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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
rwmbpr 4. 1904. THE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. 5 Hetty Green Ghats About Women's Business and Business Women m z' (Copyright. 1904, by Frank a Carpenter.) handed him my card. He shoved the bond S YORK. Dee. 1-Special Cor- 1 like so much itraw, and took It to ' responaence or The Bee.) It wa. Mr., areen. A moment latnr be returned the Chemical National bank, with a reply that 1 should go Into the eo lower Broadway, that I had ona omce at the right, and that Mrs. Green second Interview with the would be with me In a moment. I went ' richest woman of the world. The first was n1 waited. The office wae not bigger held seven yeara ago. when Mr. Hetty thn hU bedroom, and It. only furniture Gren, In the midst of the hard times, waa was desk and two plain bentwood chairs worth perhaps $30,000,000. It waa then estl- worth a dollar apiece. I took one of these, mated that her Income waa 15,000 a day. n1 within a few minutes Mrs. Green n- more than 1200 an hour, and more than U tsred nd, after whaklng my hand, took the every minute of every day and every night, other. She began to talk at once. , and for Since then she has prospered with our n hour. In answer to my questions, chatted prosperity, and what she Is worth today no most Interestingly about the business one but herself knows. I doubt If even woman and wo.nen In business. she could tell offhand. She Is so busy . watching those who are trying to get what J?"'" T"l"'f- she has. and Investing the surplus to make The word h" wron ,de of Mr"' "ettjr more, that she does not stop to take ae- reen- 8ne ha b'en represented as Miter- count of stock. She said to me today that te- Bhe not- Bhe com"" of yerjr rinh she found It far easier to make money than fam,y- " father, grandfather and great to keep It. and that she kept on making be- Knd'a-ther were all among the rich men cause she liked the game and wanted to be of thl" country.- Bhe was raised In the lap In the thick of things. When I asked how of luury, her home had twenty-two rooms long she would continue at It she replied an(1 two oatn rooms. She was well edu- Jost as long as the dear Lord gave her the c& md can speak several languages, mental and physical strength to do so. Bhe "ot some of her schooling In Boston. 3, where she was taught by a relative of la the Chemical Nation. James Russell Lowell. She waa a noted When I called by appointment at the ocla' nure durln ber youn '"Wood, bank today I waa told to present my card and was celebrated as a dancer and as a at the Inst window In the brass network horebck rider. She hod all the athletlo which walled the customers out of the mil- tendencies, 'n fact, of the present twentieth lions behind. I did so, and thereby dls- century girl. She traveled In Europe, and turbed Mrs. Green' confidential clerk, who after ner grandfather's death lived for waa busy tearing off coupons by means of i1Mms' years In London, while " hey a little steel square, a miniature of that father was operating in stocks and bond" used by a carpenter. He fitted the square ot that country and this, o that the coupon lay In the Inner right Indeed, Mrs. Green 'may be said to hart ' angle, and jerked it off as though It were hA the disadvantages of wealth toward waste paper. Instead of a greenback worth becoming a practical business woman, many dollars. He was working faster than What saved her was ' her grandfather's tho crack typewriter girl In the civil serv- poor health and poor eyesight, which were, Ice who writes 23,000 words a day when I succeeded by similar weaknesses on the Curious and Romantic Capers of Cupid Baying Titled Husband. TSS ELIZABETH HOWE of Pitts burg put her business talent to the supreme test when she cap- i .1 tured an Italian count and led woman la home, and that her most Im- poor, Mrs. Green T How do you regard portant duties are) those of wife and such charities as those of Andrew Carnegie mother. Every