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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
8 TnE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, PECEMRER 4. 1004. OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, i iiii m mm mm m mm Ladies WINTER COATS FURS Our stork of ladles' epparel for winter wear reve la the choicest 83H' rtment of carefully selected aood9, that bear the stamp of superiority and fa thianablj excellence. Indies' SLUMS') feal skin Jni-kets , Lsiilips' $.VM0 Hudson Uny otter jackets Ladles' $'1.".00 lionvcr trimmed npur f"t Jackets Ladles' fio.ftf) double fox scarfs Lndlcs' $l".ri double fox ' scarfs Indies' $(l.,r)0 nssorted fur scarfs $125 $98 $39 .4.98 9.98 .2.98 Evening Dresses and Dressy Suits Ladles' f.VMX) crepe de chine Kowns Ladles' $Ti.CK) spiinplcd nt frowns Ladles' f 13T..00 broadcloth frown Ladies' $7.".00 elegantly tailored suits Ladies' foO.x line tailored sample suits Ladles' $20.00 fine tailored sample suits . $29 ..$39 ...$75 . $39 24.50 .9.98 Ladies' Golf Skirts In the haudc ra tailored effects, including tb new tucked and pleated inl O 051 I Cfl brown wide variety, at ,J3mJm .O D3 Ladles' Golf Skirt Special New side and kilt pleated effects in A QO plain and mixed winter cloths, at ' T".0 Special Sale Monday Ladies' Winter Waists Pretty Winter Waists at 98c each A splendid lot of wool, mohair and albatross waists plain and new plaid effects actually worth an high as 2 each, at. each $3 Winter Waists at $1.50- The newest wool waists, very stylish all the most fashionable features for dressy wear made of mohair, flannel, albatross and veil ings tailored pleats, tuck, eto worth up to $3 at 98c a, u V4 i r j i 1.50 Bejrin Your Christmas Shoooinir Now You trill lighten the task of Christmas shopping by more than half if you bring you? Christmas list to Jirandeis now. A visit to the many departments of our store freshly stocked for holiday selling will help you decide many vexed Christmas quesr tions. We can give you better attention and every department can offer you a greater variety of Christina good now than ten days later. Plan for Christmas now and remember ONLY 18 SHOlTlNti DAYS LEFT BElOKE CHRISTMAS. - Tai TiTis-i Muslin Underwear Sale Ladies' Muslin Underwear at 29c A lot of fine cambric drawers wide full shaped, tucked, embroidery and lace trimmed, w'th 65c-75,ataC Cotton Fleeced Gowns and Skirts The night gowns ure full length and nlc ely Tg trimmed the skirts extra full, rufflles, W gf flounces and lace trimming, worth 75c, at... Ladies' Corset Covers Many pretty styles trimmea witn tine embroidery and laces worth 35c at 15c 1 ssfrw RfjOPJDAY IS THE BIG Li w i hi; k nne nf the mutt pvtranrrilnarv sale wr. ever held Fvtranrrlinarv (or the reason that we are going to sell very fine Tapestry Portieres At Less than One-half and in Some Instances at About One-fourth of what they are Worth We are going to offer for sale an immense large quantity of them, it being the entire stock of a big wholesale house that discontinued the handling of this line of goods. I One of the Grandest Lots of Merchandise we Ever Bought It again emphasizes the fact that because it is known that we buy for cash, no matter how large the amount may be, some of the greatest bargains in the United States are offered first to us. For the past week they have been on display in our front show windows and been universally admired, and The Town Talk Is "How Can They Sell Them So Cheap?" these Curtains all come in pairs, but as they are adaptable for couch covers and t single doors, we will price them all by the piece. 1 -.a 4 m st sass el at id curtains at $-s.fcU Apiece In this lot are all those very heavy, drap y, plain colored, with wide Tapestry borders and with wide Velour borders. These are the best mercerized curtains made, and you have to examine them very closely to tell them from the real silk goods they go at, each. $10 Curtains at $1.98 Apiece In this lot are all of the heavy mercerized curtains some of thorn plain, some of them with borders all are the extra heavy rep imitation Oriental Curtains with long knotted fringe these you would expect to . pay from $7.50 to $10.0Q, per pair for we offer them for, each ,'..' 