Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1904, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Jadgmut far 8even Thousand Tin
. HnndW Dollara Against Boot.
Case Dates Berk Several Years eas
ts Trie Time, rifty
Thoasaad Dollars Being;
Originally Asked.
Miss Agnes Fritrell, who aaked $.'AO"0
damages from Joseph Cullen Root and
Sam O. Smyth for alleged libel, and In
a former trial obtained a Judgment for
14,000. was yesterday awarded a ver
llct for I7.M0 by tne Jury which heard the
eaee in the United States rircu.t court
before Judge Munger.
The Jury which heard the case In (he
United States cl cult court went out at 2
o'clock Friday afternoon and did not ar
rive at a verdict until 10:30 Saturday
morning. The verd ct was:
We, the Jury In the aroie mentioned rase,
find In favor of the plaintiff and ag .nst
the defendants. J. C. root sn1 Sim J.
Bmyth. and sssesa her compensatory rt im
ages at the sum of 12 50 and we n in ss
ess a expmpinry or punitive damages
the sum of 5,0n0. M J. onKEW.
For man.
The Jury was composed of twelve sub
stantial business men from various tarts
of the state, Omaha belig represented only
In the person of M. J. Greevy. At the first
session of the Jury Mr. Oreevy was unan'
mously elected foreman of the Jury. The
vary general sentiment of the Jury at the
outset was for large damages, but a com
promise was finally made on the aggre
gate of $7,500.
The trial of tho case began thirteen days
ago. with some of the ablest legal talent of
Omaha employed on both aides of the case.
Miss Fr I Hell's attorneys were Constantino
J. Smyth, formerly attorney general of Ne
braska, and Ed P. Smith. Mr. Root's at
torneys were John L. Webster and Harry
C. Brome, both of Omaha.
Case Remarkable History.
The caae is a notable one, particularly
through the prominence of the principal de
fendant. Joseph Cullen Root, the founder
and sovereign commander of the great
fraternal organization, Woodmen of the
The suit grew out of the publication of
an alleged libelous attack on Miss Agnes
Frlztell of Fort Smith, Ark., in "The
Tidings," the official organ of the Woodmen
Circle, in It Issue of October, 1899. In
which It copied from the Fort Smith Times
an article charging Miss Frlszell with
desecrating a grave of a former member of
Oak Grove lodge of that city. The subject
of the article arose from a dispute over the
erection of a monument over the grave of
the deceased member. Immediately fol
lowing the reproduction of the Fort Smith
Times' article appeared an editorial In the
Tidings commenting upon the alleged grave
desecration, and It was this article to
which, Miss Frlzzell took exception. In
October, 1900, she filed a suit in the United
States circuit court for the district of
Nebraska for $50,000 dunniM iihi
against Joseph Cullen Root, who, she
claimed In her petition, was the owner and
publisher of Tidings and hence was re
sponsible for the offensive editorial.
General Cowln Withdraws.
The case came to trial In December, ISM,
with General John C. Cowln of Omaha as
Miss Frlrzell's attorney. The trial lastet
several days and a verdict was rendered
by the Jury In her favor for 314,000. This
verdict Judge Munger, before whom the
ease was tried, deemed excessive and di
rected that unless Miss Frtssell filed a
remittitur of $8,000 of the amount awarded
by the Jury the .ause would have to he re
tried. This would have let the Judgment
stand at $8,000. After a reasonable length
of time General Cowln filed t-e remittitur,
to which Miss Frlxsell disagreed. General
Cowln carried the case as her attorney to
the United States circuit court of apneals
but It was remanded back to the United
States circuit court, where the trial origi
nated, for a new trial. It Is this trial
which has Just been concluded and the
award of $7,500 granted. General Cowln
withdrew from the case when his client
refused to accept his action.
Miss Frtzxell and her attorneys have
not yet Indicated what they will do further,
nor have Webster and Bneme yet an
nounced their Intention to appeal the case
It Is thought that they will do so.
Hot an Inviting field for Idle Blot
Machines, as They Are
A man has written City Clerk Elbourn
from South St. Joseph asking him to de
scribe the "slot machine" situation Jn
Omaha and saying he has a few Idle nickel
eaters which he would like to place here.
Mr. Elbourn told the Inquirer he would
have to look elsewhere, as slot machines
are strictly tabooed here and have been
for a long time, tog-ether with mualo boxes
la the saloons.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued up to noon December S:
Name and Residence. Age
William Kabe, Bennington si
Antonia Poltyer, Omaha 20
James Vlvy. Bouth Omnha as
Annie Teleuka. South Omaha 2J
Frank Cepl, South Omaha si
Agnes Fensel. South Omaha 30
Mortality statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon Satur
day: Blrthi Andrew Hogge, Tenth and Paul,
boy; Wllllum T. Edgliill. 1607 Locust, boy;
Harry B. Hoblnson, girl; Jens Luurltsen,
15 Q street, girl.
Deaths Wllila in Earl Schnltt, 2534 De.
Uricsol the Only
Core for Rheumatism
If you are suffering from rheumatism
there it a chance for you to become ab
solutely cured. You may cure yourself
and do It quickly if you will lay aside
your prejudice and skepticism.
Sherman A MeConnell, the Omaha
druggists, 10th and Dodge Sts., carry
Uricsol, the California remedy, and we
hereby autborlxe them to guarantee a
Uricsol cures 'rheumatism in tbe only
possible way it can be cured.
Uric Acid and Urates are tbe cans
of rbeumatlam.
Those are deposits in the tissues,
blood vessels and Joints of the body.
Tbeae deposits must be dissolved and
eliminated from the system before a
cure can be accomplished.
