nE OMAITA DAILY HEEt PATHRDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1904. ECONOMICALLY INTERESTIN SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. DON'T MISS THESE SALES. Visit OMAHA'S LEADING PIANO HOUSE And see the greatest display of Holiday Pianos ever shown under one root. All sold on the easy payment plan It desired. Chickering, Fischer, Deeker, Wegman, Estey, Franklin, Haines, Cable, Prile & Teeple, Schaeffer, Kohler & Campbell, and twenty-three other makes to select from. New pianos for rent. Telephone m HAYDEN BROS. Peperall Sheeting, 2 yards wide, very heavy unbleach: ed snap Saturday!! 7 1 at, yard 11 0 2 V, V," Bleached Pillow cases 42:36 size Sheet Music Sale Saturday we place rn sale poms of the most pop ular vocal and Instrumental hits, at 19c per copy. $1.25 Pattern Table Cloth 2iyds. long, made from heavy Scotch damask, spe- C Cc cial Saturday a. m... 12k Huck Towels, extra heavy, 40 inches long, Br mail, 20c. Teaming, vocal lc Kate Kearney, vocal. .lo Mississippi Mamie le Don't Cry. Katie I)r. song 49 Seminole, vocal and Inst le Funny Folks. vocal and Irint 10 Run Dance, Inat 19o Repa. March. lnst...lo It: Majesty and tb Malil. Inst lo u n Flower and the Bun, vocal 19e Tommy, vocal 1c Ssmmv, Two Step ISO Wedding Cake, march. lo Charmer. Waits lio Rambling; Mom 19c 0 uvi 8- On rem JL I THE RELIABLE STORE. 1 hese are regular 60c and 60o pieces on sale, one day only, at, per copy 19c LADIES' FURNISHING SPECIALS There is not one desire or purchase you may have that we eonnot supply from our magnificent stock of Ladies' Furnishings, the largest in the west 75c LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS heavy fleere lined at. . . .39c 75c UNION SUITS, for Ladies, Girls and Boys, at 49c fLOO LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS in natural wool, at...75c LADIES' UNION SUITS, extra heavy, all sizes, at 98c 7Z:' Her' VirM Efll. at 39c BHIRTS AND DRAWERS for boys and girls, extra heavy fleece lined and ribbed, at 25c and 19c 'Lauies' Kiui bkirts, special at....... 3 c COc to 75c Ladies' Vests and Pants, special at 39c 85c LADIES' FIOSE in heavy ribbed wool, at 19c 25c Ladles' Ilose, extra heavy fleece lined, at 12Jc 15c TO 25c HOSE for boys and girls, heavy ribbed, at 12Jc, 10c and 8c LADIES' HOSE In fine wool at 50c 35c and 25c LADIES' tdkVTEPr RETKBrER KID O ff GLOVES El'zmt line at LADIES' KID OLOVE8-In all the new shades-and fancy colored stltcnlng, pearl olaapa, special for holiday 1 En trade, at l.OKJ I.AD1BJ8' MOCHA AND FINE KID GLOVES Paris point stitching, J QQ An immense line of Ladies' and Miesst' Sweaters in Nor folk or Blouse. All newest shades at lowest prices. 50c BOYS' STOCKING CAPS BOYS' STOCKING CAPS at BIG SALE OF SHOES SATURDAY Ken's. Women's, Misses' and Child's fine velvet fleece lined carpet sole Uppers Women's fLOO Fur Trimmed Juliette sAn's Ho Cbe'nlli' Embroidered 'Velvet Blips-' " "" at Women's Tto Bearer Plush trimmed leather sole sllspers . at Women's best quality lamb's wool soles for KNIT SLIPPERS. 2So and Infant W cent red. tan or black moco&s at Infanta' a It cent assorted colors soft soie Women's! Misses' and 'child's 'fin' Jersey' ieggi'ns,''Wc."4&o'''' and Boys' $160 fin velvet or box calf Goodyear Welt lac shoes Women's $iio' fin 'vict' kid' or' eaif ' 'lac'" shoes . Oray tiro. H.ii' CnVld's ftne 'vici' l at ' . Bora', Touth' and Llttl Gents' $1.50 atln ivuuie ana uiui unt satin cair lace and ' Ch'lid s $1.60 'vici' kid Yace sh'o'esH' f V O C si . Mil at SUA MfHI U.n'. wfnl I. M .SAMPLES, made to sell for $3.00 and $Oo 1.93 Ism pairs Women's fine vlci kid welt and MoKay sewed, worth up' to '$3.00-' gg Agents In Omaha for the' BTBTSONi " CROSS ETT and JOHN MITCHELiL ahoea l&SJt'&or0 M4 T- Matth. Zo?0? China Department Specials BROKEN LOTS All kinds of flaMea. worth So to abo each while they o. last, en oh aaC BROKEN LOTS-Water Pitchers, worth $60 to Ito choice r Saturday. -iyC apanea Flow Blue Vases, e acb, ....7ZT7. OC GOOD TYPEWRITERS SCARCE Bnpply Falli Far Shtrt of the Demand a New York City. FANCY SALARIES FOR HIGH CLASS WORK fasvehlas the Bnalaeas More Profitable Tbaa Practician It A Girl Who Made Her Owa Terms with Millionaires. Th supply of expert typewriters In New York City and stenographers falls far short of the demand. Tet expert stenographers and typewriters can easily command sal aries of from $30 to $60 a week, so wonder fully has this field of work broadened slnot th pretty typewriter of