Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1904, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUyPAY, DECEMBER 4, 1904. 14 Raf FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE M acre, only 64 mll went of city, West Dodge fit , $o per acr. 80 acre. Improve I, u miles northwest of Omaha, on Military road. (So per acre. 140 acre, about four miles from South Omaha, 176 per acr. 154 acre, It mile (outhwest of South Omaha, with fund two-story house, larg bam and other buildings; Improvements alone worth K.5-0. Price $lo,'. 104 acre. 13 mile northwest of city, $65 per acre. 16 acres, about 15 mile southwest of Omaha, with new Improvements, $S5 per acr. 2S acres, well Improved, a boat 25 miles Southwest of Omaha, $m) per acre. 12$ acres, wsll Improved, about 11 miles from South Omaha. $S0 per acre. 40 acres, well Improved, ne.-ir Ht. Edward, Neb., In Koone county. M2.60 per act. Also several well Improved quarter sec. lions In Boone county from $37.50 to $30 per acre on very easy term. 760 acres. In Dawson county, Neb., alout 00 acres In allalfa, with two good pets of Improvements which cost over $6.WJ; $W per acre. OROKGE & COMPANY, 1W1 Farnam St, Omaha. 7804 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years lime. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." KK 4-3 YOUR FARM. RANCH. HOMK OR OTHER property. No matter where lo cated. If you desire a quick sale call or send us description and price. Hefore buying a farm, ranch, home or property of any kind anywhere write us. We have or can get what yon want. Address the Western Home enunciation, room 1110. Mc Cague bldg., Omaha. Neb. RE MS19 FARM BARGAINS 137.(0 per acr buys a good west Iowa farm. 14 mile from railroad; good house ana other Improvements; land excellent, lightly rolling; f, miles from Council Bluffs, Harrison county; not Missouri bottom, but the cheapest 24o-aerea farm on th market today. 190 acres Howard county land, well Im proved; 7 miles from county seat, near good town, school and church; $22 per acre. 180 acres good land, fair Improvements, 5 miles from Waterloo, Neb.; a bargain at $46 per acre. On of the cheapest farms In Howard county; 600 acres well watered nnd good land In every respect; a thoroughly equipped and well Improved stock farm; good, largo orchurd, lino house; $24 per acre. 18o acres 4 miles from eastern Nebraska town; clay soil, well Improved and well located; $1,500. 180 acres 4 m.l'j of Arcadia, 10 uc ej farmed, all fenced and cro.-s f clued, val ley land, choke soil; 14-story house, large new barn, well nnd mill; 13,300. JOHN B. HANSEN, S21 N. Y. Life. 'Phone3432 816 4 JUST THE THING FOR A STOCKMAN. 0,30 acres In one solid body, Washington Co., Colorado, 10 miles southwest of Yuma on main line of H. & M. R. R.; 5.740 acre state school land, under 7-year lease; only 6c per acre, balance deeded; over 14 miles of good fence, red cedar post; cottage, born, sheds, rorrulls, 2 wells and windmills In pasture, with reservoir of 1.0o0-bbl. capacity at each well, with pipes to drinking tank; im provements cost fully 14.000; hay and grass for 1,000 head cattle, Best proposition be tween Omaha and Rocky mountains for atockgrowers who don't want to tie up money in land. $4,600 buys deeded land. Improvements and assignment of school land. C. R GLOVER A SON. Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. . RE-841 4 FARMS FOR SALE DAWSON COUNTY 490 acres, fine v. Im provements, as good land aa there Is In the county: only 6 miles from Lexington. Price, $12,000; easy terms. 600 acres, close to Klin Creek, well Im proved; 40 acres In alfalfa. Price, $22.30 Ser acre; reasonable terms. UGLAS COUNTY Choice, Improved, 80 seres, 3 mile from Waterloo. Price, $8,000. CAbtt COUNTY Improved, SO acres, 7 mllea from Plattnmouth. Price, 160 per acre; to trad for a good collage In Omaha. RANCH. The best ranch In eastern-Cherry county, 3,200 acres deeded land, fine Improvements, also stock If desired; will take part of this lit good trade; this la a snap. Sholes-Armstrong Company, 721-723 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. 773 4 ' L. Cheap Lots Between Omaha and South Omaha. Near the new street car barn at 34th and Vinton, tho Great Western Elevator and Mill Grounds, and the Omaha, Beatrice & Uncolii Interurbnn Grounds. $500 for choice lota fronting on the Boule vard, between -Sih and Hist; $360 and $400 for good Inside lota. Lota on 24 tn sireui, Just north of Vinton, for $600 ad $700. Hastings & Heyden. 1609H Farnam St. Phone 1906. RE-785 4 CHEAPEST stock farm in Iowa; good Im provements; M acres timothy, cl ivi r, blue grass; plenty o.ieap com; two gioU stock ma keta; pacr.nee, $12,500. F ank Btuart, Churl, on, la. 719 4x REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE H Farms x H In Central and Western Ne braska and Kansas W hav Just made arrangements for. th sale of a large tract of good farm land In these two states ranging In price from $6 to $15 an acre for unimproved, and $10 to $30 an acre tor Improved farms. Easy term. Special ratea. Hastings & Heyden, 16094 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. -671 3 HERS HEY COLONY Just opened for settlement. 8 iH ACRES OF FINE IRRIGATED LAND. FlNJal BOIL. FINE CHOPS. FINE CLIMATE. SPECIAL EXCURSION next Tuesday. December 6. For full particular write Immediately to Payne Investment Company, Main Floor New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. M206 3 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES a $10 OFFICE In Th Be building carries with It all the convenience aad advan tages In th way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday levator service. A $10 oftlce Is now va cant. Call at once. K. C. Peters tk Co., ground floor, Be building. I 23 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILdING I ground floor ohicea and one . upstairs. ' Yes, that's all we have vacant.' All of t beni redecorated. Buiotly modern, up-to-date, CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor V. S. National Bank Building. I lA, I l-BTORY and basement brick building, 10)3 Farnam, 22xlm, hydraulic elevator, suit able fur wholesale or mn.uc.uii:ig. 314 First Nat t Bank building. 