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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY ItEE: WEDNESDAY. XOVEMTiEU 2. Store Will Be Open Wednesday Evening UAiil 9:00 0 clock! and Will Be Closed All Day Thursday, Thanksgiving. OMAHA WEATHER: WEDNESDAY-FAIR. 8.95 I Thanksgiving Bargains in Dry Goods. CLOAKS AND EVENING WRAPS FOR THANKS GIVING DAY: WEDNESDAY, WE WILL MAKE AN UNUSUAL DISPLAY OF LADIES' J CLOAKS, EVEN ING WRAFS AND MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Ladies' f Cloaks, in black and castors, covert, in tan and olive fancy mixtures, in all shades and combinations. Prices for Wednesday, f 12.50, ?11.90, f 10.90, ? 10.50, f 9.90 and LADIES' EVENING WRAPS Broadcloth, in tan, white, brown and black, broadcloth, fur lined, silk fur lined and broad tail velvet prices for Wednesday . )A $75.00, f 48.00, $37.50, $32.50, $30 and a4JeUU CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CLOAKS ages 6 to 14 yrs., nearly 500 to select from, choice materials, all Z Q C colors, prices, f7.95, $6.93, $.50, $3.95, $4.95, and-JeaJ A Stamp Sensation in Renaissance Table Tops. We hare about 25 dozen fine, hand-made renaissance ta ble tops Just the thing to finish off the Thanksgiving Table. Some are oval, others square. This lot is very cheap at $1.25 or Wednesday, we will 7 sell them at each ejl Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. On sale near our 16th street entrance. There will be but one wagon delivery Thanksgiving morning. Orders for same must be in our hands by 6 p, m. Wednesday Kaufman's Orchestra will play on the new band stand, main floor, from 6j30 to closing time 9j00 Wednesday evening Turkeys, nc Thousands of pounds of TCPKFTS. GEKSE. DITKS snd CHICK KNS di rect from our rountry shippers. All No. 2 Fresh 1 tressed f Tl-. Turkeys 1 iC CHOICK No. 1. extra fancy, 'J'J up to aC Fancy Mock, can't he sold for less. Fresh Knltimore Oysters. T C per solid packed quart ... J DC Donble Stamps (except on above after 6 p. m. Wednesday. FAULTLESS FITTING .sioe. urocery Dept "d fr,h"v'ivt. Twenty (CP") Ureen Trading Stamp with 4bW Capitol Coffee Twpnty ($2nn) Oiwn Trading Stamps with pound Tea Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound candled iel 48c .25c 5.f) lbs new loose California Muscatel Kalslns, pound Thousands of pounds new cleaned Currants, per pound ..8c 10c Ten (tl.00 Green Trading Stamp! with three packages Rennetfe Ofir Capitol Mincemeat Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps 1fr with large Jar Table Syrup IUt Ten ftl.nn) Green Trading Stamps s(lr with six cans Tomatoes vlw Ten (II wi) Green Trading Stamps Cl with six cans Corn Ten i$1.00) Green Trading Stamps with doren large new German lOn -Dill Pickles SUPPLIES-Th- lartest PRICES Ten (11.00) Ureen Trading Stamps flft. with pound New Tork Cheese...... "Ul Ten -(11.00) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Vneeda Rlscult Ten Green Trading- Stamps wit threo. packages Sn )ysterettes .. IOC Ten Green Trading E tamps with rtind can finest Flura OUn Pudding Thirty (J300) Green Trading Stamps en. . with gallon catsup. Olives bottle Pickles, assorted bottle . Worcester Sauce . bottle . Chill Sauce bottle . Snlder's Salnd Dressing Preserves, assorted- Jar. ..9c ..9c 10c Uc .10c wuuliEj ureen oiampt on an grocery Durcnases texcen sv a. a. specials) from 6 to 9 Wednesday evening. i CANDY The stjrie of a "Dorothy Dodd". Shoe means to the foot what a titlt means it confers distinction. MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE TABLE NAPKINS 200 one-half dozen lots of manufacturer's grass bleached, all linen table napkins, these come six napkins in a package, and are worth regularly $2 and $ 2.25 a dozen, t Z on sale at the linen counter G for 75c and 6 for. . UJC Another Lace Collar Sale New patterns of. Point Venice Stock Collars, in white and qream, regular 25c and 35c qualities . 