Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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iXembsr Wheat Vary Erratic, Fric
Flnctuatiog Within Wide Rings.
Heavy Damping ( Lena- Drrrmlirr
ntfil-Tuh Wheat en Omaha
Corn an Oata 9teart '
Gossip at the pita. v
OMAHA. Nov. :i. 1901.
At the opening; thin morning there was a
disposition on trie part of shorts to gather
Iri their profit and thin buying caused n
change of front In trie mo speculative
r rains. The rover I rig for a time was quite
Ively and the imirket allowed n. tendency
to higher prlcev The receipts at north
western points were heavy and hut (or the
large short interest created during last
welt there could have been but little to
bold prices on. True the drouth Mill -nn-llnues,
but there arc signs of a breaking
up of the unseasonable weather and more
favorable growing reports. Liverpool waa
d If wer mid lli ndvires mere generally
less favorable to the bull able. The early
buying aofin established a rent advance In
both December antl Mav wheat, the former
going to 11 t find the latter o 811'".
Thus matters remained lor a time, then the
shorts null huvlng and long wna
again dumped right and left. Aided by
thla and the natural unfavorable character
nf the new the market turned right about
fsoe and went the other way with it ruah.
The advanre waa lost and then the sllrt4
eontlnued the other way until December
reac hed $1 nn, or nearly three point" below
.the hlgh prim and then rinsed flat. The
loss for the day waa 1 points, and the
lump wis not atayed. in the final selling
May broke from) 81.l(, the high point, to
tl 0. 'ot much rhnnge In the closing on
July, although It loat Ita advance.
Omaha rash trade waa very good, but
agnln at easier prlcea. with the bulk of the
sales before the display of great weakness
In speculative markets. No. 1 northern, 1
lbs. test, aold at SLOT; No. 3 hard, from 54
to 58 lbs. teat, at 9sef$l.02; No. 4 at 94-690.
There was leas Irregularity In the apecu
lative range than In wheat, but the -potnt
advance In sympathy with the early rise
In the former wis loat, but there was no
actual loas as compared with yeaterday.
Onts continue steady, with prlcea prac
tically the same as on Saturday.
Omaha Caah galea.
W heat-One car No. 3 hard. 55 lb., $1.00;
1 car No, 3 northern, t lb.. $1 .07: J eg"
No. 8 hard. 56 lbs.. Si 01 : 2 cars No. J hard.
54 lb.. 95c; 1 car No. 8 hard, 58 lbs.. 3U3;
1 car No, 4 spring, 47 lbs., 75c; 1 ear No.
4 hard. 60 lbs., 94c; 1 carNo. 4 hard, 54
lb'.. 98c.
Corn On ear No. S yellow, 45c; 1 car No.
4 yellow, 2.c.
yellow: 89e.
No. 8 white. 27c; 1 car No. 3 whit?, 28c.
Omaha Caah Prlcea.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 31.07; No. 3 hard.
98ert81.u2; No. 4 hard. IMUo; No. Irprng,
tl. "7; No. 4 spring. 75c (to arrive)
CORN No. 2 new, 42c; No. 3 new, 41e;
No. 4 new, 89840c; no grade, nw. 37
Me; No. 2 yellow, new, 42c; No. 3 yellow,
new. 12c; No. 3 white, new, 42c; No. 3
wV. new. 41c. '
OATS No. 3 mixed. 29c; No. 3 mixed.
27c; No. 4 mixed. aifrCSHc; No. 3 whlta.
29c : No. 8 white, 2k&j&ic ; No. 4 whlta,
2.'?i27c: atundard, 28c.
Grain Marketa FlseTrhere.
Clotting prlcea gt the following markets
today and Friday ware:
Today. Snt'y.
July ......
Corn- "
July ,
Financial Gossip. '
Drought seriously hampers all Pittsburg
Americans in London, steady; rather
above parity.
Bank gained from sub-treasury on Fri
day 1249,000.
Dividend payments on Ontario & Western
expected about Christmas.
Republic Steel will probably resume Is
sue of semi-annual reports. .
T. C. I. InereoamgHta' capacity" 'fdr steel
rails to 30,000 tona a month.
Most active centers report healthy in
rreaae of business since election. ,
Pittsburg. Cleveland. Chlcsgo & St. Louis
October net earning Increase 820,022.
Delaware Hudson earnings for Sep
tember quarter all systems Increase 853,265.
National City bank shows principal de
crease in loans In Saturady's bank state
ment. Secretary Shaw cslls on banks expected
to be more than offset by cash from the
Reported Buffalo, Rochester A Pittsburg
will secure entry to Pittsburg over Wabash
One hundred and four roads for Septem
ber sliow uvc rage net Increase In earnings
of 10, SO per cent.
' Commercial Goaalp.
Total clearances: Wheat, 24.0C.H) Int.; flour,
17,000 bbln.; corn, 4.ihXi bu.; oata, none;
wheat and flour, W.tMA) bu.
Sunderland I'pillke: Tiie weakness of
December wheat In Minneapolis and large
receipts Is too much for the wheat market.
We muat have lighter receipt soon or the
market will go lower.
Primary rcelpU: Wheat, 1.533,000 bu.;
Inet year. l.SUR.MJO bu. Shipments: Wheat,
JH3.000 bu.; last year, 4OX.00O bu. Corn.
mm bu.; last year, 344.000 bu. Shipments:
Corn, 270.000 bu.; lust year, 690,000 bu.
Total visible: Wheat. 33,399,000 btt.:year
ago, 29,272.000 bu.; Increase, 3,927,000 bu.
Corn, t.fday, 1.493.-X10 bu.; year ago, ,11,000
Int.; decrease, 4.1123.001) bu. Oats, 24,824.0ijO
bu.; year ago, 9,3t8.00U bu.; Increase, 15,016,
000 bu.
Qaotalloas of the Day oa Various
NBW YORK. Nov. Sl.-FLOUR-Recelpts,
83.6t5 bbls.; exports, 21.000 bbl. ; sates, 4.2W
pkgn.; market quiet and partially lower;
Allnnevotu- patents, W UfjUHO; Minnesota
baker, M.fc?.!; winter patents, to.tMff
b.'m; winter sirulgnt?, 5.38t(j.i; winter nx
tras, 26. wlutor low grades. n:1.4'r
.". Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.5of((
4.75; choice to fancy, t4 .738j.S5. Buckwheat
Hour. stead 82.2onj2.26.
CORN'MKAle-Wuict; yellow western
J1.1-&U5; city, H.loffl.lS; kiln dried, 3.i4
KYK Nominal.
UAHIjKY-Steady; feedlna. 4Ur. e I t
New York.
WHEAT Receipts. 28.000 bu.: exnorts M..
bil bu.; sales, 4.800.0110 bu. futures. Snot.
weak; No. t red, ti ls' f. o. b. afloat; No,
1 northern, Duluth, $1.2oi t. o. b. afliat;
'No. 1 hard, Manitoba, tl 08 f. o. b. afloat.
(.'pllona opened barely steady on big west,
ein receipts. They acted strong ltr owing
to a bullish Kansas state report and
smaller world's shipments, but eventually
collapssft under northweat weakness, a big
visible supply Increase and bear presnure,
The close wag Jr!c net lower; May,
tl.10S-lsttil.12b.; cloned at tl HV July, II OIH
i 031; closed at 11.02; December, tl 16ft
1 It', : closed at tl lfi.
CORN Kecelpta, k.0 bu.; receipts, S.(4s
bu.; sales, lO.OoO bu. futures. 40,000 bu. spot.
Spot, steady; No. 2. nominal elevator, and
6ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow. 661411; No.
2 white, &Ze. The option market waa neg
lected all day, closing partly Uc net higher;
May closed at alc; December, 66u67c;
closed at MTso.
OATS Receipts, 30 300 bu. Spot, weak;
mixed, 2 to 32 lbs.. 84iaaVbc; natural
white, 30 to 33 lbs., 141 37 clipped white,
3d to 4(1 lbs., 37tt40f, Options nominal.
FEED firm; soring bran. 831; middlings,
830.60; city, $A.iW4j 27.60.
HAY steady ; spring, Soif'Oc; good to
choice. uCf&c.
HOPS Finn' slate, comuiun to choice,
l'.M crop. 81tii9c; 19vg crop, 31tr3c: o',i
Ha lac; Paclilu euast. 19u4 crop, 80it37c;
olds, HflUo.
lllDKS-KIrm; Qalveston, 30 to 24 lb..
17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., Jc; Trxos
Urv. 24 to 30 lb., 14c
T .K A THE R Firm : ac'd, 24U2BC.
PROVISIONS Beef. steady;! fnmllv,
811.50; mess. P OOfl.' SO; beef ham. 1.3 S);
packet, 310.0010.80; citv txtrn India mess.
H.KufllSM. Cot p'e.t. sfadv; pl,We,
bellies, 8S60.75: pickled shoulders. 87.6c;
I Irk led hums, t',.l'W ''. Uir.l, fi'ilet; west
ern stennied, 37 46; Vn-uir, '' "1, nnni'
rsl: refined, easy; continent, 37.6S; South
merle. 8.25; r"imi' ' 7i
Vrrk, steady; family, tli iVi15.6rt; short
' 'ir. tl-1 '.'SJi3 7S: lues. 112 713.50.