1437 W remova dirt only. Chicago Laundry. FOR RENT Half of ground floor and all of scond floor at 916 Farnam Ht. 1-MS80 3 jfp a GOOD light Is ncedid w can show you a liorfh trunt ofbi on toe li in iw ', a splendid room, at th mcderat price ij r.'O. K. C. Peter 4 Co , ground floor, Bu building. . 1-62 FOR RENT Large atora room,16th and Vinton, $10.00 per month. 4 rooms, 3134 Mason 81.. $7 00 per m .nih. C M. Bachtuann. 436-37 Paxton Bio, a. JDH RENT, the utile room vaoatrj by Judge Howard Kennedy. Inquire B Bid" 1M22 $ Edison. Victor phooogTapha. Nb- Cyol Co FOR RENT HOUSES F. D. WEADS Winter price house for pent: . .11 - , , turn (Ml W. 25th ...... $25.09 9- room, modern except furnaoe, 1314 B. 31st JS-W 9-rorm. modern except furnace, 2901 Farnam 9-room, city water, W Maple 18.00 s-room, modern except furnace. Just being put In good repair, 2o Seward. 20.00 5- room, modern except furnace, and barn J0 00 8-iooni, modern except furnace, $632 Davenport 26.00 7-room. all modern, 2133 N. th 15.00 6- mom, modern except furnace, 3519 Lafayette 23 u0 lo24 UOUGLAS. . D 34 4 RENTAL BARGAIN 44th and Dodge, 8-room house, modern ex cept iiirnacfi iwv it, to, rm vim v. line; lies very nicely; rent reduced to $17 if taken at once. BEM1S, Paxton Block. L 868 4 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Block. D 4J HntKP In all parts of the city. Th llJU JLJ j. F. uavia Co., sun Bte b'dg I I. i M FOR RENT, 6-room house, In flist-claaa condition, with large lot; convenient to car due. $10. fi. Win at. 1 Mo6 McCauley Express Co. for moving, atorage, baggage delivery. 0 B. loth. TeL144. FOR RENT, two 8-room modern houses, without furnaces. Will rent either one lor per month. Located 8. W. covner 4th and Center. I.aal occupants paid W ler cent moie rent. Do you waul one lor the winter? R. C. I'etcrs & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. D MKo 804 S. 19TH St., 7 rooms, modern, 2nd floor t'M N. 24th St., V rooms, modern -vJJ iiti Pierce si., 7 rooms, niouern U.W 'Hc, B. Mia ave., 6 rooms, city water., li.iw 24:4 F.mniet at., 6 rooms, city waier.... li. uurt st., 4 rooms, city waier IWjH N loth st., o-rooni hat, bath. ga, etc l w 3di7 A. ith a'.., II rooms, well, barn.... H.00 1n.K rv' Imh Hi K rooms. CUV water. ... 11 W 33 i. Win si.. 6-rm. eoltagt, city water li.00 McCAGUh) lAiVUiBlAltirt J. 1603 Dodge st. D Mi64 3 SNAPS B rooms, aas. c.j .. .er, nne con- dUlon, 3 bed luums, aimust new. On.y ideated itul N. 2ith. Slio Many, rooms, luooern except furnace-, in eiegani co.m.t.o.i. Vacaied De cemoer t anu reduced to eilJ. 30i is. i-tin, a ri-oiiw, on ci une ana paved street, omy n ier rfiontn. 6ii . t.L.' u cCoI. Tel. 14.2. D (Ml 4 TRY Lendeen s Aniiseritic Hair Tonic. A HOME on Binney St., 10-room house, tc ueuauie pany; t-D per moiiiti, Ueiepiiun B3W7. D-430 THE Omaha Van and Btorage Co. pack, move ai.u store 11. l good. Bioreaouse, ll.'0-4 is. mm. Otlice, lalls Faiuam. Tel. I6u. D 441 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1-tuD. Oiuco lii3 Webster Su D 433 YiDi IQP ln parts of the city. R. C. ilJJ wLw ieiers Ac Co., Bee Buudii.g. D 33 PAYNE-BUST WICK & CO., choice houses. 0U1-UU3 New York Lite Biug. l'ho..e iuIo. D i2i 7-ROOM modern house, furnished, one block from car line: snap to rignl party. 'Ptiuu 34i,l. J. W. Wearne, 2i0a B. lSlh. D M507 4 FOR RENT Modern 8-room flat oppo.slt Hanscom park, 34. '1'hone bii. D 136 6-ROOM cottage, S013 South 2d street; city . I I ,1 I , i . ,1 H 1 niiri, ill SV7UU Lvnuiiiuii, icui, ,v .vaovt Bieen, r. Karbach block. D 36 FOR RENT, after January 1,- for several months, modern furnished eight-room house. Bnap tor right party. Reierenoea. Address H , Bee. D M7bU 7-ROOM cottage, 1530 S. 28th St. Clarke Powell, 161 Capitol av. 'Phone 921. D M498 MONEY Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. FOR RENT. 2631 Hamilton bt., t-iuom modern house $20.00 1313 North 26th St., 6-room modern house 17.00 2611 N. 33d St.. B-room cottage 10.00 2559 Dodge St., 10-room modern house.. 60.00 21st and Webster Sts., 10-room mod ern nai tu.w 1503 Park Ave., 6-room flat, modern exoept furnace 16.00 W. R. I10MAN, 1517 Farnam St D-150 1 BIX-ROOM brick, modern. 1630 Kyner Ave. D-155 2x 1101 8. 80th St., ten-room, all-modern house, oak nnish. A. G. EUlck, So2 City Hall. D-153 USE Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. FROM $6 up. Beyer, 22d and Cuming 8s. Tel. 2049. D 947 D22 HOUSES FOR RENT. $202016 Elm st., 7 room cottage, modern but furnace, good repair. $172916 Shirley, 8 rooms, modern but furnace. 20844 Park aye., 6-room cottage. $16-837 So. 22d. 7 rooms, barn. $16 New, 7 rooms, near Krug park. $13 2U04 N. 22d, 6 rooms. 112.50-2321 8o. 16th, 6-rocm flat. $113421 Mason, 6-room cotiace. IH-2616 N. 81st. 4 rooms. GARVIN BKOS, 1604 Farnam. D-632 FOR RENT 8 rooms, entirely modern, lately house all gone over and put ln first-class condition; 1811 Lothrop St., $25. Five rooms and bath, upstairs of double 26tUS8t hotand cold water and gas, 410 N. THK A RllflTT-POW A XI rr Third Floor First Natlonat Bank' Bldg. x none OllOtl. D Ml a It OR RENT 8-room brick flat. Just com pleted, 22S0 Douglas street; electric light and all modern Improvements. Apply to iY; N- Chambers, 23 U. 8. Natl bank bldg. "Phono 1461 D 637 4 8 ROOMS. 