i". T) ft U SPECIAL NOTICES Mill ae takes 111 IX aa. far t resale edltlea aa aaill p. sa. ' the saaralaa- aa4ar eamiee. Rates 1 -2e a war rt la-rU la war- taaraaftar. thlaa- take for tfcaa ! tar taa flrst laser. Ilea. These aaertlaesaeata ssest ba raa eestlvelr. Aaertt.ers. resjeestlaa- a H" erefl ekeek. mi fcara " ires.. la a altered letter la ears af Tka Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will ka delivered aa nraseatatloa el eheek. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLES. President New York Life Omaha. 5C nn Brings an MMon Phonograph Into J.UU your home. See L. Mtf?cti-r. 1 Capitol ave. D SPECIAL attention given archived' plane and specifications; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Wentworth. 618 I'"'0" blk. llione 1671 R-M975 1X1 TRY KELLY B TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8M0. CMnVP PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Beet OiuUlNC (.cent cigar on earth. R-4 CITT SAVINGS BANK paye percent Pianos for Rent, $3.00 $4.00. New Planoa. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Perfleld Piano Company, 1611 Farnam. Telephone 701. Open evenings. R EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 328 Anti-Monopoly Oarbaga Co., 521 N. 18th. Tel. 1773. R 321 SIGN PAINTING S. II. Cole, 130; Douglas. R 330 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. too. UOi Doug. Omaha Stove Hep. V k. K-3J1 V. MELCHIOR, machine work. 13th and Howard. R-332 L)R. A. S. PIERCE KW'ch&io dlsaasea. Many yea.it' experience in east ern hospitals and other practice. Office rooms, Frenser blk., 16th & Douge. Pri vate infirmary. 611 N. 20th. Tel. A2553. MIOi N27 J. B. WALLACE, taxidermist, 6(6 S. 13th. tNGRAVlNGiit WmSfoK0; R D6 N23 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R. J, N. Y. Lire. Tel. 133. Gluvei & Son. R 3ol OMAHA PLUMBING CO.. Tel. S846. John Morrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3814. H-Xii AD Vr CUTS WHEATON, Tn Bee Bldg. R 235 OMAHA School Supply Co., 16a Howard st. R-MO JJ12 i SHORTHAND REPORTING. C. A. Potter, T vr and Commercial Reporter. Examiner In Chancery and Notnry Public. Room 414 Be Building. R-811 to CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE I'M. We trust everybody. Have our wagons call. Express work solicited. K-MflOS D17 F0K.ALt WSCtLLANt0US; 100 KINDS of Mlnmal Walei. btii.-rn.an & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 343 . FOR BALE piano, cheap for cash. Inquire "a loll N. MUi., South Ouiahu, after 4 o'clock. y M937 22x ENGINE BARGAINS. One t-H. P. OLDS gasoline engine. Two 4H-H. P. OLD gasoline engine. One 25-H. P. OLDS gasoline engine. One 60-H. P. OLDS guaolme engine. Several of other mukea. In good order, CHEAP. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS. 1116 Farnam at. J M933 19 FOR BALK, high-class furniture at Vim Storage Co.'s warehouse, lath and Nich olas. Q SHOW cases, all kinds. 615 Paxtoh oik. Q MiMi 35 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments; aend for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th it., Omaha. Q-M42 POOL tables, show cases. 1407 Harney st. W-845 CORN cribbing; tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-ply white bueawood. Sol Douglas. y looo 100 HEATING snd cook stoves; big sacrl Hct. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 610 ' GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains In goods In pawu. 1401 Dougl-is. - Q-33J BRICK, pressed and sidewalk. 618 Paxton block. Q-M97U DI FOR SALE Several scholarBhlpv tn a first class atundard school In Omaha, compris ing complete courne in bUHlneES, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at He office. y &2 COMPl ETE line new and id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Doilve. Tel. 2(00. y 341 SND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fur nam. . Q 343 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We huve about lw icel w stranded u.cculc light cable and one 8u0 ampere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see W .H. Bridges, engineer, Bee building, Omaha. y M3 SECOND-HAND tewing machines, old makes, from 14 to lia 1614 Douglas. U-M146 TWO HEAVY STEEL HoHI.'.ONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR PALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been tmed but six years, nv.de of firebox steel, triple riveted butt anu strap Joints, Insurance company permits of pressure of 126 pounds. They are now in uc and ran be teen at boiler house rear of Hi building Can be delivered about Augiii 26. Call or address W. 11. Bridges, engU neer. Bee building, Omaha. y Mvi SECOND-HANT STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fluiuv ctll ana iook over me loiiowu.g supplies; .6-inch Jenkin s 'Jlobe valves. 1.4-lnch Gale valve. 1.6-Inch Auntln horisontal separator. 1 4-inch Austin vertical separator. 1.6 II. P. horisontal engine. (-Inch pipe and fittings. These have been taken out on account of changea In our steam plant and are in good condition. Adreaa Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. y-ei? W5 RENT sewing maehlnea 75o week. We repair all makes of machines. Sec ond hand machines 56 to 510. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Corner 15th and Harney. y lbo PIANO for tale; beautiful upright; only used few months: coat 63u0; no reaaonable offer refused. Call at residence, :23u DiHige, y ICs FOR SALE FARMS NO FAILURE OF CROPS. Irrigation, augur beets and alfalfa It combination that pava the mortgage and fives a man a bank account, bend for ull particulars concerning the land that raises crop every lime one is planted. SPECIAL EXCURSION. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. 17b!. 8u-J II LAND OH! UND OH! 1,000 acres of fine Irrigated land In the great Piatt valley. Write at once for full particulars concerning the SPEUIAL KXtl'RSION. FAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. Mala Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17kl. . vl 15 WANTED MALE HELP Chain. Gregg Shorthand Schools OMAHA, 712 N. Y. U Bldg. bOUTH OMAHA. Glasgow Blk. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Merriam Blk. Most Approved and Up-to-Date Method. Individual and Claas Instruction. A new Typewriter at Your Own Home. Call or Write for PartlculBrJj1Sx Mosher Shorthand Modern, simple, legible and rapid. Best system now in use. Send for particulars. Address: Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sis. -B WANTED, delivery boys; most be ac quainted with the city. Apply J. L. Bran deis at Sons. B Msbi 1 TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boyle's College. B M&61 HARNESS MAKER can have steady Job; muxt be sober and willing to work about the store. AlaJony & Son, Elliott, la. B-M8t 19 Tailoring Garment Cutters Wanted Cutters experienced on block pat terns, also draughtsmen for work outside of city. Can secure a per manent position and good salary by calling at Room 2, Paxton Hotel, Omaha. 1 B-M7 20x ' TWO good stenographers, male. 1 good accountant and bookkeeper. 1 experienced candy salesluuy. 1 mechanical uiHiminan, good salary. ' 1 experience! whisky salesman. 3 good ollice clerks. 1 solicitor lor paper; good proposition. Call or write for list of other vacancies. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, 840 iNew York Life Bldg. B W7 IS WANTED Young man to become a corre spondence clerk. Will quality you In your own home. Big salary. Address E. C, this otlloe. B WE prepare you quickly as illustrator, car toonist, lawyer, pharmacist, atenographer, bookKecper, journalist and writer, corre spondence man, banker. Write tor free book, Prolita of Knowing How" tells every thing. National Correspondence Schools, S. When., Indianapolis, 4,-. S. A. iy MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our tallure to convlncs you of this being the BES't' nnd only re liable, most piactloal barber college in the United States. Write tor camioguu today. Western Barbers' Institute. Omana. Neb. B,-3dl DHI'c ORKS, Knlest. K. T., N. Y. U Bldg. B 354 WANTED FOU U. B. ARMY Able-bodied unmurnea men, oeiween ages vi t , citizens of United States, of good cnarao ter mid temperate habits, v,lio euk, read and wrl e English. For lniormation apply to H cruiung Olhcer, lotii and Douglas st., Omaoa; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, I. B-M:'7 EXPERIENCED crocery clerks, and no others, can get work. Mains-Case Co., 34-3a Paxton Blk. H-M31H IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "neai t-to-neart" talk with HART, THE EXfEKT, bZi N. Y. Life. B-M6I4 D3 WANTED Two city salesmen at one. C. V. Auitiiia Co., Mi Howard SU 4302 