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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1904)
GRAIN AM PRODUCE MARKET Co?tring of Shortt Bring Sharp Adrances in Wbtat Fitnrea. GENERAL INFLUENCES OF BEARISH TENOR Car Ale Hlb, (a Market steady Fatare TrilUc-4ioslp f Ike Pit aaa. treat Wall lre-t. .. OMAHA. Nov ?. 1904. . "Itn tn open I nit of the speculative mar ket there was a derided change of front, not due to any change In conditions, hut to the natural reaction after the wakne '""fday, when Armour Co., ffedlng tne Chicago market with all Hie December and May wheat It wanted at anv o!d pr.oe. oroka It Wtth rimia 4riln Thli nrw. lloTia were followed bv speculator In the pit and a long line of nhnrt wheat put out. A the situation In admittedly not to the liking of the beam, the latter Were redv to-rover thla morning with the firat Imp of the bell, the mora an mm the selling pressure hnwed a decided diminution. The receipts war larger than the estimate, hut the large line of shorts forgot everything In thalr dee I re to get to cover. December opened at a rain of a full point, or at ll.OSVi, advanced to 11.004 snf turned down to 11.08-V Liverpool waa HttMrC. higher on wheat, with the drat two houra' covering the ahorta were more Indifferent to the ini tiation, and thl w followed by the re actionary decline, ffsy advanced with the opening ,r, or to t1.ttP; aold to 11.11) and then dropped to tl.0V There ww but lit tle wheat offered on the Omaha market and none of rood grade. Price were prac tically unchanged. The corn market aympathiied with wheat and waa bought quite freely at the opening, advancing to 4S,4c for December, reacting to 4c bid. May aold to 4ic, an advance of c, and closed ateady around these fig ure. The oat market waa rather quiet and firm and about e'Ji'o advance. Provisions were strong,, and higher all around. Omaha raeh price: Omaha ( ash Ha lea. WHEAT I cars No. 4. 52 Iba. 3c. 'OHN-l car No. 4 mixed. 40c; 1 car No. 4 yellow, 42c. OAT8-1 ear No. I white, 30 Iba., 28. Omaha Caah Prlrea. 'WHEAT No. J hard. 11.07; No. I hard, Sletitl.06; No. 4 hard, Mc; No. 3 apring, 11.07. COHN-No. 2; 42c; No. 1, 41c; No. 4 old. 4Ar; No. 4 new, 42o; no grade new, STttSSc; No. 2 yellow. 42Hc; No. 8 yellow, 42c; No. It white. 42c: No. I white. 41o. OATS No 2 mixed. 28c; No. 3 mixed, 27,ic; No. 4 mixed, 2c; No. I white, 2Sc; No. 3 white. 2Hc; No. 4 whit. r,vr,h.c; standard. 28Vtc. Omaha Fatare Price. Wheat Pec... Hay ., July .. Corn . Dec... May . Open. High. Low. 1.04 A Cloa. 1.04 A 1.024 VB 4n4 40 l.w. A 1.06 A 1.OTT4A 1.03'A 1.02A 2B ViB b'B 40U 4ft 404 40 4014 40 Grain Market Elsewhere. Closing prlcaa at tha following markets today and Monday were: I . CHICAGO -loe- Wheat December May July C,-n-i.cmber Hay , July , Oats December , May July Wheat Jierember May Corn December y Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May Wheat-. , -December 1 May Today. Monday. i.wv 1.074 1.094 1.084 l4 45Ta 49 45", aiH aiv, 314 f '7 4ri 4S 4f' Sl4 314 ST. LOUIS. 1.09 1.11H 4S4 IT 1 .074 1.10 474 KANSAS CITY. z 1.01'i 1.014 1.00 r.uu'i 424, 41H . 4214 414 MINNEAPOLIS. .. 1.0, 1 .074 1.104 1.114 DULUTH. 1.09 I.IIV4 1.0s , 1.09 NEW YORK GESERAL . MARKET " aotatloaa of tha Day oa Varloaa ' t'ommodltlea. NEW TORK, Nov. S2.FI.OrR Receipts, ,"3.196 bhl. ; export, 942 hbla.; sale, 4.S00 lhla.; market dull and practically lower; Minnesota patents, $f.9tKft.20; Minnesota hakera, M.5rK&4.85; winter patent, 15.6010 .; winter straights, 5.351i&.55; winter ex traa, 3.fj04c4.25; winter low grade, U.m 4.06. Rye flour, firm; fnlr to good, 4.5otfjp 4.76; choice to fancy, H.7iJf)S.65. Buckwheat flour, ateady, t2. 202.25. lth -.'iiHunnr- in'.uui 1 3 i ww T rn 1 v-1 11. ' vmo. vii.r, ji.i.'fu.i"; Kim urieu, w.wvv H 80 RYE Nomli.i .:. BARLEY fcli'i.Cy ; feeding. 404c, c. 1. f., Nw York. WHEAT Keci-lpta. 3K.O0O bu.; aalea. 6.100, 000 bu. future. Spot, firm : No. 2 red, 11. lft, ! f. O. b., afloat; No. 1 iorthern, Duluth, $1.21, f. o. b., uflotit; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. u. b., afloat. Options had a strong advance today on bullish Argentina newa, higher Liverpool cnlilea, dry weather west and active covering. In the afternoon they reacted under rrallalng aalea, but steadied up ugaln, finally cloalng ti(te net higher. Sulea Included No. 2 red, Ms v. (tt SI.liei.llT4, closed at 11.114; July, tl 02 x.J'l 0U. closed at I1.02H; Dxcember, L154i 1.1V closed at $1,164. CORN Receipts, i.026 bu.; sales, 10.WX) liu. future and lTK.OW bu. spot. Soot, Hteudy; No. 2, nominal, elevator, and rsc, f. o. b;. afloat; No. 2 yellow, MHc; No. 2 white, Ci6c. Options were firmer on batter cables and with wheat, closing fc&c net higher. May closed Ht fclHc; December, 67Sj67Hc, closed at B74c. o ATS Receipts, lM.lM bu. oot. steady: mixed onta, 2A to 32 lb., 144Q'364c; natural white. So to 3: lb., iiifiiVic; clipped white, til t 40 lbs.. t740cA Options were nominal. l"KKl-lrregulur; spring bran, ID0.86; middlings, $:0.2o. HAY U spring, fea7lx-; good to choice. ItOroKSc, HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, lt4 crop, 81(fffl9c; 1903 crop. 31Mc: old 14iul8c: Pacitlo coast, 19U4 crop, 3037c; old. HfllSc HIDES Klrm ; Qalveaton. 20 to 26 Iba.. 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texn Ul'V. 24 to 30 loa., 14c. LEATHER Finn: ac'.d, 24r26c PROVISIONS Beef. teady; fnmlly. 111.60; mm. $9.00(89.60; beef ham. $23.50; packet, $10.0041 10.50: city extra India me. $l4.6t'lll.60. Cut meat. Ann; pickled hel. He, $S.260 76: pickled houldr. $7.60; pick led ham. $9 00(Q9.76. IJtrd, steady; wettrn steamed. 17.60: November rlosed at $7.50. nominal: refined, steady; continent. $7.(; clear. llS.25ifllS.76: mea, $12.7&i813.60. TALLOW Klrm; city, 4c; country, 44 4Hc. MICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, Pi t "': Jiinan. nominal. Hl'TTKR Firm; treet price. extra creumery, 264J264'. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 1&4j264c; stats dair les. common to extra, iu22c; rsnovatsd, common to extra. 13til9r: western factory, common to cnoice, liiul4c; western Imltu lion creamerv. common to choice, 164a lie. CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, small Rrptember, colored and white, fancy, 114c; 1st niade. colored and whit, poor to choice, (H.jjl0V-; large. September, colored and white, fancy. UVc; lata made, col ored, good to choice. bl04c; lata made, wl,l'e ooce to fancy. 7.10c. KOUS Firm; we-itern fancy ielected. SOc; weaiern aversgea, iMiiSc. POI LTRy Alive, eaav; weaisrn chick ens, lie: fowls. 11c: turkey 15c: dred. weak; western chickens, 14$15c; fowls, 124c; turkeys, 198i0c, Available Happlles of Grata. NEW YORK, Nov. L'J.-BpecUl cable and telegraphic . communications received by liradvtreets show th following changes In uvallahl , auppliea of grain, a compared with lat account : Wbeiit, I'nltcd Stat and Canada, eat of the ilockle. decreae. 723.000 bu. Oats. I'nJttd State rd Canada, esat of th Rofkle. decrease. 171.000 bu. The leading n1.ree reported this week r 742 OiiO bu. tn Mimltoba. 