Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1904, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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"How many thlnjs,
" both Jul t and unjust
arc sanctioned
by cimom."
You can ftltvuvi count on
exclusive black elegance. Kljjht up to the minute in both style
that happy rote f quiet elegance anl tasteful refinement which
I ment is full of new goods, no disappointment in quality or style;
New Black Crepe fl Purls-Sty Huh. beau
tiful and elegantly flnlsiii-d are thf new
fabrics. All our own exrluclve stjles. We
ara showing special value In Crepe de
Psris at SSc per yard; not a large qunntlty
at thla prfec. Otner qiMltl'S at 11.00. $1.J3,
tl.SO, W.75. $2 00, ft. 25, IS.60 and $300 yard.
New Blnrk Broadcloths-Here are two
special qualities "old In Omaha exclusively
by us. Qo wherever you will to church,
to the opera, wherever well dre.sed women
congregate and you will nee at l?ast three
ut of five wearing a handsome c:tUTie
made from our Frlncea or Opera Broad-
cloth. No auch values at then prlcea any
where. Ask to soe them.
"Prlncesa" Broadrloth Bi Inches wide, all
colore and black, 11.00 per yard. "Opera"
Broadcloth, M Indies wide, extra fine qu-il-Ity
and flnlih, all colon and black, $1.54
per yard.
$1 Handsome 54-Inch Suiting.
Monday, 47c Per Yard.
Ftfuras mean little, by themselves, but
when we ahow you thla handsuma 54-inch
carefully selected suiting for Jackets, sepa
rata skirts, knock-about suits, for children's
school dresses, at price lower than hjve
ever been quoted In Omaha, It mentis aime.
thing out of the ordinary. Only thiea
colors left, navy, green and brown. Mon
day's special price 47c per yard.
Special Sale of
Rallied Boblnet Curtains
fl.K Ruffled Net Curtains, 9.1c per pair.
12.00 Ruffled Net Curtulna, 11.25 per pair.
12 26 Ruffled Net CurtainH, 11.60 yrr pair.
$3.00 Ruffled Net Curtains, $1.'9 per pair.
$3.(0 Ruffled Net Curtains, $2.25 per pair.
$4.00 Ruffled Net Curtains, $1 93 per pair.
Odd curtains, two, three und four of a
kind, slightly soiled, will go at a fraction
of their former prices.
Y. M. C. A. Building:. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts.
XepreseetatiTei of Rural Busaia Unofficially
r ) Diiotus Heeded Reform.
MssnOraada to Csar Adopted Which
ays Steps Should Me Taken to
. Get Government la Touch '
.'ft'ttH the People.
ST, PETERSBURG. Nov. W.-The meet
ing of representatives of semstvos, which
s had been looked forward to with so mwh
ki... mi IiaM thla nfternonn at a hrlvate
residence In this city, but at the last
moment the government withdrew the of
ficial auspices -under which It was to be
held,, because the representatives -declined
to adhere to the original purposes of the
A hundred earnest men, Included among
whom were some of the most prominent
figure In Russia, therefore met and dis
cussed a carefully prepared memorandum,
practically embodying a recommendation
for a national representative board to have
a share In the government. This memo
randum would be presented to Emperor
Prince Bvlatopolk-Mlrsky. the minister of
the Interior, guaranteed the meeting pro
tection from police Interference, but secrecy
was maintained as to the pine of meeting
nd th,ls effectually prevented demonstra
Mloiv which had been announcd would be
" "made by students.
History Making Doeslinenl.
The memorandum Includes ten sections,
Of which sevon were endorsed at today's
meeting. The' remainder, It Is expected,
will bo approved at a meeting to b held
tomorrow. The document, which Is bound
to hold A conspicuous place in Russian
history, is aa follows:
preamble of proposals on the question of
general conditions preventing the normal
course and development of our soclsl life,
submitted to a private conference of sem
stvo Workers November 9 and November
30 in Bt. Petersburg.
Bctlon 1 The abnormal system of gov
ernment prevslllng among us, and eefe
elalJy noticeable since the 'eus. is due to
complete estrangement of government and
people and the absence of the mutual con
fidence so necessary n national life.
