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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1904)
HIE OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2$. 1904. i ft r 4 i ir dj . it 111 I.. .4-', U" as . ' . v r 4 5 . t -, ( , , a i ) .1 4 i i lu I lit kirn I 3 11 fl'l i i . t i I S i : I, i. . i i ' s i I - SPECIAL NOTICES nlll fce takes sell" II as. ts tka rtrilif eSltlea aatll a. at. " iha maralaar liidif edlttssw Mates 1 l-8e a nar flrat Issertl Is a ward thereafter. Rstblaar takea for leae (has tor fc flrst laser ties. These aavertieesseata aiaat as raa eeaseeatlvelf. Advertisers, by rfaaridiK a nnm. tiers e bee It, eta ad. dressed la a aembered letter fa ear nf The Bee. Asirrere aa sddresseil mill be delivered oa araaaalatlaa at elieelc. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night Schoof BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Fres H. B. EOYLfcS, President New York Lite OmaHa. C AH Brings an Edison Phonograph Into iPJAjyj your home. Sea L. Flexcner Vm Capitol ava. K-M144 Dlu SPECIAL attention given arehUeets' plana and specifications; contractors should in vestigate. Lew Wentworth, 618 Paxton blk. 'ilione 1671 R-M875 Ul IOC RUY8 ladles' 60c ruff and collar sets People a Store, 1st h and Fa mam streets. TRY KLLT'B TOWh.i. SUPPLY. Tel. 16M. QMfWE PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Peat JIMKJ lC ient cigar on earth. R- CITY SAVINGS BANK pt)l I pr cent. R 327 J. E. WALLACE, taxidermist U6 8 13th. R-3JS 1 lot? BUYS ladles' 60c cuff and collar sets People'! Store, 16th and Farnam streets. IF YOU want t3 buy. sell or rent properly, borrow money, aefl note or nccount, call at K. 1 N. V. Lilt. Tel. 133. Ulovei ft Son. K-i.l OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3S46. .John Morrlaaey, Mgr. Rea. Tel. 1914. R-335 ADV. CUTS WH EATON, lo Bee Bldg. H OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard at R M5U0 D12 IOC BUYS ladles' 60c cuff Hnd collar Beta People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. SHORTHAND REPORTING. C. A. Potter, Law and Commercial Reporter. Examiner in Chancery and Notary Public Room 414 Be Building. R Ml IS CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 2U SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE 264. We trust everybody. Have our wagons call. Express work solloited. R-M903 Dl? Pianos for Rent, M OO 14.00. New Plunos. iiigh grade. Rent allowed IX you purchase. Perneld Piano Company, 1611 Vuraam. Telephone Tul. Open evenings. K 8il 1)C BUYS ladies' 60c cuff and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Far nam streets. EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. H-3-i8 Anti-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 177S. R 321 10C BUYS ladles' 60c cuff' and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. SIGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 330 STOVE& FURNACEREPAIRS Tel. laiO. 120 J Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks. R-331 1 MELCHIOR, machine works. 13th and Hnwu'i R 832 IOC BITY8 ladles' 50o cuff and collar sets People's Store, loth and FHrnam streets. FOR'SALE MISCELLANEOUS gKCOMCHANn sewing machines, ola makes, rem I to 110. 1614 Douglas. Q-Ults A CASH register, will fto cheap. Millinery Department, second floor. Bennett's. ' Q M164 3x FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tablea, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments; send (or catalogue. HrunswIck-Balke-CollenUe, 40T S. 10th St., . Omaha. Q-M42S POOL tables, show cases 1407 Harney st. COTIN crlbbii s; tel. polea. long Or timbers, express fence lata, 3-ply while b.isswond. Wl Douglas. Q-1000 100 HEATING and" cook stoves, bla- sacrU flee. Clilcago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodee. . Q 610 N30 l"OR SALE Several acho!arshtp In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course Id business, bhort liand and typewriting. Inquire at Hee office. , g 861 COMPI ETE line new and Zd-hnnd furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. M10. Q-341 JND-HAND safe cheap, nam. Dcrlght. 1119 Far-Q-341 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about i'M leel w Htranded octrlc light cable and one (too ampere liuU'a switch. , Addreaa Bee Building Co., or ae V .H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building, . Omaha. Q i3 FINE) harness r.nd saddles, trunks nnd bags: all leather suit case, Ji. Alfred Cornish ft Co., 1210 Farnam at. U 97 D2A TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR. BOILERS FOH SALE. Two coders, 100 horaa power, which have . boen used but six years, made of firebox steel, triple riveted butt and strap joints. Insuranoe company permits of pressure of ,126 pounds.- They are now In use and con be seen at boiler house rear of Bi-e building Can be delivered about Augu. H. Call cr address W. H. Bridges, engl- nettr. Bee building. Omaha. Q M9t EDISON Standard Phonog-aph, almost new, and 24 first-class records of best music Particularly clear phnnoarHph: 110. Call or address, W. C. at North western Ticket Office. Q M16) 28 SEOOND-HANr STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargjiu In aieuin attiuga cUl and look over the following supplies: l.ft-lnch Jenkln's Globe valves. 1. 4-Inch Gate valve. J.l-lnch Austin horlsontal separator. 