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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
v . . : - The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SECTION. PAGES 9 TO 10. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1904. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. :1 VJW f COMPLETE OPENING OF TOYD0M MONDAY $150 Gash for Your Opitiion Whieh ten of these twenty fam ous books will sell the best in this sale? 1 Tale of Two Cities Dickens t Deeoent of Man Darwin I First Violin Fothenftli 4 HvDalla. Kinssiey J Ivan hoc Scott Jane Eyre Bronte T John Halifax Muloch I Lorna Doone Blaekmore S Origin of Bperlea Darwin 10 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe 11 Vanity Fair Thnckeray UTom Brown's School Days HuKhes Last of the Mohicans Cooper 14 Prince of the House of David. .Xntcrahnm UtlM Kllot , Irving Emer.on ..!Corelll Lytton Pick the tea correctly before Dec. 15th and MERRILL & BAKER the well known H. Y. and London publishers FA.ThTl'LLY PROMISE TO PAY TO YOU SI50.00 IN CASH Don't think there is only one prize of $150.00. There is $150.00 for each nnd every one who makes the correct pre diction. This Is a fair and square propo sition and there is no trick or catch in it. Our business reputation guarantees. this Buy one book at $1.00 and get one predic tion. Buy 20 books and get M predictions. Each. Correct reply wins $150. So It is possible to win ROuO. This Is a beautifully bound and Illustrated edition, made to sell regularly at 11.60. Learn the particulars. Call at BENNETTS or send In this cou pon by mall at once. . . ORDER COUPON The Bennett Company, Omaha, Neb . For enclosed dollars send me volumes numbers of Prise Contest Books (see number opposite each book above) also send prediction blanks, full particulars and suggestions. This order Is sent with the under standing that my money will be re funded If I choose to return any or ail of them within one week from their receipt by me. v B12-4 14 Robinson Crusoe. It Romola 17 Sketch Book 18 Emerson Essays 19 Thelma 20 Last Days of Pompeii. Name... Address.. Full particulars In' leading; December Magaalnea.- f m il H M 0 It E B 0 0 K S THE IIOMEWUOD SERIES Nearly 400 Titles Clearly printed in large type.y on antique finished paper. Handsomely bound In a superior quality of cloth, embossed with beautiful design In gilt and colors, with square backs and gold top. Some of them: Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Beulaa, Black Beauty. Bryant's Poems. Burns' Poems. Crown of Wild Olive. DrihAm ' Ufa. First Violin, . Hiawatha . . ., ,, Idle Thoughts of an -Idle Fellow. imitation o vansu Ivenhoe. John Halifax. Lalla Rookh. ,st Days of Pompeii. I.ast of the Mohican. Lena Rivers. Longfellow's Poema Lorna Poone. Luclle. Meadow Brook. Octeroon. The Pioneers. Romance of Two Worlds, a he Bear lei I-etter. The Skettia Book, Thelma. Tom Brown's Ahao Days. Whlttler's Poems. Wldg. Wide World. Pa me In cloth binding, plain edges, good paper. Special Monday, 15c "book st Alia. Rea-nlar Prloe BO Cents Oar Price Monday 25c Ladies' Combs Ladies' Combs! Ladies' Combs! - With four times (four to the dime, forty to the dollar) 'Orecn Trading Stamps. Entire sample Hues of Johnson, Hny ward & Piper of Boston, side and back combs, worth up to 75c, Monday, 85c, 25c 'A sV& see s sees With four times Green Trading Stamps. 