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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1904)
TTTE OMAHA DAILY HKK: THUltSDAV. NOV KM Wh'Al 24. 1904. rs GRAIN ANB PRODUCE MARIET Whff. Trtde Light, Higher Pricei Early Clot! Ltaj en Decimbfr. OTHER FUTURES HUuo OWN FAIRLY WELL torn strong. Oat Steady Holiday Tomorrow task A hmt Mead, Loral Market alow tiosslp nl rl( (.old Eiiil. OMAHA. Nov. 23. 14 There was much ie i,usiiies in "e wheat ylt this morning man on ine previous day ot the ww. lulu ia east. cpiaineo by the fact that tomorrow win la- noll aay and there Was a eiispoemon on me lart cf the trade tn keep nui t I lie market or to vtn up their traiie Mni awsit rn day's raarsei. ina enormous inn of long wlait having cieareei up tue .( ac tion materially. it was generally ueucved that Armour had taken auvanc.iaie n tn turn to Hi t In out ot hi" snores and hid ven ron lona on the market anil lost many a weag lona line hart been cleaned out. The natural influence were ot bearish character, the receipt overt unning tne estimates, while the alocka in siorv have increased maierlally. The damn nil tor cusn wheat showed an Imp! overuent, and this waa the one lavor nbie Iniluence on the market, this ana the taking in of pronta on the short side, pend Ina Ine ftrilnurnmenl. December wheat opened at $1.09. a slight loss, broke to II .isfla,. then turned to ll.otMa, hut reacted thereaiter fractionally. May opened at II aold to U.os. then on atiort cover! ii It advanced to Hi'H. with reaction to l.uS- In the closing hour the market sagged again and December waa V4" off. The do fe i red lutiirea were alow. M'st of the nervous shorts liad evened up over the liollds v. The cum market thared in the dullness In wheiit and auatalned alight declines early. The aupply of old corn Is prac tically rxhausteu and the farmer ahow an indisposition to accepting the current prices. The aborts were taking pronta and getting out over the adjournment. December aold off early, but recovered thla anil vc addi tional gain. May waa altghtly firmer. The cioae was ateady and slightly lietter than on Tuesday on December, out not changed materially on deferred futures. Omaha t'aah Sales. WHEAT 1 car No 1 northwestern 1 car No. 4 October. 18 lbs.. Hoc. CORN-4 cars new No. 4, 4uc; 3 cara new yellow No. 4, 40V:. HErl car No. 1 62Vi lbs.. 73c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $l.'Vul.laj; No. 3 hard, 98c.8$1.ij5; No. 4 hard, 90c; No. 2 spring. II Oh; No. it spring. 11.16. CORN No. 2. 4ic; NO. 3. 41c; No. 4. 4c; no grade, SVj3-; No 2 yellow. 42V: No. 3 yellow, 42c; No. 2 white, 4c; No. a white, OATS No. 2 mixed. -J8c: No. 3 mixed. 274jc; No. 4 mixed, c; No. 2 white, 2w; Nts, 3 white, 2serc; No. 4 white, 27fi-'7Vlc; standard, 2Vc,' RXE No. a. 73o.- . Orala Markets Klsewaerr. . Closing prices at the fo. lowing matket today and Tuesday were: ' (JiiltAliO. -uiose- 4i',d. Future", quiet; De, embe Janusry. 4s 4V1. 4- M, ll.UBI Wheal Du'ember May July Corn December AVy July Oats " December May July Today. Tuesday. 1. OS-Si I.IW" 1.0 1.0)M 8Vi 4M, 4t' 45', 291 31 31 V. 49 45 4o'i at", 31S 31V, Commercial Gossip. Minneapolis stocks ahow Increase of 500.- 000 bu. for four days. , There was a sale In Chicago this morn ing of 100,000 bushels No. 2 winter wheat for shipment aast. Kansas corn: November report on corn makes yield l.'i2,0iin,o bu., against 160,000, uuo bu., aa the November state report. Tne government report for November Indicated it,UUi,ouO bu. Primary receipts: Wheat, 1,049,000 bu.; rt year, l,4oiuu0 bu.; shipments, 490.UW Lu.; last year, bia,u(i) bu. t orn: Kecelpts, ' kjM bu.; last year, XKH.omf bu. ; snip merits, 36.',u00 bu.; last year, 641,000 bu. It la the concensus of opinion on tha floor that Armiur has not oiuy covered hia HhO-t wheat, but has taken tne long sine. Viasident Valentine haa been talking rather buuixn lately. Ha had previously been a consistent bear up to a few duya ago. W. J. Bnyder of Marshall, OKI., says: "have been over half Of Oklahoma wntat beit Ouilng last week and nnu not more man halt the wheat up, anu a very poor atand. In aome localities not mora man two-thirds or a normal crop went Into the ground, as It waa too dry to plow tins lail. Wheat that la tip has very poor color and In many places la turning yeliow. 1 consider the prospect the poorest we havu bad during Iho last ten years. ' 1-ogHn uralu company haa tha following thla morning: Earner Elevator company, Marshall, UkI., says: After careful In vesoaauon we are sure that at least to per cant of the crop In this territory haa been marketed '1 lie growing crop la In poorest condition we have ever known In Oklahoma, at this season. Have had no rain since August. r'ifty per cent or the crop la not up yet. After It once gets coot here can hardly expect any rain until Feuruary or March. I bless we get rain aooti our wheat crop will be an enure fail ure.' . Karly sown Is dying for lack of moist urs. reerla Market. f'KoKIA, Nov. 23.-CtillN-.Klrm; No. 3.44 !4f.r. No. 4. 4:nW44V; no grade, 4i?4V. (HKAWI 4iR4IS AM) rROYIMOl I ratares of the Tradla and t loslas Prices mm Hoard ot Trade. tlllCA'tty, Nov. 23 Increased movement of artin in the norinwet IHM u ueprta'ing ii,i,,.enie on tne wneat market fur l'.Ua. ..ihi Harvest ea(iir in Aig-ntn. wa.-, an aointional ir iscior. v me io. e 1-c-Miitr whetu v'jH.'. ih.v aon S'iiSic. torn snows it (tarn t Oais a,e up Hfo. I'tovlsions are un Ciial gfcl to it. in..r toe miluence of liberal receipts In trie niMinwwi ana tepoi is ot excellent harvest weatner In Araemlnn. the wnet maraet oprneii a trine ealt-r. nwemmr Was unciiaiig u io at ii il w ay Has u s.m-e iu li ,c down at i I. m-. Diir.nK ht !ny n il fie .a a ui, position was mannesicci amniig maii noiutis to even up over tne h"ui.y. as a n-suit of tn.s swing the irnirnn made a mrtner neciine, )ecinner hiiii oown to i.iiK-Hil.iw,. may solo off hi i.ti I.C9V rvanstt: crp repoit noted ci.n-iierabij oamago mrousn umt slste. inr netts Ironi .he nuriuwcst also tavored ih liu.ts, demand tor flour at Minnt-apolla being evmewnat improved. On the rai.y Decem ber advanced to i anu May to li-l--,. ah of trm gain, nowt-ver. was lost tne last hour, pront taking large. , rewptinslb.e for a oreHK in December to II. -V May aerl.ned to iLiO'd'ulnwa. The tnaiKot no.-i eay who lee.lloer at !.' Vol. iwv final unotstmns on May were at si.iaH,. Cleartinces ot wncat anu fl..ur were equal to .A4l buthilA primary receipts wero l,o4ii.3n bushels, compareu witn l,ei."i bushes a yar s so. Minm-aiH-lls. Diilutli nnd Chicago re ported receipts of l.o cars, hg.tiu.-t ..S.I hub lust wcea ami i cars a eat .. A firm tone pievanen In com as result of sm.iii loiai teceiiits and tne tnown.g of Ihe Kanea.-i crop report, claiming a Mrt age ot ll.iMi,(t nusiicis, comporeu with the government haurt-s. Decemoer opene.i un cnanged at 4:k , so.d between vSkic and c loseu at 4!ijc. May rang"ii bekwrn 4u-ifj 4i)"c and cncd at 4IHiC. rtweipts were Son cars with one of ronlract. graue. Hmail local receipts caused a n.m tone In oats. 1 ne iiri.vals tisiay were the smiillesi In six nmiitliH. 