Bee. S These relations bitween the gov
ernment and the people originate from rp
prehenslon of development of popular in
itiative and persistent efforts to exclude the
people from partlolpul Ion 4n internal gov
ernment. With thla object the fovjrnmotit
endeavored to extend renrl'ed adminis
tration to all branches of local government
artd Impose a tutelar In every branch of
national life, admlttlns; co-ooeratloii with
the people solelv tut the purpose of bring
ing popular Institutions Into harmony with
the views of the aovernmeh.
Sec. The bureaucratic system of
, . If your boy pt-strra you for a
repeating rifle or a camion,
lilui a sweater. Twill be better for
,' Mia and tafrr for you.
Fur worsted yurn awcaters for
the little fellows In ml. blue,
ollvo.imyrtlo and white,
For larger boys see thV atu
tele sweaters eelllnic P (
. .l.ou
Colors blue. red. Havana aad aeal
brewa or1 white. (
Olrla' B.veutera Hoys' Hweatera.
Write for illiutratwl catolosup.
ZfllVhii iirt-tisJl arti-M-f
HIS Dowtlaa htrset
Fine Black
flniine here the very bent tilings
, , , -
New Ribbons
Messillne Rlbbor.s- inches wide, In thre?
shades cf burnt orange, greencopper.
brown, mode, navy and it!, very pretty,
COc per yard.
Omhre Taffeta Ribbons 7 Inchee wide. In
browns, greens, reds. blue. 50c per yard.
Taffeta Rlbbone 4H inclie wide, with
embroidered dot, In all shides, 60c per
New Neckwear
White Wash Stocks With embroidered
dots, lit black, nuvy, red and brown, ties
to match, 75c each. ,
White Wash Storks Embroidered In
colors, with four-ln-hand Hps. $1.2i ea.h.
Plain Silk Stocks In black, navy, red
and brown, with embroidered linen turn
overs, 75c each.
Tailor Hade Stocks In black, navy and
brown, with plain linen turnovers.
Plain Tailored Stocks In Mack, navy
and brown, with heavy embroidered turn
overs, $1.50 each.
Beautiful Alaska fox Scarfs
$15, 518, $25, $35, 540
There Is no prettier fur for the neck
than those handsome shades of brown
Alaska Fox. These el.gant furs almost
equal Russian Sulile In Cilor and vilklncss
of hair. We are showing a very large as
sortment. Oenulne Natural Marten Scarfs When It
comes to a real staple article of fur noth
ing' weara better or looks nice linger than
a genuine Marten. Unfortunately there are
a great many imitations sold for the genu
ine. Raccoon Is one of the most common;
also opossum, dyed. Toadies purchasing at
Thompson, Belden Co.'S are sure of get
ting the real article at the following low
prices $6.60, $7.60, $8.50, $10.00, $12.d0 and
causing .estrangement of the supreme power
mm 1...' ci L-.tiv.-a h i..-.L .or a m.iio
scope of administrative arbitrariness nnd
personal caprice. Such a condition deprives
the nntlon of the necessary assurances thut
the rights of each end all will be p'otectnfl
and undermines ronlidence In the govern
ment Csar and People Mast Co-operate.
Sec.-' 4 The normal current and evolu
tion of stale ann nation :i po.ule 011. y
under the condition of close living and
union and the co-operHtlon of the Imperial
power with the people.
Sjc 6 In order to exclude the possi
bility of the display or Hun:t, latrKu.'f- a. o.J
trnriness and to grunrnntee pers ne1 vlg'-t-'.
It Is necessary to establish and consistently
apply a principle by Vtmun l.u mid ...1. u .
subjected to punishment or to the restric
tion of rights without the decision of Inde
pendent leeal authorities.
Seo. 6 For the uhrestrlcted representa
tion of Duhllo oDinlLin sou me lieu a .-
tlon and satisfaction of popular needs It
is esHeniini to guarantee rreeaom 01 ccn-
science and speech and or tne press; ana
ulso freedom or tneetltit end a-'clat'o-Bec
7 Self-reliance Is the chief condi
tion of the prober and tuocessiui deveijp
ment of the political and economic life of
the country. A considerable majority of 1
tbe populntlon of Russia belonging to the
feasant class. It Is necessary first of all
o Place the latter In a Dosltlon favorable 1
for development of self-reliance a.nd energy,
and thls'ls attainable only by radlcil alter-
atlon of the present Unequitable una mi- .
mlllatlng oondllton of the peasants. For
this purpose It is neeeseary a) to equalize I
the civil and political lis-hts of rcoennte
with the other classes: (hi re'eiee rural .
self-government from nflmlnlstratlon tute-
Isge; (1 srfruard peasants by proper ,
courts of justice. ...-.
lioeal ne'f-Oorernineut.
