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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. DECEMItEK o, 1001. POSTOFFICE NOTICE (ShmiM b TfAd dally by alt Interested, a chnss my occur it nny tlm.) t'orntn malls fr the werk tnillns IV 'cpnitxT 10, 14 will cIom (PROMPTLY In II rases) M tri fJpnml Pontofflre aa fol lows: PARCKI.8-POST MAIU rlnm one hour earlier than cloning time shown be low. Parcela-Poet mall for Germany clooe at R p. m. December 12, per a. a. Kaiser Wllhelm II. Ilraiilar anil Supplementary mai; clou at Forelan Station (corner of Went ami Morton atreeta) half hour later than clrm ins; time shown below, (except that 8uipl mentary Malta for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close, one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malla. TVE8DAT (). At Jl n. m. for ITAT.T direct, per a. a. Kocnlgln Iula (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Koculsin Lulae"). CVEIjNE9DAT (7). At I a. m. for EVROPR. rr a. a. t'MrIc, via (Jui'enatown nnl Liv erpool (mall for Krancr. Switzerland, Italy, Ppaln, portuaal. Turkey. Karpt, Orws and Britl.h India mtint be directed "per a. a. Odrlc": at 7:3u a. m. for NETHERL.ANI'8 direct, per a. a. fltnton dam (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Btatendam"); at 9:30 a ni. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Cltta dl Nnpoll (nvill muxt bo directed "per a. a. Cltta ill NnpeU"-; at 11 A. m. for NORWAY I'AIU'Klii. POST MAII.S. prr a. a. Hellln f)lav (rf-nu-lar mall for Ix-jifnnrk must be directed "per a. a. HclUg Oiav"). TITL'RPDAY (Hi. At 7 a. m. for FRANTR, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. HPAIN, PORTl'tlAU TVRKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per a. a. La, Touralne, via Havre (mall for other parte of Europe muat be directed "per a. . La Touralne"). FRIDAY (9). At 7 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per a. a. Romanic, from lioa ton. BATCRDAT (10). At 4 a. m. for EVROPR, per a. a. Etrurla. via Wucenatown and IJverpool; at 4:3o a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Minnehaha, via Southampton; nt R HO a. m. for BBLOIl.'M direct, per a. a. Finland (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Finland"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Necknr (mail muat ho directed per a. a. Neckar"); at t:3u a. m. for ITALY direct, rer s. a. Llirurla (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Llgurla"). Malta fop float h and Central America, Wrat ladlea, Etc. MONDAY (6). At a a. ni. for BRAZIL, per a. Tennyaon, via Pernambuco, Bahln, Rio Janeiro and Santoa (mull for North em Braall, Argentina, Uruguay and Para guay muat be directed "per a. a. Tenny son ,): at 12 m. for UARBAIMJS, OUIANA and NORTHERN HRAZIL, per a. a. Cametenae, via Barbados, Paml, Maran bam and Ceara; at 12:80 p. ni. for CI L' DAD BOLIVAR, per a. a. Banea. TI'EBDAY (ill. At 1SO a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per a. a. Roaalind; at 9 30 a. m. (aupplementary 10:30 a. iru)' for NICARAGUA (except East Coast). HON DURAS (except East Coiat), 8ALVAIK1R, PANAMA. CANAL ZONE. ECUADOR. PERU. BOUVIA and CHILI, per a. a. Alllanca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala and Cauca Department of Colombia mutt too directed "per a. a. Alllanca"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per a. a. Prlna Wlllem III (mall for Gonalvea, Curacao, Vene zuela. Trinidad and Gulnna muat be di rected "per a. a. Prlna Wlllem III"). WEDNESDAY CI). At S:S0 a. m. for BRA ZIL, per a. a. Syracuaa, via Pernambuco. Santos and Rio Grande du Sul (mall for Northern Braill muat be directed "per a. a. Syracuaa"); at 9:3i a. m. (aupnle rtHntary 10:80 a. m.) for INAGUA. HAITI, HA NT A MART A and other r aces In MAGDALEN A DEPT. COLOMBIA. Tier a. a. Flnndrla; at 10 a. m. ror okknada, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a. a. Maracas; at 12:30 I. m. (aupple mentary l p. m.) ror tukk.! ihuainu and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. . Seminole. Thursday (8). At a. m. for cuba, YUCATAN and CAMPECHE, per a. a. Monterey (mall for other parte of Mexico muat be directed "per a. a. Monterey"); at 13 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. Niagara. via Tamplco (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Niagara ). FRIDAY (9. At 1J m. for ARGENTINA, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Arahlstan; at 1 m. for YUCATAN nnd CAMPBCHH, per a. a. Daggry; nt 12 m. (aupplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BA HAMAS, per a. a. Yucatan (mall for Santiago muat be directed "rer a. a. Yucntan"; at 7 p. m. for BERMUDA, pr ateamer from Halifax ; at 7 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, ner a. a. Carthagin ian, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY (10). At 8:30 a. m. (aupple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Caracna (mall for Colombia, via. Curncao, muat be directed "per a. a. Caracaa"); at 9:S0 a. m. (aunplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and CO LOMBIA, except Magdnlena Dep't. per a. a. Biblrla (mall for Coata R"a. via Llmon.must be directed "per a. a Plblrla"); at :8fl a. m. (aupnlementary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS ST. CROIX. LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and OUIANA. per a. a. Fontabelle; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro Caatle, via Havana; at 12:80 p. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Ollnda, via Matanzna (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Ollnda"). NOTICE Five cent per half ounce In ad dition to the regular poatage, muat be prepaid on all lettera forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and lettera deposited In the dropa marked "Lettera for Foreign Countrlea," after the CLOS ING OF TIIHI REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular veaael, will not be ao forwarded unleaa auch additional pont age la fully prepaid thereon by atampa. Supplementary Transatlantic Malla are alao opened on the plera of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH ateamera. . whenever the aalllnga occur at 9 a. m. or ' later; and late mall may be depoaited In the mall boxa on the plera of the Ger man Linen Bailing from Hoboken. The malla on the plera open one hour and a half before Bailing time, and cloae ten mlnutee before sailing time. Only regu lar poatage (lettera 5 centa a half ounce) la required on artlclea mailed on the ' plera of the American, White Star and German (Sea Post) ateamera: double poatage (letters 10 centa a half ounce) on other Unea. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Tranapaelfle. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, cloaca at thla office dally, except Thursday, at (5:30 a. m. (the connecting malla cloae here on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unleaa specially addressed for despatch by ateamer, clones nt thla office dully, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. in. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. in. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcela-Poat Malla) By rail to North Sydney and thence by ateamer, cloaea at thla office . dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.j Sunday at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malla cloae here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence by ateamer, cloaea at this office at 7 p. in. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by ateamer. clnaes at thla office at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday. MIQl'ELON By rail to Boston and thence by ateamer, cloaea at thla office dally, ex cept Sunday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at :30 BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (Euat Coaat) AND GUATEMALA-By rail to New Orlenna and thence by ateamer, rlosna at thin onVe dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. ni. and 110:30 n. m.. Sunday at . jl p. m. and Jli:-10 p. m. (connecting mail clnaes here Mondays at IIO:3t p. ml. COSTA RICA By ralf to New Orleans nnd thence by etesmer, closf-s a tills office dailv, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. hi. Sundaya at II p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting maii closes here Tuesdays at 10:30 p. m.). NICARAGUA (Enat Coast) By rail to New Orleana and t heave by ateamer. cloaea at this office dully, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:80 p. m.: Sundaya at II p. m. nnd 10:S0 p. m. (connecting mall cloaea here Thursdays at 10i30 p. m ). iRvglatcreil mull cloaea at 6 p. m. previous day. ' : . Transpacific Malla Forwarded Over land Dally. The achedule of closing of Transpacific Mails la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malla (ex cept Registered Transpacific Malla, which cloae at p. ni. previous day) close at the Grnerel Postntflce. N"V York, as follows: JAPAN. CORKA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mail for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at p. m. December 4 for despatch per a. s. Lyla. HAWAII, via San Francisco, cloae at p. m. December 6 for despatch per s. a. Alameda. JAPAN. CORBA. CHINA and aneclally addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Brattle, close at '. m. De. cember T for drauatch rer a. s Ivo Maru. HAWAII. JAPAN. COEA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close at ( p m. December 8 for des- m'ch per a s Gaelic. HAWAII. JAPAN. COR EA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sn Fran rlaco. close' at t p. m. December 1J for dweiatch per s. s. Slherla. NEW ZFI.AND. AUSTRALIA (exeunt ' N'CIV CALEDONIA SAMOA. HA "'All AND FIJI ISLANDS via San Francisco, cloe at I p. m. December 17 for dinnittch per s. s. Ventura. (If the Cuniird steamer carrying the Rrltlh mail for New Kralsnd do not nrrlve In time to conned with this despatch, extra mulls closing at ft) a. m., . a m. and POSTOFFICE NOTICE p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., lam and it p. m will be made up and forwarded nnill the arrival of th Cunnrd steamer). JAPAN. CORE., CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Tacoma. close at S p. m. December It for despatch per s. 8. Vwns' JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls), CO RKA, (HIA nnd specially ad.tresspa mail for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close at t n. m. December 20 for desnatch per a. S. EmpreaB of Indl.i. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via dull r i r. in i.m-11, fiftii ni n i. in. " in lor npfpnicn per a. a. jianpwv PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, Tla Ban Francisco, close at p m. December 2 for despatrh per U. S. Trnnsport. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except II rl ' Iinil I t.. AIr.LH ' n ' couver and Victoria. B. C. close at p. m. DeccmtHT 31 for despatch per a. s. MANCHURIA (except Newchwang) and EASTERN SIBERIA is at present for- vaMnil visa Tfitatalu NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, Veet Australia la forwarded via iMir.i; irw Zealand via San Francisco and certain places In the CMnese Province of Yunnan, via British India tbe qulckeat routes. Phlllnplnes specially addressed "via Eu rope" muat be fully rrepald at the for eign rates. Hnwall Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. EDWARD M. MORGAN. l.tlnn- tlAatmilltttl1 Postofflce. New York. N. ?., December I, list. The Hest of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO NO. 12. The Daylight Special Now Carries Elegant Par lor Car fiervlce, Leaving Omaha 8:00 Every Morn ing, Arriving at Chicago 8:50 O'clock p. m. Din ing Car Serving All Meals Tlokat Offloai 1401 1403 FARNAM STREET, 4 OMAHA. Tslaslwawa B14-SSI. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Public Landa and Bulldlnga of the State of Nebraska will receive bids for the fur nishing of atatlonery, office supplies and printing, etc., for the coming session of the legislature. Speciflcattom will be on file In tbe office of the secretary of state on and after December 1, 1804. All bids must bo filed with the secretary of atate by noon of December 6. 1804. The Board reaervea the right to reject any and all bids. " GEO. W. MARSH ' N24dl0t Secretary B. P. L. & B. RAILWAY TIME CARD UMO STATION TE!TH AM) MARCY Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am Lincoln, Denver & west. a 1:30 pm Oklahoma at . .. jjiu inieafo ur.oi .-ru. St. P. & Minn. Ltd a 8:30 pm St. P. & Minn. Ex a 7:35 am a 7:15 am a 8:28 pm a 10:3o a.m a 4:06 pm I niUSBU IJIIHIBU K, Chicago Expresa a 4:30 am Chicago 4c Northwestern. Ixicai Chicago all:S0 am Mall a 8:10 pm 8:30 am 10:00 pm 11:60 pm 9:15 am 9:30 am 7:C am a 9:30 am S:0 am a 8:45 pm Vl :l am Daylfgnt CM. raui a cov am Daylight Chicago .......a 8:00 am Limited Chlcaaro a 8:25 Din 17.7110111 ..M. ....... ' ... Daylight Chicago .......a 8:00 am Limited Chicago a 8:24 pm I-ocal Carroll a 4:n0 pm Faat Bt. Paul a 8:16 pm leal Sioux C. & Bt. f.o :w pm Faat Mail I nicago express Norfolk & Bonesteel a 7:40 am llllCOin IJIIK IIIIK. . . . U I .w OMI lir.oo Bill Deadwood Lincoln a 2:60 pin 6:16 pm . . n , t .i q.e.1 .. 10:SS am v :iHp'r & vy vimiiiia n .ir. im c u.p inn Hastlnga-Alblon -b 2:EK' pm 6:16 pm 'Wabash. a. V ... 8:20 am 10:30 pm 2:30 pm Dl. x.oilin j. j. ( i m - Bt TiiiIh IiodI, i la Expreafl 6:30 pm Council Bluffs) 9:15 am Shenandrah Local (from Council Bluffs) 6:45 pm Missouri Pacific. St. Louts Express a 9:30 am a 6:00 am a 6:00 pm t nlon Pacific. I nlon Pacific. The Overland Limited.. a 9:40 am a 8: Colo, it Ca In. Ex a 4:10 pm a 6: Chicago-Portland Sp'l..a4:20 pin Eastern Express a 6 8:06 pm 4U am i iiii'iiKu-i uruuiiu Eastern Express. Columbus Local.. .. u . i i '91 nm b 8:00 pm b 9.J6 am a (:60 am b 1 :15 pm 3:20 pm .a i:to am .b 8:50 pm ..a 8:50 am Chicago Special... Beatrice Iocal.... Faat Mall Illinuls Central i. nicago express a 7:: Chicago Limited a 7:1 Minn & St. Paul Ex...b 7: Minn At St Paul 1.1,1 7 i Chicago Expresa a 7:26 am a 10:35 pm a 8:116 am bl0:36 pm a 8:06 pm I .mi fill. .at u-iii :60 pm Chicago. Mllwaakee 4c St iiiiM.v, nnnii.rv sk Dl, f a. u I Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:65 am all f'allfornla-Oregon Ex.. .a 6:46 pm a 3 Overland Limited a 8:20 pm a 7 Des M. & Okobujl Ex..a7:56am a 3 a 7:66 am all:00 pm a n:iu pm so am 10 pm Bl RLIGTU!V STATION KITH MASOal Burlington. I-eave. Denver & California.. ..a 4:10 pm Northwest Expresa all :10 pm Nebraska points a 8:60 am Lincoln East Mall ...b 2:67 pm Fort Crook & J'latti- mouth b 2:52 pm Bellevue & Plattvmouth. at :60 pm Bellevua it Pacltlo Junction a 3:80 am Denver Limited Chicago Special a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 4 :u0 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Inw. I JU'U I . a fl ir, . M Arrive, a 3:30 pm a 6:08 pm a 7:40 pm al2:U6 pm a 8:32 am bl0:(5 am a 6:56 am a 8 55 pm a 7:26 am all:00 pm pi. iuum r.iiT. ...a im aii:4o am Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:46 pm a 8:46 am Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm Kanaa City & St. Joe.. a 4:25 pm Kansas City, St. Joe A Council Rl.ffs. Kanaas City Day Ex.. ..a 915 am a 6 06 pm St. Louie Flyer a 6:25 pm all:u6am Kiiuui City Night Ex..ulO:45 pm a 6:46 am Chicago, Darlington 4c Qulncy. Chicago limited a 8:06 pm a 7:40 pm Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3 56 pm Chicago Vestllmled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:'J6 am Chicago Local a 9:16 am all:uo pm Faat Mall 2:46 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15T1I 4 WEBSTER Mtaaoarl Paclac. Nebraska Local via . Weeping Water b 4 60 pm blVW am Caleaga, St. Paal. Minneapolis A Omaha. 'sin City Pasaenger....b 6:30 am b 9:V) j m nioux City Pasaunger.. !:C0 pin a11::ain Oakland Local b 5 45 pm ba 'iiini a Dally, b Dally except bumUy. d'.y except Baturda, t Pally except Monday. St. Ixiula Expresx a 4 IS ,m mi 46 am Chicago, Rock Island 4c Paclflo. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited '. a 8:66 am a 7:10 am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bl2:01 pm a 6:15 pm Dca Moines Expreas....a 4:30 pm bll:ft)am Chicago Fast Express.. .a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm a 8:60 pm all:65 am CRAL1 AM PRODUCE MARKET Qaoa Dantid for If tj Fntar Ctasti an Adraic of On Cent. CORN FUTURES WEAK AND ONE-HALF LOWER Fine Weather for Matarlag Cora Crop a Bear FactorOats Are Lower Goaalp of the Pita. OMAHA. Dec S, 1904. It was A slowly developing wheat mar ket, with the preference In favor of the strong aide, despite the fact that tho Indi cations as to weather were all favorable for the breaking of the drouth. Armour'a buying waa emphaaiseti l:i the May future, with less than usual ardor In December, in dicating to a large degree the eettlerhent of that delivery, 'i he o'utide marke.g were all stronger, Minneapolis and Duluth blaz ing the way. M l ers, after holding oft for some time, have spnarently decided that If they want wheat they must met the competition in the open market, and were free buyers. From all quartfra came re ports of the Immediate ending of the drouth, snow and rain being predlrtel, but this did not strengthen the portions of the shorts, made nervous by the good buying from millers and others, t'nder this demand cash and December advanced "', the future relllng in Chicago to 1.