'trading was ex tremely quiet. December opencu a thane louver at N',c, aold up to iiec and coined at the top. May ran between JiVu3ii: and I'u and ciosed at 'u.ll'tv. lycai receipts were h cars. t rovislons were steady as a result of a small run of hogs at the yards, lraolng wns entirely local and or smslt vi.iume. At the closo Januaiy pork was up tMV' at S12.6n. laid waa uninai.gid at 7.w, liilui wetu no a shade at ai.iiMMi.i-.H. Estimated receipt for tomorrow : Wheat, 37 cars; corn, o3o cars; cuts, lJa cars; higs, Wnm head. The leading futures rangtd aa follows: NEW YORK STOCKSAND BONDS Mirket Opens Lower and Ltttr More Thn Kecovsn the Decline. Articles. I Open. High. Uw. Close. ea'y Wheat e , May July Corn ice. May July Oats No v. Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Rlba Jan. May I 0H4; 1 t-U I 1 "11 l1l ! I 46t. I I " "!' 31 12 (5 12 75 7 00 1 17H 60 67HI 1 wh' 1 0' 1 lu,l OVUi I 1 us-cil 4! 4civ, 41- '! 48H, 4"- 4.11,1 31 Sl'ifT", SIKiru -,! 31''SHJIJHJ31V?'I I I 12 SO U' Hi 12 7ft 12 KV, 7 02V, 7 20 e 70 1 1 flaw i fsfli 1 Me,, 1 OH , 4KV 49 4 vt 45Titi 16 46',' 4", 304j J9Ti30 31', 31V, 12 75 I 12 76 700 7 17V, SO 7VI 1 00 7 17V.I 7VI 12 m 12 724 7 00 7 17V4 M 6 6Vi KKW YORK OKXBHAL MARKKT Uaotatloas of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. FLOUR Receipts, 111. M0 bills ; exports, 1J.466 bbia. ; sales, u.ow bois.; market was about ateady with light trade; Minnesota patents, lo.Voiu4S.20; Minne sota bakers, 4.6!4.Mi; winter patents, Io.n0.if a.uu; winter airuiius, su.uiiu.u.; wituar e. tras. U.iiU-l ii; winter low grades. J.4'ff 4.06.. Rya flour, Arm; sales, 3n0 bhls.; fair to good, t4.fMiw4.7ti; choice to fancy, H'tvif 6 66. Muckwheat flour, firm; U-&QUV. flour, steady, 4a.2ui.ia. CUKAMlaU- meauy; yellow western, tl.U4116; city, tl.luiuvl.13; kiln dried, 13.009 .). HTB Nominal. BAKLK V 4Julct; feeding. 44c, c. I. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, fil.800 bu.; sales. 4. lon.iwo bu. futures. Hpot market, firm; No. 2 red. tl.lVH f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Iiuluth, tl.4H f- o. b. ofloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Most of the day wheat waa firm and a trifle higher on unfavorable Argentina weather newa, better cables and dry weather west and covering. Later it yielded tn realising and at the close was He lower to Vtc net hlghar; May, 11 UMil l:,. closed at 11. UN; July. ll.o.'7,Wl.oa. closed at II. O:7,; De cember. II. WH. closed af tl.l6-V CORN Receipts. 1S.2J1 bu.; apot market, firm; No. 1, nominal elevator and Uc t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 6HV-: No. 2 whit. taV,c; option market waa Inactive all day, but fairly firm, cloaing Ve net higher; May vloaed 61 o: December closed at 6Kc. OATS Receipts. 226.910 bu.; spot, steady; mixed oats. ;tj to 'ii pounds, 34H'pQ6Vkc; natural white, SO to 82 pounds, aou.'i;v,c; clipped white. W to 40 poutula, 3.(04Oc; options, nominal. r'BKD Steady; spring bran, $30.(6; middlings, Uu ib. HAY Steady; spring, d70c; good to Choice. ku(rf-c. HOPS vjulet; state, common to choice, !k4 crop, nntcowo; crop, ol'uJbc, o.ds, 44i lie; Paclilc coast, 1j4 crop, i37c; lils. Iff inc. UlDKa-FIrm; Galveston. 10 to 36 lbs, 17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas iry, 24 to 30 los., 14c. LEATHER Klrm; aold, !4!tr2e. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 111. 60; mess. t.00sy.&0: beef hums, 123 So; racket, llO.OotblO.k); city extra India mess, l4.60jlW. Cut meata. firm; pickled bel liea. Ill Uttifl 75; pickled shoulders 17.6); pick led hams. lotM(i75. Lard, steads; western steamed, 17.60; Novomixr closed at 17 60, nominal: reflned. stradv: continent. I;.); South America. 1426- comnonml t".Sfitfia.76 I'ork, ateady: family. 115 Otirjj 16 SO; ahort Clear, $13 .SfKtflS 7B; mess. 112.76613.60. TALLOW Klrm; city, Vc; country, 4S 41C. RICE Dull; domestic, fair to extra, 2 06k : Japan, nominal. POT LTRY-Allve, easy; western chick ua. )le; fowls. Uc: turkeys. ISo; dreaied, weak; weatrrn rhUkrna. 14jl6c; fowls, J2Vic? turkeys, la-ffauc. BITTKR r'lrni; street pries, extra creamery, 26-ar;Vs. Ofbclal prl.ea: Cream ery, common to extra. l(yf26C,c; stats dalr lea, common to extra, 14(j.Uc; renovated, common to extra, lifalac; western factory, common to choice. UijoluVic; western Imlta- I lion creamery, common to choice. l&HUlJc. i ClfKKSB Firm; atste. full cream, small ' September, colored and white, fancy, llV,e; late made, polorad and whits, poor to choice. W4il(V': large, September, colored and white, fancy. UV: late made, col ored, good to choice, HVfil"V: late mads, Mie. ncr io fancy. Tn'ilOi.c. KOQ8 Firm; wetern fancy selected. 3'V; western averages, fn ' Liverpool Urala Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 23 -WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures dull; Deemb.-r, 7slLl; Marc h. Ti2W4l; May. Ts 2V1. CtKN Spot, Ameticku mixed, alejcfy at No. !. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUrt bteady; wint r p.iiiiiis. IS-SOfl' 1.40; winter straights, t4.90iS6.20; spring pat ents. $6 oirtffj 6v. spring straights, 4.7ta5.O0; bakers. 12 03.. WHWA'l No. 2 spring. $l.tDtfl.H; No. 3 aprlinr. l.AOtrl.07: No. 2 red, $I.124I.IS. t.UK-HO. 3, wo: ino. I yeuow. m'. OATS No. 2. 31Vi732V4o; No. 2 white, 32Vfjc; No. I white, SO-Viac. RYE No. 2, 7o. BARLE3Y Good feeding, SS438V4c; fair to choice malting, 42S62c. Bc-l'JDrv no. l iihx, I.12; ro. i norm- western. Si.lffVh: prime timothy, 12.67,; clover, contract grade, $12.25. FKtJVlMlUNH Mess pork, per OOI., ll.r(i 11.26. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.9d-?6.'i7V4. Short ribe sides (loose). $i.62H7j6.7S; short clenr sides (boxed I. $S.7S6.87V(. . The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 40.21V) 6o. 0 Wheat, bu... 164.0UO 181,600 Corn, bu 637,6'Vi 196.1oo Oats, bu 204.100 74.100 Rye. bu 7,0oo 41.600 Barley, bu. 188,900 34,9oj On the Produce exchange today the but ter niaiket was stetdy; creannries, lSS'.'t'v; dairies, 151321c. Ergs, firm; at murk, cases included. 18tt(S?2V,c; firsts. 24c; prime firsts, 26c; extras, 2v?. Cheese, firm, ll'il-c. Bt. Loots Rraln aad Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23? WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, rash, elevator, U9; track. jl.:2V; December. ll.OHS,; May, $1.11V; No. 2 hard. $1.074.1 1.C9V4. CORN Steady; No. J cash, nominal; track. 49,,8'62c; December, 44c; May. 44c. OAT3 Firm; No. 2 cash, ,UV,i:; track, 824c; Decemler, 290; May, 3144c FLOlR Steady; red winter natenta, $3.30 irr5.36; special brands, $SKij5.50; extra fancy and straight, $4,704)4.80; clear, $4. log 4.40. SliKF Timothy, steady, t2.0CKgi2.45. COUNMEAL Steady at $2.60. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 8487c. HAY Dull; timothy, $8.1Kijl2.00; piajrie, $6 0118.00. IRON COTTON TIES 93c. BAOGINQ 7C HEMP TWINE-aVic. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, 111.46. Lord, higher; prime steam, 16.72V,. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8; clear riba, I8.12H; short dear. I8.J7V4. POtyLTKY-Lowsr; chickens, Hc; springs, 9u; turkeys, 12c; ducks, .9c; geese, 7Wc.- U UTTER Firm; -dairy, lktr'Jlc. EUOS-r irra at 26c, Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu , creamery, 20jf2BV4c; case count. Receipts. Shipment. 4,900 17.000 42,000 38,000 44,0oO 26.000 33,000 27,000 Kaaaas City Orala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 23. WHEAT De cember, tl.Olfil.ult: Msy. $1,014,101', July. we: casn, no. i nara, ii.cwqi.iH'; No. 3, $; No. 4, !Vfcii.01; No. 2 red. $1.06; No I, $1.02ai.0t; NO. i, 9oWc; receipts, lo2 cars. CORN December, 42na-42Vir ; May. 4P,c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 46Vo; No. 8, 46(Q40c; No. 9 white, 4n. i OATS No. 9 mixed, SOc; No. 3 white, Sle. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.0o.o0; choice prairie. $7.75ii.00. HYE Steady; No. I, '.6i7c. EGOS Steady; Mlsaourl and Kansaa, new No. 1 whltewood cases Included. 23c doxen; caae count, 22c; cases returned, Ve per dosen less. Bl'TTtiR Creamery, tlC'23c; fancy dairy, 16c. Receipt Bhlpmen'a. ... 84.MM 76.400 19. too 16lo0 17.000 17.0UJ MONEY SITUA'if.N FEATURE OF THE DAY HardrnlBB of the Itale tor Loaaa aad the readies. Holiday laase a Lightening! of 9pernls tire Loads. NEW YORK. Nov. 2.1 Pricei of stocks were c oneiiici sol v lower at one t ay tnan tne., ',t laet nlaht and then ramer iiioic? tnan rntufi eu tne cirv.liie, w,in some piomloent of streiigtn. ihj wholn u.arast ur,.ea Uigely on tne money aituation. The i.ardni.B man rates and toe p. ..ding 1 har.K , tionoay pt'i mpced con. Iderau.e nginenliig o. 1 epeeuiative KSos. re.-mi was ,ni uecine in tne amount ot ou.-lness ounf tesieruay nurry in the m n.y ma. kit held its Iniluence tha moin.ig on accjunt t tne tirm lone ..on co.h ior tali and lime loans. 'I he, e w,.s ratlli.allV no lima money orrermg for any period for lets cnn per c ni. 1 lie engagement if audu.Oiial gom col,, for shlnmeiit to Germany tm- Phusised the intlii.nee of this suowii.g. 'Ins rtinouiu c omeinpiated for th.s sh.meni was as much as ll.imo.uoo early in tne cay Tnis was riduceu ov halt before ihe end of the nsv. Monev ratew also reiaxeo la. sr. "Ihe truat cc,inirtiil. s and J. P. Morgan Co. were retxred as lar.s lenders -n call. J. f. Moraan to. ino announce, I ih purchase oi tjn.ism.tiiSf of Chicago. Hurl if -ton tt cjulncy bonds. Hal. road stocks were not greatly affscied and in fact movej rather sl'jgglsmv all day In either d.rej Hon. But a laiae number of ade in nusirial sloi ks and specialties and iome of the obscurer railroads miftertd, This Is the natural comeuuence of tne rather lite, lies siieculalion In the se curltles which has heen a marked .eature of the recent trading. Ama.gamate top per showed symnuthy with the react.on in iho forelun copper market, rather than with domestic cooper stock', which were hlkher. The gicat strength of Atolilson Was unexplained hy any news announce ment, but it pioved an effective stay f r the whole market. 1'hited S.atts Sit el pre ferred was also an effective sustaining factor snd was helped by tne reporis of large railroad buying of varlnis pioducte for equipment, as well as by the Iron Axe's cheering view of the trade condi tion. The market closed below the biat and barely steady. There wa a confident alsorptlon of United Stntes Steel sinking fund as on a rising wale. The bond market generally was Irregular; total sale, par vaiue, $:i,ln.onu. I nnaJ States bonds were cn call. tjuutaiions on the imtv jura stock ex change yesteroay were as follows: Hales.Hlgh.Low Close. 104.100 88 V, 8V, WH . 8,400 9ri . o0 94Vi . ,800 133V, to tne rempse in -ew i ork unit were rather neglected. 1 hey weakened t" brio parity and closed easy, other departments were practically reatnreieR imperii I Jap. snese government f of lJa"4 were q:ioted at 96. PARIS. Nov. 21 Price, on the llonren today hsd an upwsrd tendmy nnd at Hie rlose the market was firm. Rus an Im perial 4s were qu.ded nl 94 7.1 and Kuss ai bonds of 19o4 at tvn". BERLIN, Nov. 23. Prices on the Bnure today were weak throughout. ev York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 23-MONRY-On call, firm, neave, per cent. ciodng bid 3, c.ffered at 3'4j per rent. Time loans. Arm; ' days, Jo dsvs and months. fi per rent. PR) ME MERCANTILE PATER 4!i4 per cent. 8TERI.INO EXCHANGE easier. lth ctnal huslneaa In hankeri' h lis at $4 87 4 I7, for demand and at 4 42i4 -4:.i lor o-day blll; posfd rats' $4 85 and 14?;',: commercial bil.a, $4 f.V. SILVER Bar. t9c; Mex'can dollirs. 47c. BONDS Oovernmc nt. steady; ra:lroid. Irregular. TtiM following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio .. do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. 17,100 Chicago A N: W.... C. M. A St. P Uo pfd Chicago Term. & T. do r.'d C. CC. A 8t. L.... Colo, poet hern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson D. , L. A W D. A Rio Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocklntr Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd IOuls. & Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. Louis. .. M . St. P. A S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific 18.9on M.. K. A T 1.900 do pfd J. N. R R. of Mex. pfd. 400 N. Y. Central 2.800 Norfolk A Western.,.. S.SoO do pfd Ontario A Western... 3.2W Pennsylvania 65,300 p., u., u. et o. u Reading 40,400 do 1st pro do 2d pfd 200 Rock Island Co 28,900 do pfd .s"u St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 900 103 9 94 132V1 6.000 49H 48T, .16,300 .' kisoo . 4.000 . 600 . 1.900 '. 1.400 . 2,300 . 100 . . . . 5J .... 8O0 ....S3.900 .... 2.800 .... 1.900 .... 900 .... WO .... 4.400 24 i73i HVi 27 88 22T, 'Ss'4 18o-T 829 31 84 3874, 72 V, 63 V, 8;vi 90 149H 100 rVH SiM 8 6.400 600 $.900 200 100 534 139 168 82 1244 63 90V, iosi 634 43 IS., 74 41 1S6H 23 iivi '4H 26 87 22 35 186 3.'9 31V, 84 38 Vi S2vt m 90 148 'm" io" lSTi W7VI 81 '4 122'i tvl 10 V4 107i 33 ' 62vl 42V4 134 74V4 39V4 U4 76V, 75V4 W... 600 ... 1.200 ...56.i0 ... 1,000 ...17.900 ... 1.000 ... 4,500 ... WO ... 3.200 ..141,500 100 200 ..118.400 .O'lO ono 200 ) 900 Wlieat. bn Corn, bu .. Oats, bu .. Milwaukee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 23. WH EAT Firm ; No. 1 northern. $1 I241I.U; No. t northern, $1,064)1.11: May, $1.09. RYE Weak; No. 1. 82J83c. HARLEY-eteady; No. 2. 6C0; saiupls, 389 62c. CORN-Qulet; No. S. 56,57V4f; May, 457ie bid. Minneapolis (araia Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. . WHEAT De cember, 1.0bV4fU1.08; May, II 11, Septem ber. 39!lc; No. 1 hard. 11.12; No. 1 northern. 11 11; No. 2 northern. l.u6. KLOUR-Flrst patents, M.omuti.lo; second patents. $6.85tj6.96: first clears, $4.8564.45: kecond clears. $2 76tf5. BKAN-Bulk, $14.60. Dulnth Orala Market. DULUTH. Nov. 21-WHKAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.09; No. 8 northern, 61 oi. On trick: No. 1 northern, II lu; Nu. 3 northern, tl.Ol'H; December, $!.; May, $1 11. OATS To arrive and on track, 29c. St. Louis S do pfd 8. Pacific do pfd 8. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. A W.. do pfd Union Pacific ... do pfd Wabash 2.i do pfd 3.000 II, Ol 1 X.- w . ac n. Dt , Wisconsin Central.... do pfd Mexican Central $.300 Adams Ex American Ex United States Ki. Wells-F'arBO Bx... Amiil. Copper Am. Car rounary.. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil ....1.. do nfd Am. Ice v... do nfd Am. Linseed Oil do nfd Am. Locomotive 6,400 do pfd 1.000 Am. Smelt. & Refng..20 3oO do pfd fw Am. Sugar Refng.... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron... Con. Gas. ex-dlv Corn Products do nfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper... do pfd International Pump... do pfd Nstlrnnl Lesd North American .. Pacific Mull People'a Gas pressed Steel Car. do pfd Pullmnn Palace Car.. Republic Steel 8 VI 10 do pfd Z.w Rnbbe Goods 800 do pfd Tep'i. Cosl A Iron 8 Mm U. 8. I-ather 20 do pfd ?.tvn U. f Pealtv A Imp... I.S11O U. 8. Rubber 3 "0 do pfd Stvio U. 8. eel S.IS'iO do nfd 1? 