Sec. Zemstvo Institutions In which
local and popuiur nic m mostly concen
trated imisl be nlaced In conditions In
which rhey may ' successfully carry out
thete duties. 'or this purpose It is neces
sary that the Bcrhstvo representation he
based on a iio-clrss bHSls and all the force
of the local populutlon iw admitted to sh"r
In semstvo work, that semstvo Institutions
be brought Into closer touch with the peo
ple With the creation of a small crmstvo
and unite upon it basis cuaranteelng ahso
lul lndercndni'e nnd that sematvo Insti
tutions be assured the necessary perman
ency and Independence essential to their
proper development and activity and mn
tunl co-onehithm of government with popu
In" Ins'lftlons.
Sec. 8 But for the crestlon and main
tenance ot close nit'i healtov coiuiO'inn n.
a unison of the ImnerWl authority with the ,
people inon the bas's above pointed out I
and In order to assure the orrrect develoo-
ment of life, slate and nation. It ls un
questionably necessary for national repre
nentHttnh In the form of a soeclally elective j
body to participate In legislation i
Demonstration nt Moaoow. I
MOSCOW, Nov. 1. Popular demonstra- '
ttons occurred here today owing to the re .
fu4j of the autlloritlea to authoMse a '
nfflclul meeting ot the semstvos represents j
tives st St. Petersburg. Crowds in the
streets A front of the palace of Orsnd
bukt Sergltis, governor general of Mux
toWi' shouted: "Uown with the Moscow
Gatette!" the only newspapef In Russia
which Is fiercely opposed to the semstvos.
Later the crowds voluntarily dispersed.
The aomstvos supporters have telegraphed i
to I M. Bhipoff, president of the Moscow !
semstvo, to make a final effort to induce
the government to allow the meeting to be
held under official auspices.
. Odessa Files Petition.
ODESSA, N6V..I1.-A majority of the city
cminrrlora hnve petitioned the government
to restore the freedom of municipal elec
tions rtA Hehntmi mn tfiotrsnteed under the
h nf 1R?0. n,1 a Inn to ausnend the state !
Of strge.
Pair In Nebraska Toda.y. Warmer la
Northwest , Portion Fair
Tomorrow. '
WASHINGTON. Nov. l.Forecaet
the weaihrr for G'lnday and Monday: '
Fur Nebraska Pair Sunday, warmer In
north west portiou; Monday fair and
warmer In east portion. .
For Jowa Fair Sunday, colder In oast
and south portion; ' Monday fair and
For Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday.
For Sduth Dakota Fair Sunday, warmer
In 'western portion; Monday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Nov. 11 Official retard of tern
pciuluie anu pi'tuiwiu.tun, comiiaiva wlui
in coiretponuing aay or tne lam three
kummum temperature
Winlmuri teinpcraturo
Mean temperaiuie ....
i4. mi. lem.iixii
si 4 4
it w ti t
4 M 40
.00 .00 T
Rourd of temperature anil prerlpitatlun
at Omaha tor this day. since March 1:
Ncrsuil teip. etAture , it
-eis f'r loe d v
, I
.. .til Ini h
Total excess since March 1
Normal iccipi uilnn
l eiulem y for the da el :u-h
1.1I1.I ran.fMll slf e Mixrrh I ....St IS tin in
llollcl.-firir since MhtiU 1 4 til inches
j (or cor. periud. 1IM4 I t Inoties
Ueiiclency lor cor. period, iwjj.. I VI luciits
t ludfcstes'trtue 'of precipitation.
U A. WKi-fliL Local t orecaater.
Bee. Nov. . 1W4.
that FaHhloi creates in tbe way of
and quality, yet HtriKing always
Omaha wcnen like. The depart-
come and we them.
! Winter Coats
There are undred. of new and choice
styles to fleet from In thres-quartpr
length, 27-lnrfi, fitted coats, loose eoits,
brown coats, black coats, covert coats and
rain coats. t l
Pcrlect Mting Skirts
No charge for alterations. We sell hun
dreds of pretty skirts, so that nothing is
ever old. Our styles are always new.
