TDE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1904. Tiie Omaiia Daily Bee. E.' ROSEWATKR. EDITOR. ' PCBLIIHED KVERT MORNIRO. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION: Pally Ree (without Sunday), one year. .$400 Imily snd Sunday, one year 00 Illustrated Bee, on year I1 fnnly Bee. one jr Hsturdav Bee, on rear 1 50 Twentletft Century Farmer, on year... 100 DELI V FRED BT CARRIER. t'illy Bee (without 8undar), per ropy.... So . tHIy Bee without Sunday, per week. .12c IUv Bm (Including Sunday), per week. .17c .Punday Bee. per copy Krenlin l;ee (without Punday). per week. 7e .enln Bee . (Including Sunday, pet week lie Complaints of Irrea-ularltles In delivery 'should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES: Omsha The lw btilldtnt. South Omaha City Hall bulldlnf Twenty- fifrh and M streets. Coiim-ll bluffs 10 Pearl street, r hlraro-IMft tnlty bulldln. New York 232 Park Row bultdlnr Washington V1 Fourteenth atreet. f CORRESPONDENCE. Cnmmnillr. tlnna rata ltr,m t n n... And edi torial matter ahould he addressed: Omaha .'ee. Editorial Depsrtmrnt. ' REMITTANCES. Remit by dr.ift. express or poets! order, , payable to The Hee Publlehln company, i only 2 -rent stamps receded In oayment of 1 mail accounre. Personal rhecke. erept on ' Omaha or eastern exrl.srtsee, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PA NT. , STATEMENT OF CtRCtXATION. Btate of Nebrn-fca. Dous-las County, -.: ' Tforf B. Tssenuck. secretary or The Ree Publishing- company, being- duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning-, i.venlna; and Sunday Pee printed during in rannin or urtooer, wot. n as follows 1.. S9.XS.I 17 Sto.Oso 18 28.1TO It t,M JO 21t.40 a SW.OOO JJ SlMtAtl a 80t3t0 S4 jii.zao k sro.ano 21 .. 30,100 ..2O,SM0 . 9.80 .80.800 ..fc,n ..30.1B0 10 S1MTO 11 SO.eOO I! SO ,300 11 9UMA n.... .... .... u.... ...88.040 ...20.000 ...(.0OO ..91S.04O .. 10,075 M XX4 IS ZU.BNO 1 30.BOO Total , ' Leas unsold copies. , Net total sale Daily average ttuft.MOS m.221 GEO. B. TZBCHL'CK. Subscribed In my presence and (worn to temre me this Ksi day of October. IWrt. . (Seal) M. B. HUNOATE. Notary Public. With Lex? and Davis couutli'M in Iowa going republican this full, hii Indignant Southland will surely demand that their iihiups be changed. If Governor Mickey Is really looking -. - . . 1 ... I ... t .. - i 1. I . .1 . uirr emit' msiiiuiiuu n nil inr iiiiv-iiikiu of reducing the number of emplojcu. he linn begun at the right end of the nmin clnl problem. Tlia I i.iniiii n Iwi fti mi nlHiVi hna . I ti 1 0.1 nubllHhed ronorta of tin- lllnpss of the emperor. ' It Is to bo hoped thin in not a Teutonic way of preparing the public for the physician's bulletins. The hpenkertihlp plum will nut be plucked until the legislature meets in January. Kefore the entrleH arc closed the chances re good that there will be at leant a dozen In the race. At Inst accounts the debate on the question whether orN not fhampiona of ftislon nre "responsible for the ruin of tht democratic party lu Nebraska was left in a very unconvincing condition. " Governor I-aFollette's real strength in the Wisconsin legislature will be tested when the members conic up against the lobby. No political lender ran be certain of his men until after they have been under fire. Peeplte the testimony of railroad men that each jronipnny has to compete with itself in making live stock rates, none of the rotters hare been known to go into the hands of receivers by losses from this source of competition. Recent' developments In Alaska fed eral officialdom, give promise of a cleaner weep in other directions aud a number of people who have considered their Jobs held by the power of political pull and not by merit nny be surprised. . JlII the members-elect of the legisla ture from Iouglas county profess to be eager only to carry out the wishes of their constituents In the matter of legisla tion. It behooves the constituents, therefore, to get busy mid study out what they want. JsjsaasiaissssMaaaaaajaaassaaBBSl The most reasonable explanation of the big vote In favor of the bleuniul elec tion amendment in Iowa U that every friend of every ofllce holder voted for it, as It will give euclt mail lu office one year longer to serve, aud Incidentally re duce the ratio of campaign expeuses. Actretfcj Nun Patterson has the satisfac tion of knowing that if she la pot found guilty she, Will be one of the roost widely advertised womeii lu the United States nud her drawing power bus been little weakened by her experience to judge by the crowds turned away from the court room. With Austria announcing that It will have reDresetitntivee at the second Hague conference aud Italy stating that It will make known its intention