THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER- 20. 1904. 14 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE SHIMER & CHASE Builders of Modern Houses. Moderate prlrd, wHl built homes In all parts of tti rlty. We will build njr style riiue inywhfr to wilt you. Bring In your pencil sketch f a floor plan. It you have vacant property, lint It with tls. If you are In the market for residence, truckage or business, see u. If you have house or More to rent, see us. Tlii demand exceeds the supply in Ml" offlfp. If It's fire Insurance, 'phone tig and re ceive a policy by mall. A VIDE RANOE From a swell, up-to-date moilern through nut residence, to a modest cottage. Come where thev have them. Fori THOV8AND EIGHT HUNDRED. It's worth It. l-room dwelling, down tUrs oak, bull and stair same, den with gas mantel, gas and electric light, electric bell", furnace, spacious porch, south front on Farnam, with paved street and perma nent sldewnlli. You know the superior car en-Ire on the Farnam line. Any point In the wholesale or retail district quickly reached. of roure It's right-$4,81010. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED. Krst there l d-room dwelling, no fur nace, otherwise modern. Park district, wh-re i.ruprrtv Is advancing. Make you good home jr.' TWO T1IOI PAND FOUR HUNDRED. Why not this? -ronm dwelling, Locust afreet, modern, h'ork from car, owner anx ious to sell J 4"'.W. SHIMER Homes, Rentals, Loans, Fire Insurance. Wi Fa mam. Ground GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE NO. 768. Houses For Sale. 12.500 for No. JS04 8. 20th St., well bollt 8 room hoiiHe, one-half block south of new boulevard. In first elas condition, with two mantels and grates, combination fix tures, furnace, complete laundry in base ment, recently painted and papered throughout, only two blocks from street CMr and one block from school. Be mire and this if you want something good and u)-to-date at a very low price. $2,liiU for No. 3021 Chicago t., 7-room cot tage, modern except furnace, paved street, In desirable neighborhood. $2,1S for Ne. 1111 N. 18th sL. 8 rooms, mod ern except furnace. In good condition, walking distance. Easy terms. Il.fon for 96 N. 2tith St., 6 large rooms, gas, . city water, etc., barn, lot 62x125 feet, fiult und shade trees; $400 cash, balance $15 per month. tl.twO for No. IKil N. lth St., 7-room two story house, city water, sewer. gas, t ' Recently painted and papered, in go ! condition. Easy terms. I50O for No. 2H17 N. 16th ave.. 3-room tage, new roof and in good coiidi'.l ... tasy terms. FOR SALE! Immediate Possession. One of the Finest and Largest Houses IN OMAHA. Hot water heat, ample plumbing, 198 feet frontage on corner, fine barn, paved street; car line. Ideal home for family of means. No. 2507 Cass Street. Howard ' Kennedy & Son, , 209 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 722. South Omaha Bargains 44x110 Oerney Hawlcy Terrace, B. 0....$7B 44x11(1 Hawley Terrace, 8. 0 65 1x110 Uawley Terrace, 8. 0 85 I am ordered to close these out at these give-away prices. See me JOHN O. rjETWEII-ER. Fifth Floor Faxton Block, Omaha, TJeb, RE Typewriters, all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle to. RE 497 20 2d hand machines $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co. RE-497 20 Machines; all mokes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co RE-4H7 20 Typewriters exchanged; all makes, Neb. cycle to. RE 47 20 BE3T stock phono records. Neb. Cycle Co. RE tU7 20 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 4012 Farnam Bt., modern 7-room house; good burn; street paved and permanent walk; very convenient to cars. Owner will sell lor $600 cash, balance monthly payments. THE BYRON REED CO., 213 South 14th 8t. RE 091 20 WHY don't you hello 811, O. M. E., when vou can't meet your liijaux as ugreudr They will send your note. You may avoid Hill-O if you dun't. . RE CIS 20 RELIABLE tervlce given bus n"s mVn. O. H. hi. Tel. 611. RE 874 20 LECTURE course at Omaha Com. Cot- lege. RE til 9 20 BT. ANDREWS banquet, Nov. 90, Millard hotel. RE il 20 BT. ANDREWS night banquet, Lindsay, ISug Howard. . RE 23 10 LOAN a on iHniglus county land. W. H. Thomas, flint .Nut'l Bunk Bldg. RE 443 20 BANQUET, Millard hotel, Nov. 80th. Clan Gordon. RE 824 20 BOIJI) OOU Waltham watches, BEN- t rm HIS too 20 BOIJD GOLD Waltham watches. BEN NETTS. KE-820 20 Is K Tiffany wedding rings. BENNETTS. ' KB 819 0 OREAT LAND OPENINO. Uintah lU'MTvatiou over 2,uu,0u0 acres of land In Utah to be opened ud for settle ment. For booklet ef Information addresa J. M. Fine & Co.. ,11 17th at., Denver, Colo. RE 4MI 20 FOR BALK One doctor's Ooddard buggy, ruuDer-ureu. . One d'K-toi s spider phaeton, $3. DKl'MMONU CAKRiAUB COMPANY. RE lt 20 UttT T1CKKT. $2. Bt. Andrew's banquet. LINDSAY. 