163.000 bu. at tienot Harbor. 3.0ort bu. at Portland. Me.. Mo bu. at Kingston and AS.otO bu. at the Milwaukee private elevators. Tim leading decrrsse are aiO.OOA tm. st norbweslern Interior elevators. IIOO11O bu at Louisville snd as.OOft hu. at the Chicago private elevator. ' l-htladelphla Praaaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. ft Bl'TTER KiHady with flr demand: extra creamery, 2i4'-: extra nearby pnnta. 25c. "UBl - Firm with good iWmand; nearby first, iitc at mark; western flrats, "7c at mark CHEFE-t.'nrhanged: New York full creams, fam y, J14-iJlo; w lork full full I Hit AfiO f.Rl AMI I'ROI law Keatare of th Traala 4 aag Prleea aa Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Nov. 22.-1 ! in harvesting In Argentine, owing to wet weather, caused atrength In wheat tire todav. At the 1 loe the I K-cemher rptlon was tip 14c. May la up Wi4c Corn show a guln of Sc. oat" are up c and provlalon are from ec to 2"c hlghor. from Initial transaction to th rnd of the elon the wheat market exhibited re markable strength. At the opriln E ember wa up lfi!4c at II 4,a !" and May wa VfilUe ud at n.ODUfi 1.09V Tha sdvance Wu larger oue to n,nei price In foreign grain market. IJveipool cable were up V notwithetandlng the severe break here yesterday. The strength abroad waa said to be a feeult of active buying, caused by rcporta from Argentine claiming that heavy rains had delayed harveatlng In that country. From the atart abort were eager bidder for whrnt. but offering at nrt were limited. Another Diiuian con elderatlon wa a decreae In primary re ceipts. Strength of cash wheat at Kni City wn alao a factor. The high point on December for the day wa reacnen ni H. 4. Mar touched $11" The msrk-t closed with December at ll.V May cloed at II. 094,0 1.094. Clearance of whet and flour were equal to I2.0ii bu. The world vlelble aurnlv, according 10 Bradstreet s. Increased 3,fP00 bu. ITnnary receipt were I. JU2,2u0 bu.. compared with I.616. a year ago. Mtnneapolla. Duluth and Chicago re ported rerrlpta of 1.227 i'ar. agalnat io2 last week and l.owi a year ago. Strength of a heat, small country accept ance and higher pricea nt the Rumple table were factors that held the corn market Arm. The volume of trading wn not large, bualneas largely of a scalping character. December opened "jflc higher at 4SS'4lic. sold between flxr and 49io and closed at 49c May ranged be tween 454c and 4W- and closed at 4a7ft4Ac. IchI receipt were 6d7 car, with four of contract grade. Influenced bv the bulge In wheat, the oat market held firm, but the volume of trading wa amall. December opened u hade higher at 2Sc. old up to 29c and closed at 2HTfr29c. May ranged between 314i314c and 3lS,314c and closed at 31c. Local receipts were 101 car. "Perelstenf buying of Inxd and ribs by pucker caused a Arm tone In provision. At the tart the market was a trifle easier on liberal receipt of hog. loiter prices rallied and the market closed firm with January pork up 17V20c at $12 5744H2 " Lard wa up 5c nt I.. Ribs were 6g,Hc higher at $.50. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 car; corn, 233 car; oata, 37 car; bogs, 43.0HO head. . . , The Hoard of Trade will be closed Thurs di'v, November 24. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgli.l Low. Close. Yea'y. Wheat Dec. May 1 094i 1 08, 1 094 1 074 1 084 74 pi 11 09'i 1 10 1 094 1 084 i91 09 M3u 97t4 9b4 July Corn Dec. May July Oats Nov. Dec. May July Pork Jan. -May Lard Jn. May Riln Jan. May tS'T-lV 494;4Hi I 44 4 I 46445'4rn48 45H''S 464 4541 46T4I 4614 i29?,4i: 29 29 2Rw 28?hj 29 28t-X 31?iH SlltWi 314! .. X14 31.V 3141 ai4i iiiib? 12 80 1 12 45 12 I 12 40 12 75 12 50 j 12 7241 12 624 7 0241 8 9241 7 CO 1 8 K 7 174! 7 10 I 7 1741 7 124 6 5241 8 424' 6 60 1 8 45 8 6741 6 6741 6 6741 60 12 46 12 50 924; 7 10 I 6 424! 8 60 I No. 2. Cash quotation were as follows: r LA H it steunv: winter jnu ni. S5 6.40; winter etralght. $4.9Oti5.20; prlng pat ents,' $5.0W6 60; spring straights, $4.7(K(j6.00; bakers. $2.9C3.90. WHEAT No. 2 i-piing. $1.0SW1.13; No. 3 spring, $1.Mrl.08: No. 2 red, $1.117,W'1.13. CORN No. 2, 63c; No. 2 yellow. 67M-C OATS No. 2. 81M,?32c; No. 2 while, 32',c; No. 3 white, S04tY32c. RYE No. 2. 7Sc. BARLEY Good feeding, J8384c; fair to choice malting, 4S&62C. SEEDS No. 1 llax, $1,114: No. t north western. 11.19: clover, contract grade, $12.25. PROVISIONS Me pork, per bhl.. $11.15 fill.20. Lard, per 10 lbs.. fi 9?4 . Short rib side (loose), $8.624f(6.874- Short clear side (boxed , $.76Ji.874. The following were the recelpte and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. ..... 21.6W . 124,800 879,800 152.301 8.000 132.700 Shipments. 1..9 0 47.000 ,'. 127.2X) ' 152,300 .01 19.300 Flour, bbls.. Wheat bu,. Corn, bu.,.,-. Oats, bu....; Rye, hu...... Barley, bu. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. ltsz2c; dairies. 16021c. Eggs, firm; at mark, case Included, WWiVw : flrat. 24c; prime flrta, 26c; extras, 2sc. Cheese, firm, iVQVii.. at, Loa I tirala aad Provision. ST. LOl'IS. Nov. 22.-WHEAT-Higher; No. 2 red cah. elevator, $1.10: track. $1 134: December. $1.09. May, $1.11481H,,i: No. i hard, $l.0"(nl.i9. CORN-Higher: No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 49R5Sc; December, 4414c; May, 4'c. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, i4c: track. 114c; December, i4c; May, 31c; No. 2 white. mjSiic. FLOI'R I'naettled. though demand Is notably improved: red winter patents. $5.30 15.40; special brands. $i'.50Ki5 63: extra fancy and Btralght, $t.h(X84.90; clear, t4.iu't 4.6i. SEEDS-Tlmothy, ateady at $2.a)2.40. COHNM KAL Steady at $2.60. BRAN Firm; Backed, east track, V44i8ir. HAY-8teudy; timothy, tMCu 12.00; prairie. I6.00& 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES B3c. BACKHNO 7c. HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 111.40. Lard unchanged: prime steam, $0.70. Bacon, steady: boxed, extra nhorts, ?8.00; Clear ribs, $X.124: hort clear. $S..174. POULTRY Steady; chicken. f.4c; spring. 9c; turkeys, 12ttf13ttr; djeks, loc; pMi 8o BUTTER Firm; creamery, 202(i4c; dairy, 15421c. ' . K(S6s-Hlgher at tfc case count. . , Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbls WW HO 0 Wheat, bu ,0i0 78.0UI Corn, bu .....53,m) 22,00 Oats, bu ;...32,O0O 17,(41 Kaasaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY,' Nov. 22. WHEAT De camber. $1,014; May. $1,014: July. 89ic; rah No t hard. $1 04: No. 3. $1 0KQ1.044: No. 4. 9Oci$1.0O; No. 2 red, ii.Otftl.OS; No. 3. tl.02i6rl.04; No. 4. 90cfi$1.00, receipts. 67 cara. WORN December, 424!6 K.c ; May, 411c: rash. No. 3 mixed. 464S4tfc; No. 3 ioCif 464c; No. 2 white. 474f'c; No. 3. 464j4tic. OATS No. 2 mlxd, 30c: No. 2 white, 81c. RYE Steady; No. 2. 7Sj78c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, ig.OtK&flSn; choice prairie, $7.608.00. BL'TTER Steady ; creamery, 21tj23c; dalrv. fancy. 16c. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas stock, new No. 2 whltewood casea in cluded, 24c per doi. ; case count, 22c; caaea returned 4o lesa. Receipt. Shipment. Wheat, bu 4o.