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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1904)
JO THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, XOVEMDEK 23, 1904. 7 NOTED MEN VISIT THE WEST Jacob F chiff and King Eiwtrd'i Secretary Stop in Omaha. GENERAL WILSON ALSO IN THE PARTY . Jl Deri ln s . B Interviewed, ftnrlnst Their Trip la One of pleaaar and of Ko Slatallcaaee. Jacob Echlff, the directing head of the New tcrk banking hftuse of Kuhn. Lioeb ft Co., Sir Kilward Caxsrll, flnancal sec retary to Kirs Edward VII of Kngland, and General Wllaon, retired, United States army, were with the party of Kug.lsh capi talists who arrived In Omaha yesterday In a speclil train running ae the second ae.'tlin of No. t on the Chicago & North western. Mr. Schilt Is the financial power behind the system of railroads and Is tha directing head In other enter prises requiring the Investment of large capital. Blr Edward manages all the finan cial Investment of King Edward, who has considerable money Invested in varloua en-terprl-e.1 In th.s country. The fact that Sir Edward Is with the party has given rise to the rumor that the purpose of the prrsent tr.p Is tha U- at- ment of English capital In largo w e.i 'n entrrrilses. Sir Edward would not discus the purposes of the present trip. He said: "We have made It a strict rule upon the occasion of this trip not to speak for pub lication to the representatives of the press In any of the cities we have had the p ass ure to pai s through. 1 will say the present trip Is largely for pluasure. We shall go to Ban Francisco and from there return to the east by way of New OrUani. We may stop for a few hour a along the way for the pur pose of sightseeing." "Are any financial project under con sideration T" 'There you go. I must decline to an swer. Other than the reasons given I moat decline to discuss." Xone Will Be Interviewed. Other members of tWe party were equally reticent. Mi1. Bchilt said he had no other thought In crossing the continent exoept to enjoy himself. One of the Englishmen In the party who was appealed to said no special significance attached to the trip. "We have nothing 'up our sleeve,' as you express It," he sold. "We are merely look ing over the country." "Is It true your visit to Chicago had lir view the financing of the underground rail road system there?" "I can't say as to that." "Is it a fact that Kuhn, Loeb On. are the financial backers of that enterprise?" "Really I'm not at liberty to talk. I know nothing oC the Chicago tunnels that I am at liberty to talk about." Tho party was met at the depot by A. I Mohler, general manager of the Union Pacific, who will accompany the visitors to the coast; Thomas M. Orr, secretary to general Manager Mohler; John B. Berry, chief engineer; W. A. Deuel, general super intendent, who went a. short distance with the party, and Charles Ware, assistant su perintendent of the Unton Pacific. Upon their arrival the members , of the party were asked to pose for a picture, but this they declined to do, although they had no objection to being photographed In ' haphazard style. The party left In a special train over the Union Pacifio, drawn by one of the great Atlantio types of pas senger engines. These locomotives are cap able of developing a speed of eighty miles an hour and are counterbalanced up to that point They are fitted with the Vanderbllt tank and are the largest type of passenger locomotives In nee. ! The coaches consisted of ooa baggage car and private cars used by officials of the road. These were No. 100, 'C3and '01, be lolngtng to the Union Pacific officials, and Ma 1903 of the Short Line system. fifth. Niv: Albert Wagner. Thirty-fifth an'l (Vntir, girl; Slg. Oohen, l North Twenty fourth. Iioy; friaries Penkr. North Tw-ntv-slxth, boy; Meyer Qren, IflU North Sixteenth, boy; William Williams, 2216 Charles, srlrl. , ,t iH-mlis Mrs. James Roberts, Fortieth nnd Poppleton avenue, M; W. M. Rockwell, Weeping Water, Neb.. 20: Jiimes M;idscn, Twentieth and Martha, tw Wealthy P. Hlaikwell. 