1811 Lothrop st., entirely modern, riviitjy pin in uii-mn snape, AI1ROTT-COWAN CO.. 304 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D 648 3 FOR RENT K-ronm house; all modern ex cept furnace; 706 N. 3oth St.; $18. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. D 5i3 FOR RENT, A brand new modern brick house, 8 room, walking distance, only $42.5u per month. 31 t und Howard sta. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. D 822 4 HOUSES, 2 rooms and up; also INSUR ANCE CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D KOl'NTZE PLACE, furnished home for rent during winter, very cheap, to right people; all conveniences. Write P. O. Box 044. D 764 4 ADV. CUTS Wheo ton. Bee Bldg. FOR RENT, 4023 Farnam at.. 8 rooms, all modern, barn, convenient to Farnam car line, only $.15 per month. It. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. D M823 SEE our Sunburst Skirts stylish, graceful and durable. Goldman Pleating Co. D BUY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. 8-ROOM new brick furnished, complete, all convenience; within three blocks of city hall; for the winter. G 53, Bee. D 888 4 FOR RENT. 40th and California, 8 noms, new..,,, 4"th and California. 8 ro mi, new 13i2 Bouth 31 -t St.. $ rooms, midern... .$40.0) . 85. 'O . 85 '0 . I .5) . 80 01 . 1 .110 , 18 00 . 18.' . 15.' . 110) . )fl. 0 . 10 4"ia Fatnam t., 7 loom, modern...,. 142') North 25 h t.. 6 ro m. modern. 547 Bouth 25th ave. 7 rocma, m-utern. Ififi Perce at.. 8 rroms 2ti! South llth St.. 6 rooms, modern.. 2-JV4 Clark st., 7 rooms 1(1' 9 North iM st., 6 rooms rn North JTth at., rormi 131 North 37th at.. 6 room The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th street. D 1 80 4 130 N. TH-8 ROOMS, MODERN, $3o.i0 1137 B. 3kTH 6 RUOMti, MODERN, $30.00. 122 CLARK 5 H M MS, $l6.m. JOHN N. FRKNEK. OPP. OUJ P. O. D FOR RENT-Two modem brick house, K rooms, l.'S each. Noa. 1717 anJ ni'l farK Ave. W. U, Xhouiaa, First Nat'l Bunk Bid , P-M744-V FOR RENT HOUSES Payne, Bostwick & Co., JH02 Farnam. choice -r., strictly all modern house on car line, hnrd wood finish, $.. 306 Bo. 38th. 8-r., strictly all modern. In fine repair, mantel and grate. Hard wood nn iHh. etc., $45. l-9 8o. 2tn, i-r.. strictly modem, barn, larre vard. naved atrwt. only $J. A snap. 84.W Bristol, 8-r., all modern, hard and soft water, good barn, Jo. 19ol Bo. lanh ave., 8-r., strictly all modern, fine reoair. aood barn. 135. (113 Bo,, splendid -r.. strictly all mod ern house. In fine repair, close In, $35. $410 Beward, i-r., all modern except furnace. t'.ii Michigan ave., 6-r., city water, close in, 115. 39 N. 24th, choice, brand new, 6-r all modern cottage, reduced to $32.5". 2615 Decatur, h-r., city water and aewer, large yard, $16. 1 N. 17th. nice 3-r. flat, on car line, within walking distance, $s. 603 So. 3oth ave., 6 nice rooms, city water Inside, only $16. A bargain. We arc anxioua to rent the above houses and will make special Inducements on any one of them. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-S N. Y. Life Bldg. D 629 4 $10 WILL BUY more nnd better poods her than $15 at Installment stores. We carry the largest stock In Omaha. Terms: 2i worth, $1 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE CARFET CO., Between 12th and 13tli, on Farnam St. D-885 4 FOR RENT. Walking distance, close in, near center of city, a new brick house of 8 rooms. Every convenience obtainable. No. 2220 Douglas st Only f 50 per month. Look at it. R. G PETERS & CO., , Ground Floor, B-e Building. D-M-826 FOR RENT. $302410 Seward St., 8 rooms, mod. ex. fur nace; win rem a llttie ie.- on lease. $251315 S. 32d St., 8 rooms, mod., good repair. D. V. SHDLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 49. D 784 4 FOR RENT Southwest corner 36th and Dodge Sts. A state y row of four new houses, Containing 8 rooms each and possess ing every modern convenience. situated in the West Farnam District, a short, convenient distance trom Farnam car line. $42.50 per mont.i for the inside houses. $45 per montn tor tne two outsid;onej. K. C. Pbl bKS & CO., GKOUiNL) FLUUK, bfcc bLD'G. D M 83 FOR RENT. 9-room modern i,uue, iioi mwest corner 24th uuu 'leuifieion ave.; UcAxvtici ut KjMfA.iHl, 1001 Farnam. St. D iUoiu 11 6-ROOM modern flut, 423 N. 16th. 4-I'oolu llluueru Hal, out IN. itolil. i-iuuiii iiuuc, anu uitrn, iio- in, Z7th, lu uuu oiiicea, ino I'aruaiii. J. ll. numui'm, BLOCK. D oOi 4 FOR RENT, 8-ro.m house, in w-lk.i.g dlJ tance li'unl uuwi.iown, acner, ndiv,, gaS, wiuii or wunuul bum. 410. V. U. eihuer, lui3 N. X. Ule D i HI 4 FOR KENT, 6-room house with water and gas. lu.v F St., bouth Omalia D M7S6 6x BOUTH OMAHA RESIDENCE, 40th and X sis., live rooms, good oarn, liuee lots, btaiiiig vlneyaiu, etc, lo per montn. in quire of S. A. beanc, 314 Omuna xsailonal bank. Phone tMU. D MB44 4 FULLY modern 8-room house, near 33d and Burt sts., hot wuter heating, steel range In kitchen, near two car lines, $3u per month; owner pays water rem and re moves garbage, etc. C. K. Glover at Son, main Moor N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. D-S-U 4 $35633 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. $341533 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. kt Mi 8. Zfcih St., 10 rooms, mouern. $30107 N. 23d Bt., 8 rooms, modern. $a J016 Plnkney st., V rooms, modern. $lt 344 Franklin at., 6 rooms, modern. K. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. D 824 4 FOR RENT, the new six-room frame houses on southwest corner 33d and Cum ing. Every modern convenience, Includ ing electric light, polished floors and nicely decorated walls. Corner house, $32 per month; Inside houses, $30 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. D 821 4 1612 Lothrop. 8 -., MODERN-$25. 4oi2 Bewalu, 8 r., md. except furnace $21 813 8. 