Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1904, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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TelaphnrMi eM,
Htn 4 MT?i. ntt
WK fl-MMI HATVftT4 TA AT f. M.
Ilea, Itefl. I, Irs).
We nrc nlwiivai liuay Imi-j h'mmI- jiihI Imim.v looking ti
Imibv uuikliiu ii nlori' von iiiiiv ilrpriiil upon. Wo will ho ntl
llif Itoll.ln.v. xr hnxo oxtm lu-lp ihmI wr will try to nmki'vo
Nfw k'mmU hi nil (li-pnrtini'iilM KiiltiiMf for liolifiiiy i:fn
'will Kit ll''M lit rviry tU'piitinnnt.
C .., a . nt rinrlna Cole of lilt mi a !' n II !!. what rnnlcl li mnr i rmta; oil Ihr prominent clan rtr repr
(or Suits.
fu r t tic Inti'P'nt 'f our cuKfinm-rn
II lMlrr from now on until nftrr
ur hlinpplng In ti a pi en mi rr.
Conn' in mid look nroiim!, you
tlrttnral itrarlng mil Mmirtnir mottling of
wi'l p.ia inm we win nni una ar eai , ri I
'.gala before rhrtalma la happy hne. . GtlOlCC Ol ICS Ii
that hall lint liava them Inn nl Mon
day's rcll (IrnilnN ptii-r la a certainty.
XX'a tin iml kimW i f ahV allka at any irlr
thai anlta iinls three In li'ith itiallly ami
alfl" ami llil la tml n liia fill ur rsag.
mini at airmen) mi mil n I, lull tni-tely
plain fail. plainly put
Our Nuxrailier Iniainre hn hren the
largest ever In Ilia Malory nf llila aliur
II ha r(l tia with a tuimlipr nl hmkrn
1'rter-nn nr tan ilrre pal lai n nf a plena
lfl, tier alnl thrrn n rnlnr mlaalng Now
we are "lng In l-lnan Ilia mid Ultra Tlmae
who surly will r lit display at It
lal, at Iha same lime flral rlinlce la eveiy
tiling III N Ml nf llila hllnl
appropriate tlian a walet nr rireea atlrn
nf th-a hestitlftil llk. whan ymi ran tniy
Ihrm t Hirer price.
Regular $1. 00 .nd $1.25 Rtngallne
Novelty Silks tor Suits-Monday's
Special Mcr, 09c and
09c Vt r Yard.
No alike, tlioy Minn In nil Iha new
rnlnr nimliltinllniia )m h na lilua (tonnl
wllh liny daah nr Imlr alrla nf roil nr
rrti, Mil with ril. Iimwn with arn,
hma with ii"i( mnl allvar; loxltji rhan
Ml'la aftai la In on ami I wo rnlnr If ) imi
ltrli In diva nmta than n tnnia Inkan,
otnetlilim lo ti- innra than nwra i-lo-fplalloii,
a.imrlliln Hint will tlx laa
Separate Walking skirts.
rtothlna I iratllrr than a prrUy Intinalna
ahlrl, nil on rmpnlar 1 1 lira, ahapad In Ilia
fianra on aytnrlrd nl Mraa. ,We oiiiiluy
lil inpn In ilu nor Dt 1 1 na. Ihn Inatirlna
a iirrfrri mmrnt ftlrra for raliy aooit
Mh i. lnwi, f pk. )nf'. in to, l.) anil lift 00
Astrakhan I ur Coats.
An aatrttklinn fur runt oViirnO a nun h
on Ilia ntaHlna on lit for, a poorly mntla
aatraklinn mat la Run In prov unantla
faclnry In lit wrnrvr, wltlla mala Ilka
oiii. wMi h nta ma. In prnparly, aly lva
aatlafni'tlnn ami Bin iimrntftl, I'rlrra
(mm K OK to lit ().
line Neck lurs.
Tlil haa hrrn I hr arart fur nann
w havn avrr raparlrnrptt; laillaa ara niak
In thrlr piinhnara from ua aa thrjr know
tlie nlwnva al what Ihry pay for. In
Iha fur iiilnraa Hit la qutta a rarity,
our prlioa for really auoil fur ara from
.1M l lHH
Silk rettlroats.
Vaalartlay wa raovlvail ly pita anma
liumlannia nnvrltlva In nrw plaid Bilk paltl-
arnlatl Wa aiia-at Ihraa a vary rtrair
aMa 'lirlatma axlfl h. I'rlrra. $10 on. Ill On
ami tr. on
othrr allk Ktllrnata from 6 to to lltio
black ami famy rnlnr.
Cotton retticoats.
I'ul rlra full anil wlilo. parfrrl hn-
ii ar nil prrfoi tly mnila. Prior. II.M), 91.7ft,
:m and up In .
Money Saving Opportunities
tor Monday.
V nfTVr a rhnlra Una of nnr Ho. IJVo
anil IRo riiinnrlrltr nl tlir aprrlnl ptlra of
C par ynrit, (Nona audi to pMlrr )
lira till Tut llnr of IVmlim flnnnrlrttr nl
lite, IJn. llW" ami lo prr yrt1.
foinfnrlar Hpnlal, axo rarh -Nit' rovrr.
flu rottou flllltiK.
Full llnr of thr rholfi-at nml lral mmlr
comfort at II. bn, II " lion. 13 "B. I.' tA $J 71.
lion, 3 K, UiiA ami 14(0 a li.
Mot blank! nl Too. l no. II 31, I? no. I? W,
tin. 3tK, D.zt., lion, 4 M Iti.iX) ami 111 no
Blanket Special.
llrtolur I.1. 00 whlta wool blanket at 1 a
a i'n ir.
I'otton blanket at We, ?rr, l.0i, l 25,
II.M, II 71 ami II.H0.
