TTTE OMAITA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1904. CILMORE COMMITS SUICIDE ;F,L,PIN0 STUHI!!T CENSURED TALK OF NEXT YEAR'S COACH Facts Brought Out by Testimony of Son at ; Coroner! Inqtisst, FORMER OMAHA MAN SHOOTS HIMSELF Orfrwork at Clothing Factory la St. Louis In Supposed to Hit Breaat em Mental D-ruxemral. ST. LOfIS, Nov. 17 (Bpeclal Telegram.) James O. Ollmore, president of the Gll morr & Huhl Clothing company, formerly of Omaha and Columbus, O., committed sufrlde. This became known when at the Inquest the testimony of hla aon revealed that he shot himself In the mouth. Ullmore was found dead Wednesday by hla wife. ho, returning home from mass at Bt. Francis Xsvlor's church, found her husband's face covered with blood. It was stated he died from hemorrhage. For weeks ha had been overworked and manuring 2nn men la Buprcd to have brought on mental derangement. Attendant at Illlanla rfcoot la Told Sot ta Write of Frlara. RIOOMINGTON. 111.. Nov. 17.-M!guel Nlrdao, a young Filipino student who la being educated at the State Normal unl verslty at Normal by the government, hna been reprimanded by W. A. Sutherland of the War department for attacking the frlara and the methods of the Catholic church In the Philippines. Nlcdao'a' arti cles first appeared In the Vldelte. a stu dent publication at the university, and were then widely copied by the press of central Illinois. Rev. J. J. Burke of St. Patrick's church of this city took the matter up with th War department and Immediately received a letter. In which It waa stated that the utterances of the Filipino were not ap proved and that he would be vigorously censured. Mr. Sutherland stated that the Filipino should have devoted himself to a discus Booth to Stay with Oornhuskers if He Will Girt His Consent HAS EXPRESSED A DESIRE TO RETIRE Heston, W eatOTer aad Hernsteln of Haskell Indiana Being Talked of fa. Case Big Prlnretonlan Quits. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Best of all Xmas Magazines Splendidly Illustrated in Two, Three and Four Colors THE CHRISTMAS M ETROPO LIT AN Wilt carry enough cheer for any home. It is a big. happy number, fall of good things for old and young to read. Sombre things have been kept out even the pictures c s full of , life and color. THE, ILLUSTRATIONS are by Maxfield Varrish. John Cecil Clay, J. M. contfff, Charles LiVtngston Bull, Louis Rhead, Edward Penfield, Ernest Haskell, Oliver Herford, Malcolm Strauss and Jules Cuerin THE CONTRIBUTORS No more distinguished company of Contributors has ever appeared in a Christmas magazine than those , In the DECEMBER METROPOLITAN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 17-(Speclal.)-The selec tion of a coach to succeed Walter C Booth, who Is rounding out hla fifth year s the Cornhukrs' foot ball mtntor. Is ab sorblr.g a major nhare of the Interest at Nebraska university this week, G,alp emanating from Chicago has it that a rep resentative of Nebraska university had sounded Martin He?ton. Michigan's famous sion of other matters of wide Interest halfback, on the subject of coming west to . . , .. - cernlng his cou.itry Instead of attacking coac" Nebraska next year, and mat iies the church. I ton na( consented to consider a formal proposition. None of the members or the Nebraska Athletic board will admt that Heston is being seriously considered, but one or two have been found willing to state that Yost's sensational pupil Is not an impossibility by any means, but that the matter of choosing a coach had not as sumed tangible form and that It would be given prolonged consideration befora the public waa let In on their plans. Regardless of all other consideration, there Is a well-defined sentiment at Ne braska university In favor of the retention of Booth. The big Frlncetoruan announced last season that this year would be his last, as he de-dred to devote ell of his time to the practice of law In New York City. The most Influential members of tho Nebraska board, however, feel that press ure should be brought to beir upon Booth to Induce him to amend his decision and stay with the Cornhuskers another