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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
TiiE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1004. You Can Figure On Ds m.siM 10 ALL JIM B FT There's Nothing That Quite Takes the Place of These. Watch our windows from THE BeiALKd OF v? I'll ill , 1 , now till Christmas and you'll see the swellest Diamonds. Watches and Silverware, Rich Jewelry and Art Goods, Fine Cut Glass and Hand Painted China. NO Goods Misrepresented hut soli upon their merit and the honor of our reputation. It will require a connoisseur of values to Appreciate these wonderfully low prices. If you are no connoisseur of values in Jewelry you may feel confi dent of faring Just as well. Buying Direct from the Manufacturer we save the Middleman's Ptont. V n 11 i ittTr- line of . HOLIDAY FURNISHINGS ver shown in this section. All our previous efforts have been outdone. Our Stock is larger and more complete than at. any time in our past history. v REMEMBER It's no trouble to show goods at the "GET THE HABIT" Store. JOE SMITH & CO. 416 BROAD WAY, COUNCIL. BLUFFS, IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ENDS LONG RECEIVERSHIP W. W. Loomis Makes Final Bepoft on Council Bluffs Iasnranoe Company. LESS THAN TWO DOLLAR CASH STARTER l.lttlc Itrallsrd from Assets to Satisfy ' I tor. and Remainder Will A I t'mw V at R.plvp and Attorneys. W. W. Loomis yesterday filed- In the dis trict court hla flnal report as receiver of the Council Bluffs Fire Insurance corn puny. Mr. Loomla was appointed receiver In June, 1S9G, and during the r.lns and a half years he has se.ved. us such iha tangled affair of the defunct company cauxrd almost endless litigation la the dlKtrlot and federal courts. In January. 1893, a few months prior to the company bid mill? inao.vcnt, the re port to the state auditor showed It had airrts of U'O.OuO. Mr. Loomis, on being- appbintod receiver, promptly , scaled , lha aHMets down to $19,000, and this ere ited cnlderable surprise and at the tame time much , comment. Results, however, bava proven that Mr. Lobrala wai correct. Bines hla appointment as receiver Mr. Loomis has only be n able to discover assets of $Di,131.84. When he took charge of the af fair of the company the only cash to be found was $1.16 which remained to the credit of the concern In a Chicago bank and wh eh evidently had been overlooked. After disbursing lll,sV7.78 Receiver Loomla reports he has $4,923.08 on hand. Against this there Is the bill of the attorneys, amounting to $4,498.71 and the receiver's claim for compensation at' 1800 a year, amounting to $4,750. During the nine and a half years he has served aa receiver Mr. Loomis had drawn but $400. The liabilities of the company amounted to t46 66i.37, there being 15 910 claims (or un earned Insurance poilclrs filed with the receiver. In his report Mr. Loomis calls attention to the fact that among the assets of the company was a note, originally for $4,750, liven, by one of the stockholders, for stock which at the time Mr, Loomis took charge mounted, with accrued Interest, to over IB.OuOi Claims for fire louses against the company which were unpaid amounted to C9.4V4.J7. CRAKD JURY MAKES FINAL REPORT Karl Karrer Amoaaj Them and at Once Pleads Guilty. The district court grand jury, which had been in session slnoe November tl, com pleted Its deliberations yesterday morning and, after making a complete report of Us findings to Judge Orson, wws discharged, having finished Its labors for the year. In all seventeen Indictments were returned by the grand Jury, of which twelve were made public, the defendants In the others not y't being in custody. The principal Indictment returned la that against Karl Karrer, the saloon keeper who robbed the Treynor bank on October (, after locking Miss Frances