ten or fifteen years ago stepped into business offices and routed men clerks In th same line. Th work has gradually taken the place of th teacher's position which used to be th goal of many a girl. Commercial schools are filled with pupils In stenography and typewriting, while in some offices ap prentice girls pay as much aa $2G0 for th privilege of learning the technicalities of th trade. But, as In so many other fields of labor, th great complaint of Inefficient work goes up from the downtown offices and the up town shops. Great corporations, banks, large estates and business interests of many kinds are unable to get first-class workers In this field. Th trouble seems to be that the expert Stenographer, as soon as she attains a posi tion commanding a large salary, at one SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott's Emulsion Scott's Emulsion Scott's Emulsion Scott's Emulsion Scott's Emulsion the old story, told times without number and repeated over and over again for the last thirty years. But it's always a welcome stoiy to those In need of strenjtt'.t and health. There's nothing in the world that stops wasting diseases as quickly as Scott's Emulsion. We'll ye aMapt. W fCOTT A OWH It, 0 Faasl Sj vim YnV GLOVES LADIES MOCHA GLOVES Silk lined, at LADIES KATSBR GLOVES In mere fleece or silk lined, at : 1.25 cash- 50c LADIES' AND MISSES' OOLF OLOVE9 In all sises and colors, OEZr- too $9c and aSOC J 9C 39c 69c ::::: 48c 19c 10c . 19c 39c 1.79 1.59 69c ins - shoe' calf lace IV i ' Ml! i' "".'.' '"'"' 1 V ' - Flernlah Ware Pint Cream Jure. each ..Be 13; cittiARrAar BEIT 24 pieces, nicely decorated, spedal. aL..... Decorated Cups and Saucers UKEAKFAST SET 24 pieces, 5c Iron Bracket Lamps Comp'lWt'e'wl't'h"or orystal fount, burner and chimney... a.VC iwir aspires to have her own office and employ girl clerks. Within the last ten years hun dreds of these offices have sprung up throughout the city and each seems tc prosper. A meeting of financiers took place In a Fifth avenue hotel a few weeks ago and the services of an expert stenographer were required. The hotel stenographer was not deemed competent for the task and a tele phone message was sent to the office of one of the largest of the typewriting manu facturing concerns. The name of a young woman whose offlc Is in te neighborhood of Fifth avenue was sent over the telephone to the waiting mil lionaires, but when the young woman was told that she would be required to leave her own office she answered that It would be impossible, as she had to attend to hei own work. A Fancy Fee. A fee was offered her so large that It caused her to accept. She had carte blanchp as to bringing her own machines and an assistant If necessary. A cab was sent for her, and In an hour she was Installed In one of the state apartments taking rapid notes. She was not the typlccally beautiful and blond-haired stenographer of fiction, bu. a very businesslike and plainly gowned girl, who was complete master of the work assigned to her. The bankers and railroad magnates were simply dumbfounded with the ease and clearness with which h understood and almost anticipated her task which when submitted in manuscript proved to be a work of art in its perfection of form, clearness and neatness af execu tion. For two days the young woman worked for'a fee written In three figures each day, and then she declared with regret that sh would have to send one of her clerks, a: her own office work was In need of atten tion. The fee was doubled in order to re tain her services. When her week's work was conclude two offers of employment at $100 a wee! were made to her. But she refused ant went back to her own business venture which she fancied gave her wore lnde pendeuce. The trouble with th beginners In stc nography, and with many of the clerks wli keep their places chiefly because of thi smallness of their salaries, sec-ms to II In th fact that they lack general Intelll gene, although In many cases they ar well versed in Ui technical part of th work. Perfect typewriting requires almost a much precision, car and practice as plan playing. Carelessly written work show, at onre in the Imperfect shading of th liitt, heavy In some spots and light In other ir. th uneven, straggling appearance of tin '.etters, the imperfect apuclng and othi ; defects which the ey of th expert detect at once. erlons Mistakes. Badly made erasures and ' corrections, crookedly plaoed sheet of paper, unclean type, at