Prlcte $.H, :.9:., 9.50, $10.00 and $12.5J. ,
Linen Decollations tor Thanksgiving
Our new line of the Real Irish Hand
Embroidered J Tea Cloths, Scarfs, Center
fieies, Lunri Cloths, Tray Cloths, Plate
Doylies, Tumjbler Doylies and Finger Bowl
Dt Jiles thatj are worked by the famous
Irish artists are more beautiful than ever
before shown by Thompson, Belden A. Co.
While In Ireland a few months ago our
linen buyer Imd his own designs worked
and to any one who Is a lover of tine
linens it wll be a treat to aee the btst
line ever br jght to Omaha.
Monday Oiler ings In Our
flannel Department
Shaker Flifnnel, 2c yard; regular 6,ic
Flannelette, 8c per yard; regular 10c and
12c qunlltks.
Outing Kltnrels, 6c per yard; regular
e. 84c anj ioc qualities.
Scotch Flunnels, 2ic per yard; regular
35c, 40c, 50c iitid 75c qualities.
10-4 site tah colored, fleece lined Blankets,
S9c per pair; would be good value at $1.25.
Cotton Blankets an low as 56c per pair.
All wool blankets at $3.00 per pair.
e. 46 inches wide, at 6c per yard;
regular 10c fend Uhic qualities.
DC aind 12tir. nimlltle.
Thirty Thojmnd Dollars Takea from Office
of forepauffb and Sells Show,
Season Eindert Yesterday nnd Cask
Had Been Collected to Pay Off the
Employes Several Arrests
.ttORVOIuK. Vk.. Nov. lS.-While enroute
on a flat Ur between Greenville and Tar
boro, N. . '., early Saturday morning, the
ticket WKiiiin of the Forepaugh & Sella
Bro.' clrdus -waa entered and robbed of
The entrance to the wagon was effected
by the uaii of the regular keys, which had
been stolein from the treasurer of the cir
cus. The robbery was not discovered until
after the Entire circus, which waa traveling
in three
sections on the Atlantic Coast
Line, had
reached Tarboro. The ticket
wagon wr on the second section and ar
rived at
Tarboro at 1 o'clock Saturday
The first section reached there a
earlier and the third at I o'clock
half hour
In the mi rnlng.
it was o'clock before the robbery had
been disc ,vered nnd from that time until
late tonlK lit, when the last report was re
ceived In Norfolk, by telephone, a continu
ous eeare 1 of the effects of the reople con
nected wljth the clrcAis had been In progress.
The pl!ije are holding a man and woman,
both performers, on suspicion of having
rommittrjt the robbery. It has been impos
sible so jrar to secure the names of theso
two person". 1
Several theories are held by tho police and
Cirrus pe ple. tine of these Is thut the rob
bery wa: 1 committed while the train was
In motloii njid that the money was thrown
off the train. Searching parties are at
work ale ng the line between Tarboro and
Ureenvlllti n an effort to find any trace of
the mon y or of any person who might
have lef t the train with It. 1'p to thi
time nj rne has been missed from the clr
cue crow d.
Another theory Is that tho cash ha been
hidden I 1 Tarboro by the robbera nnd In
nunierali le search warrants have been
sworn c it. Armed with there the rewular
police a nd special detectives are search
ing ever y PH e in Tarboro thought likely
to conceal the money. There were a score
of arrets made during the day among tho
circus p uople. All apprehended were taken
Into eut tody on euplcloii and while In the
town Mkup their belonging were searched
at the Mhow grounds. Absolutely 'no trace
of tho flionry has .been found.
I.yiu' iner.
Wan' L.I i.ynu... Hlalr. Neb., and
Miss Hi Uo Sanger of Uon, la., were mar.
ried November IS, by Rev. Charles W.
Savldgl at his home, Twcnty-fouith and
Maple ktreeta.
rraelter-RoRimgrr, '
Crocker and Miss Jennie Rommger,
' South Omaha, were mnrrinrf h
J. W
both o
nev. n.sries w. Uavtdgo t his residence.
Twenty-fourth and Maple streets, Siturday
, Italy! Authorises American Treaty.
; ROME. Nov. 19,-Forelgn Minister Tlt
toni tjiday Informed Amhussador Meyer
that hev had given Instructions to the Italian
ambassador at Washington to sign an ar
bitration treaty with the United States
simtlur; to those between the United States
and Franco and Fiance and Oreat Britain.
and Cream
t.c-ok In each package for the fam
ous Utile book,' Hoad to Wrllvlile. '
litiBalHWsTtf ' HiT'i'""
Statue ef Frederick the Oreat Unveiled by
Baronets Ton Sternberg.