girl should be taught that; and John Rockefeler?" although she should at the same time have "I do. not want to criticise Individuals. I her business education. There Is no reason believe In discreet charity and I have many why the married woman ahould not also calls upon me. I wish I could show you the be a business woman." begging letters I receive. Within the past "What do you think of women In poll- month my mall has been full of them, not tlcsT Will ws ever have a woman presi dent?" "I should hope not. I don't believe much In so-called woman's rights. I am willing to leave politics to the men, although I wish women' had more rights In business and elsewhere than they now have." "But do not women have an equal chance with men In business?" "No, they do not. I could have succeeded much easier In my career 'had I been a man. I find men will take advantages of women In business that they would not at tempt with men. I found this so In the courts, where' I have been fighting men all my life. It Is difficult to get lawyers upon whom one can depend, and although I have thlng8 "nd w,'tn whom .,h'.wrM s-reat resneot for nur 1rl. I m. wuu.u ruiny. ..u .1 i.ku. ,., that the woman sometimes has the odds against her with them anything against lawyers epect both, and especially the latter, a! though I can't say I like 'religious law yers,' 'such as my friend Joseph Choate, taking care of and Increasing the trust left me by my famfly, and that the Lord la blessing me In It." , . Her Heetet of lseeM. "What. Mrs. Green, has been the secret of your success ?" "I cannot say, save that I have tried tJ use common sense in my business. Before deciding upon an Investment I tmve sought out every source of Information, nnd have only acted when I knew the facts. Having decided upon my course I have stuck to It. There Is no great secret In fortune making. Success Is based upon the principle of buy ing when things are cheap and aaUlng when they are dear. When good things are an low that no one wants then; I buy them and lay them away In the safe, nnd wlion, owing to some new development, they go up and my shares are so needed that men will pay well for them I am ready to sell." "But how is one to know when stocks axe low?" "By their history, their drVldend-payintJ possibilities, and what tljey have sold for In the past. If one can buy a good thlntf .r . n.t (I, an It tiai aver mill tar remember the parable where the man gave of retUnc only from this country, but from all parti of Europe. Indeed. It seems to me ' as though my dear friend. Joseph Choate, had been advising all hlsKuropean friends to write to me." "I sometimes wonder, Mrs. Green," said I, "why a woman of your education and social qualities keeps on working after your fortune has become so great that neither you nor your children can spend Its Income, much less the principal. Why la It?" "It Is because I enjoy being In the thick of things. I like to have a part In the great movements of the world and espe daily of this country. I like to deal with bridge whist which other women so much I don't want to say affect- Indeed, my work Is my amusement s or Judges I re- and ' "lleve It Is also my duty. Tou may more before I die.' of money and then departed to a far coun- Bow minister to England. I have had many trJ. When he returned he asked each to a tilt with him and I shall probably have Klve an account of his stewardship. He commended tnose wno naa increasea meir trust and denounced the timid one who had buried his talent In the sand. The fortune which was left me I have always looked upon aa such a trust one which I was to -- Atvloe te Jeidge Greshasa. "Tea," continued Mrs. Green, "I have a judge Uti. nob t work of God and I cr "P nd lncr BUPPM y0U 'huM seems to me a high position on the bench Is more to be desired than the presidency give me $300,000 or 1300,000 for me to Invest for you, and I should put It In the safe M HETTY QIUtfEN IN UOi-Photo by Bollinger, him to the altar. At every stage oi the transaction ah fought for a bargain