(H0 K7.3u Com. bu 21,000 15.:o) Out, bu.... 15.300 24,(XK Mia Be poll Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 22. WHEAT De cember. $1.(d: May, $1,114: July. $1.(94: September. 834c; No. 2 hard. 11.124; N). 1 northern. l K'4; No. 2 northern, ll.f 6S.. FLOCR Flat natenti, ltltxiffS.10: ee)nd patents, $5.834j39t; first clears, $4.3&lii4.4i; second clears. I2.7W2 86. BRAN In bulk. $15.10. Liverpool Grata Market." LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22 -WH EAT-Bpot, nominal; future, quiet: December, 7s lUd; Mhich, .s 2'd; May, 7 2d. CORN Spot American mixed, steadv, 4 9d; future, steady; Decembt-r, 4s 9d; Jan uary, 4s 6d. Dal at h Grala Market. DULUTH. Nov 22-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.CV: No. 2 nor hern 11.01V On track: No. 1 noriharn, $1,104; No. 2 northern. 11.024; December. $1,094: $1,114. OATS-To arrlva and on track Mllvraake Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 22. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, tl.12ttl.13: No. 1 northern. I1.064S1.10; May, 11.0941094. RVE Dull; No. 1. 84c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 1, Mc; sample, Jj Jic. CaeTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. COFFEE Market for futurea opened staidy at unchanged price to an advance of point. Cahiea were uninflutntial. In fact, there seemed to be nothing to atlmulaie actlvl y In either direction, but It soon devel prd that nea,. uy longs were Inrliatd to switch into th later position, and in accenu'll-hlng this the (let neakened slightly, with pi Ices at bio time showing a net loss of W110 points Toward th close importers became active I Buyer. " however, and ettadiea tne mar ket. Price were Anally net unchanged 10 6 point lower, with ralrs of 111 1 bag reortrd. Sulr Included Iiecember at ; March. .pigC(5r: May, 7.0j(a7 1Wc; July. 7.26-: Seplembfr. 7.0&7.50c. Spot Rio. steady; No. 1 invoice, lc; mild, uuirt; Cordova, iwyila. cream, i hi.l e. lHc: New Tork creams, fair ! g.Kxl, l'i lie. THE OttAiTA NEWYORK STOCKSAND BONDS Opening fricoa Are Generally Hif her and VoIuDjs of Enaineaa ia Larger RATE FOR MONEY RISES TO FOUR PER CENT flock tome Oat Freely la the After aooa aad Prlrea Break Cloa lng la Weak aad lntr. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. -Th opening deal ing In the stock market gave every evi dence of a renewal of alrong upward move ment. Price were generally higher and the volume of buaines wa above that of several days past. It was evident that ad vantage was taken of the higher level of prices to market stocks. This has so fre quently been the action of the market through the recent period of Its sdvance ment that not much apprehension wn caused, especially a new point of trength were developed and large buying order paused from one to another. The fact that only one or two stock were strong at a time aroused the suspicion that the mar ket wa being supported for the purpoe of realising The existence of thl suspicion made the market vulnerable snd when the rate for call loan flurried to 4 per cent It the afternoon, stocks came out freely from all quarter of the, room and prices broke rather precipitately. There wan some accumulation of Read ing hut It eurlv advance wn fractional There wa enormou absorption, both of t'nlted Statf Steel preferred and of th sinking fund bond and the operations were attributed In large degree to the operation or a pool. Colorado Fuel wa tne only one of the Independent steel stocks to show marked sympathy. The movement In Brooklyn Transit and Manhttan wh paralleled by that In Interbnrough Transit on the curb. On the other hand the per sistent neavtne of tne Kartne on tn Stock exchnnge had It counterpart In the decline of Northern Securities on the curb. The motive seemed to be dlooolntment over the further poetponement of a de cision In the Northern Securities . cae But these ctterlng point of weakne were enveloped In the latter decline, which overcame the whole market and wiped out th gains In the few strone- snots. The special cause for ths flurry In the money mnrket wng said to be the placing of over lioonnono of Pennvlvnla Car Trust bonds. But many Isrwer transactions than tnnt nnv neen oonnueteo: in tne money mn'Ket in tne last tew weeK-"rttnout ols turbopce. It. was perceived this oornlng that some of the lareegt recent lenders of monev were not In th market and tboe who dlaved fllllnr their requirements until inte bid un the rat to the 4 per cent level There were no further ens-sge-nent of gold for exnort but the foreign exchange mar ket continued fl'm. Lat price were onlv slightly above the lowest and the closing tone was weak t losses generally of be tween 1 snd t points. Bonds weakened at some points In sym pathy with stocka. Total sales, par value. $9.5,000. United States 4s advanced 4 011 call. Quotation on the New York stock ex change yesterday were as follows: Sales. HIsh.Low.CIosc Atchison 200 8Ti 85; 84 do pfd 1.700 1034& 102T m;l, Baltimore A Ohio 14,500 974 95i 9T.T4 do Pfd 200 944 94 93 Canadian Pacific 9,900 1344 Central of N. J Cheaapeake Ohio... 9.500 60TS Chicago & Alton 100 46 do pfd ' Chicago Gt. Western. 254 Chicago N. W 2 400 2014 C. M. St. P 31,600 175 do pfd Chicago Term. & T... 4.200 164 132i "404 45 '244 200 1724 '15" 284 "2H 188 2 198 1734 182 16i 24 do pfd 7.900 Zi C. C. C. St. L. Colo. Southern 300 23 23 22V do 1st pfd . do 2d pfd Delaware Hudson.. 2,400 187 185 674 364 1854 D., L. W D. & Bio a..:. am 314 do pfd 200 m Erie 43.300 40 do 1st pfd .50n 73. do 2d Pfd 1.800 654 815 31 4 K644 384 724 634 85 90 149 SO 684 '53" 1384 814 83 38V 72 634 85 89 141 4 294 68 61 4 1384 Hocking Valley 400 85 no pin t wi Illinois Central 3.800 1504 Iowa Central 100 30 do Pfd 200 ,584 K. C. Southern do pfd 500 634 Loul. A Nashville. ...17.800 140U r a arw .i?qbv niHiuiniLuii t ,." 167 167 Met. Securities ....!... 2.800 f 82 814 , 824 Met. St. Ry 8.100 !1264 124 1?3 Minn. & St. Loul ta 91 144 1084 M . St. P. & S. S. M.. 8 no 400 92 148 1094 34V S3 136 764 94 42 1364 '774 88Vf 80 36i 84V sr-4 64 684 118 35V 954 374 324 634 1164 94 24 464 214 24V 49 234 914 146 V 107V 334 624 43 V 1344 744 94 40 1354 '754 88 8ft 354 84 68 24 534 184 117V, 84 95 38 31 534 1144 94N, 23 454 21 23V 47V 22Vi do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. -. Tex 17.000 1.000 1.400 1.000 4.700 4.900 l.ioo 6.200 33V 62V do pfd N. R. R. of Meg. pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.. 434 134V 74 90 404 118 IB tss 874 7 35 83 88 24 51 68H 117V 84V 954 364 31 524 114 95 ?3 464 2ft 234 22 238 218 K0 240 . 78T, 31 4 , 88 34 93 8V. 171 16 38 324 1014 80 114 149 113 68 47 217 244 804 384 1P94 194 78 39 84 23 104 444 1077, 35 83 229 184 884 4 87 744 14U 88 81 SW 874 74 804 180 do pfd Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania .48,100 11L200 800 100 .38.8lO . 6 f 4o ,. 1.200 P.. C. '. St. l..., Rpnding do 1st prd do 2d Pfd Rock Islund Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd 8. Pacific .. 1.900 ..53.100 .. 2.410 ..26,600 .. 400 do pfd S. Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific .... T.. 81. L. & W do prd 4,10 00 10,000 Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central . do pfd Mexican Central .... Adams Ex Amerlcnn Ex United Stnttj Ex.... Wello-H'arKo Ex Amal Coppe" Am. Car A Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do nfd Am. Ice , do Pfd Am. Linseed Oil .... do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd .112,200 .. 1.000 .. 2.900 .. 6.700 .. 200 .. 900 .. 2100 ..17,300 V. "100 .. 100 iioaisoi .. 4. wo .. 1.600 .. l.ioo i'.soo .. 1,200 .. 100 .. 100 .. 9.70 219 122 219 122 80 .'24 894 344 "94 394 m. 4ft 314 lo?4 82 114V 1624 11 84 894 494 2184 264 81 :4 1944 204 784 41 '24 lot! 484 1084 8'14 844 2314 17, 89V 244 874 764 14 98 844 84 an 904 1M T8H 314 884 34 " 38 17 40 324 11 4 79 114 148 117 67 7 217 V 244 804 364 189 194 78 40 '23V 103 45 107V 35 84 2314 164 K84 W4 874 744 14 95 84 r4 88 l; ? 174 70) Refng.. 26 .000 1.300 Am. Smelt. A do Pfd Am. Sugar Refng.... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do Pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. 12 000 2.000 89.500 47.200 4.100 6.0u0 2.000 1,800 8,f4 m 2.000 5i0 300 do pfd National Lead 8 North American 1.200 Pacific Mall $ 300 People's Gas 4 900 Prised Steel Car 5,1 do pfd 400 Pullman Palace Car... 100 Reoulillc Steel !.5(t0 do pfd ?.8m Rubber Goods do pfd -M Teim. Coal A Iron.... 5. TOO U. S. Leather 2.W do pM 1.800 T. . Realty A Imp.. 18) U. 8. Rubber J.ftoo do pfd 900 U. 8. Steel (son do pfd 187 sno " esilnahouae Flee... 8.000 V'-'fti t'nlon 60O W4, Total sale for the day, 1.171,600 shra I.oadoa Closlna; teek. LONDON. Nov. 22 -Cloalngr Con to It. money N V. CBtrl..., do account U ! Norfolk W .. f' da pfd .. Wli'Onlarlo A W . .IMti PDDrlranl .... . .100 ilUnd Mill ..urm kadif ;.. .. i V do ut std..... .. do Id m ... Aucond .... M .... 4i .... 704 II) .... 14 .... 4i .... 41 ... 3tU .... M .... ....tutt .... II .... .!, .... 1 .... 14 .... U Atrhlton do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Ctnadlan Pacific I'tiM. A Ohio rtah'ao ot. w (' . M. A It. P J7 Vcutbr Hallwar IBar US do (d lit Bsutlwrn rwt'ls . H ll'nlo Ptelte .... u d sfd Tj r. a. IimI I). A .. 0.... do pfd Erto do lti pfd.. do td prd.. llllnoli rntrJ Loul. N.Ai . M ' do yld .11J Wibwh .141, do prd M . K T 5jI'VERBar, nrni, 74d per ounce. o-i. r'. Pr cent. The rat of dlcount In th open market lor hort bill i-ifwr4 per rent; for thr mon'h bills. 3g3l-l per cent. rerelg. rtaanelal. cjiJIfV,?NT,uNov- a-MON'BT-Wn In fair dernaiid In the market today and dlacount were firm. Oporatu on ttva atock es crmng were mostly cheerful l.ut lM,slnea " wuiri. ( lias pai Impwlal Japajieae gevs. U-Tiaut w-'rk '.I1' "'" lh bu.ln?. Consols t "'tZ- Am,,r.ana were Irregiilsr and Idle; ihe undertone waa good They UiirVTA lltV B. SKA . aiuu were niM j. wi'a rui so,. DAILY TtEE: WEDNESDAY. S of 194 were quoted at 86. Ru!an rcre easier , f'AKIH. ivov. nusiness at trie open Ing of the bourse oday had n unfavor the able tone and at the close price were Irregular. Rnslsn Imperial 4i were qnotel at 94 71 and R tsularl bonds of l at ryw RERLIN. Nov. 22. Trading on th hotirve today waa quiet. lew Yark Maaey Market. NEW YORK Nov S.-MONET-Oa call, higher. 24j4 per rent; closing and offerel at t: time loans, ateady; alxtv and rlnetv days. 14 per rent; six month. 34i4 per PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-444JHV per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. with actual business In bankers' Mil at $4 871Vn 4 8720 for demand and at 84 842ofc4 8425 for sixty-dav bill; posted rts, $4.85 and $4 874'54 88: commercial Mil. $4 84. SILVER Br. 59c; Mexican dollar. 27c. BONDS Government firm and railroad Irregular. The following were the closing prices on stocka and bond: f. 8. ref ra....t4Hi'innitn r. a 4...ins4 IMS !. rntrl Is IMi do lot inc '7 do coupon . . do lo. re.. do coupon do new 4. do coupon do old 4a. 1 do roapo Atrhlaon sen. do adj. 4s . . Atlantic r. L. IfM win ar ht. L. 4.... S7 IPi-i'M.. K. A T. 4a.. .iitOV dn .1 N. R. It of M. c. .IM' ft. T. C. . a.. .lt N. 1 f. 8a..,. . MVNo. Pai-ia- At . Hv do to .1034 N. A W. c. 4a. . . . . t,in . 1. 4a A par -Ill Wrtnn. cenr. 8Ss . ... 4 4l. . . .l". ...lfS' ... T .. tn-.i; ...104 4. B.I Ohio 4s, do u, rrntnl of o. do litt tne. tt. ...101 ....10! ft Hit . t;s Sradina son 4a.. .in ist. u I I. V. c. A Ohio 4'. .. Chlctti A A. H C. B. . A Q a. 4.. C. W. A 8 P. 4. r. a n. -w c. it... C . R. I. A P. 4a... do col. 8 CCC A 8t L a. 4a Chlcaao Tcr. 4a Con. Tebaoco 4a Colo. A Bo 4a n. a g. a. 4 Krl prior lien 4... d. (cn. 4 F. W. A t. C la .. Hocking Val. 44a... L A N. nnl. 4a Offered. . st. l. s. r. r. .loos t. L. 8 W ia.. .II04 'StKarJ A 4a .lt8o. raclc 4s . tl'4 So. Rallvar I. . . t4W Trttt A P. la . . . ns . A . M llS .121 , . t .10 .1144 . '4 tin .101 ,T . St. L. A 4a 4 I'nlon Pacific 4s. . 814 . MS .lOlU .105 . tl. .111 .111. I9SV4 do coot. 4s ... . f S Steel M 5s Wahaah 1 do dsn. R w. A I. E. 4a.. Wla. Oatral 4a... Colo. Fuol c. ta.. : Boston Stock- Market. BOSTON. Nov. 22 Call lonns. S34 per cent; time loan, 4jf5 per cent. Official cloa lng of storks snd bonds: Atchison adj. 4a s4j'AdTniur do 4a I" lAllono Atchlaon M Amalaamatcd .. do pM Ml, 'a 1 "American Zinc . 44 . 1W . 74 . 1.1, . 17 . Hi .7il . n . 7"S . 13 . l'a . 1 . . . 14 . 4 44 . . s . :.r4 Hoaton A Albany M lAtlanllc Roaton A Main. ,14a iRInaham PnVoo Klsvated ... Fttchbura P'd Mexican Ontral ... N V . N. H. A H. Per Marquette .. t'nlon Parlnc Amor. Aria. Cham. do pfd Amir. Pnou. Tuba Amor, ftuiar do pfd Amor. T. A T Ararr. Woolan do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Rdlaon F.lac. Illu... Oanaral Rlectrie ... sUaa. Bloctrlr do pfd Mass. Gaft .1M Tsl. A He.l .14.) Ontennlat .... 2514 rppr Ranae ..1MV, .. 7I 114 . .. tn . . M .. .. ..1S5I, . .I4n Kalit West Pnmtnlnn Coal Franklin llranry Isle Royals .... Mass. Manlng . Michigan Mnhawk Mont. ('. A I'... old Dominion , .. 2:8. nla 17'Prrot ....J4i .gnlncr ....lfcS'i Shannon .... 14 1'amarack .... . ... ni ITrlnlty .... 41411'. f Mining. .12T .17 . 144 . to . I2'4 . 44 . 11 .107 In I tod Fruit !M'4:I . . Oil.. t'nkad Shoe Marh.... llah do pfd Jl'4 V. . 8tl 274, do pfd S91 Wasting- common ... 49 Mid. "Asked. Victoria .. Wlnon '.Volvcrlne New York Mining Storks. NEW TORK. Nov. 22 -The following are the closing price on mining stocka: Adam Con 20 Ontario 30" Alice 40 Ophlr ton Brooco 1 II rnnanU HI Brunswick Con 14 Pntoal i Vomatock Tunnol .... 8 Havago I" Con. Cat. A Va IT" Sierra Narad Mi Horn ftlrar 144 small Hopes 10 Iron SIlTar 21" S'andard 1 Lull Chief 4 Offered. T4-eanry Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-Today's late ment of the treasury balance In the genera, fund, exclusive of the. n,o ii.flou gulu ,e serve In the dlvlrion of ,fedemi I .n. ahows: Available caah balance, 143.99,k36; gold. $81,226,866. . .,' . OMAHA WHOLESAL&l MARKET. Condltloa of Trade aad taotatlona on Staple and Fancy Prodoee. EOGS Candled atock, 23c. LIVE POULTRY Hen, 748c: roosters, 6c: turkeys, a. 16cf.,dueas- loc; geeas. 9r; apring chickens. t84c. BUTTKK-r'acKlIig'Iujria imvioc; cnoi o to fancy dajry., ilo.