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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1904)
TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1004. 10 OTHER ROADS MEET THE CUT Competitor! of Bock Island Com to Latter1 1 Lire Stock Rats. LIVELY FIGHT OVER MATTER PREDICTED Nebraska Territory Will Be Most At tested by This Redaction, Tr mlsslaslppt Shipper Get tin the Advantages. The Union Pacific, Illinois Central, North western and Missouri Pacific have an nounced their intention of meeting the live stock rate cut by the Rock Island and the Inspect for a merry rate war is excellent. At the Burlington it was announced the through rate on live stock had been changed to conform to the 20-cent proportional Omaha seems to be getting the worst of the deal. While the new tariff reduces the rate to Chicago It leaves the rate to Omaha the same. ' i Shippers west of the river wtll have the advantage of ths rate. It will enable them to reshlp to Chicago from this point If they And the market unsatlsfactury and they still will be within the through tariff rate. Railroads are not disposed to view the situation with anything like pleasure. The territory most affected Is that of Ne braska. Under the new tariff the through, rate from Kearney will be 364 cents, as against 87V4 cents, the present rate. Seneca, another large shipping point, will be af fected only half a cent by the change, the present rate being ! cent, but the rate as. announced Is regarded as only the en Wing wedge for more serious cuts. The cutting of the cattle tariffs Is re garded a a disposition on the part of the Kock Island to enter into the fleld of competition for this class of business. Heretofore the company ha taken no ac tive part for the business in the fields now affected by the reduced tariffs. To secure this business It Is understood the Rook Island Intends to strengthen both Its eqjipmcnt and service In order to be able to enter the race with other roads, and especially the Burlington, Into whose field the Rock Island will endeavor to break. Lamar and . Shields Advance. An Important change goes Into effect on the Burlington November 15. J. D. Shields will succeed Robert Lamar as assistant auditor of the freight and ticket depart ment. Mr. Lamar, who has held the posi tion for five years, will go to Chicago to fill a siml'ar position, but at an increased salary. The- change Is a decided step for. ward, as Mr. Lamar will have a wider field and the office force, which numbers 200 men, l twics the sis of the on in Omaha. , i Mr. Lamar has been with the company nineteen years, beginning as office boy. He became a clerk on one of the desks and then was made chief clerk. Mr. Shields came here from St. Joseph about six months ago. He has also grown up with the business and Is thoroughly famll- j lar with the work. Railway Notes and Personals. W. C. Melville, the former representative of the 'Frisco system In this city and now Stationed at Kansas City is in Omaha. Burglars gained entrance to the office of the Weir City Coal company, 1619 Daven port street, Nfonday evening and took some valuable papers. A. A. Schenck, chief engineer of the Nebraska and Wyoming division of the Northwestern. Is on the way to the Black Hills on a tour of Inspection. The Great Western Printing company, 1818 Chicago street, was entered by bur lars Monday evening. The reports states that s and some papers were stolen. ' t A rate of 116 has been established by the Burlington from Missouri river points to Denver for the; Epworth League conven tion on July 19.' A rate of $10.75 has been made for the'Q. A. R. convention which occurs at the same place In September. The rate Into Omaha from all points of Nebraska for the state teachers' associa tion has been fixed by the Burlington at