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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1904)
The Omaha Daily Bee. PART 2 Pages 9 to 16 THE SUNDAY BEE A NEWSPAPER AND A MAGAZINE IN ONE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, BATUKDAY MOKNINfl, XOVEMBEIi 5, 1004. BIXOLK COPY TIUJEE CENTS. f ft Extraordinary Barjeans in Art. Indian Pipes, Pnper Cutters in rosewood, suitable for prizes and den ornaments a Saturday spi eial at. Ton ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. 25c 1.20 PYROGRAPHY! PYROGRAPIIYH WARM BARGAINS ?1.30 leather lared Waste Bas kets with handles a Saturday special at Extra large Handkerchief Boxes, the 75c kind, the best CQp ever Rose designed Photo Boxes, fine white wood, can't be PICTURES! PICTURES!! PICTURES!!! See our big display of fine pictures Sixteenth street window. For beautiful gifts, a picture is one that is everlasting. Bennett's Art Department leads with the season's choicest and rarest of re productions. All at popular juices. SCHOOL PAINTS! . SCHOOL PAINTS!! Milton Bradley Paints 25c Special Brushes 5c BUSTER BROWN SHEET MUSIC. Every piece sung in Buster Brown show, on sale Saturday in Sheet Music Section, 2nd floor, near elevators. Popular prices. Bargain Circle Sale of Ladies' Jackets Saturday Morning, Main Floor.' One hundred Jackets, nil this season's stylos, from the best New York tailors colors tan, csstor, navy, ml, brown and black, price from C QC $12.50 down to , tJJ Double Green Trading Stamps With Each Sale A Trading Stamp Sensation! With every cloak or Jacket for Indies, misses or children sold on Saturday wo will pive double Trading Stamps. Ladles' Sample Suits, we have added quite a number of new tailored suits to our sample rack from A. Goldstone & Son, New York, they are the very latest fall fashions, and are marked at less tha n cost of material. An early call Satur day will pay you. Two Cases Ladies' Undervests and Drawers Fine ribbed, splendid quality of bleached cotton, silk fleece lining, full regular made, silk taped crocheted finished vests and French band drawers, regular 00c quality Saturday's price a garment JJ Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with each garment Ladies' Cashmere Hose We place on sale Saturday morning 100 dozen ladles' fine black all wool cash mere hose, full fashioned extra elastic leg, French foot, regular 40c value, Saturday's price ,,..fcJC Very Special Sale Real Princess Tab Collars. We have received nearly 50 dozen REAL HAND MADE PRINCESS TAB COL LARS, made In France, the very latest and swellest navtflty In stylish neck wear. They area manufacturer's sample line In white and blacks, with real Irish Point Medallions Inserted In the collars, they are irorth from fl ' $2.50 to $5 each, Saturday at our neckwear counter, each $1.50, $1.25, P Kid Gloves at $ 1.00 Per Pair. 200 dozen New Leila French Gloves, Just received, all th new olorlngs and new embroideries, very pair guaranteed to. wear, a qualtity that - T Is cheap at $1.25 our great leader, per pair .... ................ S- Handkerchiefs at 5c 200 dozen sample handkerchiefs, all kinds In this lot wortti w, to 25c C for Saturday .......;.......... ........ ' Flannelettes at 8 l-3c? Elegant quality of 15-cent Flannelettes, heavy quality, , . only Blankets, Comforts and Pillows Sal for Saturday 100 pair extra nice VA cotton blankets, heavy fleece colorotH borders tin worth $1.3S Saturday only .'. '. I.UU 250 pair extra quality twilled blankets, large size, worth $1.59 f y f Saturday, at ! J 300 pair extra heavy cotton blankets, heavy twilled fleece which always ICO remains soft after washing, worth $1.05 Saturday only ! 