5c 8tfle and back combs, worth up to $3, including beautiful rhlne- tf stone set goods, Monday, 1 1 Too and AND TOUB TIMES GREEN TttADIXQ STAMPS. JEWELEY SECTION. There's Evervthitif? New and Beautiful. Our Crnnd Holiday Stock In the niont replete of nny liithf west, and thres "nnry a doubt about It. RANTA CLAUS" WESTERN IIEADQUAHTEKiJ Iif AT HK.SNE 1 TS! BRING THE CHILDREN. See the entrancing dlnplays. Demonstrations with mechanical, electrical and other practical toys of every conceivable Idea, on all the time, everything down to tlia minute! Hrlim the children. TOY TEA SETS OCr. Kid body dolls, IB Inches long-, shoK ind - stocklnss Kid Body Dolls for JVtotiday dolls, IB Inches Ion, shoes unrlP heavy wig, well shaped, Mi n.y "If only w .FllB 1Qa Jnlnteri VM iiodv iIiiIIr. nlnet4. hua rood jtr. tthrMiB And atnrLf In an a Vrn ru .1 in O a k 'yj Mn kill hndv. Mnndov "?C V - . .. " iOl, Larse enoush for anv child. II 98 kid body doU, I en Monday I.OU Don't Fail to See These Dolls. DRESSED DOLLS 40o drensed dolls, on nle Monday, 25C VahMI n a Vieiaaa a rhnnf IIUp thn fl ITfli fl POm t?arl V. REMEMBER DOUBLE STAMPS ON EVERYTHING MONDAY 1.50 Monday we plnce on snle Toy Tea Bets at a BAR GAIN. A set that Is practical. In fact, the mother and child will hardly know to whom it belongs If they Indue from the size anl quality. These sets consist of Yen Pot. Sur and Creamer. 6 Cups and' Saucers, as large hs af tt r-dmner Coffees, our J.fs 1lnk set goes Monday. nt Our' $1.98 gold nnd decorated. Monday, 1.25 Double Stamps on Ererything Id Toy Dep't Monday. eh,pttup.1.' .f':ows'. 5-00 to 58c Boat toy on the market. Toy Water Pistols. 2RC Every hoy will want one. Mon d u MONDAY BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AND SOME CHOICE SNAPS FOR EAR.LY XMAS SHOPPERS Black Dress Goods Furs for Children We are making a special display of fur sets for children and misses. styles, from $9.90 down We have over twenty-five Cs ft , WH tO . . mJt A Child's Cloak Ages 3, 4, 5, 6 years, colors, bine, red, brown, fine wool cloth, mercer ized lining, heavy Interlining, sailor collar, cuffs, braid trim- 1 Clft ruing, worth $3.60, at .... JO Monday Bargains in the. Cloak and Suit Department L&dies Cloaks and Suits We have added a number of new arrivals to our sample suit 1" C A and coat racks, at 1JU Double Green Tracing Stamps will be given with these sample suits and cloaks Monday. Ladies Waists, 98c Including flannel, dark pique, white vesting and fine snteen, prices up to $2.50 each, all go on sale QO. Monday at OC With double Green Trading Stamps. L&dies' Waists, Silk Finest taffeta and poau de sole, in black, white, pink,-nary, light-blue, red, tan and gray, arjruia'rr.00 waist Monday with Double Z QC Green Trading Stamps ..JsJJ Ladies' Silk Petticoats ' Black and all colors, worth $5.00 to $9.90, some a little ' T Q C mussed, all at .J.J D Knit Shawls For evening wear, black, red and white, fringe and lace bor- Q dor, from $5 down to UC Kimonas, Short and Lonj(, and Sacks Double Stamps with every one Monday Short Kimonas German Fleece, at 08c, 89c, Efi-, 75c and JUC German Flannel at $1.95, $1.48, $1.39 and Syrian and Japanese Crepe, QQ JVM Long Kimonas German Fleece, $Uo, $1.75 J F l,imsJ $1.48 nuci German Flannel at : Syrian Crepe, at $2.23 and Japanese Crepe, at $3.50 and 2.25 .1.89 1.98 Genuine Bargains for Shrewd Buyers 38 Inch all wool Serge 38 Inch all wool Batiste 88 Inch all wool Henrietta' 44 inch Mohair Brilllantine- M ON DAY ONLY, at, per Qq 44 Inch Fancy Granite 44 Inch Fancy Panama 40 inch Storm Serge 62 inch Broadcloth 62 inch Mohair Sicilian MONDAY ONLY, at, per yard 64 Inch French Cloth 66 inch German Cheviot 66 inch English Kersey 44 inch French Voile 44 French Eollenne 44 Inch Crepe de Paris MONDAY ONLY, at per yard 75c 1.00 1.19 $3.25, $2.25, $1.75, $1.69 and. French Flannels on the Bargain Square Monday 27 Inch all wool plain color tricot flannel, shades brown, pink, light blue, navy blue, red and gray, reg ular 60c qualltyMonday in only, yard ZJC 27 Inch plain color French Flannel, shades, tight blue, pink, red, navy blue, royal blue, gray, rose and wine color, regular 60c qual- TQ. lty, Monday only, yard .... C 27 inch all wool fancy color, French Flannels, beautiful Persian stripes and Japanese designs, all the new and fashionable shades, regular 75c quality Monday only, Lflft per yard tOC Colored Dress Goods Tempting Values for This Week 