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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1904)
13 TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1804. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MiMEI Wheat Tired, Average Pcliii n Cash and Fatnrea f a PoJ.nt. DEMAND FOR IMMCDIATc DELIVERY SMALLER Large Jortnweste. Demand and a Receipts ran li Slightly Firm Oats Enltr-C maaerclal Gossip Financial Kews. OMAHA. Nov. 4. 1904. There Vas that In the wheat markets of the woi-fd today that gave trie impression or werness, that tired feeling, and the f'ily for n tonic of strong concoction. Jtepcrt9 from various sections recorded the rlo txtn down of mill and an Indisposition "n the part of millers to pay the prices U iiiHDdeil for cnsli wheat. It In phasing announre that Omaha cash buyers did ot assume the sAtne tone of Indifference. I'rloes here are atlll 'well up to the fore :and the demand Is sufficient to enable sdl era to clear tlielr tables of samples. Prices were slightly lower, aa niiaht be expected tinder tlie leadership of every one of the leading markets -of the country. Prices here are naturally erratic because of the irront difference In the quality of the wheat itiarketed. Hroomhall reported decidedly favorable on the Argentine situation, and this whs sufficient to Inuuce foreign liquida tion. The receipts ofwhcat ara larger at northwestern points than they were a year ego and the speculative element refuses to believe In the stories of damage from fly and drouth. Not only wm the market tired, hut the fluctuations were very nar row. The decline of about a point In the options ran early In the session, and thereafter there was only a spasmodic ac tivity and the fluctuations In speculative futures were Inconsiderable. December wheat hror.e from fl.l2 to II. UH and May from ll.U's to 11.11. the losses being frac tionally more thnn a point. July shares with tli! nearer futures. For fome reason or other porn ruled firm a'.l dav and there was even a slight advance. The strength of the cereal. In the feee of the large crop, excites comment. There Is a good foreign demand for corn and the Argentine shipments and crop are bot'.i smaller than expected. The oat market was comparatively steady nrd not more than So lower. Omaha, Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, ll.07n.: No. 3 hard. tl.OMil.flfi; No. 4 hard.; No. 2 spring, tl.ON&l.lO; No. 3 spring, ll.nififl.06; No. 4 spring, illcfill.fl): no grade, 854i9.c. CORN No. 2, tKH'⪼ No. S 4xV4?49c; No. 4. 47Vifi48e; No. 2 yellow, 4!(4!Vic; No. 3 yellow. 4949He; No. I white. mMtc; No. S white. 4!i'4!i4c ; new No. 4, 414H2C OATS No. 2 mixed. 27V,r27e ; No. I mixed. 27a27V,e; No. 4 mixed. 26',4'u 26c ; No. 2 white, 2xfir.28Hc; No. 3 white, 2c; No. 4 White, 2727c; standard. 264?28toc. Grala Mrarkets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today snd Thursday at the markets named, were as iuuuwi; CHICAGO. -Wheat-December Mar , July Own .T December May ....... July Ont.s December May July. eat December May O'rn December May Whent December May Corn December May Wheat December May Wheat- December -Close Today. Thurs'y. BT. LOUIS. Mi wis 45tf 45H 284 31 31 1.12H 1.14 KANSAS CITT. 43 1.12 112V4 98ft 4R'i 45 46 a l.liui 1.16 43 l.fflH 1.02", 42 41 NEW YORK. 1.17 1.1274 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.04 1.03'i 1.1314 May 1.14U DULUTH. Wheat December 1.1314 May 1.1354 42 4114 1.174 1,134 1.15H 1.14 114 1.14 Financial Closslp. Banks lost to treasury since Friday $9,476,' 000. " Fall of. Port Arthur expected every mo- muii. Some further gold exports to Germany laixea 01. United States Leather advances prices en jib products. Missouri Pacific will show large earnings from now on. Plenty of stocks In loan crowd with ex ccptlun of Atchison. American stocks In London irregular. moa'.ly below purity. Norfolk common will probably go pa 4 per cent basis next June. ' Efforts to form a protective committee for stockholders of corn products. H'irrlman and Standard Oil holdings of Atchison now estimated at 360,000 shares. Twelve Industrials advanced .11 per cent. Twenty active railroads declined .11 per cent. Norfolk Is expected to be large Increased demand for cone through its Pocahontas coal fields. - Foreign buying of Steel preferred" and F-ii understood to represent option posi tion abroad. creamery, 24c; official prices, creamerr. common to extra. MSaHc: state dairy, com mon to extra, lV2;.c. RlCfcJ unlet: domestic fnlr to extra ZVuo'Vi Japan, nominal. MHiS-firm; western lancy selected, zee; average best. 24fi2.'ic. 1'UL 1.1 Kl-Alive, oulet: western chlca- ens, loc; fowls, 10V: turkeys. KliHc. pressed, weak, western r.rtnir chickens. 144flic; fowls, 12c; turkeys, italic CHICAGO GRAI AD FROVIMOSS Featnree f the Trading and Closing; Prlees on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov '4 Increased exports 1 from Argentine and Increased receipts in the American northwest had a weaaenlng etlect on wheat prices here today. At the ciose LecemDer was on c. in' livery la down Vale. Corn ana oi practically unchunaed. Provisions show a loss of 64fl2Ho. ,, weaKaess In wheat was mannencm v the start. Liverpool quotations were much lower. Northwestern receipts were quite liberal. In addition, prospects of rain in the southwest gave promlso of a break in the existing drouth. This combination of features, unfavorable from the bull tand polnt, brought out a lot of loosely heid wheat, purchased under more em-ui circumstances that surrounded the mar ket. Opening quotations on necemoer were off V.rV at ll.riUl.12V4. May was down at ll.ll'Sfal.llTs- Shorts were fair buyers on the decline, but the demand was not of sufficient strength to prevent a steady weakening of values. December sold off to ll.HVi nl May to tl.11. Late In the day the market rallied somewhat on buying brought out by a report of a Bt. Louis trade Journal. According to this In quiry drouth conditions have prevailed quite generally throughout the winter wheat bnit. The market closed rather weak, with December at 11.11. Final quo tations on Mav were at Il.llfil.llV Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 6i0 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.1J2.3UQ bushels, compared with 1.34iio nusneis a year ago. Kxports of wheat and flour for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 1.4S2.0nO bushels. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of cars, against 839 cars last week and 973 a vear ago. Fine maturing weather and weakness In wheat had a depressing Influence on the corn market early In the day. Receipts, however, were small and a good shipping demand was in evidence. As a result of these factors a firmer tone developed and prices made a fair advance. On moderate realising the market again reacted late In the session, all of the gain being lost. De remher opened unchanged to Vc lower at 4sm&48Vic. "ld between 48M,c and 4&tfc4R?,c and closed at 4SV4c. Local receipts were 84 cars, with 3 of contract grade. The trading In oats was extremely quiet snd the market hold steady the entire dny. December opened a shade lower at &(r 2Hc, sold between 2Ko and 88c and closed at 2828c. Local receipts wero 110 cars. Liquidation of provisions was on a rather large scale, and on an absence of support the market became quite weak. Selling by pit traders on Increased hog receipts started the decline. At the close January pork was off 12c at 112.62. Lard was down 10c rit $7.05. Ribs were B'g7c lower at $.47VW?6.SO. . Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 56 cars; corn, 87 cars; oats, 122 cars; hogs, 12,000 head. The Board of Trade will be cflosed Tues day. November S (election day). The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Testy. Wheat Dec. 1 12ff 1 12 1 11 1 11H 1 12 May 1 llit 1 HVa 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 12'4 July 98& W 7 9T 9S Corn Dec. 4S 4Sfi 4 48V4 4S May 46t 467, 45 45 46 July 46 46 4C 46 45 -Oats Nov. 29!4 29 Dec. 2S 28 28 28fi4 . 2S May 31& 31h 31 31 31 July 31 31& 31 31 31 Fork Jan. 12 65 1 2 67 12 50 12 52 12 6 May 12 66 12 66 12 47 12 60 12 US Jan7 7 10 7 10 7 05 7 05 7 II May 7 25 7.25 7 17 7 17 7 21 6 52 (62 6 47 6 60 6 5S May 6 62 6 62 6 60 6 62 6 70 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Large Buying by Proftssionali Causes Sharp Advance in Pries. INDUSTRIAL SHARES GENERALLY STRONG Steel Common and Preferred Both Tonch Xevr High level for Thla Movement Money Market Continues Tfananll. NEW YORK. Nov. 4. There were some very large professional oeralions In stocks today wnlcti were attributed to speculative pools, and sharp price advances resulted Irom these. The Industrials absorbed much of the at tention of the traders and were generally strong. The railroads were decidedly In the background. One or two points of strength appeared among them, but the railroad stocks generally were inclined to sag. De clines were limited, however, the strength, in other qtuirters exercising a sustaining effect. It was the general supposition that such a purpose was designed by the .pro moters of the advances. The subduing In fluence of the coming election was plainly discernible in the disinclination to make commitments on the scale lately customary. The puuse in the ndvance Inevitably brought about some realizing In the railroads, but It was not urgent. The prominent leaders of the speculation were credited with a purpose to hold prices on a redtmed volume of business for the present. The aggressive strength of the I'nited States Stet-1 stocks formed a broad underlying support for the whole market. The common took prece dence over the preferred stock both In the volume of the detutngs and In the amount of Its gain, but both stocks touched new high levels for the movement, allowing for the dividend which came off the preferred stock yesterday. The other Iron and steel slocks were affected In sympathy on ac count of the reports given out of the very substantial growth of orders received for various grades of the product. The money market continued very tran quil, notwithstanding the heavy loss In cash by reason of the gold exports. The receipts from the Interior on the express movement proved lifts thnn last week, notwithstanding the small premium on New York exchange which has ruled In Chicago. A decrease of nearly $,000,0UO In cash on nil accounts Is indicated, not Including the I2,UHI,000 In gold which will go to Cuba tomorrow. It Is ex pected t3.000.000 more will go to Cuba next week, and the recovery In exchange today brought conditions nearer to a resumption of the engagements for Europe. When It was seen that the late money market wns not going to be affected by these conditions prices stiffened, but profit-taking on tho day's rise made the closing rather ensy, with only the United Suites Steel stocks at the best prices. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, 16.855,000. ' t'nited States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the sales and the range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Qnlna lll.rV, T.nw ClAM shows: Available cash balance, 1147.324,36 : geld, S3,091.3S1. BISISEM OF ASSOCIATED BASKS Clearings of the Great Commercial Craters of Conntrr. NEW YORK. Nov. 4 The following table, compiled by Wradstieel. shows t:i bank clearloes st the filnrlrel c!'ies for the week ended November I, with the per centage of Increase ana tnrea- as loin pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings.) Inc. Deo. S5 85 101 ' 101 o 94 No. t. Cash quotations were as .follows: FLOUR Market easy; winter pa-tents, 15.30C(f5.40; winter straights, J4.90ig3.20; spring fatents, I5.3l4i6.80; spring straights, 4.6j .30; bakers, J3.2W4.0U. WHEAT No. 2 spring. I1.1W.16; No. 3, $1.021.11; No. 1 red, I1.15i& 1.16. CORN No. 2, 64c; No. 2 yellow, 68c. OATS-No. 2, 29c; No. 2 white, 32c; N. 3 white, 30Vfa31c. RYE No. 2, 79 e. BARLEY Uood feeding, 3738c; fair to choice malting, 41fj52c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 1.10; No. 1 northwest ern. SI . 14. Clover, contract grade. 112.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 110.95 tMl.OO. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.004j7.02. Short ribs sides (loose), $6.87g7.00. Short clear sides (boxed), 17.0007.12. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Keceijirs. onipmenT". Commercial Gossip. Primary receipts: Wheat, 1.122,000 bushels against 1,342,0(10 bushels; corn, 3t5,0u0 bushels against 446.0UO bushels. Shipments: Wheat, 40ti.0U0 bushels against 796.000 bushels; corn, 82,(HX) bushels against 421,000 bushels. 8. A. McWhorter Modern Miller says: Drouth conditions have prevailed quite renerally throughout the winter wheat belt, n some sections, notably In the southeast, complaints of retarded growth or inability to seed are becoming more general. Other wise prospects are good and Plant Is mak ing seasonable progress. Hesutnn fly Is reported it) early sown wheat and some daman Is being done, but this as yat has not developed Into anything serious. A large aursage of winter wheat is assured. HEW YORK UUKKHAL MARKET Quotations on Various of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 4 -FLOUR-Recelpts, 19.814) bbla. ; exports, 6,597 bbls. ; sales, 2,(H pkgs. ; market dull and featureless; Min nesota patents, 6.0OCn.4O; Minnesota bak ora, H.OWird.OO; winter puteius, l4.tMXft5.UO; winter straights, o.3uf(i.ii; winter extras, 3.6'4.26; winter low grades, 3.4i(H-05. Ryo flour, steady; fair to good, l4.604M.75; choice to fancy, $4.7.t4.I)0. Buckwheat flour, dull, nt 2.(Xkti2.10 per 100 lbs. CORNMEAL Steady : yellow western. 1 ll'il-13; city, ll.Uiul.14; kilo dried, 13.00 tif&i. RYE Nominal. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 43c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT NJ receipts; sales, S.76O,000 bu futures. Spot, easy; No. I red, 11.19 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, I1.2& f. o. b. utloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, tl.06 f. o. b. afloat. A denlul today of the Argentine damage stories caused active selling In wheat and lower prices In fuce of continued bad news from south and west. It was a sculpers' market, however, and In the aft ernoon ruled featureless, closing lc net lower; May, fl.121.13 1-1; closed at tl.12; July, l.f2M'l."