after learning the intention of the "triple aUI ance," Emperor William must feel flat tered, as Germany Is the only member of that alliance still to report. t is probable that W. L. Douglas' out lay of S.'M,mo waa the maximum amount spent by any candidate for governor this fall, although the tenure of the Massa chusetts ofllce Is but one year, against two year or more lu other states. But Mr. Douglas may feel that be got his luoney'a worth when the result In the na tion is considered. . The democrats will probably be given an opportunity ' to make political medi cine when the Vtand-patters" and the "tariff rippers" meet at Washington with a large enough republican majority to I rajlt both side to do foollxu things. The fight has already bgun In Iowa and alasMcbnsetu and will reach the other xau !a .count of Uum . orrosmo.T ropr rLrTflr. It appears that a considerable opposi tion has developed to the rural free pos tal delivery service. The statement Is made that nrga titrations of business men and mere hunt all over the country are preparing to Inaugurate a vigorous sgitation against the extension of the service and for the curtailment of the service already established. It Is pointed out that the class of business men who are most directly hurt by the rural de livery system are the country merchants. Through the operation of the system they are more than ever expoeed to the competition of the mail-order houses and it Is said that In sections of the east the farmers have stopped going to the towns to buy since the establishment of free delivery routes in rural districts. It Is urged by those hostile to the system that It has grown to le too costly to the government and that this expense !s an Imposition upon the country at large. It Is proposed to bring the matter to the attention of congress as soon as pos sible after the tteglnnlng of the coming session. That congress will not curtail the service already established can le very confidently predicted, but the agita tion mny result In causing a halt to its extension. It is doubtless a fart that in some sections rural free delivery has operated to the disadvantage of country merchants, but this Is more than offset by the lieneflts to farmers which the system has conferred. It Is a great loon to the people on the farms and the expense involved Is not at all burden some. The opKinents of the rural free delivery service, however strong .they may le and however vigorously they may ngitatc. can rest assured that It Is here to stay. SKEKtyn ORIEXTAL TRADE. A unique method of seeking Oriental trade has just been Inaugurated in the form of a floating exposition. Last Tuesday the steamship Ohio left Seattle with a cargo of American manufactured goods upon a mission uovel in the an nals of maritime commerce. It la twund to the Orient and will visit virtu ally all ports of commercial importance in eleven lauds. The goods constituting the cargo cover America's exports of manufactured articles from one end of the commercial alphabet to the other and of course have Wen arranged with a view to the most effective exhibition. China and Japan, the Straits settlements and the Philippines, South Africa and Australia and the west coast of South America are to be given a most striking object lesson that the United States pro-du-es and manufactures and sells, and that in vastness and variety her output Is unexcelled the world over. In all lands where stops are to 1k made the exhibition has been well advertised. while the far-reaching army of Amer ican consuls has for weeks been at work enlisting the interest of Oriental mer chants. It is understood that the Great North- em and the Northern Pacific railroads are the backers of the enterprise That It will prove highly useful, in acquaint ing the traders of the Orient with what the mills and factories of this country produce is not to be doubted aud in do ing this It can hardly fall to be service able In expanding our trade with the Oriental countries. Such a floating ex position, absolutely unique, must at tract a great deal of attention and make n lasting Impression wherever It stops. The entire trip will take no less than six months and provision has been made for eight months If that time should seem necessary or advisable. The result of this novel experiment In advertising our manufactured products on the other side of the world will be awaited with Inter est by all concerned In the building up of Oriental trade. DASOKR OF OVIR-SPECVLATiya. Helerrlug to the tendeucy toward a revHal of heavy speculation, which has been manifested since the presidential election, a leading financial paper cau tious the public against the danger of over-spuculutlng. it remarks that there