44 Inch all wool cheviot twills, In shades of dark green, navy blue, cardinal jind brown, at, CQ per yard DZJC 66 inch Golf Salting for skirts and jackets, grays and browns, J Q 60 inch Panne Zlbellne, medium and dark gray, brown and ' QP blue, at JOC Extra Special 'SO inch Tufted Matalesse 50 Inch Flaked Boucle 60 inch Tmido Suitings And all of the $2.00 and $2.60 Im ported suitings, just for one f Cfl day, Monday only, yard ...l.Dxt EXTRA SHOWING OF FINE LINENS Monday we place on sale several hundred fine Irish linen table cloths, nap kins to match, band-embroidered doilies, scarfs and lunch cloths, and linen bed spreads with hand-embroidered shams to match, Webb' s,celebra ted dew bleach ed towels this very elegant assortment Is from the celebrated Gold Medal Linen manufacturers that made such an elegant showing at the St Louis ex positionthe linens that won the medals on sale at very low prices In our Linen Department Banner Silk Sale A Feast of Bargains for Holiday 60 pieces Fancy Silks for waists and dresses, a special purchase for this sale, worth up to $1.25 per Qn yard, Monday, yard ....... U C Silks for Evening Wear The new silk broadcloth popular peau de chamois, ' wide, $1.60 value Monday, per yard w . .'. . There Are Only Eighteen Shopping Days Left Till Christmas Is Upon You. Tomorrow will ice Omaha's leading (fore In lis first faff Hush of Chrsfmis rraf, 5foci J thoroughly templttt, trtsh, cean tnd beautiful and (very derk en. thused with the norefy of handling CMtlmtt merchandise. It's the (deaf time for Christmas shopping. Don't waif till CHrlslmis tvt. Have absolutely your own choice and pick from the largesf.finesf and mostscleclsupplits ever gathered together in Omaha. Goods bought now, or stlecftd and paid for In part, will be slortd lor Christ mas delivery. Your watch word Is: "Do your Christ mis shopping early." Every day from now on will see bigger breach In our huge slocks. Do your Christmas shopping tarlyl w R Pictures and Novelties in Art for Xmas Gifts Dainty Dutch Pictures, passe- 20c partout "uv Novelty Pictures, beautiful as- OQc sortment of frames.... " w Fac-Slmile Framed Pictures. IQc Den Pictures, etc Artistic Novelty Framed French fijtures, Gibson, passe- fiOf. partouts vvw landscape Pictures, In hand- QQp some gold frames Hand-colored Photogravures, Dutch subjects, very 1 0?i special......... J0 beautifully framed urt-to-date pic tures, reproductions after Harrison, rischer. Christy. I nd.r- fiQ wood, McFall. etc.. 12.26 to.... Cowboy (Jlrl Pictures, In rich 7R brown frames Landscape Pastels, from t'JO.GO Q5 Gold Ovals and Arch Frames. Original Water Colors, n llfl from 185.00 to i.vVf Picture Framing; It us have your work now. Can b delivered uiiy time you specify. BI BARGAIN TABL10 SALES MONDAY THROUGHOUT DEPARTMENT. THE BEST TIME TO BUY A PIANOS Our Necessity Your GoJja. The best time to buy anything Is when somebody Is oblige! to sell it. That is our condition right now in pianos. d We haLve got to sell Pianos! Big quantities of them, within the next few days. We rently purchased at sacrifice prices five car loads of eastern pianos and now that they are coming in we have not room tot them. We must Bell a large part of our present stock at once. We cannot afford- to hesitate or mince matters the pianoa must be sold and prices must be made which will do the work and do it quickly. We don't fear the result Such values 84 we offer will not be overlooked. Jt.M . S tU ...'iTril 4- - i" Another Sheet Music Hit $110.00 for pianos made to sell for. .