FALLOW Finn; city. 4o; country, 4H
1' lc.
KICK Firm; domestic, f.ilr to extra, ft
rS'-.c: Jaivin, nominal.
POULTRY Alive, nemlnil; dressed, firm:
trn rhlrhena, l-116c; (owls, ll'(i;w ;
lorkes, k0J6o.
KiKltfStrong; western selected, choice wentern. aersge. bet. 28c.
riCTTFll-Klim; street price. extra.
O'eamery. ;"4m;.ii,,c. Offlelsl prices: Cream
ery, common (,, sstrs. 15'f;2n-,p; state dslr
lea, conn in jo .to extra.. Jo; rsnovsted.
common to extra. lUflV; western factory.
common to rnolce. l.fhlfiUr; western Imita
tion rresmery. common to choice. 16't'l!'
CHKKPB Firm: state, r u 11 cresm. small
SeptemlM-r, colored and hH. fancy. HVc;
late made, colore.1 and white, poor to
choice, ',fll04c: large. Heptmber. colored
snd white, fancy. U'c: late made, col
ored, good to choice. 9V p.Vjr; late made,
white, poor to fancy. 7VU01c.
Feateres at the Tradlag and Clealagi
Prleea ea Hoard af Trade.
CHICAGO, Nor. 21. fnder heavy profit
taking December wheat todav broke an
even i cents rrom the high point of the
day s quotation. A large part of the sell
ing was said to have been don" by eastern
capitalists who were sriSrtous to get out of
the grsln market. The market regained
part of the loss on covering bv short, but
at the close the December delivery showed
a net his of l'c as compared with Satur
day's final ftgorts. Mav Is down Sc. Corn
I up So. Oata how "a gain of a shade.
Provisions are off 2H! to "
At the opening a firm undertone was
manifested In the wheat pit. December
was up' V to c at'Stj1.oT. May
opened unchanged to 'ac hlghr at tMWStf
l.ntS. For a time offerings were inade
quate to the demand and prices made n
quick advance. December selling up to
tl.OhS. May roan to tl .MV Continued flry
weather In the southwest had some In
fluence In the enrlv bulge. Suddenly sonti
ment In the pit veered to the bear side.
Following the lead of a large commission
house, said to be acting from prominent
Wall street Interests, pit traders turned
active sellers of the December option. The
result was a sharp decline. The hresk was
mnde more pronounced bv the loosening of
numeroua stop-lof orders. Before the de
cline was checked December had sold off
to tl.OT'S. a drop of sn even 3c from the
high point. Mav declined to tl.. loss
of 2Hc Short covered cn the break, caus
ing a partial recovery. The market, how
ever, closed weak with December at 81 ci7Vj.
Mav. closed at 31 11. Clearances of wheat
and four were equal to W.snn bushels. The
amount on passage Increased 1.024.000
bushels and the visible supply Increased
2,Of7,ont bushels. Primary receipts were
1.635. 000 bushels, compared with 1.O13300
bushels n year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth
and Chlcsgo reported receipts of 1 2t enra,
agslnst l.iWO cars last week and 1.042 a year
ago. '
In the face of the sharp break In wheat
prices ti remarkable firm undertone pre
vailed In the corn pit. An Improved cash
demand was largely responsible for the
strength. A revival of export buying was
an additional bull Influence. December
opened lower to Sc higher at 477o to
Hc, aold betwen 47c and 48Vc and
closed at 4lSc. May ranged between 4Vti
4SM1O and 4fi'.4C and closed at 4SV46Sc.
Local receipts were 748 cars, with 1 of con
tract grade.
With only small scalping trade the oats
market held ateady through the entire ses
sion. Country offerings were light. De
cember opened unchanged at 2Rc. sold be
tween 2Se and 28c and closed at 28Sff
2e. May sold between 31314,0 nnd 3H
Xiv and closed at 31HiC. Local receipts
were 171 care.
Provisions were weak as n result of lib
eral receipts of hogs nt the yards. Trading,
however, was light. January pork closed
with a loss of 7c at 312.40. Lrd was down
6c at 86 5. Ribs were off 2160 at 3rf.42Mi
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
1.39 cars; corn, 614 cars; oats, 117 cars; hogs,
2S.000 head.
The leading future ranged Be follows:
Artlcle. Open.l Hlgh.l Low. Close. Sat y.
Dec. Mav
La rd
1 onm
1 ns
1 09M.IS
1 OS-V
1 C9S
1 ion,
1 06
1 08
1 07H
1 oiH
1 osn,
1 091.
45N 454iS 4GHi4
4.H.4! 45i' 45iJ
28S 28.
(feU1 31i
31 1,4
12 3714
12 50
7 10
?,W: 31
31Vi 31S
12 45 1 12 45
12 40
12 47",
12 55
. 7 00
7 15
6 471,
6 621&
12 63
12 52M,
.7 12V4i
" 7H
7 12!
6 e:'
6 95
7 12V4I
A 42H
6 45
6 57Vi! 64
No. 2.
Caah quotations were as follows:
FLOtTR Weak; winter patents. 85.30(a)
8.40; winter straights, 34.905.20; spring pat
enta, 85.0tffi6 50: spring straights, f l.7(W6.00;
bakers. 32.90(63.90.
WHEAT No. 3 spring. 41.0SW1. 12: No. 3.
31.O04j1.qtf; Nl-ifr red, 1.10il. 13'.
CORN No. 2, &3Vc; No. 2 yellow, 57HC
OATS-No. 2. 2Mo; No. 3 white, 3132ic;
No. 3 white, i2c.
RYE No. 2. 78c.
BARLEY Good feeding. 5fj384c; falrto
choice malting, 42J52e.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.11; No, 1 northwest
ern. 81.18H: clover, contract grade. $12.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 811.06
4911.10. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 86.P2WH5 95. Short
ribs sides (loose). Jfi tTJVoS.STVj. Short clear
aides (hoxed). ttl.75fiii.87H.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls , 22.9UO 1,200
Wheat, bu 92. 100 12.700
Corn, bu 642.6cm lis.fto
Oots, bu 234.rVi0 71.7iO
Rve, bu 4.000 10.000
Barley, bu lo.aoa j:t.:joo
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady: creameries. 16ffi24c;
dairies, 15fi21c. Eggs, firm: at murk, cases
Included. 18V-f22Hc; nrsts, imc : prime rti'ats.
2Cc; extras, 28c. Cheese, steady, 104(S12c.
St. I.oals Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOIMS. Nov. 21. -WHEAT Ixiwer,
demoralised by bulls selling out; No. 2
red cash, elevator. 31.07': track. tl.13M.if
1.14: December. $1.07471.07; May, tl.lO3
4j1 10',: No. $ hard. 31.10.
CORN I wer; No. 2 cosh. 5flc; track,
62c; December, 44Vfe; May. 43Mc.
OATS Steady; No. 2 cash. 3n4c; track,
3Tc: December. 29,c; May. 3Htc; No. 2
wMt 8"lc
FLOUR Better domestic demand. Red
winter patents. 85.3(nh5.4n; special brand,
hleher: extra fnncv nnd straights, 34.80fg)
6.16: clear. 34.2B94.60.
SEED-Tlmothy. steady: $2.00f(72.40.
CORNMKAI Steady: 32 60.
BHAN Little demand; sacked, east
track: 8(Vfi87c.
HAY Steady and unchanged; timothy,
8& fWr 12.00: prairie. $ ttvjTIO.OO.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; $11. 30.
Lard, lower; prime steam, $.70. Bacon,
steady; boxed extra shorts, $s,12'i. Clear
rlbfi, $8.25. Short clear, $8.50.
FOn.TRY Turkeys, hleher; chickens.
c: springs, $c; turkeys, 13io; ducks, 10c;
geese. 8U.C
Bi'TTFR Firm; creamery, 3(V82c:
dalrv 15(&21c.
EGOS Steady .at 22c. o-se count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 12.000 11.000
Wheat, bu 6.0O0 90.0O0
Corn, bu 82,(nO 17.0"0
Oats, bu 30,000 33.000
Kansas City tlraln and Provisions.
cemlwr. $1.00; May. $1 cjoUiSI.OOS : July. 88-.
Cash: No. t hard. $l.oai.Co; No. 3. $l.(w"r
103; No. 4. $f(Wc; No. 2 red, tl.Wal.t'S;
No. 8 tl.C3&l.l5i No, 4 IWciftl.OO.
CORN December. 42Se: Mny. 41S'!llc.
Cash: No. $ mixed, 45ff4c: No. 3, 45c;
No. 3 white. 47Hc: No. 8. 4Vu'47c.
OATS-No. 3 mixed. 30c; No. 2 whits, 30
HAY Steady: choice timothy. t9.00(&9.25;
Choice prairie. 87.0i8.oO.
KYK Lower; No, 3. 7fJffj'77c.
Rl'TTER Steady; c eameiy, 21g23e;
EOOS Weak: Missouri nnd Kansas stock,
new No. 3 whitewood cases Included, lots
off, 23o per dos; case count, 22c; cases re
turned. He lots.
Receipt. Shlpmen'
Wheat, bu....,, itwiiio 7.c0
Corn, bu , 3.oio 7. .too
Oats, bu ln.oiio 13.000
Visible ftupplv of Grain.