Is uo ground for haste lu buying because prices, are on the rise, as the result of speculation upon anticipated values. There is danger of this going too far. It argues that h potent cause of reaction from former activity has been the push ing of cost, of wages and prices, too high, and the adjustment needed to awaUeu and sustain demands commen surate with supply in many lines of pro duction has not lieen effected. Until It haa been there will be a clog upon the activity of Industry and trade to prevent their bormal operation. It therefore con cludes that it is not n time for eager in vestment at advancing prices, but for caution and conservative calculation. "There is danger in the hasty specula tion that has begun and Is supported rather by anticipations and an easy money market than by substantial re sults aJready achieved In productive In dustry and profitable trade.' It is a time for keeping the bead." This la sound counsel. There Is no doubt that the country is to have an other period of business activity and general prosperity. There is abundant promise of this. But it Is not going to come With a rush and It is not desirable that it should. It will come gradually and will be on a sound basis. We noted re-eutly the opinion of a prominent east ern financier that the conditions are again favorable to a return to prosperity and that so long we hold close to a proper conservatism the course of finan cial events seems likely to follow only one general direction, and that Is toward Improvement, toward expanding busi ness and toward better time. What these condition are all who give in telligent attention to practical affairs un derstand. The country has vast accumu lated wealth and It Is steadily ncreaa lug. There la an abundant . supply of money which Is also being constantly added to. The crops are ample and will pay the producers tMvtter than In former years. Railroad earning are uow Urge and will grow, whlla there la roots in- for a year or more. All this certainly points to a resump tion of prosperity which will perhaps be equal to the highest the country has had. The chief danger Is In a wild spec ulative boom, the effect of which might be to set the period of recovery back. It is In the power of the bankers in the financial centers to avert this. They can discourage a speculative boom If they will, but if on the contrary they encourage unduly a speculative spirit they will strike a blow at returning pros- perity which may long delay Its coining, There is abundant reason for confidence In the financial and business future. The world needs all the foodstuffs we have to spare and it is buying more freely than ever of our manufactured products. There Is to be no radical departure from the sound policies which have been so largely instrumental in advancing the , material interests of the nation. Hut while there is ample ground for confi dence. It Is most Important to observe a rational conservatism. TBEREASOX H'Hf. ".Mr. Councilman, why should Oman pay twice as much for water as other cities?" asks the red-headed Junior yel low in tones of campaign thunder. This recalls again the adage that A fool can ask questions that might puzzle even an Omaha councilman. There are Just two reasons why. One Is because Omaha is not paying twice as much for water as other cities, although It Is paying considerable In excess of the water rates that prevail in some other cities. The other is because Omaha In the contract entered into with the water company In 1881 established the existing rate and the contract will not expire until September 4, 1!X8. The question why water rates of 1881 are still In force could have been pro pounded to members of every city coun cil within the past fifteen years. It only comes up now because demagogues and mercenary newspapers are trying" to be fog the people In the Interest of the elec tric lighting monopoly, which has no legal franchise In Omaha, and wants to divert public attention to cover its scheme for extending Its public lighting contract for a term, of years, although the contract still haa thirteen months to run. JOLUFICATIOS EXTRAORDINARY. We have always admired the fellow who smiled when his feet were knocked from under and he found himself sprawling on the earth with his nose Inserted between his adversary's jaws. For the same reason we cannot refrain from admiring the political tribe that in dulged in a Jollification extraordinary over their recent victories on the war path, i Only two months ago the tribe put on its war paint and feathers and with a big whoop and yell made a desperate attempt to capture the congressional nomination of this district, but were forced to beat an inglorious retreat to their tepees. Ten days