Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Attempt Made to Bob the Platte Valley
lank at Platte Center.
Baik Official Befasts t Comply and ii
Ebot Dawn.
t'om i Immediately Organized and Starta
in Pursuit
Positively Identlned ' ? 2. la Victim
ad Hnrrled ( Jail - y Until
Id Order lo P a,
Lyachln "
COLUMBUS. Neb.. ! j a (Special
Telegram.) At noon tod 5 undersized
man, apparently a atrai r! 'i. 'alked Into
tha Platte County bank tte Center,
twelve miles north of her with drawn
revolver In his hand demanded the money
from Cashier Bchroeder. He was refused
and without further ado he fired, the ball
striking Schroeder squarely In the breast.
The ball was slightly deflected by a but
ton and jfassed dangerously near the heart
A son of William Bchelp, who was in the
back room of tlie bunk, at once gave the
alarm and the robber Jumped Into his
buggy and dashed off to the south,
A large poss of citizens was quickly In
The sheriff started for the scene. The
would-be robber , had no accomplice.
Robber la Cnptnred.
The bandit was overtaken near Oconee,
Ave miles west of here, at 4 o'clock. He
was at once taken back (o Platte Center
and . positively Identified by Bchroeder.
Sheriff Carrlg had hard work to protect
lilm from mob violence, but finally got
him loaded' into an automobile, and he
now is safe In Jail and carefully guarded.
He give hi name as William Holden and
aays'hla home is In Michigan. He had
been working in the beet fields near
Platte Center the last two months. He
is about 35 years old and bears marks of
being a tough one. While trying to get
uway ' ho changed his shirt and other
clothe and also discarded a glass eye
which he was wearing when be entered
Die bank.
The robber did not surrender until he
had shot at his pursuers. He took a close
range shot at Charles C. Englehorn, whose
horse shied and threw Englehorn into a
barbed wire fence, where he received se
vere Injuries.
Schroeder's condition this morning is re
ported as much Improved. The bullet
struck a button on his coat and glanced.
It has been removed and he Is resting
easy. When Holden entered the bank he
. - commanded SfJiroedor to hold up hla hands
and called' for the casta In sight. Bchroeder
reached for a gun which was lying on a
shelf, When Holden fired. The robber evi
dently supposed no one else was In the
bank and when he discovered there was
he started for his horse and fired two
shots at those who tried to catuh him.
New York Lawyers Bring; Action
Against Boston Capitalist
ad Writer.
NEW YORK. Nov. 22. Suit has been
brought by Paul Puller of this city against
Thomas W. Lawson of Boston for 1350.000.
Mr. Fuller, who Is an attorney, said that
he himself was the plaintiff In the suit,
but as to the nature of the proceeding or
Its cause he declined to have anything to
say. It wns reported that Mr. Lawson's
recent writings had caused the bringing of
the sujt, but this was denied by Mr. Puller.
Mr. Fuller, who brings the suit. Is a
member of the law firm of Coudert Bros.
BOSTON, Nov. 22. Thomas W. Lawson
said today that service had been made
UTon him of papers In a suit for 1350,000,
brought by persons in New York, but that
he was Ignorant both as to tha contents
of the documents and the Individuals named
Jn them. He explained that he was not
aooustomed to receiving legal papers, that
he really had not given this matter serious
attention. He had merely noted that the
sum of 2350,000 was mentioned and that
the names of Fuller and Coundert appeared
' before passing It over to his attorney. He
sold that be had never heard of either
Fuller or Coudert before and that the whole
matter waa "all Greek" to him.
Price in Haw York Reaches Highest
Point of Year and Then
NEW YORK. Nov. U-The rate for call
money, which opened at i per cent, ad
vanced to 4 per cent early this afternoon,
a considerable amount being loaned at the
high figure. In the last hour of the mar
ket the rate went down to Vti and S per
cent. The high rate of today la the top
figure for the year. Several reaaona were
advanced to account for the sudden rise.
Among them Is the fact that some of the
large banks today called loans with which
to huBband their resources, aud other banks
which have right along been loaning large
amounta on call were not lenders today.
Added to this 'Is the coming of the bond
ale by the city and preparatlona to meet
large corporate payments.
In the last half hour the rate again ad
vanced to 4 per cent, but closed at S per
cent. Among the lenders of money today
were J. p. Morgan & Co., who had not
been active In the money market for many
Brothers Fnrsne and Kill Man Who
Fatally Bhet Their t
, Slater. '
ST. LOUIS. Nov. ll-A special to the
Puet-Dlspatoh from Mexion, Mo., says:
. Thomas) Ppura, who today shot and fa
tally wounded Jaola Burks In a quarrel
ever loaded d. waa killed by her Brothers,
Who beat tha murderer's haadtnto an no
reoogniaabla nan. Jaala Burks, whom
para wwoaded la da bead with Vocfc
atrut fired front a ataatgw. will die.
