Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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'-w Eoad Mj Hool Up with Missouri
Pacifio at Liicol.
'len-rml Hmttrra of Two Companies
"'M Proposition aad
V lit" Settle It at Aa.
other Meetlaa;.
J. " I'lillllppl, antlstsnt general freight
agent the Missouri Pacirtc, ha re
turned frnm Lincoln, where an Important
conference was held between official" of
the road and representatives cf the Omaha,
Uncoln ; A ', Beatrice Interurban Itallway
line. The last nntned road 'was repres'-ntei
by General Manager Hurd. A. W. Sulli
van, general manage r of the Missouri Pa
cific wai one of the central figures at the
meeting:, and this la one of the flrat Im
portant conferences which Mr. Sullivan has
attended In the we:-t since ho succeeded
Kussell Harding.
One of the question! up for discussion at
the meeting was the question, of right-of-
way for the Interurban line. It was the in
tention of the line to parallel the Miieourl
Pacific for several miles, beginning at the
. Hock lslnd crossing. The -line was then
to turn and extend to University Place. No
decision was reached regarding the ques-
" ' tlon. The matter was taken under advise
ment by Mr. Sullivan for the Missouri Fa-i-ifle.
It la believed, however, the Inter ur-
' lan line will get tan permission to use
the railroad company's right-of-way and
parallel lta tracka as desired.
The arrangement will necessitate consid
erable change In the original plans of the
Interurban company. For the right-of-way
asked the railroad company Is to have the
privilege to move freight for the univer-
nity over the Interurban tracks to the doors
of the university. The university business
amounts to 1,000 carloads of freight every
year and the railroad will naturally be In
' a position to 'command a large share of
this business If the present deal goes
through. ,
It Is expected that another meeting will
be called later in St Louis to further con
sider the question. The Interurban offi
cials are confident the line will be lib
erally used by the farmers along the line
jto send their produce to market
Pass Agreenseat Renewed.
A. I Mohler, general manager of the
Unjon Pacific, returned from St. Louis and
left at once for the west. At St Louis Mr
Mohler attended the meeting of officials
of eastern and western railroad lines. The
''Tnost Important topic discussed, was the an
nual pass question. . It was decided
with a few minor changes to re
new for 1906 the agreement of 1904. This
means that the passes will be Issued to the
railroad representatives entitled to them
and that there wfll be a renewal of ex
change courtesies similar to that In vogue
at present. The eastern lines have been
strongly opposed to exchanging courtesies
and have fought the pass question vigor-
(ously for years. - Two years they gained
their point, but while they refused . to
extend, courtesies to western railroad
representatives the western officials were
more liberal and continued to issue passes
to the eastern representatives as formerly.
The following year the eastern roads again
"won out on the pass proposition and the
western lines decided to curtail the privi
leges which the eastern lines had enjoyed.
They took the position that what Is sauce
for the goose Is sauce for the gander. The
plan was successful. Traveling men of
eastern lines worked under a disadvantage
and lost business as a result of the In
conveniences to which, they were .subjected
by .the. western- roads, A loosening up In
the attitude of the' eastern lines became
apparent and finally resultod In almost a
omplete restoration of former privileges.
Demurrage Charge on Coal.
Railroads' have assumed a new tack with
the mine owners In Kansas. The con
tinued warm weather has caused an en
ormous accumulation of steam coal at the
mines and this has been taken advantage
of by the railroads tq lmpqse a new hard
ship' n making demurrage charges or $1
a day for all loaded cars retained at the
mines. With the prices for steam coal
"shot to pieces," as one dealer puts It by
reason of the weather, the mine owners
will not ship only on order or where the
market looks fairly good. The charge for
demurrage affects quite seriously a number
of Omaha 'mine owners end coal dealers.
' Advance In Oraln Rates.