(9V Minneapolis arlvnnr.d nearly fc and all other markets were stronger. May was th especial feature, advancing to or a full point higher. There waa a weak spell midway In the short session, but this wis displaced bv the show of strength at the closing. July was c higher. In Omaha prices were nominally steady. COHN There was a general disposition In all markets to look for lower prices for thla staple. The weather waa the chief In fluence. As a result it declined In Chicago Jc for December delivery and c for May. Buyers here representing Kansas City low ered their bids materially. Farmers are holding back corn for fietter prices, but the receipts are large enough to break values. May sold at 4VHi'!i4t.e. closing at 46c; December closed at 47'4jO. OATS The market waa slow and Htr-o lower; December, 29c; May. Sic. and July, SCTtc. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT 1 car No. 8 bard. 64 lbs . 94c; 1 car No. 3 hard, 67 lbs.. 81.01H: 1 car No. , CORN-1 car No. S yellow, 41e; 1 car No. t mixed. 89He. Car Lot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Cats Chicago 34 378 3 ft. Louis 8 2"i 4'i Kansas City M 77 10 Minneapolis 11 Duluth 113 Omaha 11 43 7 Grain MarVets Flse where. Closing prices at the following markets today and Friday were: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Friday. December 1.0Oi I.OSMi May 1.1H? l.iou July 99S 99 Corn December 47 48 May 465 46 July 45 46 Oata December 29 29Vk Mav 31 SHj July SOT, 31 ST. LOUIS. Wheat December 1.10H 1.09 May 1.13'aB 1.10H Corn December 44 44H May 43 4:iH KANSAS CITT. Wheat December 1.03 1.02T, May l.OSVi 1.02 Corn December 4IAB 41 May .7 41HB 42 MINNEAPOLIS. . Wheat December 11U4 1.09U May 1.14J 1.13 DULUTH. Wheat December 1 13 1.11 May 1 14 1.13 OMAHA WHOLKSAtK MARKET. . Condition of Trade and etaotatloas on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Candled stock. 26c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7o; roosters, c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, titfc; geese, knjiyc; spring chickens, 8o. BUTTER Packing stock. 1416c; choice to fancy dairy. lTifllSc; creamery. 2124c; fancy prints, 25c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 10c: pick erel, 8c: pike, luc: percn, 7c; blueflsb. 12c; whi'.efish, loc; saimon, t4c; redsnapper, 11c; lobater (green), 20c: lobster (boiled). 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black basa. 20c; halibut, 10c: crapples. 12c; roe shad, 81; buffalo. 7c; white baas, lie; frog legs, per dor.. 25c. BRAN Per ton, 815.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whol-sale Dealers' association: C'noic; No. I 'ipland, 87.00; No. 2. 6.50; medium, tiiiiO, coarse. iB.60. Rye straw. 86.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counta, per oan. 4c; extra selects, per can.-37c; standards, per can, 32c: bulk (atandarda), tier gal., II. .15; hulk (extra selects), per gal.. 11.75; bulk (New York counts), per gal.. 12.00. TROPIC AJj FRUITS. riD A Mrs ITU Hnrll ' slit-a 1!k IfUl l?a Win 216 and 250, S2.7&&3.00; California navels, all Sixes. 82.75ff3.00. LEMONS California fancy, 12.76; 800 and tm, S4.Z5; choice, xg.&u. . DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs., 12.00; Hallowl. In 70-lb. box. per lb.. 6VKS1C. FIGS California, per 10-lb. canon, 76 ac; importen eimyrna. 4-crown, izstc; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imported (wathed). In 1-lb pkgs.. 1619c; California, per case of 36 pkgs , 12.26. BANANAS Per medlum-siaed bunch, 2.('i'2.50: lumhos. I2.751i3.50. GRAPE FRUIT Per hx of 64 to 61, 15.50. FRU1T3. APPLES Homu-grown Jonathans, per bbl., 4.00: Ben Davis, 12 25; New Ycrk Tal man and Pound Sweeta. 13.00; -Jpw York Kings, 13 00; New York Pippins, 82,76; New York Greenings, fj.ei; New York Bald wlna, 32.76; Colorado Janath-s Wine Bnps, per bu. box. 11.40, PEARS Utah, Colorado snd California, fall varlet'es. per b"g, ll.752.25. GRAPES Imported Malagaa, per keg 86.0r.W. CRANBERRIES Wlaeonaln Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. 88.50i09.00; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl., 87.76; per box. I.1 75 TANGERINES Per H box. 12 50. VEGETABLKS. POTATOES New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 40c; Colorado, per bu., 66fc60c. TURNIPS Per bu., 36c; Canada ru ta bu gua. per lb., lc. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. BEETS Per bu., 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 11.962.00. ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per bu 76c; Spanish, per crate. 12.00. CUCUMBERS Per case of t dog.. 82.60. TOMATOES California, per 4-basket crate. 4.50. , CABBAUE Home grown, per 100 lhs, 70c SWEET POTATOES -Home grown, per bu. basket, 60c; Kansas kiln-dried, per bbl.. 12 26. BoUASH Home grown, per dos., 60c. CiXERY-Per dog., 25i&60c; California, 46c. RADI8HE8 Per dos., 90c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dos., 40060c; head lettuce, per dos., 11.00. SHALLOTS Per dos., 60o.' CAULIFLOWER Southern, per bbl., I3.S04J4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. 12.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., 85.10; per U bbl.. 83.26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12Vtc; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new, 16c; old, 16jl7c; Wisconsin brick, 14c: Wisconsin llmbuigi-r, 13c. NI TS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; pecsns. large, per lb., 11c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuta. per lb., 7cj tussted .pennuta, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 13 Wo, almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; bard aliell, per lb.. 