Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1904, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. FOK A CHARACTERISTICALLY WEST. ERN, NEWSPAPER READ THE BEE THE BEE IS THE PREFERRED ADVER. TISING MEDIUM IS ITS TERRITORY KSTAHLISIIED JUNK 19, 1S71. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOHXINU, NOyEMNEK 22. 1904 TEN PAGES. FINdLE COPY. THREE CENTS. r 1 HEARING FOR SCIIELL Frssidsnt to Meet ths Prisst from Winne bago VTednesdaj Morning. RESERVATION MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED Bsoretary Hitchcock Persists in Refusal to Msit Him. ALLEGES HE IS D'SCREBITED BY CHURCH E. Eosewater Discusses Indiaa with ' t-s Secretary. 52. SUCCESSOR FOR JONES 1ED Oorernor Cummlnu of 1 ? n" noinrn Ills Views o "I vision of the Tariff II. T, Hot Been l'huoa;ed. (From a Start Correspondent) WASHINGTON. NOV. 2l.-(8pectal TIe- .r.m 1-nftnpcn the going out of W. A .intipa. Minmlmloner of Indian affairs, an nd tha annolntment of Francla E. Leupp a is rf iirraiMnr there oromlses to be one r the most Interesting Indian controversies which has troubled the Indian department for years. Commissioner Jones has had notice of the trouble brewing on the Win nebago agency and he haa taken action on many difficulties which exist between the Indiana and the white people doing busi ness on the reservation. He has taken cognisance of reports filed with him as to boot logging, speakeasies and other crimes which are said to exist In the territory of the Winnebago agency and haa Bent an Inspector to give him final judgment of the aimc. These, however, are but a forerunner of the larger Investigation which Is to be made. If the friends of the Indians can bring It about. Father Schell. an Oregon priest of the Catholic church, who, accord ing to his statement, was called by tele graph from Oregon to Nebraska by Buhop Bcannell of the diocese of Omaha for mis sionary work with Winnebago Indians, has been discredited, according to reports, and been deposed from his connection with missionary affairs. President to Bee Father Schell. Father Schell arrived In Washington to day to present to the president his story of what has been going on in tho Winne bago reservation during the time that he haa been there as spiritual adviser to the Indians. Father Schell brings with him a petition from the grand Jury now sitting In Omaha, directed to the president to give him a hearing on the matters affecting the Indians of the Winnebago reservation. It will be recalled that Secretary Hitchcock haa refused to rocelva Father Schell, be cause of his Irresponsible position with the Church Board of Cathollo missions for the Indians, and Bishop Scannell having said that he has no connection with the mis sionary field in Nebraska. But this priest of the Cathollo church Insist thatthe flagrant wrongs that exist on the Winnebago reservation must be . righted.' whether he has or haa not any connection with the mission of the Catho llo denomination and he proposes to tell the president what he knows of his own knowledge regarding the conditions on the Winnebago agency and a meeting haa bean arranged between the president and Father Schell for Wednesday morning. This meet ing was arranged by Mr. Rosewater of The Omaha Bee, who arrived in Washing ton last night. President Kxpreases Thanks. Among other visits which Mr. Rosewater paid to the cabinet officers today, he had a short conference with the president, which, while It lasted but a short time, was sufficiently long for the president to tell the editor of this newspaper how much he appreciated the work that had been done in behalf of himself and the repub lican ticket. Mr. Rosewater responded by saying that the personality of the candi date udded much to the success of the ticket. Without concluding his Interview Mr. Rosewater asked that President Roose velt hear the story of Father Schell, and the president fixed the time for a confer ence. Hitchcock Gives Reasons. Mr. Rosewater hud a ccnfcrence with . Secretary Hitchcock today In relation to tha matter now before the department af fecting the Winnebago reservation. Secre tary Hitchcock announced to Mr. Rosewater that he was correctly quoted when It was stated that he would not receive Father Schell. because he had been discredited by the Catholic Mission association, and thnt he had been advised that Father Schell hud no connection whatsoever with the bureau maintained by Mother Drexel. Mr. Rosewater insisted, however, that Father Schell waa not a deposed priest and that his standing In the Catholic church was the same aa If he were in direct charge of a parish. He therefore contended thnt until he was absolutely discredited he ought to be heard In his own right, and that his knowledge of Winnebago affairs should be given due consideration. Mr. Rosewater outlined to Secretary Hitchcock his idea of hew the existing evil of bootlegging and speakeasies could be discontinued, and that was to make a tem perance sone with the Winnebago agency aa its center, including the town of Homer in its farthest rim. Muke the Indian travel before he gets whisky; make the uU illegal und got the state and national laws together. This would give the state action against offenders und uld the gov ernment in Its prosecution of the Melkle John law. Hade gucjeessor to Jenea. The president toUti' announced the ap pointment, of jftancis E. Leupp of this city to be Indian commissioner, vice Wlill:im A. Junes, resigned. Commissioner Jones' resig nation and Mr. Lcupp's appointment will take effect January 1. Mr. Leupp 