The Omaha Daily Bee. PART 2 Pages 9 io 16 THE SUNDAY BEL BEST NEWS BEST PICTURES BEST STORIES. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKNINO, NOVEMBER 19, 1904. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Jewelry Department Rather Important: We close all day Thursday, Nov. 24th, Thanksgiving day. We make (his early announcement that our competitors may know just where they are at. You are heartily invited to our Grand Fall Importation Opening of the world's highest grade chinaware, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. No more extensive and costly dis play can be found west of Chicago than on our second floor. There's no longer the least netd for tending your orders for fine chinaware outside of Omaha, for we've as fine a line as discrimination and buying power can secure. Take this from The Bennett Company as your special invitation. CANDY. To Introduce Bennett's Special CnocolM Cream we tlnoe on snip tn hundred 1-nmiml ?r boxes of thtj. dnllrlou article at, box ""v Ten Green Trading Stumps, Saturday only CIGAR DEPARTMENT General Thomas, cluh house shape, he f clpar. SO for I.VO Special tale of quadruple silver plate berry ff dishes, with Hneot imported bowl, blue, iUU regular price 13.25, Saturday' sale Fifty G. een Trading Stamps. Beautiful Oneida Community Monogram f CA Hrand Teaspoons, guaranteed for 2o years liJU wear, Saturday, set of six Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Think of III Better tban triple spoons at the rate of ordinary Al plate. rnrty ureen trading stamps. Frr nrh Rrler ripes wnrth tin to 6"o .. 25c Thirty Green Trading; Slimpt. Double Stamps on all the 10c purchase Saturday up to 12 o'clock. We have a largw stock of X-mas novelties. Come ana look our stock over. 1 A Stamp Sensation FOR SATURDAY Our entire stock of Ladies' Short Kimonos and Dressing Backs, including Syrian crepe, cotton fleece, German and French flannel, eiderdown, Turkish crash and silk of all kinds displayed on our big bargain circle second floor. DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH SALE. Ladies Outing Flannel Ladies Outin Flannel NigKi Gowns. Petticoats. A GREAT MILL CLEAN-UP prices at astonishing fig ures, all on sale on our big main floor bargain circle Saturday. AN ATTRACTIVE 35c LINEN SALE FOR SATURDAY Damask Dresser Scarfs, 17x52 inches, hem-stitch and border ends, all pure linen; Commode Cover Art Linens, one row of hem-stitch and one row of drawn work, 18x30 inches; Table Tops, 24 inches square, art linen, hemstitch and drawn work; Damask Tray Cloths, 18x2 inches, , all pure linen, hemstitch border choice or these nieces, at TEN GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH. Ulnuiltt uua 35 c Blankets and Comforts Saturday ' An entire section of our Harney Street entrance devoted to a display. We give only two of the many sensations here. CHMPORT SPNSATION ft Full size, pure white cotton filling, cover fancy silkoline, inside plain silkoline, regular price $1.40 Saturday. . P BLANKET SEINSATIOIN Full 1J heavy fleece, colors gray, tan and cham- tffl pagne, really worth $1.50 at Hr Bargain Sale Ladies Underwear SATURDAY Ladies' Vests and Drawers, heavy silk fleeced, fine ribbed, silk taped vests, and French band drawers, ecru color, Cfl regular 65c quality on sale Saturday at, garment. Uw LADIES' UNION SUITS FOR SATURDAY BARGAINS Silk Fleeced Union Suits, silk crocheted finish, ecru color, perfect fitting, strong and durable, quality that always sells for $1.35 to $1.50 at, garment. , . . . . LADIES' WOOL HOSE Ribbed top, all black, sizes Etn 8J to 10, 25c value Saturday 3 pair.for JUC CHILDREN'S MISSES' and BOYS' FLEECED LINED HOSE all sizes, warranted fast black, regular 25c f J? goods our price for Saturday