Freight departments of the local rail
road lines are looking for a sharp advance
on the 'grain rates. At a joint meeting
of the-eastern and western trafflo man
agers,' held In. Chicago, lt was decided to
Insist ,on the advance In rates not only on
grain, but oq grain products. Schedules
were established some time ago to In
crease the tariff for such commodities De
cember C The millers of the northwest
entered a strong protest against the pro
posed advance and strong Influence was
brought to - bear against the proposition.
The vllncs Involved In the advance showed
There ere good, one, bad ones
a ol Indifferent ones. Good fabrics
don't make good clothes. Our
clothes are "right," smart and styl
ish and nat expensive.
Suits and Overcoats, $20.00 up.
Pease Bros, Co.
1417 Farnara Street.
JT. Special
Style No.
strong, trlpple
pair. No. 2,
or girls' heaty
x No. 1. but not
25c, now 15c pair. ou'll know how food the above values are by an ex
aruloatlun. This costs you notblsg look thejn over.
Saturday it the last day the New York expert corsetlere will be here.
D sure to have her fit you with a proper model ol tho Smart Set joreet.
signs of wavering end It locked for a time
as If the rates would not be put Into effect.
A meeting of the traffic managers was
called and at this conference tho pro
tests of the millers was Ignored. The
rates will affect Hour as well as grain.
Miss Josephine Herold and Infant
Xenhew Die Only Few
Hoars Apart.
Miss Josephine Herold, 41 years of age.
and Baby Herold. 4 days of age. aunt and
nephew, died within a few hours this morn
ing st the Herold residence, 2003 Cuming
street. Miss Herold succumbed to sn at
tack of neurasthenia, while the baby died
from heart weakness. Miss Herold had
been 111 since the early pf.rt of September.
The baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Herold last Sunday morning. Mr, Herold
came to Omaha a few months ago to
join the local artist colony.
The deceased lived with two sisters and
one brother at the above number, the sis
ters being Anna, who stayed home; Helen,
of the office of C. L. Saunders, and Jack
Herold, the artist. Another brother, Tony
Herold, well known In Omaha through his
former connection In the fire department,
Is expected to return to Omaha Friday
to attend the funeral of his sister, which
will be held next Monday morning. Mass
will be said at St. John's Catholic church.
Miss Josephine Herold conducted the
Women's Christian Temperance . Union
luncheon for ten years at the Omaha High
school. She was well known on account
of that service, always being courteous
and attentive to those with whom she
came In contact. She was born and reared
In Omaha.
The funeral arrangements for Baby
Herold have not yet been made.
Won First Prise and Gold Medal at
the St. Lonls Exposition.
The Beatrice Creamery company has been
awarded first prize and gold medal for the
superior excellence of Meadow Gold butter.
The Judges also took Into consideration the
wonderful air tight and odor proof pack
age In which this butter Is packed, thus
bringing It to the consumer deltclously
fresh, pure and sweet and the beauty of
the display. The awarding of this prize
and medal Is not surprising, for It is In
keeping with the progressive policy of the
The Beatrice Creamery company use ex
clusively the package method for the pack
ing of butter. This Is a new and better
way of keeping butter pure and sweet.
Butter soon loses its delicate flavor and
quickly becomes tainted when It Is In close
contact with other eatables. Put up in
this air tight odor proof package, It does
not come In contaot with anything harm
ful, and Its delicious flavor and appetizing
freshness Is always maintained.
Meadow Orove butter is made In the
world's greatest and cleanest creamery, and
of the purest and sweetest cream, per
fectly ripened and carefully pasteurized.
Only the most approved and sclentlflo
methods are employed In the making. When
It reaches the table it Is always fresh, pure
and sweet. . Insist upon setting Meadow
Gold butter from your dealer.
J. L Brandels A Sons Bay Entire Sur
plus Stock of S. H. Marks A
Co., New York.
Men's $13 and S18 clothing at 6.90 and
This will be the greatest clothing sale
Omaha ever knew. More high-grade, up-to-date
winter overcoats and suits than
were ever gathered together for a record-,
breaking sale.