$225.00 $125.00 for pianos made to sell for..... $275.00 $160.00 for pianos made to sell for..... $325.00 Note this telegram: NEW YORK, U-X, 1901. The Bennett Company, Omaha, Neb. - Express you fifteen hundred copies, rarinx hits, now selling" bis In New York. LEO FEIST. Publisher. H and the 24 inches "Zenoble," a Hindoo love song-, also Instrumental. "Nyomo," Mexican love eon;. "Billy," every one hum "Billy." "Hs Was Only a Private, That's AIL" Great soldier sons. Ten other big hi la. Remember, Monday tHc only - w HEAR DM PLAYED IN SHEET MUSIC DEPARTMENT.. Monday only. Mall, lo extra each copy. $65, $80, $90, $11?, $130, $14?, for slightly used pianos of well-known reputation. $10, $18, $2? to $4? buys square pianos worth many times the amount Your choice of many used and new organs from $10, $12, $1? to $48. Every Instrument guaranteed Easy payments if desired Black Silk Specials 27 Inch Black Peau de 5ole $1.00 quality, Monday, , yard ... ... . . . $1.25 quality, Monday, ' yard $1.50 quality, Monday yard .4 $1.75 quality, Monday yard 1.00 75c 89c 1.00 1.25 Arts and Crafts Fur .niture from a Gift View Point Some Monday Specials Weathered oak table, large size, regular sm aptri-.M:.... .3.75 Mission chair, massive frame, up holstered with Spanish leather, regular m m f price $7.60, ij)trTij) Weathered oak rocker, with seat up holstered with genuine leather, broad arms, m s regular price $9, q Weathered oak writing desk, with drawer nnd undershelf, a pur ex ample of the mission Q f m ituotl. regular price $12.50k at JJJ Massive weathered oak rocker, with laced leather cushions, seat and back, regular M f par..$l.w: Chair to match, samo price. MasKive weathered oak rocker, mis sion style, laced leather cushions of Spanish leather, broad arms, ih. 18.95 01 HER SUGGESTIONS Morris Chairs Ladles' Desks Rockers Parlor Tables Music Cabinets Toilet Tables Library Iables , Combination Book Cases Tabourettes Couches Pedestals " Parlor Cabinets Children's Rockers . High Chairs Third Floor Millinery Great Closing Out Sale Begins Monday Black Velvet Hats, trimmed with ostrich tips, worth 6, at 2-50 Black Velret Hat trimmed with black ostrich plume, ornaments and braid, worth $6, at Trimmed Hats worth as high as 14, at Street Hats, worth as high as $3, at 2-so 98c 25c Another Niagara in Crockery Dscorated Havlland & Co.'s Limoges china lOO-plecs dinner sets, wild ICl 1 C rose decoration on well W " known Ranson shape, Monday. " v Kldgway's flown blue illuminated lOO-plecs dinner sets, richest and most striking fcmgiisn nown dius on the market. Monday only PaJivts and HoLrdwaxre Xmas will soon be here and every housekeeper wants to have every Item around the house enameled up spick and span and looking its best. There Is but one way to have it buy the Thomas Enamel. Monday we will offer Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with any can of. Thomas Enamel. v Quarter fCIHalf nl0n', pints ..13C pints . ZUCI pint .. JDC Our great clearinsr sale of wash boilers, galvanized wash tubs and buckets. We win give nrty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with any washboiler, up from No. 1 best galvanized wash tubs And Forty (J4.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. No. 2 best galvanized wash tubs And Forty ((4 00) Oreen Trading Stamps. No. S best galvanized wash tubs And Forty ($4.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. 10, 12 and 14-quart galvanized water palls, 24c, 2'Jc and Ten ($1.00) Green Trsding Stan ps. Remember, we carry the largest line of Barney & Berry's skates In the city, prices $MX) to Don't forget we are headquarters on beating stoves of all kinds and ranges. We carry the Peninsular, which is the leader. !g' . j, - it ,ii-f , t 96c 56c .64c 72c 19c 50c High-grade porcelain 12-plecs toilet sets, Slop jar ana an oompieie, nice filled In decorations ju4 gold lines 13.50 list sets. 4.88 CLOTHING M 1.98 Imported Bohemian wins sets, nice large decanters, f wines and tray One hundred (PO.OO) Little Or n BUoksrs. Five times (nfty to the dollar) Little Q i ten Stickers on ail decorated Havlland A Co.'s, J. Pouyat and T. s-nd V. Franch en s $15.00 Clothing! Clothing! What Is there about our $15 suits and overcoats this eeason Suits a are BeinS 80 ast Pure lead blown glass wlnea and eaokUilo, mp dotin Thirty (13.00) Little Oreen Stiokers. Imported out glass Individual salts. each Ten (H-00) Little Oreen Stickers. 