700 WeHlnghoiise Elec... 2.700 V astern 1 nlon 600 35 83 68 24V, 63 67 117 34 95 36 31 63 115 '23 46 23 48 22 218 125 78 81 89 34 "8 38 37.000 2.500 2H.J0O 19.600 1.400 7,0110 411 9n0 7.400 l,7oo 400 1. 00 7'V) 1 fiOO 7.500 2. io 9o0 83 102 81. 114 150 113 684, 48 215 24 80 . H 192 20 78 80 85 83 67 24 12 66 117 84 96 3k 31 62 114 "22 45 '23 47 22 218" ' 122 I7 31 88 34 " .37 32 101 79 113 147 113 Wi 47 215 7W ' 83 190 19 77 23 104 46 10 W 84 "lR i; 23 '7S' 14 9S 83 83 71 T fi 182 1 44 107 8S 83 !' 68 21 '7V 1Si !. 8-! 321-; w 17H Total stiles for the day, 1,178,000 shares. li- 96 93 132 189 4 40 83 24 197 173 181 16 2H 87 22 57 Stt 180 320 32 84 38 72 63 86 89 149 29 1W ' 28 63 138 W8 82 123 63 90 145 108 84 03 42 134 74 90 40 75 75 87 BO 36 83 67 314 62 66 117 84 96 3.1 31 52 lift 94 23 4ti 20 23 47 22 23B 217 121 237 78 31 88 33 93 s? ' 16 37 83 102 80 113 149V4 112 6774 47 215 23 79 86 191 20 77 40 83 23 104 45 108 3r 83 228 W 68 8 74 13 94 8? 8'' 80 H 90 181 63 f. 8 ref t. res 6 esspnn ds la, rg 4ft i-upoa 4o sw 4a, rag. .. io eeuS'ei sl a. n, So rsapes Atchlsna (en. 4s So sal. 4f Atisstio r. 1, w... nu. Ohio 4 !, Central of Os. 'it lit Ine 'lies. A Ohio 44a... Chlio A. JS .. r . b. u. n. 4i... ". M A S P. f 4l r. n. w. r. ;... c. r. 1. a p. 4o rot. 4s crc. Bt. L. (. 4s. rhlrljn Ter. 4. Con. Tonari'o 4i Colo A So. it D R. 0 Erts srlnr lies 4s... an sn. 4s P. W. A D. C. Is... Horhlni V.I. 4 . I. A N unl. 4 Offered. Bid. .104", MsnTilttan c g. ' .04kt . (eniril 4. .. .Ifltvj So III Inr .1044 Minn. A St L 4i .ll"4 M . K A T. 4.. .!!', in tt .IM14 N R. R of M. f. .lMvt S. T. r. , ,. .1I!S N. 1. r. g. ,.... '. MAIN'S PscHe 4.... I in It .I0JVN. W. r. 4s ... . O S. I. it A psr 111i Psnn. Con ,. . K'i Kains sen c , .ine 1st. U Ac I M. r. . St. j. A 8 P fg lno SI. L. g W. la.. 11ft Sestxisrs A L. 41 .Wt Se- Px-llV it . 1 So Rallvsr .. . 94 iTexan A P. la. . . . .102 T.. St. L. A W. . ftr IVnloa Paclfli 4a. . . aile, do eoTiT 4 . MV,,!'. 8 Sleel id St. .101 Wabah 1 .lniVl dn defc. B . HVW. A I. K 4a ... .111 WMa. Central 4a.. .IIS Irolo. Puel ronv. 1AM ' . .JiBlet . . 7s .. i;h .. . .inj .. n a. US ..ll, ..1SS1 . .10 .. 75", ..ion, . .1U4S ..1"JI 1"! 5. 114 4a. l4 .... 1 i ... M M . . . . I ! III 4a.. ....lnti ...US' .... 2, ....117S .... 47 ....Mi, ....Ml a.. K CloslnaT Stocks. 28.4L-loslng: .. mi, X. Y. t'entral..., M 1 11 Nnrfolk A W dn pfd .. Onlsrlo A W . .II4 PennaTlvanls .... .. t' Rand Mines ..Il Reading . . .'.n' do lt tiM .. 2i in td pfd . Southern rUllwat .. 1IW do pfd . . 't a Southern Pacific . . . I'nlon Parifio ..Jin,' do pM .. 1 V. . Sleel .. M do pf.l .161 wabaah . .141V do pfd SILVER Bar.'steady. 27d pcr'otiiice iviiJlNK.1 i'u'-i rier cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is StJ3 3-16 per cent; for lliree months' bills, 2 15-164; 1 per cmt. London IX)NDON. Nov. ronsola, money .. do ai-eount ...... Anaconda Atrhtson do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian riclOc .. t'hea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W r.. m. A 8t. P llefleera t A R O dc. pfd Kris do let pfd do id r'd Iltlnnll Central .... Lou la. A N'sah M , K. T... .131 . J . Ji . 4'', . Ja . It's . M'i . 4 .'. . 41 . r. . 4t .11'a . 97 . i . 14i . 24 . 4", H4 Kew York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov. 2S.-The followlm are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Breer, Brunswick Coo .. C'omatork Tunnel Ton. t'sl. A Vs.. Norn Silver Iron illvsr Lead rl He Ceo ... Ll It la Chief 14 ... U ... II ... II ... I ...110 ...Mil ...11 ... 1 ... I Hang 20 Ontario 3M) Ophlr 20 Phnanl II PotcMl 15 Savage So Sierra Nevada . Small Hopes 17 Standard ISO Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the een- eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve tn Ihe division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $143,06!i.309; gold, $81,601,187. MAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt! More Moderate and Price Held Fully Steady. HOGS SOLD TRIFLE LOWER ery lew herp nnd Lambs on ale nnd Fat Mnff ald Readily at teadp Prlees, While Feeders Were Hriak anil 9tronaer. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. -jZ. Im4 Rcs:pts were: Caits Hogs. Sheen. Otticlai Mormay ,Wo S.i 1M) Ofncisl Tuesday 7.1ml li.ivsi n 117 Official Wednesday t.omi n.e-O l. $0 steers.. ..121? I n 11 rows... 1 cow 850 2 2J W. II. Grlrder Wjn. 1 S4eer U7S $ In ls'ser.... i leeders.. 7i 9 16 3 feeder,. U cows 8?7 ; i 2steeia... 1 bull lisn on A. Mino Wj-o. 17 steer. ...119 t 'i 3 tcows... 1 hull lilO 1 7i '. Ptesrs... A. Luiahfin Wv.v ! 14 cows 94J 'J 7i 1 bull 9 feeders lots 3 15 Sateers... Besver Crrsk Cattle Co. 8 1 con-. 3 cows 14 cows .14 t 91 . 76H 1"S 9.M Li $ oo 2 5 I IV 2 I'. 1 -0 30, iM 22.9S 1 1 b-rt IS. 116 15.9ho 23.150 Three days this week. . . .il.OM Same das last week....2.U)i bame two weeks ago 7.127 Same thre weeks sgo..l9.9'l Same four w eeks ago. .. .26.4JH 8ame days last ear. . . .16.01 tlPTct FOR THE YKAR TO DATE, ihe lollowmg table snows the rece.p.s ot cattle, hugs and sheep at Suuih Omaha, nn comparison witn last year: ,,, 19U4. 1903. Inc. 86;. 7i1 u,,il 2.038.318 1.974.SS9 63,379 Sheep 1.644.0119 1.681.H21 Ihe following table shows tn average pries of hogs at South Omaha for the last everaldaya with comparisons: , D'- I 1904. 190$7 1102. 190l"io!iu9. 1998. 29.877 24.476 17.615 61 ,Wi 37.2ii 2.l6 Die. 12..S81 'r.'.iii Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. uv. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 15 Nov. 16 fiu. W.. I...4e4 f 65 7$l 4 61: 4 Oil $ 51 I... I 4 8J,.4 4 Wi I 721 4 t0i 4 041 $ 46 ! 4 it.1 4 871 61 4 W 04) I 46 4.- I4ISJ 4 ;K 4 I S2 4U;IH ... 4 e 4 74, 6 61 1 6 ill 4 6 I I I I 4 Ui 6 uJl 6 71, 4 641 4 01 I 4 9u 4 7. 65 S h9 4 i 4 0i 3 ii 22 cows... 9 cows. .. 10 sters.. 1 steer... 1 cow 1 feeder., 1 feeder 2 bulls... S heifer. I calf. l'Hl I. 1140 3 !,' 11 feeders.. 968 . Ms J ;a 7 feeders.. 1iC.4 .1070 I pi 14 eteers....ll.VI N. I.. Wiggins Wvo. . 2 75 66 Steers... .1'Vii J O. W. Swiggart. Neb. .1IH4 3 W 1.1 rows $14 3 2o W. Pcott. S. IX . I i 12 cons.... . K0 2 on 4 COWS 887 . f0 9 1 feeder... i . 930 $ iVi I feeder... 870 .1090 to F. E. Frost. Colo. . 743 3 40 heifers.. 773 4 o l calf ins 9 rows i cows... .1030 C 1 cow 9.i John White A Co. S. D, 1 61 t re 1 1. 1 40 SO 2 40 9 uo 3 0O t 26 4 $2Ja$ pnreffS.iS; Texas and Indian steers, is; cows snu netrers. m.igin. HOOB-Keeefpta. f,fi.. bead, market artl and strong: lgs and liahts. $3.7.vi4 pack' rr. I4 4i4 ni; hiitrheis and besl . heavy $14 7S. SHEEP ANU t.AMB!4-eielpts. 2 V bead; market stesdy to strneig; native mut tons. $3Mii4n0; Iambi. $4.6nij.v6; culls ami buck. If S4.i; stockers. : 'v-1-''. Te ans. $i.oorUTil.iV. 9 fe-ders.. no $ in 1 calf. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 24 cows. . 1 bull... 230 ...loso ..1140 F. ... 956 .1470 I 36 9 71 . 8. Hoyt-Neh. 2 15 24 heifers.. 80S $ 00 I hslfets . 7oO 9 1 bull lJf.i $ fo II feeders.. 1153 C. Dryer Idaho. 3 66 1 steers. ...lotjl 3 3 on : to 1 90 3 40 : $i 2 7.". 1 01 I 1 t... 9... Io... U... 12... 13... 14... 4 96 I 441 i 871 4 711 4 06 4 031 4 02 9 62 I 45 I 47 9 43 I 11 9 41 3 K ! 4 9U1 i 9 74 1 4 69 4 . V 4 0. 6 35 1 14 74 4 89 I 4 621 4 361 6 HI I 4 koV4 4 . A b I ... a . 4 84 4 64 21 6 6 4 74; 9 941 1 S"hi t hi l H t si s n 4 (MS. 1 a xi i h;i 4 82, 8 en I 4 61 I 4 M I $ 4M 4 90 9 64 I 36 i4,i 1 1 u, 11 , iil. iinia Nov. 1S... 4 6ei 4 36 , 6 31 5 63, 8 s $ to Nov. 19... 1 4 63 4 46 1 6 29 6 63; 4 7' ' I I 29 Nov. 20...! , 1 4h ri V u 1.1, 1 I.., 3 8, Nov. 21. .. 