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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1904)
T TTIE OMATTA DAILY PEE: TmTKSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1904. T (The THANKSGIVING FJR OMAHA Day Will Be Full of Gratitude and Flenare for AIL PROGRAM .OF WIDE SCOPE OFFERED Cfaarrhrs aad Charitable Instltatloas Will Okrvf Rmt aa tsaal aad porlarara Will Sot Be Idle. I BE lift m aost AT NOON THURSDAY. WE CLOSE AT NOON THURSDAY. 'wti&t&ts mas THE RKI.IARI.K ITORK. Bennett Company! 1 lSt-W-J '1 I f Weather. It afTnrilj me infinite r'Mur t0 ray there Is every prospect ot some very cort TirinksKlv'ns; weather." tarrsrk d Foraca ter Wei h yesterday morning. "Thf re Is vtry little to say tvt ran be elaborated upon other l'n there Is a prospect for cooler tnl(rht, with fair anil continued cool tomorrow." Thnnkaitl vlnar Day Events. Christian Endeavor union prayer meeting, First Presbyterian church, 7 a. m. Solemn Iilsrh mass, Roman Cathollo churcjies, a. m. Union services, 10:30 a. m. First Methodist Episcopal church, for downtown churches, 10:30 a. m. First Bant In t church, for Hanscom park district, 10:30 a. m. Wnlnut Hill Methodist Erlscopal, for Walnut Hill churches, 10:30 a. m. Seward Street Methodist Episco pal, for Twenty-fourth atreet churches, 10:30 a. m. Grace Baptist, for south side churches, 10:30 a. m. Trestiyterlan hospital donation party. Foot ball: Crelghton affalnut Iowa State Nor mHi, Vinton Street park, t p. m. Omaha Commercial College against the Dodge Light Guards, Auditorium, I p. m. Daughters of the Revolution, loan exhibit at First Presbyterian church. Tea from 4 p. m. until 10 p. m. Young Men's Christian association dinner to men, 6 p. m. rheaters: Williams and Walker In "Da homey" at the Boyd. "The Curse of Drink" at the Krug, special matinee. Special vaudeville at the Orpheum. Thanksgiving day promises to be one In which the holiday maker may find what ever sort of pleasure he Is looking for. The churchman and the sporting en thusiast, the quiet home man and the theatergoer, may each find his sort of amusement well provided In the list of Thanksgiving events. The "early bird" of a rersim, as It were, may find what he or she lesires at the sunrise prayer meeting In the First Presby terliin church, where the Christian En deavorers of the city are to gather for the first thanksgiving of the day. Later come the solemn high trasses of the Cathollo churches and the service In the Episcopalian churches. Then the big union" services In the evangelical churches, where three, four or five congregations are to Join in united worship at this particu larly bounteous Thanksgiving time. Biff Union Services. In the First Methodist church, for the downtown churches. Rev. Hubert C. Her ring of the First Congregational, will con duct the service for the congregations of Kountse . Memorial, First Presbyterian, Firat Congregational, First Christian, Cen tral United Presbyterian and the First Methodist church. For the Hanscom park district Rev. T. V. Moore of Westminster Presbyterian church will preach In the First Baptist for the people of those two churches and Grace Lutheran, St. Mary's Avenue Congregational and Hnnscom Park Methodist In Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal church Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian will address the congregations of Lowe Avenie Presby terian, Clifton Hill and Benson Presby terlan and of the Walnut Hill Methodist churches. Seward Street Methodist Epis copal church will be the place of another union service. Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck preaching to the people of that church, of hl own, the Second Presbyterian and of Calvary Baptist. The south side churches Castellnr Street Presbyterian, Tenth Street Methodist and Grace Baptist will unite at the last of the three churches und will hear a sermon from Rev. Walter H. Reynolds. The hour for this service Is 11 o'clock. Many dinners will mark the day In the vurloue hospital and charitable homes. These, however, largely will be of a pri vate nature for the inmates and patients and will not be large public affairs, as has sometimes been the case. The Young Men's Christian association will d'.no Its members who are living far from home In a strange place and may not have a slice of the pa ternal turkey. ' Two Foot Ball Games. The foot ball enthusiasts are promised a choice of much excellence. At the Vinton Street park the Crelghton eleven will con test with the team of the Iowa State Nor mal. The other Omaha team, that of the Omaha Commercial college, will play the Dodge Light Guards In the Auditorium. This is something of a novelty, as foot ball urder a roof has never been seen in thlt city. The commercial team has won twe games here and the Dodge Light Guard are practically the same team as last year. The theater goers may choote between the Irresistible William and Walker and their musical show, the mural lei son to be derived from a dramatic presentation of the liquor question and good vaudeville. Borne of Church I'roarams. The program at the First Baptist church follows: Organ Prelude v ..Selected Miss M. Boulter. Anthem Praise the Lord, O Jerusa'em Maunder Quartet Choir. Organ Offertor'e 8TniHdV Taft M!s B. Boulter. Anthem Ye Shull Dwell in the Land t Stalner Quartet Chrlr. Thanksgiving Fermon Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D. Organ Postlude Merkel Miss M. Boulter. The quartet choir will be under the direc tion of Mini Boulter, organist, and wlil be composed of the following singers: Mr. U C. Haielton, tenor; Mrs. L. T. Sunderlund, soprano; Miss Alma L. Schmidt, contralto; Mr. G. Will Manchester, tass. At the Castelbir Street ' Presbyterian church, the opening number will be a quartette "Ben Bolt," by Measrs. Max well, Bell, Krelle and Carson. Rev. Wal ter H. Reynolds will offer prayer and the following, program will be presented: "A Red. Red Rose," Mlaa Laura A. Rhoada; "A Pair of Lunatics," Miss IJv Ingston and Mr. Phelps; "Vocal Banjo Solo," Pr. Z. D. Clark; "The Horn," Don ald A, Johnson; "Mllltalrs." stringed trio from Shubert. J. P. Tebblns. violin; Wil liam Newman, cello, Miss Amanda Teb blns, piano; Monologue, Ed. 8. Thompson; "The Sweetest Flower that Blows." Miss Edith Foley; "The Old Kentucky Home," SQQTKIKQ SYRUP 1mm m4 by Millions of Hottwr for tbtr ouil Uxa wiilU TtwUiinic fur pr If t Year. It frjotoos Ui Child, uheua) Ui limit, VlUyt mil rio. ourm wlu4 ouUu, im1 i IM Utt LMUeJl ftsT dUMThisMa. . IN IITI -jf 1 V A WTTX.B. am hood ON- TBABRSGIVIBG DAY Erandeis' will be open until noon to' cay, You arc asked to make your purchase before that time Extra Bargains for Today's Selling Specials for Friday Ladies Turnover Collars at 2ic and 6ic Pretty embroid ered turnover?, also lace stocks embroidery is in a hundred pattern of white and colored 2lC.Vc mbroidery special at, each sfcsi2 vl 2 Ladles', Children's and Mens Hosiery -Regular 20c qual ity hosiery ladie mines' and boys' fine and heavy ribbed stockings men's cashmere wool half 2?C hose, at, per pair ' 2 An Unehrwear Special Children's ribbed underwear also ladies' ribbed corset covers on big bar- J? -gain tables, at Sample Pieces of Lace Sample pieces and short lengths of all kinds of laces, white, cream J C