3H h, 8 r., NhW, JiUOtKN-tk 3J34 Cuming St., 7 r., NEW, MODERN $30. 2b02 Pratt, 7 r., fine repair $16. ID-V Grant, 4 r.. city $8. 22.1 and California, 8 r., VEnY H WELL $45. lMi Sherman ave., 8-r. flat, modern 11. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Lit. D 632 4 HOUSE 6 rooms and bath, modern, corner lot, nice lawn, one block from car line; house In good repair, $-3.00. 1C02 Ohio St. Inquire at 2601 N. 15th St. D 614 7x 6-ROOM cottage, 1931 S. llth st. D M757 lOx WANTED TO RENT WANTED 2 to 6 rooms, furnished or un furnished, by young man led couple. Must be heated and In good nelgnbor hood. Would consider suite of rooms with board in private family. Address, J 66, Bee. K itto 4x WANTED Desk room ln clean office cen trally located. Rent must be reasonable. Address, J 67, Bee. K M7S8 ox WANTED, a nice, sunny front room, vi cinity 28th and Pacific. Address J 19, Bee. K-647 -IX WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover Bon. K 418 WANTED Room and board In private family; state particulars. Address, J 64, Bee. K 734 4x GOOD 4 or 6-room cottage to move to west ern part of city, ll 4, Bee omce. , K M609 6x WANTED Room and board In So. Omaha, convenient to packing houses; private family preferred. H 1, Bee omce. K M606 6x UBK Lundeen Antiseptic Hair Tonic Edison ft Victor phonugrep's. Neb. Cycle Co. WANTED-4) or 9-room house near Bouth Omaha. U 46, Bee omce. xv alooo ex PART of office ln central location. H 10, Beo omce. iv cavil ox BOARD In private family ln Bemls park, or adjacent to It. G 67, Bee. K M6uo 6x ROOM and board for man and wife and 4 mall children until first of year: must be reasonable and location close in. G 60, Bee. K 603 4x BOARD and room in private family by young man who la employed night; dinner at 5 p. tu.; stale terms In reply. H 26, Bee. K-MG04 6x WANTED, furnished rooms with board for four adults; one large and a smaller room, or this rooms. Address J 18, Bee. K-646 2x PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry. FOR SALE HORSES mGONS FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $135; open pneumatic runabout. $00. Drum , niond. lth and Harney. P iM GOOD station wagon, cheap; also second hand carriage, at a bargain. Johnson it Da n forth, S. W. t'yr loili und Jo nut si P M3U6 D26 FOR BALE Horse and buggy. 11 N. 2tb t. P 547 4x READINGS $1.00, Gylmer. 715 N. 23d WANTED T laht Cv Ctpot wagon In exenangt lor Ricknwoy and Park wagon, al -mt new. Address. J bi. Bee. P MTUJ 7 FOR BALE FlrMt-clma wagon. Piirtrni Lauuiiy, UlU and Caaiellar. P TuJ I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTLES MONEY WE LOAN ON Furnltur. Pianos, Live Stock, i Balarles, WE GIVE Best Rates. Easy I'ayments, Quiet Service, Any time, WE WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN. CO , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 306 B. IKth St, X 466 A BETTER PROPOSITION ON SALARY LOANS Also money loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc.; goods remain In your possession. We offer the first loo people who call at our ottlce in December a special low rate such aa you have never before been offered by any other loan company, barring none. Call and take advantage of this extraordinary offer. You get the full amount asked for. Pay ments are made to suit your convenience, not ours, and they will be gladly extended In case of sickness or out of employment. Liberal allowance If paid before dun. AbHoltito privacy assured. Courteous treatment always, whether you borrow or not. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 307-8 PAXTON BLOCK. X-80S 4 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel ae- ...l.UU. u un a AT A I ) I I - Cl VUlluc,, oinv vii iii ii Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X 4S unuCM'O mriN'ru Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, Jewelry, or on your pluln note, if st adlly employed. 703 N. Y. Life bids-. X 469 The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. uf-uia i sxion jbiock. X M563 MONEY LOANED 8ALAR1ED PEOPLE ana oiners witnout security; easy pay ments; Imgest business In 49 principal cities. Tolmun. Room 714, N. Y. Life. X 470 MONEY loaned on 'furniture, salary, norses, eic. ; nan usual ir. 1'reb benow, room 214 at 209 B. 15th Bt. Tel, B-29G4. X471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS, uri.Tiui.E rni'niT rv 307-8 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411. X 472 MONEY loaned on salary, furnlturo, Jew- en y, iium". xsuil uiccu vo.. Barker block. X 473 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- eiry, norses, cows, eic. '. iteed. 3J9 8. 13th. X 474 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN LU, W fAAlUIM AS1AX.K. X 475 SEE Fl'LLER. 425 Paxton block, for loans on watcnes, aiamonus ana jewelry. X 476 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan CO., JbOt rarnam at. X 477 SALARY nnd collateral loans. Temnleton, ;n 3 nee uiag. x. 7d WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. y. Lite, pays nignost price lor docks. Tel. ?036. N 419 WANTED, modern residence or small acre tract; will pay one-third cash and bal ance In protlt earning stock of local company. Address J SO, Bee. N 648 2x WANT TO BUY 3 to 5-room house to move. J. It. Parrot te, Paxton block. N MscS 10 WANTED To buy scholarship ln one of umana s leading commercial colleges. Will pay cash. Address, G 61, Bee. N-M613 6x A FEW loads of secondhand brick. G 68, Bee. N M614 ox GOOD printing press for small country plant. H 41, care Bee, N M610 5x WANTED, A GOOD FARM. Must be cheap. Send full particulars ln first 1 tttr. James Hunter, Renubl can City, Neb. N 724 4 Type'rltera. exe'd, all makes. Neb. Cycle Co. FLAT top cabinet typewriter desk; must be In good condition and. cheap. H 37, Bee. N-M611 6x LA