3S12 North Twenty-seventh, 1; Paul Blckel. 1S17 Dodge. 47; Carl Meyers, W North Sixteenth. 26. AGAINST BILL OF LADING t oramerrlal Clnn "ends Its Formal rrsteat to Interstate Com merce Commission. The Commercial club has forwarded Its petition to the Interstate Commerce com mission against the proposed uniform bill of lading. In notifying the commission of Its action, the club says: "In transmitting this proposition we desire- to say that we are not doing- It In a perfunctory way. We have fully considered the uniform bill of lading and we are convinced that the adoption of It will work severe hardship upon our members." Under the provisions of this uniform bill of lading the carriers attempt to' escape their common liability. It provides that If shippers desire to hold the railroads re. sponsible for the safety of their property while In transit they will be forced to pay an additional 20 per cent to the present tariff schedule; It requires signature of t shipper to- onerous conditions and com pels shippers and their assigns to assent to all these conditions In writing. More than this. It mokes bills of lading non negotlatble. In the opinion of eminent counsel the shipper for the first time In railroad history Is tendered a legal choice between two rates, and If he ships at his own risk In consideration of the lower rate, that rate Is a legal consideration and the waiver of common law liability and will prevent the shipper from recovering for any loss or damage while his goods are in transit. 1 LIVELY TILT 0N COAL RATES Competition Between Railroads Be comes Sharper and Omaha May Be Greatly Benefited. Coal rates are decidedly warm around Omaha. The various roads hauling coal from Kansas and Missouri mines are get ting together and agents are making visits to Omaha coal dealers In an effort to locate more trade and find out why the Burlington Is doing two-thirds of the bust ness from Missouri, Kansas and even Iowa. The Illinois Central, heretofore in different to the possibilities of Omaha and Nebraska, has come to the front and Is endeavoring to secure from tho Northwest ern the same Joint rate as accorded to the Burlington in order to compete tn North western territory In this state. Bo warm Is the situation that coal dealers expect that the meeting of Tuesday next will produce a restoration of all the old rates and an agreement whereby Omaha will be on the map In equality with other Missouri river cities In the matter of freight rates. It Is also expected that the discussion growing out of coal rates may lead to an equalization of the entire freight rate situa tion with regard to Nebraska in general and Omaha in particular. Mortality Statistic. The following births and deaths have been repented to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births August Nelmeyer, 1907 Martha, boy; Charles Bucher, J15 North Twenty- INTERESTINQ, IF TRUE Yon Can Try It For Tonrnclf and Prove It One grain of the active principle in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 8.00C grains of meat, eggs or other wholesome 'food, and this claim has been proven by actual experiment which anyone can per form for himself In the following manner: Cut hard boiled eggs Into very small pieces, as It would be If masticated, place the egg and two or three of the tablets tn a bottle or Jar containing warm water heated to M degrees (the temperature of the body) and keep it at this temperature for three and one-half hours, at the end of which time tho egg will be aa completely dlgeeted as It would have been in the healthy stomach of a hungry boy. The point of this experiment Is that what Btuarfs Iyspeiwla