girl, 18 years old, drove forty mllea In pur Mrs. Beattla kissed her husband fervently and the couple went away happy. "Lover of 75 a Sprinter. The angry father of Luella Lanta, a pretty Barbour county. West' Virginia, times acted as hla confidential clerk, writ a case before him In Chicago. Tou must re member htm. He waa secretary of state In Cleveland's cabinet and ha waa spoken of a a possible candidate for the pres idency. It waa at that time that I met him In his private offloe and said to him: 'Judge Gresham, you are fool to let part of her father. She read the papers to bring; but a low rate of Interest, but they the presidential bee get Into your bonnet, her grandfather and especially the flnanolal are absolutely safe, and for the woman The man who la stung by It never recovers news and the stock reports. She some- who has enough money to bring her a Uv- and the place you have today Is higher ing income xrom mem iney are Dest. than that of the White House. Tour de- "The woman with $5,000 or $10,000 bad bet- clslons here are Independent If you be- of the United States. In fact. I told Judge P8lt r let It be frittered away, what Walter Q. Gresham that once. I had had would you thlnk of meT no, I reel tnai 1 am aoing my auiy in cheap." .mJlj "How about railroad stocks?" "There are some few good ones." "BanksT" "" "I don't believe In Investing In bank took aa a rule, although I have some. I would rather have mortgagee or bonds." "What do you think of Industrials?" "I don't know anything about them. At oon aa I was told that $&,000.000.000 wort of such stock had been sold I replied ttul my arithmetic) did not go Into the billion 1. and I stopped figuring upon them." FRANK O. CARPENTER. Recent Progress irt the Field of Electricity Ins- his letters for him snd attending to and when the final accounting was made suit of hla daughter and Thomas Heath- .nme of his business. Ha was a man of ter nut her monev Into such bonda at flraL come president tou will be boned hv enn he had won a concession amounting to rely, 76 yeara old, her lover, who eloped many Investments and he told Hetty what or Into a good savings bank. She can then greas or you will get Into trouble. I advise several tnousana aoiiars. irora meir -nom ana arove 10 urarton. me waa KOOj an(j wny. AIIO tUUIII UUIll.llU.l. f IViWV 111 VW9U -- u. M.ll. w. Ok. A UI 0 tU.lllUUUIh j-. . . i. m . . inna . , . keU and at 15 knew all about bulla and Industry ef Telephone Making;, IHE manufacture of telephone In have devised an Ingenious apparatus which develops an amount of resistance aa the strument. ha. become one of the telephone current flow, through It equ l great Indu.trle. In the electrical to that found la a Una of the desired lengtlu field. For the Bell system alone. Volce-eavlng mtoda axe ud to a-alM 6.000 Instrument, of varlou. kind, the testers In their work and the man wl . noiua low new nwivir w uim w to the tones of ft phonograph. The tea are turned out every working day. How complicated In reality U the .eem- tf bj 0ORlpvinK th. new iDMtjen ettle all his debts and a Ufa annuity of Episcopal church, Grafton, married them 'examination of a single portion of the In- ments with thoee of a known capacity, bi t so highly t ruined are the specialists In tt s 1 1. 1- . 1 V1MI tA BYlMk IK.I M... , ' .u 1 mt Wnn K . how to make more out of It In order to "I don't think Judge Gresham liked It '"Ji, ''mf 'V"!'0"' " wIt JL- do this she must not relv merely unon the very well," continued Mrs. Green. "He sia.uov. so she came cash down . .... .. . . ... ... ... j , ner ratner. notn in tnis country ana jlti- w ... - . . - i..i.. . 