Ap and ecru aleo black silk lace, yard mmO IV Boys' Overcoats at $2.93 -3d Floor Boys' well made loose back overcoats, with and without belts y Qfi -ji ;os 5 to 16 worth 6, at U.JJ Boys' Knee Pants at 29c All wool knee pants, 9Qp strong, well made and durable, at, pair Two Extraordinary Rug Bargains We place on pale tomorrow one biff lot of 30x72 Axinlnstor Rues Jn beautiful floral, Oriental and geometrical patterns that are selling light here In Omaha at $5.00 each, will go y 7 C at, each ' O 3.50 RI GS AT 11.59 EACH One big lot of 27x63 Axmlnstor Rugs In beautiful Oriental patterns. This rug Is retailing right here In town at $3.E0. They are on display now In our front show window, and K" on sale Friday morning, at, each 1.59 STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING Watch BENNETT'S advertising for rain Friday Bargains in next issue of this paper. You should be suro and get ono of these before they are all gone. Watch Our Windows 5 Watch ?Sr" ' Hup GOttS Windows EB95 'Jt"jt - ' I ll' ill SI 3R November 20, 27, 2S and 20 the Burlington offers round trip tickets to Chicago for $14,73. Three high grade trains daily. Take the Chicago Special leaving at 7:00 a. m. for a daylight ride. If you want to get to Chicago early in the morning leave at 4:00 p. in. on the Burlington's No. 2. Most people take No. 12, the Chicago Flyer, leaving at 8:05 p. m. All these, trains carry every equipment to make travel comfortable. The observation-library-buffet cars on the Chicago Special and the Chicago Flyer are as cosy as a club and as comfortable as the sitting room in your own home. Tickets: 1502 Farnam Street. 3 SpeciaJ Caramel Sale 25c. Per Pound This Week. These are the very finest Cream Caramel, the regular 40c kind, put up in one, one half and one-fourth pound boxes with an assortment of five flavors. Prices This Week 25c, 15c and 10c. Interesting Bargains for Thursday Ladies9 Coats, Suits, Skirts, Furs, etc. Most Enticingly Priced for Thursday s Seng. The largest, most up-to-date istock of la dies' ready -to wear garments to be found in the city. Garments in which material and workmanship invite the closest inspection. 5.95 8.90 The Careless Man.... Buys his coal where lie sees a coal sign, and "gets In a hole." The wise man finds out where he can get the most good, clean, dry relia ble coal for his money, nnd patronizes that dealer year In and year out. Our customers are steady customers. They never think of going anywhere else. MONARCH COAL Lump, $6.75 Ton Nut, $6.25 Per Too - v,As a domestic coal it has no superior. Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS & CO 219 So.) 16th St. Tel s. 317-825. Your Thanksgiving Turkey SHOULD BE COOKED WITH, Rock Springs Coal BUY IT FROM THE TEN CARS OF FRESH COAL NOW ON TRACK. South Omaha Ice & Goal Company 912 So. IJth St. 'Phone 37J and 411 So. 15th St. fPhone 455. suffl m Hi jpi .i.sjwssijiiiijsi.iini.jii)pii '-f ' iTsfci'assk'siissi NEWBRO'S HERPIC1DE THE ORIiTI, remedy tbt "kills the DnndrnsT r.f-m." GrOINO I G-OIN&I! GONEIU. 9 o l HERPICIDE WILL JAYtTT CERP1CIDE WILL WE IT TOO LATE, FOR UHPICUS ill.. LAUlLi to s gummy and sticky hair dressing, or one that la full of sedimentary chemicals Intended to dye the hair. The marked preference for a dainty dressing, particularly one that over comes excessive olllnc.s and leaves ths hair light and fluffy. Is reflected Dms Swru. II.H Ss c ii.isp. t. UEIMCIDE CO , Oc.L H. Dctrsn. Hd.. for SHERMAN & McCONNliLL DKUU CO.. Special Arents. APPIJCATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER BHOP8. ill i..t ' cu-....uua .a,u .... ro llerplclde. Ladles become enthuslastio over its refreshing quality and ex quisite frxgrnnce. It dustroys th. nilcrublR growth In ths scalp, oures aaiidrnrr. stops ruiung nair ana It a silken gloss. STOPS ITC INSTANTLY. gives HlNCi GOLD BROOCHES. We are showing a handsome line, $3.50, $4.00. $4.50, $5 00, J6.00, $V(X tties.