Uricsol is a solvent of these and tones
up tbe system, stimulates the kidneys,
liver and bowels and thus drive them
from the system. i
Uricsol is harmless and no Injurious
remits can possibly come to auy part
of your body.
Write us today for booklet, contain
ing recommeuded diet for rheumatics.
Los Angeles, Cat.
catur, 22; Kenneth Smith, 8337 Spauldlng,
1 month.
W. J. Bryaa and Jadge Mammls Will
Speak aad Kieelleat Musle
Is Arranged.
The Elks of Onyiha lodge No. Si will hold
tneir annual memorial day today. ui
services beginning at the Orpheum theater
at 10:30 o'clock. Elaborate preparations
have been made for this solemn occasion.
W. J. Bryan is to be one of the orators and
Judge J. U. Sammls of Lemars, la.. Is the
other. Particular pains have been taken
with the music and the program committee
feels this part of the services will be made
of really solemn worth.
A-nong those who sre to furnish music
for the solemnity are Mrs. Ada Markland
Sheffield, soprano soloist of Dr. Mclntyre's
church In Chicago; Mrs. Zoe Pearle Park,
contralto soloist, from the First Methodist
Episcopal church at Evanston, 111.; D. II.
Wheeler. Jr., tjnor, and Charles 8. Haver
stock, basso, soloists of All Saints' church
In this city; Robert Cuscaden, the violinist,
and C. R. Miller, C. P. Morlarty. K. C.
McCormaok and T. F. Swift, composing the
Elks' quartet. The memorial committee la
composed of D. B. Welpton, Dan J. Riley,
R. B. Howell, Lysle I. Abbott and William
I. Klerstead. The program follows:
Largo Handel
Orpheum Theater Orchestra,
Opening: Ceremonies
Exalted Ruler and Secretary.
The Vacant Chair Root
Elks Quartet.
Exalted Ruler and Officers of Lodge.
Opening Ode Brothers
Great Ruler of the Universe,
All seeing and benign.
Look down upon and bless our work
And be all glory Thine!
Oh, hear our prayers for the honored dead,
While bearing In our minds,
The memories graven on each heart
For "Auld Lang Syne."
Invocation ,
Acting Chaplain Bro. A. Elliott Miller.
Ave Maria Bach-Uounod
Mrs. Sheffield.
Violin Obligato, Mr. Cuscnden.
Oh, Rest In tho Lord Elijah).. Mendelssohn
Mrs. Parks.
Bro. J. U. Sammls of Lemars, la.. Lodge.
Memorial Hymn (written for the occa
sion) Slgmund Landsberg
Mixed Quartet.
Adagio Pathetlipie Godard
Mr. Cuscaden.
Brother William J. Bryan of Lincoln, Neb.,
The Lost Chord Sullivan-Parks
Mixed Quartet.
My Redeemer and Mv Lord. ...Dudley Buck
Mrs. Sheffield.
Closing Ceremonies
Exalted Ruler and Officers of Lodge.
Doxology ...
Brothers and Audience.
Praise Ood. from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Pralso Him above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Ten Men and One Woman Plead to
Charges of the Federal
Grand Jury.
Eleven of the federal prisoners Indicted
by the grand Jury were arraigned before
Judge Munger yesterday afternoon for
Howard Purnell, colored, a former sol
dier of the Twenty-fifth United States In
fantry, pleaded guilty, to the charge of
stealing five government blankets from
Fort Niobrara.
Ulysses Grant Zimmerman, an Indian,
pleaded not guilty to selling liquor to In
diana and was remanded for trial.
D. M. Jacobs, white, pleaded not guilty
to selling liquor to Indians and was re
manded for trial.
William Johnson pleaded guilty to sell
ing liquor to Indians.
Charles E. Loveland pleaded guilty to
selling liquor to an Indian here In Omaha,
John C. Brown pleaded not guilty to
Lulu Bell, colored, pleaded not guilty to
killing her husband at Fort Robinson.
George Fourcloud, an , Indian, pleaded
guilty to the killing of Cora Elk on the
Winnebago reservation last summer.
Henry Guitar pleaded not guilty to the
killing of his father. Stephen Guitar, near
Dakota City in September last. The last
four cases were remanded for trial.
Alfred L. Gary of Omaha withdrew his
former plea of not guilty and entered a
plea of guilty.
Joseph Johnson pleaded guilty to selling
liquor to Indians here In Omsha.
Thomas J. Marshall, charged with In
tercepting a letter while a cl' k In tbe pos
tal railway service, pleaded gul ty. Sen
tence was deferred, the defendant being
permitted to give bond In the sum of tl.OO).
In the case of John C. M tche 1 and W.
M. Erwln, who were indicted by the No
vember, 3903, term for conspiracy in the
sale of postage stamps in order to lncrea9
the revenue of the Alma postofflce the
district attorney moved the case be nolleJ,
and the order was so male by the court.
Connecticut Concern Boys Out Shel
don Pastry Company for Eight
Thousand Dollars.
The Connecticut Pie company. 3009 South
Twentieth street, has bought out and ab
sorbed the Sheldon Pastry company, 2123
Grant street, the consideration being $8,000.
The two concerns were strong competitors
In tha manufacture of pies and there Is
some talk among local buyers of that
delectable commodity that this is but an
other manifestation of the octopus spread
ing Its tentacles, as a result of which a
slight advance In the price of pie is a
possibility. Thus may the lover of pie
who hereafter sides up to the counter of a
downtown restaurant have to content him
self with a fifth of a pie rather than a
fourth, as heretofore, for the munificent
sum of 6 cents. Still, there Is hope that
such a calamity may bs averted.
