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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THtTHRDAY. XOVEMI.KR 10. 1004. 1 f J C ALV ANB PRODUCE MARKET El rp Adraoce in Wheat uid Cora Aggre gating 0b Cent a Buihel. Sr RTS GET SCARED OVER THE SITUATION l Demand for (aah Wheat Kerla, But Fair Inquiry- l.ater Oate Ira Ala troaa; . Oosslp. OMAHA. Nov. . 1M. "here wan an e.ratlc and unrartaln tono In tne wneat market, wbh a thar, a.. va ice, only to be lost later on. Hit Hd-iM- from auroad were quite lavorauto, uu (lie alttposlilon on tne part ol millo. a to lei caau wneitt aiona In tne hope o. " 'K auie to bri-aa- it wu very n. it. able. J I uikpoaitlon toward bi caking" .rt. at w. . inen.loned In this column ine 11 a. ua or me week anu it liua jiown l.,t.-. i.i Omahu. the rect-ipls were quite talr and mi ie some aut.d so. it anu some ' "ly good io. a. wheat on tr.a rainple u 'ei, out the buyer, or rather tnrre who -- 1 to buy. hold aloor and occiiionali v fie: ipteii noidera with much lower, jwl ich were rarely accepted. '1 he apa-tili-I'li j traders were anxious to buy with ih.9 p ning. 'j he n port of damigf to wheat an an Inclination t the tnemy that ihe i r- p Is lairly well marketed, together wttn t 1 higher foreign ma ike. a, turned the jtlt toward hlgiier figure. 0 ned at i.12H. h gain of, ire.) I tied up to 11.(3. atler which tnere waa a V ' 1 ' profit taking and a break of V or i entire advance, witn a nlint recovery to ard the clone. May wheat gained ,, bu loot it all, and thin made u a I hi , In jllonal gain. 'lere wan another Mrtvnnce In the grain , m ket In the Just hulf hour, the trailing j In .leoember being very heavy and shorts ar loin to get In. The 'result waa a closing 'at hout 1c a buahel over the final llgures ;f .lomlay Inst. This display ot atrength lr jglu a better demand for cash wlieat "ar 1 rpiite a fe-w nates were made, prices d tiding on test. 1 . e action of the corn market wax nur Ir Ing. Despite the continued favorable vr. reports Die shorts, in December and Mi ' ant not comfortable uml there Is u 4lt OKttlon to gel out. December Is espe cli y firm, advancing from tin opening at to 6oe as compared with n clone or 4 ; Monday. May corn advanced prac l My the same as Dooiniber and was flr . throughout. .-. I f ha flnol hour the demand for corn was ur nt and thre were advances of about Sc ver tha anal figures of Monday. ita were a ahade firmer than on Mon a . but there wus no sncclal activity in .h market. 4 naha Cash Sales Wheat: 1 car No. 4 'a u, :." us., kic; l car Mo. i nant,; r No. 4 hard. 52 lbs.. Sue: t car No. i a d. 61 lbs., fl.04; l car no grade. 4 lbs., H . 1 car No. 4 hard, bl lhs.. c: 1 car No. 4 1 ard. 48 lbs.. 82c: 1 car No. 4 hard, 46 lbs., . Kye: 1 car No. 3, 75c. Oats; 1 car No. 3, !4C. , Omaha Cash Price. 'HEAT No. 3 hard. Il.06ftl.07: No. 3 f-4 d, 31. 03Jfl.04i No. 4 hard, WytWoj No.-3 lug. lob ; jno. 3 spring,; inoi l ' Ins. 76c: no arade. file. i ORN-No. 2. 49Vc: No. 8. 40c: No. 4. 48c: 4 . grade, 46Vfcc No. 2 yellow, 4Hc; No. 3 i ow, 49Vic; No. 2 .wbjt, 49Mrl Na. 3 at te, 4c. it ATS No. t mixed, ' 27H(t?2Sc; No..' S nied, 26m&i27c No. 4 mixed, 2Hf No. 2 .te, 2SVc; No. 3 white, 2814c; No. 4 Hte, 27i&27Hc; standard, 284c ' ( hlcago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 31.' 4$; No. 3 red, 31-K'Wl 16; No. 2 spring, , t.: 4H 1.15: No. 3 spring, J6ci1.18: No. 2 hard. . 31. 11.14; No. 8 hard. 31.03rul.O3H. Corn: N . 2 cash, 56VtVc; No. 3 caah, 5CH66c; N 2 yellow, 66c: No. 3 yellow. 69Vu)V4c Ol j: No. 2 cash, 3m0314c; No. 2 white, 314. 81 He; No. 3 white. 631Ho. ' 1 U'lTER Firm; creameries, l&324c; dair ies 14i?'.'0c. i;OOS Bteady; casea Included, leH'fflAViO. C HKEBE Steady; daisies, 0HSllc; iwlna, lOJitWOc: young Americas. 104Ullc. I OULTRY Active and steady; turkeys, 14c; chickens, 8c; aprings, 10c. I ccelpta today: Wheat, 83 cars, none of cii tract grade; corn, liil cars, 7 of con t' grade; oats, 143 cars, 84 of contract t -ade; cattle, 23,000 head; hnga, 22,000 head. Estimated tomorrow: Wheat, 73 caxs; corn, 161 cars; oata, 161 cars; hogs, 27.000 he4. Cash Prlcra Elaawkere. Closing prices at the following market today and Monday ware: W t I . cembar y r ,y Co . I cember y Jiiy Oa a I ecember y July W eat I ecember May Co n I Bcember y W-ieat I 'ecember May Co -n r ecember I y W eat I ecember 1 y Today. Mon'y l.ia-! 1.1214 1.12 1.11 98i .': b) i 46H 294 '"Mil. SIS BT. LOUIS. ' 1.14H , lloi 41 4fi 46 28 sr 31 1.18 1.18 44 44 45 46? KANSAS CITY. 1.04H 1.0114 4:. 10S 1.03 42 42s 4-1 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.14 1.15 1.13 1.14 IV 8 W YORK ft KMC HA I, MARKET 4)t ttatloas of tha Day on Varlona Commodities, I EW YORK, Nov. t, FLOUR Receipts, 7,8: ' bbls.; exports. 10,778 bbls.; aales, 2.000 pk 1. ; market steady, but inactive; Mlnne- aol patents. 36.UOiQ4.4rt; Mlttnefota bake., 84. 9.i.0; winter patents, i.6yh.0i); winter all ghts, 85.86itti'i.ti0; winter extraa, 83 fiiXd) 4.81 winter low grades, 33.4bH.u6. Rye fin, . llrm: salea. Li bbls.: la.r to good, 84.1 M.76; choice, to fancy, I4.7oi&5.00. Buck- W .t flour, dulll'per 100 lbs.. W.00Hi2 la. RNMEAL Steady; yellow western. 81? tl.13; city. 31.12wl.14; klln-drled, 83.10m 1 'E Nominal. ; . A RLEY Steady: feeding. 46',c,c. I. f.. Nft York. M HKAT Receipts. 25.000 bu.; sales. 4.600 Xtxst utures. Hpot maraet nrm; .-no. a rea, 31-i . f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Du lulf tl.214. afloat. There waa a modest eli ion boom in wheat today, helped by prl ictiona of smaller western raoa pta, atr. igth in corn, higher cablcM, coveting of hi s and a hig'Hiuia Pest advance. Tha mil :et closed Arm at lc net advan-e; Mi' , 81.13Vitfl.l4. closed at 1.14; July, II.', ifyl.02, closed at 31. 02; Dm amber, II. Ml 1.18. cloi-ed. at 1.1S. 'KN Receipts, 18.i75 bu.; exnorta, WO bu4 vales, 75,000 bu. futuiet. Spot market all' ng; No. 2 nominal elevator and 64c .... I 1 ft. ntlr..l KT.. .1 ..ull..w r 1 inni 1. v. w., iii't., ., m jth, iw, rNc 2 white, 66c.. option market advance! on firm cables. Increaed csh demind, If t'l rillRlirr f cvriii nu vuvruus, HIT cl 9 belntt H12V40 net higher: May. bt& 62 '. closed at c; December, 676Sc, clc ad at 69c. VT9 Recelnta. 178.700 bu.: exnorta. f.B7 bu Snot market stead v: mixed. 2 to 82 lht M63Tc; natural white, to 81 lba., 3 .7c; clipped, S to 40 lbs., 37t3c. Op tin is nominal. 1 WED Steady; springs, 120.00; middlings, 9 id 0. 1 AV-Stesdy; shipping. T,370c; good to ch. ce. 77tjt(2c. - 1 OPS Firm: atate. common to cholca, 1H0 3hti41c; 103, Hli3c; ohts, 14rl8c. Pa ct ft coaat. 1804. 30u3sc: IIK13. 3otiJ4o: olda. 141 4c. 1 DE8 Flrin: Oslveaton ao in Xi lbs. 17o California. SI to 26 lba.. 19c: Texaa till ). 