- goods are iiobtiy, tawty pait. rns nnd for i he price the best we have ween ttiis scacon. Then we mve other Hroochen, from $10.W to $..0.0i), tx-auticn also . hy not BiK-nd a few minutes and look around our store 'ok for the nume. Store closed all day Tuankaglviiit S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1816 Douglas St. Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM 5J!KTSXS?IS DENTIST 'PHONE !76 feeth Extracted With- aU'.si Th most sen.ltlvs out PaJo. i f''J'J nervea remortl with. Wltars lOeav ft&y out P' Crswas. ..2.oop I F fy-j5r"5lri5 Loose teeth m.d. Brldgs Vfrk.... $1.30 up sJLI T Ollt 4iatM..........M.4xoana 111 I Written QuanuiU quartet. Ths accompanies will be Miss I .aura A. Khoadea and George Long. A special Thanksgiving day collection will be taken during tho program. QUEEN LIL IS0N HER WAY Deposed ftaler ( Hawaii Goes to . VahliijOB, Pu.i n a; Through tho ato City. Among the visitors ta pass through Oinuha In a few days la former Queen Ulluokalanl, Prince Katanlaole and Ha waiian party. The. party already has left Ban Francisco and Is on the way to Wash ington. A special car hns been placed st the disposal of the distinguished tourists, who will arrive In this city over the Union Pacific some time this afternoon, A Is supposed the former queen of the Hawaiian . Islands has several financial schemes up her silk sleeves, and she will also look after the allowance made her during th lust session of congress. The party will leave this olty over the Mil waukee and will continue the Journey to Washington over tii PemieiJvauia. Uae, SUPPOSE You had a muzzle loading shotgun with a loud in it which you could not fire; wouli you ram another loud down on top of the old one and still another on thut, until the old gun was full to the muzzle? There would Just as much sense In that as there Is in taking HOME KINDS OK KI1EL M ATISM MKLIC1NK because many of them only preclpltute the uric acid In the blood nnd leave It then-, 'hus PLUQ U1NU TUB BLOOD VESSK i'TJLXi of urates. The Fllmlno remedies DISSOLVE AND REMOVB L'KIC ACID, thus netting rheu matism entirely out of the system. We GUARANTEE THIS AND OUR GUARANTEE IS HOOD. If you have rheutnut Inm. blood trouble or Constipation, get rid of them, or HAVE THESE MEDICINES FOR NOTHING. Fllnilno. fur the Klood $' 00 Flimlnutum, for KheumatlKm I1W) Kllininels, for Constipation 26o No monkey business money back If they full. SCHAEFER'S DKUU STORE iS. T. TATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Sla., Oifahs, Phones 747 uid 7it7. ilth und N Sta., South Oraaha, '?US? i 6,b Av '! Main St., Coun cil Bluffs. Phono AJ1 ynotia rtoll.ro4 lu jsukasc cu sifsttiniv XcreV This is what you do to yourself when you buy infer ior coaL "We always have the best." Try our Bonanza and Kock Springs. Central Coal & Coka Co,, IoTtt AND HARNEY. 