RGB-SIZED, allghtly used rug for office. Address with description and terms H 20, Beo oltlce. N Mtil2 6x CAST-OFF clothing still in good condition. G 66, Bee. N MC15 6x WILL BUY a 6-room cottage; not awfully particular where located; have $8oO to $1,250 to buy with. Address K 6, Bee. N M8 4 I WANT to buy for a horn and from owner direct a 7-room house near Hans com park or ln equally as good n Igh borhood K 6. Bee. N 4 4 WANT a 7-room, two-story house, close ln. K 7, Bee. N 800 4 SQUARE PIANO WANTED; will pay cash; must be in good condition. Acid-ess G 55, Bee. N 426 4x WANTED, to purchase a small home, not too far out; will pay $400 down; balance in payments at 6 per cent. Give location. Address J 26, care Bee. N 646 2x I HAVE $7,000 for home, west end. What can you offer? Address J 64, Bee. N 546 3x PATENTS SUES & CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three offices: Bee bu.ldlng, Omaha, Neb: lh4 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., and 1003 F St., Washington, D. C. Tel. 1623. M203 D12x PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Bend for Illus trated Guide Book. Contains 100 mechan ical movements and LIST OF INVEN TIONS WANTED. TELLS HOW TO OB TAIN AND BELL PATENTS, etc. PAT ENTS advertised for sale at our xiiensa. EVANS, W1LKENS CO., Keg. Patent Attorneys, 616 F street, Washington, D. C. YOU can't afford to start to tak out a patent for a valuable invention wl.hout first writing m. You can sav mo. ey n 1 get a better patent. A. W. Cronslay, ku3 F St., Washington, D. C. J. EMERY LESTER, Patents and patent law, mechanical draughting and blue printing. Suite 4UI Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 179s. M793 D14x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED-City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-M746 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg Tel. 161. I W 479 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1520 Douglas WANTED City loans and waranta. W. Farnam Brnlth Ac Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. W 4J1 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W 482 $ PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. W 463 LOWEST rates. Bemis, Paxton block. W 44 MONEY to loan on real eatt at t and 6V, per cent. W, 13. Meikle, 2o6 "'IJ' FOR EXCHANGE GET Lnndecn's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. WILL exchange fin piano for hors. B. hmoller & Mueller, 131$ Farnam. Tel. 163. Z 161 MO WILL trade sowing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. . 489 IF YOU do not find what vou want in this column put an ad In and you will soon get 1U Z 8iS TRADE Fine eorner. excellent Farnam st. location; value. $15,00o; will trade for -Improved property. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. Z M206 A FINE home, up-to-date, modern ln every way and almost new, to exchange for va cant lots near car line, or will take a va cant lot as part payment. Address J 61, Bee. Z 617 3 FOR SALE or exchange, a $6,000 stock of hardware In city of l'J.Oix) population In astern Nebraski; will exchange for Ne braska or Kansas farm or stock of dry Eood same value. Address Box 67, indsborg, Kan. Z 681 4 BUY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. FOR EXCHANGE I have for exchange farms ln western Iowa and Nebraska, also city property, gro ceries, hardwares, millinery, general mer chandise and other well established and excellently located running businesses. JOHN B. HANSEN, 821 New York Life. 'Phone 34H2. Z So6 4 120 ACRES land and good harness stock; one complete sectional Brunswick bow ling alley and lamp shades at your own price. Address E. J. Y., Atlantic, la. Z-877 4x LAND FOR MDSE Imp. 160n., 6 mlle from Waterloo, Douglas county, Neb. , lSja., Imp., Richardson county, Neb. large tract imp., Sherman county. Man. fin pieces of land to exchange for sta pie stocks of mdse. or hardware; to,. me what you have; likely we can ciea if you mean business; write me. J. H Johnson, 843, N. Y. life. Z 602 4 106-ACRE farm, for residence or business. 8o-acre farm for residence. 240-acre farm for Nebraska ranch. 820-acre central Iowa farm for residence or buslnesa. The Western Home association, room 310, McCague bldg. Z 820 4x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds ot anxiou, women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relict in a to o nays, vvi have never known of a single failure Mall orders promptly tilled. Price, $2 DR. R. G. HA V Ml iND REMEDY CO R. 87, 84 Adams St.. Chicago. 454 PRIVATE HOME during confinement babies adopted. 1318 Bo. llth st. Tticm 1SM. Mrs. ur. r liescner. o u LADIES treated successfully by mall; writ. today, stating how long suppressed, ur Brlney, 182 Btate street, Chicago. Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A written guarantee givt n in every cm, treated by DR. MAXWELL, 624 Be Bldg., umana. DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist cl women and children; So years' practice. Ottlce, 22u6 Cuming, lieuldenc telephone, 3666; office, 8667 LA DIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no otner. tsenu tc stamps lor particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by reti.n mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester cnemicai to., rniiaacipuia, i-a. DR. PRIES treats successfuly all disease and Irregularities of wom.'n, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 15iiVa Dodge St.. Omaha. 466 LADIES in trouble wilting to poBt box 757, Omalia, Neb., will not regret It. -MTTI PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, i28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la Tel. 774. -62 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and ad pted. Mrs. Gardnll, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2618. 