Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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rmvls sells drugs.
Iffort'i glasses ft.
Ftockert sells carpets.
rnincnn sella the best school s .ir"
Pr. Woodbury, dentists, C) I'nrl
Mght school at Western Iowa colfte.
Duncan does the best repairing, 23 Main.
Tor rent, modern house. 723 Sixth avenue.
New plrture niouirilngs. C. K. Alexander,
133 Broadway.
Miss Etna HIIlls left yniterdy on a visit
to relatives In Karllng. la.
Mies Martin of Daverpnrt. Ia.. Is the
ruest of Mrs. Walter Stlllman.
Oo to Rorwick. r.; r. M;iln. for voir
varnish, plrtur anl framts. N.'W. ftorK
Dr. nnd Mrs. F. T. P'ybert left last even
Ins for a visit to the St. lxmls expos. lion.
Missouri oak l:y cord wood i rcia. d. liv
end. Wm. Welch. 11 N. t. 'i'cl. 1-?
Alv ramp etei tHlnment committee will
Eet this afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock In the
Miss Marlon HiillowelJ nf Kearney, Neh
Is a guest of Mrs. T. It. Evans on Mill
C. C. LHcy and Miss Mabel l,ncy nre
home from a visit with friends In De
Norte, Colo. '
Thr-re will be a special meeting of Excel
sior Mnsiinlo lodge this evening for work In
the first ib-sree.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Klauber of San Diego,
Cal.. are (ctieMs of Mr. and Mrs. John liur
rett of Tenth avenue. I
Miss Clara Wilder, a teacher In the pub
lic schools of Dtlnlap, la.. Is visiting: her
mother. Mrs. Burleigh on Damon street.
A building permit wss Issued yesterday to
O. Il'uhman for a one-Mory frame cottuge
at South Eleventh street, to cost JS0O.
For sale, four building lots In Wilson ter
race at bargain prices. L. W. Tulleys,
Council muffs, W2 Main street (upstairs).
Myrtle lodge, Degree of Honor, will hold
a business meeting this afternoon at the
resid-nee of Mrs. V ogeler. I'll? Sixth avenua.
Dodge No. 7151, Modern Woodmen of
America, will not hold Its regular meeting
Thursday night on account of Thanksgiv
ing. Frances BryRnt, aged 24 years, 189 Tur
ley's (lien, was reported to the Hoard of
Health yesterday as suffering from diph
theria. The regular conclave of Ivanhoe commnn
derr. Knights Templar, will be held this
evening. Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected.
. The Hrothfrhood of Railway Trainmen
Is going to give a grand ball Wednesday
evening. November Z3, In the Koyal Ar
canum nail.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hughes snd daughters
have returned from Jacksonville, 111., where
Mrs. Hughes has been visiting relatives
since last summer.
We have ordered 1,000 gallons of oysters
direct from Hultlmore that we will sell to
the trad at fi rents quart. Central Gro
cery an1 Meat Market.
Order your coal and wood of Morton &
BrMenstelr., the new firm. Prompt service,
best coal, lowest prices. Yards 14th avenue
and 6th st. 'Phone 182.
Fred J. Etnpke of Port Austin, Mich., Is
in the city visiting his brother, .. C.
Empke. this being his first visit to Council
HI n ITs In twenty-five years.
Mrs. H. 8. Holcomb, mother of Mrs. John
N. Hnldwin, arrived yesterday from New
York aid will remain here for the winter
us the guest of her daughter and family.
Charles (. Fitch has gone to Dos Angeles,
Cal., to superintendent the installation of
the electrical department of a new plant
being erected there by the Cudahy Packing
company. v
Mrs. Karl Mayne, her son Charles and
mother, Mrs. Snvder, have gone to Cali
fornia to Hpend the winter. They were uc
companlcd by Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Sny
der of I.os Angeles and MIbs Gladys Gar
vin of Mount Pleasant, la.
A. J. Klger, who was taken Into custody
Batunhiv on a charge of Insanity pre
ferred aguliiHt him by his brother-in-law,
Joseph Anderson, was ordered discharged
yesterday by the commissioners after a
hearing was held on his cuse.