'PHONES 1221 47 IS 1695. wi3iaawwwwe j Ladies' ! Sweaters In Blouse or Norfolk style. The ! swellest made. We can fit and suit you In any size or color, from $20 1 to jM. There is none better made ! than ours. Sweaters for bovs. tl.00. II 25 an , 9 JL50. I S HiuiLe.r Brown Sweaters, $L60 and 1 o -z6- ! ntocainrs nae motner used to make i ana ueuus as usuai. m SHAFF A SILnF.riMAN COATS The en tire surplus stock bought at about half actual value now on sle $10.00 Coats In newest styles st $13.i0 Coats In newest styles st $100 Coats- j000 $20.00 Coats fy en at ,, . vr MANL'FACri'RKR'S 8 TOC K OF SKIRTS from Didinger & Aaron's, Chlcago-the best man u fiict urers of walking skirts in the countrv ON HALE AT HALF 4"0 WALKING SKIRTS In Immense va riety of materials. In tans, blues, browns, blacks and mixtures, regular A f C $S.'W and $10 values choice 1IO $.6o SKIRTS In newest styles and fabrics. ootn niixoci nnd plain colors your cho ce of 3U0 garments )y $12 and $14 SKIRTS In nne imported fab rics, RUHrantee ot color and T Ef stvle at J.Olr NOHBY NEW COATS In zibellnes, ker seys, friezes, etc.. In tann. blues, browns and blacks, worth up to $10.00 A QS your choice 4-rzJiJ HANDSOME COATS In -lcngths. great variety of colors and fabric, handsomely trimmed with different colored f fll velvet choice lJXJyl BWAHOER DU BARRY AND PEOQY FROM I'ARIS COATS-4 length, both 15 t,00n NEW FALL COATS In R multitude of styles and fabrics, loose or tle;ht. Isiucher or strap backs, including nm hainl-om silk and velvet garments. These goods were manufactured by the bot N. Y. tailors and are worth up to $12.50 our sale price plain and mixed colors, splendidly made and finished, regular tJo.Oii o 4 Qfl valtifs-at WO.M EN'S UNDERSKIRTS In sutefBt moire snd other materials, worth J flfl up to $5. on chxioe M.JVJ WONDERFUL FUR VALUES. Neiit coney scarfs 59C Prettv liver mink scarfs f Of each lJ $6.00 marten, oposi um, near seal or O QH tieaver senrfs splendid value i7rCj $10.00 genuine marten scarfs. 5.98 Hardsome l)eaver conts, good fl value at $.s5 our price OMJy 29.UU 19.90 Splendid near seal coats nt Women's Astrakhan Capes at Women's $1000 Cravenette R QQ coats Women's $16.00 Ctavenette Q Q( conts "- Women's $2.00 waists at CHILDREN'S COATS-In the new near skin cloth, in blues, white, red and tan. worth $7.60 special A $1.00 Flannelette Wrappers C)9C 75c Eiderdown Sacques 39C Limit of two to a customer. 98c 3 A YD EN BROS. $8.50 ONLY $8.50 COACH EXCURSIONS TO ST. LOUIS. MO. Sunday to Thursday Inclusivoi of each week. Only a Few Days More to Visit the Fair. Coach excursion tickets will be on sale every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of seven days from date of sale. Every one should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the won derful sights. Ample hotel and Lodging House accomodations for all. REA SONABLE KATES. See local agents for full particulars. TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Agt T. F. GODFREY, Pass. & Ticket Ait ' S, E. Corner 15th and Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. II. C. T0WNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agl, St Louis, Mo daho Is ona of the best irrigated states in America. People are moving; there oecause hot winds, destructive storms and cyclones are unknown, and because lis matohless climate jrenet ates vigor and guarantees good health. The Union Pacific Many miles shorter than any other Una is the only railroad running two trains daily from Omaha, and two trains daily from Kansas City to Idaho Montana Utah For information about cheap liompseek ers' rates to above points write or call on CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 FARNAM ST Thone 31U. JOS. F. BILZ.i 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. BOLE AGENTS FOIt PICTOfUAi. RJJVIKW PA'iTEKNs THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER TV BvirrlrvtoiK. Aofttkly- ffctu on All : t i tartd-f "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD" 25 Pages In Colors 75 Pages for Framing Fine Portraits of Celebrities : Magnificent Winter Views Wonderful Reproduction! of Scenes and Incidents Burr Publishing Co.. 7 West 22d SU New York