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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: Tl?KHDAY. NoVKMUlalt 8. 11)04. GRAIN ANB PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Future Are a Little Btrongar, but th Market ii Slow. BREAK IN OMAHA CASH WhEAT FRICES Bayers Hold nit ami Forrr imrr stoaxe Sales at Erialle llsnge Cera anil Oata riran M4.W bu. Rye, LSSTwt; dcrreire, 27S,or4i hu. Barley. 6.1i?.'M' bu. : decrease, 248,. bu. IHKAliU nM M PHOVIMO Oilarfi nf Ihf TraeMngt and lloaln Prices n the Board of Trade. CHICAGO Nov. 7.-Rrporta tf unfavor able weather were the principal ru" ,(,:' a firm torn- In hal here icdny At " close both the Drfm;r und Mv dilvo"i" wet; up Corn in up iy , "V m- unchanged. Provhlons are -V'J"V higher. strrngih In the wheat p t developed only In the session. I'nde the Influence or Mhri-al World's shipment, ami lower ruble the market opened easier. December being down c at ).11.. May wss off h snnrie to c at II .111 to Sl.llStil 11 As a re sult of continued dry weather m the WMI, sentiment In the pit Chun awl quickly to the bull side, the result being a "'J1'1'" advance, December selling "P. ,u Meantime Ma) advanced to 1 .12 V"r-J!1 the vein m lost later in the duy on prcnt- ! tsklng. On the whole, trading was of iignt OMAHA. Nov. T. i:4. . Jiers aas J-i at.,t. In trie w.uat j iitko iouhv u.f. .1 ii.r m ii..a t.t. ; Ini. .,. bi"ci.,i, , the liff rigin ne J...uii, wne.e. uhtc ere 'lime a tu-mo-i ; volme. t,e hnllrinv tomorrow being a drag or aaiiiples uii Ine lab.ot. anu iut 11. U' 1..- I on th m,,i, -The c!oe ) firm, with quiiy. i ma mara.-i nan teen nlgi.e " ; December' at 1M2U-61 12 May rioted at 'n attain than an i.l in oomp-li.o a an. , ,,T, r'learsnres of wheat and iir noma lime past there nss x.m ; flour were eounl to 70.4O0 bushels, ine uuyu.g wnnn . "i.mnin.. ... ; mnun, nn .,. increase.) iW unc .xi n result mixers naxe ir- , wn. vi.ible -urnlv Increased I.''.""' bushel PriniArv receipts were 1. (...'" ming in outer marke.a uueed ihnr toils mm wnlie sellers meet ih Ituuctlbii sluwiy. ihi-r la a geneiai ell I that hr wih lava to (i oft; inm-ad, aoma rrl: tue sies Iway li.d.uate u . of i- a bushel, VVnl ti.l Is true, there l aMo no disposition to engafc In ip-.raiuni Hi ih spe. 'ijutivv IiiMir-. This is iue o the tart mat ihe wneat trade Is In crttl roniliiKui ami Is imole ti iak- xtanr turns y ur the other alino!t any lny a ihi the fp- .lis inrs pi tier the wni". rungv, B'eeul.itif inarkeia of the eas.. 'I li- a.a-tistn-i i.hriwc(i tew Important cnarig.a, t.ut tlere ws nn liirrcise of nearly ;;,',' in the xlnhle supply, nithough this is not to be wimneiM at when the Isrge rerelnla ( A!lnn:ii)oli are txcalled. Tne lories of lnniHKf mini the work f ihe fly uij th lack ip' rain are jxxe itlal fa'tors in llie ii iist.on ninl tney wwt aul'.clent to uvroom hesrlsh en: "ent and rai a lfht od vai.ct I: pi i v-i for future Thla wm pir tlslly bi-oiiKht ab by j. ilea re 01 the p;tr. o' soma shorla to even u . a"d Ret urn rf II. a mn kei (or the lioiidiiy a-1.':.irn-meri. 'the strength In stocks Sudioit d a tnln'y. oit th nan. if ih flna.;. Inter-; ecru Hint there wiild be illesrraniremei-.i In the t-illcle of tha nation throfgn chtnge In the executive head. Prlc- for aiocks were a I a'rong and higher. 1 he cash priced ci the local whear mar kt offer upoortunltles for atudy. With fu tures hlR'ier. 'hfti waa a determination on the part of buyers to break value.' In this they were encouraged by the fact ma: -neio is nothing In shipping wnear , rron: ncre to other markets at the prica current for the last few week. Tl-.ere It bin little entlv.eiasm o tho bull aide of th oiaj-kt, despite the display of strength In nln. Sentlmer.t la beetlsh, but neither tha. bulla nor the bears have got much courage In their ronrictlrna at this time. , December wheat opened Vc off at ll.lli. advanced to SI. 12 and dropped to Sl ll's recovering ealn to I1.121',. a fraction higher than at th close on fleturday. May was tc lower and then c higher, holding about o of tho gaJn. July gained about Sc.- CORN Market holds Arm with Vpoint gains for December and ateady at a sliade better for May. . OAT8--Very little change. Omaha Cash Sales 1 car No. 3 hard wheal, MH lbs . Hftc: 1 car No. 3 hard wheat. K7 lbs., S1.A3: 1 car No. 3 hard wheat. 6U lbs.. SI 02: 1 car No. 4 hard wheat K2W lbs. Mui I car No 4 hard wheat M lbs.. 9Ro. 1 ! car No. 4 wheat, 63 lbs. 09c; 1 car No. 4 wheat, K'i Ihe., Kk : 1 ear no grnde rye. . 70c; 1 car No. 4 onts, Wc: 1 car Nn. 3 ', white oafe, 2814c; 2 eara No. 3 corn, 43-. 1 rmalic Caah Prlvas. 1 WHKAT No. ? hard. S1.07in .OR- No. 3 hsrd. SOcfifl.03: No. i hard, M99i; No. 3 spring Sl.flTfil.e. j CORN No. No. 3. 48Hc: No. . f 47Ao: no grade. 43ifT44ei No. 2 yellow 4flp I; 494c; No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. 2 white. 4!c; No 3 white. 4SHc. OATS Nr.. 2 mixed. 27H-: Ko. 3 mixed. i; tlftW-r; No. 4 mixed. amr27e: No. S white. i Sf'iiiAHc. No. 3 mhlte. 28'ic: No. 4 white. S7,c; standard. !St4e. RE-Not grsdea. TQc. I- Caah Prices Elsewhere. & prices at the following markets y t'Kluy and Saturday were: i CHICAGO. Close bushels, compsred with l.Kfi.'n1') h"h'" " year ago. - Minneapolis. Ijulutn and hl iago reported receipts of cars, agninst cars lat meek and 1.40 cars a year "iligher cables and the strength of wheat caused a fitm tone In the corn market. The volume of trading was email. her opened ,'l,i- higher a: 4KV'. ""'d'1' tween 44e and and closed at 48c lo-al receipts were l: cars, with of con tract grade. There whs a fair trade In oats, but prices showed practically no change De. comber opened unchanged at St -sc. solil up to lc and closed at ' SRc. Local receipts were IKK cars. ' I'rovlflons were strong o.i u fair de mand from packer. At the close January pork was up liHSo at Sl.. lHid und ribs were each up VVhvr at Si.Wo ..U',4 und n R'kriii; rj; reaneellvelv. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: WhCHt. K ears. corn. 143 cars; oata. 190 cars; bogs. 18,0)0 head. I T'." le,-lilug fututcs closed at follow: Articles Open.' High. 1 Ix-. Close. Bat y. Vheat December May July Corn Deaember May Oals i Decimber May 1 July Today. Bat'day. . 1.12"4 1.13 . 1.11 98 . -49 "W'hest f December May t Con; December May VhU-i ' December May Corn . tieceniber ' Msy ' Wheat - Decemb-r v May ST. IXH'IS. 1.13 1.13'i Kansas citt. MINNEAPOLIS. l.M, 42 41 I ISt 1.14 Ftaeairlal Oaastp. Elevat J merge- irakl- 1.11 7Tj 48 46 . Sit 1.12 1.14 44 44 1 W l.OCTi 42 41 1.13 1.14 Whea'. Dec May July Con. Iee. May Julv Onts Nov. Deo. May July fork Jan. May May Rlba Jan. May ' r 12 1 12 i! 4K 4A I 4o i 3131'h 31 i i nvr: I 1 H! 48; 45H' 47t! l n i u1;' ! i v 1 111 iiin 97! Wl I I 48V; 448ii 1 1." 1 H 7 4iW4. 4fi' 4S'45-. 29 I 13 62 12 no lK' 7 20 47W 62 31l 12 87 12 12 66 j 11 7 12 26 I 8 55 I 71 2M 3IH at i 31 31 4 V 45 29 8 31 31 I 12 87: 12 6A I li 65 12 b2V, 7 Of. 7 20 47 6 62 7 12 7 12l 8 55 67! I 7 orw ! 