-'; closed at 11.02; Decem ber. $1.16t1.17; closed at 11.17. CORN -Receipts, 16.215 bu.; exports, ,041 bu.; sales, 10,000 bu. futures. 8Mt. steady; No. 1, 63c elevator, and 6Hc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 1 white, 63c. Option market waa steadier nt first on bullish Argentine statistics, but finally weakened with wheat and closed o net lower to o net hlaher; Mav. 51HiMc: closed nt 51cj December, 56ifi5(c: closed at 6c. OATH Receipts, 103.4O0 bu.; exports, 1,45 bu Spot market quiet; mixed outs. 2 to 33 llw., Sti3f.c; natural white. 30 to 31 lbs., 354i7e; clipped, ) to 40 lbs., 3Kc. Op tions nominal. FEED yiuet: spring bran. $19.50; mld dllruis n bit; Ctv. K-.KU28. ul,.Ay7-ill7ni."1',1''""' '; good to choice 7.1'Vi2Vic. ..lilr;!' lr". a1' common to choice, 194. 14fUc; 1iS, 81i?r39c: olds. 141S. Pa. clfli! coast, 19iH. JtKfiJic: Wei. amtiJ4v nl.i 2t"n23 Ins., Texas, dry, Flour, bbls 20,000 . Wheat, bu 5.0u0 - Corn, bu 103,100 Outs, bu 162,900 Rye. bu 8.000 Barter, bu 60.800 t On the produce exenange tonay tns mu ter market waa firm; creameries, 15ifj2iic; dairies, 13&19c. Fggs. strong, at mark, casei Included. 16fil9c; firsts, 20c; prime flrstn, 23c; extras, 25c. Cheese, steady, hKl 10c 13.(100 124. sno 14.700 63,800 3.400 10.SJ0 700 129 128 '766 46" 41 6',5o6 23 23 3"0 194 193V4 10,200 171 170 'two 10 10 1,700 23 2 100 85 86 6,600 23 22 1,200 66 54 1,200 33 33 1,200 184 1S4 82 40 72 52 82 38 72 62 14; 18c. Ill 1DK3 Firm: Oalvest on J7e: California. 2125 lbs., lite 24fr lbs . 14 f.KATHER-FIrm; acid, !4tf2le. I'HOV i&iuinx Her Kt.-adv; family 1fl SO 11 50: mM, !9 00iBO; beef hum. rim !4 W: Packet. 110 OudlKI Ml: cltv. extra Inriu mesa, I14 60SS16 50. Out meats, steadv pickled tielllea. JK.764ii0.uo; nick In shoulder" 17.50; pickled hams. 9.5ofj)lu 00. Lard' dull: western steamed, 11.66; November closed at $7 M nominal; retined. easy continent. 17.06; uth America. 18.28: com pound. .H7i.12 Pork, quiet; family ll.Sbi; short ilaar, 11.75B 14.75; men, IU.lO tjltim TALIiOW Dull: city. M ner pkg ). 4c; con 111 rv frkg. free), 4tHC. iTTUuit strung , str.ul price, extra fit. Lonls Grain and Provisions. ST, LOUIS, Nov. 4. WHEAT Lower: 7o. 2 rel. cash.s elevator, tl.12; track, l.i4Vf'9 115; December, tl.12; May, H.141.14; No. I hard, ti ll. .CORN Stendy; No. 2 cash, 61c; track. 53 (3c: December. 44c; May, 43c. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 31c; track. 11 4f32e;, December, 30c; May, Slc; No. 2 White, 32fl32Hc. FIX)UR Moderatlvely active, steady: rd winter patents, t5.S5fi5.50; speclnl bramU, 15.55(85.76; extra fancy, I4.80&'5.05; c'.aitr, t4.15A4.40. ;SEED Timothy, nominal. 12.2562.45. CORNMEAL Steadv, 12.70. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 8"iaS4o. HAY Dull, steady; timothy, H.0(X6-12.J; prairie. tn.OOWIO.OO. IRON COT-TON TIES 93c. B AOO I NO 7 V.ifr7c. HUMP TWINE 7c. r P.OVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, tU.6l. J.urd, lower; prime steamed, 16 82. Bacon, steadv; boxed extra shorts, t.60; cleai." ribs. $8.75; short clear, 19.00. POULTRY Slow, chickens. c; springs, 8c: turkevs, 11c: ducks, 9c; geese, 'ftSc. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 18(&21c; dalrv. Uoi. EUQS Steady, lfc, rase count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9 000 17 t Wheat, bu 73,oo 54,001 Corn, bu , 87.0oO 4,0io Oats, bu 42.000 24,000 Kansas City Grsln and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 4 WHEAT De cember. tl.03; May, 11.02; July, Itsc; cash. No. 2 hard. t1.5fi'1.06: No. 8. tl.03 1.04: No. 4, 85c (ft 11 00; No. 2 red. 11.09; No. 3. ll.Oo'ffl OS; No. 4, 93cji$1.02; receipts, 155 cars.' CORN December, 42c; May, 41c; cash. No. 1 mixed. 4819c; No. S, 4Jc; No. 1 white, 4Sc. . ... . oath no. x mixea, sue; ro. s. zbmc; No. I white. S0c. HAY Stendy; cholc timothy, 19.03; choice prairie. 17 6OC08.OO. EOtlS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewond cases included, 20c; cusa count Ikc; eases returned. less. PUTTER Firm; creamery, 1820o; fancy dairy, 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 124.010 88, Corn, bu . 2ii.o0 k,wi Oats, bu 19.000 11,000 Atchison 14,100 do pfd 200 Baltimore & Ohio.... 12,300 do pfd Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago & N. W Chicago, M. & St. P do pfd Chicago Ter. & T.... do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.." Del.. Lack. & West.. Denver & R. Q do pfd 300 Erie 96,200 do 1st pfd 2,000 do 2d pfd 300 Hocking Valley do ptd Illinois Central ...... 400 142 .142 Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. Louis.. M., St. P. & S. S. M do pfd Missouri Pacific .... M K. . T do pfd Nat. of Mex., pfd. New York Central.. Norfolk & Western. do pfd Ontario & Western.. 1.600 Pennsylvania, ex-dlv 60,100 Pitts., C. C. & St. Li Reading 15,700 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd .... Rock Island 21,600 do pfd 1,600 , St. L. & S. F.. 2d pfd 300 St. L. Southwestern. 3.100 do Pfd Southorn Pacific ... do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. Bt. L. & W. do pfd Union Pacific do Dfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake E. Wisconsin Central... 7o0 do pfd 8"0 Mexican Central 900 Adams Express American Express U. 8. Express Wells-Furgo Express Amul. copper oi.ou Am. Car & Foundry 1,000 400 200 400 4.900 600 2.000 10.600 l',50O 100 16,300 13.200 2,900 200 1,800 2,900 48 29 61 133 161 83 123 93 148 104 31 69 39 135 73 2 135 47 29 50 132 161 81 122 8 85 101 94 95 rs 184 45 36 80 23 194 171 181 10 23 84 23 64 33 184 315 30 81 S9 71 61 80 87 142 27 48 MV4 61 133 101 82 122 66 .92 147 New York Chicago Boston Phllsdelphla St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Loulrvllle OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul Ixs Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland. Ore Vort Worth Toledo. O Salt Lake City Peorls Ati'.nnt Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Pnokane. Wash Tncr-mn Crnnrt Rapids Vew Haven Dnvton Norfolk Sn'lne-neld, Mass... Worcester Tortlnnd, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Ploux City SvracusA Kvansvllle Birmingham Wilmington. Del... Knoxvllle Davenport Little KocK Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va.. Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield. Ill Kalamazoo. Mich .. Youngstown Helena Lexington ,. Fargo. N. D New Bedford Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla... Lowell Chester, Pa Ureensburg, Pa KocKroro. 111 Blnghamton Springfield. O Bloomlngton. 111.... Oulncy. Ill MIOUX fills. S. li... Mansfield. O Decatur, III Jacksonville. 111.... Fremont, Neb tHouston fGalveston Charle;ston. 8. C. Cedar Rapids 10;.. 4.2L. .0.. 24.41.. 87.81.. 28.4 .. 1.4 .. 17.7 15 r, 3 6 18.8! 11.4 4.7 3.4, 4.61 2.61.. 102 J03 30 31 68 39 135 72 135 73 72 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 4. WHEAT De cember, tl. 13: May, tl.14: July. 11.13; No. 1 hard, 11.18; No. 1 northern, 11.15; No. 1. II 10V4. FLOUR First patents. l6.S6(ff.60: sec ond patents, tt. 104)4. 20; first clears, 14 454$ I. fin; second clears, 9.1.1 J.-AO. BRAN In bulk, 18.15. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 4.