Wool blatikrt from Wort to llttW prr
'. At. C. A. lUilUllnjr, Corner Sixteenth and Douffln StH.
flUrlHi'tr TtKtimony lj W riling; Firrtk in
CUction Caaoi at Pnpr.
l'l(ltla Itallwl Kkamlnaa) Wr
1 V rlla ky 'tVit I'rraowa 'l H
yabllraa ItaMnla VrlMn aj
Una rr.
: lRNVKH, IVr. I - Klrtlln ilrvrlopmrnl
wrrw toad In h aiiprvma oonrt ttnUy In
l lilnl of lh l tt'llo om ul ot tb
Ninth p.lnol vf h nfth warl, who aiv
vhnra.1 with ronlvmpl. llooi KtnK, a
haiKlwrtllnh 'uprrt, aabl that nrtyvti
of lh Ivallot In tha lv Ual lrn wrlltrn
by ln riiPMtnt pmvn Th hlht mini
br wrltian by vm rao nlnln
Tha Iowmi waa lwv Mva rvpuhllan
Iota wr written by on pron, Th olhrr
nfty-iwM ballot on whioh tha pri-t notnt
Itnllarlty of hanlwi1tln wr ibvnovratb.
"U la avlitant that two Miwt rt Ink wrv
Avt In tha WHttna of th ballola," M
M Mn. "httir thi wa vHI.Mi.t
bf tw-a itilTwvwht aiii.ta tiHir fMmthvl V
tha aWth w.Mintibw or w ht)rr rwrtain
ballot wr wrltlrn ontaul tha ttivnl,
I am unabta tk any."
It U tha aviifCal bltrt am tha at
lorn) h bx-a f.Mtowl th sxntmpl
Vvlng rl.aaly that tha raU of th
AiNNfea man b- tha curt will b t
bring tha ballot bo ot axry Mroln't w hrr
fixtxlrmpt t hirrt into -vurt f,xr ax
anxtnattow. Tlra ara at iwora irrrtixctt
t Wrbtoh alrtlotx oftViala ara ara:iln trial
AN attixtiwnxanl wa takm xxixtll MvMiUy
t tlva tha wilixraa iKlnal aa rsxrtxiixiqr
b tMMwpUta Iha aanxlntbMX rf th ballot
tartlttx M. Hth, aw i.part nvblox-rA
Wf lh irtaarnrtwta, will anawxln tha artutti
ow th ballot with Mr. Km.
Tha rtwma for tht pr l t itwxw a total
wf ?m vat, AlvtVt a tvlhwa; tVx,v
rat', ; rrblton, a,xMl't, 4. Thr
wxl In tha Kxt wtrrw opawM as
W, tttvMm h tloara: trwtM oViwo.
watt, atrwiaht rriMb-M, JW, axvuattat.
Ii asMtvh, jaV
Attorixry Thoroa Vfarxt iratw firttoa that
.MiUoi li'fAnxauo will b ,lrt alnt
Vha xSrrr,wil tix tM oa, cbar1wt thai)
t!h bh!Yit ltaa ratiarna.
l'ot Ja. Joo.x I. MxxtnM Wajr a
t?w4 xb tlx for awaanxMwxiKt a a-raaa
Jxxr o twxtrvtxinxx aWlbAM wtattrra xxMtl
iat M,nk Jo x A, Marttiy xoral
It xv vnvt mlsTAt tx
xmir rtirrtxc iM with W
1tU things u wiU
U rt t xho cti-
" aaxv ww wA aaxrirV
tni-a, iva aw 41 (k. 4xa,
iMm ., ajx tax.
rta' Cwa, f i4 xX.a.
1iraiAia-tM Hm
rainllilat for tala arnatur fmni I'tirlilii
county, anlva.t In Ixonvar totlay, a mint
Willi Hi likjuni'llx' oritrr laauml by Jiiilar
VtMirltrra totlay anil ari vtt Ihr liH'iltiint on
th alata amorra anil nxrnihrra of 111
Vlala t'nnx'naatiia hoard at omp.
Thr boaril will not raach lh Turblo
artmloilal rontral until nrt wrk.
ri KIM.i, x'olo., lr I -John A. Martin,
1rnin-iMiU ininll.liilo for alala fotialor
from olty. ha. roiiri1 an lixjunotlv.x
oiitrr from Ji! J. II. Voorhwa of tit
ritrli't otiiitl hri iT'rtroliil i( Ooxoinor
IVahotl)- a nl th o;hr lormlxra of lh
Plat I'm v'li Iv-aiit from lh
x'aillllvat of alrvtion iaiint to T. t Mt
t'arlliy, rrpubllran, by xunty 1'lrilt f'aix
fat an.l Jut!o of lh IVao M. Kal li,
mrmlri of th tNxnnty Oanvaalita lorl.
Th tloi-umnt wll, b arrxrj on tha alata
offloar anU mrmhrr of th Htala lxnxr
lu UaiAl at xinoa, w haix Mr. Martin will,
it ta aalil, prefer ihr.a of a oiiat;onl
iiatiitvx Xha rtlurn aa ranvar1 v
McCarthy a maj.irlty of four vixiaw
tl a Millar.
ilualx Millar Olr.1 at tha Boxith Omaha
htxaixttat Thxiraxtay aflrrmwn of aliial mrtx
In! Ha, !la waa In th rmploy xf th la
tal Tr)rarh Mnny aa oHrator r
J-Ar, and althouah ha bad not brrn able
to ba on dxity fxr-a few woeka, no of hta
frtarnt knew that hi s-n.lltlon waa at all
rrloxia. II had hald a ixxattlon with thr
laa TVIratraph rnxytny at I4ncln b
for xnxtna I xmaha and waa vtry hlhl
eat by all aaaootatca and aoainl
a nor Hi brother Majt a rrl 4 hare rrm
Oklahixma Thxirwday -orJnit. but a brother
In St lxxxil waa unable to reach her. M
Mlllrr tartr,t for 8huVaWnny, rxv. with
ht lxrMhi a rrmatna Jtldajr nlroj.
r, i. niwwK
TFVl'Mr.M. Nrlv lV Jv (Spo,ll -Th
cltl-n of Tefumwli w-rr much axir-r-Nr4
lo Iranx xf th drath cf O, r. R.xb4n
.xx, a i-Txmliint fanxxrr of Veata rraclxxct,
whh-h KHrrrd at t VWxrk thla morwtnc
Mr. Hoblnaow waa troxihleNt with a heart
aflticttv and bad wot been In th brat of
haalth for aonx tlm. Iat -ntnc he
waa klcke-d In lh haad by a cw he waa
mtlktxxir A doctor waa called and admtnla
rr4 to hi tnjurtca. which aromrd" to be
a lht. Mr U.'bin.xa mtrrd aaWt wrmt to
aloris bxit at aa trarly baxir thla momlr.c
ha awvka tn arrat rain and tNt fc,rtly
IhrrraHor II trax-aa a xaif and arx-rrat
Kawrr kTtrA.