one fare plus 60 cents and will be effective December 96 to 2s. For points outside the 100-mile limit the tickets will be good uatil January 2, 1906. . . ISHT between two cripples T'hree-Ronnd Mill by Ona-Armed and One-Leveed Combatants on . ' the Street. The unusual spectacle of a one-armed man fighting a one-legged man furnished considerably amusement for a crowd of Spectators at Eleventh and Davenport streets Monday evening. Wllay Robinson and John Kane were the combatants In the strange battle royal. Robinson lost his right arm In a railroad wreck, whlH Kane sustained the loss of hla . right leg In a steamboat explosion am years ago. Detective Dunn arrested both men, who were arraigned before Police Judgi Berks. It being shown that Robin son waa the aggressor, he was fined $5 apd eosts, while Kane was discharged. . Ths men had gone about three rounds before the, detective called time and dis pensed the crowd. The fight by rounds was as follows: Round i Robinson lands vicious blow on back at Kane's head and nearly knocks Kina off left pin. Kan rallies and tries to kick Rohtrson with one leg, but misses end goes to th floor. Round 2 Kane rushes Robinson -with both hands, but Robinson sidesteps and comes back with a tap on Kane's proboscis. Kane was groggy at the end of round. Round S Robinson, getting half-Nelson with ont arm on Kane's one leg, when po lice stop the fight. The trouble Is said to have started over the payanent of a can of beer. r DrflS Eg Ladle Goat and Skirt Specials New arrivals from New York, including all the very latest Btyle models in ladies' smart suits and coats are here we invite your inspection. Ladies' Short Box Coats V OMAHA WEATHER WEDNESDAY-FAIR. n a m R U II II lit, 1 I. 1 mm fP7 wtime II CaV and winter wear in tne 4.98-6.98 Handsomely tailored short conts very smart for fall and winter wear In the best colors new coat sleeve effects, at Tourist Coat, $8.98 The swell long coats that are leading; in popularity this season all the new Scotch mixea ana novelty cioins .belted backs right tip to date, at 8.98 Ladies' Suit, at $12.50 12.50 Pretty Dlrectolres, tourist cost suits, tary effects, etc., hand somely trimmed and piped at . New Fall Waists jvew wooi waists, prettily stitched and pleated, wide and nar row pleats, newest colors, at mill- 98c-1.50 A Stunning Golf Skirt at 3.98 An entire new lot of the prettiest and most fashionable walking skirts of the season . all the new mixed and novelty cloths made with kilt pleats, side jr ClQ pleats just the correct winter weisrht a score of different . styles all up-to-date, at (If CITY ENJOINED ONCE MORE Restrained Temporarily at Least from Grading; hear Sixth and ' Murey Streets. The city has been enjoined again. This time It Is against grading In the vicinity of Sixth and Marcy streets. The temporary order was granted on the application of Ladies' 35c Corset Covers at 15c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Corset Covers, soft fleecy lined J all sizes, 35c quazity, at IJiv Misses' and Children's Under wearJersey ribbed vests and pants up to C n size 30,' at. I7C 25c Hosiery at 12Jc pair La dies', misses' nd children's fleecy lined, fast black f medium and heavy . weight hosiery, at pair.. Pillow Top Handkerchiefs A big Bargain Square of these pretty handkerchiefs, suitable for making kimonas, etc. also Swiss embroidered and hemstitched hand kerchiefs, worth up to 35c C- Ln nntt 111 each, at, each tJL, U2L dllU I-Wt Watch Our J Windows t Watch Our Windows a GROCERY up bargains la our dreat Grocery Department. Thirty J3.CK) Green Trading pta" three pounds finest Java f flfl and Mocha Coffee " Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps pound Tea Ten (1. OS) Oreen Trading Stamps '4 pound can pure ground black 2c I'epper m Ten IM.OM Oreen Trading ttlc Stamps two pounds Tapioca s-w Five (5Uc) Green Trading Stamps with three boxes (500 In a box) 10r Parlor Matches Ten $ Green Trading Stamps tZc pound fine shelled Top Corn.... "w Ten (tl.Oti) Green Trading Stamps (n with dozen liill Pickles, new...," SHRKDDED CODFISH, Br package CANDY Only pure, wholesome quality sold. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps E., pound Salted Peanuts ' You know the Value of Green Trading Stamp Premiums! "You KNOW you've got to dig into your pockets to meet cost of Christ mas gifts to your friends. Why not start another Green Trading Stamp Collecting Book? You've time enough to fill it and another, and so secure a handsome premium from a thousand different items and make it your Christmas gift to your friend. It is a good Idea, Isn't it? The gift you make will cost you nothing, and- yet you'll have that charm of feeling you earned It, Thursday n new collecting book with $2 In Oreen Trading Stamps to every applicant. Premium Par lor, Balcony. 11 IB ON BARGAIN SQUARE ON BARGAIN SQUARE Second Notice Important SALE OF SHOES Begins Thursday, Nov. 10 J 4 lots Mens enamel, patent colt, box calf, velours and viti kid Shoes. 16 lots Woman s fine kidskin Shoes, hand turned and welt soles. 8 lots Woman s fine hand-turn Slippers, 6 lots Boys and Youths' Shoes. 3 lots Misses and Child's Shoes. from the Lincoln Street, Boston, Shoe Dealer, - Go on Sale Thursday ALL Oft BARGAIN SQUARES On the Second Floor ON BARGAIN SQUARE nil ON BARGAIN SQUARE Special Sale of Embroideries 100 pieces pretty new embroideries and insertions, medal lions and headings, worth up to 20c yard C Wednesday, only 7Jc and GLOVES 50 dozen imported golf gloves, lighi C and heavy weights, worth up to 75c, Wednesday. v KIMONA FLANNELETIES. 100 pieces new double fold Arnold's flannelettes for kimonas house and dress waists, a quality that .. f C is cheap at 20c yard Wednesday, yard Ww Some Warm Bargains in Fine Comforts and Blankets. Wednesday! Full size silkoline covered comforts, filled with pure ff white cotton, regular $1.25 comforts Wednesday, .vpl 200 large size bed comforts, covered with best quality Brus sels silk, in a fine lot of patterns, filled with one-piece cot ton, corded edges, guaranteed to be worth f 3 1 C Wednesday each . . i O 100 pairs extra fine cotton blankets, mottled effects, fancy borders, fancy stripes and heavy fleece, Q worth fi.25 pair Wednesday only JC $1.00 Silks, Wednesday for 39c. One of the largest sales of plain and fancy silks takes place at Bennett's Wednesday, on the bargain counter at 16th street. Entrance,, main aisle beginning at 8 o'clock sharp. A fine assortment of all kinds and colors, IQ silks worth up to $1, for one day only, yard JJC Peninsulars! Peninsulars!! heating base burner in sizes 300, A full nickel reflector on top Jthia store extremely popular and "attractive. It has powerful double heating attachment for heating up stairs and a patent flue bottom which forces the heating to all sides of bate, making , it a great floor warmer. The screw draft in ash ' pit door gives perfect control of fire. This stove Thursday f up from j7fD iJt This double ' 400 and.'.75b. t, and sides makes The Sun Burst Peninsular A double heating1 base burner in two sizes Nos. 413 and 414. This is the top-notcher of base burner perfection. It is the greatest heat ing base burner in the world. Sides, top and front all radiate beat. It throws a cheerful glow to all corners of the room. Price for Thursday only '. Mary Millar, Catherine Camoran, Albert Miller and Mary Egan. Judge Troup signed the order and made It returnable November 12 at 9:46 o'clock. The grading contem plated will cut the streets down from eight to ten feet In front of the property of the petitioners. Bee Want Ads produce