Tablets will do to the egg In the bottle It will do to the egg or meat In the stomach, and nothing, else will Vest and Invigorate the stomach so safely and effectually. Even a little child can take Btuurt's Tablets wltlvSH.fety and benefit 11 Its digestion Is weak and the thousands of cures acoomplluhed by their regular dally use are easily explained when It Is under stood that they are composed of vegetabl essences, aseptic , pepsin, diastase and Golden Beal, which mingles with the food and digest it thoroughly, giving the over worked stomach a chune to recuperate. Dieting never cures dyspepsia, neither do pills and cathartic medicines, which simply Irritate and Inflame the lntestlnea , When enough food Is eaten and promptly dlgeated there will be no constipation, nor In fact will there be disease of any kind, because good dlgustlon means good health In every organ. The merit and success of Stuart's Dys pepsia. Tablets are world wide and they are 'sold at the moderate price or CO cts. for full slsed . package In every drug store In the Tnited States and Canada, as well as I In Europe. BIG PLANS F0RA BIG GAME Preparations for Indoor Foot Ball at Auditorium Promise Great In terest In Hovel Affair, Just as soon as the orchestra plays the last waits at the policemen's ball in t'.e Auditorium Wednesday night workmen will begin ge'tlng the arena floor ready for the first Indoor foot ball game In the city and the wrestling match Thanksgiving day. The change will be one of the kind that cause people to wonder how It was done. Several Inches of soil and sawdust will be put on the floor, the same us was done for the horse show. ' The Dodge Light Guards team of Coun cil Bluffs Is pitted against the Omaha Com mercial college In the wrestling match Captain Baehr of the Thurston Rifles and Patrick Cannon will compete for honors. The program will open with the first fall In the wrestling match, followed by the first half of the game, the second fall of the match taking place during the intermis sion and the last after the game, If a third struggle Is necessary. The contest starts at i o'clock. ESTELLE AFTER WARE'S JOB Om Mm Bcmbu Applicant for PooHloa Cvmnta.lomer of Peaaloms at Wnahiagrtosu Judge Lee S. Estelle of the district court Is an applicant for the position of com missioner of pensions, made vacant Janu ary 1 by the resignation of Eugene F. Ware. It la thought the place (Mr. Ware himself being a Kansan) will be Oiled from this section of the United States. "I hadn't Intended to say anything about it for a day or two," said Judge Estelle, "but now that It la oat I will admit I bave thought of the oommisslonershlp. I will have quite a list of signers for my appli cation." "I shall heartily endorse the candidacy of Judge Estelle," said Senator Millard, "If he Is a candidate for the office of commissioner of pensions. J know of none better." Marrlaa-e licenses. The following murriiige licenses were Is sued up to noon November 22: Name and Residence. , Age. Henry F. Cargill. Omaha U Anna Dora, Shatturk. Omaha 30 Louis O. Mehllng. Hooper Neb 22 Nora M. Dray, Houper, Neb 24 William F. Bpauldlng, Greeley, Colo a Gertrude I Caswell, Omaha 22 Eber B. Ramsey, Omaha . 22 Martha La Matte, Omaha 23 John L. Lynch, Omaha Kl Anna Kelly, Omaha 24 Joseph Marvlnec, South Omaha 23 Clara lilenlary. South Omaha 20 Thomas Dalton, South Omaha 31 Ellen Pee, Omaha 7 Harry Connerley. Fremont 22 Mamie Melvtn, Fremont 19 Henry Stanek, South Omaha 82 Verona Uchnuovsky, South Omaha 27 B-JC Wedding Rmga Kdnotm. Jeweler. - I I.l,.l'BE-.aiW.I,illJU.gS'llM..l.l!llllil.l!IIHSM liar ft Children's Coats Stylish and Jaunty The assortment la largei sizes from 6 mo's to 8 year; best cloth -corduroy; rlbellne, velvet, bear skin, crushed velvet, eta, In all the bright colore so popular this fall. Well made, handsomely trimmed, and