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 12VtTl6c: new block walnuts, per bu., 76j90c; shellbuik hickory nuts, per bu., 81.76; lurge hickory nuts, per bu., 3160. . HIDES No. 1 green, 7e; No. I green. 6c: No 1 suited, '-io: No. t salted. 7So; No. 1 venl calf. 9c: No. 3 veal calf. 7c: dry salted, lil5c: aheep pelts, 26c1.00; horss hides. 1.5ifc3.O0. Mllwaakee OrSls STsrUet. ' MILWAUKEE. Dec. S.-WHEAT-rMar-ket lc t.lvher; No. 1 nTthern. No. t northe-n. tl.ftl(l.10: Mav. IlimOIHV H RLKY KdB) ; No. 2, 64c; sample, Siv.! "Wv "iPV E-ialir; No. 8, 6ITc; May, 41,i& tS'.c tj 1 Phil-- Pr-' . -e llmkrl. PMM .A liei.PJi 'A. D . J.-PUTTER-v-rVe- 1r- r ' He H?hcr- ixt-n we t--t ere i'"e--, 27c- t-xtrx leuliv vi' ti, 4 J-v. i ir;:c nrm or.d gool ileaiiiid; nesrby freah. 33c at mark; western fresh. 33S4e at mark; CHEESE Market firm and fair denund; New York full creame, fancy, llc; New York f till creams, choice. HMrllV; New Y'ork full creams, fair to good, litrilc. CHICAGO OR4IS AHB PROVISIONS lea, .re. of the Trading: a. Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. I. Official confirmation of drouth damage In Ohio aa ahown by the atate crop report emphas1nd strength in wheat here today. At the close the May delivery was up Sc. Corn l down Vn1. Oata are off c and provisions lynlV- Aa a result of bullish foreign news the wh-at market opened firm with May up Vi4e to Sc. at ll.l"i to 81.10V-i1.11. Among the factora that created atrength abroad were Indlcatlona of a -decrf-asr- in world's shipments. For a moment, however, the domestic situation appeared rather less bul lish, snow having fallen In some sections of the winter wheat country. Recelpta In the northwest were also somewhat larger than last week. In consequence mnny trad ers, who were Inclined to Ignore foreign conditions were quite liberal sellers e.irly. The result was a reaction In prices. May declining to I1.10H. But the weakness wa only temporary, a rally quickly occurring aa soon aa selling pressure nubslded. The anxiety regarding the winter wheat crop was Increased by the Ohio report, which made the condition of growing wheat In that atate 76. a loss of 11 points within a month. Throughout the last half of the aecslon nentlment in the pit waa bullish and prices gradually advanced. The market rloaed practically at the highest point of the day. After touching 81.10a. May closed at II.IOU&J.IOV Clearances of wheat and flour wrre qual to 31.08 per 100 bu. Primary recelpta were 993,!M) bu . compared with 976.000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of iCl cars, against 7S0 lnsi week and a year ago. Expectations of large receipts In the near future was the cause of persistent selling of May and December corn, and notwlth atandlng the firmness of wheat, the market ahowed conalderable weakness. Another depressing factor waa the excellent quality of arrivals. Out of 373 cars received today 233 cars graded No. 3 or better and fix were on contract grade. A revla.vl estimate by the director of the weather and crop ser vice of Iowa, showing an increase of 25.000, OoO In the total crop of the state was an additional bear Influence. May opened un changed to a shade higher at 45rtiC to 4SVd 4fc, sold off to 45'c and closed at 45V'f 45c. Influenced by weakness of corn, a bear raid was made on the oata market, resulting In a moderate decline In prices. May opened a shade to ,e lower, at 31 Vic to 81'4'fr31'c. sold between 30'c and 31V4c and closed at 81c. tOcal recelpta were 79 cars. Profit taking by some of yesterday'a buy era caused an easier tone In provisions. Prospects of lower prices for corn waa an Influence contributing to the weakness. At the cloae May pork waa off 7c, at 313.12 5il3.15. Lard and ribs were each down 2c, at $7.17 and .82 respectively. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 76 cars; corn, 466, cars; oats, 92 cars; hogs, 44.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. I Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Deo. May July Pork Jan. May Lard , Jan. May Rlha Jan. May 1 09 1 094i 1 08 1 09 1 03 1 lOH'I H V, till 10W I 1 111. 1 10 99 99ssil W 1 lov4igi us. 1 107 99V46 IMA 46H"4 V4 4S 45iCfiA, 46 47H 4d'i 46fi 45 45 45 29 29? 31 I29i 30i313W 46 2f 45?,4f, 29V4l28"r' 31V 81 311-4 3130(e!4, I 12 97 12 97 12 82' U 10 6 97 7 16 6 no ' 6 80 12 85 13 16 12 97 13 22 7 02 7 20 6 65 6 85 13 22 13 22 700 7 20 7 02 97 7 17 6 62 6 82 7 W 6 62 6 2 82l 6 66 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 85.10-9 6.20; straights. 84.80ti.00: spring patentx. 4 90tf5.40; straights, 14.804.90; bakers. 13.50 63 90. WHEAT No. 2 aprlng. tl.fMM.15: No. S, 11.031.12; No. 2 red. tL12:H,i?Tl.13. CORN No. 2, 47e; No. 2 yellow. 43c. OATS-No. 2. 29c; No, 3 white, 30o. RYE No. 2. 74o. BARLEY Good feeding, 38c; fair to Choice malting, 42-49c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, tl.15; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.23; prime timothy, 12.70; clover, con tract erade. 312.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 311.50 fni.55. Lard, per 100 Iba., G .97. Short ribs sides flooae). ?UjQs.75. Short clear sides (boxed), ta.8737.0. 3 1 ;. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa Arm: creameries, lGjf26e; dairies. 14022c. Ease. Arm. at mark. cases included, 1 !) 24o; firsts, 24c; prime nrsts. ac; extras, c. uneese, steady; nS12c. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Stronger, Sheep Steady and Lambs Strong;. CHICAGO. Dec. 8. CATTLE Recelpta. 00 head; market steady; good to prime steers, 16.107.26; poor to medium, li.lMt 6.90: stockera and feeders, 82.26(&4.25; cows, ll.5OJf4.10; heifers, 12.006.00; dinners, 11.35 2.40; bulls, t2.0OQ'4.2S; calves, 83.60.00; can nrrs. tl.3o2.40; bulla, V Wiiii.ib ; western steers. 83.6Ofi5O0. HOGS Receipts. 22,000 head; estimated Monday, 43,000 head; market stronger; mixed and butchers, I4.46&4.79; good to choice heavy. 