Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1904, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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50c Ladies'
Neckwear at 10c
Saturday morning we place on
sale a complete line of the latest
noyelties in ladies' sample lace
tock collars and turnovers,
ranging in ralue from 25c to 50c
--all go at one price.
Saturday, choice 10c
Young ladies' f 1 lace sailor col
lars, on sale Saturday, ea.49c
50c Folded Bilk Crush Belts,
al colors, at ...25c
$1 Gros Grain Bilk and fancy
girdle Belts, Saturday, ea49c
50c Ladies' Leather Belts. .10c
20c pure Linen Uandk'fa. . 7ic
35c all silk Taffeta Ribbons 10c
Stock Foundation Collars . . 5c
Men's Sample Hals
In all blocks-worth up ! $2.50
aria fjh j ?
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Saturday we put on sale the balance and best of the men's sample
"Crown" Shoes. These goods are made up In bats and bluchers,
' In patent colt, vlcl kid and velour oalf skins, every pair Goodyear
welted and sewed with the best silk thread, made to be sold at
. W 00 and (S et-Saturday ,
Women's 8.00 rid kid Goodyear welt and.MoRay sewed fine Shoes....- J1.98
Men's, women's, misses' and child's velvet warm lined Slippers...-. SSo
Boys' and youths' 1160 satin calf bale or
Misses' and child's 11. K vlcl kid and box
Men's Milwaukee oil araln work Shoes. In
Large girls' Li.OO low heel School Shoes, In
Women's Carpet Slippers ; ,
Infants' S6o soft sole Shoes all colors......
WftmMl'l 11 M file h...... T..II...
- - ......h.w Lrvvr f uiie km
Women's MOO guaranteed patent colt lace
m wjuuii (3 Q()
Ail the new styles In Stetson, Crossett and John Mitchell shoes tV.Ooi t8.SO and M.60
Sols agents In Omaha for the ULTR A and QROVER shoes for women. QRO
VER SHOES are POSITIVELY the easiest shoe a woman ever put on her foot
We have them In twenty-six different styles.
Saving Furniture Prices
, Wonderful values are now Doing offered In our manmoth furniture depart
ment 7 Select yoor Christmas presents n
will holi them for jrou tUl you want t
A Special Dresser Bargain
Tfels handsome dresser eomes in three woods; Mahogany,
BIrds-By Maple and Solid Oak, the Mirror Is a handsome
pattern and Frenoh Bevel Plata, the Hardware la tTnlnu &nrf
the whole dresser la
Dresser In Serpentine,
front, at
Dresser to Serpentine,
front, at
Keep your yo on Hayden's Furniture Department for bargains In furniture,
pictures and frames. Our unequaled arrangements for getting the newest most
stylish furniture dally makes this department most attractive.
Lowest Prices on Everything
Induitrial Leaks of Other Days Converted
Into Money Makers.
Chemical and Mechanical Skill
Evolves Numerous Ways of Bav- .
Ins; and Swells the Store of
Hainan Conveniences.
One of the leading questions of the manu
facturer In many lines today is not what
he shall do with the thing, or things, which
his factory is equipped primarily to turn
out, but that other leading question, "What
shall I do with the waste materials?" 1
It is the problem of the manufacturing
sge, XX. was suggested first In the conduct
of the Btundurd OH company, when, un
expectedly to the first refiners of petroleum
on a large scale, the Immense volume of the
waste product made Itself apparent and
called for diminution. The chemist was
consulted, and It was not long until, with
the best disposition of these waste products,
the , Standard company discovered that it
night produce tho refined oil and give It
Fretful babies become calm
end peaceful babies when fed
on Mtllin's Food. Mellin'i
Pood nourishes.
A sample ef MC'i Foed costs vou aothlnf
but the eking. Will you not tbea ask fcr
ll fee yeut sLy's sake
fMM f:v srrt mtxmm
ill p
Furnishing Goods Bargains
In Ladies' and
Children's Underwear
bed. fleeoe lined, r.viilnr nd xtr& 1ie I extra, heavy and fleece lined worth aev-
worth up to Wc special 25C
hear fleece lined come In white and
liver Cray worth 11.00 Satur- KHr
day, choice
regular M 00 values choice .
ored borders choice
fleece lined and Jersey
nooea all sises
worth up to 7&o Ba
860 and
heavy wool garments blua only n&n
ail sfses worth fl.tO-at..... VOL.
