! it i - , r r i i . i i i , . ' m i i - - mi i i 'ii i 'm r " - . . - v -r ws W' V" V V 4jr "W "WJ1 v y "V '' v' - tipi;' .:-f wife ill i , fa; . . You are invited to attend the opening of our new store at Fifteenth and Famam streets 1 ; . Saturday afternoon, and evening November the Nineteenth . MEGEA TH ST A TIONER Y CO. (i Muiio in Afternoon That quaint old mission town 1b not only one of the moet lovely seaside resortaof California, bat also one of the moet interesting places in the world. Hero, hundreds of years ago, Christianity was first preached to the American Indians by theSpanish friars. The old missions are still there, and are visited every season by thousands of tourists who travel via the UNION because it is the to that iwqmts a - . CKy Ticket Ofllee. 1834 Fmrnani It, Ask For Western Distributors Bergen Qiss, Reicheiiberg-Smi t h Co, No Better Made. .... , , cear s pure water Wholesale Jewelers .fromsspartZnj ' , ' (L-t in the Wt) spring Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Etc. ZZ'Z KiKn's Glycerole of Roses FOR BALE AT KUHN'S DRUG STORE. 15TH AND DOUQLA3. TWO LINES WILL PAY TAXES 4 - Union tacifio and Northwestern Will No t Join Fight with Burlington. TALK OF CUTTING UNIVERSITY LEVY Official Election Returns About All in and Indicate Hooaevelt Car- rled Ererr Conntr State t Itcoent Election. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 18. (Special. It devel oped today that the Northwetern and the I'nlon PaclAo rallwaya would probably pay thalr taxta without demur, owing- to the r-tlvtty of the ' Nebrawka representative! of the lines tn making representations to headquarters- According- to the statement of a State official, Bon White on a recent trip to Chicago met with the management of the Northwestern a,nd came away with the assurance that the taxes would be paid. The same authority stated thut the Union Pacific would probably relinquish Its In tention to contest the validity of the assessment made by the state hoard last Bummer. Tux Commissioner Pollard of the Burlington Is still at work out In the state making tenders of payment of less sums than are actually due under the assessment. It Is believed that the Bur- Did you buy your hair at an auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction- tale principles: "going, gotag g-o-n-e I " Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, and always restores color to gray hair. Sold for orci elxty years. Lw II in. II ' ii n i Souvenirs PACIFIC best and quickest line noted place Ungton will give up Its intention of testing the law In the courts when the other roads refuse to co-operate with It. Will Come to Lincoln. Secretary A. B. Allen of the state central committee said today that the headquar ters would be removed to Lincoln shortly, by virtue of the authority conferred on the committee officials at the mueting last Wednesday. The reason for removing the headquarters from Omaha Is thut both the chairman and secretary reside in Lincoln and occupy official positions here. No ef fort has been made as yet to secure propo sitions from hotels. May Cut Levy for 1'nl verslty. -There Is some talk among state officials to the effect that the 1-mlli levy for the I'nlverslty of Nebraska will be cut, be cause of the Increased valuation of the state. Some of the friends of the uni versity are fearful that xne general cry for economy will lead to such action. It Is argued that the 1-rnlll levy was enough six years ago when the total valu ation of the state wua fUS.OOO.OOO, and for that reason It Is said that the same levy on a (294,000,000 valuation Is excessive. Two years ago the farmer members of the legls. lature made an effort to reduce the levy, but were finally prevailed upon to allow It to stand because of the uncertainty as to the result under the new statute. Ilurkrtt Spent S4ft. Today Congressman E. J. Uurkett filed his expense statement In the office of the secretary of state, showing that he gave $43 to T. C. Hunger, chairman of the con gressional committee for the First district. Nothing has been filed yet to show what It coat to make the tour of the state In the Interest of his senatorial candidacy. Because of the fact that the statute does not contain any provision requiring state, ments In the latter case, it is believed that none will be filed. Iteturns About All In. Returns (torn all but six of the counties have beta received at the office of the sec retary o siate, and these give President Roosvelt 116.82 and Judge Parker 41.133. President Kooaevelt carried every one of these counties and it is supposed that he has carried every county In the rtata. His plurality at this time Is 74.S92, and will doubtless run to K5,no. Rouse Calls on Mickey. Representative Rouse from Hall county was here today and called upon Governor Mickey. Mr. Rouse is prominently men tioned an a candidate for speaker of ths house and has a number of letters from those who have served with him urging him to st out and bus lie for tbe place. inB OMAHA rHfffn v mm J i a .'j mm 11 W -..?rAt.?; jim Jm fA WAS 4;ii&p cerized and heavy cotton en, He was accompanied to the statehouse by Representative Ferrer from the same county. Convicted of Robbery Case. James Malone, special Burlington detec tive, returned to Lincoln last night from Beaver City, after securing the conviction of J. W. Harris and Charles Mack on the charge of robbing freight cars of various roads throughout this state and Colorado. The men pleaded guilty to breaking Into two cars at Oxford and Cambridge, about Oc tober 15, and on this oount they were given .Ave years each In the penitentiary. Karl O. Bush, a boy arrested along with the men, was allowed to go over until the next term of court. The three men were arrested at Akron, Colo., October 17. At that place they were charged with bringing stolen goods Into the town, but later they were taken to Denver for safekeeping, and the charge against them was changed as U was found that they were wanted in -Nebraska. Malone hunted up the evidence In the case and se cured enough to convince the men that it would be policy to plead guilty and throw themselves on the mercy of the court. Goods valued at over 11.500 were found In a Pueblo (Colo.) pawnshop, which these three men had sold, and it is estimated that their operations for the last seven months have netted them a goodly sum and cost the companies from which they took the merchandise somewhere near 15,000. rart of the goods taken from the Burling ton cars were secured at Plattsmouth and distributed around Omaha, Council Bluffs and Pacific Junction, la. The men made a detailed confession of their many crimes at tie time of their sentence. Ex-Chancellor Falrlleld Dead. information of the death of Rev. Edmund Burke Falrlleld, ex-chancellor of the Uni versity of Nebraska and for years one of the most prominent educators in the state, was received in Lincoln today. Rev. Fair Held died lust night at his home in Ober Un. O., aged M years. Mr. Falrneld was a Virginian born, the grandson of Major Wynn of General Wash. Ington's stuff In the revolutionary war, and a cousin of "Stonewall" Jackson, the fa mous confederate general. He was born on August T. ma, at Parkcrsburg, now In West Virginia. His father was a slave holder, but moved In the latter part of the "M to Ohio, where he privately freed all his blacks. The elder Fairfield ran a printing office in Mlama county, Ohio, and here the youth learned the art of type sttlng. Always a student he fitted him self for entrunce to Lenlson university, f wing from there to Marietta college and nwz2i&f si t DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, TTie Gnr. Willi a "Comer" on Good Clothes A Chronicle of Money-Saving Fads A Slodi of Greaiesl Excellence "Cornered1 iy Cash A world-famed maker's overstock of men's cleverly designed Winter Suits came to us at a fortunate time -at a fortunate Jrice for you for us. You get tho twtial $20 aud $25 suit. YOU e1 the pick of world's best euita. You ei clever and obliging salesmen who take pleasure in waiting on jou. Take 5 Minutes to try on a number of these suits. It will be a revelation to you and a pleasure for us. We show an incomparable variety of 1265" Suits for men and young men, at your choice, SlOO and $20.00. The Commanding Styles in Men's Overcoats, Men's Thanksgiving Shirts, Cravats & Hats Shape Conforming Underwear Fine derby ribbed garments that fit you like a part of you wool, mer- salmon, Dlue, camel s nair and pink. As superb a line as ever was wov at $1.00 and $1.50 thence to Oberlln college, where he grad uated in 1S42. In 1876 he was an applicant for the va cant chancellorship of the Nebraska uni versity. He