year. Booth's ability Is recognized all over the west. During his first year at Nebraska his pupils went through the entire season prior to the final Thanksgiving gum with out having their goal line crossed, and while defeated by the champion Minnesota team In the last clash of the year, they scored two touchdowns on their opponents and only lost by a score of 20 to 12. The next year Nebraska cleaned ud every team In the west, the same as the previous season, and was defeated only by Mlnne sot a and Wisconsin, the latter the in- disputed champions. The season of 19)2 was Nebraska's banner year, the Corn huskers walloping Minnesota nnd going through the full schedule without any of their adversaries scoring a Blngle point Last year Nebraska was almost as suc cessful. Booth's men winning every game they played. Booth Not to Blame. Three defeats have been registered against Nebraska this season, but Booth Is not blamed in the least for the reverfes. A botch Job of schedule drafting has played an, Important figure; Injuries ' to the strongest players have been a factor, and a dearth of good substitute material has also operated against Nebraska's success. Few western coaches have made a better show ing than Booth, and because of this fact the desire to keep him is almost unani mous in Cornhusker athletic circles. Meanwhile the friends of ox-Captain Westover are1 pressing his name as Booth's successor. Westover, besides hav ing played four years at Nebraska, estab lishing a reputation as the greatest tackle ever donning a Cornhusker suit, has been Booth' assistant for two seasons, and ha strongest endorsement comes from Booth himself. Booth declares that Westover knows as much foot ball as he does and that the board would be making no mis take In selecting Westover. With West- over as coach It would be the first step toward the inauguration of graduate coach ing, the system in vogue In the big eastern Institutions and the goal for which many of those In the west are striving. The mention of Heston has caused some gossip along the line of calling Coach Hernsteln of the Haskell Indians to Ne braska. It Is pointed out that Heston, al though a great halfback, would necessarily be an experiment, while Hernsteln had al ready had two years' experience and has won his spurs by developing the champion aggregation of the Missouri valley. Several ef the most Influential members of the Nebraska board. In fact, have expressed a preference fo Hernsteln over Heston. al though the election of either may prop erly be stated as being very much In doubt. Booth will have the first call, while the others are in the dark-horso class. second. Prof. Neville third. Avondnle handicap, seven furlongs: Monaco Maid ( to 1 won. Free hooter aecntiri KViift third. lime: l:z.. Sixth rnre. s'ix furlongs: Vestry (7 to 1) won. Subador second, Uwasca third. Time: 1 :HV. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. Results at Oakland: First race, five furlongs: Pea Voyage (1 to Zi won, Babow second, Mixpoli third. Time: 1:03 V Second race FSiturlty : Cloche D'Or (11 to 5) won. Pronse Wing second, Alber- marle third. Time: i:ia4. Third race, five and a half furlongs: rel Pnrlna (9 to 5) won, Bob Ragon second, Head Dance third. Time: i:us. Fourth race, mile: Rab (7 to Si won Isabella second, Penxance third. Time: 1:454. Fiith race, six furlongs: The Mighty (4 to M won. Sol Mehtenstein second, W. R. Condon thinU Time: 1:16H. Sixth race, nine and one hundred yard, selling: KUIott 3 to f) won. Ink second, Anvil third. Time: 1:61. SEW RECORD FOR DA PATCH Kins of Pacers I .oners World's Mark for llalf-Mlle Track. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Nov. 17.-On the association track here today Dan Patch lowered the world s record ror pacing n mile on a half mile track, the official time being 2:fV( flat. The previous record, held by Dan Tatch himself, was made at nw. mingham, A)., last year, being 2:03'l. Time by quarters: 0:3oi. l:m. l:;tivj. 2 :3. The pacer broke in the three-quarter stretch and the pace setter ran con siderably ahead. ' The recovery was phe nomenal, and whjen the king of pacers fin ished under the world's record there was a great demonstration. Five thousand people witnessed the performance. vov DILI.OX AG A 151 FAILS In Attempt to I.oiver 1'npaeed Record She Makea Mile In 2i03. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Nov. 17.-C. K. O. Billings' Lou Dillon, for the second time within the last two days, failed this aft- ternoon to beat her recently established record of 2:01, regarding which time a con troversy has arisen. Accompnnled bv a runner, the trotter, driven by Millard San ders, her trainer, stepped the mile In 2:03 flat. The track was slightly Improved over yesterday nnd the weather Idenl. Time by qunrters: 0:314, 1:0m, 1:31. 2:03. TfiETOMC YOULflfk The most palatable malt extract ou the market supplies nourishment to nerves and blood gives strength to the weak energy to the ex hausted. BUiLDS FIRM, HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. Nothing equals it as a sleep producer. Clears the complexion, purifies and enriches the blood. Greatest Strength Builder Known to Medical Science Physicians Recommend It. At All Druggists-I5c a Bottle -it X V V MTtfH)MHt I ii mi iii I nt i m , isamu auJ ipn4 , 4fr,.,TOr' - ,, .iv,.., ,.M With the Bonier On the Omaha Bowling association alleys Inst evening the Omahas won three games from the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Huntington of the Omahns won the even ing's honors with the fine score of 643 Score: OMAHAS 1st. Wlgman 170 Hunter w Znrn 189 Huntington 189 Emery 189 Totals 94? W. O. w. 1st. McKelvey 179 Stiles 2116 Yates 190 Anderson 137 Slapenhorst 163 Totals .......875 M. 3d. Total. 214 182 5fi 17S 18fi .V.9 12 217 588 198 2T.6 643 198 226 61S 970 1,067 2,979 2d. 8d. Total. 105 144 5'Jft 1X3 19 65 178 160 628 171 242 650 140 163 468 877 897 2,649 Record Price for a. Pony. NEW YORK, Nov. 17. What Is said to be the highest price ever paid for a pony was the $8,000 paid at the New York horse show today "for Berkeley Bantam, the. champion bay pony, owned by William Carr or London, kngland, and Bouth Manches ter, Conn., by Judge William H. Moore of Chicago. Cantllllon Slarns Players. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 17.-Joe Cantllllon manager of the Milwaukee American as sociation base ball team and owner of the Des Moines club In the Western league, to day signed Anson .Mott of Dallas, Tex., to filay second base ror Milwaukee, and Wll lam Kelley of Winnipeg to play an infield posltlo.i for JJes Moines. FEDERAL COURT AT ABERDEEN FREIGHT RATES ON STOCK Railway Agnta Tsll Why They Think They Are Not Too High. COST OF HANDLING TRAFFIC IS HIGH Other Trains Moat De Kept Ont of War of Stock Trains and There Are Many Claims for Damages. W. A. Fraser contributes a story so strong-, and bo remark able for 2ts originality and inter est, that it was voted the $500 . prize in a story-contest open to all writers. . Joel Chandler Harris has an Uncle Remus story, as good as any he has ever written. X. S. Marti n treats sympa thetically and happily of Chil dren and the Christmas time." Alfred Henry Lewis sums tip, and comments upon, the events of world-interest during the past few weeks. This is done in an illustrated review. Thomas Nelson Page contributes a charming article in which be shows us a quaint old 'neighborhood in Virginia. Richard Le Gallienne writes a Christmas story which he calls, in memory of youthful days, " Once upon a Time.'v 20 pages of the issue are devoted to The Stage at Holiday Time. Fully illustrated with over fifty pictures of stage celebrities of the day. The authors of "The Lightning Conductor " continue their mile a minute story, "The Princess Passes." Jules Gueritl, the well known illustrator, has provided 6ome marvelous colored pictures, illustrating John Corbin's A Boyrs-Eye View of the Circus.