1 1 ., .. - ana picKea up n nai as k w go. in u. J" BlF l"" . BQ that h" h f.,h.P dlL, WM must learn to do It for herself. If .he nal1. lammed that door twice as ,!T v T . T.Z ...L 7... . ere U .mall part of the activities In ttl. Tie reconsiaerea ana ssia oe wouia lane riw on meir loriy-mue nuneymoon ' . - n , . mtA nara as He Slammed his. to show him f " uwu hl,v -thllmn with It. llttl .nilii. and play at Inrertment Let her take there was no doubt of my opinion." raad at the rate of trnnl thouw d a OM floof of th, bullolnf ..t what .he considers a desirable locality and "Mr- Green," said I, "you have made f' .1 J7'' onUrely given up to the aasembling of por- Uons of telphon apparatus of which V ate la HJIU ML XO U CW tUl eVUU U W UUUa aula . . - - - -- v - atfin-nalnt rruir eV. inat looaea sieep nis nance w.n- w.t.y were .e.iea in me ougsy. una . . .... .. mhm thlnU. u.reetlon of her masculine f Hands. There rather frowned as I spoke and when he . " V. . " . .. Dart of the work that merely listening ut . back with an offer of mono as soon a. the ceremony was completed an inany a man who is operaUng to wiu are many wolve. In sheep', clothing, and a accompanied m. to th. door and I went mx't9T' ao" which you piace your up. th r6oelvw. at 0, ev.a a and a ponalon of $8.0oa The they started on their return horn Th. ?'"JJr ood onortlon of them are ml R. out he .lammed th. door. I had to dom wh,n rou tmlk over the wire. It U com- ..... ihlngg In nhnlM ITlnranflnA nirn nf th Hrl arrival rxnw m faw tnln. iwuajr. du UiU wiw wv . w . w. ... ... tt..A...H j ' DOlfld Of br&M. VUlCanired fllbbar. BteeL " . . ... Maa 1 w tha twfunaM faa fA ma anwthtn aria iui vuku auiu Liim UDisr ueiurn sriir 1 r rna - - - rtak moving' fir rra nimiTigra mvtew ranaiv'. $00,000 and $13,000 per annum. To thl. earn, without the blessing of Mr. L&nts, the aged ar " nne iur wmi w the counter proposal, ItO.OOO and $10,000 a bridegroom driving with one arm a. they ah Inherited. Her father left altogether year and Mis. Howe .aid she would never started homeward. .even or more million., and of thl. Miss budge from those figures. 0 Hetty received $1,000,000. There waa a law She looked as If .he meant It and as she Brekca Love la Cemented. suit begun shortly after aa to the settle- had reached the year, of discretion and By the magic of fate the conjurer-, ment of the estate. Hetty Green thought ,"""'""'" " Z!!Sf ,: one cannot make $1,000,000 honestly." dectolon to wit, 40 the titled suiter from charm reacted against himself. Neverthe- then, and thinks still, that the lawyer, and ' "That Is a ridiculous Idea," repllc pick out ..vend piece, of renting property, m5r mon r your individual brain, than the rvlcs of eighty Persons v ... ...... .1 any woman since time bean. Tou have merely to assemble the parts. Some of down from time to time what they sell '"uo """" peopie peiievo inai - - ' hundreds of thousands of electrio llg it public knows little. Here, for instance, : tlon far exceeding that necessary in the replied the making of the finest watch which sver sunny Italy surrendered, and here-, hop- less, it accomplished Its purpose perfectly, others have been trying to defraud the ' .k . . l' . great woman financier. "I have made a ticked in the pocket of a telephone user , . -.111 11... 1 ..... am , ... . . . .r..t .h. k.. K..n n.hiinr ih.i .nit "gn'n can piay wneiner sne nas maae or , ., .. , ,h. ,,.j i,v, "I do. Justice of the Peace Ranwm married the oralnary Ilne, of buBine8i investment This orunisKis rour monms ago. - 1 ney live at Ing they will live happy ever after. Adam Nowokowski ha. disappeared from heirs, and she has been fighting that suit 0 Jersey City. Wadeslaw Bruniskl and his, from that day until now. Perils of Rice-Throwing. w)fe ar. reunlteil ,na are COoing like During our talk I asked her whether she A grain of rice thrown to show good turt dova, It can b. al)J at a r)ki that thoutfht that Klrl ,hould ftav. bu8ine wishes as she was taking a train for her tnank, to Nowokowskl, their love hath educations. She replied: unum iuui v.u.u - """' waxed fonder, threatened serious result, to jars. ti. xm. Van Dusen of St. Loula. Quest, at the wedding sent off the bride and bridegroom with shower, of rice. m r Sir fTk.. A ' M A Niagara for a day and while there the ''' deaJar ln WUra, W hi. oppor- her future through marriage or the change. 1 a. ...sw. t v. Mn fVtA ullX . 