After tba ghaofac warrh eooarmd la
to-wa, Span naxeoi tq tha woods, pur
sued by Bdwars end Jooh Bark, brothers
of (he veaadxt emnaa. arat a rrrrmhir et
friends of the latter. They captured Spur
Jeer a abort raa and wtth.
American Federation of Labor Kills
Two rro poo It Ions Advanced
by Radicals.
SAN FRANCI3CO, Nor. 22. -The dele
gates to the American Federation of Labor
realized at the opening of the session today
that the overwhelming defeat administered
to the socialist element yeMerriay had not
quieted them. As an aftermath of the
bitter debate of Monday came the resolu
tion Introduced by Delegate Victor Berger
of the International Typographical union,
who asked that the convention vote for a
measure abolishing the militia aa it now
The resolution called for the substitution
of the system now in vogue In Switzerland,
where every man bears an arm, but eech
Individual Is permitted to keep the weapon
In his own home. The advocates of the
measure maintained that if members of the
militia knew that worklngmen were ready
to shoot back there would be no usurpa
tion of right upon the part of the military
branch. The resolution waa overwhelmingly
defeated after the debate had been pro
longed for over an hour.
A measure, likewise introduced by the
socialists, calling for the pensioning of all
workers after they had reached the age
of 60, also was defeated. The measure pro
vided that to be eligible to this pension,
which was placed at a minimum of S12 a
month, the worker must have earned not
more than an average of $1,000 a year and
have been a citizen of the United States
for twenty-one years. After a lengthy dis
cussion the convention defeated the meas
ure by a large vote.
D. F. Copley, a member of the executive
council of the Western Federation of
MinerB, addressed the delegates, thanking
them for their aid In the recent struggle
in Colorado and expressing the hope that
the day was not far distant when all of the
labor organizations of the nation would be
amalgamated Into one grand federation.
The committee on boycotts recommended
the placing of a number of firms through
out the United Btates on the unfair list.
In the report of yesterday's proceedings
It was erroneously stated that the Fed
eration of Labor had. by a vote of. 113 to
3tS, adopted a resolution to substitute the
Industrial system for the system of trade
autonomy now In existence in labor or
ganisations. The report should have stated
that the resolution was lost by a vote of
118 to 3, the latter vote indicating the
strength of the socialists in the convention.
Trustees Consider Plans for Memorial
and Announce that More Money
is Needed.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. The national
trustees of the McKlnley memorial, who
have lri their charge the erection of the
McKlnley monument in Canton, O., met
here, and' viewed the design presented by
the official architect, H. Van Buren Mc
Oonlgle. The appointment of the architect,
who had been selected by a committee con
sisting of It. a. Peabody of Boston, Walter
Cook and Daniel Chester French of New
York, was ratified by the committee, after,
which the plana were minutely Inspected.
At the close of the meeting it was stated
that the sum needed had not been raised
and that -the changoa which may be neces
sary were made for financial, rather than
artistic reasons. The drawings are said to
show a massive structure unlike either the
Grant monument in New York or the Oar
field monument In Cleveland. Its situation
on the top of a hill renders a beautiful
approach possible and the opportunities of
fered gave . the architect an idea which
would require more money.
The trustees need about $50,000 more to
carry out the planB as they wish. They
have now 255,000. The trustees, after a long
discussion, during which they (endeavored
to plan changes in the design to enable
their means to cover the expenses and not
result In the added expenditures tltat
marked the building of the Grunt monu
ment, appointed a committee to confer with
the architect regarding the changes, after
which they will report to the trustee's. The
committee consists of. Governor Murphy
of New Jersey and E. W. Bloomlngdale,
Cornelius N. Bliss and William McConway.
This committee held their first meeting
Immediately after the trustees' meeting.
The members of the committee say that
they are anxious to start work on the
monument next spring.
During the meeting resolutions on the
death of former Postmaster General Payne
were read and adopted and will be sent to
Mrs. Payne.
Defense Will Rely Chiefly on the
Statute of Limitations Statement
of Prosecution.
PORTLAND, Ore,, Nov. 22. For nearly
two hours today the federal court listened
to the opening addresses of counsel rep
resenting the government and defense In
the trial of the case of the United States
against Miss Mary L. Ware, Mrs. Emma
L. Watson, 8. A. D. Puter, Horace G.
McKlnley, D. W. Tarpley, Henry C. Barr,
Frank H. Wolgamot and others on the
charge of conspiracy for the purpose of
defrauding the government out of public
District Attorney Hall, for the prosecu
tion stated he would show conspiracy to
defraud the government out of publlo
lands existed between the defendants: i
that It is not ncessary to prove that they
knew each other, or that they all entered
the conspiracy at the same time; that it
suffices to show that they were all work
ing toward a purpose.
The defense will fight the case from
several standpoints, but will rely chiefly
upon the statute of limitation. It will
also claim that conspiracy must be shown
to exist beyond a reasonable doubt.