ago the tribe sallied forth on another bushwhacking expedition with sharpened tomahawks and scalp ing knives, and this time their exploits reminded one of the expedition of the Pawneea forty years ago, when they failed to reach the Slouxs and cut off the ears of their own scouts In order to bring back bloody trophies to their squaws. The objective point of the last expedition was the scalp locks of Mickey and Kennedy, whom they slashed and cut inercilfssly,thut failed to do up en tirely. Incidentally the tribe was to have waylaid Thomas. Gibson,, Tucker and Titlp. republican candidates to the legislature. This also proved a dismal failure, but the trllie braced up and Jollified over Its triumph and the demo cratic allies, who had been pounded Into pulp In the recent encounter, Joined in the jollification. It was as good as a dog feast. Ererylsxly in the camp got his fill and everybody yelled himself hoarse for Mickey, Kennedy and every other candidate who had successfully emerged from the ordeal of the poisoned arrows, tomahawks and the scalping knives. Among the subjects under discussion before the Real Estate exchange Is the propriety of the exchange taking action with reference to existing conditions un der the present revenue law, tinder which resident owners of mortgages must pay taxes on them, while non resident owners of Nebraska mortgage loans are relieved of that burden. In what resect the present reveuue law differs with regard to the assessment of realty mortgages, whose owners reside In Nebraska, from the law that has pre vailed for the preceding half a century Is not discernible. There never was a time in Nebraska when a resident owner of a mortgage loan was exempt from taxation, unless he deliberately perjured himself by making no return of the loan, as an asset, find there has never been a time when the owner of a mortgage liv ing outside of this state could be as sessed In Nebraska on a mortgage loan on real estate in Nebraska. In this re spect the owner of a real estate mort gage living in Nebraska does not differ from the owner of a chattel mortgage or any other class of securities on pnierty located in Nebraska, living In Nebraska. It was not a bad thing for Congress man Hinshaw to remind the members of the republican stat committee that ten days before ele-tlon things looked pretty gloomy for the republican candi date for governor aud for the legisla ture throughout Nebraska, and particu larly In bla district. There Is no doubt but that. the work of the last week of the campaign turned the tide in favor of a complete republican victory in Ne braska, and this work was done by vol unteers outside of the officer of the state committee. ' Now conies Elmer E. Thomas with an appeal for a mandamua to roniel sa loons within aud around the yroscribed duttrial activity than district to keT their door closed after midnight. A much more effective rem edy ba been pointed out by the editor of The Bee, via.: That no saloon lo cated within the proscribed district be licensed from and after thi year. That would save Mr. Thomas the expense and trouble of invoking the power of the courts, but It might Interfere with bis earning capacity as a reformer for revenue. Is John N. Baldwin of Iowa, by virtue of his position as boss politician of the Union Pacific, constltnted guardian and director of the republican state com mittee? Why should Baldwin send per sonal telegrhms to momlwrs of the com mittee commanding them to attend a commitee meeting? If Mr. Baldwin and bis pay roll lieutenants are vested with all the authority lodged In the com mittee, why should it Is? necessary to maintain a committee orjanieatlon at all? I i The Bee Is not a resurrectionist. It cannot galvaulxe a corpse, even If the corpse kicks and makes faces. But If the late lamented demo-pop candidate for congress Is not content to be allowed to rest In peace there is a way of dealing with the ghost that will furnish sufficient amusement to the coroner' Jury. The Omaha Ileal Kstate exchange U going to dlscus ethics of the real es tate business. We may now expect to discover how 'long an otvupsnt'of a house may fail to pay his rent before it becomes incumbent upon the rental agent to invoke a writ of ejectment. Sarins; Grace. Chicago Record-Herald. General Miles announces that he has faith in the American people and is full of hone for the future. Evidently the gen eral didn't bet as he voted. Safety Postal Cars. Philadelphia Press. Railway postal cars built entirely of steel are now offered to the railways. Con sidering the price peld for this postal service and the danger to the men engaged In It. the railroads ought to provide such cars In future. Talking Tkroagk Hla Hat. Indianapolis