Watch papers for particulars.
Sale begins Saturday, November IS.
Boston Store.
Announcements of tho Theaters.
Howard's ponies and dogs and the
talented Juvenile performers, the two
Pucks, will hold a reception after the
matinee at the Orpheu'm on Saturday. All
the children and women who attend are In
vited to come upon the stage after the per
formance and become acquainted with the
pretty children and animals. Rarely are
children afforded an opportunity to enter
the place Of mystery behind the scenes and
it Is expected this will not only gratify the
curiosity and prove a treat to the little
folks, but the women as well.
Much Interest is felt In the coming en
gagement of Tim -Murphy and his com
pany, which opens at the Boyd theater
with a matinee on Sunday afternoon and
continues Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
evenings. On this occasion Mr. Murphy
will present two comedies which are new
this season and In which he Is said to have
really worthy plays.' "Two Men and a
Girl" is by Frederick' Paulding, the gifted
actor-author, and "When a Man Marries"
is by A. C. Bishop, a dramatist of note.
The company supporting Mr. Murphy Is
headed by Dorothy Sherrod. Following the
Murphy engagement comes "The Forbidden
Land." the latest of musical comedies, and
then the kings of their line, Williams and
Special Hosneaeekera xUxoaralon to
Points In tho Southeast.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
on November 15 sell tickets to points In
Alabama. Florida, ' Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana. Mississippi, North snd South
Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia at
greatly reduced rates for the round trip.
For - further Information apply to B. D.
Parkhurst General Agent, 1S1I Farnara
street, Omaha, Neb. (
Our great holiday Inducement expires
November 18. Don't delay. One high
grade enlargement with every new dozen
photos. Remember, It is the new plaoe
two-story building, west side of Fifteenth
Street . H. Hevn. Sli-2i-2J S. 15tb St.
Asks for a Divorce.
Ida A. Wegworth has begun proceedings
for divorce from Henry E. Wegworth. The
pair were married In Baltimore during ISsO
and the grounds on which divorce is asked
are drunkenness, nonsupport sna cruelty.
Mrs. Wegworth wants the custody of ths
four minor cnuaren.
Values in
Children's Hose
Lines that for Good Wear, Fast Colors and Qual
ity ol Yarns are exceptionally good lor the price.
1, lilaolc ua orana, very neavy ana
knee, heel and toe, sizes 6 to 11, 25
Blaclt Cat brand, boys' medium
- welght stocking, same quality as
as heavy, trippie aue, uwit auu toe.
sizes 6 to 11, 25o pair. Pony Ilose, very elastio
aod good woarlnjr, all weights and sUei, 25o pair.
Special A line of children's black ootton hose In
ntAii uim And nfitf V welchts. sizes are broken, were
Wslkw s.
Resslntioni Against Present Exemption
Law Adopted by Retail Merchants.
Legislative Committee Instructed to
Work for Sfi Uri oa Ex
emption as It Did Two
Years Ago.
The chief business at the Retail Mer
chants' association convention yester
day was the consideration of the resolu
tions presented by the committee of which
Oeorge F. Munro was chairman. The resolu
tions reaffirmed, in vigorous language, the
popyion of the last convention on the
matter of exemption laws and pledged all
efforts to secure a new law; protested
against the assignment of salaries and
condemned the loan agent; took the same
old stand against prize packages, stamps,
premiums and other glittering aids to the
selling of goods, and called upon all manu
facturers of cereals to stop the business
referred to, stating that the American
Cereal company, against which the as
sociation directed condemnatory resolu
tions last summer, had agreed to quit
Just as soon as its competitors would.
During the reading of the resolutions
the delrgates showed their appreciation
and satisfaction with the sentiment by
repeated applause and they were unani
mously adopted.
After the reports of committees the regu
lar program for the afternoon proceeded.
The session promises to last well into the
evening and mny hold to the hour set for
the banquet which Is to be held at the
Commercial club.