4.60iN.72; rough heavy, l4.4iKii4.55; light, 34.4664. 60; bulk of sales, I4.60fft4.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 3.000 head; aheep, steady; lamba, strong; good to choice wetbera, 14.406.00; fair to choice mixed, t3.60faH.30: western aheep, t3.0U? 4.90; native lamba, 4.6otb616; western lamba, J4.5O66.0O. Kanaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 3.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,100 head. Including 200 southerns. Market steady: choice exnort and dresaod beef steers, t6.O0igti.26; fair to good, 83.6U(j) 6.00; western fed steers, t3.50S6.5o; stockera and feeders. t.6oti4.00; southern steers, I- 50 &I4.26; southern cows, l.WiiJ a; native cows. 81.60(3.76; native heirera, t2.60ifi5.00; bulls, 82.00-63.60; calves. 12.50(6.25; receipts for the week. 56.500 head. HOGS Receipts. 4.700 head. Market atrong to 6c higher; top. 14.7(1; bulk of sali-a. t4.35 4.66; heavy, 34.6iVii4.70; packers, tf6(Vj; 4.i'i; pigs and lights. $4.0(u4.50. Receipts for the week 77,200 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 260 head. Market unchanged: native lamba, 16(Ktji 6.00: native wethers, t4.26-ii4.76; native ewe-a, 4.00U4.6O; western lamba, 34.6oii6.00; western sheep t4.254i6.0i); western yearllngR, tTfiW 4.40; stockers and feeders, 32.50(u4.25. Re celpta for the week, 27.SU) head. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Dee. S. CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head, including 700 Texana. Market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, 4.6uj7.ti, the top. for strictly fancy when obtainable; dressed beef and butcher ateers, 4.0ouG.4o'; ateers under L0u0 the., I3.0m86.00; stockera and feeders. I2.2f(a 8.76; cows and heifers. t2.2633.&0, with strictly fancy worth up to 86.00; canners. tl.26u4.15; bulla. Il.9mfi3.65; calves, 12.75$, 1.75; Texas and Indian steers, t2.50U4.25; cows and heifers. 62.0ixSH.R0. HOGS Receipts, 8.&00 head. Market was steady; pigs and lights. t3.6o6H.26; packers. 64.452iH.60; butchers' and beet heavy, H.lMp 4.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 500 head. Market steady; native muttons, t3.60?r4.75; lamba, t4.Stxu6.00; cull and bucks. 12 SrxJJ 8.75; atockers, t2.0iKij3.0O; Texans, t3.(XXy.0O. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 3. BEEVES Re ceipts, none; dressed beef unchanged at Tii to for native, aides. Cables steady; ex ports. 699 head cattle, 90 head sheep and 820 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 118 head, ell western; market feeling steady; city dressed veals, steady, 7&l:to. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 666 head: sheep, steady; lambs. 10c lower; aheep aold at 14.40; dressed muttons, steady, 5tltlc; dressed lamba, 89c. HOGS Receipts, 3.676 head; market feel ing nominally lower; good Pennsylvania, 14.60. Slooj City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. l.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 8.0(10 head; market ateady; beeves t3.50Si.00: cows, bulla and mixed, t2.253.46; stockers and feeders t2.5ovail.45; calves and yearling, 12.26111 80. HOGS Receipts, T.6A0 head: market about Steady, selling at 84.303H.6o; bulk, I4.40fc4.45. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dee. I. CATTLE Recelpta, 253 hesd. Market steady; natives, HW 6. Go; cows and heifers, 31.854jH.J6; stockers and feeders, 82.6O0S.4u. HOGS Receluts. 6.249 head. Market l9 10c higher: light, H 364)4. ix; medium and heavv. t4.6i'4.72. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock ta Sight, Recelpta of live stock at the six principal western cities yesterday were as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 5oo 11 (.) 2.128 fiiff . . Dim.. - Kionv Cm- .3. (Ml 7.&0 4 7iI KiiOMiia t'ity St. l.OlllH ... St. Jobrph .. Chicago Totals ... .l.lK) .1.500 . 2M . 4i0 2T.0 6u0 t.f0 6.249 22.0UO ... 6,7iJ 14,4 l.rtf SMAIIaV LIVE ST6CR MARKET All Desirabls Cattle from Te Csnts to a Quarter Higher for the Wsei. HOGS TRIFLE LOWER THAN WEEK AGO Recelpta of Sheep aad Lambs F.x treniely light All the Week and Trading Active, with All Kinds Ten to Fifteen Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Iec. 3. 1901. Receipts were; Hogs. Sheep. Ofrii Momiuv Oiiicinl Tiiead.iy 4.i. i. 4,'iM 6.312 3 -"99 fcim 1-I.7-;-12,'. 11 2!'3 S.3'o 11.0M0 6S.ti1S 4r.i-3 41.5: 34.8-V 32. MS tMli l.di.l 1.(4 ; 2,liM F3.077 35.' :-7 43,:s 8ii."4V IT7.474 ti.4M Omclal Wednesday.. Ofnclal Thursday ... timnni rriiiav OHicial Saturday Total this week 20.223 Total last week 21.'I13 Total week before 3n.:i54 Same three weeks ago..l4.ii9 Same four weeks ago.. ,.2ti.p:2 flmp wepk l:isf vi-jir . . 1I.S.V) 45.315 Rirr-l. I iT-a iti-ii tup vkir tu r.. The following tal le rhowa the receipts of cattle, hoga and ep at South Oma ha or the year to date, a Ui conipaiison with last year: 1904. 19o3. Cattle &M..M0 1.0136.10 Inc. ri.'siii Dec. 132.1-0 II.. A 11 o r.i-i Sheep 1.672.236 1.740.990 The following table annus tna " price of hogs at South OmaT.a ror tr.s last several days with comparison: Date. llOI. (loot. 11805. 101.1900.1.1. Nor. 14.., I Nov. 16... Nov. '.4... Nov. 17... Nov. IS... Nov. 19... Nov. 20... Nov. 21... Nov. 22... Nov. U... Nov. il... Nov, 2i... Nov. 2:... Nov. 27 .. Nov. No;'. 29... Nov. )... Dec. 1... Dec. 2... D?c. 3. . . t2 41 3 ! 3 t Ml I 3i i i 3 3d 8 Wi 3 Si I 29 3 Mi Indicates Sunday. indlcatea holiday. The ottlclal number vl cars of Btock brought In today by each roud was: Cattle. Hogs. Shp.H'ses. C. M. A. St. P. Ry 1 A Bhuiih i 1 20 il 17 7' 111 16 Missouri raclllc Hy 10 1 .. 1 t:nlon 1'nciHc system.... 