Flood, daughter of the cashier, who was alone In the building at the time, in tha vault. Ac- THE Rapid Delivery Go. 10 PEARL STRICT. We Guarantee Qntc and Safe IMivery of llaggnge. and Parcels. O'JR PRICES ARE RIGHT. TRY Ui. 1 j ,Pho)nIC827. kesltisnco phono F7J4. cording to the Indictment, Karrer secured $1,523 of the bank's funds, as follows: Cur rency, $1,167; gold, $305; sliver, $30. With the exception of about $100, the full amount stolen by Karrer was recovered by Sheriff Canning. As soon as the report of the grand Jury was made known, Karrer notified the county attorney that he desired to plead guilty and that he was anxious to be sen tenced as soon as possible. Consequently he was at once arraigned before Judge Green and afforded an opportunity to enter his formal plea of guilty, which he did, and the Judge announced he would pass sentence Monday. The other indictments made public yes terday, the defendants being In custody, are: George Clucas, chargod with the theft on October 28 last of two horses, the prop erty of Joe, alias "Gypsy," Stevens. Ills bund was placed at $5U0. William Frye, formerly a member of the rlty street cleaning department, charged with breaking and entering tha store of the Younkerman 8eed company at 164 West Broadway on October 1 last. His bond was pluced at J800. . Mahlon Bothers, charged r with resisting execution of process In threatening to kill the officers who went to arreet him No vember 30 last for stealing coal from Illi nois Central cars. His bond was placed at $500. Bethers Is now serving out a $50 fine and costs In the county Jail for stealing the coal. Frank Watklns and Louis Brown, negroes (two Indictments against each), charged with breaking and entering the saloon of John Brennan at 823 South Mala street on the night of November 13 last, and break, lng and entering the barber shop of H. L Banks at 911 South Main street on the same night In the first case their bonds were placed at $100, and in the second at $500. E. T. McGlnnls, a railroad section hand, charged with the theft of an overcoat, the property of C. A. Servls, from the City, hotel at Underwood on November 30. His bond was placed at $400. Robert Vrooman, charged with breaking and entering an Illinois Central freight esu; on the night of October 29 lost and steal ing several sacks of wheat. His bond was placed at $500, but was later reduced to $300, which he succeeded In furnishing and securing his release pending his trial. James Ralph, charged with larceny from the person. Ha Is charged with stealing $30 and a watch from Peterson In Mln. den, la., on September 28 last. His bond was placed at $500. , Andrew Anderson, charged with breaking and entering the residence of Louis Hansen In Lewis township on Nevember 12 lout and stealing a fur overcoat. His bond was placed at 1800. In Its report the gran.) ' both the county and city sanitary condition. day school will be at noon. The mid week testimony meeting will be Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. The Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services in Woodman hall. In the Moniam block, at- 10:45 a. m. Sub ject, "God the Preserver of Man." Sun day school will be at 11:45 a. m. and the regular mid-week testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 7:46 o'clock. There will be public worship at Trinity Methodist church ut U a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. A. E. Burlff, will take us the theme of his ser mon, "The Pathway to Tower." In the evening the service will be evangelistic lii character . with singing by the chorus Choir. Sunday school will be held at 10 a. m. and Epworth league devotional meet ing at 6:30 p. m. There will be preaching services this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Union Chris tlan churc. Thirty-fifth street