Our Corset Dept.
complete in every detail. Your
selection is not confined to a few
styles or makes, but you have your
choice of a multitude of styles, in
all the very best lines. We carry:
Dr. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets With
hose supporters attached side and I AH
front at, and up l.UU
Nemo Self Reducing corsets Specially
adapted to stout fig-urea, slses 20 PA
to 86, at t.DJ
k Kabo, W. C. C, W. B. and many other
malrea. In all the most annrnvnd nil
styles at, and up
75c Quality Ladles' Qlrdlos Straight front.
in tape or batiste, all sizes and col- Tft
ore, at JJC
calf Sohool
vlcl kid or
viol kid or
box calf J VV
ease ea e
6hoes, very latest style, ail sices
ow from this vast assortmeat and we
hem delivered.
well made and . furnished.
Half Swell
Pull Swell
Properly cared for.
The right glasses.
away with profit, so valuable had the by
products of petroleum become.
Long ago it was discovered that the tail
ings of the gold mine equipment of the
'70s could be worked over with profit by
the Improved methods of the '90s. It came
about with the age of electricity that, in
stead of searching for gold In copper bear
ing veins, the profit was greater to get
out the copper and let the gold take care
of Itself as a by-product. Today the dust
from the saw cutting- through a cabinet
wood is preserved, and, under hydraulic
pressure, becomes the elaborate "carving"
that afterward adorns panel, or drawer,
or mh-ror frame.
From liankraptey to Dividends.
How to find a place and price for the
wastes of a great plant in the manufactur
ing world may be the problem between
dividends and bankruptcy. It is the tend
ency of the age to savs In the small things,
and the man who is not availing himself
of the last crumbs of profit In his output
In all probability is competing with a man
or men who have solved the matter on the
right side of the profit and loss account.
It Is not so long ago that an Idea ad
vanced for the profitable disposition of a
city's garbage would have been looked upon
as the vagaries of a dreamer. Today this
refuse gives employment and profit to small
armies of workers. Bones, rsgs, glass, iron
and paper are among the things sorted
over and oollected. Old tin cans are worked
over for the tin In the first place, for the
solder from the Joints, and finally to go to
the blast furnace for melting into pig iron.
In Olasgow there are reduction plants for
the inflammable residue, which turn out
for the city t.OOO house-power In a ten-hour
day, this power going out for manufactur
ing purposes.
' In New Tork the Arnold process In reduc
ing garbage meaus, first, a steam digestion
of the matter, separating ths greases from
ths fertiliser elements. Nearly all of the
greases are shipped abroad, where they are
made into glycerin, red oil, lard oil and
the Inferior soap making grades. The drivd
residue Is sifted through screens, where
the bone, glass. Iron and tin and like mat
ter are collected, leaving only ths fertiliser
filler. This when It is cooled Is bagged for
shipment to ths impoverished cotton lands.
Only the water from which the grease Is
skuuined la left, and when this has keen
j cltT"Av cents special 50C
merino and mercerised In black, white
and silver tray worth up to f Sf
t3.0 oholce Saturday S.JV
SKIRTS All wool, assorted col-
COMBINATION SUITS for boys anS girls
Jersey ribbed fleece lined worth up to
seventy-five cents choice AQf
Saturday OjrW
garments, In gray and black all QUr
sixes worth fl.60--at 5OW
Marvelous Bargains
Hundreds of satisfied purchasers throng our Cloak Department daily,
ntt-mirrt n ... nlmnlt I ! HI ofil hi I.
Our buyer secured them
fectly satisfied with your purcnase,
Children's New tall Coats
From K
Kltslne-er A Zllenko, 63 E.
11th St.,
N. T., kerseys, slbellnes, frleses,
heavy plushes, silks, etc. elaborately
trimmed, some of them aatln M IB O
lined worth up to tlO.00. Mrl
Bale price T"'u
LADIES' HOSE In heavy fleece and
. all sizes, worth up to 89o, at
LADIES' HOSE Fleece lined, all sizes,
25o, at
BOYS' HOSE-In heavy wool and fleeced, worth up to f P.
b9c at .' IJC
CHILDREN'S BICYCLE HOSE-Very heavy, tn all f J.
. sizes, worth up to 19o, at
Pure Fresh Goods
at Lowest Prices
1 can concentrated soap, equal to
of common soup, at
8-lb. can clam chowder, at
1 dosen dill pickles, at
1 can deviled ham, at
1 can potted tongue, at
New evaporated blackberries, at
New California raisins, very fine.