Thirty Men, Women and Children Are
Compelled to Jnmp from
ST. LOUIS. Nov. an. Thirty negroes,, men,
women and children, penned in on the
second and third floors of a burning Mor
gan street lodglug house today saved them
selves from death by Jumping from win
dows Into tarpaulins held by firemen, by
groping their way to the street down smoke
and flame filled stairways and by climbing
through a scuttle to the roof and thence to
adjoining buildings to be taken down by
Four women, injured In their efforts to
escape, are at the city hospital. One of
them Is unconscious and will probably die.
Another, who discovered the fire and
dashed into the building to arouse the to
mates, haa a broken leg. She was pris
oned by the fire, forced to hang out ef a
window U aeoape the araoaa and flames
and dropped trufa e eir ledge
the ground,
It Expresiea Hope tlat Czar Will Goafer
with Representatives of the People,
Memorial Will Be Presented to Min
ister of Interior Today
Will Transmit It to the
. Emperor,
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 22.-The serious
work of the zemsivos meeting being accom
plished, the only remaining questions rela
ting to aid of tne wounded and distressed,
many of the members are already leaving
for their homes At the last moment the
form of the memorial was altered to make
it appear an expression of "the hope that
It is the wish of the emperor to summon a
national assembly." With the removal of
the idea that the memorial represented op
position to imperial authority, every ves
tige of dissent vanished. The practical re
sult of the meeting, as represented by the
emperor's response. Is now of all-absorbing
The memorial will be presented to In
terior Minister Sviatopolk-Mlrsky tomorrow
and will be transmitted to the emperor.
There Is no clew as to the outcome. The
general Idea In government circles and even
of many of those who participated In the
meeting is that it will be unfavorable, but
the whole situation is so unprecedented that
that even the best Informed hardly know
what to expect.
Text of Final Article.
The final article of the zemstvos memorial
as it will be presented to the emperor is as
In view of the importance and difficulty of
the internal and external situation through
which Russia is passing, this Informal con
ference expreses the hope that the sov
ereign power will summon freely elected
representatives of the nation in order with
their co-operation to obtain for the father
lurid an evolution of the state, In the direc
tion of establishing a new basis of law for
mutual co-operation between the Imperial
authority and the people.
Today's movement discussed and ap
proved resolutions which will be submitted
separately to Emperor Nicholas through
Minister Sviatopolk-Mlrsky, praying for the
raising of the, state of siege existing In
many cities in "Russia, for amnesty to all
prisoners punished by administrative pro
cess or without trial by ordinary process of
law; for more favorable treatment of the
question of primary schools, the necessity
for which has hitherto not been recognized
or admitted by the authorities, who, it Is
claimed, do everything to check and Im
pede primary education, and for a more
humane method of enforcing partial mobi
lization. It is pointed out that If the mili
tary authorities would consult with the
minister of the interior and the xemstvos
much unnecessary harshness and disturb
ance would be avoided.
Zemstvos Confer with Kdltore.
Tonight the editors of the principal Rus
sian papers met the presidents of the zem
stvos to arrange a plan for co-operation In
their work. A communication was received
from the revolutionary organization prom
ising to suspend activity pending the gov
ernment's action on the memorandum.
Big students' demonstrations for this
week have been postponed on the urgent
request of the presidents of the zemstvos.
The control which the zemstvos exercise
over the disturbing elements of the body
politic is one of the strongest features of
their position In the great struggle.
Visit of King of Pertneel is Inter
fered with by Beavy
LONDON, Nov. 22. Keen frost and heavy
snow squalls ore reported from all part
of the Uliitod Kingdom. A gale raged all
night long over the coasts, driving vessels
to shelter and seriously dislocating the
telegraph wires, and especially In the north
of England and In Scotland. Blinding
snow storms are causing deep drifts and
rendering traffic dlffloult in the country
dlstriots and ars necessitating a cessa
tion of outdoor work In many of the pro
vincial towns. In London little snow has
fallen, but a sharp fall In tampe.ra.tur Is
accentuating the distress among the poor
which is already prevalent
The snow is so deep at Chatsworth that
the king ef Portugal and others of the
house party there have been prevented
from shooting. Some small crafts have
been wrecked. Up to the present time
Nevember has been unusually mild and the
sudJTi change is oauslng much misery.
Win wn;'ir Pfm p-enersl In Europe,
frost being reported as far south as Naples.
In Westmoreland the unusual sight was
senn of trains stuck In snow drifts and
blocking communication on the Northeast
ern railroad. The race meeting at Warwick
had to he postponed, as the track was
deeply covered with snow.
The land lines in Ireland are affected,
causing delay In communication with Amer
ica. The lifeboat are busy, but the most
serious wreck so far reported Is that of
the British steamer Indlanio, which was
driven ashore on the rocks near Bunder
land. The llfoeavers took off the crew.