4 67 4 44 6 24 5 8I1 4 7s, 3 8 I 31 Nov. 22... j 4 61 I 6 26, 5 75( 4 76, 3 861 3 37 Nov. 2J... 4 49 ; 4 31 , o l 4 7 8 Mi, 3 4 Indicates Sunday. 1 The official number of cars ot stock brought in today by each nd was: Cattle. Hogs.Bli p.H ses. C. M. & St. P. Ry 3 W'al ash 1 Mo. Pacific Rv 1 I'nlon Pacific Hystem 12 C. N. W. Ry 2 F.. E. 6V M. V. R R. C. St. P.. M. & O. Ry. ts. as m. iiy C.. H. & U. Ry C, R. I. P.. east.. C. R. I. & P.. west. Illinois Central Chi. Orenl Western.. 28 7 90 3 1 1 i 50 2 ' 'J II 25 18 28 6 70 3 2 5 192 1S Boston BtoeW Market. BOSTON. Nov. S3. -Call loans, v&3 per cent; time loans. 463 per cent. Official clos- ln or stccKs and nonas: H. Atchlsna sdj do 4a Atrhlsos do pfd Boeton A Albany Boston A Maine. Boston Elevated Pltihburg pfd ... Mail, ail Central N. Y.. N. H. A Per Marquette I'nlns Pacific Amir Argt- Chens.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tubs.. A mar. Sugar du ptd Amer. T. A T A mar. Woolsa dn. pfd dominion I A I ... P.dlaou Klec. 1 1 1 u . . . Oenersl Klertrlc Masa. Claetrlc do pfd Vaea. Oaa foiled r'rull I lilted Shot Mack. .. S3VAdventurs lot Allouas . IM 'Amalgamated .. AttA Americas Ztno .. .lit Atlantic 11T Bingham .144 "I'll. A Harla.. .140 ranlannlal . 124 t'ofper Range ... .144 iDalr 'Weat . 75 Dominion Cosl ., .UHranklla . HVIiranc-y . lmlle Hovsle . i Maaa. Mining ... .141 I Michigan Ill Mohaak .14414, Mont, C. A C... . Ili Old Dominion ... . l Osceola . If Parrot .143 iQulncy . lOVi;E)iannon toffee Market. KRW YORK". Nov. 23.-COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged ! ". prices to an advance of 6 points. Trading , 1 . was very ocilvs. Tha market closed steady at a net advance of 6410 points. Sales war reported of 28.510 bags. Including: March, I7ur; April. T.loc; September. 765370c. Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoiue, 8c. Mild, dull. agar aad Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. J8.-8IUAR-Strong. Open kettle, centrifugal, 4tt'4 9-16c; cenlrlfuga) whiles. 4tl4 9-16c; yellow, 4i 4 13-16c: seconds. IVi-lV.i. n MOLASciES ; opea n'rtfual. 7'0t3c. ' SYRtP-kijW do std vcracifig romsiOQ II . II 41 IMH UK I'.Vt , 7 so I Tamarack .... Trinity I'. M. Mining. v. a. 011 t'tah : Victoria Wlnsna Wolvsrias .... .. I .. UI4 ...77 .. 11 .. ww .. 1714 . .40 .. 21 .. 711 .. 11 .. 1'4 . list I t il .. la .. 7'4 .. .. 44 .. 44 .. 7! .. 4'., .. M ..IIS .. k ..lit .. 11 .. 14 .. II .. 44 .. 1 ..111 '4 ..114 Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 23 WOOr-TliO wool market has been more quiet the pRSt week, but It has lost neine'n. ttsi atrerifi'th l.nclc of supplies haa beejfc.the cause of curtail ment of business. An average ra.lmate la that there will not he over ai.mio too Sounds of wool left In den lira' stock bv anuary 1, a notah-decrease from lnt year. Territory ' wools continue active. Pulled wools are, ilsrner. Foreign grades aro quiet. QuoiatfSns: Territory, Idaho, iTiis,, u , t iiurr, iiijin, lint; iiic- dlum, !-t19c; luelliim lGS2e; lew me dium, 2242c;. WiorVuiB,, Ijoe. I71r18c; heavy tine, 15916c; fiV neiHiim. l'i'.i'a 18c; medium. 2a813c: Irfw Tmedium. 2Si&24: Ciah and Nevada, flna. 17fnl8c; heavy tine. J6ii liic; fine medJiiiTytliiva 'Sci.riiadium, -- 3c; low medium. t3t4c; J)aRor. fine. 16iil8c; tine medium. IWilSor 'WrHum. 2Ki:;ci low medium, i3rn4io; McMltana, fine choice. 21 622c; fine averaga, 94i2nc' tine medium choice, ltl&29c; average. l!S20c; staple, 22 Q23c ; medium choice, 23$25c. . LONliON, Nov. ij- U uillr-Wildlng was active at the wool safes today. Prices were In sellers' favor. Tha offerings consisted of a superior selection, amounting to 12,839 bales. Clips sold at extreme rates to lioma and continenlal buyers. Scoureds In flnu condition were offered and superior clothing realized 2s 3d. Cape of Good Hope mid Natal waa In brisk demand nt firm rate. American purchases Included se.veral par cels of superior merinos and fine and medium crosshreds. Following are thj sales: New Bouth Wales. 8.500 bales; scoured. 9dfiC8d; greasy, 6d4j ls 2d. Queensland. 1.300 bales; scoured. 9dfils9d; greasy fcd'&ls d. Victoria, 3,200 bales; scoured, 10d'!i2sd; greasy, 7djj1s1d. South Australia, 800 bales; greasy, 6:'drfJ Is d. West Australia. 7il hales; greasy, 6d10d. New Zealand. 2,800 bales: greasy, 7djzls)d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 400 bales; scoured, lsldls7d; greasy, 6dfil0d. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23. WOOLr-Stead v: medium grsdea combing and clothing. 22' 29c; light fine. itfiI2c; heavv line, iSIbc; tub washed, 2fg3c. Metal Market. ST. LOt'IS. Nov. 23.-METALS-Lead, quiet at-I4.36i4.60. Spelter, firm at $5.55.' NEW YORK. ' Nov. 23. METALS T he London tin market was a shade higher, closing at 132 12s 6d lor spot and 1.12 los for futures; locally the market showed little change the outside prices being quoted a little higher In some instances and the gen eral' runge being $28.87(U'29.26. Cupper also waa up a little in the Lomlun market, where spot closed at 66 2a tkl and futures at 66 is 6d; locally there was 110 change; lake Is helel at $14. 87& 15.12; electrolytic, $14.7515.00; casting, $14.iK,i'14.75. Lead was firm at 18 In the Ixiiidon mnrkot; locally guotationa still range from $4 9 to $4.70. pelier was unchanged at $6.75'55.87 In Ihn local market; in London spot closed at 25 5s. Iron closed at 62s 9i In Glasgow and at 46a 6d In Middlesborough ; locally Irnn 1 1 .... I. a mr...l - NTn 1 ....... ." " . ' " " ..... ..u..nv, . w a i . vj i ii in i iuuii- dry, No. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft southern roundry are quoted at $16.70& 17 96; No. $ northern foundry. $16.2516.75. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 23 ('(ITTnu-dmii closed quiet, 10 points decline; middling up lands, Shoe; middling gulf, 10.05c; aules, cone. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 23 COTTON -Easy; sales. 4.000 bales; iirdlmiry. 6 13-1c; gooa orainary, s'c; low miadling. 8c; middling, 9 6-16V; good middling. 9u; mid dling fair. 10c. RecelDts. 15.8o6 balea: atoek $47,093 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2S.-COTTON--8not, moderate business done, prices 10 points lower; American middling fair. E.50d; good middling, 5.2nd; middling. 6.1d: low mid dling, 6.06d; good ordinary 4.92d: ordinary: 4.7tkl. Sales, 7.000 boles, of which 300 wer for SDeculatlon and export and InMnrlfH $.600 bales American. Receipts. 29,000 bales. tnchiding 20.700 bales American. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23. COTTON-Uulet. unchanged: middling. 9c;. Sales. 40 bales; receipts. 110 bales: shipments, none: unci. 20,l92 bales. Total receipts 168 The il Lsnosi t Ion of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer or neau lnuicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packlnc Co 78 1.3o5 Swift and Company 1,096 2,099 99 Ctidahy Packing Co 1.104 2.349 379 Armour & Co 1.329 2.4:l Cudahy Co., from Denver 131 Cuduhy Co., Sioux City 999 Armour St Co., Boo Uity .... x.iija .... Vanaant & Co 22 Carey & Hen ton 152 I -oilman & Co 63 Hill & Son 114 Huston & Co 36 Hamilton & Rothschild.. So L. F. llusz 3 Wolf & Murnan 8 Mike Haggerty 43 Bulla & Kline 6 L. & S 309 McCreary & Carey 16 Other buyers 760 .... 