THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THUliSll.w , MVtMllEli -'4, 1001. BACK OF UlICACO SCBWAi Jacob Schiff aid King Edward' Secretary in Htw Corporation. ONE OF PURPOSES OF VISIT WEST C. II. Ilarrlmaa Ala la In on Deal, sahleh InrelTee Caormtia Mm ef Flftf Million Dllara. It transpires that one of the purposes of the nlt to tha wrat of Jacob H. BcniT. the banker and railroad director; Bir Krnet Cassell, the flnanrlal . secretary to King KdwarrJ VII, and Robert Fleming-, the Kngllsh banker, was the Incorporation of the Chicago Subway company, which la capitalised at IBO.OOft.Ooe and la aald to be backed by per cent of tha railreads en tering that city. The company waa Incorporated Monday t Trenton. N. J., for the purpoae of handling freight In the tunnela recently completed In Chicago, and the legal ven ture came aa a surprise after the party, which paa-ed through Omaha, had left the city. On the board of dlrectora U Edward H. Harrlman, who besides controlling tha t'nion Paclnc, Southern Pacific, Oregon Short Line and Oregon Railway and Navi gation company la a factor In the manage ment of the Chicago A Alton, Illlnola Cen tral and other rallroada which are backed by Kuhn, Loeb at Co., th banking houie of which Jacob H. Schiff la the directing bead. Mr. Schiff, who la alao a financial factor In the Pennsylvania, la on the board of dlrectora of the Chicago Subway com pany. Jamea Stillman, president of the ' National City bank of New York, which la known aa the "Standard OH" bank, and P. A. Valentine of Armour Co. and a director of several railroads, are alsa on the board of dlrectora of the Chicago en terprise. Sir Erneet Cassell, who la Interested In the present deal, la known In London as the "tuppeny tube man," whllo Robert Fleming la the English banker who la credited with the reorganisation of the At chleon, Topeka Santa Fe, wlilrh 1 a distinctively foreign property. The Eng llah vlaltora have other large holdings In Air.erlcan railway securities. Rock Island Meetla. F. P. Rutherford, division passenger agent for the Rock Island, haa returned from a Chicago meeting of Rock Island passenger agenta, which waa replete with Interesting features. Eighty-five repre acntatlvea of the company from points as far apart aa New York and Loa Angclea were present at the conference. The prin cipal bualneas was the discussion of pas senger traffic problems peculiar to the dif ferent localities in which the men do busi ness. Ideas were exchanged regarding methods for transacting business and plans for overcoming evlla to which the passen ger men are aubjected. Many of these matters aro continually arising, but can bo better and more speedily adjusted at a conference of thia kind, although the top ics are matters for legislative action by the higher officials. John Sebastian, passenger truffle manager of the Rock Island, presided at the meet ing, and Bryan Snyder, passenger trafno manager of the system at San Francisco, representative made a trip over the new short line of the Chicago & Eastern Illi nois to St. Louis, where tho members put In n. day. The men had a special train made up of a. buffet and library car, two sleepera and a diner. On the train every- ,kl. ....f..l.l ...... 1 . AA a ka tiling w hit iumiibiicu iimi luuiu t&uu lu tuc pleasure and comfort of the repreaentatlvea. Thia road Is double-tracked the entire dis tance to St. Louis with the exception of forty miles and the track Is described by Mr. Rutherford as one of the amootheat in tne country. At St. Iouls the members of the party, which Included general agents, district and division agents and traveling 'passenger I. (rents of the Rock Island, were ahown every courtesy. The party waa In charge of H. V... Allen, general passenger agent; W. J. I e assistant general passenger agent. agent of the Choctaw district of tho Rock isiana; Alex Milton, general passenger atci-ni or me r tibco system; w. ii.,Kicn ni(u iviauTn oc Illinois, uno 01 tne pleas ures at St. Louis was a banquet at the Tyrolean Alps, at which Alex Hilton acted as toaHtmaiter. From St. Louis the Darty went to Kansas City, where a shorff atay wna ,,nj from that point the party et'- . i ' Icago, whore the final part- llllnola Over Ilurlinartnn. -..j members of the Illinois font hall eleven, which will tarklo