Wv Special Drive in Ladies' Princess Lace Collars for Saturday Duchess patterns of fine Point Venice, in white and cream, values in this lot worth up to $1.00 Saturday 'JC price 50c, 39c and AiDC 500 dozen Sample Ladies' and Girls' Fine Cambric Handker chiefs, embroidered and lace edges, regular 15c to t A 25c qualities Saturday only , .1UC Every Pair of Ladles' Kid Olovea Sold at Bennett' U Warranted and Fitted to the Hand. $1 Thanksgiving Art Feast Bargains PICTURES Dainty little Dutch pic tures i n passepartout, very cute subjects, Sat urday 20c 20 Little Green Stickers. PYROCRAPHY New 5x12 panels, just the article for quick burn ing, when finished are very artistic, Satur day. 25c 10 Little Green Stickers. $1.00 tabourets Satur day 85c 40 Little Green Stickers. "ARTIST MATERIALS Just in, fine white mount ing paper, desirable for water color painting, Saturday 15c Other shades if so desired. 10 Green. Trading Stamps. School paints. ....... 25c 10 Little Green Stickers. Picture Framing We do it expertly and inex pensively. Charms in Perfumery. Fompeian Massage Cream 40c Mistletoe Cream, regular 25c size 15c Ten Little Green Stickers. Dagget & Ramsdell's Cold Cream 25c Hudnut's Cold Cream 50c Hudnut's Toilet Cerate 50c Eastman's Benzoin and - Al mond Lotion 38c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food...40c Fancy Soaps Milled Soap, three cakes tyi in box. box M.J Ten Little Green Stickers. Colgate's English Process, cake 8c Brown Windsor, glycerine and elder flower soap, cake....8c Bennett's Capitol toilet soap, 6 cakes for '. . . 25c naskins' Bros.' Famous Vol canic soap, six cakes for. .25c Haskins Bros.' Cocoanut Oil soap, six cakes for 25c OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Saturday Fair. We are Dinnerware Headquarters, and our greatest ware Sale falls on Saturday. Johnson Bros.' white and gold 100-piece dinner sets, regular price $16.00, Saturday price Ridgway's flown blue and gold illuminated, regular price $18.00, Saturday Nice pink and green decoration, full gold treat ment, good $13.50 value, Saturday Johnson Bros.' royal English porcelaiu, pure white pattern on new shape, regular price $8.75, Saturday Cut glass salt and pepper shakers with sterling silver tops, each ". Double Green Trading Stamps (two in place of one., twenty in place of ten) on all purchases of White China either dinner ware or fancy pieces. Out star bell shape tumblers, each , .IaC Limit of one dozen to a customer. No C. O. D., mail or telephone orders on this item. 5c German china white and gold tooth pick holders, each Grand Holiday China Opening, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 21, 22 and 23. YOU ARE INVITED. MEATS Our Meat Department la Omaha's lead ing and most reliable. Thou-unrls of pounds of everything In our line for Sat urday. I'ork Roast, 7jc Pork Chops, 3 lbs , Choke Rolled Rib Roast, all bones out. lb Lean Rib Boiling Beef, Cr R lbs ti5 Mutton Stew, K lbs Mutton Chops, A Ih. U Mutton Roast, 6 lhs Veal Roast, fip 25c 10c 25c 25c lb. Veal Stew, pound Home made Sugar Cured Corned Beef, lb Sweet Plrkled Pig Pork, lb. 5c 4c 8c No. 2 Picnic Hams, fihc nnunrl ... . . . - Bulk Compound Lard, f)4C lh .Morrell'e Iowa Pride Bacon. (backsV all fancy small and narrow strips, J2JC Oreen Trading Stamp peclala Bennett's Capitol Lard, guaranteed the best, purest and freshest kettle rendered Leaf Lard. Saturday; 8-pound pail OBo for cjw 6-pound pall 62C Thirty ' '(' ' Green ' 'Trading ' Stamps with each pull. IIAV1SI HAMS! 2,000 pounds of Morton-Gregson Co.'s best grade of Picnic Hams, every one guar anteed, sweet, sugar cured. likely trimmed and lean. Average 6 to Qlc 8 pounds, at, pound zris Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each