New evaporated apples, lb
New California prunes, lb
New currants, lb
1-quart can syrup, at
Yeast, package
Klin dried oatmeal, lb
Kiln dried cornmeal, lb
10 bars laundry soap for
Pearllne, package
Morgan's sapollo at
I cans
Apples, Apples, Apples
We have just received a carload of selected Colorado applea la
full bushel boxes, the varieties consist of Johnathons, Grimes
Golden, Orange Winters, Scott's Winters and Tolman A
Sweets, on sale Saturday at, per box I.-T U
Also a carload of fancy large Sonora Oranges, on sale, doz. . I7c
evaporated to the consistency of sirup it
may be mlxsd with the fertiliser matter to
advantage. ,
Perfumes from Refuse.
Some of the high-priced perfumes upon
the markets no doubt are made from the
oils and ethers extracted from flowers, but
many others of cheaper grade are produced
from other and even 111-smelllng substances.
Fusel oil Is one of the disagreeable and
poisonous by-products of alcohol distilla
tion, yet It enters In many of these per
fume oils. OH of pineapple Is made from
the action of putrid cheese on sugar. One
of the most popular of perfumes comes
from the dralnlngs of cow houses, or at au
even less cost from gas house tar. Out
of the tar, too, comes the oil of hlttei
almonds, so much used in the scenting of
soaps. .
In the rron and steel Industry nothing
has been so troublesome to dispose of as
the millions of tons of slag that collect
from the blast furnaces. But from pav
ing blocks to bricks for buildings, and.
finally, to a cement admixture, and then
to limited uses as fertilizer, the slag plies
of the blast furnaces have come to have
a value.
Germany has gone further with the
wastes of the furnaces and has evolved a
process by which the gases from the blast
furnaces may be collected and made to do
service In running gas engines. In the pro
duction of a ton of pig iron a net profit
of 11.25 for this gas has been shown, mean
ing for the German Iron industry an an
nual saving of $10,000,000 a year.
Wood from Sawdukt.
From the sawdust of the mills in gen
eral an artificial wood has been made
through a combination of heat and hydrau
lic pressure which Is promising for the era
of artificial woods. It is harder, devoid of
grain, susceptible to a high polish and in
many ways approaching the qualities of
ebony and mahogany.
From the sawdust and mill scraps of
birch wood more than SO pes cent of the
weight of ths wood used has been obtained
in sugar. Two hundred and twenty pound
of the wood have yielded as high as eight
quarts of alcohol. Pine and fir sawdust
are proved more valuable than the other
for alcohol, both as producing a greater
quantity and a' purer quality. Sawdust
aUo enters largely into the ataklug of
t f ,ai. ' " " Y
A magnificent line made on
strong steel frames, of splendid
quality leather, linen, silk or
leather lined, with and without
shirtfold. Good locks, either
side bolts or straps and hand
riveted hinges. These goods
are actually worth up
to $10 our sale price i no
Saturday .. ,4.70
at his own price. Your money refunded if you are not per
new fall styles and materials f. lit
worth up to t7.60-at
most exquisite fabrics and
styles at 12.60, $9.90 and
down to
Ladies' Sample Suits
The entire stock of Turkell & Fllstner
of New York.
All the newest styles and fabrics, every
iacket lined with guaranteed taffeta
different styles to select from worth
up to M0. 00. Bale price "7 OA
t34.76, 19.60, $14.76, tU.60 i
and m mmr v
Women's Shower Coats
An Immense purchase of 300 cravenette
ooats from N. Cooper & Co., New Tork,
at 40 per cent less than their real value,
enables us to offer you some rousing bar
gains In these garments. Every con
ceivable style all well made and f fa O
handsomely trimmed at 138.00, If
tm t7. down to
2,000 NEW COATS Purchased from the
manufacturers at a fraction of their
value, will be placed on sale Saturday
a. m. great variety of materials
taffeta and satin lined
choice Saturday
2 quart
fancy colored,
"" 1C
worth up to f A
Toilet Water, per
Cold Cream
for ,
Cucumber Cream,
. bottle
Money Saved on
Livery Order Here
4-pound package Gold Dust at 15o
Washing Oloss, package 2c
8-pound can pumpkin at do
8-pound can nomlny at 1..60
1- pound can new packed tomatoes at 6a
2- pound new packed corn at 6o
All sweet cookies, worth lk to too per
pound. In this sale 8-lbs. for 25c
t-pkgs. condensed mincemeat, will mako
12 large plea, at 25o
Fine Mocha and Java Coffee, lb 2So
Fine uncolored Japan tea, lb 45c
Fine Japan rice, lb . 8Hc
New sago, lb bo
New Tapioca, lb 6o
Fancy Cooking Figs, per lb 63
Large Brazilian Cocoanuts, each Bo
clay and pottery products in the United
Paper from the waste woods and waste
products of wood leads all else in value
from lumber residue. Once only the white
woods were regarded as of value for white
paper, but with the bleaching processes
of the present there is no limitation of
color. Trees of the pine family, however,
work up more easily and economically.
