The Omaha Sunday Bee. NEWS SECTION. PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20. 1004 THIRTY-EIGHT PA E8. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 2 I. CHINESE' IN AFRICA Ftw Men Art Bosponsible for Presence f Asiatio Miners in Trmcivaal. KRudCR WOULD NOT ADMIT THE ASIATICS Speaker 8aji Attempt Made to Socure Cheap Labor Indueed Tronble. ' THREATEN DISASTER TO THE COLONY Prssei.ce of Chinese Said to Be Hardship to the Natives. COLONY DISCLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY Member of Colonial Honse Says that People Desire to Ctfr Them selves and Will Pro Tide Remedy. LONDON. Nov. 19 (SpS-lal Cablegram to The Bts.) A meeting wu he.d In the New Reform club, Anelphl Terrace. I.e. week to hear an addiea on "chlne.-.e La bor In the Transvaal,'' by Mr. R. L. Oath walte, who Was described a from Johannesburg-. Mr. F. W. P. thick Lu..ence presided and there w.ts a laige g-ihering of men and Women. Mr. OuthwalU. who explained tha' he waa an Australian and thut a keen Into.--eat In question of clonl tl development Induced bim to visit fcouth .Afrlci, all hla Inquiries hi'd corivl,.ed him that thc:e waa no Biltish colony wnich piese ted ih same opportunity tor the maintenance 'if a large white papulation as the 'ir.m veal. The colony waa poMe.sed of glgnnllc wealth, but, unfot tura.el. , thut wei.tii was contro.ld by Just a few m- n. That fact constituted one of tho leading reasons (or the Introduction of servile liuor Into the Transvaal. The detei mlnatl ,n that White men should nut conn: into th,j coun try for the purpose of world. .k in the mlnea waa arrived at Just the war waa brought tu a .close. The whole con spiracy waa dlvuigcd by M G.o.tswell in the courae of his evidence befoie th.t Na tive Labor commission. Krngrr Woold Not Admit hlnesc. But tho mine hud ciid--ao td to aecuie the l .tr ductlo.. if A latic 1 .Lor into the Trai-.val even Outbid iht. wr. o had beeii informed by oi.e of ti.s m.moera of the lau, Boer goeainient i. at P.esl dent Kruger wiu asked by them tu ass m to the importation oi Chineao to work the mlnea and that on hla the owners threatened to cl-se down the mlnea. Mr. Kruger's reply to the threat was that in that case he would declare the mines forfulted and would take thom over and work them for the client of the state. That doled the s.tu .on for labor at thut time, it was lenewed imme diately after Mr. Chamberlain left South Africa two year ago. The mine owners knew all along that they ware going to get Chinese labor and eentuahy they suo ovodooV la getting frora the Bntlah govern ment what the Boer government, acting In the interests Of the nativea, had rtfuaed to grant them. There were two ways irt, which the labor difficulty could have btwu solved without Importing AjtLulcs elt ler by getting further Kufflc labor or by thj' 'employment of white labor. The conclu sion he had come to was that the ownera had foiled to prove that th.-y could not obtain a sufllcleucy of Kaffir la bor, given ' proper and aticiao.o:y condi tions of work. lie The reel solution 'bf iho difficulty win the tniiod action pf lubor savlna machinery and tho cmpliymeiit of highly skill -J white lal.oi. That that waa a practicable and not an unprofitable, solu tion had bucu pioveci out of .he mouths of the mining- engineer them, elves. , Danger to th.- Country. But the miio ownei j ha 1 incuired such gigantic liabilities that it waa an aoso.uie . necessity from the::- point of view t.iai ' they should have the cheapest poa;.bl! form of labor, and it wu to meet ihvt! necessity that they insistnd upon having ! Indentured Chlneae. The Transvaal had j been converted into ould only be da- j scribed aa a huge convict seu.ement, and . the effect of thia must bu to rot and djina ; abaoluteiy the wholo place. It bad eruttej a situation piegnunt witn dangers of the most aeripua chaiaoier. lie beileved the ' ultimate outcome would be that the Chi nese would have to be swept out of the country and the colony leconatructed on lines altogether dlffeiei.t from those width had been and were atlil being adopteu by , Lord Mllner. j In the course of the discussion which 1 followed, Mr. C. Moitenj of the Cape ' House of Assembly, said the re ponalb II y for the Introduction of Chinese labor was ' on this country and not on giuth Af. let. , If the British, government had ll-ftens i lo the opinion and advice, of Cupe Coio:.y the policy which had brought about all th i present troubles would never have been ; adopted. What they asked was that they ; should be given responaibs governu.s .t In the new colonies They would then soon make an end of Ch neee labrr. Mr. Pope InsUted that Chlneae labor in the .Transvaal was an undoubted and a j growing succete (cries of "No") and em- 1 phatlcally denied that it was "prank-ally alavery." TOLD TO COME HOME TO DIE SabJert ef Turkish Sultan Appeals to French Government fer Protection. ARIS, Nov. U. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Dr. Abdul Illkmet, a Turkish , resident here, has been requested by the j Turkish embassy to return within tweuty I days to Constantinople, where an order for Ma execution awaits him. The doctor recently published a violently wurded pamphlet charging the sultan with responsibility for the massacre of non Museulmsus In the Turkish empire. He has appealed to the French government for Itrctectloii. FIND GOLD REEF IN RHODESIA Considerable Ksrltement is Reported In Lomiaguadl District Over Here at Discovery. LONDON. Nov. lS.