ham. All Grades. Brands Quality of Hams at Cut-lo-the-ilonc Prices. TURKEY ROASTERS! TURKEY ROASTERS! The Savory Seamless needs no water nor urease and will not "burn." Preserves 4 Afc Q the delicate Juices and flavors of the turkey roast, or whatever roast you roast! I I 1 Let It alone! It will do the work right. Saturday's price MaWF Other roasters (good ones) up from 38c CARVING SETS! CARVING SETS! Genuine Stag Handles, all lengths and f fll Bhapes, tempered blades with or with- I III I out sharpening steel, prices up from aW HARDWARE Cl'TLERY SECTION, BASEMEXT. Saturday Sale of Shoes Men's Box Calf, Goodyear Welt, Double Sole, Congress or Lace Shoes, at .' Men's Box Calf, Goodyear Welt, Blucher's extra' gooc? value, will go at ., 2.50 2.50 49c Men's, Ladies' and Misses' Felt Lined Slippers, will go at Ten Green Trading Stamps. Misses' and Children's Shoes, vici kid, patent leather tips tj T) f worth up to $2.00, go at lUJJ Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Double stamps until noon on all purchases in Shoe Department Free Free Box Chocolate Puzzle with each canGhiiv ardelli's Cocoa, ..25c ... 50c One-half pound can at One pound can at . This is a most delicious and nutritious article. Now being demonstrated on Main floor. If you want Perfect Vision Ilavs your ryes examined frequently. A proper correction may Insure EYE EASE FOR LIFE. We overcome defects and five you satisfactory vision. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE. Kaufman's Orchestra Saturday evening 7:30 to 10. Carpets, Rugs and Oil Cloths Special sale of floor oil cloths, made In lVt yards wide, odd rolls of regular 28c, 8()c and-35c quality, and enough of any pattern to cover an ordinary size room. Saturday ff at, per square MHC Extra heavy quality, ly, yards wide reg ular 35c and 40c grades, odd rolls, bright and clear colored oil clotbs at, per square ' Three square yards of any of these cloths, one package binding, Including tacks and corners, just the size ol' cloth for under your stove m m complete with fl if binding - The Great West's Greatest Grocery. Another Mighty Effort at a Oil List of Trade Winners Money Savers. Fifty Oreen Trading; Stamps with Ten Green Trs'ling Stamps with i pouniM fireft Java ana si fjfl pmina or scnepp duik 2IIC f - tocoanui - Mocha Coffee. Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps with pound Tea. 68c Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps with quart can Franco- nSc American Soup JJ Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with i-pound can pure ground Mack Pepper IS Ten Oreen Tradlna- Stamps with 2 pounds Tapioca 14c Twenty Oreen Trading- Stamps with 1 pound full cream Ofir, New York Cheese ork Cheese Ten Oreen Tradlnc Stamps with 2 pounds Japan Rice. 14c Thirty Oreen Trading; Stamps with can Diamond 8 Fruits OUn aUW most delicious.. Ten Oreen Tradlna; Stamps dozen large new (lernian Pill Tickles with 12c Twenty Oreen Trading with pound can Flennett's Capitol Baking Powder Stamps 24c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps three large boxes Parlor Matches with 12c Thirty Green gallon Jug Catsup Trading Stamps with 50c Five Oreen Trading Stamps three packages Oynterettes with 15c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with three packages Dennett's Or1 . . . Capitol Mincemeat. Five Oreen Trading Stamps three packages I'needa Biscuits with 15 c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with with six cans Rfn uuv Corn. Five Oreen Trading Stamps can dessert Peaches with 10c Ten Oreen Trsdlng Stamps with six cans CHn Tomatoes. Five Oreen Trading Stamps can Baked Beans with 5c There You Are THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY LITTLE GRERN STICK ERS $.TJ. 1)0 worth