14 to 80 lb., 14c I 5ATHER Finn! acid. 74327. I tOVIBlONS Beef, aleady; family, 110 .50 T a; beef ha me, 22.5o4j'j4.o(); packet, 110.00 nil il: cttv Ktra Inttla maul 111 Kllrlri A CU meat llurfv r.t,.lrltt4 hllla aa Tui I'h'kled shouldera. 17.60; pickled ha ma, ' J" ?Kl1(i!w- Iard, steady; western (teamed. ; November. 17.60 nominal: refined, fln; continent. 7 .76; South America. 8 .26; 01 pound. $i75iiiVl?. Pork, firm; family. 816 : ahlirt claar ll 7K. Ill li- mm III1J1 in I... .....7., :. - "": ...i.-4r I J .MlW-Qulet; city. (2 per pkg ). 4o; 7 cot Itry tnkga. frer, 4l4c. I -.J ICB-Steady; domeatlc. fair to egtr. t apj rfai.nn, nominal. I ULTRT-Allve. steady; wostarn chl k 4m. lie; fowls. 12c; turkey. 14ul6o. il .h: ern brollerg, 12ul6c; fol .. I1c; turkeys. 1 He. . I 'TTKR Kirov ottlclal price, creamery, ha) . extras, 22tjf8c. " ATallahla gaapltrs of Grain. - XV YORK. Nov. 0 Special cable and tl itraphiu cummiinicatluna received by fin Uatreet's show the fo1' .wing cianga In vaduble auppllea, . ctmipuitd with the lire intts account: V IIKATrniled States and Canada, east f .nkle. Increuae, 2.1j7,' ' 1. 11: afloat tor ni in K iroor. Incrcise. 4' j, a bu ; tuiul H I ly. incroHO. t '7.iM) bu. - I'V -I'ltlicd r'l ile i cu t Ciiiitd.t, cast of ois'- iecl"ie. I7,U(. bu. ?- I'kH' d Itf-n 10I Canada, cast of II" t"-. 'M Tws , "r "I 11 h i. 'I e lei'iVmr tvve-e (h.i'i J 'hi week are. w4.l.3 'Jli. 81 jVUL.tvIu. Uu ".. at 4 ' . Tort Huron, loo.noo bu. at the northwetrn elevators, n,o bu. at Omaha, to," bu. nt Hofhewter and M,(in0 bu. at the Milwaukee rtvste elevator. The leading decrease are 1W mo hit. at Txiiitsvllie and "t.ftal bit, at the Chicago pri vate eH-vatofa. CHICAGO GRAM ASD PROYISIOK1. Featarea of the Tradlaar Cloalag Prices oa Boar .( Trade. CHICAHO. Nov. I Strength In corn due to rue' sran-tty of the rash .article e.itiert a net advance of Ifjliic In both December and May deliveries, t orn was up !:. A sharp advance In grain prices at Liver, fxxil Influenced the wheat pit here at the opening. The December option was up ?y to '0c at 8!.l2f1.l3. May was ific to S'a'ne higher at II. 12', Til. 12. Eirly reports Indicated that wet weather still pre vailed In Argentina and this fact helped to create some demand here for wheat. The market was also Influenced In a laiK'-r depree by fairly liberal sales made by :i leader of the bull crowd. I'mW the sell ing Pressure December declined to 11.12 and May to 31.13. For a time the market was rather quiet and prices held compar atively steady. Toward the end of the session, however, sentiment again became bullish, as a result largelv, of the extreme strength In the corn market. On active buying hv shorts December advanced to 11.13 and May to 1.12'1.13. The mar ket closed strong-, final quotations on December being 31.13. May closed at 31.12. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 102.'nn bushels The world's visible sunplv as shown b'- Pradstreets lncreasd S.Mn.itftft bushels. Primary receipts were 2.ft.144 bushel (two dayst comnared with 1.&H1.142 bushels a year ngo. Minneapolis Dyluth and Chicago reported receipts of 118 cars against 644 cars last week and 870 cirs a vear ago. An actfve demand from shorts caused an advance of over 2c In the price of Decem ber corn. Scarcity of cash corn was the chief factor In the situation. The spurt In Iiecember was due to a knowledge that It will t:ike manv weeks to build up the de pleted stocks, even after the movement of the new crop reallv begins in 1 earnest. Trading was on a liberal scale nnd more outside Interest was manifested. The mnr ket closed practically nt the high boint. December onened VfiHc higher nt 49ft4i4c sold tin to 61' and closed at 61c. Local receipts were 161 cars with seven of con tract grade. Strength of other grain has hnd n buoy ant effect on the price of outs. The volume of business wns light, mainly as a result of sntull offerings. December c higher at 2c. sold up to 29ic and closed at the high point. Ical receipts were 141 cars. Buvlng bv shorts nnd packers caused strength In provision. ' The advance In corn prices also exerted considerable Influence on hog products at the close. Januarv nork W11 up JRc at 12.R2. Ird was ln12V.c higher at 17.22. Ribs were up 7810c at S.62. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 72 enrs; corn. 151 cars; oats, 161 cars; hogs, 27.000 head. The leading futures closed as follows: Articles.) Open. High. Low. Close. Mon. Wlieat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats-. " Nov.. Dec. ' May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May I 1 12 1 13! 1 12i 1 13il 12if I 1 12 1 12!1 11 I 1 11 88 I 96 I 1 13 II 12WI1 HW 1 11 1 12 1 13 as& 98 ,97' 49 e !46 51 4! ."l(ill 4S. 4 446Vu47! 4i 46 46ii,43W - 46, 46 ' 291 , 2 vt 81 29 29V.I B4 ' 31 31l3131ca 31 i314l 31 R2 12 82 7 22! .311 31 I . 31 12 80 12 i5 12 75 12 75 7 15 7 2i 12 R2l 12 67 12 S2 12 65 I t 17141 2l 6i I 6 62 j 8 75 j 7 12 7 22 8 56 6 61 7 2o I 7 35 I 3i 8 72l 6 62 6 78 67141 70 No. 1 Cash quotations were a follows: FLOUR Market easy: winter patents, $5.304f6.40; winter straight. U 9O&5.20; spring patents, 36.10ifr5.60; spring straights, 4.7U'f .20; bakers, 3. 00 4.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, Sl.10tQl.15; No. 3, 11.0(1.12. No. t red, 1.15t& 1.17. CORN No. 2. 5456c; No. 2 yellow, B0c. OATS No. 2, 31c; No. 2 white, 31&'32c. No. I white, 30(631o RYE No. 8. 81c. BARLEY flood feeding. S8W38c: fair to choice malting, 41062c. BEiCff Ee-1.0. 1 nax, si.imt; mo. 1 nortn weatern, 11.16. prima timothy, 32.62. Clo ver, contract rad, 112.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 811.20 fill.26. Lard, per 100 lbs., 7.12S7.15.. Short ribs sides (loose). 17.00(37.12: short clear ides (boxed), 37.0037.12. hollowing were mo receipts ana Bnip ments of flour and grain: - rtecetpts. snipments. Flour, bbl.. 67.100 83.600 Wheat, bu... ..2fi6,nt ..321,2i ..I68.40O .. U.ono 176.800 808,4110 561.610 150,900 Corn, bu oats, du Rye. bu Barley, bu. . . .814.400 ' 71.100 On the Produca exchange today tha but ter market waa Arm: creameries. LVd'-Mc. dairies. 14(921o. Kggs, firm at mark, cases included, 17fr30c; firsts, 32c; prime Units, 24c; extraa, 26c. Cheeae. firmer; 1011c. St. IOnla Grain and Provlalona. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. . WHEAT Higher; No. t red, caah, elevator, 11.14; track. 11.16: December, 31.14; May, tl.loifj'1.15. CORN Mtgner; anoris ouyiug; no. x cjtsn, 81c; track, 6Sc, new; 63c, old; December, 46c; May, 44(fJ4oc. OATS Higher; No. I caah. 30c; track, 30 4S31c; December, 30c; May, 32c; No. 1 white, 31i32c. KI.OUK Dun; rea winter patents, .i.ia (Jjf.,56; special brands, .v6inKi.7o; extra fancy, I4.!w u; clear,'y-i.o... SKED Timothy, steady at 2.252.40. CORNMEAL Steady at 32.70. BRAN Dull but firm; sacked, east track. 