one racord themselva In th work of th CAXeldM operator, hut ths blunders SATURDAY'S BARGAIN EVENTS IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT WOMEN'S COATS In kerseys, beavers, meltons, fleeces, etc., In tans, blacks or browns, 27. SI) and S6-lnch lengths worth up to $12.0) your choice of 1,700 ' K flfl' garments Saturday - C.vvr PEOGT FROM PARIS COATS and many other styles In three-quarter lengtha, both mixed and plain colors, beautiful fabrics, splendidly made and handsomely trim med extra special value, 90 NOBBT COATS In three-quarter lengths great variety of style and fabric regu larly worth twice the prlc w 9,Q0 Exceptional Suit Values This means much when you consider the great values we have been offering the last two weeks, but we know the quality will sustain our statement that thee are the greateat of great values. Buying here mtans saving In four grocery bllli. Grocery Navy Pjans, new white hand picked, lln per lb I. .itO Peas, new Michigan hand picked, 11-, per lb VJl Peas, extra fancy Marrowfat, BL per lb ....OW Scotch Green Peas, per lb Split Peas, per lb .......3c ....4c Pearl Barley, very best, 01 per lb M..V9V' Pearl Sago, per lb Pearl Tapioca, per lb Pearl Hominy, per lb , :.:..3c 1 3Jc tsiw 10 bars best Laundry soap, 25C Sapollo, cake , 5c FUl Jl ar not so serious as bad spelling, the Im proper placing of capital leetters, deficient or profuse punctuation and the writing of proper names with small letters. All of these mistakes are found in the work of many of the young women clerks who offer themselves confidently to business houses. The meaning of ordinary words Is abso lutely unknown to soma of thee girls, who think they can be entrusted with affairs of a large business house. Careless work is not so much the fault as an en tire absence of information about ' rules that every public school pupil ought to know before passing out of th primary department. "I find it absolutely Impossible to obtain even fairly competent help," said one of the woman partners In a successful New York office, where general publlo work is done. "I pay my girl $10 and $12 per week, and I would gladly pay more if I could ob tain help that warranted larger salaries, but the results are very trying. "Even the very ordinary work of en velope addressing Is bungled by young wonen apparently Intelligent and con scientious. . Certainly modern education does not fit girls for business life, and It Is hard to Imagine what a young woman who at 20 cannt address an envelope prop erly would excel at. "When we try to employ expert help we find that girls who can command $20 a week or more prefer to hold positions In private offices. The Imperfect work done - .v, ciiim to have three or four years experience with the typewriter is ...o ot uie trials of running one's own es tablishment. The Standoff. "Another dreadful trial to th stenog rapher who branches out as . proprietor is the slowness of many firms and indi viduals In paying bllln. J find on Inquiry that this doe not apply to the work of tenngrnphera alone, but to all profeesfons n which women work for a living. "Dressmakers and seamstresses are kept months waiting for their money, and even servants are left unpaid for a year In some cases. But In our line of work It Is esptclally trying. "We ran ask no deposit, for the reason 'hat It Is not thu custom to do so. W put In our own material and time, and If we dare to ask for payment on delivery of work w are told that th work must be looked over. "Then we ar kept waiting frequently weeks and months, and in some cases year, without payment. The firms that treat us in this shabby manner would not dare to net this way to their men creditors, but for 'he reason that we are women they fancy they can act In this unjust manner. . "And It Is quite true that they can do ao, unless we keep a collector employed or hlr a lawyer. A woman cannot very well man age to call at office and demand payment of a bill, for the sort of person that will refuse to pay is quit apt to act rudely., knowing that a woman cannot retaliate. "Thar certainly should c aom special M1E1 Momentous specials of intense interest to the bargain loving public. They represent the efforts of our wonderful buying or ganizatlon as these efforts have never been shown before. Values phown set a new pace for the season's retailing. Don't miss this pale. It means many dollars in savlnra tn rmi HAND8OME SUITS In almoat unlimited variety of s le and