was recommended by Senators Zach Chandler and T. W. Perry of Michi gan and many others prominent In public and educational life. He served six years as the head of tho Nebraska Institution, leaving it in 18S2. Ho resided in Lincoln for a year after that, and then went to Manistee, Mich., to take charge of a church. From there he went to Lyons, France, as consul for the United States, an appointee of President Harrison. He was there four years, and Blnce his return to America has lived in seml-retlrement at Oberlln, al though he has not been idle. Mr. Fairfield was a man of great Intel lectual attainments, a powerful speaker and of strong religious convictions. His retirement from the State university came about as the result of friction between him self and Profs. Church, Emerson and Woodbury of the faculty. At that time Lincoln was the center of a colony of lib eral thinkers, and during the latter part of Chuncellor Fairfield's Btay a vigorous combat wus waged between those In the university who believed In conducting It along lines somewhat sectarian and those outside, abetted by the three professors, who wanted the university 'liberalixed." As a result the three professors were let out In January, 12, and In June the con nection of Chancellor Fuirfleld, who led the opposition, was severed. After that Mr. C. H. Gere came to the Board of Regents nntl under tils leadership the university was reorganized upon the broad lines of today. Mr. Fairfield was an ardent republican. He was present at Detroit when the party was founded, and for years he was promi nent in the party councils. He served as a state senator of Michigan and also as lieutenant governor, but his college duties forbade any great activity In the political arena. He retained his Interest in party affairs to the lust. Scarcely three weeks ago he wrote to bis son In Lincoln express ing the hope that he might live to vote once for Roosevelt for president, us a re buke to the slanderous attack Uon him of Judge Parker. His death wus very sudden, no Illness of any serious character preced ing. His son received a letter from him dated the l.'Jth which shows an unabated Interest in Nebraska and in public affairs. He leaves a widow and seven children. The lattT are: Mrs. Allen W. Field of Lincoln, Mrs. Henry M. Wlltse of Chatta nooga, Ten n ; Edmund B. Falrlleld, man ager of the Omaha water works; George U. Falrneld, professor of romunce languages ill the Univsrsity of Nw York at 6yra cust; Charles X. Fairfield, puuislicr ol the NOVEMBER 19. lDCi. 1 8ZDBB3li AT I I taonsnsi f SnsJs XsSstSS in ecru, to $3 J. Uo4n Rutland (Vt.) Evening News; John M. Fairfield, a court reporter of Denver, and Ernest B. Fairfield of Lincoln. Military Donrd Meets. The State Military board met last night and transacted business of interest and of benefit to the National Guard, in that It allowed claims amounting in round num bers to $3,100. A conslderabale portion of this money was allowed to pay the railroad fare and freight bills for the encampment of the troops. Fries for short Session. S nutur Fries of Arcadia was here last niKht and yesterday looking up his candi dacy for president of the senate. Senator Fries was a member of the last session and he expects to secure much support from those who knew him In that session. He predicted a short, business-like session, the only business of Importance before the legislature being the election of a United States senator, the appropriation bills and probably on amendment or two to the rev enue law. Senator Fries believes that the session will be a short one. Out In his dis trict he said the people desires the revenue law amended so that deputy assessors should be elected Instead of appointed by the county assessor. Thompson Leaves Sunday. P. E. Thompson, minister to Brasll, will leave Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Thomp son, for Washington and on December 6 will sail from New York to his post of duty. Mickey Goes to Denver. Governor Mickey, accompanied by two sons, left tonight for Denver to visit the family of his daughter, Mrs. 11. O. Smith. He will return Monday. Lincoln Itcpobllcans Ratify, Lincoln republicans, under the auspices of the Veterans' Itepuhllcuu club, ratilied the action of the voters In electing President Roosevelt and other republicans tonight Governor Mickey