-WHEAT Weak; No. 1 northern, 1.1; No. 2 northern, tl.194fl.14: Mav. 1.11. RYE higher; No 1, 4ff85c. BARLEY Firmer; No. 1, 55c; sample, S5m3t'. CORN Firmer; No. 1, 676580 ; My, 45o bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. C WHEAT Spot, nominal; fu'ures, steady: December, 7sld; vi.n.h 7 4T.d:-Mav. 4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, firm st 4a ld. Futures, quiet; AJei-eiumtr, is ta; January, 4s tlnd Daluth Grain Market. DULUTH. Nov 4. WH BAT To arrive . . iruck No. 1 northern. 1114: No. I northern, 11.06; December, 11.11; May, II 134 OAT8 To arrlva and on track, 29c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 4-SEEDS-Clover. cash. 17 34: December. t7.H; renruary. si.w. Mann. 17 47; alstks, prims, umouiy prima. t!27Vk. 2.100 8,200 1.900 4,300 5O0 14,200 36,000 100 800 2,100 24 73 62 P 60 61 116 34 94 35 110 95 22 43 2274 m 33 73 62 22 49 60 116 33 93 34 109 95 21 42 45 17 200 SoO 100 300 do pfd Am. Cotton Oil .. do pfd American Ice .... do pfd Am. Linseed OH do nfd Am. Locomotive . do pfd Am. Smelt. & R.. do nfil Am. Sugar Refining. 27.100 Anaconda Mining ... Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd 4K international rump do pfd National Lead North American ... Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car., do bid Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods tin nfil Tenn. Coal & Iron... 34.?oo V. 8. Leather 8,o0 do pfd 000 IT. S. Realty & Imp IT. 8. Rubber 10.000 do pfd U. S. Steel S25. do pfd 130,500 Wesllnghouse Elec... 1.100 Western Union 4C0 73 27 84 31 -8' 36 72 20 84 31 8 36 10.800 29 27 1.310 98 97 13.800 74 73 400 112 110 146 144 U.lltt IUO-4 JIM 39.600 68 67 86,800 44 42 2.800 217 210 3.800 18 18 600 76 75 4.400 3ii 36 1.200 173 172 1.100 18 18 77 77 600 24 24 200 96 96 6.000 40 38 1.200 108 108 6,200 32 31 14 12 67 54 22 22 80 86 62 61 13 13 92 92 27 27 2! 81 168 21.300 6,900 900 200 24 83 171 91 68 39 134 72 90 42 134 70 73 87 79 33 72 62 23 49 61 115 34 93 34 30 48 109 96 21 43 18 22 Z40 208 113 237 73 27 84 30 96 8 35 13 84 28 97 73 111 - 145 104 67 42 216 18 76 86 174 18 77 38 79 24 95 39 !0H 81 . 70 220 14 67 22 83 62 13 91 62 27 83 24 82 170 91 itl.906.179,930! 184,9.). hHO 159.636.&NU. iai.6-i2.115 65.220.:94i 4o.H7.Wi' 81.S04.2Vt 22.973. 297 21.797.3fn!. 2B.o23.SH5l . 18.092.14-1I. 14.643.444 25.107.049 W.3';7.2! 11.534.715 8.132 M 8.153.317!. 7.IWS.8HOI 6.547.740! B.411.85BI 7 309.981I 6.788 5911 4.746 9VSI B.0O7 281 4.44B.8O0I I 7.K07 291! 9 91 6..W.019I 4 844 2RI 4 SS 1 JTI 8.97.16?l 4 312 1111 4 44S l?l 4 ri;i S.S5 1)71 1 2.S0 9TSI. 1 W. 0Sl 3.788 I'M 8 4"1 1 4fll 8 0;7 Snol ? 7S 9101 ? ?7 ?4R1 5 rc n i 8o7n77l ? 1- S4l 2 1t sci 5 Rftr; OTol 2. KM 0101 1.5-tO 1-.7!. 1.472.7S8I l.r,r,4 f33i. 2,206 S78 6'8.07I. 1.49R ?"5I 1. 884.2731. 1.23 7881. l.trvri l."05 ?97 1.312313! S9.92i 1,154.441 880,474 636.671 749.IOS 778.039 1.069.823 865,(01 9&1.895 167.038 849,100 565 318 749 6' 8 563.159 876,f92 837 042 6 6,112 771.913! 623 923 362,1411 351.3231 874.9591 457.4001 852 934 308.2X3 29.2-'5i 328 0211 179.871 61,692 1 236 391 214.131 17.630.5501 1?,FS').000I 1,521.748 430.644 5 4 11 12 0.1 1.7 .l 7.4 10.0 so 2fi 91.. 27.8!.. 8.11.. 6.11.. 15.7!.. i.8l.. 15.ll.. I 14. H 6.41 23.41 18 II 8.3' 4.41 0 Rl .... 3d. 71 18.11 21.41. I 8.01. 12.0 si 0.5' I 0.2 18.0 ....I 65.6 10.01 ....I 8.3 18.4 Totals. tT Outside N. S... y.. I- .112.854.749.760! .. 949,69,830 9.91. "if !i 7.01 36.71 12.4 26.6 8.2 8.1 10.4 3.71 1 22.8: 6.1 3.9 3.8 'H'.S 19.8 i9.'4 6.6 4.3 82.9 23.9 1.9 3.2 .7 . 4.5 13.9 81. 6 17.2 15.6 4.9 12.7 9.6 7.4 2.8 50.21. 10.4, CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax , Quebec Vancouver, B. C. Hamilton London, Ont St. John, N. B... Victoria, B. C 24.896,708 .7 17.6K1.480 15.7 7.7T2.585 7.7 1,8.16 284 46.8 2,082 596 7.8 1.466,107 ?9.S 1.49','6i 10.1 1.2H1 025 8.8 95,r3 1.61 1,183 601 2.71 722.668 10.71 IMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipti Light and Littli Change in Baling Prioei Hotioeablo. HOGS OPENED FIVE HIGHER, CLOSED WEAK Good Demand for Fat sheep and Lambs ( Steady Prices, feat Feeder Trade Trine Slow, Owing; to the Time f Ike Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 4. 1904. Receipts were: Official Monoav ... Official Tuesday umciai weanesaay. Official Thursday... Official Friday Cattle. Her. Sheep. 4o4 4,i4"3 . . 7.3S3 .. t.961 .. 1.89 14U 6,4-4 t 250 1.410 4,71.0 17.240 16.146 13,346 2.521 Five days this week. ..25,749 27.226 67,473 Same days last week....3i,781 27.843 63.542 Same days week before. .26.690 16.PS9 74.5.0 Same three, weks ago. .28.123 18.874 64.147 Same four weeks ago. ...24,889 80,159 93.3 Same days last year. ..27.380 21.938 71.922 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and shtep at South Omaha for me year 10 aate, aim comparison nu last year: 190(. 1B03. Inc. Dec. Cattle 791.421 921.983 13U.502 Hons HWUH 1 fiTK ril 7 61.189 Sheep 1,534,716 1,'498.76 36,960 ine following table show the average price of hoss at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date. 1904. 11903. 102. 1901. 1900. U30. 11893. Oct. )7.. Oct 18.. Oct. 19.. Oct. 20.. Oct. 21.. Oct 22.. Oct. 23.. Oct. 24.. Oct. 25.. Oct. 26.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 29.. Oct. 80.. Oct. 81.. Nov. 1.. Nov. 2.. Nov. 1.. Nov. 4.. 5 25 6 11 .5 03 6 07 5 17 6 14 5 14 6 02 4 97! 6 04 6 07j 13 6 17 6 22 5 20 6 08 6 00l 4 95 4 98l 4 971 I 4 921 4 91 4 981 4 84 I 4 83 4 991 4 86) 4 87) 4 90 4 79 7 16 7 02i 6 93 6 S2 6 71 8 77 6 74 71 6 251 6 71 5 181 62 6 081 n f. 80 t 27 231 26 03 t 99 6 01 6 061 001 4 641 4 621 4 61 4 581 4 16 4 10 4 101 4 01 4 13 4 16 4 14 4 13 69 61 6 55 6 51 6 49 I 70 1 67 8 71 t 71 1 65 1 55 1 I 38 1 54 347 S 62 1 64 8 M 1 55 1 45 3 46 6 82 I 4 02 8 51 4 62 4 61 4 51 4 41 4 581 4 18 4 641 4 101 4 10 621 I 81 4 621 5 721 4 bOi 4 tra 6 671 4 47i 4 03 6 731 4 61i 4 01 6 721 4 601 4 04 4 66 4 04 5 90! Indicates sTinday. The official number of cars of brought in today by each road was Cattle, ilog.t. Sn p. C., M. & St. P. Ry Mo. Pacific Ry 2 U. P. system 12 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F.. E. & M. V R R... 1 C. St. P., M. & O.... 4 B. & M. Ry 43 K. C. & St. J 2 C. R. I. & P., east... 1 Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western.. .. stock Total receipts 68 16 1 12 7 21 4 10 .. 1 11 6 2.. i i 73 9 27 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour & Co., Sioux City W. I. Stephen Hill L. F. Husx ... Wolf & Murnan Mike Haggerty J. B. Rout & Co Bulla & Kline F. & S Halsted Other buyers 5S2 509 278 75 41 13 56 26 217 640 7iW 766 1,177 1,044 320 96 248 9 1,439 350 1,391 Totals, Canada...!! 61.267,6431 . 1.2. tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. (Not Included In totals because of no com parison for last yeat1. Nevr York Mbney Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-MONEY-On call, steady at 2Q2 per cent; closing bid am offered, 2 per cent; time loans, steady: sixty ninety days, 8 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business in bankers' bills st 14.8645 4.8650 for demand and at 14 8370 4.8376 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, !4.84'n486 and 14.874.87; commercial bills, 14.834.83. SILVB:r Bar, 68e; Mexican dollars, 46o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The following are th closing quotations on stocks and bonds: V. S. raf. ti, reg ....104iMtihattan e. f. 4a.,106H rs do coupon do u, rog do coupon do new 4a, do coupon do old 4a, re do coupon . . . Atchlaon son. 4a.. do adj. 4a Atlantlo C. L. 4a Bal. aV Onto 4s..., do ma Cantral of Oa. 6a do lat lnc Cha. & Oblo 44a...l06 Chicago A A. 3Hn.... W C, II. & Q. a. 4.... C. M. &. 