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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, KOVEmFR TO. H'04. STATE SENATE UNANIMOUS Upper House of the Nebraska Legislature i Solidly Bepublicai. . . 'I' . IZER GIVES OUT-fcOME INFORMATION olf la Ukfiatr Sarnrlsea t aa ; amine Fnslonlsta and Darllsht lladrlr DUnels Drrim Tbrr Were Sarslns;. , (From a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. . (9pclal.) Edwanl R. Blzcr,' who ha conducted Congressman 'iBurkrtfs campaign, announced this aftrr- noon that th! n publicans had swept the legislature and would have beyond any doubt 115 on Joint ballot. The senate, Mr. , Slzer any, will bo unanimous,' though he ,hnm not yet he:inl officially from Gould In the Ninth dlstrli t. The house will havt .beyond doubt eighty-two republicans, he '.imld. Orlnistcad Is l:fa;Ued ! Klctmrdson ' county, and It will tuka the official vote to .decide whether Hniltli In elected In the lam county. In the Fifteenth district Petrow ' mkv Is defeated. No official returns have i Jxen received by Mr. Siser from the Nine- b ! tnth district. In the Twenty-fourth dls T trier -the election ot llenglar le in doubt. JIo Uvea In riatto county. In Butler sounty the two republican candidates were de feated.' In the Thirty-third district yd, the float dett gate of Gage and Saline, li defeated by luo. Mr. 8lrer hue not received a tifflclal returns from the Thirty-ninth, Forty-eighth, Fifty-sixth, Flfty-eeventh, Blxty-thlrd. Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh, Iior from Holt and Red Willow counties. Mr. Bizer holds that alt the delegates tc tiie legislature, have received their Instruc tions to vote for Elmer J. F.urkett for Vnltedtatcs senator by the action of the republican state convention. I.sneaster Vote. The returns from Ijincaster county ar till coming In and .the Uibulation U pro gressing very slowly. Up to night th county cormrtiite had not counted up th vote on the county, legislative or congres sional tickets, and neither had the vote of Burkett for 1'nlicd States senator been f ounted. So far tabulated the returns glvo Mickey 0,568 and Berge 5,fl07. Forty tour precincts out of fll'ty-two give Roose velt T.fc'S. Purker 1,626, Watson 69, Swallow CJ8, Pb 1,9. Mickey's majority in Ian-' taster in Just one less tnan It was two years ago. " ; '" While the official returns have not yet "been figured up On the vote for congress man in this district It Is known that Cnn ' gressntan Burkett will, receive as large If CV not larger vote thart he did two years ago. Mr. Burkett received . many telegrams ot congratulation from vurloui parts of the country and state this morning. Among the number were messages from John L. Kennedy of Omaha, A.'B. Hughes of Keo uk, la.; R. li. Schneider, Dr. C. F. Hol lenbach of Clilcago, Judgo J. B. Barnes of Norfolk, F. W. Collins of St. Louis, J. B. Lewis of Brownrlllc, A. A. Hyers of Have, lock end others.. '.' Governor Congratulates President. Governor Mickey arrived at his office Shortly lifter 11 o'clock this morning from Omaha, and his first act. was to send this telegram to President Roosevelt; ' LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 9. To the Presi dent, Theodora Roosevelt, Washington; Accept my slnrere congratulations on your splendid victory. Nebraska contributes its hare to the overwhelming landslide qf true American votss. JOHN II. MICKEY. Crowds :f, people' caJed , at the state house to pongrutulate the givemor and he wus the recipient of many telegrams. jAw-.Uwr whnjtwJred. lUerr -eonKrattiU- tUies were John. , Kennedy, A. H. Hen iiings. K K Brown, of Omaha; R. B. BrhneliHr, George E. Jenkins, the Young Wen's Republics iv club of York and many others. v George V. Berge, fusion candidate for governor, remained at his home all, day, resting up from his very strenuous cam paign. At a lata hour this afternoon he had not been acquainted with the details Of