priced at $3.70 to $ll.BO they cannot help but please you in ' dressiness and value if you take time to look you'll find them right la every details $3.75 to $11.50 MRS. J. BENSON, it sr. wnnpr-Afiv. a i mnnnBflHnnS S 15c Lace I Stock Collars g t ojsc. L rTTItrilmfl 'am ir. fH 'a i . , iii ii ri ii U 11 V 1 UJUrlMg All Silk Strinr Ties 10c Thanksgiving Sales. BIG SPECIALS IN EVERY DEPT. TOMORROW. A great millinery evtnt special for tomorrmc. Hundreds of our prettiest $6 and $8. (in Hits, in both street and trimmed styles, the stunning new turbans, toques, French sail ors, Kapolecms, ttc, made of lace ami jet, maline, fur trimmed, ' tha Ladies $6 and $8.50 Trimmed Hats and t?:!.u!!.2.50 50 rough scratched- felt all the latest and smartest millinery ideas, executed by adept style designers one of the greatest offers we ever mads hundreds have admired and commented upon the window display Your choice. . .. Ostrich Feather. BhA.DeaThH..!y...w.or:h..u.p 98c Ladies' Sample Neckwear 25c . 50c We bought all the sanoles of high clans Silk Neckwear from a renowed New Tsrt- manufacturer these beautiful samples Include all the latest styles of tailor made stocks, Jabos and silk bows, a hundred smart and new styles they are worth from 75c to $1.00 each, special for Wednesday at, each 25c-50c Ladies' Stunning Coats. Waists, etc. Special Offers of Splendid Ap parel in Thanksgiving Wear. I LONO TOURIST COATS made In the very popular English mixtures and plain cloths stitched strap trimmings, every coat well tailored, all the latest style features In the most fashionable coat of the year, at $19.00 down to SHORT BOX COATS In all the correct colors, colors for fall and winter, three eA.ra values . at UM, and STUNNING FUR SCARP-In all the finest furs, Canadian marten, Sable and lasa litlla fox scarfs, single and double, fine opossum scarrs, etc., with long brush tails, cords ornaments, worth $17 at ..... NEW DRESS WAISTS Made of the finest texture, silk and wool newest and most exclusive style features for dress occasion $12.50 to CRKPE DE CHINE DRESSES veiling party dresses and dinner gowns d;;e charming new models, at $29 up to....''' STYLISH GOLF SKIRTS Cor- A QQ rect winter weights, at ...'C 8.98 e correct ter, three 9.98 the finest ind lasa- 9.98 the finest nr, Mna 4.98 B ! Thanksgiving Table Damask Special C J 1. J J 1 1 it jiAiiii u u auu ueavy mercerizou tauio uauiaeK ueauu f ully finished they come in mill ends to of li to 5 yard lengths, actually worth m " up to 75c, on big bargain square Wed- nesuay, ai, yam Extraordinary Ribbon Sale Blr Sale of Rib bon, 10c&15cYd 1 O tailor knows enough sJbel kawiang fan to nuke a fur-lined coat at k should be made. No furrier eaa b aa expert tailor. Bat combine the two and you have a coat lined with fur, that for appearance and fit would sake the sspotanoa of a mart tailor. "J hat's just what we have done. The result is a perfect fittinf coat, one that cms not bind, with a full sweep that Bake tt comfortable for walking and drhing, A popular Cordoa Fur-baed Cost, is one made from fine quaBtr Black Kensr, boed with Brawn Msskrat, collar of F me Dark Unplucked Otter. POCS-4&5.00. Mads a lew as $35.00 and as loyb at $ 300.00. GORDON & FERGUSON, St Paul, Minn. Estebbhed 1071 Those soft and dreamy eyea will sparkle with the true love-light when occo Chocolates are presented. Dainty boxes, deli cate flavors, soft and creamy cen ters art nre winners, racked zrJl sealed in our spotless candy factory, Sold Everywhere la 1 0c, 50c and 60c Boxes. Omaha Candy Co. Km The Day and the Dinner Tf you want to have a pleasant Thanks, giving- day you should purchase your eat ables for the Dinner from us. Everything of first qunllty, fresh and clean. We advise early buying. Thesef Matchless Values and More Come and See. RAISINS Fine new Muscatels. Od.r cheap at 10c lb.. 4 for OtvIVBS