Omaha High School Notes.
The senior class of the high school
elected Its officers Friday afternoon. The
offices were closely contested for and no
little campaigning was Indulged In by the
candidates. Mirth and merriment were
evident among the members of the senior
claim at the outcome of what has been
feared would be a rush of the lower clans
men. A dove bearing the Insignia of the
class of 06 was thrown Into the meeting.
It is sincerely hoped by all tliat its slgnlrt
cance was that of peace between the war
ring classes. The officers of tha class are
as follows: President, Curtis Lindsay;
vice president, Ula Waterhouse; secretary,
Walter Kenner; treasurer, Georgia Ells
berry; sergeants-at-arms, Lillian Shearer
and George Wallace.
Mrs. I. Fleming will entertain the Brown
ing society at her hums next Baturday.
The Llninger Travel club held u short
business meeting Friday afternoon, after
which the society devoted some time to
parliamentary law practice.
The Margaret Fuller society gave a de
lightful program Friday afternoon, con
slating of tho following numbers:
Paper on West Elizabeth Sweet
Piano solo Myra Hret-kenridue
Paper .Amerlrsn Art Prior to lb2fl
Ruth Rainey.
Vocal solo Margaret Rlggs
Paper on Gilbert Stuart Nsnette Aiken
Piano solo Ethel Klewlt
Reading Margaret Kennedy
TV e irlrN of the freshman tines have or
ganised themselves Into a literary society,
havlna chosen the name Prlscilla Alden.
rrom all Indications the society promise to
ecmie as famous as that of Its namesake.
It has also elicited favorable comment
from many Quarters. Its officers are as
follows: President, Grace McBrlde; vice
irefdent. Jesis Snem-s: seirutmy. Murv
McCagus; treasurer. Marlon Fay; program
committee Bessie Townseiid, Ruth lfalUr
and June Greevy.
Many new cUe. with it lurge attend
ance In fiich. have been organised by Mr. A.
If. Watcrhnuse for the purpose of studying
and pravtU-ltig parliamentary law. This
seem to have been the crying need this
year and all classmen are duly appreciative
o the opportunity offered them.
Advertisements for these eolamns
will be taken anlll IV tm. tor the
evening edition and nntll e n. m. fer
the morning and Snniiay edition.
Rates 1 1-Je a word flrst Insertion!
la n word thereafter. Kothtng taken
for less than XOe for the flrst laser
lion. These advertisements mast be
ran cnnneeatlvely.
Advertisers, by requesting nni
hered cheek, ran have answers ad
dressed to a numbered letter In rare
of Tho Bee. Answers so addressed
will be delivered on presentation of
Omaha Plating Co.. 15u8 Harney. Tel. 2535.
CC (111 brings an Edison Phonograph Into
your home, bee L. 1-iesner, loa
t-apnui Ave. R M 144 Dlv
Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co
OCR specialty is pleated garments. We
make mem complete, troiu tne most sim
ple to the most elHuvrate. Come ana see
us and tultt it over. 'Ihe Goldman i'ieat
lng Co. R
JOS. F. BILZ makes sweaters for $3.00.
NO GOWN' Is complete unless It Is trimmed
with our line single, double or triple box
piuu rucnings. e mane tnem in many
Olliereut styles. The Goldman Pleating
Co. It
Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co
SPECIAL attention given architects' pians
and speciiicuiioiis; contractors snomd In
vestigate. Lew Wenlworth, SIS l'axton
Blk. f hone 1672. R My is D
JOS. F. BILZ sells gents' furnishings.
wkiwiiw b-cent cigar on earth. R ii 7
CITY SAVINGS BANK, pays 4 per csnt.
r m
Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co
ARTISTIC electro plating. Omaha Plating
Co., 1608 Harney.
J. E. WALLACE, taxidermist. 605 S. Uth.
R il
HENRY He sells fountain pens. ISO? Far.
IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent properly,
borrow money, seil note or account, call
at R. 3. N. Y. Lite. Tel. 133. Glover & Son.
R 2M
DRESHER, Omaha's fashionable tailor.
Jv. -j. F. BILZ has underwear for ladles.
OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 346. John
Morrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 31 H. R M
GYLMER, leading palmist, 715 N. 23d.
SEWING machines rented, 75c a week. Neb.
Cycle Co.
THE Parisian craze Is box plaited ruchings
In all their different styles, tiven me mil
liners have adopted them. Look out for
plaited a:.d ruched hats next spring. The
Goldman Pleating Co. R
K 3s3
NICKEL plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508
JOS. F. BILZ-that Is the place.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard St.
2d hand machines $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co.
211 SOUTH HTM. 'f HONE iAl.
We trust everybody. Have our wagons
call. Express work solicited.
R-M903 D17
JOS. F. BILZ that Is the knitting store.
Pianos for Rent,
13.00 M.00. New r.anos. grade. Rent
adowed If you purcnase. Perlield Piano
Company, 1611 f'arnam. Telephone "nl.
Open evenings.' R 383
EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World."
PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry.
2d hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co.
EAGLE Loan Office: reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
JOS. F. BILZ sells all kinds of neckwear.
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N.
16th. Tel. 1778. R 3S5
2d hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co.
SILVER plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508
GYLMER, leading palmist, 715 N. 23d.
WANTED, hordes to winter, $2.50 per
month; good feed, plenty of water. A. H.
er. a. i
Read, 6iu ware DlocK.
2d hand machines S5 up. Neb. Cycle Co.
JOS. F. BILZ makes boys' sweaters for
fl.CO and $1.50.
SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas.
R 3at
Tel. J60. 1207 Doug. Omalia Stove Kep. Vvk's.