results. Introducing Smart Set Corsets ; In order to more .thor oughly introduce these very fine corsets the makers have sent us from New York an expert corBetiern to show the women of Omaha and vicinity, who admire a high grade corset the perfection of the "SMART SET." Every model in this corset Is a work of art in construction and grace ful Hues. Being boned with wbajebone. and made In a manner pecu liarly their own, they produce a decidedly smaller waist line than any other corset. And they are, above all, comfortable. Let our detuoustrator fit you with the proper model and tell yon how to wear them to produce the best results. 8MAHT SET Corsets are custom-made of imported Krencu Coutll, in long and short walxt stylos. Prlcea, $5.(to and $7.50. Nemo Corset price $1.00 to $3.00; all figures. See window display. MRS. J. BENSON, 212 S. 16th Street yl50R3HMp UMBRELLAS The finest line ever brought to Omaha a new department with us Nothing Ilka them ever shown in this city. Come in and look them over, and you'll have one laid away for Christ mas. They are not expensive Brown & Borsheim Cxptrt Watchmakers and Jtweltrs. 222 S. Uth St. Fer asnorrhcM . Sleet. LsueerrhoM. (psrmstsf " " wsnesnnir muuI Discharges. N-o Pain. no stain. NOSTSIlCTURt. FRCC 8YRINQC. hvnaUn ml PI. .- At UruMuu, or mi to sar addrm tor l. MStV0OSJMFS.CO..tWe..t.f. 0.. Oil DEPUTT BTATB VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITr VKTBRIXAR1A1I. OMAHA. NKU. Teleohone S3. 0cs sd4 Isnriuary, 28tn a&4 Mssoa St Very Stylish and Correct, $5.00. This Is one of the very popular shoes with the women who want tht best the smartest style, the flnebt finish, the neweut leather, and, with the rest, the perfttct and iHy fitting qualities that make for eli'gunce, an wWI as real font comfort. We ure showing- the newest lasts In patent leutlitrb, the new Gun metul calf and vlcl kid, made up with light or heavy hand-welted soles, medium or hlKh mllltury heels and correct In every detail. . CRY ;H0E CQ ! ; ill iiiii i urn ii in S..J I'JAUTY AND PURITY MAKE IT THl FAVORITE CMAMPAQNE ....GET OUR.... PRICES OS ..FURNITURE.. iMM mom THE RELIABLE 8TOHK. Sweeping Price Reductions In ..FURNITURE.. Youth's and Children's Day Wednesday lL Clothing Dept. r.50 to 112.60 YOUTH'S SUITS nnd $7.5o-The younn men of today are getting very particular about their clothes. That's the reason they buy at Hnvden's. WE SELL THE PARTICULAR KIND. These suits are well made, perfect fitting, good range of colors and fabrics, single or double breasted, worth $7.60 to $12.50 sale price ' YOUTH'S ' OVERCOATS-Regular $7.50 to $12.50 values either long o medium length. In fancy mixtures or plain colors, with or witl out belted back, splendidly lined and trimmed, made to sell at $7.50 to slli.OOour , special price 7-50 and $5 7-50 and $5 2.50 or2.95 Buys a handsome Knee Pants Suit In double brensted, Norfolk, snllor blouse or three piece style rtgular $3.50 values. CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS AND REEFERS In all shades, colors and styles, at 2.502.95, 3.50, 3.95 and 5.00 SPECIAL NOTION SALE Women's best quality silk covered Featherbone. yard I0e Be spool cotton, for lo Hie tombs, for 1 Hc luc hooks and eyes, for 4Hu 500 yards best basting cotton 4Ha 75c four straps pad hose supporters, pr. 25o 25c needle books, for 4Wo Hie Pearl buttons, for M..4Wo 100 yards sewing silk, for 4V4 WEDNESDAY GROCERY SPECIALS dried 'lb" Finest kiln Oats. lb... Very fine Rice, tapioca, lb Sago, lb Karma, lb IVarl Barley, lb White Navy beans, lb California White lc 3-iC SViC Sc Svac 3 ,C 8-c Flake Hominy, lb 3c Pearl Hominy, lb 8o Fancy new California Evaporated Peaches, lb 12Ho Fancy new Oregon Peaches, lb W40 Fine new Michigan Peaches, lb oo 4-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, lb 7V4o 