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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
PROCT CALLS A CONFERENCE Attorney Giral Detiret Ooiatj Attor ntjl to Get Together. RECIPROCAL INSiiSAV.r: TAX LAW VALID vuprrmr Court Dnllnri in h' It rtrarr Opinion Rendered In Case Rrnmht From Omaha. (From; a 8la(T Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Tcc. ". iHpwtal (Attorney f'.eneral rrout this morning sent out n request to the- county ;attoi ne ys of the state to meet 1:1m In Mm-ili: (il "Wednesday to formulae pl" to oppose trie Injunction procer -.ling!- Instituted by r.iilroad compnnls to -r.-ven the collection c;f their taxes. Attorney tjetipnil t'rout drlre n free discussion among the county attorneys f ti:e conntleji affected and will .lo nt.thlng In the matter until after the conference. Mlehelon 4tj Sen Trial. John P, Mlchelson of Garfield county, who Is now In the- n(tentlary. wa given another run for his. money. The supreme court reversed the decision of the lower court and ordered hi release from the r-enltentlsry and aloo ordered that he be required to enter Into a recognisance for trial at the. next term of the dlHtrlct court. Mlrhelaon waa Indicted for grand larceny and whs tried on bin own consent with out a Jury. He later appealed, holding that the court had no right to proceed to trial In such a manner and attempted to secure hla release on habeas corpus, (athbertaoa Oeta Srw Trial. Kdward M. Cuthbertson of Omaha, con victed of wife abandonment, baa been granted a. new trial by the supreme court. Jtoth were residents of Douglas county. Cuthbertaon secured work In Paw county and while at Chadron was visited Vy hla wife. Ha deserted her while she waa at Chadron. and later sha instituted suit In Omaha. The court holds that the prosecution must take place In the county where the desertion was .committed. Reciprocal Tax Valid. The reciprocal Insurance law has again been declared constitutional by the supreme court which refused the Northwestern Trust company a rehearing. The decision means about $15,000 a year to the state. The court Overruled the motion of Mor ton for a rehearing on hla application to compel the Omaha city council to recon vene as a board of eouallxatlon and In crease the assessment of railroad property 1 In Omaha. The case of the Frontier Laundry com pany against Connclley waa reversed. In the case of Farmers" Elevator com pany against the Kansas City & North western railway. S. P. Davidson was ap pointed a referee to take evidence and" re port hla findings January 3. The Farmers' Co-Operative Grain and Shipping associa tion dismissed Its suit against the Chicago A Northwestern railway. Only Klarat, Fuslonlata. The fuslonlsts have been maligned by the newspapers. There are not nine of them In tha. house. The official returns received by the secretary of state show there are only eight.' These are aa follows: First district, Henry Gerdee and J. 8. Lord of Richard son county; Fifteenth district. F. D. Hunkei of Cuming county; Twenty-fourth district, John W. Bender of Platte county; Twenty eighth district. Peter F. Fenlon and J. M. Rolen of . Butler county; Fiftieth district v". 11. Bedford of Holt county; Fifty-sixth district. Clarence Makey of Custer county. . Hot Goes ta Pea. Boy "Carver, aged 19 years, was today sen. tenced to two years In the penitentiary. He. pleaded guilty to a burglary charge. After a session of twenty-four hours a jury brought In a verdict this afternoon of ta.637.8S In favor of Henry J. Day. It also made a special finding on the order of the court asserting Simpson McKlbben waa one of the firm of McKlbben Brothers, In spite of his protestations to the contrary. This Is the suit which arose over a trade of th McKlbben grocery to Mr. Day for his 800 acre ranch In Phelps county. Reappoints Offlee Force. L. C. Hamly, at present assistant state auperlntendent, and Miss Jennie B. Adams, at present stenographer In the office of the tat superintendent, have been reappointed to their old positions by Superintendent- elect McBrlen. Among the duties of Mr. Hamly Is the checking up of the reports of oounty superintendents to make sure that every school district In the state has held the required amount of school to en title It to a share of the state apportion ment of school money. During the last , four years t2,71.60O.n has been apportioned to the schools on Mr. Harnly's figures, and he has been accurate to the cent. Miss Adams haa held her present position foi eight years. KebraaUabs Are Winners. The State Board of Horticulture met at the Ltndell hotel last night and arranged the program for the winter meeting of the society to be held here In January. It was announced at the meeting that Nebraska took more gold medals, at the St. Louis fair than any other state In the unl n. An other gratifying announcement was made to the effect that pnly three Nebraska ex hibitors failed to secure some kind of A Nervous Woman Will often feel compelled to stop the clock whose ticking seems unbearable to her. . In such a nervous condition the woman needs building up of the entire ' yttest. It is useless to attempt the cure ' . . . tha tirnea Tf7t while the cauae of the nervous neas remains un enred. A very common cause of nervousness in women la a diseased condi tion of the delicate womanly organism. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription cures womanly diseases and . , the nervousness which thecause. It changes irregularity to regular ity, dries the drains which weaken women. beala inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It la a perfect tonic and nervine, tranquiliziug the nerves, promoting the appetite and in ducing refreshing aleep 1 was so nervous I had Id' haw some eae by ST aide all (be rioM. nn la the daytttue, and r.nild h.rdly eat anything. writes airs, aclma yrukten, ( 496 xke btreet. 81 Paul, Minn. 'I Suit all the aorior and begaa taking your md 3Ba; 1 g aiued r-gbit aloug. 1 ata a well and (eel as good aa ever." $5QO IU1WAIU)! POR WOMEN ' - Mfttti CANNOT BE CURED. IcVed up by over a third of a century of rrBxakable and uniform curve, a record uck aa no other temedj for the diaeaeca and weaknesses peculiar to wonieu ever atuined, the proprietors and makers of Dr. )".rrce'a Favorite Prescription now feel fullv warranted in offering to pay y in legal ttioary of the United State, for any ea of Leaeorrkea, Female Weakness.. Pro-' lapsus, of Falling of Womb which they cannot curt. . they ask is a fair and tcaaoaabla trial of their meana of cure. w oat os Diarsaaasv Mbdicl iia , medals, white Arkansas had 1 exhibitors tht fniled on recognition. Much of the credit of the exhibits s. given to Mrs. Jo seph Hardjlnon. who arranged and forted the exhibits. The v ogrami for the meet ings 111 be printed at once. Ml ((K MY HAW. MOAR FMTORV Representative of Ularnasln farterer l.nnka Over .ronaH. M'fOOK. Neb., Dec. 7 (Special. )-F.ver since the first season that sugar beets were planted In the Republican vslley It hn been the draam of the planters and business men of this locality that a sugar factory would eventually be built In Mc- Oook. Today the prospect seems to be brighter thnn ever before Henry Cordes. representing Theodore Hapke of Janes vllle. Wis., the well known sugar maker of Wisconsin, has been here the past few days looking over the ground nnd pros pects for th location of a lset sugar fac tory here. He drove through the Irrigated se. ilon south of this city and, after con verging with leading business men and su gar beet planteis, expressed himself as being pleased with the outlook, and It is expected soon to have a definite proposi tion from Mr. Hapke. The company will expect a site of about fifty acres and a guarantee that 6,00 acres of land In this vicinity will be planted to sugar hcets for a period of five years. On Its psrt '.he company guarantees a plant of "0 tons dally capacity and terms, prices and treatment such as will guarantee them all the factory can handle In the season. Soil, climate, length of season, etc.. are all especially favorable In this locality for the culture of the sugar beet, and It Is hoped that the matter will be pushed slong to a successful conclusion. All sugar beet raisers and business men, and. In fact, all interested In the development of south western Nebraska will naturally put their shoulders to the wheel and help push along this good thing. Harrow Kscape from Death. , GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec. 7.-(Rpe- clal.) While crossing the I'nlon Pacific on Kim street, outside the business center, yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bryant were the victims of an accident from which they emerged with decided good fortune. They saw no evidences of an approaching train nor could they see anything of the flagman. They concluded, therefore, though a string of cars par tially obstructed a view of the track, thut all was clear. When they were on the network of crossings a switch engine came down on them. The horse had cleared the track, but suddenly became frightened, ran and 'headed for up the track. The buggy was caught on a switch stand or post and the occupants were thrown out, danger ously near tho trsck upon which the engine was coming. The horse got fairly In the way of It and was fearfully mangled and killed. The vehicle was badly wrecked, but Mr. and Mrs. Bryant were able to walk away without any assistance and re ceived only a few slight scratches. Pnbllc Library Dedicated. HASTINGS. Neb.. Dec. 7. fSperlal.) The tiew Carnegie library building was dedi cated and opened last night with a fitting program, and was well attended. The president of the Library board, V. B. Trimble, delivered a short address In which he outlined the purpose of public libraries and how they may be of Inestimable value to a town. . Mayor Miles also made a short address. Music was furnished by Bonnet's orchestra. A piano and several dosen chairs have been donated to the li brary by the townspeople' and It Is ex pected that further glfte from others will supply all necessary equipment In that line. Petition for Corfew Law, ORD. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special.) A petition bearing the names of tbree-Zourtha. of the legal voters of the city waa presented to the city council at the last regular meet ing praying that a curfew ordinance might be passed. One year ago a similar , law was enacted, but owing to ita not being properly recorded no action could be had under It. The council instructed the city attorney to draw up a new ordinance which will be passed Immediately. For some time there has been a crying need for such a law, aa children have been al lowed to run the streets at all hours of the night and many are the depredations that they have committed. Poaltry Show at Srhnyler. SCHUYLER. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special.) The pet stock and poultry show which waa opened yesterday haa met the moat san guine expectations of Its promoters, and Is attracting a large number of sight seers and Interested parties to see the col lection of birds and beasts that were eli gible to entry. It was reported last even ing .that more In admissions was received during the first day this year than waa received during all the three days of the exhibition last year. The growing Inter est In this display of poultry and live stock promises something better for each succeeding year. Omaha Man Bnya Business. YORK, Neb.. Dec, 7. (Special. ) A. F. Bloomer haa sold his lumber business to C. N. Deitz company of Omaha. Over twenty years ago Mr. Bloomer started In the lum ber business on a small scale. The C. N. Delta company of Omaha have for the last twenay years engaged in successful lumber business, and they are letaluing the entire office and yard force of Mr. Bloomer. Jfew Klevator for Mrt'ook. M'COOK. Neb., Dec. 7.-( Special.) Mo Cook is coming Into more prominence aa a grain shipping and cleaning point. To meet this condition W. H. Ferguson is building a large cleaning and storage house, In addition to his present elevator. The new building will be of capacity sufficient to storo 30,000 bushels of grain In addition to ita cleaning facilities. I'nlon Payrltle Car Boraa. PAPILLION. Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.) Yesterday as I'nlon Pacific extra freight, with engine 1712. Dulled Into inn it -. discovered that a car of baled hay was on nre. 1 ne car was quickly sidetracked and the Papllllon fire department called and by hard work saved nearly all the con tenia of the car. The car Is damaged beyond use again. ew of Xebraaka. GKNEVA. Dec. 7.-A1I bids for erecting ih" .1 -w.ei'"hi Tho '- were rejecteS by the school board, being too high SEWARD. Dec i.-Dr. Frank Gordon, who haa been at Seward the past summer has located as practicing physician at htaplehurst. Heward count". "'y""-,an at 0"'".T",7i in"" club of mas basar and -food ex. hange at the court . umuiufr n, rxiih after noon and evening. SEWARD. Dec. T -A party r.f (rlends of uu ..... ..., oiiimiger lendered mom lairw. ii uiliivr ml llie Opera iloUMf 011 Monday night before their ilenartu for Ballard. Waah. ianur 8KWAHU. Dec. 7. The atafment ..f ihe inrce uhiikm 01 sewaru 011 rywirmixr In shows that at that time they held on v' posit tha aum of t-TK.U'a.ol, a good showing . a in . 11 vi 1111a mim' BEATRICE. Ic. 7 At a meftiig f hoae company No. 3 last night. Muu. Hunter mas elected a delegate In attend the titate Firemen's meeting, to lc I . ! I In Columbus 11 mt month. . SEWARD. Dec. T. Rev. J. D. Stewart of Aurora, state superintendent of Mu 11 . schools in Nebraska, will give 11 ic-ur. on Sunday morning at the Congn t il 1011 ,1 church oil ceue From tli l-lfe -f Jesus." Rev. Stewart vlil ed tUv llr I. -11111 ililf ycr. PAPILLION.. Dec. 7.-At a menhig ..f the Women s Auxllsry of th K -l. i'i. .i church the following ofrl' rr er ren 1 iir the ensuing year: Preside t.. .Mr.,. I 1. Clark t, trio acasldant. Mrs. K C. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TnURSPAY. HECEMI1ER P. 100 1. J f , - a w Catarrh and Astbmi Cvil Ej i Ntw Dicotnj lr. Ixrrentx. the well known philan thropist nnd specialist on catarrh and, kin dred diseases, offers to distribute free of rhsrge M'.""1 simple bottles of his new disci-vet-. To-Ni-Ta. for the cure of catarrh. This unheard of linerslity shows the fslth this great Ioctor has In his prescription, which he calls To-Ni-Ta. and It also shows his desire to get It within the reach of every suffering man and woman. This opportunity to receive free of charge a bottle of tills wonderful medi cine should not be overlooked by any one who Is a sufferer from catarrh In any part of the system. All that Is necessary for you to do Is to write a postal