-(8peclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The rumor that a gold reef, twenty-rive miles long, haa been discov ered In the Lomagundl district of Rhodesia, has electrified unlucky Rhodesia wjth new vigor. uold fever has broken out In an acute form and SuO persons reached Lomagundl lu an Incredibly short time. The only store keeper there had his whole i ek bought up before be kuew waers he was. IRISH TALK OF STATE AFFAIRS Lord Daoraeea'a Scheme Is t aider Fire' at Heads of PsrtUaas, ' DUBLIN. Nov. l.-(Special Cablegram to The Bee.) An Interesting debate n devo lution took place this week before a Crowded audience at the opening meeting of the annual session of the Solicitors' Ap prentices' Debating society. The speakers included Mr. T. M. Hesiy, M. I., Mr. T. W. Russell, M. P., Mr. Lindsay Talbot Crosbie and Captain Bhawe-Taylor. It was expected that the two latter gentlemen would answer the attorney general's ques tions about the genesis of the Reform as sociation, but they preferred to Indulge In generalities. Captain Shawe-Taylor was rambling and obscure. Mr. Talbot-Crosblo said that the association had been attacked by a strange combination of the Tlmea and the Freeman'a Journal. All Irishmen were agreed In recognising the crown as the cen tral Idea of the Imperial government, and therefore they were fall loyalists. He sug gested that In any scheme of home rule Ireland should have a relation to England like that of the Canadian provinces to the Dominion government to England. It could thus retain a reduced number of Irish members In the Imperial Parliament. He proposed that the Irish legislature sug gested In the Dunraven scheme should con sist of seventy nationalists and of fifty eight unionists. Including representative peers. ' Mr. T. W. RussellvM. P., said that the Dunraven scheme was impracticable, but that a scheme of devolution applicable to the whole of the United Kingdom must be created If Parliament was to continue to live. As a democrat he objected to going back to nominated boards, and if he had no other alternative he would rather trust the people and have the real article at once. He suggested that all Irish' matters in Parliament should be sent t-j a standing committee of all the Irish members. Mr. T. M. Healy, M. P., nald that of all the events connected with devolution he had been moot gratified by the secession of Lord Rossroore from the Orange society. The voices of such Irishmen woud be more potent to secure national freedom than the most strident voices of nationalist poiiU elnna. He wondered what reasons Iriah unionists found for gratitude to the British government, and he asaured them that If the present atate of thing? should con tinue they would be steadily i stripped of their privileges and possessions In favor of the nationalist . majority. On the other hand, unionists and Protestants might safely truat themselves to their fellow countrymen. An Irish parliament would put no tax on- the thirty-nine articles. The Interests and religion of an Irish Protestant would always be sacred In the house of Henry Qrattan. Mr. P. A. McHugh, M. P., In . the course of an address to a nationalist gathering at Kllrush, aald that the minimum of the Irish demand was an Irish legislature with an executive responsible to It, If the introduc tion of the new elements into Iri?h national politics meant that the felon's cap of James F. X. O'Brien was to be exchanged by "rebel" Cork for the coronet of Lord Dun raven, then in bis Judgment neither Cork nor Ireland would approve of the new ev- olutlon. The duty of Irish nahorfaTsVas I to maintain their organisation; It was no.l time for running after wlll-o'-the-wlspa or confuslng the public mind by newfangled I and fantastic panacea The cause of Ire- 1 land was never more hopeful than at tho I present moment, and. if th. people of the . j ... .j. country pursuea tne o.a poucy on the old . line, kuci w aa uuiiuii uivio Wl mm emu that the early future would witness the re alisation of their legitimate demands: PARLIAMENT NEEDS A CHANGE Members of that Body Speak of Pres ent Conditions with Dis favor, LONDON. Nor. 19 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) "The absence of enthusiasm I Mr. Chaplin declared that Mr. Balfour's disappoints and disgusts the average mem- speech at Edinburgh showed a very dls ber of the House of Commons, but on the ! tlnot advance on anything which the prime whole the House of Commons is a fair house, Just, generous, perfectly Independ ent and no respecter of persons. 