WANTED Flvt good boys with wlie Is. in s. um st. b va at WANTED, an experienced salesman to handle our lull line of coffee, extracts, spices, baking powders etc., on commis sion. Apply, witu references and lull particulars, to Early Breakfast Coffee Co., St. Louis, Mo. B M912 3Vx WANTED, men everywhere, good puy, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, lack signs etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co.. luo Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B Mi)40 30x RELIABLE person each locality for busi ness position, salary. S) weekly nnd ex penses; expense money advanced; posi tion permanent; previous experience un necessary; business established. Addresi Mr. Cooper, Como block, Chicago. B M936 WANTED Competent frame fitter. Apply Rose's Art Store. B M123 MOLER's barber college, Denver, Colo., teacher the barber ir.de In 8 weeks and guarantees positions. Special termt. Write. B-763 Deo 13 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes by our method of steady practice and Instructions; special induce ments row; can nearly earn expenses be fore finishing Call or write Moler Bar ber College, 1303 Douglas St. B 37 Ibx WANTED, young man, about IS, living at home, of good habits, strong and healthy, a graduate from grammar school, a plain but fairly rapid penman, for position of stock keeper and shipping clerk; moderate salary at start, with good prospects for promotion. Address H .".4, Bee. B -M890 20x WANTED CUTTERS Experienced on block patterns, also draughtsmen, for work outside of city; permanent position; good salary. Call or address Room 2, Paxton hotel Omaha. B M89S 30X WANTED Rubber stnmp molder nnd fin isher; one who understands the business; state salary and experience; steady job. Star Printing Co., Sioux City, lit. B-925 19 WANTED FEMALE HELP 60 GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge C Mi WANTED Young lady to take private lessons In stenography; tine chance. Ad dress, E. C, this oltice. C MILLINERY apprentices who have learned their trade, also girls wishing to learn millinery trade, have now the opportunity to do so. Hayden Bros.' Millinery Dept. C MW2 lux WANTED, by large soap manufacturer, a sales lady to call on drug and grocery trade and demonstrate our toilet prepara tions; salary 5JU a week and expenses. Buffalo Chemical Co., Buffalo. N. Y. C-M944 D2 WANTED, an experienced crockery sales lady. Apply 1318 Farnam. C M971 20 WANTED, an elderly lady to assist about house and take care of baby, ii4 N. 17th. C-M970 21 WANTED, a competent second girl. Mrs. Marsh, ao4 Pine St. C MH35 21x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook: family of three adults; good wages, ioj 8o. J3th ave. C Ms24 30x LADIES We teach halrdresslng, manicur ing or fuclal raasa.tge in short time by our method of constant practice and in structions; busy season now; top wages paid graduates; positions walilne. Call or write Moler College, 1302 Douglas tt. C-2s6 18x DANISH and Swedish ladles can get steady positions at Ihs Japan Tea store, VMH N. .4th, either on salary or commis sion. C 'i l't WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room I. X. Y. Life. 'Phone 135. Olover at Son. K-J71 LARGE room, unfurnished; must be In re fined neighborhood and near good board; private family. Tel. H27U. K-e6 19 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 216 N. lUtb, light housekeeping rooms, mod ern. U U7H 2ox 1606 HOWARXl 1 -roona Oat ur en suite. j-Miia TTTfi OMATTA The Bee is the Recognized VJant Ad Medium in Its Territory. It does not print wnnt ads frte. " It does not try to bribe people into making incorrect statements concerning other papers. It does not make its customers specially low rate? as an inducement for them to stay out of other papers. It gets the business because it gives the best returns. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT RJRNISHED ROOMS ROYAL, HOTEL, European. 16th ac Chicago. E iw DEWEY. European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E JA NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reaaonable; modfrn. 14-j N. 17th. E-M9.4 HOUSEKEEPINO-Thtto or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms; bath and gas; references required. 