456 PRIVATE home during confinement. Babies artopued. Mrs. Dr. mng. oua in. istn. tpi 85fi9. . -6 P4 CLAIRVOYANTS SEND $1 and 6 questions una. 716 N. 23d. GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. 8-421 BEND $1 and 6 questions ans. 715 N. 23d. MME. BYLVANUS, clairvoyant, will give readings at your house for $1. Address li ll: -ft r general aenvery. amooa ox. A WONDERFUL TRIAL READING The only dead trance meaium in me woriu. his startling revelations are the wonder of all; past, present and future events told correctly; send 10 cents, 2-cent stamp, date of birth, own writing to Dr. Joseph Lester. Box 62, Merchants' Station, St. Louis. Mo. B-M30S 8x READINGS $1.00, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants. Send birth date, dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Kollln, 4W N. Clark St., Chicago. S-677 4x MRfl" CARRIE BMITHt SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything told, past, present and future; aatlsfaction or no pay; also a wonderful magnetic healer. 8o7 N. 18th st. 8 m 4x BEND $1 and 6 questions ans. 715 N. 23d. DANCING ACADEMY MR. and MRS. MORAND'S winter term for adult beginners opens this week, Tues day and Friday, 8 p. m.; assemblies, Wednesday, 8 p. m.; cbildieu, Saturday, 1 p. m. Reduced priceti In all classes; pri vate; leaons. Tel. 1041. 16th and Harney. W0 DU CHAMBERS, society and stage. Tel. F1871. Ml 45 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. Tel. F-2797. 619 S h. Mrs. Garceau. MS38 D5 BEE our Juby Ruchlrga, the latest and daintiest trimming for garments. Gold man Pleating Co. . IN families. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A-2706. M7M Di MRS. EARLWINE, 1322 CALIFORNIA. Tel. F-27113. -Sllb D10 FLORISTS HESS & BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 463 CHAS. EDERER. Reasonable. $oth and Bristol. Tel. 17U6. M929 I HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Bend for prlc list of cut flowers und plants ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., 1807 Farnm. Tel. 3333. W PRINTING LYNGHTAD & RUFFNER. DUIMTCUC Crounse Block, Corner of I I I IN I CtJ luth Bt. and Capitol Ave. 457 KRAMER & CHANDLER QUICK I'RINTERS, 1106-08 Douglns Bt. To de. liver work when promised la our hohhv. 458 J M. BIRPLEB8, reliable printer; estab liahed 13 years. 203 B. 13th St., Omaha. 4.-fl WANTED TO BORROW fOOO, . T'i PUT In new department In established biikinewa of ten years; best so rority; no agents. For pui'tlcularx ad dress II 2. Be. MU13 3x $;,ooo, per cent, to put in new depart ment In established business of ten yutrs; beat security ; no agents. For particulars address, li 3, Bv 712 4 x SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES MASOMt Aoi3rF.MKSTS. Masonic Temple, t or. Kith 1 apltol Ave. CAPITOL LODGE No. 3 A. F. A A Regular laeeting Monday evening, 1 ' cember 6, at 7:3j o clock. R. V. COI.K. Master. JOHN BAMFOKU. Secretary NEBRASKA LODGE No. 1. A. F. & A. M -Krguiar meeting Tuesday evening, De cember . 7:j0 o'clock. Vis. lots wel come. CHARLES L. tllKiK. Master, come. M'LEAN. Becretai y. COVERT IODGE No. 11. A. F. A. M. Regular meeting iiinm-uij c ember 7. at 7:30 o'clock. leniuer i, "vAL(,jEN K,,MAN(i, Master. F. W. BOVKK, Secretary. OMAHA CHAPTER No. 1. R A. M.-H. gu- l;,r convocat on ' '-,V,V r " bcr 6. a. niuii " " ' BF.LLEVUE CHAPTER, NO. 7. R. A. M - R gular convocation rum nunj December 7, at 7:30 o'clock. A. T. Ayers, Secretary. VESTA CHAPTER No. 6, p. & S.-Spc. meeting December 17 at 7:30 p. m. WINIFRED WALLACE, Secretar: ial K5IGIITS OF PVTIIIAS. NEBRASKA No. 1, K. of P.-Regular niec Ing Monday evening December o clock, in Myrtle hall, Flttcentli ui Douglas sts. Visitors welcome. B. B. ANDERSON, . C. ROY A. DODGK, K. R. & 8.' ui)riR; No. 64. Meets every Thursday evening, Castle hall. Twenty second and Cuming-. Visitors always wel come. . D. "k BT IN B. U. C. J, 11. biinr,, iv n. e. Mt.l.lAN TF.MPLH NO. 1. Rathbone SI or rinecial business session Monday evening, December 6, 7:30 p. m. All mem bers urgently requested to attend. MRS. BEN STEIN, M. of R. and C. I. O. O. F. 4TATR LODGE No. 10. Meets every Mon day In I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Fourte ntn anu ixjoge sis. C. M. COFFIN, Sec'y, 1514 Dodge. BEACON I.ODGE No. 20.-Meets Tuesdiij evening, December 6, at 8 o'clock, in I. O O. F. ball, Fourteenth and Dodge sts. 10. C. BI RKETT, N. G. J. L. . ALB1SON, Secretary. ROYAL A HC A MM. NION PACIFIC COUNCIL No. HKO. Meets second and fourth Monday eacl month at Arcanum hall, northwest corne Sixteenth and Harney. Visitors welcome ALEX REED, Regent. HARRY B. MORRILL, Secretary. PIONEER COUNCIL No. 118. Meets In regular session second nnd fourth Tuns i,, ouni, month in Continental block Fifteenth and DoukIhs. Victors invited. THOMAS G. MAORANE, Secretary LOST ,OST Gold necklace with coral pfndnnts. Return to E. V. Lewis, Madison ho el. Lost Mi"56 ox :OST, a Scotch colllo dog, color yellow with white points. Information regarding mm win ue upju euuivu vj 1 1 - Jr., lOii 8. 30th ave. Lost ti3 4 LOST, a Scotch collie dog, color yellow with white points. Information regarding him will be appreciated by A. W. Jcfierls, Jr., 1025 B. 30th ave. l,osi modi m. QET Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. I.OST, fox terrier, white, with brown ears and brown spot on back, green bow on collar. '1'hone 785. Kewara. l,osi s 6 GOOD organs, cheap, $5 and up. Chicago l-Mrniture co., i4iu uoago bi. WILL the boy who took Shepherd punpy $rom Hanacm Park school Thursday last return him to 1322 S. 32d and get reward? i,osv too t IRON SAFE at a bargain. Chicago Furni ture CO., mit uoage ci. LOST, ladles' gold watch between 15th and Harney and 16th and Farnam. Reward for return to Mlsa Barr, Myers-Dillon Drug Co. IjObi av x FOUND FOUND, gold brooch. Owner may hav same by calling at Bee otlice and paying for this ad. jjouna oo x JOS. F. BILZ makes home-made stockings. BILZ makes stockings like mother used to make. OSTEOPATH Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y.Llfe bldg. Tel. 1664 1S6 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathy Fhy siclan; otlice, Douglas block. Tel. Lo-3. 