A few fatalities have oocured aa the
results of wrecks of small craft
The Great Northern lines are down,
hence communication by that route with
St. Petersburg was stopped during the
day. Late this evening the Great North
ern re-established communication with the
Russian capital, but dispatches are de
layed and are coming slowly.
American Vessel and Italian Bark Are
Damaged Jn Collision.
GENOA. Italy. Nov. 22. Owing to a ool
lision between the United States collier
Abarenda and the Italian bark Nostra Sig
nora Delle Orasle, the United States
cruiser Olympla whioh waa to have sailed
from here last night postponed its departure
until today. This morning, accompanied
by the Abarenda, the Olympia sailed for
Gibraltar, where the former will be re
paired. The damage to the collier la estimated at
11,000, while the damage sustained by the
bark amounta to I2UX The American con
sul here, William H. Bishop, haa arranged
with the port authorities tor an Indemnity
to be paid to the owners of the bark.
AlexleaT Gets en Office.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. . An Imperial
decree Issued today appoints Viceroy
Alexleff a member of the council of tha
umpire and of tha ooinmlttee of ministers.
hop Brederlrk Meets Pope.
ROME,' Nov. &. Right Rev. B. B. Brod
ertck. auxiliary bishop of Havana. Cuba,
was today received in private audience by
the pope.
Des Heine Seen to Gibraltar.
LEGHORN. Italy, Nov. X2.The United
(States erulser Des aleuiea leA her today
far Otbraltav, . ,
OMAHA, NeK. Nov. 22. 1004
The Bre PuMiauing Company,
Oman. eb.: l--ar Sirs Knoiused
please find our check in payment of
the "want ad" pulllslnd last
Sunday In The Bee, advcrtuMnjr a ,
number of different articles In our
Yesterlay (Monday) we sold eight
reed rockers, three jrocorta and two
reed couches, besides taking sev
eral holiday orders, and all these
buyer had something to say about
the ads In Tlie Bee.
We regard this a the best ad
vertising we bave bad. You may
publish this letter If you desire.
Yours truly,
WpRKS, By P. Nathan, Secre
tary and Treasurer.
Result of Election for National and
State Officers aa Fonnd
by Coart.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22. tSpeoUl Telegram. )
Following Is the results of the oftlclal count
for the election held November 8:
Highest vote for republican elector, II. II.
Wilson, 13H.5W; highest vote democratic
elector, X. Plasecki, 51.876; highest vote
populist elector, Eric Johnson, so.578; high
est vote prohibition elector. Charles W.
Day, 6,33; highest vote socialist elector,
L. Westgate, 7,412: scattering. 1.1K1.
Preference for l.nited States senator: B.
J. Hurkett, 107.6:16; scattering. 'J.577.
For Governor Mickey, 111.711; Berge,
102.568; Swander, 6,4Mi; Vail, G.L'2.
For Lieutenant Governor McGilton, 120,
614; Townsend, 50,673; Llghtner, 6.1M; Car
roll, 6,029.
Secretary of State Galtisha, 121,fil0;
Watzke, S8.839; Larson, ,806, Parcell. 6,243.
Treasurer Mortensen, 124. 41S; Osborne,
87,fi5i; Hesld, 6,21:7; scattering. 6.118.
Auditor Searle, 123.228; Canady, 87,641;
Davies, 0.461; Lippencott, 6,3tS.
Attorney General Hrown, 123,719; Whelan,
87,31i3; Browcr, 6,4G; Mellvane, 6,172 . of Public Lands and
Buildings Eaton, 123.817; Worsley, 87,0J2;
Thompson, 6.o03; Peughy, 6,240.
Superintendent Public Instruction Mc
Brien. 12fi.60; Softley. 86,946: Hoe, 7,14(1.
Congressman, Mrs District Elmer
Burkea. l!.'M: Hugh La Master, U.8U1;
Bert Wilson. 1,042; A. U A. Border meytr,
Congressman, Second District John L.
Kennedy, 14,417; Gilbert M. liitchcook, 13,
628; Richard N. Throckmorton, 240; ClarK
W. Adair, 2,534.
Congressman, Third District J. J. Mc
Carthy, 24.151; Patrick K. McKtUip, 21,210;
Henry J. G. Hockenhurger, 1,134.
Congressman, Fourth District Edmond
H. Hinshaw, 23.407; Charles F. Gilbert, 15,
702; George I. WrlKht, 1,321.
Congressman. Fifth Dltrlet George W.
Norris, 19.645; Harry H. Mauck, 13,831; John
Tucker, 991; Win. Stoiley, 643.
Congressman, Sixth District Moses P.
Kinkald, 22 680; Walter H. McNeel, 13,71.5;
John J. Smith, 1.107; Lucien Stebblns, 971.
Judge of District Court for Unexpired
Term, Fourth Judicial District Howard
Kennedy, Jr., 27.838; Parker S. Condlt, 4,234.