VKVAVitV Neb , 1W. j8,ecl.V
lirxiry Kxtord. aa od aAd highly ra
ariwbasl ottiarn of 5award. d4 at t
vWk Thwraday at tha hoaaa of lua awa,
J.n U l4ncsMiv. M w-aa ry
Ir Ixta avm a xwst h hi drath oc
rxirr4. Mr. Erford waa S? yaari of a
aaS had baaai aw olttolal l tb Flm ttar
birrxaa char, h bar far wtaixy )-arv Th
fxiaarwl wrrxt. war cwdCKbrd at w--ard
w KatarAajr wrftrntwg tt Ml
by lb Ktv. xiesMga F. XX DUaaaa. Tha
raaard rrax- chlldrrw 4r rona wad
threw Vkt'hlrra awd man grawd and
rrral grandclildrm.
Hay H-t.
iASTtVv Kk, IW. V (pevl T4
graaa Kxj k r4.VrH awa of Mrs awd
Mr. J Ah a K. Kaajrv, 4trd t.d.'-aU- thia
aftwaraoav Abr-vit tw-a -r ro xba de
rfeawrd l.-t rx-raiawl -.hrvvui a OTri
darwaa Whvh b w.tvCr4 wfc41 bMd a.
w c(X.M aa le.kr4f -rm w for '.hi
r.irls-rto Tft- ht ttw. h wf4 t1
k-.VKt boa'th M M a fww- r )f
b icrir4xtns axr rl ta xk brad
l aa a i4rd'J Md.ait ad aa ov
tvwrtally voang wn.
xaooca X X Hing cr trv. Nf, ,4
j-etrA.v at rAenc v l 4ll t
rae. Te aVroraaod . .ne i, )4v4i
arait farniri Af ).n ceirv.x and Vaxv
arxxxtrig bi.-a a and iUrxv
)NiiiH of ,k- it i ni.:h
Will rrobtbly 8uocaed Powell Olajton
Eafor Mmj Weris.
hraka la faaaralrd Alao aa Kao
re.iar ta Vrrrrtary llllrhrnrk
f Ihr Interior lo-liartmrMl.
tFTom a Stuff OorroasHindotit.)
WASHl.NxlTON, IVo. .-v8ill Txlo
Brain.) Pavld K Thoniaxm of N'rbnxaka.
at prraont mltiiftor to Hraall, will p.olwill
b Iranafomsl t McxK-o to auccrod IVwcll
rinytiMi. Mr. Th(Miiaon waa In W'uahlng
Ixhx lolay. Ill romli.g and Ma going wrr
withoxil portlcular notlcr. Mr. Thomi'avm
rcglatrrrd at iumi of tha rlty hot f la
Mr. TI)tnioix aaya ha hixa no doalra to
t to tha acnatr. II ta contrntrU and
Ikoa tha life of a mlnlatrrlal rvprrarnta
tvr of thla country abroad. HI rrcorvl as
nlnlaxrr to llraill, according to rrprwrntA.
ttx-oa of th Stat tK'-xrlmrnl, I partlcu
arly lino. II haa brought a wldr bustnraa
exywrloitc to loar and haa dlaplayrd a
dlpl.Mxxacy which haa attracted net only
ti attention of tb Stat doiNkitmrnt. but
of tha proaKVnl aa well, to hi caiaMo ad
mtnUtratUxtv Mr. Thompaon mil a on Mon
day for hi rat. but It la a gvd gxiaaa
that hi nam will b inrntlonod for on
of two position brfr March 4. wbn lh
praaant admlnUtratlcn trrmlnatr lhAt of
min'.atrr to Mrxlco or areratary of the In
trrtor. Swatw Xllttwrd Al-rlvra,
Senator Millard arrived thi mtimlng and
haa t.-xkrn apartmrnt at th New XXT.lard
f.xr th aaaat.xn. xMr. Millard rallod at th
XX'hlt Houar to pa,v hla.rratrcta Ux I'rral
dont Rooxr;t. but M from that official
call and a few o4hr xrtati upon member
of th cabinet ha did r.ot tranaaci ajny
Hmry R. Rnxllh. arenrtary to Senator
IMrrrtclv arrlx'd tv!y.
t;raa4aaw rww4 It Cwxalrt.
tt t ramarkabl what a rharjre ran b
mad In a faml'y bj a'tr rrarrangr-
Mt ef fCK"d.
A O.Scj caother -x : 'Much to my
urprta trJj- morning t found th
c)c-rd )tir on ir.y de-ak, arrittrn by
any v yar o,d daughtrr w-ilhout any
axigavwtt.Na from a ox, and the litt)r let
tar lndKd an r r,t aoatrtfc'.tvg cif ar
Flrat rr.y .- k wa rrry mwaH and
wvak acr.t wit to xiatt Wv of rcy :
tara, arid ah Induced biiw t atart In oa
trr-Nte and crraiw i r-lac of th
ordlfcary f-Nvl ard.