7 17 i 6 50 I 62 Chicago Elevat i merge- irakl-.g alow ' pnnka gained from subtreaaury on Frl 1 ftmy 4100,0(10. t'nion Pseirc repor; heavy transcontl nentni traffic". 'Operating of sun way no; affecl'.ng Man liattan earnings. Outward movement of currency for crops pract onily ended. Republic Stee! prospects are good for ,increerd eatnlngn. October earning of soft coal roads will , make Improved showing. Pennsylvania earnings for nine months equal to S per cent on stock. ' 4 . Atchison In fatr demand In losn crowd, but stocks othrrw1 plentiful. Commission houres carrying unusUallv light line of Block over election. Americana In London steady, above par . Ity. with Bteet atocka especially strong I'nlted Bteel orders' book?; at , rate of 30.000 tons a day since, Novenber L No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Market easy; Winler pstents, S5.30t6.40; winter straight!:, H.9005.20; spring patents 85.loMft.80; spring straights. S4.7uci i .20: bakers, $3.004.00. WHKAT Nr,' 2 spring. SI. OS'S! 14. No. 3. Sl.iKVpl.12: No 2 red, 81.1&fil.l. CtJRN-No. 2. 6Bc; No 2 yelloi, 5RV4-. OATS No. 2. 2!t,c, No. 2 white, 31c; No. 3 white, 30i4;' RYK No. 2. 8;t4i;0. BARLE1T Oo6d feeding. 3738c; fair to choice malting. 41fi6c. SEEDS No I tlsx. S1.1A: No 1 north weslert!, SI. 18. prime timothy, S2.62. Clo ver, contract grade. S12.I"'. PROVISIONS Pork, tie.- bbl.. S11.irs 11. 12. Iard. per 100 lbs., S7.0',J7.07. Short ribs sides (loose). S8.K7ci.7.12: short cleai sldes (boxed). 37.007.12 , Following were the recelpti and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment?. Flour, bhls 18..H10 13.30) Wheat bu 2T8.0OT) 83,700 Corn, bu .lia.tiai 194.0.O , tats, bu 224. (K L'13,700 Kye, DU 13.2110 5.JO) Barley, bu 102,900 Z&V) On the Produce today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 1,V?)'S1: dairies. 14ff20o. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included. 16ti19c; firsts. 21c; prime. 23H--; extras, 25c. Cheese, steady at lOU'allc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND B05DS Volume of Ensineti Lighter, tut Frictt An GeDf mlly Higher. ELLCTIOM MVS IS DlSCOtiNTED Indnairial Morke Aav.iHce from One to Three Palais la Apfireheasloaa of Heavy Demands After Hetaraaa Arc In. NEW YORK. Nov. T.-lss ateks eiU...IUII t l M llblll I.l t.wll St. lit .-! maiiLeal iiua hi a uinewna. louiiacisj vo.muiu in Mug.iiettf oin... ..a kgita' aiiaicn sui. i iu.ii.ifc ill. nil Leivw ...e . mous im.l.exc to al miiuj netore .he nuudie i . Liiiibt;., tvii.i, i..i marKei ij. a on kieo.e.- itiiiiin.. A.-. io. ttiu pi ice iniv.- i. leu i, it .-e i ait kinpna.ic Xi.c .l'n Oi piurs una an m-M-d public u l.iaiiu in r hernial. una uuc to tne elev iion lias Leii i.e,.:eJ u .. in tne part u. ih.- day the riilr.vids hu,.s aiK. -. imo .'pii.U' a.iu wniie iney d.U nOi lul.y -.e ine.r p. si tmn oi itlaiive imp.. ruin e ) .he, the.e w ,s a t.ufflcie..t si. a e In ihe ciy s .lngl.l oy tne n.i.r."vud u re.o.C me oaiaiue oi the maraei. Ihe g.tat irili.- ii. nuiu'iiiel s.uckui were leauers in lhat d. parinient. I nlon Pncl.ic, c laul. Mls.-o-ri I'aciuo hi, 4 Aicnlsun leaning in the o.d.r named. Hut galiih we. givatir. iianaac iIoiib were Iniger nnd the numner of isa,je.t deali In much higher In the nidus lUI ne piirlniem. i ne ( in.ed fc.e.l moikj wr tne feature oi tne wh'ile marKci niul oiher iron and steel induttnais eha.ed In the attention given to thi-m. The char acter ot :ne market cannot m l,;dl i ted than by a simple list of s ocks or th-- Industrial comb.u,.tl0ns and rui-po a tmus which rose from I to 3 points i,i the course ot the day's trading' Amilgamate.l Copper American lH-iimailvr, American Kmeiting. Orneral Kleeirlc, the Pressed Sttel Car stiK-ks the Republic Iron imn Hieel stocks. Tennessee Coal and lio.i. 61ls Sh ttleld Stfel. the America t Btee; F(i'indr:e stock, the I'nlted Miatn ssie: stuck, the I'liiU'd Mi'is Ir ti Pipe stoik. V;r ii:A Iron. C.a: and Co.e, Al s-i hat tners. ihe i ol.O" (ill hu ok. Ara "i'.aii Sugar. Amerlca.,i Ice, Corn Pioaueis, Inter national rape-, Nntlorai Enamollng. Asso ciated Metrttnts and Pa:e- and Ameri can Tobacci. Them were ma:iy otre'- mis cellaneous specialties t ot ctm ne so clearly within Ihe dehnitioii of Induatriali eecuri ties. The buying was avowedly b-sed on the assumption that the revival and Im provement In the country hive rot yet had adequate expression Ir. the securities mar ket, that the passing of the presidential coniea will bring renewed sp culitio:. I) stocks and that ihe speculative preference will now turn to Industrial seouiltle on ac count of the length to which the rise In rallroai stocks ,a alreidy gone. The usual profit taking on the day-s rle cost something to the extreme high level of prices, but the decline was checked and the Iirloe level partly restored belo e Ihe mnr :et clused. HoikIs were firm: total sales, par value, tf 475.000. I'nlted States bonds were un rhtHige'l on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged us follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. 2O.700 8 i 85' M ,8"0 1111 101 1 lul'i DEW I VOKK UBKERAIi MAHKBT 4)notatloBS of tho Das- oa Virion Coanmodttlrs. NSW TORK, Nov. 7. FIOi;R-Recelpts, 19,8v4 bhls j exports, 10,778 bbls. ; sales, 1,600 pkgs; market dull and featureleaa; Minne sota patent, S(.0036.40; Minnesota bakers', S4.WS9U-00; winter patents, 36 606.00; win ter straight. S635&6.AO: winter extras,. 13.6) t4.25; winter low grades, S3.40tf4.o5. Ryo flour, steady; sales, 2au bbls.: fair to good, S4.604.7ft; choice to fancy. S4.755 00. Buck wheat flour, dull; per luO lbs., S2.00&2.15. COKNMEAL Steady; yellow western, SI. 1161.18; city. Sl.Uol.14; kiln dried, 43.00 tj3.I . RYE Nominal. BARLEY -Firm; feeding. c. c. I. f., New York WHEAT Receipts. 18,000 bu.; sales, 2,200,. 000 bu. futures. Spot firm; No. 2 rel Sl.20. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. D" luth, SI. 26. f. o, b., afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 11.07. f. o. b., afloat. Options, after 'opening a trifle Irregular, rallied and were as Arm all day as a slow, holtday trade would permit. Buying motive con sisted principally o.' smaller shipments, drouth In the southwest, bad Argentine weather poor northwest grading, strength of outside markets, room covering and for eign buying. The cloao showed Vijc net advance. May. 31.13ft1.12Ht closed at Sl.13; July closed at Sl2; December. Sl.174? 1.17. closed at 1.17. " CORN Receipts. 8,223 bu.; exports. 400 bu ; sales. 10.000 bit ' futures and G6.000 bu, spot. Spot, firm; No. 2, nomlnnl, elevator; and 6ic. f. o. b., afloat; No. S vellnw, 6.9c; No. 2 white, 64c. Options. Influenrou by smaller stocks, bullish weekly statistics, firm cables and commission house bnyl.x west were Arm all duy,taoslng fic net higher. May closed at Sljiq; December. W!(f? 57c. closed st 67c. OATS Receipts. "124.500 bu.. Spot, dull: mixed oats 2 to 32 lbs.. S4Vife35Hc; natural white. 30 to 32 lbs.. 86Hij37c clipped white. 