and Broad way. Sunday pcliool will be 3 D. m. At the Swedish Baptist church, Williams ana Sixth street, Rev. C. J. Chrlstlanson, pastor, there will be services at 10:30 a. m. and g p. m. Sunday school will be at noon and Young People's meeting at 7:15 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting oft neaoesaay evening at i o'clock. ELKS' AXMAL MEMORIAL SERVICE Plumbing and heating. Long- and Interesting: Program Pre pared for Occasion. The annual memorial services of Council Bluffs lodge No. 531, Benevolent and Pro tective X)rder of Elks, will be held this afternoon In the New theater, commencing at 2 o'clock, and will be open to the public. Ths members of the lodge will assemble at the club house at 1:30 o'clock and from there will march In a body to the theater. The addresses will be made bv Charles M Harl of this city and George W. Eagan of iogan, la. An elaborate program has been arranged by the committee, consisting of Emmet Tinley, E. A. Troutman, J. F. Wil cox and Dr. C..P. Lew la. These will act aa ushers: George 8. Wright, V. B. Ueno, George H. Mayne. B. L. Emnkle. John Kllieen, J. P. Mulqueen; and the accom panists will be Miss Corlnne Paulsen, Miss Mae Tulleya, Dr. C. P. Lewis. Ths program, which, oniric to Its irneth has been divided Into two parts, will be as follows: PART I. Onenlns? AerATmniB v1tit vnia, secretary. uemi, Kindly Light" (Pudlev Buck), Elks' quartet, C. S. Haverstock, W. 8. Rig don, C. P. Lewis, J. R. Uerke. Ceremonies, exalted ruler and officers of lodge. Opening ode, brothers. Invocation, chaplain, Rev. Harvey IIos tetler. "CroBeing the Bar," Elks' quartet. Contrulto solo, "Visions" (Carle Jacobs Bond), Mrs. Zoe Pearl Park. Eulogy, Charles M. Harl. PART II. Pal(in. .nl.. - U ....... k . VT n.1 . .uiu, . . . in.-in, if-, j-iuw lily v 1 9 gtor" (Dudley Buck), C. S. Haverstock. Eulogy. George W. Eagan, Logan, la. Duet, '"Twilight" (George B. Neviii). Mrs. IVarl Park, C. 8. Haverstock. ntralto solo, "Abide With Me" (Lin . . rs. Zoe Pearl Park, Elks' quartet. ii.f ceremonies, exalted ruler and of or lodge. a gy, brothers and audience. ..Miction. gAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Western Iowa College Er Now. Catalog fr. E P. MILLER, Pr.sld.rit. "! Temple. Thorns M14. Services at the i At St. John's English Li. there will' be preaching serxi.ei i.. , m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor, Rer. O. W. Snyder, will take as ths subject of his sermon, "tirlst Gath ereth Hla Kingdom" and in ths evening, "Christ Rewardeth Service." Sunday school will bs at 1:46 a. m. and Young People's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Rev. Harvey Hoatetler, pastor of ths Second Presbyterian church, will preach this morning on "God's Way" and In the evening on, "Ths Transgressor's Way." At the Broadway Methodist church there will be preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Ths pastor. Rev. James O'May, will take as ths subject of his morning sermon, "Ths Fruit of Faith," and In ths evening, "Ths Price of a Drink." At ths meeting of ths Epworth league at P- the pastor will leo ture on "The Qallllean Ministry." Sunday school will bo at noon. Ths young men of ths church will meet In the Sunday school room at t p. m. to reorganise ths Brotherhood of St. Paul. First Congregational church,' Rev. James Thomson, pastor. Hours of worship, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.' m. Sabbath school at noon. Christian Endeavor at : p. m. In ths morning the pastor will preach upon "Tha Abuse of a Bacred Ordinance." The sacrament of bsntism and the Lord's supper will bs administered at ths closs of the sermon. The tvenlng subject will be "Ths Three Crosses of Calvary." The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold service in the Sapp bujldlng at 11 a. m.. when