The stand aguinnt salary loans Is so de
cisive that the association wants men who
conduct this business driven out of the
Batch, of Resolutions.
Following Is tho resolution adopted on
the exemption law:
Whereas, We believe that our exemption
laws us at present upon the statute books
are unjust and a detriment to the retail
merchant, fostering and encouraging dis
honest persons to ply their trade, that of
defrauding the retail merchant, thereby
lowering the moral tone of society at large,
therefore, be it
Resolved, That we ngaln call upon the
legislature appealing to It for the absolute
Justice of our position and Instruct our
legislative committee to ngaln draft bills
for presentment which will carry out our
The resolution against the catalogue mall
order business is:
Whereas, The Nebraska Retail Merchants'
association has gone on record In former
years condemning the catalogue mall order
business as Injurious and detrimental to the
retniler, and particularly the country mer
ctmnts, and deceiving to the public, and,
Whereas, Several cereal companies have
of late also gone into the catalogue mail
order business, therefore, he It
Resolved, That we reaffirm the stand
heretofore taken by the Nebraska Retail
Merchants' association condemning the
methods of the .catalogue mail order nouses
and the manner and methods of the cereal
companies who have lately gone Into this
This resolution of thanks was adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of this con
vention be extended to the local association
of Omaha Jobbers and business men for the
courteous treatment we have received in
this city.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be ex
terded to the Omaha daily press for their
impartial reports and friendly attitude ex
hibited to our association.
Resolved, That we condemn the practice
of wholesale houses and Jobbers to sell di
rect to tho consumers, the same being an
Injustice to the retail merchants.
Against Money Loans.
On the money loan proposition this reso
lution was passed:
Whereas, We recognize In the assignment
of wages, the eo-ialled salary loans, an
evil wnlch Is very detrimental to the re. ail
merchants and a curse to society, inducing
many . persons to mortgage tneir tuiure
earnings tor a temporary loan, theieby ue
priving the man from paying his Juxt ob.l
gatlons, depriving his family ot tne neces
sitles of Hie, and.
Whereas, Bald companies exact a usuri
ous Interest, which in many cases exceeds
the principal before such debt la paid;
therefore lie It
Resolved, That we, the retail merchants
of Nebraska, in convention assembled,
most severely condemn this salary loan
business and call upon the next legislature
to enact a law which will regulate them
or absolutely baninh them from our state,
and we hereby pledge our untiring efforts
to work In that behalf.
Proposition Before the Exchange to
Increase Omaha's Importance
as Grain Market.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Omaha Grain exchange the matter of In
creasing trade In futures was seriously con
sidered and various plans wero suggested.
One plan that was quite generally dis
cussed on 'change today was received with
considerable favor and It may lead to the
expansion of the market to. a par with
other speculative centers of Omaha's class.
It Is proposed to make Chicago grain re
ceipts deliverable on Omaha contracts to
prevent corners and squeezes, for the rea.
son that if the grain did not come Into
Omaha elevators freely enough to make
deliveries on contracts the receipts cquld
be brought from Chicago.
"In order to do this,' said a local dealer,
"the buyer of the future In receiving Chi
cago receipts would have to pay the seller
the difference In freight rates between here
and Chicago, but he would have his wheat
or corn or oats In Chicago markets and
available for Immediate sale there, so that
he would not be out anything on this. The
trouble In making Omaha a future market
has so far been that the receipts are not
heavy enough and the trading too narrow
to enable traders to get In and out. The
proposed scheme would relieve this.
City Electrician Asks for Necessary
Eqalpment to Attend to Affairs
of His Office.