24.6 St. Aiary s ave. E MSW LA ROE front room; 'phone; ateam heat. 31& No, 17th. E MS35 lx FURNISHED room for housekeenlnn; altj sleeping room. 218 No. 19ih. E M5o6 Is MIDLAND hotels, 16th and Chicago; etsam healed; medium price; cafe in connection. E-M&S0 NORTHWESTERN hotel. 611 N. 16th I Euro pean. B Mj34 30 2310 WEBSTER, newly furnished rooms, everything modern. Tel. L-32U. E-M181 H FURNISHED and unfurnished, all partt of city. Room 3, N. Y. Life. E-158 ELEGANTLY lurnlshed room; furnace. 2824 Farnam. E M791 20 LARGE front room. 1756 Leavenworth. E M7!6 1SX SUITE of modern front rooms, with board, or light housekeeping. References. Tel. B-26tl 2034 N. 19th. E-18 VERY desirable front room; private fam ily; 7 blocks from postofflce; reference. 1717 Webster. E-870 38x 620 N 19th. front rooms; gentlemen pre fered. E-S77 20x 3lf N. 17th, housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished. E-S76 2ox 1707 CASS, furnace heated rooms. Tel. Lt f. SiO Z"X 1712 Davenport, front room for gentleman; modern. E 8S4 Mx 407 N. 14TH Neatly furnished rooms; mod ern. E 8S3 20 NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 324 N. 15th. E-S2 20 FRONT room, furnace heat, nil modern conveniences. 1!'22 Cass. E MS48 20 LARGE front room, $2.50 per week, for two gentlemen. 1521 Leavenworth st. E M9i6 20 LARGE front room, modern; also house keeping rooms. 1915 Chicago. E MD3D 20 TWO furnished rooms, modern. 171? Capi tol ave. E-MUM 2". ONE ROOM, fine location. 5IS S. 2.M. E M9.1 21 LARGE room, modern, good table board. 2815 Leavenworth. E M954 21x LARGE front room, all modern. 711 S. 16th.. flat 3. E M93S '!L 320 N. 15TH Newly furnished front rooms. E-881 20 1704 Davenport South front parlors; mod ern. E-SR0 20 1722 CASS Nicely furnished front house keeping rooms. B 879 20 PLEASANT south front room, nicely fur nished, close to business center, modern, including telephone; nplendld nelshhor hood; convenient to car; reasonable rates. 616 8. 22d. E-M8J3 20x LARGE double room; modern, furnnce. 130 N. 26th. E-M9W120 LARGE well furnished room; furnace. 122 N. 26th. modern, E STEAM IT RATED rooms for housekeep ing. 809 S. 19th. I' FRONT parlor, furnace heat, modern. 1816 Dodge. E LARGE front room; gentlemen preferred. 1921 Dodge. 'PJione 3166. E M907 iOx LARGE south-front room, nleeiy furnished; suitable for two. 1812 Dodge. E M904 20x LARGE front housekeeping room, $16. 1707 California. K M9n9 21 FOUR slnglo rooms, nicely furnished. 1S05 Chicago. E-M1"i8 2i 814 N. 17TH. two front rooms, modern. E M1W7 21 514 N. 23D, large south room, modern. E M966 21x 1907 CUMTNGS. nicely furnished rooms; everything modern. E M9C5 21 617 N. 20TH. large front room, modern. E M964 21X 711 S. 16th; south room; steam heat; 3d floor. E M914 20 606 S. 14th; furnished rooms. Flat A. E M915 20 FOUR modern rooms; light housekeeping. 1808 Grace. E 929 21 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-353 BUSINESS LUNCH Meals 20c. 101 Caul tol ave. F-955 21 NICE room and hoard for two: nil mod ern. 620 So. 11th, F-MS27 20 MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. F-M581 THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge Bt. Tel. 85. Family hotel. F 366 (09 S 26th Ave., pleasant room; good board; private family. F 36 LARGE east front room, with grate; fins location. 820 8. 21st St. F-973 NICELY furnished room, suitable fr two, close In. modern conveniences, telephone, etc.; first-class board; reasonable. CIS S. 19th st F-M891 20x El.EGANTLY furnished room, modern, with hoard; easy walking distance; rates reasonable. Apply 620 S. 19th. F-M892 20x AN elegant furnished south front room and alcove, with first-class board. 'Phone A1994. 2418 Cass. F-M889 FURNISHED rooms, honrd optional; gen tlemen preferred. 2026 Harney. F M905 20 LARGE south parlor; modern, furnace. Phone F 2426. 2013 Douglas. F M906 20x LARGE south room; modern, furnnce. ?!2S Dodge. F M908 20 FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, mod ern; good neighborhood; reasonable board just across the street. Call 616 S. 22d. F M'.'18 2"x THE ROSE, Good hoard; nicely furnished rooms; steam heat. 2020 Hxrney. F-M91S )x 1411 JONES; light housekeeping and sleen Ing rooms. F M916 20 WANTED SALESMEN SALESMEN to handle oil, grease, belting, hose and paint on verv liberal terms. Exclusive or side ilne. The Nol le R.fi'i Ing Co., Cleveland, O. M Sou 19 WANTED, by large soap manufacturer, a salesman to cull on Jobbing trade: liber il salary to right party. Buffalo Cheiul-nl Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. M943 l2 WANTED, middle-aged man to meet me re na ihs and physicians In country towns No peddling, Insurance or booke. Addiese Mctlregor. Bit ChlcagoAul dec. Metropolitan 44 m4 Ux DAILY BEE: SATrRDAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Cheap Acres Outside City Limits We offer 5, 10 or 13 acres west cf Dundee for a few days at 5135 per acre; must be sold at once. A. P. TL'KET & SON. Board of Trade bldg. 