1608 Howard. RE-K25 20 CtAN OORpON'B great banquet, Nov. Sa UiviiBAl, jsos uowara. iUS 2 2U HOARD ot Trade. Omaha Com' I eol'ege. RK 687 20 THOROUGH courses In telegraphy. Omaha Com L college. KlS-fc 20 AKS on Douglas county land. V. IL Thomas, lrst Nat l Bunk BMg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ONE THOT.-SAND EIGHT HUNDRED Very handy. 5-room cottage, car passes door: bath, closet, hot and cold water; good location tl. SO) 00. ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED. For little money, fr-room cottage, corner lot. water and gas; good investment or home ll.aoo.00. ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED. Onlnv nulrk t-rnom cottage. Well built. good nelgnborhood, south front, convenient to car; owner oougni on very mTunm terms, now offering to sell account change In business; alx.iH half cash, balance less than rent $1,1J0.U0. New 4-room cottage, pantry, cemented cellar, cltv water, porcelain alnk connected with sewer, modern porch, vestibule, south front, everything complete, a desirable lit tle home $1,376.00. Six-room house, all modern except fur nace, but piped for furnace, well located, bran new, well located $2,(100.00. A complete new house. Just being built, 7 rooms. In Kountie Place, where more homes have been built this season man in Hanscom Park and Wert Farnam com bined. Our office Is now well equipped for rent ing, bamlllns and taking car of any kind of property, large or small. Any prop erty put in our nanus win receive our mip ful and prompt attention. & CHASE Floor. Tel. 3W7. RE Only 200 Cash, Balance Monthly Six-room house, city water In yard, good rc-palr, south front. Owner says reduce to $1,200 and sell. Now rents for $12 per month. This Is a bargain. North part of city. Another on Easy Terms NEW I1Y1V9K, north part of city, close to car, good neighborhood, well built. Owner onlv KSks $2,250 on terms to suit. This Is a gem. These snaps don't last forever. Bee us QUICK. Beautiful Home fn Kountze Place Nine roome, modern throughout, hot water heat, lot 76x124, elegant neighborhood. Drop up and let us show you this place. Appreciated only when seen. Want to know the pricef Only $i,2n0. Vacant lots? Yes, we have them $200 and up; mostly up. E. K. LOWER & CO. 203 Brown Block. RE GANS on Douglas county land. V'. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. RE 483 30 RE BANK SALE. Do vou know that all authorities agree that the middle west is destined to have continued prosperity and that the farmers are steadily becoming richer. This means continued prosperity for Omaha and a de mand tor omana property. We desire to Impress upon you the ad vantage of grasping the opportunity of in vesting In some of the property of the Omaha Savings bank, which is now thrown upon the market regardless of cost or fu ture value. We have among these properties stores, building sites and cottages. Look at some of the properties mentioned below and make an offer: $2250.00 1623 Vinton St., comer store and large sec ond story; lot M feet front on Vinton and 122 feet on 17th St.; splendid place for grocery or feed store. $1800.00 1708 N. 24th at., store and flat above; rent $18; ground 32 feet front. This Is th. greatest snap on North 24th st. $1000.00 Nos. 2813-15 N. l!Sth St., two neat little cot tages renting for $14. Why not buy this, live In one house and rent the otherT conn nn 2212 Pierce St., newly repaired and painted, new foundation: practically a new house. a neat home and investment. $1000.00 3417 Jackson St., six-room cottage renting for $12, practically new, you do not need to spend a cent on it. You can buy the adjoining house for $1,000 and have splendid Income property. $S(X).00 Beautiful sightly lot on California St., next io ine corner or sum si., on car line. Splendid place for a nice home In good neighborhood. $tW0.00 Good lot on California, near (3d, 43 feet front by 300 feet deep; room for garden vr i iui nen yaru in rear, j nis is a snap. N. y. dodge a co., wh faknam bt. RE-724 20 TRY