ixirge fancy Queen, worth IC, 6(o qt.. per qt UtJW Nl'TS All new and fresh mixed, ( per lb 14w SEKDED RAISINS Choicest new, OE i pkga for ,...CJw CRANBERRIES Beat quality, per qt CIDER Sweet, sparkling, per gnl G RAPES Fnncy Malaga, per lb 1 FIGS Choicest white California, worth 2c, per pkg MAPI.E 8TRUP 25o bottles, absolutely pure, for SPRINa CHICKENS per lb UMH LEGS per lb 10c .....30c ....17c 11c 20c lie 10c Tl'RKEYS, DUCKS AND QEESH at low est prices. , FRUIT CAKE Finest quality, flnn worth 6nc lb., per lb OUC LAYER CAKES-3 layer white, on. all kinds, each uUC 5c BRKAD The best loa In Omaha for , EXTRA FINE FRESH TOMATOES FINEST CRISP CELERY, RADISHES, FRESH FLOWERS, FANCY EATING AP PLES and every .hlaT for the Dinner at prices wmcn you cannjt duplicate else' wncro. Johnson & Goodlett Co., SCIk aai Lake ate. Phenee 1B7 sal 4T4S. LADIES' 75C Quality Ribbed Vests and pants on sale - TUB RKMABI.K ITOHK. CMLDREHS FLEECE LINED Vests and Pants, 3c to 50c val. ues, Wed- -iQf nesday. Boys' and Children's Clothing Specials $3.50 to $5.00 Boys' Suits $2.50 and $5.50 Tou choice of a magnificent line. Including sailer and Rii!rtan blouse, Eton Russian. Eton Sailor, Norfolks and three-plrce styles, built not only for style, hut service; many of the pants having double seats and knees your choice) Wednesday at our special ' sale price-each 2.50-3.50 r.OTS" OVERCOATS In nearly ever conceivable tnr ment, carefully tailored, well lined and neatly trimmed. You have here the largest and moat com-' plete line In the city, our special prices 'Wednesday are $5 00, $3 60 and TOUTH8" LONO PANTS SUITS Single and breasted. In fancy mixed and plain colors, extra special value i 90. bu anu m TOUTH8' OVERCOATS In fancy brown and gray mix tures, Oxford grays and plain blacks, all lengths, with or without belt, at $10. $7.60, $6.50 and. 2.95 ind double- 5.00 gray mix s, with or 5.00 BOO TO oC QUALITY MEN'S LAUND ERED SHIRTS 25C-310 doien high grade garments. In Oxford,, percale, madras, etc., all samples and broken lines, ORes' worth tip to 75c, choice Wednesday aCvC Grocery Specials Pearllne. per package . f0 Michigan Evaporated Peaches, very nice, per pound tn Dclfxhtful to Use After Sharing, KuhiVs Glycerolc of Roses 1 Thanksgiving Footwear If you need a pair of shoes or slip pers for Thanksgiving Day, you'll have to get them tomorrow, and you should come early In' the day before the ruph. ' Whether It Is a street shoe, a dress shoe or party slippers that you need, you'll find a pair here that will satisfy you perfectly. Handsome street shoes, beautiful dress shoes and pretty party slippers and ties that fit your feet comfortably, but smooth and snug, and that have the style that comes only from this store. See them, whether you buy or not. KYSHOE'ca m m7 El If J a? D 3 If Factor w W50 than the festal board amply HN laden with table delicacies con- 11 trlbuted to cher and brighten k J home. Fruits and vegetables In m-M endless varieties having an In Il vltlng and attractive appear- pel ance, consisting of: J Florida Cirape Fruit IH Malaga Cirape Pears iTj Catawba drapes U Oranges Bananas fH Imported Smyrna Figs bwi New Dates Washed Figs LJ j el Imported Layer Raisins 11 Ci Fresh Mushrooms J I Cucumbers Spioaca Brussel Sprouts Crisp Celery Eadlvs Fresh Cat. Tomatoes Head Lettuce Leaf Lettuca Wax Beans Radishes Absolutely Pure Cider Turkeys, Ducks, deese Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good living. 28th and Famam Sts. 1-1 telephones 7311, 1328. Turkey Carvers LARGE LINE Stag Horn and Finest Steel $3.00 to $5.U0. tag Horn Trimmed with Silver $4.50 to Gorhara Sterling Bllver $LO0 to Ho.uO. Brown & Borsheim Expert Wikhmiktrs and hwsJtn. 