1 tho Washington corre spondent of tho Hew York Evening I'oat mi h .a h l.lai.ilH...I i.k. I. ,1l.. ... .. " . f iuiiihvu wnii aiiuinii nuitji I j lor many at luniintns stands Pat. Governor ('omnium of hiara arrived In 'Washington l;:U r.lg'u for the purpo.e of consulting with t!it jecrctury of war re garding t' dlfTuvmvs bi t -(' ii t lie na tional conimUslon ana t;.e Iowa st.itc cji.i Wldi'ion over the Ins. rr Hon to be placed tn the. u.i nuireiits tj lu rtvet'd en the Shiloli b.iltli.Mi-lJ. Asked whether the elo l!on had rlxtnged h!s y..y, the governor n.!d; "J Hi:in4 iijv '! tl.e s uuu rutin i! 1 have UiD (irc.i; '!nj. believer la the levii-i,:, ii tl-.e i.iii.f und In re. l;iroc.t . Tli trnJ ! f pub ie M ml.c:-i;t In IK illy all parts' t!:c .k.i iy is In tV.V' iVrC'.t.on of tar (T of Hud- agre -nil nlii between. I j t ar- I t tva r. n ttinn i. !t ARBITRATION COURT CONVENES Hoard at the Hague Will Pass on Taxlna: Power nt Japan. THE HAQt'E, Nflv. 21.-Th first sitting of the arbitration court on the Japanese house lax question was held today. The Tnltid States Is Interested in the matter, although not a party to tho present ar bitration. The point at lsue I the con tention of Great Britain, Frame and Ger many that Japan Impost d taxes on build ings in tiie eld fori inn ;inessslnr.s. which, being pcrpetua! leases, are exempt from taxation. The Tnlted Stales and othe. pow -. having similar concession will ac cept the anard. Mr. (Iran, president of the court. wh is one of the provincial governors oZ Norway, at the opening of the proceedings conKTatulated the govern ment who. by consentln to' submit dis putes to international Jiuisdlctlon, had givejn ft ?h proof of their attachment to a treat and noble cause. He regretted that tho path of humanity along the road of progress was full of obstacles, but added that happily the number of conventions forming fresh bonds between nations was dally Increasing. CHECK TO PEACE COFERECE Holland Will Co-Operate When Csar tiivea Ills Adhesion to Movement. THE HAGl'E. Nov. SI. The government haj notlded the American charge d'affaires here that Queen WUhelmlna will be glad to see the second peuce conference meet at The Hague, and that the United States may count on the co-operation of the Neth erlands aa soon as Kmperor Nicholas, the originator of the work begun In 18S9. and other powers have given their adhesion to the proposal. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 One by one the powers are lining up In hearty support of President Roosevelt's suggestion that an other session of The Hague tribunal be convened to complete the work outlined by the first peace congress. Secretary Hay today received cordial acceptances from Sweden and Mexico. The Swedish gov ernment expresses Its gratitude to Presi dent Roosevelt for culling the matter to the attention of the powers, heartily accpts the Invitation and expresses the opinion that one of the most Important subjects which the court should consider was the effect of war on the rights of neutrals and a definition of contraband of war. The official answer of Russia haa not yet been received. Mexico's acceptance Is cordial. ROME, Nov. 21. The Glornale U ltalla asserts that the government today sent off a favorable reply to President Roose velt's Invitation to a reconvening of The Hague conference, though reserving assent as to date and details of the program of the conference. WANT PART OF PANAMA'S CASH Holders of Securities May Ask Presi dent to Act as Arbitrator. JjONDON, Nov. 21 A movement Is on foot to get President Roosevelt to arbi trate the difference between Panama and the corporation of foreign bondholders In regard to the Colombian debt. A meeting of the Colombia committee of the corporation has been summoned to consider the, best means of recovery from Panama of 'a portion of tha 110,000,000 paid by the United States In connection with the canal, and It Is proposed to call a public meeting of . the Colombian bond holders for the purpose of requesting President Roosevelt to arbitrate as to the proportion of this amount the new re public ought to pay toward the liquidation of Colombia's debt. SERIOUS IWHEST IN ARMENIA Killing- and Looting; Prevails In tho Vicinity of Van. LONDON, Nov. 21. A serious atato of unrest continues in Armenia, where killing and looting prevails, according to a letter received today at the Blblelands' Mission society, received from Dr. Reynolds of the American board of missions. Writing from Van, October 26, Dr Reynolds saya: Both the political and economical condi tions are very unsatisfactory.. Poverty haa greatly Increased, burinees is pretty much at a standstill and to crown all the, revo lutionists are so much In evidence that the people are tn constant fear lent an other massacre be precipitated. At the beginning of September, V tn was brought to the very verge of massacre and more recently an Important village has been looted and burn-id with twenty or more persons killed. The prospects for the win ter are far from bright. The latest malls bring communications to the Blblelands' society from missionaries In Macedonia confirming the reports of dis tress there. British Join In Protest. ' CONSTANTINOPLE'. Nov. 21. The Brit ish embassy has Joined the American lega tion In Insisting on the cessation of Inter ference with the sales of,biblea In certain localities. It appears that the British and Foreign Bible society has had trouble at Uskup. The porta says the reason for tlvr opposition is that the "bibles are being soli at a ridiculous low price and the suits, par take of tho character of a propaganda." Comment on Two Speeches. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 21. The Novoe Vremya today, discussing the recent speeches of President Roosevelt and Sec retary of the Navy Morton and Chan cellor von Buelow, argues that the United States and Germany are reversing their roles, the former now being In favor of increasing armaments and the latter being ambitious to take part in the peaceful counsels of nations. Hurricane on Malay Islands. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 21. The Talautse Islands, northeast of Celebes, Malay archi pelago, have been visited by a disastrous hurricane, causing the sea to rise to such an extent that it flooded the islands and left 80,000 persor.s destitute, their homes, boats and plantations being destroyed. Divorced Duke Euaaged. DARMSTADT. Germany, Nov. 21. The betrothal Is officially announced of the giund duke of Hesse, who was divorced from hU cousin. Princess Victoria of Saxe Coburff. in 19i1, to the princess Eleuor of Solms-Hohenxollms-Llch. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Postmasters and Rural Carriers Ap pointed for Keltraska and Iowa. (From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. Nov. il. (Special Jele grain ) William L. Brvwn has been ap pointed puntmaster at Pearl, Perkins lo. iity, Kehruska, vice Lauretta Stone, re (Jgr.ed. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes Dur.ville: Route Charles A. Smith, car rier; Mlfs.n:il V. 8:nlth, substitute. Gnh I'.ell: Route t. Marlon N. Swart, carrier; Jerrnilah II. Swart, substitute. Klon: r.ui '.t. 1. Axl M. Ijirn, carrier; Frank ( fciell, subfUtataj EXCITING LABOR DEBATE Socialist Element Make Savage Attack Upon Qompert and Mitchell. LEADERS GIVEN A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Suspension of Chicago Central Body Will Become Permanent I nlese Makes an Agreement with National Officers. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 21.-Today's ses sion of the American Federation of Labor was the most exciting yet held. During the heated debate which followed the unex pected Interjection of the question of so cialism before the delegates Samuel Gomp ers and John Mitchell were charged with being traitors to the cause of labor. Those charges and the bitter socialistic debate which followed were caused by the Intro duction of the following resolution by Dele gate Victor Berger of Milwaukee: Whereas. The unprecendented coneentra tlon of wealth in the I'nited States and the rapid development of the trusts In almost every branch of Industry make it obvious that capitalism will soon reach Its culmina tion point and will have to make room for another phase of civilization; and, Whereas, It Is evident that this nation Is destined to take the lead In this grand strupKle for better conditions and higher culture; therefore be It, Resolved. That we hereby recommend to all organizations affiliated with the Amer ican Federation of Labor to have their members study the economic conditions; to have lectures upon these subjects In their loilge rooms, homes und In meetings set apart for this purpose, nnd to do everv thlng In their power for the enlightenment and Intellectual advancement of the prole tariat. The resolution committee reported to the convention that It recommended the adop tion of the measure with the exception of the clause following the first "whereas." A socialist delegate arose and asked why the particular section should be expurgated. This opened the floodgates of oratory and vituperation, and the battle was not over until an hour and fifteen minutes after the regular time for adjournment. By an over whelming vote the delegates then passed the resolution as recosimended by the com mittee and expressed their confidence In John Mitchell and Samuel Gompers. Max Hayes, who championed the socialis tic doctrine. In a speech so aroused the galleries that they cheered him for sev eral minutes This caused President Oom pers to threaten to clear the hall of all visitors. If demonstrations of the kind were repeated. The debate became warmer and some of the best speeches of the session were made during Its course. Crim inations and recriminations flew thick and fast. Feeling ran so high that John Mitchell rose In the convention and stated that unless delegate Victor Berger of Milwau kee was able to prove his statement that he (Mitchell) had been a traitor to the worklngman, he must stand before the eyes of all present a convicted liar. Then a motion was made to suspend the rules and allow President Gompers and John Mitchell an opportunity to defend them selves. Tho trouble arose over a printed slip distributed to some delegates which charged Mr. Gompers and Mr. Mitchell with dining with President Elliot of Har vard. The article In question said the place at .which the meal was eqtaa an unfair house, and that President Elliot was the man who called the "scab" a hero. It bore the heading: "Are they traitors?" The reply of President Gompers was most bitter and impassioned, and the feel ing among the delegates' was tense. He admitted the attendance upon the dinner, but denied every Inference drawn there from and declared that as long as he was connected with the labor movement he would fight against politics being mixed with unionism. Mr. Mitchell made a quiet address, hut was accorded the closest attention. He loudly applauded when he said that he defied any man to point to any n of his which might be interpreted as against the