nearly eleven pages with the foregoing list amount lug to Just $5.0. What a boost for your Little Green book. ( EXTRA CLERKE will be provided to avoid waiting in Grocery, Tea and Coffee or Butter Depts. TWICE THE NUMBER of Trading Stamps In Grocery, Tea, Coffe and Butter Depts., on everything. EXCEPTING SPECIALS up to 11 o'clock Saturday morning. (Ttala hour is set to suit wagon deliveries.) Clothing Dept. ThaLivksgiving Dress. We Serve You Right. Men's Semi Dress. Wri show raiay desirable styles. If you ara seeking a really drey suit we cau surely suit you. Eich and every garmaut bears the earniirks of the exclusive tailors' product at about one-iialf the tailors' exclusive price. Excellent Values at Bennett's Guaranteed Clothing, $ 10.00 $12.50 Brokaw Bros $15.00 Hand-tailored $35.00 CliKin Men's Winter Overcoats. Overcoats that are dressy as well as durable; long and medium lengths, made from a vast array f fabrics, 'in cluding Meltons, Kerseys, Vicunas and fancy Scotch and Worsted Overcoatings. We have a complete range- of sizes and can fi you perfectly. We are offering some very remarkable values for the Thanksgiving Sale. Step in and try on a few styles, Prices from $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 up to $35.00. Clothes for Young Men. The young men of today are getting more particular every year. That's why we get more trade every year we sell particular clothes. We offer many excellent suits and overcoats for young men during the Thanksgiving Sale at remarkably low prices- Come in and look them over prices range from $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 up to $15.00 Boys9 and Children's Clothes. We have just secured some very striking values in Children's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats. The) 're of the very newest styles and made by a well-known manufae turer. You'll recognize their label when you see it on the garments. Most remarkable values Cf C) t $A 50 in Suits and Overcoats rauging from A' 0 A watch with all Suits or Overcoats $3.95 and up. Dutchess Trousers, sole agents for CA &f Omaha 10c a button, larip jair vpl.! lO pO PLENTY OF TURKEY (H TAB upply of Thank.slvina- Fowl, Wfctrb Tkrcatmrd to B Look. Bettor. ' s , You mar havo turkey, for your Thas. living dinner after all. The bird. lv taken pity on the good .ppctlte. of Omat diners .nd are coming to th. front wtj good grace to meet (heir Inevitable fate.T "Turkey. w.U begin making trark. U week In large numbers," David Cole,' "a a J no on. who ha. th. price need fear thai he will have to forego th. pleaaur. of eating th. national bird next Thuraday. It ii doubtful aom. day. ago whether there would be enough to go .round, but X havedvtcea of Urge number, that will aom. it for th. Thank.Klvlr.g market. Th. poultry and th. delay has been largely du. to thl. fact. Bo great wai the far that there would not be any turk. on the mar ket that the Union Stock Yarda company decided to forego lta time-honored custom of giving each employe a turkey, and thl. will leave S&0 employe, who will have, to hustle for their bird.. Chicken., ducks and oth.r poultry will b. In ampl. .upply and th. price, reasonable. Turkey, will be about 20 cent. pound, dreaaed." R0BB DIVORCE CASE SOON Trial to t ome Uetore Jadge Troup lavolvlaar Pronlatst Member. oi uuini luricij, Via dlvorc cue ol Clark K. aaB(t James W. Rubb. Which I. to Robb com. UP bni-e Judge Troup In the district court within 4. tew dava. tiromlsea to furnlnh eu- weattor ba. bu against shipping dx.aaed JUrtaliuue tat many of th. resident, of the fashionable Hansooin park district, wherein th. Robb. reside. Robb 1. an assistant manager at the Cud ahy Packing company and the family live, at Hli South Twenty-second avenue, there