-' Something of the fu that we have all had at the circus, in younger days, will return to us on reading this article. EVESTS OS THE III NMG TRACKS Other short stories and special articles are by Carolyn Wells, Oliver Herford, Broughton Brandenburg, Charles G. D. Roberts, .Theodosia Garrison and Clinton Scollard. These articles' complete a magazine brim ming with interest and Christmas cheer At Your Newsdealers A 35-cent Magazine for 15c. Those sending $1.80, the price of a year's sub scription, and mentioning this paper, will also be given 'the November and December issues free! This Is a rare chance .to subscribe THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE, i WEST 39th STtVXETt NEW TOKK CITY v '' Use the blank form printed below tnd end f 1.80 to-day to prevent delay in receiving your neit copy of THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE, 3 Ve 2th sl. New Tort Eucioud find Si. 80 for ra ar' svkttnptioB it, THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE. W aw lkt Sltrurmbar W Ousk utmitrt frtt. 1 Nan Strttt, Cit?0r Twb. SUU. All Favorites Beaten at OpenluK Meet Inn of - Washington Jockr. y t'lub. HENN1NG3, D. C Nov. 17. Ideal weather, a large crowd, representing every claws of Washington society, and the defeat of every favorite attended the 0enmg of the fall meeting of the Washington Jockey club this afternoon. A large number of boik.mak.ers were In attendance. Kate King was the only second choice to score. The Hist race was won Irom the favorite In a close finish by Mary Glenn, whose odds closed at KIO to 1, and fiEutnst wnom to 1 and 100, to 1 were freely offered at the opening. The truck was heavy, but some good time was made in races, the fourth race flipping four-fifths of a second off the record for the course. The Columbus handicap und the Kliulensbur steeplechase wsre the features of the card. Lava tor, the favorite, und Ferion fell at the Jumps, but were remounted and finished far behind the bunch. In the ColumbUH hanM'.cap Mamie Worth led, but Race King, Hfter pressing 1 er closely all the way, won easily. Attend ance, 6,413. Results: First race, six and a half furlongs. Co lumbia course: Mary Glenn, 15 to 1, won; Thistle Heather second, Andrew Mack third. Time: 1:21. Second race, five furlongs: Chimney Sweep. 6 to 1. won; Yeoman second, Lim erick third. Time: 1:02. Third race, the third Blndensburg stee plechase handicap, about two mlbs and a half: Gascar, 7 to 2. won; Walter Cle try second. Imperialist third. Time: 6:11. Fourth race, the fourth Columbia handi cap, seven furlongs; Race Klnu, 5 to 2, won; Cloten second, Ascension third. Time: 1:271. Fifth race, six ard a hilf furlongs, Co lumbia course: Sheep, 4 to 1. won; Allu meur second, Cabin third. Time: 1:224. Sixth race, selling, one mile: B lk 't 4 to 1. won: Irish Witch second. Eagle third. Time: 1:414. CHICAGO. Nov. 17 Results r.itnnl.i : First race, six furlongs: Pill Knight (2 to V. won. Hunterdon second, Rlythene.s third. Time: l:14i. Second race, nille: Idle f5 to 2) won Re qulter second, Gold Spink third. Time: 1:4H4. Third race, five nnd half furlongs: The Thrall no to 1 won, Frbtill second. Ome alca third. Time: 1:074. Fourth race, two miles: Nlaxus (even! DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES OF MEN SB Years' Kiperlnuce la lean Li (tmaba A Medlt-al Kipert wkuia remarkabla ui'cru linn never been excelled. Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured. VirlroosU. Hylroc!, Blood Pniuui. Stricture, Ult. Nruu Debilitr, Luh u strength u4 Vitality. His Home Treatment kas ptratin.iitlf cur.4 tbnsuni of cM ef chraale N.i-vuua, Attlal, K14u? aa4 Bia4der aoa HJtla rua aanaa at aitiall taaL tun and muoar tr irtuinj four aaaa aad aril far riLUK BOOM uu Lrnia of u-eatm.aL atadtrtna ant la atata paokat. Charges Low. Consultation Frea. OBoa Maura a. sl It I 111 a m . Sundaya. a m. ta i lu a. at. ( all or , wrila. atot 7M. CCUS W t. Ul It, (Una, Kafe Several Pleas of Gnlltr Are Bntered by Persona Who Were Indicted. ABERDEEN. 