NEW YORK Nov. 21. The vUil.'c s-o'v
of grain on November It. s compiled bv
the New York Produce exchune, was ns
Wheat. W n tfO bu.. an Incrert e o' 2 fi00
'orri. ' fem h't., a (----,n f 7gKyi'
fsta fl''-"1 bu.. a de-.,e of j-'t 010
Wye. 1,9?C'VI b-i. an Inc'eise of lHOfti
Barley, 5.611.ftl bu.. a decrease o' J1,0C0.
Steai'". fair demand: extra wnt-rtt creamer-
fUc: estra nenrv prints 2.c
EGOS Vrm. good demand - n"arhy flt,
j,r p. ..r western frt 27c. t msrv.
CHFE8E F'rtn. good demand- New York
full ercsms fn" MtlHc: c'l"''-. Hf :
fair to gocd. 104 til If.
Mllvrankee Grain Market.
MII.WAIK'VK. Nov. -1. WHEAT-l.-r:
No. 2 novthem, 31 11' 112: No. 2.
! !. Id.
WYV-te lower: No. 1. RS'c-lSic
BARLEY Dull: No. 2. 54c; ample, ri
CORN Dull: No. 3. 5;i5Sc: .May. 45'4W
Peoria Mirket
PEORIA. Nov. n.-CORN-ctlv. lower;
No. i. 4c pew: No. 4, 424iUe new; po
grade, 4uC c new.
Market it Lets Actis, bnt Vtlust irs
Well Maintained.
Decision In ortjern eearltles lase
la Espected to Re glgaal
for an Important Aw
NE TORK, Nov. 21-Aggregate tales of
stocks at the Mock exchange fell off todav.
but notwithstanding the decline In activity.
marking a shrinkage In the active demand
for stocks, prices were well maintained.
The inarket Is best defined as quiet snd
strong. The causes of the falling off In
business were not verv clear The fet nf
a broken week ahead on account of Thanks
giving may have been a motive.
There were some intimations that the
expectation or an Immediate decision of
the Northern Securities suit might be dls
sppolnted. Wall street rllnta to a eonvlc-
tlon that the decision of that suit Is to
tie a signal for some Important announce
ments affecting the transcontinental rail
road situation and the prospect of Its dlav
discouraged some operations. Vnlon Pacific
was noticeably strong, however, as were
St. Paul and the bonds In any way related
to the Northern Securities sdjustment.
The engagement of gold bars for export
to Paris this week was added to by an
amount of several hundred thousand dollars
and Inquiry for all available gold bars was
urgent at the acsay office. Foreign ex
change made a further advance, thus bridg
ing the Interval which permits the shipment
of coin and fc'tf.noo In coin was engaged for
(iermanr. Call money loaned at 3 per cent,
but did not hold at that until the doting.
Chicago exchange rose to Vc premium,
against 10c last week, marking the con
tinuance of the flow of Interior currency to
New York, while the movement of the new
roru crop was scarcely commenced, ex
plaining the light Interior needs of cur
rency. Railroad officials In different sections dif
fer somewhat In their views of the extent
of the Increases In the freight movement.
Ihose of eastern lines showing especial en
thusiasm on the present volume of busi
ness. IJnes In the west look more to the
future, when the corn cron shall begin to
move In force. The Industrial department
of the market continued relatively con
spicuous and there was an occasional move
ment In that department on the part of the
stocks a long time dormant. The more
active Industrials were strong. The I'nlted
States Steel stock and the nil road equip,
ment stocks reflected the good reports from
trade circles. Amalgamated Copper was
strong In common with all copner atocks
and metal stocks generaaly were benefited
In sympathy. The large demand for copper
Is assumed to go largely Into electrical Im
provements and the electric stocks mnde
notable gtlns. The day's smsll changes In
leading stocks compares with th? narrowing
of the dimensions of the market, and the
closing was Irregular nnd below the best.
Bonds were firm. Total sale nar value,
310.3P0.W0. I'nlted States bonds were tin-chnns-ed
on call.
Quotations on the New York stock ex
change yesterday were as follows:
Atchison lt,4cXi ts t:1 84i
do preferred 2.100 1 03 103 lo3
Baltimore & Ohio ... 6.300 97 97 97
do preferred 100 94 94 91
Canadian Pacific .... $.200 134 134 134
Cen. of New Jersey l!d
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 8.300 60 60 6C
Chicago & Alton .... 800 46 44 41
do preferred 82
Chi. & Great West.. 2.4X 26 24 24
Chi. & Northwestern 900 201 200 200
Chi., M. & St. Paul.. 22,700 174 173 173
do preferred 182
Chi. Ter. & Transfer 7.100 ' 1 15 16
do preferred 7.4i'0 27 28 2!
C C, C. & St. Louis 88
Colorado Southern .. 1,600 23 22 23
do 1st preferred .... 100 68 68 68
do 2d preferred .... 30 37- 3 36
Delaware A Hudson. 8c0 187 188 18t
Del.. Lack. A West.. 800 331 330 330
Den. & Rio Grande 32
do preferred 100 80 8 80
Erie 21,3cm 3!i 39 39
do 1st preferred .... 1.000 73 73 72
do 2d preferred .... 300 64 64 64
Hocking Valley 400 84 84 84
do preferred 89
Illinois Central 700 150 149 14!
Iowa Central ... 60O 31 ' 30
do preferred 300 68 67 61
Kansas City South.. tioo 31 3i 29
do preferred 1.500 64 53 63
Louisville & Nash... 3.100 139 139 :
Manhattan L 1,900 1K8 167 167
Met. Securities 2,400 82 81 81
Metropolitan St. Ry.. 6.400 125 124 124
Minn. & St. Louis 64
M .St.P. & 8. Ste. M 91
do preferred 14ti
Missouri Paclnc 24.100 109 108 109
M.. K. & T 1.100 36 34 34
do preferred '.. 1.500 64 64 64
N. R. R. of M.. pfd. 6,500 45 44 44
New York Central ... 1.700 138 135 i:
Norfolk & Western .. 7,700 . 75 75 75
do preferred 80 ,
Ontario & Western .. 00 42 42 42
Pennsylvania 27,200 137 136 134
P.. C, C. & St. Louis 77
Reading .-. G3.7P0 76 75; 7B
do 1st preferred .... 100 37 87 87
do 2d preferred .... 100 80 SO 79
Rock Island Co 26,000 37 30 30
do preferred 9.700 86 83 83
St. L. A 8. F.. 2d pfd. 600 69 -68 68
St. Louis Southwest. 600 ioK 25 '25
do preferred "0 63 63 63
Southern Pacific 42.400 8 67 67
Southern Pacific, pfd. 1.300 117 117 117
Southern Railway ... 10,100 36 35 35
do preferred 410 96 95'4 95
Texan & Pacific 2.100 37 37 37
To!., St. L. cv West.. 4o0 32 31 31
do preferred 4,800 63 52 63
Vnlon PaclHc 171,900 117 115 116
do preferred 400 95 95 94
Wabnsh 1.400 21 23 23
do preferred 2.200 47 46 46
Wheeling & Lake E. 300 21 21 21
Wisconsin Central .. 000 24 24 21
do preferred I.OtO 48 48 48
Mexican Central ....22.900 23 22 23
Adams Express 236 I
American Express ... 216
I'nlted States Ex.... 100 126 126 124
Wells-Fargo Express 240
Amalgamated Copper 83.700 81 79 80
Am. Car & Foundry.. 6,400 32 81 81
do preferred 400 89 88 88
American Cotton Oil 700 34 34 34
do preferred ... 83
American Ice 6.60O 9 '9 9
do preferred 1800 39 38 38
Am. Linseed Oil .... 100 18 18 17
do preferred 40
American Locomotive 23.100 34 33 33
do preferred 2.600 101 lru 101
Am Smelt. Refln. 23,600 81 79 81
do preferred 900 114 114 111
Am. Sugar Refining.. 16,110 162U 151 ir.;'i,
Anacond'i Mining Co. S.fOO 12c lis 11914
Brook. Rapid Tran.. .9o0 68 68 68
Colo. Fuel & Iron.... 9.4.W 47 46 47
Conaollduted Gas 7.500 219 218 218
Corn Products S.300 2J 2S 25
do preferred 1.300 80 80 80
Distillers' Securities .. 700 87 30 3h
General Electric 6.100 lft' PA 189
International Paper. 4.UM) 20 20 o
do preferred COO 79 78 78
International Pump.. 1,000 41 ' 40 41
do preferred 400 85 85 84
National Leid 400 24 24 24
North American 1.900 l"fi lor, 10:-,
Pacltlc Mall 1.8"0 49 48 4
People's Gas 1.700 ' 10c lfts
Pressed Steel Car ... 3,600 35 35 SVi
do preferred Sort 83 K3 81
Pullman Palace Car. 300 231 230 230
Republic Steel 1.70O 17 16 16
do preferred 1,600 9 68 s
Rubber (Joode 1.2"0 " 53 El
do preferred 800 87 87 87
Tenn. coal iron . i .n
U. 8. LeUher 40 600 15
do preferred 2.600 96 96 9f.