'I do believe that the House of Commons Is a fair Judge of character, and that a i man who stands the test of that House for twenty years or shall we say fourteen? would pass anywhere." . The speaker was Mr. Lloyd-Gec-ge, M. P., the scene was the Criterion restaurant this week, where the London Press club waa holding Its annual dinner, at which the member from Carnarvon was the principal guest. His ran irks about the fairness of the assembly concluded a speech In which he endeavored to portray Parliament from the point of view of the new member, the JournallHt and the "country cousin." "Where is Mr. Balfour?" was the almost Inevitable question which the "cousin" puts to the member showing htm around. A pair of boots on the table being pointed out. the visitor asked where his head was. I "One can only say." added Mr. Lloyd- earner at oons. prooaoiy me largest man George, "that it might be anywhere on the 'turer 01 ,e" " country. He treasury bench, perhaps In Mr. Chamber lain's pocket." , " 'Where does Mr. Healy sitr was the j next question from the Inquisitive one. The only reply that could be given was thut Mr. Htaly sometimes sat on Mr. Redmond." Mr. Lloyd-George's principal complaint gbout the House was that It waa not a business assembly. "There Is necessity for very great changes In the methods of the House of Commons," he declared. Sir Frederick Mllner, M. P., told a meet ing of farmers at Worksop this week that the longer he sat In the House of Com mons the less he appreciated the honor. It was the very last place in the world, he said, to go to in the expectation of see ing any business done. It was rapidly be coming' a mere talk shop, and the rubbish talked there was a disgrace to any assem bly of bublness men. He hoped both parties would realize the harm done by the tactless which disgraced tbe House last session. Welcome O'Uonorsen Rosen. QUEENSLAND, Ireland, Nov. IS. A nu merous deputation, accompanied by a band, went out on a tender to meet O' Donovan Rosea, who arrived here today on the Cunard line steamer Elrurla, front New York November 13. The deputation es corted Mr. O' Donovan ashore. Hla entry Into Cork Sunday will be the occusiun oi a great demonstration and hla stay In Ire land Is expected to be marked by con siderable political activity. Flans Propose Equal Isfrsgs. HULSINOFORS. Finland. Nov. ll.-A proposal to establish woman, suffrage will be submitted to the Diet. The petition will claim that Finnish women are fully competent to enjoy the franchise, the or ganic law of the grand duchy only pro viding that women shall not sit In the Diet. LIKES AMERICAN LAW Moaely Prepares Memorandum Giving History of Tariffs in United States. DISCUSSES EFFECT OF LOW SCHEDULES Hard Times Prevailed Undor System of Tariffs for Revenue Only. HAS NO HOPE FOP. CHANGE IN POLICY British Observer beui So Indication of Different SysUm in America. TARIFFS WOULD HELP GREAT BRITAIN Writer Says that (osstrj Mlaht Get Into Position to Knlnrge Its Markets In I silted States. LONDON, Nov. 19. (Sreclal Cablegram to The Bee.) Mr. A. Moseley has prepared, at the request of the tariff commission and for their use, a memorandum giving a short history of American tariff. In this paper the author attempted o Bet out the course of American legislation on the aubject nnd to show the tesu'.ls that have followed increases or decreases In the tariff. The period from 1S33 to 1SS0, he suggests, should be examined In de tail by the commission, because "It bears ami 1h and eloquent testimony to the whole sale ruin nnt' disaster that fulmwed lh lowering of the tariff, reducing tho whole population to a state of beggary and neml starvatlon." The tariff law that went into force on the day that Lincoln became pres ident, waa, ho shows, the founding of a new era for the United Ftates. Mr. Moseley's review of the history of American tariff legislation leads him to the following, among other conclusions: With regHrd to the practical lessons to be drawn there can be little doubt that with a tariff In this Country we should be In a position to liaigRln witn the unltei States, and ao secure a more favorab.e market for many articles that we now export to her, although the writer does not believe that the result would be any great modification of her manufacturing system. On the Question of the possibility or like llhood of the United States reverting to lower tarirrs, tnus enabling tne unirea KInedom to flood the American murket with our goods, the writer would answer Biost emphatically, no, the whole of his investigations leauing to an entirely uppo site conclusion. Lsstly, as to the effect of protective tarirrs in tne Lnneu states in minding up her present astonishing state of prosper ity. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that rree trade and low tarirrs have, throughout the history of that nation, been accompanied by disaster and ruin, whilst every measure or a really protective char, acter has broucht prosperity In Its train whilst the fact that this has occurred not once but many times removes it from the possibility or Deing merely colnduenc or attributable to other causes than the operation of the varying tu riffs from time to tune in force. Farmers Want Protection Mr. Henry Chaplin, M. P., was the chief spenker at a large meeting held this we k at Lincoln under the auspices of the Tariff Reform league. Earl Brownlow presided. ttnd a letter was read from the Duke of Rutland, in whtch his grace wrote: "In Bome Influential quarters a policy Is ad- located which, while protecting certain ln- d8trlc from unfair competition, will leave 'h9Kret ot rtcultura exposed .Tnh' Ttn "e ,'n' Jurloua as we hold It to be, is at leist Im- pHrUtt, . M.nuftl0turer. and agriculture are treated alike, but under the system alluded to, favor will be shown to the former and withheld from the latter. Against such a partial and unjust policy I hope those who represent agriculture In and out of I'lirllameiit w!il energetically protest." The chairman alluded to this letter as a history-making one. The Duke of