The Omaha Daily Bee. THE SUNDAY BEE -A NEWSPAPER AND A MAGAZINE IN ONE. THE SUNDAY BEE-BEST NEWS BEST PICTURES BEST STORIES.' ESTAIILIHIIEI) JUNK 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1904 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. CZAR MAKES DENIAL Eeport that Ambassador at Londoi it to Bt Recalled Denounced at Absurd. DISSATISFIED WITH ENGLISH TEXT Bnuians Object to Language, Which They Say Gaei Beyond The Hagne Limits. NO SERIOUS HITCH IN NEGOTIATIONS Each Bide Will Submit New Texti and Ho Further Difficulty is Expected. BOARD INQUIRY AT HULL CONTINUES Witnesses Avalii Testify They Maw So Japanese or Other War Vessels Other Than the Russian. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 17. The, farts do not warrant the sensational report that Count Benckendorft, the Russian ambas sador to Oreat Britain, may be recalled on account of the present hitch In the Anglo-Russian North sea convention (as Intimated by the Ixmuon Dally Telegraph this morning; tn a dispatch from St. Peters burg). Russia 'has token exception to the lan guage to the English text of the article relating to Axing the blame and has pro poped some modifications, but there Is no evidence yet that a deadlock has been reached. The admiralty is undoubtedly ex erting Influence upon the Foreign office In the matter. The Novo Vremya contends that the English text goes beyond The Hague conference, which only provides for a commission to determine the facts and In no sense to make on arbitrary award. At the Foreign office the report that Am bussudor Benckendorff will be recalled Is ridiculed. The situation la explained as follows: , RusHla provisionally accepted the text of the convention in Kngllah as submitted by Great Hrttuln. but wlieu it was translated exception was taken to the phraseology, particularly to the portion referring to tue determination of the question of blame, Russia contending that the context did not ilnirly raise the question of any blame which might attach to the other aide. Ex ception .was also taken to the language re lating to the firing upon the fishermen, whlon, as worded left the Impression that the Russian ships knowingly tired upon them. Consequently Russia prepared an entirely new text In French, which was Hutmltted, but was rejected by Great Brlt nln. Then after some exchange In which Flench assistance was acknowledged an arrangement was reached that each side submit new texts from which no difficulty Is anticipated In reaching a final conclusion, tine of the points agreed to Is a preamble wherein the procedure Is described, but more Important is a proposition for a sup plementary article which will lay down the procedure for this convention and for any inquiries of a kindred nature the ne cessity for which may arise In the future between the two countries. The convention therefore promises to fiark an Important step In the relations between the two coun rles creating through The Hague conven tion a sort of permanent arrangement for resolving similar misunderstandings in the future. , t - t ' So Baals (or Story.., LONDON, Nov. 17.-.'Us Associated Press learns that there Is no justification what ever for the sensational deductions mode In the London Daily Telegraph's dlBpatch from Bt Petersburg published today from the delay in signing the Anglo-Rutsl-in North sea convention. Russia haj acceptei j In principle the International commission, t but the exact text of the convention must ; be the subject of agreement between the two powers. The present difference) con cerns small details of the wording of the agreement as submitted by Great Britain for Russia's coiujliioi ailon. Hearing; at Hall. . HULL, England, Nov. 17. The third day of the Board of Trade Inquiry into tho North sea Incident opened today with further reiterations of the oft-repeated story that there were no Japanese,, no guns aud no ammunition on board the trawler flaet and that the fishermen could conceive of no reason why they had been attacked. None of them had been asked by any Japanese agency to do anything, nor bud any of them seen a Japanese or strange warship of any description In the North sea with the exception of the Russians. One witness admitted that on seeing the North sea hospital trawler Alpha wltn ex tinguished lights he had remarked, "There's a torpedo boat." Cross-examined by Dr. Woodhouse, coun sel representing the Russian embassy, the win-ens mild he was positive It was not a torpedp boat, but he was not so sure it was the Alpha. He never before had seen a triwler with a!l Its lights out. One of today's witnesses said he thought the strange vessel seen early in the morn ing after the firing, and described by pre Bus witnesses as .1 battleship, was an Miliary merchantman. He could not ac count for any skipper thinking it was a battleship, unless the skipper was nearer It than the witness, the witness was a mile away. The vessel referred to had two fun nels and was about 1,000 tons. It seemed to be repairing. After the testimony had been given about the lights carried by the trawlers and the injuries to the men the Investigation was adjourned. Hosslaa Ships Leave Dakar. DAKAR, Africa. Nov. 17.