100 dozen extra large bed comforts, covered with fine sllolne, filled with pure white cotton, worth $1.75 Saturday only 3 pound bed pillows worths $1.00 Suturday 81c 1.25 69c Hardware Specials for Saturday. EVERY ONE A MOT BARQAIN. Extra quality handle Axes, Rfr 17-Inch Japaned Coal Hods, )Q. ordinarily $1.00, for OOW open OC Extra quality Ions handle CP No. 04 Galvanized Ah ffi Klre Shovel IOC can VUG Extra quality medium length handle tOn No. 03 Galvanized Aon on. Fire Shovel Cane OOC Oond short handle 5 8-quart Granite Pietiervlng on Fire Bhovele OW Kettle (JVC 17-lnch Galvanised Coal Hods, 32c ' "ttf ranlt r"frvln 31c WB SAY IT AOAIN THESE ARE HOT BARQAINSi STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! You've made up your mind to buy a etove 'pause you'll nfd It! We are more than satiafW that the right etove to buy la the. PENINSULAR, and If you buy one YOU'LL. PROVE IT FOR YOUR8BLF. It Is the perfection of raaterlal, design, finish. HARDWARE SECTION BASEflEMT OMAHA WEATHER REPORT-Saturday Fair. """ n t I . . ' ii i m nun a u .. mi i i ,HSI im' " " " ",-J 'f 'i i -flT in 1 1 nir.Hn nit aiilf f wt i hsjii " Tjiat tm ' ' Bennett's Great Grocery Ask th thrifty housewife, the ch "Where do you tiy your groceries? iwer, BENNETT 8. SATlltDtr "EXSATWXS Forty Green Tradlne; Stamps with 4S-pound sack Bennett's f Excelsior Flour m M J "Diamond S." Fruits, Ten ($1.00) Green Trading- Stamps with large can of this delicious fruit, 2Hc! assorted jw FREE Fit KE. B.x chocolates, in form of pwtrAp, with each can of Ghlrar- delli's Cocoa, H-pound can "lJ 1-ponnd can SOc Twenty (J2.00) Green Trading Stamps wlih con Batavia Golden IC! Pumpkin very fancy lOW CHEESE SPECIAL. Ten (Sl.Oft) Green Trading Stamps with three Ncufchatel 12c? cheese Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with one pound Full Cream New Oftf York Cheese CAXSED TOMATOES. Three-pound can Qc at Three cans for One doien cans f( t mm v a chance eerful family, the happiest home In Omaha, Mncty-nine out oi one nunureu wm an- CAKD t'ORX. 2-pound can, Q q Three cans OE. for OC One dozen cans 1.00 Don't fall to secure some of these. J I ST r. i l .ll. New candled citron, orange nil lemon neel, lb Five (5c) Green Trading Stamps with each ioitml. Ten ($1.0i') Green Trading with pound Win. Baker s Chocolate New German Dill Pickles Katnrriav only, dozen CANDY Another Saturday special. Peanut Taffy I Rr uonnd One ton of this delicious taffy at 25c for This Is a decided bargain, for largo consumers. 25c Stamps 36c 5c this low price line of all good things In A big candy. 4 CIGARS Saturday iale. a genutno Briar Plre , Or- worth 3ic and up Joe Wright 10c clsar ft-. each "w Rell Cut Plug 15c four ounce can We handle a complete line of smok er's articles. Carnations a V Carnations Three thousand as sorted Carnations, very sweet. As long aa the supply lasts, Fifteen Cents a Dozen. Sold in grocery. Come early and avoid disappointment. SATURDAY 15c Dozen. Extra Clerks Retained for our immense Satur day business in grocery, tea, but ter and cheese departments. Prompt service to everybody. Meats! Provisions! Growing every day found it necessnry to erente more room and increase help. It's BECAUSE our methods AND VALUES MAKE US EASILY OMAHA'S LEADING MEAT MARKET. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED, NOTHING OF FERED THAT WE COULDN'T GUARANTEE, AND OUR ADS LIVED Ur TO EVERY TIME! A few of our specials for Saturday: 200 pair of choice young mut- 3 ton legs, pound U4 Mutton ronst pound t 10 pound mutton stew 25 C 10 pounds rib boiling Beef 25 C Pork roast pound Fresh dressed spring chick- 1 ens. bound 1 12 Fresh dressed Roosters-pound Sugar cured bacon If1 pound II2V Morrell's Iowa Bacon, Daley Brand, pound 111 Morrell's Iowa Hams, (choice) 8 to 10 pound average, pound Lard! Lard! Lard! Another fresh lot of Bennett's ''Special" kettle rendered pure leaf lard in J-lb pails, for 33c 5-lb pails, for 55c Limit two palls to a customer. Twenty ($2i Green Trading Stamps. SALT FISH and MACKEREL a. full Hive. BALTIMORE OYSTERS (Md MICHIGAN CELER.Y received dajly. Meat Market Basement. 4c 8c I 71c A Saturday Cra.sK in Crockery China Department. Decorated German China Sugars and Creams, per pair. . .25c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Large size Bowls and Pitchers, plain white 48c Johnson Bros. Royal English Porcelain 100-piece dinner sets, pure white on popular shape 4.98 25 per cent discount on all white China Vases for decorating. Positively the largest line of White China in the entire west. Everything new and up-to-date. Nice Decorated Cuspidors, each 38c-29c-25c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Ileadquarters for Coalport, Wedgewood, Cauldon and George Jones English China. Sa.lurd&.y Sale of Shoes COO pairs of Misses' and Children's Vici Kid, Patent Tip, Button and Lace Shoes worth $2, for Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. 