the ITnlvr.l,v of Nebraska team at Lincoln thia rt noon, were In the city yesterday and left at i:v p. nv for their destination. The Burlington has put In u rate of 11.10 for ih. round trip. Considerable Interest centers in tne game and It Is believed fh.t on , unusually large crowd will take advantage of tho fact that It is a holiday and will aee the contest, which promises to be a warm one. The apeelal will etart from the Burlington depot at 10:30 o'clock and will leave uncoin after the game. FISH FOWL ANDMEAT AMPLE ThankaglTlna; Festal Boards May Be a nonntettaaly Supplied Parse Permits. . If you do not have an excellent dinner tomorrow It will be because of your en vironment rather than by reason of any lack of tempting edlhlea In the market Of all the fish, flesh and fowl that go to grace the Thanksgiving festal board on!y game Is scarce. The weather has been too fine for the canvas backs, the mallard" and the teal to start their migratory move ment to warmer lands, but even a few of the skirmishers have been bagged and those who buy early may feast on mal lards and teal. The national bird Is here and with the noble turk. has come the duck, the goose nd the chicken In great number and va riety of quality from the corn feed and fattened to the lean and hungry skeletons Job's barnyard fowls. From the far away oyster bx!s l'ave been sent the choicest bivalves. Michigan celery and red. rwy cranberriee are to be found in all market If you haven't a taste for fish, fowl or game there remains the ever staple beef, mutton. Iamb, veal and pork. And your tables may be decor- ted with the flowers of summer, roses, carnations or even the stately chrysanthe mum If you have the requlMte price. In fact appetite and decoration wait not on good digestion but on the contents of the wallet. Here are the price a by pound current at retail markets, the range depending on quality: Tufke.ys, 174 to 22c; ducks, 14c to 15c; chickens, Utyc to 12c; geese, 12c to 16c. Mallard ducks, GOc each; teal ducks, 25c each. Tenderloin. 25c; porterhouse, 13c to 20c; round steak, lflc to i:c; sausage, link and bulk, 7'4c to 12c; mutton chops, 8c to 15c; lamb chops, 15c; veal chops, Sc to 15c; leg Iamb, 10c; leg mutton, 'He- Bulk oysters, 25c a quart; she! oysters, 25c a dnaen; celery. 25c a dozen; cranberries, 10c a quart. CHARTER TO BE REVISED Real Entnte Exchange Appoints Cim- mHtees on Taxation, Transfers and Commissions. At the regular meeting of the Real Estate exchange the chairman waa authorized to appoint at his pleasure a committee on harter revision, one on the question of taxation of mortgagea and another on the feasibility of using the Ton-en's law In connection with real estate transfers. The matter of real estate commlnsicni' was also considered and referred to a committee to be appointed later. Attention was cjlld to the fact dealers In nearly every city of Omaha'a class charged a 5 per cent commission or. trades of 2,000, 24 per eent on trades over this amount and 51'j on transactions Involving 00 or leas, and the suggestion made that Omaha dealers make the nme unlformn scale of rates. This was referred to a committee. Mnv.U. ,! I-v " . - . . jiuw on sale H. E. Fredrlckson, VMi-lUX Capitol vtaup. Hew Flats For R-nt Clue la. Burt and 17lh afreets. Eight rooma each electric light, gas. elegant plumbing. fln basements, atrlctly modern; Just com completed. W. T. GRAHAM. Bee Building. An Important Correction There still seems to be a mistaken idea among: some of our many friends and patmus that we haTo moved. We with to say to tbeni tliat we are still In the same place and same building that we bare occupied for the past eighteen years, and have absolutely nothing- to do with the studio on the opposite skle of the street. To (insure yourself of the high jrrade work that has made the name of HEYN so well known to you during the past twenty-five jours, make no mistake as to our location. As hus been our custom for yen is past we are Riving as a free Christinas Souveulr until DecemlHT lfltli either n fine enlarge meut cr it Water Color with each new dozen photos. HSYH The Photographer GRAMTE BLOCK. 