R S7
Type'rlters. exe'd, all makes. Neb. Cycle Co.
P. M El. CHOIR, machine works, 13th and
Howard. R SbS
DRESHER, Omaha's fashionable tailor.
STYLISH pleated opera coats at the Gold
man Pleating Co. R
PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry.
Electro plating. Om. Plat'g Co., 1508 Harney.
R-355 Mil
HENRY He sells fountain pens. 1607 Far.
ELSASSER & BRICE, machine and gen
eral repair works, 317 S. 12th St. Tel. 1477.
R-M555 J2
Type'rlters. exe'd, all makes. Neb. Cycle Co.
LET Jos. F. Bill make your sweaters.
READINGS 11.00, Gylmer, 716 N. 23d '.
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale snd re
tall musical instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchunged. 113 S. lfth St.,
Omaha. R
EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World."
RUCHING. the prettiest of nil dress trim
ming. We make them In 36 different
styles; single, double and triple box plait,
with variations. The Goldman Pleating Co.
GYLMER, leading palmist, 715 N. 23d.
OOLI) plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508
ADV. CUTS Wheaton, Bee Bldg.
JOS. F. BILZ sells handkerchiefs.
Type'rlters. exe'd, all makes. Neb. Cycle Co.
DRESHER BROS, make more clothes than
any three firms in Omalia.
EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World."
Send for free catalogue and compare our
terms and advantages with others.
American Barber College, cur. 12th and
Douglas St. B 7W 4x
BEND tl and 6 questions ans. 715 N. 23d.
ware; must be experienced. Apply K 11,
Bee. Ii 860 4
YOUNG man to set up toys. II. Hardy &
Co., KM.- Store. U ta
EXPERIENCED solicitors for Ohio steam
cookers. Address K3, Bee. B-MbJi 6x
BEND tl and 6 questions ans. 714 N. 23d.
WANTED Experienced salesmen for men's
furnishing goods department. Thus. Kll
patrick & Co. U 6ii8 4
WANTED, man to complete traveling staff
for ltcC; must have energy and push: not
over 46; be able to furnish good reterences
and cash security If neirssarv. Salary
l per wek and expenses. Permanent.
V.: wolcott, 14 North 4ta St., MlnneHnolls,
Mien. UMOgS t
Business College Scoop.
We have adopted Chartier's Electric Shorthand .
and control the sole right to teach this marvel
ous new system of writing shorthand for all
Nebraska and Western Iowa.
We positively know that Chnrtler's E
discovery In the field cf shorthand writ
world of electricity.
We stake every bit of our reputation b
will have put every otner shorthand mrtl
slow, uncertain, complicated, hard-to-len
give way to the swift, sure, simple, easy-
But fle-nre It out for yourself:
to-memnrlse word-signs.
GREGG SHORTHAND Contains 1:3 r
sand of ront r,l rtlnns.
CROSS SHORTHAND Coma. us .j I u.
Consists simply of the alphabet and
10 simple rules!
That's all! No word-signs! No contractions! No exceptions! No omissions of
vowels or consonants! No long or short vowel distinction! No dots and dashes! No
complicated outlines! Ni-n of the thlnus that have heretofore made ordinary Shbrt
hand Writing hard work ind mndt up rl spied In Shorthand Writing possible only
to the very few. j
Call or write us for furthir particular.
Remember, our Sturty by M ill Department SUCCESSFULLY produces successful
Bookkeepers and Stenographers by study by mall. Write for Catalogue.
H. B. BOYLhS, President
TELEGRAPH department open in Decem-
uei. uu ics college. is .tistu
CAR fare refunded in cuso our college la
not us represented. WenU'in liarucia lust.
MuLEK'8 barber college, Denver, Colo.,
leuciies tho Lurher nuue In k weeks and
guaiauieea positions. bpeclal leriua
W rue. Jb-iuf Dec. 1
GOOD correspondent to take charge of
inanuiaciuiuig concern,
louug num. iiuai uicascr, us city salesman.
Iuuijb man lor bank,
i kouu grocery B.utiinen.
lioou ui uk cierk
i ui iikMibtH. one speaking German.
Z fcoott iiaiuware au.eHiuen.
coy ol gooa laiiiny; cuumer for rustuurant.
A x geiiia lui induing saienaian.
Cud or write lor iini vt vuc.uicles.
Vv nj5ill(..N KUr.nb.Vtti Ac DU.D ASSN.
640 N. 1. L.lle.
B-6S0 it
We remove dirt only. Chicago Laundry.
MANY of our students are in business for
tliemseivcs. N esiern Burners' jnsiliute.
SAY, follows, how Is this? How to win
at caius taught in tun days. One thur
ougti system. Euuil lcai nod; can win
enough m one hour to puy iur whole sys
tem, inciuuing euros, etc. Aau.esd ior
parilcuiuis, J 3'J, Hue. li MJ01 UM
WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied
uiuiiuineu men, ueiween uges oi -1 uuo o,
cliisens of I niied blutes, oi good charac
ter und temperate huuits, who speuk,
read uiid write English. Kor Information
apply to Recruiting Utilcer, mil and
liouglas sts., umuiiu; Lincoln, rseo., or
bioux City, iu. B-M.37
Five hundred agents to sell the Johnston's
janu uout, to wnom exclusive saie in
counties will be assigned. A rapid seller.
Address W. H. Johnston Ac Co., 113 Ed
mond st Peoria, 111. B 11670 'tx
We remove dirt only. Chicago Laundry.