4-Inch Austin vertical aeparaior. I t H. P. horlsontal englue. Inch, pipe and lit tings. These have been taken - out on account of changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Adresa Bee Building Co., , or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Boe build, lag, Omaha. Q 4-a 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman as McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. vj 343 BRICK, pressed and sidewalk. (IS Paxton block. Q M97C P7 ' H. P. ENGINE. We have one six-horse power horlsontal engine. The engine haa never Ixv-n used. W ill aelt It for about one-half price. W. 11. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. Q 113 WB RENT sewing machines TSo week. We repair all makes of machln. a. feeo ond hand macl.lnes 15 to liO. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Corner 16th and Harney. Q 160 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 10 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 4a in. In diameter. 1 Countershafts complete. M Feet 1 7-U-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangera. 40 Feet 1 L-16-ln. shafting, with coupling and hangera, together with about Sou feet of belting from 3 to 6 In. These are all In Mrst-clas condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee bulldlrg. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. Tel. F-27V7, 61 8. roth. Mrs Uarceax M83S D-i IN families. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A -2764. M ;4 Di KAFLTWINB. 122 CALIFORNIA Tel F27U. Alalia D. WANTED MALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Modern, simple, legible and rapid. Beat system now In use. Send for particulars. Address: Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas sis. B TELEGRAPH department open In Decern- Der. iioyie s College. a saw WANTED Competmt frame fitter. Apply nose s Art Store. ti jaif mui.r.n n Darner couf-frw. uenyer, .uiw., teaches the barl -r trad In 1 weeks and guarantees pohltlona. Special terms. Write. B 769 Dee 12 Wanted Party with $3,000 to i?S,000, to take interest. in leading Real Estate Company and manage ment of Des Moines office. Good salary. Must be hustling up-to-date business man and come well recommended. . Ad dress: G 59 care of Bee. Chain, Gregg Shorthand Schools OMAHA, 712 N. Y. L. Bldg. . iOUTH OMAHA, Glasgow Blk. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Merriam Blk. Most Approved and Up-to-Date Method. Individual and Class instruction. A new 'typewriter at Your own Home. Call or iVrile for Particulars. B 961 26 WANTED Youna man to learn ste nograpliy during spare time. Good salary when competent. Address E. C, thH unite. e WANTED FOlt U. H. ARMT-Able-bodld unmarried mi n, between ages of 21 and citizens ot L't lted States, if good cnaraa ter and ten oerate habits, who suoac. read and wrl e Engllnh. For lnlorvaation apply to B crultfng Ottlcer, 13th and Douglas sUi.. OmafeUi Unooln. Neb., or tsioux . ity, i A. a mit .. .... a -. j ii .Li .vi s r'n'i v. i (. i. j 11)1 h and Blnndo sts , partially destroyed l.y tire. Apply at 104. New York Life uiag., Detween 10 a. m. and s p. m. B-M932 EXPERIENCED procery cterxs, and no driers, can get worg. saains-wase .'o 634-36 Paxton Blk. B-M31 IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 623 N. T. Life. B-MC14 D3 WANTED Two city ralesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co.. il Howard at H-t WANTED Five gooa fccys with wha-ls. 212 S. Uth st. B 121 D WANTED At once, five chicken pickers at Swift and Co.'s poultry house. Fair bury, Neb. Plenty of poultry and good price for picking. B M88& 10 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this belna: the BEST and onlv re liable, most practical barbar college In th Uoltcd States, Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insiitut. Omaha. Neb. B-361 PORTRAIT men, why work for someone else at fifty to seventy-five cents an order when you can buy guaranteed work of us at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan. Ripley Art Co., lock box 679, Omaha, Neb. B118 30 WANTED By well established school In Illinois, a telegraph teacher; must be ' competent to assume entire control of telegraph department; good salary; must no nble to mnke small Investment. Ad dress J 37, Omaha Bee. B 334 Dec6 DRl'" CX.ERKB. Knlest, it r.. N. T. L Bldg B-S54 WANTED FEMALE HELP 10 GIRLS; Canadian ufBce. lfitk and Dodge, - . C Us WANTED, by large soap manufacturer a Bales lady to call oil. drug and grocery trade and demonstrate our toilet pr para tlona; salary 120 a week and expenses. Buffalo Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y. C-M314 D2 MONOGRAM, 6c; 10c value. Stoecker Cigar Stores. C 364 10 LADIES Enrn 120 per 100 writing short let ters; send stamped envelope for particu lars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. C M123 2x GIRL wanted; good writer. Address J 12, Bee office. C M126 28x WANTED A girl to do general housework at 2618 St. Mary's Ave. C 162 2S WANT EI) A good, plain cook, also a nurse girl. 3136 Chicago. C M256 28 EXPERIENCED cook wanted, no washing references reouired. Apply at once. Mrs! J. E. Baum, 3546 Harney St. C M163 29x WANTED, five good girls to put up Bluing Extracts, Spice, etc. D. B. 6ml' h p;xt. & Bplce Co.. 802 South 10th St. C M210 28x WANTED SITUATION WANTED, position by young man; six years experience In general store. Ref erences