Journal. Saya Count Casslnl: "Russia will pursue the war In the far east to the bitter end that is, until Russia has conquered." Pos sibly these terms are synonymous, but incidentally It Is to be noted that thus far Instead of Russia pursuing the war. the contrary has been the case. Shortage of Mem for Mavy. Philadelphia Record. A curloua commentary on the seal with which the I'ntted States has gone Into the business of building cruisers and bat tleships is furnished by the fact that In order to nian new war vessels now await ing commission It has been found neces sary to put three other war vessels out of commission. There are not men enough to go around, and there Is not Inducement enough In seafaring life and the chances of promotion to secure the necessary re cruits. Mysteries of the Electorate. SpringtU'ld Republican. The fact that Indiana's plurality for Roosevelt now counVs, up to almost 100,000 proves beyond a possible doubt that not even those republicun managers who knew most about the campaign expected. In the week before election, such a convulsion as was already In tlie air. For It was half expected by republican leaders only a few days before the voting that Indiana would go to Parker. There are more things con ceuled In the great American electorate Just before election day than In the deep sea. I1SCRKASR I (KILD 81 PPLY. Foar Hundred Millions a Year May Be the Output Ere Look. Wall Street Journal. The statement published by our govern ment that English enthusiasts are look ing for a future output ' of gold in the Transvaal of from tmOOO.OOO to $160,000,000 a year is stimulating to the Imagination, just aa the realization of this prediction would be stimulating to the speculation and business of the world. In the first six months of this year the output of gold in the Transvaal amounted to about 138.- 000.000. This is at the rate of about $76,000. 000 for the year. Lust year's production amounted to over Itil.OOO.OW). The largest production was In' 1898. being $79,213,000. The prospect Is, therefore, that the pro duction of 1904 will nuarly equal that of 1SP8 in other words, will return to the normal yield of this region. Coolie labor has Just been Introduced into the Trans vaal and with this solution of the labor problem there should be a continued In crease in the output of the yellow metal In the Transvaal. If the production should ever reach the enormous total of $120,000,000 the effect on the business world can hardly be overestimated. With a Transvaal pro duction last year of $til.000.000 the world's output of gold amounted approximately to $330,000,000. An Increase In the Transvaal production In the near future to $120,000,000 a year would lift the total annual product of gold in the world to the stupendous sum of $4-10,000.000. Even a product of $4)0.000,000 a year la an enormous addition, to the world's supply of money. Allowing about 26 per cent to meet the demands of the arte and sciences, that leaves $2,000.000 to enter Into the various reservoirs of money. Inasmuch aa the use of gold In the monetary systems of the world is now very largely as a reserve against credit, it may be said that en ad dition of $:'25.6ij0,0u0 to the world's money supply means an added credit capacity of over $l.o00,0uu,9no. If, then, within two or three years, by the promi.'ed increase In the production of the Transvaal, the world's output of gold Is expanded to $400,000.0ii0. It Is easy to e "how enormous would be both the Increase In the supply of money and In the credit capacity of the leading nations of the globe. Even admitting, as It la argued by some, that the Increase in the gold supply may ultimately work to the disadvantage of the business community rather than to Its benefit; admitting that the world's stock of money may be Increasing at too rapid a late and that 'the International scramble for Immense gold reserves Involves the danger of a "yellow peril" akin to the sil ver peril from which the I'nlMd Stales has only recently e'.ierged , admitting that It Is Impossible to determine deflnltoly how much or how little may be the effect of the Inflation of gold upon the prices of commodities, nevertheless, no one can doubt for an Instant that the enormous out put of gold which has been experienced In the last ten years, and which la promised for years to come must have prodigious effect upon the husliieas and speculative ac tivities of the leading nations of the globe. As a matter of fact, it may be doubled ahether even yet the markets have fully rtallsed the effect of the money Inflation which haa already taken place, and Ihey certainly have not yet discounted the effect of the money inflatloa which la yet ta tuke plac. , ROt SO ABOI T !KW YORK. Ripples the l.rrent of Life la Metre polls. New York Is a great, expansive, ambi tious, prosperous city," and costs a large bunch of money annuallv to run It- "Ac- sordlng to Mayor McClrllan's first budget." says Leslie s Weekly. "It will cost New Tork City $110.son.nry) to conduct Its munici pal affairs In I. There are In the neigh borhood of 4.nu0,0O0 Inhabitants In New York City at this moment, allowing liber ally for the gain which has been msde In these days of republican prosperity, the population In law being S.37.0uO. No other people In the world pay anything like this sum. per csplta. for the expenses of their government "Canada's people pay $o2.0O0,000 for running their government In I Ml. Mex ico's H.000.0O) pay $fiS.000.0(O for a like serv ice, and Rrasll's ift.ouo.ouo disburse $so.ono- 000 for this object. None of the other countries in the fr!rn hemisphere comes anywhere r.ear Mexico's total. Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, -Sweden, Nor way and Portugal occupy places of consid erable prominence on the worlds map. All of them have a larger population than New York City. All of them, on- account of the necessities of defense, have to place themselves undpr heavy tax burdens, yet none of them pays as much for govern ment as do the people of the American me tropolis. "The mlkndo reigns over 44.oon.noo people who have been preparing for war for many years, and with a good deul of effective ness, as Is shown by their achievements In Manchuria in the last nine or ten .months: yet their government cost them only $12.'. 000.000 In 1Ki3, or, at our recent rate of In crease, what New York City will cost In lls. Puck In Jackson's days this country began to attract considerable attention from the world at birge. but the cost of running New York City's government at the present moment Is three times as great an that of managing the government of the fnltod States In Old Hickory's time. At the time that Buchanan stepped out of power. In 1S61. tne cost of the fnlted States government with its .12.000.000 of people was $ as compared with $110,500,000 which New York City's 4.000.000 will pay In 1W0." New York's youngsters literally grow up on the Arc escapes. To the average child two places of freedom only are possible the street and the fire escape and even these are forbidden territory, the former by his mother and the latter by the munici pality. But the fire escape child knows nothing of the municipality and has a good deal of fun In his narrow quarters. He makes ac quaintances with other fire escape children across the back court, and for hours daily they all play "together." although 100 feet apart. Four children In One Hundred and Fourth and One Hundred and Third streets have played contentedly so all summer and fall and have never yet been Inside each other's houses. They play "house." "sol dier." "Indian," and "camping out." and they "fish" with a long pole and bent pin over the rslls of their respective fire es capes, muking more marvelous catches than were ever Jured out or water. The Janitors ohject and the tenants complain, but It makes no difference to the boys. The New York youngster does have a hard time of It but he doesn't know It. The young- man with the cigarette In his mouth was hurrying between the benches of Madison Square (he other nlaht. relates the Post, when he was accosted by a gen tleman, high-hatted and long-coated, with a clgurette In his hand. "I beg pardon can you let me have a lls-ht? My last match hiia. Just blown out." High-hat got h(s light and went on his way rejoicing. Apparently, to one of the benchers who had witnessed the exchange, the young Mercury enlightening the world was an "easy proposition." He himself lacked the high hnt, but the easy manner, never! "I say. my dear sir, would you be so good as to give me a smoke?" "Not quite so good," win the unexpected rebolT. Now. the old bencher was something of a philosopher an observer on social dis tinctions. "You gave that swell a light." he said; "you might give me a smoke. What's the difference? The price? "No; the difference is in you." replied the young man. as he held out his cigarette box. "I object to helping you. because you can't help yourself." The prohibition of corporal punishment In the public schools puts the teachers of unruly pupils to their wits' ends sometimes to preserve discipline. A 7-year-old boy who goes to school In Harlem, reports the Sun. came home the other day In a state of great excitement. "Mamma!" said he, "Jlmmle Brown most got his nose pinched off today. He sits next to me. and he pinched his nose and breathed through his mouth and made an awful noise, and he wouldn't stop, and wouldn't stop, so teacher