2.970 Totals i 4.901 12.630 3.445 CATTLE Rccelpta of cattis were more moderate this mi.rmng at a. I points, and with a fair eiemind the tone to the gen eral market showed a ilu.e improvement. Tiading was not particularly .., but still tha cattle kept molr,g toward the John Rneenberrv Neb. 27 feeders.. 1018 3 6" 24 cows lo4. 2 feeders... 936 9 00 B. F. Smelser Neb. 14 cows 889 2 6 4 feeders.. 6T5 3 rows 840 ! 40 4 feeders.. 7?0 1 cow SS0 3 bull 1420 Z cows a.s 3 (0 HOOS-Recelpts of hoars were again lib eral this morning at all point and the market took another drop. At this point some of the buyers semed to be quits anxious for a few r ce butcher weights snd at the opening the market a few hogs answering Io that description sold at rlose to ateady prices. Most of thm brought I4ooa4 5.', with a top at $4 63. After the demand for that kind had been satisfied the market slowed down. ar pack ers wanted to buy the remaining hogs at about $4.47. or 2fi5r lower than yester day's average. Salesmen were not willing to take off that much and runsequendy It was some time before much business, was transacted. As the morning advanced there was no signs of Improvement, and as a result Salesmen begun to rut loose quite freely and practically everything was disposed of before noon. The long string went at $4 47. with the bulk at $4.47 and $4 50. representative sales No si.. 4C. 60.. 70.. 71.. so. . K.. 111. 67.. II.. II. ...141 ..., ..151 ...J7 ...III ...17 . .. ...m ...W7 4 116 (2 40 46 44 4 I 41 41...... 14 41.. M . II.. 4r... 47.. II.. ifi. S.. is.: 14.. 72.. 41.. SC.. 47.. .an; ,.iu .MS . SJ6 .III .171 ,.177 .144 .III ..171 .117 .101 .122 .Ml .IU .174 IM .! Ill .11 .106 .121 .1H7 .144 as. ml 40 lso 140 40 140 too 140 10 4 120 to SO 0 124 SO 73 Ill 41. 67.. 47.. 10.. M.. to.. 44.. SI., sr.. IB. . M. . hi., it . ?.. it.. SO.. 41.. 4.. bIm on4 tha hmlr nf lh eftl'lv arrivals I 61 was d'lFpo ed of In fairly good teascn. I There weio no choice co.n-tcd .teers) ou I I,'' sale thla morninB and whlie packers did no take hold very freely of the kind that wm offered, atlli the prices finally puld were Just about steady with yes.erday. Froni the way packers talked weil-flnlshcd cattle might have sold a little stronger. Not many western range .btef ethers ar rived this mornliiK, anu all the buyers wanted a few, the market could be o.uote.1 fully steady, and in some spi te It looked a .131 .2MI .174 .. . .ISO ..It! ..S4 ..lot ..K14 ..III ..170 ..HI ..JM .211 ...111 ..Ml ..MS ..Ml .111 ..171 . ,IM . IU mi 110 10 no "o no 10 140 its 116 Hi 40 too 120 120 tuO 120 tiu so 'ii 40 110 40 t'10 120 40 '40 tn oo iio 40 4 19 t it 4 47V4 4 47C. 4 47i. 4 471 4 47 ' 4 474 4 4714 4 471 4 47 L, 4 474 4 47 '4 4 41V4 4 47H 4 47uj 4 47 4 4714 4 4714 4 47 4 47 4 471, 4 474 4 47V4 4 4TVa 4 47 4 47 4 47 v 4 47i, 4 47I4 4 47'4 4 47V4 4 47 V 4 471, 4 4714 IVi 4 4T 4 47 4 4714 4 47H 4 4714 4 474 4 474 4 471, 4 4H, 4 4714 4 47H 4 41V, 4 414 4 4714 4 4714 4 47H 4 4714, 4 47W, 4 471, 4 47V, 4 47 V VI Ne 4e as K0 M 44 It 01 14 7 74 73 74 44 17 40 Il II K II 17 74 117 I 41 14...... V ti tt 14 Ill 47 W II 41 4 K H 71 41 71 M 74 4f. 71 44 4.1 44 47 42 17 44 74 M 10 70 6 17 At. ..lo ..24 . .no.i ..342 .227 ..S4 ..241 .142 ..1H ..244 . .114 . .? . .IM .170 ..904 ..171 ..til ..mi .241 ..! ..Ml ..144 ,.rs ..tit . .2S ..(44 . .170 ,.tlt .no .22 ..171 . .IM ,.0i ..Ml . 9 ..301 . .1(1 ,.177 .Ki .0 .177 III 144 142 t.11 .S4I l2 .104 .141 .174 147 111 tit .141 .. ..171 .114 ..til ..ISO mi Sh. lis iio 0 lis 140 40 40 40 SO 40 140 10 14" tn too to 140 n loo 40 too 40 411 'i 124 ili) 120 iii 1311 120 10 'ii ion so tio 4D 0 "i'o 4 47V, 4 414 4 47V, 4 47V, 4 40 4 40 4 SO 4 40 4 IS 4 4 4 4 10 4 I 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 In 4 tn 4 to 4 10 I to 4 to 4 60 4 10 4 to 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 Io 4 tn 4 in' 4 10 4 It 4 to 4 10 4 60 4 F!4 4 MS 4 tiv, 4 KH4 4 I24 4 MV, 4 III, 4 IIV4 4 124 4 4 M'I 4 In 14 U11 Kansas City lite Itork Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. CATTLE Re. Celpts. in.JOn head, Including 60 southerns msfket stesdy to 1V lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5 .sn .: lair t. food. $.t4i'n4.; Western fed steers. !.;iw 60; stex-kers and feeeiers, $.' Siii4 isi; rmnh ern steers. $2taj42."; unithern cows. 1,"4. 3 ; native cows. 11 ."OiM on; native heifers. ?fJfi5.i; hulls. $2.loi3..Vi; calves. fjf-'n .ao. HOOS-Recelpts. 14.000; market steadr; top $4 Sn; bulk of sil"-. 14.4. 1. 7", heavv, $4.h6D4.8u; packers, It.'-iW 4. ie; p a i and lights, $3.7n4.W. 8HEKP AND UMnS-H,celpt. 5 h'-ad; market strong; native lambs. $4 t nt'; native wethers. I4it.7r: native; we . $4 0011 4. SO; western lambs, ll.oieiaiii; ws -ern vearilngs. 14 2Mi6.2.S; western she, ;,. $3.75114.35; stoc kers and feeders, It soft 4... 1 HI. Joseph Live Moek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mj.. Nov. 23.-CATTLE Receipts. z.5n head: tusrket pv lilai r-: tintlves. 93.6U4sfi.76: cows nnd heifers, 9t.- 4.36: stockers and feeders, $2 t?3 36. HOGS Receipts, s.loO hesd; market Re higher: light, $4.2Mi4.; medium and heav. I4.4.',4.70. ftllKKP AND market steady; LAMPS Receipt. hen western lambs, $fi.0. Stock la sighl. The receipts of live stock nt the six prin cipal western cities yesterday were as fol lows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4.0" 1: i ;!." Sioux Cltv a.iM 7.i Kansas City 14.'i .' St. liills 4..ii) H.Soo 2..Vsi St. Joseph 2.66H K.lisi ;SV Chicago 15.oc) 'il.isxi 16.' Totals 37.5io 84,000 27.8M9 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKKT. C'oadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatlons on Staple aad Fancy Prodaer. EGGS Candled stock. 23c. LIVE POI LTRY-Hen. 7 : r odris. no; turkeys, loo: ducks, 8'a9c geese. 4i9c; spring chickens. Mi,c. Hl'TT EH Packing stock. H'jUISc; cliolv to fancy dairy, lnulhu; cieamnry, 21'U.K'i fancy prints, sir. FREsH FRO.KN FISH-Tiout. 10.'; pick erel, Sc; pike, ine; perch. 7c; hluellah. 12c: whlteflsh. 10c; salmon. 14c; redsnnpper. lie; lobster, green. 20c: lobster, tolled. Joe; boll heads, lie; cattisu. 14c; bluck bass. 2o: halllbut, 10c; crspples. 12c:- rue s!sad; 91; buffalo. 7c; white bass, IK ; rot legs, p r dox.. 25c. BRAN Per ton. $13. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wliolesul i Dealers' association: Choice No 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2. $6.50; medium, $6.00; eoalee. $6.50. Rya straw. $5.00. These prices an for hav of good color and quantity. OTBTF.RS New York counts, per r,". 45c; extra selects, per. esn. 37c; al .ndiirrl". per can. 32c: bulk, standards, per Kill . 31.37. nulk, extra selects, per gnl.. $175: b'il! r'i and firs-".' ;.0"; R'.fit!c. ciirt'in. New York counts, per gal., $2.0G. TROP1CAI, FRLMTft ORANfJES FIcHdii, i- 4 v;. l.-.ii. 17;. 116 snd 260. $3.269'3.50: Callfornt.t navels, all sixes, LEMONS -fnllfor.iia U I no v . 360. f, on; choice. $4.f0. DATES Per box cf -1'. Hallowi. In 70-lb. In v. per It... FIGS Calif u nli. t-r 0-Ib. 86e: Imported Pmrrns. 4-crown. 1214c: fi- crown. 14c; 7-ernwn. lfic: fancy iniportrci. waahed. n 1-lb. rkar.. lBSlBo: California, per esse of thlrtv-slx nVss., $!.'.' BANANAS Per medium sir d bunch, t f,i 4J2 60; $2 7r,ff3.r-. - . C'rii'rS v-ej . ,.,r o f,l GRAPE FRCIT-Per box. tViWJ.50. TA NG t.U I -V K - l''l ,r da, r ih'.a. "i.0); per half-box, $2.50. FRL'ITr'. APPLES--Home grown bbl.. 94.00; Ren Davis. !.''": New York Till man and Pound Swsets 43.00: ,S'e Ye.; Kings, $3.00; New York Pippin. $2 7?.: N-".