813-I5-1T SOt Til UrTKE.KTII ST. ESTAULISIIKD 1:j1. VtUuSENS LOCATION b'lNCB lSii Foot Ball Special Train. For the Thanksgiving foot ball game be tween Nebraska and Illinois university teams at Lincoln, a special train will leave Omaha at 10 a. m. oveY tha Burlington, re turning after the game. Low rate of 11.10 for the round trip haa been announced. Annonneements of the Theaters. Williams and Walker, the noted come dians, will open an engagement at the Boyd at a special matinee this afternoon that Is to last the rest of the week. This company will be followed by the Shubert company, presenting "The Royal Chef," musical comedy that has been a great success in Chicago, where It was produced during the summer. The strong feature of the production Is Its beauty chorus. and the finale of the last act, where the climax of the piece is reached. It opens with a matinee on Sunday end runs until after Tuesday night. The sale of seats Is now on. Special Thanksgiving matinee and night performances will be given at the Orpheum today. In anticipation or this happy holi day the management calculates to have an especially fitting attraction, and on the program there la varied featurea to meet different tastes, including tho wonderful Zanzlgs, exponents of mental telepathy. There Is mirth, melody, dancing, pretty girls with pretty costumes and other fea tures to please. NASH BLAMED FOR TI1E JOB Accused by MicbMlson of Forwarding Lehiaer Bill ts Oust Parmer. PLAN TO GET NEW CITY ELECTRICIAN Mlrhaelaon Points Oat lie la Sot Amenable tader Debtee Ordi nance Paaaeal After He Went Inte Office. Friends of City Electrician Mlchaelsen at the city hall declure the bringing before the council of an old business judgment for $179.83 obtained against him five years ago by Joseph R. Lehmer, is nothing more or lss than a desperate effort upoh tho pari of President Nash of the electric light company to force the electrician out of office. Mlchaelsen so declares himself, and a chain of Incidents is recited to show the whole matter was carefully premeditated. It Is pointed out that so far as the ordl. nar.ce making It possible to discharge city employes nnd officers for failure to pay debts is concerned Mlchaelsen Is not amen able to It, for tha reason the debt was not lrcurred while he waa In office. The prin cipal part of the ordinance Is as follows: Any officer of the city of Omaha, not elected by the people, or any employe of the city of Omaha neglecting or refusing to pay a Just debt contracted during his term of office or employment, providing same has been reduced to a Judgment by a court of competent Jurisdiction, shall be subject to removal from office, and such officer or employe shall be discharged from the serv ice by the head of the department In which he may be employed. Lays it All on Sash. Regarding the matter the electrician says: "I am fully satisfied the whole scheme originated wish President Nash and was Intended to force me out of the electrician's office. I shall remain, however, courting investigation of every act. official or other wise, and the plan will fail of lta accom plishment. "Joseph R. Lehmer Is a close personal friend of President Nash, who ts also at the head of the Auditorium company, of which Lehmer Is secretary. Lehmer sells electrical and other supplies at wholesale. The bill on which the Judgment was ob tained was for supplies furnished to me when I was In the electrical contracting business in Omaha. It was disputed by me and is still disputed, though Judgment was obtained. During five years Mr. Lehmer made no attempt to collect the money, although I have been willing to make a compromise. May 28 he had the Iowa Judgment obtained again In a Ne braska Justice court. Where Ilmnnn Comes In. "September 6 Councilman Zimman had an ordinance passed subjecting city employes and officers to dismissal for not paying debts that had been reduced to a judgment, I Mr. Zimman being In the law firm of Weaver & Oilier, which secured the Judg ment and which now brings the matter to the attention of the mayor. November 22 the council Is asked to remove me from office because I have not paid the judg ment It seems very plain to me that Mr. Nash is trying in every way possible to get another man in the city electri cian's office. "Incidentally something may be said on the other side of the case. I am In formed that Mr. Nash's company did all the electrical work In the Auditorium, and that no estimates or bids were