Presentation Speech Is Made by tho
German Ambassador aad tho
Response Is by President
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-Hailed by
military blare of twenty trumpets, the
bronze statue of Frederick the Oreat, pre
sented to the American people' by Emperor
William, was unveiled this afternoon by the
Paroness Speck von Sternburg, ths wife of
the ambassador. The ceremony
was marked by great military 'and official
display. The statue was presented on be
half of the emperor by his personal envoy,
the Oerman ambassador, who made a
brief address. The president made the
chief address of the day and accepted the
gift on behalf of the American people. Re
marks were made by Lieutenant General
Chaffee, chief of staff; Major General Gil
lespie of the general staff, master of cere
monies; Lieutenant General von Loewen
feld, one of the special commissioners sent
to the unveiling by the emperor, and
Charlemange Tower, American ambassador
to Germany.
Seldom has the national capital witnessed
a more brilliant and distinguished as
semblage than was gathered on the grand
esplanade of the Army War college around
the pedestal of the statue. Immediately
oack of the ststue, on the president's
stand, which was completely covered In red,
white and blue bunting and decorated with
American flags, sat the president and his
cabinet, the Oerman ambassador and the
Baroness Speck von Sternberg, Lieutenant
General von Loewenfeld and Major Count
von Schmetow, the emperor's special com
missioners to the unveiling, and the entire
diplomatic corps, all In full uniform. On
stands to the right and left of the statue
were officers of the army and navy In full
dress uniform, the mejnbcrs of the supreme
court, members of congress and other In
vited guests. Directly In front of the
pedestal of the statue were grouped mem
bers of the German societies from various
parts of the country.
Within the gates of the Army War col
lege, along the line of march to the es
planade, were stationed troops In attend
ance The emperor's gift Is a replica In bronie
of the statue which stands In his palace at
Potsdam, the orlglnnl being the work of
the sculptor Uphues. The statue is of
heroic size, standing more than seven feet.
It Is mounted on a pedestal of massive
granite. Frederick Is standing erect, his
right hard resting on his military staff, and
he looks sharply ahead. The sculptor has
vividly portrayed the powerful vigor which j
was so striking a characteristic of the
German chieftain.
Program of Speeches.
The official program began with the In
vocation by the Hlght Rev. Dr. Satterlee,
the bishop of Washington. Major General
Gillespie then addresued the ambassador,
saying In part:
Mr. Ambassador: It Is a pleasing office
as well as a most high honor to preside
at the ceremony of tne unveiling of the
statute of Frederick the Oreat, presented
to tho people of the United States of
America by hla majesty, William the bea
ond. the German emperor.
'J'lie master mind which conceived and
executed the brilliant movements culmi
nating in the decisive victory at Leutliem
four allied powers opposing, will challcnj
in the future, as it has challenged in tho
past, the admire lion of the thought
1.1 ml Mary student.
K'eaerick the Oreat exemplified In h's
character the highest attributes of the tuil
tti and the s yet em of organization, tin in
InK rnd maneuver of troops instituted nnd
practiced by him has hud its happ tr illion
In the splendid Imperial German army of
As he closed his address, Major General
Gillespie turned to the ambassadress nnd,
offering her his arm, escorted her to the
edge of the atatute, where were fastened
th silken cords attached to the American
and Oerman flagp In which It was shrouded.
Gripping the vords firmly, one In leach hand,
the ambassadress had but to give one tug
before the silken folds loisened from
around the figure of Frederick the Groat.
Straightway twenty trumpeters of the
army, drawn up in front of the president's
stand, sounded a military bare blare of
welcome one prolonged note and as the
flags nlowly parted, the Americun to the
right and the German to the left, the Ma
rine band struck up the German national
anthem. Instead of falling to the pedestal
the flags, by an Ingenious device, were
hointed to the top of the flag polos on olther
side of (he statute and unfurled to the
bieeze amid the Inspiring melody of the
German hymn.
Statue Is Transferred.