a "Yellow Corner Cigar." Myers- uuiou. Ris m 20 FANCY vests. C. II. Frederick Co. RE 140 20 STOP! Tnen so to xv l r eters Co., No. 1708 Farn.jin St., and learn about Boulevard lerruue, ma urn sunn ion lur tne money In Omaha, Our prices and terms are rlbt. R. C. PETERS & CO., No. J?D2 Farnam St. RE- FREE LOTS to advertise N. Y. seashore suburb. Kaiild transit: Ocean vie Write for deed one lot. Realty Corpora. tiun, ui uroauway, z. tin.iit-.vx Sewing machines rented; 76o a week. Neb. cycle co. Rtj 4V av Singer Automatlo D. II., nearly new, 1-0. iseD. cycle co. Kit is 20 DID you ever notice the shoulders Dresher iiroa maker kihn ai LOANS on South Omaha city prqperty. W. II. Thomaa, First Nat l Bnk Bldg. RlJ-4ii 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H-ACRE near old Fort Omaha, $226. 1 'en Bey, 1'axton block. Rki 420 20 I ACRE, near Miller park. $40O. Ienney, Faxton block. RE 420 t ACRES near Benson car line, $00- Den ney, Faxton block. RE 420 M 4 ACRES near Benson car line, $50. Den ney, Faxton block. Riv 420 20 7 ACRES, near Benson car, $1.20. Denney, i'axton Block. RE 420 20 10 ACRES, near Dundee, $2,100. Denney, Faxton Block. RH 420 20 40 ACRES, Improved, near De Bolt Place, very cheap at $4,liu. Denney, Faxton blk. RE 4J.M 20 40 ACRES, well Improved, West Dodge, $6,Wu. Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 80 ACRES, northwest of Benson, $72"0. Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 $1,150 8 rooms, furnace, city water, full lot and barn, near Ames avenue car line anJ t4th street. Easy terms. Denney, Fax ton block. RE 430 20 $1,3008 rooms, city water, full lot, end of Dodge car line. Denney, Faxton block. RE 420 20 ll.BOO 6 rooms, modern, end of Iodge line. Denney, Faxton block. RE 420 20 $1,6008 rooms all modern but furnace, new near 20th and Lake. Easy terms. Den ney, Faxton block. RE-CO 10 $2,0007 large rooms, all modern but fur nace, near 19th and Lake, Denney, I'axton block. RE 420 20 $2,260, 7 rooms, all modern but furnace, new plumbing, all In lirsl-rlim repair; lot eoxl26: near 26th and Cuming Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 $2,3507 rooms, all modern, full corner lot, down south, near new car barns and Stlckney elevators,,. 2 blocks from car. Easy terms. Denney, Faxton block. RE 420 20 TRUSTEE'S SALE! TRUSTEE'S SALE! CHOICE AND CHEAP! $15,000 Residence for $11,500 On South 32nd Street, overlooking Hanscom Park, we are offering at a great sacrifice for a few days only, an elegant, thoroughly modern 9-room dwelling, finished off in hardwood, situated on a corner lot, 50 x 300 feet in size, for $11,500 on agreeable terms. Bar none, this is one of the prettiest, cheapest and most sightly homes in Omaha. CHEAP AT $15,000. OUR PRICE $11,500 CASH OR TERMS. DENNEY, TRUSTEE, 524-5 Paxton Block. $4,0007 rooms, new and modern, good lo cation, close In, Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 $4,500 8 rooms, all modern, very fine, near Crelghton college. Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 $4,6509 rooms, new, modern, West Farnam. uunney, i'axton .Block. lit. I2U 20 $5,000 Investment property, reaping I00 per year, xiaii caan. uenney, Faxton tiiocK. RE 420 20 $5,1509 rooms, corner lot. new and modern, warning distance. ienney, Faxton ahock. RE 420 20 $6,5000 rooms, modern, a bargain, within wanting distance, uenney, Faxton hiock. RE (20 20 $5,5008 rooms, modern and very choice, tvountie i'lace. lxjimey, Faxton uiock. RE 420 20 $6,6009 rooms, choice location, West Far nam aiainct. uenney, i-axton miock. RE 421) 20 $0,50010 rooms, modern, full lot, east side or and overlooking ilanscom park. Uen ney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 $8,5003 dwellings, 2 of them new, on corner tot, good location; room tor z more houses. Present monthly rentals. $75. Oood home and Investment combined. Denney, Paxton Block. REi-420 20 1 215.00014 rooms, all modern, an acre of ground, large barn, near jvasn residence, 87th and Hurt; one of the finest homes In one of the best locations In Omaha; cost $25,000 a 'few years ago, Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 $21,000 Six flats near High school, produc ing fine revenue; corner lot and room for ix more flats. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 A SNAP ON WEST HARNEY An 8-room modern house, gas, bath, fur nace, cemented cellar, storm windows and doors, south front lot, 50x132, with perma nent cement walk. Owner leaving city and will sell the above at $2,500; $1,200 cash and balance to suit. R. C, PETERS & CO., No. 1702 Farnam St. RE H ' $27 J. H Buys a good level lot 40x128 feet at 28th and Pratt or 28th and Flnkney. $650 Buys a 40-foot lot fronting aouth on Hamil ton and north on Charles, between 33d and 84th streets, opposite Bemls park, one block from Harney car line. Choice legation. Room for two houses. OMAHA VIEW LOTS, $150. We have several lots left In this addition ' for $150 at 84th and Miami, S3d and Lake and 33d and Maple. Duly S blocks from car lilt and school. i Hastings & Heyden, lVWtt Farnam at. 'Phone 160. Open Monday evenings front to 10. RE- WATCHES cleaned. $1. Finest mainsprings. IL BENNETTS. RE-81 20 HANDSOME solid souvenir spoons. KHc. BENNETTS. RK-elS 20 LOANS on South Omaha city property. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. RE 463 20 WANT offer on -t-room modern house at No. 1828 Emmet street. Owner is deter- . mined to sell. Can arrange tu take part on time. R. C. PETERS & CO., No. '1702 rarnam aH. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ti.fiPO 7 rooms, all modern; new: good lo cation north. Denney, I'axton block. RE 420 10 $2,500 GOLD bond, secured by first mort- fage on real estate, earning $10 per year, per cent semi-annual Interest. Due in . 6 years from Nov. 1. Denney. Faxton block. RE 420 20 $2,500, $ rooms, all modern but furnace, near 22d end Cuss. $." cash, bdmnce scmi yearly. Denney. Faxton Block. RE 420 20 12 7507 rooms, modern, bard wood finish. ilth street boulevard. Denney. Faxton block. KE 420 20 2 no 8 rooms, modern and new. nenr 2th and Jackson. Denney, Fnxton Block. EE 420 20 $3,noo 7 rooms, modern, hard wood finish, etc., corner lot, 19th street boulevard. Denney, Faxton block. RE 120 20 $3,1008 rooms, all modern, full lot and large barn, north. Terms. Denney, Fax ton block. RE 420 20 1 " $3,1509 rooms, all modern, full lot. ami barn, near 2th and California. Denney, Faxton Block. RE VA 20 3.1Rv7 rooms, all modern, Hanscom Park. Denney, Paxton Block. RE 420 2'J $3,5nO, 10 ROOMS, all modern, new plumb ing and In lirst-cliiss repair. Largn barn. Iot 61xl2; near 27th and Cuming. Denney, Faxton biock. nit 120 m $3,5(109 rooms, modern, corner, near 2Mh and Leavenworth. Denney, Faxton Block. K .100 7 rooms all modern, new. choice. near 31st and Dodge. Denney, Faxton Block. RE 420 20 IS 7KO X rooms, nil modern, oorner lot. biff gest barguin In Kountze Place. Denney, I'axton iJiocK. itc m zo $4.onn 8 rooms, alt modern, new, near 26th ana uewey Ave. uenney, mxion hiock. RE $30,000 Seven new pressed brick flats, corner lot, fine location near High school; rented very low and producing good Income. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 VACANT, 60x140, near 32d and Dodge, $50 per front foot, Denney, Faxton block. RE 420 20 VACANT, double corner, choice location. West Farnam district, $5,000. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 VACANT. 125x155, corner, fine building site, West FarnaA district, $ii,875. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE. 83x132. U. P., $4,500. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE, 44x132, B. & M. and C. & N. W $6,600. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE, 44x132, B. & M. and C. & N. W., $8,500. Denney. Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE. 44x132, B. & M. and C. & N. W., $8,800. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE, 66x132, U. P., $9,000. Denney, Faxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE. 66x133. corner. B. & M. and C. A N. W., $12,500. Denney. Paxton block. RE (20 20 TRACKAGR. 6xl32, V. P.. corner, $12,500. Denney, Paxton Block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE, RHxini, porner. B. A M. and C. & N. W., $16,0C0. Denney, Paxton block. RE 420 20 TRACKAGE Kach trackage property of fered Is a flrwt-elasB building site tnr n wholesale house. Denney, Paton Block. RE 120 20 H New Houses H Ready to Move Into. I rooms, on Evans street between 15th and ltith, Bluff View addition, cornering on Kountze Place, V, block from Sherman ave., large lot, south front, 4 rooms on first floor and 2 on second, all modern but furnace. Price, $2,550. I rooms, on South 27th street between Pierce snd Poppleton ave.; house has city water, sewer, bath and wash bowl, Jne location. In walking distance. Price, $-.6j0. Hastings & Heyden, 14 Farnam St. 