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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
18 HOWARD KENNEDY ON BENCH eea. te Jmtr asrtlet hkH Oatk OMm aa Ja. at Dletrte Caart. Jua.e Howard Kennedy, Jr baa take th. oath t offloa which btndi him a. ft mcmbar of tha dlatrlot beach la Dmia-la. county. Th. oath wa administered frlday evening- at I o'clock la tha affloa cf iha clerk of tha district court Mr. Kennedy racelvad hla certificate of eleotlon from Uo mln v.afatrdav. Ha m In that eltv Rat- urday setting hla commission and will inuini tha Judicial position Monday morn' Inf. Ha will take, temporarily, court room No. S. which la vacated by tha retirement of Judge Bartlett Am taapartaat Aaaaaacoaaaat. J. I Brandata Bona respectfully call your attention to tha change In location of various department!: Tha ehoe department la now located on ' tha mala floor. The carpet department, formerly In tha basement, la now on tha aecond floor In tha apace previously occupied by tha ahoes. Tha drugtiita' aundrlea, toilet articles, confectionery and aoda fountain now occu py greatly enlarged apact In tha Arcade. The paper patterns, sheet muslo and no tion departments are also located In tha Arcade. The toy department la now being? ar ranged In tha large room formerly occu pled by tha carpet department. Respectfully, J. L. BRANDEI3 SONS. Tha Baa Publishing Company, City Gen tlemen: Tha article appearing In your Sunday edition regarding; Judge Troup'e de cision In tha Injunction case of Regent Shoe Manufacturing Company against Kathertne Haakar, doea not atata tha facts, and leaves altogether an erroneous Im pression. Tha oourt did not decide that Mrs. Haaker'a Arm had a prior right to tha name "Regent" On the contrary, the court specifically stated that we had tha right to manufacture and aell Regent shoes and so mark our product. What the court did decide was that wa could not uaa tha trad name Regent Shoe Manufacturing company, as our corporate name, but the right to manufacture and sell Regent ahoea was not Involved, and, accordingly, wa expect to manufacture Re gent ahoea and sell same aa such. An appeal has been taken from tha decree In. the district court denying our right to use the trade nam Regent Bhoe Manu facturing company, to tha supreme court, with the right upon our part to use our trade name until the final determination of the case. Tours truly, REGENT SHOD MFp. CO., Successor to Wliyam. Shoe Co. and George Richardson Co. "Jew Tlana Card oa tha Wabash. Effective December 4, Wabash trains will arrive and depart as follows: From Omaha Union station r St Louis Express Leaves 6:33 p. m. j ar rives 8:20 a, m. Prom Council Bluffs, Union Paclflo Transfer depot: St. Louis Local Leaves 9:1s a. m. ; ar rives 10:10 p. m. Shenandoah Loeal Leaves E:tf p. m.; ar rives 1:80 p. m. Wabash City Offloe, 1801 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D. Card of Thaaks. Wa wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends for kindness and sym pathy ahown during tha Illness "and death of our granddaughter and niece, Mlas Myr tle Adams, MR. AND MRS. GEO. B. ADAMS. MRS, MINNIE 6 NEED. 8. Arlon Lewis will address the Philoso phical society Sunday afternoon, 1:30 p. m., at their hall, Seventeenth and Douglas. Subject, "Returning; to the Land." Tha pub Uo is cordially Invited. One and elertrlo table lamps make ac ceptable Chrlstmaa prrsents. Nebraska Elect rlo Co., 13th and Harney. Courlaa Printing Co., 160 Howard. Tel 44. 