Lieutenant General von Loewenfeld,
as the special commissioner of the
Oerman emperor, transferred the
statute to the custody of his majesty's per
sonal envoy, Baron Sternburg, the Ger
Mn ambaaaador. The lieutenant general
briefly addressed the ambassador, saying:
The emperor hopes that, Ood being will
ing, this monument will remain a lasting for the ciiiitlnuiinre of the friendly
relations between America and Germuny
rt-lutiuns whose foundation was laid lu the
time of Kins Frederick.
in this city, equally distinguished for Its
magnificent beauty und for the abundance
of lis hUtorlcul memories, I hereby fulfill
the honorable mission of my imperial mas
tor and give over lo you. Mr. President,
the statu of Frederick the Great.
Baron Sternburg, accepting the custody
of the statue from the special commis
si! ner, formally presented the gift, on be
half of the emperor to the American people
through their president, whom tho am
bassador addressed.
The last notes of "Die Wacht Am Rheln"
were drowned In the enthusiastic greeting
given the president as he arose und ad
vanced to the edge of the stand to deliver
his address of acceptance.
Led by the president, the assemblage
arose and with uncovered heads remained
standing throughout the playing of "Amer
ica" by the marine band.
In conclusion, General Chaffee Spoke at
some length of the deeds of Washington
and Grant on the field of battle. Their
statues, too, he said, should be reared on
tlia esplanade of the Army War college.
rharlemaago Tower Talks.
Charlemagne Tower, the American am
basaador to Germany, waa presented after
the playing of "Hall Columbia" and also
The benediction was pronounced by Rev.
Paul A. Mensel, pastor of Concordia Luth
eran church.
. Again the assemblage stood uncovered
while the band rendered "The Star
SpangUd Uanner," which closed the offi
cial ceremony.
After congratulating the German am
bassadress and shaking hands with the
foreign ambassadors the provident and hla
parly left the esplanade, followed by the
German embassy and purty and Lieu
tenant General Loewenfeld and hla party.
In the Inverse order In which they came
the presidential cavalcade leading, the of
ficial procession was reformed und left the
Washington barracks, while the field bat
teries were firing the second presidential
salute ot twenty-one guns.
Italy Will Join Coaferoaee.
ROMB. Nov. lt.It la officially announced
that Italy has agreed to take part In the
new peace eoufereaoe at The Hague, aa
proposed by the United States, ra.-arvln
only tho questions ef th date of the Wieet
ing and the program.
(Continued from First Page.)
s gen is In many cases under the civil serv
ice. 'I have had a talk with the president
and Secretary Hitchcock," said Commis
sioner Jones this morning, "and I have
decided to retire soon. I csme here to re
main only two years and have been here
seven. I have had the matter cf resign
ing under consideration for some time past.
I did not want to get out of office while
the investigation was going on at the Win
nebago agency. Now that Inspector Wright
has completed his lavestlgatlon It Is about
time for tne to step down and out for my
private Interests need my attention."
60 far as can be learned, no one has been
suggested aa a successor to Mr. Jones.
The position pays 15.000 a year and Is looked
upon as one of the best places In the gov
ernment service. In this connection It can
be raid that there were many rumors In
circulation today at several of the depart
ments that a number of heads of bureaus
who have not reached the standards re
quired by the president are also going to
resign. '
Governor Cummins of Iowa Is dua to
arrive In Washington In a few days for
the purpose of protesting against tho de
cision of General Alnsworth that names
of certain Iowa regiments, and particu
larly the time they went Into the battle
at Shlloh, are not entitled to appear on
monuments te be ere -ted on that his
torical field. Governor Cummins bellevia
the War department has erred in ita de
cision and, If necessary, proposes to take
the matter to the president. While Gov
ernor Cummins has been mentioned for
cabinet positions, there Is no good ground
for believing that either Secretary Shaw
or Secretary Wilson will leave the cabinet
for some time, and it Is reslly expected
that both Iowa members of the cabinet
will be part of the president's official fam
ily during the next administration.
An effort was made by frlerda of Post
master General Wynne to bring about
Secretary Shaw's resignation from the
Treasury department so that Mr. Cortelyou
might be made secretary of the treasury,
thereby permitting 'Mr. Wynne to rem-ln
as postmaster general, but Mr. Wynne
said to, your correspondent tcday that h
expected Mr. Ccrtelyou to take hold of
the postmastershlp about March 1. Just
what the president has in view for Mr.