-Th Russian second Pacific squadron, bound for the fur east, sailed from here Wednesday evening. Hitch la nieaotlatlitns Xot Serious. PARIS, Nov. 17. Official advices from St. Petersbuig show that the hitch which has occurred In the Anglo-Russian convention for arbitrating the North sea Incident Is not regarded as serious. The muin issues are not affected, Russia desiring a modi fication of certain points of detail Un official Information confirms the statements that the modification desired relates to the question of the punishment of the officers found to be responsible for firing on the trawlers. VIOI.KXT SCENES AT VIKWt Uerniaa Members of Parliament Pro test Aaalnat Policy of Premier. VIENNA, Nov. 17. After more than six months' recess the Austrian Parliament re sumed its sittings today. The galleries were crowded In anticipation of Premier von Knerber's speech explaining the gov ernment's attitude and intentions regarding the Innsbrurk riota and the Italian univer sity question. After the Introduction of tho budget the premier rose amid, a hostile demonstration front the Uermuli partlea. Ufa remarks regarding the Innsbruck inci dent were frequently interrupted by noisy and violent cries from the Germuns, who nppeaiN-d to be greatly dlHnatlstled with Dr. von Koerber'a explanations. Th premier asked tha house to support the government bill for th establishment of an Italian faculty at Rovcrtto In order tu permit the closing of the provisional law faculty st Innsbruck so soon as possible. The Ger mans thereupon shouted, "The TyroUan veterans will take care of HONOR FOR ROYAL PORTUGUESE King ana rs Ride Through Lon dos as Gueate of the Cor poration. LONDON, Nov. 17. King Charles and Queen Amelia of Portugal passed In pro cession through the streets of Iondon to day and had luncheon at the Guild hall as the guests of the lord mayor and cor poration. As a pageant the royal progress through the lampllt streets of the city could not be regarded by even the most enthusiastic as a success. An opaque fog at some parts of the route, so dense that It was Impossible to sr-c more than fifty yards ahead, veiled the overhead decorations, and the troops lining the route and escorting the sovereigns hid their bright uniforms under heavy great coats. The crowds were not large, but nothing was lacking In the warmth of the reception accorded to their majesties. Addresses were presented to C - the local authorities at various I . 2 ,on8' the TO"10- ne of these wai t Ji if all. It neatly referred to Queen ' " is follows: ? 2 from France, born In England, w s to Portugal, she has linked the tl . tlons, which trust will always be ft , close association with one an- ol g- guild hall Lord Mayor Pound and tl J ; mayoress. In their corporation ro J office, awaited the royal visitor. A ilon was formed and proceeded to th v- .y which was filled with cabinet ml peers, members of the House of Co officials and officers of both serv ices, tne prince and princess of Wales being among the distinguished gathering. An ad dress In a gold casket was presented to King Charles and the presentation of offi cials and others to the king and queen fol lowed, and then the city's 800 guests filed into the large hall- where luncheon was served. The lord mayor toasted the king of Portugal, who. In reply, referred to the long standing alliance between Great Brit ain and Portugal and hoped it would con tinue for all time. At the conclusion of luncheon the royal party repaired to Windsor. R19MV3 NOTE IS TO BIS CORDIAL Caav Will Kot Hnrnt Invitation to Peace Conference. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 17. The Rus sian formal reply to the circular note re garding the convening of The Hague con ference Is not expected until next week. In the meantime the views of other powers are being ascertained through the Russian representatives abroad. While there Is no reason to believe that Russia can agree to participate In a conference during the war, there Is every Indication that Russia will not only not resent the proposal, but that Its reply will be of a cordial character. In the course of a conversation on the subject between Foreign Minister Lams dorff and Charge d'Affaires Eddy of the American embassy, the former spoke feel ingly of Russia's great Interest In the work and aims of the peace conference initiated by Emperor Nicholas, and the Im portant fact developed that it had been Russia's intention, had the war not In tervened, Itself to Invite the powers to a second conference. While the war was In progress, however. Count' Lamsdorff ex plained. It was a patent difficulty to fruit ful froe discussion and to decision oa questions which might affect the activity of the present belligerents. ROME, Nov. 17 Although favorable in principle to the reconvocatlon of The Hague peace conference, Italy has not yet an swered the proposal of the United States officially, owing to the fact that an ex change of views on the subject is In prog ress between the powers forming the triple alliance. . PARIS, Nov. 17. A further conference between Ambassador Porter and Foreign Minister Dclcnsse relative to reassembling The Hague peace conference has shown that the minister is cordially favorable to the proposition, thus practically assuring its acceptance by France, but the submis sion of the question to the cabinet is nec essarily deferred pending a Battlement of the cabinet complications. SO INTENTION TO BE OFFENSIVE Italy Replies to Tailed States Inquiry Regarding; Action of Sailors. ROME, Nov. 17. Last September, when the United States cruiser Baltimore was at Genoa on it J way back to tho United States from the far east, some of its offi cers, while In a restaurant, were attacked and insulted. Commander Brlggs of the Baltimore reported the matter .to Washington,-and, acting on instructions from Sec retary