Roberl Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
W. Hall of this city, who was with the
Louisiana Purchase Extravaganta com
puny' until Its recent dlfilmndment, - has
Joined the Castelton Opera company for
uu extended tour through the season.
The funeral of James A. Robinson will be
held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
family residence, 123 West Washington
avenue, nnd burial will be In Falrvlew
cemetery. Rev. II. W. Starr, rector of St.
Paul's Episcopal church, will conduct the
Xeph HiiRhcs. who was arrested late Sun
day night on compluint of his wife, who
charged him with coming home drunk und
setting a rougn House, win nqve a urur
lug today In Justice Ouren's court. In de
fault of ball, placed at 1100, he was com
mitted to the county Jul).
George 8. Wright, Harry Haas and E. A.
Wickham returned yesterday from a trip to
the St. Louis exposition. Mr. Wickham is
authority for the statement that Mr.
Wright, owing to nis political prominence,
was Invited, but declined, to take dinner it
hi canine with the Igorottea.
The Council Bluffs Comedy club Is re
hearsing four short plays to be given De
cember 1 at the New theater for the benefit
of the Aasociuted Charities Creche. The
cast will Include twenty well known ama
teurs of the city and the plays will bo
given under the direction of Miss Fitch of
John Taylor, colored, who has been In
the county jail for t!ie luBt four months
owing to his InahiU'y to furnish a peace
bond, wuk relented yesterday. Taylor was
charged with threatening to shoot unothif
colored man, who had him arrested and
bound over to keep the peace. Taylor be
came sick n few days ago and Assistant
County 'Attorney Hess yesterday moved for
his release.
The police were Informed yesterday morn
ing that some one went to the house st the
northwest corner of Vihi'""'": ," -and
Scott street late Sunday night and shot
, ' 'wo Oogs wtiiLh nuu lice., iov . .-v.
I to starve und had thrown the bodies
ii. , tho outhouse vault. The police were
to'.il that the former tenant of the house
ami the suptosud owner of the dogs bud
killed them and orders were given that he
be brought In fur an explanation.
For Baby's Baih.
to baautlfy tbe skin, rleanse tbe si-alp, grow
the Balr. stop i-lianns, ttihlng snil tr.-liatinn, M
Sfp i lie drllcsis skla purs aud aweti titers'
Bulbing lu
medlfitfd, deodorising, fragrant AldrA" by
Ckluaealib Treattueut, It ilratruya all huttir
STOia. make naallhr scalp, may akin and beau
tiful lialr. Lugs gftc. cakes, drugKUta'. Ask
r IlarUti soap in,l Hkloliralih Tiualuicot, Tbo.
Tas aothlag without "or aiDature.
Samrv voursey. Srnd nowjbr
Inclose 6c. uualaaw and we will send roe tree
Nalrhralth, UarUna Bvap, Nklnbrallh and Illm-
Umi " ' How to liar beautiful HMr
and roauiilriloa." Pamplaa aant only by PUiU
Hay tiKCUluaa Co., Jwiwark, N. J.
EatablUha tut.
rsadway au Mais Ptarca'i Iko Stan.
T oaa barrow aor amount oa eattla, km
kduathuld furullar ar anji cualtal .ourllf.
faymasta "U b ua4a on principal st tnf Wrnt
ta auU barrawar. aaii lutaraat reduce at.-aralninr.
All balaaa conlltlautlal. Lowaat rata. OAca apaa
r anli,f till I . Hi gaUinUir attains UU
i LEWIS cutler!
28 PEARl ST.rHoes,
tdy Attend! U Dtalrad.
la af 1 A Te'i-Ml
Propertj Owntra and Householders Be
quested o Lend a Helping Hand.
Firemen Have Done (iood Work with
the Hose, Washing Away the
Accumulated Dirt on
Today, If Mayor M.icrae's plans pan out,
there will be a general street cleaning
thiouKh'i.t the city. Young and old have
been It;-, ited to participate and lend a
ibovi'l-a .i.ped hand in the crusade against
dirt. &iuycr Macrse himself, attired In
overalls and a Jumper, will lead the pro
cession, ably supported by Chief of Police
Richmond. The plan for a general street
cleaning by the citizens was formulated
by the city's energetic chief executive after
Interviewing a number of the leading busi
ness men.