XTra th K.y cara back after aa ab-
of about a.a rnorth w- could
hardly bTVoe our ! ) bag grrn
eTr thr Inch im husYl and waa aa
entirely ASfpMr.t rlcw M "r-rir wrwy.
alwax-a ray for any tb)nc arort rr
rvwrd t4 cat tb trra r an of th tima.
w.ii Hror nn;y wanird t alt or to
V and wxjfranrd grrati- froaa bfd
ach and erJ rryraiioax
ia f-ttl it ktll T.rl r tlrnfe XcTa
awd b grew tfil and tornjr asd roay
la a airt tiana.
Th Motir. who C J -ear 04. b
f naing xrrNxii d wot.d fa
cuantly r' faod tetr aour or w.'th aa
ace r.t a bowl a isi or broih rx-er Jl.
bad frwriy oa trxiud xrtth J
iar arnmart. atfferrng great jJ at i
Reoeirar for Mr. Chadwlck Eipartad to
Brlig Light en Affair.
naahraplrr l,rorrrdlng Xaalaat
XVaraaaj to Hat. Kfferl I o
Attrmat In Ntl Malm nf
Maaaar huaal la Maw.
NKW VOPIK. lire. I.-t'nmpllrntliina run
tlnuo to multiply In Ilia atrang rnaa of
Mr. Caaaln I,. Chmlalik nf Cleveland, t).
wlinan Innglliln afTiilr have lirooglit lirr
Itllo rintrt during Iha laal week.
KYnui tha Inoinetit Ihn light of pulillrlty
wna turtieil In her illrrt'llnn by thn ault ol
Herbert l. Newtnn of Itrimklllie, Mnaa.,
wlni antight tu reenvrr Imina aKHreKiilIng
Hourly Uu.ixt, every ilny haa mhlt'il one nl
inor new Rrnanlloiuil frixture nf Ilia rnae.
Now, with her affair prnctlcnlly tnken out
nf tier hunt Ui rough the apiinlntnirnt of a
receiver In a Cleveland ruint yealrnlny, It
eenia Hint a aiilullnti of Ihr myatery In tin
a (Till r riinnnl tie long (trfrl l rd. At t tin aim).
tlma niiunr runllnur In b peraHtently
tniay mnl all aorta nf report are rife. On.
of Ihn atoili-a wna that nn attni'hinrnt on
wtmtaxer permniii property Mr. Clindwlrk
runy luxv In llila rlty wna threntoned to
aerura a c In I in lieltl by a faalilmmbl ilreaa
maker. A check nn Ilia XVado l'nrk Ilixnk
lug rouiMiny nf Cleveland for ll.nuo, which
hnd liren given In part payment of thn ac
count, hml gone to prntet, It wna a.iltl, and
when title, wn lenriKxl the crntllnr nt inict
lirgan arrangement to arc ore Hie rinlm by
tiling nil altncliineiit. Thilt Ilia pnper wrrt
nut aerxed during the night wna aaltl to b
due only to the fmt Hint thr rretlltor' at
torney wna nut aiift'oaaful In finding a mug
latrut who could laaue the nrccaaury writ,
I roreramwa May He Knllllleil.
Another atiiteiiirnt nmde toilixy, tiut with
out nny ofMi lnl iiuthnrlty, wna Hint pnrt ol
Mr. ChutlwIt'k'R neta con.tlsti'd ot tT,(IOt
III notea rndnrat'tl by a prominent nml very
wealthy iiuxn.
It la poexthlo ihit thr retllrment nf Her.
bert 1. Nawton' claim, width, It wna nn
nnunrid a few day ago, had been antlafac
lorlly arranged, m.iy rucoiinter an oita.uct)
In the Ctevelniid bnnkruptty prtH-ecxllngw.
Tha whole matter had hern left In Iho
hnml of timg Itynll, Mr. Newlnn' at-
Jlorney In thi city, and Mr. Nrwtt n uml
lit attiirnrra had returned to their
homo after a rili a of roiifenncet here, at
which. It waa nld, the ltrookhne man a In
tcreat In the rnao hnd born aatlxfacttK I y
adjusted. Tim principal point In the ret
tlomrnt had been ngreed upon by ie,ro
aentiitlvra of tHith Mr. Newton and Mf.
Chadwlck and Iho only thing that re
mained to b done waa to wo:k out ilux
detail for thn cnnrrllittlou of the ohllvia
I liina. Mr. Uall was to hnve rntlr ctinrgo
of the final HanM tlon., it waa rai l,
and Mr. Newton announced upon leaving
for HoMton thai It would not be necaary '
for cither him or hla Honon or Cleveland
attorney to return to New York.
IlanWraptry lrocrrdlng Cauae Delay.
XYht'ii 111 new of the bankruptcy pro
ceeding came from Cleveland, however,
Percy XX'. Carver. Mr. Newton a lios.on
attorney, Immediately atarted for New
Yoik. It la aupp ed '"t Iho otjoot of h.a
visit waa to couaull with Mr. Kyall In
connection with the proposed itU.nicnt.
In thla connrcllon in. e eat
waa arouatd by a dispatch from
which altow that under the
ruptcy taw any claim pref.rred and paid
within a period ot four months prior to Hyj
filing of a ietltlon In bankrupicy may be
recovered by the receiver. The clr.l.nant
then will be entitled to only I.U pro lata
har of the luinkrupl'a ta a. It waa r.
PAMried In Clcrelar.d that Mr. Chadwl-k
telegraphed to an acquaintance In that ilty
laat night making an app Intment In CI -vela
ud tottay. Inquiry at thr Holland houaa
chowid that Mr. Chadwlck waa at II. there
and u far a the hotel management knew
had no Intent Un of leaving at p:esent.
The financial afTaira of Mrs. Caaaie L. werfu:thar rompUcxted tinlay
by th laauance of an against
her property. Jd to be for t.lOo. on la
half of a rum of mil Iners o. tha cl;y.
The aiH'Ilcatlcn Wa made by Uawyer Tba
odore It. Friend on the ground that Mr.
Chadwlck la a debtor and U not a r. .
dent cf tfU atal.