furnished. Address J 14. Ree. A-M276 28x GIRT, with good education and experience will dire for children and do plain sew ing. Address J 27, Bee. A M166 28x WANTED, a permanent place, Janitor work preferred; best references. Address J 21. Bee. A-M1S6 29x BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you wan to buy, sell 01 exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnsoti, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 12270 T-381 DRUG 8tores Knlest R. P., N. T. L. Bldg. Y-384 PHYSICIANS located. Kolest. N. Y. L. Y-M38I FOR SALE A thrifty grocery buslnessln Fremont, Neb. Reason for selling on ap plication. Address J 2. care Bee. Y-M937 ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. If you have account, nolo or claim of any kind against person, firm or corporation, we can settle It for you. Call or write THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. Neb. 'Phone 133. Y 481 ABROTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of buslr.ess. Y SSI 6HOLE8-ARM8TRONO CO.. TO N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-382 DOCTOR. $100 will purchase a location where you can make money from the start. Address J 7, Omaha Bee. T-M107 t9x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM. and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-4i!i PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W 421 WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Karnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 421 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W 414 t PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros. 1604 Farnam. W 42 LOWEST rates. Bemls. Paxton block. W 421 MONEY to loan on real estste at I and iu per cent W. B. Melkle, 2u6 Ramsabldg. I HAVE one thousand dollars ($1,000) to loun for one to five years on first mort gage security. In answering aay what your ' security la and where located. Security must be gilt edge. Addreas J 20. Use. W M161 lx CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMElt sclcnunc palmist, 715 N. tsd. S-4t Pis HEE AGAIN IUJEAKS ALL WANT AD RECOUPS. ' ' More than twire. an main as ever published by any other Omaha paper. The following table shows The Hoe's enormous lead: , Total number of want ads. . . . . .Uee, 2.555 World-Herald, 967 ' Total number of paid want ads.. Dee, 2,555 World-Herald, 914 Dee's lead On Sunday, November 20, The Dee published a total of 2,382 paid want ads. World-Herald a total of 1,161 paid want ads. Dee's pain on Sunday, November 27, over Sunday, Novem ber 20, 171. World-Herald's loss, 247. The Dee on the four Sundays during November leads by over 2.500 paid want ads. THE DEE OETS THE DFSINESS BECAUSE IT GIVES' THE BEST RETURNS. F0K RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. lih Cinema. E 30 DEWEY, European hotel, Uth and Farnam. E 361 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladies' cafe, private dining r. ; open night E 162 HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms; bath and gas; references required. 24.6 St. Mary s ave. E MW4 MIDLAND hotels, lth and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cafe in connection. E M5S0 KORTH WESTERN hotel. 611 N. 16th! Euro pean. E Mixi4 10 FURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room 1, N. T. Life. E la8 SUITE of modern front rooms, with board, or light housekeeping. References Tel. B-2567. 2034 N. lth. E 818 28 TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot and cold water, electric light, gan, telephone; good board in vicinity; convenient for gentlemen. 717 S. 26th St. E M778 11.00 TO 12.00 per week, 422 So. 18th St., one block south of court house. E M96s NICELY furnished rooms, steam heated, modern. 626 S. 19th. E M141 ZSx SOUTH room, nicely furnished; 13 per month. 613 S. 19th. E M143 28x WELL furnished front room; modern. Tel. F3378, 1816 Jackson. E-M136 28x LIGHT housekeeping rooms; well fur- i . . . i i . . . . k in... nisneu; rcHsonauie. eiv rt. i?in. E M139 28x DESIRABLE room, first class location. 2224 Farnam. E-M2D8 29x NEATLY furnished room, for one or two; furnace, modern, terms reasonable. 2215 Burt. E M317 28 PLEASANT furnished room, strictly mod ern. 524 S. 26th ave. E M319 28x LARGE unfurnished front room; light housekeeping; no children, lxis image. E-324 2x WELL furnished, steam-heated rooms; rates very reasonable. 712 00. I6tn st. E 327 28x WELL furnished front room; gentlemen preferred; first-class board, home cooKing; rates reasonable. 2815 Leavenworth. E 328 28x NEATLY furnished front parlor, walking distance; references. 1717 V enster. I E M300 2Sx FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, hot and cold water, nam. gas. furnace heat. Inquire 2204 North 19th. E 257 2b LARGE front room, nicc'y furnished, p' tlemen preterrea. nvt uougias. E M3C8 S TWO nlcelv furnished south rooms, purl floor; modern, ram Ave. t-non jtjj '.ig LARGE, aouth front room, with alcove; parlor floor, ram ave. -nont 1,101. v E-MJ01 30 NICELY furnlshed front room, nvide.n; furnace neat, uo bo. in ave. E-M3C2 I8x SINGLE front room, nicely furnlvh"d; ... r . - - j - . . . v- i -, .) on. Furnace. dvu ueuigm uie. r .uiwo wa FRONT room, well furnished, modern. 403 So. 25th ave. a jx NICELY furnished rooms, modern stenm- heated flat; warning aistance. dui io. 19th. B-329 2Sx , FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; mod ern; good neignoornooa; rates reasnn ahle; board just across the street, 'all 616 80. 