The crurade Is to start at sunrise and
the plan Is for every property holder, bv-sl-ness
man and house holder to arm himself
or herself with a shovel or broom and
sweep the portion of street In front of his
or her house or place of burlnasis. How the
dirt so swept up will be carted away has
not, so far as It Is known, entered Into
the mayor's calculations, but owing to the
fact that the funds of the streets and al
leys committee have long since been ex
hausted. It Is supposed It will be left to
the wind to blow away or scatter back on
the itreets, as has been the custom hereto
fore. ' ,
A detail of police, It Is understood, headed
by Chief Richmond and apparelled In over
alls, will be assigned to clean that portion
of Bryant street In front of the city Jail
and the patrol house, while City Clerk
Zurmuehlen and his deputy, Ed Bowman,
will head a gang of city employes In the
city hall and clean the street In front of
that building, under the supervision Of City
Engineer Etnyre.
School Children to Help.
Chairman Graham of the Board of Park
Commissioners has offered to co-operate
with Mayor Macrae and will have a force
of men cleaning the street! 'around Bayliss
park. President Hess of the Board of Ed
ucation has, It Is said, also entered into
the spirit of the crusade against dirt and
the Janitors of the different school build
ings are to arm themselves with shovels
and get out and work this morning. There
has been some talk of "arming" the teach
ers and pupils with shovels and brooms,
but when asked yesterday afternoon Mr.
Hess said It had been decided to leave this
optional with the teachers and their pupils.
No stone has been left unturned by
Mayor Macrae, and even the pastors of the
several churches have been Interviewed
and have expressed a willingness to do
what they can In purging the city of Its
uncleanllness from a practical as well bs a
religious standpoint. They have promised
Dr. Macrae that the streets In front of
their respective churches will be swept and
cleaned. Yesterday both Chief Richmond
and Mayor Macrae received a number of
telephone calls from different parts of the
city, assuring him of co-operation In his
plan to clean the street. One woman tele
phoned1 that If her husband felt Indisposed
after chopping the day's kindling and haul
ing in the day's supply of coal she would
herself take a shovel and see to it that the
street in front of her house was cleaned.
In the meantime the detail from the fire
department is doing valiant work In flush
ing the principal business streets, and for
the first time In many moons the granite
paving on roadway Is visible to the naked
eye. Yesterday afternoon the firemen com
pleted the flushing on Pearl street to First
The following la a list of the business
men who have signed an agreement to
sweep or have swept the streets In front
of their places of business today:
Henry H. Van Brunt, president Com
mercial club; H. A. Qulnn, E. H. Mer
rlam, W. W. Loomle, Chnrles McDonald,
Charles T. Stewart, John T. Stewart, 2nd,
James O'Neill, F. J. Day, George Wright,
Dr. A. P. Hanchett, B. 8. Terwllliger, U
Zurmuehlen, Jr., John Weaver, Andy Halin,
W. P. Sapp, Lucius Wells, Churles Beno,
George M. Richmond, Oscar Younkerman,
W. L. Douglas. William Coppock, A.
Bereshelm, Patrick Gunnnude, Spencer
Smith, Dr J. H. Cole, Dr. H. B. Jennings,
Dr. J..C. Waterman, W. H. Kimball, Henry
Atkins, T. N. Petersen, John Olsen,
Thomas Maloney, M. H. Tlnley, 8. Chris,
tensen, Frank P. Wright, O. P. Wickham,
S. G. Underwood, Hoard of Education,
churches and others.
tarl Goes to Industrial School.
Alice Culbertson, the young girl charged
with being incorrigible, was ytBterday or
dered committed to the Girls' Industrial
school at Mitohellvlllo by Judge Green,
after a hearing In the Juvenile division of
the district court. Pending being taken to
the school the girl was placed In care of
the sinters at St. Bernard s hospital.