The writ of attachment agnlnst Mr
Chadwlck a peranial rotex-ty waa atrved
upon the clrk and manager of the Hol
land Iijum thla aftern Kn. lawyer Frieni j
hold that tt.l waa (ufTl.-lent to act aa a
erx-toe and-w-ould prevent Mrs Chadalck
from removing any of her personal rrop
eny from the boieL
Say a Stwla la Sreire.
trerre Kyall, New York attorr.ey fot
Herbert D. Newton, aaid ttiday that be ait
not at aU trxxuUed by tt reai from Cleve
Ur.d that petition In bankruptcy had been
filed against Mr-a. Chadwlck. Mr. Newton
daim waa eecure, b aaid. and be felt sure
the bankruptcy proceedings would not aeri
wly Interfere with the aettlemenl. Then
migTit. however, be a deUy a day or twe
wr.fc-h would not have ivxrurrrd bad the
petiM.xn not been f.led.
Mr. RraZl aaid the hurried lUt of Mr.
Crx-er, Mr. Newtoa'a Fiaton attorney. U
thi city w-aa altoretbcr wittout aignlS
cane. This cranio waa tc ahared by L
Frank of court J for the firm' of Jacques
Krakauer of U city, m re.-t filed the pe
tlUoct in barJiruptcy rJnt Mra. Ctiad
wick in Olex eland yesterdajr. Mr. FrafJt
uUd tAday tb tatkrvptcy proc-ee-dirs
wosud Have the effect of in&g up aJl Mra.
CTadwVk a pr.-;nj azd wouid prex-eot tfc
eett)emKt of caima ara:&a ber.
" TTe aft cf llllr aa Itx o'.ur.tary lie-.ltk
1a bajikraprcy aaranaat Mr. Cadwtc." aaid
Mr. Frank, -ocaauiuie aa iTi.r.LK
Suirsnat the us of sy of br aa-ia ta vta;
w-l-jeiiient of ;raie oifcfnia. Her asaeta
are tied frvnw lb trwrr.t of T.'.'-i tbe
j-ti:i.-w "
He asi.V lifw-ever, tkjat if a.-?e frje-Bd ol
Mra. Cfca A w j. k r.-ax t I -t v; th rur
to ee-i tie asr cuum. :.t.e i r-e Nert.-B f';a1ny
f.-a? lnrajoa. M could be d.--ne. aa such ar
Untx would haxe tin erect on tor ajuMOa.
Mr Frax-k aajd tie tad aeaved Krwk.
tvierX Oex'jia artomey f nr a tjaest
TxarvJ-cS.T.f the a-mcuDt Mr. Oix i. k s
aaacra. and be eijx-nei aa avnrw'er tx
ee- XUI X4 Talk
CIEV.l-AXl 1'ie. t Ketviver Li ons, is
arid Mra. chadwlck were In court and re
queeted that tha hearing go lr f f a
week. Mr A. F. Btaarna, repreaentlng Mr.
Newton, awJd th entire anattr would
dnulitln b aettlrd out of court.
lalnaa XX III Be raid.
CANTON, o., Dec. S Judge Albaugh,
rounael for Mra. Caiwle I Chadwlck, ad
mllled today that he wna In communica
tion with Ida client. Mr. Chadwlck, by
wire rrlrtay night, but decline to giva out
anytliltig cnmernltig the content of th
"IMi you atlll believe that Mr. Chadwlck
will be nlila to ettlo her flnancliU dtfflcul
tloa?" was naked
Yea. I am contldent everything will come
out all right In the end."
"Im you think the alleged Cnrnrgle notes
mentioned u the cnjMi.are genuine?" wa
"1 have no rewaun lo doubt It. I do not
think they are forger!."
"I ld you ever are the nntea?"
"Well, now, look here; 1 don t wnnt to
say anything; I inuat decline to any
whether I aaw them or whether I did not.
Alt that I will tell you 1 that I do nut
believe that they are forgeries."
Many Minor F.xenle Serve to Keep
People lattereated.
Mr. K J. Pchnoor haa rrturmd from a
trip to St. Ixii1h.
Mra II It. Jennings and min are visiting
filenila In I 'hit ago.
Mi. Hwlft nf l.oa Angeles Is visiting her
niece, Mra. V, H Jllrd.
Mr. and Mrs. II. It X'anl;runt hitv. rn- from Hloux Ka S. 1.
Mra. . XV. Keller and Mrs. X'. Hnttln
liHve returned from Collax Hprlngs.
Mrs. F. II. Hixhn wilt return Monday
from u visit with friends nt Ht. I, on la.
Mlsa M.irle Slimldt of Avofa wua the
guest or Mis Anna Mlkesell last week.
Mra. 11 II. Smith mid ami have returned
from it vlait Ht the St. Lajtila expoHllloii.
Mra. It. C. McCullouKh of Avenue II haa
reliirtieil from u week a visit with friends
Ut Oleliwood.
Iht. James Henry Carr of rtuff iln, N. Y.,
will be the fluent of Jitinei T. Aliiltiutan fur
aeveial weeas.
Colonel and Mrs. Hull of Pes Moines are
Iho guests of Mr. and Mr. J. J. Hess of
South Seventh afreet.
The "Willing Worker' of (5 race church
will entertain their friends ut u poverty
aotial Tuesday evening.
The. Ijttlles' Aid society of the. Flrat
Presbyterian church held a reception lit the
chmvli I'Hi iors Thuratlay a I lei noon.
Mr. and Mra. Frank 1 ill 11m or Kaiilng,
In., are guests of ttutr dnughtera, Mrs. C. llrown. and Mian Ktnu mills.
Miss Nellio Johnson iniertalned inform
ally on Monday ev, ning in in nor o Mia
Ktiia HI lis. Cover weie laid fur ten.
Mia. X'eMn, lia lamar of nukl ml axenue
enter. alned a number of file da
evening. About twenty-flva were present.