to Ir. Iorentx, 42 Firth Ave.. New York, and ask for a free bottle of To-Ni-Ta. You will also receive free a copy of his medical booklet, containing many convincing testimonials, telling of the marvelous cures made by To-NI-Ta, which Is Invaluable In any household. Richardson Drug Co.. Western Distribu tors. Armstrong: secretary, Mrs O. M. Mulllns; treasirer. Mrs. J. E. Curtis. ORAM' ISLAND. Dec. 7. The wedding of Miss Emma Horn to Mr. Allwrt L Car son, to have taken place at the (icrman Lutheran church this evening, has been postponed Indefinitely owing to the Ill news of the bride, who Is on the verge of nervous prostration. It is said from overwork. fSENEVA. Dec. 7. The case of Henry Rroer was called up for preliminary hear ing yesterday before County Judae Patter son and was continued. F. R. Donlsthorpc will assist the county attorney. John War ItiK. Willie the arraigned will have Charles and F. W. Sloan. Coroner Willett Kits slmons and wife were up from Ohlowa to the trial. PAPILLION. Dec. ". Springfield Is mak ing arrangements to secure a canning fac tory. The citizens of that place held a me. ting and If can he raised the fac tory Is a sure thing. The Missouri Pa cific railroad has given right-of-way for the site and the people are trying hard to raise the above amount. REATRICE, Dec. 7. Local No. 2"8. Par hers' union, elected these officers lust night: Claude Drew, president; W. L. Leigh, vice president; T. J. Hardy, corre sponding and financial secretary; Clement Drew, recorder; Charles Avey, treasurer; Henry Rogers, guard: M. O. Senile Id, gold. ; Francis Laymon, Wilbur Scott, Frank Shipley, board of trustees. ORD. Dec. 7. Considerable Interest Is manifested over the Joint debate between teams representing the Ord and Central City High schools at this place next Fri day night. Considerable rivalry has long existed between the two schools and botli will be on their metal to carry off the honors. This Is the first of a aeries of three debates to lie held between the schools of the two towns. BEATRICE. Dec. ". V. V. Gibbons yes terday notified the police that a young man namid Ed Garrison, with whom he had been rooming at lea South Ninth street, had stolen a number of article from the room, besides pawning ills trunk and a suit of clothes to niukc good for board at a restaurunt. Some of tho stolen articles have been recovered, but Garrison has disappeared. SEWARD. Dec. 7. At the regular meet ing of the Seward post . No. a. Grand Army of the Rf-public, last Saturday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. J. Hamlin, com mander; W. W. Konkrlght. senior vice; Robert Odell, Junior vice- C. K. Donely, quartermaster; John Wflsn. chaplain; C. K. Dumphrey, quartermaster of depart ment; Jo Blackburn, surgeon; John Stew art, outside guard. OSCEOLA, Dec. 7. The seventh annual convention of the Sunday school workers of Polk county, held at the Methodist Episcopal church, closed lust night. Miss Mamie Haines of Lincoln delivered the last address on "Echoes From the Jeru salem Cruise," and it was a rare treat to all that heard her. Miss Haines and Prof. Stledly made talks and wire the In spiration of 'he whole business, and al ways receive a warm welcome whenever they come here. BEATRICE. Dec. 7. Beatrice lodge No. 13. Ancient Order United Workmen, elected officers for the coming year as follows last evening: Lars Hanson, past master workman; Charles Treadwell, mas ter workman; William McAvoy, recorder; J. C. Brinkworth, receiver; O. K. Reedy, financier; Thomas Irvine, foreman; Ed ward Jones, overaeer; J. W. Ashenfelter, guide; Joseph Shuck, Inside watchman; W. P. Dole, outside watchman; M. L, Kors, J. T. Moore, trustees; Drs. A. H. Fetch, C. P. Fall, medical examiners. BEATRICE. Deic. 7. Mannettla camp No. 40. Itoval Neighbors of America, .met last night and elected these officers for the coming year: Mrs. Addle Knouse. oracle; Mrs. Clara Robertson, vice oracle; Mrs. Kmma Savage, , past oracle; Mrs. Alice Woods, recorder; Mrs. Nora Arnold, re ceiver; Mrs. Clara Phelps, marshal; Miss Anna uenxe. inner sentinel; Mrs. B. rc. McCon..c!l, outer sentinel; Mrs. Nelllo Conn, manager; Drs. Fall, Love and Studley, physicians. Mrs. Nora Arnold was elected a dclegute to the state con vention. At the clone of the business meeting the retiring officers gave a supper in the -banquet ball. ORD, Dec. 7. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Loup Valley Ag ricultural society the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; President, A. J. Firkins; vice president, W. L. D. Auble; secretary, J. A. Ollls. Jr.; treas urer. W. L. McNutt; directors. A. J. Kir kins, J. A. Ollls, J. C. Meese, W. J. Hather and N. J. Peterson. The report of the treasurer showed the society in excellent financial standing, all claims against the organisation being paid in full and a lib eral cash balance In the tresury. The so ciety spent several hundred dollars lust year In Improving its grounds and a like amount will he 11 Med next summer. SCHUYLER, Dec. 7. Superintendent E. R. Sherman of the city schools lectured at the Methodist church last evening, his subject being "The Norsemen," a thor oughly Interesting, well handled and well received subject. Miss Gertrude Carr sang a nolo at the opening of the hour, Mrs. K. Wa Simons another at its close. This evening was the first of a number planned for the winter wherein enjoyable and prof itable evenings will be arranged for by a committee or the citizens whose object is to provide free entertainment of a high order, mainly by local talent, although outside assistance may b asked. The suc cess of last evening promises much for the enterprise. Open Another Ballot Box. DENVER, Dec. 7. The ballot box from Precinct 6, Ward 6. was opened today by an order of the supreme court In the contempt proceedings against officials o' that precinct, and Ita contents were turned over to two handwriting experts, who were directed to examine the ballots and report their findings to the court tomorrow. The court then adjourned until tomorrow, when It will announce Its decision on the ques tion of rejecting the entire vote of pre cincts in which Its injunctive order was violated. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow In .Ne braska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and the Dakotaa. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. Forecast of the weather for. Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, Iowa, the Dakotaa, Mis souri, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana and Kansas Fair Thursday and Friday. For Illinois Fair Thursday and Friday; fresh west winds. Local Mecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. 7. Official record of temper- ature and precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of the last three years: I'M. 19u3. IWi. I'M. Maximum temperature ... 57 40 16 80 Minimum temperature ... IS 12 Mean temperature 41 34 8 id Precipitation OH . 0i 00 T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, Nornutl temperature 28 l.'vi-..a for tin. daV 14 Tol 11 1 excess since March 1 4) 113 Normal precipitation 04 Inch- Deficiency (or the day 04 inch Total mil. fH II since March 1 1'i. IS inches Deficiency since Aliirch 1 5.20 Inches Excess for cor. period, ltl 2.62 Inches D flclency for cor. period, 190!.... l.iliH-liee He porta front Ktuttons at T I M. Station und Temper- Maximum - State of ature Temper-Precipe- of Weather. at 7 p. ni. ature. tatlun fimah-t. ciear Vuleutine. clear t- ii l" Ni.iih Plnl.c. clear.... 40 .( Cheyenne), ele:r .1 it '" Suit Lukei-ity, cloudy. !! 44 .00 ilHpid l ily, dear 4o ." "' Union, clear :i 4i .iJ W illixtoii. ch ar i..:U 4 ("Hi hko. clear :i( ' ti. iuiN. c..,ir ii m ti Paul. fe t( ;n 1 1 1: v 1: ;iori . . lenr ' ij Ki-a i liy c.- ir ." I d:u 1 ". 1 ... : in " r.i ll'-l' .1 1. e. r .( ' -1:111k ."(i . V ,l '. :i . . .1 ; I ' - J ' ;: i-.'vi 1 wl ltn. i A. VVi:i.V.. ,. ,ii Fureristrr, PROVIDES FOR LAW LIBRARY Seiator Millard IntrodncM Bill fr 0b for Federal Judges. PROGRESS ON SOLDIERS' SANITARIUM Nebraska Woman RnHherf a ad triads In Washington III and In a Peatltate Condition and aka Aid. (From a Staff Correspondent. WASHINUTON. Iec. 7 (Special Tele gram.! Senator Millard today Introduced a bill appropriating llO.ono fur the estab lishment of a law -library at Omaha for the use of the United States circuit court. The bill provides that of the appro priation shall be expended for law looks to be purchased under the supervision of the attorney general aud fl.OXi fr library fixtures and furnishings. Ample space Is to be set apart for the library In the gov ernment building. The bill also provides that $!.0iy shall be appropriated annually for the purchase of new books nnd for reblndlng old ones. Senator Millard introduced, as did Repre sentative Hitchcock, today, s hill providing for changes In dates for sittings of tho circuit and district foilrts or Nebraska. Under the terms of the hill court shall sit at Lincoln the second Monday In Sep tember and the third Monday In January; at Hastings the first Monday In Febru ary; at Norfolk the second Monday In February and at Omaha the first Monday in April and the second Monday In Oc tober. This bill has the indorsement of Judge Munger and is also favored by practically a majority of the Nebraska bar. Duplicate of Martin BUI. Senator Gamble today Introduced ti dupli cate of the hill yesterday Introduced In the house by Representative Martin, pro viding an amendment to the homestead law In South Dakota so far as it af fects homesteaders wet of the Missouri river and not affecting land within for est reserves or other reservations, so that a homestead within this territory shall e(iuil but not exceed (iW acre, and shall lie as nearly compact as msslble nnd not be over two mtles In length. T,he annual report