Wynne Is not known even to that gen
tleman. It Is possible, however, that he
may be given an ambassadorship should
he so desire, probably the mission to Mex
ico. It la not expected that Mr. Wynne, af'er
having served as postmaster general, will
agree to take his old position of first as
sistant postmaster general. While there
are precedents for this, It would hardly
comport with Mr. Wynne's standing to
take a subordinate position after having
once held a cabinet place. Governor Cum
mins of Iowa, who has two yearfe yet to
serve, as the people of Iowa v'oted him
an extra year In extending the time of
the next gubernatorial election to 1908,
stoutly denies .that he has any call ot
aspirations whatever, but on the contrary
It is known that' he will try for the con
gressional nomination In the Des Moines
district against Captain Hull. Tho fate
of Judge Prouty, who was Captain Hull's
antagonist on several occasions, has no
worries for the tariff revisionist governor
of Iowa, and it is understood the gov
ernor Is getting ready for his try for con
gress. Ex-Senator Thurston of Nebraska, to
celebrate the recent great republican vic
tory in his state, gave a most delightful
dinner Friday evening at his home on
Wyoming avenue' to a number of hla old
Nebraska friends resident- at Washing
ton.' There were a number of felicitous
speeches made particularly In congratula
tion to the senator for the work ho did
In the recent campaign. The guests were
W. E. Andrews, auditor for the treasury
department; M. J. Hull of Edgar. E. W.
Woodruff of Sutton, E. C. Snyder of
Omaha, John Berge of Nebraska City,
Emanuel Bpeich and C. S. Brundage of
Tecumseh, C. Thatcher of Alliance. C.
C. Hellman of Geneva. E. D. Henderson
and P. II. Winter of Omaha, M. A.
Kuykendul of O'Neill, John R. Wets er of
Lincoln, Dr. F. S. Nicholson of St. Paul,
G. L. Austin of Plattsmouth and Carroll
Ptirman of this city.
The Iowa Manufacturing company of
Oakalooaa, la., was today awarded the
contract for Installing the heating ap
paratus In the publlo building at Klrka
ville, Mo., at their bid of SI. 494.
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes:
Hamilton, route No. 1. George Stl.lwell,
carrier; Charles . Btlllwell. substitute.
Tracy, route No. 1, Herschel N. Rouze,
carrier; William V. Rouze, substitute.
t. I.onls Vnlted Railways Company
Case to Be Heard
ST. LOUI8. Nov. J9.-The suit cf Cella.
Adler & Tilles against Brown Bros, of
Philadelphia, the National Bank of Com
merce and the United Railways company
of St. Louis, In which the plaintiffs seek
to enjoin the defendants fiom dl'potlng of
certain syndicate stocks, including storks
of the St. Louis Transit company, and In
which arguments for a temporary injunc
tion were to have been heard November
21 in the St. Louts circuit court, was s?nt
to the United States circuit court toJay on
petition of the deiendants, who made the
point that one of the defendants, James
Brown, was a resident of another statu.
Know tho Valno of Pyramid Pile Core
"Gratitude alone prompts me to testify
to the efficacy of pyramid Pile Cure. Last
March I bought a dollar package at the
drug store, which cured me of blending plies,
and I was a sufferer from them for eight
years; but I had not been troubled with
them since, until Isst Septsmbsr, when I
gnve birth to a baby girl, and after I
had a very severe casa of protruding pit a,
wnlctr a trained nurse said was the worn
case she ever saw, and my doctor told
me to get Pyramid Pile Cure again, which
I did and was completely cured In three
days. I have not had piles of any kind
since, and It Is all owing to this wonderful
remedy. My nurse took a box, which I was
gtil to be able to give her, for I know she
win do aoie 10 naip iois 01 sunering people
whom I never could see or know.
"I recommend "Pyramids" wherever I
know of anyone suffering as I did. It gives
me great pleasure to be able to say 1 am
entirely cured, which my doctor says is
true. I say God Bless Pyramid Pile Cure."
From a former great sufferer, Mrs. F.
Anrott. 12G Unity St., Frankford, Philadel
phia, Pa.
This remedy, which Is sold by druggists
generally, in fifty cent and dollar packages.
Is In a suppository form, la applied directly
to the parte affected and performs tts work
quietly and painlessly. Its value Is evi,
deuced by tbe testimony given above, and
we urge all sufferers to buy a puckuge now
and give It a trial tonight. Accept no sub
stitutes and remember that there Is no
remedy "Just as good." A lhle book on
the Cause and Cure of Plies Is published by
ths Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.,
and will be sent free to any address.
The flrat bllzz rd may catch you unprepared.
No such bargains ever offered In Omaha before.