ALL our stored machines for sale.
pressmen s Del. Co
EXPERIENCED grocery clerks, nnd no
oiners, can get worn. Mams-case - o.,
tU4-J5 Paxton Blk. B 397
IF YOU are in need of a position, call and
nave a nenrt-to-neart ' talR wun HAiw,
THE EXPERT, m N. Y. Life.
B-M614 D3
Western Barbers' Institute means the best
barber college. 14 and Dodge Sts., Omaha.
WANTED Five good boys with wheels.
212 a. 12m st. a m j-b
DRESHER BROS, make more clothes than
any three firms in Omaha.
JOS. F. BILZ sells yarns.
MEN TO LEARN burber trade; free rail
road rnre upon our lnliure to convince
you of this being the BEST and only re
liable, most prai tical barber college in
the L'nlted States. Write for cutu ogue
today. Western Barbers' Institute,
Omuha, Neb. B 3'J9
We remove dirt only. Chicago Laundry.
ANTED Bv well established school In
Illinois, a leleernnh teacher: must he
competent to assume entire control of
telegraph department; good salary; must
be able to make small investment. Ad
dress J 37, Omaha Bee. B 331 D6
DRI'G CLERKS, Kniest, R. P., N. Y. Life
Bldg. B too
SAY, fellows, how Is thlsT How to win
at cards laugni in ten aays. une mor
ough system. Easily learned; can win
enough In one hour to pay for whole
system, including cards, etc. Address for
particula-s, J 39, Bee. B-M362 D28
NICKEL plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508
We remove dirt only. Chicago Laundry.
PORTRAIT men, why work for someone
else at tiny to seventy-nvo cents an order
when you can buy guaranteed work of us
at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan.
Ripley Art Co., lock box 679, Omaha, Neb.
B-474 D31
A GOOD opening for a bright newspaper
man fumlliar wltn real estate for the real
entnte department of a weekly newspaper.
Address J 50. Bee. B-516 3
MEN wanted to set barbwlre fence. Apply
cnampion iron v oras. tj him
WANTED, steady boy to set type; state
experience anci wages wanted in nrst let
ter. Blade, Seward, Neb. B MDf2 Cx
Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Tel. 2535.
FOUR experienced heavy hardware sales.
men; suio a niontn nna expenses; none
other need apply. Hart, 923 N. Y. Life.
B 545 4
WANTED; press feeder, cylinder. Apply
quick. Will pay telephone mesmge If we
hl.e you. Morton Printing Co. Bell "phone
94, Nebraska City. Neb. B-M571 I
PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry.
MEN, we teach the barber trade In few
weeks by our method of constant prac
tice and expert Instructions. Tools do
nated, diplomas given. Can nearly earn,
expenses before finishing. Call or write,
Moler Barber college, 1302 Douglas st.
B-M569 X
Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co
CAR fare refunded In case our college is
not as represented. Western Burbers' Inst.
ENKROETIO workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samples and advertising
matter. Good pay. No canvusslng. Co
operative Advertising Co., New Yo-k.
B-606 4x
WANTED, traveling representative for No
braska. Distributing and collecting. Sal
ary $S0 monthly and nil expenses. Ad
rlress Road Manager, 1110 Caxton Bldg.,
Chicago. ' B 669 4x
DRESHER BROS , tailors, 1515 Farnam Bt
WANTED. gKid. intelltsent FO'IcJtnr to sell
dividend-paying mining ftix k; good nalsrv
and commission to capable man Yearly
contract; references. R. D. Rohln'on
Company, Ia Angeles, Cal. B 712 4x
WANTED At once, a drug clerk with two
or three years' experb in'e; must speak
German: with no bad hahlts; not regis
tered. W. J. Maxwell, Avoca, Iowa.
B 763 I X
WANTED, everywhere, men willing to
distribute samples, tuck eigua, etc., at 13
d illy. I'ermun. lit . No canvassing. Con
tinental Distributing Service, ChPMgj.
B 736 IX
TRY the Chicago Laundry,
ler-trtc Shorthand marks as wonderful a
lng as Wireless Telegraphy marked In the
ehlnd the statement that In five years it
od completely out of existence, for the
rn way of doing anything must as surely
to-learn way as night must give way to
ulcs, 100 exceptions and thousands cf harr
ies and exceptions, 2O0 word-signs and thour
rules and exceptions and 700 word-signs,
es, 250 exceptions un.l word-signs.
Western Barbers' Institute means the best
barber college. 14 and Dodge Sts., Omaha.
ADVERTISING solicitor or writer wanted
to represent reliable concern doing busi
ness with some of the largest houses In
the world. For particulars and samples
send references with 60 cents to cover
postage, etc. Rodgnrs, Adverted, Inc.,
13 N. Broadway, at. Louis, Mo.
B b83 4x
WANTED 10 men In each state to travel,
tack signs and distribute samples and
circulars of our goods; salary. (76 per
month; $3 per day for expenses. Kuhl
man Co., Dept. D 6, Atlas Block. Chicago.
B 683 4t
WANTED everywhere, people to copy let
ters at home spare time and return to us.
Good pay, materials sent free. No mull
ing or canvassing. Enclose addressed en
velope for particulars and wages we pay.
Guarantee Co., Dept. 448, Philadelphia, Pa.
663 4x
LEARN right and you don't have to learn
over. Western Barbers' Inst., 14 Dodge.
PERSON to call on retail trade. Estab
lished business; t-ti and expenses paid
weekly; expense money advanced; posi
tion permanent; previous experience not
essential. Address Trade Manuger, 33
Dearborn, Chicago. B Mu2 lOx
OPEN evenings. Too busy making clothes
to close. Dresner Bros., tailors.