The latest appiiuuut for Congressman s
Burkett's shoes, should he be elevated to
the senate, Is George W. Marsh, secretary
of state, from Richardson county. As soon
as the fight for the lilac opens Secretary
Marsh Intends to Jump iu and make a red
hot canvass for fie jnnatlon.
Benhow's Airship Makes a Short
Journey Owing; to a Leak in
the Gasoline Tank.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22. After remaining in
the air for forty-five minutes, only for a
brief period of which It was propelled by
its own power, the "Montana Meteor," the
airship designed and constructed by
Thomas Benbow of Columbus, Mont., was
brought safely to the ground In the open,
field three miles southwest of the World's
fair aerodrome.
The airship was navigated by the in
ventor, who stated to a representative of
the. Associated Press after the flight that
he considered it very successful in the
light of the acclaent that happened to his
machinery. A leak in the gasoline tank
allowed all the fluid to escape, and ren
dered his motor useless shortly after he
had started the flight.
Benbow waa also handicappey by huvlng
too much gas in his balloon and it was
necessary for him to allow some of tho
hydrogen to escape during the flight. For
that reaaon he did not start tho motor
until he had drifted with the wind for
nearly a mile.
During the brief time that the motor waa
working the airship made headway against
the wind and answered its rudder per
fectly. Shortly after Benbow started his
motor he found that thei gasoline had be
come exhausted and showed the Meteor
to drift with the wind until he found a
landing place.
According to Bonbow, ho will make an
other flight tomorrow, as the damage in
the gasoline tank can be repaired In a few
Chlcasro Men Will Walk Oat at Any
Time Their Officers Issne
the Order.
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. The oattle butchers
employed in the large plants at the stock
yards held a mass meeting tonight and
decided to go on strike when called on to
do so by the officials of their union. The
cattle butchers employed by the Mammond
Packing company struck yeuterday because
of alleged discrimination against union men.
According to the officials of the union, the
same conditions prevail at other plants,
and the meeting tonight was called for the
purpose of ascertaining the sentiment of
the men should It be desirable to resort to
a general walkout. Although the butchers
In the recent strike at the stock yards sur
rendered unconditionally, the vote tonight
to strike waa unanimous.
The cattle killing department of the Ham
mond company worked today with half a
force of nonunion men. Tomorrow, ac
cording to Samuel A. McLean, president of
the National Packing company, of wnlch
the Hammond plant ia a branch, a full
force will be at work killing with men im
ported from St. Joseph, St, Louis, Kansas
City and Omaha.
The. same precedure. It la said, will be
the tactics used by other packers If the
strike spreads.
Cattle butchers are the only workers In
volved thus far. Union leaders say Uia
purpose la to keep the strike confined to
this branch of the industry.
Calnauet Jt alexin Dividend.
BOSTON, Nov. 22. i he d.reciors of the
Calumet & Herla minlna company have d
c tared a regular quarterly dividend of 110
ftr share, in l!ft4 the cunipuuy haa Jul'i
40 per shsiv in dividend tut compared
with 135 last year.
German t4nanl MIL! Low..
NEAV YORK, Nuv. The condition of
Cart Buenx, the German consul general,
who Is suffering from pneumonia and the
ffxuts ef a reent operation for sppendl
iiXim, waa reported twiisy as aUIl crUiuaL
New Oommisiioner of Indian Affair Haa
Wide Knowledge af Duties.
Effort to Be Made at Coming Session
of Congress to Seenre Quarter
master's Supply Depot
for Omaha.
(From a Staff Correepo-ndent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov, 2&,-tBpeclal Tele
gram. ) Mr, Hosewater today had an Inter
view with the next commlselonnr of Indian
affairs, Francis E. Leupp of the New York
Evening Post, After the Interview, which
covered a wide range of subjects relating
to the care and government of the Indians,
Mr, Hnsewater stated that he holleved Mr,
Leupp was one of the beet fitted men to
deal with the Indian question he had ever
"The charge that Mr. Leupp Is a theor
ist," said Mr. Rosewater, "msy occupy
some newspaper men for a time and give
them subjects to write shout, but after a
talk with Mr. Leupp I am In a position to
say that I believe him to be honest, faith
ful and sure In his beliefs. You know Mr.
Leupp is not a novice in larger knowledge
of Indian control. Years ago he whs ap
pointed by Mr. Cleveland as one of the
honorary commissioners, without pny, to
look Rfter the question of supplies and
treatment of the Indians by the Indian
office. Recently he was sent by the presi
dent to investigate the condition of the In
dians In the southwest and his reports were
of such a character that tne president be
lieved that with Mr. Leupp's experience as
a newspaper man snd his personal knowl
edge of the Indian question he would be a
valuable help to the administration."
Supply Depot for Omaha.