of the board having charge of national soldiers" homes was laid before congress today. In speaking of the progress of work on the Battle Mountain iillarluni In South Dakota the report tates: "Construction work iif the mm ill. tarlum Is progressing fairly well. Battle Mountain anltarlani. Tho time for completion of the tlon work of the main group of buildings fixed by contract as December 31, isoi. hen the contract was swarded the cnn. tractors were hopeful that they would be hie to complete the buildings at an ear ler date, but It now appears probable that he full time will be required before bulld ngs are ready for occiinnnev rmiinnia for electric wiring, heating and ventilating. uimhlng and water sunnlv rlisirfhuilun have been promptly . awarded. Nebraska Woman Robbed. Senator Millard, in addition to hla duties f looking after the wants of his constltu nts, Is appealed to almost dally for con tributions to charities and church enter- ilnments. Yesterday Dr. McLeod of tho First Presbyterian ehurv-h of this city In formed Senator Millard dhat a constituent of bis, a woman, was In,. destitute clrcum- tnnces and desired advice as to what in do for her care. Tlie telephone, was kept busy for a tlmq, when a disconnected story over the 'phono resolvent JAseJf Into this latement: A Mrs. Hawtltorue, Edward thu Citisens' State banlo oft Wdomficld, Neb., was robbed of 1.VK) wllllrt .-en route frJ Chicago to Washington". On 'arrival she Im mediately went to Dr. McLeod'a resl.ieneo and told her story. Women of the church ere Interested, and ascertaining that Mrs Hawthorne was ill they sent her to a hoa- pltal. Mrs. Hawthorne said she was the mother-in-law . to the president of seven banks, Kdward Rennert of Bloomfleld. Senator MJllard sent a telegram to Rennert last night advising him of the condition of Mrs. Hawthorne and aaking if he should' ake steps to relieve her, but Mr. Rennert las failed to reply to the senator's tele. gram, as he has fulled to reply to Dr. Mc- ,rod s telegram, leaving the matter In con. sidcrable doubt. Damage t'ase Ip for Hearing;. The case of the Union Stock Yards Com pany of Omaha against tho Chicago, Rur Ungtou & Quincy Railway, coming up from the Eighth circuit court of appeals, will bo reached either Friday or Monday next. The attorneys for the two corporations, Frank Ransom and Charles J. (irer-n c'f Omaha, are here to present arguments before the supreme, court. The case grow out of an action commenced in the district court of Douglas county by Edward Goodwin, who in 1SS5 was seriously Injured In switching a car owned by the Hammond Packing company to a train being made up by the Burlington rnllroadr There was a defective brake 011 the car of the train which the BurlliiKton was handling whereby Ooodnian received in juries to such an extent that after the case had been through the supreme court of the state he was paid ll.'.licT. In issu the Stqck Yards company Instituted a Milt against the Burlington railroad ito recover the amount paid In satisfaction of Good win's claim. Dakota Men Confer. The South Dakota delegation held a meet, ing last night for the purpose of determin ing action during the short rcssion of con them by the in r km av (a -n For over half a century Ayer's Hair Vigor has been sold in every civilized land on the fac of the globe. Is not this long, unbroken history of success the very best kind of a testimonial? Made AYER'S 4RSAFAFIllA For ths blood. .?ER'9 ClitatKY fKCTOKAIr-Vat eouf M. gress. It was decided to puah the bill giv ing homestead rights to certain se tlons of the state where Irrigation was not rsetble along the lines of the Klnknld bill. It was thought not advisable to push any Rosebud legislation at this ars.ion on the ground that there would have tf be additional leg islation extending the time for final settle ment. Minor mstters were also talked over, but these two features represented w hat Is of Immediste iseue with the peo ple of the state. Poatal Matters. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Den ton. Incaster county, Wilbur T. Reeves, vice J. Miller, resigned. Iowa Chelsea, Tama county, Ren 8. Hosley, vice It. O. Wilkinson, resigned. Rural cnrrlers appointed: Iowa Colum bus Junction, route S; Samuel Robertson, carrier: R. F. Johnston, substitute. Given, route 1 i Elmer G. Seaman, carrier; t. A. Seaman, substitute. Waleott. route 1; Fred A. Ruchmeir. carrier; Ben Burhmelr. eub stltute. South Dakota Marion, route 2; Kugene F. Griffin, carrier: H. A. Leesch. substitute. ' The Security National bank of Water town, 8. D., has been authorised to begin business with liW.niin capital. John B. Han ten Is president. H. M. FInnemd vice presl dent and William B. Ryalls cashier. Major Richard W. Johnson, surgeon, when bis services are no longer needed at the Louisiana Purchase exposition grounds, will proceed to Fort Crook and report to the commanding officer of that post fot duty. CROUCH GETS RAILROAD GRADE Supreme Conrt Settles Title to Dakota. Wyoming & ,MIorl Property. PIERRE. 