4K7 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 604 Pajtton. 4W GYLMER. leading palmist, 715 N. 23d. Huntington & Stratton, 832 N. Y. Life. 964 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A 2639. 460 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life Bldg., rooms 304 and 319. Tel. 1G52. 461 SEWING machines rented, 75c a 'week. Neb. Cycle Co., cor. 15th and Harney Bts. Collections promptly reported. 634-6 Paxton. COME and see our hard coal stoves at $5.00. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. 2jdhajilniahlne3 $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. tus WE save your clothe Chicago Laundry. BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing, specialty airg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. Machines; all makes repnired. Neb. Cycle Co LEGAL KOTICES. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Puolic Lands and Buildings of the B ate of Nebraska will receive bids for the fur nishing of stationery, omce supplies and printing, etc.. lor tne coming session or tne ealslature. Sneclficatlona will be on rile In the office of the secretary of state on and after December 1, 1104. All bids must be filed with the secretary of atate bv noon of December 6, 1904. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. UUU. W. M AllBtt. N24dl0t Secretary B. P. L. & B. RAILWAY TIME CARD INION STATION TE.NTII AMI MAHCY Chicago, Rock Island Pacific. EABT, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 8:56 am a 7:10 am Chlcigu Duyl glit Local. b 7:Oj urn a b:..o p.u imcngo bxprcss nu:ui pm a o:ia pm Des Moines Express. . . .a 4 30 ion bll:5oam Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm WEST- Rocky Mi u tain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am s 3:50 pm Lincoln, Denver & w.-st.a 1:30 pm a 5:io pm Oklahoma & Tex. Ex. ..a 5:3o pin aii:tuum 4bicsgo Great Western. St. P. & Minn. Ltd a k:3o pm a 7:15 am Bt. P. A Minn. Ex a 7.36 am a 8:25 pin Chicago IJmlted a 4:50 pm al0:3o am Chicago Expres a 4:30 am a 4:U5 pm tblcaao Northwester. Local Chicago Mail Dayl'gbt Ht. l'aul... Daylight Chicago .. ...all:30 am ...a ..o pm ...a 7:5i am ...a 8:iK am ...a k:25 pin ...a 4. no pm . . .a k:)5 pm P b 4:00 pm 8:30 Jo : 11:50 9:U H Jl 7:i am pm pm a ii am am Limited ih.cngo ... I.i.i ji.1 Carroll Fast St. Paul...... Iiocal Bioux C. 4i Bt a 9.3o 8:30 a 3:45 1 :. 10:35 6:15 6:16 i u i i Fast Mall ChlcaKo ExprcFS ..... Norfo k at. Bom steel.. Lincoln & I-ons Pin. Dead wood Ht Uncolu., Capr t Wyoming--. am pm .1 .a am pm pm .a 7:40 am b 7:40 am .a I 6- pin .U W pm II.WAY THIB fAMK HaMlngs-AIMon ... W abash. .b 2:50 pm 1:11 pnt St. I.ouls Express 6 Bt. l,ouls 1,,'di (fr, m Council ltluffjl t JO rm $: tan 15 am 10:39 pm Phil, nnd ah Local (from Council ItlufTM Missouri Parlflr. 5.13 rtn !:"0 ra Pt. Louis Express n 9 K. C. St. L. Ex all I slos ParlHr. The Overland Limited.. a 9 Colo. A Cala. Ex a 4 Chicago-Portland Bp'L.a 4 Eastern Express Columbus lK-al ,..h ! Colorado Special a 7 i am a :"0 an 16 pm a 6:00 pm in am to pm .0 pm i pm 15 am a 8:05 pin a 6:40 am a 6:3n pm b 9 35 am a 6:50 am b 1 i" pm 3.20 pm l nicago special Beatrice lxaaJ b R Fast Mall a f Illinois Oatral. Chicago Express a 7: Chicago Iamited a 7: Minn & St. Paul K ..b 7: Minn & Bt. Paul Ltd .n 7: o pm 50 am am a10:35 pm .5" pm a K am 25 am bio Sa pm pin a pm Ml. I'anl. 55 am nil o pm tr, pm a ;i. in im -o i'tn a 7::!.', am .V am a 3 lo pm hlca, Mllrraakee A Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7 California-Oregon Overland Limited a N Des M. & Okobojt Ex.. a 7 BI RLISGTO STATItO lOI II A M Burlington. Tave. Arrlv Denver & California a 4:lc ion a 3:3" Northwest Expresa aJl:t0 iil a 6:08 Nebraska point a 8:50 am a 7:4o Lincoln Fast Mall b 2.67 pm al2:05 Fort Crook & 1'latts- mouth I) 2:52 pm a S:32 Bellevue & Pl'ittsinouth.a7.50 Im bio. 35 Bellevue & 1'acltlo Junction a 3:30 am Denver Limited a tl.55 Chicago Hecln1 a 7:10 am Chicago Ex pres a 4 i pm a 3 55 Chicago Flyer a c n6 pm a 7:3." Iowa Local a 9:15 am all : St. Louis Express a 4 UI pm Hll i". Kansas City & St. Joe..alO:V pm a 6:45 KatiMi City St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:ti5 Kanwuf City & St. Joe.. a 4.-5 pm a. pm pm pm pm nm em am . . . . pm am pm ant ant put . . fT. pm am am pm pm am pm pin Kasui City, St. Joe A 4 ounrll Illo Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:1,1 am a 6:o5 St. Louis Flyer n 6:26 pm Rll:6 Kansas City Night Ex..a10:45 pm a 6:45 Chicago, llnrllngton A tlnlney. ChlcHgo Limited a S:(if pm a 7:40 Chicago Rpeclal a 7:(' nm a 3:55 Chicago Vcstlhuled Ex. .a 4:oo pm a 7:26 Chicago Local a 9:15 am all :Cm Fast Mall 2:46 WEBSTER DEPOT 18T1I A W EBSTER Mlaaoarl Pacific. Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 4:50 pm Ml 40 am Calcago, St. laal, Minneapolis Jt Omaha. n win City Passenger b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger, .a 2 :!0 pm nll:i(lain Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b9:10nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Dally except Monday. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET Condition of Trade and ((notations osj I- Staqle and Fancy Prodnre. EOGS Candled stock. 26c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 74c; roosters, ic; turkes. 