Rut land, he said, was the only survivor of the gallant band who fought the great financial fight In England over fifty years ago. minister bad aald before on the question of colonial preference. His (Mr. Chaplin's) opinion waa that no minister would sum mon a conference such as Mr. Balfour pro Posed unless he not only approved the pol- Icy, but was prepared If the members of the conference canffe to an agreement to give effect to tholr views. SILK WEAVERS ARE HARD HIT British Mannfuclurer Talks of the Condition of the Export ( Trade. LONDON, Nov. U. (Speolal Cablegram to The Bee.) The manufacture of silk . Is among the British Industries which have declined owing to hostile tariffs and the cheap labor of the continent. Striking facts and figures bearing upon the subject were given this week by Mr. Benjamin Warner, head of tho firm of said: Fifty years, ago there were 30,000 looms In Spilanelds, providing a living for lUu.OUO of our people. Today there are not a couple of hundred looms. Silk to the valus of from 15,000,000 to 16,0(10,000 comes Into this country annually British makers could produce the bulk of this silk, and sell It at a reasonable price were the home markec not flooded with foreign productions made In countries where the highest wages paid to skiilej workers does not exceed 14s or las par week. America used to be a good customer for British silk. Now It makes silk to the value of K 27.Otio.000 per annum Itself and from being dependent upon us has become one of our keenest competitors. Only the largest firms with plenty of capi tal behind them, can hold their own. Sev eral Arms among them one that had been established for a century and a half have had to give up the struggle within the past few months. The result is that weav ers, draughtsmen, loom builders and card cutters are being driven out of the Indus try, and the knowledge and workmanship which won for British silk its high reputa tion are being lost, Hit. Warner readily acknowledged the efforts of royal princesses and of society leaders to keep the Industry alive. It la only to society, tho church and tha stage that the silk manufacturers can now look for support. PHONOGRAPH AT A FUNERAL Deceased Anstrlan Provides for Re production of His Owa Voles st Services. VIENNA. Nov. .-(BpeclaI Cablegram to The Bee.) Herr Paul Turon of Teschen, In Austrian Silesia, sang a hymn at his own burial this week. He had Intoned the hymn Into a phonograph shortly before his death, and directed that It ahould be reproduced at hla funeral service. Trds wss carried out by the helra, who, under the terms of Herr Turon's will, hud to sacrifice U0 of his estate to a charity If they failed to comply with his wis COTTON GROWING IN INDIA Former Officer Says Government Can Do Little Toward llrlplaa riantera. LONDON. Nov. 19.-(8peclal Cablegram to The Bee.) Dr. A. Cotterell Tupp, late accountant-general to the government of India, has addressed some criticisms on the abstract of a letter from the British Cotton Growing association, published In the Times recently. He says: "The association says It Is convinced that the government of . India should not delay one moment In taking the matter Into Its hiimls. 1 am not convinced of any thing of the kind. In fact. I am convinced of the exact contrary. First, because tho government of India has taken thia matter In hand for the last thirty years, to my knowledge, and has tried to obtain and dis tribute better cotton seed to the Indlun cultivator. Its efforts have not been suc cessful, for the simple reason that It la Impossible for a great government to see the minutes of carrying out a project like 'thli. The only method possible for the gov ernment of India la to Issue circulars to the local governments saying that It wishes attention to be directed to this mutter and that the local officials should try to ob tain better seed and distribute It to tho pensanta. It may or may not allot special funds for the purpose; It would more prob ably throw the burden on provincial rev enues. The provincial governor In a few cases might take up the matter with sonic vigor, Init In most caes, overwhelmed with work which might naturally seem to him of greater Importance he would rcstrl-t him self to sending on the circular to Ms com missioners, with n request that attention should be directed to It. Tho collectors of districts In turn, when they received the rliov.l.-ir. would send It on to the talslldars, or sub-collectors (natives), and would re quest them to do what they could In tho matte.-. "As I spent nearly thirty years In India, and was for the last twelve years accountant-general to the government of India In various provinces and in all three presidencies, I may, perhaps, bo allowed to suggest possible methods of procedure which are more likely to attain the object which we all have In view -than mere ap peals to the government would be. I would suggest that they should form commercial companies to carry out their objects. These could without dlffl-ulty be made to pay their way, and It would probably be best to have one parent company In England and branch companies In each province of India, aa the circumstances and conditions vary ao much In different provinces. Tha object of the companies would be to, pro cure the heat cotton seed obtainable and then to try what kinds would ault each province and