18-K. Wedding Xtlnga. Edholm, Jeweler. Have Root print It rnmmmmm aaaaapa Fashionable Footwear We are proud of oar lino of men's footwear this falL Wa think there lias never been another such line aeen In tha west Wa show the smartest and nobbiest sty lea of the season;, tha newest correct lasts; all tha .well leathers In both the shiny and dull finish; the most perfect fitting and finest finished shoes made to aell at our prices: J 3,50, $4 tnd 15. CQ FRY SHOE HRI AiOrWIw An Omaha Motor Man Asked his conductor "WHAT TIME IT WAS? The conductor asked the motor man "WHERE HIS WATCH WAST" The motor man said "IT IB IN MT BOOT-I NEED THE WATCH AND AM NOT OOINQ TO GMT TOUCHED FOR IT." Are you GET TING TOUCHED fur high prioea for drug at are things? If so It's your own fault 'cause ae have a drug etore In Omaha, So. Omaha and 'Council Bluffs (see street numbers below) and guarantee our prices to be the lowest obtainable In this pari of the country. We are still .siting II. U0 Peruna for - Itc tl.Ort Iter's Malt Whlnkey 4o tl.rt) Pure Canadian Malt Whlsksy 7fco 11 09 Kalamasoo Celery Tbo 11 (i0 Klmmt'll Bitters (genuine) 76a II 10 , TtM) Ko Vennen's Talcum Powder ISo t&c Cutlcnra Snap t"0 Mc 8'Kletle Hy.enlnue Soap to tec Graves' Tooth Powdur 100 Can you beat these prioea T Could you TOt'CH them until ws started the ball rolling T Ouesa not! SCilAEFER'S DRUG blORE E T. TATFA Prop. Mth and Chkaao Sis., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 5J: Mth and N Sts., Bouth Omaha, J'hone No. 1: ith Ave. and Main St . Coua cll Uluits. 'Phone S3 J. All ula delivered la ei liter ally absolutely free. NOVEMBER, 1904 passed Into history, leaving the best record ever made by the BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska and this notwithstanding . presidential election year. There Must Be a Reason. Its policies are not excelled in the world. INFORMATION CHEERFULLY FTJENISIIED UrON APPLICATION TO B. H. R0BIS0N, President. AT SACRIFICED aaiE mm II Headquarters for Holiday Coods THB3 BBUABLB STORB. Headquarters for Holidaf Coods Guarantee Clothin 1519 and 1521 Douglas St. gCo, SPECIAL CLOTHING VALUES $15 and $18 Men's Suits $10 and $12.50 W. P. JVLARSOAXX. D. C. HURLEY C. II. FREDERICK CO. 1504 FARNAM STREET Th Fashion Furnishers for FashlonabI Fellows The acknowledged leaden In FURNISHINGS for the FASTTION ABLE PEI.LOWS of Omaha and vicinity. LEADERS LN STYLE, LEADERS LN QUALITY AND LEADERS LN VARIETY. XJ1AS PRESENTS All furnishing goods suitable for Chrlstmaa now in stock. SHIRTS The beat, the moat stylish and the most durable shirts on the market, 2.00, $1.50, $1.00. NECKWEAR The latest-ln all stylee COc to $L50. UNDERWEAR In al) weights, the perfect fitting and In all kinds wool, silk and wool, Balbriggan and up to the finest Bilk. Prices from $1.00 to 110.00. FANCY VESTS White and figured from $2.50 to $5.00. HATS New low crown, wide brim soft hats, in all colors. The new negligee shapes so suitable for young men at $3.00. $4.00 and $5.00. STETSON HATS In' the best qualities and all shapes we are sole agents for the "Stetson Special" Hat In Omaha. DERBY HATS In the new Dunlap styles, In all proportions, suit able for everyone always $5.00. $5.00 STETSON SPECIAL $5.00 Stetson Clear Beaver Derby. $6.00. Our $3.00 Derbys are the best In style and as good aa can be sold at the price. The exclusive agents for the Stetson Special and Dunlap Hats at $5.00. We also carry a com plete line of Cravenette Coats, Umbrellas and other useful things suit able for Men's Chrlstmaa Presents. OUR BUSINESS To do dyeing and cleaning of garments and other articles. OUR AIM.... To do our work just a little z better than the other fellow. Twin City Dye Works 319 S. 15th St., Omaha, Telephone 1521. 21 N. 26th St, Council Bluffs. Telephone 310. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. 11143-11 17 Farnam Street J HOLIDAY DRESSERS Jfew line of Dressers in Oak, Ma hogany, B. E. Maple and eurley Birch specially selected for the holiday trade just received. This lot con tains some of the bi'st values shown this season and are all that can be desired in design and linish. 'mm P,4? -swi l WV -v f r.h -;, g paid) Oak Dressers at $12.: $24.50," $26 and $15.50, $18, $20, $21, $22, $31 Extra good Princess Dressers with very large base C Q O and mirror, finely finished at -.... 