received from other firms; furthermore, that Secre tary Lehmer got a big slice of work In the same way for a construction company for which he Is agent. This Job was the fire proofing and cement work. It seems to me a little more business methods applied to the Auditorium affairs would not be amiss. "I want this Judgment matter investi gated to the bottom. It Is nothing that can reflect discredit upon me. t also wanted the Bortenlanger matter investi gated, but the persona who appeared so anxious to have this done apparently have let the case go by default." There la no place In Omaha to buy guar anteed goods as cheap as at A. B. Huber mann's Jewelry store, since 1886 at corner Thirteenth and Douglas. Also Jewelry made to order and diamonds of own Import. Thnnksa-lTlasr Rates Via Hock Island System. Fare and a third for the round trip to points within 200 miles. Tickets on sale November 13 and 24, limited to return to November 28. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A.. 1X3 8t., Omaha. Neb. Thsskmlrlns Day Rates. The Illlnola Central will eel! tickets at rate of fare and one-third for the round trip, account of Thanksgiving day, within radlua of 200 miles. Date of sale. Novem ber 23d and 2jth. Return limit, November ISth. W. H. BRILL. Pint. Paas. Agent, Omaha, Nub. Attention. Knlfhta of Pythlaa. Membere of Triangle lodge No. H, sister lodges and visiting knights in the city, are requested to attend the funeral of Brother Cornelius Bulilvun, lule of Laurel lodge No. 7, Albany, Ore., at 9 o'clock a. ni. Thursday,' November 24, from Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second and Binney streets. B. D. STINE. C. C. J. R. STINE, K. of R. and 8.. Triangle Lodge No. 54. President's Day. The president of the I.'nlted States and many of the nation's best known men will be present at the World's fair in St. Louis on November 2C The fair la nearlng Its cloae and this will be a good time to make the trip. All Information at the new city office of the Missouri Pacific, B. E. corner 15th and Fa mam Sta.. Omaha. Neb. FATHER TAKES NO CHANCES Bohemian Looks I'p American Who Wants to Marry Daughter of Former In Rnrope. A letter In which tho elements of romance and business are amusingly Mended, has been received at the Union Pacific gen eral office. The letter is from an inte rlor Bohemian city and seeks Information regarding an American who is now In that country and has- won the heart of a Bo hemian beauty. While the American has been successful In his love affair, so far as the girl la concerned, he evidently haa not been able to convince thr- r.'ithr of the young woman regarding his business qualification for caring for , a wife. The parent who Is evidently a merchant of In tclllgence and means, has written to learn something of the character of the man who Is anxious to become his son-in-law The American haa represented himself as an agent of the Union Pacific and tha parent wants to know eomethlng of his character, his position with the railroad and his standing In this country. The letter which was originally written in Bohemian, was first received at the general offices of the company In New York, and after being translated, a copy waa sent to this city for the purpose of learn ing the Identity of the American suiter. The name Is being withheld at the gen eral offices, until definite Information can be obtained concerning him, but up to the present no knowledge haa been obtained by tho officials which will give them a clue to the American whom they believe to be an adventurer. Tha Union Pacific has no representative in that country, but the party may at one time have worked for the road In some capacity. ThankssTivlns; Ksrwratna Rates. To nil points In Nebraska on the C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. (the Northwestern line). One and one-third fare round trip. On alo at Webster St. depot November 2J nnd 21. Good returning until November f Foot Ball Special Train. For the Thanksgiving foot ball game be tween Nebraska and Illlnola university teams at Lincoln, a apeelal train will leava Omaha at 10 a. m. over the Burlington, re turning after the game. Low rate of JLlfr for the round trip haa been announced. DIED. WOODRI'FF-CIyde, of St. Louis, formerly ef Onwha. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from residence of F. J. Bluivall. isaj South Fourteenth sireet. uiiiana. interment at Mount Hope cemetery. VAN CAMP Mrs. Sarah Virginia, widow of the late Dr. Ira Van Camp, Tue- day night. November 22. Fuuers.1 services at residence ef Charter I Vtn Camp, tmt Chtcage stret. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends Invited, lntern ent private. SULLIVAN Cornelius, aged 7. Funeral Thursday morning. November 54. at t from the reald nee of his Blir. Mra Julia FarreH. 117 Lake, to Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second and Ilinnej sticets. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. UAv.'K Morgaretha M., mother of Council, msji P. U. Hack. Fred M. hack. Michael M Hack. Amen M. Buck and Mra. J. l Jensen. , . . , Funeral Sunday at 1 o'clock to Cprlngdale None Better Wide. Nose Better Isews. IN" buylnsr a hat it. is very impor tant that your purchu hsva Fast Color. Tho perfect Wendlnjr of bct dye stuffs in very l grades of felt is what fives permaneccy of color to ricKlbbln Hat and assures you a bat that never looks "rusty.'' At $3, McKlbbln flats, now shown In all latest shapes and shades, are the standard of hst value. For Sal by Leading; Dealers H 9 Noon Today This Store is Open for Business. Those who hive not had ar opportunity to make their Thanksgiving Purchases Can Do So Tomorrow. Every one of our forty departments will be found very interesting. For men, we have a wonderful assortment RlO OO of suits and overcoats at 4JI W.V V7 Men's gloves at $100 that stand comparison to the best $150 glove on the market. You may want a new hat to wear Thanksgiving Day if so our "Nebrasku Special at $1.50 is a winner. Fifteenth and 77 10 CSo. F"t88njl1 Zlii BRASDKIS MA1CKS BIG PlRlHtSB Entire Stork ef Tootle-Kasaler Millin ery Co., HIS So. Kith St., Omafaa, Boajrht at Bis; Bsrsraln. We announce the greatest bargain sale of millinery ever held In Omaha. We secured at a tremendous sacrifice the entire stock of millinery, silks, velvets and rib bons of Tootle-Keaaler Millinery Co., Her Grand building, Omaha. This stock In cludes all their high class Imported pat tern hats, trimmed hats, shapes, feathers, flowers, silks, velvets, veils and veiling, neckwear, ribbons and notions. We will sell them at prices that almost i pass belief. Watch papers for particulars. The sale la Saturday, November 26. J. L. BRANDEIS Ik SONS. 232 252 7 The Barllaaton'a Thnak7l-In Raten. Fare and one-third for the round trip be tween points not more than 200 miles apart. Tickets on sale November 23 and 21. limited for return to November 28. J. B. Reynolds, city passenger agent, 1502 Far nam street, Omaha. ASKS FOR GUN TO KILL HIMSELF Old Men Ceafeasee Theft and Bega Police for Revolver to End Life. According to the statement of Max Kurze, who Is nearlng the ape of three acore years, he would have committed sui cide TueBday had he not found Mrs. E. Coyne's purse with ffi8 Monday aft rno n. The man was arrested by Detortlvis Fer ris and Dunn on the charge of stealing :he money, which latef was found hidden in a wall near the furnnce of the Coyne house at 511 North Eighteenth street, whe e Mrs. Coyne conducts n boarding houee and where Kurxe has been working us a dish washer. Inasmuch lis the money was re covered, Mrs. Coyne's heart softened and she refused to prosecute the man, who has been discharged In police court. When taken to the police Cation and questioned by Captain Dunn Kurza regged for a revolver with which to kill himself. He says he had become dlspondent over his inability to accumulate mo:ey. Wh.le Mrs. Coyne was1P paying a peddler Kurze says he could no) resist the temptation of taking the pursue which he siw on the kitchen table. Mjs. Coyne had teen sav ing the money for some time and had planned t,o go to Cincinnati to visit a daughter she has not seen for many years. See Thoso Lumps? I5i;, black, shiny lumps of Coal. The '(Miuine. old-time, well known Block ' Coal, Known as WALNUT BLOCK SVG Twenty tons for One Hundred Dollars, or one ton for Five. Buy from us and there will be lunjps "to burn" and they WILL BURN, not smoulder. A live, bright, all-night Coal, economical too. We have been selling Walnut Block for t.'wenty veal's. Want some tomorrow? What color wagons do you prefer? Yell-o? The best horses and drivers too. 252 The 'Besi of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISS0JRI RIVER km CHICAGO - ONLY J "LIKE MOTHER, USED TO MAKE" .None SuchHince meat! 9 Id 2-Ple 10c Packages w',fli List of Valuable Premiums. STtwtoti J LajajHBHHB,MBjajHalKsiHBjSJa1SlalBJ CHICAGO AND RETURN Nov. 26-27-28-29 Oood Returning Doc. Sth Accouot of INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION Tloket Off loa I 14011403 FARNAM TREKT, OMAHA. , , TatoatMiMa SS4-SSI. 4 t w w THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Few People Know How laeful It la In Preaervlds Health und Beantj. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal It the safest and most efficient dlslnfectun and purlrter In nature, but few realize iw value when taken into the human eystcj. tor the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that the more yoi. take of It the bette ; It la not u drug at ai. but simply absorbs the fc-ases and lmpuriut always present in the stomach and lnU tines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after umu , lnK, drinking or after eating onions A, other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually claara and lm; yxive. the complexion. It whitens the tee jx mlu further acta as a natural and ei unentij safe cathartic It absorbs the Injurious gases jhlch co. lect In the stomach and bowe'; n disin fects the mouth and throat fro tho poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal j one form or cjiolher, but probably tl best charcoal and the most fur the moi 0y jg m stuart'a Charcoal Losenges; they are compoaed of the finest powdered w jjow charcoal and other harmless antise jn tablet form, or, rather, la the fo .ra 0f huge, pleasant taaling lozenges, the, charcoal being mixed witi honey. The daily uae o'f these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condition of the general health f better complexion, sweeter breath and I blood, and the beauty of it la that n t yuaniblu harm can result from their couli iiued use, but, on the contrary, great ban tk. A Buff )o physician, in speaking of the benefits 0f charcoal, says: "I advise Btuu-f'i Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffer fig from gaa in the stomach and bow 3 and to clear the complexion and eur'-CY the breath, mouth and throat; 1 alio believe the liver U greatly benefited b' the dally uae of them; they cost but '.""enty-nve cents a box at drug stores, and although In soma senae a patent prepara tion, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Btuart'a Charcoal Lozenges than In any of the ordinary charctal tablets.- LARGE OFFICES For some time. It has been rry difficult to secure largo offices, In a 'iOttd building, la Omaha. The north and east sides of the sixth floor of The Bee Building Are being rearranged. By waking application, at once, we will divide the space Into offices of any size, to suit your requirements. These offices are particularly desirable, on account of having splendU llKht and will be finished In hardwood throughout. Make your appli cations at once. R. C. Peters & Co., RENTAL AOENTS - GROUND FLOOR BEE BUILDING. PjJJJJlSlaaaSE BEAUTY TO look well take car of your cemplexlon. Do not allow un sightly f.lmplt. blackheads, un, freckle to blemish yojrikln. Derma-Royale wTtl remove these like magic. Cures Enema and Tetter. Used with l)tA-RrYALB Soap, a perfect akin Is .nsurea. BOLD BY DRUOaiSTS. tt mftr be ordered direa. -7tr t Derma-Reyale, f I per bottle, express paid. Derma-oyale Soap, 23 Cents, by aaafl. Beth '.a one packets, I.18. express paM. Portraits sod tcftttmoalals sent oe request. TUB DERM A-ROY ALE CO.. Cincinnati a ehaetei Cat Price Dra Steve ThG Tortio Par Excellence. Many peraor, pre- far to take otianori rather than go to the trouble thai Vnost rules of health enjoin. Here is a ri costing no ;mra tpou'n whatever, yelsurete -produce grall lylng r ait. Wear J Arger laitrwear. L'nriva' ua a nronnotrr and V aerver of health. Heeot smendcai br leadlBS II For SnU by II II I ALliablO IA11IN II VUS.J.BENiiON .'aT Mind Your P's Q's In the Blatter of STOCK and ASSORT MENT our store has long; led the prooea- aionbut our prices are equally attractive -always as low fenerally a little lower than the other follows'. MIND TOUR F'l AND Q's. $1.00 Litjuozone, we sell 79c 1 lb. Mule Team