170 pairs of Men's Velour Calf and Vici Kid Lace Shoes worth up to $3.50, at Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. 300 pairs of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Velvet, . felt-lined slippers, all colors, at , Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Double Qreen Trading Stamps Until Noon Saturday. 1.23 1.93 A9c Furniture Dept. Third Floor. Two Snaps for Saturday. Ladies' Folding Work Ta ble, made of hard maple, natural finish, 3G-in. meas ure cut in top, strong and serviceable Sat urday, only i Folding Card Table made of natural birch, round top, 30 inches in diameter, just the thing for games, rigid and substantial, f QQ . Saturday only . . . .0 Woodeiw&re Snaps FOR SATURDAY. Oak Clock Shelf, 7x20 Lapboards, 20x36 Six Hook Hall Rack Four Foot Stepladder YOUR CHOICE 45c Each In Basement. MILLINER. Y! MILLINER. Y! Just purchased a large sample line from an Eastern manu facturer. We offer the rarest bargains of the season for your Saturday buying. A large black silk velvet hat, trimmed with long ostrich plume, liberty satin zephyr and steel ornaments, worth $10.00, Saturday 5.00 "Large black velvet hat, trimmed with black ribbon, long ostrich plume, worth $5.00, special at 2.50 Black velvet hat, trimmed with three ostrich tips, worth $0.00, special, at .3.50 Black velvet hat, trimmed with black braid, ornaments, and black ostrich plume 3.49 Children's hats, 98c and 49c. Street hats, worth $3 & $2. 98c A STAMP SPECIAL Pon Pon marked to sell $1 & $1.25 at 50c, 75c Tblrty ($3.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. Ask to see the Kimball Anti-Rheumatic King, guru cure for rheumatism. Engraved Stationery 50 Engraved Cards and Cop per. Plate, any style script type regular pi ice $1.25 special. 59c GO cards printed from your plate 28c 100 Engraved Wedding Invitations 4.85 A box of Linen Bond Writ ing Paper and Envelopes your initial engraved on the paper regular price 50c special 25c These prices are good Sat urday and Monday only. We make a upeclnlty of furnlsh ltiR artistic nnd strictly up-to-date Wedding Invitations, latest and cor rect styles in Engraved Visiting Cards and Embossed Stationery. Our prices are more reasonable than any first class engraver. Copyright Dooks. "(Jrntistark", (eorire M, McOutoh eon's greatest book is the sequel to his best selling novel "Heverly of Urau stark." This look, "Orniistark," In af handsome souvenir binding, printed on the best book pnper. OX SALE, with the following books, hand somely bound, Illustrations by the best artists of today: Saturday and Monday, 4."c each. The f RTHllfr, by fiforit W. Cbl Tbr C Hull, by Winston ClinrrblH. Tht Vlralnla. by Orrfn WlitM. t nlravrneil Itrrad, by Hob. (Jrant. The Mantrr Chrlntlan, by Maria Corrlll. Thr Choir Invlnlblr, by Jamea I.anr Allru. Dorothy Vernon, by Chaa. Major. The rlaht-of-way, by Gilbert Farkrr. Shrrlock Holmes, by Cnnan Doyle, ned Hock, by Thomaa Nelnon Pave i'aatle ( ranejerow, by George B. MpCutpheon. THE ETERNAL., CITY, by Knll Calna Thpe book!, are In their orlRtnul Ar $1.50 bindings, our price Banter nronn Book, his (log Tige and thrlr trouble 49c Stationery and Book Stall Sections. Prefumcry Sensations for Saturday La lilnehe Face Towder Java Hex Face 1'owdor Tftlow Uossamer Face Towder Ballnenge 4711 Face Powder Plnaud s Vlolet- nz rinaud's Jockey Club oi Plnaud'j French Carnation oz Plnaud's Hoya Lily oz.... Htidnut's Cardinal Lily 37c 30c ..18c 35c 75c 75c 75c 75c 50c lludnut's Wood Vloiet oz Eastman's Crushed Roses oz Eastman's Crushed Carnation 5Qcj Colgate's Pansy niossom oz Colgate's Cashmere Ihmquct oz Colgate's Trailing: Arbutus oz Colgate's Moss Rose oz Colgate's Wood Violet oz 50c 50c 25c 30c 