36 to t lbs., 374f89o. Options nomlnnl. FEED Steady; middlings, 31850; spring bran. 1 w. Borne prospocr of I'nlted States Steel ah. u iv' o...j. ihinnin. fti70r. saivsniy-eignv roaan ror Tourin week oe - Ootoher show average gross incicaw o 2 6A per cent. American Cotton Oil surplus after pre ' fened dividend for yea.-, jii,9. equal t ) 116 per cent on common r Missouri. Kansis A- Texss earnlnaa foe foir'tli weex in October increased JI62.4X. j iw-ive uiuuairiaia uccuiieu .i'w. Twenty act;vs railroads declined .21 per cent on Haturday. .... Commercial Goaalp. .' Sunderland t'pdlke: "Snow expresses the opinion thst tho government crop re .port will show 3.500,800 bu. wheat, i Thrro will ha no session of the Chicago Board of Trade, Omaha Grain exchange or . New York Stock exchange tomorrow. Visible supply: Wheat. tH,ro1 bu.; an . Ii.creaee of l.i7,00e bu. Corn, !,3ta),0iM) bu. i decrease, 681,000 bu. Oats, Z4,o4S3,aa bu.; In- iTtdht, UX.ttM bu. World's shipments: Wheat, laat week, 12,040,000 bu.; previous week, 10,No6,000 bu.; last year, ll,4s4.Q0O bu. Corn, last week, C.iM.OiiO bu.; previous week, 3,664,000 bu.; year ago, J.Bus.OOO bu. 8. A. McAV hotter, Manchester, Kan., says: "Wheat looking badly; considerable Hea- slim fly. Hastings, Neb., practically same. Oypsuin, Kan., aays early wheat Infested ' with fly, looks bad. Superior and York, Neb., aajr considerable wheat looking ycl . low and fly found in It." On passage statement: Wheat, today. Wl.0ia) bu.; Increase, 7M.D00 bu ; week ago! - s5.l)C,iau bu.; decreaae, 8,2ai,uui bu.; year - ago. 29.873.000 bu.; decrease, 1,120,000 bu. torn, today, 18,233.000 bu.; decrease, 188.(1)0 u. ; week ago, 18.4ao.0iO bu. ; decrease. ysd.OuO Ju.; year ago. 17,773,000 bu.; decrease, loK.OoO , Du. ' Kaasas City Orals aaa Pravlalaas. ' a.14'88 C,TV- Nov- 7-WHB-VT-1 P,,Q'. December, SI OSS: Msy. Sl.03. i': ,No. S hard. S10510; No. . II i a 'L'.,.'.1'' rejected. 70irf8c; No. 1 fo4 N.Ota&l.wTNo. 3. S1.041.W7; lo. 4, laVtf ' ki'RN'i7F,1!:m:,Di'mbr- 48c: Muy, 41c- it ?vnrt;4fei ,: i ?nKy; - 1 hlt'- no. pr"Arl.r,6yiJOh0'f' ,lm,hy' Ch0,c RYK-Steady. 71c EOtJU-Hlglwsr; Mlsnourl and Kansss new : No. 3, whltewood cases Included, sic; case . count. Uo; oases returned. c less BUTTfcK Creamery, ticlc; ds'Tv. ., . t Reelpte. Shipments. Wheat, bu iw i j, :u) - Corn, bu 44.0HU b ic Oata. bu 21.0UO .lou Visible Baaalr at Grata. NEW YORK. Nov. 7-The visible supply r of grain Saturday. November i, as com- pUeJ by the New York Prodm-e exchange. was as follows:1 Wheat. r3.3KJ.0no bu.;.ln. vreasa, I.SM7 IMt W.--Ciim. - S.Mns.UJD bu t oe. vreaaa, asl.tka) bu. Oata, 24,5t3,00u; incteaae, HOPS Firm, stale common to choice 1904. 3141c; 190, SlifTSSc; olds, 1418c; Pa cific coast, i:i04, 3ij3Kc; 1903. 30g34c; olds, 14W1KC HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 30 lbs.. 17c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c LEATHER Firm ; ncld, 24ff26o. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; . fumlly, S10.5V(ill.MI: beef hams. tt 60&24.M: P'lcs-ef 11000.10 50. city extra India mesa. 814. 50if 16 50. Cut meals, steady: picked bellies. S6.7o?10.0u: pickled shoulders. 17.50; pickled hums, S9.5oftl0.0ii. Ijird. easy; western steamed. 47.46; November closed quiet; re: fined, steady; continent, 37.60; South Amer ica. 88 23; compound, 5 76-7(0.1214. Pork, quiet; family. 115 60; short clear. 313.7518.75; nieaa. S12.6Oijl3.00. TALI.OW Barely steady: clty (2 per pkg ). 4",c: country (pkgs. free), 4S4e. RICE Firm, domestic, fair to extra, 2" 0fti.o: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Very firm: street price, extra creamery. 25623ac: official prices: Cream etry, common to extra, 1532oe; held eVtrua, 22c: state dairy, common to extra. 14W?3e. EGGS Firm; western fancy selected, 27c; extra average, best, 2Mf26e. POULTRY Alive, firmer: western chick ens. 11c: fowls, 12e; turkevs, 14HI15.-. Dressed, weaker: western spring chickens, 12615c; fowls, Uc; spring turkeys, 18itil8c. 8T. LOCIS. Nov. 7. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. $1.14; track. $1.15 fa8U5: December, 8UI1.14; May, 81.14: Ro. 2 hard. 81111.12. CORN Firm; No. i rash, 51c; track, 62c; new, t34J53c. old December, 44c; May, 44c OATS Firmer; No. J caah. 30c; track. aWfcfcSlc: December, 30c; May S2c; Nn, X white, 323ac. FLOUR Dull, red winter patents, $J.fc)ihi 6 50; special brands. I5.i.(f6.76; exira tancy and straight, 84 96'5.15; clear, SEED Timothy, steady, 225pj.4d. CORNMEALoteady, 12.70. BRAN Dull; sackeu. tsi track. 81tjV4C. HAY Dull, heavy; t motny, S uuiuli.iioj prairie, SaiKKfriaou. IRON COTTON TIE8-5c. BAOGINQ 77e. HEMP TWINE-fc. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. Ill so. Lard, higher; -prime steamed. $to. Bacon, sleadv; lioxeof extra shorts, Sa.W; clear ribs, 88 75: short clear, ISoo. POULTRY Firmer; cnlcKens. Vic; oprliigs, i-; turkeys. 12c; ducks, lo; geese, Bl'TTER Fair demand; iteamery, isi S4V: lr'' 1430c. EiiGS-Steady, 19V, . na a o '-iui na Atchison do pfd.. B. & O do pfd Cnn. Paclftu Cent fill til N. J Ches & Ohio. ex-d!v. Chicago & A do pfd.. Chic.igo Gt. Western C. AN. V C. M. A 8 P do pfd.. Chlc.ig) T. & T do pfd C, C, C & St. L. ... Colo Southern do 1st pfd do 2d rfd Del. & Hudson Del.. L. & W D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd 1(1. Central.. Iowa Central do pfd K C -Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn, a- St. I. M , St. P. & S. Ste M. do pfd Mo. Paciftc M., K. tc T do pfd NatM R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk & W.. do pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania P.. C C. & St. L. ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rook Island Co do pfd St. L & F 2d pirt St. L. H. W dj pfd So Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Texas & Pacllio. . Tol., St. U & W do pfd Union Puclflc... do pfd Wabash do pfd: W. & Iake Erie Wis. Central do pfd i Mexican Central Adams Ex American Ex... U. 8. Ex Wells-Furgo Ex...... A inn I. Copper Amer. Car & F....i.. do pfd Amer Cotton Q1I.... do -pM Amer. Ice do pfd....; Amor. Linseed OH do pfd -.. Amer. Locomotlvt... do pfd . Amer. Smelt. & R... do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Gas Corn Products do Tfd.....' Distillers' Securities. Gen Electric Inter Paper do pfd Inter Pump do 1 pfd Nat l Lend No. Americn Pacific Mall pcople'a Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd... Tenn. Coal A I V. S. feather do pfd.... V S. Realty A Imp. U.' 8. Rubber do pro 1" S. Steel do Pfd Westlngh. Electric Western Union. 20,800 i 9S '61 51 132 133i 161 162 81 "A 82 14.100 124 12Si 2.600 21 JO 2,700 3O0 i:,i"o 1,(100 12,1.00 '"foil 1.200 300 1 3i 2O0 1.800 2.300 100 "-4o6 62.300 4.600 600 "'ioo 2,30i) 200 "'300 1.300' 4.90 2,600 4.4110 Zoo 700 600 13.500 3.600 6,500 100 8.400 3,200 'iiioo 48,603 20.2M 300 100 32,70) 500 1.600 1.400 3. G00 19,4mi 800 18.300 40il 6,100 ""soo 67.800 300 4.200 3.300 1,600 80t) 500 . 8.100 129 1S6 44 31 24 191 i72; io 23 85 23 56 34 l-6 316 83 40 72 62 89 ' 29 51 133 S4 32SV4 184' 43'd 38''i 23 194 171 ifi 23 85 H 22 54 3.'14 184 316 83 39 71 61 ' 8S 142i - 27 95'. 