'Phone 1608. . wo write lire Insurance. RE- BUY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonlo. RE (07 20x GET Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonle. RE 408 20 837 SO. 22ND STREET. If you want to buv for a home or Invest ment look at this 7-room house, barn and lot. No. 837 South 22d St. The prop erty is valued at $1,750 by experts on real estate values. The nonresident owner au thorises us to sell to highest bidder. If you wan a bargain nuke us an offer. 1914 LOCUST STREET. A desirable full two-story dwelling of ten rooms, all modern conveniences, grate, matel, furnace, gas, city water, sewer, large cellur and attic, with two lurga lois, biwn and shade. The property ad Jolna Kountse Place, and can be sold for $4,jJ0 on easy terms. 82! SO. 34TH STREET. $1,600, on easy terms, will buy this eight room house with bath, rtc, and full lot, facing boulevard GARVIN BROS.. 1W4 Farnam St. RE- LOANS on South Omaha city property. W. H. Thomaa, First Nat l Bank iildr. , KC-468 20 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ONE of the bet ril.ofX) homes In West Far nam district can be bought at a low flg ure If sold soon; about three years old; 10 rooms, hot water heat, two bathroom, three lavatories, hardwood finish, laundry and basement tinder whole house; every thing up-to-date and of the very best; ground DOxbJo. W. H. OvVTES, 617 N. Y. Life. Thone 1294. RE 543 20 Kl- .? S.". 8r,rry eountr land. v. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Plrtg. RE (S3 20 H We Want to Sell H Every Lot in Bluff View Addition before January 1st; there are only a few .wi v,,.! i 00, ulln i wan tumi tney are all sold, then wish you hid houuht one. These t f I unn' I'lurrii in me nortn part v,,,nllA, uanniiig mi iMHimzc 1'iace at Knerman avenue and Flnkney street Prices. $.0, $W and There will be at least 15 new houses In thlo addition Hastings & Heyden, 16094 Farnam St. "Phone 1608, all and get a plat. Houses built to order. RE- BOULEVARD TERRACE S' .W' ,c,,rner of Poppleton ave. and 3uth -i, mceiy located on good high ground which has leen graded and made ready tO build limin Khurt fllslunr,. fr, u "npj bavins nil requirements for a fine nuuiuuu. coming ute it rur tne money, Bee us for prices and terms. R. C. PETERS & CO., No. 1702 Farnam St. RE LOANS on 8nrpy county land. . 11. Thomas, First Nut 1 llnnk Bldg. RE (S3 20 H Eastern and Central H Nebraska Lands 160 acres, Cedar county, 5 miles southeast or Marungion, improved, all good land. Price, $2o an acre. 160 acres, lu miles southwest of Crete, improved. iTice, an acre. loO acres In Saline county, west of Crete, Improved, $15 an acre. 2 210 acres In Burt county, west of Her man, fine Improvements and a first-class la rm, io an aere. bio acres near Kearney, 75 acres In al falfa, good buildlifls, all level but 28 acres which la in pasture. Price. $5 an acre. 320 acres In Sherman county, 80 ncres In cultivation, nouse, nam, balance tine nay and grass land. Frlce, $13 an aire. We have large list. Hastings & Heyden, ltjO'J'i Farnam Street. RE- LOANS on Sarpy county land. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. RE 483 20 $150 Cash and $20 per month buys 7-room house ana Darn, iui wxuo, wuiiuns uiiam.c( near CreiKhton college and High school, Property in good repair and bargain at price asked only $2,000. SEE US IMME DIATE! 1. We have lust been Instructed to sell 7' room house, racing east on isonn m street; lot 44x1,12, shade trees, nice sur roundings, ll.ouo. Owner of adjoining property (same thing except barn) has just refused offer of $2,000. SEE US JUICK MUST SEL.L,. GOOD HOME- of 6 rooms, lot 50x125, south owner instructs us to sell at once; small payment dnwn, balance same as rent. PRICE ONLY $1,350. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. Life. Tel. 1472. RE 718 20 LOANS on South Omaha city property. . r ir Mil T-ll & -K.T I Ti .