1 A Wednesday- each'. ...... , ' Handkerchiefs. " ":"' ": 100. dozen ladies handkerchiefs, , plain hemstitched, em-' ,'. broidered and kice edges, "all linen," and "fine cambric," regular 10c and 15c qualities,' V , C ' for Wednesday ach ..... Kid Gloves Thanksgiving "sale of kid gloves. Wednesday, We place on sale our entire line of Sita Kid Gloves, a fine make of French pique, never sold any- t( where less than $ 1.50 pair, Wednesday only, at.. IUU Hosiery. 50 dozen fancy hosiery, fine lisle thread, warranted "fast black," in the latest style's of dots, stripes and fancy fig ures and silk embroidery. Values in the lot worth up to 1.00 pair-- . (JA special, at pair-rr Wednesday at. ,'OUC You Want Style If a woman has style, you know it at once. You examine her credentials in your first glance at her shoes. If they are not stylish, she is not. The style of a "Dorothy Do" Shoe is the first thing; that attracts attention. It is unmis takable. But don't take any one's word for this. Try on a pair and see the difference in the ap pearance of your feet. The "Dorothy Dodd" assort ment embraces styles for every kind of service and shapes that accurately fit every kind of feet. We invite your inspection. A largs assortment of novelties Tor Thanksgiving. Baskets and Fancy Boxes, Ci each v Candle 5c filled IVfW Crystallized Dinger, 12iC Crystallized Lemon and 6range, tO)tn . . 12c .12ic 10c 5c fiackagea ., Banks, tin Mint Wafers, packntte Almond Nougat, package Choi-elate Chlpn, package Lemon lrops, pjikage , BKNNETT'8 SrE(MAL. CHOCO LATES, one pontid box Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamp. 25c Fruils, Fruits Everything in Fruits for the Thanksgiving Table. Cranberries, fresh, ripe and right. Apple?, Pears, Plums, Oranges, Banana?, Lemons, NUTS, NUTS, NUTS. Prices lowest in tho city. Doubt Stamps after 6 p. iu. Wednesday. BASEMENT CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Sensational Clothing News . ' .1 .1 n . 3.00 the pif excepting styles motied "Special" $3.50 We are exclusive agents for f 'Dorothy Dodd" Shoes THANKSGIVING CROCKERY Best Iron Stone China Oyster Bowls and C Soup Plates, either one, each ...,C Limit of one dozen to a customer. Plain Thin Lead Blown Table Tumblers, each ..-.. 4 c C&rvinI Sets THI8 IS A COUPON. Double Green Trading Stamps will be given on purchases In Crockery Department on Wednes day, Nov. 23rd, on condition that this coupon Is presented In China Dept. at time of purchase. No other way to get double Stamps. .-' Fine Are polished oil finished Glass Water Bottles C and Glass Pitchers at 60o, 48c, 38c, 33c and DC Fifty ($5.00) Little Green Stickers. NOTE Coupon does not apply to above item. All purchases to get extra stamps must be made In store. Not r'ven on mail, telephone or any C. O. D. order. Common Plain Sherbet or Punch Glasses f r per dozen... ....ODC Plain Gl ass Footed Wines e per dozen UC One dozen to a customer. All items in Sunday Ad food until Thanksgiving. St& Handles, Ivory Handles, Antique Handles. Pearl Handles. Extra. Fine Qualities of Blade and Finish. Guaranteed Goods. Prices $7.00 down to i)ouble Green Trading Stamps Wednesday. ROASTING PANS, DRIP PANS, IRON BOIL ING KETTLES. Varieties big as a Jobber's Stock. .' Double Green Trading Stampon all such Wednesday.' CHAFING DISHES an immense shipment. . Baker's 5:00 o'clock Teas. Towel Racks, Bath Sprays. The Seamless Savory Roaster, the iieal 20th Century, artiole, save time, worry and money 1 HQ Wed nesday's price i 1 U O , Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Double Oreen Trading Stamps on Every Other Thing la Hardware