Efforts will he made nt the coming ses
sion of congress to appropriate money for
the erection of a quartermaster's stntlon
at Omaha. Quartermaster, General Hum
phrey, It is understood, is In hearty sym
pathy with this measure, believing that
Omaha Is the most centrally located point
for the distribution of quartermasters' sup
plies of any city In the territory west of
the Mississippi. In this connection It will
be recalled that a bill was Introduced In
the Fifty-seventh congress creating a qusr
termaster's supply station at Omaha. Gen
eral Ludlngton, then quartermaster gen
eral of the army, did not see his way clear
to recommend Its establishment. But not
withstanding the negative way in which
the War department, through Its quarter
master general, treated the establishment of
the station, which Is now admitted to be
necessary by all officers who have been sta
tioned at the headquarters of the Depart
ment of the Missouri, the bill passed the
senate. It had a different end In the house,
for former Congressman Mercer could not
see his way clear to permit the passage of
the bill and by clever manipulation suc
ceeded In holding up the measure. The
death of the Fifty-seventh congress marked
the defeat of the quartermaster's supply
station for Omaha and the defeat of David
H. Mercer..- .
Now conditions have materially changed
and men who know the needs of the west
are In command, noticeably General Chaf
fee, chief of staff, and the quartermasters
stationed at Omaha are better fitted than
they have been for several years. While It
Is realized that the short session may not
bring about an appropriation needful for
the quartermaster's depot. It Is expected
the solid republican delegation from Ne
braska in the Fifty-ninth congress will
make this one of Its objects.
William E. Oeddes. disbursing officer of
the Louisiana Purchase exposition, former
mayor of Grand Island and a -eltlren of
South Omaha, is In Washington for the
purpose of meeting the government board
of the Lewis and Clark exposition, of
which he has been made a secretary and
disbursing oflloer, and to accompany the
president on hla trip to the St. Louis fair,
Cummins Presents Iowa Case.
Governor Cummins left for New York
tonight. This afternoon he saw Acting
Secnetary of War Oliver la relation to
the mriptian on the tablets to be erected
by the Iowa regiments on the batilefield of
Shlloh. The old contention regarding the
rime when the Iowa rnglmenta, the Fif
teenth and Sixteenth, entered the battle,
is still the subjrt of mnrh controversy,
but Governor Cummins insists that the
reports of the colonels of the two regi
ment, whir are the only official reports
of the participation of the regiments In
the fight, should be accepted. He Insists,
after a review of the official reports . in
the department thst the onl direct evi
dence regarding tho two regiments come
from Colonel Reed and Colonel Chambers,
and that In the absence- of other direct
evidence the Shiloh commission should ac
cept those as the time when the regiments
went Into action. Acting Secretary Oliver
decided to hold open the question pending
the return of Governor Cummins to Wash
InjrteU) Postal Mitten.
Samuel S. Rankin was appointed post
master at Thermopolia, Freemen county,
Wyoming, vice George M. Sllney, resigned.
Rural free delivery route No, 2 has been
ordered established January 1 at Germanla, j
Kossuth county, la-, serving 520 people and :
114 houses. j
Willie C Stover has been appointed reg- i
ular and Harry M. Peck substitute rural
carriers for route No. 1 at Rodman, I a.
Henrina; the Swayae Case.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. W. O. Bradley
of the Treasury department was ths only j
witness before the house Judiciary com- I
mlttee today in the Judge Charles Swayne j
hearing. Ha testified to the correctness of
' " .. . . -. - .w - ...... w ,
tihu minniinta rt .TllSlaTi RwuvriA wMr'h nAra '
charged at the rate of 110 a day while he
was holding court outside of his district.
The legal allowance is not to exceed HO
a day, the law providing that the Judge
shall have his actual expenses, which are
paid on his own certification.
Georgia's Cotton Production.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. A bulletin was
issued by the census bureau today showing
that In 106 counties in Georgia the cotton
ginned to November It, as reported,
amounted to 1,246.W7 running bales this
year, as against 792,tt4 bales for the same
counties last year. Counting round as
half bales, the number is 1,283,741, as
against 783,355 last year.
Evans to Have Fleet.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Rear Admiral
Robley D. Evans, now president of the
lighthouse board, will be appointed to tha
command of the North Atlantic fleet when
Rear Admiral Barker retires, next March.
Rear Admiral Davis will be second in cora
oiand. ,
Isjn Treaty with German r
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2X The Amertcan
Oerman arbitration treaty was signed this
rooming at the State department by' Secre
tary Hay and Baron Sternburg, the Ger
man ambassador. It Is identical with the
AJuaJicaa-afTauch, treaty.
Fair Wednesday and Colder in Serth
Portion. Thursday Fnlr.
Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayt
Hour. Dec. Hour. Dear.