98 Millinery Clearing Sale We are determined to efToct a rapid clearance of all our haU In the grat millinery department on the third floor this clearing sale is bound to be the moat Important event of the year all the high-class and medium grade Brandeis millinery at far below value. Ladies' $8 trimmed and street hats, now at 2- 50 Ladles' beautiful winter model $ 12 hats, now at 5.00 Ladles' $3 street and trimmed hats, at.... 1.00 Ladles' $1.50 trimmed and ready to-wear hats, at 25c Flowers and foliage, worth as high as H.oo, at 10c-25c Feathers, wings, pompoms, birds, bieasU, etc., at 5c-10c r. $5 Curtains at 98c Each In this lot we are going to sell various kinds of Curtains that wholesaled at from $3.50 to $3 per pair they go for only, apiece In this lot are also Couch Covers in French and Uoman stripes at, each !)8e. 98c $2.50 Couch Covers at 59c Each One big lot of regular $2.50 Couch Covers and I'ortieres In plain and fancy Itonian stripe that we are going to sell at, -acli This is one of the biggest burgains ever offered in Omaha. 59c $5 Silk Tapestry at 75c Yard We offer all the fine all silk Tapestry in beautiful colorings, in light and heavy weight these are 54 inches wide, and it is just the same tapestry that everybody els-e sells at from .2.50 to $5 yd. we offer this tomorrow at, yd If you see this you will marvel, "how can they sell so cheap." $1.50 SILK PLUSH AT 25c YARD We offer one big lot of high colored fine silk drapery and furniture plushes. This must be seen to be appreciated. They are going to be sold at, per yard ' For genuine bargain giving this sale is equal to any ever held anywhere. 75c 25c riliWuiVitfhfr :3E Are Now On the We have moved all the Shoes down stairs to the first floor nm flqois Boys' and Girls' Shoes on Main Floor Men's Shoes next to Clothing Dep'i Ladies' Shoes next to entrance to basement SPECIAL TOMORROW LADIES' SHOES The Red Cross Shoo for Woman Elk soles Elk heels Fine kid uppers Noise- 1 less Soft, flexible welt soles . Lace, or button plain or patent tip won't slp on ice. We are the only ones showing thtme shoes in Omaha They are entirely new and very new and u;j-.u ..ui. . . '. $ .00 Mt " Christmas Handkerchiefs a.d Neckwear Thousands of th prettiest, dairuiest handkerchiefs for gifts. No present is so popular for holiday time and there is no assortment of handkerchiefs in Omaha that gives one hair the choice that Brandeis offers. Beautifully Embroidered Christmas Handkerchiefs Made in the tiny, neat patterns, also in the showy elaborate ideas many are fine all linen- eitrao'rdinary bargains at ... . Ladies' and Men' Convent Hemstitched Handkerchiefs The pi narrow widths of hemi a variety of eiiea all linen worth 2oo e at Ladles' and Men's Initial Handkerchiefs-Six in a box all fg width hem, bandmnnely f f -!5c,!0c 0lZc Children's Handkerchiefs Three in a fancy inn, almost t styles, plain and fancy cotton. emoroiaaiea iniiiais oox, ' per Initial Handkerchiefs Daintily embroidered chief the nost charming Christmas eltU styles, many patterns -at Ladies' Fancy Neckwear Silk Stocks, lace stocks and jabos and stunning new silk Z-TiulXc flCc Cc dred new style, iLJ JZ J 10c-I9c25c oi: at"' v " W-'r ASiV l iuitial handker- f)l f p fe:Mp, -a wide variety of l2C-IjC W&P r Ladies' Kid Gloves In all the latest street and evening shades for winter, 0 .50 many popular brands at m Dent's Golf Gloves Made of the very finest, warmest wool at .". 4mm 1 New Dept. ii Arcside Sheet Music The very Latest Vocal and Instrumental Hits at the Lowest Prices Ever Sold in Omaha. The success of oar grand opening Saturday was attested by throngs of delighted visitors from morning till late at night. In one day it has become The Most Popular Music Dept. in Omaha. We are selling the great stock of musio" that took first prize at the World's fair. Extra Drug Specials All bristle Hair Bruxh. Large white Chamois Skin. 8 -ounce bottle full stren th Witch fj Hazel ....IZC IN THE ARCADE ...10c 5c ...5c 10c 35c Note These Candy Specials The sweetest thinjr about The new Arcade Is Shaving Soap. all kinds Oriental Sachets, fresh Three for 25c GOc imported Rice I'owder Jelly HrUIlH, lb.,. Butter ( 'reams, lb.. Cream Mixed , Cundy, lb... our delicious candy. Salted . Peanuts, lb. Coeonnut Squares, lb. , Ilorehound Squares, lb., !2c 15c 12k I2ic 15c I21c Christmas Silk Sale Advance Showing of Pretty Holiday Effects We announce a special sale for early buyers who wish to make selections of silk dress or waist patterns for Christmas, thus avoiding the rush later on. Many special styles of silks are adapted for gifts. An opportunity is offered to save at least one-third on these purchases. 