and Cutlery after 6:00 P. fl. Wednesday. HIRSH-WICK8IURI2 & CO.. Chicago the great manufacturing tailors, scild us heir entire Kurplus stock of Men's Winter Stilts and Overconts nt t cents tin the dollar of actual coat to mnke. Hirsh-Vi It- wire A Co. sacrificed their profits on all of these fine Winter Suits and Overcoats because they were anxious to devote their utult vlJed attention to making up clothes for Spring trade. THKSK PRICKS ARK SO LOW THAT NONK Wll.T, PK DEBARRED. IN FACT WH MADK THIS PURCHASE TO BE IN A POSITION TO SELL. WINTER SLITS AND OVERCOATS OK A SUPERIOR OCAMTY AT PRICES LOWER THAN WE EVER QUOTED KEFORB. WE HAVE DIVIDED THIS PURCHASE INTO EIGHT LO'iS AND DECIDED UPON THE LOW PRICES ATTACHED. Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats Usual Factory Price W.50 . Usual Retail Trice $10.00 Our Price $6 50 LOT 1 This lot consists of Men's Suits and Overcoats, made of Cheviots, Tweeds. Homenpuns, in all the new mixtures, Including fancy brown, etc. These coats are oingle and double Drexsted and each la perfectly tailored. Sizes to fit all men ' from 33 to 44 chest measure. Men's Winter Suits Urual Factory Price $10.00 Usual Retail Trice $14.00 Our Price $8.50 LOT 3 This lot consists of Men's Suits, made of high grade Black Clay, heavy Blue Serge, fancy Worsted, mixed Cheviots, fancy Tweeds and Black Thlhets, In a variety of pleasing colors, stripes, checks, plaids, overplalda, pepper-salt plain effects. The coats are single and double breasted, and the sizes from 34 to 4B chest measure ment. Men's Winter Suits Usual Factory Trice $12.00 Usual Retail Price $16 00 Our Price $10.00 LOT 3 Men's Suits, made of such materials as tine merchant tailors use the very finest of Silk Worsteds, Cheviots and Cnsslmeres, also plain Black Thibet. They are all hand-made garments and lined throughout in very fine Princess Serges. Jn.m's Winter Overcoats Usual Factory Price $11.00 Our Price $9.50 Usual Retail Price $15.00 LOT 4 This lot consists of Men's Winter Overcoats, made of all wool Irish Frieze with silk velvet hand-felled collars, hand-padded shoulders, Princess Serge Lining in the- body of the coat, satin lining m the sleeves.- Thesu coats ure even assorted in colors and styles, double breasted, belt, plain and fancy Scotch effects. They are cut" '' 44, 60 and 54 inches long. All sizes, 34 to 40, with plenty of large sizes. Young Men's Suits Usual Factory Price $7.50 Usual Retail Price $10.00 Our Price $5.00 IX5T 6 Toung Men's Suits, made of such fabrics as are designed In patterns and colorings that young men are likely to fancy. Cheviots and Tweeds In large variety. Sizes from 15 to 20 years, or 30 to 36 chest. . Young Men's Suits and Overcoats Usual Factory Price $10.00 Usual Retail Price $14 00 Our Price $8.50 LOT 6 This lot consists of all the latest fabrics and styles Overcoats, young men's Tourist Coats made of fancy fabrics, cut very long, broad aliouldcrs, belted backs. They are the nobbiest and very latest coat for young men from 15 to 20 years. A WATCH WITH THESE Usual Factory Price $3.00 Boys' Top Reefers Our Price $3.95 Usual Retail Price $7.50 Made up In style and comfort, out of ends of the finest clothe because there was not enough cloth to make a man's coat. Sizes 3 to 16 years. Boys' and Children's Suits Usual Factory Price $7.50 . A ' -Usual Retail Price $10.00 Our Price $4.95 Mother guardians, gift givers or those in nedd of a stilt don't overlook this grand selection of styles sample suits designed for style and durability. Nothing better In Omaha no matter what price you have seen them at our word for It. SJzea 1 1 to 16 years. A WATCH WITH THESE. ITIiird Day, f ednesday, of Grand Fall Chinaivare Opening Everybody Delighted Vith It! Compliments for Us! Bargains for You! SECOND FLOOR LAST OF ; PRACTICE IS OVER Bocth'1 Men Will Best Until They Meet Dlinoii Thanksgiving Daj. ILLINOIS STRONGER. THAN LAST -YEAR Urikukiti Wl( Beds Good Coodl tloa sal Playing- oa Their Own Croud Should Win the UMaae. LINCOLN. .Nov. S2.