Hay, Ambassador Meyer made rep resentations to the Foreign office here, which now has answered, Baying that the thorough Inquiry made Into the Incident has demonstrated that the occurrence was of no importance and that there wai no Intention to offend the United States. DENIES REPORT OF ILLNESS Lord Rothschild Receives Report He. Kardlnir Braall Trouble. BERLIN, Nov. 17. The Foreign office au thorises the Associated Press to Bay that there is absolutely no truth In yesterday's rumor that Emperor William's throat trouble had returned. Persons who were present at Chancellor von Buelow's dinner Saturday night say the emperor took a most animated part In the conversation. Nobody noticed a trace of hoarseness or any other Indication that his voice was affected. Furthermore, the Foreign office assures the Associated Press that If the trouble recurs the news will immediately be given to the public officially. NO POLITICS IX TUB OUTBREAK. Forrlnn Office Says Empcrpr'a Throat Trouble Haa Xot Returned. LONDON, Nov. 17. Lord Rothschild to day received a cable dispatch from his agents at Rio Janeiro saying that the re cent disturbances there had no political significance . or serious results. Lord Rothschild said to the Associated Press: I am not In the least disturbed and do not apprehend any financial difficulties In consequence of the disturbances. American Dudaet Is Submitted. VIENNA. Nov. 17.-The budget for 1906 was submitted to the Reichsrath today. The expenditure Is estimated at 1355,205,330 and the revenue at 355.fW).OT. New rentes umounllng to $2.84.800 will be issued for the redemption of the bonds of the public debt falling due In 190C. Inltirrlias Likes Arbitration. BERNE, Bwltserland, Nov. 17 Arbitra tion treaties will shortly be concluded be tween Bwltserland and the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Auatrlg Hurg.iry, Germany and Sweden and Nor way. Italy Slay Make Treaty. ROME. Nov. 17. The Foreign office has Informed Ambassador Meyer that Italy is quite favorable to the conclusion of an arbitration treaty with the United States and will eropowet Ambassador Mi) t Let flam lies to sign It la Washington FICIIT OVER CHICAGO CASE American Labor Federation Refers Pignut After an Acrimonious Debate. ENGLISH FRATERNAL DELEGATES TALK o Many Resolutions Relating to Eight-Hour Legislation that They Are Referred to Special Commission. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. The Chicago Federation fight was threshed out on the floor of the Convention In the afternoon session of the American Federation of Labor today, but after a hot an3 acrimoni ous debate lasting two and a half hours, the matter was finally referred to the com mittee on local and federated bodies, with Instructions that a report be rendered at the earliest possible moment. Delegate Dole made an Impassioned speech In behalf of the federation. The leaders seemed disposed to sidetrack the question, John Mitchell, who occupied the chair in place of President Gompcrs, say ing he would consider any motion to refer or defer the matter. The point at Issue rested upon the refusal of the Chicago Federation to comply, with the demands of the American Federation to expel two local Chicago unions. The basic principle of the whole dispute rested on a question of trade Jurisdiction. The United Plumb ers' association and the International Printing Pressmen's union claimed Jurisdic tion over the two Chicago unions In ques tion, which were not affiliated with the national bodies. They were upheld by the executive council of the American Federa tion of Labor, but the Chicago Federation persisted In disregarding the ruling and allowed the two unions to affiliate with the central body. The Chicago Federation was thereupon expelled from the national body until such a time as It saw fit to comply with the edict of ,the executive council. 1 Question of Veracity. The fight on the proposition was the hottest that has yet been waged on the floor. The Chicago delegates stated that the members of the executive council of tho American Federation of Labor had refused to permit them to Introduce new evidence In the case and each member of the council In turn took the floor and as decidedly stated that such was not the case. The question therefore resolved into one of veracity. The Chicago delegates were de sirous of making a motion to the effect that the convention appoint a special com mittee to Journey to Chicago as soon as possible after the final adjournment of the convention and study the situation at first hand. In tho Interim, they desired that William Schardt, president of the Chicago Federation and delegate of that body to the present convention, be seated. This was designated by the opposition as a mere subterfuge and cheap political trick and was overruled. The debate was finally stopped by a motion, carried by a bare majority, setting 10 o'clock as a limit after which any speeches on the question could be heard. Discussions regarding Japanese exclusion and the eradication of tuberculosis were tabled that they might be reconsidered.. Fort Worth Wants Convention. Texas got In first on the field as a bidder for the twenty-tlfth annual convention of the American Federation. When the fourth day's session of the convention was called to order, a number of telegrams, con gratulatory and otherwise, were read, and among them were two from the stato of Texas extending greetings to the delegates and urging upon them the advisability of holding 'their next annual session