- York (!eplnee, f " ' T wins. $2.502.75; Cn'orido Jona'hnna $1.60 and Wlr.e Saps, per bu. box. $1.40. liiAHS--Ctah, c'l.l itR 'tllfornj.i. fall varieties, per box. 11.7532.2 GRAPES Imported Miilsgas. p.'r kc $5 0i'ijy6 00 CRANBERRIES Wisconsin mi snl Bugle, per bbl.. 88.6ofT).0O: wisrnn'ln He',1 and Cherrv and Jerseys, per bbl.. $$.0rt; per, box, $2 . VEOKTART.R8. POTATOES New home grown. In sac! s. . pr-r bii., 40c. , TCRNIPS per lei.. ."c; Canada .ruts-' bag'iii. per lb. lc. NAVY HEANH -Por bu.. $l.PWfS.(i. ONIONS Hunc-arown. in nokf. nar bu..- to be In good shape, but there was scarcely 1 c&fl'TSc: Snnnlsh. 1 er orate. 11 r. enough to make a teat of the situation, so CAt'LJFLOJVLR -Por lib!.. $4.(Xif '."'. thai the market could best be described by of SHEKP There was a verv lialit sheep here thin morning, and besides that the big bulk of the recelp.s com lifted cf reeuers. ine demand rrom pacaeia seemed little stronger than yea.eniuv. S.rlctly choice westerns are light at tteady for the week, but ilio medium to kinds are still fully 10fy;f.c lower than tluy were at tne closo 01 last week. in inaraai calllna it about steady. Them has been little change In ruling prices all this week. There was some weak. ness noted bsrticularlv on the lest deslra ble grades, out as compared with last Fri day there la now little change In tho mar ket for desirable grades. mere were a good many teeaer tjuyera on seems to he rather uneven, so that soma , hand ,hl. WMk and Pe.ult the few feeders offered did not last long and prices could safely be quoted steady. As com pared with the close if last week, the mar ket Is stronger on anything at ail desirable. Wuoiauons ior giaka a,.eep anu luiuos: Good to choice yearlings. $4.boi84.76; ! to good yearlings. $4.25Si4.50; good to choice wethers, $l.2tfi4.5o; fair to gosd wethers. $4.0O4i4.26; good to choice eweis, $4.004i.25; fair to good twos, $3.754j4.00; good to cholo lambs, lo.3CKff5.90; fair to good lambs, $6.15 4j.40; feeder yearlings. Ci.76Hj4.25; feeder wethers, $S.50fl4.2O: feeder ewes. $3.0"if3.50; feeder lambs, $4.25tl5.0u: Representative sales: No. 7 native ewes 125 Wyoming feeder ewes 6 Wyoming buck lambs 1U6 Wyoming feeder yearlings 1 native ewe sales look bettor than other,, but on tne average- Kigiac wouiu about cover Ihe de cline. The now market held steady today, as Ihe demand reemej to Le about eg 11.1 1 to tha aupply. For the three days, however, prkai are safely 10i2oo lower, and in cases the lues amounts to as mucn as a quarter aa compared wl.h last week's doting ptitiNs. Moat of the early arnal 1 this morning were d.spused of in falr.y good season, but It wus rather la.e te.ore a complete clearance waa made, Rulls, veal calves and Mcg uid not show much change lrom yeiterday. The ttr.cker and mnikt lcokel belter thla morning owing to the tact that a good many country buyeis urilvvd es tfrd.iy and today and they bought up Hi? big bulk of the cattle on hand. As a re sult speculators were all wl.d g to take fresh supplies this morning at rtrjng prices where the quality was goo.l, but lommon kinds showed no improvement and In faot were a little skw. Representative sales: BEEF BTELKS. No A. r-r. No. . I"r. 10 1:92 4 75 4i: 1224 6 15 COWB. -4... 1... I... 1... 6... 12... 4... I... IS... 4... 4... ..10.-0 .. tru) .. no .. loo ..1114 . . B45 ..1U7S S.V) 714 03U Di STOCKERS 4 lu t 00 1 no t no 2 10 t 20 t 86 I U HEIFERS. I. II.. 1. 10.. 2 is. 10 2 SO U. 4. . I ...1121 ..1230 . ..lliM . .10711 ,..1210 ..1062 . 114 ISI , 4.l t 3." 2 35 S 40 t 40 t 71 I 40 t 30 t to i 70 AND FEEDERS. 1 44, 13 Asked. Ex-dlv Idend. Pereltra Maaaelal. LONDON. Nov. 23 -Rates for money and ..isuounts were easier In the market today and there wM !. r-aa talk f an Increase In ihe Bank of England a rata of discount ox. Ing to the mora favorable continental ex changes and Ibe slackened German de niand for gold. Trading on the Slock ex change ssi eiulet. with a dull tendency cnnaeuuenl on the pproachlng aetliament. The feature waa the flaiuess ut Americana. Consols acre easier. Americans responded Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. EVAPORATED APPLES Market (hows a steady tone with demand a little more active. Common are quoted at 894c; prime, 4hi'tii.c: choice, 6ri5e; fancy. 64716!;.. . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRriTS-Prunes are quiet but steadily held, with quotations ranging from 2 to 6 cents for California ?rades; Oregon prunes ruled between 3'u7e or available sixes. Apricots are In very nine cieiiiHiiei, uui uuriiuan are also light and prices were wall sustained. Choice ure quoted at 4ic; extra choice. lofjjof fancy, llifJ16c. Peaches are dull, but firm Choice are held at 9'g9e; extra choice 9tjloc; fancy. 10ifilli-. Oils aad Koala. OIL CITY. Pa.. Nov. 23 -OILS-Credlt balances, 160; certificates, no bid. Ship ments. 90.2o7 bbls , average. 80042 bbls -runs. 83,li3 bbls.. a versa. ,2.430 bbls; ship ments, IJina. 68,166 Mils , averaae. e-K :1 runs, Lima, 70,372 bbls.; averuae. 61.- Nov. 23.-TCRPEN- bbls. (40 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa . TINF-Steady; tSWc ROSIN-Flrm; A. B. C, d and K. $262: F. $2.67; O. $2.72; H. .80; I, $3 36; K. $190; M. 4fc; N. 4.6n; WG. $4.75. WW $6.00. Pklladelahla Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 23 Bl'TTER tlteady. out quiet. Extra western cream ery. 26c; extra heavy prints. 28c. EOGS Firm; islr demand. Nearby firsts, 28c at mark; western firsts. 27c at mark. CHEESE Firm, bin unlet. New York full cream, fanc y. )l.allc: New York full es-Majn.-urolre. ll'ic: New York lull cream, fair to good, lOVaUa, 22 cows.... 6 cows U cows..,. 1 cow 18 mixed.., 2 feeders. 7 leetiers. 9 lteders. 18 tows.... 13 cows. . . . 1 cow 3 steers.. 2 cows... 1 cow.... 13 cows... 7 cows... 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 cow 1 bull.... 1 feeder. 7 feeders.. 10 feeders.. 8 feeders. 4 steers... 910 9.-0 N75 6S0 IKM 8.9 Mj 62 .1000 ,. 8 6 .12i0 ,.ll'H3 ..102S ..1010 ,.. 919 .. 854 ..1160 ..llK.0 .. 9:t0 ..1J60 UOO 4 NEBRASKA 61 643 667 2 i 2 45 2 15 1 60 3 4li 2 25 2 75 3 00 1 70 2 ,'!C 2 76 3 16 2 76 2 3.1 2 75 2 00 t 40 S 40 2 00 2S5 3 10 2 85 a 05 2 10 2 40 6 cows 864 6 feeders.. 818 2 feeders.. 820 2 feeders.. 1020 23 feeders.. 929 9o0 ... kin) ... 972 ... 84, ...LOO ...luio SOITTH , .. 9X0 ... 981 ..1030 .. 900 ..1330 ..1150 5 cows.. 11 cows.. 1 cow... 1 feeder 1 bull... 1 bull... 8 heifers.. i85 6 cows 6&8 3u cows 846 6 cows 9iU 21 cows 842 4 COWS 1'IJU $ feeders.. 990 11 cows 970 14 cows K4 3 cows. 9 cows. 6 cows. 4 cows. 1 cow.. 1 eow.. 1 bull 146a 10 feeders.. 4ml 1 heifer... 470 1 bull I20O 1 cow linn 2 feeders., hill 11 heifers.. 622 1 Stag 1140 2 cows 1206 18 cows 1053 5 cows 816 11 heifers. . 690 DAKOTA 7 steers.. ..1160 37 cows. 101 cows, llo cows. 2b cows. . 967 ..lm .. 946 ..lohl E. 40 2 40 2 10 3 26 2 00 1 66 2 50 2 00 1 90 2 10 2 2 60 3 lo WYOMING 2 85 2 55 2 05 3 85 2 lu 2 00 R 1 steer. 6 feeders. cows. . . . 1 cow 4 cows.... 8 cows.,., t cows.... 1 bull 25 feeders. 16 steers... 26 cows.... 21 steers. 12 eleers.,..10f3 1290 , 694 , 9.16 , 7.10 , 9H6 . 860 ,1120 .12.81 .1120 . 942 ,1103 .li)5t 63 cows.... 1 cow 4 cows. . . . 3 cows.... 43 steers... 1 cow.. 6 rows. S cows. . 9 cows. . I i us, ... I cow . . . I cow... 61 feeders. . 6 feeders. 2 cows.. 74 cows.. 97 cows.. 161 cows. Smith, Neb. 9oA ...lo. ... ISA) ...104.-. .966 2 25 John Burnett Wye . 