-lSpeclul)-Booth' Cornhuakare, although bending every en ergy toward preparing themselves for tbe coml&gh of Illinois on Thanksgiving day, have seen their last of scrimmage practice for the season.' The scrubs opposed the 'varsity Monday afternoon In a splrftef stunt of twenty minutes' scrimmage, alter I which ,th second team was lined up in the j mlddje ot the gridiron end dlBmlad( for j the year. llooth assured the scruDa that their services were appreciated and the 'varsity players voiced their approval by letting loose a vigorous yell. Bender, who Is pluylng his last year oh the . Cornhuskar eleven end Is generally considered to be the most brilliant grid Iron performer ever developed at Nebraska university, was not permitted to play bust Saturday against Bellevu'e. Booth pre TCUH gONEY BACK. Colder. Headaches . and La Grippe Stopped, end your drage-Ut guarantiee (u It Hulls he wul muruou your aiuuajr. BROMO-LM "Contains No Quinine.' ' . NeCaloater. HeOslstee. wnokadffMl.batltluithork. Tor basltutUutlaUijnwss t Broeso-Lax (OooUlee No Quinine).. eUARANTCCOjlNO FOR SALE BY eaaaaa ghenaaa MrCennetl Drug co., oor. Uth and bvdge streets, Omaha. ferred to give the speedy little Dutchman a restt and the vacation seems to have done him no end of good, for his work In the final practice was sensational In . the ex treme. Booth began the practice by try ing Bender out as a place kicker, and a balf dozen trials from the thirty and thirty, five-yard lines netted a, goal in every ef fort but one. Later a punting duel was inaugurated, and Captain Benedict's boot was In splendid working order, proving that he has recovered entirely from the in juries he sustained tn the Iowa game two weeks ago. Meanwhile Bender was pull, lng off some phenomenal stunts In return ing the ball, and on three 'successive kicks by the scrubs Bender' circled their ends, dodging tacklers or hurdling others, and ran down the fleld for as many touchdowns. Waller Has Recovered. N After the scrimmage work Booth sent the first team through a long signal practice, the team showing fine speed and running the plays with better dash than they have shown any time this year.- Weller, the smashing halfback, on whom Booth Is de pending to tear through the . Illinois fine, ' has recovered from the Injury that has kept him Out of the game for two weeks and It Is now a certainty. that. he .will be In the back fleld Thursday, where Booth expects him to be a material factor. The Illinois team that comes to Lincoln Thanksgiving day will be a much more formidable aggregation than the one of a year ago, while the present bunoh of Corn biskers'ls scarcely the equal of the team of 1903. Nebraska won handily last sea son, but the dope of the - teams pluces them practically on a level for the present year, and there le every reason to believe it will be almost a tossup as to which Is to claim the honors on Turkey, day. Booth admits that Illinois has as much of a license to win a has Nebraska, but he Is sanguine of success, for the reason that Nebraska Is playing at home,, en admitted advantage, and because all signs point' to. the Nebraska eleven being In the pink Of physical condition. To these two phases he looks for a. victory. Nebraska Is still a favorlfe in the betting, not that the back er of the . Corah uskers ere offering odds, but that they are out in the open wlt,h offers to place large sums 'of .coin, and as yet tbera Is none In sight te take the-Illinois end of the preposition. ' t , Interest out' la the slate is keyed at a high pitch. The railroads have all offered reduced rates, and the large number of ap plications coming for seats from outside of Lincoln points to the greatest attendance In the history of Nebraska field. New stands are being erected and a crowd of ,000 to 10,000 is expected by. the manage ment. The selection-ot officials has been satis factorily arranged by the announcement that Ralph Hoagland of Chicago will serve as referea, while Coach McCarnak. of Northwestern university will officiate as umpire. 