From these waste papers in turn paper
box material Is made and chemical ele
ments resulting from the making of paper
from wood are turned to various ac
counts. The products'' of Jthe Chicago slaughter
houses have been referred to more than
almost any other of the gigantic waste
materials of tho country. Simply a lim
ing of the by-products of tho Chicago
stock yards Is suggestive enough of the
value of the portions of the animals that
once went into offal. These by-products
are gelatine, glues, hair for plaster, curled
hair for upholstery, bristles, blood, neat's
foot oil, bones, horns, hoofs, soap stock,
brewers' isinglass, albumen, hides, skin,
wool, sausage casings, fertilizers, and the
glands and membranes of animals from
which are taken pepsin, thymus, throlUs
and pancreatin.
Potash from Wool.
One of the interesting sources of valu
able by-products is the wool of commerce
as taken from the sheep's back. In pas
turing close to the ground the sheep ab
sorbs into his system a considerable
amount of potash from the soil. This ele
ment Is excreted with other matter through
the skin and attaches to the wool. In some
varieties of sheep ythese excretions, to
gether with the dirt which adhere, may
constitute two-thirds of ths weight of tho
wool Itself. Even now much of this
"sulnt" goes to waste in the wash waters,
but in many csnters of wool Industry the
potash and potash salts are recovered with
profit, together with the wool grease and
resultant acids. In France 2,'M) pounds of
raw wool may yield "yolk" products val
ued at 11. a and yet costing less than to
cents for the processes of extraction.
In the I'nlted States five products of
wool fat have been differentiated and
adupttd to ivlflo purposes at a prvflu
Saturday you will have an opportunity to purchase your win
ter underwear at less than half their regular value.
80c to 75c Ahlrt and Drawers-Heavy
fleeced, in plain or fancy colors, either
slng-le or double breasted. Tf
Your choice Saturday JOC
SAMPLE SHIRTS For men and boys this lot consists of a
general line of samples stiff, pleated bosoms and negligee
fronts some heavy Jersey lace fronts and one lot of Scotch'
flannels are worth from 75c to fl.50. Your choice
Saturday w3C
Men'g Undershirt! Heavy ribbed,
fleece lined, all broken lines of fiOo
and 75o garments, " f
choice mm DC
We carry a full line of men's and ladies' underwear, ranging
in price from 50c to $10.00 TER GARMENT.
Oar bargain
WOMEN'S COATS-In browns, blacks,
tans and mixtures, trimmed with broad
tall velvets In different colors
sold elsewhere at tlS.00. Our
price Saturday
200 BOX SCARFH- inches long, regular
izw.w values on sale Saturday 2.(J0
warranted for 2 years at........0""
Extra aneclai value, at .rVJ
$18.00 Women's Voll Skirts Q.QO
$8 00 Women's Skirts 4.Q0
$5.00 Women's Skirts
Handsome Silk Underskirts
$2.00 Moire Underskirts 1.80
$1.00 Wrappers
$1.00 Dreosing Sacques
$6.00 Waists In Silk and fine
Cashmere at
Syringe and Water Bottles
..79c 8 quart.. 89c
Java Rig
Powder Eastman's
Col crate's Violet
Another Meat Slaughter
14 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00
Pork Loins, per pound .....8c
Spare Ribs, per pound ...,5ic
Hound Steak, per pound ,...8c
Sirloin Steak, per pound ....8c
Shoulder Steak, per pound.. 6c
Boiling Beef, per pound . . .2Jc
Corn Beef, per pound 4Jc
Lamb Legs, per pound 6$c
Lamb Stew, per pound 3c
Hams, No. 1 Fancy, lb..,.10$c
Bacon, per pound 11c
Picnic or Call. Hams, lb...7Jc
Skinned Hams, per pound.. 11c
5-lb. pail Lard (any brand).. 47c
Headquarters for home-made
pork sausage, cheese, salt and
smoked meat.