-itt, cran'try,. aj44Cjr fancy ptlnts, 26c. ' Jv - r KEeh rKOAiiN FlaH-kTrout, toe; pics erel, 8c; pike, 10c: perch, 7c; bluenah. 12c; whlteflah. lt)c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 20c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bull heads, lie: catfish. 140; black bass. 20c; halllbut, lftc; trapples. 12c; ro shad: 31; buffalo. 7c; white , bass., 11c; frog legs, per doi., 26c. BRAN Per ton, $16. HAY Prices quoted bf Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $7.00; No. J. $4.60; medium. $.0o; coarse, $6.60. Rye straw, $5.CO. These prices are for hay or good color and quantity. OYSTERS -New Tork counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per cen, 87c; standards, per can. 32c; hulk, standards, per gal., ii.xo; bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.75; bulk. New York counts, per gal., $2.00. TROPICAL FF.C1TS. ORANGES Florida, alt's 120. 156. 17. 200. 216 and 250, $3.2633 50; California nave.,, al! sixes, $3.60. LEMONS California fancy, s.c t"i ano 560. 85 00; choice, $4.50. DATES Per box of so-iD. PKg.. 3.w; Hallowl, In 70-lb. box. per lb., 64?6e. FIQ8 California, per jo-lb. carton, isrp 860: Imported Smyrna. 4-rrown. 124c; 6- crown, 14c; T-crown. loo: rancy impnriea, washed. In 1-lb. pkgr.. 16Q18c: California, per case of thirty-six pkgs.. $!.! BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2.00 (82.50: Jnmhn. $2.75Jr8.DO. GRAPE FRCIT Per box, $5.O05.50. TANOe.hltl !. .na. $3.09: per half-box. $2.59. - - FRUITS, APPLES Home grown Junatlmn, per bbl.. $4.00; Ben Davie. New York Tal. man and Pound nee:s. tw.ou; !ew yo. King. M.OO; New York PIpDln. 82 7".; New York O'ccninn. f;nffifO(i-. ...... ((.),t. rlns. $2.502.75; Colorado Jona'nans 81. B0 nd Wine Sap, per bu. box. $1.40. PEAKH Utah, t'oimadi, no California, fall varieties, per oox. II . 52.25. GRAPEb imported Maingaa, per Keg, $CO0S)6(lp. .... .. .... CHANBUKKIiiB-wi'ronmn ueu ana Bugle, per bbl.. $8.50(p9.00: Wisconsin Bell and Cherry ana jersey, per 001., s.uu; per box, $2 65. VEOKTABLK5. POTATOES New home grown, In sacks, per bu.. 4ic. TURNIPS-Per bu., 50tf; Canda ruta bagas, per lh, lc. NAVY weiA.-NB r-er ou.. i.i.ui. ONIONS Home-grown, In sacks, per bu.. o(3,75c: Soanlsh. per cfate, $1.90. CAl'LIFLOWER fer PDl.. 4.Wlf(X4.Btl. CCCCMBKRS Per cae of 2 do.. $1.75. TOMATOES California, per 4-baket crate, $2.00. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 Ihl., 700, SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per bu. basket. (Oc; llllnola klln-drled, per bbl.. $2 76. t . (3KEF.N J'ltr'r'KKS rr DU. -LBSget, ooc. SOUA8H Home-grown, ner doi.. 6O0. CELERY Per doi.. 2ifl50c; California, 4oC RADISH EH rer UOX.. r:e. I.ETTCCE Hot houe. per bbl., $7.50. SHALLOTS Per doi.. 75c MISCELLANEOUS. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. IT50. , C I Dr. R New xork, per doi, 80.Z&: per 4 bbl.. 88.26. CHEESE W econaln twina. full cream. 124c; Wisconsin Young America, lie; block Swiss, new. 15c; old, lirl7o; Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wiaconaln llmburger, I Jo. NUTS Walnuta, No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; no. 1 ton sneii, per 10., xtr; iso.' z nard hall, per lb. 12c; peoan. large, per lb.. 12c: small, per lb., ioc; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., lc; Ch.ll walnut, per lb., 2rl34c; almonds, soft ahell, per lb., 17c; hard ahell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts. per lb, 124150: new black walnut, per ill..- 7590c; ahellbark hickory null, per bu., 1X75; large hickory nuta. per bu.. fl JO. HIDES No. 1 gTeen. 7c: No. I green. c: No. 1 aalted. f4c; No. ! ashed. 7&c: No. 1 veal calf, lc; No 1 veal calf. 7c; dry aalted. lOicllc; ahaep pa'ta, 25c4j41.00; horse hldea, lllotj$.00. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 21 METALS Tha London tin market cabled a alight decline, with apot closing at 132 10a and futures at .UKoe. Locally prices were without ma terial change on the average, though out side notation were ehaded. Spot la now quoted at $2.00uJ.174. Copper also was lower In the English market, with apot ? noted at o and future at u(7s6d. -ocally the market wa steady at recent prices. Ijike held at $14.77401B.1.'4, elec trolytic at H4-60l6 0o and raaiing at $14 6sf 14.71. Lead wa unchanged ac $4 2i)t4.7t in the local market and al 13 In London. Spelter closed at 25 6s In Londjia, The local market alo show flrmne around $5.76u6.6 for atait. Iron closed 'at 62s 9d tn Glasgow and at 4ti 3d In Middlraborough. Locally Iron waa firmer; -No. 2 foundry northern, No. 1 southern and No. 1 south ern soft are quoted at 818 76H17.26; No I foundry northern. Il.264 18.75 ST. LOUIS. Nov 2I.-METAL8-Ia quiet at $4.3tj.5o. Spotter, higher At Uii. XOVEMHEI. 2.1. 1904. IMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET With Exception f Beit Oornfedt, CU) Were Very 81ow tnd Ltjwer. HOGS BROKE FIVE TO TEN CENTS Mat Maay Fat fcera "ale and Dealrakle aad Lambs m nraee Akoat teady. Active While Feeders Were and Little Stronger. SOCTH OMAHA. Nov. 22. If04. RscSlnt were Catt . .. ,94o ... 1. Mi Hog. Sheep. 4,14 U.ow ,oV Official Monday Official luesoay Two day this week.. .17.145 17.5S8 1,4) Same days last Week. . ..18.180 16. 08 U.IA Same week before 7.7S4 15.144 Same three weks ago...12.4 I.Mi 85.4il Same four week ago... .17.t 9 7 lt,l Same day last year 1S.2"8 lb.04W 20.uM RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table thowa the rece.p of cattle, hog and sheep at Snutk Omaha, with comparison with last year; ... 1904. 190a InS. DrC. 853 819 977.124 . ... 12a.M t iMhH l,9tJ9.a7 54 412 Bn'-ip 1,840.792 l.;6.K80 34.484 The following table hna tne aversg ? ?' Jho South Omaha for the laat everal days with comparisons: Date. I 1904. 19oT 11902. 11901. lSob'.utt. UM- Not. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nor, Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1.. o 4... S... ... .. 8... I. .. 1... II. .. 12... 1$... 14... 15... 1... II... 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 8441 I 66 I TJI 4 ill 4 1 $ SI 4 Hi, 4 99i 7i 4 tNI 4 84 4 8t4 4 I7 4 51 4 Ki , 4 7 I 4 4 IHTi 4 71, ( 51, 4 Ml 4 04 1831 I 1 vl: 0 .11 711 4 6 4 TJl 6 m 6 71 4 841 4 01 4 0, 4 88 I 4 7' 8 86 8 88 4 7 4 02 I 871 4 711 4 (31 t jj I 6 .' 441 85 26 1 ., 44l 4 o 4 I 74 4 f 4 08 I 4 4 74 4 03 I 47 73 I 4 0i I 43 m 4 94i III 69 4 74 I 941 I O 4 tt II II 41 4 D.V 89 4 8(141 a 94 4 64 4 671 S 71 2N1 43Si t M 6 6:1 4 82 I to I 91 4 61 4 11 4 664 4 634 4 5 4 4t 4 39 4 46 I t 4 4 90! I S4 I & 8 41: 1 4 b:. 8 .i 8 on SI 6 63 I 86 I 35 6 29 6 S3! 4 78; I i IT) 5 28, a 4 '.o 3 r8 K 2t' S 8I1 4 7- 2 H 8 81 6 28! 6 75) 4 76 3 8i 1 37 4 574 4 514: 4 4J 4 44 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Ca t tie. Hogs. Sh p.H ses. . 10 52 C M. A Walrash St. P. Ry. ,. 1 .. I .. 