81tt84c. 11 AY Scarce: firm; timothy, . l8.Ofk47n2.OO; prairie, SftOOttlv 00. irujiN ti jpt 1 1 a. a vac, .. . BAOGINCe-IHttHit'. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: prime steam; 390. Baoon ateady: boxed extra shorts, 38.50; clear rlba, 88.73; short clear, 89.00. ,i - . , POULTRY Higher; Chickens. 7c; BprlnB, 9c; turkeya, 13c; ducks, tk-j geese, 7Ko. BUTTER w. Flrnif creamery, 19iac; dulry, 14C0 3V, . j . EGGSSteady, 19fc, raa count. . ,. ' Rox-elpts. Shipments. Flour, bbla.. ..;. 7, 14.00.1 Wheat, inl. llS.OM 58.0.4) Corn, bu....i.....,.,..v..... 4,fliv, fcl.oo.) Oats, bu ......-......' 89,000 ' ii.wo Kansas City Grain and ProTlalona. ' KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9. WHEAT Higher; December. 11.01: May. 11.04. Caah: No. 2 hard, Sl.ii6fri.07; No. 8, S1.03O 106; No. 4. 0citl.O2: No. 3 red. ll.OSyi.lii; No. 3. I1.W1.08: No. 4, 82cfM1.02. COHN-December. 43c; May, 42fl4?c Cash: No. 2 mixed, 49c; No. 3, 4949c; No. t white, 49c; No. 3. 4c. OATS No. S white, 30ajT31c; No. J mixed, 29,30c. HAY Bteady: choice timothy, S9.0ka9.!5; choice prairie. 87.SO88.00, ' RYE Steady, 78c. EGOS Firm: Missouri and Kansas new No. 3, whltewood cases Included. 21c; case count. 18c; cases returned. c less. BUTTER Creamery, lSaeic; dairy, 16e. I RecelDta. Bhipmnts Wheat, bu 308.000 9.4irt Corn bu 29.9m) 41.6al Oats, bu 24.000 1 , 37,000 Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 9. BUTTER Firm; prints lc higher; extra western creamery. 26o; extra nearbv prints, 28c, EIHJ Firm, good demand; nearby firsts and western firsts, Sf2c at mark. CHEESE Firmer: New York full creams, fancy. Uc; New York full c rea ma. choice, 10illc; New. York full creams, fair to gwod, 10J10. ' . - i . I Mlnneapolia Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 9. WHEAT 11.14: May, l.lSSf1.l6; September. 96Uc; No. t hard. 11.20: No. 1 northern, 11.16; No. I northern, II. 11. FLOl'R First patento, ti 10j.20: second patents, 5.95i&6 9&; first clears, ! 0 ii4 lo; aecond clears. I1754J.2.8S. v ' Dnlnth Grain Mnrket. Dl'LUTII, Minn.. Nov. 9. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. 11. 1; No. 3 north- em. l.tTl. on i,w. -'. uunntrn. II. 1; No. I northern, 11.08; December, Xl.ln; may, . OAT8 To arrive and on track, S9c. Llveroool Grtala Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. l.-WHEAT-8t, nominal; futurea, easy; Deceniber, .a 2t,d. CORN Spot, American mixed, tlrm; 4s d; futurea. quiet; December, 4a d. Peseta Market. mi.y-.ul 1 Til Nnu CORN H I ulic r : No. I, ⁣'No. 4, 64c; Nu- . new, 47o; uu grade, new, 4o; old. 5ou.,, , No IHg . tiuotatiuoa- i t'oSfeo Market. - . . . .....r-r. . vl,.. NEW YORK. I-ov. a i ur rr.r. "-I"" for future showed greater aenviu coiikiCerable nrmnees nait-a of 110,041 baga including: rect nibcr. 9ol TtkV; January.' 7o7 1. : Mirih, T.Uw'T ; a y t 35f)T.Me; July. T.lw'if.Tfie; Fept-inher, :.7oT: Octoter T'-'Tjt.kjc. Sot Rio. t)U:i4i nlddll"), aieatly., ,.., NEW YORK STOtRSAND BONDS Dealing Heaviest for Over Three Ytirt and All Values Are Higher. TrMDING IN LOW GRADE ISSUES lirae Sales for Profit Taking t nahle . to Break the Strength of the Mar ke't Railroad Shares Are Aggressive. NEW YORK. Nov. 9 The election stock market resembled the election itnelf, in that it offered small field fur distinctions nd contracts. The strenetb of the mar- ket became general and well distributed 1 .. ,1 .1 .. , . m . ,. - t iiinm rose 10 a larger iinnir gate than for any day since panic day on May , 1901. Tnere was a henvv outpouring of stock during the first hour by those who had bought in the past In anticipation of the enlarged demand that would follow the election and the result was a reaction to near Monday's closing level. In the last hour, again, there was the usual disposi tion to realize profits on the considerable advances for the dav. But their move ments did not at nil obscure the broadened demand for securities and the compre hensive strength displayed by the marset. Another change there was in tho temper of the later speculation as compared with the opening. The most feverish move ments at iTrst were amongst tha Indus trials, some of the low grade Issues being conspicuous and these Buffered most ma terially In the renlixlng of the first hour. The latter market showed a notable di version of demand to established dividend payers and to standard railroad stocks. The United States Steel stocks were not exempt from this tendency and their opening prices proved to be the highest of Ihe diy. The miichlne-llke precision and the close resemblance of the opening deal ings In the two utocks pointed to concen trated professional operations. The open ing miles of 20.000 shares, the spread of point . In the simultaneous quotations .and the extreme advance of lc over Monday's Inwt prices were the same In both stocks. The common amongst the Industrials on the exchnnge wns matched by the violent advance In the American Can Issues In the curb market. Southern Pacific. Rending. Rocking Isl and and Erie became aggressive leaders of the late movement In the railroad list. There was no specific news to account for their strength. The day's news wus very little regarded outside the election nnd there was not much of it of Importance. The monev market was entirely unaf fected hy the urrangenients for further gold shipments to Cuba, the recession to par of New York exchange at Chicago, the requirements for the lively Increase In speculation, the announcement of the plac ing here of half a Japanese loan of 160,000, 000 and the intimation that government de posits to the extent of 120.000,000 will prob ably be withdrawn from the banks about December 1. Sterling exchange was steady, but the imperial bank of Germany made a good return. Sterling exchange rose nt Berlin, the price of gold was marked down in London and the Impression wns created that an advance In the Bank of Englund discount rate will be avoided tomorrow. This lesseua the probability of further outgo of gold from here to Europe. Thi stock market closed lrrcgulnr and below best prices. The bond market wns verv active and strong, but the largest dealings were In convertible or contingent interest-bearing indues. Total sales par value, 114,145.000. United States 2s declined per cent, 011 call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: sa ics. mgn. i.ow. dope. ..38.8110 8f4 X7 KS Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio. do pfd Canadian Pacific. Central of N. J ... .. 6.8lH 103 101 iu: ..21,100 9i H6 95 .. 1i) 95 96 95 .. 