8. D, Nov. 17. (Special.) In federal court a large number were In dieted by the grand Jury, , which Is still in session. Indictments' were returned as louows: . ,..,,..,. i Angus Rosenbush, Christ - Aspen and Thomas Schwartz, for selling liquor to In dians on different reservations; Joseph Lott, for larceny; Jackson Kills-White-Man and Little Warrior, for stealing a horse on the Cheyenne reservation, and Edward Hunter for larceny.' Henry Gaver, convicted for the murder of William Ralnbolt in the Rosebud reser vation, was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Gaver is ofyouthful appearance and would not be taken for a person likely to commit murder. Cyrus B. Cook, Gaver's companion, who was Indicted for introdu cing liquor on the reservation, pleaded guilty and Judge Carland suspended sen tence. Cook- is an athletic looking young follow and bears the appearance of having seen better days than those he was ex periencing when arrested with Gaver for. the murder of Ralnbolt. Edwin J. Emery pleaded guilty to de stroying a gate belonging to the govern ment on the Lower Brule reservation, and the court suspended sentence in his case. Edward Hunter and Edward Lyman, both Indians, pleaded not guilty to a charge of grand larceny and will be tried later on during this session of court. Ben Hungry, an Indian, pleaded guilty to selling liquor to his redskin brethren, and Jackson Kills-White-Man and Little Warrior also decided to plead guilty to the charge of horsestealing. Upon the advice of his attorney, E, T. Taubman, August Slebrecht pleaded guilty to embezzling government funds while postmaster at LeBeau, Walworth county. Mr. Taubman urged extenuating circum stances on behalf of his client, stating that the illness of a daughter and poverty brought about by the support of a large family had caused him to commit the crime, and also cited the defendant's long and honored career as a soldier Jn the volunteer and regular armies as a reason for clemency. Judge Carland sentenced Slebrecht to six months In the Brown county Jail and to pay a tine of 9375. the amount embezzled. CHICAGO, Nov. 17. Many reasons were offered by railroad officers at today's hear ing of the Interstate Commerce commis sion on cattle rates why the present rates oh livestock should be maintainor. Ac cording to the testimony of C. F. Resse gule, district general superintendent of the St. Louis & San Francisco road, cattle taken from Texas to the northern ranches are so poorly fed that some of them are unable to stand on' their feet while the train is in motion, and many of them die in the cars. Mr. Resseguie declared that the railroads were held responsible for the safe, delivery of theBe animals and there fore were compelled to pay heavy damages to the shippers. Testimony of Rock Island Man. H. H. Embry, general freight agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Tactile rail road company, in his testimony, gave a summary of the reasons furnished by rail road men for maintaining the present rates for livestock. These reasons are: The requirements of shippers, such as arbitrary loading of cars at arbitrary hours, and the arbitrary unloading and return of the same cars; the liability to claims which materially reduoe the gross earnings on this class of freight; the de lay In other traffic caused by stock trains, which Is much greater than that caused by any other kind of freleht: the free transportation given to parties accom panying stock and their return; the en forced return of empty cars, greatly In creasing tne empty mileage on stocK cars, and the extraordinary expense for equip ment and maintenance required by this t ramc. . Item of Free Passes. Mr. Embry continued: These are some of the reasons for think ing the present rate Is entirely reasonable and Just. This mntter of furnishing free transportation to men accompanying live stock shipments alone Is quite an Item. The free transportation given In this way last vear. figured at the regular rate of 3 cents per mile, would amount to S6ti.S,0Oi. Of course, this Is not a direct loss, but many of these persons would have made the trip and paid the fare If the privilege had not been granted; besides this, they oneunv snace in our parlor and sleeplntt cars that might be occupied by paying pussengers. Several more witnesses of the railroad companies are still to be heard, and as some testimony will be Introduced by the cattle raisers' association the commission will not adjourn before Saturday after noon. !'..."" 