Mrs. J. A. Kllllns entertained the m m
brra of the Morning & Ue Socl.l club K.l
ttav evening. Palmy refresumcnta were
Mitster John Platter of Ol n avenua in
to, tallied xxxelve little IrknUs at a ttliy
pull Krldny evening lit cdeb, at. on oi hit
eleventh birthday.
Mra. I.. K. Hypes has an her gue t Mra.
J. H. a'e of Chlrago. Mis. 1. A. iS.e.i
mnn of Itelvulere. liL, and .Mi. i. A. Slittd
rl. k of Minneapolis.
Mr. J. T. Oulver of Pnrk avenue give a
luncheon afternoon In honor or Mrs.
liraxe.. and sirs. Wll. .urns of li. atu. Cov
ers weie laid fi.r tneive.
Mr. R. C. Perrgoy of First avenue en
tertiiined the Ktniire club Friday afternoon.
The prises were won by Mr. D. N, Jack
son mid Mr. Ptiinter Knox.
Miss Kva XX'Hlta was pleasantly surprised
Tuesday evening by a parly of school
friends In honor ol her tenth birthday.
Light refreshments were served.
Mrs. J. XX". Mitchell and Mrs. Frank T.
True will entertain nt a kensingtos Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. True,
complimentary to Mrs. I. C. lionhum, who
will shortly leave this city.
The KconomlraJ Cnrd club met at the
home of Mrs. A. C. Inline. Thursday nfter
n.Hin. The first prise was won by Mra. J.
Spare nnd the second by Mra. Kugction. A
dalnt:' luncheon was served.
The Thalia club waa entertained on Fri
day evening by Mi a Dota rto.eri. 1'he
prt:e. a'liaxiland ch na I late, waa won by
Xtlss Malice jonn.-oo, Mra. X'aaltmar john
son will be the next hostess.
The C. M. I club met last XX'odneisd.xy
with Mr. C. K. Hathaway. The first prise
waa won by Mrs. XX'inn. and the cul-for-all
pni by Mrs. Paul Schneider. Mrs. George
Hughes will be the next hostess.
Mra. Ed C. Brown of Olen avenue enter
tained last evening in honor i f her a ter.
Miss F.tna till. in. The evening was i-ent
wv.h mns.c and cards. A thre'-ecurfe pink
and white luncheon was atrx'ed. Covers
were laid for fourteen.
Mrs. Hafcy and Miss Josie Hagey of
Norfolk. Ntb.. spent a few d;ivs with Mr.
Mat Ttnlcy the lust week. Mis Hagey Is
cur librarian of Norfolk and while here
visited I he library in Omaha and this city.
Mrs. p. O. Brulngton of S ii;b Seventh
street entertained at alx-b.anded euchre
Thursday afternotvn. The first prise was
a ward.ti to Mrs. T. E. Cavin and the eon.
solution piiae xo Miss Kobert XV a 1 lace. The
rxHims were beautifully decorated in aspara-
f ,is ferns and biilersweet. A loMun
unchen wa aerxed. Covers were laid for
u n
An unusually attractive line
of practical ifts fur Holidays.
He sure to see them Itt ftire you
Carving Sets
I.nrKOKt mid fini'M illsplny of cunr.'in
tooxl ki'i'ti-itl(tPt1 Stool CnrviTs nil
sUrw InrKP nint rnrvct-a and sinsii
bird rarvrra '2. 3 and
R plot-e sets lip
nvi i- ii in 1 1
Pocket Knives
IXU HenrkleV. HoK8
nnd others all algcs
from $' to
Ilpntkloir, Star and
lett Safotlpa atropa
IUiEora up from
Chafing Dishes
Handsome nlckol-platpd with hot
xvnteT pan and alcohol
Intnp $H. down
5 O'clock Teas
Brasa and nlckel-platod
kettle and Maud,
up from
Enamel Ware Salo
Imported, Bios and White, 4-coated
1-3 Off R3gularPriCB, 1-3 Off
Rogers & Sons Co.
Fourteenth and Farnam Sts.
mmr mm
If you will stop Into Copley's he will give you
thebent-nt of 25 years' exiM-rlenoe In the jewelry
liU8ineaamOHT HERE IX OMAHA. Is thla worth
anything as a guarantee that his goods are reli
able? You can Judge the price.
"I M . i v Be dazy, Bui I M h Fool"
(Latest Soot Hit Sung by Bob Roberts.)
A carload of narhlsr. anal
Rreorda Jaat rreelxed for rhrlst
maa trade. Make yonr aelertloaa
early while osr'stsrk Is comptet?.
XX' e prepay expreaa rhargra oa all saall order. H
15th and Capital Ave., Omaha, Neb. J
tirnM: mw e ax tbe trx-emri.ia' ka I
.r i,ar aa AraM-Nata ta a ' baiJt .f Cber-
14 Tb vard beoa r O; )-ea:n 1 x-r?ery w t. -1ut S.l 4rK. greascng fte
, hfc, and lu&t Cijd(.ra tXe .flt f tbt
T. ever a x-oar and the
xaxowtba ht i bena c-dnr.ned ta .tt Vd
wsaj a Xt . aXaers'ats s tax. J
.TEVTMSKH, Or. I .rom
iX or rex-e T.-me t.t srtNKan v j etbtat exr T Ircbe sd rsJned about
4 i J rS A a iVaCs
XHTrt t 'WV t rereaBa x aaieeea.