22d. E M315 29x FURNISHED front parlor, for gentleman; slso housekeeping rooms. 2010 nun. 1 ci. B275S. E M140 28x LARGE, clean front room, newly fur nished; light hoii-ieKeentng; also unrur nlshed rooms. 210 N. 19th. IS M138 28 A VERY nice comfortable room, modern. for one or two gentlemen; Its cioe in. 114 S. 19th. E 335 28x LARGE front room, modern, e-'ii"' neigh borhood. 2026 Harney. E M94 28x HOUSEKEEPING. 3 comfortably furnished rooms In private residence; gas, hath, telephone, hot water bent; references re qnlred. Address J 35. Bee. E 819 28 . FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGT3. F 161 MIDLAND hotel. 16th n(t Chicago; steam, heated fjoms, with or without board. 7 F Mii81 ROOM and hoard, suitable for two gen tlemen. 317 N. 17th. F M142 28x THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge Bt. TL 88. Famliy hotel. F-S64 609 H. 25th Ave., pleasant room; good board; private family. F 367 AN elegant furnished south front room and slcove, with first-class board. 'Phone A1994. 2418 Cass. F Mas!) ROOM and board for two. U N. 26th St. F-051 NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; close In; modern conveniences; telephone, etc.; first-class board; reasonable. Apply 618 So. 19th. F-M313 i9x ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping; modern conveniences; board If desired. 706 North 30th. F 117 29x ELEGANTLY furnished room, modern, with board; easy walking distance; rates reasonable. Apply 620 So. 19th. F M314 I9x FURNISHED room, with board, modern; also day board, home cooking. 116 N. 26th. F M.118 29 TWO nicely furnished .rooms, good hoard. 710 S. 18th. 'Phone L 2076. F-M996 30 THE ROSE Well furnished, furnace-heated rooms; all modern conveniences, nrsi-ciusa board; easy walking distance. 2020 Har ney. 'Phone 2447. F-326 28x TWO nicely furnished rooms, good board. 710 S. 18th. 'Phone. F-M9K6 30 WE have a large front room, with board, suitable for one or two ladlea or gentle men: near car line; no other hoarders; no children. 2612 Emmet St. F 838 28 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, best location, cheap. 25i8 Harney. O M320 28x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In the Bee building carries with It all the conveniences and advan tages 'In the way of heat, light. Janitor aervlce, all-night and U day ana Sunday elevator service. A f0 office is now va cant. Call at once. B C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. , 1 21 l-STORY and basement brick building. 1001 Farnam, 2;xl0U. hydraulln elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 814 First Nat l Bank building. I-Sfc FOR RENT Half of ground floor and, all of second floor ut 916 Furnam St. ' I-M&0 1 IF A GOOD Bht Is reeded ws can shoM you a north front office on the fifth floor a splendid room, ot the moderate price or $j. R. C. Peters 6 Co., ground floor. Bee Building. I 121 1,641 i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 13,50010 rooms, all modern, new plumbing and In flrst-clnss repair, large barn, lot 61x120; near 27th and Cuming.. Denney, l'axton block. RE LARGE 6-room cottage, lot 50x128, east front 11.'. t lots, 8oxl2o. right fT grade, close to street car, good nelghbornood $750. J. A. LOVUREN. 537 Paxton block. RE 4-ROOM house, lot 3f.xl25, on 25th near Cuming, $1,650. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE 14,5oO 8 rooms all modern, very fine, near Creighton college. Denney, Paxton block. FOR SALE, several Improved farms, all descriptions, sfls to 320s; good crops; some with telephones, mall routes, timber, run ning water; must be sold by February; so write kind of farm wanted and I'll send price. 1, C. Moore, Annus, Neb. RE M120 28X $6,50010 rooms, modern, full lot, east side of nnd overlooking Hunscom park. Den ney, Paxton block. RE Attention, Homeseekers and Investors! 200.000 acres good agricultural land In Ore gon, 16.00 per acre; 2H.000 in Washington, 6.60 per acre; lO.tuo acres in Horse ilaven country, Washington, $&60, In one body; Suu good homesteads ready for plow. HOBAN at TAUUERT. Portland, Ore. . HE M144 28x $3,600 WILL BUY a bes.titlful home In Kountta Place, full lot, south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE M861 CUSTER county land from $6 to $9 per acre. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- 10,150 9 rooms, corner lot, new and modern, walking distance, Denney, paxton niock. RE IF YOU want to buy, en, rent borrow money, sell note or account, call It R t N. Y. Ufa 'Phone 111. Glover At Son RE-M2U $3,5007 rooms, all modern, new, choice, near 31st and Dodge, Denney, Paxton block. RE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Ka;..wu, Colorado and Wyoming, low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept U. P. K. K. Co., Omaha. Neb. Dept "A. HE-M8U LOTS on Burt St., between 27th and 2SUi 30x150, $600 each. Chris Boyer, 22d an Cuming. HE FOR SALE Two modern, orick houses. rooms each; will rent lor iio. x'ricc, --.'J easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 Nsw York Life bidg. M64i '.ji.