124c; ducks, b(jic; geess, t4j3c; spring chlckenK, 84c BUTTER-Packing stock, 14'tfl!5c; cholcs to fancy dairy, litilSc; creamery, 21ii21c; fancy prints, 25e. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trc ut. !": pick erel. Sc: pike, l"c: percn, 7c; h.iictbn. 12c; whltefish, loc; saim..n, tie; nd -mapper, lie; lobster (green), 2"c; lobster (bol el). 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfli-h, He; b:ack Inss. 'Joe; halibut, 10c; crapnles, 12c; roe Fluid, $1; buffalo. 7c; white oaf, 11c; frog ltg.s, per dor, 25c. BRAN Per ton, $15.00. HAY Pi Ice quo ed by Omaha WhoDsnls Deal r'" afsoclatlon: Choice No. 1 uplind, $7.00; No. 2. 6 50; meUii m, $6 (10; cuame, 5.50. Rye straw. $5.oe. Thes prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per can, 37c; siarida 's, per can. 82c: bulk (standards), rer "ml., h.35; bulk (extra selects), per gal . $1.75; bulk (New York counts), per gal., $2.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Floi Ida, sizes 11'6. 196. 176. 200, 216 and 250, $2.753.00; California navels, all sizes, $2.7603.00. LEMONS California fancy, $2.75; 300 ami 360. $4.25; choice, $3.50. DATES Per box of 30-Ib. pke., $2.00 Hallowl. In 70-lb. box. per lb., &:ac FIGS California, per. 10-lb car.on, 76 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 124c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imported (washed). In 1-lb. pkgs.. 1619c; California, per cae of 36 pkgs., $3.25. BANANAS Per medlum-alxed bunch, $2."fS'.'.S0; Jiimbos. 2.75fa3.50. GRAPE FRUIT Per box of 64 to 64, $5.50. FRUITS. APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, per bbl., $4.00; Ben Davis, 12 25; New Y.,rk Tal man and Pound Sweets. $3.(Ki; Nw Yo It Kings, $3.00; New Yoi k Pippins, $2.76; New York Greenings, $3.6'i; New fork Bald wins. $2.75: Colorado Jcnatl;" $i.fi0: Wlna Baps, per bu. box. $1.4D, PEARS Utah, Colorado and California, fall vari' t es, per b x, 1.7Ri22.25. GRAPES Imported Malaaus. Der kcir. $6.0f"f?6.W. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell nnd Bugle, per bbl., $1.60&9.00; Wisconsin Hell and Cherry and Jersey, per bbl., $7.75; per box. $2.75. TANGERINES Per 4 box. I2.5C. VEGETABLES POTATOES New home giown. In sacks, per bu., 4oe; Colorado, per bu., 65'ntlOc. TURNIPS Per bu., 35c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c. BEETS Per bu., 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.952.00. ONIONS Home grown, ln sacks, per biL. 75c; Spanish, per crate, $2.00. t'LLLMBKKb-rer case or i dog.. 13.60. TOMATOES California, per 4-baskt crate. J2.60. CARHAGK Home grown, per 100 lbs., 700. SWEET POTATOES Home crown, ner bu. basket, 60c; Kansas kiln-dried, per bbl., ... ... eyUABil Mom grown, per aox, ooc. CELERY Per dos., ioijuOc; California. 46c. RADISH KBfer dos., HOC. LETT L'CE Hot house, per dos., 40fi60cl head lettuce, per dox., $1.00. SHALLOTS Per dox., 6Uc CAULIFLOWER - 8outhern. per bbLj $3.50(04.60. ivi ic ri,i rr-ci n. SAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per ketr. $2.60. t.'IiJKK mew xorg, per ooi.,, per ik bbl.. $3.25. I ' 1 1 L' I.' L: I.- WI.Ann.ln Iwlna nil orao n. 124c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block) nwisn, new, iui;, uiu, iiwiih , . ibvuhnih brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburgcr, 13c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1, sott shell, nsw crop, per lb., 14o; hard shell, per lb., 3c No. 2, soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c rousted pennuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., IJ'Wic; nlmonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hnrd shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 124ttl5c; new black walnuts, per I,,, T&tan,-- uhollhnrlf hlpkorv nuts. Iter bu.. $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $150. ill Dti,n ino. 1 green, ic; io. Kecn, wui No 1 suited, 40; No. 2 salted, 74'--; No. 1 veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salted, 104715c; sheep pelts, 26cji$1.00; horse hides, $1k&3.0O. Metal Market. NRW TORK. Dec. 8 MKTAIJ4 Today's metal markets were quiet at prices holding about steady at Friday's basis. Copper was quoted at $14,874' 15.124 : electrolytic, $14. i Z.zivt- ,.nn tur.,ii4 75. Tin was barely steady, Influenced by prospective heavy shipments from Straits. Kjiot, .$-'9.254329. i Lead, $4.6"(&4.7o. Bpelter, $j. iO'j-S- Iron unchanged in price una as 10 utiioim snu- BT LOCIM, DCC a.-Air. !'" at $4.624fc 4.624. Spelter, Meady at $4.6t( 4 70. Comnierrlal Gossip. Bhlnmenta-Whcat. 655,000 bu.. against l,OuoTu "; corn, O.Ouu bu.. against Sno.ouO Primary Ite'c..ts-Wlicat. 993,000 1 b.i.. egal atnsl, 976,000 uu., com, i, u., "o uuO bu. 324.1 Exchange Grain Company: "Director . 7... ........ I. .r unA ,-ri.g uervli-e of ' i - i Hi 1 1 ntiilu ,. :i Kl (l OuO Iowa, ruieeB ............ - bu on corn crop of Iowa to t'o.uOU.O'W bu. George A. Adams Comiatnyi "Yesterday's provision market was an ugreeable surpnao to tlio traile, inasmuch us puckers friendly enough 'o the spiculiuive 111.11 Kit to abhbJn ironi any selling on tbu iuHuIh e. Then- atlltuda is Uiscoui uglng to the out siders, tlie object being to get Ui Logs iuh cheap us pOhSlble. For a tune we look to ecu the market continue of u scalping ol der, but WM f! purcbuses on decline win make the money." Weather map show light snows In Ne braska. Iowa. Illlnol. Mouth D.ik .la una Minnesota, light Bn.o-ul rains In ii .lo val ley and 0 4 Inch at Mpi nglb-ld. Mo- Tri'i perature about slatioii.ii j . eTa! ligber III Manitoba mid lovi.-r l.-ewl.eia. G. "..-rally Imidy except In Ci.iiadia.i no th west. generally cloudy. J to W rt.aiees above; southwest part cloudy, Ne- biaska. 10 to IS above; Iowa, M 10 m anovei in,,.. i. :i alHjve; Kansas cloudy, 2$ ,.i...e..- .rt Worth cloudy; OUiw cloudi, $4 to 44 above. J. i M