even each district In India. When this was once determined the only remaining requisite would be to purchase the seed aa cheaply aa possible and to dis tribute It to peasants, who would enter Into engagements to sow' It on their land and to aell the resulting cotton to- the com panies at prices to be fixed by agreement or by the market rates for similar cotton. In this way I have no doubt that In n few years a very perceptible Improvement in the quality of Indian cotton and a very considerable Increase of Its quantity might be easily obtained." FLOATS-MODEL OF NOAH'SARK Danish Shipbuilder Finds Biblical Craft to Have Been Bollt on Scientific Lines. COPENHAGEN, Nov. ID. (Special Cable gram to The Bee.) A trial ,trlp was made this week on the sound of a model Noah's ark. The vessel, constructed by tho engi neer. M. Vogt, aa nearly as possible In ac cordance with the description give i In the Bible narrative, Is of 200 tons burden. 1 The coat of building has been defrayed by the Cnrlberg naval fund. After consulting a number of distin guished Hebraists M. . Vogt followed the outlines of the most ancient representation known of the ark, which are given on an A pa mean coin, dating SOO years B. C, now the property of the Stockholm museum. He made his model thirty feet in length, five feet wide nnd three feet In height, tho entire dimensions averaging about one tenth the actual size of Noah's ark. Interpreting the Hebrew word "sohar " not as light, which la the usual meaning as signed to It. but as a amoke escape, the model waa further equipped wlthi a chim ney. The ark, with a number of university profeasors, engineers, government officials and Journalists on board, aa well aa Its designer, M. Vogt, behaved aplendldly In the waters of the sound, skimming grace fully over the waves and veering with the chsng'.ng winds with an ease as though worked by a propeller. The ark la declared by marina exnert. here to be not only the simplest kind of vessel possible, but slso a masternlece nf shipbuilding, upon which Ihe latest develop. mmis oi ui crari couia devise no Improve ment, It haa been decided by the mnnieinallHr to Invite the king to make a trip on the new Noah's ark. TALKS OF NEW RADIUM CLOCK Sir William Ramsay Says It Will Run for 2,000 Years Without Reebarglna-. LONDON, Nor. l.-(Speclaf Cablegram to The Bee.) Has ths "radium clock," mads by Hon. R. Strutt. son of Lord Ray- leigh, dons anything toward solving ths problem or perpetual motion T The assertion that the radium clock will go for i.000 yeara without "winding up" led many persons to aak whether this waa a step toward the solution of the ancienti problem, sir William Ramsay, the great radium expert, haa answered the question In the negative. He said: This radium clock Is not a solution even a partial solution, of the problem of perpetual motion. The energy-giver in the clock la subject, like most other things to the process of exhauatlon. I should tliink Z.0OO years Is about the time It would m without recnarmng. out 2.000 v... i- - limited period of time Just as twenty-four ' hours Is. Still, the radium clock which 1 K h.r I J . . . Willi n ''"""' V V V, "f or Hon. E. Strutt. perfected by Dr Martlndale Is an extremely Interesting thing. A small piece of gold leaf oi.oirie.ji by means of a very small quantity of a radium ran. it tena away from h : metsl substance and keeps on moving under this Influence until It touches tha side of the vessel. At the moment of con- "Y.? . , incsi charge, upon which It springs back and is electrified Spain. The repetition of this process over and over asaln Is the whole secret, and I con sider thst It might well be expected to irn on. all going well phvically. for a rounle of thousand years. Of course. I could not promise that the thing would never stick Such an Instrument might be a reliable timekeeper bv which business man- could keep bis appointments, so fsr as the prin ciple is concerned. You have the energy and unless the thing stuck at some time or other It would go on end on. and could he regulated lo move h hands on the clock face to a mecV'splcHl rloety. I do not ihlnV such a clocfc- would be a 1 very expensive luxurv. ft mih to be pos sible to make ens for about 20. SCIIELL IS ENDORSED Qnd Jurymen Who Hear His Testimony Express Faith in His Honesty. REQUEST AUTHORITIES TO RECEIVE HIM Carries this Testimonial wit'k Him on Trip to Washington.1 ISSUES STATEMENT BEFORE DEPARTURE Severely Arraigns Portion of th Clergy of His Own Chnrch. ADMITS HE IS A DISTURBER OF GRAFTERS ; Flr?s Some Hot Shot at Those Who Have Participated In Frn d and Also Those Who Have He . Joled Into Their Sapprt. Taking with him a strong petition from ! the members of the federal granoj jry urg- ; Iqg the authorities at Washington to give j him audience and leaving nenii,, niin a vigorous statement of his posltlol, with re lation to the clergy of his (the! Catholic) ! church that has criticised him ffcr his un ! tiring efforts to suppress and brii)g to Jus tice the Winnebago reservation' grafters. 