In the Lone Star state. The invitations came from the city of Fort Worth and from the trades labor council of the state, who designated no particular city as a meeting place. Si many resolutions were presented re garding the eight-hour day question and so Important was this matter considered by the executive council of the federation thp.t It was recommended that all legislation pertaining to the short work day bo re ferred to a special commission, composed of W. J. Penfe, I. M. Hart. H. J. Wen delken, Thomas Mullahey, Richard Braun schweig, H. D. Thomas. A. D. Portal, J. J. McDade, M. J. Sullivan, Henry Babllti, C. E. Schmidt, D. B. Home, M. J. Donnelly and P. J. Glass. Fraternal Drletrates Introduced. At tiie hour set apart for listening to fraternal delegates from Great Britain and Canada, James Wignall of the former country was introduced and was given a great ovation. His speech aroused the delegates to a high pitch of enthusiasm. He maintained that to be an ambassador of labor was a greater honor than to represent his country on a diplomatic mis sion. Speaking of the bonds between the two countries, ho said: The clasp of hands across the sea and the bonds of brotherhood which must come to the Anglo-Saxon family will come through the traternallsm of tho tolling masses of tiie two countries. When Wignall ceased speaking he was cheered for seven minutes. William Abra ham (Mabon), a member of Parliament, was then Introduced. Speaking of labor organizations, he said: I come to you as a representative of that class of unions whose main tenet holds that workers and capitalists are bound to- 8 ether a-t common producers of wealth In ulng that I am a worker for peacu We are all apostles of peace In my country uui iitkb can never come until based on Justice. Labor organizations are as necessary to the capitalist as to tho worker. The day of the Individual employer is past and he has been supplanted by the great truals So the day of the individual laborer is past. The trusts. In the nature of things then, must deal with organized labor Is It not unfair, then, for tne nnnuniuiiist to mieuk into the union shop and reap the benefit of the experience, toll and endeavor of the men who have organised? Ia-i us pray, then, always, for a eaceful solution of the great questions that confront us but never peace at the cost of Justice. ' Canadian Delegate's Addreaa. John A. Flett, representative of the Do minion of Canada, addressed the conven tion and Invited the delegates to hold their next annual meeting commemorating the quarter century of their existence in the Dominion of Canada. He compared trade conditions In the two countries. His ad dreaa was well received. At this stage of the proceedings a police man entered the hall an 1 placed all three of the foreign delegates under arrest. This was used as a ruse to present each of them with a gold watch and a gold badge in the name of the federation. For a time the Englishmen were completely nonplussed, but tha Joke took tremendously with the throng present. Rational Grange Heara Reporta. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 17. Today's sen. slons of the Natlunal Grange, In annual convention, were devoted to the reading of reports and to routine business. Dele gates representing various cities have al ready commenced the campaign for secur ing the next annual conveutlun The more strongly represented cities are Trenton. N. J i Washington. D. O.J Mllwauke. and Hartford, Umo -. I TRIAL ATTRACTS . ATTENTION Many People Would Hear Nan Pat tersoa rase, but All Have Been Barred. NEW TORK, Nov. 17. With four of the twelve men who sre to decide her fate already selected, the trial of Nan Patter son, the former show girl charged with the murder of Caesar Toung, the wealthy horseman, was continued In the criminal branch of the supreme court today. The greatest care has been used In the exam ination of talesmen and the exhaustive questioning and almost indiscriminate chat lenglng for even the slightest cause Indi cated that not only might another full court day or even more be consumed in filling the Jury box, but that the panel of 100 talesmen might be exhausted before the task was finished. Thus far the general 'public has been shut out entirely from the proceedings, only those having a direct connection with the case being allowed to enter the court room. Yesterday the available space was well filled by the court officials, newspaper men and the tiksnien awaiting examina tion as to their qualifications for Jury duty, and the officers who guard all the doors had little trouble In. keeping back the crowds which gathered In the corridors. Whether the ban would be Rept down during the whole progress of the trial was not known, but many who desired to take advantage of the first opportunity to gain admittance were on band early today.