The need of a pluce of detection for
youthful offenders arrested under the Juve
nile law has caused the county authorities
to fix up Farmers' hull In the baBement of
the court house as a place where they can
be kept pending disposition of their casr.
The outer windows have been barred and
one end of the room will be partitioned off
with bars and cots and other conveniences
placed In it. '
Rev. Henry DeLong, who was appointed
probationary officer by the court, Is much
pleased with the operation of the new
Juvenile law and believes It will have a
salutary effect on the wayward youth of
the city. A number of boys when threat
ened with prosecution under the new law
have mended their ways and are regularly
attending school. Mr. DeLong Is of the
opinion that with the co-operation of the
police In keeping the boys off the streets
at night even better results could be ob
tained and he Is strongly In favor of reviv
ing and rigidly enforcing tire curfew ordi
nance. Testimonial u Miss I rl.
Miss Flora l"rl of San Francisco, "Sister
of the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers," who
has been the guest of Major Mat Tlnl.'y
and family during her visit In Council
Bluffs, left yesterday for Des Moines, where
she will be the guest of honor at a bunuuet
and reception to bo given by the, members
of the old compuny of the regiment of that
city. Before leaving Council Bluffs Miss
Vrl and twenty-two former members of
Company L had a group photograph taken,
she being the central figure. Miss I'rl
carried with her from this city as a token
of gratitude from "her boys" a handsome
plain gold locket, on one side of which Is
engraved her name and on the other "In
loving memory from her boys pf Compuny
L, Fifty-first regiment."
Wagon Box rectory Com In.
Mesars.Xl. G. Woodln and J. F. llJghes
of Oskulooau, la., who have arranged to
remove their wagon box factory to this
,'lt.r In n,ui.l,ln.ull,,H nf Ih. ftf .1.1 'lillnn
, them jt site on AVest Broadway, rre in
i the city. Yesterday they held a nfer- with the city officials aud - .u-'utiv
committee of the Commercial club rela
tive to the contracts and transfer of title.
They expect to commence the work of con.
structlon of their buildings at orfce and
have everything In readiness to have the
plant In operation by spring. They ex
pressed themselves as greatly pleased with
the cordial manner In which their propo
sition had been received by the city.
Matters In District Cosirt.
Judge Green yesterday morning on th
convening of district court Impaneled the
grand Jury for the November term and
that body directly after receiving its In
structions started on Its deliberations,
which promise to be more than usually pro
tracted. The Jury Is composed as follows:
George Quick, ; Quick, foreman; Robert
Rain, Council Bluffs; Lewis Smith, Garner;
H. F. 8ar, Living Springs; C. J. Still well,
Lewis; August Olderog, Trey nor; Thomas
Wlllmott, Neola. Miss Tucker Is acting as
clerk of the Jury.
The personal Injury damage suit of Jo
seph Wade against the city of Council
Bluffs had been assigned for trial yester
day, but owing to the absence from the
city of Ex-Alderman E. H. Lougee, one of
the principal witnesses for the city, the
case was continued until later In the term
and the petit Jury was excused until this
n ornlnj.
David Evans was granted a divorce from
Jennie Evans on the ground of desertion.
The following second assignments of Jury
cases was made by Judge Green:
November 22 Lark In against Hutchinson,
First National Bunk against Larkln.
November ia Lungdon against Hansen &
November 28 Smith ngnlnst Motor Com
pany. Moneywelght Scale Company against
E. Pill.
November 29 Harris against Chicago
Great Western Railway Company (special),
Bromberg against Evans Laundry Com
pany. November. 30 Fogorty against Motor
December 1 McCnnn against Albertl, Mc
Cann against Richmond.
December S Fickle against Bone, Wade
against City of Council Bluffs.
lecember 6 MeKibben against Killers,
Potter against Gorman et al, Ehlers against
December A Land against HollenbecK
Bros., Boiiclous ngalnst Motor Company.
December 7 Rolph against Motor Com
pany, Riley against New Nonpareil Com
pany. December B Baughn against Napier, Pot
ter, administrator, against City of Council
December Mullln against McQulrk.