DETECTIVE Our secret service men earn
good money. Good men wanted every
where; experience unnecemary. Give ago
and references. Addreaa American Deteo
ttve Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
B 611 4x
THREE good sewing machine hustlers for
another city. On Scandinavian pre
ferred; each commission or salary. Must
have good record; steady men, no drunk
ards wanted; state experience, with whom
and where, Addreaa J 8, care Bee.
B 647 4x
LEARN right and you don't have to learn
over. Western Barbers' Inst., 14 & Dodge.
OPEN evenings. Too busy making clothes
to close. Dresher Bros., tailors.
sures an Increase In civil service -appointments.
Those Intending to take the next
examination should send to the Colum
bian Correspondence College, Washington,
D. C. ana secure Its free civil ser. 1 -e
announcement containing dates, sal tries,
places for holding examination and ques
tions recently used by the government
B 641 4x
WANTED, men, everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 1U0 Oakland Bank
building, Chicago, 111. B M568 4x
HENRY He sells fountain pens. 1607 Far.
SIX .magazines for $2.6.1; four of them dollar
magazines; nsk me about them; solicitors
wun ted. Grutulaux Co.. 307 Brown block.
B-649 6
WE save your clothes Chicago Laundry.
WE prepare you quickly ss Illustrator, car
toonist, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer,
bookkeeper, Journalist and writer, corre
spondence man, banker. Write for free
book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells
everything. National Correspondence
Schools, 82 When., Indianapolis, l 8. A.
EXPERT Instructors at the Western Bar
bers' Institute, 14th & Dodge Sts., Omaha.
DRESHER BROS., tailors. 1515 Farnam St.
WANTED Catholic Installment agents for
entirely new plan In country territory
never worked before; get out of old rut.
F J. Casey, 834 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
GYLMER, leading palmist, 715 N. 23d.
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position; good
pay. American Union, Fontluo Building,
Chicago. B 600 4x
WE save your clothes Chicago Laundry.
MANAGER wanted for cash grocery stores
In county seat; 11,000 capital required;
- good positions for the right men. Refer
ences. Luytiea, 6th and Franklin, St.
Louis, Mo. B 658 4x
HENRY He sells fountain pens. 1007 Far.
! $20 AND expenses paid weekly to a reliable
man to travel ana collect in Nenrasxu;
experience not necessary. Self-addressed
envelope for reply. Address Dept. L, 62
Dearborn St., Chicago, B i&3 4x
EXPERT Instructors at the Western Bar
bers' Institute, 14th & Dodge Sts., Omaha.
WANTED, person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing house; local territory;
salary $25 paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Building,
Chicago. B 654 4x
WE save your clothes Chicago Laundry.
$500 PER MONTH and $20 per week for
traveling expenses, may newn big money
to you, but it can and Is being made
selling my patent for making smokeless
gun and blasting, powder at 8 cents par
pound; it can be made In any kitchen
without any machinery You can travel
all over the world und make more money
thun you ever dreamed of before. Beware
of fakes advertising a smokeless powder. I
am the inventor and hold the patents. I
want a few good men at once to Introduce
the powder In Russia, Japan, South Amer
ica and Mexico and other foreign coun
tries. Free transportation. Particulars
free. J. A. Stransky, Box 600, Pukwana,
8. D. B 685 tx
MANY of our students are In business for
themselves. Western Barbers' Institute.
HENRY He sells fountain pens. 16u7 Far.
WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C.
F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. B 338
PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry.
1TR A V KIJ NG SALESMAN (gas engine
und wlndinills.
4 traveling salesmen (heavy hardware).
1 experienced hat Uenuian.
6 solli ltois, 60 per cent commission,
1 dry giMHls salesman.
1 shoe salesman.
HART. KS N. T. Ufa.
B 811 4
EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World.'
WANTED, big man. must weigh not less
ban 2ty pounds; good natured, fond of
i hildreii and ue unio 10 play a Dugie. Ad
diess K 4. care Bee.
HENRY He tells fountain pens. 1M7 Far.
New Classes
In All Departments
of the
Good time to begin.
Day and Evening Sessions.
Advertising literature free to
any address. Write
17th and Douglas Sts.
80 GIRLS, Canadian, 15th and Dodge.
C twl
LADIES, we teach hulrdresslng, manicur
ing or facial massage. Short time cum-
Eletes. Busy season now. Positions walt
ig. Top wages paid graduates. Call or
write, Moler college, liu'i Douglas st.
C M570 8x
TRY Lundeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic.
A CAPABLE stenographer who writes well
with a pen Address J 56, Bee.
C-M568 Ix
MONOGRAM, 6c; 100 value. Skoecker Cigar
Stores. C 864 10
WANTED, nurse for little girl 7 years old.
Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, 41 Howard. C-638
GIRL for general housework, at 824 So. 29th
ave. C 538
SIX magazines for $2.65; four of them dollar
magazines; my catalog has 8,500 publica
tions at cut rates; we duplicate club of
fers made by eastern cuncerns. Giumi
aux, Co., 307 Brown block, Omalia.
C-551 S
WANTED, fifty girls to operate power ma
chines in the horse blanket depaitment.
Apply Bemis Omalia Bag Co.
A 1 bookkeeper and stenographer, experi
enced In produce commission, at once.
Call or write for list of vacancies.
840 N. Y. Life.
C-tSl $
GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry.
LADIES, $7 to 810 weekly earned doing
plain sewing at home. Material sent f. ee
everywhere prepaid; stamped addressed
envelope brings particulars. Union Com
pany, 1215 Filbert Street, PlJladeJpa. a.