0f fnrtiinA. fih nhnitlrl h ttiajIa to nndr nri fi se niiirnn 11 uiinr wiLii naiauiitii wr . . . w -- - . i our , nuaoana , is- weary or you.-. na pain Increased steadily, and several rem- mMBpena to Mrs, BrunrBkt.:"Hvl W love eaies were inuu. . i . i uhuw had boarded the train for St. Louis Mis. Van Dusen'. face began to swell and the 170 Steuben street. Latterly Wadeslaw took t, .,. ,h. h ,,.. . , v . 1 .i T . t Haw v vwrv as. i' -..w e&'IVS n t, DGIIIO Ullirj LllO UCllfJllfc XI 11 II 11IC 7 , .,, pw are poor, for no one can tell what may be growth of the city In which she lives. That Is one way to ' learn how to make money ln real estate." "How about stocks and bonds ln Wall terest means and how it accumulates, the street, Mrs. Green?" said I. "Wall street Is no place for the unsO' "Tour, husband. weary ',?.". ."v,tand what a bank account is, what In whispered to Mrs.- Brunrekt.."Hvls Art love .... mon ,nrt i. .nm.,iat h. with my, pretty niece..; For the email sum charaoter of mortgages and bonds and ho of $5 I will restore hi. .ffedlon. to you." to know wnetner they are gooa or not j butbBp each no bigger than the end of a lead pencil. These, when placed upon a million several time, and I have never and they are constructed with a mathemat- .., mtaAarA , r . ,v, A as children wlll .tand outside a store win- don" a "'"honest act In my whole life. I cal accuracy greater than that employed extlngunea glv0 notlc, wnm .ivCr ...iB.n.uimi.y wrongea one poor ... ""-"7 ' . w desire to talk over their line, and whin person and I have helped thousands. No! read the names ln the telephone directory. oonveraaUon. ar. ,nde(t ln tne low, r t r., ::r," "".rs-"2 z: "r:; ,.:r zzz.'zrz r. the New York plant are m.. Why, do most delicate electrical Impulse, known to you suppose I could have gone through the engineer. The current which will carry all my troubles If the good Lord had not the tones of the voice one mile or 1,000 Is helped me? I. can see His work all along so minute that Its passage through ln- the lines 6f my life. He Is helping me strument. and apparatus must be made a. now. I have learned to trust Him and to easy and as free from Interference by not . worry about small things." ' other currents aa science and skill permit "Then you believe ln Christianity?" The thousands of transmitters and re- "Of course I do and I try to practice It ceivers which .constitute a part of the My parents were Quakers and lost Of course, this Is all pretense. Just as children will stand outside a store win dow and each claiming to own certain of the objects within, trade 'with one another. By this means, however, the woman learn. ' "ft HI mA Irt tVt. lllnn.D. T tin... hnrt 11 injun, cuiu ii nun uuys reiiieu pruneny ..... ... I. .....! 11,. i k i. iii,.i., . ,.. -v-- . . . Bujipuat) i tui .a soirewiMi w i. nu unci w luticii. urn; biio is jiieiiy sure iu nave ner income and at the same time the benefit from the which, working with great rapidity ai ,1 exactness, take the raw material ai d fashion It Into the hundred, of small par., which go to make up the completed ap paratus. XUeetrle Locometles. "The dreams of yesterday become ti e realities of today," applies with peeullrr e rh.v or. spnrwl nr nnf I ... . . ... - " - i i.i.i. i .1 i. im i . -. .. " - uiiisiipaiea woman, ana i aouor wneiner n hrnnirhf ,1n wfth a fina bmira nf rio-hf ml i a...eiit . .,Afi.,n . ft.. v.... . . pain became almost; unendurabl A. she Tunokolrt. .T...!. ' ood ",ac tor d wrVnV iw taught to biil That he bB fln.7hed When a n7w telephone li Z'.7i In i waa day. work In the factory receive a great force to th at ).. So, tott, will the speculation, in. today become the realities of ti- and Ber nusoana ittt -' beeswax. - : , Vi; .r"; J. . . .,,f , " " ."J " 7,:. .peculation, ana a. for myself I who condoned a felony Is half felon, and put in place by a Bell company anywhere morrow, louis sne lauivou. ..rtoth.e '-(o- . niht h. t.M w. . """ " . . ,ry l" ciear gi wan sireei. Any that he who allows others to rob or Is a "switch a cat, with tbm, thn net them on I" .li"? .TZ" ?'