T S Realty 8 700 84 S"! $.1
V. 8. Rubber 2.4o0 34 83 33
do preferred 1 I'fl W R6 88
I'Plted States Steel. cW.loo 28 27 27
do preferred 1 08.600 8 87 69
West house Electric. .90 179 177 179
Western I nlon 300 9? 2 92
Total oalea for the day. 1,173,400 shares.
London Closing; Mtoelcs.
LONDON, Nov. Sl.-Cloalna:
0- ol, niontr N V. t'sntrtl Vn
do aeeouill M i- l Norfolk W Tifc
snsrnncU etc M M
Atrhlt.011 M lintirlo & W 4S4
to pfd loctvj Hcnnv Itmli ........70
Pdtlmor A )hl....1MHa lUpfl MIbci ......... 1H1
Canadian PaeiRo n;i Reading t
f h.. Oblo d lat pfd 4t
Chlc-Mu Ot W dr IJ pfd 41
i'.. u A It. P ftouthtra Railwtr ... !
ttcHseni U1, da pfd
iM-nvcr 4t R. 0 4 gnuttiara Pacific
da pfd M In Oil Purlltc its',
Erla '. 4.'H da pfd H'i
fa !t pM 7t, I g. atxl tl',
Co 2d pfd , 4 ptd V"
tlllneta C.nual lf..CH Wabatrl li
1- oui. a Naah til ; do pfd 1
M . K A T W geanlfh 4a TVa
SILVER Bar, Arm, 27 l-16d per ounce.
Mi NKY 2j2 per rent.
The rat of discount In the ooen market
for Khort bills is Sfa-VSi per cent; for three
months' bills. 303 per cent.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Nov. 21 -Money was In moder
?, 1 !.urr "", "'kct to.lav and rates
had a hardening tendency. Discounts were
m71, "I ,i'b"Hnesa was tranaacted'u H,nl, of K"l"ri The tens on the
r-Ln ;" V'h"B e"n-rHy was cheerful.
l?JX . improved and home rat's were In
good demand. Americans opened steady at
flal'w KZHtyA t,,u"hr" Pfinc being ipe!
tlilZ fr.0!'-1' hV-nVtitM generally, became
adki1..."'iUVi' t,,.,,, nr'"- Japanese
advaii. ed. Imperial Japanese goveriini. nt
a of 1904 were quoted at 84. Kaffirs were
firm. Cnartereda were strong, but rloscd
below the best quotstions of the dav.
Mexican rails were strong on the rise in
the rrtce nf silver.
BERLIN, Nov. 21. -Prices on the Roore
todav were reported firm.
PARIS. Nov. 21 The tone on the Bourse
today was very firm. Ru1n Imperial 4
were quoted at 94.8o and Russian bond of
1904 at 80S. The private rate of discount
was 22 per cent.
Sew Tork Money Market.
NEW TORK. Nov. 21 MONEY On call,
stead v at 22 per cent; closing hid. 2
per cent; offered at 2 per cent: time lours,
steady; sixty day. .1 Per cent; ninety
dav and six months. Sf4 per cent.
per cent.
actual business in bankers' hills ot 84 8710-ft
ST8716 for demand and st 34.MU.fi4 8i:n for
slxtv-dav bills; posted rate. l 85 and
34 874 (W: commercial bills. 84 S37,'u 4 M
SILVER Bar, &8c; Mexican dollars.
liONDS Government, steady; railroad,
The following were the closing prlcet on
Stock and bonds:
V. P re'. H, lMU'Wanhattan r a 4..1f'4J
dn eospen lKW . C entral 4a V1'
da a. rl 'V, a lat In.-
da eonpon .'. 1 !ttsn. Ft L. 4i... 7
da saw 4a, rg tfi'VM. K A T. 4a inj
da eaiipan 13' ' " t
da aid 4a. rag jei'4 N. H. R. of M r. 4a !
n coupon KW'i N Y. c R Ji., IWH
Atehlaoa gea. 4a 102 N. 1 C a fa
diia). 4a 14 I No. PariSo 4a P.:.
Atlantic C. t,. 4a.... 10" do 3a 7
Bal. A Ohio 4a WS'N w. r. 4a lot
do 4ja M O P. I,. 4 A par....1fi4'
rentral of Oa. M....IHH Tenn. ennv m,a
do lat Inc J Raadlns sen 4a Ifi,
Chaa. A Ohio 4Wa ...tna 'St I.. A- I M. r 117,
Chlrafto A A. I4,a... 11 f. fa. 4a.
V., . A J. a. 4 1"! tM. J'- 8. W. la 97 c
C. M. A St. P. ( 4a. 1104 SaaN.ard A I,. 4a M
C A N. W. c. 7a...l: So. ra, tfle 4a X4
C. R. I. A P. 4a.... 4s o. Rallwav Sa Il.vt,
do col. ta Tun & P la 113a
rrr. A St. L. f 4a.. mi ,T.. st. 1,. & w. 4.. i
fMrago Tr. 4a B (Cnlon Pariflc 4a
Ton. Tnbaceo 4a SI HI do renv. 4 11a
Colo. A Co. 4a a,;r. f 81 21 Sa o4
D A R. O. 4a Ml Wabah 1 11
Krla rrlor llan 4a....ini,l dn .lab. P
do Krn. 4a 1H W A I, r 4a :t
r. W A I. r. la.- llCViWIa. Central 4a SiV
Horklns Val. 4V,a... .110 ,t olo. Fuel r. r.a 4',
LAN. unl. 4a 103 I
Boston Stock - Market. -
F.ORTON. Nov. 21 Cull lonns. 2i,fi3 per
cent: time loans, 4f?5 per cent. Official clos
ing of stock and bonds:
Atrhlaon art). 4a
do 4a
Mn. Ontral 4a
do pfd
Poatnn A Albany...
Boaton A Maine....
Itnaton ElfTatad ...
Pltrbburf pfd
Vulcan Central ...
N Y.. N. H A H.
Pare Marquatte ...
tnlon Parftr
Amtr. Arge. Cham
do pfd
Amer. Pneu. Tobe.
Amer. Pugar
do pfd
Amer. T. A T
Amar. Woolsn
do pfd
Pomlnton 1. A 8...
E.llaon Elac. Ilia..
Oeneral Electric ...
Maas. Rlactrle .....
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
I'nlted Krult
United 6hoa Mach .
do pfd
U. S. Stael
do pfd
. fttvs Weatlnfr eommnn hS
.101 (Adventure o,
. 'ch jAllnnei -t
. sat: Amalgamated w
.toSCii1 American Zinc ill
.253 i.Mlantlc lJU
.um Blnsham "S
,.1M ,Cal. A Hecla 4C
.140 'Centennial .o
,. i2H;coppr Range "1
.liwi, Hair it HS
. 77 'I'nmlnlon Coal ftUa
1IH Pranhlln in
. o Orancv r-H
. V4 tale govale 1
. Maaa. Mining TH
.1614 Mlrhlsan ?S
.laf MohawK 1 6S4
.1444 Mont. C. A C 4'J
.. 244 Old Dominion !7
. M iOareola . . ., S
. 174'Parrot M
24J IQulncy 1:0
.isa Hbannon 11-lct
, Id'i'Trlnltr 14
. tit1!' 8. Mining 244
. 4iSi!l'. S. Oil 124
.lf.1 t'tah 4
. -',lvtetori 64
. 114 Vtnnna '. US
. 4Wolvrln 10
. II I
New Vork Mining; tnck.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. The following are
the-closlng pi-Ices cn mlnlne; "tricks
Adams Con ....
... IS
Little Chief
.. 0
.. 14
.. 17
.. 21
.. t
Ilrunawk'k Con ...
f'oraatnek Tunnal.
Con. Cal. A Va..
Horn Silver
Iron ailvar
Leadvllla Con ...
... 11
... a
. ,.5cw
... i
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopea .
Traaaorj- Statement.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23. Today s state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund exclusive of the 1150,000 flO) gold
reserve In the division of reciemptli n
shows: Available cah balance, SIM. 757 63;
gold, S2,KcJ,118.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. 21. WOOL Of the wool
market the Commercial Bulletin says: The
market la avilet. Business Is meager and
confined to small line. Advices from the
west Indicate a . cessation nf contracting
for the 1905 clip, lite foreign ndvlcea note
quicker marketa in . South. America and
Australia.. The markets ..everywhere are
very Arm and some ju-udea In Boston are
h'gner than a week ago,, Buppllea are small
and selection poor. Importations are
larger, but are ail held at-ig prlcea. The
shipments of wool frotnBaetrrrv to date
from uecemner sj, iw.i. wcorning to tne
same authority, nre 220.tVil.S84 lbs., against
2MR,418,3 lbs. at the same time last year.
The receipts to date are 288.966.133 lbs.,
ucalnst 26l.3ti0.182 1ba. for the same period
'fiT.LOri8. Nov. 21 WOOTy-Steady: me-'
dlum grades, combing and clothing. 2113;
light Hue. lwr.'Jc; heavy tine, la'JlSc; tub
washed, 2&1J39C. ,
Mnarar and Molaaaea.