88 1 i8 ij .; 22 15 12 15 1 1 5 18 1 5 3 ITS 15 "I Mo. Incllc Rv. I'. P. System... C. F. C. B. A M w r 14 it K. M. V.'r R5:: Ht. P., M. & ft M. Ry 119 B. & O. Rv 5 C, R. I. A P., east.. .1 C, R. I. A p., wewt.. 1 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Gt. West.... 3 Total receipts 27S The disposition of the day s iscelpte was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa inaicateu Buyers. Cattle. ...1.022 ...1.63tf ...1.487 Hoi ogs. 1,347 1.848 2.147 1.87H I.6118 2,4nl Sheep. Ml .97 l,4t4 rtdj Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour Co Cudahy Pack. Co., Boo Cy Armour A Co., Sioux Cy Van Sant A Co Carey A Benton I.ohman A Co McCreary A Clark W. L. Stephen Hill A Huntxlnger Hunt on A Co Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Hues Wolf A Murnan Mike ILaggerty J. R. Root A Co Bulla A Kline 9ti 179 4 853 2KH 2", 9 11 93 . 11 . 104 3s 101 42 7 13 l'.OM S. A 8. Other buyera Total 7.670 11.611 CATTI-E Tf.ere were entltely too many cattle In aigiu this morning, there 11,000 In Chicago, gl.OOu In Kansas city ana 6,700 at this point. The same as mentioned yesterday, tne demand for killers is rather limited thl week, owing to the Increased conumptlon of poultry, and as a result packers wero very bearish and the market alow. There were a few bunch of comfed steers tit the "Vafda thl morViIng" and some of them were of good quality, as high as $5.80 being paid. The- market couid be quoted about steady on th better grade of cornfeds, but on shortfed and warmed up cattle trading was slow with prices un evenly lower. The market on western range beef steers was extremely dull and, In fact, the morn ing was well advanced before any business was transacted. As compared with yes terday, the market was fully a dime lower, which makes the market for the two days this week 10c to 20c lower, and In extreme cases as much as 26e lower. The less de sirable grades suffered the most, aa the bulk of the offerings consisted of common to fair cattle. The cow market was also slow and fully a dime lower than yesterday. Buyers did not seem to care whether they got many fresh supplies or not and consequently their bids were very low In most cases and It waa late before many cattle changed hands. As compared with the close of laat week the market can Safely be quoted from 10c to 26c lower. Bulls, veal calves and stags were all slow and a little lower than yesterday. There was very little demand for storkers and feeders this morning at prices ranging fully a dime lower. Some of the choicer bunches sold without a great deal of trouble, but the big bulk of the offerings was very slow sale and unevenly lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ma A. It- No. A. r. ( 1M1 I AA IC 1414 I 10 STEERS AND COWS. tJ M7 I 20 COWS. II : 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 t 3 1 . . Ml .. 740 .. 7W .. III .. 720 .. 140 ... Mi .. 167 .. 414 .. 412 .1120 .. 676 ..into 1 86 I 00 I 00 t 00 1 00 t :s i 24 I 40 4.... 10.... I.... 2.... 11 ... 14.... 1.... ..1041 .. 471 ..1144 .. 410 ..lot: ..1014 .. 44,) I 41 I 40 I 40 t 10 I 16 I 40 I 40 HEIFERS. I 10 6, I 10 BULLS. I 00 2 170 44 ....107 .... I7u ....1140 I 10 i 4i t 10 I 14 1.. I M .J. CALVEl ES. t... 10... 1... 1... I... I... 164 I6t wo I 00 I 40 ,. 140 I Ml I 44 4 40 4 10 1.... 2 I.... 400 124 tlO 440 BTOCKERS 742 I 40 444 Ml AND 10.. FEEDERS. tn 1 00 441 .... 6fl 9.184 NEBRASKA. 3 36 8 rows 986 1 10 2 86 6 rows 911 1 86 2 10 7 steers.... 931 2 80 2 10 71 feeders.. 159 3 20 2 76 . t 40 1 calf 180 6 00 2 26 1 bull 1090 2.0 2 00 1 90 1 steer 1240 4 f0 1 65 COLORADO. 1 9) 1 bull 167) 2 10 t 26 1 bull 1240 : SO MONTANA. t 40 9 cows 985 2 86 2 90 12 cows 9-17 t 15 3 80 19 steers.... 'it i 40 WYOMING. 1 60 1 feeders. . 750 3 60 8 60 30 feeders.. 7W1 1 15 1 76 11 feeders.. 650 I 44 1 40 2 feeders.. htV) 1 75 1 60 16 feeders.. 930 3 no 11, 4 feeder.. 9H6 t 76 2 to 16 cow t i o 2 0u 7 eters ... 946 I 10 17 feeders. 1 steer.... 7 cows.... 10 cows.... t feeders. . 902 1040 . 70 . 894 . 969 897 28 cows... 1 cow.... 1 cow..., 12 rows... 7 cows... ft rows... 9 cows... 1 stier... 2 steer.. 10 steers.. 1 ateer... 47 steers.. Hi cows... 60 cows... 3 cows... 1 cow.... 14 hulls... 2 bulls... ..1010 . 800 .. 886 .. 818 .. 871 . 943 . M ..l"t5 ..lOoJ .1080 ,.1123 . 9o2 . 824 .1000 . 940 .1261 .1240 h. a Pearson idano. 18 cows 10O4 28 cows 1043 2 90 1 bull 1560 t 10 t 10 I 16 I It i 11 136 i 40 I 16 a 10 2 26 t 80 1 15 I iu i 86 2 bu.l 1346 1 bull 90 1 bull 1730 1 bull 1400 36 feeders., ttl 14 feeders.. 1034 4 cows.. 13 cows.. 1 bull... 13 cows., 14 cows.. 4 steera 992 .. 947 ,.12V0 .. 947 .. 94 .1065 C. C. 1 15 steers.... 9ut Darldaon Idaho. 127 feeders. 929 t feeder.. 148 1 bull 1 bull NW 1 bull 120 t bulla 141? 15 steer... -114 36 atrra....l4 t 40 7 cowa 194 I 40 4 cow 1121 K 90 to 40 w J 26 I 10 i 10 7 cowa 920 It cowa 8t 16 cows tot tt feeders.. Ill 15 Moieomo b. u. 3 86 II feeder. .1084 t 26 IM P. Bovfll S. D. t tt N atera....ll l 1 cow wo 20 feeders.. 1014 M. unyaer a. o. IS S cow 944 t 00 It cows 881 2 15 i 80 1 reader... iw O. K. Howard S. V. 119 steers. . 1027 1 06 C. K. :lowrd fl. D. 81 eieera..-.ki81 8 00 ft stere....l01l r) ateer.. ..I08O 100 J. Teegan S. D. 4 aieera. .J114 I 60 Sol Catron fl. D. 19 steer.. ..1074 1 20 t cow 1063 121 23 teer ... Into I 10 C. Dech Ccilo. 17 feeder.. ? I 2f 1 calf W IN 1 ateer 10M) 1 46 1 ster 90 t 41 1 cow 94U i 16 1 tow ..... 170 I M 10 cow ITI t 86 1 cow 8n0 I 00 1 eew..-1040 tUb 1 ftdf. Nt H . awn J no . 7i t a .827 I V. 1 row . 1 steer.. 1 ? 2 61 40 D. Tt. Mctonld r 10 cowl 8M 100 10 steers .. I cow 940 2 . P. Bonefield . n. KOI I 0 24 steers.. 7 steers.. 14 cows... 1 cow 1 nw.... 1 cow .118 1 ',5 17 cows ... .1131 I It 1 bull F. Pever S. I. . 906 2 86 1 bull.'.... . 90 2 26 1 bull .119 t : 1 stag.... .1030 I 26 . 934 .1470 .1:wo .into .12.40 2 25 2 in 1 75 2 il 2 60 A. W. Bristol Wyo. 17 steer. ..1U8S lot I bull 1470 1 76 78 steers. ...1181 I tjfl .J. M Shavkedt S. D. .1060 tit 21 steers... PU1 . 780 00 t bull Uin . Ill 2 40 U Hakh-8. D. .1178 t 20 H. N. Callander-Wyo. . Ttf t 00- 1 bull 14A1 . too t 60 1 gtag 1620 I cowl... 1 cow ... 14 cows... 24 steer.. II cows... J cows... 1 20 2 15 2 05 t 06 W. C. Cofft-Wvo. 71 cows 1071 1 80 28 cow... I cow. P0 1 60 Chaa. Waegle Wyo. 20 cows 1147 90 18 mixe d I cows... , M I M 1 steer... 1 bull 1700 28 M. Ponlsn Colo 18 feeders.. 884 I it 1 feeder. 109J 2 to .1300 .1020 t 2 60 960 2 7S 132 feeder. 747 I A. t. St reeter Idaho. 24 feederi . 898 IK I steers... .1128 21 feeder.. 121 110 U row. 1076 8 60 3 to 2 70 2 00 Radcllff A Co Idaho. . 7ij 2 SO calve.. 11 cow 6 cow.,.. 311 930 984 J. 2 80 1 bull Taylor Neb. 2 28 4 cow.... 10 row . 6 cow.. Big 22 steers .. 975 .. 848 827 2 oil 2 CO 4 cow. 967 Horn Live Stock Co. Wyo. .1306 4 HOGS There wa a liberal tun cf hga In sight thl morning and consequently th market took another drop. Tne decline here amounted t6 5c to inc. Packer wanted to buy the bulk of their supplies t 14 60 and the choicer loads old Urgely at $4.64, with a few at $l.5,. The common stuff, on the other hand old under $4.6'. Trading wa fairly active at the decline, a Salesmen saw no opportunity of pre venting the break and cut nr.e a rant as possible About the middle of th forenoon the market firmed up a IPtle on the better grade so that the bulk of the hogs sold st $4 60 and M.62H, hut toward the close sfter th more urgent order had been filled the feeling wa .t so good and the late arrival old mostly a dime lower, or at $4 474 and 14.50 a salesmen thought they ought to have the morning price It was a little late before everything wa dis posed of. Representative sale: I cow t steers.. 