A a. m 41 1 . m Mil
a. na 4-1 U p. ui AT
T a. m 41 8 s. m AM
N n. m 4.1 4 p. m AM
O a 4T A p. m...... BT
10 a. m 4M a p. m BT
11 a. m A J T p. m AT
In m A.I ft n. nt.. .... All
p. to BT
Member ef Attu...e.r Jerome's Staff
Who Manufactured Rvidenre
Ckargeil with Perjury.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Joseph Jacobs, a
detective of District Attorney Jerome's
staff, who secured the evidence against
Richard A. Canfleld, was arrested today
by order of District Attorney Jerome cn a
charge of perjury, lie was held in $2,001
ball and committed to the Tombs in de
fault of ball. The arrest was based on
a confession he made to Philip J. Brltt
and General Benjamin F. Tracy, who are
associated aa counsel for Canfleld and his
alleged manager, David Burklin. Mr,
Jerome says Jacobs asked them that aa
the price of his confession he bo supplied
with sufficient funds by Canfleld to take
him out of the Jurisdiction of the courts.
After being arraigned he made a fuller
confession to Mr, Jerome. It la said by
Mr. Jerome that Jacobs would never have
been a witness against Bucklln and the
Indictment against Canfleld h.'is ' already
been quashed.
The arrangements for the arrest of
Jacobs were made by Mr. Brltt and Gen
eral Tracy in consultation wtth Mr. Je
rome. Both Mr. Britt and General Tracy
refused to discuss the confession of Jacobs,
declaring that they had pledged their word
to Mr. Jerome that they would disclose
none of the circumstances. All that Mr.
Jerome would say about the confession Is
that he (Jacobs) confesses that he lied
when he said that he had been In Can
field's house at No. 6 East Forty-fourth
street; that he did go as far as the inner
vestibule and that he remained there for
some time in order, he says, to deceive
County Detective O'Nell, who swore at
the original hearing that he had seen
Jacobs go Into the house.
Fnahlmi and Party Visit Imperial
Gnrdens at the World'
Fata Grounds.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 22. -Another ovation
was accorded Prince Fushlnd at the lm.
perlal Japanese gardens, which he visited
iigain today in the course of his round of
sightseeing at the World fair. On either
bide of tho avenue along which the prince's
carriage parsed hundreds of his country
men, many of them dressed In the costumes
of their native land, were lined up and
greeted the Imperial party with dies of
The prince and his party were the hon
ored spectators at a drill and review of the
Sixteenth United States Infantry, which been sent here for guard duty after
(he close of the World's fair. This had
been arranged for the especial benefit of
the prlnoe because of his military record
and tastes, and he seemed highly pleased
with the display. The great crowd of
World's fair visitors who surrounded the
Plaza St. Louis cheered the troops as they
passed in review before the oommandlug
oflloer and the Imperial party.
Following a luncheon given by the
World's Fair Directors' club at the West
pavilion the prince's party waa driven to
die building of the board of lady managers,
where a roceptlon was held In their honor.
The final funotlon of the day was a dinner
at the St. Louis club, tendered by the
Japanese minister at Washington.
Representatives of the Lewis and Clark
exposition to ba held in Portland, Ore.,
next year ht ve reached an agreement with
the Philippine government board for tht
emoval of a pi-t of t-e Philippine ex
hibit to the western exposition.
When Men Are Refused Lienor They
Wreck Home ef Saloon
HUNTINGTON, W Va., Nov. 22. Tho
community across the Big Sandy river from
Yorkville, was the scene of a fatal feud
during the night between the family of
John Wallace and the Curry brothers. The
latter demanded liquor at Wallace's sa
loon . They were refused because it Is al
leged they were already Intoxicated. When
the Curry brothers began shooting, Wallace
closed his saloon. Later the Curry broth
ers, with others, went to Wallace's home,
demanding that he come out.
When Mrs. Wallace stated that her hus
band wss not home the crowd broko in
the windows. Mrs. Wallace then fired into
the crowd, fatally wounding Thomas Curry.
The crowd immediately began tearing down
Wallaoe's house and seized the brother of
Mrs .Wallace. They bound him hand and
foot and laid his bead on a log , It Is said
one of the Curry brothers waa about to
decapitate the boy when Wallace fired Into
the crowd and prevented the decapitation.
The crowd later resumed the destruction of
Wallace's home, throwing debris Into the
river. Mrs. Wallace was shot twice, in the
leg and shoulder. She rode to Louisa, Ky.,
where she gave the alarm and the sheriff
and deputies left for the scene of the
trouble. Wallace escaped to Yorkvtlla. All
of hls llve ,tock wa8 kiled by y,. mon
It ls estimated that about 600 shoU were
exchanse(i tlMt tea meInber, of the
mob were badly Injured. A reward of $1,-
000 has been offered for the apprebvuslon
of any member of the mob.
Business Men of Cleveland Desire to
See Goods Cnrrled on
! Yankee Ships.