NEW YORK, Nov. 'Jl.-SirGAR-Raw.
firm; fair refined, 4 3-ltk-; centrifugal. 96
test, 4 ll-10c; molasses sugar, 8 15-1 (it Re
fined firm; No. 6, 5.06c; No. 7. 6c; No. 8,
4 0c; No. 9, 4.8Sc; No. 10. 4.)c; No. 11. 4.70c;
No. 12, 4.65c; No. 13, i.CM-; No. 14. 4.60c; con
fectioners' A. 5.30c; mould A. fi.tuic; cut
lonf, 6.16c; crushed. 6.16c: powdered, o.Sic;
granulated. 6.4fc: cubes. 6.70c.
Strong; open kettle centrifugal, 4H9-l'.c;
centrifugal whites. 4 13 16c; yellows, 4
4 13-16c; seconds, 8i84c.
MOLAijSES Steady: open kettle. 20S3tic;
centrifugal. 171?23c. Syruo firm at 2S'fi304
NEW ORLEANS. Not. 21.-S!'OAR-Strong;
open kettle centrifugal, 4t4 15-lc;
415-16c; yellows, 4fr iJ-16c; seconds, 3'ii
MOLASSES Steady; opejn kettle, 2t)i30c;
centrifugal, 23c. , '
BYRl'P-Flrm: 2023c, '-' '
Cottok Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21.-COTTON-Spot
closed quiet and stead v; middling- upland,
10c; middling gulf. 10.25c; sales, 65) bales.
fair demand, prices 4 points lower: Ameri
can middling fair. 5.60d; gocd middling,
6.3Sd; piiddllng, 6.28d; low middling, 5-ltid;
good Ordinary, 6.02d: ordinary 4.8tVl. Sales
were 8.000 bales, of which 300 were for
speculation and export, and Included 7.600
American. Receipts were Sj.OjO bales. In
cluding 29.200 American.
Steady; sales, 3.750 bales; ordinary, 9 15-16c;
good ordinary, S'-.c: low middling. 9o; mid
dling, 9 7-16c: middl'ng, 9c; middling f-ilr.
llic: receipts. 14.264 bales; slock, 224,365
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 21. COTTON Quiet and
unchanged: middling. 9c; sales, none; re
ceipts. Tito bales; shipments, 612 bales; stoc k,
18,1)63 bales.
Oils and Rosin.
NEW YORK Nov. 21. OILS Cottonseed
oil, easy; prime crude, nominal: yellow.
26'a27Ho. Petroleum. stady; refined, New
York. S7.K5: Fhlladelnhla und Baltimore. S7;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, bulk, 87. Turp
entine, steady 53&54c.
ROSIN Pteody ; atnilned, common to
good. S2.9F.fi3.00.
OIL CITY, Ph.. Nov. 21. OIL Credit bal
ances, 81.60; certificates, no bid- shipments,
1'9,313 bbls,; average. "H S05 bbla. : runs.
129.012 bbls.; average, 72.5U3 bbls.: shlnni-tits,
Lima, 147.066 bbls.: average. 6 3cS bbl.,
runs Lima, 138.073 bbls.; average. i).1"9 bVs.
TINE Quiet. 50c.
ROSIN Firm: A. B and C, 8151; P.
?.2: E. 92.62W.; F. 82.67; O 82.72: H.
S?80: I, S3.30: K. 3.Sfi: M, S4.25; N, S4.5-1;
W. G., S4.75; W. W.. 34.50.
CoaTe Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21.-COFFEE-Market
for futures opened steady at an advance
of 6310 points on firmer European cubles
and bullish advices concerning the toming
crop. There was a pretty active btiNlticKS
during the session and while Immediately
after the call the market aold down to 11
net gain of only 6 points, later prices ruled
firmer and at the close ware steady, net
toll) points higher. Sales were reported of
9..6CO bags. Including December at 67ftc;
March. 7t0c: May. 7Tl6fc7.20c; July, 7.35c;
September, i.6"(j7nftc, and October, 7.6oc.
Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, tc; mild,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
cember. S1.07fn.O7; May, II Ufd lo'i:
July, 81.06: September. 9;c: No. 1 hard,
81.11; No. I northern, SI'; No. 2 northern,
fl OS.
KLOCR First patents, S'l '"V'tfi.lO; sc nd
35.86S.9i: first clear. U.ZVa 15; s'ctnd
clears, f'.Tl'ii 2.a5.
Liverpool tiraln Market.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 21. -WHEAT- S uit
nominal: futures, steady; 7 'ud
.March. 7s 2d
CORN Spot. American mixed, steady at
4s d; futures, quiet; Ucceotber. 4 t4i
January, 4s 4d.,
Toledo geo-l Market.
TOLEDO. Nov. !1- SEED -Clover cah
S7.37; December. 87.60 bid: l-'ebruarv t: 'fi;
Mnrch.- S7.7b: prima aisika, Sl.tu,' Ltime
timothy, Sl i'..
Cattle Receipts Liber 1 tod Market Baled
Steady to Tei Lower.
Dentaad for Fat Sheep and
Rather Limited and Market
Slow wlth rrleea Weak, f;od
feeders tead. Others glow.
Sill'TII OMAHA. Nov. 21. 19 4.
n.ce pt were: Catt Hoga. 8hep.
-lticlal Mor.dav ..() 18..a
Same day last week .... 9 .191 .2U SJ
Same week before 4.4M S.151 11S:4
S.ime three wc ks ago... S.t.Vi S.431 1S.2.'1
fnn-.a f tir meek go.... 9.1 4 14T 16 '
Panic day la.'t vear 7.97 S.'61 641
The folloalng table show the rece.p of
cattle, bogs and sheep at Bu'h Omaha,
with comparison with last year:
1!4. 19o5. Inc. Dt.
f'11e SC, 74 77.U4 11,450
cog 204 4 .2 1 WS".3;e
Sheep l.tau.bS! l.ri.2M
The following ihn&i
4.i 0T
avers ge
price of hogs at 8outh Omaha for tha last
jerai aaya with comparisons:
I 1904. 19tja. 1902. ;19"1. 1900. 18
4 4
4 91 I
4 96
4 90 ,
4 S8
e tvi
B 73' 4 Sli 4 CV I H
K 71 i ani 4 041 9 46
4 99'
4 871
4 79
4 74!
( 611 I 4 Ml 4 041 I 46
6 491 6 921 I 4 C2 I M
(61 5 71 4 81 I M
6 M! 6 71i 4 641 4 01 .
4 73
I "call
4 ffi (
Tit; a r,s s 4 C! 4 "ji 3 fi
44l 6 7I 4 71! 4 031 J tl
9 74 4 69 4 Ofji I 4
4 Co' 6 35
4 .4' 4 CU' n ac
I 4 02j I 43
4 -4 '141
4 74, I 941
4 7 8 92 41
4 V 3 9)1 3 95
4 M) I M 3 3S
4 .H i7, i 86
I 3 8fii 8 35
4 7S 3 29
4 Vil 3 '8
4 VS 3 S3', 3 81
4 99 4 611 6 251 t 731
a a i c I 1 n -c
I 4 t4! ( 21i 5 69
4 r',1 4 671 6 2' 5 69
4 63 I 6 33 3 f7 1
4 62 4 661 6 4l
4.1 i 4 46, 6 41 ' i
4 ;' 4 31 nil S 63i
4 6,1 4 46: 6 5 63
4 41; J n ci
4 D7 4 44 6 24 6 SI
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of
Drought. In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs Sh'p.H'ses.
C M. A- Pt. P. I!
Mlsrouri Pncillc ..
not. i..r
Nov. 2..
Nov. 3. . .
Nov. 4...
Nov. . . .
Nov. 6...
Nor. i...
Nov. ...
Nov. 9...
Nov. iii...
Nov. 11...
Nov. 12...
Nov. 18...
Nov. )4...
Nov. 1.1. ,,
Nov. 16...
Nov. IV...
Nov. m...
Nov. 19...
Nov. 20... 1
Nov. 21...
2 :
1H .. -1
1 :i IS
3 10
W 18 21
l'.V VI 28
3 .. 1
1'nion Pncific sy.'tem
A N. W. Ry...
K. M V. R.
St. P.. M. e O.
M. Ry
H. i Q. R...
C. rt. J
R. I. P. Ry
C. R. I. & P Ry
Illinois Central 2 7
Chicago Gt. Western.... 13 3..
Total receipts 350 91 70 2
The disposition of the dnya recnlpta was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber rf head Indicated: "
Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.
... 4.14
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Armour eV Co., Denver lal
Armour t Co.. Sioux City
Vnnsant fe Co t:46
Carey & Benton 161
Lobmnn it Co 215
McCreary & Cady ..... 6rr
W. I. Stephen 419
Hill & Son 16H
Huston oi Co S3
Hamilton & Rothschild.. IKK
L. F. Husz Fi'.'!
Wolf Murnsn 242
Mike Hspgerty 42
J. B. Root & Co 16
Bulla & Kline 236
V. & G
Other buyers 784
Totfls 8.665 6.004 16.370
CA'J'TLE There was a tug run of eatt.e
In sight this m.rnlng and bo h cr.l ago nni
Kan -as -ity were nuot.a wuK 10 a ..tine
lower, feuch unravo.ab.e repot ts irmn
otr.e.- prints made peckers here inther bear
Ith and as a result .hi ta uency ot p.l c
wis ciownwaro. J he fuel thut tins is
Thankhgtving week, when the demand for
poulti y always Ir.creiisaa wl h a corre
sponding decreace In the demand fr other
lines ol meat, piaue packets rather c-on-servative,
and tnolr orders were not as 1. ti
er a I as ttiey othjcrwif.evwctujd. have xaon.
t'uii a- tew coin-fe:l steets arnv.d. out
most of ti.em were Inferlii, being only
warmed up or hort feu. tsuyera we.e alow
about taking hold of them and It wou d oe
safe to quoie the gene al market ,un CJrn
leds such aa wcie offend just about a
lower than the clots of last week. Evun
the few g.iod. cat tic thut were offered
chunked very slowly at weak pr.cra.