- Miss Patterson seemed In good spirits when she entered the court room today and a brief chat with her counsel before the trial was resumed added to her apparent cheerfulness. Mr. Levy Informed the de fendant that the morning mail had brought him a letter which might have an Impor tant bearing on the cae. What the letter contained was not divulged. John Mlllln, who was Caesar Young's racing partner and who It is understood will be one of the principal witnesses for the prosecution, was made to sit In the rear of the court room upon request of the prisoner. Mlllln had a seat near the bar enclosure and had been watching Miss Pat terson closely for some time when she asked that he be ordered away from the rail. As Mlllln passed the defendant In going to the rear of the court room she shrunk back on the shoulder of her father, who was present. An eye-witness to the shooting of Young was discovered in a most unusual way to day while the trial was In progress. Archi bald J. C. Anderson, one of the men sum moned for examination as to his qualifica tions to serve on the Jury, was being ques tioned by Assistant District Attorney Rand when lie asked permission to speak with Justice Davis, who is presiding at the trial. After a whispered conversation counsel for the prosecution and defense were called to the bench and a moment later Anderson was excused and Joined counsel for the prisoner within the bar enclosure. Daniel J. O'Rellley, one of Miss Patterson's at torneys, said that an eye-witness to the shooting had been discovered. Information to this effect had been communicated to Justice Davis by Mr. Anderson. When court adjourned seven Jurors had been accepted. ( TO FIGHT. PETTY PILFERING New York Department Stores Will Insist oa Jail Sentences for Shoplifters. NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-Losses of $500,0?0 through shoplifting have been suffered during the past year by twenty-one de partment stores In this city, whose pro prietors, because of such losses, have formed an alliance to fight petty thieving. The fact that such an alliance had been formed came out today, when a woman was ftlven a fifteen-day sentence In the court of general sessions after having pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing goods valued at 15.04 from a department store. Hitherto the storekeepers have been willing to let offenders off with a fine and the court, as a rule, has acted accord ingly. Before sentence was Imposed today the attorney who had prosecuted the case Bald that his law firm hod beeu retained by an alliance of twenty-one department stores to prosecute every case of shop lifting. WORLD'S FAIR EMPLOYES QUIT Chief Drauahtsmaa and Chief Build ing; Engineer Hult Company I at St. Louie. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 17. H. II. Weatherwax, chief draughtsman, and Philip J. Mark mann, chief building engineer In the World'B fair division of works, have re signed. The two experts wtre among the first men employed by the exposition three years ago, when the planning of the fair structures was begun. Mr. Weatherwax was assistant chief draughtsman at the World's Columbian ex pcsltion and chief draughtsman of the Omaha and Pan-American expositions. He will go to Saratoga, N. Y., to practice his profession. Mr. Markmann, who will establish an of fice for the practice of building engineer ing, planned the framing of all the build ings erected by the exposition. COLORADO REPUBLICANS WIN Supreme Court I'pholds Motions Made by Their Attorneys In Elec tion Cases. DENVERr Nov. 17. The supreme court today reaffirmed its decision that It has the right to take Jurisdiction of the last election and the hearing of testimony in the cases of twenty-seven election office ra who have been cited for contempt was commenced. The court further held that the Election commission In making the Denver count cannot go behind the returns, but must tee the written count of the election Judges and not count the tallies. The decisions are victories for the re publicans, as in both cases the motions of the republican attorneys were sustained. Y. M. C. A. DINNER AT nIw YORK Reports of Dlvlaloo. Secretaries Show Healthy Growth of Organisation During the Year. NEW TORK, Nov. 17. Many prominent guests Identified with the work of the Young Men's Christian association In all Its branches sttended the annual dinner tu Idght at the Waldorf-Astoria. Among the guests were Paul Morton, secretary of the navy; Brigadier General F. D. Grant, U. 8. A., snd Rear Admiral A. S. Barker, U. 8 N. The secretaries of ths various divisions presented reports showing a healthy growth of lbs organisation throughout the year. MAX BAEOR AT WHITE HOUSE Bt Fanl Van Sees President Before De parting for His Pott in Ouba. MAG00N MAY GO ON CANAL COMMISSION Resignation of Colonel Herker I-eavea a Vacancy Which Nehraskan la Thouaht to Be Particularly Adapted to Flit. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. tSpeclal Tele gram.) Max J. Baehr of St. Paul, Neb., consul at Clenfuegos, Cuba, with former Senator Thurston, called on the president today. 4 Mr. Baehr extended his congratulations to the president on his recent election, to which President Roosevelt replied by say ing that he was particularly proud of the vote received In Nebraska. He facetiously remarked that Judge Parker had aided the republicans very materially In the last few days before election. Consul Baehr left tonight for New York and sails on Saturday for his post. In this connection It is not out of place to state that Mr. Baehr has made an, enviable rec ord for himself since he entered the con sular service, and it is thoupht he stands a change to be transferred to a more Im portant place than Clenfuegos, there being rumors of many changes In the consular service between now nnd March 4. Mnaoon May He Advanced. The resignation of Colonel Heckrr of Michigan from the Panama canal commis sion Is said to be the forerunner of a shake up In the commission. The reason as signed for Colonel Hecker's resignation is that he cannot devote all of his time to the work of the commission, which Is also true of several others composing that body. The fact is