30c 30c 25c oz Soap Sensation SAVON ROYALE Vlolctte, delicious flvor, a fine milled zonp, good as any high priced French Imported soap, comes In pretty box, three In a box. each lc cake daintily wrapped. Saturday we mske a sensutlon with this aoap, box... Ten ($1.00) Little Ureen Stickers with Each Ilox. CLOTHING. CLOTHING! Just Received, 100 Brokaw Hand Tai lored Suits and Overcoats. The new brown suit, the merchant tailored kind (and tai lors get $40.00 for them), our price Saturday, $23.00. No tailor has their equal. All goods are sun-dyed for fix w-eeks before' they are tailored. Every suit carries an individuality that cannot be bought, even from the tailor, to order. Every suit and overcoat guaranteed, $20, $18. $15, $12.50, $10. Special for Saturday BARGAIN SQUARES IJutchess Trousers, and other good makes, (and we have now gone through the clothing tables in suits, and we find about 100 pairs of odd trousers), worth up to $5.00, now $2.50. They may be your size, and they may match up an odd coat and vest that you have. Dutchess trousers, 10c a button, $1 a rip. Selling agents for Omaha. 120 Hats to close the lines out, worth up to $3, for $1.50. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. Remember the Shirt Sale and the Stamps that go with them. Men and Boys'. Kaufman's Orchestra Saturday Evaning, 6 to 10 O'clock GOSSIP OF THE POLITICIANS Democrat! Arouied Over HitohoooVi 8oheme to Knife Beit of Ticket. METCALFE'S PLAN TO CUT HIPPLE EXPOSED World-Herald'a OOcailT with Howell Hpllt. tha Party ad Coaa.rvatlve Member. ProaU.e Hoctfc, Regliter today, ' Congrmaman Hltchcock'a offenslva alli ance with Howell aa the meana of perfect Ins hla pulley of aacrlflcine ev.ry o her democrat on the ticket to eecure hla own election haa atlrred th. element of local democracy aa nothing elae haa since tha campaign began. "It la now no longer poailble (or the moat hide-bound and loyal democrat to aacalve himself aa to the desperate atralta ro which Mr. Hitchcock haa gone and will go In order to promote hla owa chanc. a of election."- aald a democrat whoee party fealty haa never yet been brought Into juatlon. but one who thlnka there are other men la the party quite aa worthy ot recognition, aa Ur. Hitchcock. "We know now, aa we have feared for lome time, that Hitchcock la out for Hitchcock and doean't clr a rig If the whulo ticket UbiJo from' hlmaelf la defeated, Juat eo he gvta through. Well, that may teem all light to HUchcot-.k and Metcalfe, but 1 they will be able to eee the folly of their treacherous couree tha mWulrtg after elec tion. If not before." Tbla la only one of numerous democrma who are talking with considerable aulphur U their Tolcea Uieaa days. The (rlenda ot Dr. Hippie and tha friend of legislative nominee, are finally owake to the plan to knife these candidate for illtchcock'a ben efit. "Why should Hltchooak and Metcalfe use the World-Herald to promote the candidacy of a former ropubllcaaWlowell whose own party repudiated him after having hud one taste of him in the legfeuture? Would they not have aupported Mm on the same kind of a trade for re-election to the state sen ate or any other office? Of course we know Metcalfe and Hitchcock and that whole gang did all they cou!4 to prevent the nomi nation of Dr. Hipplo, but now that he is nominated, now that the decent democrat! have triumphed, why does not the World Herald come out openly and support him? Hitchcock and Metcalfe are deceiving no one in the makeshift support they are pre tending to give Dr. Hippie. They are both too shrewd at politics not to know that the appeal they are making to the votera of Omaha to vote for Howell and Hippie fot water corumisilonera. If carried Into execu tion, would result In the election of Weller, the regular republican nominee, and Howell, the repudiated republican candidate. Why should we be railed on to sacrifice our nom inee. Dr. Hippie, an honest man and clean politician, for Howell, a political outcast?" Register todsy. The potl letter carrier are being made painfully aware that the home atretch ot tha milltlraJ nmnalm has been m