December 12-elth against Eyeberg, Dorn
& McGlnty against Cooper.
Fred Stone Goes to Pen.
Fred Stone, the negro sentenced to ten
years In the penitentiary for assault with
Intent to kill, was taken to Fort Madison
last night by Sheriff Canning and Deputy
Woolman. Before leaving Stone signed an
agreement with John Sankee, Council
Bluffs' lone Chinaman, whereby the latter
Is to hold Stone's trunL for thirty days as
security for room rent and If the amount
due is not paid by that time the trunk and
contents will become the property of San
kee. Among the articles In the trunk Is
the police uniform which Stone sported
during his ghort and eventful career as
city poundmaster at the commencement of
the present administration.
N.Y. Plumbing Co. Tel 130. Night, F867.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
November 21 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Anton Vend to Frank Vend, lot 8, block
, Burns' add., w. tl $ 20
Julia Hegarty and husband to Zenas
Qrayblll, part seVi sw 10-76-42, q. c. d. 10
B. F. Grayblll to Zenas Qrayblll, part
seH W4 10-76-42, q. c. d 10
Surah H. Hart et al to B. G. Coburn,
lot Unblock 22, Burns' add., w. d 45
Elmer Fehr to E. G. Coburn, lot 12.
block 22, Burns' add., w. d 60
William A. Goehring and wife to Magsie
E. Hamer, lot 1, block 14, Crawford's
add., w. d.. 200
Six transfers, total I33S
Plumbing and Heating Blxby tc Bon.
John Bereshelm 111.
August Bereshelm and Mrs. Julia Keellne
were colled to Chicago Sunday by a tele
gram announcing the serious condition of
their father, John Bershelm, president of
the Council Bluffs Savings bank, who had
gone there a week ago for treatment. As
Mr. Bereshelm Is 74 years of age, the an
nouncement of his serious condition caused
the gravest fears among his friends here,
but they were greatly relieved to learn yes
terday noon that . Mr. Bereshelm was
greatly Improved and waa practically out
of danger.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age
Frank Hess, South Omaha 39
Anna Rlha. South Omaha 46
William Rodenburg. Weston, la 21
Bridget M. Ratlgan, Underwood, la 22
Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel.
New Eastern Star Lodge.
DUNLAP, la., Nov. 21. (Special.) The
Dunlap Eastern Star chapter has Just been
organised here by Mrs. Fannie M. Seevers
of Stuart, worthy grand matron of Iowa.
The meeting was held at the Masonlo hall
and twenty-three charter members were
enrolled. These officers were elected: Mrs.
Mary Burling, worthy matron; Mrs. Isa
Anderson, associate matron; J. A. Traver,
worthy patron.
Positive Proof from Omiha Can't bt
brushed lightly aside.
The reader la forced to acknowledge
Hint convincing; proof in liia own city Is
lrt-uuliuntly ukeud of endorsement
from everywhere else In our republic.
Itend this:
MC. II. L. Howe, 1H521 Bristol street,
who has charge of the transmitters be
tween Chicago, St. Louis and California
In the WoHtern Union Telegraph com
pany's olHi-e, says: "Before I procured
Houn's Kidney rills at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store, corner 15th and Douglas
streets, I tried several well known pro
prietary medicines guaranteed to be sure
enures for any form of kidney trouble,
but at best they only gave me temporary
relief. Finally I gave up searching for
a remedy, but as my back ached, and
there was too frequent action of ' the
kidney secretions. It struck int if Poan's
Kidney Mils performed half what .they
promised they might help me over the
difficulty. The treatment has apparent
ly cured me for up to date I have noi
noticed a symptom of a recurrence."
Hold by all dealers. Trice 50c per box
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole
agents for the 1'u.ited Ktates.
Henienilwr the uaiuu. I ... i,.
j uo substitute.
AppeaU to President to Urge Enlargement
of Commission VFowin.
Supreme Court Asked to Decide
Whether Defendants In Contempt
Case Are Untitled to a
Trial by Jnrr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINEB, Nov. 21(Speclal.) It Is
now revealed here that Governor A. B.
Cummins, who went to Washington and
la there now, had a double object In view,
and that aside from presenting- the matter
of the second appeal of Iowa soldiers re
garding the Inscriptions on the Bailor mon
ument, he went by appointment with Gov
ernor Van Sant of Minnesota and Governor
LaFolletta of Wisconsin to present to the
president on behalf of a large number of
commercial associations In the western
country the memorial for the modification
of the Insurance commerce act so as to
give some federal control and regulation
of railroad rates the same as In many
of the states of the union. It was ar
ranged that the three governors should
meet In Washington and appear before the
president on this one errand. Governor
LaFollette was unfortunately unable to
go at thU time, but he has sent a letter
explaining his views. Governor Cummins
carried with him a vast amount of evi
dence bearing on the subject and he ex
pects to lay this before th president and
urge upon him that he recommend again
and more forcibly than ever before that
congress amend the Interstate commerce
act or make other provision for reaching
the same thing.
Accident Victim Recovering-.
The victims of ( the street car accident
of last Saturday are an recovering ana
there will be no fatalities. The motor
man, Jones, who was most seriously In
jured and of whose life there was some
doubt tor a time, will recover and be but
little disfigured. Charles Joy, a young
man, lost a foot by amputation, but oth.
erwlse Is not Injured. One woman who
was somewhat Injured In the accident, lost
a pocketbook and MOO In money and It has
not yet been found. Several others who
were In the accident other than the Hat
as first made known, suffered broken bones,
as it was discovered afterwards. The ac
cident was the first serious one on the
railway for two years.
Contempt Cass and the Jnrr.
The supreme court today listended to ex
tended arguments In the Certiorari cases
from Des Moines In which certain promi
nent citizens were fined for contempt of
court on a showing that they had been
guilty of trying to bribe Jurors. The de
fendants In the various case appeal on
th ground that In these cases, which are
of a criminal character, they had a right
to trial as to the facts before a Jury, and
that the court had no right to punish for
contempt In Iowa without Jury trial.
The case Is one which will set a precedent
of great Importance In Iowa In all con
tempt cases and if It la reversed there
will be but little fining tor contempt In
this state.
Th court today affirmed the sentences
In two criminal cases, that of C. E. Bird
from Pottawattamie county, convl.ted of
tobbery, and that of Fred Robirda of Page
county, convicted of conspiracy to commit
robbery. Neither case was argued.
There was filed with the secretary the
articks of Incorporation of the Farmers'
Mutual Telephone company of Lincoln
township, with headquarters at Harlan;
capital, $10,000; H. H. Paup, president;
Hurvey Krlckson, secretary.
Mar Have Arrested Price.
There Is a lumor here to the effect that
'lie sheriff of Boone county came to D
Moines and last night effected the arrest
' Price, the negro whs wanted st
You can't be your own boss when it
comes to eating
Your stomach must be obeyed it
will not obey you But you can make a
business of eating and by founding that
business on pure, crisp, nourishing
Unoeda Biscuit make your stomach an
agreeable partner to your appetite
Try it!
Uneeda D.SCUlt
pure, crisp in air
Frater for murder, and that he has been
secreted ir some Jail not far away. He
will not be taken to Boone county for
fear of mob violence. No confirmation of
the rumor can be had here and the Vlty
police deny any knowledge of the affair.
John Bloom Kill HI Son Who Took
Mother' Part.
SHENANDOAH, la.. Nov. 21.-(SpecUl
Telegram.) Last evening at 7:30 o'clock
John Bloom shot and Instantly killed his
son, Frank, at their home, eight miles
south of this city. The trouble started in
the first place In a quarrel between the
father and the mother over some little
thing In connection with the new ho lee they
are building on their home farm, and the
difficulty grew to such an extent that the
son could not stand It any longer and he
Interfered. He and his father had a scuf
fle In which the young man got the best
of the father. The son then decided that
he would take his three children and go to
hi own home, and did start for his home,
his mother starting with him. The father
followed them out of the bouse with a
shotgun and as the party was going out of
the front gate he shot his son behind the
left ear, killing him Instantly.