tne returns of the, election. . There Is an Absence of sore spots In hts makeup and wher, asked to make a statement for publi cation stated that he had not sufficiently rested up to even get a line on the returns. He will have something to say tomorrow. Fat are ( Democracy. , The future of the democratic party la al ( ready the topic of conversation of the re maining members of that disorganised ag gregation. Chu'.i man Tom Allen of the dempcra."c stute committee was asked what effect thei.def.eut of Parker would have on the organisation and he said this; "Tod iv fie democratic party is badly demoralised because, of the overwhelming defeat of yesterday, but It is too early yet to say what will be the final outcome and I am not prepared to say what steps will be taken to reorganise the party." Among the original Parker democrats W. J. Bryan Is censured to a great extent because Parker was defeated.. They be lieve or protend to believe that Mr Bryan's support of Parker did him more harm than did him good. . One of them exhibited In tho Llndell hotel this morning a letter sent out by. the former chairman of the Kansas democratic state executive com mittee in the. Interest of the anti-Parker leaguo and as all or the signers of that letter are friends and supporters of Mr. ForWoaer WHO CAHOOT BE CURED. t Se uniformly successful has Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription proves in all forma f Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling cf Womb, and Lencorrbea, that, after orrr a third of a century's experience in eating the worst caaea of these distressing au& , debilitating ailmc uts, Dr. Pierce now feels J fully- warranted tn offering to pay $500 ia cash for any case) at these diseases which lie cannot cure. It Stands Aicuns.-Tlia Favor! ts Pre scription " stand alone, as the one and only remedy for these distressingly oonv saun forms of weakness, possess ed of such positively specific cvratlve properties as to warrant its makers in proposing, and binding themselves to forfeit, aa we, the . undersigned proprietors of that wobderful ' remedy hereby do, to pay the sum of $50 in legal money of the united States in any case of the above diseaaes is which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we tail to cure. No other medicine for the care of warns it's peculiar ailments ia baaked by such a remarkable guarantee ; no other saedicine for woman's ills ia pos sessed of the paralleled curative prop erties that would warrant its manufacturers in making snch an offer ; no other remedy has such a record of cures oa which to bass such a remarkable oarr. Therefore, imnU on having Dr. Pierce's Fay ant Prescriutiosi and turn toot sock wn any unscrupulous dealer who would tecerd of a thud of s centurr of cures and , -whick is backed by those winiaK to forte U foj II they eaaaot cure yau. ! osses atkraded Wy s Iruoarrbaal draia "t" P1- "eroe's Lotion Tablets .should be onod conjointly -with tha use of .the "Favorite Ptaecnpuoa. They are sold br a!l drngiTsta, or sent post-paid ts any . address, 00 taceipt of aj acuta in stamps, 'fir mi n cents ia stamps far Dt Pierces -Counua Sewae Medioad AdviHer. Address 'WosLtt's , Kudalo. JX. Y. I Weak and sick wouun ars invited ts -consult lr. Pictos, b teeter, ret. xl '.rormpuadenoe is held as it-nsrly nrrvate. i-.'i-os Dr. R, V. Pierce. Biidalo. N7y. .', tt. Picrta's Pcilcu cu auh..n. wwui vour intelligence by attempting to foist upon you some isrferior substitute, ynder Ue plea that "it is J oat as goodT Injuat on havinar tk amu wi. Bryan they hold Bryan responsible for the existence of the anti-Parker league. When Mr. Bryan begins to reorgsnise the democratic party as he announced he intended to do before the election he will have opposition from these men. Said one of them "Bryan has ruined the democratic party. Twice he led ue to defeat and this year he was the main cause of our defeat. It Is