1 Father Schell last night left for (Washing ton. The t'nlted States grand Jury, which In vested him with this appeal to t: ,e federal authorities, sat for several dayt nnd lis tened carefully while Father S ohrll un folded the details of his story, t ng how an organised gang of grafters hii-l for yeara amassed fortunes by robbln ? and de basing the Indians on the Wlnnebi,Bo reser vation. Manifestly thia remnrkunla story made Its Impression on the members 0f that grand Jury. Father Schell took the original copy the petition, of which the following, with names attached, Is a precise fcopy: We. the undersigned members 0f the frand jury for the November terjtn 0( th 'nlted Stntes court at Omaha. lb., No vember !. 190i, having heard t he testi mony of Rev. Joseph Schell, relntlnB; to the conditions at WinriebaKo Indian rirvi. tion In Nebraska, believe In the hjnnesty of purpose of the Rev. Joseph Schell. n(i we respectfully ask the proper auth!arjtie at Washington to see end hear Ren Joseph scnell regarding these matters. J-O.R1CHEY. Fireman JOE A. HATS. H. C. JOHl4 Clerk. SON. P. J. HANDLET. J. W. R. CO NNOR. O. E. BRIGHAM. C. L. COPP L. TT. POSTLE. W. L. MAT;. iLinion v.i n.iu,i, WAi.i r.n i. O. A. TAYLOR. C. K. NEI.R .ARK. N. D. T. MEEKER. CHARLES HiENDY- A. I. AllUil. CAUfcil iA-L,OR. Statement by Fnther Sen ell. ' In explanation of Ms mis.-lon at d at tha same time of his, own treamitni at tha Father his de- handa of his church associates Shell made this statement, buio.ul parture: . i "It la an outrage and a scandal to see and to hear Cathol.c priests, Mai l0pj and archbishops, who are enilro.y Igrc rsnt ie garulng the bad conditions at the Wmne bago agency, come out to crli Mac-, to discredit, to denounce my efforts 'to ralsa the moral standard of 1,100 degrajaL( amj much abused Indians. ' . "That I do not lepresent the Catholic authorities, aa they claim, in cloi,,K lnls wora, is eviuent uccaue tncy nilVe con' sianuy seen oeioro mem i.iuu inuiarta de bauched, degrade.! and ruined beiow the level of tha beast. They have eed. n them morally Jn utter dlatreae physically and for yeara without a friend and the! not send them succor, nor woul! atop the grafters, who call th y would they maelvea Catholics, from ruining those In.ilJ na. "It Is entirely due to tne many peated. efforts of Mother Diexel laat a priest waa uenc there and and re that at that I ot sup- was appointed. Evidently I was rj posed to hurt Catholic grafters, bu It I was Impartial, and hence the ho1 "I waa misrepresented and uj -td by Mother the grafters and the name of Drexel was thus -maliciously co inectad. Some Catholic authorities I ked to beheve themselves and they renaered JAugment and renounced me as gul.ty, aithoua j never had said anything of the kl.. 1i. Toey brought presHiire on Secretary Ml chcock and on President Roosevelt, not t V l.ste.i to me because I am troublesome. Yes, I nd un admit it, but only for the wicked a Just Why He Is Troublesome '"Last year I reported and proved to the Catholic Indian bureau at Washing! tn, D. C, and to the three members of th that the Most Reverend Archbit i board hop A. Christie of Portland, Ore., had k ppi for himself the moneya contributed y- the ns and Catholics of the State for the Icdial the orphans. And In ths alsj . waa t the troublesome and did not rpree. Catholic church. 'That any responsioie person qa tne Catholic church ahould go out of rih, way1 to prevent justice to neipiess ina ana is try to is and to au- scandalizing and that any ahould prevent me from helping the India remove the grafters Is an outrags inanity and rel.glon. - "I kept quiet and have .no reakn Iar criticising. I have done my dutle sc.enUously bet ore Ood and beforL mall ; and my actions can stand broad dai vllght but not those of my accusers and o f th lr ! helpers. If their many "actions behind tn curtains were known It would oreaul, n,jln Ing but acandala. My patience lal long, but will nave ao ena soon. -Father Schell appeared before the grand Jury yesterday forenoow and wh cams out of the jury room the I ten he Indians 1 who were assembled In the corridors , 0f the building gave him a demonstration of; their faith In htm and appreciation of hla labors In their behalf. COMMISSIONER JONES TO bUIT Head of Indian Bureaa to SteL Ool f Office with tbe New Year. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. J. (Special I Xele gram.) Commissioner wuiiam A. Joiiea 0; the Indian office has authorised thejHtatB. ment that he will resign his position sjnortly after the new year. Private bualmi, at. fairs need his attention In Wisconsl, alj he will gladly lay down his office blouse ilmmi aver since ha took the Indian com- uiiasionership there has been frlctiol, ba. tween himself and Secretary Hltcl Commissioner Jones had definite Ide to how ths Indlun office should be cock. is as con- ducted. He beileved the Indian coirfjd be best brought In touch with an understand Ing of civilisation by teaching iilm t nelp himself. Commissioner Junes has srrvj as head of the Indian bureau since ij7. Through hla efforta tbe government aban doned the ration ayatem and abolj-ne(i many rekervatlor.s. He lias ulso been hos tile to the agency system and whereu,,r it could be done, tranaferred an agency to a bonded school superin tendency, placing (Continued on Second P THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Xrnrnskn Fair Snnday and Warmer In nrthvrest Portion. Monday Fair nnd Wsrmer In F.nt Portion. F.W SKCTIOX 1 flow Chinese Came In Sonth fries. I.Ikes the American Tariff Law. Father Schell Is F.ndorsed. Latest em from War In the Fast. SI Hnsslan Temslvos In Session. Robbers Loot Irons Treaaary. I nvell Stntne of Frederick. S Xews from All I'srts of Xehrsskn. t ody Amends Ills nivorre Petition. 