went out and got a big pair of Iron pinchers that go up with a screw, and she called Jimmy up and said she was going to pinch his nose right off. so he could carry It home In his hand. My, Jimmy was scalrt. Tes'm, he stopped right away." A building, the Iron framework of which is of such peculiar construction as to be the subject of general comment In the neighborhood, is In course of erection In One Hundred and Eighth street. Just west of Central park. The skeleton Is octagonal and has reached a considerable height. Nearby residents feared that a gas plant was being constructed, until the frame began to be surrounded by a brick wall pierced with doors and wlndom-s. The watchman, who had been beateged with questions for the last two weeks, has adopted the following formula and reels it off before the would-be Inquirer has a chance to open his mouth: "It Is a peculiar looking structure. Yes. It's an octagonal frame, but it ain't going to be a gas tank. No. you couldn't guess what It Is. It'll be a Presbyterian church when It's finished." Not only is Columbia soon to have a Cel tic chair, but there Is other local evidence or the spread of the Gaelic revival, of the vigor of which so many details have been sent across the Atlantic. Dancing masters who were lamenting not long ago the de bilitating effects on grace and manner of the two-step and the Introduction of grid Iron tactics Into the ball room may rind comfort In the efforts being msde by teams from the Irish Curniann Na Rlnnce of Man hattan and Brooklyn to Introduce ancient Irish figure dancing. Several thousand booklets have been distributed giving direc tions how to dance the Rinnce Pag.t. the four-hand reel, the Irish quadrille and the eight-hand reel. Perils of Hallroad (oniblara. Philadelphia Record. It Is announced that the heads of the great railroad corporations think the time has cunie for executing the long cherished plan of combining II the railroads of the country under onr trust. Probably these railroad magnates have not yet heard of President Roosevelt's counter plan of pro ceeding against all such corporations as have violated I lie Sherman anti-trust law and the Interstate commerce law. At any rate, such a railroad trust. If It could be created, would afford great enrouragemeut t the state socialists, who propose to put all mesns of transportation under control of lb federal government six roofir.K. Richly Satisfactory Record Sla for the Parly. Springfield (Mass.) Republican, (Ind.). The congressional district elections, so far ss determined, indicate the choice of 247 republican members of the house of representatives and 139 democrats-giving to the former a majority of ins. This Is a less sweeping result for the republicsns than the congressional elections midway In Mr. Cleveland's second administration, when they obtained a majority of IS In the house, but It Is bad enough from the opposition standpoint. No less than twenty- one of the forty-five states return repub licans exclusively, against nine southern states returning only democrats; while seven other states return delegations con taining each a single democrat. The eleo tlon here Is as overwhelming against the opposition, and aa sectional, as In the case of the presidency. The next congress will be the sixth In succession to be controlled In both branches by the republicans. These are the six congresses and the divisions by parties of the house, populist and Independents being counted as democratic: Demo- Republican Congress Republicans, crate, majority. th Mh &7th 5th 66th 54th 247 a 244 W 178 lf Vt 150 ill 10 45 14 M 135 The senate during the same time has been becoming more and more alrcngly re publican until. In the present congress, that party haa a majority of almost two to one. and In the next congress It will hve a majority of belter than two to one. It has been a long Ume since congress mas so continuously In the possession of one party. For fourteen years, from IS61 to 1875. the republicans held successive control for special reasons that are known to all: but froi.i 1S75 until 1836 the demo crats held the house the major part of the time, and possessed both senate and house In three of the ten congresses. Not. then, since the civil war has the opposition democracy been so continuously beaten or placed in so demoralised and hopeless a condition. PERSONAL MOTES. Captain J. R. Eggleston. the sole sur viving officer of the confederate Ironclad frigate Merrimac, Is a cotton planter on a farm near Jackson, Miss. A Wisconsin university freshman who ob jected to being ducked shot a sophomore. If this outrage Is to be permitted to es tablish a precedent what Is to become of the glorious custom of basing? Frank