extremely doubtful If the democratic party will ever again be s fr,or In the affairs of the country, but will here efter rank along with the populists, the socialists and the prohibitionists. The only way the present republican party may be ousted out of power will be for that party to divide and a leader selected out of one side to fight the other." Fuslonlats Knocked Oat. The fuslonlsU here were shockingly sur prised at ths result of the vote on ;gov ernor. When the returns began to come In from Lancaster county precinete laet night the vote showed tremendous gains for Berge In every precinct over the vote of Thompson. Appsrently no one seemed to consider that Mickey also was running ahead In theee same precincts compared with, his vote of two years ago. Aa late as 11 o'clock such astute politicians sa Elmer. Stephenson admitted that Mickey would not carry this county by mora than L00O votes. At that time Stephenson be lieved that Berge would be elected. This, together with the outrageous claims mads by a the - democratic state committee, the claim Of Mr. Bryan and Mr. Berge that Berge would be elected by a large majority, created gloom In the ranks of the republi cans. I'p to this time no returne had been received from the North Platte country and the friends of Governor Mickey be lieved that In this county the governor would be slashed. Near morning the re turns took a turn and republican en thusiasm ran riot. Coart Hoase for Seward. SEWARD. Neb., Nov. .-Speclsl.)-The court house proposition, which was ths leading issue In the county campaign In Seward county, carried by over 1,300 ma jority. The proposition is to erect a 1100.000 court house. The Moffett estate gives 130, 000 If the court houe is built. The Com mercial club of Seward waged an active campaign in favor of the court house, and laet night the club member, with their women, gave an election party at the club rooms, where Judge T. L. Norval assisted In reading the returns to an interested company. When it was known the court house proposition carried huge bonfires were lighted around the public square and every burnable thing In the town added fuel to the flames. Fife and drums corps paraded and general rejoicing obtained. Holdlera Esrsstc East. SIDNEY, Neb.. Nov. .-(Speclal Tele gram.) A special train passed through here tonight with the Twenty-eighth United States infantry, from San Francisco to Fort Snelllng. The party contained four teen officers and S14 enlisted men. News of Nebraska, OSCEOLA, Nov, 9. The quietest election lu years was held here Tuesday. OSCEOLA, Nov. 9. The buggy of Chris Behle was wrecked Sunday By a team, scared by an automobile. PAPILLION, Nov. . Nicholson Hamil ton of Springfield, Neb., have Just suc ceeded in securing the contract for a sys tem of waterworks at.Glltner, Neb., their bid being but $10 lower than a Arm in In diana. The water plant will be of tha compressed air kind, costing 112,000. Nichol son & Hamilton constructed the plant at Springfield and are now at Clarkson, Neb., constructing a similar one. H. D. Patter son will survey the ground for the works atGiltner. SUTHERLAND, Nov. S. During the last week a subscription paper has been circu lated about town for the purpose of rais ing an amount of money sufficient to build a Methodist Episcopal parsonage at this place. Rev. Hopson has the charges of Paxton, Sutherland and Hershay tn look after, and with his family is residing In temporary quarters here. The people of Hershev, aa we understand, have signified their willingness to give $600 toward the erection of a parsonage there, providing the people or this town will give xjuo, or they will give $200 toward a building to be located here. NOTED BALL PLAYER DEAD Fred Carroll, Celebrated Backstop o4 Twenty Yeara Ao Passes Away lu California. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. $.