that there has been a great deal of friction between the members of the board and It would not be at all surprising to see the commission reorganized. President Roosevelt Is determined to have a commis sion whose ability Is pre-eminent and who will build the canal in the shortest possible space of time. He also wants a commission which will spend much of Its time actually on the ground. In view of the conditions existing and the necessity of having a law yer on the commission, the name of Charles E. Magoon of Lincoln, Neb., general coun sel for the Panama commission. Is sug gested for the place made vacant by the resignation of Colonel Ileeker. A code of laws will he necessary for the government of the strip owned by the United States along the Panama canal and this code Is now being prepared by Judge Magoon, to gether with a system of courts. It Is, there fore, thought the present could find no more capable man for the vacant commls- slonershlp than Judge Magoon, whose ability has been enthusiastically vouched for by former Secretary Root. Secretary Taft and others In close touch with the president. Thurston to Give a Dinner. Former Senator Thurston will give an In formal dinner tomorrow night to a num ber of his Nebraska friends, resident In Washington, In honor of the republican victory In his state. Clerk of the Court Removed. Watson J. Hills of Lander, Wyo., now clerk of the district court No, 1 In Alaska, under Judge Brown, whose resig nation has been demanded, will be relieved of official duties when Judge Brown's suc cessor assumes office. The clerk of the court is appointed by the Judge. The fact that Hills Is In a measure culpable, as well as Judge Brown, destroys his future usefulness In his pres ent position. Tho president, however, will leave the selection of a new clerk to the successor of Judge Brown. The position pays $3,600. The president has not yet selected a successor to Judge Brown, but is expected to do so within a few days. It Is possible some Wyoming man may be chosen, but if so, no Intimation has yet been given as to who he will be. Charles E. Anderson has been appointed postmaster at Movllle, Woodbury county, la., vice A. W. Hogue, resigned. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routea: Fairfax, route No. 2, Roy Bponcy carrier; Jesse H. Sponey substitute.. Hillsdale, route 1; Leonard E. Wilkinson carrier; Herbert Evans substitute. The comptroller of the currency today authorized the Security National bank of Randolph, Neb., to begin business, with a capital of $50,000. Paul Bucl Is president. August F. Huwaldt vice president and C. H. Randall cashier. ENGINE STRIKES TROLLEY CAR Four Peraona Killed on Grade fram ing at Toronto Motornian Loses Control of Train. TORONTO. Ont., Nov. 17. A street car. with a. trailer attached, got beyond the control of the motorman and crashed through the guard gates at the Queen street crossing of the Grand Trunk rail way tonight. A Montreal freight train struck the forward car, grinding it to splinters. Every passenger on the street cars was Injured, two dying soon after being taken from the wreckage, and two at the hospital. The dead are: JAMES ARMSTRONG, conductor. ONE-YEAR-OLD CHILD of J. H. Rob inson. The baby was thrown from Its mother's arms and both its legs were cut off. . MRS. MINNIE MAHAFFEY, Internally Injured; died at hospital. RUSSELL T. STEPHENS, internally in jured; died at hospital. The forward cur was struck fairly In the center and completely demolished. The vestibule, from which the motornian had Jumped, was carried up the track 100 yards. The trailer was overturned and nil the windows were smashed, but the body of the car remuined Intact. FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT California Man Killed and Actress nd Chauffeur Are Severely Wounded. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 17. In sn auto mobile accident In the suburbs of the city today Humphrey Praedt, assistant gen eral manager of the Ban Jacinto Land company of Riverside, Cal., was Instantly killed and Miss Mlna Rudolph, leading lady of the "San Toy" Opera company, and S. C. Fry, a chauffeur, were severely hurt. Praedt was running the machine when It went over an embankment, pinning the occupants beneath. Miss Rudolph Is suffering from contusion of the brain and poaalbly Internal Injuries. Bhe will recover. Fry sustained only minor Injuries. lYaedt's mother Is a prominent literary woman. The family is a wealthy one, th (number of wuluJS reside la England. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Friday and Saturday. Temperature nt Hour. Dec R a. m 44 fl a. m 42 T a. n 4.1 H a. m 41 a. m 4 10 a. m 4s 11 a. n fM 13 m Ml Omaha Yesterdavi Hour. Dear. 1 P a P a p 4 P n p. u p, T P H p, O p, IMt H4 H.1 MI W nt n BT tin I ..... . CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Roard of Trustees Reporta that Wo gaman Failure W ill Hoi Affect School's Efficiency, WASHINGTON. Nov. 17.