-O 9 rooms, modern, corner, near 29tli i.nd Leu ven worth. Denney, Puxton block. RE c,bAS Williamson Co.,v-& ,. - RE-380 $l,Cj) 9 rooms, new. modern, West Farnam. Denney, Puxton block. , RE- FOR SALE Two' 'south, front houses and lot on Hickory, street, renting for )30i per year; llrst-olais repair $2,uU0. J. A. LOVGKEN, 537 Paxton block. RE $3,7508 rooms, all modern, corner lot, big gest bargain in Kountze Place. Denney, Paxton block. RE FORTY acres In Pawson county, Neb.; can be irrigated, $2,000. . Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. -,. RE- IMPROVED 226-acre stock and grain farm, 17 miles north of C. Bluffs. Hi south Loveland, Iowa. . Price. $12,600. Address W. C. Jacobs, Shelby, Iowa. RE ONE-STORY brick store, lot 20xl327on Cuming near 22d, $2,600, Chris Boyer. RE $4,0007 rooms, new and modem, good lo cution, close in. Denney, Paxton block. RE A VALUABLE business property, 24th and Lake, $12,000. Investigate. Chris Boyer, 22J and Cuming. RE FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in one year, secured by firs' mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three learn. Interest at 6 Der cent, payable sen.l-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by reupectable parties Address the owner, S 26. Bee office. KE-M451 6-ROOM house, city water, lot 61x125, on Nicholas near 29th St., $1,250. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE $5.000 Investment property, reaping $800 per year. Half cash. Denney, Paxton block. RE TWO-ROOM house, barn, full lot. near 14th and Gust sis., well and cistern water, $810. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- WANTED, a modern home of at least 8 rooms, lit a good part of city; will pay $3,600 to $4,000 cash. Address J 82, Bee. ' RE : - 1 FOUR-ROOM house, city water, 1508 Mili tary ave., $860. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. ' . RE $5,5009 rooms, modem, a bargain, within walking distance. Denney, Paxton block. RE- TWO lots, 27th and Saratoga, 100x127. pm. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- NUMEROUS bargains in Improved and un improved city and farm proparty. Chris Biyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- CLOSE IN BARGAIN. A seven-roim house, modern except fur nace, ' located Just opposite All Saints' church, on 26th und Dewey avenue; walk ing distance. Rents for $'22.50. A very de sirable location. Price, $2,600. Owner very anxious to sell, as he wishes to use money in business. unma, PAXTON BLOCK. FOUR-ROOM bouse, chicken house, coal shed, two lots, on Gust St., .near 14th, $4oo. Chris Boyer, 22U and Cuming. RE $5,5008 rooms, modern and very choice, Kountze Place. Denney, Paxton block. RE LOT 117x124, on 7th ave. near Bancroft with 4-room house; splendid location fur chicken raising $."i00. J. A. LOVGREN, 637 Paxton block. RE- THREE houses on Charles St., near 13d; J., iir. ttnu ana taw. i m im nner, 2d and Cumins. . RE $6.5i)0 rooms, choice location, "Weef Far nam district. Dvnney, Puxton bloclj. FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 431 CHAS EDERER. Reasonable. 10th and Bristol. Tel. 1796 M92 L. HENDERSON, IMS Farnam. Send fof price list of cut flowers and planta. t 411 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. 3U. 43j When You Write to Advertisers remerrher It only la as an extra stroke or two ' n tien lo mention the tool that yen saw the ad. la The Be. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Block. D tul H()l !P In u -Part of the city. The nUUOCO o. '. Oavla Co.. 4o Bea blug. D u2 FOR RENT, s-room house, n first-class condition, with large lot; convenient to car line. $16. M N. 26th st D M866 SEE M'CAULEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 909 8. Uth. Tel 1464. D 407 A HOME on Blnney st, 10-room house, ta desirable party; 144 per month. Telephone B2627. D-161 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. Uth. OfOce, 1611 Farnam. Tel. 1661. U ol WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. l'.6. Office 1713 Webater 8L D-404 nuuJ" Petera at Co., Bee Building. D i PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1011 Li to FOR RENT Modern g-ronm flat opposite Hanacom park, $34. 'Phone 623. D-M6SJ i-ROOM cottage, 2012 South 2d street; city water. In good condition; rent $8. Walter Brecn, r. 416 Karbach block. D 839 EIGHT-ROOM house nnd bath, hot water heating, steel range; will be empty Dec. 16; only first-class party need apply. 812 N I3d St. D-830 24x FOR RENT Furnished, modem house. Apply Rose's Art Store. D M128 FOR RENT, after January 1, for aeveral months, moOrn furnished eight-room house. Snap for right party. References. Address H 3, Bee. D M780 NICELY furnished six-room steam-heated apartment; Janitor service. Address with reference, J 1 Bee office. D 919 8-ROOM house. 2508 Decatur St., $16. Chris .Bover, 22d and Cuming sts. Telephone 204t. D 946 EIGHT-ROOM house and bath, hot water heating, steel runge; will be empty Dec. 16; only first-class party need apply. 812 N. 13d St. D-h lx MONEY Omaha. Mortgage Loan Co. FOH RtAf. :r31 Hamilton St., 6-room modern house $20.00 1.113 North 26th St., 6-room modern house 17.00 i6 N. 83d St., 5-room cottage 10.00 )i9 Dodge St., 10-room modern house.. 50.00 1st nnd Webster Sts., 10-room mod- -rn flat 40.00 J Park Ave., 6-room flat, modern except furnace 16.00 W. R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnim St. D 150 2 .SIX-ROOM brick, modem. 1620 Kyner ave. D-155 2x 1101 S. 30th St., ten-room, all-modern house, oak finish. A. G. Elliek. 