After maintaining the office of city elec
trlclan ever since It was created without
an Instrument to test the candle power ot
street arc lamps, one is to be prooured, If
the city council honors the requisition of
City Electrician Mlchaelson. Mr. Michael
sen has made up his mind to get an am
meter In the office it possible, and will
make a request for one at an early date
The machine will cost about $75. Although
the office Is filled with a formidable lot of
Instruments, the electrician characterises
most of It aa "Junk" and absolutely worth
Although the electric light company never
has complied with the terms of Its contract
and run a wire carrying the current for
the street lamps Into the electrician's office,
Mr. Michaelsen says he will not be pre
vented from making the tests. The ordi
nances and charter give him ample power
to make whatever examinations be thinks
rrequent complaints that the era lamps
are not giving the 2,0M-candle power light
ing specified in the contract, have. Induced
the electrician to endeavor to get the test
ing dsvioe In order to determine exactly
how strong the lumps are.
, Mortality Statistics.
The ftlllnarlnir I K - . , ... i. i
-o in- siiu uraiii, uava
bn reported to th Hoard of Health dur
Thursday"11 Ur hUr 6ndin at roon
liirt flit Irth n T anrlsUU iMi a....i. -
T- n.'t- -UJ'.: H"rt L- Martin, 115 Nurth
J" eny-'h. girl; Nuilln. 'Forty-sec
ond, near Jewish cemetery, irirl; Wlncelaus
Cuming, girl. " uuu
i ths-Urace M. Carroll, 13 South
Twentieth, 1 month; Catherine Pic, 1?J4
Capitol avenoe. I months.
Colored Lad Aceaaed of Attempted
Assaalt of Little Girt aad Theft
from Grandmother.
Walter Tlroomfleld. a 13-year-old colored
boy residing with his grandmother, Mrs.
Annie Holden.-at 313 North Twelfth street,
has been bound over from the police court
to the district court on the charge of at
tempting to criminally assault Rose Breem,
10 years of age and living at 1113 Davenport
street. The alleged attempt la said to have
been made in a Junk yard at Eleventh and
Davenport streets during the early hours
of Tuesday evening, as the little girl was
on an errand for her mother.
The evidence was Broomfleld threw the
girl on the ground and tore off part of her
clothing. Broomfleld denied his guilt.
Rose Breem Is a white girl, of sweet
disposition and timid. She appeared In
police court with her mother and told an
apparently straightforward story. She
says she screamed as loud as she could and
attracted the attention of her mother,
whose home is near the scene.
Walter Broomfleld also was charged with
the theft of $10 from his grandmother,
which money is said to have been taken by
the boy In company ovlth a companion
named Eddie Norton the same evening the
assault Is said to have occurred. In view
of the more serious charge against Broom
fleld the larceny charge was not filed
against him. Broomfleld was arrested
Tuesday evening in the gallery of a local
Proves to Be Insecure Anchorage for
Hands of Woman Who Tries
to Hold Him.
George Johnson, colored, of Missouri, has
been sentenced to sixty days by Police
Judge Berka, before whom the prisoner
was arraigned on a charge of vagrancy.
It is alleged Johnson was caught In the
upstairs of the home of Mrs. Bernstein,
Thirteenth and Pierce streets, Monday
afternoon. The man could not explain his
presence In the house. At the time the
woman tried to hold Johnson by grabbing
his coat with one hand and his hair with
the other, but Johnson escaped for the
time being. She watched for him and
Tuesday afternoon saw him pass the
house and called a policeman. Mrs. Bern
stein said Bhe would have managed to hold
on to the man Monday had his hair been
a little ldnger.
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind friends who by words
and deeds expressed their sympathy in our
sorrow over the loss of a loving wife and
kind mother, and for the beautiful floral
offerings, we wish to extend our most
heartfelt thanks.
Thanksgiving Day Rates.
The Illinois Central will sell tickets at
rate of fare and one-third for the round
trip, account of Thanksgiving day. within
a radius of 200 miles. Date of sale, No
vember 23d and 21th; return limit, Novem
ber 28th. W. H. BRILL,
Dlst. Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb.
The Burlington's Thanksgiving; Rates.
Fare and one-third for the round trip be
tween points not more than 200 miles apart.