-. l I J I ,1 , xi. inujiiuu, r irai tti i Dtum a-iur. RE 4S3 20 $1,200 Do you want a good six-room house with extensive barn ana eneas tor cows ana chickens? We huve flint the place on 61st street near Leavenworth. There are four lots with this property and It la a snap at $1.2u0. Qo look at it. No. 975 So. 61at st. Only half mllo from Leuvenworth street car. N. F. Dodge & Co., 1614 Far nam St. RE 723 20 REAL catate loans on Omaha city property, W lr l-lir.nifia irirut K'ut'l HxnW Utur. ' ' RE 4t3 20 REAL estate loans on Omaha city property, VV. II. Thomas, First Nat I BnnK King. RE 4!3 20 A. P. TUKEY & SON. First 15 acres in 5-acre tracts, west of Dundee, at $135 per acre. Second 6-room huiue, Ml So. 2"th ave.. walking distance; modern, wun 119am beat. Urouna runs ihrough to 27th st. Chance to build another house fronting went all in nt'Ht-oius shape; laundry in buKement only $4,0U). Third 6 lota on Military road. Just eaat of Country club, outside of cliy limits. Verv cheau. Fourth lots on Military ave. and Seward. very well located and can De sola cneap; owner would build house to suit pur chaser. Fifth Choice of 40 lots In Thomason & Uoos add., on 32d ave. and V inton, lor $225 each. Sixth Very desirable trackage property lor sale or leaae in soutn umana. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Board of Trade bidg. 'Phones: Office, 31M. itOS., i-2dW. Itlii REAL estate loans on Omaha city property. w. 11. ijionias, First xsut 1 tianK uiug. RK 483 20 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON NORTH BIDE. 5-room cottage near 24ih and Parker; mod ern except rurnace; si.Buu. BEM1S, I'axton Block. RE 814 20 7-r. house on S. 28th, near Hanscom park. CI or.1, 1F.A I,.... W I,. Kill 141 PAYNE. BOSTW'ICK Ac CO. $3,000 for a new modern 7-room house on N. 24th St., well bunt, on ou-1001 ioi, street pavement und permanent sidewalk all paid, gas and electric light, good plumbing, luige buth room and large bed ruoina. HjHMinabltt terms. $3,2uo 2613 Fierce St., 8 rooms, all modern with barn, tine shade. '1 Ills property is offered very cheap. Owner has removed from city und will sell same for one-half what It cost him. Don t full to see this tin ru a In $2,2oti 252! Davenport, seven rooms, with bath, gas, barn, close in. $1.4u0 for nice cottage home, with corner lot 60x127 reet city wait-r niaiun, uuu cellar, near Harney car line, high and lirlitlv. $l,lw-2224 8. 15th St.. a 6-room cottage with oil nnlsn. good cellar, ivoi itir 11 um urw street car barn. $2,5o0 for an 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, near Slitrmun apartment house. , VACANT. Two fine building lots on S. 24th sr.. one block from new street car barn, $Xt and Oood' building lot near 42d and Harney sts. for $650. ... Cheapest building lot In Hanscom park district half block east of the puvlllnn In park. 5'xU0. three feet above grade. Can deliver fame with good til le for $400. pivvE HOSTW1CK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. ' Life. RE-864 20 F. D. WEAD 7-r houe and barn. 2 lota, on 28th, near Boauldlng, for quick sale, $1.2uO. K24 Douglus. RE 860 20 STOP PAYINO RENT. By buying one of our nice lots In nnrlh part of city on car line and putting a llltle home on It. Only $lu to $Ju0 each, and on any terms desired. BEM1S. Paxton Block. RE HI 20 Gold moulded records, 15a. Fleorher, 122 I f FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life RESIDENCE RAur.AlMS $3,250-128 No. 4oth st., almost new, -room hoiwe. cream n,-nu,,n 5,,xi-yg ft. lot, e. front. One bl.n k from the Joslyn home. $3.700H'i8 8. Slst. 4j blork no. of paclnc, 6iixl25 ft., an e',eR(nt cottsse wed built, strictly mn.i.. firir tiniph One basement, with barn. This is a bar gain. $2,750 li"3 Oeo. ave.. fine corner .Vxino ft., 8-rxim house, vestibule, hull snd stairs osk, with oak Moors, fin base ment, strictly mod. It Is cheap, but we want a ensh offer enhjo(t to mort gage of $2,000 ; 6S per cent. $5,000 LllK Potiglas, 60x1.12 ft., with ore 2 story lrt-room house, all mod. Here's one of the bewt Inside bargains that's been offered. Belongs to an estate and they want to close It out. We would consider $4,750 cash. It's cer tainly a tug nargatn. $7,2501112 S. t St.. 100 ft. so. r f Pacific, e. front, 60x150 ft. lot. excellent well built 9-r. bouse, strictly mod., re ception hall, two parlors, d!n ng room and up stairs hall all finish,-! In oak. with fine oak floors, lavatory on the first floor; four bedrooms oh fiecond floor, one on the third, flue busemertt, laundry tubs; owners want to sell. You can buy It right. Loca tion unexcelled and If you will look at it snd make a fair proposition I think we can do business. HERE IS A BARGAIN FORMER PRICE J10-000 NOW 8,500 1110 S. 31st St., H block a. of Pacific, lot 60x150 ft., e. front, reception hall 15x15 ft., panelled In oak, oak cross beam celling, FOR SALE In Hanscom park district, su perb all modern houses. Elegant residence facing the park at $10,000 Fine home facing park, $18,500. 