$20.00 AND expenses paid each week to
ladies an district managers to distribute
goods and make collections; experience
not necessary. Addressed envelope for
reply. Woman's Dept., bi Dearborn, Chi
cago. C 87 IX
USE Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic,
LADY wanted to care for aged lady) $2.50
week: good home: elderly lady preferred.
Address, Box 7L Arlington,
C-638 (x
LADIES, $30 thousand copying letters; no
mailing to friends or furnishing addresses;
stamped envelope particulars. U. 8. Ad
vertising CV, Dept. 88, Chicago.
C 867 tx
GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry.
WOMEN to sew at home. $9.00 per week.
Materials sent everywhere free; steady
work, plain sewing only. Send addressed
envelope for full particulars. 8. E. M.,
Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. C-604 4x
LADIES earn $8 to $10 weekly handling
most meritorious and useful article; does
not Interfere with other duties. Reliable
Specialty Co., 1014 E. 156th St., N. Y.
C-693 4x
LADIES to do piece work at their homes;
furnish all materials and pay from $7 to
ill weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C-703 4x
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, Battenberg, drawn work; also
to do order work. Stamped envelope, La
dles' Exchanga, 34 Monroe, Chicago.
C 702 4x
GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry.
BUTTONS are all the rage for dress trim
mings for years to come. We make them
in all sizes, qualities and the beautiful
Ivory rims. Let us show you them. The
Goldman Pleating Co. C
SEE our pleated dressing sacques and tea
gowns. Goldman Pleating Co. C
BUY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic.
WANTED Girl attending nchorl to help
with work for room, board and car far.
C-723 4
YOUNG woman earning less than $50 per
month for work in own town. A c m
mon school eduoitlon the only require
ment neceswry. Applv for particulars.
The Hal, Snyder Co., Peotla, ill.
C 723 ix
GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry.
LADY CASHIER, out of city. Hurt. 923 N.
Y. Life. c bis 1
WE save your clothes Chicago Laundry.
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
...... I.. III..-..! ..11.,
felling UUI IIUTI.I "HO' 1 1 wui; "UI u.
arbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 674 4x
WANTED, energetic agent as branch olnce
manager to nandie agents; also soap crew
managers for road; $200. Parker Chemical
Co., Chicago. J-678 4x
AGENTS Read In dark. Name plates,
signs, numbers; 8u0 per cent profit. Sum-
rles free. Wright Supply Co., Englewootl,
U J -670 4x
$75 WEEKLY and expenses easily nude
writing Hie, neuun una acciueni insur
ance; experience unnecessary. Write
Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo.
J-671 4x
AGENTS WANTED If this catches the
eye of a live, ambitious. party who desires
to earn a handsome Income, write us for
our money making proposition, selling
stereoscopic? photographs. Our agents
are positively making from $5 to $15 above
expenses. Our latest production St. Louis
exposition and the Russian-Japanese war
Abel Building, Chicago, 111. J
AGENTS for the Bonheur exquisitely beau
tiful waicn; dust proor, uassine, mirror
finished, 80-year guaranteed gold filled
case; an event In the watch market; sells
lit sight for $15.00; a wonderful Christmas
firopositlon; large profits; only $10.00 cap
iat required; write today. The Bonheur
Watch Co. of America, Buffalo, N. Y.
AGENTB make $5 to $10 dally selling our
one dollar assortment for hoc. nampie
box, express prepaid, 85c. Branch offlco
and crew managers wanted. Davis
Soaps, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago.
J-675 tx
AGENTS wonted, sell our tl.OO bottle aursa-
panlla for SU-; Pest seller; per cenc
front; write today for trme and terrl
ory, V. R. Greene, 115 Lake st, Chicago.
AGENTS We pay $18 a week and expenses
to men wun rigs 10 ini.roo.ucs poumy
compound. Year's contract. Imperial
Mfg. Co.. Dept 64. Parsons, Kan. J
MEN willing to work positively make $2 dirt
to 88.UIU pur year suiung our Juki patented
maehto. Eagle Tuoi Co., 11 U-. Cincin
nati, O. J-W
A. C Ong. A. M., LL. B., Pres.
A. J. Lowry, Prin.
Seventeenth and Harney Streets.
The many young people now entering the
OlAerent deportments are attracted to this
school by reaaou of Its reputation for doing
careful, thorough work, tor being a school
of line discipline, employing the most skill
ful Instructors and located la quarters
which anord every facility to meet the
demands of an up-to-date business oollege.
This Institution, established twelve years
ago, has been blult up strictly upon tha
merits of the work accomplished fur Us
It jou wish a working knowledge of pen
maushlp, commercial branches, bookkeep
ing, banking, shorthand and typewriting,
enter now lor the winter term, the Aneat
season In the year to study, and become
prepared to double the value of your serv
ices by spring. Students are euisring
every week; come and join them ,
Free membership for one year In the
Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C A, Is given to
very siudent who enters for a full term.
Apply for catalogue and college literature.
B 787 4x
WANTED, trustworthy man or woman for
small local oftlce. We train our own peo
ple. Weekly cash salary. Supt. local
dept., 128 N. ltd St., St Louis. J-M572 4s
BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $3 to
W a doaaa; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write tor our free book about this)
rich Industry, Plymouth Rock Squab Co
ti Atiantio Ave., Boston. Mass. J
UI R PLAN for starting beginners in profit
able Mall-Order Business is very success
full. We sre pioneers In this field. Some
we started three months ago receive 10
letters dallv and are making big money.
Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup
ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J
LADY AGENTS A chance to make money,
and plenty of It, Is what Mme. Yale, tha
celebiated beauty specialist, la offering
women of good address; opportunity for
traveling or home work, as preferred;
many are making $50 and upward weekly.