95 129 i Mhi 44 36 80 2.1 194't 172 182 10 22 85 22 64 34 184 310 30 82 89H 72 SO 88 143'., 27 48 60 92 48 v 104 31 69 40 136 73 43 136 74 79T, 34 4 74 63 23 60H n', 35 94 35 iff 22 43 19'A 22 69 91 146 102 31 68 40 134 78 136 73 87i 79 33 73 62 22 4! 61 116 34 &4L, 34 4s 69 V 91 148 lOSVi 81 58 39 136 72 90 42 135 73 74 97 79 34 73 62 23 49 61 m 34 94 i 34 29 4Mi 110 111 Hu TO 21 42 18 22 35.700 4,000 5i 3,300 too 800 800 12.2i 0 3)0 9.1 IX) 2,000 23,700 1.100 16.700 14.9)0 4.800 9.600 1.100 1,900 20 10, 4ll) 900 '"si) 800 KOO J.600 3.70) 7.500 1,100 li.ioo 8,ino 900 isViiio f.2'10 l 7.800 1,100 too .'fil.HoO .129.400 2im 400 73 27 85 32 97 8 r 30 , 9is; 74 112 146 106 6K 43 217 20 77 36 . 175 19 78 79 25 97 109 94 81 15 " 23 13 ; AK4 38 VI ?6U 84 170 1 72 27 85 31 97 3 36 28 98 73 111 145 104 33 216 19 7C 35''i 374 14 .ml 24 96 39 10S 32 80 14 6n 22 rn, 18 5 63 '8 K74 "4' , 8 170U 90 Total sales for the day, 1.196.300 shares. 22 43 18 22lk 46 18 240 210 ' 113 237 72- 27 85 22 96 8 36 14 35 29 98 74 111 14r. 106 fis 42 216 !!)' 36 ITS 19 7" 3.8 79 24 P7'I 4i 108 21 vl 220 K 6 S4 7 33 92 81 98 81 H 88 IT'i 91 Lnadna toek Market LONDON. Nov. 7. Closing: Coi aola. moaer... l H-N. V. Canlral So accouot Flour. I.bls..,. Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu...... Oats., bu .S.i ' ....19 9(1 .... 4601 .... -jooo 0iii 56.000 3I.0M 3.a Peoria Orsla Market. .. PEORIA, . .liL. Nov. . SCORX-tJuoU'd soHve. -No. 3. &8c; new. 4c; No. 4. new, 46c; Ko grade, uew, 4Sc. , Aeai-onda Atihitnn du pfd BiUlrar OVo. Ct:llillia rt'180 .. Che. Jt. Oln ri.lramt Ot W.,.. C, M. A St. P ... OiR-r Denver A It. (t.... 4i pill rla do p'd . . ...... dn 14 pfd Illlnola l-otnl .. I - K. O .. k (714 Norfolk W .. i io pM .. . ., l-i Onuilo A W. ..I'H'ilt Olinny'vanla .. T Rand Mine ..Ut Htdln( .. ltl do 1t nfd .. ri'41 do M vfil . .17t'4 gtulhars Hallway .. li" .-I e p(d ., II vi'Soulhrn Parlflu 1M Hi W i'W. lft-4 Loiila A Nah M. . K. T I'Mon Pnl8o So BM . . U. a, sieol.. lo pfd .. Wahi'h do i fd , (!!) 4s 1 . -IS . Kl . .i.V4 . H , t .IU4 S744 . 14 . 401, . f4 . IM'l .n . ,'S SILVER Bar. quiet. 36d per ounce Miinii-sviii per cent. The rate of discount In the onen marVet for ahort bills Is 3 per cent; for three montns ai is. I ner rent. . ' 31 i Forelga Flaaaelal LONDON, Nov. 7. MONEY In good de mand today. Discounts were maintained. Trading en the stock exchange waa fliiiet owing to it being the eve of the settle ment, but prices were fairly steady. Con suls were ateady. Americana opened dull with the changes fractional, became Irreg ular and iniu live, pending the tesull irf ine-prvsidrikllai. election, than grew .firm ill placrs and closed stead). Mrklcau lulls were firm. Ccpper shsres were In demand. Ksftlrs were cheerful In anticipation of a favorable statement regarding Transvaal gold fields, lmpetial JspHnrse government s of 14 were quoted at W4 BERLIN. Nov. 7. On Ihe Bourse ttnlav onlv ellght changes in prices were recorded. PARIS, Nov. I. Prices on the Bourse o dsv were Arm at flrst. but subeiently the market became insctlve end heavy. Rus sian Imperlsl 4s were ouoted st 94 and Rus sian Imperial bonds f 19ol at f.lV The private rate of dlsiount ass ;t)2 per cent. e?e Yark Maaer Market. NEW YORK. Nov. ".-PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER-4y4'? per cent. STERLING EXt H A NOE-Stesdy. with actual business In bankers' bills st It 9M0o 4.861-J for demand and at S4.836(fl4 8355 for slxtydsy bills; posted rates, 14 S4 and 14 87: commercial bills. l.83ti4.!H. 6ILVER Bar. 68c; Mexican dollars. 46e. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. fMONEY-On call, steady at 2j2 per cent: closing bid snd offered. 2 pr cent. Time loans, steady: 60 and 90 days nnd 6 months. 31S4 per cent. The following are ti.t c'lung quotations on stocks nnd hnf': V. i. ref. is. reg....14S tsanha'tan t do roupon 10H Hex. Ontral ( 'a ll li. IM't do t Inr .1 do ronton I'H'i Mlns. A St. t,. 4 Jl do aea 4a. reg !' at. K. A T. 4a It dn coupon . e ta si do old aa. re I1 " ' M ' 4s. 7!'S dn coupwi li"! N. T. C la IOCS Atrhlaon gen. lXg- J- '" , s. IJJ'li dn id) 4. JVIVn rrl. 4a I AMastlr C. L 4a to! 8a Dal. A Ohio 4a uy S. A t. e. 4s JJI n 8s 8s O. . L. as A sr....1WH Ontral of Oa. Ss....lli X'nn '"nT- !'"! do let Inr tt .Inaadlag sen. 4a I'l l Cues. A Ohio 4Hs....JS'4 t- ' ;' Chlrago A A. -.- ""' V- f- ' 521 a u. n. aa .. c. " r. . , P S 4S..H,M1 nriDoaro . n.... H ,-. C. ... M1HA UYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Reosipts Very Lifht rd All Kinds Sold a Lit'.ls Higher. HOG MARKET A SHAD! STRONGER Active Demand for Fat 9heen atid Lambs and vrllh Llaht Kerelate Prlres Ruled Stronger, Feeders Also Hold steady ta Stroag. 4 cows.. 6 rows., Rsr Bros . T. . 934 1 IS I bull . 952 t SI 12 sters ... M. W. Broase Idaho. 1017 3 30 3 txi Cattle. Hf - Slisep . oS t:vn .ll"a r n d' xj. A S. P. f 4a. .ll"1 SsaboaM A. I C. A N. W. e. .Ts W'ijae. rs-so 4a C. ft. 1. A P. 4a.... 77 ISn Rallaay 6a ....... MttlTfxaa A P. Is CfC. A St L. S 4a. litT St L. A W. 4s.. ws Chlcain Ter. 4 1 I nlon Phi-!6- 4 Mr. Con. Tobacco 4a 7!.'l it i m . 4... 1US Colo. A So. 4 M''"- "teel Id it .... S.1 D. A n. 0. 4 let Wtt-aMi la II. . . inexi no ncn. h - n .. IW. ft b. F. 4a t P W A D C. la... li"'4 IS enirai r -"a Hnchlng Val. 4s. .. .IM'a I'ol ; Ptiel r. S 81 LAN unl. 4s 1 'Offered. Erie prior Men 4a. do sen. Boston Stock Market BOSTON. Nov. 7. Call loans Cent; time loans. 4'r5 per cent. Ing of stoegs ana nornn 1 per Official clos- 4a. 4l. Atrhlann ad do 4a Mn. Centra! Atihlaor do pfd Biflon A Alhanr. Boston A Maine . . Bonton RleratciJ . Pltchhors ptrt Mexican (entral N. T., N H. A 1 t'nion Pai Iftc Amer. Ar. (ham do nfd Amer. Pneu. Tub Amer. Sugar dn pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A 8 Ed ion lOleo lllu . Dansral Klectrl.- .. Vaaa Kle trie .. . flu pfit Mm (Ian fi.lted F'lilt lulled 9hoe Mach. dn pfd f. S. Fteel do pfd WeiMlr.. remiiun Bid. "Aaked 11 lAdventur ..10!t Allouer ...... . 4" Air.i.lamtoi ... .. M'i Amirtcii 7An' ... ..loll Atla 'It- ...'.I Hinf'iam f'al. A llecla .... ..151 rentint.lul . .lMUToppor llango ... .. 11V. naly Wt ..114 (r.omlnlon coal ..lltHlFrai.i;iii ... .. la l(i.-a icv .. V) l-le Rovals .. f, MlniPK ..MS 'XWn Mi.l.aa': Von' c. Old Pnmlnlol rcaola I'. . 1 Parrot .!lt llti:T,cv .174 H hnniiin - Tamarack Trinity C S Mlnlnif f. P. Oil ftah Victoria .. Win-' a Wot.e- a .... . . 14'i . 72'. . I3' . X . .-9 . 4 ; t . im . . . '4 . e:i'i . . Mi n . .1.1.' . f'.i .V2-. . 14'i 23. - 1 ' n 4 . Ml, . 3.431 4 147 2.013 32 11.171 18.221 16.009 iti.oso 23.491 24.536 SOUTH OMAHA, Nov Receipts mere: Official Mondnv 3 765 Hamc day last week 3.450 Same diy week before.. .8il Stmc three weeks sgo.. J.Si Hame four weeks sgo.. B.53K .-iirr imy ibsi year l.aia o.o.- RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATB The following tab.e shows tha receipts of csttle. hugs and shtcp at South Omaha for the year to ante, aub comparison Hrt Isst year: iiu. ijvw. Inc. Dc. '-."' 