being three amall children. ' About a year ago Mr. Robb began pro ceeding, to set her free, with suitable sus tenance in th. way of alimony, alleging cruelty, non.upport and minor charges, all or which the husband denies. Mr. Rohb'a attorneys assert Mrs. Itohb's mother Is responsible for th. unhappy do mestic air Irs of th. two, who were mar ried In 196. This Is the case wherein th. huxbund say. hi. wife laid down an arbitrary rule that h. muit be bom. by H o'clock, and lucked him out If he did not comply, also r.fuslng blm th. pleaaur. of .ntertainiiig S card club at hi. bom., although the member, were some of the "most etl:n-ls and gentlemcnly men tu th. pui k district" COST OF TURKEY IN ALASKA Oaly loestr-l'ire teats a. Poaad and Scares at that Modest F I ST arc. Elward C. Brown, a clerk In th. gen eral manager's office of the Union Pa cific, ha. received a copy of the Thanks giving proclamation of Alaska. The cir cular la sent by a friend, William L. Pu tin, acting governor and secretary of the district of Alaska. Turkeys in Alaska will be worth "5 cents ;.er pound at lawou City, and will be a scarce article at that price. A letter from Mr. Brown's friend say. some fow's hav. ben shlped Into vanoua parts '-t Alaska on ice, but the majority of thi Alaskan Doimi.ti.m win 1 rlehrt:te lii day by eating .lab. of Omuha tLrkey in the shape of pork and bacon. While many of the luxuries of th. .tales sr. to b. bad at tb. principal polou la Alaska, they can be enjoyed only by the very prosperous Residents. Moose, caribou, wild sheep and white grouse are to be had by those wtio handle a rifle and know where to find the game, which abounds in comparative plenty. HOW RIDGELY TAPS BANKS One Mlllloa, Ml llaadrcd Thousand Dollar. Leave Omaha bat Part for County. Comptroller of th. Currency RirlgHy ha. culled fur a statement from th national hanks of the country at the close of busi ness November 10. Rankers were some what surprised at hi. action, nn the list call was made for September . or a little more than sixty days ago, but Mr, Rldgelr I. not following In the bvaten paths of former comptrollers, who called generally at regular Intervals, Tb. pres ent I. the lust call for the year, us the bunking act authorizes five statements an nually. Omaha banks hav. lost 1,G12.000 In de posits since September 6, but this Is not wondered at, for, the reason that country bank, have been withdrawing balances for the purpose of aiding In the crop move ment. The total deposit, of the seven national bank. November 10 were f!7.KSl.uii0, a. compared with 2:',1 1".j:l September S; loan, were lC,71.1,fi'Ji, us compared with tlC.288,m WORK TO OPEN WITH SPRING Construction of Northwestern'. V o suinsr llranrh Will Stnrt About Klrst of Uny. t la now believed work an tha nar branch of the Northwestern Una between i CaPr ana Landers, Wyo., vUl b surf lJ wa. and on th. first of May. An army of surveyor. 1. In the fluid and th. actlv. preparations Indicate the company expect, to push th. wuis. wmi an posMoie .peed. It stated at headquarter, thnt tin,K.. rails will be hauled to Pun., thing will be ready for th. grading to begin a. soon as the weather moderate In tb. spring. Orders for th. rail, already hav. be.a placid and they will be on th. ground when the grading 1. finished. Thl. work la tu bo let to several contractor., who will stnrt at dlfUrent point, along th. Iln.. 1' itent track-luyc rs are to he used. Thes. machine. It has hien demonstrated, will put down two mile of tra k dally. Every thing in the way of preliminary arrange rm-r.tH will have been completed by spring. Nothing will ),e known of th. dlfflcultle.. in tne way ol the project until th. sur veyor, turn In reports. Huster Urown'a Thanksgiving oaxt tun.