Healer indfUnges it 6mtl Reda:l Prices.
HUIJXEKS, up from..
Other Hat Burners fjiy 7C
as low n 01 1 I J
liipli warmiug closet, ea- 007 7C
sily worth $3.", cut to. . . , J
OAK- HTOVES. n liable, handsome,
powerful heaters. $S.4.j,
, o 1
fU.ii ilUU
Carvers -Carvers-Carvers.
jytoren and Rangfi Sold oi Payment.
aKKUuMtuafttfJi aauaaatM
iJMMsai fum'tia juimbtm
of verythinff iu MALE FIXINGS la at all times to be
11 furnishing goods suitable for Thanksgivliig and Christ-
found here. All
mas Is now In stock.
8I1IKT8, SHIRTS-Tlie bpst. the most stylish. Uie most durable shirt
on the. market today $l'.00, $1." aud $1.00.
NECK WEAK The latest In all styles-TOo to $1.50.
t'NDEKWEAR AH the latest styles and patterns Suits from $1.00
to $10.00.
FANCY VESTS-White and flrurl-$2.50 to $3.00.
For auything In MALE FIXINGS that any man may wish, we
enn tlx you.
Live Stock
Chicago and Return
-November 26 to December 3.
A big show in a big town by big breeders
of cattle, horses, nheep aud swine.
A liberal education for the stockman and
fanner, demonstrating methods of tec-cling and
results in the bank accouut.
That's what the International Live Stock
Exposition for 1904 will be.
Incidentally, then? are the attractions of
. . large stores, theatres, concerts and '
streets of the great city.
Of course you are going over the- ,
1,1. 1 111 1 1
iBiauti, Jiniutfti
Your Thanksgiving Turkey
Rock Springs Coal
South Omaha Ice
m So. Uth St. 'Phone 171
mmuwi,wiumi im iMiaamitnisEssa
; Will You
I'm Bis lor ODDtur
iuIihim lumu.Miuu.
trnl.tiucj. it ulcarkllns.
..I mucosa Mjesibrti)
Ium. i .. I il not A.trill'
EVMSCHCMKittCt. (.at or po'.vuunt-
Pf'TJ Moia tij Jraisia,
TAjP or hdi in li wraps
4?St cr... .r.aaid. Ut
y-y si .00. .r I hiiti- J.7.
tf H cucuuu scat a iatsl
or v. Ill, aa j a rw r..- a-n
im (LU -H Cali ttilw feiSM aa
I It atbiliatUn- a4 I"
' fclaaat. at ' vf lauf lrULlll fr X4 "
i . fcr Pfji-llftalftr. T4-tsU;'
Iters lla!, I O. (It'll - -
II......... k,-. . I" i. --it I
W - m-'' ' t Hat
Oalr Oae Dollar a Tra
I -1- .ill
A large double
Turkey Roaster
FREE with every
Steel Range sold
before Thanks
giving. S4.95
iwtit'H will in Illluie. w
k . i M.f
a t
" ft
The Rock Island Agent will tell you
about it.
F.irnam St.. Omaha, Nob.
& Coal Company
and 411 So. 15th St. "Phone 455.
Do Copley a Favor? B
Hefore kteW'Cting our Christmas Jewelry,
step Into Copley's THAT'S ALL. Copley's
good und prices WIU. UO THK JIBST.
Treats all forma of
2 8 Year.' Kxucrlenes
la Ivan Iu lliMlit
A Medti-al Klprrt
'H""" i J whosa rriuaraalila
7Tt;'7 : ,' . J u'iis lias utfvor
,Skfe been eicellcd.
Nearly 3 Cases -ured., HydrowU, Blond I'ulaon. airlotura. OlMt.
Karvuua iJrullUjr, Loaa si air.usih ao4 Vitality.
His Home irea.ment
baa B.rman.ntlr cu.-d tkoiManda l eaaaa mt rhrsal
r..rtj., H.-t4l. Kliin.y aud llladdar ant Skin Dta
.. al amall c.iai. bavv tlm. and montty by
rriblnf youi rau aad writ, fur ruts ImmjK aud
Uriaa ( ldl la. afal la itlala pacaat.
Charge Low. Conaultation Fre.
UnV Hour.-- s. . ts W . a ; Sunday.. I
u. to 4.MI aa. (all or ills, km 4.
blca II. a. Hin St., OstaSa. Mas.