W. Hlgglns, the newly elected gov ernor of New York, owns half of the town of Olean. In which he lives. He owns oil wells In Pennsylvania, timber lands In Wisconsin, Iron mines of the Mesaba range and owns a number of steamers that ply along the Atlantic coast and on the great lakrs. A window memorial to President Benja min Harrison will be unveiled on Sunday. November 20. In the First Presbyterian church. Delaware avenue and Sixteenth street. Indianapolis, of which President Harrison was a ruling elder for many years. The window is to be erected by Mrs. Mary Lord Harrison, his widow. A foreign diplomat. In conversation with Secretary Hay, was expressing satisfaction over the announcement that the latter was to continue !n the cabinet. He also con gratulated the secretary, who Is 66 years old, on his excellent appearance. "Ah." said Mr. Hay, In sorrowful fashion, "you forget that I suffer from an Incurable dis ease. The diplomat expressed astonish ment at this statement and asked the na ture of the malady. "Old age,", said Mr. Hay. Awarded First Prize and Gold Medal St Louis Exposition. Tbe superior excellence of Meadow Gold Butter made from perfectly ripened cream, carefully paste uri red ; the air tight r - --.v- k uiu imunng iresaaras, punry and flavor, and the magnificence of the dsanlar worn " roc tn neatnc Creamery Company, first pnie aad the onlr rold nxuJ Ask jrour grocer foe aaasioo Cress 7 Coeaaajiy. KMii aad Howard St. NOBODY hs mr ex plained wfiy the ttj W foe women originate n Pans. Out the fact remains. So erery ytr we import model garment frora the most fashionable modiste in the French capital; oirmeitl which are iust ahead of the present moae, and we copy the models failhfullr in all par ticular. hut ONE. Our garments are a good bit better made, (and pao eraOv from better Ln) than the ones we cet m Paris. There's little to mt of this jacket, for the, picture trils the story. Like aO our jackets. each one is cuaKxn made: not made hurriedly, but promptly. We racomnteoj Mask k rSis goodfur. I-he OorAw. & rw rVhmd at staiM a rerulatKa wf of it Bey taJua. GORDON IT-RGUSOM, a P-ul Minn. i i TMT-i ait J 0) CREAM Improves the flavor and adds to the health ful nc si of the food LAIGHIXi 1.1 K". Willie Pa. how many quarts does it taks to make a peck? Pa It all depends, my son Is thin one quart for instance, will sonntirv. make a '"peck of trouble.' Phllmi-Ij. ha Ledger. "Thlngf are very dear,," said, the d satisfied cltlxen. Yes," answered Senator Sorghum: we are all feeling it alike. I can remen . -the time when votes could be bought I t a dollur apiece that can't be bought iiw at any price." Washington Ptar. "Is your boy getting along m II ;it college this year?" "He was until a few day gn. when he sprained one of Ills ankl" .mil non he tells me he's likely to be ofT t'..- regular tesm for the rest of the season. ' Chlcngu Tribune. "I see you have a photograph f my wife Mrs. Pyle Onstyle In your show rase It's very like her. said the e.orly laller. "Yes. replied the photographer, some what bitterly, "and she hasn t paid me for it yet " Ah: that s still more line ner. rnna- delphia Press. He's a theatrical sort of a person" 'Theatrical?" 'Yes. he trie to stand for his ennvie. tlons against his wife, but he makes weak stands." Cleveland Leader RECESSIONAL FOR WIVES. W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune. "Remember that you are only your hus band's helpmeet. Do not forget that you were created for your husband." Mrs. Stnoe, antl-womsn suffragist. Boss of our fathers, feared of old. Known by the farflung rolling pin- Yet In your ears soft tales were told n hen man set forth your hand to wio. A helpmeet then you vowed to be Through his prosperity or debt: You said none was so grand as he Lest you forget; lest you forget! As out of chaos worlds were formed And out of darkness burst the 1 ahf. So you upon man's vision swarmed And f harmed him with your ulance bright. He never dreamed of your slender hand A grim grip on his hair would get; We mention this, you understand. I.est you forget; lest you forget! The tumult and the shoutings rise. The captains and the kings depart When from your hand the sauce pan fllea, t'nerring ss a flint-tipped dart. When man comes home at 3 a. m , By no glad we;come la he met. Sad facts! We merely mention them. Lest you forget; lest you forget! The floral fetters fades to gyves. Romance throws up Its hand and swoons When we are told how many wives Are wearing hubby's pantaloons. O. woman. gt and rook his meals Or else life's scheme will be upset. . We only send up these appeals Lest you fc-tget; lest you forget! Meadow Gold Barter. nsaJe WFl J . J acWwl t VARANTIX w, lu,w. tko.. .1 WW H P?7 erm s.Tan.Hrcr h