For particulars address
MAltU. 1ALC,
Flatlron Building, Broadway and Twen
ty-tlilrd St., New lorn city
WANTED Cathollo Installment agents for
entirely new plan in country territory
never worked before; get out of old rut.
F. J. Casey, 834 Dearborn St, Chicago. Hi.
AGENTH, $75 per month and expenses to
sell advertising rtgns to merchants and
manufacturers. Bt Louis Sign Co., St.
Louis, mo.
ADV. CUTS Wheaton, Bee Bldg.
AGENTS drop everything and sell wonder
waterproof shoe polish; It's a winner; two
full-elsed bottles free. Wonder Shoe Po
lish Co., Dept. 4, Chicago. J -68 4x
AGENTS make $3.00 to $10.00 a day fitting;
glasses. Big profits. Uur Z4-page rree eye
book tells how. Write today. Jacksonlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Michigan J 878 4x
SEWING machines rented, 75o a week. Neb.
LADY agents making less than $25 weekly
snouia write ior cniaiogue ww in in.
We start you In business and make you
Independent. Outfit prepaid. Women's
Apparel Suppl Co., Chicago.
J 438 Ix
AGENTS on salary or commission. Tha
greatest agents seller over prooureu;
very user of pen and ink buys It on
sight; 2o0 to 500 per cent profit; one s gent's
sales amounted to $620 In six days; an
other $.12 In two hours. Monroe Mfg Co.,
X 16, La Crosse, Wis. J-835, 4x
WANTED A New York manufacturer
wants a hustling, enterprising agent to
represent them In Omaha who has $100.00
capital to equip branch office. Experieno
In our line Is not necessary. Whst w
want Is men who can sell goods. Addrest,
Room 417, 87 William street, New York.
N. Y. J-646 4x
$18 A WEEK and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce our poultry good a ja-
veils Mfg. Co., Dept.
"B," .'arsons, Kan,
J-701 4x
BILZ makes sweaters for the foot ball.
WANTED Men, everywhere gas Is used,
to sell our Igniter. No matches needed.
Lasts forever. Magic Gas Igniter Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind- J 27 4x
AGENTS 850a week guaranteed; automatlo
washers sell themselves. Agents writes:
"Exhibited sample to 10 women; took 10
orders." Time, 46 minutes; profit ovsr $60;
guaranteed to do a washing In SO min
utes; furnishes its own power; requires no
labor; oosts less than any other machine;
free samples and exclusive territory fur
nished. Automatlo Washer Co., Station
U, Chicago. J 698 4x
SILVER plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508
AGENTS We manufacture 85 of the
fastest selling patented household spe
cialties in the market; outfit free to
canvassers. Union Mfg. Co., 133 Nassau
street. New York. J 817 4x
AGENTS 810 day; "novelty sign cards"
and "window display signs;" merchant
buy 26 to 100 on sight; 1.000 varieties; cata
logue free. National Adv. Co., 1457 venu
A, New York. J-878 4x
AGENTS, city and country, introduce
household necessity; easy seller; large
Errrfits. Write Anderson & Co., 897 W.
ilvUlon St., Chicago. J 648 4x
WANTED, position by young man: six
years' experience in general store. Ref
erences furnlahed. Address J K Be.
STENOGRAPHER, lady, want potation;
eight years' experience; have worked In
hardware. Insurance, luw, mercantile
unices; reference tlrst-class. Address J Hi,
Bee. A 5o0 2x
EXPERT stenographer wants position; cao
furnish references. Apply J 67. Bee.
A M577 tx
SITUATION wanted by young man stenog
rapher; salary no consideration to start.
Address J 6. Bee. A 551 tx
GOLD plating. Omaha, Plating Co., 1501
SITUATION wanted by experienced Sten
ograplier; can furnish references. Address!
K 14. Bee. A
WANTED, position by bookkeeper who If
rapid and accurate in his work. Is a goo
penman; best if references. K 13, Bes.
RELIABLE resident of Omaha wishes In
side work of any kind during wlntert
Small wuges. K 10, Bee. X 58 6x
GIRL with good education and experience,
will care for children and do plain sew
lng. Address J 27, Bee. A 658 3x
COMPETENT lady bookkeeper and cashier
wants small set of books oh offlcs po
sition. Eleven years' experience wlta
present employer. Address, J 62, Baa.
V A-62S-4X
POSITION ss stenographer by man with
family. Address, Harry O'Connor, Car
Bee Office, Council Bluffs, la.
YOUNG lady stenographer wants place to
work in physician's office, H Is, Bee.
A M21 x
WOMAN wants work addressing envelopes
at home. H 80, Bee. A M 822 tlx
SHORT story writer solicits work for
local publications. H 17, Bee.
A M623 8x
YOUNG msn, stenographer, Just from ool
lege, wants position. Fair salary to start.
H 15, Bee A-M610-8X
POSITION by young man as grocery clerk;
not long In this country; speaks Russian.
II 48, Bee. A M417 x
WANTED Place to do porter work. H 7,
Bee. A-M6186X
POSITION by accountant and bookkeeper.
State salary and line of work Bee.
YOUNG woman with some experieno de
sires position In docur'B or dentist's office.
Address J 60, Bee. A 803 8x
YOUR little girl will need a new dress.
Why not have us make her a pleated
dress? Have them In all colors ana sixes.
Goldman Pleating Co. A
SITUATION WANTED Expert sten4gra-
plusr; Remington; aiy urate and r.lluW.
Good reference Address J 83. Pee.
A-M7U tx
ARTISTIC electro plating. Omaha Plating
Co., 15ot Harney.