3,IK) 11SI 129 US 400 lXft IKi llt- Chesitieake & Ohio... 3.7110 45 44 44 cnicago & Alton.... do pfd Chicago a. XV 23.200 24 37 .W , 2 197 i3 C. & N. W 2.9U) UH 194 C. M. & SU V... do pfd Chicago T. & T 27.8HO 14' 172'.. l,3stj . 200 lR:i 188 1N3 . Ilia lb 10 do pfd 3i0 23 C, C, O. & St. L l.&io ti Colorado Southern.... 7.810 23' do let ptd .3oo ft; do 2d pfd 2,500 3; Delaware & Hudson.. 3.9oO 186 Delaware. L. & W.... 300 3215 S 84' 1S4 826 31 , S8 40 S'i W : 35 1S4 320 73 5.1 , w ' t 14 28 Mini 19 Denver & Rio Grantie 100 31 do ofd. 8) 83 ' 41 73 M', 83 89 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ... do pfd....i K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan L... Met. Securities.. Metropolitan St .188.O0 .. 9.800 .. 3,5"0 62 8110 700 89 4,100 14o 145 1,200 19 29 8,5n0 61 49 29 '29 61 i 61 2 HI 800 61 ....11.) 136' 134 134,, ,...'.. , 163 ' 12 12' 9.900 82 Ry..l6,00 124 8u 8u 122 no . 93 148 123 60 91 148 104 3:li t Mlnneapolia & St. L.. 200 M.. St. P. & S. Ste.M. 1,300 92 do pfd Missouri Pacific... MlHSOuri, K & T.. do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western da tfd 2.100 149 22.700 106 104 Si.BOO 8:1 82 . 4, Sl1 69 69 40 1,500 136 136V 135 7,700 74 73 73 90 Ontario & Western... l,2i 43 42 42 PnnnHVlvanla ..91.700 13i 136 13ti P.. C. C. & St. L 2O0 75 75 Ti Reading 173,4l 77 . 7: do let pfd hio Ks; W do 2d ptd ., 1.1'W 81 ;8U Rock Jsland C0....-.2".21 3n '34 do pfd auot- W 74 St. L, & S. F. 2ti pfd. 8.200 t St. L. Southwestern.. 2.CIA) v 24 23, do pfd . 2.30O bv Bo Southern Pacific. 23.2i 1 85 '! Southern Railway.... 41,400 85 S4 do pfd.. , Texaa & Pacific; 16?(0 86 85 7n 87 79 3 74 tw 23 60 tH a 94 35 294i 16.8(0 1.T00 700 T St. U & W.. c 1 in l R1 1. . tM I do pfd.i. 60 rni. p,.m,.,. .na.600 113 1111. 113 do pfd......... 700 . 96 95 94 Wabuah s 1.200 do pfd... 9.'J Whtcllng & L. Wisconsin Central 3.8"0 do i,M.. .'. 800 13 22 , 44 ; -43 23 44 19. 1' ; 18 23 ,. aati .23' 45 ,46 , 45 Mexican Central... .... -i.VM 191. 18Vk ; 1 Southern Pacific pM.. 3,600 11 116 llo Aduma Exprens 260 . American Kxpreaa 1'nlted Statea Express 200 212 212 211 116 Well-FHrgo Express 23: A mil I Conner 59.900 74'i 72'. 73 28 86 31 6V 8 36 3 30 98 75 American C- & F 4.9ml ' 28 .18 do pfd : 1.2M' "eH - 85 American Cotton Oil.. 600 32 32 American Ice J do pfd i.'" American Linseed Oil WJ 14 Amer. Locomotive.... 13. 400 81 do pfd "' W .,.1,.u a H 23.3O0 7t 8 80 14 30 98 75 do Dfd....'. l.4' "2 1" 112 Amer Sugar Refin..4Z t 145 145 Anaconda M. o. Brooklyn R. T... Colorado F. & L Consolidated Uaa Corn Products ... lo0 105 106 ion 67 43 217 20 78 ,.19.8)U. 6S 67 ..25.i' 44 42 .. 6.8K) 217 216 ..13.4oO 10 SI do ptd 2 i0 71. 8 Distillers' Securities.. .biJ 3 TinerHl Plectr c l.ooO lli lib llh nrnatlonal Paper.. K.7. 10 19 j2 37; 36 do pftl International Pump do pfd National Lead Z.. North American ...... JJ Pa.-lrto Mall B-?"? 78 8 79 24 96 lt'S 31 82 2:6 16 ! KtVi Kl 69 84 26 84 K3Vi 26 7 43 24 96 41 Pwiplea Uaa Prea.ed Stael Car S''7u( llliA" lt t4l 44 C4"J An llfd 400 83 82. 15 61 23 8 N . 13 9: osa, 2 81 26 K4 171 Pttlltnan I'alace Car Republic Steel do Pfd , Rubber Uootls ll.OtiO 17 4 : 24 W. 70 13 02 68t4 19'S .. 6,7o0 .. 1.700 .. MO . .26.700 .. 6.2l do pin Tennessee 4 . 1 I. S. Leather.... .1.. 1,40.1 V. S.'Re'aiiy Imp. l.jJS 2.1 I . b. Ktiuofr do pfd V. 8. Steel.., ... 7W ..2r.8.() .148. 800 Wetfngh'oViHe' Elec... 4.9. 1 do lfd . . . 74 ) 91 91 31 Weateru l niou :.,'., -, ,,,, ..,... Total sales for the du, ...SjI.uw attarea. Nt.w York Mlnl ' NEW YORK. Nov. 9-The following are the closing Iric.s - 'e, Llttlo Chief Adanta I'on ,. . .MU .. 14 . .. M . :t ,. 2T ,.1N Alio HreaK'a ...40 ... it ... ... ...! ...v . . Ol tarlo oohtr Ilrunawlik Con .. phoanl Potoei vaga mrra Kavada sniatl Hop . f'ouiatorli Tnnnal Tor. i'al. A Vs., Horn Kllvar Iri.M Sllvnr Laadviile Coa Traasnry gtatvment. WA8HINOTON. Nov. H-Today's slate. an..a . . at a U a aW .. t.. In I kaa faTio III 431 1 1 VI lilt? inaui J 4JU . II' an 1 1 .- m . eral fund, exrlulv of the tl60.UiO.uiO gold reserve in tna uiriainn 01 reoeniin iuii Available, caah balance, I144.K39.871; guid, i4,6ut,i6t. ktalenient Bank of Germany. HHIII.IN. Nov. . The weekly atulement of the Imperial hank of (lernmnv show the foil.., Inn rhiingea: Cash III hand In creased, 14 d.'o.iaa) inui kai treasury notes in creiJ, ltW.ouo mai l; otiur ,cgriilea dr- creased, eO.20n.OiiO marks; imts In circula tion dcrenscd. 3."V1"m marks. Sew York Moae Market. NEW YORK. Nov 9. MONEY On call, steady at 2l,'i2 prr, cent; closing bid. 2 per tent : bftered tit 24 per cent: time loans, easy and dull, sixty days, ninety days and six months. 3i4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE r.PF.R--4&4 per cent. 8TKKL.INC1 :XCHAN'1E-Steady with actual business In tankers' hills at 14 Sif".! 4 Fil5 for demand and at S4 S3Mi 4.tvJ70 for slxtv dsvs; potcd rates, $4 4 and $4 87; co-n'merc"nl bills, 84.83. SILVER B.'ir, ≻ Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government. easy; railroad, strong. The following were the closing rrlcei oil stocks nnd bonds: t". i. ref. m, reg do coupon 1I0 flu, res do coupon .v do new if, rs. do coupon do old 4i. ref .. do coupon ...... Atrhlnen tn. 4.. do adj. 4i.i AtUnti. r. L. 4k. Dal. A Ohio 4a... do 1H Ontral o( Oa. r.. do lt tic Th-a. A nh.o 4', Chicago A A. 34 I .. n. & U. n. 4a ,104ibivannattn e. ler.'t .ac. Ontral 4 14 .lMS, do ll In. 11 .H'4 4 Minn A tt L. 4a.... 17 M . K. A T. 4a le.'Vi 13i' do t asi IH1 S. R. R. or M . c 4. S'H tS. Y. i'. g. 3ia 1H ..t'lSSIV K Ss tM'a o. pai'in. ia :m do la 75 1 s: A W. c 101. o. g. L. 4a A par....li44 Pann. conv. 14a 102 Roadlrs sen. 4a H'l4 St. I.. 1. I V c. St. L. S. K. f. 4a st L. S W. Is Seaboard A 1 4a 4 S. Pacific 4a 944 ?o RnllwaT (a 1IV Tnaa A I- la 120 T., Bt. I,. A W. 4a.. M .10SJ . M .11! . ai . Wi 99 C. M. H P i 4. . 1 Io C. St N. W. c. 7s C. R. 1. P. 4a ... : do col. a. 0 rrr. St. L. 1. 4..l2'V rhlcato Tar. 4a. .. Con. Tobacco 4a.. Colo. So. 4a I) R. o. 4 Erla prior Han 4a do geti. 4a r. w. ov n. c. ia Hoiking Val. 4a. I.. A N. lint. 4a.. 83 Vnlon Pacific 4 10" . 7V . 9 jut .1"1 do ce . 