A liberal run of western range beef steers
was on sale, but, the same as with corn
feda. the quality was common. A f;W
cattle atrlvod good enough to sell ar:und
84.00, and such kinds were Just about
steady, but the less desirable kinds were
rather slnw and weak to a dimt low.r.
Owing to the liberal run and to the cack
of uctlvlty. It was late before even the
bulk of the offerings was disposed or.
The cow market wai uneven. Receipt
were quite liberal, and while the demand
seemed to he In gocd shape, still pack'r
were bearish, and sales were made all l-e
way from steady to a dime lower. Th
better gradci seemed to suffer more thin
canners In mint Initanees, but as ' 1 1 tle-e
were cases where good cows sold fu lv
steady, so that the gereral market could
bpft be described by calling It uneven, with
sales steady to Iclc lower.
Bulls, veal calves and stags a little
slow and weak.
A I'beral nropnrtlcn of the receipts con
rlaled of Mockers and feeders, and cs "pec
ulators were rather afraid there would not
be many buyers cn the market 'ha wek.
their bids In most cases were a dime 'owe
and some of the commoner kinds wer as
much as 15c Hwer. Repieentatlve a lies;
Vo. ' A Va No , . Pr.
i 11.10 t til K KVH 4 M
40 111! S H 16 1384 i 6J
1 .10 1 SO 3 1143 t M
t 4.r 1 70 4 llfit ! M
' 1 15 11 1045 I 40
8 140 i 10 31 tU it
4... tSfi t IR . 1011 I OA
t intt I 20 1 liW) I 70
8 t40 8 to II 103 I 10
t 944 t 35 4 HI tN
II 1 C0 t 30 41 il III
i tar, Hi 14 lt III
14. -r t27 !tt S 940 S 00
19 tst 1 r.n ir 1001 1 00
t lOOO IP ! 1425 8 00
1 3U t HO t 331 S 711
3 430 3H 1 140 no
3 366 3 50 1 2T0 5 00
8 140 t 4n 1 1030 3 01
1 1380 t l(J 3 1U0 t til
1 11H0 2 1.1 1 lino 3 3S
fj 514 2 M 10 ton 1 n
1 "800 IT II 797 I 15
1 HO 17' 47 94 3 18
3 949 t 78 1 970 I 50
1 920 3 00 SI, 9i; I (0
16 39 I 13
2 calves.
1 coif...,
1 lu'lfcr.
1 heif r.
6 25
4 60
1 10
2 25
3 05
2 cows 1065
2 cows HtH)
1 cow 110
2 hulls 1040
4 bulls ini7
8 cows 910
3 cows 1046
13 cows P9-;
14 cows 8L'l
2 steers.... 650
7 steers.. ..1071
1 feeder... 740
19 cows 931
6 cowt 88
2 80
3 25
2 85
8 00
1 86
2 35
2 00
2 80
2 00
2 25
2 23
2 :'5
2 55
3 25
3 tv)
S 60
2 10
3 40
2 90
! 80
2 30
2 30
2 40
20 feeders. .
6 feeders
28 feeders
1 calf
21 cows. . .
6 cows...
6 cows. ..
12 cows. . .
1 cow....
17 tteert. ,
1 steer....
t cows...
. f'-S
. 110
.. f'H
,. 741
.. 814
,. 9-0
. 9 0
.. 74.3.
3 20
4 60
2 t'O
8 (-0
2 01
2 60
2 60
3 15
3 40
2 20
2 90
2 70
2 25
2 00
? fill
2 10
2 5
2 25
2 15
1 row 8t
1 bull. 1510
9S mixed
1 bull..
29 cows 935
14 cows.
3 heifers.. 260
1 steer 770
1 bull 1630
5 heifers.. 602
tl cows. , .
1 cow....
3 cows...
7 cows...
3 cows...
6 cows...
84 cows...
22 cows..
cows. . .
1 cow
1 cow....
1 cow
6 coa-s...
1 cow
.. 6"0
.. 94S
.. 864
.. 740
2 calves...
2 cows
1 60 8 cows.
.12 JO
! 60
2 50
3 25
3 25
3 2
2 2o
3 60
3 26
3 2o
875 if 15
4 cows....
4 steers...
f steers...
8 steers...
6 steers...
7 steers...
4 steers...
1 steer...
8.6 2 65
2 65
.. 930
. 920
.. 620
2 25
2 6.-,
2 5a
2 56
9 cows.
71 feeders. .1(79
3 60
Smith Bros Neb.
4 co...
12 cow. . .
3 cows. . .
W.t 2 15 6 fee-iers . 9"
3 01
4 50
. Tin
2 i 1 calf
. Hoi
. 8 0
. 753
.1 ''
2 2..
'. Hasselton-H. D,
2 1 feed'r..
.' So 13 feeder.
2 75
2 25
;:i cows. . .
6 cr w.a. . .
1 strer...
5 st era. .
8 fcedeis
; cows. ..
1 cow
94 slers ...
2 0j
W. .
"utsel. Neb.
? fa)
3 15
. cows....
8 cslve.
2 Sfi
S 50
F. Phoel er. Wyo.
3 00 Jl fecKlra..U4
? 40
8 85
Donner 9 D.
3J feeders.. 104A 3 10
y 75
V .1 j- ..! -Wyo I
i W i uu J'f -, 3 Oj
j feeders.
R 4.
2li Ktctia Itu
H X. Cairn derW vol
18 cows...,. 852 2 1 cow 749 I ft
3 row..... 74J 1 n t cowa..... 805 So
J. Hart a D
14 row.....'1fif.3 1 nt 74 steers.. ..1119 3(a)
3 eow.....1f'4 S 25 1 cow 7 t 9
Charles Hllchew Wyo.
1 cow lews 3 1 ateer 1110 3 14)
S cows..... 00 J 99 1 steer-... M I 14
1 cow sea S 90 1 ter i "'i "
5 cows.. ...1113 S 40 1 steer 110 3 19
1 row 1030 3 00 1 steer KJO 3 19
J W. Kellogg. Colo.
15 feeder.. 907 3 cows MM 3 00
! feeders.. 9.10 2
.. 98
.. 750
Wallctt, Colo.
7 cews.
1 cow..
8 cows.
5 It feeders.. 748
J no
s a
t 1 feedT... 710
I 94) 3 tee'.. 810
1 cows....
1 cows....
1 COW. ...4,
S feedar.
18 feeders.
4 I cow..... 990
841 M S oowt lcyjft
860 1 W
C Deach. Colo,
n li 1 feeder. ..1020
951 3 00 3 feeder.. W
s 00
s 00
HOOC The actual number of hogs on
sale here thl morning was only about
normal for a Monday, but at Chicago there
were fcVOflO hoga. so that prlcea continued
th-lr downward course at all points. The
decline here amounted to about a nickel.
The big bulk tot the hogs sold at the oris
price. 84.57. A few of the commoner klnda
went under that and very few over It.
though as high sa $4W waa paid for some
prime hogs Trading wss quite active
at the decline, so that an etrlv clearance
was msd. Practically no cbsnge In the
market took place from start to finish.
This decline takes the market to the
lowest pednt reached since June . Repre
sentittve sales:
Pr. Ne.
4 U 47 .. IM
4 M err t
lit t M
4 I.7i4j 41 271
4 I'S 17
4 57H t
4 i-c ta t;
4 67 V, 14 an4
4 7H M4
4 47it M ICH1
4 I7lt 44
4 7H f JOS
4 t7S 1H
4 I74 t !t
4 47V4j H f"
4 11V, t4. 'l
4 1714, 18
4 H7V, (S il
4 74, 3!4
4 K7Vt 71 14(
4 7H 14 1SJ
4 H7V, tot
4 17V, III f7
4 f7' as tJ
4 R7H as jat
4 Hit) 7' 171
4 MYt, 13 Ui
. .?7
4 MVi
. :i
. t
. .:
. . jt
. taa
. S4
. ?7
. M7
. H
. rt
4 17H
4 7H
4 S7V4
4 I74
4 7Uj
4 174)
4 I17H
4 7H
4 7I4,
fa .
i. .
TS. .
4 .
?. .
7 .
M .
7fi. .
Ra. .
4 57 VI
4 S7,
4 I74,
' an
4 I74j
4 fTW,
4 I7H
4 TVk
1 to
4 a7
4 a
4 W
4 0
4 Ci
4 M
4 40
4 CM
4 0
4 M
SHEEP There was oulte a
liberal run
of sheep here thla morning and other points
were also well supplied. The demand from
packers was not up to the usual standard
of late, aa they figured that the consumo
tlon of mutton thla week would be greatly
reduced by the Increased demsnd for poul
try. That being the case they wanted to
buy what wss offered at n little less money
than the same klnda brought last week.