." " 71" n "no nas not amg rortune to oacK receiver of .tolen goods is A.. .i tti. .h.i.. . h. "'" . ner ana at tne ismo time excellent Jurtg- Sr .2d Co tour huTband'i tni WOU'd not bs at the merC? of the mnty nt and a knowledge of all the securities "i.?UL'V.?.to e!!? 'd- who prey upon th.' weaker sex." dealt In and Influences at work had better ' keep out." " How Wldowr. Can Leant to Invest. Mr. Van Dusen took hi. wife In a car riage to the city dispensary, where a phy sician discovered the troublesome grain Of rice and removed It. robber." Popularity of Shoemaklair. The great popularity of shoe making a. a. profession In Massachusetts i. mani in thl. country the subscriber receives an The recent successful teat of the first of himself half instrument which has been so carefully a number of electric locomotive, built for tested that it is known it will do good the New York Central railroad rui q service whether the person using It be much speculation a. to the future of ele - Cnn Rich Women Get to Heaven f talking over a line 1.000 feet or 1,000 mile, trio power on steam roads. "The ne "Then. Mrs. Green, if you believe in the L "v Tt. Zl mt,V6 to m,ant " myU 016 New Yo,t5 Bible,, how about the dlWulty of a rich f" "! J !h! W' "0",3r f0P bUUnK thr0U,h trml1 ' man retting into th. klnadom of heaven? t0 th Word" Wh,ch flasned tnr0Uh tb on those portion. Of road which th. Ne tested In Other way. than at tne POlia, tne resumn. -ymom. lu.u .u... u ... - , . . r not our women .learning more aooui Tfl . rf , .. . , xora central win equip with a third It.ll without nvln hi. narent. any intimation Indigestion. He believed thl. until, a wo- -- " ' T""-' "" " business every year. Mrs. Green? The mod- ml t.rm wnl rInh wnm. . th. "... nV hla Intention. Francl. C. Bradlee, .on man who .aw Mr.. Bruniskl making r now can sne go aooui to majce vno ern business woman is a twentieth century of the late Joslsh Bradlee jr.. and a mem- charmed pancake, told him tho truth. ".t of it? Suppose it 1. only $5,000 or prxjuct. Ha. .he come to .lay?" w of one of Boston', wealthiest and mo.t Bruniskl hurried to Justice of the Peaoe 10.000, or perhaps $1,000,000. what can she ..Te, Th, wori,i of today could not get .-i.tnr.tin famiiiePL en la.t Monday mar- Markley and demanded that hi. wife be 007 along without Its business women. They ried Mlsk Marlon Knight, daughter of arrested. H. was told the law could not "For a. large .urn," said Mr. Green, are rapidly taking the place of men a. Amhlhald 8 Knlcht a Marblehead .hoe- act ln auch a case. HI. wife tearfully "there la nothing better for auch a woman bookkeeper., stenographers and typewrlt- maker. Thereafter he will stick to . you.' The fond wife obeyed. She fed beeswax, to her tiunhand In ttaneakes. of which he la fond. The doctor whom be consulted about But "PPOo a woman nas no sucn Business Woman m Permanency th. resulting symptoms told him he had training, saia i. mippose ner miner or Ar. not our women learning more about eral term. Will rich women go there?' "I believe that the honest, truthful and deserving rich have aa fair a chance of getting to heaven as the poor," said Mrs. Green. "The Bible does not preach against riches, but against the evil use of them and pleaded that she never would have given than government bonds, and after that era; they act aa cashiers In many of th. the .In. arising out of the desire for their This wedding, which ha. causea a sens, rum dbbbwu h vim uiu uui iu mm iv tlon In Boston suited from an begun at a motorboat I invested the greater stores and new fields are steadily opening. The men who do this work are especially for it. suburban traffic Whether the con selected after their hearing ha. been pany will find a more extensive use for rigidly tested and they become so expert that type of engine is a question which that many instrument, are rejected for cannot be answered offhand. The variation, in the volume or quality of 0f the Central are probably not In a post .ound. ao slight that no one else