--Fred Carroll, one of the best baas ball players .Cali fornia ever prdduced and known for his skill afl over the country fifteen to twenty years ago. Is dead. Carroll first became prominent in 1888, when he waa the catch ing end of the battery of ths Columbus. 0 team In the American association, Ed Mor tis being tha star pitcher of the nine. Carroll joined thA AU Americas In their tour of the world In 18884, when the team played against Anson's Chlcagos in twenty-eight games, played In vartotu cities all over the world. Of the series the All Americas won fourteen, the Chl cagos eleven and three were ties. Carroll caught for Pittsburg In ths National league in M FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow la Na l rasa's, Soath Dakota aad Kan sas Warmes Tomorrow, WASHINGTON, Nov. .-Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, South Dakota, North Da kota and Kansas Fair Thursday and Fri day; warmer Friday, - '. 1 For lows and Missouri Colder Thursday; rain or snow, followed by clearing weather. Friday, fair. For Colorado Fair In west, anow flurries In east portion Thursday. Friday, fair and warmer. For Wyoming Fair Thursday, except snow flurries In southeast portion; warmer In west portion. Friday, fair and warmer. For Montana Fair .Thursday and Friday; warmer Thursday. s Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BlrREAU, OMAHA, Nov. 9. Official record of tem neratura and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: imt. lice. lyul. Maximum temperature .; 41 60 SS 49 Minimum temperature .. S6 37 35 27 Mean temperature ....... St 48 46 'IS Precipitation 0 .08 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at omuha for this day and since Maroh 1, m)4: Normal temperature.. 4? Deficiency for the day : 4 Total deficiency since March 1 M Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day . .04 inch Precipitation since March 1....J4.11 inches Deficiency alnea March 1 4. 4fl Inches Excess for oor. period 1903 ... t. 39 Inches Dutti'lency for cor. period 1902.. J.U Inches tteporte from Statloaa at T . na. s coNPrnoN of th WEATHER. P. Omaha, raining .....,. Valentine, cloudy North Platte, snowing Cheyenne Salt Lake City, part, cloudy. Rapid City, snowing Huron, cloudy Wllllston, cloudy Chicago raining St. Louis, raining ....- St. Paul, snowing .. Davenport, raining '... Kansas City, cloudy Havre, clesr Helena, partly cloudy ,. Hloinan k, , clear Oatvratuii, clour 411 .14 34 .04 So) m 39i .01 u S0 XI1 Ml 4i 49 40 98 4k 42 9?! 7! 78J ,i T Indicates trace of preclpltatloa, L. A.' W&LtfiL Local orecaater. "WOODLAND" COMES SATURDAY sadden Ckanare In Route of the fine age Company and Gives Omaha bat One Day. "Woodland," the Henry W. Savage comic opera, which wss to have been heard at the Boyd theater week sfter next, has been rallod to go to New York for a Broadway run. As a result the Omaha dates have been changed, and the company mill come here for a Saturday matinee and evening performs nee only this week. The company will go direct from Omaha to New York. "Woodland" waa a greet hit In Boston, where It ran all summer snd duplicated Its success In Chics go, where It hss Just closed a two months' run at the Studebaker theater. The Idea of having people drees like birds and talk and act and sing like human beings has been very happily carried out, the result being an entertainment on the extravsganxa order, but with many Idyllic and poetical touches, the whole mak Ing for Innocent, harmless and genuine en joyment. The atmosphere of the piece Is sylvan, but there Is an abundance of mod ern fun. plenty of aprightly dancing and s comely chorus In the lulse of canaries, blackbirds, peacocks and doves. The prin cipals In the cast. Harry Bulger, Frank Doane, Stanley H. Forde, Charles H. Bow era, Helen Hale, Ida Brooks Hunt. Cherldah Simpson, Emma Cams and Ida Mulle, have all made distinctly favorable Impressions. BRYAN NOT T0JIEET HEARST Nebraska Denies Story Seat Out He. sardine Formation of New Psrty. LINCOLN, Nov. ".William 3. Bryan to day denied that he would meet William Randolph Hearst and Thomas E. Watson In New York a week from now for the purpose of taking steps toward the organi sation of a new party. The statement that ho would go to New York for such a pur pose was made by Malvin O. Palllser, man ager of Watson's campaign. Mr. Bryan has some reorganisation plans, but he Intends to stand sponsor for them himself, and an editorial to appear In the Commoner regarding his political purposes may be made public within a few hours. TO REHABILITATE DREYFUS French Government Will Continue Its Efforts to taash the Verdict of the Rennea Oourt. NEW YORK. Nov. . In spits of the course of the charges of embeislement and theft against the four officers Just tried and acquitted by court-martial, it Is reported, according to a Times dispatch from Paris, to be the Intention of the French govern ment to pursue Its Investigations with the object of quashing the verdict at Rennea, condemning Dreyfus, and of rehabilitating the ex-captain. FRAUDS IN NATURALIZATION Five Additional Arrests Are Made at St. Louis This ST. LOUIS, Nov. 9. Five sddltlonal mr rests in the naturalisation fraud prosecu tions have been made on warrants Issued by the federal officers. All are charged with registering on fraudulent naturaliza tion papers from the 8t Louis oourt of ap peals. GIRLS' OR BOYS' MILITARY COAT. No. 4439 The double-breasted closing cir cular capes and box pleated back are characteristic features of this nobby little coat, which may be used for either boys or girls. It Is a style that Is particularly becoming and one that will not go out In one season. The coat is shaped by shoulder and under-arm aeams, and one of the capes may be omitted If desired. The strapping down the front gives a pretty finish and may be covered by braid like that on capes If one chooses. These little military coats are among the newest designs and are deservedly popular. The coat is particularly full and has a style about It that cannot be had in the every day modes. Red lady's cloth or corduroy, with white cr black stitching and gun metal buttons, would make an attractive design. Other desirable selections which will find favor are velvet, melton, kersey cloth or peau de eole. If a heavy coat is not desired. Slses, I, 4, 5, 6, T, 8, 9 and 10 years. For the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from Zi to 60 cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at .our office, so thosj who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enduring 10 centa addressed "Pat tern Department, Bee, Omaha." SEAS8MBU FASHIQ.J ; ' HE MEANS SCOTTS Your doctor says you mast talc cod liver oIL Probably he means Scott's Emulsion be cause yon cannot take the clear oil:; no one can take the clear oil who needs cod fiver ofl. The doctor understands that and donbtless means Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil which everybody can take because it is emulsified and prepared so that it can be very easily digested by the most sensitive stntTrarh. Host everybody likes it COTT lOWNJ. tmaUUmm. m Ts. FIGURES IN DOUGLAS (Continued From First Page.) ths Sixth and Seventh. South Omaha, aa usual, proved very backward In sending in returns and this is true also ot various city precincts, where the election officers found themselves unequal to the task of counting promptly the long ballot. This republican victory redeems the Sec ond congressionul district, recovers the county attorney's office snd reinstates re publican control In the management of the county board. Republicans all over the state have been watching Douglas county and Inquirers over long-distance 'phones evinced much, gratification at the news. Detailed returns follow: President. FIRST WARD. Roose- Psr- Wat- McKln- Precinct. First Second ..... Third Fourth .... Fifth Sixth Seventh ... Eighth .... velt, er. son. Icy. Bryan l.'J 187 97 138 64 70 70 68 42 67 10 153 S-J 101 7S 94 174 1"9 LI 111 107 14S 92 107 7 in loj Totals . S62 6u 11 SECOND WARD. Roose- Per- Wat- 795 km: McKIn ley. Bryan. Pi eci net. velU Ker. aon. First 8J 87 78 107 1S2 Second 97 li 1H7 97 90 S3 90 94 86 MS Ml 13' Third ... Fourth . Fifth Sixth ... Seventh Eighth .. Ninth 06 95 1 75 68 . 611 R7 6H 92 99 1&! 147 133 120 187 1SS 115 194 S3 68 113 inti Tnth l.W Eleventh .. 136 Totals.. Lane 629 33 L17t 1,760 THIRD WARD. Roose- Par- Wat- McKln- Precinct. volt. ker. son. ley. Bryan. 125 79 3 1S 159 10 48 i lt 90 177 70 I 171 lit lnti 1 lta 175 M 53 2 94 9S 69 - 39 'i XX 9; 111 6r .. 130 100 159 11 1 li 45 111 63 1 1"3 M 74 JO .. 104 76 fl85 502 17 1,372 l.M Second .... Third Fourth ... Sixth .. Seventn F.lghth , Ninth .. Tenth .. FOURTH WARD. Roose- Par- Wat- McKin Preclnct velt. ker. son. Icy. Bryan. First 1" Second .... 252 Third 172 Fourth .... 217 Fifth 15 Sixth 99 Seventh ... 142 Eighth 13 Ninth 4 Totals.. 1.690 45 i iA4 1"0 74 4 2 103 91 .. 1K9 75 M 1 192 77 69 .. 1OT M l 42 S M0 76 SO 3 136 123 64 1 151 MS 74 1 229 96 616 15 i634 859 , FIFTH WARD. Ttnnae. Par- Wat- McKIn- Precinct volt. ker. son. ley. Bryan, First 2"0 97 173 153 Second .... 1&1 Third ..... 159 Fourth .... 202 Fifth 114 Sixth ...1.. 120 Seventh!.... 91 U 72 71 61 70 67 79 131 134 144 1 . 181 114 M9 119 131 89 - 139 Totals: .1.047 481 24 867 SIXTH WARD. Hooae. Par- Wat- McKin Precinct First Second ... velt, ker. son. ley. Bryan 239 95 179 100 15 54 62 67 42 23 90 68 69 73 111 217 M9 235 147 114 265 37ft 187 127 Third ...... 239 Fourth 172 Fifth ...... 261 Sixth 154 Seventh 99 Eighth .... 294 Ninth 159 Tenth 202 Eleventh .. 140 Teals.... 1.049 18 33 1,861 1.347 SEVENTH WARD. , Roose- Par- Wat- McKin Preclnot velt. ker. son. ley. Bryan. First 200 6 6econd .... 319 08 Third 197 94 Fourth .... 135 Fifth 137 tfl Sixth 19g .49 . 2Yi 101 79 142 164 128 V8 276 MS IA 149 139 Total. ...1,180 " J01 " 15 1,070 EIGHTH WARD. i ttnotn- Par- Wat- McKin Precinct First Second .... Third Fourth .... Fifth Sixth Seventh .. Eighth ... velt. ker. , son. ley. uryan 200 145 126 1S5 86 112 101 129 159 96 1 ltil 170 91 178 164 125 303 Totals ..1,282 67 2 212 61 2 r9 83 8 '.' 171 63 .. 94 62 4 173 72 4 ISO 60 1 133 99 7 209 K7 1,331 NINTH WARD, velt. ker. son. ley. Bryan. Roose- Pa- Wat- McKln- 191 68 2 132 110- 195 68 1 173 102 256 65 4 232 10) 197 74 2 164 128 226 52 2 1 58 76 202 83 3 191 117 1.267 386 14 1,053 631 First .. Second Third ., Fourth. Fifth .. Sixth .. COUNTRY PRECINCTS. Roose- Pa--- Wat- McKin Precinct volt. ker. son ley. Bryan. 93 98 134 130 4 23 77 106 98 47 97 N4 36 30 144 125 122 86 88 101 91 79 153 1.15 104 101 126 158 1,367 1,300 Benson .... 189 61 Chicago ... 164 Clontarf ... 6 Douglas .m 96 Dundee .... 139 E. Omuha.. 37 Elk horn ... 84 Florence .. 188 Jefferson .. 134 MrArdle .. 136 Millard .... 108 Platte VTy 17T Union 110 Waterloo .. 159 , Total ..1,716 85 8 62 33 25 44 64 5K 50 46 81 ' 49 79 "746 TOTAL VOTE FOR COUNTY. Roose- Par- Wat- McKln- Ward. velt. ker. son. ley. Bryan, First 862 Second ....1.209 Third !,185 Fourth ....1.690 Fifth 1,047 Sixth 2,048 txa 829 602 516 481 618 311 637 385 1,246 46 18 33 17 16 24 33 15 23 14 796 1.042 1,760 1,060 KM 867 1,347 693 9W1 631 1.720 1,300 1,176 1.872 1,634 988 1,861 1.07U 1.331 1,063 1,793 1,367 Seventn Eighth Ninth . ...1,180 .1.282 ...1,267 So. Omaha-1,748 Country P.1.716 63 Totals 16.124 8.739 247 14.340 13.265 TOTAL FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY. Thomp- Ward. Mickey. Berge. Mickey, First 656 84 it, I 863 Second 836 1.496 692 1.4;o Third 946 780 5i3 1.076 Fourth 1.059 1.121 9s6 867 Fifth 697 952 627 773 Sixth 1,407 1,487 1,252 1.072 Seventh 773 844 737 612 Klghth 905 1.028 803 868 Ninth 817 886 764 631 South Omaha 1.249 2.087 1,0!7 2.571 County 1.177 1,412 1.127 1.214 Totals 10,520 12,641 9406 11,512 Congressman. Hitch- Hitch Wards. cock. 835 1.3'ld 626 78 696 1,017 637 1.256 9o4 822 747 1,175 1.166 1,049 841 796 1,131 6.10 sm Ml 1.985 1.224 9.633 11, ma SENATE. Republican. Glbvon Saunders Thomas Republican. Anderson Barnes Clarke Dodge Fltle Foeter Lee Muxen Tucker On Com Republican, Broiling Tralnor On 4 Slabaugh feasant! Democratic 13.164 13,350 12.923 Hunt I,., Sherman Ware .97!l 9.862 8,72(1 HOUSE. , Democratic. Bull Butler 13.55!' 13,241 13.562 13.4:,h 12.64' 13.040 .!M 8.907 8.A3 8,407 .7 8.60I 9.3S6 8.975 7,982 Connolly .... Funkhuuser .... Krauae Mrllawli, is. sua Morton 13.230 Patterson .... 12,831)1 Wsllman ty Commissioner. , . Democratic. .13.911 Jones .13,194 OKetffe maty Attorney. r 8 70) 9 349 12.097 10 96J 1.133 Slabaugh'a majority Hessians Paaa Dardanelles. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. .The Run lan volunteer fleet steamer Tamboff, with a full cargo, passed through the Bo.phorus, bound for ths Mediterranean. First 704 803 Second 812 1,186 Third 962 791 Fourth 1.212 986 Fifth 839 824 Sixth 1.654 1.297 Seventh 949 IMI Eighth I O07 947 Ninth 1.007 731 South Omaha .... 1.656 1.769 Country districts. 1.321 1.277 Totals 12.013 1U02 One precinct missing. On legislature, 1 breakfast table every step in J J J the manufacture of Quaker yVl Oats is one of care and cost fffisiyw I preparing the grain for your jJ FIRING ON P?RT ARTHUR Bombardment So Fierce that Russians Abandon Repairs on Works Protect in a; the Harbor. CHE FOO. Nov. 9.-12:30 p. m.-Th-j Japa nese continue to bombard Port Arthur and the shells are falling so Incessantly that the Russians have practically abandoned the repair of the works protecting the har bor. Citizen volunteers and the police are now reinforcing the garrisons of tho forts ac cording to the stories of Chinese arriving here, sixty of whom left Port Arthur on Novernbejr 8, owing to the high price', pf food.'. ' " , , '. . So many men were killed on both sides during the last assault that many bodies lay unburled for days and In soms instances dogs which had been driven from the town avsuaged their hunger by eating the dead. In a few cases where this was seen tho horror-stricken Russian sharpshooters killed the dogs. Some months ago the Russlar. authorities orderei that all dogs seen on the streets should be shot, with the result that half- famiHhed creatures have been roaming the hills, becoming savage. The Chinese say that the forts on Golden Hill have done practically no firing for months past and it is believed their ammu nition has run short. Tha demolition of the Chinese new town is almost completed, houses having been destroyed for the valuable firewood they contained. The town is constantly catching fire and the majority of the warehouses and stores " AUk and seven YEAROin; E5 1 '! - 1? If v .1 1 THE T.LOUIS, MO. if ill f See test e 'Ibott! brs iVilonilareofl 4woi orH mm ; f h I rVeS!i e.w V I I Mmk ' i " fl TfsTgiTSaa i rfil 1 J . n hip I ' W&Mhww' ti (I ESTABLISHED I IHoS belonging to foreigners havo been burned to the ground. FIRE DRILL SAVES MANY LIVES Twenty-Five Hundred Children March Safely from llnrnlna; Bnildinn; In Xw York. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. The lives of 2.500 children were Imperiled today, when fire broke out In a public school building on West Forty-seventh street, but at the call to fire drill the little ones, with scarcely a trace of excitement, marched In. safety from the burning building. Several of the children who were overcome with fear whon they saw the flames- and smoke in tho halls were hustled out by teachers and firemen. The school building was badly damaged. That no lives were lost is con sidered remarkable in view of all the con ditions. TREASURER LOCKED IN VAULT Arizona Official Hoblieil of Flfteeu Thousand Dollars by Two Masked Men. PRESCOTT, Ariz., Nov. 9Janies li. Storm, county treusurer of thiB county, has been found locked In the steel vault of his office, bound and cogged, with $15,000 missing from the cash funds of the treas ury. Mr. Storm had -been in tho vault sixteen hours when found today by his daughter, lie says that about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon while seated In his of fice, two men entered the door with hand kerchiefs tied over their faces and pre . . . Russian Imperial Embassy, Washington. The HAYNER WHISKEY which has been used at the Russian Embassy has given universal satisfaction. It is aa admirable household a ' whiskey. Cvtn4 YfvtJ THE CKLY WHISKEY WITH A NATIONAL REPUTATION HISiiEST QUALITY AKO PERFECT PURITY . Government statistics show that the famous Miami Valley produces better grain and has purer water than any other section of this country. It is Nat-re's garden Kight in the heart of this favored spot is our distillery. We have at our very door the two essentials for producing the finest whiskey in the world the best grain and the purest water." Add to these one of the most completely equipped distilleries ever operated and an experience rru'uvic'SmcrwX an.d you have ft combination that is unequaled anywhere. That's why HAYNER WHISKEY is the best for medicinal and other uses. That's why wo have over half a million satisfied customers. That's why YOU should try it. Pon't for get that it goes direct from our own distillery to you, with all its original streneth rich- neSS and flavor, nrrira u Unit Kf.itse n.-i.-'. - .Vj 1 . ... ........ saves the dealers' enormous profits. Your DIRECT FflOlvl OUR DISTILLERY TO YOU Saves dealer' profits. Prevents adulteration. EHlMlIIul 1 : h EXPRESS CKARSZS PAID DEjSi RFFPn We win "end you FCUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER UUH UrrCli SEVEIH.YEAR.6LB RYE for $3.20 and we wil pay tne express charges. Try it and if you don't find it all right and as good as you ever usca or can buy from anybody elsu at any price, then send it back at our oDSttand y0li!;$:h20 be re,t.urncd toyu bV ntxt raail- think that offer a w co"ld1,t ,ji'rer? Vu ar perfectly satisfied you are not out a cent. We ship in a plain sealed aise, no marks to show what's inside. rt..?"? for Ar,I?.r'- tfcllfornla. Colorado. Iduho. Montana. Nevada. Now Mexico Oreirnn Write our nearest offieo and do it NOW. UAYriEnr.DZSTELLircc ST.mIUmiMM. , ATLANTA. GA. 'WW senting a revolver to his head, ordered hint to throw up his hands. Storm complied and tho two men closed the door of tin office, producing a string of baling wire, with which they securely bound his feet ttml hands. They forced a handkerchief Into his mouth and pushed him inside tho vault. I After gathering up $15,000 and leisurely ransacking the office for more money, tho men closed the door of the vault, locked It and departed. Storm was unable to glvo any uccuratc description of the men. FAST MILE BYL0U DILLON Recently Dethroned Trnttlnsr 1 lneeit Initials Record Recently Made by . Major llelmar. MEMPHIS, Nov. 9. Lou Dlllou, recently dethroned queen of the trotting, world, has been driven by Millard Sanders a mils In 2:01Vi. thereby equalling the record re cently established by Major' Dclmar for the distance, without the aid of a pace maktr or wind shield In froiit. The little chestnut mure was provided with , a per fect track and climatic conditions. The quarter was passed In 0:29; without faltering Lou Mllon kept on to the half pole In 0:59',i, making faster time for that distance than characterized the recent world's record breaking attempt of Major Delmar. The marvelous flight of speed was continued to the three-quarters pole, which was "pusaed In 1:29. From thine on home Lou, union seemed to tire. She finished the final quarter in Blow time, con cluding the mile in 2:01'i. The Ree Want Ads Are the Uest Business Boosters. Russian Ambassador. F03 , vuurunicc 01 I'UKllK ana money back if you're not satisfied. SasasannnsasnBBat HsnaW 8.20 BY US CflMPjriv DAVTOM. ftHin ' ' li miHriii , s. ,1 1 1, afpjnwii, wwsto'iss, f Mwnnanwiii 1'.siy '. ; - "'TC