Tickets on sale November 23 and 24,
limited for return to November 2S. J. B.
Reynolds, city passenger agent, 1502 Far
nam street, Omaha.
The ladles of the First Christian church
will serve dinner at ihe Y. M. C. A. rooms
Saturday,' N6vemteT"19, from 11:30 to li3)
and from B:30 to 7:3d' Prlco, 25 cents.
Buster Brown's Thanksgiving next Sun
day's Bee. i '
Boe Want Ads Produce Results.
Marriage. Licenses.
The following nuirrluge licenses were Is
sued up to noon November 17:
Name and Residence. A.Te.
William H. Westergard, Omaha "24
Mary I. Beauer, Omaha , 26
Charles C. Peterson, Omaha '.. 27
Anna Wright, Cherry county 28
1S-K. Wedding Rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
TtTR'NER James, aged 84 years, at Stan
ton, Neb,, while on a visit to his
Funeral at 2 p. m. Friday, November 18,
1904. from his late residence, 2567 Cuming
street. Friends invited. '
HERALD Josephine, of 2003 Cuming
street, at St. Joseph's hospital.
Funeral notice later.
Brlght's Dltaast
Caused the death of Doctor Bright. Bright'
Disease Is simply slow congestion of the Kid
neys. In the last stave the congestion becomes
acute snd the victim lives a few hours or a few
days, but Is past saving. This insidious Kid
ney trouble Is caused by sluggish, torpid, con
gested liver and slow, constipated bowels,
Wberebr the kidneys are Involved snd ruined
Drake's Palmetto Wine Is a foe to congestion
Of Liver, Kidneys and tissues. It promptly re
lieves the congestion and carries It out of the
Jjlver, Kidneys, tissues and blood. Drake's
(Palmetto Wine restores the mucous membranes
to healthy condition, relieves the membranes
throughout the body from inflammation and
Catarrh snd cures Catarrh, Constipation and
Liver and Kidney dispase to stay cured It
gives relief immediately, builds up vigor and
health, prolongs life and makes It enjoyable. A
trial bottle alwers gives relief and often cures.
A trial bottle will be sent to every reader of this
paper who will write for It to Drake Formula
Company, A postal
art will bring this wonderful tonio Palmetto
medicine to you absolutely free. It is a boon to
disease-ladened, paln-rldden men and women.
ir every town to sell
our new Saturday Bee.
It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including
10 colored pages with BUSTER
pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when
the farmers are In town.
We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE.
Four weeks ago we sent Clifford Hans, Germantown, v
Neb., 10 free copies, and he is now selling SO copies
every Saturday afternoon, from which he gets 60 cents
profit. You can do aa well It you try.
For full particulars write to
The Omaha Bee
Omaha, Neb.
See our new fall styles of
Carpets and Furniture-ht
largest stock in Omaha.
$25 worth $1
$100 worth $2 K
Omaha Furniture
& Carpet Go,
Bet. 2th and t3th on Farnaml
Are You Out of Sorts
Many People, Not Really Sick, Are
Out of Sorts The Old-Time Energy
and Spirits Are Lacking.
Something Is needed to restore that
animation that characterized the days
before the system had been overtaxed
or weakened by care, work, folly, ex
cess or worry. Good, rich blood and
strong, steady nerves are essential to
perfect health and enjoyment of life.
When vitality Is lacking, pleasures
cease and work becomes a drudge
and drag. Ulood Is the well-spring
and nerves the main-spring of tho
body. With either of them impaired
lifo loses much of Its charm. Noth
ing puts animation and satisfaction
Into living as quickly, safely and sure
ly as Dr. Chaso's Blood and Nerve
Food. It soon brings you out of all
unnatural' mental or physical condi
tions duo to either blood poverty or
to nervous enfeeblement. Weigh your
self before taking it. This Is the food
that made the name "Chase" famous.
The genuine is made onfy by The Dr.