8. L. Mains, a Doane college foot ball veteran, who acted as head linesman in the Illinois-Nebraska game a year ago, will serve in a similar capacity next Thursday. CREIGHTOH READY FOR THE L4SEIP Last Icrlamsis Practice Indulged by (he Team Last Sight. Crehyhton Indulged In her last sorim mag praction last night, and with the ex ception of light signal practice today the work of rounding up the team for thWr final struggle Is over. Coach Williams put the men through a whirlwind signal drill, after which he pitted them against U M-rubs for twenty min utes of neroe scrimmage practice. The showing was very gratifying to the conch, who expressed himself as highly satisfied In every way. The team showed a snappl neea that has not been equaled during the whole season, and all apprehension or stateness from their two we-ik of Inactivity was dispelled. The close of the scrimmage work marked the last appearance of the scrubs this season, and .Coach Williams expressed his gratitude, as did also Cap tain Callahan In behalf qf the team for the efficient service they have rendered In building op the team, and na they trotted to the gymnasium to doff their suits' for the fast time the followers of the blue and White who lined the field to watch the final work of preparation gave vent to their appreciation in a very marked manner. After the departure of the scrubs the team indulged In thirty minutes' prac tice in some new formations which are Intended to confound the pedagogues from the neighboring state. Captain Callahan, the fleetest quarter back on the western gridiron, is again In perfect trim, and under his leadership the team work; has attained that wonderful sueed and accuracy wblrh Is always no ticeble when he Is In the game, hivery man la in superb condition, and with Its heuvy Una and siieedy backs Ctv-lghton a 111 play the greatext game . of lie mhkii Thursday afterniMin. i Manager Piixgilibons anticipates iteo-cl breaking crowd on Thanksgiving day i n ! la well pleased with the widespread Irue. ja'that Is lelng taken in the game. Th field is n tiptop shape and la roped' oft, la order to lusure tbe gladiators against encroachment on the domain which they may Justly consider as their own. tallyho parties have been organized, and Omaha's feminine enthusiasts will be out In force. The men from the Iowa Stato Normal will arrive tonight and from all reports are In the pink of condition. With several mun on the team who have made their itosltlona on the All-lowa elevon, they present one of the fiercest proposllionH C'reighton has had to tackle this year, and tho boys on the hill will have to exert themselves If thev wish to finish the sea son with but a single defeat York Drfeats Geneva. YORK. Neb Nov. 22. (Special.) The foot bull gamo between the Geneva High school team and a mixed team from the York Hltth school was hotly contested In two twentv-mlnute halves, resulting In a score of 18 to e Jn favor of the York boys. Once In the game only Geneva had the ball within a yard of the York goal. Then York braced and secured the ball. That was the only time that York's Kial was In danger. There was no punting and all gains were made hy straight foot ball. The game was free from