can de- tlon to form an opinion today. Being men te 'hem' . ot practical common sense, they will natui - While every Instrument Is known to be .n .,iv. ...... ... . accumulation. It denounces those who are capable of successful operation at the end chance to study tha merit, of tho .IV. In I hoi- nwn anil th. rlnh wh - ., . ...... . . IB Sluuy in. merit. Of tilO SySt.Ill and North Shore society, re- He relented, they embraced, and together part of my Inheritance In government bonds I believe that women will do more and r,ch ,n tnelr own concelt and the rich who 0f a thousand-mile line, it is obviously Im- in the light of experience before pushing i acquaintance .aid to have asked for a warrant for Nowokowski, who and Bock Island railroad stock. Govern- more as time goes on. Nevertheless It oppres the poor. practicable to have 1,000 mllea of colled the development further. However, no ope lotorboat race. The young has vanished. ment bonda at the preaent market value aeem. to me that th. chief .phere of "What are the dutie. of the rich as to th. wire in a single room, so the engineer, but a hardened skeptic will venture to couple are now occupying apartment, at the Essex house, Salem. "I married Miss Knight with the consent of her parents." said Mr. Bradlee. "Fur ther than that I hav. nothing to say." The young couple drove over to the home of the bride', parent, and apent quite a while there. "Mrs. Bradlee has absolutely nothing to .ay." wa. the answer returned to an In quiry at th. Bradlee mansion. 1 Plover Seed. Lead to Wedding. A little over a year ago a Mr.. Roehr of Chicago sent to one of the big Michigan nurseries for a packet of begonia seed, and the little parcel wa. duly delivered through the medium of the postal service. When she opened it she was much amused to find Inside not only a generous supply of the minute seeds, but also three scraps of paper on which were written the name nd address of a glrL One of the name, wa. Bessie Smith. Mr.. Iloehr .howed these mysterlou. pieces of psper to her .on Fred, and he In a .plrit of mischief wrote to Miss Bessie Bmlth, and the young woman promptly re plied. The correspondence wa. kept up , for more than a year, when the young man made the suggestion that photographs ihould be exchanged. Then, when Fred Roehr gazed on the feature, of hi. unseen correspondent, he thought It wss about time to fix things up. and wrote by return taking Miss Smith to marry him, and back same the answer, "Tes." A fortnight Ister the wedding took place, when the bride carried a pretty bouquet of pink begonias, In memory of the clrcum itances under which she first made the ao junmtanee of her husband. It may. per haps, be as well to .tate that Miss Smith, now Mrs. Frederlok Boehr, was formerly engaged In a big horticultural warehouse naking up packet, of flower seeds, and It pas by way of a Joke that she with two ithr girls wrote their name, on' slips of super snd Inserted them ln a packet of be innla seed. -A Too Bashful to Kiss Hanky. J. A. Beattle of Bait Lake City earns 1 t(-e way t Denver to wed Myrtle Te'eraon of Ogden and then she refused to kiss him. They made their appearance In Clerk 5oT' office and serurel a marriage II. ;ense. Then 'they went to Magistrate Rico :o have the ceremony performed. "Do you take this man to be your lawful welded husband?" finally aaked the mag istrate. , 'I do." said Miss Peterson, blushing furiously. "Kiss your husband," said Magistrate Rice. Then came the hltoh. Mrs. Fetttle held back. She hid her fare In her hsni. "I want to, but I'm too ashtmed," she finally whispered to the groom. Then Constable "Mike" Geary came to the res aue. He saluted the bridegroom with a resounding smack and Imprinted a kiss ttpoa the bride's mouth. The toe broken.' Brandeis New Palatial Department Store I I LIE biggest building project on the boards for Omaha for next year is the new structure to be erected by J. L. Brandeis & Sons for occupancy by their large retail mer cantile establishment, which has outgrown its present