4a f. S. Siecl :d fia Wabaah la do dch. n .ll."4 . M . n . - IN) iw: & l.. k. 4a Wla. Ontral 4a.. IMICoIo Fuel c. Sa. 102S Foreign Flnsaclal. LONDON, Nov. 9 Money was abundant In the market today and rates were easier. Discounts weakened owing to the Improve, ment In foreign exchange, and the contl nental demand for hills. The tone on the Stock exchange was tirni. the monetary out look encouraging business. ITesldent Roosevelt's 'Victory was also regarded ns a bull point. Consols Improved nnd homo rails hardened despite the disappointing traffic returns. The buoyancy of Americans wus a feature of the market on New York purchases and some local speculative buy ing. The operations commenced enrller than usual, some dealers appearing at 7:30 a. m. and swelling to a big crowd by 8:::o o'clock. The bidding was actlve.: but-did not equal anticipations and began to re cede a little at 9:30. When the Stock ex-chnna-e onened nrlces fluctuated somewhat. but there was a strong undertone pending the Wall street openlnc when prices re acted and closed unsettled nnd rather above the lowest of the day, Jaimnese started dull, but closed steadier. Imperial Japa nese rnvernment 6s of 11 were quoted at 93. Kaffirs were cheerful. PARIS. Nov. 9 Prices on the Bourse today were firm, the result of the 1'nlted States election exerclslmr a favorable In fluence. Russian imperial 4s were minted at 94 and Russian bonds of 1901 at ulu. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Nov. 9. Call loans. 2ifM per cent; time loans. 4i3 per cent. Official clos ing or stocks nnd bonus: Atchlaon ili. 4 do 4a 1DJ Mei. t'ertral 4a.. ..'. . 7" Advent uri- ... T'i . . . i.".-" . . .' 7.t' i ... W' ..r V.'i ... M . . .42.1 ... Idi ... t&'i ... 12i ... tii'i ... VP ... Vt ... MS ... 71 .Mlmiea Amatganiatc.l '. . Arnnrlcan Zinc . Atlantic , Plnghap I'al. At Hccla. Ontennla'. : t'nnpcr Rang .. Atchlaon HHt do fd 102"ii n.ton Alban..:..2"il Poaton & Maine, 1 H:i Vi Hnatnn Klfvated Ifil Fltchburs Dfd Mexlitni Central DcVoPalT Wcat N. Y.. N. H. A H...19ls,,Ooinlnloc. t'oal t'nlon Pacific ll-i Franklin Amfr. Arge. Chem... 19 IGnuicv do pfd .... M4 lale Rnvalc .. Mara. Mining HSYMtchlgan Amcr. Pneu. Tube.. Amcr, Hngar do pfd l:, ,MiliKtk . . a4 ' .. .. !7t, .. Hi . . 2 , .10 ' .. HV, . .12il . . H1, . . w .. M . . .; s . .' n ,.100i Amer. T T 14.11, Mont. f. & C. A mar. Woolen . do pfil IS tlld Dnnilnlon Sn Oactnla Pnpilnlqn I.. 8 VtS.ra.rrot iMI.on Klcc. Mlu J43 'irinncy tleneral Rlc. trlc 17C Shannon Mara. Klectrlc 1.(4 Taniarai k . do Pfd pi .iTrlplty Maaa. flaa 41,!. S. Mining Vnllad Frlt- 10S lit,, 8. M - VtU4 "hoe Mnch.,.. 64H-t'4hli ..: o aiM ..a ;.. S'S, VV torla v, . . . . U 8. Steel 2it'4 Wlnnna do pfd .i. ...... 4 .'ulvrlns W.eating oamtnon j.j. 14' lr Asked. "Bid. " ' Londun rioaltiaT Stc.ka. LONDON. Nov. 9 Closing: Cnhaola. money i M !VtN!IY.l Central do account as 3-14 Nurli.ik A W Auacosda V.. Ms Je pfdrf. . 7'...,. Atcilapn .'...a.. 4, aiMj OcWlo v V,...,. do pfd ........iJu4t .Pfnasylesnl ...... Baltimore A Onto ... tn Rand Mlnca ....... Oahbdlan Pa.o -,14 Blading m.,.1 rt. Jtt OMn.::f. .... 7 i' no 1st 'pfd s.l.ll i, I. 44 , .., 71-j .. 11V, .. S' rt.lcatfn nt. W 2lil do Sd nfd 41 C.i M. A rlt.P. ., ,.n7' Oculhain Kalieay ... S.VS llcBacra .:'...?..:..-... !' do ifd -...'.-...'.,.. tiii I). A R. (i.....,....,, e2k Southern Pactflc 4V do pfd 5 ifnlon Pacific 1l.iV, Ena 41 "4 do pfd tt do tat pfd 71 ' I', g. Steel 27 (, : 'o..8d ptd it , 4o, , P4 ..,.,r lnl Illinois Central 1474 Wabaah i.H, l.iula. Nanti.,.,.-...!"'-! do ............ 41, M.. K. A T 3SH Spanish 4s 87 SILVER Bar, flrm2Bd per "ounce;" ' MONEY 22 per font. - ' ' . . 1 The rate ol discount In the open market for short bills is 2V('3 per cent; fur three montha' bills, 2 1-I!j3 per cent. OMAHA WIIOI.EfcALE MARKB1 Condition of Trad and Qootntiona on Staple and Fancy Produce. EOGS-Cnndled stock, 21&22c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8c; roosters 6e: turkeys, 15c; ducks, SjSc; geese, 790; spring rhickens, 8c. BUTTER I'ucking stock. 13c: choice to fancy dairy, 174j18c; creamery, 21(&24c; fancy prints, 26c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trou.. 10c; pick erel, 8e; pike, loc; perch, 7c; bluetiah, Uc; whltetlsh, 10c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper. lie; lobster, gree.i, 2oc; lobster, bulled, 30c; bull heads. 11c; eatftsh, 14c; blank bass, 20c; hal ibut, 10c; erapples. 12c; roe itiiad, II; buf falo, tc; white liuas, Uc; frog legs, per dux.. 26c, - HAY Prices quoted 'by Omaha Whole sole Dealers' association :; Choice No. 1 . upland, 17.00; No. 2, lu.50;, medium, 16.00; 'caars, 15.60. Rye atraw,. 15.00 These priced gre tor nay ot jiouu wo. Of and iiuaiuy. OYSTERS New York Count, per can. 45c; extra selects, ' per can. '32c: standard, per cant 82c; bulk, standards, per tul., Jl j, bulk, extra selects, per el i ?j: bulk New York roums. per tral,, $2 00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, adze 128, 158, 17. 200. 216, 160. 33.50 LEMONS California fancy, 27lr. too and 360. Jf.oo; choice. I4.F0. DAI E3 Per box of '' 30-lh. ' pktr . $j m Hillowl, In 70-lb. box, per lb., 6f6o. FIGS Calif tirnl:i, pri-.lO-lb. carton 75IJ 85o; Imported Sniyms,- 4-croivn l'w," 6-crown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy imported' washed. In l-lh. pkgs., HUl9c: Caiifornla' per case of thlrty-slx Pkgs., J2.25 BANANAS Per medium sized bunch 12. notf!'.; 50; lumho. I?.7.'3.f0. c"' COCOANUTS-Per. 100 lu.Oft. FRUITS. ' APPLES-Hoins gtuwn Jonathan ' Mr bbl.. 14.00; Hen TJavix. 12 25: New YnVu Talman and: Pound Sweets, JS.OO: New YoVu Kings. 13.00;. New tork i'lppins. 32.75- New York Oreenlngs, :.S0; New York Baldwins li.ou: woioraao jrniainans anu Wina Hur, pe. bu. box, 11.69. ''. PLRS Utah. Oolnmdo and California fall vanctit. pr box. 11.7:2.25; New York Keefer pears. ier bbi.. ,43 60: New VnrI Dutch, per bbl.. 4.0fKj.4.2t w orli CELEH Y f er uui.. :5Jt0c. CRAPES New Vork unu Ohio tier I I banket, 22c; imported Malugas ner k.S 5tM'(U00. Keh' CRANBERRIES Cape Cods and Wisuon rdnjlell and Cherry, per hbl., s.oo; per box! Vf.oetablks. POTATOES New lioma-grown. In aacka per bu., 4oc. -1 ' Mc"' TURNIPS-Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta- foagas.-per lb.; lo, . NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 11952 00 ONIONS Horoe-grown, in aacka. per bu tc; Hpanlnh, per crate, 11.90. P r DU" TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basset. jMiSfct - ' " mat get CAI'LIFLOWER-Pen bb)., 34.00;' per'caae of 6 to 10 heads, 12 00. pPr c"Me crcilMBKRS Per cose of 2 doz 31 vi CABUaOIS-Home-grown, per Ita i'h "rtv. SWEET P01ATliiS-lloni.-grown ,n?r bu. buket, 60c: Virginia, per bbl i t!,. Muscatine, per bbl.. 12.00. '' WJ- OHE13N PKPPERS-le. bu. basket 60c SulJASH Home-grown, per doz 6tic EGH PLANT Hume-grown, per lioaVv. SAl'ER KRAUT-Viaconln. p ' v 8250. . Pl . kit,. CIDER New York, per bbl,, 35 t; per HORSE RADISH Per doz. Sic MISCELLANEOUS CHEEBn-WUconasii I win. ru cr.m 12c; Wisconsin Young America, l'c- biViVk Swisa, new. lie; old i6ar.C; Wisconsin brick, 13c: Wisconsin llmberger. 