8-room house, $10,000. 7-room, $5,750. 7-room, $4,750. 7-room, $4.5"0. 10-room, $6,500. EAST OF PARK. 6-room nearly new 2-story cottage, modern except furnace, $2,760. 6-room, nearly new 2-story cottage, modern except furnace, $3,00. 8-room all modern house, in good repair, also bam and cistern, $4,5iiO. These three last homes ran be sold fair payment down, balance in monthly payments. Very nice all modern home, on paved street, permanent walks, fairly good re- 6 air, 4 blocks from car, full lot. A HEAL AROAIN. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDI ATELY. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. COMPANY, too Bes Building. - T--,' RE M743 21 Mortgagee's Sale! I have been instructed by eastern owners of Omaha property acquired by foreclosure of mortgages to dispose of these prop erties at sacrifice prices. Here are a few of them: Cottage and full lot, north part of city $ (100 Neat cottage and lot on Binney St., near 24th St. . 1,000 Cottage, large lot and barn, N. 32d St 1,200 Cottage and lot S. 13th St., near William St.... 1,500 House, large lot and barn, N. 27th St 1,500 Brick house and full lot, 44th St., near Dodge. ... 1,500 Two houses and full lot, S. 17th St 1,000 Neat modern cottage and full lot fronting Ilanscom Park .2,000 Modern cottage near High School 2,200 House and half lot, 5 blocks from Tost Office 2,200 Elegant modern brick house, west Farnam district 4,700 10-room modern house and barn, Poppleton Ave.. 3,000 THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. W. H. CRARY, Manager Real Estate Dept. LOT BARGAINS $150 1H lot on 26th st., near Sprague sL $250 1 lot on LaFayette ave., near 42d., 60x150. $400 Lot on Parker et., near 33d, 60x140. j $600 x Lot on 24th at., near Sprague; paved street $500 N. E. corner 22d and Laird. . 1, U 'A i $750 27th and Larimore it.. 110x140. !!?!' U 15 PER CENT INVESTMENTS houaes and blacksmith shop on the southeast corner Uih anU IMfrce it.; ........n.f hrlnvu 14W1 A VP ft r and III ftlWAVfl rented. Owner leaving town and has put price on ic mat nt o,w. l ho, isp. renting for 060 per year, north part or town; nuuHsa muvb uvvu yui u firt-tlaaa repair, rrice, i,ou. FARMS 1 FARMS 1 iai nrraa noith of Oie'.na. Neb. I very choice 'land, mutiny an unuur cuiiivmiou, uus good bulluinga, etc. t rice, ,u per acre. 80 acres near Irvington, Neb. 26,400. 240 acres 6 mllea east of Fremont, Neb.; choicest lunu in rsuuraaaai lair improve menu, etc.; good pasture and hay land. Price, J5 per acre The price li only good until Lee. 1, 1904. The byron Reed Co.. 212 Bo. 14th at. RE- VACANT LOTS. Choice lot lying high and nightly, on 38th at., near uavenpon; oniy Lot near lOih and Bancrott, tto feet front; 11,000. Lot on liriatol at; $700. Lot near 2oth and Vinton: 1750. Lot near t 1 1 and Caaiellar; S400. iiEMlo, Paxton Block. RE-812 20 MONTHLY P1TMKNT RARIUI.V. t room, nice lot; Jl.ioO; In north part of town. BEMIS, Paxton Block. HE-1I 20 F. D. WEAD Neat cottage on Uurdette, near 21th. partly modern; part, iiz.iw per moiuii, icr i--m lntereut, l,2d0. l&-'4 Louglae. RE x& 20 uni'TH BIDE BARGAIN. A aplendld tt-rooro h'jue located m-ar new car barn, z mury. iw"". c..m,.b kitchen and one hod room on mat tljor, 2 laige te1 roomi upulal ; lirge corner lot; permunent aide-walk; newer and gta; hot and r"ld waltr; aplendld furimie. 8crtflt&S&. Paxton Bio k. " KE-8C 20 mir'MTRV PLl'B 1X1TS. Choice lot. adjolrlng Country Club. 1226 lili aa.V erilll II ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Bldg. TEL. 49. elaborate stairway, fine brick mantel, lavatory cniitigtinus to hall, alcove, coat. In bird's-eye maple, psck parlor 14x15, In bird's-eye maple, back parlor 14xl!W, In oak. .mantrl. TMp room connected with recetitlrn hall by lanrr opening Willi fluted columns, dining room 13xl5t. In oak. fine oak floors in nil these rooms and hall. 8 pair sll-llng dons, l.iree kitchen and butler s pantry; on second tloor thera are Ave bedrooms. 