500 FULL SUIT PATTERNS of our own very best colebratpd Bonnot punrautrd silk. '27 in. wide, flip ninnu- J y facturer's name on every yard, positively worth $1S, I 9 Monday Mplt 500 PETTICOAT PATTERNS of any of our Haskell, Bonnet of Tlioenlx mills, ftlnce or plain tBfTctas, m r m full size pattern, worth flO, 500 WAIST PATTERNS 'iiid latest silk plaid, Terslnn, Lonlsenos, chiffon cloth, T f f" Poau 1'Alglon, Oljra poplin, worth $0, F I T Monday 500 WAIST PATTERNS of our high grade ' blacky w-hlte and all colors, crope de chinos, rcjrulnr $1.00 quality, not th cheap kind sometimes offered elsewhere nt reduced prices, all good colors, full pattern, Monday Extra Specials Monday 35 pieces of fcenuine opera finish satin HninfTR, 'M in. wide, equal to any other yard-wide, satin on the market. We can match all the new shades of cloth, special price, yard , b . .... ...... K 2.75 On threw largo special squares, new pat terns In fnnry silks, nlnin taffetas, black poau de sule and taffetas, 27 and 36 In. wide, fanry silks for suits, white and rninred silks, all new styles, worth up to E 39c, 49c, 59c $1 Real Bargains In Winter Dress Goods AH the 75c French Flannels, Fancy Waistlngs, Sacquitig, etc., at 25c yd. ' Rich shades, reds, blues, sky, olives, Dresden and Persian silk striped waisting Scotch wash flannels-all the hand some waislings that were displayed in the show window the right thing for wrappers, kimonas, waists and children's dresses, all go Monday, O at yard ' Winter Dress Goods at 49c yd We have reserved a bargain square of $1 dress goods, all this season's styles, 54-inch kerseys, stylish A Panamas, fancy street suitings, tailor cloths, jr O Sicilians, black, brown, navy and all colors at yd. " $1.50 Dress Goods at 65c yd These are regular $1. 50 grades, brown and navy Sicilians, shirt waist suitings, cheviots, heavy coatings and tailor cloths, at yd.. New Dress Goods Dept. in the Arcade Cream Sicilian the popular and fashionable f Q P fab-ics an extra speoial for Monday's selling iX Vf!! CllJlC -regular value is 59o, 89o and 1. at v Vs WV Brown Sicilian a fine winter dress good stuff, regular 11.00 7? grade, at yd.... : OS Brown Panama a very popular cloth, 64 inches wide and regular f 1.89 (P grade, at yd P Silk and Wool Chiffon Crepe crepe ondule, voile, brown and the new C shade of green, every popular oolor, $1.35 grade, at Popular Goods for Children's Dresses' New Silk and Wool Plaids regular tl grade, at yd 85e Fancy organdie for little folks party dresses, at yd 39o 65c Jewelery Specials Monday These Dainty Novelties Make the Prettiest Christmas Gifts Niw is a splendid time to buy very reasonably som s of the n least presents for the holiday many of these bargain will last for Monday only and you will save on every purchase. Ladles' and Misses' Bead Necklaces An lmourter'8 siock 2, 3 and 4 strand in turquoise blue, rd, am ber and amethyt in fancy boxes, worth up to II. Ou X jlj at Imported Brooches & Lace PI ns Beau tllul designs, isnoy stones, enameled effects, worth up to 11.00 -at Misses' Coin Holders- With f f -long chains, pretty g'ft, lC U O - 1 K1 o.nh " TheSaddhrRiiv warranted to wear for ft years fine imita tion stones, regularly worth 50o, at..A-, 25c Real Coral Strands 72 inches long, worth 75c each, at . . 35c Golf Hat Pins Two in leather caddy bag Sterllne, wears better than Sterling silver for two. 10c 100 Cards Prinied While You Wait 49" The Ruby Engraved dlassware-A very pretty uovelty-msny different pieces your name engraved free. ARCADE SOUTH END. WW V' r WAX i '"" Men's Fashionable Overcoats The approach of holiday season mattes the demand for fine clothing more urgent. Ifyoulak a high class hand-tailored suit or overcoat in order to be correctly dressed, this is your op portunity to buy It and pay half the price of the tailor. The Roers-Peet Splendid Overcoats and Suits for Men These are absolutely the finest gar ments that are made In the country fashioned by expert tailors In N. Y. after the late-t style models nt ana workmanship are perfect the clothes for the well dressed man a special suit or overcoat, at ., Hand-Tailored Overcoats and Suits, $14.00 is lit, ana I7IS " 14.90 Special Warm winter overcoats, right Q QH . up to date and stylish winter suits ' iter are overcoati ana suns tnai you usually pay CJW or 126 for- every one a great bargain, at