795.61 928.397 ...... '.VJK I.9S5.497 1.8k9.971 45 5. '6 bn-'-'P 1.545,891 1.515.6S1 20.710 The following table snows the Bvarage Price of htg.4 st South Omsha for tha Isst seversl days with comparisons I 19o4.il903.l02.;i901.lJ09.lS9l- in etias f75 i to yj reeners.. i ,( 13 rows 947 J 15 I feeder.. 81o I 76 14 rows.... l"l 2 41) 11 feeders . MK 3 33 1 bull . ....1440 1 16 13 feeders.. l 3 10 1 bull 17J0 2 2a 3 feedets. . 89o 3 75 II steers... .1173 S jr. heifers.. 7'.'4 3 55 HOGS There were only about 4 cars of hens on sale Ill's morni'ii. cr in ether word, scstcely enough to make S kll Ing for one house. Report fton oilier pol us Ind'cs ed only ateidy ma ket. t u' I uyera took hold here quite frely, and ths mar ket could be quoted fairly aclr? snd s shade stronger than on Sat'iTday. The big bulk of the hogs sold st S4 91 a-lth sune of the commoner bunches below thst, and very few were good enough to bring more than 14 90. As h ih ss 15.0'. hewever. was paid for a bunch, which wa tf the same as Saturday's best price. T-sre was e y lit tle change In the msrket from stait to finish. a there were to few on 'ale thtt the market soon cam to a (Kiss Repre sentative rtles; today, selling at Jf ccmpsred with 231 week sgo. Pales for the meek. . Ibe OMl! VX OI.KlLP. MARKR I Oct. 17 Oof. 18 Oc. In Oct. yi Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. IS Oct. 28 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. SI Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 8 Nov. 4 Nov. 6, Nov. 4 Nov. 7 I 6 0?i l S D-Jl S 07l i 13, 6 17 S 22 5 20 6 08 6 00 4 95 1 4 98 I 4 91; 4 S4i 4 83 I 4 86 4 90 I 4 US? 5 201 .v.! 6 031 6 ot; 5 17 6 14 6 14; I 5 25i 5 IS, 6 081 4 97: 4 921 4 981 4 99i 4 871 4 79 4 74 4 73 4 90-; 4 78! I 7 1ST 7 021 I 93; 6 g2 a 6 771 74: 6 71! 7lj 6 62! 6 Ml 62; 6 691 4 6l! 655 6 51) 6 49 6 51 6 63 6 55 27 261 03 5 99, 6 Oil 6 OC 001 I 8 8v 5 811 6 72. 5 67! 6 731 5 721 I 6 821 5 711 5 71 5 9 4 4 4 62 4 al 4 68 a 4 6a! 4 611 4 51 4 4W 4 58' 4Mj 4 62j 4 50, 4 47i 4 61i 4 60 4 56 I 4 06 4 61! 4 67, 4 181 t 70 4 10 t 67 4 It 1 4 61 I 13 a I 4 16 4 14 S 71 3 SI 3 55 a 3 - 4 131 J Jl 4 18 S M 4 101 4 101 4 01 S 47 3 61 3 54 1 09 4 03 8 56 3 55 I 1)4! 3 46 4 041 3 46 4 021 3 61 I 3 62 4 01 4 02! S 55 Indicates Sunday. The official number of '"cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle Hor Sheep. II scs. C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 2 Mo Pac Ry i. 3 Union Pacific Syslem. 15 C & N. VY. Ry F., V.. & M V. R It . 40 C. St. P., M & O B & M. R.v 74 K. C. A St. J 17 ('.. R I. & P., east . 1 26 IllinnU Centra; 4 36 1 6 i .'. 4 2 1 'i . . , , 1 46 42 2 New York Mining Stocks NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Th following ore Adams Con Alice , Breer Biurfsilck Con .. Cnmetocr. Tunnai Cnn ( al A Va.. Hon flllTei' Iron Silver Leedrllle Con . Kl Little Chief . 8 . 60 oi.tarlo ' . li Olhll S-1' . ? riir.enlx W . Icloel .11 Bcyare -24 .tJS Mcrra Nevada -4 ..a Soiall Hopes a atai'dard p Total receipts 160 The disposition of tne day's receipts as louows, each buyer purchasing number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs S Omaha Packing Co ewiri anil Company Cudahy 1'acking Co Armour tk (Jo Armour ft Co., Denver.. Armour A Co., bx. City. Carey & Benion Lobman A Co Met reary W. I. bH'phen Hill & Hulzinger Hamilton Ai Kotnschlld . . L. I Husz Wolf Murna.i Mike Haggerty J B. Root & Co.. Bulln A Kline Other buyers 23u 4M-J 613 161 144 244 'it 80 2- l le6 9 30 124 298 o 28.1 484 1,668 was the leep. 'i.V) 1,251 2,3ia 1,113 Sh. Hi T) ifo m i) ltd no 40 :m ... very light In i So. at. Mi. Pr Ka. A. ' 4S JT1 taa 4 ST, ax n ' im sn i w ft I 13 5 10 4 td 4 M . 3 : UD 4 ft a-, J74 i ST 4t IN 87 a? I Wl IIS 4 80 at X4 i 44 m IN IN it Ml 4 :44 ... 4 M 7 S44 M I7 IM 4 n st t M tac is la aa ? w " N IN M). SHEKP-Thfra . sheep here this mornlna. anil "oi enougn on sale to meet tne re quirements of the trsite. Paokero were all out early and everything thst Would do to kill sold readllv at good, strong prices. A string of ewes snd wether mixed sold as high st S4.I5. snd wethers sold for 34. . There were no strictly rholee lambs on sale, hut It would be sf to quote st ythlng at all good strong and active. The bulk of the receipts con sisted of feeders, so thst the few killers on hand changed hands st in eirly hour. There were not verv nisny feeder buyers on hand this morning, owing In part no doubt to the nearness of election day, hut In spite of that fact the feeder market held steady and the better grades commsnded strong prices. There sre a good many orders In the hsnds of commis sion men. so thst It mekea hut little dif ference whether there are msny buyers on the msrket or not. Quotations for grass sheer- srd Ta-iba: Good to choice yearlings, $4 154r4 401 fair ta good yearllnes. J.I. 90 f 15; good to ckolos wethers, S4.0W43S; fair to good wethers. 3.76fl4.00; good to choice ewes S3.761f4.i0; fair to good awes, fS.6fj3 75; good to cholca iHinbs. aS.l&i&VM; fair lo good lambs, 8ior 3o.; feeder yearlings. S3.60O4.10; feeder wethers. fS.5Ofr4.0n; feeder ewes, 82.7543 25; Ifer Ismbs, 33.754.90; breeding ewes, S30 4i3.60. Wt. 1 v yomlng cull ewe 90 3 Idaho ewes , 73 30 Wyoming feeder ewes 90 1 Wyoming yearling bull 90 286 Idaho ewes 96 2 Idaho feedai Iamb 40 1 Idaho feeder lamb 60 169 Wyoming ewes 91 233 Idaho ewes 10u 450 Wyoming ewes and wethers. 110 Vi Wyoming ewes and wethers. Ill :7v, SOO and 82 00; 250 Wyoming ewes snd wethers. Ill laano feeder lambs 9 Wyoming lambs 68 Wyomlnc feeder ewes 141 Wyoming feeder ewes 491 Wyoming feeder ewes 55 Wyoming feeder wethers. 262 Wyoming ewes 262 Wyoming wethers 18 Wyoming wethers 20 Wyoming bucks 349 Wyoming feeder lambs ... 375 Wyoming lamha 376 Wyoming lambs jtw xx yonitng iambs 3,103 6 088 10.9S7 Coadltloa of tha Treason. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. Today's state mer . a' the treasury balance in tha gen eral fund exclusive of the lf0.iiO,ooo guid reserve In tho dlvlslop of rerleinp.lon shows: Available cash balance, lo,bwo 142. Gold, S85.1'J0,2. .,, . , Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov.vf;. COTTON Opened steadv at gn advance of -,loill points, In response 'to better, cablese- The close was very steady at the beslrprlces of the dHy. a net advance, ofMSifT'jyiintrf Sales were estimated at about 17wrjW-.--bales. -A- large proportion of the busleiidone In the last LjrVERPOOl r NOV: jt:t'OTTON-8!)ot In fair demand: prices 4 points higher; Amer ican middling fair. 6.76d; good middling. 6.60d; middling. 6.40d; low middling 6.2d; good ordlnarv, 6.14d; ordinary, 4.9sd. The sales of the day were 8,0oo bales, of which 600 were for speculation- nnd export, and Included 6.700 American. Receipts, 4,000 bales, Including 3,100 American. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 7 COTTON Steady; sales, 4,900 bales: ordinary, i'c; good ordinary. 8 9-l6c;low middling, 9 5-loc; middling 9e; good middling, 9 16-l6e; mid dling fair, 10 7-16c; receipts, 21,13; bales; stock, 282,497 bales. - ST. LOUIB, Nov. 7. COTTON Steady to c higher; middling. 9 13-16c; sales, 00 bales; receipts 700 bales; shipments. 