3 extn-irelv large, 2 medium, largo bath. Iltion closft. beside two large finished rooms in third story; fixtures elaborate comb, gnu mid eleo. llpht; fine basement tinder t-ntlre bouse, 12-ln. walls; fine large lwrn, ;ty ft.; i stories, room for three earriaaes ,,nd three horses, with city water and gas; ISO bbl. cistern, stone walk, steps and lrive. Owner removing to Minneapolis reason for selling. This i one of those baruains you are al ways looking for and which y m alwavs want just alter it has been sold. The time to buv this Is before it is sold and to get Into the band wagon is to get your money up before the other fellow does. Its going to be sold and the owner is going to sell It Its clear and we can arrange terms to suit you. VACANT Kountse Sub.. 86th snd Farnam, lots 8"x1(!8 ft.. Inside at $4.0"O. Is cream. Nothing equal to these on the market. $750 Mixli'd ft.. In West Farnam dlst., Ilea fine, one block n. of Ix-avenworth car on 381 h ave., opposite Columbia school, cltv values It $1,300. Biggest snap. $275 6vx1l0 ft., 41st s-t., between California and Burt, 14 lots out of 18 alresdy sold. The best bargains In good neigh borhood ever been offered. RE HERSHEY COLONY 8,000 aores of nne IRRIOATIOV LAND, which la being opened for colonization. Special excursion next Tuesday, Nov. 22; also the following Tuesday. Oo and sea It now and get the choice of location. SPECIAL EXCURSION. Payne Investment Co., Main Floor New York Life Building. Tel. 1781. Omaha, Nub. HE-7M JO RKAli estate loans on Omaha city property. V. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. RE 4S3 0 THE RF.D CAPS, you Bay! Who sr they7 Thev are the O. M. E. boys. Tel. 611 will bring you one. The Red Capa have taken possession of the town. Who are theyT RE 663 20 FOR the most substantial reed rocker, go to the Omaha Reed and Rattan Works. RE437 20 RE Payne Investment Company, TEL 1781. Three properties advertised last Sunday have been aold. 17o6 Canton at., 6-r. cottage, city water and aewer, price $!. Eaay terms. 2411 Burdxtto st., 6 rma., city water, gas, nice locality, price tl.liiO. 8819 ParkT at., full lot, two-story 8-rm. house, price 21,260. Easy terms. 4209 Cuming St., 8-rm. house, rlty water and gits, good barn. Easy terms. 837 So. 23d at., 6-rrn. house in walking dis tance, price 1, 8tO. Eusy terms. 3224 Cuming at., trlctly modern d-rrn. house on a paved street and on two cur lines, which niUHt be sold. The owner has left the city und his price is $3,300. 8302 Lincoln blvd., strictly modern 8-rm. house, south front on the boulevard, flna location. Easy terms. 1116-1117 No. 17th at. .two 6-room cottages, modern except furnace, rents being $o per month; a good Investment. Price, G,ono. 2la-820 Leavenworth at., 6 and 8-rm. house, a good Investment, all special taxes paid; price, $6,UU0. VACANT A 60-fnot frontage on Davenport and th new Central blvd. near 30th st. Want nn offer. Near 32d cn Cans, two full Iota; price, $9(10, 300 feet west of 34th ave. on the north slda of Ilnkncy, 5uxiai. Tho owner la a non resident and owns one more lot near this which lie la determined to sell and : WHnli Hn (,nVr. 60xl(W, south front on Lincoln blvd. In Bemls park, nice shade, fine surround ings; price, $1,500. ' ltio-ft. frontugu on Ilanscom park, great bargain lit I2.S00. 100-ft. east frontage on 16th. extends clear through to 17th, not far from the Her Grand hotel on Bo. 16th; price. $22,509. FARMS The Caldwell place In Sarpy county Is for sale, 7 miles from South Omaha, nice, level land with black soli, well Improved; price, $n0 an acre. If you are looking for a nice homo see it. Payne Investment Company, 1st Fl. N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 17M. HE- REAL estate loans nn Omaha city property. W. H. Thomas, Klrst Nat l Bcifc Bldg. KE 4M 20 I have a bargain both ai to price and terms in an 8-room modern dwelling, well located. An excellent opportunity for one who wants a home on favorable terms. For par ticylars address HENRY F. WYMAN, New York Life Building. RE-7S9 20 11! ua. your Ideas. Baker Bros. Engr. Co. KE 447 20 YOL"VE BEEN LOOKINtl KOR TlSiaV WEST FARNAM. Now Is the time to act. Be vrn-rooni, thor oughly modern finished in oak, oak floors doun fetnlrs; iuillt for a home ran xhort t money not qute finished, but will he shortly after you pay in lonif money on Ine extremely low prion, $ Lxtr lot adjoining, which, If it will aid rule of hoiiae, can be bought at a fancy figure. This for a few days only, pon't stop to think lt us Khnw it to you. 'I'll li AHHOTT COWAN COMPANY. 304 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaln. Tel. 89GA It E K94 20 WHO 18 IlL'TESONT BE-4M 20 REAL estate loans on Omaha city property. W, 11. Thorna. First Nat I Bank tldV ana nioj VbV-s4 ; C'upUoL I