12V NUTo-Walnuis. No. 1 .ofi i new crop, per lb., 14e; hard shell, ner lb lac; No. i soft anvil, per II;.. iV- No -hard Nhell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large tiar lb.. 12c; amall. per lb., loc; p.anuTa." per lb., 7c; rcasied peanut. per lb.. 8c: Chili V,,,uu' Rfr,l-b- i?', .'tonai Via shell, pet lb.. 17c; hard nhell. per it, Jc cheatnuta. per lb.. 244l5c; new black' wal nuts, per bu.. 75((j,j0c; shellbark lilckoiy nut, per bu., 11.76; huge lilrkoiy nuta, per bit., 1160. y ' ' HIDES No. 1 green. .7c No. J green 6c No. I suited. 8c; No.V ai.lted. 7Wc; No 1 veal calf. 9c; No. t veal coif, ;c: 0,y .,t,(j Joil6c;; aheep pull, 2ic'UU.vO; Uvttt sid', OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat CUla kvA Cow Stall Strong te Ten Higher, Feeders Steady. HOGS OPENED STRONGER, CLOSED WEAK Very Light Ran of Sheep nnd I. a nibs nnd Prices Mroag to Ten Higher or Ten to Quarter Hlaher Than ( lose of Last 'Week. SOl TH OMAHA. Nov. 9. 1301. Receipts uete: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Crucial Monday 4.tti .. ..u lt,4 t'lliclai 'I utaiiay I.Iji 4.o.a o.itot Ulucuii Wednesday ii.luo u.K-J Three thus this week.. 7. 21 11.6c 16. 1U I. i.ttoi II. 410 1..3''k Is. 17.113 ul.tali ilo.ul 4, .no B".tti4 ,,KOO Same days Inxl week 19 9 heme uas yt'eek bet ore. .J,4.n MHme mrer weeks,oU liw lour weeks . . . . If.olii Same days iasl year il.'Joi hl-.CK.tfiS kOK. '1'HK YtkAR 1U DAI li ilia luduwmg labi sliowa ln icipla o( cuttle, hugs and anttp at ti ulli cntana lor the cmi ; odte, witu louipatisua with ii'si iettr: 1904. Cnttle 7w,ji2 Hogs l..t-j bi ti i l.oo.loo The following table 1i3. Inc. Doc. iUO.Ml ljtt.iX l,4,i UU..9I l.twt.i.21 law shows the average price tf hugs at South Omaha lor tne laat several daya with comparisons: late. I liH. 1H03. 1902. ,Tat)l.,lXI.U9.jl8!)i. Oct. 17 Oct U Oct. In Oct. 20, Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. J4 OctJ 26 Oct. uti Oct. 27 Oct. is. Oct. 29, Oct. 30 Oct. 81. Nov. 1 S 02 'I 9l j 6 WiH, 1 tl' I i 13 i o iri 5 25 I 6 11 3 U3 5 0i 6 l. 6 141 VI 6 23 6 lM 6 4I , 4 7 4 92 4 9o I 4 99. 4 87 4 JH 4 74, 4 73 4 7a 4 So! 7 15 i 30, 1 02 1 21 1 I M, 6 93, I 6 2 6 2b, '.1 6 IUI 611, b 9i 6 74, 6 01 il 06; 71, 0u 6 6-'i ' I Ed S ; 6 62 6 81 6 69, 6 72: 6 61 1 0 61 1 6 t 6 731 65l! 6'" 6 4H, 6 82 6 61 6 71 tt a 11, 6 'A. n t 6 441 6 67, I 6 741 4 641 4 ol 4 to, . 4 G2i 4 bl, 4 61, 4 46 4 oa 4 54, 4 62 4 iiv, 4 4. 4 51, 4 601 4 66 4 G6i 4 6. 1 4 on 4 711 4 69, 4 161 I 70 4 lw 4 of I in, J I 4 bl, 3 It 13 8 Ui I 3 w 4 16 4 14 J So 4 13 3 in 4 li 3 M 4 10, 3 41 4 10 3 62 I 3 64 4 09 4 63 3 56 4 01, 3 6j 4 0I i 4a 4 H4 3 4t 4 02; 3 PI I 8 02 4 01 4 0., 3 5j 4 03 3 62 4 06 3 4o 5 23 I 6 20 j 6 tut 1 6 00 4 95 j 4 98: I 4 91V.' I 4 M-,,i I 4 53, Nov. 2 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1NOV. Nov. Nov. I "O'.ti I 4 90 1 I 4 &sj . 4 m . 4 9C I I 4, Indicates Sunday. The nrhciat number of cars of nock brought in today by tnch road waa: Cattie. huk on p.ll'acs. C, M. Ai St. P. Hy... Wabash Mo. l'nciiic liy U. P. system C. & N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R. C, bt. V., M. it O.. B. & M. Ry C, R. & Q. Ry K. C. te bt. J C., R. 1. & P., east.. ('.. H. I. P., wtst.. Chicago Gt. Western Total receipt 4 11 .. ' .. 1 'a u i 6 1 .. .. 21 8 2 5. 2 So 8 tt 1 5 2 1 1 1 .. 2 1 .. .. 1 .. Ml . 511 9 6 The diapoaitlon of the duy's receipts was as follows, each btijer purciiitslng the num ber or neaa indicated. Cattle. Hog-'. Sheep. Oinnhii Packing Co... O. H. Hammond Co. Swift u n.l Company. Cudahy 1'ucklng Co. Armour & Co Armour, Sioux City.. Carey & Benton i.obmiin & Co , XV. 1. Stephen L. F. H tiHZ , Mike Haggerty llalHtetid , S. & 8.: , Other buyers . . . . .... :i:2 .... 37S . . . . 2S9 Ml 't.2 .... 216 . . . . .'i9 .... 131 1 261 516 110 193 8 138 3(4 TotalK 2,119 3,740 1.234 CATTLE There wus another very light run of cuttle here this morning, winch makes the Hiipply for tiie three uaya this hick fur Hlioit of the same duys of last wick and tttao ol lust year, 'i'hu tablo above will show tiie exact ttgures. The demtind for killers this morning wus brisk and anything ut all desirable sold at good strong prices and some salea were undoubt edly mgiier. There were several loads of corn-fed steers Inl? the receipts, but moat 01 them were only of full' quality. Ah high its Sii.lo was paid, howe-ver, for 11 well-finished bunch. The market could wifely be uuoted strong to h dime higher on desirable grades, witn common anu medium gradeu limy about steady. There were so few western range beef steers on sule that it is hard to tell much about the market. Anything desirable, though, - would undoubtedly have Fold around a dime higher, with others jiteudy to strong. Ah compared with the close of Inst week the market la Just about left Joe higher, the greatest Improvement being on the inure OtHlruoie grades. Quite a large proportion of the receipts this morning connlated of cow stuff, but the demand was equal to the occasion and the market ruled active and strong to a dime higher. There were some on sale of un usually good quality, and as high as 13.25 waa paid. Trading was active all along the line and most of the early arrival were disposed of in good senaon. Some of the trains were late in arriving, though, so that a large proportion of the cow stuff did not get in until lute. As compiled with the close ol lust week it Is safe to quote ihe cow market all of loc 10 20c. higher Bulls, veal calves nnd stags fill changed hands t'eadlly enough al goo,!, strong pilccs. There were Just a few Mockers and feed ers In the yards this morning, and not many were wanted, us it wns leared that the demand w mid not be very heavy for the lent of the week. The prices paid could be quoted .hint ubout ateady with yes terduy. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No 1.. !.. S5. SI.. 0.. 17... lo.. .. .., Ac. Pr. Vo. Av Pr. 6 (10 .1 50 .1 bit 15 ... 360 , . till ...1070 1,115 1 ST. 4 2.r 4 a 4 uu 34 127S 1 1070 1,". lli.Bt IS 1813 AND COWS. li- 170 .tout 4 tir. STEERS ..liq 4 mi COWS. 2 i 4 S to 7 HEIFERS, a ;i BULLS. 2 30 1 1 M 1 2 to CALVES. ..K ! . . (C3 .1047 .12.17 3 00 a 60 : 80 ,1S:io .1060 .167(1 . 510 It 2H 4 00 1... i:n S 80 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. "04 4to a ae NEBRASKA. 1 cow 1100 ' COWS. . ...1125 ... 97 ...1140 ...10t 0 ... 950 ... 809 ... 671 ... 862 ,..1290 ...1140 2 50 2 00 2 15 3 50 2 05 1 75 2 30 2 30 1 76 2 60 2 50 3 ST. 2 55 2 55 2 25 2 20 2 90 1 73 6 00 2 25 2 60 3 00 2 50 2 15 1 (. 2 fid 4 75 3 00 2 25 8 4 3 on 1 75 2 95 8 40 3 40 3 Ol 4 rs 3 30 4 cows. .... W2 2 2. 1 ar 2 15 2:0 2 50 3 10 2 60 3 10 3 (41 2 50 2 00 8 00 2 15 2 00 2 CO 2 25 7 cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow... 10 cows.. 17 cows.. 7 cows.. 28 cows. . 1 hull... 1 stag... 21 cows.. 1 cow 860 6 cows. 8!iS 1 heifer.. 2 steers.. 12 steers.. 1 steer... 12 titeers.. 7 steers.. 2 steers.. 2 cows. . . r,.vi .'780 . 720 . 610 .765 .11161 . 