325 bales; stock, 16,667 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 7 METALS The Londo.-. tin market, meeting with specula tive liquidation, was lower, closing at 131 6d for ot t-nd 131 for futures. Lornliy the market was a shade lower In syri pathy, but. showed a good undertone with spot 'quoted at from S28.75 to S29.00. Copper was higher In London, with spot quoted at 63 Is 3d and futures at 63 Us 3d. Lo cally the market was also Arm and higher. Lake is qouted ut from S13.87 to 814.12. with most, of the large dealers holding fo. the outside prices. Electrolytic is held at Sl8.87'fil4.00 Lead was higher In London. where It rioseo at J-it ins aa. i.ocaiiy ine market waa unchanged, with spot, quoted at S4 20r4.&0. Spelter closed at 2.1 17s 61 In I.Anon anil at 85 . 35flf5. 40 In the loenl market. Iron closed at bis 6d in Glasgow anit at 64s 0d in Middlesborough. I.ocilly Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry north ern, No, 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft are quoted nt 81-1-50'q. 1600; No. 2 foundry northern, at S15.OOfe'x5.60. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7 METALS Lead, firmer, S4 .3K(4.22. Specter. Arm, S5 20. Evaaiarated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues easy with prime for future delivery offering at 4c. Common arc quoted at 44j4c; prime at 4c; choice at 5tJc, and fancy at 6tj6c. CALIFORNIA DRIED PRUfTS-Prunes are reported to be a little firmer on the coast, the few lots of weakly held supplies having bten absorbed apparently. Hi ot quo tations in the locnl market ruled from 2c to 6c according to grade. Aprl?nta are In demand st prices below sellers' views, but little business is transacted, owing to the firmness of holders. Choice ir quoted st 9S10c; extra choice. lo'i10c; fHncy. llfiirio. Peaches are in about the siime position as aprlcols. choice being held at 9ific extra choice, 9ftjl0c; fancy, o tjllc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 7-COrFEE-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged firlces to a decline of 6 points and a little liter Increased the loss to a mutter of bfy 10 points under scattering lluulditlon. Around midday the market rallied, closing steady at unchanged prlcea to a decline of 6 points. Salts were reported of 55 00) bags, Including December lit 6 .Wk-tjd 95o : January. 7c; March, 7.20to7.25e; May. 7.3Vij' 7.40c; July, 7.554,7.60c; September, 7.7o4i'7.7nc; October. 7.70o Bpot Rio steady; No. 7 In voice, 8o; n.lld quiet. . Oils and Raaln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov. 7,-OIL-Credlt' ball snces, SI. 56; certificates, no hid: shipments, 204,(ifi8 bbls.: average. 99,833 bbls.; runs. 122 930 bbls.: average. 79.740 hbls.; eMumentH, Lima, 1S0.839 bhls - average. 66.678 bbls.; runs. Lima. 80.961 bhls.; average. 50 640 bhls. SAVANNAH, Nov. 7. TURPENTINE Vrm. 60c. ROSIN Firm: A. B and C. S2.65: D S'?o; K. 12 62V.: F 82r; G. 32 72: h. 82 77'; I. 83.26: K. S3 75: M. S1.S6; N. 34 .50; W. G'. S4.75; W. W.. 16 00. Basra? sad Molassra. NEW YOK. "v. T-i-rBp,-. Arm; fair refining, S'-c; centrifugil. test, 4 7-180. Mclaases siia-T. 8c. H-tneu tinn NEW ORLEANS. Nov. ". SfOAH-Mar-ket strong; onen kettle centrifugal. 4iji-.c; centrifugal white. 4c; yellow. 4-J)4c; seconds. 8V. 63 13-160. MOLASHE9 Open kettle. 27i&3fic; cenirlf UgHl. 12il2e. SYRUP&lSSOc Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 7. - WHEAT -December. 81.13; May. 11 14f(l 14; Sep tember. 94c: No. 1 hsrd, 11.17; No. 1 northern. $1 15: No. 2. SI. 09. - FLOUR First patent, . 1(4.30;' xecond patent. S6 9Ci'S.05: Aist c ear.-, D wul 10; sec ond clears, gj. 7r.u BRAN In bulk, I6. Italalb Grain Market. Dl'LL'TH. Minn . Nov.' 7 WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. SI 15; No. 2 nrrili ern, 81.07. On track: No. I northern, 11 1', No. 2--ai.p(hrii, IU7i'Ixeemfeer,-11.14: May, l-13. UA1"8-Tu arrive and on uaik, 29 c. Total 3.407 CATTLE Receipts ol atli at all iiolnts were extremely light this morning and much smaller than generally anticipated. That was particularly ihe esse ut this print, and as a result an active and higher market was experienced on all kind". There were- scarcely enough, atom-fed steers on sale to make a market, but thosi that did arrive sold roadily enough at tin advance of EgjplOc. As all Hie packers wanted some good cattle, competition was keen. No strictly chol -e cattle uiriveil. but aa high as 15.85 was paid. Western range beef steers were ao In small supply and with a liberal demand from all sources (he mat ket could be quoted active anil strong to a dime higher ail around. The quality was not very good, but packers seemed to be so anx.ous tor cattle thst they took mot any kind they could get and paid more money tor them than they did last week. The tmall num ber on sale soon brought the market to a close. There was also a br'sk demand for cow stuff and price's ruled strong to a dime higher and some sales showed con'Herable more sdvsnce than that. Seme cf the com mon cannera that were hard to s'll lil week at any price changed hands readily this morning st a sharp advance. PacVe-s evidently had to have supplies, and as they could not ge-. what they wantd, they took who' they could get. An early clearance resumed. Bulls, veal cslvei and stags Io com manded a llttl- more money than they did last week. Very few stockera and feede'-s were cur ried over from last weel: In the hards of nf oulHtors snd as a result they were all willing to tak' a few cattle this morning, even thougl" the prnstiects for a good de mand for the nex day or two were not verv hrlrht. There w a sm-O! rif of stock cattle en sale red as picke-s offe-ed more monev for Rpvthln tha wnuln" ''o tu kill speculators h-'d to bid a little K'roig r prlres In order to se; any. Th mti-ka' cocld safelv be oooted .active and steady to. sl-' Repreeta '. e s-iles: BEEF STWLRS No At. Pr. So At. Pr. ;j 1294 6 M COWS. 4 8.-.0 in an to; no 4 Ml 5 25 8 KI7 J (!) HEIFERS. j eo oo 4 M i yi a 600 i I'l 11 ; t to BULLS l... lono s :i CAL ES. 1 no 4 r.i STOCKERH AND FEEDERS 1 M0 t 7 - S 6M 8 la a ou J ." NEBRASKA. ;i -i -: t.'eilers..l192 2 cows )r7 1 8.'. 11 calves.. 161 2 lo 1 bull 1C90 2 50 43 cows Mil 19) 1 cow 8S1 ? Oi) 1 row 118 2 15 1 h?l'er... 40 2 V, 2 feeders.. On, 33 feeders.. 6j7 3 feeders..1i3 1 bul 1330 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET ... 951 ... l'7( ... 960 ... 822 ... W! ... M" ...110" ... 975 ... T92 ... 857 9i 6'6 ;si 6 cows. . 3 rows. . 1 co w . . . S3 cows. . 26 cows.. 11 enws.. 1 cow... 1 cowi"... 4 cows. . . 21 cows.., 4 cows... 3 heifers 30 heifers 8 sleers....lltvt 3 steers.. ..1003 86 steers. ...1198 31 steers.. .11.1 1 cow... 6 cows. . 1 bull... 1 calf... 4 cows. . 8 cows. . 8 cows 1031 6 cows 10M 3 cows 928 1 cow 1"2') 1 feeder... 910 IS feeders.. llOt 1 feeder. ..llio .1120 , iwl 1340 . 30 .. 7i7 .1000 2 50 2 20 2 41 9 50 3 15 3 3) 3 3.1 1 feeder... 3 feeders. , 1 feeder... 3 feeders., 1 feeder... 770 I-83 870 824 720 3 Ot 2 25 8 25 1 75 9-1 2 20 2 90 2 20 2 35 COIX3RADO 3 0t 8 35 3 35 3 00 3 00 3 25 3 00. 