material. Every one splendidly made, handsomely finished and In the very latest style regular $H 00 value special for tO tl.C Saturday l'OU Other wonderful eult bargains, tiA OH $60.00, $20,00, $18.60 down to 14. Wonderful Skirt Bargains Never before has any store In Omaha shown such an Immense stock of high grade skirts a you will find here, and In order to reduce stock quickly we are mak ing extra special prices for Saturday. iOO Walking Skirts, QQ $660 Walking Skirts, Q qq tS.00 Walking Skirts, qq $10.00 Walking Bkirts, 6 90 Beautiful Crepe de Chin Waist, at, $20.00 $7.60 down to Woman's $1.00 Wrappers, at Women's 75o Dressing Barques, at , Women's $1.00 Underskirts, .5.00 , 69c ,.39c .1.00 .1.00 59c a 1 Women's $2.50 Waists, a 1 Women's- Sateen Underskirts, at Attractive Fur Values Pretty Coney Scarfs, 69c .1.49 4.98 special, at $2.00 River Mink Scarfa, at Genuine Marten Scarfs with six tails, at Specials Watch our ids, tompare our prices, for it will pj yH. 4-pound package Gold Dust, for Pearllne, per package 15c 2c Michigan Evaporated Peaches, very nice, per lb f...OC Baltimore Evaporated Peaches. wi per lb diC California Mulr Peaches, evaporated. rI per lb Tr..Sf tC Crawford Peaches, fancy evapo rated, per lb California Apricots, evaporated, per lb Mulr Park Apricots, fancy evapo rated, pr lb. "... California Valencia Raisins, per lb ; Loose Muscatel Raisins, per lb '. Fine Imported Currants, cleaned, per lb 12ic ..10c .12 c 5c ....5c ..7ic law to help women workers In this respect. In our profession It is a matter which is a constant thorn In the flesh. This one item, taken In connection witl the incompetent help which we have to put up with, makes the first few years of the stenography office very hard and discouraging. "A young woman who has a good place as head stenographer with a large house, or who finds herself happily situated in soma of the offices downtown where th hours are short and association pleasant, and who commands a salary of $40 or $.00 a week. Is foolish to take up the responsi bility of an establishment or her own. "Sh at once takes on a vast load of work looking after the typewriting which goes out from her new office. Frequently she will have to sit up far Into the morning correcting work done by her employees. "She will have trouble In getting her money when work Is done and she has all th burden of maintaining an expensive office, for offices In good buildings command high rents and call for proper fittings. Work Not I'p to the Mark. "The stenographers employed In hotels are usually experts and they receive excel lent pay and in some cases they get their rooms and board as well. They charge more than w do, in proportion, as their work Is largely letter writing. Plana, specifications or other Important documents rarely go to the hotel stenographer for typing. "But the general standard of work Is not up to the mark, and one of the reasons for this Is that so many of the offices take In pupils in typewriting who ray for the priv ilege of practice. "These girls are discharged to make room for others, and half the time they have only mastered the rudiments of the work. Indeed, In many cases, they would require to go back to school for an ordinary educa tion. "The supply of poor typists is inordinately large and the good ones are remarkably scarce. A flrst-clnas stenographer will un derstand several different forms, those for medical, legal, theatrical and literary work. She will, In many cases, be able to trans late In on or two languages and take dictation in French or German. "She is a confidential clerk, and the se crets of her employer's business must be hers. She Is required to dress well, asd she must be rneerful and obliging as well as extremely businesslike. "But ther ar too many very young girls taking up the work and seeking placea which they are not fitted to All. Ther ar also certain flrma and persons who will persist In searching after low salaried em ployes In this Held, under the Impression that they can get as good work for a small amount as for a decent salary. "But this Idea Is fur more erroneous In this profession than In any other. A good expert stenographer and typewriter knows quite well that she ran command a good salary and that there are plenty of places waiting tor Intelligent and businesslike , tea. Terr R.QQ Handsome Beaver Coats, well HT Bfi worth JffB.00. at O.OU Women's Near Seal Coats, ... 