920 2 611 '1 COW.., .lturj 2 8'i 1 cow... .. l"2'i 2 2 cows.. A. Slgman S. D. ..1046 3 lo Paine ii A. S. D. .lloo 2 85 29 fteers . 743 2 on 1 bull... 7 feeders.. lo4ei $ ii H. Harper-Wyo. 9SU 2 ii 22 sieers 10o3 2 85 14 steers kw 1 bull. .. 90 2 60 1 bull... 1170 2 60 A. W Bristol Wyo. 101 8 30 54 steers.. ..1172 I06I 3 no 10 steers.. ..1018 2 feeders, .loss 3 30 Big Horn Live Stock Co. Wvo pa steel a. ..12'. 4 On - 33 rows 1077 W. J. McCrea Wyo. lo steer.. . Iu35 2 90 il feeders. .1195 ..llfeO .. 91 ..1120 ..1187 ..U10 ...14i ...1091 ...1480 ...1410 2 00 3 10 1 oO 8 06 2 85 2 lo 2 20 2 80 2 40 2 1 2 70 2 Ou 2 75 2 26 2 40 2 60 t 66 2 26 2 60 2 70 3 60 3 10 2 10 8 30 8 30 8 16 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 75 2 16 8 20 3 0u t 66 3 00 9 10 2 06 2 86 2 lo 8 00 2 60 S 63 2 96 9 90 2 06 3 20 I 16 1 mi 2 00 3 23 : nu l 9i $ 36 6 native ewes 69'1 Wyoming feeder lambs... 7 native iambs 2 native lambs 15 cull ewes 1 Nebraska buck , 39 Nebraska bucks . .NruiNUil bucks 3 native ewes 220 Nehrsski feeder ewes 211 Nebraska feeder ewes. 2 Nebraska bucks 43 Nebraska wethers 10 Iowa fed ewes , 17 Iowa fed ewes Sti native ewes 89 South Dakota mixed.., 15 Iowa fed lambs 17 native lambs 1 native lamb 33 Iowa fed lambs 28 Iowa fed Iambs A v. . 97 . 76 . 48 . 64 .130 .120 . 61 . 71 ....120 ... 73 ... 110 ... 102 ... 100 ... 140 ... 82 ... 82 ... 1) ... 89 ... 138 ... 184 ... 163 ... 114 ,.. 68 ... 88 ... 80 ... 72 ... 79 Pr. 60 3 16 8 bo 4 00 4 25 4 26 4 8') 6 76 6 75 1 (0 1 78 1 75 1 7$ 8 00 3 26 3 26 3 60 4 00 4 00 4 Oil 4 60 4 60 $ 00 5 26 6 26 6 60 ( 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Hos aad Sheep Higher Lambs Steady, CHICAGO. Nov. 33. CATTLE Receipts, 15.000 head. Including 2.50a head westerns; market 10&5c higher; good to prime steers. $eioti'i7.15; poor to medium. 9S.6iynv6.80; stock ers and feeders. $20fn94.10; cows, $l.$5ii4.2o; heifers, $1.7ba5.00; ranners. $l.85f2.86; bulls, $2 oi'a4.?0; calves, $3.006.50; western steers. $3.5tg5.15. HOGS Receipts. 83,000 head; market 6c hlgliet; mixed and butchers, $4 6rVri4.75; good lo choice heavy, $4 7(sff4.76; rough heavy, $4.40414.60; light, $4 oOrl.ho; hulk of sales, $4.60 BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000 head; market steady; good to choice 6c higher st $4.86itt6.fi0; fair to choice mixed. $3.5o4.80; western sheep, $3 00fte.i: native lambs. $4.25f8 00; western lambs, $4 00ff 5 .90. 2 dox.. $175. ,- per 4-bnket CI'Ct'MUKKH-Per case of TOMATOES California, orate. 12.50. CABBAGE Home-riMwri. par 100 lbs., 70. SWEET POTATOES lt'oine-grown. tier, bu. basket, CC'c; Illinois klln-driod, pcr.hbi.. $2.75. : GREEN PEPPERS-Per bu. basket. Mo. SQUA8H Home-grown, ner Uox., 30c.- CELERY Per dos.. 25950c; California 45c. RADISHES Per dox., 9"c. LETT l.'CE Hot house, per bbl., $7.60. SHALLOTS Per dos.. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUER KRAUT-Wisconsln. per keR $2.61. CIDER New York, per bbl, $5.25; per V bbl., $3.26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 13o; block Swiss, new. 15c; old. nQ"c: Wisconsin brick, 14c: Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, pew crop, per It-.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., lav; ' No. t soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 3 liaiii , shell, per lb. 12c; pecans, largo, iwr lb., 12 '; small, per lb., .0c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., Ic; Chill v,-.-iiiut'. per lb., 12t(13c; almonds, soft shell. pr lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12715o: new black walnuts, per bu.. 7u(iY90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu.., $1.73: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1 56, HIDES-No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, te: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 snlte.l. 7v;o; NO. 1 veal calf. 9c; N'o 9 veal calf. 7c; dry suited, ' luS15c; sheep po.'ts, 2jc!1.00; horse hides,' $1.5f&3.0'J. Whisky Market. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 13 -WHISK Y-Dlstll-lers finished goods, on basis of 11.27. CINCINNATI. Nov. U VH!SKY-riv iKiied gooda, tuilvc at $1.24- Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 23 SEEDS Clovor. cash. . $7.8?: Dee-ember. $7.67: Februiiry. $7.65; March. $7.70; nlslkc, prime, $7,807 timothy, prime, $1.27. REAL KSTATB THASSFKHs. rw York Lira Stock Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-BEEVE8-Re-colpts. 1,511 head. Steers opened alow, closed more active and ateady for medium grades: firm for choice; bulla and cows about steady, but dull; native steers $3 25 $15.75: tops, $5 85; stags and oxen. $10 4 25; bulls. $2.2a4.0O; cows, $1.151 3. 25. Ex ports, 2.7'0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1.241 hesd: market for veals and greasers firm to '25c higher; westerns, nominal; veals. $4 2MI.75; little calves. $4.00; grasaera, $t.lM3 85; cul's. $1.75; dreamed calves firm; city dressed veals. I'd Lie per bound: country dressed. 7611V4C SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7 912 head; market for sheep slow; lambs, Vct 15c lower; sheep, $3(sji4.40: choice and ex port. $4 50; culls. liurdlTB: lambs, $".40i 6 25: choice, 14.40; Canada lambs, culls, $4.0Oi4.60. HOGS Receipts. 0.648 head; market steady to strong; Pennsylvania and state hogs, $4.765.06; choice light hogs. $5.10. yf'oox City Lie Slock Market. SrOX CITY, Nov. S3. (Special Tele. gramT CATTLE Receipts. i0on head; market slow and steady; beevea, $3. 60414. 00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.36l.60; stockers and feeders. J2.iu4j3.40; calves and year lings. r2.2ti'U3 . HOGS-Kecelpts, 7.000 head; market 6c lower, selling at $4.84j4 60; bulk 4.42. . Leala Lie Stock Market. 8T. LOl'lS, Nov. 23 CATTLE Receipts, 4,600 head. Including luO Texans; market active, steady .to strong: nativs shipping and export steer. $4.6ef7 40; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4 W"o6 60; steers under l.issi lbs., $3iioJ6 00: stockers and feeders, $12693 65; t ows and heifers $2 25'q 1. 50; din ners, $1 stav? Z6; bulls, $3.0uja .35; calves. Deeds Hied for record November 28 as . furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, ion Faruam street, for The Ilee: Omaha Grain Terminals to Musuii Cltv & Fort Dodge Rallroud com- , 1 pany, loin 1 to ti, IiIih k 11. Oheruc & Hosick's add. and other land. .$JU."0 Tukev Land cnmjiiny to Nlelslne Cliiistinsen, a 83 feet nf lots 1 snd 2, snd a 83 feet of e 27 feet of lot ' ;;. block 2. I-oseentlne's Saratoga.. 6utl H E. Graham and wife to Omaha Grain Terminate, lot 12, block 4 Oherne & Hosick's add.' 23 11. Folsnm and wife to H. J. Hymns. lot . block S43. City of Omahu.... 2.00i C. A. Clark to F. it. Johnson, . part lot S, Ambler Ptsse.N. 3is Charles L. Van Camp and .wife to F. II. Garvin, -w 20 feet lot 6. blook 3. Cottage Purk 1 The Henry Realty company to W,' E. Heckham. s Ho feet of w of lot 4. block 14, Shlnn's add 1.27,0 M1NXKAPOLI. OMAHA. iduards- st awit $4.40 MAIN OFFICE Fifth cod Robert Sl ST. PAUL, MINN. H not! I Go (INCORPORATED. 1 DIALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Writs for our market Utter. Ship Your Grnitt to U Best Facilities. Liberal Advance Prompt Returns. Dl'LrTH. WlSfs-IPJOSs, raacb OtBee, 110-111 Board of Trad Bids-, Oasaka, Reb. Telepheae SB14. 919-214 Exchange Pldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'phone 214. ludepeuUent 'I'liune t.