tha subject of the lesson will bs "God ths Preserver or wan. ouu- ..owa and cafe. OgCten hotel. Eleven Building Permits. Eleven building permits were issued yes terday by City C:eik Zurmuelilen to the Consolidated Construction c mpuny, aggre gating tll.MS, as follows: John A., frame-dwol'lng, Damon Sliest $ 750 Q. W. Smith, frame store, West Broad way 250 O. J. Kuhn, frame dwelling, . Avenue B and Twentieth street 1 no E. B. Gardiner, frame uwelling, Frank lin avenue ' 1 goo George 8. Damon, ' frame dwelling, Turley avenue 350 8. A. Green, addition, fei-ond avenue and Twenty-fourth street.... 225 Green Brothers, coal shed snd office . building, Broadway and Uiuun TC0 Mrs. Patterson, addition. Seventh ave nue 430 C. D. Parmalee, addition, M'ornkt gslde L C. E. Baits, fiama dwelling, Liuculn avenue , j.40) E. W. Arthur, frama dwelling. Hyde avenue 755 Real Estate Transfers. These transfers we:e reportei to Ths Tee December 3 by th litis Gu ranty and Trut ccmpany of Council Bluffs: J. E. Bender, eommlsiloner, to Flank P. Fetter, nw 1o-7j-4o, d...? $8,40) J. H. ( amnbell t Ida. A. Wendt, V, e ls-'.7-as. w d 1 John J. Hailgin to Michael Ratigun, nw4 ne ; 4 Ttl-42. w d J.610 William 1. Welgle tt al to ths I'"t a wauaml Investment company rt al -lots . l'l, bl.H'k In; I ts U, 14. bl ck II, Cllne's add, q o d (0 Sarah H. Hart et al to Marls L. Tucker, part lot 26, Llucolu Piacs, w d 43S Thomas E. Casady and wife to C. E Price, trustee, et al, lot 10 block lot lot IX block 11, Cl'us's add, q c 1 HOICEST and most beautiful patterns of ' high grade wares, which consists of the latest cre ations and exclusive de Wt-?7 High Qrade Locket M.2S Chatelaine Bountifully Enameled in Colors find Nowost Delimit Fins Jeweled Movement lfO. 600 Solid Gold Locket $2.50 Solid Gold Front For 2 Pictures No. 686 t7 n . !f,.'d.?ld. . Gold Filled Chatelaine rine ua sea vim r.o, Uliaranteed 15 m, Koss Uold Fiaisli Fine Jwe!l M QUAUTY is the great lever, and In every honest comparison we always get the credit of being the lowest-priced house in our line. . Slo.W Crown 14K Gold Filled ' Guaranteed 25 year. 15 Jeweled gin MoTeinont, HuotlncCaBe No. 610 So. 689 a Ho. 601 ioremeol $13.25 Gold Filled Hunting Case Guaranteed 20 years, Elgin Movement, Fioelr Jeweled No. 602 $(.50 - Gold Filled Chatelaine Fin Bright Pollthed Romas tiet witb Brilllanls No. 360 a $1.00 Solid Gold Front Chatelaine Pin Brifht Polished and Roman NO. 854 110.50 ' CrOwn Gold Filfed Open Face. Guaranteed 20 years. Finely Jeweled Elgin ilovonjeut No. 61 $1.00 Misso Signet Ring Rose Gold Finish No. 659 a $5.00 Solid Gold Crown and Crescent Rose Gold Fininhed t Gunuine Whole Pearls ' No. 326 a 1 $9.00 ' Solid Gold Set wi th fOQennine Pearls Rose Gold Finish No. 320 a PONT DELAY 1 Make your purchases early. We will put them away fit rA4 Trr-M ft. 50c Solid Gold Baby Ring Either Rnhr. Pearl. Emerald or Inrqnoiie No. 662 W J WW TV Hs WsVilA S0 $8.00 J4K Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Solitaire Full Cut Stons EleHntly Csrred Mounting No. 60S $40 Solid Gold Bignet Ring, Bright I'oiluiea Very Henvy. Elegantly Chased BO. 60S $2.75 Solid Gold Bignet Ring for Girls or Boys Benntifully Chased Xleary llouuliug So. 611 $4.50 Solid Gold Beautiful Genuine Opals Full of Irldoscent Colors No. 486 1. Jas. fiosa 14K Gold Filled Gusrsntoed 2.1 years IS Jowulml Elgin Movement Hunting Cass No. 626 VJ "W "'in 1 lii ii ,.si; is.iijii)isn.ini 11 iisiii is n, ..i... .. . itinrsi iii ium niii in Mi usj. .I. . ut . . 1 jl . 1 . 1 ''y'i TELEPHONE L607. 