( CLKVELAND, O., Nov. ZX-At a meet
Jng of prominent business men held at the
(Union club here the National Merchant
Marine League of the United States has
been organized with the object of restoring ,
the American flag to the high seas. The
resolutions adopted declare that Uia -torsi
gn commerce of the United Btates has
groan to the great total of IttMJKQ.OM per
aunum and the country's whole prosperity
depends upon the undisturbed continuation
'and extension ef this commerce, yet It ls
being carried over aea today under foreign
flags. The tonnage of American ships en-
'gaged In the foreign trade aggregates only
179,404 tons, while there Is not todsy a single
!shlp building anywhere In the United
' States . for this trade. The situation is
critical and calls for Immediate action."
i ' Vice presidents of ths league will later
be chosen from each aisle In the union in
rdar to luahe it cittlucal la Auope.
Cxplocion at Early Hour This Moraiig
Wrocki His Some.
See Bef action on Window and Tkinkt
House ia on Tlh.
Saja Ha Plainly Saw Burning f uia Before
Exploeien Came.
Clvle Federntlon lake Prompt Actios
and Police sjenin Tlgrorons
Hunt for Perpetrators
of the Outrage.
The Omaha Civic Federation hereby
offers a reward of 1600 for the arrest
and conviction of the person or per- -sons
guilty of the attempt on the
lives of Elmer K. Thomas and hla
family and the wrecking of his house
by a bomb on the morning of No
veraber 22, 1W4. or the arrest and
conviction of any accessory to said
crime. i
By T. J. Mahoney, Chairman of Ex
ecutlve Committee.
Omaha, Neb., November 22, 1901.
The home of Elmer E. Thomas, an t
torney, 436 Douglas street, was wrecken
by a bomb at 2:10 yesterday morning.
In addition to offering the above reward
the Clvio Federation has called a mass
meeting for Friday night at the Auditorium
to publicly condemn this outrage and has
Invited Governor Mickey to attend this
meeting. The Omaha Bar association haa
also called a meeting of its members for a
similar purpose.
Fortunately no serious mortal injuries re
sulted from the catastrophe, though It was
for some time feared Mrs. Thomas would
sustain severo injuries, owing to her deli
cate condition. She relapsed Into a atat
of partial nervous prostration, but Is said
now to be out of peril.
Within a short time after the affair was
reported Chief of Police Donahue and Chief
of Detectives Dunn visited the Thomas
home, viewed the scene of the wreck and
took up the difficult task of vimnhig down
the culprits. 'Up to the time of going to
prsss no clue had been discovered that
offered hope of apprehension, and the offi
cers, while determined to exhaust every r
source at getting the guilty party or par.
ties, realize the difficulty of being wUaotst
tangible clues tin which to start.
Thomas Blames Enemies.
Mr. Thomas, who Is attorney, for the
Civic Federation, and as such took the
leading part a few months ago in endeavor
ing to hitch the blame for the Pollack dia
mond robbery, committed twelve years ago,
on Tom Dennlson, asserted in a statement
which ls printed in another column that
he believed the affair was a deliberate at
tempt on his life perpetrated by his ene
mies. Mrs. Thomas was awakened by a slight
noise. ' Thinking it was Miss McGuire,
a friend of the family, whoso
rum ls Immediately above her own,
she did not at once awaken her husband.
In a moment she saw the reflection of a
light on a window and then she awoke
Mr. Thomas, saying the house waa afire,
lie at onc4 ran and opened a door leading
from tho bed room, 'which ia the front
room downstairs, into the vestibule. He
then saw tlie blaze and, thinking the porch
was on fire, be turned to pick up a rug
to smother it When he opened tha front
door of the vestibule he saw by the light
of the blazing fuse that it waa a bomb.
Before he had time to even throw the rug
over it or to shut the door, the bomb ex
ploded. Thrown Down by Explosion.
Mr. Thomas waa hurled back against tho
door leading into tne dining roora from the
vestibule and was covered wtth dust aud
struck by flying debris, still waa not
seriously Injured. Mra ThomrtS, who bad
arisen, was shocked Into speechlessness.
The room In which she stood was filled
with flying plaster and lath, the wall along
side the vestibule being splintered aa if
workmen had been tearing it out
As soon as he real is d what had happened
Mr. Thomas rushed to his wifs's assist
ance, arid es several people had by this
time arrived on the scons she was taken to
the home of Judge McCulloch, wheie lov
ing and sympathetic friends at once took;
her in charge and did everything possible
to alleviate her condition and to reassure
her mind.
Describes tho Bomb.
Mr. Thomas describing ths bomb as ha
saw it for a few seconds immediately pre
ceding the explosion, says it was probably
a foot long, oblong In shape and aa big
around aa a man's arm. Ik had been laid
on tha porch tUortng about a fo,-t frqm tho
front door leading into the vs.!bul. That
It was heavily charged with either strong;
powder or dynamite is proven by tha (act
that not only ths Joints under the p-irch
flooring, but also the steps lending up to
the porch were shattered and broke into
The vestibule is completely wrecked,
walls and doors alike being torn and
broken. The doora were wrenched from
thulr binges, and every window la the