2 20 7 1 C. Ac N. W. Hy F., K. & 11. V. H. K 6 C, St. k M. & O. Ky B. ft M. Hy 4 C, H. & J. Ry K. C. & St. J U C, R. 1. A P. Ry., east. .. C, K. I. A P. Ry-, weat 1 Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western Total receipts 34 168 7 i Tlie disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 1.173 Swift and Company , 3 1,974 Cudahy Packing Co 1.752 Armour & Co 27 1,908 Cudahy Packing Co., K. C 644 Cudahy Packing Co., Denver.. 157 Swift and Company, K. C 22 Armour & Co.. Sioux City 2.445 8. & B 190 Cudahy Pack. Co., Sioux City 1.252 Other buyers 120 Totals 873 10,754 CATTLE There were a few bunches of cattle here this morning, but no quotable chango In the market took place. Por the week receipts have been Just slightly In ex cess of the same week of lust year, but aa compared with last week there la a loss of about 6,000 head. The demand from all aourcea haa been in good shape and as a result the general tendency of prices has been upward. Very few cornfed steers have been re ceived this week, and moat of those thut HM urrlvn wprn of the shortfed variety. Anything at all desirable, though, changed handa very readily at atrong prices, and it ia probably , safe to quote the market on such kinds iusjjuc nigner ior me weea. , . . . .1 ,.... I Iknli.h have been more or lesa neglected and are selling in much the same notches they were a week ago. Good to choice steers may be quoted from S5.76 to $6.26i fair to good, $4. 9iXn 5 liel, and the warmed-up and shorter fad kinds, 63.604.60. Thera waa a marked decrease tills week In the supply of western range beef steers and as packers an neeaea supplies, com petition was keen at stronger prices. In view of the short supply packers bought frsrlv cattle that a short time ago they cluased as feeders. This, of course, brought feeder buyers and packers Into competi tion. The general marget can saieiy no quoted 15c2!c higher than it was a week ago, all kinds joining in the advance. Good to choice grades may be quoted from 33.K5 to $5.00; fair to good, $3.405j3.75, and the commoner kinds, mostly from 32.76 to S.4o. Quite a liberal proportion of the receipts last week consisted of cow stuff, but the demand waa iuny equal to me occasion and an active and strong market was ex- naripnred on most days. The net gain for the week amounted to 15&20c, the moat Improvement being in the more desirable grades. Canners nave not shown a great eal of change in either direction for some little time. Quite a few oornfed cows are showing up in the receipts, but most of ihom have been on feed but a short time and consequently they are not much better than choice grassers. Good to choice conged cows could be quoted from IC.OO to $3 75; good to choice grass cows, from $2.75 to $5.25; fair to good grass cows, $1.25 to $2.75. and canners and cutters, from $1.50 t0Buils, veal calves and stags have shown very little change for some time peat. The demand for stockera and feeders of good quality was brisk last week and a lit tle In excess of the supply. At the cloae of the week an advance of 10ft(2uc as com pared with the cloae of the previous week was noted, most of the Improvement being on desirable grades. Good to choice cattle may be quoted from $3.76 to $4.10; fair to good I ' 50 to $3.76, and common to fair, from $3C0 to $350. Repreaentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. i NKIO 00 t 1084 0 1 COW s. 1 (74 1 40 1 ....1040 I 00 10. iiiu l u mo I 46 CALVES. ISO I 11 D. T. Cattle Co. Colo. .12S6 2 10 20 cows.... .1200 1 76 J. U Williams Colo. . 898 2 65 1 bull . w 2 65 1 bull 2 bulls. 2 bulls. 18 cows. 1 cow . . . 850 2 10 840 2 00 620 2 60 3 cows. . 9.16 2 00 1 cow l z 6i iirr:4 There was a liberal run of hnn reported thla morning, but of that number about alxty cars were billed direct to pack ers so there were only about IiiO loads actually on sals. The general market held about steady and trading was active on moBt of the early arrivals. It was notice, able, however, that the demand was bast for the lightweight hogs and in fact some of the buyers would not even bid on heavv packing grades. As a renult some of the latter were left until the cloae of the market, and they were very alow sulo and 2c to 6o lower than the aame kinds aold early. The bulk of the hogs sold from $4 46 to $4.50, with a top at $4.55. The lata sales, however, of heavy packers sold largely from $4.40 to $4.46 and It was very hard to get over $4.42Hi unless they were prime. As salesmen did not like the idea of taking off that much, the cloae was rather slow. For the week receipts of hogs have been quit liberal there being an increase over last week of about 9,000 head and aa com pared with the aame week of laat year there Is an increaae of about 13,000 head. Parkers continued their heariah tactics the early part of the week and on Wednesdny and Thursday the average price here was down to $4 42H. which is the low point ao far this season. Packers seemed to Want the hogs from that time on and cluslng Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated ) nain Office: Fifth and Roberta Streets, ST. PAUL. rilNN. DEALERS IN Slocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Branca OOlee, 110-1)1 Board ( Trade Blda-.. Omaha, Nek. Telepaoae Bale. 112-214 Exchange Vldg.. South Omaha, BvU 'Phone 211 Independent Plioo 6 4 4 67 6 2X' 5 69' 4 7 4 6.1SI 31 5 671 4 821 467I 4&6 I6C4I 4 90, 4 .1 4 4b 6 411 I 4 6ii 4 4 39 3! 6 63 4 KiW: 4 4l 6 29 6 63 4 76 I 4 4 6 2 6 i if rf , 4 67Ts' 4 44 24 5 Ml 4 7S 3 J9 i- 4 in 4 31 ' S 66, 4 J J6 J 44 4 13 .86 !? ; 4 47 4 6 041 6 7i 3 i. 8 3S 4 62Ti 5 99 5 791 4 S7 I 3 W 4 10 16 731 4 T6 I 7o 4 49t 4 24 6 02 4 71 3 ! J 44' 09i " S5' 4 74 3 x J 1 4 42 4 34 I 00 4 68 1 3 ill 1 21 4 4V, 4 6 6 09 I 4 631 J iji 3 -i 4 4ni 4 32 6 o 6 W I 4 47' I 4 41 6 14! 6 M 4 64 i " price are 5c h'g: n the I la ini ann anom 5c low. the Cli'V of Inst week.. Representative sales: Co r. Sti. IT So h rr. f, i 44 ... 