3 00 5 cows 92i 3 cows loia 3 steers.. ..liro 26 feeders.. 837 1 feeder... 640 61 feeders.. H42 6 feeders.. 990 93 feeders.. 1118 12 feeders.. 1119 1 feeder... 1'40 1 feeder... 1340 2 cows 735 14 (lows.. I sleer. 1 ster. 1 steer. 1 967 ... 88) ... 8i0 ...IO.iO ... 850 ... 7 0 ...1008 ... 810 ... 930 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer.. 4 sters. 3 steers. 1 Bteer.., 1 steer... 1 s'eer... 8!) steers. 18 steers. ...1110 ...170 . ..!') ...1195 ...U15 SOUTH ,.104i 3 35 ..Ilia) 3 85 ..1300 8 35 ...1250 8 65 ...1161 3 05 f ter 2 cowl 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 CIS, . WYOMING. 8 S- 3 cows 1070 3 25 1 i'Ow .11 3 S3 1 hull n;,i 3 25 7 steers.. ..116 3 30 1 meer 1070 DAKOTA. I cow 780 1 cow r 9n0 16 steers.. ..1242 102 steers.. ..1242 Hermosa Cattle Co. S. 136 steers. so is, vx . nigrum ,veu, D. 1 bull... 17 bulls. 12 bulls. S cow, a cows. 1 hull 12MJ steers 25 sl'-ers 1040 I 06 .1152 2 05 ,1'4 1 6 Meek A . 95:1 2 80 . 910 2 60 2 45 460 3 25 ..l'-ia 2 30 Davis c 11 feeders. 1 steer..., 114 1 Miller. Wyo. 1 cow 10CO 1 bull 1490 1 sleer looo 1 steer 130 3 36 2 60 4 25 2 25 2 60 1 90 2 26 : 2d 3 0t H 20 8 li 2 23 2 90 3 00 65 3 40 3 00 8 25 5 75 3 40 2 60 2 80 .1 40 2 80 2 80 3 25 2 96 3 :i 3 9.-. 2 00 2 86 2 8 2 86 2 80 3 80 1 70 S 80 3 30 2 75 2 76 S 35 S 65 J 15 2 7J t 60 Vi S 25 Cattle Higher, Hogs Lorrer, Sheep and Lamba steady. CHICAGO. Nov. 7. Receipts 21.000 head, Including westerns; market 1tafyl.Su higher: good to prime steers. S6.10tgi.00 poor to medium, $3.9,'i4(5.9('; Blockers snd feeders, 82.OkJj-1.1o; cows. SI .4004.30; heifers S1.7.i(&5.00; canners. Sl.2-xfj2.25, bulls, SZ.Maqi 4.00: calves, S3. 0077. GO, Texas-fed steers. B.J..BIHO.UU, western steers, 83. sua 5.4" 1IOO-Receipts, SO.OnO head; estimated to morrow. 25,000; market 6&Jk lower; mixed and butchers, S4.85frs.15, good to choice heavy, S-VhOfySlR; rough heavy, S4.6jtg4.80; light. S4.80iff6.0n' bulk of sales, S4.g6fi3.06. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 32.000 head market steady; good to cliolon weth ers, 84. 26(64.60: fair to choice mixed, S8.5tXtf 4.10; western sheep. S3.0O(tN.60; native lambs, M-OiKSe.); western lamba, 34.00(3)6.60. 3ew . York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-BEEVE8-7telpts. S.30X heed; market for medium and good steers, 10jl5c higher; common, ateadv; bulls and mediums snd thin cows, steady; fsc cows, steady to lower; native steers. 33.65 J6.10; westerns and half breeds. S3 60S 95; bulla. S2.0033.i; cows. Sl.loj3.26. t ables quoted live cattle steady at 8412o; tops. 12o dremed weight. Sheep, firm at lllic; Iambs. 13(6'l8e dressed weight. Re fr aer ator beef selling at 87 9c per pound. CALVES Receipts. 1.419 head; market for veals, 26c higher; graaasra and westerns, lower; veals. 14. 50 8.25; top, I8.6C; l.ttlo calves), 14.00; grassera, S2.0O2.6O; westerns, S2.87rf3.50. Dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals. 7t12c per pound; country dresd. 711.'. SHEEP AND LA MBS RecslpV, 12.506 head: market for sheep, firm; lar.VM l(S2c higher; sheep. S8.00tij4.50; choice a.M export,; few choice, 16.00; culls, S2.60$2.7o: lambs. 15.!5$426; CanAda, 35.7596.06; culls, S4.004(5.oo. HOGS Receipts. 15.374 head; market, lower; Pennsylvania and state hogs, S5.2S (&5.50. Knaana City Live rftock Market. K ANSA 8 CITY. Nox 7.--CA TTLK Re celp'e, 7.600, Including S'K) southerns; market 6' higher; choice export and Ureened beef steers, S5.20O4j.40; air to good, 3.75ttf 5.O0, western fed steers, S8.755.i5; storkers and feeders, S2.15f04.OO; southern steers. 32.7a 4i4.75; southern cows, ll.kKa3.0u; native cows. I SI. 6041.1 50; native fleers. S2.50tB4.76; bulls. Il.iu'fS.ttO; caiver, 42. aa not). LOGS Receipts, 6.600 head; market for heav,-, steady; light, nfalOc lower; top, So M; bulk of soles, S4.75(ri'5.05; heavy, S.Oo.ltt: puckers, 34.856.05; pigs and llgnt.i, 4 31 05.05. SHEEP AND LAM 118 Receipts. 6,200 head; market, strong to 10c higher; native lambs, S4.2Go;6.70: native wethers. S3.7oVg4.25; native ewes. S3.50fo4.00: western Iambs, S4.2j 'a 5. 06; western yearilngs, St. 004.40; wes.ein fheep, S3.6tXa4.20; Blockers and feeders, 12.60 03.76. ' t. I.ools l.lva Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipts. 3.500 head. Including L6on Texans; mstket active, steady to atrong: ratlve sh.ppmg and export steers, 14 2.v1(6.7'V. the lop for strlctlv fancv corn fed: dressed beet and butchers steers. 84 (KN05.85; steers under 1.0 0 pounds, S3.5otS6.50; Blockers snd feeders, ,7V mi and heifers. 82.21:4.26: canuer.i. 31.SDiR2.3fi; bulls, S2.UOS.60; Texas and Indian steers, 3-604.26; cows and heifers, l.iy. j 2.76. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 hesd; market, slow and lower; pigs and llfhU 4.2&t4 90; pack ers. S48f4)5.10; butchers snd best heavy. SlUi'r.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 150) head; market steady to strong and hfglfer; native muttons, S8.7o4il4.6.-i; land s, s4.iA.f4b nO; culls and bucks. S2.OvkB4.00; Blockers, ,i Wq 3.26; Texsns, S3.0094;0a Sloax City atopic Market. SIOUX CITY, Nov. 7. (Speclsl Telegrsm.) CATTLE Receipts, 2 Mf head; market steady; stockers 10c J1""5. tYtVVio I. t,-. hulla and mixed. S2..5fl3.00; stockers and' feeders, S2.604fS3.60; calves and yearlings. S2.254,S:i.26. ' HOGS Receipts. 3.KW head; market about I steady; selling, S4.50tlM w; ouik, n..ii I 34.67. St. Joseph Mva gtoek Market. ST JOSEPH. Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipt , S.910 head; market steady; natives to...; cows nnd heifers. 10160 higher; stocker 'tfoV&T in ha-d; market ste.d, ,0SHEF.P; 'TNDLAMBB-Recr.pts. 4,02? head; market steady on Bheep and lambs. Stock lai Sight. Receipts of stock at the six leading west ern markets yesieroay j...... ( adlllosi ol Trade and Mavtatloaa oa Staple aail laar) Prod are. LtKlff---- ..n. I ! s.nei; ( LIVK rouLTUY H ns. 81; roi.Mera. c; turseys. tc; iiitrr.s, ati'.v. aeve, kt-; spring ihlckei's. Bl'TTER-l s:...xk. 1J-; choice to fancy dairy. ITV'tc; ti cautery, IsJVlc; fancy prim. XV. x-a.l rnfiTR-V riflll-Temik Me. Mk. I erel. nc; pike, lis-; prion. 7c; bluetlni, Lo; i wkltertsh, we, salmon, la; redsuappor, lie; ! lobster. ere 1. .':; lohsirr. In.llt-d, aoc; b.ila- he.ius, be; caihaii. lie; b. ..-k baaa, -; hal ibut, lwv; ir ippiars, sh i.l. Si; huf fs lo. 7c; while ua, ii; irog legs, par dog., r:.e. HAY Prices quoted by timalut Whole sale Dealers' aasociaiion: Choice No I upland No. 2. S6 0n; .n-lmm. 6"; coarse, Rye stlsw. 15. t 1nee prices are to,- nay ,1, good cn:or snd quatuy, af I ( iTSTERsl New Yo:k L-:lit, per Cn, 4 an ! 45v; extrs selects, per can. iiv: slandard, I an ' Per ran. 82c; bulk, stsndards, er kji . II J, 4 to liiilk, extra selects, per gai . ol i"j. bula 4 N New York ronnts. per gal., S.'.Op. 4 tn TROPICAL KKCii o 4 f" ORANGES Florida, sixes 126, J 54. ITS. 300, J , I 216. ib". i .80 alii ! LEMONo-Cslifornu-. fan-y, isii. ). fffxi: cnoice, IZ DA1K-Per box of 30-lh. pkgs, vr, i.a Hal o. vi in m-tn. nox. per id., sc. run or 1 ,..urA,.,., i,. n, ...... . . 1 u.,. 