4 Rellerne t'ollene Kaay for 'Varsity. Harvard I nnhle lo Score on Tale. Results of Other Foot Ball finmee. ft Affairs at Sonih nmnhn. Inspector Wrlarht I rira Reforms. Past Week In (Imnlia Society. T f'onnrll Bluffs and town Kens. F.lli roRIAI, SFt'TIO-. 1 Editorial. 11 Many Request Police for Help. IN Morton Makes Kstlmates for avy. COLOR SUCTION 1 Roster Brown's Thanksgiving. It t holly rashraller. Alice and the Policeman, a Love Story of n Fnmona Slna;er. 4 Making of Professional Resotles. Marries the Same Man Twice. K Uoadrnntr Life of Frederick Monks Yonthfnl Foot Hall Plnyers. 6 A Story of n Child Actress. 7 A Tnle of The. nksa t vlnsr. A Millionaire's Honeymoon, ft Where Fslse Hair Conies From. From r and Far. ft Top o' the Mornln. lO Hery of Slaa-e Beauties. HALF-TOMS SKCTIOX 1 Serving; ntlce on Sir nobler. Stories About Noted People. 2 Plays and Plnyers. Music mid Mnsleal Notes. it Queer Capers of Recent Romnuce. 4 1'he Vnllonsl Tlmnkssrl vlnsr liny. . (Innlnt Ken to res of Life. 5 Old and New Ticket Offices. Carpenter's Letter. 6 For and About Women. Newest Tlilna-a lu Fashions. T The World of Sports. 8 In the Field of Electricity. Temperature at Omnha Vesterdayi Honr. Den. Hour. Dear. ft a. m M 1 p. m ' m rut 2 p. m RM T a. m no .1 p. m .Vt N n. in ftl 4 p. n Ml O a. m tin n p. m (Mi 10 n. m R.1 e p. m (V-t 11 a. m fl 7 p. m 53 12 in C8 FOOT BALL SCORES. N'ehrnska, ftl Bellevue, O. Yale, 12 Harvard, O. Mlnnesotn, 17 North western, O. Navy, lit Vlra-tnla Polytechnic, O Illinois, 20 lown, O. West Point, 21 1 Syracuse. S. Dnrtmonth, 12 Brown, S. Haskell, 14 Wiashbnrn, O. Vonncil Bluffs H. S., 0 Harlan S., O. H, Grand Island Bnalneas College, 123 1 Hnatliisrs Business Collepve, O. Ornnd Island II. S., ll) Kearney Mil itary Academy, O. Beatrice II. 8., lit Lincoln Acad., O. Columbus II. H 111 Fremont II. S.. O. ' Pluttsmoutn II. ., 1U South Omaha H. 8., O. Yankton II. S., B Sioux Falls H. 8., S. GRANGE ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS Organisation Meeting- at Portland Offers Advice as to Certain Federal Laws. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 1. The report of the executive committee of the Na tional Orange, which isnow In session in this city, ahowa that' ihe affairs of the organisation are in a prosperoua condition. The total amount of property owned by the. Orange at present la valued at ISO.000, an Increase ot $9,293 over last year. The executive committee thinks that the powers now conferred upon the Interstate Commerce commission are not ample enough and the legislation, necessary to enlarge Its powers la recommended. The report endorses the parcels post and con demns the effort being made to repeal the Grout oleomargarine bill. The committee recommends that the Orange adopt reso lutions at this session favoring direct elec tion of United States senators. The re port clones by re-endorsing Congressman Currie s b'" providing' for federal aid in building roada, which la before congress, und In emphatic terms denounces the trusts and urges the endorsement of pres ent laws and the enacting of new ones necessary to that end. DELAY IN PATTERSON TRIAL Members of Jury May Be Changed Before Any Testimony Is Taken. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Further delay In the trial of Nan Patterson, the show girl, who Is charged with causing the death of Caesar Young, a wealthy horseman, was Indicated In rumors which were prevalent around the criminal court building today, A full jury had been selected when court adjourned laat night and it was thought that tho real work of ths trial would bs begun promptly Monday morning. Today, however, a atory became current that aeveral changes would be made In the Jury before the trial would proceed. Elwood Hendricks, the foreman, asked the court yesterday to excuse him from duty on the ground that a member of hla family was seriously 111. H was said that several jurors also had asked to be dis missed for private reasons. These requests will be considered by the court when the trial is resumed Monday. CIVIC FEDERATION TO MEET Annual Session at JTew York De. ermber 15 to Klect President to Succeed Late Senator Haana. V, NEW YORK, Nov. J9.The fourth an nual meeting of the rxamitiva r.rmi.... j of the National Civic Federation at which a presment to succeed the lata Senator Hanna may be elected, will be held in New York City on December U. The call for the meeting was issued today and whs accompanied by a statement In part as fol lows: The executive committee will hold two business sessions In the morning and aft ernoon and In the evening will entertain at Its annual dinner the nieinlieis of all the departments of tha organization Among the sotmkers at the dinner will Is Andrew Curneicle, Archhishop Irelan I I If hop Potter, August lielmont, Cortirlius N. Ullsa. Oxear H. StrauM. John Mitchell Sumuel Gomix-rs and E. E. Clark. James II. Sovereign Better. WALLACE. Idaho., Nov. 1. James R. Sovereign, formerly geneial master work man of the KiiIkMs of Iibor, who wss reported last niKht aa dying frum liemorr hsues of the brain, Is about town as usual today. He was sick last night, but has recovered. FIGHT IN PROGRESS St. Petersburg Hears that Battle is in I" nil 8 win 5 Near Mnkdsi. RUSSIAN ARMY TAKES THE AGGRESSIVE General