9:tu 952 909 797 8:ii) 660 1350 866 9'.5 SI feeders. 7 cows. . . . 1 cow 1 cow 1 bull t cows.... 15 feeders.. Kwi 1 bull 1310 1 cow MO 59 feeders., 577 1 tow "i cows... 50 cows. . . cows. . . 7 cows... 1 cow. .. . 20 CtlWS. . . . 830 .. 9f 0 .. 96:) ..loKi ,.li7 ,.1030 1 15 2 61 1 hull 13S0 2 15 1 calf 150 2 15 2 heifers... 545 2 11 14 cows 104 2 mi 3 steers., ..lm:i 6 00 1 calf 410 3 00 3 cows mvi 2 75 2 cons llfiO. 2 15 19 cow UK t 4 1 cslY 110' ,110 1 calf , 12o 1 feeder... 870 26 cows 915 2 cows..... f." 8 cows 1""3 SOUTH DAKOTA. 10 feeders. .1"74 3 M 8 cows 9.1? I cows 815 2 50 1 cow -. 740 ( steers. 3 45 1 steer 10-0 15 feeders.. W. 8 5" cows lull) 1 cow.... ,1030 2 25 2 cows..... 755 Ed Hoy re Wyo. ....111" 8 "5 a rows 102 80 cows. W YUM 1 NO. 1 feeder... 1260 2 25 1 stei r ll'W 3 40 1 steer 14 3 40 1 cow IWO 3 25 1 ter 1-'' 8 a leeia...'.Ull 3 80 tin steers. ...1278 1 steer 11(4 II steers... .1110 1 su-er..,..ll7n 21 steers.,., 1129 J. M Humphrey-Neb. Scows. ..1038 3 05 22 cows.... J. Hobler-Neb. 16 feeders,, rk'7 '! lo 52 cows 9(3 991 3 06 2 76 3 35 2 76 3 bulls "'' " Chester Bros., Neb. t'4'i cows... 4 cows... . 86 3 til 4 feeders.. 977 .H'S " fO 2 f-j'ders., 977 L. E. mith. Neb. . 737 1 95 . 1 cow 11 I rows 6 cv' 11 tHcder.. I feeder... f f1 t 'Jl M 2 6t v I calves... 170 , :o 1 calf no t 60 H0 SO" J V. Qulgley-Neb. '4i i'l C. cows 93 1(97 3 !!5 lu cows 1! J. F Mch'ean Wvo. 10 ateera 1U t teeis 8 ( 0 t :o 3 4.. ti 45 3 t 'i . 4.1 I 26 1 10 2 05 30 steers. ...P71 8 45 6 steers. ...I'.O 1 ateer.. ..i.,o s 4 1 s'ei-r 1:81 ..1(4.0 g 45 J Hter ln.30 ..IW 3 48 1 ja'rer 1' "0 ..I080 2 60 1 heifer... 930 H Higglnann Vvo. .. i 8 60 8 row ion 1 cteer ... 1 steer. .. 1 cow 17 ndxed.. .1 feeders 1 steer. .. 7-. X x bulla 1V2", 8j 5 35 J O McKcan-Wyo. 2 Hears. ...lJO- J Si I cvw. 190 75 4 steers. ...11?R Hi i rter. .. l"4i 3 li Ssteera lft-" 3 6- Ksieers... I.j, 6 m 14. F iholirr Vi.. 4Stwt...'.liM SU K. C Kllnck Nth. Wows 92 1 Si I bu:l 1 ! Je 13 cows ! : 4 2u lierK.. , i 4- .1 feeder.. 77 I hoo-AU ut B- many higs tter; on aals this in rn na as vote. ... t me t f t p.ckeis anu frtiliv.a i.toti tu... nr.. i at tne iiw-i ltm ol the naii.1 ami pill i.oout ic ttwo' ior ti e k i d 1. ey w. nt 1 than sun. In IilRS aold tve esieto.4). t .10 popular p.ltvs v.rre ,i.9.n ami Ait. about twenty car hat, in.iii.-vu liai.u. however. ptkeja loWvicd Ihett bids Mid d.d no; want to pity mo.e inti nm t". whit wan leit. Ha.smrn natuiaiiy i.tiu.i the int. rnlr.g ptlces. and as a itsutt It some lime before much buslne-s aa irat.s- Htloi. The alttiMk-n did mi Improve niucn .1.4 the morning advanced and salesmen fin illy ..nil 10 1 in c.oe 111 t'l iiv!" vo.j i.iroiiiier loan jeteittay, i ti i"'"'"". piliea njlng .3 a-ul 4 i7. which mad' the hulk of nil the snles from 4 88 ti '..'.'. twing to the light receipts, everytnlng w:s tlisr.o-ed of bv the middle of the forenoon. although trading was sin-. Represent - live sales: Ao A. Sa. Pt Ko. 86 Pr 1 2 .. 4 ti If. :4 . 4 IP, 2. 101 ..4 14 Ii7 aj 4,t, 17 144 . . 4-0 1.7 ..26 10 4 fi , I. 4 '. 1 4 9:. H A 4 i'i i7 4u 4 . t. 40 4 le, J47 40 4 v.i wi i: 4 . II J,4 .. 4 VO 7t .11 M 4 I I'. SO I4 .. II. 74 341 I..I 4 7i, :, sew 40 4 :. s s 4 7-t 64 J24 li'! 4 K 74 UI 141 4 7-, (4 ...:n a 495 ; :j n 4 i4 70 '.lt .. 4 7. M a4.' ') 4 17'4, 47 4j .. 4 5 n I'm mo 4 7a ti tM 1il 4 a.S 47 10 4 i 4 247 .0 4 M U I'll 40 4 H7-, 0 i'4 no 4 Hi 71 :..!! 4if 4i7ia M 267 ID tS 74 S7o ltO & 0U l HI 12 4 70 lb 40 I (1 ( ,..m 4 N 71 24.1 240 I HO 7 .244 2O0 Hi 71 :M 4tl 6 li" 61 :t 40 4 95 67 790 )M f. 6,' 2J 40 4 Hi 46 ?'t 40 I (Hi 70 :?4 : 4 9". 44 Jl4 ISO I 00 70 JH1 120 4 4714 42 WS K.0 h 00 43 2fl 4.1 4 7' 73 2f. 160 6 CO SHEEP There were only nbout four c.trs on sale this morning, as ihe remainder of the receipts were billed through. All Ihe packeis seemed to be anxious for anippllt , and as a result everything on sale changed hands us tail ns offered at good, strong p, ice. As high as $4.5"" was paid for wethers ant! yrnrllngn mixed, and they were of fulr quality, and some were tild for $4.15 There were no choice lambs on sale, but they could cafcly be quoted strong. As compared with a wopk ago ihe murkrt on killers can safely be quoted all the way from loc to 2.'ic higher, with all deM:able grades In Rood demand. There were not enough fti'tlers on sale to make a test of the market, but any thing nt all desirable would have sold vlthottt difficulty nt good, steady prices. Quotations for arn-s sh" " " timid to choice yearlings, $4.15311.50; fair to good yearllnus. $3.9o.u4. !5: good to (:b0!c wethers. I4.00ai4.36; fair to good wethers, 3.7a(it4.00: good to choice ewes. :l75'n4in: fair to good ewes, I3..!,;3 73; eood ta choice I'iniba. .i.;nrti,.iA; lull- lo guotl :..ollid, 8.tif 15.25; feeder yearling:", t3.0jfii4.10'., feeder wethers, 3.50r&4.oo; feeder ewer. 35-'. Tjrijf 3 23: feeder , nib J3 ?it 9n; lifeding owes, 13 W tyj.oo. representative sales lo. 10 South Dakota cull ewes. .32 NehraKka fedf r ewes... 163 Wyoming ewe. Wt ... S4 ... !' Pr. 3 50 4 4 15 4 50 4 fxl 4 75 .101 112 S. D. wethfrs and yearlings. 83 140 S. I), wethera and yearling1"- 99 169 South Ditkotn culls 68 CHKAC.O I.ME STOCK MIRKKT (ood Cattle Others Lower tloas HIitliiT-Sheep Mtrontr. CH1CAOO, Nov. 9.-CATTLE-Recc,p's. U,ial head. Mai kit steady for gocd, ctliira 1oi15c lower; good to prime steera, tdlorji 7.W1; poor to medium, 3.(KVfi3.n; Htocken and feeders, t2.lirti4.10; cows. 1.2a7t.6u hell ers. $1.75'o5.2Xi; cHiinerO. $1.2h(ti3.4tl; bulls, $..(0 tit 4. 36; calves, 3.5t,"n 7.(10; western p.eera, ,3.10 i5.20. HOGS Receipts, 23.0'tO lici'd. Market was higher; mixed and butchers'. 4.9o4i-5.:o; good to choice heavy, $5,0515.20; rough heavy, $4.75H4.90; light, J4.86(f(o.l24; bulk of sales. $4 95&5.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S2,(W0 head. Sheep strong, lambs 10c h'gher; good to choice western, rheep. 3.0(al.'6; native lambs, I4.0O&6.10. St, Joseph l.lve ST. JOSEPH. Nov: 9. Stork Market. -CATTLE Receipts, 3.U10 head: murket steady to strong: native. $4.30ift6. 40; cows an i heifers, 2.0fc(tl.,; atock rrs and feeders, 2.25iii3.FiO. H04JS Receipts. 4,500 head; market stcadv to 5c higher; top-, 15.15; bulk of sales, $4.ii6ffi'5.10. , 8HEK-P AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 Innibs, $5.50; ewep, 14.00, . ' St. Loola Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 9-CATTLE-Recolpts, 4.000. Including 400-Toxans: market steady to weak; native shipping and export steers. $4. 5W6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4.00jtt56: ateers under 1.W0 pounds. $3 50ii 6.40; stockers and feeders. 12.25 3. 73; rows and heifers. 