e fd. Vicy ore loaded down with circular and postal cards sent out by candidates ana campaign manager, to Influence the drar vuter. Sonu) of the real democrats or Omaha are mailing In this connection the bitter de feat and dUjppolnthient of R. L Metcalfe last spring lit his aspirations' to be one of the delegates-at-large to th. national con vention at BU Louis, and they attribute Metcalfe' knifing policy now to hi sore ness due to that rebuke from the conserva. tlve element of the party, which said it was done with such domination. "Of course, Dr. Hippie being one of the most potent factors of the conservatives, Is now where Metcalfe can get even with him," remarked a real democrat, "and Met la not losing the opportunity, you bet." Register toduy. The electric light company' campaign has now been extended to the Bohemians, and the editor of the democratic Osveta has seen a great light shining around hi journallstlo pathway. He la now fernlnst municipal ownership. On Sunday after noon the Bohemians, and especially the Catholic Bohemian, are Invited to attend at National hall and hear the subsidised champions of the electric light monopoly, headed by John Roeicky, tell what a good thing It is to have the city lighting In the hands and under the control of Wed A. Nash. i "I registered as a republican this year, the first time In eight year, and I Intend to vote the republican ticket, too," re marked a former allver republican, who up to this time haa been making his home with the fusion democrats. "What 1 more, I know at least two others who have done the sums thing. - I asked one of them what his reason was, and he gave the same reason that movsd me. 'I am going to slay with th republicans.' he said, 'because in no other way can I have a voice In choosing the nominees. The republicans, especially here In Omaha and Douglaa county, give every one, from the highest to the lowest, a chance to say In their primaries who shall go on the ticket, and their direct pri maries have brought It still closer, to th people. The democratlo candidate, on the other hand, are put up. without eonsalUng the democrat who are to vote for them usually at star chamber sessions of a few self-constituted bosses, who do not dare to Install a direct nomination system. I have to choose between the democrats and the republicans, and I prefer the latter, be cause they admit me to full membership.' " J. Q. Thompson of Alma, a prominent re publican of the Republican valley, is In the city looking over the political situation. He sold: . "Everything look fine out our way for tjio whole republican ticket, state and na tional. Vou know the western section of the Republican valley ha long been the breeding place for populism and the fusion lsU are building largely on getting a big vote up In that country. They are going to be badly disappointed. The republican state ticket Is gaining there every day and we will poll our normal vote, and then some." Register today. EFFECT OF FULL DINNER PAIL Sot Enough Applicant Show L'p for special Police Service on Elec tion Day. The city government Is contemplating the establishment of a recruiting office for eleo tion day special policemen. In the may.r' office they are wondering what ha become of all th able-bodied men out of work who have begged tor a star and a club In day gone by. There used to be enough applicant for a battalion of Infantry, but at present there are not sufficient candi date In sight to take care of half the precincts. One of the specials Is as signed to each of the seventy-six districts. It seventy-six men do not line up for the wearlng-tn process Monday morning eom. new measure of drafting will be rcsortsd ONE MORE LARGE BUILDING BneineBB Block to Be Erected tt Sixteenth and Harney. CONTRACT FOR GRADING ALREADY LET Daily ew Negotiates for Structure of Two and One-Half Stories Farina; on linrney Street. The work of solidifying the business dis trict south of Farnam street continues un abated. Yesterday Fhelan & Shirley, grading contractors, removed the sign boards around the Balbach property at the southeast corner