8. P. c 4s..ll0 C. A N. W. c. 7a.... 127 C. R. I. P. 4a.... 7W do col. ta ' ccc. at St. I a. rhlcaao Ter. 4a. Con. Tobacoo 4a.... Colo. A Bo. 4a D. R. O. 4a lii Erla prior Han 4a.... 101 do can. 4a 89 F. W. & D. C. la Hocklna Vat. 4a. L. N. uni. 4a... Offered. ...104 ....1U44 ....104 ....130 130S ....10 '4 ....106S4 ..102 .. S3 ,. UK ..101 .. M ..112 82', . .102 11 .. 21 74 ' as ..110 ..106 '4 ..102 Wei. Csntral 4a 72 do lat Ino tl Minn.. A St. L. 4a... 87 St., K. 4b T. 4a luitt do 2a 85 N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 7t n. r. c. g. sa loo N. J. C. f. (a ..IIS No. Pad no 4a 105 do la 74 N. a w. c. 4a 101 O. 8. L. 4a A par.. .104 Pann. conv. Ia 101 Reading gan. 4a 101 St. L. A 1. M. c. 61.116 St. L. & 8. K. fg. 4a. 87 St L. 8. W. la 7 SeaBnard A. L. 4a.... 82 So. Pacific 4a.. ....... 14 So. Railway 6a 118 Triaa It P. la 121 '4 T , St. L. a. W. 4a.. 80'4 Union Paclflo 4a 105 do conr. 4a 110 V. 8. Bteel 2d 6a..'... 86 Watiaah la do deb. B W. L. K. 4a.... Wla. Central 4a..., Colo. Fuel. c. 6a.. ..117 .. 66 .. tl .. 82 .. 11 Boston Stork Markat. cent; time louns, 4ei5 per cent. Ing of stocks and bonis: Official c per los- Total sales for the day. 1.179,600 shares. London Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. 4 Closing: rH4N Y. Cantral 128 tl ll-K Norfolk W H ... 6 do pfd 82 ... 87a OnUrlo & W 4J ...104 HtnnijrlTanla 71 ... 87 Rand Min 10 ,...112Hidlng 27 .... 4S do lat pro. 48 .... 24 do td ptd 41 .,..178 Southern Railway 88 .... 18 do pfd 8 .... 81 Southern Pad no ..... 12 .... 84 I'nlon Pacific 112 .... 40 do ptd 87'j .... 74 U. B. Steal 23 .... Mill do pfd ....14;Wkhaih 22 ....14 do pfd 44 .... UKlSpanUh 4a 8t SILVKR Bar. steady, 2bd per ounce. MONEY-2il! Vr cent . The rate of discount in ths open market for short bills is 2',iii3 16-ltt per cent; for three months' bills. 24)3 per cent. Conaola. money .. do account Anaconda At'blaon do pfd Bsltlmora A Ohio Canadian PactQo . (- 4a Ohio Chicago at. W... C. M. A it. P.. Palleara ......... D 4k R. O do ptd Erla do lat pfd do td ptd ... flllnola Caniral . Loula. Naah.. 14.. K. A T Atchlaon adj. 4a do 4a Atchlaon Mex. Central 4a.. do pfd noeton A Albany Bouton A Maine. Ftoaton Elavatad . Fitihburg pfd Moxtran Central N. V.. N. H. A Union PaclSo 108i Amer. Arga. Cham... 1 do ptd 80 Amer. Pneu. Tuba... 8 Amer. Sugar 145 do nfd Amer. T AT.. Amer. Woolen do ptd Dominion I. A Erilaon Elec. Adventure Alloues Amalgamated ... American Sine . Atlantic ningham t'al. A Heels.... Centennial Cor.per Ranca ... IT Paly WM H..13lnomlnlon Coal Fraiklln Crancy me noyale Maea. Mining ... Michigan 82 ...10? ... 85 ...' ...262 ...164 ...158 ...133' X General Electric M"i. Electric do pfd Mnea. (laa I nlted Fruit I'nited Shos Mach... do pfd I. 8. Steal do pfd Wasting, common .. Bid. Asked. Ui 17i m a.... ut 11IU..II8 .17S . 12 . Hi . 41 W .106 . M . 81 . tl'a . 8H . 81 Mihiwk Mont C. A C. Old Dominion . Oecaola ....... t-arrot Onlncy s Khanron Tk ma rack Trinity 1' 8. Mining.. V. 8. Oil t'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine '4 14 73 I is 10 83 ..818 .. 29 .. el 12 .. 68 .. It I 11-11 .. J- .. i7, .. 'a .. M .. 5 .. 28 .. 80V .. 28 ..106 .. 8 ..120 .. 14 .. 24 .. 10 .. 42 .. 4 .. 11 .. 88 Totals 1,972 4,649 6,437 CATTLE The same as usual on a Fri day, the run of cattle this morning was light and, In fact, there was scarcely enough on sale with which to make a good test of the market. Packers, though, all seemed to want a few fresh supplies and as a result they took hold fairly well and almost everything changed hands without difficulty at good, steady prices. There were no choice corn-fed steers on sale, but there were a few loads of short fed cattle, offered. The demand for that kind was not very brisk, but still they sold without a great deal of trouble at about the same prices as have prevailed for the last several days. Only a few western range beef steers nr. rived this morning and they were of rather common quality. Buyers, though, picked them up quite freely at just about steady prices and everything was disposed of In good season. As compared with a week ago, the market Is around 10 15c higher, the greatest Improvement being on the more desirable grades. The cow market was falrlv active and generally steady with yesterday, and also with the close of last week. Prices eased off a little early In the week, but the loss has been, lust about regained. The few that were offered this morning were sold In good season. , The market on bulls, veal Calves and stags remained unchanged. There was oulte a demand for stackers and feeders this morning, in spite of the fact that the close of the week was nt hand. Country buyers have taken hold quite freely for the last several dsvs and consequently speculators were willing to buy fresh cattle this morning at right around steady prices. If they were good, but. of course, the common cattle were neglected and weU. -Rrrentatlve sales: BEE lr BTBEBS. No. t'.'.'. At. ....11M ....1188 ....1131 .... 0 860 ....1040 ....1070 .... 70 .... 810 .... 816 .... J50 .... 437 Pr. I 75 4 00 4 10 No 24... 18... COWS. 1. 11.'."'.'. 46 , 950 1(155 9 cows. 1 cow.. 7'eows. 8 feeders. .1"73 2 feeders.. 11 20 9 feeders.. 8.13 1 feeder., 10 cows... 3 cows... 2 cows... 2 cows... 4 cows... 25 cows.... 1 60 1 o t 00 1 00 1 26 2 36 1 4ft CALVES. 2 75 1 8 40 NEBRABKA. 2 60 1 75 A v. ...1171 ... 887 .. 0 .. 47 ..10M ..1014 .. 889 ..1080 Pr. 4 80 4 80 I 45 1 60 2 TO 1 80 2 80 1 85 570 t 50 . 70 . 8fr2 . 9-8 .100(1 . 715 850 1 COW..., 21 cows.. 1 cow..., 4 cows. . 55 steers. ..1120 ,. 9M . 770 ,. 787 ..1041 1 steer I'M 1 steer. 810 2 5 3 20 3 20 20 2 2S 1 85 2 an 2 85 2 5 2 Si 1 90 1 90 2 40 1 90 2 (K 40 3 40 2 75 10 cnlves... 434 2 calves... 365 1 heifer.... "0 1 bull 1450 1 bull 1110 4 cows 900 1 cow 1070 1 cow 90 2 feeders.. 870 7 feeders.. 747 2 feeders.. 820 1 bu . 8 cows.... 1 cow.. 4 cows. 1 cow.. 1 steer. ..1T0 971 940 lf2 890 970 2 steers... .1040 IDAHO. 1 steer. 1 steer. 900 970 , 970 , 517 . 88(1 ,107(1 , 830 .ItrV) . 950 , f80 1?'0 8K5 50 New York Mining; Stocks.' NEW YORK. Nov. 4. The following are the closing prices on nilnlns stocktl A da ma Cos Alio Ilrec) Hrunewtck Con . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Kilver Iron Stiver Uadvilla Coo ... 20 .. to .. 12 .. 4 .. 8 ..lit ..12i ..ltt .. I Utile Chief ot.iarlo "l hlr Phoenlg Potnal fcrvege Hiarra Nevada Small Hopea Standard .. I . .2M ..238 , .. 14 .. 18 .. tt .. tt . . .'8 ..18tt Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON, ' Nov. 4. Today's stats, ment of the treasury balance in the gen era) fund, exclusive of the 1 150.0o0.tMl gold ivsurvs lu ths dlvlnlon vt icUtmutlon. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. 