The father is 68 years of age and was
one of the most highly respected men in
the community and belonged to one of the
best families here. He has lived on this
one farm for fifteen years and in this lo
cality for twenty-five or thirty years. The
murderel son is 37 years old and leaves
his wife, who has been In a hospital at
Clarlnda for two weeks receiving treat
ment for a cancer which is threatening her
life, and three children, one boy 9 years
old, another a girl 10 yeari old, and the
third a baby 1 year old. No arrest has as
yet been made.
K. In . Hnleit Disappears.
CARROLL, la., Nov. 21. (Special.) Three
weeks have elapsed and friends of R. L.
Hulett are more mystified than ever over
his strange disappearance. Little was said
at the time, for when he left his wife went
to the train with him and saw lilm pur
chase a ticket for Boone. From there he
Intended, to go to Eagle Grove, thence to
Sioux City and then home. When a reason
able time was up for his return home and
he did not put In an appearance Mrs. Hu
lett telegraphed to points where he was
supposed to huve stopped off, but received
no answer. Mr. Hulett's friends do not be
lieve he has met with foul pluy, but that he
has been detained somewhere and will In
time return to hla family. He was married
less than a year ago to a widow at Hum
burg, la.
Company Elect Officer.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Nov. 21.-(Spe-clul.)
At a recent meeting of the directors
of the Beltramle Cedar and Land company
here these officers were elected for the
coming year: President, George Matthews
of Woodbine; vice president, H. B. Kllng of
Woodbine; secretary, F. McQavern of Mis
souri Valley; treasurer, C. H. Deur of Mis
souri Valley; general manager, J, R. Stuart
of Black Duck, Minn. The affairs of the
company were found to be In a prosperous
condition. This company Is an organisa
tion of local capitalists with large land
Interests In Minnesota. This winter 300
carloads of telephone poles will be produced
and twelve forty-acre tracts of land cleared
of timber.
Barclar Kinds a Roach House.
CLINTON, la., Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Dyer lust night entered the
house of Mrs. Anna Flannagan for the
purpose of robbery. Mrs. Flannagan and
her duughter were awukened by the In
truder and they Jumped on him with a
vengeance. Before Dyer was subdued and
turned over to the officers he wss severely
Boy Killed by IJaamlte.
BURLINGTON, la.. Nov. 21. (Special.)
Carl Peterson, a 16-year-old boy, had his
head blown off by a dynamite explosion.
The boy was engaged In th city gang at
always fresh, clean
tight packages.
SKr.llr iiM-i.a mi i i i 'iSy ' sinai"-- -"-frsyg- ylfffS
the Burlington quarry on West avenue. He
was getting a stick of dynamite to be used
In a blast when the explosive fell to the
ground. His head wns blown off by the re
sulting explosion, which shook the city
also. Windows were broken for blocks
around the quarry. A number of other men
were working In the quarry, but escaped
without Injury.
Sue County Officers.
IXM3AN, la., Nov. 21. (Special.) Fremont
Benjamin and George H. Mayne of Council
Bluffs have filed papers with the clerk of
the district court by which they bring suit
agulnst B. F, Huff, county auditor, the
Board of Supervisors of Harrison county
and A. B. Cummins, governor. The auditor
had advertised certain school lands for sale,
the lands being in pomcsslon and ownership
of Benjamin and Mayne. An injunction has
been Issued by Judge W. R. Green restrain
ing the auditor from selling theso lands.
lovra State normal Graduates.
CEDAR FALLS, la.. Nov. SI. (Special.)
The Iowa State Normal school will close
Its fall term on Wednesday, November 23,
for a week's vacation. A class of eight
will be graduated from the institution with
appropriate ceremonies nt thnt time and
will receive diplomas from President H. H.
Seerley. About fifty students and teachers
have gone to St. Louis to enjoy the voca
tion nnd take advantHgu of low railroad
rates offered at this time.
Consecration of Bishop.