Boras 14c II. 00 Greene's Nervura for 79o We have a few ti und red large sample bottles of Greene's Nervura which we shall be alad to give, to any who wish tu make tt teat of this remedy. $1.00 Herbicide for 79c BOc La Jeune Powder for JSc 60c Poxzonl l'owdcr for 28c 91.09 Mull's Grape Ttrnlo for 7c 11.00 Grover Graham's Dyapupala Cure.. 79c 11.00 Malted Milk for ....79o $1.00 Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for..7ic rakes White Kibbon Floating Bath Simp for Ke S"c Colgate a Pansy Hloaaom perfume... " Jba 4711 White Hone Soap for l-'c I wic Bof U'te tlygleiio,tie hoap for -9c ' Pluto Water. IT bottle ir,c und ic 1 Vlnialt. the best malt extract, dozen. . $1 W fl.uo Paine a Celery (Jompoiiiul. we sell..v9c 11 UO Peruna (with tup atrip lube!) 7c Do you have our new catalogue? If pot write for it. Sherman &HcConnell Drug Co. Corner Utk u.4 Doflge SU.. Omaha, Nth. f X. "V. i- - i ' ' j Stoves I xi? 8i -s!lLJ I Always J 3 r B fifey Misses Ou M nkm.Wkf& I Door Shoes. B T4i 1 II H ' lrirft I B ideal fall shoe to prevent cold or damp H miE'iS m m r X ua TKE SAMTTABY WAY H0 SMOKE, HO SMELL ' A slight pull on the chain lifts the top, forming a hood which draws all smoke, or odors, from broiling, back Into the range, thus preventing their escape into the room. This Is Moore's patent and Is to be found on Moore's ltunpes only. Call and s?e the Hinged Top, the Oven Thermoroety, which makes baking a sure thing; the Controller Damper, and other handy devices to be found only on Moore s Manges. Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co. At this time ef the year the ahoea on the feet have all to do with the health of the wearer. Thcae mlaaea' ahnea are arenulne hnx rnlf find nltimn ( D kid with arenuln welt anlea. The ideal fall shoe to prevent cold or damp feet. Child's Klxea, 8H. 10 and 11 $1 50. Mieses' sizee. 114 to S :'.0J. Young women's sizes, 2H to S....$J.&0. We recommend these ahoes for hon est and comfortable wear. Drexsl Shoe Go. 1419 FIRMU STBEET, enabi't Ui-ti-Dati Shot tic-m ASK TOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. A Wine Oordlat.1 Toe best specific remedy for Malarial and Typhoid r evers, Colds, Influenza. Ac, c r cm krri aseo ' V.IVIII',...V -A DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES OF MEN S Tears' Kxperlenee 1 Years In Onss A Medical Expert whoae remarkable nut-eras ksi never been excelled. Nearly 30,uO0 Cases Cured. Vartcoarls, Hydrocel., Bloo4 rlson, Strtoture, Olsat, Nervous Debility, loss of Strength ao Vitality. His Home Treatment fets perauaantlf cured thousands of caasa et ehraaui Nervous, Ructal, Kliloar aim Bladdar and Skte Die. anas at small cost. Suva tiro, and mon.r by d.s crtblng youi eaa. and writ, for FREt BOOK aaS tarns of treatment. Mullrln. sent la plate saokaaa, Charsee Low. Consultation Free. Offlra rinurv a. ai. to 110 p. m. ; Bandars, I a m. tu :M p. m Call ar vrlta. , fees 1M, OOice IK S. Ittk St., Omaha. Neb. Every Voman darful i-u i V ' V K W laleraetMl and snouw s 1,rrfiSa.VS.I ahoiitthewr... rft'Va !,M!ri M"L Wku-hng Spree Mk Jr draaskl far M, A f If rannol supply tlie X. A J5S,'4l!ir.y -ijf Maaisitl,, iHtcspt no nL'X, V 'xLA other, tun send stamp fo "14, ' ',' UluUatdtoA-w.Ud HglTea Xl. V'JT full paiucnlarsand rtuiwti.m In- rv m Valuable to ladles MtHlkLtO., i B ei fark Slew. Sss k ark. 'lailm 4 41413 No.24ib St., Soiith Omahe Imperial Hair Regenerator SSPta ar M M K Jl - 1 - t 1 The Standard Hair Coloring for (l ray or JHewilieS Hair, ts a cl, dnraols and perfectly liannlrM a r (loUinuS' An natural shads, iavliia hair beautlrur, rleau and aluaay. N E appI'U'atkSbt La hi s months. harapl. et hair roUired fraa. . f-rirmcj aaaurod. Baud fut I'aaphlot. i lsVfitlAL CnrMKAL RKl. CO. lit W. US St., New Vera. Saarauit MoCeaaaU tarns Co., ISlk ivt For sals bp CHAEFER'S UKUU STORES. lth anol Chlcaso ats. So Omaha. 24th and N sua Council llluffs. 6ib and Mnin ata. KUHN CO., 15th and Uowtiaa street jT lTsiaiV I CsaBifot I y,kik,.i. siacnarsas,Dai ,1 BaaraaSMd II trntatlous t.1 aa. a a u ritaiai. ef raaeoas s MENANOWCMFR. I for bonaturei I ,lo Sam oiatlotH y ulcaratluea si.Bitraiiae LiHtEVAMSCsUltClRe. g.nt or ao'.oaous. iMld by lrrota. ' or aaut ia plaia erappas, ai ci prM. rropaid. fef SI 00 or I Ivm J 7s. Cuctuac east u toaeaat. k WBCianaTi.e I rj.a.