409 BROADWAY. Remember, that with every dollar's cash purchase you will receive a coupon entitling you to an opportunity to receive free one of the following presents December 31: A fine Diamond King, a solid Gold Watch, a rich cut glass Dish, or one dozen Sterling silver Teaspoons. WftryTrrmwwfWiytfm ssi si an A ill liskssMiassMtfssssii 2! i.mii.ii in i mi ii t ii isn i. , mi i. f J- Sarnh E. Burnham and husband to Kenton Hark ns, 1 ts H, 9, 10, block s, Carson, w d Treauier to Agnes W. Oaiady, lot ID, block lu; lot 12. bitcK Jl. Liiiit a aau, t d Elizabeth H. Lewis, guard! in, to Hor- lue r,. uould, lota l, 2, a, 4, diock J,; lots 1 to 24. blork Si; lots 1 to 24. block 47: lots 1 to 24 block 69; U4 1 to 24. block 74. KallroHd ad 1. d Annie K. lewis et al to Horace K. (Ion Id. same, w d James W. Iewis aid wlfe to I,ionard Kterett. bl ck. 36 47. 6, 74; 1 ts 1, 2. 3. 4. block 14. Railn ad add, w d Horace B. Gould to Leonard Everett, same, s w d Fannie Lewis Bent ley and huxband to Leouard Everett, name, w d Wallxce Benjamin, administrator, to .Leonard Everett, same, a I 1.20 83 EOO S3 83 Fougeen transfers, aggregating;. ..$13,932 N. pY'lumbing Co. Tel. 230; night, F667. HI50R MESTIOX. Davis sells drugs. Iftert's glasses fit. Btockert sells carpets. Domestic cooking, 33 No. Main st. Duncan sells the best school shoes. Night school at Western Iowa college. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 pearl St. For rent, modern hou.e, 723 Sixth ave. Duncan does th oest repairing, 23 Main. Mrs. Hulette's china sale, December 6 to 17. 438 Ulen avenue. Pyrograuhy oatflta und supplies. Alex anders, i&i Uroadway. Furnished room to rent, with furnace heat. 16 First a enue. Miss Arkwright's china sale, December i to lu, U04 Myneter stieet. New aloe of pictures and molding. Bor wick, 211 bo. Main si. Tel. feu. Missouri oak dry cordwood 16 cord deliv ered. Win. Welch. Ik N. Mum bt. Tel. L8. The tire department wus Kiven a run v en ter.!, (y afternoon to Sixieeutn avenue bv a lais alarm. For rent, furnished room, centrally In. cut.U; steam heat and gas; for one or two. Addles M, Bee office. Wanted, at ones, all Dartles owlnr mm . call and settle their accounts and save coats. Ueoige 8. Davis. Huth Letchford ai d her pupils will arivo a china exhibit Friday unu baturduy uo ceniber 8 and 10, at olii Fourth streei.' The case usalnHt Contractor wick ham charged with obstructing lildge strest. was dtBinutaed ynsterday, tlis obsiiuctlon having Hoard and room, by vouni man In nrl. vale family. In walking distance from Mil waukee railway depot, tinot reieieniej. Address C, bea. Council Bluffs. 2.0UO lbs. to tha ton auarunti I fnrt.m & Brldtnstein, tlie new mm. Prompt serv ice, tiest coal and wood,- lowest irttej. iurds, 14th avenue and bib st. Tel. 182. fpunty Hecorder-eb'ct 'O. O. Balrd an nounced yeaierd&y evening that he luid aiuinted Ernest Iathrop as his liepin v. Mr. Lathnp U clerk In the store of 8. T. Ilim sheriff's office bus btten advlHtd that burglars broke Into the hardware store of F. G. Ilftxel at Avoea Thursday night and stole about fm worth of shotguns, revolv ers and rumors. W. A. Well, local ngent for the Stnrs Brewing company, entertained a number of -friends Inst evening at a game supper r-erved at the compuny's headiiuartcrs, H Went Ilrondwuy. Mrs. Oscar younkerman, wife of the alderman from the First ward, wns re ported to the Board of Health yesterduy as suffering from xmullpox. She was quar antined at her home, 2M Benton street. Articles of Incorporation of the Stuhr & Reesy.Oraln company of Mlnden, la., were nled for record yeaterday. The Incorpora tors are John I!. Beesy, J. H. C. Stuhr and Wllllnm Stuhr. Tiia capital Btock Is placed at $5,000. C. F. Hollinger of Norwnlk township brought Into the county auditor yesterday the scalp of a large wolf which he killed Friday. The wolf Invaded his yard und was lighting with hla dugs when Hullingei ianut it. Claude Kavanaugh, who recently fell heir to a fortune of $luO,UOO left him by his god father in Ireland, left lat evening for New York on his way to Dublin, lrelund, I where he has been