98c 8c Men's $15 Ov Handsome Japanese china bon bon boxes, lien, bright decorations, each Ten (SL00) Little Oreen Stickers. Thin blown engraved table tumblers, each , Five OQg) Little Oreen Stickers. 25c 5c Oas staad lamps, complete with . fl JO burner, mantle and I 4rl shade Bee onr large line . of gas and electric lamps. Is it stylet Or tailoring, Or the fine clothes. Or the variety. Or the ib we save You from the prloe Others ask for Similar suits or Overcoats Not so well tailored? These are the very best ever. Other suits and overcoats. $30 to SS.B0. Come pick it out, and whichever It is. you will be happy with your bargain. Shop now when we can give you good attention, and all the newest novelties of the season are her. Suspenders, from 13.00 50C Neckwear, from II. W 25C Handkerchiefs, cotton, linen, 1lr silk, fancy, $1.60 to UW Mufflers, from 12.00 gQ . .00 ercoats Holiday An nouncements Think If Ovpr t ........"......ioc VrVCI Bhlrtsi'or'ail'kinds. from $3.00 Rfin to A Shapely Shoe Few women realize hew much needless nerve strain Is caused by ill-fitting shoes. My shoe is as easy as an old one, but always retainis its 6hape!y appearance. Boots 93.00 and $3.50 Oxfords.. $2.50 and $3.00 Don't Forget the Boys' Clothing Dept. Gloves, of all kinds, from $S.u0 25c Underwear, single garments, Cn from U.M to Out Underwear, union suits, S fkfl from $o.00 to I.UU 50c 150 Fanoy vests, white and colored. 1 ff trom U.U0 to I.UU NlKht robes, from $1.60 to Pa J tunas, from $7.60 to GROCERY 11 To Get the Best Groceries M and the Greatest Varieties at Lowest Prices Come to BENNETT'S. Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stampa with pound pkg, Bennett's OUr Capitol coffee tmJS Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with sound tea Cttr any kind VOW Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with quarter pound can 12r pure black pepper Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with huif pound can Wm. 0 ,- Baker' ooooe. rw Five (60o) Oreen Trading Stamps with half-pound can cream 0(r of chocolate New Dried fruits California raisins. gc pound Cleaned currants, lOc pound .......... avw California prunes, S pound Fifteen ($1.60) Oreen Trading Stampa with gallon sour, tit medium plokie OOw New corn. t-lb. can..M. Three One dozen cans 9c ,.25c 1.00 Twenty ($800) Oreen Trading Stamps with two cans ttrooaport rfr tomatoes 4aJW Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading with seven bars Bwuts Pride soap Stamps ..25c Ten ($L00) Oreen Trading with pound can Bennett s Capitol baking powder Stamps .24c Candy Department Now Is rour time to make selection or novelties. Chocolate creams, vanilla navoreo, pouna. 12c Cigar Department. London Whiff cigars, two for ,5c Ons hundred for Forty-five ($4.50) Stajne. .2.25 Trading Dennett's Bpeclal 0r, Bntoklng, pound tJ Five (ftu) Oreen Tracing Stamps. Omar Fine Cut Chewing, 47f one sound for Our Xmas novelties are In come In nd look them over. Meerschaum, Amber, Weltsel and rub ber cigar holders. Snuff boxes, 1fn up from . . . .. . ...a......,......,.. Tobacco pouches, tfic ud from Bath robes, from $15.00 r mt A Watch with 8r"Z!!3.5o Suit or Over- !:"ZZ'25c p Cardigan jackets, from $1.00 1 00 COat UO IrOm 8wee.ter!'rAen:e'and 'bysfrom M.00 kqc a I .. 2J i::- T tL s I OC to n omo c 1 1 m w 3.00 Berlin office couta, from $6.00 to Umbrellas, from $10 00 1 00 WALL. PAPER . Great rail ( lesaup Is Wail Paper Small Remnants, f at, per roll 1C Small Itemnants, at. per roll ,. xC Good White Blanks, rt vp from. . .'. JC Heavy Golds and Bronzes, Q - up from , OC Fine Tapestries, worth up to 7V Monday, f Q per roll... IOC The greatest Wall Paper Sale ever alvea la Omaha. Doa't tnlss It I Tblril F1er