presided and he with Congressmen-elect Kennedy of Omaha, Burkett of Lincoln, Superintendent Mc Biicn and County Attorney Caldwell did the xpeukiug. The meeting was held In Representative hall and the large room was crowded- Music was furnished by a band. Nl'K!rlG Till? AORFOLK ASYLIM Stale Hoard Will Recommend Appro. prlallons lor nor folk. NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. Is (Special. ) The Nebraska State Board of Public Lauds and Huliuings visuea norroi last night and today, inspecting the new state hospital ti.r tli? Insane ut this fduee. Which In nnmr 111 process of construction. They declared thai tney were Bgreesuiy surprisea at the appearance of the institution, and they aid, further, Utat Uiey would favor an YOU gei confined fi Scotch cloths and beautiful designs j YOU et satisfacti i J in every detail of I I and fashion, or l 1 You get your mon- s ey cheerfully re turned to you. Many Men are Wearing Our Hats who would consider it a misfortune to buy elsewhere. There's a good reason for this. It lies in the mak ing and the shaping of the hat. Soft hats, stiff hats, crushers, etc., $1.50 B. Stetson Grand Prize HI! n llll appropriation for from $40,000 to $50,000 for the building of one additional cottage and the repairing of the west wing, whose walls now stand four stories high and which, If not placed into use, will be ruined by the elements. 8tate Treasurer Mortensen said: 'TThn buildings have a more imposing appear ance than I had expected. They were to have been completed, according to contract, last month, but will be six months delayed. The state's needs demand that a new cot tage be built and that that wing, which Is remarkably good, be fixed up. As the In stitution now stands It can accommodate but 150 patients, which would not be a very great relief to the Hastings and Lincoln asylums, where there are 1,600 crowded to gether. The more people we can house at Norfolk the less will be the per capita expense of each. Soon the grounds will be parked." Rebrknhs Elect Officers. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.) The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of district No. 6, Rebekah Odd Fellows, held St Blue Springs Wednes day: Mrs. Llbble lusher, Beatrice, presi dent; Mrs. Emma Casebeer, Blue Springs, vice president; Mrs. Stella Austin, Beatrice, secretary; Mrs. Jennie Yather, Blue Prudence, Perseverance, Plenty Thrtt Slept on the Ladder of Prosperity Wouldst Climb It? Ask the OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIAT'N 1704 FARNAM. BEE BUILDING. DIVIDENDS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS JANUARY AND JULY 1ST AT P1H CENT PER ANNUM NEVER KAILS. IUsy-"" a" TALK TLbr COAL Ours speaks for itself your money's worth guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA OR ARKANSAS HARD COAL. WllitellOUSC (Ohio) Best Soft Coal on the Market $7.50 Keystone (Illinois) Best soft coui for tu rnce....$600 All Grades of Soft Coal at lowest Prices Goss-Johnson Bros. IS 19 FARNAM STREET. mini mum .... v5; i.lXJi" t V.V- N Xs-JeiW-.'.':.:: V mm--,. . v. Qasrrr jrrgp Urn Springs, treasurer; Mrs. Sadie Holllng worth, Falrbury, warden; Susie Brenker, Beatrice, conductor; Lydia Felter, Wy more, Inside guard; Anna Roderick, Blue Springs, chaplain; Susan ScbJack. Blue jprlngs, chaplain. clerk nrnss to death is storb Flames Get Too Good Stnrt to Enable Him to Get Out. 8T. PAUL. Neb., Nov. 18 (Spedal.)-A disastrous Are, resulting In the loss of one human life and considerable property, occurred lust night at Dannebrog, right miles southwest of here. Shortly before midnight fire broke out in the hardware store of M. Madsen and, although herolo efforts were mode to save tho building, the fire was so far advanced when discovered that only the warehouse In the rear was saved, but the lumber yard closely adjoin ing on the cast, was entirely saved by hard work of the fire department. Niels Chiis tensen, who slept In the store, perished In the Are. He was a young man, who had arrived from Denmark last spring. The origin of the fire Is at present unknown. The loss falls severely on Mr. Madsen. The Insurance carried on the building and stock was less than half of the value and the total loss Is upward of $4,000.' G. W. LOOMIS, Pres. G. M. NATTIXGUH, Seo'r, Coal.& Supply C). v mm mm, ii 1 i'-."'fv Nash. I 'i I i .