4 cow. .. No. At. 8a. Pr No. At. 8h. rr II 87 ... I M 4 JH 40 4 M 47 1 4 44 Tt 271 till 4 to rt tt ... 4 4:4 44 ."S88 A 4 40 SI Jt MO 4 I . II t!4 . . 4 40 It J 14 ... 4 l 44 '..Ill 1A 1114 4 40 4 an 11 in 40 lie, its tit IH 4J t ... 4 it 114 tn 4 M 4i I; ... ins 41 nt ... 4 Ml 70 IIT 81) 4 It 4 tl ft 4 4 lft 44 tl 1M 4 lt( r 144 ltO 4 Ml t; JM 120 4 lit II Ill 40 4 to 40 til SI) 4 114 it iti ... 4 10 74 m a I ttva II 144 1:0 4 II 71 Ill to 4 l4 mi ... 4lo 11 :u ... 14 7 til 40 4 10 71 Ill ... 4 St4 II til 40 4 Ml at ITI O0 4 124 I8........SM Ml 4 40 44 144 Ml 4 124 I Ml 1M 4 M II Mil 10 4 114 104 140 4 H 17 tit ... 4 114 I Ill 80 4 Ml 74 120 ... 4 114 48 213 10 4 M) M 14 ... 4 124 40 i; 40 4 40 44 100 0 4 124 i: Ill 140 4 40 T 171 ... 4 614 TO Ml 40 4 40 141 80 4 114 4 1ST 40 4 (0 II ISO 40 4 114 12 27) 140 4 Ml 44 171 ... 4 114 41 .12 Ml 4 IS 44 21 40 4 M4 I: 171 340 4 10 II 24 40 4 114 M l 140 110 Tt Ill ... 4 114 71 ill 10 4 40 II 144 . . 4 114 It Mil 800 4 10 II Kit 40 4 114 44 Ml ... 4 40 44 121 4A 4 (14 II 104 ... 4 40 II 142 10 4 124 14 100 ... 4 40 104 144 10 4 4:4 II 200 80 4 10 43 t44 40 4 124 40 110 40 4 40 71 IM ... 4 124 12 977 124 4 40 HO Ill 120 4 4 14 1ST ... 4 40 It 10 40 4 124 II 941 140 4 80 . 18 212 100 4 IS4 S3 209 40 4 10 49 240 ... 4 114 41 110 240 4 60 71 1st ... 4 124 44 t0 110 4 40 II tt 40 4 124 40 HI 40 4 40 40 241 44 4 124 It IM 140 4 40 71 HI Ml 4 It4 47 IM 4 4 40 71 244 80 4 4S4 l 214 00 4 40 44 241 80 4 41 4 II 120 40 4 40 41 1'.O 40 4 (14 47 101 ... 4 40 St 211 ... 4 S24 14 240 ... 4 40 41 12S 20 4 U 41 101 124 4 10 II ;.'0 ... 4 5 40 210 120 4 40 21 114 ... 4 84 SO 114 440 4 10 41 204 ... 4 61 Tt 141 120 i 10 44 211 ... 4 44 41 244 44 4 10 74 224 ... 4 41 10 170 10 4 10 II tflO 40 4 44 11 111 120 4 40 II 231 40 4 84 44 itl .., 4 40 44 270 10 4 II 40 171 10 4 10 70 244 80 4 II 18 Ill 140 4 4 SHEEP There was a little" better tone to the aheep market today than was noted yesterday, a packers seemed to Uo more anxious for supplies. There were not very many killers In the receipts, so moat or them sold without a great ueal of trouble at Just about steady prices. Soma of the commoner kinds were, of course, neglected to some extent and may have bt-en a trifle weak. Lamb commanded Just about steady prices and as high as $6.66 waa paid for a string of Idaho rangers that averaged seventy pounds. The feeder trade was very brisk and prices If anything a little stronger than yesterday. Anything at all desirable cshanged handa vei, readily and a good clearance wan made. Quotation for gra heep and lambs: Good to choice yearling, $4.5094.76; fair to good yearlings. $4.26(94.50; good to choice wethers, $4.2ofl4.50; fair to good wetheru, $4O04i4.26; good to choice ewes, $4.0011. 26; fair to good ewe. $3.7501.00; good to cnoice lamb. o.5095.90; fair to good lambs. 45 15 6.40; feeder yearlings, $3.7504.25; feeder wethers, 3.604.20; feeder ewe. $9.0iKtr3.60; feeder lamha. 14.25(85.09: Representative aalea: No. Av. 2 Idaho ewea 'M 1 Idaho ewe S74 Wyoming cull ewe 82 2 Wyoming feeder ewes HO 15 Idaho ewes 100 124 Wyoming ewes 89 100 Idaho ewea lort Pr. 1 7i 4 in t 25 3 15 3 26 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 50 4 90 4 90 6 66 5 56 3 55 t 76 4 00 ' 4 00 4 SO 4 30 4 80 4 10 6 30 6 80 6 80 6 65 6 06 1 36 5 60 3 60 8 9G 2 00 4 no 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 1 75 1 76 t 26 1 75 4 00 18 Wyoming wetliera 10s 80 Idaho wethers and yearlings. 10J 148 Wyoming feeder -lambs.. 149 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 468 Idaho lambs 42 Idaho lambs '. 127 Idaho lambs 64 ... 70 .. 70 .. 98 .. 80 .. 98 .. 71 .. 90 .: no .. 78 .. 00 .. 68 .. 66 .. 70 .. 70 !? . . 77 .. XI ..106 28 Ids ho ewes il Idaho ewe. 18 Idaho ewe 2 Idaho aheep and yearlings. Idaho sheep and yearling.. 160 Idaho sheep and yearling.. 11 Idaho yearlings 41 Idaho lambs Ill Idaho lambs 2 Idaho lambs 374 Idaho lamba 26 Idaho lamba 23 Wyoming feeder ewea 4 Wyoming feeder ewes 10 Wyoming cull lambs "20 Nebraska ewe in Wvnmlna cull lambs 47 52 Wvomlnar cull fender lambs. 4 TO Wyoming feeder lamba 64 633 Wyoming feeder lambs 6.1 100 Wyoming feeder lamb 65 188 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 860 Wyoming feeder lambs 66 229 Wyoming feeder lambs........ 64 26 Wyoming cull ewes 8 4 Wyoming cull ewe .6 290 South Dakota feeder ewe.. 92 165 South Dakota ewe...:., 99 244 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 69 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle ateady, Haca Lower, Sheep aad Laaafce ateady ta Higher. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. CATTLE Receipt. 11 000 head; weaterns. 4.000 head: murket ateady; good to prime steers. 15. 8088.15; poor to medium. 13 "36 00; stockers and feeder, $2.Gttf-4.10; cows. 11. 234.60: helfera. ll.PO4-i4.00; canners, tl I6t2.36: bulls. $2.001 4 85; calves. I3.0o4io.6v; western steers, t3.60u HOdS Receipts. 11.000 head; market Sc lower: mixed and butchers. 18.60.26: good to choice hesvy. 14514.70; rough heavy. 14.1674 60; light, t4.464.60; bulk of sales, H6tV94.ot. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22.0OO head; market steady to lower: lamba, weak and loweri good to choice wether, $4sr9 4 93; fair to choice mixed. $3.6084 26 west ern sheep, IS.00ft4.7B; native lamba, 14.16 4 46. " 11 v Kaaaaa Cltg Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nor 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 22.600 head. Including 600 southern; market steady to 15c lower; choice export and drad beef eteera, tt.bOtjtli; fair to food, II 60itf.(rt; weatern fed eteera, 13 tf 60; stockers and feeders, tt.K4p4.lO; south, em ateer. 160ip4.1d', southern cows, 11.60 & native cows, II. 60074.00; native httf erL $2,6044.7$; bulls, 2 0u&50; calves, $1 .60 7t. HOOS-Recflpt. 11.000 bead: market 6 10c lower, but cloned strong: top 14 Irf; bulK or aaiea, H 40HM 76; nvy, packers, t4.66ir4.7t; plga and lights, $3,403 4.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 000 head: market 1016c higher; native lambs, 14; native wether, 14 24 75; native ewea. t4.00ttf4.60; western lamb. HtOfttOO; western yearlings. M.isVotVtt; MI'rn hep, t3.7644J0; stockera and feeder, 1150 04.00. M. Laala Live Stork Market. ST. fiOUIS, Nov. 22. CATTLE Recelpte. 4. (WO head, tncind n 1 009 Txn: mrkt steady; native shipping and exnort steers. tAfxtittt; dressed beef and butch'r ateer, t4.0iKO.0O; steers under l.0 lbs., 13 0"tt).60; Blockers and feeder. 2.3fi(( tt: cows and heifer. $2 16M 25; rsnnr. $1 fjoiil.; bulls, I2.0v4ll.3t; otUvea, I2.00,..7I, Ttxa and Ia- !"T"5""i""""" . !-rTS.Sj dlsn stern, t2fVp4j:,; cow and heifers, li ."fli.l". H.viP-P.rcelpts, 11. ton he; market lower; pigs nd lights. 