-The board of trustees of the Catholic university, which has been meeting here for four days, ad journed today until the second Wednesday after Easter. During the four sessions the principal topic of discussion was the finances of the institution. There wss also formal consideration of the letter of Mar quise de Monstler, In which she made pub lic her resignation of the Catholic faith. At the university tontsht at the con clusion of the afternoon session it was an nounced that notwithstanding the Waggn man failure, by which the university will lose at least part of the $S7fi.0(l0 Invested through him, the work of the Institution would go on with greater vigor than ever before. It was positively stated that no action was taken Kv the tnistees regarding the Marquise de Monstler's letter. Neither that nor the Waggaman failure, It was sild, would stop the plans for the upbuild ing of the university and It was Intimated that ofTers of financial assistance from Catholics throughout the country had been made. For the present the finances of the Institute will be managed by the committee appointed last year. The annual collection for the university Is set for the first Sunday In Advent, which this year will be November 27. WILL OF COLONEL ANTHONY Estate Ynlned at Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Goes to Ills Wife and Two Children. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Nov. 17.-Tho will of tho late Colonel D. R. Anthony was filed for probate today. The estate, valued at $300,000, Is left with Mrs. Anthony, D. R. Anthony, Jr., and Mrs. Maude Anthony Koehler, Colonel Anthony's daughter, as trustees and executors, without bond or Inventory, for the benefit of the grand children or any direct heirs of the testator's son and daughter. Mrs. Anthony, D. R. Anthony. Jr., and Mrs. Koehler are to share the profits of the estate equally. The Leavenworth Times Is to remain un der the control of and ownership of the heirs and Is to be under the personal con trol of D. R. Anthony, Jr., until his death, when It is to be held In trust until turned over to a grandson, D. R. Anthony 3d. Susan B. Anthony and Mary S. Anthony, sisters, are each to have $600 annually dur ing their lifetime. Tho sum of $1,000 Is set aside for the erection of a monument for Susan B. Anthony. ROBBER NOT A CODY BANDIT Man Arrested at Thermopolla Will Be Taken to Basin for Trial. THERMOPOLIS, Wyo., Nov.. 17 For a time the bandit captured last night was in danger of being lynched by the citizens of this place. A large crowd gathered and a lynching was freely discussed, but finally the crowd gave up its plan for want of a leader. The bandit will be taken to Basin for trial, accompanied by a strong posse, as It Is feared an attempt will be made by his friends to rescue him during the trip across the Owl creek mountains. The robber Is un known here. It is not believed that he Is one of the men who shot Cashier Mlddaugh In the Cody bank. COADJUTOR WILL NOT TALK Assistant to Bishop Spaldlns; Refuses to Discuss Act of Marquise Monlstler. PEORIA, III., Nov. 17. Coadjutor Bishop O'Reilly of the diocese of Peoria refused to discuss the renunciation of the Cath olic faith by the Marquise Monlstler, for merly Miss Mary Caldwell. "I did not know the woman," said he, "hence anything I could say would be of no Interest." He refused to venture an opinion as to the effect of her action. Before her marriage Miss Caldwell fre quently visited the family of F. T. Slevln In this city. She was known as a young womun of generous Impulses and frequently engaged In charitable enterprises. C0MMISSI0NERSEND MEETING Convention of National Association at Birmingham Comes to a Close. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 17. The six teenth annual convention of the National Association of Railway Commissioners ended today, the members leaving on a spe cial train for a tour through Mexico. It was determined to meet August 10, next year, at Deadwood, 8. IX, and go from there to Portland, where the convention will be concluded. Officers were elected as follows: President. Ira B. Mills. Minne sota; first vice prrsident, James 8. Neville, Illinois; second vice president, W. G. Smith, South Dakota; secretary, Edward A. Mlse ley, Washington, D. C; assistant secretary, Martin S. Decker, Washington, D. C. MRS. MAYBRICK MAKES DENIAL Says that All Reporta that She la to Go oa Rtaae or Lecture Plat form Are False. NEW YORK. Nov. 17-The Associated Press has received the following communi cation: BROOKLYN. Nov. 17 To the Associated Press: Will you kindly do me the great favor to most emphatically contradict any and all statements tn the effect that I In. tend to make a public appearance either 011 the stage or the lecture platform. Per mit me to add that In no Instance has there been the slightest ground for such a report. Very trulv yours, FLORENCE ELIZABETH MAYBRICK. DENIES THE PAT CROWE STORY Brenaan of St. Louis lays Ho Did Hot See Omaha's Noted Abductor. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 17. (Special Telegram.) Clarke Brennan, at whose home It was reported Pat Crowe called to get money to take him to Chicago, absolutely denies the story sent out by Connole, the Iowa banker who said he saw Crows at Urennan's while In BL Loula, PORT MAY HOLD OUT Beleaguered Garrison Will Be Able to Await Arrival of Baltio Pleet. STOESSEL REPORTS JAPANESE REPULSE Birthday of Emperor Celebrated by Driving Back Attack on Trenches. BIG BATTLE IS EXPECTED SOON Eeport that Jape Hare Landed 60,000 Ilea at New hwang and Fitsewo. COLD WEATHER IS STOPPING ACTIVITY Soldiers on the Shakhe Exchange) Worda and Personal Property, hut No Bullets While Awaiting Ordera. BT. PETERSBURG, Nov. VS. 2:15 a. m. Rejoicing over the undaunted spirit dis played by General Stoessel In his telegram of congratulations t' Emperor Nicholas on tho anniversary of his accrslon to tha throne and officially announcing the fail ure of General Nogl'e nine-day attempt to present Port Arthur to the mikado as a birthday gift Is tempered by private In formation that the gallant