Interests of the worklngmer.. Gompers' Report Approved. The fight between the Chicago Federa tion of Labor and the national organiza tion brought about by the question of trade autonomy waa partially settled by permitting Delegate William Schardt, pres. Ident of the Chicago Federation of Labor, to have a seat and voice in the present convention, and directing President Gom pers to go to Chicago within thirty days and endeavor to settle the dispute exist ing between the two big organizations. If this could not be affected, it was the sense of the convention that the Chicago body be permanently suspended from the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Another action of far-reachlnar import ance was that taken on the report of a special committee on the demand by the Typographical union (for an eight-houi day. The convention voted unanimously tn endorse the demand and pledged Itself to aid the movement financially by levying an assessment on each of the numbers, If such a course Bhould become necessary. The Typographical union haa set January, 1906, as the time when the eight-hour day will be demanded by their organization. Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Fort Worth, Texas, Invited the delegation to hold their next annual session In the respective cities. Chicago Case Settled. When the delegates to the American Fed. eratlon of Labor met today they took up for consideration the annual report of Pres ident Samuel Gompers. The delegates con curred In every recommendation made by their leader. The question of Japanese exclusion was introduced and caused much discussion by the western delegates. The convention voted unanimously in favor of the exclu sion measure as Introduced, providing for the exclusion of Japanese on lines similar to the exclusion of Chinese under the ex isting law. Not only did the convention vote in favor of excluding thete Mongo lians from the mainland, but from every insular possession. The convention then voted favorably upon a proposition calling upon President Gompers to appoint a committee of three to draw up a petition on the question that it might at an early date be presented to congress. The plan adopted aba called for the circulation of this petition in every or ganisation affiliated with every federation affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, that signatures might be obialned. These signed papers are then to be re urned to the executive council and com bined Into one monster petition to con gress. There was a warm debate between Dele gate Brown of the New York Central labor body and President Gompers over the mat ter of accepting advertisements of non union firms in the American F deritionlt, the official organ of tha national body. Delegate Fitzpatrlck of Chicago, one of the leaders of the fight in the matter of the central body of that city against the Amer ican Federation of Labor, took the floor and flatly denied the statements of Presi dent Gompers regarding certain fair and unfair houses. Gompers made reply that i he attackers to the policy of the official oigan virtually accused the leaders of sell- (Continued on Becund rage.) POLICE LOOK FOlR MURDERER "Mr. Dove," Who Ordered the Auto, mobile In thicaero Has Not llrra Found. CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Search for the mur derer of John W. Bate, Jr., the young chauf feur who was found dead In an automobile near Larnont, was continued today. Tho fact that the mysterious ".Mr. Dove." who ordered the machine from the Auditorium hotel, has not appeared to aid In solving tl.e problem caused the police to believe that beyond doubt the passenger with the checked suit and the red necktie Is the man they seek. ' That Dove had two victims Is a new theory developed by the discovery of blood under the cushion of the rear seat of the automobile. One theory as to how "Dove" able to escape without beir.g seen by men who would remember hlin in the light of the description which has been fur nished is that "Dove" had In his canvas suit case which he carried another suit of clothes. It is now thought lie removed his blood-stained garment and donned the others, afterward tlclng his enst-un! cloth ing Into a bundle, for which search was instituted today. A post-mortem examination showed that two bullets entered Bate's head In such short succession that their courses were nearly Identical. Tire coroner's said this indicated the murderer was either highly exelted or wished to make sure of Bate's death. Either ens of the bullets would have proved fatal, John Seller, the farmer who first told' of hearing a woman's voice mlsed In dispute among the angry tones of the men. has changed his statement and now thinks there was no woman's voice. John W. Bats, father of the murdercl man, says that his son's voice was high pitched and might have been mistaken for a woman's In a quairei. . "Dove" is said to have made an arrange ment with a chauffeur named MrKu to go a night ride to Jollet about four weeks ago. McRae thought he waa a race track man. Upon the fact that the heavy tlmeplecs In front of the machine had been wrencheJ off another theory is based that In a quarrel Bate might have wrenched tho heavy watch loose nnd struck his passenger over the head, stunning "Dove," who it is argued, t;i this assumption, luter revived nnd shot Bate. This, It Is said, would account fot the two bloodstains on the cushions and vehicle so far apart. Among letters found In the dead chauffeur's pocket Is sail to be one in a woman's handwriting which con tain