4. Money was In much request in the market today for concluding repayments to the Bank of England and the consuls settlement. Discounts hardened. Trading on ths Stock exchange was quiet and there was a rather heavy tone. Consols wtre easier on the monetary situation. Home rails were dull. Americans opened dull and at parity, reflecting the uncer tainty. In New York. There were fractional movements either way. but the trading waa Inactive and prices reacted later on realiza tions. Erie and United States Steel were tlrm. The market closed quiet. Foreigners were somewhat harder. Japanese improved. Imperial Japanese government Ha of I!i4 were quoted at 94. Kaffirs hardened. PAHlfl, Nov. 4. Bui-iness on the Bourse today was animated, but the market closed firm. Internationals were irregular. Bin Tintos lost 14f. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 93.80 and Uusslun bonds of 1M B14' . BERLIN. Nov. 4 Trading on the Bourse today waa Irregular. Iron shares were strong upon the advance In the prices of American Iron. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 4.-Bl"TTER-Flrin: extra western creamery, 24fta EtKJB Firm, good demand; wustsrn flrbtn. 2Rric. at mark, i CUth.dt-Fltn, KVlWic, 8 50 2 75 2 00 2 20 1 50 2 85 2 35 1 85 S 20 8 25 1 K 1 51 2 65 2 25 2 5 2 25 2 75 2 75 3 40 2 76 S 40 2 50 2 00 2 70 2 25 2 50 2 45 1 SO 2 85 2 75 X Fn 2 85 2 25 1 steer. 1 feeder. 1 cow.... M COWS.. 22 cows.. 4 cows., t cows.. 25 cows.. 9 cows. 101 200 250 484 2 85 2 o 2 no 2 75 I 50 1 80 2 80 S 80 1 25 4 75 t 00 S 00 3 20 TO Its 4 I7H t 2M lr 4 .H It i 87 66 t4 4 0 .244 ... 4 87vJ 47 818 0 4 .248 S (M 88 242 40 4 80 .1M 180 4 80 41 874 80 4 80 .248 200 4 to 78 - ... 4 80 8? ... 4 80 80 28 lr 4 9 .214 40 4 80 78 248 80 4 90 .249 2l 4 90 M 941 tt 4 90 .27 180 4 90 6 tit 1J0 4 90 844 40 4 90 71 t"8 40 4 91 .944 40 4 90 81 278 ... 4 914, .242 ICO 4 90 24 2'4 .... 4 93 .K2 180 4 90 60 t"6 ... 4 98 .174 240 4 9 Tl 2SI 120 4 !' .247 ... 4 90 84 2S5 ... 4 96 .241 80 4 41 8T2 ... 4 9 . 2"0 4 90 80 .8.8 40 4 97Hj .Sn 40 4 80 88 too ... .1 00 68.. 88.. 6!.. 78.. 80.. 78.. 28.. 24.. 72.. 46.. 69.. 78.. 82.. 60.. 66.. 84.. 61.. 88.. 81 ..SHEKP-There was a very small run or sheep snd lambs here this morning, even for a Friday, and the market on killers could not be quoted anything but steady, flood fat sheep were scarce, but some or the same lambs that sold yesterday for 4.50 brought the same price today. Every thing at all desirable was soon disposed of. As compared with a week ago the market oil killers can Safely be quotea strong to a dime higher. . , . The feeder market wns hardly as brisk this morning as it has been on some days, but that would naturally be expected to ward the close of the week. The better grades, though, sold without a great dtnl of trouble at steadv prices ss compared with yesterday, or at prices ranging 10c to 25c higher than those In force a week ago. Quotations for grass shern and Isnbs: Good to choice yearlings, M 15fr4.40; fair to good yearllncs. t3.xu4.15: good to choice wethers. t4.0tV94.25; fnlr to good wethers, f3.75fi4.O0; good to chole ewes. t3.7Vi4 00; fair to good ewes, IS.5CfiS.75; good to cholcs lsmbs, fntr to good Ixmbs, t..''W S5 25; feeder yearlings, t3.6eft4.10; feeder wethers, t3.5O04.on: feeder ewes. t2.754T3 2X; feeder lsmbs t3 7'ffM .90; breeding ewes, t3.00 rrs 50. Beprt tentative sal: No. 6 Wyoming cull ewes 221 Wyoming feeder ewes 26 native cull ewes 600 native feeder ewes 25 Wyoming cull ewes 82 Wyoming ewes 19 Wyoming wethers 52 Wyoming feedr yearlings.. 259 Wyoming feeder lambs 32(1 Wyoming feeder lambs 170 Wyoming lambs 150 Wyoming lambs 350 Wyoming lnmbs 12 Idaho yearlings 280 Idaho feeder lambs are receiving attention and prices show hardening te-ndency. Wuotatlna lanM from 2c to 6c. according to grade,. Apri cots sr dull, but eieiid ; choice ore S-VJ 10c; extra choice. loViil'Vgo; f4in). HSrl-ie. Peaches are quiet and show 1 ttle feauira; choice. Seii9i.c; extra choice, HVtlOc; lancy, luVkii lie OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKE1 A. Pr- . 52 2 00 .84 2 75 . 69 2 CO .74 2 40 . 1"6 t 25 . 107 4 10 . 132 4 25 . 64 4 05 . 49 4 m . l 4 91 .73 B 40 . 78 6 40 .74 5 0 .. 75 4 25 .60 4 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten Cents Loner, Hoars Steady, Sheep Weak and Lambs Loner. CHICAGO, Nov. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head, Including S.Ooo head westerns; market 10c lower; good to prime steers, t.00ii'7.00; poor to medium, S3.75igi.80; Blockers and feeders, tl. 0044 1 5; cows, tl 40 (fW.SO; heifers, tl.75tffo.00; canners, tl.tVrs 2 25; bulls, K.OOm.flo; calves. t3.004i7.OO; Texas fed steers, t3.255ui.OO; western fed Steers, t2.90fio.40. HOGS Receipts, 17.000 head; market steady; good to choice heavy, t5.054iij.2o; mixed and butchors, t4.90ff5.20; rough heavy, S4.7flff4.90; light, t4.85fc5.16; bulk of sales, t4.904i5.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9,000 head; sheep weak; lambs lower; good to choice wethers, 24. 25(114.(10; fair to choice mixed, t3.50fa4.10; western sheep, tl Wi'4.50; native lambs, t4.0O4'5.60: western lambs, S4.Ot4j-5.tO. 13 steers.... 91 9 2 1 steer.... 2 steers.... " 8 40 10 cows.... 7 calves... 2 75 5 cows.... 1 cow 8o 2 on X cows,.,, 11 rows 1087 2 70 1 cow 9 steers.. ..1122 8 45 . COLORADO. 8 cows 1W 8 "5 1 bull 7 cows 86 2 "o tvii.,,, L. Cornel!-Nr.. 1 ralf 150 6 50 8 heifers. 5 feeders. . 732 H 1 bull 1 elf fO l!S 2 calves.. calves... toK 85 1 heifer... 8 cows 1000 2 65 1 heifor.... 6"0 2 cows 918 2 66 leow 1270 T. O. Herr Neb. is feeders.. 1 8 05 22 rows 90S IK fperVrs.. 8 75 1 he"er.... "0 3 feeders.. 8 00 f, hel'ers. .. Jx5 4 cows ..'97 no 8 helfera... 380 leow "50 1 50 1 bull 850 niomord Cattle Co Wyo. 9 helfern..! 8 " leow n" .. !WI Z '"I 07 COWS H .. 940 2 55 8 cows 1050 ..11 t 90 lbtill 1210 W C. Harris Colo. ,., W 181 7 calves.., ... 871 t 05 1 calf F. W. Stratton Idaho. ... 700 1 00 12 crilvea... ... 853 2 SO 17 heifers.., ... 774 1 80 F. E. Frost Colo. hS7 2 40 91 cows 96T 2 70 rrrina There was a mode-ate run of hogs here this morning, and aa the local and shipping demand wa.s quite liberal, (he market Improved a little. At the oisnlng prices sfioweu m sn" u 1 uuui w . . wvm nared with yesterday's average and the bulk of the hogs sold on about that Las s. After buyers hud the r m re urgmt ordutg tilled however, they lowered their bids snd the late arrivals sold but a shade betier than yesterday. In other words, the mar. ket opened s nickel higher snd cloei with the advance mostly lovt. The bu'k of the early sales went at 84 80 and the bulk of all the sales from M 87Vi to 84 .2V. Ths choicer loads went largely around 1495. with a top at t500. In spite of ths wexlt close a clearance was made In good sea son. iiepreseiiiaiivs saics; New Tork Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 3,2 head; market for good and me dium steers, 10'i15c higher; some sales 25c higher: common, steady; fat bulls and good cows, firmer; thin cows, slow; native steers, t3.75(B5.80; western, t3.CKXEi3.80; bulls, tZbOdt 3.25; cows, tl. 15583.25; few extra fat west- cm, 3.504i 4.15. Cables quote live cattle st eViJir.'c; tops, 124c. dressed weight; sheep, steady; refrigerator beef, 9 ijSVie; exports, none. UAL.V Kecelnts. 