commander of the- garrison has been wounded. General Stoessel was struck in the head by a splinter from a shell while he was personally directing the repulse of a par ticularly desperate assault, but fortunately tho wound Is not serious and General Stoessel has not been obliged to relinquish, command. General Stoessel Is regarded as the heart and soul of the defense and his death or disability would be regarded as an trremedlul misfortune. Other Information sent by General Stoes sel which has not been divulged for strat egic era sons, 1 la statedby the War office, is by no mrtans unfavorable. While tha garrison Is now hemmed in. In the citadel Itself, not one of the main forts haa been taken. The garrison has been provisioned fresh ammunition has arrived and General Stoessel expresses confidence that the de fense can be successfully maintained until the arrival of Vice Admiral Rojeslvensky'a squadron. General Stoessel, In his dispatch to Em peror Nicholas, reports the repulse of a Japanese attack October 26 on the north front of Port Arthur. The Russian losses were 4s0 killed and wounded. All the at tacks November 3, the day the anniversary of the emperor's ascension to the throne was celebrated, were repulsed. The text of General Stoessel'a dispatches of October 28 Is as follows: We have the honor to report to your mnjesty that the Japanese bombarded very vigorously October 25 our forts and en trenchments north and northeast. The fol lowing day they nlao attacked ono of the forts on the north side, but our heavy artillery and shrapnel fire dispersed their reserves and the assault was repulsed. Our losses were one officer and about ser enty men killed and 400 wounded. Engineer Captain SakharofT, formerly governor of Port Dalny, died October 27 of typhus fever. It is difficult tn alnvls nut InlvMiinla tnr special mention among the heroic de fenders. . . j Japa Land Sixty Thousand Men. MUKDEN, Nov. 17. It Is reported that 30,000 troops have been landed at New C'hwang and 30,000 others at IPttsewo and that a turning movement on the Rus sian right is expected. Everything has continued quiet up to tha present moment, but It Is expected fighting will be renewed on Friday. The report of General Kurokl's death par slBts, but Chinese deny It Cold Weather Stops Activity. - MUKDEN, Nov. 16 (Via Tien Tsln, Nor. 17.) Four days sharp cold ha silenced ths artillery and infantry tire between the op posing positions and has driven the soldiers Into their dugouts along the entire en trenched line. The apparent Impossibility for either Bide to eject the other from their burrows and the fact that In tha event one side succeeded In advancing It could not dig the other out of its canton ments on account of the frost, seems to promise a winter's inactivity, although tha Japanese three days made a small recoin naissance toward the extreme east and pushed buck the Russian cavalry a few miles, as though they were Investigating the possibilities for a flanking movement. It seems Impossible that either side In any case could more than occupy Its opponent's winter quarters. The wells along the lines are dry and, both sides use the Bhakhe river, where tha soldiers approach unarmed and get water under recognized mutual sanction not to fire on a single soldier. Here the noble art of war ia confined to fisticuffs and swap ping cigarettes, Jackknives and food, all of wliich are prized. Familiarities are inevi table where long lines are In continued con tact. The armies have now been station ary for so long that they are drawing sup plies of fuel and horse forage from the dis tant rear, all other supplies being ex hausted. Celebrate Empress' ftlrthday. The perfunctory ceremonies of introduoa Ing three days' celebration of the birthday of the dowager empress of China began November 12. At the Drum tower and also at the Bell tower, which are features of the mala street, largo shrines were erected enclosing a tablet Inscribed with the word "Jansou," which, like "Banzul," means "ten thousand ages to the dynasty." Before the Ltblel are food offerings and also Incense. Last night 1U0 ornamental, fancy lanterns and, transparencies with congratulatory Inscrip tions were displayed In the main streets, but nut a single person came for the pur pose of witnessing the illuminations, Tha streets were deserted. Many Japanese lan terns were included in the display aa Japanese products, mostly spurious Imita tions of foreign commodities, for tha u of the troops, have arrived here In larga quantities. Today being the dowager's birthday, flags and streamers were tu be seen in all the streets. The. Tartar general, Talhochl, and the territorial officials kotowed to th dowager's tablet In ths deserted ancestral palace and the period of ten days' prayers In all the dynastic shrines about this, "Chi na's second capital," continues. The Tar tar general, with the officials of ths five boards, and also the native military man darin, dined with General Kouropatkln at, the Confucian temple outMde the west gats with the native guilds which bears ths na tional expenses of birthday celebration. Private advloss from Peklig contain warnings that the emperor Is increasingly Insane, sickly and insignificant,, and tha. dowager thinner and older and lacking 14 cordiality to foreigners, although perfunc tory In matters referring to foreign rela tions, omitting former courtesies, while ths most conspicuous "reform" Is said to be) the new, corrupt board of war. Ths har yahoo ters on both rides oocum I