302 City Hull. D-153 40TH and California St., 8 rms., new..$4o.0o 40th and California St., 8 rooms, new 35.00 1420 N. 25th St., 6 rooms, modern ex. furnace 20.00 4012 Farnam St., 7 rooms, modern ex. furnace 22.60 2224 Clark St.. 7 rooms 16 00 121 N. 37th St., C rooms 10.00 129 N. 37th St., 6 rooms 10.00 2506 Pierce St., 7 rooms 18.00 2618 S. 13th St., 0 rooms 18.00 THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14th. D M176 29 7-ROOM modem, bath and barn, 2425 Ers klne; $16. Key 2423. D M184 28x FROM $6 up. Boyer, 22d and Cuming sts. lei, Z04. ij Hi D.'i HOUSES FOR RENT. 1711 8. 7th at., 4 rooms, $8. 1920 8. loth St.. 6 rooms, city water. $10. 1922 8. 10th St., 8 rooms, city water, $9. 2324 S. 16th at., 6 rooms, city water and gas, $17. 2802 Pratt st.. 7 rooms, city water, etc. $17 50. 1837 N. 22d St., 6 rooms, gas and water, $16. 934 N. 27th ave. 7 rooms, modem, $20. 8320 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, modern $C0. 1222 8. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern, $18. 940 N. 27th ave., 10 rooms, all modern. $35. 211 S. 28th ave., 6 rooms, modem, $16. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam st. D M177 29 4012 Seward St., 8 rms., mod. ex. furnace 21.00 813 S. 34th st.. 8 rms., new, all modern 30.00 !?'ll Pumlnff at 7 rms. mndpm All I HI 46J2 N. 20th at., 6 rms., new, all modern 22.50 2W0 Grant St., 4 rms., city water 8.00 2210 California, 8 rms., very fine modem brick houses 46.00 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Fl. N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781.. D FOR RENT. Only 120 per month. 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, corner 34th .and Center sts. Beautiful yard. 2 blocks from park car line. Inquire R. C. PETERS te. CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. D WALKINO DISTANCE. An eight-room modern house. No. 207 North 23d st., walking distance, modern. $30 per month. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Building. D HOUSES FOR RENT. S802 Farnam, 9-r., strictly modern, very fine. $60. 1309 8. 26th, 8-r., strictly all modern, good barn, large yard, paved street, reduced from $27.60 to $22.50. 306 S. 38th, 8-r., strictly all modern, fine location. Al shape, 145. 1901 S. 29th Ave., 8-r., strictly all modern, fine barn, large yard, $300 Just being sj ent on this house, $35. 603 So. 27th, 8 r., strictly all modern, fine shape, $35. 2410 Seward, 8-r., all modern except fur nace, will rent to two families, only $20. 1319 Maple. 7-r., gas and city water, new, $14. 8926 N. 24th, 6-r., brand new, all modern, at a reduced figure. 1729 8. lorn. 6-r., strictly all modern, in cluding hot water heat, only $30. 2615 Decatur, 6-r., city water, large yard, TIB. 1848 N. 20th, nice 6-r. flat, porcelain bath, gas, a bargain at $20. 1522 Canton, 4-r. cottage, city water In side, $7. 14n8 N. 17th, 1 r.. city water, close In, 18. We are anxious to pet the above houses rented before cold weather sets In and will make special Induct ments on any of the above houses to good tenants. See us for further partioula rs. PAYNE. BUST WICK & CO.. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. Id N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books Tel. 8036. N-34S CASH for your horses. Meicholr's Livery barn. N 348 CASH for your horses. Meicholr s Livery barn. N-127 WANTED to purchase, a small home, not too far out; will pay $4o0 down; balance In payments at 6 per cent. Give loca'lon. Address J 26, care Bee. N M211 2&x SQUARE PIANO WANTED; will piy cash; must be In gool condition. Addresj O 66, Bee. N-3J6 4 DANCING ACADEMY. MR and MRS. MORAND 8 winter term for adult beginners opens this week, 'lues day and -Friday, Bp. m.; ui-amblles. Wednesday. p. m. ; children, Saturday, 1 p. m. Reduced prions in all clashes; pri vate lessons. .Til. 1041 15th and Harney. ISO DU CHAMBERS, society and stags. Tel Finn. -U146tf PERSONAL 1-HOUI4ML. lor mvn larti.' t.. .. . " ii.v ae Peoples Store. lHti, Rn1 Karnam streets. VR. ROY, Chiropody, a lcl, 1606 Farnam. MAGNETICS; ft.Wn.5 R 1 TRT KELLET'S LALNDRY. "PHONE !P U 187 IOC BUYS ladles' 60c ruff and collar sets- People s Store, 16th and Farnam streets. TRU8SE8 mads and fitted to men, womeg and children. 14u8 Fnrnsm St. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. V-Vt LETOVSKY'S orchestra. Telephone LWi IOC BUY8 ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. Society's "life reader." Gylmer. 715 N. 23d. ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATINO, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Samples. THb GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 2U0 Douglas Block. TeL 1936 C 3?)S TUB, rapor and alcohol bathe. T 8. Mth. DON'T fool with your eyes; ne careful whs examines them; we test eyes free for I'wifB nna guaniniee iHiipi.i THE H. 1. PENFOLD CO., Leading OpUclana. 1408 Farnam. U 253 DRAWING and PA1NTINO from life. Mr Case's Art Class; studio 4. Lnion blork, 15th and Farnam. U-W lOt' buys ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets- reopie s Store, 16th and Farnam streeia. HblLBRONN SANITARIUM, buc'TH uMAMA, NEU. Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism, blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberly, Medical Director. U 1i5 LARSON Sc JOHNSON,' cut rates to all points. 1404 rariiitn, Tel. wziu. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass1 a loc BUYS ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. COOK wsnts special won for parties or families out of help; first-class city refsr noes. 8411 Jackson; 'phone L-1285. U-MUS N2S 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; 12. Perfield Piano Co., 16U Farnam. U-M . IOC buys ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Furnam streets. THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1410-13 Howard. U M62 "VIA VI," way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. U 831 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing. In fact an thing you do not need; we collect, repali ana sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U Ml OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Blk. U ! WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 162 D-UI 10C buys ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets People's Store, 16th and Farnam utreets. C A. POTTER, examiner in chancery and notary public, has opened a law and com mercial reporting omce at room 414 Bee building, where he la equipped to do all kinds of shorthand, typewriting and mini, eographlc work. U 842 28x THE young woman wearing blue, who got on Dodge car at llith Friday about 4 p. in., and noticed gentleman getting off on California, please address J 16, Bee. U-M147 28x IOC BUYS ladles' 50c cuff and collar sets People's Store, liith and Farnam streets. INFORMATION wanted of John Klrby. a soldier In the civil war; last heard of Center St.. St. Louis. Reply M. J. Klrby, Newfoundland, N. J. U M277 2ilx WILL the parents of JosepH Bheffry kindly communicate .with the Associated Press, 195 Broadway, New York? U M276 29x WANTED, the use of a piano for storage by a young mairlcd counle: can eive best of references; will guarantee to keep piano in gooa conauion. Auuress 11 , nee omce U 110 6x 10C buys Indies' 50c cuff and collar sets- Peoples Store, lfith and Farnam streets. ANY Information regarding the where abouts of Wm. James Porter, formerly of Omaha, Neb., not heard of t-lnce liaf, will be greatly appreciated hy bis sister, Mrs. Mary A. Knapp, 591 Palisade Ave., jersey tity neignts, j. J. U- WEALTHY AMERICAN, retired business man. unencumbered. Kind and sincere feels need of congenial companlom-hlp ana wne. Anreux, nirs. i;oie, mi Lnewt nut. Room 309, Philadelphia, Pa. U INFORMATION wanted as to whereabouts of Samuel Dupre, palmist; sometime works at naroer trade. Kindly inform Mme. Clarvoina, 727ft K St., Sacramento, Cal. U SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mo'es permanently removed by electricity; t; -sulfation free and confidential; all wc ; guaranteed. Miss Allc-nder, 422 N. Y. Life. U GENTLEMAN, middle aged and very wealthy, desires immediately deserving, Industrious wife. Address, Mr. Curtis, 67 Clark St., Chicago, ill. SEE OLD MEXICO Small, select party forming to lake trip through Mexico, combining business and pleasure, to look Into business prospects and chances for Investment. References exchanged. Par ticulars. Address "MEXICO," 1014 Hay, den building. Columbus, O. U 330 28 x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Inter ference with work; relief In 1 to 5 days. We have never known of a single failure. Mail orders promptly filled. Price $2. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., R. 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. M89n DR. PRIES treats successfu'ly all dlsesses and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stump. Dr. Pries, 16U44 Dodge St., Omaba. 421 LADIES In trounle writing to post box 767, Omaha, Neb., wlii not regret it -M777 PRIVATE home during confinement; bi bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728. 1st ave.. Council Bluffs. la , Tel. 774. , -62 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs Garden, 1216 Charles. Tel. A2618. -430 PRIVATE home during confinement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. 606 N. 16th. Tel 156s. 86 D4 PATENTS 8UES & CO.. Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three offices: Bee building, Oinuha, Nub-; 184 Dearborn St., Chicago. III., and luol F St.. Washington. D. O. T.Jjk J. EMERY LESTER. Patents and patent law, mechanical draughting and blue printing. Suite 4J0 Puxton block, Omuha, Neb. j1' PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, registered sttor. ney Patents, trade mark. e-Py'i No fees unless suecesfful. 617 New Yorg a-Jl V wuiiuin. - WANTED TO RJENT uVc ... ,rn, vour rooms snd housea WRBoomai. NnY. LU tt Son. . WANTED furnished rooms with board for WfuNr"iulls; one. -"dj V"?"" r"'"' or three rooms. J Br- ... . ."a "'nice, sunny front room, vi- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY w loan on Furniture, I'liinoe, I.le Stock, i ' WSOIVB eatartM- Pest Rates. 4 Easy paj mcnta. Wulet Service, Any Tln.e. WE WANT Your Business If You Kv.r Borrow Money OMAHA Mortgage ioav co lit Board of Trade Hide ii Vli OEetabushed 1S92.) ! S 16th St, . X-MW3 MEN IN BfcST POSIUONS eorneiimcs neeu inuney We the need without publicity sn l at ul.vJt r.l.a on i.lar, or rn ii. ....... etc. Dealings fairest. See us K-foie bo?l rowing isewhre. Open every Iuik.i snd Saturday evenings until 8 oeior THE J. A. 11UTTON CO.. 614-614 Paxula block. X ,i. LOANS made on all klnrrt of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms Quick and Confidential Service Call on us if In need of MONK Y. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. oa msuin isiuca. X-414 bOWEN'S MONEY ' Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, Jewelry, or on your plain note, if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Lite hulg. ' JL MONEY LOANED 8ALATUED PE7Jll75 and others without security; eauy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tul man. Room 714, N. Y. IJfe. X 411 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlh. bennw, room 214 at 209 8. 15th St. Tel. B-2S64. X-M47S SALARY AND CHATTEL T.OAN& RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 1U7-I PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 141L X-M61I MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co T) r. fir aw Un1r V . , . X-411 MONEY loaned on pianos furniture, Jew. Kth. - X 416 MONEY FOR SALARIED j'EOri.K. STAIl T ... . T yrt T . . . . . . . . . ...... - - lAAfl V.V., DM I ilAlU.I lil.WL.IV. X-411 SEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loana on waicnes, aiamonas ana jeweirv. X-4V7 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo. ley jjoan o., jdoi r-arnam at, x 413 SALARY nnd collateral loans. Templeton. 14 T) Tl I . I .. T I irnll .1 . . ,. ,1. Ul'i.. ,11. i. 'T . JV 1S TRA13E Fine comer, excellent Fnrnam st. location; value. JI15.000; will trade for Improved property. W. I A'tNAiVl SMITH & CO. j.C'O Farnam Street. X-M2n REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 400 acres first-class Improved farm In Polk county; price iiO per acre. Trade lor merchandise. 420 acres good farm land, 8 miles from Co. Bluffs; price $7a per Here. Trade for mer chandise. 684-acre farm very handsomely Improved. One of the very hct in Fremont county, Iowa; 35 acres orchard, 450 acres corn land; price $75 pr acre. Trade for c;tv Income property to the amount of $:'n,oou; balance easy terms. Two-tory brick store building renting fur $75 per month; price, $6,501. Trade for good land at cash value. Implement stock, Invoicing $4,000, for sals cheap, or will trade for so-acre farm, bal ance cash. Thin Is a snap. RANCHES. 3,000 acres deeded land near McCook. al most all tlllHlile, but now mostly In grass: completely fenced and full equipment of buildings and machinery; 1:50 head of cat tle, 14 horses and mulep anil 50 head of hogs go with the place at $35,000 each. It has paid 15 per cent on this Investment for five years past. Might take part in city Income property; balance cash. One of the best ranches In eaMern Cherry count v, j,!60 acres deeded; 2 school sec tions "leased for 18 years; 20,000 acres of fenced free range; 2 sots of Improvements; will Include fl head of cattle, 40 horses and mules and pufllclont hay to winter them, if desired. Pilce, except stuck, $45,750. Will take good milling plant in exchange. Sholes-Armstrong Company, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. 15 ACRES fine strawberry and fruit land; south slope; has 1,000 black raspberries now growing; 150 young pencil trees; It cherries; one mile from Neosho. Addresg L. 8. Davis, Real Estate, Neosho, Mo. RE-332 2lix HERSHEY COLONY Just .opened for settlement. K.OO0 ACRES OF FINK IRRIGATED 1 V FINE SOIL. FINE CROFS. FINE rUSlATd. SPECIAL EXCURSION next Tuesday. NuV. 29th. also the following Tuesday. For full particulars write immediately to the Payne Investment Company, Main Floor New York Lire Bldg., Omaha, Neb. M-20A 1 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE $75 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new. $1J5, open pneumatic runabout, $00. Drum mond, 18th und Harney. P 3J FOR SALE Horses for city driving or de livery. Your livery trade solicited In either buggy or currluge work. Mel choir's Livery Barn. P 372 ROCKA WAY, high grade, second-hand, good shape, cheap.' H. E.' Fredrlckson, 1602 Capitol Ave. P-948 N.-5 GOOD station wagon, cheap; also second hand carriage at a bargain. Johnson A Danforth, 8. W. Cor. P'tli and Jones hls P-MJoi DM BIG mule toam, harness and wagon for sale cheap. 11. Danncr, 9th and y Ave., Cotirthiml Reich. 1' PRINTING LYNOSTAD & KUFFNER. nn I MTC pecrounso Block, Corner of I IMF I Ctwiuti, st. ar.d Capitol Ave. -374 KRAMER A CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1108-os IJougias Bi. io ue liver work when promised is our hobby. 3ii J. M. SIRPLESS, reliable printer; estab lished 12 years. zuj t. jjui bi., umina. 377 OSTEOPATHY ohnson Institute, (16 N.Y. Life bldg. Tei.PWt 3J6 MRS. JOHN R. MU6ICK, Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Duugius uiock. tel. i&.i 357 PR FAR WELL, specialty nervous disease 604 1'sxtin. . Huntington & Stratton. 832 N. V. Life FOR EXCHANGE WILL exchar.k-e nne piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1S13 rarnam. T.I. 1C5. Z-141-D-10 WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycli Co., 16th and Harney. -r,i IF YOU do not find whet you want In' this column put an ad. In and you will sooo get It. SI 1"3 LAWAND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. AA4V. JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Lif bldg., rooms 304 and 318. Tel. 1U2 438 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. M4 nunn fiii.'f SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANT S school, 717 N. X. Life, T