the words, "When I love, I love, and when I hate. I hate." One of th letters, signed by Leila J. Halle, was mailed In Au burn, N. Y. Miss Hallo, however. Is be lieved to be a Chicago girl who was visit ing in the east. The theory was advanee-1 that the sup posed "Dove" may not have been a man. but was a woman In dlsgulsf. Edward Slavlr., telephone operator In the Audito rium hotel, who arranged for the renting of the machine for "Dove." bears this out In a slight degree. Blavln say that "Dove" was dressed ' In clothing that seemeJ to be either too large or that "Dove" did not know how to dresa himself properly. Captain Evans of the bureau of Identifi cation today examined the machine In which Bate was found dend. One of ths brass oil lamps of the,, automobile " was taken by Captain Evana to the Harrison street police station, when a reproduc tion of finger prints discovered on the lamp could be made. ' "If any suspects are taken, ' said Cap tain Evans, "we may be enabled to Identity him by his fingers." The lamp on the machine were wind proof, and as there was oil In them when the vehicle was found. It Is Inferred that the lamps were extinguished by someone after the murder. J. O'Brien of Lemont, an undertaker, notified the police tonight that he had found a man who saw the murder of Bate committed. He said that he would bring tho man to the police In the morning, but tonight he positively refused to disclose his Identity. "I have received word," said O'Brien, "from a young man who lives In a small village near Lemont that he saw the murder committed and that he will meet me In the morning and gave me all the Information he has about the murder." According to O'Brien, the man declared that he had Been the murder, but did not come forward with the information be cause he did not wish any notoriety. When clews proved so hard to find he decided to tell what ho knows. ANNUAL MEETING OF B. & 0. Lara-et Vote of Stockholders In His tory of Company Is Polled. BALTIMORE, Nov. 21.-The seventh an nual meeting of the stockholder! of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad was held In this city today. There were voted 1,4,1T0 shares of a total of 1,850,000, being the largest vote ever cast for directors at a meeting of the stockholders. The following directors wcro re-elected: Edward R. Bacon, John P. Green, Edward H. Harrlman, James McCrea, Sutherland M. Prevost, Samuel Rea, Norman B. Ream, Jacob H. Eehlff, James Speyer, Charh-s Steele and James Stlllman. George F. Randolph, first vice president of the com pany, was elected to till the vacancy caused by the death of John C. Cowln. The selec tion of Mr. Randolph to fill this vacancy Is taken as indicative of the policy of the stockholders to keep within the com pany to a very large extent its man agement and conduct. The directors will meet in New York some time next month to organize, when the present offi cers will bo re-elected. FEDERAL COURT CALLED UPON St. Louis Hallway Merger May Be Stopped by Dissatisfied Stockholders. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 21. An application for an Injunction to restrain the St. Louis Transit company, the United Railways com pany, the National Bank of Commerce and tho directors of these corporations, who are Included among the defendants, from carrying out the proposed merger or trans- j rer or stock or tne i ratisit company to the United Railways company, was filed by J. Brooka Johnson In the St. Louis circuit court today. Mr. Johnson charge that the movement looking toward the absorption of the Tran sit company by the United Railways com pany means the payment of "an unlawful commission to Brown Ilrrthers and com pany of New York," controlling stockhold ers of the United Hallways compuny. Loss at (luclneuatl lire. CINCINNATI. Nov. 21. Revised estimates of Sunday' hie place the aggregate loss between 1(M) and $.'.u,mai, distributed amoi.g thirty-four Indlvidua la und linns. The hulk of the loss, jt,6.ui0, falls on the Rudolph Wuriltzer couipa4iyt dealers la juusicbl iiialruuiculs. ZEMSTYOS ARE CONFIDENT Liberals Are Flocking to St. Petersburf to Participate in Conference. INTERIOR MINISTER GRANfS PROTECTION Anions; Speakers la Man Who Spent Twenty-Four Tears In Exile and All Are Mod. crate. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 21 The lnter tst In the meetings of the Zemstvos rep resentatives is intense. The war nnd all other questions are temporarily forgotten. Nothing else Is talked of. Liberals from all parts of the empire are flocking hither, Including many from Puland and Finland. The hotel lobbies are crowded, almost re sembling conventions times In American cities. The permission granted by Interior, Minister Sviatcp-rlk-MIrsky was for an as sembly of 3J0. The participants display complete confi dence In the protection afforded by the minister and his outspoken sentiments. The se-itinients altogether are unparal leled. Nothing approaching such a gath ering has ever before been permitted In Russia. As evidence of the remarkable state of affairs it is sufficient to mention that one of the most prominent speakers yesterday was M. Petrunkclvltch of Tver, who spent twenty-four years In exile anl who had only been allowed since Prince Svlatnpolk-Mirsky'a advent to come to the capita'. Nevertheless, the most able men In the assembly are counseling modera tion and are doing eevrythlng possible to prevent demonstrations which might com pel Interference. One of the strongest memberj of the conference suld to the Associated Press; We wan; to make