One of these products la especially pene
trating and softening and Is used in oint
ments and toilet compounds; another is
a leather and belting dressing; another,
freed of resinous substances, becomes a
lubricant; and another may lubricate other
animal fibers to advantage in their work
ing up. It has been estimated that 13.000,
000 worth of wool grease and potash runs
down streams in the United States every
year. Not only this, but it has been called
to mind that If this "sulnt" were saved its
by-product uses would Increase, and in
stead of its being a loss It might repre
sent a profit of 115.000,000 annually.
Make fee of Cotton Seed.
Someone, writing of the cotton Industry
In the United States, has said of cotton
seed that it "was a garbage In 1860, a cattle
food In 1880, a table food an! many th'ngs
else in 1K90," while it may be added for the
present year that the value of the seed of
the cotton plant is 21 per cent of the value
of all the cotton fiber. The prime product
of the seed is the oil, yet in the oil cake is
to be found one of the most nearly perfect
cattle foods. From the oil averaging 275
pounds to the ton of seed "pure olive oil"
Is made In vast quantities, lard has a veg
etable adulterant in It, salad dressings have
It for a basis, soaps are made from the
poorer grades of the oil, and In many re
spects the present methods of treating the
waste seed product are more Interesting
and changeable than are the methods of
manufacturing the fiber itself.
From leathers in manufactures little Is
allowed to go to waste in any way. Leather
board is made from scraps. The more solid
scraps are converted Into heels for shoes.
After scraps have been ground to a pulp
they may be converted Into "shoddy leath
er," which Is much used for the inner soles
of boots and shoes. When such scraps are
usable for no other purpose they go into
the manufacture of glue.
Coal tar from the gashouse has given to
the world not only some of the most ex
quisite of mineral dyes, but the pharma
copeia has been enriched by the medicinal
properties of this tar, which once was a
problem as to its dUposlUon. Ammonia Is
a product of the bituminous coal fields and
of gas, and while Its use has developed
enormously In recent years, ths substitu
tion of electricity for lighting has displaced
gas uatil ft ulsitetf t Uxt jumuetUa fired-
Woolen 5hirts aud Drawer Very
heavy and soft, come in blue, snlmon
and natural tray; extra special Oil
value, at OC
25c Men's Hose In heavy wool, natural
Fray, tan or black; special
Saturday, 7C
at ,
'2 SiiCt m mm
5Vw5Ti- Unit l.rll..
t Vt: v j
&v "wiy) 76 re
L WfUr
up nun
Ladles' and Children's Kid Mittens Fur
an Immense llne-t
1 Y y(Jt
Tlie Choicest Millinery in the
Land at One-Quarter and One
Half Regular Prices.
fl.BO ladles' misses
siren's Trimmed
School and Street
sat ehll-
One thousand fine
shaarar Felt
Bats, neatly trim
med, nil colors, for
$15.00 Couch $9.75
Thia handsome steel spring, extra size, rich velour covered couch-
either, tufted or plain and worth $15.00 O '7'5
Saturday sale price,. J M. kJ
Special Jardiniere Sale
The greatest values ever offered in Omaha.
Handsome Jardinieres from 7 to 12-inch regular COc to $2.50
values, special Saturday at 65c and 25c
This is a snap. Don't miss it.
Fruit and Salad Saucers, each tc
Wine Glasse, each 1c
uct la likely. In the gas processes coke,
too, Is one of the valuable by-products.
Corn Products I'tlllsed.
Almost five-sixths of tho starch manufac
tured in the United States Is made from
corn, the dally maximum consumption be
ing 180,000 bushels, yielding 2,600,000 pounds
of starch and 4,000,000 pounds of glucose.
From the kernel of the corn come the
starch, germ, gluten and bran, of which the
three last are by-products, from which
come corn oil and oil cake as chief values.
From the stalk ef the corn plant oomes
the cellulose, so valuable as a protection to
vessels below the water line.
Theee are some of the contributions of
by-products to the wealth and the me
chanical necessities of the world. With the
growth of new industries and new methods
of manufacture the by-product will need to
be considered and evolved. It promises to
be in all time one of the chief considera
tions of the manufacturer. Chicago Trib
Large Additions to the Stock In Sight
Foreshadow a Fall in
We may not be able to buy meat, but
there is a prospect that we can all indulge
In diamonds. This gratifying news conns
straight I'rom South Africa, where the out
put of the Premier mine promises to be
all that heart could wish. It is only about
eighteen months since this mi no was dis
covered and developed, yet it is found to
be the largest Individual diamond mine,
and so far it has produced stones to the
extent Of one carat per load, which Is a
higher result than is shown by any of the
older mines.