47-glou. packer. 84 4"?4.tio: butcher and lst heavy. H.oo-ir 4.;o. SHEEP AND LAMB? Receipt. s.VVi head; meikot steadv nitlve M.7Vr M. lamb. 4.504!iS 85: cull and huck. $2 Sow 4.o; tocker. $: Ooeti 'O; Teesm. M.Ow.. St. Jntrph live 9trk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov 22 CATTLE- Re. celpt. J. Ml lnad; markft Mdv: natlt-e. UHli. cows ami helfria, $; Blockers and feeders, t2.5udi3.lo. HOGS-Receipt. 9.761 t.cadj market, loo lower: light. M.l.1.49; medium. and hev, $4 4oM 70. ' PHEEP AND t.AMBSt-Rcc-lptH. 4 1t head: market steady; western In nibs. 18.00. Sloaa lt Lht Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Nov 2?.-(Speclal Tele giam ) CATTLE Recelote. I 2H head; pirkt ateady; beeve. H.ocfl Jo! cos, hull snd mixed. 2.:Mi$ 5u: eiockert and feeders, $3.2043 3.40; calves and )carlrrg. $2 S.vtf 25. ' HOGS Receipts. wW bead; market. tj 1c lower, selling at $l.3Mi4.6o; bulk,' $1 4n 4 44. tork In HUM. rlpal western cities ytterdy were a fol low: : Cottle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 7.?oo 11.5m 8.5i) Sioux city l.a .. t . Kansa Cltv 22 Sam 18.w 8.0 St. lxiul ll.OX" . t..V St Joseph 3.S12 9.751 4.:l Chlc.-igo 11.000 18, not) 22.000 Total 61.712 8 4.771 41.734 Wool Market. BOSTON'. Nov. il.-WOOL Tha wo .1 market hes been more quiet the past week, hut It has lost none of Its strength. Lack of supplies has been I be cause of curtail ment of business. An average estimate Is that there will not be oer iUixiO.iO) 5ound of wool left In dealer stock by 'a nuary 1. a notable decreaer from list year. Territory wool continue active. Pulled woo! arc firmer. Foreign grades are quiet. WiKnstlon: Territory, Idaho, fine. lK4fil9c: heavv fine. 1;il7c: fine me- I dlum. Is4ijl9c: medium. HH22c; lew me I dlum. .'I'm i3c; Wyonurg. fine. 174'184i'S heavy line, lSliio; flue medium. r4914c; medium. 224i'Jc; low medium. ::W4i4-; I'tiili and Nevada, fine, iTftlKc; heavv fine. 15'rt He; fln medium. 174'1Rc: medium, '-"."ft lc; low medium. :-24c; llnkota. fine. Ift)i18c; fine medium. Is4jl9c; medium. HW?r; low medium. 23Jj24c; Montana, fine choice, tl ti2c: fine average, I'XiSv: fine medium choice, 21'dl2c; average. Wi20c; staple, 21 4423c; medium choice, ymbc. LONHON. Nov. 22. The sixth scries of the 1904 wool sale w opened todiy. Tf.f' waa a laic attendance. The nfToilnap num- 1 liered 7.159 hale?, mainly Merino'. Tne c m- petltlon waa active nd price:, li'gher. Sev eral lots of good Uueenaland. New South Wale and South Australia new clip were offered, American paving 1 3d for tha best lota of greasy. Cro-breda were In trong demand. Hllpes and Cape of linn 1 Hope and Na'al snow whites and tenured were 4d higher. Merlnoa were 6 per cent dearer. Medium cross-bred 10 ier cent and coarse grndea 15 per rent above the last serle. Following are the svles: New South Wales. l.Sirt bale; scoured. 114141' Is 94d; gretioiv, 7tj9d. Queensland. l.oro bale; scoured. Is 14dfi:;. Victoria. l.lOj bales: greav, 84jdefl 8,ail. South Austra lia, 1,700 bales; greasy. 64r114d. West Australia, too bale; greasy. 84ui4d. New Zealand. 1,000 bale-: greany. fidftlr id. Cipe of Oond Hope and Natal, 100 bale!'; scoured. 1 4itr In lod. Falkland Islnnds. loo Isle: fTeasy, H4104d. Hrltixh Columbia., l,i0 lales; grraay, H4'(ill(l. ST. UM'IS. Nov. 22WOOI-Stfady to firm; medium gradr. combing and cloth ing, 21tti9c; light fine, lFi224c; heavy fine, UvlSc; tub washed, 2ii4ji 39c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22 COTTON-Spot cloard quiet, 10 point decline; mlddl ng upland. 9.90c; middling gulf, 10.15c;; salfs, 35 bale. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22.-COTTON-Spot, moderate business done; price unchnnged: American middling, 5.28d; sales were .,)) bale, of which 6uo were for ep:culutlon and export snd Included 6,800 American. Re ceipt. 14,300 bale, all American. NEW ORLEANS, NOV. 22. COTTON Quiet: sale, 8.850 bales; ordinary. 13-18?; good ordinary, 84c; low middling, 84c; middling, 9 5-lc; good middling, 94c; mid dling fair. 10c. Receipts, 31,347 balfS; atock, 331.27 bale. ST. LOUI8, Nov. 22. COTTON Quiet ; 4c lower; middling, 94c; aales, 95 bale receipts, 1,100 bale; shipment, 2U bales; stock, 19,892 hales. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 22. SEEtS Clover. Feb-,, ruary. 17.474: March, $7,724. Alslka, prima, $7 80. Timothy, prime, tl.274. Wblikf Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 22.-WHlSKY-Higher distillers' finished goods, on basis of tl 27. CINCINNATI. Nov. 22.-WH18KY-Fln-Ished goods, active at 11,24. REAL ESTATE TRAMbFERs. DEEDS filed for record November 22. a furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam atreet, to The Bee: H. S. Thoma to Mabel K. Spear man, lot t and w4 lot 10. block 1. HaHcaU' sub. In 6-14-13 1 300 H. F. Empkle and wife to Omaha Grain Terminal, lot 8, block 3, poerne k Hoslck's add .' E. Krausnlck and wife to Fred and Anna Grebe, lot 4. Shlnn'a sub of block O. Shlnn's 2d L. M. Coy and wife to O. T. Olson, lot 22, block 3, Bedford Place O. T. Olson and wife to W. C. Krauttr. lot 22, block 3, Bedford Place Ijiurentlne A. L. West to E. Elicna 700 850 30) Edglngton, w4 nw? 26, and se4 ne4 27-15-11 1,000 W. Simon and wife to Mary E. Van Horn, part gov. lot 4. 14-16-13 10 J. H. Levy und wife to D. J. Reid. lot 16, block 9. Summit add 7tK D. J. Reld and wife to Katrine Kremls, aame 1,075 Somerset Trust company to ,1. II. Maark. lot 14, block 2, Plercs'a sub .. - 5(1 W. H. Baxter and wife to Harriet N. Kllpatrlck. lot 2, Alpine Square.... 2,009 Elizabeth Rc'.man and husband to Julia M. Lohleln. lot 2, I re ii flax aub ' 1.200 Bridget O'Connor and bubi)d J- C. Wharton, lots 1. 2. 3, 10, 11 and 12, block 65, Benson l.Ouo Nathan P. Dodge, Jr.. tu J, Kopevky, , lots 26 to 16 Inclusive, Dodge - aV Scott aub of sw4 of se- 8-14-13... 2,500 P. M. Price and wife to Stnri Hell Estate company, lot 10, bloct 4, Almo Plaaa ,. J, Us) A. H. Worthen, Jr.. to W. T. Graham, lota 9 and 10, block 7, Kendull'a add. 4u0 Elisabeth Condon and husband tn W. O'Connell. lots 22, 23 and 24. block 2. 1st add to Oorrlgan Place. .,.'.... 1,000 Rose A. Murray to City of Omaha, part lot I. block 7. Drake's add.... 269 OMAHA duards Uood MAIN OFFICE Go, Fifthand Robert Sit ST. PAIL. MINN. f INCORPORATED!. DEALERS IN Stocks. Grain, Provisions Write for our market latter. Ship Your Grain to Us Best Facllltlea Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns, DILVTH. VIIPEt.. Branch Office, 1 10-1 II Board ef Trad Bids?.. Oaaaka, Heb. Telephoae 8814. 112-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 214. independent Phuno k The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, fb., U. t- tlfxthWf Capital and Surplut. J 1 00,000 BAM SHJtfftV. ra. v Un art MUt. Ca4sitr. 4 flANH T. aAMlLTON. sstt, Caaalar. BsmIt ameat f ok. heiikM, aorsor ttlo, au ji4 lD41vi4u4la a larorakl term a w grl( Baokaaa keuskt a4 aol4. Latiara mi r4lt limit, aaaiiakl ta all aan ! ta vrM. lutenal sJ4 TIbm retll4a a D . OUwUas aaa4a pruB.rtlir 4 MoBeailutlif . w raea4 airm 4.