our position plnln to the government, but we desire to avoid every appearance of lawlessness I sin cerely hope the meeting will be productive of great good. We hope and expect thnt all provincial and district zemstvos will follow our lead and demonstrate to the government that the voice of the nation is unanimous In asking for a direct share In the government by tho people. At the meeting of the delegates today section 9 of the memorlnl, by a vote of 105 to 3, was strengthened Into a practical recommendation for a parliament, the lan guage being changed to a specific declara tion In favor of an elective body, not to participate in legislation, but to muke the country's laws. Sympathetic demonstrations are reported In various parts of Russia. The zemstvo representatives today adopted a declaration In favor of general amnesty for political prisoners and exiles. z Small Panic at Kharkoff. KHARKOFF, Russia, Nov. 21. Tha Law society met at the university today In order to draw up a telegram of congratulation to Interior Minister Svlatopolk-Mlrsky em bodying also the wishes of the people for reform. Many who were not members of the Boclety, Including women, were present. A few members opposed th dispatch of the telegram as useless, which precipi tated an uproar. In the midst of the tu mult a large number of workmen entered the hall and howered the audience with revolutions ruv nphluts. .-. The. ti declared the meeting adjourned. A semi panic followed and there was a great crush for the exit, many women In escaping leaving their wraps behind. The workmen and some students remained and held an Impromptu meeting, afterward going out lr. procession singing revolutloniry songs. The procession, however, was soon dis persed. No one la reported to have been Injured. STEAMER IS HARD AGROUND New York Tugs Abandon the Attempt to Float the Sicilian Prince. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. The steamer Sicilian Prince of the Prince line, which went ashore four miles west of the life sav ing station at Long Beach, L. I., at S o'clock Sunday morning, now lies hard on the beach. This morning the steamer moved two lengths In shore. Efforts to get the big ship free from tho treacherous Long Island sands were futllo today and after several attempts word was sent to the city and arrangements made to begin immediately the work of taking out cargo. The Prince line officials, realizing that the prospect of getting their vessel off today was remote, sent down barges and tugs and all the passengers were brought up to the city and the immigrants to the number of 541 sent to Ellis Island. Captain Hanks and his crew of seventy men are still on the ship. About an hour before the vessel struck yesterday a child was horn to one of the Italian passengers. Only about one-third of the steerage pas sengers were able to pass Inspection at Ellis Island nnd reach the city tonight. The remainder will go before the- Inspector to morrow. COL. BRECKENRIDGE'S FUNERAL Largre Conconrae of People Present at Obsequies of Kentucky Statesman. LEXINGTON, Ky.. Nov. 21. The funeral of Colonel W. C. P. Breckenrldge, held here today, waa the largest since the fu nerals of Henry Cluy and Senator James B. Beck. Leading citiiena from all over the bluegrass region and lawyers and prominent men of other cities were present. All the local civic bodies, confederate comrades, Fayette county bar and other societies to which the deceased belonged attended and formed a procession which escorted the body to the cemetery. The services were held In the First Presby terian church. City offices and all busi ness houses suspended business during the funeral hours. One of the most attractive and costly floral designs was sent by Caleb Powers, charged with the Goebel murder, who is in Jail in Louisville. Colonel Breckenrldge made a vigorous fight In Powers' behalf and did much In editorial utterances to procure for him an unbiased Jury. KANSAS WOMAN IS DEAD Mrs. Mckum, Bralaed with an Axe, Does Not Recover Con atciouaness. TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 21 Mrs. J. R. Nlckuni, who was brained with an axe in her hoarding house here Sunday, died today without regaining consciousness. The cus Is the most mysterious In the criminal his tory of Topeka. Two hundred dollars In cash and Jewels tn the woman's dresser wire untouched. Mrs. Nlekuin':; body was horribly mutilated, pealing evidences of the work of a "Jack ftie Ripper." There Is not the slightest clue to the perpetratur of the crime. Mrs. Nlcgum hud beea divorced twice. The whereaoout bt her forujur tus Uoida are uukuowu. x NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Tuesday and Wedaesday. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Ilea. Hour.. Ilea. B a. m :tT 1 p. m M a a. m ...... 8t 3 p. m M T a. m Rrt , St n m " Ha. m :tH 4 p. ni M W a. m 41 A p. m R ! a. ni 47 II p. m Hl 1 1 a. nt fli 7 p. m M 12 m. ........ WI M p. m nt It p. m R'i CORONERS INVESTIGATE DEATH llearlna; Proarrssea at Cincinnati Over Parker and Verdict Found at Chicago. CINCINNATI. Nov: 21. Coroner Weaver today began an Inquest In the case of C. A. Parker, vice .of the Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton nnd the Per Mar quette railroads, who fell dead in his offico here on Wednesday last. No autopsy was held at the time of. his death, as no request had been made, flud the' death certlflcat gave no cause of death, merely saying "In quest peniliiiR." Dr. S. B. Grimes was the first witness examined. He said he was called while Mr. Parker was living. He smelled a pung ent odor ns of peach leaves. There were no convulsions. The pupils of the dying man's eyes were dilated. The witness asked what Mr. Parker had taken. He heard a voice say "don't say anything," and thought It was a woman's voice. There were several persons present. Miss Rose Hugerman, stenographer for Mr. Parker, test I lied that she saw nothing unusual about him thnt day. He had Just returned from Chicago and had dictated some correspondence to her. He gave no appearance of moroseness. She was the only woman present, and hud no recollection of hearing Dr. Grimes ask what he had taker, nor of Buying "Don't say anything." CHICAGO, Nov. 21.-8ulclde while tem porarily Insane over tho loss of her be trothed was the verdict of the coroner's Jury today In the case of Ella Get.terllng, whose dend body was found Saturday In the girl's apartments at the Vendoine hotel. The death of the young woman, according to police theory, may have been the result of a "suicide ngreenient" entered into by the dead girl and Charles A. Parker of Cincinnati, a well known railroad official. Parker died suddenly In Cincinnati under circumstances that might Indicate that he had taken his own life. The inquest in the case of Miss Gezterllng, however, failed to bring out any confirmation of the alleged pact. Miss Gosterllng was formerly one of Par ker's stenographers in Denver, and the friendship existing between them was strong enough to cause comment. The re sult was the girl's remo.-al to Chicago. Correspondence between Furker and the young woman was Intercepted by J. W. Parker, the 20-year-old eon of the railroad ofliclul. In this manor it Is said the young man learned that his father contemplated securing a divorce In order that he might marry Miss Gesterllng. Grief over this discovery and a feeling of shame at the father's estrangement were the cause, It Is believed, of the son's sui clda. .recently in St. .Loula. . . ATTEMPT (T0KIDNAP WOMAN Claimant of Omaha Kstate Haa leans- tlonal Experience In Her ' Canadian Home. WINDSOR, Ontario, Nov. 21. (Special Telegram.! Complaint was made today of nr. attempt to cremate Mrs. John Scrum, whj rcsiucs :n Ruthven, a Canadian village about twenty miles distant. She claims to be the sister of John Walker, who died In Omaha leaving ibout 10,000 tn an old trunk. Mrs. Scram declares she Is the only living relative, but other claimants appeared. She retained Attorneys Rush and Slubaugh of Omaha to defend her Interests. It Is al leged that emissaries of rival claims nU have endeavored to prevent Mrs. Scram from asserting her rights. An attempt was made to abduct her by throwing a chloro formed cloak over her head while she was returning home. The unknown assailant was frightened away. A week ago an al leged priest, who clulmed to be Father McFadden from Council Bluffs, called and wat given cn Inhospitable reception. 'Mrs. Scram chased him away with a revolver. Early last Saturday morning Mrs. Scrum's home was completely destroyed by fire, but she was rescued In her nlghtrobes. When Mrs. Scrum recovers sufficiently she will go to Omaha to prove her claims. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS MEET Klsxht II a nd red Members of the Broth erhood Hold an Informal Session nt Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Nov. 21. One of the most largely attended informal gatherings of the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers taa held in this city today. Eight hundred members of that organization are present from widely separated parts of the country. Other than un executive session of .the engineers this morning, the re mainder of the day and tonight hus been given up to purely social events. The meet ing this morning was said to have been for an lnterc'"inge of Ideas among the mem bers, it being said by a prominent delegate present that there was nothing special under consideration, that the order was In fine condition and the relations of the engl-r-ers with the railroads were satisfactory. A public reception was held this after noon, at which Informal addresses were made by Governor Herrlck, Congressman Burton, P. H. Morrlssey, grand master of the Brotherhood of Trainmen, nnd others. STRIKERS WIN THEiR POINT Gain Concession from Furniture Men and Return to Work at Chicago. CHICAGO, Nov. a. Teamsters, whose strike against the Furniture Manufacturers' association was cause for rioting In the down town streets last week, returned to work today. The employers signed an agreement with the drivers, promising that there should be no discrimination against union members In the hiring of teamsters. The employers also agreed to pay team sters for two-horse wugons 114 a week. This Is an Increase of 50 cents above the pay last year. H0MESTAKE COMPANY'S WORK Ships Its S.milst "old Hrlrk, Muklnic About 1V Tons of Gold. LEAD, S. D., Nov. II. The Hnietak4 Mining company made a shipment Uday of Us 2,mlst gold brli k, making a total out put tpproxlmat. ly of 150 tuna gold silica the nilue openeJ la lsTS. TAKE GERMAN BOAT Japanese Capture Sloop Loadea witli Sup plies Probably for Port Arthur. LADEN WITH WINTER CLOTHING AND MEAT Cargo is Regarded as Suspicious and Vei cl is Sent to Sasebo. QUIET PREVAILS IN VICINITY OF MUKDEN Anticipated General Attack by thi Jar nese Has Not Develeped as Yet. GENEfiAL NOG! RECEIVES FRESH TROOPS Toklo Hears that Jnpnnese Hare Ad vanced Thrlr Attack I'pna Tiara and Have Taken Russian Counterscarp. TOKIO, Nov. 21 The Navy departmen, reports the capture of the German steamer Batel.ui whlie attempting to run the Port Arthur blockade. Tho department says that at S a. m. May IP a Japanese siiuidron cruising off Yental sighted a vessel eteaminff for Port Arthur. The gunboat T.ilsuse pursueJ and overtook the steamer at 5 o'clock In the morning. On board of the vessel was found a great quantity of winter clothing, blankets, medi cine and canned meats. Its captain Bald ho was bound for New Chwang. The route and cargo of the Itatelan were considered to be suspicious and it was taken poasesa:on of and brought to Sate bo. Reliable sources repot t that the Japaneae mined and occupied a counter scarp on Rlhlung mountain November 19. Shanghai Hears of Capture. SHANGHAI. Nov. 21.