45s O Mahogany Dressers at $29, $33, $34, $30, $38, 0AA . $41.50, and up from. U1 Specially good Mahogany Princess Dressers, large OQH mirror, fancy front at OOU B. E. Maple aad Curley Birch Dressers at $27, $29," Q C O $34, $39, $41, $46, $55 andup from OD t IffiflLlTV El COflTl Til T Hershey Colony 1.000 acres of finest lrrtated Lend now open for s. it o ment. FINE CLIMATE Sure Jr, pleasant ummn, ry winters. FINE SOIL dark, rich, sandy loam, easy to work, doe not bake, porous subsoil. PIN10 CROPS alfalfa, three crop yearly, one to two tons to acre each cutting; SUGAR BEETS ten to twenty tons to acre, sella now 17.00 ton; other crops potatoen. barley, oats, fruit, etc. Price per a lire 120.00 up, averaflnf $38.00; one-fifth to one-third down, balanoe one to seven years at ( per cent Special excursion next Tuesday, December 6th. For full par ticulars, write or call at onoa PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. MAIN FLOOR K V. UPB BU1LOINQ, OMAHA. NEBRASKA m 1 That's where we shine. We make it a point to handle nothing but good coal and we handle it right. Careful drivers make delivery just where you want it. YUKON EGG $625 BURLINGTON EGG $5.00 Clean, hot and lasting burns freely no clinkers the most heat and the least asbes. HARMON & weeth, 16091 Farnam Telephone 2417 p lA few moments spent In lnyrMirtlor, Shades and fabrics. workmnslili nnd ma n will conrlnc you of the tuTiorltv ox They come In eli.sle or do- these values. ble breasted ivies. In all i. ale tl.m rewrst Copyright 1904 by Hart Sah&ffne d Marx tenn rvrellenL Suits mull .,nh at (U.m and 10.00 Hi.00 AND IU.0O OVEREATS AT $10.00 AND 12-bik Just when you need It most rlrbt at the t'Firlnntns; of thin cold snai we offer thee extra special values all lentlm with or without belted backs, lancy mixed and plain colors, 7pnrtidly tiit lored with sood lining and trimmings- our sclnl price 1( Monday tlAW and Youths' Long Pants Suits A line Hie like of which Is not to b found elsewhere ws have thesn suits In shades and colors, single and double i-e--ted "tvlps. In all slxt'S they're worth 10 00 to 112 50- R (JO spidai, at $7.60 and .....",vvr YOUTHS' OVERCOATS-ln medium or long, with or without belted back w-11 made, worth up to 110 R t our Bpcclal price 17.60 and JJKJ Boys' and Children's Knee Pants Suits Made up In double breasted sailor blouse, Russian blouse, Norfolk and three piece stvles, In fancy, mixed and plain col ors, worth 3 to $.150- nrt special sale price $2.50 and JKJ Children's Overcoats, In all the newest up-to-date -tylcs and fabrics the very nobbiest of ue-lg-ns extra special values 2. SO Monday, at . and v ill COAL MB WOOD OF THE COAL AND ICE COMPANY 411 South 15th St. 'Phone 455 and 575. Crescent Egg and Nut $6 and $5.75 Rock Springs $7.15 The Most for the Money and Economy. M Befor out to daylight fuuctlons you go. Into Frock Suit you mutt jro. And may tb. Fata, deal gently with tb. beolghted mortal who foe. where "folk." are In anything but a Made-For-You Frock Coat. Impres.lT. ia he who It wiae enough to have bud mnde a MacCarthy Made-For-You Frock Suit the kind of a frock ault that doesn't make you Jook lke an undertaker. 45, $33 and $70. MaaCarthy Tailoring Company, a 111 : tint door te Wabash Tloaet Offtea. eas U4I. begin to save1-today? There is no dishonor In true economy. Don't hesitate to lay aside a reasonable portion of your Income. If you so desire we will talk It ovsr with you and kelp you save It $1.00 opens an account here. We pay I per cent Interest on deposit.. , Omaha Loan & Building Association 1704 Farnam. Bee Building, a W. LoomU. Prea a. VL Nattlnger, 8eoy I Shook Mfg CO., J Wholesale JEWELERS Fine Cut Glass t Silverwareaod Jewelry 1 Oood. at wholesale price., del our price, before you decide to buy ' 405 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONE 1756 Teeth Extracted With out Pain. Filling. SOc up Crown. $2.50 up Bridge Work $2. 