29.90 .24.90 n 1 ..,..,.,., Women's Astrakhan Capes! at.. Meat Pikes Still Lower. it pounds Leaf Lard rr for M I.UO Pork Loins, , lb : diC a ..... . J Pork Roast, , i. 1 7ic Round Steak, (steer beef). Shoulder Steak, (steer beef), 8c()c Veal Roast, 6c id Veal Stew, 4c ID Morrell's California Hams, a . lb I lUC .Morrell's Iowa Hams. lb ..1U .9c Itegrular No. 1 Hams, fancy. Imaha brand), lb. Bacon No. 1 fancy, (Omaha brand), lb. He Salt and Fresh Fish Headquarters. All the best makes of Cheese. girls who can take care of Important corre spondence. "The old Impression that used to prevail as to the frivolous qualities of the type writer clerk has died a natural death. The work Is better done by women who under stand It than It ever was by men, even In the task of law reporting. But the women who command big salaries are entirely serious in their work, and, many of them mount eventually to place of great con fldence In the affairs of large houses." New York Sun. JOHN CHINAMAN AT HIS EASE Shanghai View of the Celestial When He Casts Off the Caves of the World, With the summer weather the Chinaman comes before us prominent In his artistic silks and In his native nakedness. His temperament- also becomes a noticeable feature to the observant foreigner and the manner in which he takes his pleasure contrasts marvelously with that of th energetlo occidental human being. In th early days of the morning, whsn the rays of Old Sol ar tempered with th dissipating dews of night, th wealthy na tive, as well as the worker of low degree, may be seen carrying the cage containing hla favorite singing bird to the native gar dens or other tree-embowered spot and listening in contemplative ecstacy to the joyous greeting which his caged friend pours forth to the coming glory of th day. As soon as the golden beams become op pressive he retires to his domicile, whether to labor or sleep 'tis hard to tell. In any case, he Is wise, for has he not caught the beauty of the grandest part of a summer's day, the majesty of dawn? Again, when sunset's glow has fallen dead in th west, the Chinaman pours forth to his diversion. To stand for hours with waving fan on th curb of our city's thoroughfares watching the procession of vehicular and pedestrian traffic brings him apparently the delight which a Londoner can obtain from a lorC mayor's show, dally repeated, whll a vol unteer parade brings him forth In number proportionate to th metropolis' myriads called out by a royal pageant. Thus, in dignified, contemplative manner does the Chlr-man display his idlosyncracy of pleasure-taking. Again th natlv of younger blood. Imbued with a ting of for eign taste, rushes madly through th streets on th whirring wheel or drives, luxuriously reclining In his smartly ap pointed carriage, behind th fastest trot ting pony, steered by a reckless natlv jehu which his means ar able to procure. The visitor to th various public resorts of the Chinese In the settlements will In variably gain a" Interesting Insight Into th Chinaman and Ha pleasure-taking, and on striking feature cannot pas unnoticed. Whether coolie, merchant, office boy or mandarin, In public the Chinaman at play I Invariably rebpectabl. On hears much of the natlv Immorality, but decorum when In th public eye, and absolutely moral behavior characterises vn th big They Demand Your Attention The wonderful bargains we are offering in our men's furnish !ng department are attention attracters that are simply unsur passable. Economical buyers will find this the place of all plact y to secure their winter garments. OUR FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Is the largest in the west and you are always assured of find ing just what you want here. Don't miss Saturday's Sale. MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, extra fine wool gar ments, worth up to $1.50, at 98c MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, heavy cotton fleeced, at 49c and 39c 98c Quality Heavy Jersey Shirts, at 75c and .75c fl.50 MEN'S UNION SUITS, fleece lined, choice 75c 25c Quality Heavy Wool Hose, at 12ic 75c NIGHT ROBES for men and boys, extra full and heavy outing flannel, each 40c EXCEPTIONAL SWEATER VALUES, BOO doien heavy cotton and wool , sweaters for men and boys, worth up to $2.00, at 49o and ti?V BOO TO $1.00 LAUNDERED SHIRTS for man and boys in the most stylish fall oen patterns, all slses Saturday at 4So and skUta. In Our Corset Department $1.00 STRAIGHT FRONT CORSETS, with Princess hip, hose supporters at- ACie tached, aid and front, made of fin French eoutll, In colors, white and drab CORSET GIRDLES of fin linen tap and batiste In white, pink or blue 3Qo DR. WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS, In models designed for all figures, 4 lf up from I.VW THE NEW DOWAGER CORSETS, for stout figures, double boned throughout. O velvet grip hose supporters attached, slses 20 to 36, at .w.VI'J An Immense line of French Corsets, genuine whalebone filled, all new fab rics and designs, up from SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING. 50c MEN'S NECKWEAR at , IRON BED ITEMS. We hay Just received 100 line Metal Bed". They come In blue, darli green, pea green and white enamel. They are full elze. The head end la 64 Inches high and the front end is 50 Inches hlRh. The pattern Is the now popular scroll and the bed la handsome and well flnlnhed. It la 1000 per cent finer 7 QC bed than cut here ahowri. Reijulnr price $7.60. Now on sale at Come and see us when you wish to save money. FBAMES and PICTTREi at the loweit Price. Optical Dept. Don't delay consulting our optician IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WTITII YOUR EYES. UP-TO-DATE STYLES. PERFECT FITTING GLASSES. MONEY SAVING PRICES. gest rake among the Chinamen of our set tlements. Drunkenness Is a vice which is usually kept within doors, as are all other reprehensible practices. Quarreling is almost an unknown thing In public resorts. Never does one witness any thing approaching the college student of Europe on the rampage, or 'Arry and 'Ar rlet on a bank 'oliday tear. The Chinaman takes his pleasure as he takes his business, with a calm, calculating philosophy, which constitutes one of his greatest variations from th habit of mind of th vivacious European. Shanghai Times. . SHIP'S BOY F0R FARRAGUT Passing; of m Man Who Participated In the Famous Naval FlaTbt at Mobile. The death of John Stack, for nearly half a century a resident of Flatbush, Long Island, marked the end of a civil war veteran who as a lad had seen service under Admiral Farragut, and It further decimated the withering ranks of the only Grand Army post that Flatbush ever had. Being naturally of a retiring disposition Mr. Stack was averse to exploiting his war record or even mentioning the fact that he had braved th confederate fir with Far ragut at Mobile when the renowned sea fighter gained Immortal fame by lashing himself to th mast of the flagship Hart ford. Few of th present generation of Flat Th Leading SIZES, STYliES Stov Dealers ! th Ult TO SUIT 5tata sU.M CHARTER OAKS If a Dealer la Your Twa to Writs Direct M va. CHARTER OAK STOVE AND RANGE CO. ST. LOUIS Mile ad Sanpl Rom, Mala Street iniios ,Catt a venue. .2.50 12k Furniture Items of Interest to You Money saving items for thft frugal housewife. After all is said and done you can buy here cheaper, and yet get the same class of goods. bush patriots knew Stack as other than a lifelong citizen of that section and a mem ber of the old police department, and even his younger daughters know little of his early career as a diminutive member of Farrgut's lighting force. A scanty handful of veterans, who have grown up with Flatbush and who knew Stack for years, are, however, better in formed about his war record and they re count with almost envious pride that he In a small way. in the role of "ship's boy," on the Hartford, shared the honors with Ad miral Farragut on August t, 1SG4, when the mall union fleet, lashed Into one moving mass for mutual protection, swept past the confederate shore butteries end en gaged the great iron ram Tennessee In a desperate conflict, the successful conclusion of which gave the federal forces undis puted control of the harbor and paved th way for the subsequent capture of Mobile. To some of his veteran friends Stnck cas ually alluded to the scenes attending th memorablo engagement, but his reminis cences were generally crystallzed Into glowing euloglums for Admiral Farragut. Stack was 14 years old when he shipped and the stirring event with many of Its Interesting details surrounding the naval Innovation that Farragut established when he took up his position in the rljcsine and offered himself as a conspicuous target ror ino enemy s nre. was Indelibly Im pressed on his mind. It was only when in the company of sympathetic comrades of the civil strife that he recounted th epi sode. Brooklyn Eagle. mm EQUALED BY OTHERS. QUALITY HIGH .PRICE MODERATE FUEL AND TROUBLE -PniCEa SAVERS ALL mm