-A former British steamer, the Thalcs, sold to Germans, haa been captured while attempting to run the Port Arthur blockado and has been taken to Sdj-ebo. It had on bor.rd a cargo of doilies, blankets, medicine and an enormous quantity of salt fcetf. Russian, captured near Port Arthur said that five men of war In the harbor have been rendered useless by the Japanese; fire. The Thales' Is undoubtedly the German steamer Battelan referred to In a dispatch to the Associated Press from Toklo today as having been captured by the Japanese squadron while attempting to run the Port Arthur blockade. There was no record of tho Battelun in the maritime registers available. Fresh Irn'ops for !Vos;l. CUE FOO, Nov. 21. 3 p. m. A Japa nese ofil nil among the latest arrivals from Dalny states positively that the general at tack upon Port Arthur has not been re sumed. Rumors to that effect In Dalny have ar'.sen because fresh troops. Including the Seventh division, recently landed, are being sent to the fi'ont. It Is be'ieved thnt the explosion which took place on November 111 occurred In some counter tunneling work, The second explosion which, waa beard, on November IV was much heavier and It is reported upon the best authority was due to tho blowing up of a Russian maga zine. It is exp-.cted that the next attackupon Port Arthur will be a tremendous affair. More reinforcements are coming to the support of General Nogl than those dis patched to Field Marshal Oyama. The Japanese are now constructing coast defense forts at Pigeon bay, which la ac cepted an an Indication that they expect to be defending Port Arthur themselvea seme day. O, ii let Prevails Around Makdoek MUKDEN, Nov. 21. The anticipated gwn eral attack by the Japanese has not de 'eloped ns yet. The uncertainly of tha present situation gives rise to conflicting rumors and speculation regarding future operations. Some expect the Japanese to attempt a wide flanklnft movement on Tie pass and ethers claim the armies will practically winter in their present posi tions. Complete inactivity prevails. The nights are growing colder and fuel Is scarcer. Crowds of Chinese are wandering over the fields and roads picking up everything com bustible, even the roots of the Chinese corn. Since the Japanese failed In the attack which they made on Poutlloff hill November IS the old order of affairs has been resumed. There are frequent skirmishes, partlcu. larly In the vicinity Of the Russian center, where both sides have dally clashed. There was an exchange of artillery fire during the greater part of November 20. It appears that the affair of Novenaher 13 was a reconnaissance In force and that had it been successful it was to be followed by a general attack. The Japanese got within thirty paces ot the Russian outer positions before being driven buck. They left over 100 dead on the field. The Russian soldiers aro quite comfort able in their dugouts. The weather continues extremely Cold, the thermometer - recording 35 degrees of frost. The frost Is accompanied by high winds which carry clouds of dust. Russian ships In Danish Watorst FREDERIKSHAVN, Denmark, Nov. tl. The second division of the Russian Second Pacific squadron has arrived here and Is anchored at Shuw bay. " " Russian Squadron Leaves Canea. CAN EA, Island of Crete. Nov. 21. Th section of the Russian Second Paclllo squadron, commanded by Vice Admiral Voekersam, sailed this afternoon for Port Said. In this squadron are the battleships SlBSoi, VeJiky and Navarln, the cruiser Jemtchaug and Alamatx. the deetroyera Blestiaachy, Resumpreehnl, Byslri, Brayl, Pedoi and Bulny and the transport Cort shukoff, VaroneJ, Kltal Tamboff. Kleff, Jupiter, Merkur and Vladimlroff. Fighting; Urowi Warmer. BERLIN, Nov. 21. A dispatch to the Lokal Anxelger from Mukden under to day's date says: The reconnaissance fights have assumed a more violent character during the past few days. Particularly hot was the fight ing on Poutlloff (Lone Tree Hill) where the Japanese were rt pulsed with the loss of over P killed. All signs Indicate thl; Kreat events are Imminent. The road Slnmintln, owing to the excellent patrol service. Is quite safe from Chinese ban dits, thus guaranteeing unhindered con.. munii'Htlon with Tien Tsln und establish. Ing a second line of Intercourse with till outlle world. The he:utli of the troops Is excellert. The Russians admire the clan lines, per fe -t or.ler and e-'iiipment of the Jspanero. i lie doi s not is c any trace of race-hatreo. It Is a fact that the Japanese retur.t through French inli-rniertlailoii all valu able i fo'ir.i on iti ad Russians. This his iiiaije u '! cp impression here and is r -ijirocuted. Huaalana Bombarded Each Other. laVNDOX. Nov. 22-The Dally Mula Copenhagen correspond' lit recounts a Story from u member of the crew of the Russiua ciulscr Aurora, to i'.ia effoct that Vice Ad I X