1 r iuj 1. 11 1 .', hi... i'.- i.-i... 111111,11. in tact tiere , . i,n,..,rtH Ch,. rn- 1 ...r.. n n... 8-crown, lc; , -crown. 1-: fancy Imported, washed. In 1-H. j.Krs. ioiil9c; California, per cuee of thlrtv-slx pkgs, S.M5. BANANAS Per medium sixed bunch, rixlJM: junibo. l?7fv69. FRUITS. APPLES Home guwrt Jonathan, per bbl.. 14.00; Ben ravir. K 25: Nw York Talman and Pound Sweets, S3.O0; New York Kings. S3 00: New York Pippins. S3 76; New York Greenings. K. 25; New York Rnldwins. 12.60: Colorado Jonathans and Wine Saps, pe, bu. box. 81.6". PE ARsJ L'tsh. CoTordo and California, fall v-.rietlt. .r box. t:.;;, New York Keefer peara. per rib, . 43 50; New York Dutch, per bhl.. S4.(Kt4.2J CELERY Jer uos.. 16j(60e. GRAPES--New Vork no;! (.ihlo. per S-lb basket. 21J2?. Imported Maihgss. per keg, S5('(l60. CR AN BFH11I KS Cape ("ods snd Wiscon sin Bell and Cherry, r bbl , tSuO; per box. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown. In sacka, !er bu., 400. TURNIPS Per bu.. foe; Canada ruta bagas, per !., lc. NA VY BEANS Per bu.. f I 95H2.00. ONIONS Home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 30c: Spanish, per crate, Si 90. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket. 25V J6c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., too. SWEET POTATOES Ilnine-grown. per bu. b.isket, 75e: Vlrglnls, per bbl., S2-W. GREEN PICPPERS-Pe. bu. basket. SOc, SQUASH Home-grown, per dog., 60c EGO PlANT Home-grown, per dog., 75c. 8AUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. S2.60. CIDER New Tork. per bhl., $5.26; per bhl.. 83.26. HORSE RADISH Per dog., g,ic. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESK Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c: Wisconsin Young America, 12o; block Swiss, new. 16c; old, Iti'Uc; Wisconsin brick, 13c: Wisconsin Uniberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 sofl shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., l2c;.No. i hsrd shell, per lb., 1,'c; pecans, large, par lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c, roastod peanuts, per lb., 8c; ChUI Wslnuts. per lb.. 12.TlJu; almonds, soft shell, per lb , 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c: chestnuts, per lb... 2U7c; -w black wal nuts, per bu.. 754J90c; shellhark hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; large hickory outs, pel bu.. $1.60 HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. S green, 6c; No. 1 suited. 8c, No. 2 salted. 7c; No. 1 vesl cslf. Sc; No. 2 vesl calf, 7c: dry salted, 10'u 16c; sheep pelts. 26ciir$1.00; hoiss sides. 11.503.00. 64 76 to 96 96 SI 106 t'9 m 1 48 71 Pr. 2 Oil 3 26 2 .6 .8 S 26 3 2i 8 60 4 00 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 65 5 26 2 ' 2 SO 2 90 5 3 75 4 26 4 2:i 2 25 4 45 6 25 E 35 5 26 Mllxvaakee Grain Slarket. MILWAUKEE. No'. 7 -WHKAT-Ktesdy No 1 northern. Si. 17: No. S northern, SI 1 ff 14; May. S1H 1.11. Kl K c lower, iso. 1, Mtisi'ac, BARLEY Steady; No. 2. c6o: CORN Firm; No. 3. 57j58c; 4? 48c asked. sample, 34 May. 45 Toledo Need Market. TOLEDc. Nov. 7. SEED Clover, cash. $7.87; Decomher. $7.4ty; March. $7.51; prima , sisike. S7.80 prime timothy. SI. 27. Two Attempts to Rob Train. ' PHILADELPHIA. Nn'. 6.-According to the crew of the Philadelphia A New Tor express train on the Pennsylvania rail road, which left Washington nt 6:50 to night, !wo unsuccessful attempts were made to hold up the train at Havre de Grace and Perryvllie, In Maryland, by two men. one of whom was a negro. The men escaped. RK AL E9TATR TK AXSFBfta. Deeds filed for record today as furnished by tha Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracters, itill Farnam street, for Tha Bee: H. Miller to K. Barrett and Katie Barrett, part of lot 8. Barker's. Allot ment ' $ 131 8. I. Carlson to Mary Bellls, part of lot 1, block 7. Reed's First l.lOl B. Burns and wire to Samuel Burns company, lot 6. block 120. City J. H. Buddenherg. et al, to Weal Omaha Milling company, lot 22. block 4. Brlaa'a Place C. Moore, et al. to C. J. Undqulst lot 4 and purt of lot 3, block 2. Cherry Hill sub..... 1 Margaret K. Wallace and husband to Witaschek Bros., part lot 5, Clarke's add - Catherine Carmlohnel to Albert and Paul Witaschek, lot 4. H. fl. lark' add C. H. Brigga and wife to R. T. Jester, part lot 1, block 10. Weet Omuha R. T. Jtster and wife to Llllas lirlggs. part lot 1, block 10, West Omaha Sarah R. Fisher and husband to 'Inter state. Investment Trust, limited, tax lot 1 In sect 'on 33-15-13 J J. Mahor.ey to J. J. Gillln. lot S. block 3. Manoney and Mlnahan'a add C F. Kelmer snd Wife to B. Jetler, lot 2. block 48. Platte Valley vj .'. Carpenter Paper compani' to M- H. Holcomb, lot 1, Oak Hill....'..: C E. Yule, guardian to B. Porter, part 'lot 3. block 2. Sweeny's add , W. H. Durn and wile to l.llllutl May Thayer, part lot 8. Hawes' add Somerset Trust company to J. II. Mark, lotn 11 and 12. block 2, I'lerce's aub L. M. Cox and wife to A. J. Van Llew. part lot !H, Gise's add..-.... J. Psrkfr, et al. to Ernstlna Beattle. lots 2'J to 26, Bellalr 1 4,001 31 101 2.371 1 1 1 300 LaVW 640 441 l.SV) 1)0 6 cows 1 cow. 1 steer 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 sleer. 2 steer 1 eteer. I steers 1 sleer. i ateera M rows.. 4 cows... 9 coa .. . 4 tvws-.- M., Wyo. ,,..10i Boo 1 cow 11K0 3 00 ....I'W 3 (o 1 cow 97u i () ....1320 3 50 1 steer 1610 3 50 ....1350 S 60 3 steers.. ..1; j to ....ICO 3 50 I steer 18tf I ISO ....1UH) 3 5o I steer laao 8 50 ... litTO S5o J steers.. ..latfi 3 go . IO40 8 r.O 5 steers.. ..1234 8 60 .POO S 60 1 steer 0i0 3 90 ,.x 2 :) 1 steer 13.-0 $ bo ..1130 2 9o 2 steers. ...lus 2 80 1220 2 THl 1 sleer 140 2 90 Live Stock Co Neh. ('48 2 75 9 rows few 1 76 i 3 00 17 cows 9U 2 JO C. G. Heapi Neb. 974 8 ibi fo.iiere. . 71 stt I 8 COWS 90S i 70 Riifh Crerk Land A 3,(04 1.5t M, . l-iflasr- 1 a South Omaha ... Sioux City ., Kansas City ..... St. Louis St. Joseph". Chicago Totals S.76T, .. 2.600 .. 7,601) .. S.SOO .. S.910 ..11,000 Hogs, 3.100 8. W0 5 5.KI t.C8) '2.Wrl 30.000 Bheep. 11.171 6.HW 4 027 I SiOOO I .42,276 53.102 63.WI I Philadelphia Prodaea Markal. PHILADELPHIA. N"V. 7.-BLTTFR-Flrm lo higher: extra western creamery, 26c' extra nearby prints. 27c. .... EGGS Firm, good demand; neirby flrsts and western firsts, 8or. at mark. CHEEHK Firmer: Ne- tnrk f"ll creams, fsncy lie; choloa. IOfllOc; fair to good. ,0310140. Liverpool Oralai aod PrlaUn. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 7.-VVIIEAT-8pot. nominal; futures, steady; December, .a 2d: March. 7s 4d; May, 7s 3d. CORN 8pot. American mixed, stesdy. 4s 8d: futures, steady; December. 4s Sd; Junusry. 4s 6d Kla-la Batter Market. EISIN. 111.. Nov. I. li!' I TBM-r;. advai.cad 2c s lb. on the Board vi price ai'ado The Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Number 12, The Daylight Special , now carries elegant Parlor Car ser vice, leaving Omaha 7.10 every morning, arriv" ing at Chicago 6 : : o'clock p. m., 1 " Dining Car serv. ing all meals. ' Tlakol Offlool ' 14011408 FAIIKAM OTHttT, OMAHA. TalasSaaaa SS44SI.