Of course this rich discovery is going to
break the monopoly so long enjoyed by
the De Beers company. The latter can no
longer hold Its prices or limit Its output
when a stronger rival Is bent on flooding
the market. With a flush supply from
both the Premier and the De Beers mines
lady and maid may be equally resplendent
In precious stones, and bartender, alder
man and day laborer may shine with the
same glory.
It Is true that the Pe Beers diamond
still retains Its distinction, for the quality
of the Premier is some 20 shillings a carat
tattr haa tbe average ef those tiom Us
Sheet Music Sale
We will place on sale Saturday some ej
the big hits In vocal and instrumental al
lffc per copy by mall 20c.
Seminole vopr! and IQfl
Instrumental w
When the Bees Are In the Hive lOn
by Mills IVW
Pon t Cry Katie deer tOri
by Mills .'0
Funny Folks vocal and IDi
Lovely alary Qr
vocal ."
Missouri Mule in,.
Poppies Instrumental -
by Moret
Tbn Hvrsi more rag rv
by Joplln 1VC
Southern Rose lOs-i
two atop tU
A Wise Oil Owl tOr
voce I WO
HTay.7 19a
Mv Km ma ren tfLi-i
Mr Heart's Way Down In 1Q(J
All of these" are" regular too and I0d
On sale one day only, at lto per oop-r-n
by mall JOc.
Men's Sample Hats
In all blocks, worth up to 2.50- 5$
RFSTin rtrtlFC
mmw mrnrnw m ass VhV Hlaef
.r. ... .K.. .v .i
.w . " i j i u-1 utuiai au 'in man giuTea.
iney may oe, tor a prottj, neatly nitinf
very essentlsl to a perfect toilet. You
iv find the best of service and the beat as
tt utvlsksi sit. stilt frlrtfs nniinUe M stV
showlnu ladies' onthmere Kaypor
fleece or fancy silk lined, at, pair. .. w w
GLOVES With claar t jUO
Ladles' Kid Gloves With Paris AA
point sUtching-t I.UU
Ladles' Rayner Kid Gloves-In " fi(
... ... . . ..iii.b
ail me lairsi suaucs, jior yi . . . w w
trimmed C A 7 C , 1 AA
UC, f JC and leUU
$) Black Silk Velvet Harts, tastily
trimmed with good
quality ostrich
pinmes ana siik.....
95 trimmed black sjennlne French
nap Beaver Hats, the trtmmlngrs
ne French
are sine black
silk and beantlfnl
feather breaarts.,,.
Tumbles, each lc
older mines, yet in regard to the n umbel
of stones found and the size of the mine
the Premier takes the lead. There Is, how
ever, the probability that the quality of
the inferior diamond will be Improved and
placed on a par with what Is now superior.
Sir William Crookes lately read a paper
before the British Royal society In which
be rave the results of some of his experi
ments in determining the action of radium
on diamonds.
Sir William found the diamond to b
extremely phosphorescent in the presence
of radium and that there was a change of
color In the diamond varying acoording
to the conditions to which It had been
subjected. This color was sometimes darker,
sometimes lighter. The scientist Is of the
opinion that this alteration of color may
be of great commercial Importance. "If,"
he says, "off-color stones can be lightened
their value will be Increased, while If the
prolonged action of radium Is to communl
cate to them a decided color they would
be worth much more as fancy stones."
Should diamonds become the easy pos
sessions of every-day people It would not
be the first time In history that stones once
regarded as gems have suffered great de
preciation in value. The price of precious
opal has steadily declined since the discov
ery of the Australian fleldn, and topas and
amethyst by no means command the price
of former days. lMamonds have always
been regarded a good Investment, but it
begins to look as If they, too, may lose
caste and pass Into the realm of the corn
monplace. Chicago Chronicle.
Not Thrown, Merely Dismounted,
L'raper They tell me your horse threw
you t'other day.
Crupper Nothing of the kind; the story
arose from a little event that happened
while I was out riding. It was In the na
ture of a coincidence. At the very moment
my horse kicked up his hind feet I dis
mounted over his head. Boston Transcript.
ess heee esM by Millions of Mathers for
fUlMrna li lie TwUiluir fur urr Hflf lour,
t ouuilun tu eblld. aortru Mi sua., llr.
ell imlu. eurns wlud cuUu, aud u Uis txui