quarters. The elevation here giveu reproduces a preliminary sketch by the architect, John Latenser, and shows a building of seven stories and basement, running from Sixteenth street to Seventeenth 6treet, ana from Douglas to the intersecting alley. The frontages on Sixteenth and on Seventeenth streets are to be 132 feet each, while the Douglas street side will have a frontage of 264 feet. The pres ent contemplation is for a building of cut stone with moderate ornamentation, but with im posing effect It Is proposed to build the west portion of the building first, joining up to the present Young Men's Christian association building on the west, which will then be removed as boon as the present leases expire and replace with that part of the building which reaches down to the corner of Sixteenth and Douglas. The new building will be connected with the old building by a subway underneath Douglas street, which has already been completed. Con struction work is expected to begin early in the spring and may take a year and a half for final completion. Tit Winirsvsni rs rT.tA rrr .r... I, ..A ,.,m,..A. .m,n,r,mtiri,i.. iiinlninmgt.-nniriiiiitiiiiiiifi " " rm,m"-iiiri"vrr""m'""innintngimiHim think that so enterprising a corporation will .top at the limit which It has Imposed upon itself ror the present 'By the purchase of local trolley lines feeder, in varlou. part, of the state. the Central will come Into the possession of several power tad oris, whose enlarge ment for additional service will be a simple matter. It is not unlikely that within fifty or 100 miles of Niagara It can buy power much more cheaply than it can generate It by steam near the metropolis. Again, the next lot of locomotive, may cost lea. than th. firit. It 1. not an uncommon practloe for manufacturer, of machinery to asaes. upon th. first few machine, oi a new kind the expense Incident to per. fectlng the design. For these and other reason, it seem, probable that the Central will find the electrio haulage of It. heavy passenger train, from New York to Buf falo an attractive proposition within the) next five or ten yeara. "In the meantime great change, win certainly occur on many other railway ystem. of th. eountry. Electricity will displace .team for suburban traffic on all or nearly all the line, leading into New Tork. On th. New Haven, Long Pennsylvania, Brie and Lackawanna, tho reform i. practically a foregone eonoluelon. For that class of business, no doubt, tho practic. in vogue on tho elevated road, will be adopted. The advisability of having separata electrio locomotive, to haul tho through train, for .hort distances will then become so obvlou. that the example of tho Central ln thl. respeot is almost sure to bo followed sooner or later. Near Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago and other large cities th. Mm. thing may be ex pected to happen. When It doe., tho filling ln of tho missing links oannot bo long de layed. If the Central one. seas it. way clear to run an expres. from New Tork to Buffalo with an electrio engine, the oountry will see the Infection spread rapidly. "Although tho electrio haulage of freight by the aaro. mean. 1. perfectly practicable, ' the economy of th. operaUon Is yet a mat ter of doubt. For yeara the Baltimore A Ohio has been moving freight train, through It. Baltimore tunnel by a less powerful locomotive than tho one tested at Schenectady, but tho plan was adopted for other reason, than a desire to save money. When once th. use of electrloity for through passenger service beoomea gen. oral, though, th. situation will be modified. During a transition period of greater or less duration both kind, of power will prob ably be employed simultaneously on many roads. Still, there will be a natural tend ency toward a homogeneous system of traction, and that will operate adversely to steam when Its rival one. get. a foot hold. Tho wholesale movement of freight by electricity may prove a little .low In coming, but the argument, in It. favor axe doum to grow in foroo with over