50 up Plat.. $2.00 up Fourteen Year. Sain. Location The mo.t sensatlve nerv-a removed with out pain. Loo., teeth mad. .olid. Written durante. ICE TOOLS may not Intrireat you, but they do the ICE MAN We are exduslva western ag-enia for Wm. T. Wood & Co' a. celebrated tool, and ounveyors. 1511 DoJg. St, Seal tar cat lacua. Cure for Fits On Trial. Here Is the fairest offer ever made te the uffsrer with epilepsy or fits. Just deposit $1 60 with your druggist and get a bottle of Elixir Koslne. If It does not help you and show that lis continued use will effect a complete and lasting cure, get your money bark. . Tour druggist will take all the risk, en1 this offer will be faithfully carried out. Elixir Koslne will poxltlvely cure eplleptlo fits and all similar nrvus Iwltchlngs and spasmodic affection, no matter what the catiau. If It dues not. your druglst will re turn the money. Iv Is the only known cure for Ills, the only remedy for this disease that coat, you nothing unless It cures Price II 6ft. Mall ordure filled. KOBINB CO., Washington, I). C, or hieaton lrug Co.. 16th and Farnam. For Menstrual Suppreislon'.. cr-s-jr; P 13 IN -TAN-GOT MIS la Uuta kr S.wM. a Mrt'.BU.II tra Cft BUil atean aiMS. InS M s.U.4. s e Seal hie s SEASONABLE ADVICE and REASONABLE ADVICE IF TOU WANT TO DRESS STYLISH 'ANIJ WELL AT A REASONABLE- COST Call on HELGREH & GRADPJANN, Tailor.. 309 South 16th Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OsJs- Oa. Dell at Yea. a f'1 SPECIAL SALE FAMILY WINES This Week Pure and Unadulterated CALIFORNIA WINES Fori, Sherry, Angelica, Uincitel. Swiet Catawba The3 (rood are tiimu of the oldett and bent California Wlnea in the market, usual price 50c an J 75c per quart and $2.50 per gallon. Special Sale Prices, p:r gal. $1.25, per qt. 35c We cater to the best family trade and aell only PURE UNADULTER ATED goods, ana carry the moat complete Una of straight whiskies, cordla . etc. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING WINE AND LIQUORS. II. MAY & COMPANY, RELIABLE FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE 1303 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. THE TEL. 2289. iH-' " " " The New Potay In tha new bluoher eut with ths double sole for winter wear fine quality of Velour Calf. We also have this last In the patent colt button styles, wlih military heel for 13.50. We're at no extra expense Vn sell ing thcxe shot with us It Isn't one line but mauy. ao that the expeime Is divided, slid you get the mvlu. we make in ttt vaJu. we give to the shoos. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 FARNAal STREET, enahi'i Up-Ii-Oili Sb3i Hosst ABK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Right-Up-To-Date It may sound a Utile queer to talk about being- up-to-date in me uoai bunloe-a. bocausa O al doesn't ohaDg-o styles, bat tbere are all sorts of trades at. all o-u of price, and we have to keep posted in rega.-d to . ... .. - a,. tL. dealer, and qua iilesaad prloes, in order to servo our customers vua bet advantage. We keep as cloee wutch on these things a the milliner d os on the PrU dlotatlns. MONARCH COAL cornea from deep lower veins In the Wyomloff dUtrict-ls the hardest lignite coal mined. No, nocllnker, no sulphur and little smoke. LUMP, $6.75. NUT. $6.25. Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS & CO. 219 So. Hlh SI. Ids. 317-825. $8.00 Mantel Clocks $4.00 tunn Mantel Clooks $5.50. These Clock, were boufc-ht by us at less than oot to manufacture Nothing nicer for a Christmas gift or that will give more wit. Sf."m ivCTy clock 1. guaranteed to 1 a perfect timekeeper. Couio in and look thein over and we know you'll buy one. P. E. FL03UAN & CO., 1514 Cipitol Ave. Ask For Bergen Olass, No B-tter M.Jc Cear i pun wltr from a $pirkllng $ frit g. Western D stnbutors Reichenberir-Smith Co. WboleHale Jewelers (Larast la tb. West.) Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc.