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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1904. 10 10, Today we place on sale on our Second Floor ALL THE SHOES we bought from the Lincoln Street Boston Shoedealer. We have sorted outs the entire stock Each size on a Bargain Square by itself. So that no matter how big a crowd may come, You can pick out what you want at once. EVERY PAIR IS A BIG BARGAIN All the S5c Shoe polish, including CEROLINE, goes at ON En BARGAIN SQUARE All the 75c Shoe Shining Outfits go at 5c Ken's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes for $2.45 Five immense Bargain Squares piled high trith genuine $5.00 and tk.OO Weliett Sole Shoes of Enamel Calf, Patent Coliskin, White Bros., Box Calf, MciKld Mnn, ttcgo at.. WOMEN'S FINE SHOES AT 51.98 Five immense bargain squares piled full of wo- flQP men's shoes, all sizes, a splendid assortment, light medium and heavy soles grand bargains, at . . . . . ! WOMEN'S SWELL SLIPPERS flKfl Beautiful patent leather plain and beaded with H Louis heels on bargain square GIRL'S SHOES AO, the GirW Shoet in kid and box calf skin, go on bar gain square, I ON I 125 BARGAIN I SQUARE BOYS' SHOES .41! the boys' Shoes in the entire purchase goon bargain square 125 MORE SHOE BARGAINS IM THE BASEMENT 59 MEWS SHOES and Ladies' Shoes, over 1,000 pairs ON BARGAIN SQUARE Infant's Fancy IOf WW light sole Shoes Ladies' Slippers, 59 C Ladies' Slippers, 98c Just a word More These prices can only give you a small idea of what the stock really is you must see ine saoes. The men's shoes at $2.45 especially they are wonder ful bargains. . Lamas' Fashionable Tailored Apparel The Smartest Style In Ladles' Coats, Suits and Furs Specially Priced. A Very Stylish Tourist Coat 42-inch satin lined, trimmed brightly with the new colors, belted , backs, new sleeves the top no ten ox f IJ j style at, Tailored Pult In the plain and tnlxedclnth newest styies, trim med cuffs and collars. every one up-toi date . . aim cunara. 14.85 Pretty Tailored Suit New i n d stylish popular cloths and colors, at-- 8.98 ' Ladies' Petticoats Black silk Petticoat Cut full wide pleats ana rumes, worth 17.60, at run, with 4.98 Ladies' Walking Skirts I A stylish walking- skirt with kilt pleats and aide pleated el- A 1 W fects self atranned. cor- Mt I i rect winter weight, at v THREE FUR SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY Double Scarf Fox and Canadian marten, with cords and 8 talent I bVU, "IWll 8.98 Single Fox Scarf wit n 2 larva brush tails. Isa bella or sable at ..... Full , Cluster Hare Scarf a bitr bargain at 3.98 98c Ladies' Millinery Underpriced Ladies' Street Hats A now lot specially trimmed with newest shades the attractive ready tf to wear shapes in millinery depart meat, at Stunniift New Street and Dreed Hats newest dress shades also new winter modea a score of handsome styles, at i 'uoncon uiron 2.50-$5 n kT T f fin rretty new rcecK- ' Ktocki and taba WCSir-- laoe embroider! tM 'ii&QF turnovers and collar and cuff . w'?? sets, all new ideas-stylish and Wt ;r..;...;:..l0c.i5c.25c Ladies SI Kid Gloves at 59c. New fall shades, button and clasp effects, CQ "'"'V all sizes, at , 1 Ladles Wintar Vests and Pant wrthupto78o, 25c-39c Watch Our Jj Windows. L Misses', children's lined and ribbed undorwear at ... and Boys' fleecy - 15c-25c ISL Watch. Our GOtlS Windows., Hotel Victoria Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th 5t., New York Is a modern, flrat-claea hotel. In the center v of the shopping dlatrlct. Complete In all lis ' ' ' appointments and 'absolutely fireproof. urnUhlna-s and decorations entirely new ' throughout. Accommodations for UO ueeu; IM aultee with baths. Hot and rold i . waier and telephone In every room. ; European plan. Cuisine unexcelled ttoome U 60 a day up. with bath i 50 up. The only hotel In Mxntiattan fronting both on itrod - ' way and Fifth Avenue. ) -1 . . L.. GEORU1B W. SWEENEY, . Proprietor. LAFAYETTE HOTEL t' IT Alia KETW TORK. udr the aaote mauAguinen. TAILOR W. Q. JERREMS, Pres. 209-211 3. 15tb 5treet. TPO a man ' up a tree It ' looks as though we were tailoring trousers lor more than half of the city's dressy menl Why not? Nlcoll The Tailor Is recognized as headquarters for the nobbiest trouserings In the city. You'll find here all the newest fads In trousers fab ricsnot a few ordinary de signs but the production of xthe best mills at home and abroad. Trousers at $5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 It's a rather expensive vanity to imagine that be cause you've paid $14 to $18 for your last trousers that Mcoll's trousers at $6, 7, 8 and 9 would not satisfy you! There are reasons real live ones at thatwhy you should patronize Nicoll The one of our salesmen. FRED PAFFENRATH. Mr. Milton Bradley's School Paints, 2Jc Box! This is the regular 26o box of paints used exclusively In the Omaha schools. J1.00 Jler's Malt Whiskey no limit 64c J1.00 Hossack's Saraaparllla 65o (2.00 La Bon Anil French Capsules ....$1.00 J 1.00 Llquozone ?9o 11.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey .... 75o 11.00 Shoop's Restorative 79o 60c Pozzoni Face Powder ... 293 26c Grave's Tooth Powder (one to a cus tomer) 100 26o Qulnacetoi guaranteed cold cure... ISc 2-graln Quinine Capsules, doxen 7c 5- araln Quinine Capsules, doen 10c 6- grain Quinine Capsules, dozen 15c 11.00 Peruna still & , 79c 1100 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 79o One quart (rood old Port Wine , 60c Mali orders filled no extra charge (or ooxing or arayage. CUT PRICE DRUQ SI ORE E T. YATES, Prop.'. , ' f 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, 'Phones 747 and 797; 24th and N 8ts., South Omaha, "Phone No. 1; 6th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluffs, 'Phone 333. All goods delivered In either city absolutely free. , SCHAEFEB'S WOMEN'S WELT SOLE SHOES viB?Xira,f' JdS?' Kld- vlo"r Calf. Viol Kid and Patent Kid, lace and button, blucher and regular cut all at one price $300 By carrying so many different kinds of shoes we are able to sll them at a lower price than If we carried but one style. We can give a better selec tion of stock and better workmanship In our $3.00 shoe than you will And in Omaha. Your money back every time If you are not satisfied. Drexsl Shoe Co. (419 FARNAM STREET, enihi'i Oj-ti-Diti Sboi Hosn Write, for Illustrated Catalogue. - 80 Per Cent Shrac's efthscaies ef a pesr- IdtU are 4n te cea . (Mt4 kewds, sad the feraiatlea el alvlae p I s a . Sbradsrs Bvaporat.4 Pig Pew- der abMluiely pre i vwli appeadlclil. y 'yf .taping tlu la n ruwuer . Tii.i toe sa7i. prae. Iat(. Mm. sh. Sherman 6t McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Dlairlbutera. rm hh kr all SrvcgiM. OMAHA WEATHER THURSDAY FAIR. Bargain Circle Attractions for Thurs day on the Main Floor. Ladies' and misses' knit petticoats, pink, blue and PJ fancy colors, quality sells at 50c, Thursday. ..... .JC Ladies' underskirts, black and fancy, sateen soft finished and mercerized, drop flounces, ruflles and f C plealings, values up to $2.00, all at Mela Girls' and misses' raincoats, gray mixed colors, velvet col lar, two capes, Bishop sleeve, value $3.00, f JO price Thursday laT'O Knit fascinators, special display in cloak f Q . PA room, prices from 0 JiJU Thursday's leader, black and white, 36 inches LfLn square, lace border, worth 75c, at TOC Bargain circle table of fur Kcarfs Thursday, choice of nearly 50 styles, the least of them worth $7.50, vf Q C all at teZPD CUT PRICE SALE OF DRESS GOODS A special purchase from a large New York Jobber who waa overstocked on ac count of a backward season, enables us to sell fine dress goods worth $1.50 and $1 26 a yard, at half price and less. 60 pieces from this grand purchase on sale Thursday, at Only 69c a yard 7s pieces fine dress goods from the hi New York purchase, worth up to 11.00 ;iuu, . nail price, on aaie xnursaay. at 49c a yard STAMP SENSATION FOR THURSDAY 100 dozen pillow shams and scarfs to match, made of nice Quality of Swiss, an ruffles, size of shams 27x27, scarfs 20x60, f f worth 35c, for Thursday only, IfC each -4jst 0 Ten ($1.00) Green" Trading Stamps "with "each piece. TWO BIG BARGAINS IN TABLE NAPKINS 200 dozen bleached and cream, dice pattern, all linen table napkins, In two me vtuuea are tJ-Jo ana si. is per aozen, xnursaay we sen tnem in IWU 1UU Lot 1 at dozen. Lot 8 at dozen good napkin for hotel and cafe use. 75c 98c Ladles silk fleeced Balbrlggim union suits, shaped to fit the figure, hand finished, el Ik taped yoke, pressed seams, extra fine rib, neat and warm, regular $1.35 value, Thursday, suit 60 dozen Peggy bags, In black, tan and brown, good size and extra f quality, on sale Thursday, In dry goods section, at, Z.tC each "' v Special sale on ladles' silk belts, black, white, red and navy, new styles and shapes, worth up to 6oc each, Thursday's price, each....... EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY 200 pieces French flannels, the finest imported all wool goods, every yard per fect, a very swell assortment of patterns, lots of plain colors, M O worth 86c and $1,00 yard, on the big bargain square, lfl Friday, yard... ' W 1.00 25c Brooms! Brooms! Brooms! A Great Sale of Parlor Brooms Thursday. A parlor b;ropm eleven stick bunches, wired perfectly tight ffoujv ptrings, polished handle. The best hand made broom of its class on. any market It's ' f , a Itfoli parlor broom. - We've 100 dozen of fju 1 -1 h em for Th ursd a y and e ve r y . o ne . wi ll go at 30 ($3.00) Little Qreen Stickers with every Broom. . NOTE- We sell more brooms than any' wholesale house in Onjaha, so says tha drummer anyway, and we don't think ho misses his guess. Mail orders on this offer received up to Saturday morning. , Hardware Section. GMrardelli's Specialties Ohlrardelll'a around Chocolate None more palatable or more easily digested, delicious crip. One pound cans. .... .35c Half pound cans...... 20c ahlrardelli'a Cocoa-Deligbtlul, convenient and economical. One pound can ..50c Half pound can. ..... 25o Ghirardeili's Chocolate Flicks, (buttons) put up in pretty f" little boxes-30o I.iC and r These goods are demon strated on Main Floor. Don't miss the booth Thursday, j Have a cup. Grocery NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUC CESS so It la with our grocery. Preserves, pure fruit and sugar, Jar.lOc Catsup, pint bottle "... loo Shredded Codfish, package "' 5c Corn, 2-pound can, three for "25c Tomatoes. 3-pound can, three for. 26c Baked Beans, can 60 Baking Soda, package 4C Pickles, assorted, bottle 9o len J1) ureen Trading Stamps Ofir. with pound Golden Klo Coffee Ten ($1.00) Green Trading with pound Bennett's Ca)p ltol Coffee Stamps ,.28c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading with two pounds splendid Japan Rice Ten ($1.00) Green "Trading pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps " with doz. German D.ll Pickles. Candy Chocolate Creams, vanilla flav ored, very delicious, pound , !2c Thursday Sale of Shoes Ladiet Tatent Corona Colt, Goodyear Welt, Button College Boot, mannish cut, ami top, large outtons, nun- z tZi tary heel, extension edge, A A to E, all sizes, at. . . .Jj3 Seventy ($7.00) Green Trading Stamps. ' Ladies' Vici Kid, Patent Tip, full vicl kid lined, welted sole, extension edge, all sizes and widths (very nice for winter)' at J33 Sixty ($6.00) Green Trading Stamps. 300 pairs of Misses' and Children's Sample Shoes, Z worth up to $2.50, at I.J Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. 300 pairs of Men's, Ladies' and Children's felt lined A Q velvet slippers, at . .'. ' ?J Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Boys' Watch-One with every boy's suit or over coat (a watch that keeps time) up from 3.95 CsB m V ELECTION OVER Tha next thin is to select Christ ma Gift you realize that ChrlHtmua is almost here. Select your gooda from . I.. ... 1.. i ..u. Ua kaua a . a L . I . . M mIh.... . I unasome mdh uus leuiun. upena a jew mmuwia iuu oolt arounct Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler, IB 16 Douglas St. DKPUTr STATU VJCTKUiNAKlAK. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VBTKRIBIARIAN. UAH A. NEB. TaleoboM Ht. iXo n Innrmary, ata and Maaea ( Dr. Bradbury -1506 FARNAM- liENTIST TMtb Extracted With out Pal a. PUIIags................ 0 m Crewaa. mM.92 up rtse Werk..MM I2JI mp sleai m M 1 4lw mt) V rourcn Yeara PHONE 1756 The most sensitive nervaa removad With. out pain. Loom toath ma4 olid. WrltUo UuaraAtMk ....CET OUR.... PRICES ON ..FURNITURE.. TUB RELIABLE STORE. ....GET OUR.... PRICES ON ..FURNITURE.. hum t5 The Very Newest Ideas In women's roady-to-wenr ; ir'ii nts ... always found here. H an- a, rnmm exceptional lmr;iln.i 3no n, c ;us i , 7 received, will lie placed on np Tliursluy TOl'IllST COAT, $,.C-. Ulade o' WHShington Mills kt-rsey wlh pood satin lining. 45 inchis lone -,,',3 good value at $l.i.u0 m m.l Preclnl. Thursday. At .t5U TKGGV FROM 1'ARIS COAT, K The vory nohlilist new rtyles, n lomlidh' made, nnndsornelv flrlshed ir regular KIM values Kpeclul at. lO.Uvl TURKS ENTICING tH'IT SI'FClAT.S. Ppeoially selected irnm our enormous st.jck for Thursday's pelling: $15.01 HCIT AT $S.M. Vour choice of-lT h.inU.somn suits, grfit variety of rubrics In plain colors nnd fancy mixtures g 0 $22.0c BL'IT AT' $14. SO.' Tour choice of 15 different styles. In all th most popular fabrics and colors, worth Special Thursday $30.00 TAnX)R SUIT, $18.60 The most wonderful values ever offered In Omaha exquisite In fabric- very latcBt styles worm up to ,w.w special at 14.90 18.5 MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SKIRTS. FINE VOILK SKIRT8-trlmmfJ with tucks and banda of tuffeta good value at $15.00 u t i WALKING SKIRTS In all the new crn. venetted materials, In grivit range of col. ors worth $10.oo e no Btwclul at O.VO 2.98 Special at 200 WOMEN'S SKIRTS In all styles and colors well made and nicely uiiiBUHu wortn choice, 'i nursany at SAMPLE SHOWER COATS. An fmmensn line of eravenette coats, In all the newest styles,' purchased by our N. . uuyer bi an exoepTionaiiy low price now on sale in our cinaK aipt OS (lfl at $7.60, $S.0. $10.00, $12.W). $15.00, $18.00, up to OO.VJU FLRS. FITR8. FURS Women's coney scrf ...... 79c Women's river mink scarf $1.48 Women's Nutria scarf en z-lnch conev scarf 14 98 Handsome fox scarf 17.10 A 72-Inch Fox scarf .,..$12.50 LOCKWOOD BLEACHED 8HEKTING ZSfc TBrni Wlfin rniirnlnu at tforri Oi. rEPPERALL BLEACHED SHEETING 24 yards wide, Thursday at, yd 19c emrr tKALL BLEACHED SHEETING GREAT SHEETING SALE. OTHER SPECIALS. $R.O0 silk underskirts $3.91 $2.00 waists.... f2.f moire underskirts $1 v) $1.00 sateen underskirts &9o Flanellette sncques S0 f lannelette wrappers .biM I yards wide Thursday, at, yard 1"J PEPPERALL UNBLEACHED SHEET- INO 24 yards wide Thursday yd,.17o PEPPERALL BLEACHED SHEETrNG VJt yards wide Thursday, at yard 210 mc PILLOW TOPS 12ic The very latest novelties In fancy tinted piuow tops, in various designs, including violet, American beauty rose, chrysanthe mum, carnation, etc at a cut price IWc A LIMIT OF FOUR TO A PITSTOMF.M Our object in making this extremely low price Is to Introduce our new wash silk. During this sale we will sell 35c pillow ribbons, at, yard 19o We will aao include In this sale, a job lot of extra sized LAUNDRY Bans regular 50c quality each i2ia HAVDERJ BROS. THE RETURNS INDICATE i That HENRY Carries Everything in Stationery E-NRY" (6 H He Sells Stationery and Does Enravin Autunia.l Suggestions Japanese napkins in many pretty desfgnt--comical folded napkins for children's partiea, costumes, mottoes, paper caps, aprons and toys, jlace papf doilies, round, square, hemstitched, oval, star aad others, tinted borders, souvenirs and favors, pretty boxes in shape of musical instruments, trunks,, etc Strictly Pure Taffies Old-fashioned molasses taffy, blapk walnut taffy, molasses kisses, butterscotch wafers, plantation t&ft$ BAJLDUFF, 1518-20 Farnara St, OMAHA ? J The 'Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Number 12, The . Daylight Special now carries elegant Parlor Car ser vice, leaving Omaha 7sl0 every morning, arrive ing at Chicago 8 o'clock p. m, Dining Car serv ing all meals. Tloket Offloai -1401 1403 FARNAM STRflT, OMAHA. T.iwfcM-s a4-i. f Stoves y I .Always J The Handy Way to BroIL The Illnperl Top furnished with MOOHE'S KANGtS Is the handiest thing Imaginable. Just pull a chain and up goes the whole front section of the top, making the entira firebox accessible. Then you can broil or toast, lay kindling, poke the fire, Just as you want to, with none of the usual annoyances. The r.ilsed top forms a hood which creates a positive draft Into tht ranue that carries oft all smoke and smell. These rant h.v. Moor.'. Accural. Ovea Th.nun.i'. Coinru.ler Lni".'f. n4 sre nciti-r prtccll.n In mrny v "" ssy you h.v. ver .n. Pli-ase call n It will glv. u ple.sur. in sliow yoa what a siwi- rn. MM l. b 2 Nebraska Furniture ! (It and Carpet Co. V) 413-41S No. 24th SU South Orrwha'