222 s. tm St RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS ANB CONNOISSEURS Send in your orders af once hr ThsnksgMna. Navy Beans, new white hand picked, lb 8Hc Peas, new Michigan hand picked, lb.... 3V4C Peas, extra funcy Marrowfat, per lb.. 5a Scotch Green Peas, per lb 3c Nn'U rM, per lb 4e rjr b very oest, per ID Pearl Sagro, per lb Pearl THploca, per lb Pearl Hominy, per lb 10 bars best Laundry Soap Sa polio, calls , 4-pound package Gold Dust 3Vtc 3c 5c 15c nainmnre porn ted I'eacht, per h 7Ho California Mulr Peaches, evapornted. lb SUo Crawford Peachea fancy evaporated. per pound j2U0 California Apricots, evaporated, per lb lOo Mulr Park Apricots, fancy evaporated per pound 12UO California Valenrla RqUlns, per b..... Ka Lonee Miifratel Rnlslns, per in...,. . &o Fine Imported Currants, cleaned, lb" tUn tresn truit Specials Fancy California Lemons, 4n each Sw Fancy 8onora Oranges, C. ler dozen IcV Popcorn (new crop), - Ale per pound '. a Fancy Mixed Nuts for Thanksaivina Large Pecans, Barcelonla Filberts, Fancy Brasill Nuts. Tannga Almonds. Soft Shell English Walnuts. All new ,crop. The best money can buy. Special per ni lb., mixed, at .... llG Large Braslllan Cocoanuts, each Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound New White Clover Honey, per pound 5c ..41c 12ic Beautiful China Dinner Set. 100 piece Imperial Bavarian Ware, exquisite values, on sale Wednesday at. set PLATTERS. FRL'ITi DISHES, NlT BOW WATER PITCHERS, ETC., handsome vv eunesuay, eacn 2c Wine Glusses each ly decorated, regular $18 to $25 tO i LS." ' 'OYSTER ' COUPS,' ' ' CAKE ' PLATE8, cherry decorations, great bargains, 25c Thanksgiving Meat Specials Thin Blown Water Tumblers r each i OC 600 FANCY Geese, 200 money can killed. Mincemeat per pound Celery, fancy stock- per pound Veal roast per pound TURKEYS, 200 Domestic Domestic Ducks the test buy. Spring Chickens, fresh .8c 7c 6c Veal stew- per pound ........ Round steak per pound .' Lambs legs (fancy) per pound , Hams (all Omaha brands) per pound , Bacon, (Cudahy's,, Swift's or Armour's per pound Morrell hams per pound , , ... 4c ....8c ...9c 10c He Uic . SMYDE&yj BROS, $8.50 A arivA ONLY $8.50 COACH EXCURSIONS TO ST. LOUIS, MO. Sunday to Thursday Inclusive, of each week. Only a Few Days More to Visit the Fair. Coach excursion tickets will be on sale every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of seven days from date of sale. Every one should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the won derful sights. Ample hotel and Lodging House accomodations for all. ItEA SONABLE RATES. See local agents for full particulars. TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Ajt. T. F. GODFREY, Pass. & Ticket At L corner 15th and Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. H. C. T0WNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket A?t, St. Louis, Mo THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER TV $urn YlrvtojK oitKty- yVofco on AH ! t y tands "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD" 25 Pages in Colors 75 Pages for Framing Fine Portraits of Celebrities : Magnificent Winter Views Wonderful Reproductions of Scenes and Incidents - Burr Publishing Co., 7 West 22d St.. New York Hs-l-ST-l DIAMONDS: ie wears them prlnrlrally tr J editt. stlon end should not l X iurd for it, as U 1 only ntural -Uh to be the powsaor ef a ny- i One own ceo to wUh to be thf ponKnur . thin. beauUful. lo yo.i T the ?Un.-. one weartn fir. K 'when you ..op i to " Mnk that arise whereby ready c" " J" , . V rl M '(Willi mmm ibesfdes the pleasure of w.arin It. 7 . , VmJIVLO KVUYsUUi I T 15-8t DODGE. J la hln own bftiefactor an: evtry day hrlug hlin an InlierttJinpe. Why not deposit your' spar cjihIi wltii tha Omaha Loan & Building Association trht-ru It will h Hli8oliittly sfu and rapidly accumulate a compound Interest It pays t) per cent dlvldcuds. 1704 fcar nam (St., He Building. U, W. Laoaala, ft. O. HV lattlavaav tea. -TO SaLU AX KEUOTs CKCO trXOJLB. BTH AKD I'd TO I. AH.