470 head: market slow; venls, t4.0wf(8.00; tops, tS.25: fleshy grnssers, S2.60; westerns, t2.25; fed, S3.0oo a.oo; aressen, slow; city dressed veals, 12Ho: country dressed, 7Q11C. HUU8-KecelntS. fi 45W head: market steaoy. BHEEP AND I.AMnft-BpnoInt, A (Uo head; market for sheen steady, for limh. siow; sneep, ta.utnff.M); wethers, tl.75; Iambs, ef-fvuu.uu, cttiiuutt lamDB, $o id. Nil. at... 4H... 8.1... 61... 60... 87... 47... 68... A . 90 ,.216 ..247 ..214 ..274 ,.276 ..877 ,281 . I4 ..ft ,.tT 8 SB. 120 no 400 40 140 40 (80 Pr. 4 00 4 86 4 87 4 67 4 87 4 67 4 87 4 87 4 tl 4 87-i 4 67 4 1714 No 46 90 28 61 tl. 71.. M., tt. tt)., A. .24 .I"4 .. ..!; ...2.1 ....9M ....2T ...IMI ....HI ...241 ....ta ...Ht Sh. 80 80 to 240 too 40 120 to 80 w TV. 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 98 4 90 4M Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 4. CATTfR-H. celpts, 4,000 head. Including 600 southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, t6.0u&6.2o; fair to good. S3.75? 6.00; western fed steers, t3.76ti6.50; stockers anq feeders. 2.25W4.00: southern steers. S2.S0; souinern cows, si.ovijz.76; native cowa. 11.503.60: native heifers. t2&oft47K- hi.iia tl.76a3.25; calves, 12.2&ff3.50. 1 Jiuu Kecelpts, 5.800 head: steady to 6c lower; vup, o.j; OUIK 01 sales, t4.65H,5.0& heavy, Sn.O0fn6.17n.: nackers, S4.90t56.06: pigs ewiu ijgma, e-f.K"U'l.w. BHiJiiP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 neaa: maraet steanv: nsrivs inmrta u 9rh 6.60: native wethers. t3.607i4 2K' nntive $3.50(S4.00; western lambs, t4.25(S5. 60; western vennings, .uu(8'.at; western sneep, WvYtl biuvagib aim leeuorg, ei.oucao.Dv. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 4. CATTI.R-IlenBlnt. 2 50O head Inclnrtlnir COn To-ran.. .,Ao.l., with small offerings; native shipping and export steers. t4.60j'4.60, the top for strictly lancy; aressea Deer ana Dutcner steers S4.004T6.26; steers under 1,000 lbs., S3. 50(85.50: stockers and feeders, t2.25(ff3.7S; cows and heifers. 82,2604.25; canners. tl50tftl.85; hulls. t2.1(g5.75; calves. S3.0O-S6.0O: Texas and In dian steers, S2.554j4.26; cows and heifers. ax. lllNj'4. tO. nous Keeeipts. 6,600 head; steadv to strong and 6c hlaher: das and llarhts. t4 ,n 6.00; packers M.&OH6.16; butchers and best heavv. S5.00W5.20. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts 600 head; market strong: native muttons, S3.75ft4.S0; lambs, f4.5AnK.60:' culls and bucks. t2.O04T3.5O; stockers. 82.00(83.20; Texans, t3.O05.0O. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 4 CATTLE Recelnts 2.098 head; market steadv: natives, t3.50J?i 6.36; cows and heifers, 81.604j6.00; stockers and feeders, S2.504j3.86. HOGS Receipts, 4.668 head; market stendv: light, 84.75475.00; medium and heavy, S4.9S(fJ5.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 645 head; market steady. Slonz City Ll-ro Mtoetc Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head. Mar ket steady; beeves. 3.5(i6.00; cows, bulls and mlx-ed, t2.8Ofl4.O0; stockers and feeders, t2.6OR8.50; calves snd yearlings, t2vcTih3.25. HOOS Receipts, 3.500 head. Market strong, selling at St.SutffS.OO; bulk, I4.86tf4.90, Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock nt the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. South Omaha 1,899 4.700 2,621 Sioux City 100 2.600 Kansas City 4 000 6.800 St. Louis 2.500 K.500 500 Bt. Joseph 1098 4.5C.8 545 Chicago 6,000 17,000 t.000 Totals 16,697 41,068 13,665 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. I-ondon tin market was a shade easier, snot clo-lng at 132 7s Ad and futures 'at 132 2s d. Locally the price was off a little, but the general mar ket showed a steady tone, although ths trad'ng was quiet at t"8.87M(S9.2( for snot. Copper also was a little lower for pot In Tendon, where It closd at 81 Is i. with futures higher st 63 Is Id. Locnllv the market Is firm: lake, SlS.76iB14.0O: elrfrn. lvtic. 813.75!.. rn: ciatm, tis.'STt. Lead was unchanged at 12 '2 61 In Lon don and 24.2474.60 In the lecal ma, ket Spelter was firm and higher at 23 17s 81 In the English market: locnllv quotations run -red from S5.35 to 15.40. Iron closed at rVts Pd In OIhhkow and at 4s In Middles horough. Ixicallv rcn is firm: No. 1 foun dry northern. 18 6O1316.CO; No. 2 found-y northern. S15.0flCrl5.5O: No. 1 foundry south ern snd No. 1 foundry southern Soft, f 15.60 16 00. ST. T.OUIH Nov. 4.-METAI R-Lead. firm, 14.20, bid. Spelter, firmer, tS.t). Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 4 COFFEE-Market for futures opened stendy at unchanged prices to an advance of 10 points In responsn to steady cables nnd a small Increase In the world's visible supply statement for the month. Thfre waa considerable liqui dation at the advance, but there seemed to be a little fresh buying on rumors that leading bear Internets had chansed their position and the market wns finally steady at a net advance of 6frl0 points. 8ales were 54. Dot) bngs, Including D-cetnher at ( K.Vf 90c: January. 6.95c: March, 7.15ifi7.2oc; May. 7S5fi7.4(V: July, ,7.6fi7 oc; September. 7 65 (ff7.70c; October, 7.70i&7.75iv Spot Rio, steady; No. 7, Invoice, 84ac; mild, quiet. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY. Nov 4 OIL!-Credit Wsl anrea, 8166; certificates, no hid. Ship ments. 87.3tJ9 bbls.; average. 100.841 bhls.; runs. 93,444 bbls.: svernge, 96,772 bbls.; nhlr ments, Lima, 8 8U8 Mils.; average, S9.853 bbls.: runs, Lima, 68,087 bbls.; average, 66 771 bbls. ' SAVANNAH. Nov. 4. TURPENTINE 60Se. ROSIN-FIrm: A. B, C, 12 874; D, t1.; E, f.'7H: F. Sf.72U.; CI. 82.77: H. 828W; I. S3. US: K. 13 76: M, 14.25; N, 14.60; W U. S4 76; W W. 16.00 Evanorated Apples and Dried FrH. NEW YORK, Nov. 4 EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows no ' Improvement Common are 4i4i4c; prime, 44c; choice, fu 5V-c: fancv. tVi6Hc. CAL4FOHNIA iURIED FRVIT8 Prunei Condition ef Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EOOS Cand.ed stoca. lac LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7c; roosters, tc turkeys. 16o; duck. 8yv; getee, tv; gprlng chickens. 8t;, BUTTER racking stock. 12c; choice td fancy dairy, 174jl8c; creamery, 18fiJlc; fanc prints, FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, 10c; pick erel. sc; pike, loc; prch. "c: Muctlsh, l.o; whlteflsh, hie; suimon, mc; reasnapper, uc; lobster, gree.i, 2nc; lobster, bolUnl, .SA-; bull, heads. 11c; cattish, 14c; bin .-k bass, sue; hal ibut, 10c; crappies, 12c; roe shstl, tl; buf falo, 7c; wmie oass, 11c; irog tegs, per uos., . HAY Prices quoted cy omana wnoie. sale Dealers' association: Cholcs No. 1 upland, t 50: No. 2, Jti-OO; medium, 45 50; coarse, So.oO. Rye sttaw, 85.00. These prices are for huy of good color and quality. OYBTr.KB .ew iora couius, per enn. 46c; extra selects, per ran, S.c; standards, per can, S2e; bulk, standards, per gal., 11. 3; bulk, extra selects, per gm.. tl.75; bulk New York counts, per gal., t.'"0. Tlf 'rn i, r tti 110. ORANGES Florida, sixes 126, 156, 178, 200, 216. 250, S3.50. LEMurss taurornia lancy, guo ana SOO, ff.oo; choice. S4.50. DA I h-s rer oox 01 iw-in. psgs., tz.w; HnlloAl in 70-lb. box, per lb., 6c. FIGS California, per 10-ib. carton, 7511 85c: Imported Smyr'is, 4-crown. 