Tfc'-a 1- rA XV. . NeX nWee-v
enM eiimXft'l a'ii" X 4T
X I l.-er w xtcoa Wlnay ir warwi) a
Kf-. ' k a ooar4 ii ' lA' -e at4
da 4kxy iiriM dba, Ai trxar-
Or, a xnuar aoaxh o Imv Mr
snm Tivm:ri) wv4 w TevH-asaek ant ba
xxnKX re-iattxira tex 14 Imvm a iiy a4
v,lia-w b,ta wtra Tormerx? Kiss Kt
ioi'r eg xKbs 41)
xaar.wa xst aaixees
TFx VKU. S, lec 4
Marowa XXaii,-. a yoane'T ventre 4 tbt
vxirr,cw, la Aea4 at iat Vinme rar Orab
CPrharA. ta that ofumu e avae a xs uteww.
avrA aKrurt Vie 4eaxe aex-wrwl -bfir'
a. XsXeakak.
trw Amrx. na., vkv t ,r v-gt
cM,eT.s t tiroi-a. gn4V cake j rf tbe currfry 1 XTtatTrv
i Mr,. , , , i Tieia a jniig oosrertoioe iK-r r.x L uim
Tb Mi baa Vera tiatrar xirare-XxtT "d m Arwewy Smlleu toAay At
.-w tor anout tx xars and ba gww-a r .-cJur mm ..f tbo aii.A:tg U
o.TOmnor xouji eiviisi ttie xnaiirr uuoer
couaaratMK. Mr fsuUtx-aji 6e uu-ed that
be i-ouid rttXi tin auttemei.1 xxhatsi-ea
boaxUig oa 1 xu:ir.
yathaa Uoer, iil'Oir.tei reiotii'er lw Jtra
itia.- '.. sta.j t.Uii.5 :
1 .x-e u.ken na eraon a xt inirl -Ci"li
jwisaiesaxijiB .i j,ty M-a OJ.4.6-
. k jimnortj Tbe irwrrf Te-arti-ca.
XI X 1 1 baiiiis rtf .miw ri&.miatiia
ta WW " tt luawMiie i: nuie tie
r- for n it tirn at. ."iior. iX oiiurx.
I I. t 1 am irtiinea ir ti.n.k will Tire I o.,r
tni: rm iwt aciTti ktra Cuac-
1. 4 rJtneiB. Ti,oT h l!U lie cm
voi.tjonei.( .a ttie i-eKHtioervi-O case zctu.y
XV ewTea Cat sVw a Xx-r.
tt fhnundw. mI as ui. imfwvn
Th Jitl) t;fr; erreT s Inr.g Ta re
prndvto. t-vt ft Wx W7rre ta a xry cona
lal j at ard foil bee ti tnnry J brat
a be gr4 exer brttig i;-k and w-aa able te
evbfvil agnuft. aaakiiig tour g-wAe
ta a annrt Tn ar fcear Wetl and X-e1Vjr
-( ti J-e w.utX aba lex-ea tb
-i.r tiMrd Motbeir eT. bar Aiikw
'nNVut( w a o " su ah
tboiirM Ad wae x-jie-Vur smtE are
gr4 bold 4f t lme xwLr book erne Avy.
wax.-k Je round la t rc4.kf and ie
ro.ltx. . MJ frea e taw mt tt xnane
X e-rwla. een A X 44 lf c ftewtxed I y ansae lt ta Turtle Oet-k Value gr''
o.wi. Xer4 at 4 hnsa) sssar 'u ow ) ix Tek'unx xT'o. T nir OreaA. afi.-L
Turwaay M aaa t4fra4 rrww - i a gaXal
taa Uaxtrarwa caiternh !!. XH-ajl.
CT. SXTXJi'STi Twy. 171 autt u"urtit
tx Herbeirt Pi Xi-sua nf liroiAline.. aiaaa .
.-.inea Km Owaaue 1 Otu.ji via eras ara.ti
aXal v xlai Uru IvxeaV. Th Kasvt I rwu tiwued tsr Jung. BihrawaX inoay Tbe
.tiaa. 1 M(.nrsi;-a rej irauui,j tt ati. Vwio
What Sulphur Does B 2
For the Humaa BoJy im Health and
J"h ccention of sulpcur will raca-1 ti
lAr ot ua th ewr.y days wba our
a.VwX.era and graoUaiotaer rsve s o-r
daa doe of aalphur ao-d moiaA ear
4 n i .g and taU.
It waa th universal prUf ,ar.d tali
"blood pur.tier." xoiAc and cr-au. astJ
jaiud you, xhi i..d-iatJurd lecoe-y waa
coi wi.tout inxriu
The loaa a good, but th reaii J waa
crud and unpa.atar4e, acd a li-'g -mv&-uiy
had to L taken to get any tiect
New adv s w get all t betvaial Ccta
of s-nlfibt in a paiaiasUc etLCrtj-a.
form, so that a wg't graia U :ar sxn
axux tdaa a latMassOvfal of U cruu
ta recent real a. reawrca axd exp-.mi
kvaxa prvxen t&at txtst .wptur fur c
d U fa-1 uae is toat cMainad uvra CsJctdaa
CJCa-m S-ii-ie.i aad aaiid u it4 a.o. as
u&tt Lb ua. of oavxi a x.aciuaB XX'af
era. Tty a-' aTT.sU avx4ai rcii4 -tu-Uis
acid cotlaia tt. ac J aaadjeuaU i ra
cJije f r ta a l:.gty caciLu.iratja
eoCUxe f craa.
Ft w t'K pie ar awar tt tlay x-Utf af iku
iorra ti la ravtJ u-g a&d aaa-AUui.-U.g
tsriiy xigor a&a teaUa: acta
fenj vr tixr, aad icr.y c(uj arid enrKM.ea tit tuoad t j the
ofmj4 I;cuT.e rx. tJ . Ba:.-uU.
O-r gradvf.iber krsi-w tus wkxea J
d;d iu with u!tt.ur a&d nut .air
ai-.i and aut tt cry&vy fcud
j cl tiniliT.aTT ftom-tn of jt wev
aruti. mar Uias tl aid c-i:
cwB4u w 11 Lb noaera dance ji f wd.x-r fef -'A.J. Stuart
ci i" t Xkaiara t iino04.t-.eaj- iht txax.
a: wtoeCx uved.
Tfary vr tb aiaitfai aLJ--.e :nr Ixvr
luj ajAay xreubrtis a 1.4 cxre ciBKUjtJiia
and juirirj ttnx toowd la a way ixat aru
surjinaaa iataeiit axi ' jlyssiLn a-tia:.