8-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, lb 6V4c 2-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, lb Ho Very fine new Prunes, (small) lb S New Evaporated Hlackberties, lb .a ?Wo Potted Tongue, oan 8StjO Deviled Tongue, can 80 Potted Ham, can So Ievlled Ham, can 3o 10 bars Soap for 2o 4-pound package Gold Dust 15a Snpollo, cake 5a I'earllne, pkg 2o Very best Ginger Snaps, lb SVsO TEAS AND COFFEES. Good blend Santos Coffee, lb loo Imperial Java Blend Coffee, lb 17Wi Family Java and Mocha Coffee, lb , zo Sundrled Japan Tea, lb 86a Fancy Young Hyson Tea, lb &M Silver Leaf Japan Ten, lb 46a Basket Fired Japan Tea, lb 4ho Fancy White Clover Honey, lb 12Vio HAVDER3 BROS. Six Plain Facts . 270,000 acres belonging to the State and under the Twin Falls Irrigation pro ject open for settlement in Snake River Valley, Idaho. 2. rotators yield from 200 to 400 bushels, per acre, of large size and fine quality lu Snake River Valley, Idaho. 3. Wheat yields from 40 to 70 bushels per acre, of an average weight of 63 pounds to the bushel In Snake River Valley, Idaho. 4. Three crops of alfalfa are raised in one soason in Snake River Valley, Idaho. 5. A 40-acre fruit farm equal In produc tiveness nnd net returns to 120 acres of Eastern farm land In Snake IUver . Valley, Idaho. fj. Superb climate that generates vigor and guarantees good health, is found In Snake River Valley, Idaho. Why not visit tha $45 YARNS! WE SELL THEM But do not keep them The most complete stock In the S west In all shades and kinds, such as J Angora the wool Zephyr Saxony, Zephyr Germantown. Spanish- Ger- 9 man Knitting, Pompadore Wool, Eiderdown Wool, In fact all kinds of wool for knitting and fancy crochet work, and In the best quality which Is no higher at our place than Inferior grades at other places. Soles for slippers In all sixes. Knitting and Crochet Needles for all kinds of work. We make Sweaters and Stockings as usual. i JOS. F. BILZi 322 So. 16th St, Omaha. Snake River Valley In person and thus realize for yourself these great possibilities more fully? Honieseekers' low round trip rates to Idaho points are now in effect via Uionn Pacific , The only direct route to this vast territory, abounding with golden opportunities. Inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. Phone 318. We're Elected Ta hA thA hi oh nfflcA of Jawelera to TViss PawtnlA ft nd wa nrnmlHA to dlHcharee our duties the future as we have done in the post Fy giving: you tho bet goods tor the least money, our cnritttmaa ffouua m nAnr In ThA flnAnt WA tlHVH Vfr uhtiWIl. "MAWHINNEY & KYAN CO. 13 In AND DOUGLAS JJ. unansi.rvia. jEWxcwizaaoccimimriman n 1 i in imif - diamonds! In the natural or rough state resemble smooth pebbles. To obtain the finished product It la necessary first to cleave It. then grind the facets and finally polish them. To obtain an American cut one carat stone require one thst will weigh In the rough fully carats. Only per cent of the rough diamonds found will make a finished stone weighing one carat or over. Ve have them in all slses to J-carat at urlcea so reasonable that we will give you nine-tenths of amount paid at any time within one year from date of purchase. 15'-aD0DCE. THE RETURNS INDICATE That HENRY Carries Everything in Stationery "HENRY" He Sells Stationery and Does Enravin Wit, Grit and Gumption Mil then iaf redicats and yon lue an Infallible rcctlpl for faeces. ; THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION has issted It and knows. ASK ABOUT IT. 1704 PARINAM STREET, BEE BUILDING. It Pays 6 on Savings Accounts. S: Hray Oneida Community Goods "Fiord luce." Fat. Western Distributors Relchenberg-Smith Co. Wholenale Jewelers (Largest In the West.) Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Eto. Wlksr AdT I SBJ 1 tKVtO tytHTWIItRfe