called by the serious illness of his father.' Complaint has been made to the pollen that a man giving the name of II. F. Fraese and who secured a number of orders for the enlarging of photogiuphs has left the city after collecting money in advance on his orders without tilling them. Frees, which is said to be an asaumed name, la believed to have gone to Kansas City, John Melhnp, Jr., secretary of the Iowa snd Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' associa tion, went to Chicago last evening, wiiere Monday he will represent thu association at the hearing by the Interstate Commerce commUHon on the uniform bill of lading whlcli the railroads propose putting lu force and against which the association and shippers generally all over the coun try protest. The motor company yesterday announced a chuuge in the recently published schedule of lis Luke Munawu service. The mornli.g service will ba aa follows: Leave 1'euil and Broadway 0:10 a. in., leave Manawa t:27 a. ni.; leave 1'euil und Broadway 6:44 S. m. leave Manawa 7:01 a. m.; leave Peurl and Broadway 8:10 a. ni., leave Manawa 8:30 a. m. The afternoon service will be the tame as already announced. The trial of the suit of Mrs. Harris) against Ilie Great Western railroad for Im.uou damages foi the death of her hus band was begun in the district court yts tenlay. Attorney Saunders for tha railroad objected to the method of drawing the Jury for the reus.ii that the names of the twelve Jurors who had served In th Smith-Motor cui had ben omitted. Ju.igu Green sustained the objection and the Jury hud to be redrawn. The funeral of the late Mrs. R. C. Men nay will be held at Pi:i.) o'clock this morn ing from the First Baptist church, where the services will be conducted by the pun tor, HeV. F. A. Case. Interment will lie in Crescent City Cemetery and the services ut the grave will be in charge of Itebekah lodge No. 3. Members of Tlgredla temple, Kuthbone Sisters, will meet at their hall ut i0 o'clock to attend the funeral. Mem bers of Lily camp, Koyal Neighbors of America, will meet at the house at 111 o'clock to attend the funeral. A Worthy Christmas Gifi 1 at the disposal of, all who love health of mind and body. Modern Sanitary Plumblnjf offers exceptional advantages and we offer special inducement to any who will avail themselves of 'tha necessary luxury afforded by a bath room fitted with the very latest c,ieriti9c conveniences. If we- do HJ ii'i dono right. ' ',. . . ' i . , J. G. Bixby G Son, 202 Malir & 203 Pair! S!s Couicll Bluffs,! la. Telephone 193. Caastrll U luffs clety Sews on Pays I r. II THE WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE IS A SUCCESSFUL, PROGRESSIVE SIIBSTfiHTBAL INSTITUTION WLen selecting a school, why not select one of our kind.- Winter term now open. Students enrolling every week 'day. Knter., Monday. Masonic Temple. E. P. MILLER, Pres. Lriisisln Every Wcman 1a LtslJiTsjMLsssi Anil tiould know AiKitir Lii wo'taarrul MARVEL Whirling Spray II UW IsulariU. 4 mr nmM He U. Il hi. (Utlll.tll .Ulllll. IllA MAUI !.. . 1. 1 uo ullir. bul .lid .u.niD fa lllil.trald ImniS-mS ItglVM full bKrllviil.r. .rul (1iik.Ii Hit lh. lu..l.l Ic Urtic. MIKUltt., I rr it mmrtu For sals b CHAEFER B DBUU STORES, lltb sn Cblcsgo stt.i So. omab. 14th and N Suit Council bluffs. Ith and Main sts. K.UUN CO., 161b sod luul tUsst CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK A CO. EftUbllah4 1US. , Broadway ntf Main Bt or Piarci BbM fttor Toa cd borro aRf amount on cattlt kor, fcjusrUolU furnltura or any clistte) Mcuritf. aiuipU cu bo mJ on priuripal at any Him lu suit burro wr, unU lutcrc rJucd accordingly. All uualutkB confldnitial. Lowat rla. Offico oy ry (tuiii till T.iU; telurOajr vtilu UH . I LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST.'no"' o"M Lsdy Attendant If Dsslrsd. I