8. D.. Dec. 7. (Special Tele gram.) In the supreme court today deci sions were handed down In a number of cases, the principal one being by Haney In the case of Charlon D. Crouch, et al., ag.ilnst Dakota, Wyoming A M,lesourl River Railway company, et al.. appellants, from Pennington county circuit court. In whl.-"h the lower court was affirmed. This clears the title to the grade between Mys tic and Rapid City, which Crouch so cured on foreclosure proceedings and which foreclosure was being fought by W. T. Cadd and other Interested parties. The present decision puts Crouch and other parties front Cleveland In full control of the properly. Other declsons were: By Corson: J. F. Kelly company, ap pellants, SBalnst R. C. Mead. Brown county; aflirined. Peter Godfrey, appel lant, against Kmll Kaust. Lawrence: af firmed. Charles L. Phillips against John Norton and Joe Klrby, appellants, Min nehaha: affirmed. Jewett Bros. A Jewett, appellant", against M. R. Bentson. Minne haha; reversed. T. R. CJuealy, et al., against City of Brookings, appellant. Brookings; reversed. Frank C. Ball against Charles R. Nolan, appellant. Brown: re versal. Amelia Missouri Timber against Mary Nesharsls, Union; affirmed. By Fuller: M. C. Clarke, receiver Amer ican Saving" and tyian Company, against Milton C. Connors. Jr.. administrator of estate of Milton C. Conners. Lawrence; affirmed. L. W. Moody, appellant, against J. L. Lambert, county treasurer, Potter; affirmed. IMPI.KMEXT l)KAI.F.H TO MEKT ebraaka Man Will Address Meeting at ftlonx Falls, SIOCX FAL1.8. S. D.. Dee. 7.-(Speelal.) Preparations have practically been rom pleted fur the sixth annual convention of the Retail Implement Dealers' associ ation of South Dakota, southwestern Min nesota and northwestern Iowa, which will convene In Sioux Falls next Tuesday for a session lasting three days. Without question the coming conven tion -will be the most largely attended ever held by the association. The great Interest In 'the harvester question, wrhlch 1 is just now agitating dealers all over the t'nlted States, alone insurea a largely at tended and lively convention. The possibility of a bill being Intro duced at the approaching session of the state legislature for establishing a binding twine plant at the Sioux Falls penitentiary will likely be discussed during the con vention, and the probable line of action decided on. Among the prominent men from outside the atate who have consented to be present during the convention for the purpose of making addresses is R. C. Roper of David City, Neb., who has Just accepted an Invitation which was extended to him a few d;iys ago. While the members of the association would probably prefer to have hlm.dlHcoss the harvester question, be will be accorded the honor of selecting his own subject. Mr. Roper Is a brother of the senior member of the ' Roper-Morgan Hardware company of Parker, S. D. It la expected that the various manu facturers will have a vpry fine display of their goods In Sioux Falls during the convention. Official Vote of Month Dakota. PIERRE. 8. I.. Dec. 7. (Special Tele grain.) The official canvass on electors and congressmen for 8outli Dakota shows the highest Roosevelt elector. "2,03; highest Parker elector, 22.002, a majority of over 5(1.000. Socialist electors. 3,138; people's, 1,248: prohibition, 2.065. Total vote cast, 101,435. For congress Martin. "O.oa; Burke, F9.036: kynrh, 22.B44: Stewart, 22.6S2; so cialist, 3.115; people's, 1,275; prohibition, 3,012. The canvass on state officers and amendments will be given out tomorrow. lllaaaree on Damage Caae. eTCRGIS, 8. D., Dec. 7. (Special Tele gram.) The Jury In the case of Plnkerton against the Price-Baker company disagreed. This Is where Plnkerton sues for $ao,000 damages for personal Injury suffered from alleged defective machinery In the'defend ant's sawmill. We wish you would feel perfectly free lo writ tho Doctor at any time. Atk him anything you wish to know about your hair. You will ob tain the best medical advice free, and no one will see your letter but the Doctor. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. Testimonials? We can furnish thousand. Here is one: tha J. C. kyn .. twll. Haas, "ae saaaufwiurers JB;8 rillB- For WJttljatloa. AYfclf AGUE CUM-Kc aialana H !. afSfllS WIN SI50. CASH AND PliRHAPS $3,000.00 A bona fide proposition, well worth any atM'na flank. n A a f fft t w uiic iiiiiv TV In fatr n1 virv pmpo-itlon atiiai rtmtmm uniiiat lain uiranlssi I h I a Mf these famous JJO books, known In ier house In the land, pick before Dec. 15 the l that will p 1 Tale of Two rltlwi tl I Pwfnl of Man lrl;i I ru-M Violin Fiitheralll 4 HpMa Klnclv Ivankn .. s.-ott June Kvrs Bronte 7 John lUllflt M11I0. h ft U.rna Poone . Hla.-kinnre t ((rials of Spa ten I tar In 1" t nrle Tom a Cahln siok 11 Vanity Kalr Thackeray Few men or women will aOmlt (ht thev rin't oi.