'Phones: Office, 2181; Res. F-26HO. CaU us up any lime. RE 843 18 $2,000.00. Can you find a baigain in real estate to compare with this .' Nearly an acre of ground on the corner of 26m and Kinney sis., with a good si-room cottai,'.', all newly repaired and painted, every . noin papered and palmed; two mall cottages and room for 3 more houses fronting east on 2bth st. We have nothing on our lis. to equal this; all for 52,otw if taken by December 1. N. P. DODGfc & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. , RE M 901 20 SMALL FARMS. SURE CROPS. 8,000 acres of Irrigated land to be sold In fcmall tracts tor permanent homes. Kutse large crops of sugar beets and alfalfa, tho crops that make men wealthy. SPECIAL EXCURSION. For full particulars call uj.i11 or write the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, N. X. Lite Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 801) 19 GOOD HOMES AT SMALL COST. A large tract of land Just opened lor col onization, 80 and ltio acres to the family. SPECIAL JXCLRSIONS. For full particulars write or call on the PAINE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, N. 1 . Life Bldg. '1 el. lifcL RE ",l 19 FOR SALE Two modern, brick houtit. 7 rooms each; wnl rent tor to. price, ,j0o, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life bldg. -M643 CS-Williamson Co..u"- & RE-389 THE KENNY REAL EST. & 1NV. CO. OFFER REAL BARGAINS In improved and vacant city property end farm lands. Will make loans at reasonable figures, write your fire Insurance, rent ana look after your property at lowest rates. ROOM 300 -REM BLDG. TEL K8. RE -19 1 IS For Sale on Easy Payments 6 to 7-room new modern houses: good lo cation. W. L. Eastman, 1108 Farnam St. RE 570 19x FOR SALE One note of 51.800, due in nn year, secured by first mortgage ou good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, pavable semi-annually; also one note for 51,600, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. V.oth are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties Address the owner, S 25. Be ome. RE--M458 TWO LOTS southwest corner 3."tli nnd Davenport; east front. Will build to suit purchaser, on easy terms. Inn"lro 6?0 Ho. 19th. RE-M792 20 IF YOU want to touy, sett. rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call'tt R. 1 N. Y. Life, 'Phone 153. Olover At Ann RE-M2U Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low price ; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE-M811 HOME Bran New Finished In oak. built for a home, 7 rooma. modern In every pnrtlcular, east front and very desirable, located near 35:h and Jucksou. Price. 14.000. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam s.. RE M130 A BARGAIN for next thirty days: 160 acres of fine unimproved prairie land In the western part of Chase county, Ne braska, for 53.50 per acre; title perfect. Inquire F. R. Randall, Hustings. Neb. RE-M868 23x FOR SALE, 5-room house with attic, base ment room and cellar; In first-class con dition; city water and large fenced lot: convenient to car line. 52,000. Address H 40, Bee. RE M856 21x 53.500 WILL BUY a beautiful home In Kountze Place, full lot. south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE M854 FOR SALE, Vy, acres In Belalr, southwest of Benson, Neb. Also 261 acres improved land 2H miles east of postofflce. Council Bluffs, composed of fruit, farm, pasture and garden land; new 4-room house, barn and other Improve ments. W. H. THOMAS, First Nat l Bank Bldg. RE M934 20x FOR SALE, park home; 52.500. 