12Ho; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imported, washed, in j-in. tKgs., iwhihc; t uiifornla, per case of thirty-six pkgs., f25. BANANAS Per medium slied bunch, t2.004i2.5O; Jumbo, K Vft 50. ritim . AFPLES Home rtown Jonathan, tier bbl.. 14.00; lten ravis. S2 25: Nw York Talman and Pound Sweets, S3.00; New York Kings. 13 00 Kftf Torn Pippins. S2.76; New York Greenings. 82.26; New Vork Baldwins. 12.60; Colorado Jonathans and Wine Saps, per bu. box, 11.50. PEARS Utah, Colortdo and California, fall vnnetit. per box. tl.75'E 2.25,' New York Keefer pears, icr nn,., ti 60; New York Dutch, per bhl., tl.Ot j4.25. CELERY Per dog.. 25(U50c. GRAPES New York and Ohio, ner 8-Ib. basket, 21422j; lmpprted Malagas, per keg. 85.00ii6.00. CRANBERRIES Cape Cods nnd Wlsoon sin Bell and Cherry, per bbl,. S8.00: Per box. S2.50. VliU DTAIILES. POTATOES New home-grown, tn sacks, per bu., 40n. TUUNIPS-Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. BEETS Per bu., 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., tl.96tT2.0O. ONIONS Home-grown, in sacks, per bta.. 60c: Spanish, per crate, 81.90. TOM ATUr.a Home-grown, per market basket, 26(fi35u. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., 70o. SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, ner bu. basket, 76c: Virginia, per bbl., 12.60. GREEN PKPPtiKti Pgr. nu. basket. 60a. SQUASH-Home-grown. per dog., 60c. KGO PLANT Home-grown, per dog., 75o. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. t2 60. ciDKR-New lorg, per dui., to.z&; per m bbl., t'i. 25. HORSE RADISH Per dos., tSc. MISCELLANEOUS, CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block ewiss, new. idc; 01a, iwunc; Wisconsin brick, '13c; Wisconsin Umberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 , soft shell, new crop, per lb,, 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. I hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, pef lb.. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill Walnuts, per lb., 12413Uc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15o; chestnuts, per id., itjioc; new macs wal nuts, per bu., 76fjW)c; shellbark hickory nuts, rer bu., 1.76; lurge hickory nuts, pel bu., tl 50. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green. 60; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 salted, 7Vc; No. 1 veal calf, lc; No. 2 veal cnlf, 7c; Cry salted, 104116c; sheep pelts, 2ic4iJl.C0; horso sides, tl.S03.00. . Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 4. WOOL Of the wool market tho Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The excitement is increasing and a veritable boom is In full swing. Bull ish advices from Argentine and Austral asia show competition for the advancing? prices of crossbreds. There has been a scramble for the remaining loits of do mestic medium at SOfgaoHc- Philadelphia dealers have bought In Boston. Staple Oregon has been cleaned up at 20SJ21C. ' Wyoming wools sold freely. B super pulled sold at 60c and is held at 62c. The whple . market is on the upgrade. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from Decern- br 81, 1903, according to the same au- ; thorlty, are 202.290,042 lbs., against 199. 307,618 lbs. at the same time last year. The receipts to dato are 200,021,788 lbs., against 256,559,867 lbs. for the same period last yesr. . r ST. LOUIS, Nov. 4.-WOOL Steady medium grades combing and clothing, 204J 27Ho; light fine 16ff21c; heavy tine, 1217c; tub washed, 234T38c. . Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-COTTON Spot market closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.16c: middling gulf, 10.40c; sales, 600 bales. t v-iv-ti-ti-tr At 1 irrtmrt . C4 a. market dull; American middling fair, i.80d;. good middling, 6.64d; middling, 6.444; low middling, 5.32d; ordinary, 6.02d. The sales . of tho day were 8,000 bales, of which 602 bales were for speculation and export and Included 6,700 bales American. Receipts, 18,200 bales, all American. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 4 COTTON Market easy; salea, 5,200 bales; ordinary, 7i4c; good ordinary, 8 8-10c; low middling, 9 6-16c; middling, 9ic; good middling, 9 16-lfic; middling ali- 10 7-16c; receipts, 20.2HO bales: stock, 2tl',li!S bales. 8T. LOUIS, Nov. 4. COTTON Market steady to Vic tower; middling, 9 11-lflej sales, 4 bales; receipts. 800 bales; shipments, 624 bales; stock, 14,413 bales. ) Satrar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 841i3Tfic; centrifugal. 94 test, 4a; molasses sugar, 311i3c. Relined, firm: No. 6, 4 l)0c; No. 7. 4.85c; No. 8, .76c; No. 9. 4.70c: No. 10. 4.66c: No. 11, 4.55c; N, 12, 4 60c; No. 13. 4.46c; No. 14, 4.46c; con fectioners' A. 6.15c; mould A, 6.65c; cut loaf, 6.00c: crushed. 6.00c: nowdered, 6.40o; granulated. 6.30c; cubes, 6.65c. MOLASSES Steady. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 4. SUGAR Quiet and steady; open kettle centrifugal, 8',t'(C4'so; centrifugal whites, 4 7-16c; yel lows. 44i4ic: seconds, 34j(Q3 13-16e. MOLASSES Open kettle. 224?31c; cen trifugal, 124728c. Syrup, 264r30c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 'II.. Nov. 4. 4TORN Quoted) stendv; No. 8, old, high-colored, 56c: No. 4, ola, high-colored, 64c; No. 4, new, 46V4c; no grade, new, 45c. Wreck In Pensylvanla. CRE8S8ON. Pa.. Nov. 4 The Cleveland and Cincinnati expresH on the Pennsylvania rood ran Into a light engine at Portage to. day. Three trainmen wero injured ana many passengers sustained minor hurts. Dan Hanna, son of the late Senator Hanna, was one of the passengers. 'He was ellghtly cut and brulred. Memphis Meet Is Postponed. MEMPHIS. Tenn., Nov. 4 The Memphis Trotting association's supplemental fall meeting has been Indefinitely postmmed be cause of adver'e -weather condltl me, and Dan Patch has teen chipped to Bt. Lou a. RE4.L ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for recotd November 4 aa fur. nlshed by the M.dlund Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Boo: A. P. Knapp and wife to h- S. Byors, part of ae1 of 24-16-9 1 2,269 Frontier Steam Laundry Co. to M. Collins, lot 11, block 73, and other property In South Omaha 20,004 Marv P. Chrldfey to F. D. Wsad and U. I . Morton, pari or 'sw, or sec, 84-16-13, snd other property J. B. Angcll, trustee, to J. P. Brown, part of lot t. block 22. Florence J. H. Payne to Sarah Melater, nart of -lot 17, htock 1. Avonda'e park J. T. Edllng and wife to C. O. Killing, lot 20, block 26, Poppleton nerk Clementine Brown to Srah I -a Mondla, part of lot 24, block 2, For est Hill L. Harris and 'wife to M. F. Martin, lots 11 and 12, block 16. North Omaha Elizabeth Samuels In Alia M. Smith, part of lot 31. A. KounUe add O. C. Smith and wife to Kllsaketh S imuela, same property Florence Co. to ti. nwv, or iz-u-rt C. Goldsmith to L O. Dcup, lot t, block 319. City of Omaha H. D. Hoathtield and w'fe to J. W. Thorn, part of neV, of 35-15-12 j. Grove, part of 11 1 1 t ft) - 7J 1 t W 1600 14.137 GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN GO. OMAHA, CRAIN BUYERS nd SHIPPERS Mam bars: Chicago, Omaha, KJaaM VllJt gnd HI. Louis Exchangee. Transactions for future dfllvery glvta careful attention. tit Beard trade Bldgj. Tel. 1008. .