-k "t leant ' "'"" reallv amounts to a n-lnllon "( Itie oilier tour, a ml If Jon t tnem hefnre tie.- l.Y before Per. Will Pay You $150 00 in Cnslt, Uon't think (here la oulv one prlre oi lie on. there la a prlre of I.W for earn and eery rorre.1 annul. n mailed hv te-. 1.V ,-.., Thee. nook., each nr(h II .VI. "Ill eel I at 11.00 for the P"n" ofthta """ With en-h hook ion our ou a-l one pre.ll.-tlnn. or If vm, Miv in (wok. ? 20 predlitlnnn. Yon mav v.r. theee prefll. i lona In '! difTereni ava JJ"' - opportimiClea of "Imlni; IK0 W. or yon may repeat one pre,lrtln in llmea ant " r:: ;r Vo::,,,. .. .. .-.n p.r..e....r, i. :. trr aihle to rail at the .re nen.l u 11 i lor "( the 7"'"" w"' eent yon and hlanka uton "M.h (o make vmir p-edlrtlon. "ilh full dtrritlonn an full particulars. Influfllna many auiaexllona. ORDER COUPON 1 Till: Fo BENNETT enclosed volumes numbers of prise Contest .Books (see number oppo. site each iiook abiivel. also send prediction blanks, full particulars and suggestions. This order is sent with the understanding that my moncv will be refunded. If I choose to return any or all of them within one week from their receipt by mc. Name B. VJ-T Address . THE BENNETT GO.;, PAN Y, OMAHA. tin i uADTirni adc, i innixr. nrrrwRFR m aia7IM:s I U.. 1 ill, I IVl'1.1 HM ' I I tl - af" II a a r w LIKE MOTHER NONE SlICHMlNCE MEAT ! I f In 2-Pi8'l0c Packages with List of WANTED A BOY in every iowi to sell x our new Saturday Bee. It contains 18 pages of special magazine featnrw. inclridin8 10 colored pages with BUHTI4U BROWN COMICS, altogether 34 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the fanners are in town. T'e will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. Four Isaac ago we sent Clifford Hans, ,, " Neb., ten free coploe, and he Is now selling SO copies very Oaturday afternoon, from which be get 80 cents - ' profit. Tou can do aa well If you try. For Full Particular Write to Tke Omaka ,;Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. lis foundation of life, destroy their heulth phvslcal wreck. Not knowing where to sufferers, loaded with dixeuHe. remorse from bad to worse, or they experiment "Quick I lira Schemes. Hv our evsiom of electricity and and thorouKhly all diseases and weakiu-Hxp of men after h II others have fallen. Our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctor run do, but rather to cure obstinate rases which they cannot successfully combat. All thst deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and thoroiiKh scientific, office equipment can accomplish are now being done lor thoe who come uifib r our professional ctre. We huve Investigated and tested" all the known methods for the treat ment and cure of private diseases and weaknesses of men. which gives us tho right to Judge Iwtween the false and the true, between shullow pretension and solid worth, between substance and shadow. Musty theories cannot stand out against our (node of treatment, against progressive medical science, pew dis coveries and undisputed facts of cases cured to stav cured. WK SrCOKSBPVLKY TKKAT ANU SPICKIMT.Y firFB: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility. Impatency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses or the result of speiilli: or private diseases. rOlCIII TATIOM fDFF 'f you cannot call write for symptom blank. lWnaULIAMU'l I MLL orlico Hours S a. in. to H p m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE i B I JOS Parnam St.. Bet 13th PRnMATUREGRAYNESS r M Hair Regenerator la tb. eulr haralea. preiiaratlnn kaeara . wbirh taaiaiady raatirra balr to any wlur or aluMle. Iurablo. laatlas aiiS laarea tha hair rlea.ii. aaft and laar. ONE ACPt-KlATloN WII laaan'r MOfiTTHa. hamplanf hair eulurMt free. . aaua Vt (MxauiiUbnt. rnvaof aaauraa.' UtPWAX CBeMaUl MFO. (A Ml W. IM .., ttm Hark, laauaaa 4 atcCaooall IMyf ta ui) alia, 1 h In It. Our 1 I a 1 v vi ii ni Ihpr ro Irlrk or rate 11 Tom llronn'a School tyn., 11 1-t of (ho tohli-nn II l'rtn-e of (tie Home of PnT n Rnhinon cnioe 1 Koninla 17 Kkrt.-ti '(- It Kmerm.n'n Ka in Thelnia 2ii La. I liavs ot rompell . COMPANY. Omaha. Neb. dollars send me .... .... - MM aaailMLMI III I "MTTy USED TO MAKE" Valuable Premiums. r""uT J Fir. BED hold f I rove I 1 . . Huahe . . .rfr M . Ingraham 7ef oe. .(l.sKUot ... trvtn . F mereon . orel( Lvtlnn ( m So, rorrerlljr Are VOt one (r tlie ninny tlionxunils of WEAK MEN Ural ilt you wish lo b i-un-d? Multitudes Ijlilitf m tlieniHelves the horrors of n lifelong iIIhc-usc by unnatural habits. Thou sands and thouHamls of men rc prematurely old and Oi iiisil tbroiiKli I'xeiHMcs finil unnatural drains, wlil'-h sap the and HtreiiBfh, lea vlns them a mental and apply for a curei many of these.' poor and humiliation, silently suffer on, gilu with too many "Free Treatment" and medicine combined, we cure ouiekly. safely and 14th St., Omaha, ISmtt. Lj'iiirl J