rough work and no quibbling about decisions except once wnen a touennown was made oy lurH and the referee took the ball and laid It on the around deurlvlne York of the rluht to attempt to kick goal, which mUht have aauta another score to rorKi credit. , The Vital Question Most Names by Which Diseases Are) ' Kno wo Are Merely Technics! Terms to Distinguish Slight Differences Chronic maladies are due to two conditions: First, to poor blood and disordered circulation; second, to a lack of nepoua force and unequal dis tribution of it- In other words, we may look: to the blood and nerves for most of the lingering Ills that weaken, plague or wreck human kind. This explains why Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve FooJ cures so many diseases that bear distinctive names. It puts the blood and nerves right, and through them the whole gystem comes right This concentrated Food is a blood builder, which so improves the vital fluid that It thoroughly nour ishes every part of the body. . It is also a powerful rltallzer, that gives' an abundant store of energy to the nerve centers, which is distributed to every part, according to its needs. Plica DO cents, Ave boxes, enough to give It a fair trial, f 2.00. Weigh your elt before taking it. Book free. f'f'l aad aearanteed hy Myere-DIN loa L.-B Ce., Ossaha, es EVENTS Oy THIS RINMSO TRACKS The Southerner Wins the Dixie Stakes . at Beniilnars. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. -The Dixie stakes were won by the Southerner, with Odom up, at the Uennings track today. It was a three-horse event, In which one of them, Andrew Mack, never once seri ously figured. Ostrich took the lead at the outset and held it until well in the stretch, where the Southerner, the 3 to 5 favorite, who had kept close to Ostrich throughout, wrested the victory by a half length. Masaa, at one time 40 to 1, and whosa odds at the close were 20 to 1, was the surprise of the day. winning from the favorite. Two favorites were among the six winners. There was a light rain, the crowd was fair and the track slow. Re sults: First race, six and a half furlongs: Handy Lad (4 to 1 won. Arsenal second, Alforten third. Time: 1:23. Second race,-, five furlongs. Massa (20 to 1) won, Critical second, IJttle Buttercup third. Time: 1:02. Third race, running of the Junior steeplechase for l-years-old, about three miles: Sunshine After Bain S to 1) won, Vestment (1 to 2) second, Knight. of Oet away third. Time: 4:i4. . Fourth race, the Dixie, mile and three. auarters: The Southerner, (3 to 6) won, strlch second, Andrew Mack third. Time: Fifth race, Columbia course: lerdsome (7 to 2) won. von Kosen second, Tom Law son third. Time: 1:134. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, old course: Panlque (8 to 6i won, Silverfoot Second. Ivoid Alntree third. Time: 1;44. NASHVILLE. Nov. 23. Results at Cum berland Park: First race mile and a sixteenth, Jordan 41 to 1) won, Santa Teresa second, Ham Craig third. Time: 1:62V Second raoe, five furlongs: The Gleam (I to i won. Shock the Talent second, Kesterling third. Time: 1:03'. Third race, steeplechase, short course: ChauUy tlit to 1 won. Cardigan second, Buhwarswald third. Time: :i9. Fourth raoe, six furlongs: Chambloe (12 to 6) won, Laura Hunter second, Ida Davis third Time: 1:16. fifth raoe, si furlongs: Dameron (1 to ) wnmi, Annie Chapman second, Gaaooane third. rtrae:l:Ue gixth race, mile, stlllcg; LUa Noel (30 to 1) won, Mildred I second. Belle Dodaon third. Time: 1:45V SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 22. Oakland re sults: First race, seven furlongs, Flaneur (6 to 2) won, Meisterslnger Second, Feniance third. Time: 1:28V4- . .. Second race, five furlongs: Smithy Kane (8 to 6) won, l'halanx Fecund, Golden Ruck third. Time: l:ul. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Carro Santa (6 to 1) won, H. L. Frank second. Redan third. Time: 1:071. Fourth race, one mile: Ripper (3 to 1) won, Hindoo Princess second, Silurian third. Time: 1:41V Fifth race, seven furlongs: Romanne (even) won, Sol Llchensteln second. El Plleto third. Time: 1:27V4. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: El liott (even) won, Telephone second, Grafter third. Time: 1:46. WITH THK BOWLERS. On the Omaha Bowling association alleys last evening the Onlniods won two games of the three played with the Union Slock Yards. The Onlmods were in fine form and bowled the high single and high three games so far during the league season of LiG4. Score: ONIMOD8. 1st. Chandler Tracy .., GJerdle .. Jones .... Sprague . 1K2 220 222 1S5 162 2d. 211 168 2o4 2' 235 3d. Totnl. 2H 6. '7 217 r:o 219 H4" 2o3 b'M 23ii Ki3 Horton, Mollenhnticr. rt;irch:tnf. Westfa'l, Jones, Muhan, Duvld.son, CoUton, . II. It Whitman. Class 7 (Plus 4-0) Behr, Pell, II. Torrance, Geiihi'guii, Kellcv. Clans 8 (Plus 5-6)-i-1 looker, Dana, Prentice, Bullowuy, Read. Class !) (Plus 15) Q. Deals, Hosklns, Nib s, W. K. Johnaon. Class la (Plus 15 2-6) H. Avery. Following is the ranking for doubles: Class 1 lOwe 3-6) Ward and Wrig'K. Class 2 (Owe 2-(ii Collins and Li Hie, X. D. W'renn and O. L. Wr. nn. Jr. Class 3 (Scratch) I-arned and Dewhurat, Alexander and Hackett. learned and ,(J. l Wrenn, Jr. , . , Clusa 4 (Plus 1-6) Clothier and Dewhurst Clothier and. Leonard, W. F. Allen and' LCl'HS 5 (Plus 2-6) Hjicketl and J. A. Allen, Hackett and Lcroy, Little and Alexnnd'T, Wright and Leonard, Forbes and Flnke, DewhurHt and Bates. Totals 1)71 UNION STOCK 1st. L. J... 1.046 1.079 YARDS. 8,096 2n2 206 1HU 1KD 1H2 2d. ir 233 13a 223 219 3d. Totil. 174 234 W 1M 210 M4 672 4X4 B"l 632 1.008 868 W7 2,43 Schneider, Potter ... Hrunke .. Frisco ... Denman Totals RAKIU OK TEXSI1 PLAYERS floleomb Ward Leads the Singles la Class One. NEW YORK. Nov. id -Tho executive committee, of the l ulled States Lawn Ten nis society tonight made public nf,.re,lf of the ranking for HH. llol.otnb Ward Is ranked as the leading tennis t.layer of J the country for the season and Ward and Reals Wright are the leading doubles The I st of rankings for .male. T Class 1 (Owe 3-6) liolcomb Ward, W. J. Clothier, W. A. learned ...... Class- lV.w? Utile, AClass'4V(s"ratch)-Rell Leonard. Waldner, La-riiv Dewhurat, Beaver. Class (Plus 2-6) Allen, Anderson, Mll Hunt H. Emerson. Class 6 I'lus I-6)-blsgden, Nettleton. C. A. Lyon. Jr.. Holt. U. U. V. Lyon, Foster, Drake's Palmetto Win.. A tonio palmetto medicine that relieves let tnediuiely and siiKO.uiely iiirru every case ot Indigestion, FlmuleDrv, Constipation add Ca tarrh of the Mucous Membram to stay eured. Drake's Pimnto Wine in u specific for Klduev snd Liver Congestion and Inflammation of Bladder. Seventy-five cents st Drug- Stores for a larre bottle, usual dollar size, but a trial bottle will be sent free snd prepaid to every reader of this psper who writes for It. hlmiily send your name srd address by letter or postal card to piuke Formula Company Drake Building, Chicago. Ill, UCqTorJW WnlL uotio NAl iTIrH rer onerrkas, Blest LsuoerrrMsa, f to r rhise, file see All Ushsallliy Stiiral OlcW -W J!P p". No stain. No Stricture. Trcc Syringe. "A Sara PrsvmUv at svtseass " At DrujKUH, or mui to any sddroM ltr S. MatVDQg MFC. CO.. Lancaster. O.. O S A CMICMtlTr,', INHLlfta EHHYROYAL PILL3 -i V OH.I..T mm Only 4.mIu. W9 WW.. la Ht U lt 1I nlWi. J , aVlHsa Ieiva4p M.beillelliw ami llls Ummm. e jHtr Uim 4. IB MsvH K, Petrtll-re. 1 (lay.Jels) "KIUrHr l,Jaa,,r sseeer t rsa irmmmih n,iii iMUDetitu, f ifl ,ieeitneer KNliLllai iswtaj sXM Me, 14 J ! !, saUfuVs "