of. Sixteenth and, Harney streets. Through George & Co., which firm controls the property, tha grading contract has been let to Fhelan & Shirley and the work of removing nearly 8,000 yurQs of earth will be pushed. "The matter of Improving th property I now being considered," aald C. C. George. "We are not In a position to give out the detail at this time, but something I com ing soon." It 1 understood, though not from the George firm, a business block of six stories Is to be erected on this site. Vice President U V. Ashbaugh of the Bcrlpps-Mcltae newspaper syndicute, with offices at St. l'uul, Is In the city and Imi negotiated for the erection of a building on the property owned by John I. HedlcH at 1514 aid 1516 Harney street. The de:il Is being closed by W. H. Houiun, agent fot the Redlck property. The new bulldiii will be occupied by the Dally New about June 1 and tt 1 laid construction will begin within sixty day. Th. Bcrlpp-McRa company will secure a long-time lease on the building. The structure will be 44x!32, with two stories above a basement, raised five feet from the street level. The esti mated cost of the building Is 140,000. Several small buildings now .on th. site will bo taken down soon. Through W. R. Homan, John I. Redlck has bought the property at 1410 and 1412 Harney street, next to the Meyer Sc. Raapke company, and will erect a brick building on the site In a few months. SAME OLD BLUFF THIS YEAR Official Decapitation of City Engineer Threatened by Contractor Who Cannot Control Him. City Engineer Rosewater again ha been threatened with official decapitation by con tractor and other whom he ha. offended in Ms constant fight for fair returns to the city for money paid out for public work. The other day, after he had charged T. B. Hatcher, a paving Inspector, with mak ing fraudulent reports and Hatcher had been turned down by the Board of Pub lic Work for reappointment on another job, he turned to the engineer and said: "You think you are the great I am, you do. Well, you won't be very long. The legislature this winter will put you out of office all right." - Mr. Rosewater replied that he had heard such threats In the past and was not alarmed. Difficulty exists It the board In getting an Inspector for the North Sixteenth street paving who thorouhly - understands the work. Knglneer Hosewater declares none of the Inspector avalluble on the Hat. sub mitted by the board and not at present employed, Is competent. Inspector R. V. Dahlman- was removed by ' th. majority member of th boat 4 because it wa found a technical error forbade his retention. He had been a paving foreman and hi work wa acceptable to the engineer, who I now having the work Inspected directly by men from his office. SUCCESSOR TO J. C. MARKHAM Rumor Are Flylna; Thick and Ost Mghta Over Head of A. L. Mohler. Local railroad men are discussing th possibility of General Manager Mohler of the Union Pacific succeeding J. C. Mark ham as general manager of the Southern Pacific, who has renlgned. Mr. Mohler is still In Portland where ha went about ten days ago to look after per sonal ene?ts. The fact that hi stay 1 prolonged is taken by some as significant. It also suggested that If K. E. Calvin goen to the Southern Pacific Mr. Mohler may go to the Navigation company. David K Burley, gcnorul passenger agent of the Orrgon Short Line wa In th city Friday on his way to Salt -Lake from Chi cago. Mi. Bu'ley think General Manager Bancroft, who filling the place tempor arily, would not accept th. Southern Pacific appointment permanently If offered to him. Regarding the prospect, of Messrs. Cal vin and Mohler, Mr. Burley would not allow himself u be quoted further than to say they are both considered able operat ing executives and that he would not b. surprised if the, place should fill to on. of them. i Marrlaa I. lemurs. The following rnnri'laau llceiutes were. Is sued up to noon Noveniler 4: Name and Residence. Age. James Prriidergt.:, 'o, li'.uttA .'. (4 Mdigarite Id ifc.u ti Uwrenic G. Durrull, Washington 71 Nanulo Wilson. St. Joseph 14 U K. Wadding Rings, Edbolm, imrnXm.