6-room dwelling, almost new, over bv Hanscom park Shlmer & Chase, 1609 Farnam St. Tfl- 3867. RE-M8S7 19 ACRES! ACRES! ACRES! Now Is the time to look at acreage If you aio luiiiciitiuHunK a country nome or a pmco io pui in rruit and vegetables. Re foro the snow comes let us show you our acre lots In South park near South Omaha, and our fine ten-acre tracts. Do you know that South Park is between South Omaha and the site of the manu facturing town near Sarpy Mills? It is the high, rightly land east of Sarpy Mills on the county line. It Is the cheapest acreage on the market and can be pur chased on easy terms at 5200 per acre for 6-aere lots. You can buy single acres on the county road for 5300 on monthly payments- NEAR BENSON We also have 5 and 10-acre tracta near Benson, high and sightly ground on good road north of Krug Park. The land cor ners on 63d and Ames ave. Cheapest acreage near Omaha. Come see us this week so we can show you this land, be fore the snow covers the ground. N. P. DODGE & CO., 2512 O Street, 1614 Farnam Street, South Omaha. Omaha. RE M902 ;o TWO large lots, Gettysburg, S. D., cheap. Address Qallan, 408 La Salle ave., Chi cago. KE Msui lex WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted by young man, experi enced in general merchandise; references furnished. Address H 39, Bee. A M859 20x WANTED, position In furniture atore; four years' experience: can do undertaking and embalming; best of references. Ad dress Box 3c3, Wahoo, Ntb. A-MS97 18t EXPERT In the land and excursion busi ness; 18 years' actual experience and a practical rfillroad man; best of references. Address H 25, Bee. A M963 It WANTED, position by bookkeeper, cashier; energetic, strong' young man; capable to manage small office; five years' experi ence; references aa to ability and charac ter. Addrtss H ."8, Bee. A M921 18x SALESMAN from N. Y.. In thec!ty a few days, wants to represent some specialty or staple line In the east. Address M 25, Bee. A M922 lx WANTED AGENTS. ST. LOUIS FAIR HOOK, complete, fully illustrated, big terms, freight paid, credit, outfit free, salary If f,ief erred, agent h coining money. Z1eglX'C'o.. 216 I-usl ei-. PbUadeUihla, Pa, JMH2u NOVEMBER 10. 1004. PERSONAL VR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1505 Farnam. U 3a6 M Af"! NP TIP treatment baths. Mme. lUnUnC I 'v Smith, lit N. 16, I fl. R U TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3M. U 3S7 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 14"8 Farnam Pt. THE II. J. PENKOLD CO. LETOVSKY S orchestra. Telephone L2RH U 31- ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, yUCHING, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Samples. THH GOLDMAN PL.tATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. TeL 1936 C 390 n ELL Millinery Co., new location. Ill So. 15th St., opposite old postofflce. U-M932 N2J I TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. ij ji DON'T fool with your eyes; oe careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses nnd guarantee satisfaction. . THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 14o Farnam. U-29S DRAWING and PAINTING frm life. Mr Case's Art t'lnss; studio 4, Lnlon block, 16th and Farnam. . U S94 HhlLBRONN SANITARIUM, eui Til u.MaiIA, Nh.ll. Magnesia Mineral Waters for riicumatlsm, blood diseases, Constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberiy. Medical Director. U S.15 I LARSON Cc JOHNSON, iut rates to all points. 140 Fa 1 1. am. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' AaVn. U 397 COOK wants special work for parties or families out of help; first-class cltv refer ences. 3415 Jackson: 'phone L-1285. U-M135 N28 USE Blanchard's Eczema Lotion on skin diseases. All druggists, or address Bruos & Co., wholesale drug house, Omaha. U M503 N19X ! ART STUDIO-Mrt. Livingston, SI 8 N. 28d st. j aiiiTi ti-i 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; 52. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 391 Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free tests of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustic Co., 616 N. Y. L. Bldg. v U-&13 Nio NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo, Colo.; fourth year; unequalled; diplomas; massaga taught: opens Deo 1. U M103 N27x THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1410-12 Howard. U M52S "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. U 391 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing. In fact an) thing you do not need; we collect, repali and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phona 4135 and wagon will call. U 511 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Blk. IJ 3;S WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Sclimoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. U 162 D-10 GENTLEMAN Invalid going south must dispose of elegant upright piano, sacrifice. Immediately. F 11, care Bee. U 388 20x C A. POTTER, examiner in chancery and notary public, has opened a law and com mercial reporting office, at room 414 Bee building, where ho Is equipped to do all kinds of shorthand, typewriting and mlin eographlc work. U 842 2Sx Double Offer Saturday Big 15c Packages Free Saturday, Nov. 19 Only GIVEN I AWAY Saturday With Every Want Ad LatmLi. It males no difference how email or Jtow large your Want Ad may be, nor how many times you order it, you will receive a package just the same. Hates are always the same. One Cent a word no ad taken for less than 20o Pillsbury's Vitos health fulness when boiled, but preserves its granular form always. A single package of Vitos will produce twelve pounds of delicious food. WANT ADS TAKEN UNTIL 8 P. M. SATURDAY... PERSONAL WANTED, a man with a moving pl'"r outfit for three niahts, commencing No- vember 28. Adores, parm-un"- terms, to R, W. Hammond r rernont. Neb. WOMAN wants to assist In sewing or light housework for a Pleasant room and good board. Address It 32. Bee. I -M9 2"x FOR RENT-HOUSES HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. B'r Block. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. J93, N !6lb cho.ee 8 rooms, porcelain bath," barn, corner lot-523. 844 Park ave.. 6-r. Cottage-5. 714 8. 3i'th, 6 rooms, bf1"-0-. 2916 Shirley. rooms, bath 51. 7 S. 22d. 7 rooms, barn-S't 1123 Pacific. 6 room cottage 51s. 25.6 Charles, 7 rooms 516. 1X1 8. 16th, rooms 512.00. 84.3 Mason, 6-room cottagt fll. 19;i8 S. 18th, 4 rooms is. u-mwi imtlCCC In all parts of the city. The HOUSES o. V. Davis Co.. 5oS Bet bldg V w- E?oomRmode house. US S. 81st t....530.00 S-room modern house, 1144 S 32d st 30.00 THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1 New York Life Bldg. FOR RENT, 6-room housA, in flrst-class condition, with large lot; convenient to car line. 516. 959 N. ICth st. rygsj SEE M'CAl'LEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery, tw S. 15th. Tel. 1454. D-407 A HOME on Blnney sU. 10-room house, t desit able-party; 540 per month. Telephon B2627. D m THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1K0-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611'A Farnam. Tel. 1539. D 403 WE MOVE pianos. Haggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 1169. omce 1713 Webster St D-404 HOI KP? If all parte of the city. R. C. IHJUOCJ Peters & Co.. Bet Building. D 4o PAYNE-BOSTWICIC & CO. choice houses 601-6D3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 405 FOR RENT Modern 8-ronm flat opposite Hanscom park, 534. 'Phone 623. D-M6G3 For Rent, A. P. Tukey & Son. We have two very desirable houses at 672 nnd 574 8. 28th st. for rent at 535 and 537.50 per month. These are 8 rooms, thoroughly modern; in veiy good shape. The sotiih house is now vacant nnd the other will be tha 1st of the month. A. P. TUKEY Ac SON, Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones: office, 2181; Res., F2580. D 868 19 5-ROOM cottage, 2012 South 2d street; city water. In good condition; rent, 56. Walter Breen. r. 416 Karbarh block. D 839 FOR RENT. 82 8. 23th St., 7 rooms, modern 522.50 24::o 8. 3th ave., 5 rooms, city water.. 11.0) 24-4 Emmet St., 6 rooms, city water.... 12 50 22i !l Charles St., 6-room cottage 12.50 2-''J!l Ohio St., 5 rooms, city water, barn. 14.00 3215 Burt St., 3 rooms, city water 6.60 242 8. 16th st., 6-room flat, city water. 12.50 1543V4 N. 16th, 6-room flat, 2d floor, hath, gas, etc 14.00 1S16 Plerco St., 3 rooms 6.00 2119 Iirlmore ave., 5 rooms, well, cis tern 10.00 13' ii S. 31st St.. 7-room cottage, modern. 22.00 12.11 Park Wilde ave., 12 rooms, modern. 45.0O 1536 N. lfith St.. ft rooms, cltv water 16.00 3817 N. 19th St.. 6 rooms, well 11.(0 M'CAGl'E INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodse St. D-931 19 EIGHT-ROOM housp nnd bath, hot water heating, steel range; will be empty Dec. 16; onlv first-class party need apply. 