It. R. M XX i Al: that esj. mujtxsn
w-ndi ailiir mnada ti-und nut xiit
axAid-ur rnba Cs'tr.luw. sta kutmta ta .
aOeir l.a-iL. H. aJ. - Fw l i ar, avittuer
Jd X.loi.a crx tiuea. ejv3ia'J t., t re-au-tmc
tram .ist.v--t7huia wn itj. J
hax-a saxeji urprmi at J-b ful3 ob-alnaj
rrosB fftuan Oaimusa XgaJjira. In yu.iMu.ts
4.1Tnnug frnm tmu. and iiyi"je ai4 evin
6eri-eate4 oartur.H. 1 hax-e rejxta ct.e
tteaa e-e tr Jpafcr ix lou- a
tce aaya. ir rti.f e at. at ol-?
fcmMi; ti. ARbr-nr a Cj-tiurr, Waf
ers a rrMe-!rT arf-i. aas .r
CrursTM xSmx Tvtn ttho.4 i
tnar.y jit.xwuria.taa XT I km.-w nf iti;hrttg as
at.'. and ra' e -nnjiarjo jiw 4.mi
aritn. y " )rj.u iB ac ya--ma
iff ak r. cwakMS aa Uu rosnaCx
A3 M.J rai l"Iil whfc a- tire r yu,
ca-.baJio aa twoejd bufi u'tia-.
wiL hnd KuaJ-f (Wi.a ta atera a Tar
aJtV snare yaiatabu aaal dta(a ftrtaf,.
Xhajua i.areeaaaaj ajassj
3s S ifr! i ti--- I s
rtis rl , tx.k X rXvhtc I
1012 & fAtwi srctETS, o.nxru.
ithe PKortira rcstxiTTBii atttcait rrt c.
tiK wjsT-.h d"'r. R ur.. rrti.T'ie. Rrx-.irwi.rr.. nr... tr F''
away a scroti urn ta ail t-tx-nr at THE FDt."iT'5-E STCtKT. xl.i woe. Of H
OR CRJa3T. P n:ni.g t-f xrni r"u not onlv pi-x horwr grnnd fnr lew
morieT thaji elaew Wre.. t-ul wiB reejx-e xw .tii ahio'e oirr xrrTi rr-rtinurr- i t.lna
a h-na-ine rrm:k.a aa r-oted hiO.-, all tif xtl.n .-e itu-. dlaiiiv . mt awtt
yr;r taaraviy-m. Tfci m ax Ttrnrtxtmr a rerrx a linrtsnni f-'.Tl FTEK
aiasy t-ittr y.r.T.m .-4 etei-meratiod )rire.. wili klao e nr. tilivx
Premiums Given Axy With Every & of S0
1 art rti keax-y u-'r- ;i.:od Ta
jxv.r. 1 an xf Oersnaa Cl-ii.a Cut .n
1 I'.',rated Labs and haAe t
1 i.'u.k r-rume aSlrrnr.
Oililne nr H ru'ru-e,. aasrined
Ttklne fciifi nihieftfc
1 Voiiifcii tkiuatry.
Premiums Given Away Wffi Tverv Bill cf $25
S S.Vjd Cu-k K.xi-eir
1 '-ritf- StrxTiia Rag
1 SMa r.U. w
1 art t.l &;onr F'lsrei Tit-iospn.r
1 tx'efctho-oi rink Tahnurorta
1 T,nilor. t i ml." Rai'k
1 i u.k ! hiah.aMi.x rttitaliwi Center
. fWtll-
rrx-ixiinKS pvn axviy i'!i j-riTfl.jiW in vnch arid txr-rr
JrjxannkeDt in ihr jmi$vx, incl n.'i i up r.r OlmV. find n.:)iir.f
!rj-vsrniEl., Vtv.5s Kr.t f. T liflilfty tii?; M-ill U- (it-lix-xil
li-r vtxa rtq3f-i !' vol infoiiX'fiiif'iK'f yfnrsff
by rh xro vill rn'ilit yon Lecrfii.x.
Premiums Civen Awty With Tvery Sill f 53
1 ftr of ft.'iw DaTed Vrirx'e. i.iv! I 1 "Xal. FoUIIih. e--
rnrk. I ; ,anw No fii TlrvA
C?r'1'6"n" IWftrf 'P j 1 Tho,ireta air..."-.'. ni l-bi
V f-ViM.-hv Rivkert, rmdon -ohk or ( 1 Pl' 1 Ai-ihIii.. as Inche. r
ra.hc:t t.x- f.r.twh i ?S x-a-.Xs t.
x'"fci w Xtewxd Xoa Tuning r.n, I : r.nlr o: K.irv ro-ilea for eloiiMe
Ot.iir I eloo-a
- Premiums Civn Awfrx With rvrv Bill of lOO
- I ard .J lsf T'w" K'neee, anrt
Tirkv l.lale rr skill I'titeh
I I rtle' r-vX., g'ldel. osk e.!
it.ab4kr.x fifilsh
J x"ir.x T))e
1 V.,.., iNwi raider, or rni.h .pai.y
1 rmt- r-' T-i'-l Wi irialn
1 !hv- Hiiv-iielte ysa
. -..--.-, n-'-r-i
1 lt-.r.rng Mall Vlrrnr
Premim. Gxen Axvny With tvory C!U of 75
t JI ktiii.v T.Kx. ny.tiols's?! Ir. I 1 Ii'' r' RVT p.-'-
Sll.kt 1--X.O.HV
5 .(. r, t T-',,'e1 T? .-X- er
y.).l.i. o- i;;..-.v. -e-1.
I At; Xx'rw.: An S. um r-
1 ti h-K.". ew ----
1 1 -. i'e- Ii'-e-mtii; Ti.' i'
1 till. Tre
1 V-ir-l tntr
H-r).-K-t 'li-'a PIxu-.t Jetx. t-tc IV-rl-xr Pe' V
Xabineti. aw a ye--m mi.--, ott er ctioloe or M! o: am.