DfBUQLE, la., Nov. 21 (Speclal.)-The
consecration of Dr. John P. Carroll, bishop
elect of Helena, Mont., will take pluce on
December 21 In St. Raphael's cathedral,
the special date agreed upon being the feut
of St. Thomas the Apostle, It being neces
sary that the consecration of r bishop tuke
place on a feast day.
Ritan Will Speak.
LOGAN, la., Nov. 21. (Special.) Attorney
George W. Egan of Logan has been an
nounced to deliver an address before the
memorial meeting of Elks at Council Bluffs
on December 4.
Weddlnsra at Table Rock.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Nov. 21. (Special.)
The air seems to be redolent with the
scent of orange blossoms In thi vicinity.
A double wedding will occur at the Pres
byterian church Wednesday evening next
at 8 o'clock. At that time Mr. Charles K.
Anderson of Beaver City, Neb., will lead
to the altar Mies Mabel Miller of this
place, who recently resigned her position
as primary toucher In our public schools.
Mix Miller is the only daughter of D. K.
Miller, president of the State bank of Table
Rock. At the same hour and same pluce
will occur the marriage of Ezra Fellers
and Miss Ruby Allen of Table Rock. Miss
Allen recently resigned her position aa
TYie Evolution
or a
Good Cook
From NO beef extract
then to the ONE.
beef extract
VWh Blue Signature
rwr etAbt
' janBanvanNh
MO tin nrmr
Vin-sassu f
i i Ut fl)tPasn-
deputy postmaster, which she had accepta
bly filled for a lung time. At 8:30 both wlU
have a reception In tTie Woodmen hall.
The marrluire of Mlfs Viva Brock, so
long the "hello girl" at the central tele
phone office In Table Rock, occurred last
Wednesday at Falls City, Neb., when she
was married to O M. Lane of this place,
who Is also an employe of the 'elephone
Cards have bren received here announce
lug the marriage, on Tuesday next st the
home of the bride In Missouri Valley, la.,
of Mint Josephine Harmon to Mr. Clinton
C. Norrls, youngest son of Major and Mrs.
C. II. Norrls, snd who was born and reared
In Table Rock. The groom has a position
with the Chicago & Northwestern people at
Missouri Vnllry. where ho has been for
revet al months.
Mr. Peter Mertes, on of Dorn Mertes,
who lives three miles north of here, will
also bo married Wednesday night at
Steinnuer, Neb., to Miss Lizzie Rock,
daughter of John P. Rock, who Uvea three
miles west of here. A reception
given at the bride's home In the evening.
The best hand processes,
as well as the finest grapes
are used in making
Champagne. The proper
fermenting and aging of a
champagne is a delicate
matter. You .cannot make)
good wine by machinery.
Each bottle is inspected
every day for months.
When it comes to your tibia
it is a perfect champagne.
Treats all forms of
88 Years' Ksuerlano
IS Years lu DumUt
A Msdliml Kipert
whoa rsmarkabl
saccaa ha uvr
ben escelled.
Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured.
V.rlcor.le, Hydremia, Blood Pol.on, Slrlclura. Olaat,
Nrrtoui Debility. Loaa ot Bir.oatb and Vlialltr.
His Home Treatment
Baa parmanantlr eurad Ihouaanda ot caaea of ehromls
Nervuua. Hoctal, KlUn.r and Uladdar and Skin Dla
aa.a at amall coat. ttva tlma and monry tr aaa
cri i.ln rout c.aa and writ, (or KKEK UooK mat
tarma of trvatmant. Madltlna aant la plain aatkasa,
Charge Low. Consultation .
OnVa Hour. a 4. m. to 1:30 p. nr.; Sundays, 0
s m. lu ID p. m Tali or wrltt. su tM.
OOVe tit S. 14th St.. Omaha. N.s.
l M Blf H for unoatorse
f ia I to ft ;
siachartas. istUm maltonik
Irritationa ii ulcaratioSMl
i m atrUiajr).
of mac oaa ntuubraa.
fmuk CutaciM. e.inlaM. aad not aalrt
i v ojsamun.i tTYi b irastst
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