2.25rfi4.50; canners. $l.H5fi2,35: bulls, $2.tif3.50; calves. Sa.ifKEi 6.50; Texas RTHWEST AND RETURN PORTLAND, TACOMA, 8EATTLE, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. 'J ieket on guid Nov. 8. It, 10, 11, 12, with return limit Dec. 31, 1001. ne To gccoinraodato delegate to nioet Inj; nf tho Natlonat GraDjfo Patriin of , Hii-bandry, this remarkably Jow round tripra o to Portland ha boon gran'etl by lbs Union Pacific From all point on it line. ' Shortest lino. Fastest tima. Inquire of ". .. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. Tlione Slti. j.,aiai, iiiiiiiii i 'M'''Bi''''1 !w,':ltJ'"i'.'.! 113 RO flfl mm intlllkUll - AND RETlSH, -Noveni bfr 8 to 1?, inclusive, JS'Jd.OO for the round trip from Ouuiliii to rorlland, SiaUle, Tuvoinn, Vfin-,. coiii n nnl Victoria ; rctiiru Iiiuif, Derpinber 4Mit. . Talbernl ftop-ovcr privilegca nud nttructive tlivtrgo routes. Tourint aud titaudard Bleeping cars dally ' The Htirltngtoti t the short line to the - ' . ' Iuifet Hound country anil to Denver, an! ' ' la Denver ia tha aie.ilc route to tha Pacific coaat. TICKETS, 1502 FARNAM ST. r i i and tfi'tl-'n steer. 12 i4 3S; cows and half . 1 . f2 'i2 Mi. IIOilc .... , Ipt. .mxi lied; msrk"t strong: plg i.n.l lig:t. .r t, t. s5 ; packets. ' i.u lo; out. hit .iiitl bc-l liivy, .tr I M. .,.ri:v:p vxn LAMrfl-Rcceitt. !' head: market active end strong: nativ m tilt -ms, 2.75ti t.tti; 1 trnb. 4taiv"". cull and b'n 1. '.i.5e: siiMkcts. t-.v-'hi'". 'lixstif. IS.tX'JiS.'tl. Kansas Hy Live stork Market. Kansas citv. Nov. : -cattle- Re rc.pts. IJ.t.M head. Ineiuding 3"; southerns; n'sit-rt for bet bv hlher; other slron; choice exfort and drrase.l beef steer. 3.1 iH 4. : ft 1 1- to good -l iMtViai; wetrn fed steer. M.7ri6.7o; st. rket and feede. !!' 5i-4.1. suutl.iin stet r. :.i4i4.4l, smitliern i,.M (1 ..1 ui n-. five roars. IIS'4115 : native st --r. $:.5t'ii:..t.i; bull. . Il 7ru3.5 1; tnlve. I'l .'.'tfi t.tO. Ito mit ictpi. li.-nil; mnrket Sc higher: top, t" 2ti; biilk i f sule. l N.MI 8 12; hrnvv 1' CttiifT".- pn -ker. l.Hf 6.''- M and light. It fx Vn7. 3HEKP AND LAMPiV-Herrlnts. 8 notrket trcng: native lambs, ft .:' 5,f; unlive withers, ft .0 j I 4t- n!ve ewe. :'.7.V,i 24.: western I inthu. l; west e virtlnn, Itert. i.TS; western sheep, f3 5Ji4.23; tH'ki rs nnd feeders. 12 53.75. 8lnn t'lfy live fttnek Market. 1 StIOfX CffV. In.. Nov 9 (Sreclnl Tele-Crnml-CATTLE-Rfcelpt. l.'Ut hed; toorket stentlv: beve SR(KV6: cow. 1 bull and mlied. 2 2:ii.15: stickers mil ..e.t-r 2.5t;i3W; tnlves and yearling. I $2:173:5. . , 1 inH,i-nrrpiriri; nt-mi, innt , j strong, soiling al 14 tt'Cfj.tW: bulk, I4.9fnf4.93. tnrk la lftht. Itceelpts cf stock at the six lending W't ern miirkds yeatcrdav were a follow: lame. St nth Omahu I Sioux City . I'.ty St. Louis I Sr. Joi'ph ' Chicago . I 18 19 2.300 3.K0 7.(J ' 3 300 60H-I 2.6iO 4.5il :.oco 23 Oiai 2:,iKn 62. M9 SJ.ttfl . l.ftw .12.0(' . 4 Ht . S OX) .in.ioii Totals Metal Market. NEW YORK, No''. 9 METALS Tin ad vanced to 'i;B 7s Sd for soot and to i: for futures on the Ixindon ntarket. or a gain of CI H compared with the closing price I of lost Monday, and the local TliarKCt ruicii Rtendv. with spot held higl'er ta conse iinenc'e, although demand whs limited. Quo-. ! tatlons run"e from 28X7W.,9 98. Copper also wns higher In London, closing at 63 i 16- 3il for spot nnd 164 5s for futures; lo rallv the market was also firm and showed Ian advnnclng tendency, with lake quoted hit 13.87ittti 14. 12H. electrolytic at 13R.Viii 14.00 nnd easting at $13 fio141fi.i4.Ort. lxtl closed at 13 In the London -market, repre senting moderate advance since last Mon day; loc.'t llv quotations were unchanged,. I frt'im 4.20 to 14.50 for delivery. Speltrr was higher In both markets, closing at 2-1 In London nnd at $"i.40(fi'3.46 in New York Iron closed at 51s 3d In Olasgow and at 45s 3d In .Mlddlesonrough : locally Iron Is firm; No.' 1 honthern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundry nt IT. 5016.00; No. 2 northern foundrv, HS.'aVj) A W. ' '" ST. LOUlai NO". 9 --METALS-t.ejjd, firm, at I4.2o4ii.S5. Kpcltcr, firm, at j.20. ' Cotton Market. ' NEW YORK, Nov. 9-COTTON'-Spot, quiet 10 point lower; middling uplands, 10.15c; middling gulf, 10.4v: sales. 24 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nou. 9. (.OTTON-Spot. In fair deinniid: prices 2 points higher; Ameri can middling fair. o.Md; mUld ling, S.Ctsl; middling. 6.46d; low niltldllng, 6.34d., good ordinary. r..2.'t ; ordinary, l-Wd. ., NEW ORLEANS. Nov. B.oTTON-. Culet; snles. H.20O bales; ordliuit y. , 3-16c; good ordlmrv. 8Vc: low middling, 9c; pilddlln. 9 11-141: g"'l middling. 9Tc: mid dling lair. lose. Receipt:'. l.9o bales; stock. 3". 11 bah-, , ST. LOUIS. Nov. 9 -COTTON-Q'llet. 1-16V: lower; middling, S4c; Kales, , 130 bnlea: no receipts; 110 shipments; stock, 16,36, lailes. Toledo eed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. . SEEDS Clover, cash. 17 46; DecemlHT. I7.47H: February. 87. .V.; March. I7.57V-. Alslke, prime, 17.80. Tim othy, prime. 1.27'4. . ' ItE.41. ESTATE TltAlSSFEni. DEEDS tiled for record November 9. 11s fur- nlslied by the Midland Una ran tea nnd Trust company, bonded abstracter, . 1614 : Farnam street, for The Bee: Sheriff to Imperial Investment com- panv, lots 17 and 18, Terrace ndd .n .. .i,W Rose J . Clemens to I and Anna Fody, . se-4 seV nwV section 3-1f-l2. .. 1 ...... 3- XV T Roed to N. P. Nelsen and Millie Nelsen, lot 20. block 6. Bilker Place... 1 University of Michisan to Frlda Lev- - Inson, part lot 16, Bartlett s add...... 2.500 C. W. DcLamntre and wife to J. Ro-- t t... 11 t.lnlr AH Hntlth Omaha.. 293 I J. Roknsz and wife to O. Klovh, lot, 12., , I OIOCK 0, rMllltll v'Oiu lira , Mary L. Jnnsep to w. u. n"?-;' , 19 and 20. block 7. Halcyon Heights...! 2JO W J. Van Aernam to F. W. MuOliinls, m. ' ... lot 4, Elizabeth Place 1,000 , F. H. Sweetnam and Wife to I Harm E. Still nnd Warren Hamilton, lota ' ' 8. 9. 10. block 2, Ix-avenworth Terrace 600 Fare 33 ySl. 1. M l - la 8 -IT a. r- ) ttwnii; lW I. ,..! IM-'M It h-.l TtC s.-.Uil-i Xt. 44.-J til , 1 .1 ct:. 1 h hhi.-4 rw ' t Hfce . l a. rrecil A i V ,TO-4 is. .-' nti i '.R ! ' -u-m "ti ill ,i4 In -fill i ,.n a i" ll-al.- rtiail, j l' rtl i!., j. e.if'"i mIj ta J.iK 1 t1llj UMfj Ol . i..i, :. :vTd i. i -I - ( i - 4 l N"t j.t U 4.71 tliti ..i.iir: ;r!J it? . o nv .....p n v !(' f ta - ej Sri r(S . 1 ti Hi' 14J n(j lao J ... , I li . .1:7 -fj jflf?70 O fvf V. ifj.1' .v.i-rt it!. dr .mm9t .'4ir.-:oi Mat- li Mi iiim- '. 114. 4TJi I -4 3- t.j." lti"MH '- iJ i I'J aovntl Mini K. TI '4ua l-um ji:ii. ill'liU ' l4:lifc) '.at -uu mi'uii riaitj . act . iiis.t lultl ia ait id . a oil is.- IB A IK . nwt l:Wu$ k a-jj i TlUlH ' .a al b U t 4. ' UaJ j ' b 4MB "( . m-xt a lint i jet; . Ilfr1 (J Ol 1. J-