812 N 33d St. D-930 24x FOR RENT Furnished, modern house. Apply Rose's Art Store. D-M12S FOR RENT-WOT'SES. 934 N. 27th ave., 7 rooms, modern, 5?0. 9(0 N. 27th ave., 10 rooms, modern, $35. 7'9 8. 17th St., 4 rooms, 314. 1920 8. 10th St., 7-room flit, with birn. 810. 19"! 8. Kth St., 7-ronm flit, with barn. $10. 1711 8. 7th St., 4 rooms, $8. 2504 Burrtette St.. 7 rooms, modern. 516. 1?22 8. ?7th St., 6 rooms modern, 518. 709 8 . 27th St.. 2-room flat. 810. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1014 FARNAM ST. D-MD61 21 Is the wheat miohly and also its keeping qualities. ' pii mmmamm mm FOR RENT HOUSES FR RENT. REST Vol'KKN HOM13 , OX 1'ARK AVE. 610 Park ave., 9 rooms, modern, best rt condition. n-'W.y ,i..,., r.ite,!, new plumb ing, gas fixtures and furnace, large yard, 5o5. GEORGE A CO.. 141 FARNAM 8T. I M947 27 10-ROOM modern house with f lrnlture for sale; desirable for roomers, :?,. Addresa II 86, Bee. I M.s99 20x FOR RENT. 6-rooni flHt Inquire nt Drug store, 20th and (irare sts. 1 Msll 20x LOOK at this modern 8-ronm house, on car line, 210 Iike, onlv D-MWS :u FOR RENT. 1923 8. 10th St., store room. 'ft 7o9 8. 27th St., store room. $1V 1921-1921 8. 13th St., lartie wirhouse fn storage or manufacturing rhnt. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM PT. Ii-Mwi ?i BUSINESS CHANCES IF TOIT CAN raise from Sl.Ooo to $.-,.ono J guarantee you 7 per cent Interest nnl permant-nt position from 52.0W to 5k"W per annum. I can show you. No specu lation. Have to hurry. Address H St, Bee. Y Mtv'rt) THE Hakney lintel for sale or rent cheap. North Bend, Neb. Y MS64 20x OUR guaranteed Investments ray 4 to 5 fer cent monthly on 525 and upwards; tighest references nnd testimonials. In dustrial Guaranty Co., l'Ho First National Bank Bldg., Chicago. Y M961 2'ht ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you in or out of business. Y 381 SHOLES-ARMSTRONQ CO., 722 N. Y. LlfeC Tel. 49 Y 383 FOR SALE Drug store In central enstera Nebraska, town of 2,400; Rood reason for selling; a bargain. Address G 44. cart Omaha Bee. Y- Mm32 19x WHEN you wan to buy. sell oi exchanga your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1 -'270 Y-388 DRUG 8tores-Kn'it, IL V.. N. Y. L. Bldg. Y-384 FOR SALE Drug stock, Invoice 81.500. la town 3u0 Inhabitants, northwestern Ne braska; doctor gives store his exclusive trade. Address U 2, care of Bee. Y-MRfll 19 NEW Arkansas Oil Field. Bailey, Mo. pao. Im Agt., Uttle Rock. Ark., cm get you on an oil lease; trifling expense. Fortunes from future sale leases. Y 570 Jl PHYSICIANS located. Kr.lest, N. Y. L Y M383 ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. " If you have account, note or claim of nne kind against person, firm or corporation, we on settle It for you. Call or wrltt THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neh Phone 183. Y-881 FOR SALE Mortem 10-room boarding house. Full of boarders. C 63. Bee office. Y-M454 18x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A well equipped brick plant ndjolnlng the corpo ration of a good Iowa town. Address A. 8 Wert. Ida Grove, la. Y M765 20 FOR SALE, . drug stock. Invoice $1,505. In town 300 Inhabitants, northeastern Ne braska; doctor gives store his exclusive trade. Address G 2. Bee. Y M5til 20 FOR SALE, restaurant and newsstand: In voice about 81H0. Cash only. Good busi ness. Address G 43, care of Omaha Bi. Y 867 l'.'X FINE partnership opening In North Da kota for young man with some experi ence In countrv land office. In promising agricultural field; big Immigration move ment assured In 19'irt. Small capital re quired of a hustler and will go after business. Name references and experi ence first letter. Address H 35, care Bee, Y M898 18 x FOR SALE. 8150 buys a two-chair barber shop at lndlanola, Neh.; only one man working, runs $S0 a month; don't tvrlte unless you mean business. Address Earl Murray, McCook, Neb. Y M923 18x FOR SALE. 1-chalr barber shop, good busi ness, fine location, cheap. H. A. Young?, Russell. Ia. Y-M924 20 DANCING ACADEMY. MR and MRS. MORAND 8 winter term fof adult beginners opens this week, Tues day nnd Friday, 8 p. m.; aseembllee, Wednesday, 8 p. m.: children, Saturday, 8 p. m. Reduced prices In all cIhssbs; pri vate lessons. Tel. 1041 15th eJid Harney. 190 Dll choicest product of the best in tfee world. It is thor sterlized, which insures its It never becomes rtarchu '1