11.1 4 4 ;7 so 4 : : "T. i- t : ; r'l wi 4 i j 4 47', M Jl s 4 ? " 3" " 4 4tt Ml J5 ISO 4 :i ' US !l 4 ITi, ti ? pi III :i . . 4 471, 41 t2 4 4 44 M H Ml 4 4:14 :m .... 4 4S 74 w 4 47', 7 t tW 4 45 . . 4 47 U tn M 4 4S 41 J 4d 4 47 14 bt II! M 4 45 t: 7 I irt 4 ' 1 It n l 4 4S 1U !' ... I u4 lit ft) 4 O T1 Jl? 40 4 M ?l . . . a1 1 . . 4 4S en s-4 s 4 1 S5 ... 4 44 l 171 41 I HI ! S4 1 . . I 4J 71 : lM 4 60 f.o :;i so 4 4S 2Ji lit 4 M 54 17 t 4 45 47 .870 l 4 Wl M .'4 i 4 4;. !7H i 4 f.o 7- t III 71 ?M 40 4 Ml 84 '7 4 S 1 i4 w 4 in ; (.7 -M ... 4 It . . IS" I H 17S . . I II 4 ?i7 lf I M t ;-3 120 1 4) 71 ; 10 1 m V- JH I 46 11 : ... 4 54 4 t't 1M 4 47i ' :-! IH 11 -70 ... 1 i"n 7 :4 3rn 4 sn 4 rr ... 1 47 iii : ... 1 Jo Kt 175 0 I I7H 41 :4 140 I M r,. ji in 1 .is r ... 4 ri I t7t ItO 4 47t tl 171 ... 4 Ml I 71 X 140 4 7fc 70 ;.M 40 4 H , I (9 not ... 4 I7't 75 tlf. M 4 il 1 r in I 4Ti4j 74 !l It III ! 62 ?l 10 I 4;v 7 -JM 40 4 Si IS !7 80 I 471, l J.t 40 4 in in 7 Sl 14714, H. ...... .241 ... ISO 41 rl 40 4 471, 7....T...IS .'. I CI t 110 I 17' 17 212 in 4 r.7'4, fit t7 0 4 47'. 7 i:o 1M 4 (.' M fM 110 4 474 7 Vl ... I f.J'4 71 J7 ... I 174 If M ... I S?'4 44 ... 1174 S W4 ... J74 1174 a. o 4 M'. t,J SOU HO 4 174 T 24 40 4 47 71 '.!'! 4 4T4 41 3 10 I 44 The Best of all Xmas Magazines Splendidly Illustrated In Two, Three and Four Colors THE CHRISTMAS M ETRO PG L;IT J tv7 fnrrii nnttirh thor happy number, full of good things for old and . young to read. Sombre things haVebeen kept out even the pictures are full of life and color. THE ILLUSTRATIONS are by Max field Varflsh, John Cecil Clay, J. M. Condi. Charles Livingston Bull, Louis Rhead, Edward Venfield, Ernest Haskell. Oliver Her ford, Malcolm Strauss and Jules Gu'erin THE CONTRIBUTORS No more distinguished company of Contributors has ever appeared in a Christmas magazine than those in the DECEMBER METROPOLITAN W. A. Fraser contributes a story so strong, 'and so remark able for its originality and inter est, that it was voted the $500 prize in a story-contest open to all writers. Joel Chandler Harris has an Uncle Remus story, as good as any he has ever written. EL. S. Martin treats sympa thetically and happily of " Chil dren and the Christmastime." Alfred Henry Lewis sums up, and comments upon, the events of world-interest during the past few weeks. This is done in an illustrated review. Thomas Nelson Page contributes a charming article in which he shows us a quaint old 1 neighborhood in Virginia. Other short stories and special articles are by Carolyn Wells. Oliver Herford. Broughton Brandenburg Charles G. D. Roberts, Theodosia Garrison and Clinton ScollarcL These articles complete a magazine brim ming with interest and Christmas cheer At Your Newsdealers A 35-cent Magazine for 15c. Those sending 9180, the price of a year's sub scription, and mentioning this paper, will also, be given the November and December issues free I This is a rare chance to subscribe THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE, 3 WEST lb STtVCCT. NEW YORK CITY' 1 Uie the blsnk form printed below snd send l.8o to-day to prevent delay ia receiving your next copy of THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE, 3 Vest 29th St.. New York Encloui find Si. to for ont j,sr'$ subscription to THE METROPOLITAN MAGAlltiE. Stud m, tin Novtmbtr tnd Dtttmbtr numbirt frn. ' Nsmt . Strut. l I 47 i N ..: tft I 4-' . , SlIKi:!' -" 'irrc v ere a f w enrs tr heet n pnrle.l I'.n morning, but the bulk of thni wi fei-ib : s. hlrh aoli'. at fully a etdv piiie. 1 here wi-re tlirve cars of fit fmiil s Ini'iiicd !n tie receipts, but thi-y vtere l.tio In arriving, nnd owing to Its being S: t nr.l.i y p:u l.ers were very anxious for iNt.i. thire Ter not enough killers In s sM to pty packi rs to handle ttvm lodny Kor the reek recelpta hive been very llalit. tln-re txlng u decrease as compared, vi llli Inn werk of nb.iut 2 i"i bead aud as (ompnrrd mm tlie- week of last year lh deei-e.ise Is nbout aI.OOO bend. In other words, the re elms this week have been less thnri half as huge as t'ney were a year etro. In view of the Huht receipts and liberal demand the market has ruled active an.l strong nil tho week and eliding prices are about 1"oI."k l.igl er on nil desirable grades of loili fnt iic;e Miv.1 l:imls. Quite a large proportion of the re-olta have h-e on feed for a Khort time, but Unless tliey are choice they command Just about the same prices as choice weet-in rangers. Tin demand for feedeirs has bceu active all the week. and. In fact. In excess of the supply and pricia on anything at oil desirable are anfelv piiilic Mslier. . Quotations- Good to ch'-lce yevrllngs, $4.6."ti.i.OO; f;ilr to good ve:irllngs. $4 Tltw: good lo choii-rt withers, t4.4oti4.75: fair to good wethers. $4 2Vit4.40; good to choice ewes. $4.?.Hi4 M; fair to good ewes. $4.t0t 4 2A; good to i lmlce lambs. $ 7."xfi.on; fair to good iHnibM. 65.SHCI 1 75; feeler jcarllrgs, $4.0tM.SR: feeder wethers. $iO-col; fed'-r ewes, I3.0H47J..V; feeder lamb. $ Representative' sales: ' No Av. Pr. 25 Colorado feeder ewes. 70 2 00 far antt hamtt. It .t a hie'. ' Richard Le Gallienne writes a Christmas story which he calls, in memory of youthful days, ' Once upon a Time." 20 pages of the issue are devoted to The Stage at Holiday Time. Fully illustrated with over fifty pictures tf stage celebrities of the day. The authors of "The Lightning Conductor" continue theif mile ft minute story, ' The Trincess Passes," , Jules Guerin, the wen. Jnown illustrator, has provided some marvelous colored pictures, illustrating John Corbin's "A Boyrs-Eye View of the Circus." Something of the fu that we have all had at tbe circus, in younger days, will return to us on reading this article. ( suu. 0