Th general market could beat be de
scribed by calling It slow and weak. Some
sales look'd about steadv, but others were
undoubtedly a little lower. The quality
of the offerings was nothing extra snd
that naturally had a tendency to make
btp-ers Indifferent.
The feeder market was not very brisk
this morning, but still desirable grades
held about ateady with others s little slow.
Quotations for grass sheep nnd lambs:
flood to choice yearlings. S4. Cflff 4. 75: fair to
good yearlltiKS. S4.2r.ii4.50: good to rholce
wr-thei.; fair to good wethers.
84.rO'fi4.26: good to choice ewes. 84.00ft 4.23;
fair to good ewes,, 83.75U4.PO; good to choice
lamha, 85.HMi5.90; fair to good lambs. $5 1S
fi-5.40; feeder yearling. S3.7riff4.23: feeder
wefher.c, S3 5064.20: feder ewes. S.1.00413 50;
feeder lambs, 84.2oVaYOfl. Representative
1269 Wyoming ewes 98
227 Wyoming wethers 98
1 native ewe 81)
19 native wethers 114
28 native lambs 87
91 native lambs. 81
15 Wyoming cull ewes 09
244 Wyoming feeder ewes 75
140 Wyoming feeder ewes 85
49 Wyoming feeder ewes R6
142 Wyoming feeder ewes 90
2 Wyoming ewes 90
17 Wyoming ewes and wethers.. 74
?35 Wyoming yearling ewes 67
353 Wyoming feeder yearlings 70
3 90
4 25
4 25
4 65
6 60
6 60
2 00
2 90
3 IS
a 20
fi 30
8 60
3 60,
3 80
4 15
4 2u
4 30
4 80
4 90
4 90
4 90
5 10
4 25
4 50
269 Wyo. feeder ewes and weth. 78
4W Wyoming ewes and wethers. 12
8: Wyoming yearlings..'
69 Wyoming feeder lambs....
87 Wyoming feeder lambs....
663 Wyoming feeder lambs....
272 Wyoming feeder lambs....
14 Nebraska ewes
238 Nebraska yearling ewes...
. 66
. 66
. 67
. 63
Cattle andlloea Lower Sheep Steady,
-.- I.a m bs Weak. ..
CHICAGO. Nov. 21. CATTLE Receipts.
33.000 hesd; market 10o lower: good to p'lme
steer l5.Kfii7.C0: poor to medium S3 4t4F
5 60; stockers and feeders. S2.O0434.1O; cows,
SI .2504.15: heifers. S1.6orri6.CO: canners. SI 2fyij)
2.35; bulls, S:.(MM.86: calves. M.OOS76.OO; west
ern steers-. I3.0&6.1B.
HOGS Receipts. 46,000 r.ead: market. ff
lOo lower; mixed and butchers S4.554 75:
good to choice heavy, 84.70'a4.75: rough
heavy, S4.40(i4.55; light, $4.Diu4.70; bulk of
sales, 34. 60dJ4.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 211.000
head; market for sheep steady: lambn,
weak: good to choice wethers. 84.4CI1j5 I0-.
fair to choice, S4.6OS74.60; weste'n sheep. 83.0)
tftB.OO; nstlve lambs, S3.254i6.15; western
lambs, S4.otjta5.75.
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
celpta, 18.400 head. Including 1.100 south
erns. Market steady to 10c lower. Choice
export and dressed beef steers. S5.0(K'Mi.25;
fair to good, S3 5t-i(-6.00; western fed steers,
S3.5o&6.60; stockcTH and feeders, S2.6O034.00;
southern steers. S2.6cku4.2d; southern cows,
81.2fxct3.25: native cows. S1.5OC&4.0O; native
heifers. S-.5Oca6.0O: bulls, J2 00'u3.50; calves,
82.5tx-a5.75. '
HOGS Receipts, 6.400 head. Market
opened 6c lower; losa regained at close.
Top, 84.80; bulk of sales. 4.4ia4 75; heavy,
S4.IO5 4 80; packers. 34.60fi4.75; pigs und
lights, S3.7C&4.C.O.
SHEEP AND LAMF,8-Reeelpts. 2,000
head. Market 10c higher. Native lambs,
S4.26B6.00; nntlvo wethers, S4.0O'li'4.75; native
ewes. S3 75U4.40; western lambs. 84.255.80;
western yearling, S4.Kf4.8o; western sheep.
33.7ftca4.SO; Blockers and feeders. S25cVc4.00;
western fed yearlings, 98 pounds, S5.50.
Van York live stock Market.
ceipt. 4.766 bead; market for steers s4ow
and 10ftl6c lower; bulls and cows uneven;
some sales higher;, native ateers. S3.25'(j5.t;
westerns, S3.7Xa4.W; bulls, 31.8ucij3.90; cows,
Sl.lOcj.1.10. Cable quoted live cattle slow at
8fftllc. dressed weight; sheep firmer at
11'o12c; lambs. 13f13o. dressed weight.
CALVES Receipts, 1.173 head: market
firm to 25c higher; veals. 34.5Of8.50; tops.
Sci.75; little calves. S3.5o&4.00; grassers, 82.0cV
SCO; westerns. 32.75. Dressed, firm; city
veals. 7'&18c; country, 7l611c.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.512
hesd; sheep, steady to 6c off: lambs, steady
and active; aheeu, S3.00fci4.50; choice and
extra. S4.fl045'4.65; best export wethers. 85;
culls. 82.00 rj'2. 50; lambs. S5.2ofi3.60; few chol'-e
lots. 16 45 3 6.50; culls, ' 84.0006.00; Canada
lambs. 86.
HOGS-Racelpts. IS 890 head; market 25c
lower; Pennsylvania und state, 34.7uQ5.Ot).
St. Ininls live Sieck Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 21.-CATTLE Receipts,
6,0uo head, Including 2,500 Texan; market
lower: native shipping and exuort steers,
S4.75f;.30; dressed beef and butcher steers,
S3. 4ou. 95; steers tinder 1.0U0 lbs., S3.0ocj(3.5A:
stockers and feeders, S2.2uctr3.75; cows and
heifers, J2.264i4.2C; canners. SI .76ctf2.25; bulls,
S2.00ft4.6u; calves, S3.of'(87.0o; Texas and In
dian steers, 82.uo4i4.lo; cows and heifers,
nous Keceipts. c.sco neaa; marxet lower;
If; and lights, S4.0orrj4.60: packers. 84 Soccj)
70; butchers and best heavy, 84 6c 4(4.75.
SHEEP AND LAMU8 Recelpta. 8.000
head; market steady; native muttons. 84.00
4j4 50: lambs, S4 50c&e.75: culls and bucks.
S2.cj?3 .00; stockers, S2.lKfrA.25; Texans. S3 00
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipt. 3.4A1 head; market dull, weak to 10c
lower; natives, 13.6ViM.l5; cows and heifers,
Si. 604i4. iu; stockers and feeders, S2.24i t 2n. "
cjiB iteceipta, 3,3oa neaa; market tnos'.iy
5c- lower: light, S4.40oj4.7i; medium and
heavy. S4.50fi4.b0.
etiKti1 Aiso lambs Receluta. ltn head:
market strong; native lambs, C.
Sloas City Lire Stock Msrket.
SIOUX CITY. Nov. 21 (Sure al Tele
gram.) CATTLE Rer pis, (00 head;
uidiaet 10'jUiuti lower, siockeri, 10c lower;
beeves. I3.au4j 10: cows, bulla and m x1.
82 .25433.45; Blockers and (eerie , ..jcrta3 jo;
calvea and yaarlitigs. 32.2.Vii3 25.
HOGS Receipts, 5.000 head: market 6c
lower, selling at S4. 4014. 60; bulk. 4 60u4 6a.
Stock In Hlght.
The receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipai western cities yesteru.iy weruyws
S it
South Omaha
Sioux City ..
Kansas City
St. I-imiU ....
St Joseph ...
Child go
9.0 0
.. 3.431
I'i.&m) I
i tVa)
2.CMIO 1
11:1 I
2S fi
.7. 74.46J
Dalvtk Grain Market.
DULI'TH. Minn.. Nw. 21 -WHEAT-To
rrrlve: ; . 1 nor'h 1 SI fS; No. 2 iiurli
otii. II. Ou. Oa track; N w- 1 tort her r, U C9;
No t northern. SI 01 ; December. 81 8; May
OATH-To an-r-e an1 on track. 29c.
OMtnt WHOir4l,K MtltKRT.
Qoaalttlen of Trade and Qaotatleas
Staple anal Fancy rre4aee.
EOGS Candled stock. 28c.
LIVE POULTRY Hen. 7ic: reoafer
So; turkey. I.Vuln-: dtirka, 10. ; geese, va
spring rhl -kens, 907c.
Bl'TTLH Packing stock. I4c; choice t
fancy dairy. UqnlUc; creamery. ltA'4c; fancy
print t. iec.