Chase Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Price 60
cents a box, five boxes, enough to givo
If r. fcir trlnl, $2.00. Hook free.
tan Drug Co.. Oailii, Maa.
The Winter Banquet Sea
son Is now on.
So are Dress Suits and
If some of last Winter's
"stags" or "last gasps" of
bachelor friends put some
"battle-scars" on that Dress
Dress Suit or Tuxedo, we
are ready to come to your
MacCarthy Dress Suits and
Tuxedos have that distinc
tion so necessary in formal
togs. They do not look like
the things the waiter wears.
MucCnrthy niade-for-you
Dress Suits, SO, 60 and
Tuxedo nnd Frock Suits,
IS, SS and IS.
MacCarthy tailoring
J04.JOI S. 161 1 I:
Next door to
Wabash Ticket Office,
fbons MM.
UROWX COMICS, altogether 34
'at Ml)
Pwini ri r
Tomorrow Several Extra Good Values
Underwear J Gloves
for Men and Women.
Men's Gloves
f for fine quality double twist Saxony yarn
Cis Golf Gloves, light and heavy quality in gray,
brown, blue and black regular seventy-five
cent quality, will go at 43c a pair.
for men's perfect
ape Gloves, in
uVece or silk lined any style of stitching
big variety of styles to select from, the regular J1.50 qual
ity, will go for f 1.00.
Men's Underwear
f for men's medium weight derby ribbed and
flere l'U(Hl ootton underwear in ecru, Jaeger
and fancy mixed colors elegant wearing
garments for fall wear worth 7oc, at 45c.
Men's Underwear
1tf fli or extra hpavy 3-4 wool natural gray Under
HhB wear nicely finished nnd full size, also tan,
F J mi? jjiue amj brown, all wool flat underwear"
best value ever shown worth in regular i way $1.25 to
$1.50 will go at 1.00. - '
Ladies Underwear
for good quality heavy Egyptian cotton derby
Jr ribbed Underwear ecru color and white?
nicely trimmed and perfectly cut regular
45c quality, at 25c.
Ladies' Underwear
yfl F for extra heavy derby ribbed nnd flat fleece
svAi lined Underwear in natural and ecru also
" good quality combination suits, perfectly cut
and trimmed 75c values, for 43c.
Ladies' Gloves
for fine quality fancy and solid colored cash-
mere gloves, with fleece or silk lined also
beautiful styles fine Saxony yarn Golf GloveB
in fancy stripes and solid black and white, at 45c.
Ladies Gloves
rfX p for best quality real kid, mocha and cape
Gloves, with one or two clasps, full pique
sewn seams the latest mannish styles for
dress and street wear tans and browns guaranteed per
fect fitting also heavy double silk lined in black and
white regular $1.50 quality,
Sterling Silver
1111 M 1 V I
Every lady needs a thimble a sterling silver one the
kind we are selling for only 25c. No excuse for not hav
ing one when you can buy one at this price. .
I 1 204 Mflet Shorter to Silt Lake City 12 Hour Quicker to Salt Lake City f I
I 1 278 Milet Shorter to San Francisco 16 Houn Quicker to San Francltoo . I
358 Miles Shorter to Portland 16 Hours Quicker to Portland
than eny other line
V Full information cheerfully furnished on application to jf
V 134 FARNAM ST., f
'PHONE 318. "fr
Cheap Rates
There isn't a section of the globe where a man
with a little money and a big capacity for work
clan do as well a section that he can visit,
Investigate find satisfy himself of its worth so
easily and cheaply as the Southwest.
On November 22 the Rock Island System will
offer an unusually low round trip rate to Texas
and New Mexico points; also low round trip
rates to all Oklahoma and Indian Territory and
Kansas points.
Several hours quickest line to Oklahoma and
Texas points.
Send for literature. .
fitting mocha, lamb skin and
tans and browns, unlined,
at 95c,
Thimbles 25c
1323 Farnam St., Omaha.