Konropatkin Begins a Morement Against the Japanese Left. MIKADO'S MEN ARE ALSO ACTIVE Bqnadron of Cossacks Bepnlsed Thursday Thirtj Mills South of lunister. BOMBARDMENT BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING Russian Correspondent nt Mukdeel Telle of Henry Artillery Flr and F.ipeetatlon ot an Engagement. Is ported that a battle between the two ar mies before Mukden Is in full swing. Ths War office does not confirm the rumor, though It admits that the activity all along the lines Indicates that both armies are) ready. The RusMian. according to Gen eral Kouropatkin'a reports, ore pressing ths Japanese left, whlln a very movement of the Japanese Is reported at Stntslntln, fcrty-ftve miles e st of Mukdsn. A special correspondent, telegraphing un der last night's date, says the battle his begun and that the thunder of tha guns la unceasing. General Sskharoff, under date of No vember 18, reports a reconnoissance on a large scale November 17 In the dlrec.lon of Falkal and Chltaitse, on the right of tha Hun river. Tne Japanese showed aome re sistance, but were dislodged from thees. villages and from the brldgea acroas the Hun. At daybreak the same day tho Jrtpa nere repuised a squadron, of Cossack thirty miles south of Kunslnt.n. MUKDEN, Friday. Nov. 18, via Peking, Nov. 19. A severe artillery firo was openeJ on the Russian right commencing at day light today and lasting for several hours. There was also Intermittent during the day. The Russians are expecting a general attack on the part of ths Japanese. .Another unsuccessful attack on Port Ar thur was made November 17. Late November 17 the Japanese oppoalts Poutiloff hill (Lone Tree hill) attempted an advance under the cover of artillery and reached a amall village between the 'poal tlona, but, according to accounts from the field brought by headquarters couriers, they were repulsed with large casualties. The Japanese made simultaneous .attacks along the railway, but they are reported, to have been without result. Report of Battle Contradicted. MUKDEN, Nov. 19. The position at the front la unchanged. Positive Information received hero con tradicts previous reports and says the Jap anese have decided not to begin a serious operation on Mukden before there is a defi nite result at Port Arthur, cither tho fall of the fortress or a necessity for tho Jap anese to bring up reinforcements from Japan and recommence the arduous worn of the siege. Until then they intend to confine themselves merely to holding th Russians In check. Shanghai Hears of Fight. SHANGHAI. Nov. 19.-The Japanese t sumed their attacks on Port Arthur on No vember 17, making a furious assault, which AcMilfc.t In Ihie nnminnftnn nf linrierff round chambers In Important positions. British Cruiser on Watch. 8IMONSTOWN. Cape Colony, Nov. It. The British cruiser Ba.rosa soiled from here today. It Is' believed Its destination la Waltlsch bay, on the west coaat of German Southwest Africa, and that Its ob ject. In to watch the approaching of the Russian second Pa :.1c squadron . MAY PLACEBLAME ANYWREJ Anrlo Russian Commission Is to Be Granted Large Discretion In Matter. I I ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 19. The nego tiations on the subject of ths Anglo Russia convention are practically con cluded. Only one small point remains' to be settled, and that is of such slight Im portance that Foreign Minister Lamsdorff and Ambassador Hardinge this afternoon' will dlacuss the queation as to how and where ths signatures are to be exchanged. In substance the change in the language regarding the determination of responsi bility by the International commission will make the convention proviuo for ths loca tion ot any blame which la found to exist upon any persons of Russian, British or foreign nationality. LONDON, Nov. 1. The Anglo-Russian North sea convention Is expected to bs signed November 21 or November 22, but It la not decided juat when. Practically ths only changes are In clause t and are said to be unimportant. BRAZILIAN SOLDIERS REVOLT Instigator of Meeting and Captala of Company Killed la Fight. RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 19. A battalion of Infantry atatloned at .Bahla mutinied yesterday at the Instigation of a sub lieutenant, according to a telegram re ceived hero. The commanding officer at tempted to address the men, but was shot dead by the ringleader with a revolver. Other troops then charged the mutineers and order was restored. The sub-lieutenant who Instigated the mutiny was fatally wounded and alnoo died. JAPANESE PRINCE AT THE FAIR Prcsldeat Fraarls and Mayor Wells Greet Oriental Dignitary at SI. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 19 -Prlnce Fushlml and suite arrived here today in a private car attached to a regular passenger train from Washington. President D. R. Francis of the exposition and Mayor Rolla Wells headed a reception committee composed of city and World's fair official. With them was S. Tcgtma. acting commissioner gen eral from Japan, and about luo of his coun trymen. After greeting and Introductions the party, escorted by a troop of United Slates cavalry, were taken lo the Buck. Ingham club, where fifteen rooms on ths floor hsd been reserved for their use. There, after the prince hsd had luncheon, he formally received President Francis and Mayor Wells and later returned their aaiii. ,'