FRESH FROZEN FIRH-Trottt. 10c; pick
erel. 8c; pike. 10c; penh. 7c; bluenah. 1;
whltetlah. lev; s.tlnicn. 14c; fedanapper. Ur;
lobster. gren. 2'V: lobster, boiled. 3ia-; tvill
hesds. 11c; catfish. 11c; black has Joe;
halllhut. lor; crapnlea. 12c; rm ahsd, St;
buffalo. 7c; white bas. 11c; frog leg, per
do , 26c.
P-RAN-rer ton. SIS.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' assoclnt'on : Choice No t tr.ilnnl,
S7 00: No. 3. 96 ic); rnedlum. S Ot; coar-e.
85 So. Rye straw, Sr. ifl. Tkea- prices are
for bnv of good color and qanntlty.
OYSTERS New York count, per ran,
45c; extra selects, per em. V--: t:n.l.ir1",
tr can. 22c; bulk, standard, per g,il., 81 V.;
bulk, extra selects, per gil . Si. 75: bulk.
New Tork cuints. per gal t"! '.
ORANOKf- FVrM. sires 1". US. 176. ,
218 and 250. U.S43S0; California navels, all
sixes 83 60.
F, KM ON f - California fancv. 27c; Snt) ancS
8o. 9oft, choice. 81.50.
DATES Per box of 3n-lb. rkr.. S2:
Hallnwl. In 70-1h. box. per 11.. SW;c.
Fias California, per id-lb. carton. 7S-I
95c: Imported Pmvrna. 4-crown. 12c: 8
crown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c: fncv Imported,
washed. In 1 -11.. pkg.. 16-11": California,
per cae of thlrtv-sl rV.. S' 7
R A NAN AS Per medium slsed bunch. 15 6
452.90: lumbo. S2.7Sffl3.V.
COCOA NT'TP Per 10". 8500
TANGERINES Florida, per box, 83 90
per half-box. 82 .50.
APPLEP-Home grown Jonathan, vr
bbl.. 84.00; Pen Davis, f'.'.-v New York Tsl
man and Pound 8ee:s. S3 00; New To
Kings. S3 00: New York Plpnin. 82 75; New
York Greening. S2.50rTi2.80; New Tork Bald
wlna. S2.5ofi2. .5; Colorado Jonathans anl
Wine Puns, rer bu box. Sl.J"
PFARS Utah. Colorado and California,
fall varieties, per nox. 81.75112,23.
GRAPES Imported Malaga, per ka.
Si !fi6 on
CRAXBERRIES-WIcons!n Rell and
Bng'e. per bbl . Ss.5'4T9 M; Wisconsin Pell
and Cherry and ,1ereys. per bbl , S'.OO; per
box, S-'fii.
POTATc)K3-New home gt-uwn. In sacks,
per bu., 40c. .
TURNIPS Per bu., 50c; Canada ruta
jHg is. per Id. lc
NAVY BEANS Per bu . 81 9-.ff2.tVV
ONIONS H.-me-grown. In sacks, per bu.,
8Ffy76c: Sn.inlah. per Crete, SI 9".
CAULIFLOWER Per bbl.. $l.Vti46n
CUt," I'M KKH8 Prr case of 2 dos., 81.78.
TOMATOES California, per 4-basket
crate, S-50.
CAHHAGK Hnme-ernwn. per 100 Ihs., 70c.
SWEET POTATOES-Hon.e-grown. por
bu. lasket, 6fc; Illinois klln-dilcd, per bbl.,
GREEN PEPPERS Per bu 1 aket. 50c.
pat'ASH Home-grown. rer dox . fAv
CELERY Per dos., 2f(Tf50c; California,
SAUER KRAUT Wlsconsl't. per keg.
CIDER-New York, per bbl, S6.23; pel'
bbl.. W.2i.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
12"; Wlsconrt'i Young America, 13c; blo-k
SwIhs, new. ljc;,old, 164tl7c; Wisconsin
brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmburgcr, 13c.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, new
crop, per lb.. 14o; hard shell, per lb., 13c:
No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; No 3 hard
shell, per lb. 12c; pecans, lat-g, perNl)., 12n;
smnll. per lb., iCK-; peanuts, per lb.. Jc;
roosted pranuts. per lb.. 8c; Chill walnut-,
per lb., 12i?i'13c; almonds, soft shell, p;r
lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15o; chestnuts,
per lb.. 12(ti15c; now black Walnut, per
bit., TiSiWc: sliellbnrk hickory nuts, per bu.,
SI. 75: Inrge hickory nuts, per bu., SI SO.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No, I green, 6cl
No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted. 7V-c: No. 1
veal calf. 9r: N" 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salted,
lcvu15c; cheep pelts, 35c641.O0: horse hldos,
Metal Market.
other advance was reported In the copner
market, with the tone firm. In suite of 11
moderate sales movement. Ijike 1 quoted
at S14.57il5.12. electrolytic nt SI I.Trri 16.D0
and casting at SM faVii 14.75. with some of the
larger producers naming 315 .a an Inside
price for lake. Soot copper In Ixmdon
closed at 4:66 12s 6d nnd futures at 47.
Tin also was higher In the local marker,
closing at for apnt. while In
I,cndon the market wna rather Irregular,
with spot unchanged nt 1X3 16s and for
futures a shade higher at 132 7a 6d. lyead
was unchanged at S4.2oi4.60. Spelter Was
Arm and higher nt 85.766.87 in the locnl
mnrket, while abroad It was unchanged at
25 6s. Iron closed at 62a 9d In Qlajgow
and at 64 3d in Mlddlesborough. I-ocallv
Iron Is firm, with No. 1 northern. No. 1
southern anil No. 1 aotithern soft foundry
nt SIfi.Rflri7 00 and No. 2 northern foundry
at "e.oo'ViK so.
ST. LOT-IS. Nov. 21. METALfJ T-ead,
higher, at Si. 50; spelter, strong, at 86 60.
Gvaporatrd Apples anal Dried Frnlts.
APPLES .Market ts weak: common are'
quoted at 3f?i4c: prime, 44c; choice,
5ij(5c; fancy, 6(66c.
Elgin Hotter Market.
ELGIN. 111., Nov. 21 BUTTER Firm
and unchanged from last week at 25c per
lb. Snles were 412.O10 lbs. for the week.
Deeds tiled for record November 21. as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracters, ltll
Farnnm street, for The Bee:
Cora Harris and husband to F. Vol
pa lk a, lot 19. block 9. Summit add. ...31.
Farmers' Loan unci Trust cnninuiiv to
L. Orounse, lot 9, block 1. West End.. 3,000
K Orounse to Gretchon Crounse et al,
same 1
Omaha Mercantile company to IouJse , .
S. Clark, lots 1 and 2, block 14, High
land Place HO
D. V. Sholes company et l to F. W.
Marsh and wife, part lot 26, Burr Oak 800
Carrie Machucek and- husband 1 to
Omaha Grain Terminal, lot 8, block
4. O'Berne & Hoslck's add ...1.350
A. Toman and wife to Omaha Oraln
Terminal, lot 2. block 5, same..
F. Volpalka und wife to auine, lot 11,
block 4, same '. 1,800
J. F. Hebln and wife to G. F. Oil more,
lots 8, 9 and 10, block 2, JefTrles' ra. ;
plat 1
Q. Pettlgrew and wife to D. W. Mer
n.w. part taxlot 21 In nw c 16-15-13
Omaha lxsii and Trust company to
William K. I'olter. receiver, Ivt S.
bloc k 4. Orchard Hill 1
William K. Potter, receiver, to 11. Mc
Coy. B.itno.
F. A. Ewlng to C. 1. Dundey, lots 1
and i. Dundey a stibdlv 1
Augusta C. S. Oredur to O. Orcder,
purt nw 5-13-13 9oO
O. M. Oleson to. J. Carlson, lots 19 to
21. Incbts'vo. b'ock 15. Hose Hill A
Emma C Johnston and husband to F. "
o. Ilsen, lot 13. block 4, Spring Lake -
Park SO
S. C. DIHev and wife to Emma .1. Mor- -
ton, lot 13. replat block 6. BcmiiIs Park S.CiO
W. R. Pitt to O. T. Gllmore, lota 17
and 18. b'ock 8, Dundee place 1,000
K A. McShaue and husband to Star .
Real Estate company, lutu 12 and 13,
block 4. A lino Plaxa 8.000
C. P. Southard to H. Eva Hattlnger, t
lot 10. block 9, Orchard Hill 1
If. Eva Nultlngcr to EIIJu J. Allla.
M-ine 3.0OJ
Ellla J. Ellis to H. Eva Nattlnger, lots
la nnd 18. block 9, West End 2.SO0
Oniaba Reulty cotnpanv to Eva dies- t
ler, lot 1 end part of lot 2, block 4,
Boggs ar Hill's add 1
L. P. Becchy and wife to E. O. Gute.
part lot 10, bloc k 24. South Omaha.... 1.7-.'5
Fidhand Robert Sis
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Write for our market leiter.
Ship Your (in; in to Us
Beat Facilities Liberal Advuncsf.
Prompt Returns.
DI'MTll. WI5IPE4i.
Rranrh llOIre, 110-111 Boar af Trade
Rldg.. Ouiaha, Nrb. 1'rlrpltene ;t.114.
212-214 Eschange Tldct.. South Omnha.
iTv-il I i vu iutlt'iic'iicisiiS i Uuue I.