'H'?" "" ii aiai miaaaa iaawwaaaariawai' ! a;.i i, an 'ii ii i 'HJ.MSjaiaatan aiiniaaiifiriiiift1iiiii Mini inim .iia una aanaiiirranaaan t liliiitsalsitairaaVaalaV i illid j 111 P ! TO , CHICAGO s November 2G, 27, 28 md 29 the Rurlington offers round trip tickets to Chicago for $14.75. Three high grade trains daily. Take the Chicago Special leaving at 7:00 a. m. for a daylight ride. If you want to get to Chicago early in the morning leave at 4:00 p. m. on theJBurlington's No. 2. Most people take No. 12, the Chicago Flyer, leaving at 8:05 p. m. All these trains carry every equipment to make travel comfortable. The observation-library-buffet cars on the Chicago Special and the Chicago Flyer are as cosy as a club and as comfortable as the sitting room in your own home. , : Tickets: 1502 Famam Street. . mi gnli lifUM asus'aiafjia.Mi.t I'aipa Constitutionalists Win In Finland. HELS1NGFORS, Finland. Nov. 17. The elections finished with a victory for the constitutional party. Out of seventy-three representatives In the mouho or Hurgesses sixty-three are constitutionalists. The peasants gave 53 per cent of their votes to the constitutionalists. The Hous of Nobles as usual Is heavily constitutionalist. ALL DISEASES OF HEH " B7 era system of making a careful examination; our maaf) vaara of sxjterleiioa (14 years la Omaha), the many thousands Tol the worst cases perfectly and permanently oared of all. forma of diseases of men, makes us proficient, certain, accurate. Mob taka no ohancas in coming to ua. We use our own name and you know who you are doing business with. Who ever heard of a good doo tor that would not use his name IN HIS BUSINESS? We charga nothing for examination and consultation. If we cannot cur you ws honestly tell you so. We Invite all men and women that need the services of a thoroughly competent and honest SPE CIALIST, to call at our office or write us and we will gladly ex plain anyming you iny wisn w anow, vve never xnajce an JLl TRA CHARGE FOR MEDICINES. positively ffuarante (If curable) to our: pinnr1 pnlonn cured for life, soon evarr DIOUD rBISUU sign, symptom (sores on body, in mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows falling out) disappear completely forever. Weak, Nervous Men tng weakness, nervous debility, early decline, lack of vigor and suren-Ln. Varicose Yilos, Hydrocele ruptured. - n-lars-ed and knotty veins oured without outtlna. pa la or loss of time. Never falls. Quickest cuie In the world. Kidpy, Bladder and Piles nTb1l diseases differs from ail others, and navefi surpassed In results. CHARGES LOW HOME TREATMENT. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES N. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. OMAHA, NEC, Charaje Aaalnat YanCott Dismissed. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Klrhard Van Coll. who was charged with aiding nnd abetting in colonization In the Fiftieth assembly district, where he was defeated for the assembly in the last election, was dis charged by Justice Wyatt In the court of special sessions toaay on me grouna oi Insufficient evidence. SOt'TH DAKOTA . Sl'PREME COl'BT Number of Opinions Handed Down nd Cases Arsjaed. PIERRE, S. D., Nov. 17. (Special Tele gram.) In the supreme court today opin ions were handed down In the following cases: By Carson W. O. Mead, appellant, against Town of Mellette, Spink, affirmed; Nellie H. Chapman; appellant, against Daniel M. Greene et al., Pennington, re versed; Oeorge F. Whitney et al. against Charles D. llazzard et al., appellants, Pen nington, affirmed. , By Fuller Frank M. Lockhart against Thomas Hewitt, chief of police of Rapid City. appellant, Pennington, reversed; Frank Turner, appellant, against Hot Springs National! bank, Fall River, re versed. The court admitted C. Louis Weeks of Slsacton on a certificate from the Minne sota court. The'Stevens-Trubman (tbel case was before the court today on a question of Jurisdiction. E. P. Wanzer. the attorney for Trubman, contended the case should be prosecuted In the county where the paper was published, while the state contended that It could be prosecuted In any county where the paper circulated. Find Gasoline 1st Oil. ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Nov. 17. (Speclal.) State Oil Inspector E. C. Moulton Inspected the oil In the can from which the lamp wai filled, the explosion of which caused the death of Mrs. Carl Ogren of near Langfnrd. Tho all did not respond to the flash test and an Investigation proved that It had been adulterated with gasoline. Mr. Moul ton then inspected the tanks of the Stand ard Oil company at liritton and found It to be all right. Mr. Ogren has declared his inten Ion to prosecute tbe local dealers front he purchased the oil. alleging that they aiultarated It with the gasoline, although nj motive for such an action on thrir prt can be arrived at, as gasoline Is U expensive, as kerosana, & 111 I When a child I had a very severe attack of Diphtheria, which came near proving fatal. Upon recovery, the glands of the neck were very much enlarged, and after the free use of iodine, the right one was reduced to its normal size, but the left one continued to grow very slowly at firstuntil it was about the size of a goose eggi which began to press on the wind pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be came very painful. An incision was made and a large quantity of pus discharged. The gland was removed, or as much as could with safety be taken out. For ten years I wore a little piece of cloth about an inch long in my ueck to keep the place open. During this time I baa to have it cut open by the doctor every time I took cold or the opening clogged. In the Spriug or early Summer of 1884 I was persuaded by rnr wife to use S. S. S., which I did, strictly in accordance with directions. I took twenty-six large bottles, and was en tirely cured, fori have not suffered with the trouble since that time, 0. S. Kagland Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston, S. C. Only a constitutional remedy can reach an hereditary disease like Scrofula. When the blood is restored to a normal condition nd the scrofulous deposits are tarried off, there is a gradual return to health. S. S. S. is well known as a blood purifier and tonic. It is the only guaranteed, strictly vegetable remedy sold. If you have ny signs of Scrof ula, write usand our physicians will ad viao vuti i rre J Jk Swift Sptolflo Company, AtlurU, Ca. TO izzs sy U.iaiUlUSUUl'limi aaywisuajania Mnffli"' ' ' " " 1-nsaa.auHsiaiu iiiiiiiiu.j j muih iiaaror 0CTf.S for mE3; "0s, This Institution has long been established in Omaha for the benefit of suffering men. For the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weuk nesws that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making them unfit for work, study, business or marriage, and depriving them of social duties and Measures of life and marital happiness. Men don't delay If you want to be. saved and restored to perfect IieaJth and strength, with menial and physical powers complete. Come to the men's true specialists and learn your true condition. Get the right treatment and be cured quickly, safely and thoroughly. m .. . We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We want all ailing men to feel that they can come to this institution freely for an explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligations whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. Men Who Need Skillful Medical Rid will llnd this Institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called In stitutes, medical concerns, or specialists' companies. You are Just us safe iri denllng with the Btute Medical Institute as with any BTATb OH NAllONAL DANK. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blocd Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and trinary Diseases, and all d'seases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil ha'.ilts, self abuse, excesses or the result of specific or ijrlvato diseases. mucin Tirmu CDCC If 'ou csnnot call, write for symptom blank. lUNiUL I AlUll rntC omen Huur- a. m. tO p. m. Sundays, lo to 1 only. STATE 1,1 ED I GAL INSTITUTE lidi Farnan St.. Bit. IJtti an J 14 th 5traets, Omaha, N. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS