps and Saucers, for set of six of each m JK Plain Wine Glasses, per 90 dozen -GUi MRS. J. BENSON, 212 South 16th Street W.lw A4v S?. DO YOU REALIZE That it is only two weeks till Christmas .1" you have not looked over our stock do not put it oft. Spend a few minutes iu our cut glasrooin. Look over our beautiful line of Ster in Silver. Our line of Watches, Solid Gold Goods, Ringn, Hallo l,. Br,xbo is a tvauly D u't wait till next week. Iook (or tha name fnoO Keanfifiil anrl inter eiting of all the Chriitmas penoaicait is the great Christinas Metropolitan in which you will find stirring flo rid and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 1 50 illustrations.in two.threeand four colors, are by Guerin, Rhcad, Clay, Bull, Condi Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 1 5 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole -family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves: Cat oat this Coupon, CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON TTO any one sending us immedi- ately $1.80 (and this coupon) we will send free of cost GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. Aamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies of beautiful wo men, models, and player. (jIC I Z A fac-simile water- color, ready for framing, show ing the sky-scrapers of New York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art GIFT 3 An art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper. GIFT 4 Copies of the Novem be rand December (Christmas) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il lustrations. J The four gifts can be sent to the re' nutter ot the SI. 60. (J Tha two gifts below caa be seat to the remitter i Ineod. If you prefer, we will sead ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, 1905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. A LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.60. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with tha illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau y." the book of American So ciety Types, the fac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. The Metropolitan Magazine, 3 West 29th St.. New York. solid gold novel ties FOR MEN OOl-D MATCH HOXKB. GOLD Poc'KtT KNIVES, UOU5 CH1AR CUTTERS, GOI.P TIE CLASP8, HOLD PENCILS, GOLD FOBd. OOLD CORNERED POCKKT BOOK8. CARD CASiCtf AND OOLD IXiRNERtD C1GAB CASES. They ars simply elecant. It mil L a pleasure for you to them. Brown & Borsheim tiptrt Wtkkmtktrt mi itmtltrt. 222 S. i 6th St. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. isi6 Doufii as. TEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VETERIS tBltS. Office and Infirmary, ih and Uuon Bis. OMAHA. KEJi. ZsicjiboM Mi with hQf plate " I. THE REI.IAIU.K STORR. ENGRAVING. JT SPECIAL-T ftoin ynur T I own plate, at A Few of Friday's Bargains In Our Great Domestic Room. THESE GOODS MUST GO IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR MAMMOTH TOT STOCK. COME EARLT FRIDAY. UHc Terrales, S2 Inches wide, ai ya ard. 26c Silk Luster Sateen, all colors, atyard Llnlnfts. of all kinds and colors, worth up to 4oc yard, loin mill enda, Cr at yard DL 5c I2ic o S.-otch Suitings, at yard 10c new putterns. full 39c 16c Rleached Tlllow Casein. 45 iiivucb wine, at yRra Amoftkeae; Standard Apron Check umnnitm, at yaru 6Hc Standard Dress Calicos. Ion mill ends, at yard ".. 7Jc ...5c 3;c Bleached Mualln and Camhilc r fin. 7.1 . v ftrr yaru, lonar at yard mill ends, 3x 12SC Flannrletirs, bolts, at yard.. 60c ready to use Sheets, borne made. .2xW size, each ICHc ri'low Cases, ready to use. 4-xT; sire, at vC Tnhle Linen Remnants, H tr 8V-yard lenKtl.s. at HALF. Remnants of Irtc Otitlnu Flannel, n light end dark colors, at yard Remnants of 15c Cotton Flannel, at yard 6Jc .8ic Remnants of Outlns; Flannel, light .Jl,-, anu aarK colors, at yard .Viwr' Remnants of Wool Dress Goods RI?n" of $1.50. S2.00, : 50 and $2 9S All ....... emj ,uMis, of, m ami 68 Inches wide, patterns of 3 to 6 ynrda, 4 n In order to elose n,.i,-ir . , 44C Remnants of Wool Dress (oorii."'in nil wo Henriettas, slllk and wool crepe do '"". crepe ae cnines and other (roods. "i " mi.w in .i.va per ynra, will close at Remnants of all wool lehlllnes. Henriettas and other goods, jji worth ftom 60c to $1 ynrd JC 39c walstlngs. Remnants of all wool and half wool dress goods, to make children's school dresses, at yard 1UW J Closing nut our 6)c Challis at, yard ' Closing out our 75 French Flannels. OQr nt a yurd Closing out all Wool Dresa Goods In tha Domestic Room. Buy Christmas Furniture Now We are making sweeping price reductions throughout our great furnl'ure stock. In order to greatly reduce It before January 1st. Don't tall to take advantage of this great Holiday Bargain Sale. NEAT CENTER TABLE, like cut. 18-lnch gf top, solid oak, nicely finished, reg- ular $1.35 value, at The same with 24-Inch top, $1.95 value CHILDREN'S ROCKERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. About 100 dozen Children's and Misses Rockers, secured by us at a great bargain. enables us to offer wonderful bargains In this line. Huy now and we will deliver lattr. ALL $150 ROCKETtS.. ALL $2.00 ROCKER8.. ALL $1.75 ROCKERS.. ALL $2 60 ROCKERS.. $1.00 , $1.00. ...$1.60. ...$1.25. ...$1.75. SEE OUR OFFERINGS. GET OUR i'RICES AT 6NCE. ANNOUNCEMENT OF A Great Purchase of Silks GOODMAN, WILLIAMSON & CO.. the big New York silk house, manufae . turers of high grade silks, accept our offer of f.0 cents on dollar for over 300 pieces elegant silks. These silks are being hurried to Omaha as fast as fastest trains can tiring tnera. una win go on sine iiiu luiuum oaiuiunj. - DAY EVEN1NU PAPERS.) Crash in Grocery Prices HEADQt.'ARTERS FOR EVERYTHIN O THAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR XMAS PUDDINGS, CAKES, PIES, DESSERT. ETC. 3-lh. cans Michigan Apples 5a 3-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes 7Un 3-lh. cans Iiontoii liaked Peans "lc Choice cleaned English Currants, per lb. 6c Fancy cleaned Graclan Currants, per lb.7Vjc California Muscatel Raisins, per lb do Layer Raisins, for mince meat, per io..ic Choice California Peaches, per lb 7V Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 8 l-iic Fancy Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per ID i Toilet Soup, per bur FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT OMAHA'S GREATEST. 10 bars best Laundry Soap for... i6o Large, sweet, juicy Oranges, per dozen 15 Fancy crisp 4x Ginger Snaps, per lb.... 4c Fancy California Figs, per package.... to 1-lb. Jars pure Fruit Jam 70 Lurge Florida Hamulus, per dozen.... 1.U Large bottles assorted Pickles, per bot- Fancy Mixed Nuts, per lb UMio tie 6c New Colorado Honey, per rack llu Breakfast Oatmeal, per lb 2c Largo. Juicy Lemons, per dozen 12o Jjn? f!!?.liDNLa:ylt'aJ9' per lb SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ONLTr WUt.U tfOl.BU J"". ". .,J o. r IK 1 Quart cans Fancy ruDie eyrup i'c rncy u"lull'""",v''"7i,r' " 1-lb. Dackaae Mince Meat bo nic jjai GERMAN CIT OI.A8S SALT AXU PEPPER SHAKEIt S With silver tops, worth 78c, at..... ' ... 120 ' .. lie D HAYDEE3 BROS, i - j- ' - - A, One Out of A Hundred Frederic W. Taylor, Chief of the Agricultural Department of the St. Louis Lxiositiou saya of the TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER "Of more thin s hundred papers relatlnr to sericulture, as classihed at this kipositiop. The Twentieth Century Farmer is one of four or five that I always look through even in my busiest times. I know of no paper which seems to me to be s more helpful weekly visitor to the farm, and the riear-cut articles written by practical men and illustrated in an illuminating way. seem to me ideal." We will send sample copies three weeks free. If you like it, subscribe other wise it will stop promptly at the end of the three weeks. Price 91.00 per year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, 1739 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. - This .Vord Means duality. Try the experiment of buying a line box of the famous candles and chocolates. Sold at Chicago prict$ by MYERS-DILLON DRU3 CD., ISIh and FarnamSft. Christmas will goon be here our line of Holiday goods is Call at our store and look over the stock. What Will You Give? completa MOYER STATIONERY CO. J a 1! 220 So. 16th Street. $8.00 Mantel Clocks $4.00 $14.00 Mantel Clo ks STt.50. These Clrx-ks were bought by us at leas than cnt to manufacture. Nothing nicer for a ClirUtmus jrirt or that will jrive uiore sat Ufa ft Ion. Every clock is guaranteed to be a perfect tlmekeeier. Come lu and look them over and we know you'll bu y one. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. Dr. Bradbury -1506 FARNAM- lZX?VZXiZZ DENTIST 'PtlONG I7S6 Tcth Extracted With, out Palo. Flllloia up CrowsM $2 SO up Bride Wark $X up PUtaa. Ai-OO vs. Ths most aeaaatn. n rv.s removed wlthv out pain. Looaa taeth saada solid. -iimiXiflMraaJfl